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{"bahasa":{"0":"Interpretasi ini merupakan interpretasi atas PSAK 46: Pajak Penghasilan yang bertujuan untuk mengklarifikasi dan memberikan panduan dalam merefleksikan ketidakpastian perlakuan pajak penghasilan dalam laporan keuangan.","1":"Dengan menyatukan wilayah pabrik mortar MKI dengan SBI, proses produksi pun menjadi lebih efisien dan lebih singkat.","2":"Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa provisi atas penurunan nilai piutang tersebut cukup untuk menutupi kerugian dari tidak tertagihnya piutang usaha.","3":"5. TOP Leader on CSR Commitment oleh Bapak Bramanya Putra Wakil Direktur Utama ITM","4":"- Pengelolaan penggajian terpusat sehingga setiap transaksi termonitor secara detail.","5":"Jika dipandang perlu, Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi dapat mengundang pihak lainnya yang terkait dengan bahan rapat untuk menghadiri rapat.","6":"Strategi ini merupakan langkah yang diambil Perseroan untuk merespon pertumbuhan sektor ritel yang cukup baik, khususnya di wilayah Jabodetabek.","7":"Keberadaan dan dampak dari hak suara potensial yang saat ini dapat dilaksanakan atau dikonversi, dipertimbangkan ketika menilai apakah Perusahaan mengendalikan entitas lain.","8":"Efektivitas pengendalian internal terus dipantau oleh auditor internal Perseroan.","9":"Di tengah kondisi ekonomi global dan nasional yang cukup menantang, industri perbankan masih dapat menjalankan fungsi intermedianya dengan cukup baik.","10":"9. Penyediaan dana kepada pihak terkait (related party) dan penyediaan dana besar (large exposure);","11":"Kebijakan Manajemen Risiko","12":"Aktivitas lain yang dilakukan di tahun 2020, yaitu: \u2022 perbaikan kinerja (de-bottlenecking) di Terminal Belawan dan Lhokseumawe; \u2022 peningkatan proses bisnis melalui bukti muat elektronik atau electronic proof of delivery (ePOD); \u2022 peningkatan kapasitas jembatan timbang di Pabrik Tuban; dan \u2022 peningkatan ketersediaan armada melalui kerjasama dengan perusahaan truk digital berbasis marketplace truck.","13":"Pada bulan Juli 2006, Perusahaan meningkatkan kepemilikan sahamnya di IR-HK sebesar 18% menjadi sebesar 98%.","14":"Hal ini terutama disebabkan pada tahun 2020 adanya penerimaan dari pinjaman pihak ketiga dan obligasi yang digunakan untuk pelunasan sebagian utang bank.","15":"Suatu entitas berelasi dengan Grup jika memenuhi salah satu hal berikut: (lanjutan)","16":", Notaris di Jakarta Barat, mengenai perubahan modal disetor dan ditempatkan KIN.","17":"7 Agustus RCTI menggelar press conference untuk Konser #ILOVERCTI30 dalam rangka HUT RCTI ke 30 tahun.","18":"Lebih rendahnya pertumbuhan industri makanan dan minuman pada tahun 2018 disebabkan karena melambatnya pertumbuhan industri makanan dari 9,79% di tahun 2017 menjadi 7,74% di tahun 2018.","19":"Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2019, Kelompok Usaha memiliki aset tetap (tidak termasuk kendaraan bermotor dan perlengkapan dan inventaris) dengan nilai wajar yang ditentukan menggunakan pendekatan nilai pasar sebesar Rp1.545.707.000 (tidak diaudit), berdasarkan laporan penilai independen.","20":"Saat ini juga menjabat Komisaris Independen di PT Eagle High Plantations Tbk (sebelumnya PT BW Plantation Tbk).","21":"Kemudian, menjadi Team Leader di Divisi Efisiensi (1993-1998), Kepala Divisi Environment, Health & Safety (1998-2004) dan Kepala Divisi Environment, Health & Safety and Social Responsibility (2004-2007).","22":"9. RISIKO DAN PENGELOLAAN RISIKO","23":"Merupakan biaya sehubungan dengan penawaran perdana saham yang dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2007 sebesar Rp 9.635.749 ribu dan penerbitan saham tanpa Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu (HMETD) pada bulan Januari 2012 sebesar Rp 28.269.174 ribu.","24":"2. Bukit Asam Middle Management Development Program (BA-MMDP);","25":"Pada dasarnya Grup bergerak dalam satu segmen operasi yaitu usaha kelapa sawit.","26":"Grup menyajikan kepentingan nonpengendali di ekuitas dalam laporan posisi keuangan konsolidasian, terpisah dari ekuitas pemilik entitas induk.","27":"Kegiatan usaha menurut anggaran dasar terakhir, kegiatan usaha yang dijalankan pada tahun buku, serta jenis barang dan\/atau jasa yang dihasilkan.","28":"Berlandaskan pada hal ini, Perseroan telah dilengkapi infrastruktur GCG yang terdiri dari organ utama maupun organ pendukung sesuai yang dipersyaratkan bagi emiten.","29":"b. Memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi dalam menjalankan kegiatan pengurusan.","30":"Tingkat bagi hasil atas fasilitas ini sebesar 15,5% per tahun.","31":"Properti investasi merupakan tanah atau bangunan yang dimiliki untuk sewa operasi atau kenaikan nilai, dan tidak digunakan maupun dijual dalam kegiatan operasi.","32":"2. Rapat Komite Remunerasi dan Nominasi dan hanya dapat diselenggarakan apabila:","33":"MNC Shop saat ini merupakan kanal TV Home Shopping paling populer di Indonesia.","34":"AHU-36820.AH.01.02.Tahun 2009 tanggal 3 Agustus 2009.","35":"Dibandingkan dengan tahun 2018, penurunan premi bruto terbesar diperoleh di wilayah Jabodetabek sebesar 39,79% atau sebesar Rp202,03 miliar dan diikuti wilayah Sumatera dan Batam dan Jawa masing-masing turun sebesar 19,47% dan 13,00%.","36":"Selain penggunaan media sosial Instagram dan LinkedIn, Perseroan kini menyelenggarakan webinar secara rutin dan intens sebagai pengganti kegiatan seminar yang sebelumnya berlangsung offline.","37":"Aset Lancar Total Aset Lancar Perseroan adalah sejumlah USD99.134.511 pada akhir tahun 2020, lebih rendah 15,77% jika dibandingkan posisi pada akhir tahun 2019 yaitu sebesar USD117.688.728.","38":"Pada saat pengakuan awal, aset keuangan diukur pada nilai wajar ditambah biaya transaksi yang dapat diatribusikan secara langsung, kecuali untuk aset keuangan yang diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laba rugi (fair value through profit or loss) (\"FVTPL\").","39":"PSAK 22 (Penyesuaian 2018), mengenai \"Kombinasi Bisnis\".","40":"Laba kena pajak dan beban pajak penghasilan kini Perusahaan untuk tahun 2019 seperti yang disebutkan di atas telah dilaporkan oleh Perusahaan dalam SPT PPh badan tahun 2019 ke Kantor Pajak.","41":"6. Pendidikan untuk menyiapkan expert di bidang Agribisnis bekerja sama dengan pihak ketiga:","42":"Dewan Komisaris harus","43":"Jika pemasok memiliki hak substitusi substantif, maka aset tersebut tidak teridentifikasi;","44":"Jaminan perlindungan diberikan kepada pelapor dan keluarga pelapor selama masih menjadi karyawan di Perseroan.","45":"Program pensiun imbalan pasti dikelola oleh Dana Pensiun Astra Satu dan pesertanya adalah karyawan yang telah menjadi peserta Dana Pensiun Astra sebelum dan pada tanggal 20 April 1992.","46":"Analisis sensitivitas yang disajikan di atas mungkin tidak mewakili perubahan yang sebenarnya dalam kewajiban imbalan pasti mengingat bahwa perubahan asumsi terjadinya tidak terisolasi satu sama lain karena beberapa asumsi tersebut mungkin berkorelasi.","47":"Per akhir 2019, nilainya adalah USD142,0 juta.","48":"Selama tahun 2020, Perseroan tidak melakukan tambahan kegiatan investasi, ekspansi, divestasi, akuisisi atau restrukturisasi utang yang material.","49":"Ratio-ratio tersebut masih berada dalam level yang di tentukan oleh regulator yaitu di bawah 5%.","50":"Aset pajak tangguhan, termasuk yang timbul dari rugi fiskal, penyisihan modal dan perbedaan temporer lainnya, diakui hanya apabila dianggap lebih mungkin daripada tidak bahwa mereka dapat diterima kembali, dimana hal ini tergantung pada kecukupan pembentukan laba kena pajak di masa depan.","51":"Mesin Konstruksi Di tengah iklim usaha yang melemah dan tingkat persaingan yang semakin ketat, Perseroan menjalankan strategi melalui peningkatan sales coverage, dengan mencari peluang di pasar yang baru dan bertumbuh seperti pertambangan nikel untuk memasarkan alat berat Komatsu.","52":"Semoga di masa mendatang Metrodata dapat memberikan kontribusi positif yang lebih besar lagi sebagai pemain penting dan paling terpercaya di sektor TIK di negeri ini.","53":"Selama tahun 2019 Rapat ALCO rutin diadakan setiap 1 bulan sekali.","54":"a. Komite Audit","55":"Selain itu, pendapatan bersih CPO yang dijual berdasarkan harga lelang di pelabuhan juga mengikuti harga CPO di pasar internasional yang menggunakan mata uang asing.","56":"Pemantauan risiko juga harus dapat mencerminkan efektivitas proses manajemen risiko BRI Agro, termasuk pelaksanaan rencana perbaikan (action plan) yang ditetapkan.","57":"Batas fasilitas nilai tukar mata uang asing untuk IMM adalah tidak ditentukan.","58":"Fasilitas pinjaman ini dikenakan bunga sebesar 11% (floating) per tahun dengan jangka waktu selama 96 bulan (termasuk availability period dan grace period 18 bulan) sejak perjanjian pinjaman ditandatangani.","59":"Seh ubungan dengan fasilitas pinjaman tersebut, KUS disyaratkan membuka rekening escrow di Bank Permata yang hanya digunakan untuk membayar utang bank.","60":"Tetapi, PSAK 73 telah mengubah dan memperluas persyaratan pengungkapan, terutama cara pesewa mengelola risiko yang timbul dari kepentingan residual dalam aset sewa.","61":"Latinusa juga melakukan pengelolaan modal kerja yang lebih efektif di tahun 2020, dengan mencatat kenaikan pendapatan keuangan dan penurunan biaya keuangan yang signifikan.","62":"Hal ini senantiasa memberikan inspirasi bagi kami untuk terus beraspirasi dan mendorong pencapaian kinerja dan target pertumbuhan bisnis yang lebih baik secara berkesinambungan.","63":"Akta Pendirian tersebut disahkan oleh Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia dalam Surat Keputusan No.","64":"Kurikulum pembelajaran terkait inovasi telah dikembangkan dengan kolaborasi bersama Digital Centre of Excellence (DCOE).","65":"Dalam kegiatan usaha yang dijalankan, BRI Agro melakukan peningkatan kualitas produk dan layanan kepada nasabah.","66":"Beban pajak kini dihitung dengan menggunakan tarif pajak yang berlaku pada akhir periode pelaporan.","67":"Risiko yang termasuk dalam jenis ini ialah risiko yang berdampak terhadap modal, pendapatan dan reputasi Perseroan, yang secara spesifik timbul akibat pelaksanaan keputusan yang tidak tepat atau akibat kurang responsifnya Perseroan terhadap perubahan industri, ekonomi, teknologi dan regulasi.","68":"Perseroan meyakini bahwa penggunaan ERP menjadi core system ACSET dalam menjalankan semua aktivitas operasional yang sangat membantu manajemen dalam hal mengontrol, mengawasi, dan meningkatan produktivitas.","69":"Beliau juga menjabat sebagai Chairman pada MINDSET, badan amal (registered charity) pada Jardine Matheson di Singapura.","70":"Selain rapat tersebut di atas, Komite Remunerasi dan Nominasi juga mengikuti rapat-rapat lainnya yang diadakan seperti Rapat Dewan Komisaris Direksi, Rapat Dewan Komisaris dengan Direktur Bidang atau dengan Unit Kerja Terkait.","71":"Asumsi utama masa depan dan sumber utama estimasi ketidakpastian lain pada akhir periode pelaporan yang memiliki resiko signifikan bagi penyesuaian yang material terhadap nilai tercatat aset dan liabilitas untuk tahun\/periode berikutnya, diungkapkan dibawah ini.","72":"Pada tanggal 10 Juli 2015, MNCSV menandatangani perjanjian fasilitas pinjaman kredit investasi sebesar Rp 75.000 juta, dimana sebesar Rp 25.000 juta telah digunakan pada 13 Juli 2015.","73":"Menyelesaikan studi di bidang Magister Manajemen yang diselesaikan pada tahun 2001 di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Krisnadwipayana pada tahun 2004.","74":"Pajak Penghasilan Beban pajak adalah jumlah gabungan pajak kini dan pajak tangguhan yang diperhitungkan dalam menentukan laba rugi pada suatu periode.","75":"1. Peraturan No. 8 tahun 1995 tentang Pasar Modal;","76":"Fasilitas ini dijamin dengan persediaan, tanah, bangunan, dan prasarana (Catatan 8 dan 13).","77":"ANGGOTA DEWAN KOMISARIS DAN DIREKSI TENTANG TANGGUNG JAWAB ATAS LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2019","78":"Kpts: B.40\/Dir.01.05\/DCM\/XI\/2017 tanggal 30 November 2017 tentang Komite Kebijakan Kredit dan Pengembangan Produk.","79":"Antikorupsi dan Anti-Fraud","80":"Rasio pinjaman berbunga terhadap ekuitas Grup per 31 Desember 2019 dan 2018 adalah sebagai berikut :","81":"Sepanjang 2019, Komite Manajemen Risiko telah mengadakan rapat sesuai dengan kebutuhan.","82":"Dewan Komisaris memiliki pemahaman yang baik mengenai Perseroan, kemampuan untuk mengambil keputusan secara independen, kemampuan memberikan masukan yang membangun bagi manajemen dalam menghadapi permasalahan Perseroan dan dalam mendorong kinerja Perseroan untuk terus tumbuh dan berkembang secara berkelanjutan.","83":"Amandemen PSAK No. 22, \"Kombinasi Bisnis - Definisi Bisnis\".","84":"Dengan jumlah penduduk Indonesia sekitar 260 juta pada tahun 2019, konsumsi kaca lembaran di dalam negeri diperkirakan sekitar 800 ribu ton per tahun.","85":"Angka-angka ini menunjukan bahwa Strategi Trilogi kami telah secara positif menstabilkan operasi, mengurangi biaya, dan meningkatkan efisiensi dengan pembatasan yang dilakukan secara berkelompok untuk pengeluaran modal.","86":"9. EFEK-EFEK YANGDIBELI DENGAN JANJI DIJUAL KEMBALI","87":"Tanpa menyatakan pengecualian atas pendapat kami, sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam catatan 42 atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian, PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk dan entitas anaknya mungkin terkena dampak dari berjangkitnya Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) yang dinyatakan sebagai pandemi global sejak Maret 2020.","88":"Unsur tetap meliputi gaji pokok dan fasilitas atau tunjangan utama.","89":"Komite Direksi diangkat oleh dan bertanggung jawab kepada Direksi Perseroan.","90":"5. Biaya perolehan diamortisasi dari instrumen keuangan","91":"Dampak jangka panjang sulit untuk diprediksi pada saat ini.","92":"Perubahan terhadap liabilitas perpajakan diakui pada saat penetapan pajak diterima atau jika Entitas mengajukan keberatan, pada saat keputusan atas keberatan telah ditetapkan.","93":"Selain itu, beberapa pengembangan yang menyasar ekspansi dan perbaikan proses produksi antara lain dengan pemasangan\/penggantian Renewal Rectifier Plating untuk menambah kapasitas proses plating, peremajaan peralatan produksi dengan Upgrading PLC Fluid Utility, serta peningkatan teknologi produksi yang berkesinambungan, di antaranya dengan penambahan Conductor Roll Plating, Sink Roll dan Instalasi automesh door serta Gauge table inspector.","94":"ACSET meningkatkan kualitas pertumbuhan yang seimbang antara pertumbuhan ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan.","95":"3. High availability.","96":"Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan 1.","97":"Hal ini dibuktikan melalui pengurangan emisi CO sebesar 13% dari baseline 2010 dan perolehan 2 sertifikasi Green Label Indonesia dari Green Product Council Indonesia dengan level Gold, yang merujuk pada standar ISO 14020:2000 tentang \"Label dan Deklarasi Lingkungan - Prinsip Umum\".","98":"1. Kontribusi dan dukungan Dewan Komisaris dalam mengimplementasikan visi dan misi Perseroan dalam program kerja di tahun berjalan, dengan tetap berpegang kepada nilai-nilai Perseroan.","99":"Perusahaan dan entitas anak (\"Grup\") mempunyai kantor- kantor yang berlokasi di Bandung, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan dan Makassar.","100":"Dalam mendukung validitas penelitian, laboratorium di Research Center juga telah mendapatkan sertifikat ISO 17025:2017 dan akreditasi sebagai laboratorium penguji.","101":"Beban pajak penghasilan untuk tahun-tahun yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019 adalah sebagai berikut:","102":"Dalam hal ini Dewan Komisaris sesuai kewenangan yang diberikan oleh RUPST serta evaluasi Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi menetapkan gaji serta tunjangan bagi anggota Direksi dan Komisaris Utama menetapkan gaji dan tunjangan bagi anggota Dewan Komisaris (termasuk anggota Komisaris Independen).","103":"Rekomendasi Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi diserahkan kepada Dewan Komisaris dan disampaikan kepada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham untuk mendapatkan persetujuan.","104":"c. Jaminan Fidusia atas mesin dan perlengkapannya; (lihat Catatan 10)","105":"4. sistem akuntansi, informasi dan komunikasi; dan","106":"Implementasi Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) dan protokol kesehatan menuntut masyarakat dan bisnis untuk dinamis beradaptasi dengan pola rutinitas baru, namun dengan tingkat ketidakpastian yang tinggi karena program PSBB dirancang untuk berjalan selaras dengan kondisi penyebaran virus sesuai lokasi.","107":"Energi Saat ini Perseroan terus fokus untuk menyelesaikan proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU) Jawa-4 (Tanjung Jati Unit 5 dan 6) 2x1.000 MW di Jepara, Jawa Tengah.","108":"pelaksanaan Tata Kelola Perusahaan serta memenuhi tugas memimpin Perseroan untuk mencapai tujuan, mematuhi dan melaksanakan keputusan RUPS, serta menjalankan peraturan yang sudah dibuat oleh Perseroan.","109":"Anggota Direksi yang membawahi bidang akuntansi atau keuangan yaitu Bapak Wihardjo Hadiseputro memiliki keahlian dan\/atau pengetahuan di bidang akuntansi yang bisa dilihat dalam curriculum vitae anggota Direksi.","110":"Perseroan melakukan peninjauan secara berkala atas status kolektabilitas piutang usaha dan piutang non-usaha.","111":"3. Pertemuan dengan analis dan investor membahas kinerja operasional dan finansial DSNG.","112":"Penurunan ini dipengaruhi oleh masih lemahnya daya beli masyarakat serta semakin ketatnya persaingan termasuk dari sepatu impor yang relative murah.","113":"Pada tanggal 23 Mei 2019, MSIN dan entitas anak telah menerima tambahan fasilitas kredit dari PT Bank BRISyariah Tbk sebesar Rp 75.000 juta dan PT Bank Victoria Syariah sebesar Rp 25.000 juta, dengan syarat dan ketentuan sebagaimana tercantum dalam perjanjian induk.","114":"Suku bunga atas deposito berjangka tersebut di atas adalah sebagai berikut:","115":"Beliau menyelesaikan pendidikannya di STIE Perbanas jurusan Ekonomi dan Akuntansi.","116":"6. Pertimbangan sasaran dan strategi jangka panjang dan pendek perseroan.","117":"Berdasarkan PSAK 55, semua keuntungan dan kerugian yang timbul dari hubungan lindung nilai arus kas Perseroan dan entitas anaknya memenuhi syarat untuk direklasifikasi ke laba rugi.","118":"Selain","119":"Pada tanggal pelaporan, aset dan liabilitas moneter dalam mata uang asing disesuaikan untuk mencerminkan kurs yang berlaku pada tanggal tersebut dan laba atau rugi kurs yang timbul dikreditkan atau dibebankan pada usaha tahun berjalan.","120":"Biaya pemeliharaan dan perbaikan lainnya dibebankan di laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan komprehensif lain konsolidasian pada saat terjadinya.","121":"5. Melakukan transaksi dengan cara di luar praktik-praktik dan kebiasaan-kebiasaan dagang yang ada yang merugikan Perusahaan sendiri;","122":"bA.g u nan tambahan berupa fidusia atas piutang yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan proyek yang dibiayai oleh Bank.","123":"S- 151\/D.40\/2013 tanggal 4 Juni 2013.","124":"Kegiatan CSR rutin lainnya adalah acara berbuka puasa bersama dan santunan bagi anak yatim.","125":"Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya Dewan Komisaris harus independen, beritikad baik, penuh kehati-hatian dan bertanggung jawab.","126":"tanggal 24 Agustus 2018, Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Niaga pada Pengadilan Negeri Semarang telah mengabulkan permohonan Penundaan Pembayaran Kewajiban Utang (PKPU) oleh PT Bank UOB Indonesia terhadap PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera (TPS) dan PT Poly Meditra Indonesia (PMI).","127":"Kinerja tahunan Direksi dinilai berdasarkan kemampuan dalam memimpin jajaran-jajaran dibawahnya untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya, penyusunan strategi dan perencanaan kerja baik jangka pendek atau jangka panjang serta pencapaian kinerja berdasarkan target yang telah ditetapkan.","128":"Pendapatan dari penjualan barang diakui jika seluruh kondisi berikut terpenuhi:","129":"Terlepas dari hal-hal di atas, Grup dapat melakukan pemilihan yang tidak terbatalkan dari salah satu pilihan berikut saat pengakuan awal aset keuangan:","130":"Perjanjian ini berlaku sampai dengan 31 Desember 2025.","131":"Manajemen menempatkan kas dan setara kas, deposito berjangka dan aset keuangan lainnya hanya pada bank dan lembaga keuangan yang bereputasi baik dan terpercaya.","132":"Selama tahun 2019, BRI Agro berkonsentrasi menyiapkan pondasi yang kokoh untuk memacu pertumbuhan berkelanjutan di tahun- tahun mendatang.","133":"Perseroan berusaha menjaga kelangsungan usahanya dengan mengupayakan terjadinya pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan dan terciptanya lingkungan kerja yang nyaman tanpa diskriminasi dan bebas KKN (Korupsi Kolusi Nepotisme).","134":"Biaya perolehan ditentukan menggunakan metode rata-rata bergerak (moving-average).","135":"Suatu entitas adalah ventura bersama dari entitas ketiga dan entitas yang lain adalah entitas asosiasi dari entitas ketiga.","136":"Dan selanjutnya menyetujui pemberian kuasa kepada Direksi Perseroan baik bersama-sama maupun sendiri- sendiri dengan hak substitusi untuk menyatakan keputusan dalam agenda rapat ini dalam suatu akta Notaris tersendiri, membuat dan menandatangani segala surat dan\/atau akta-akta yang diperlukan, memberitahukan kepada instansi yang berwenang atas pengangkatan anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris selanjutnya melakukan segala sesuatu yang dipandang perlu dan berguna untuk melaksanakan keputusan agenda Rapat di atas, tanpa ada yang dikecualikan.","137":"Sebagaimana dikutip dari situs Mahkamah Agung, bahwa Perkara ini telah diputus pada tanggal 30 November 2018 dengan isi putusan Tolak Perbaikan.","138":"30. Penjualan, pendapatan jasa dan usaha lainnya","139":"o MRI membeli lahan dari GB di tahun 2019.","140":"Jumlah Penghasilan Komprehensif Lainnya Tahun Berjalan yang dapat diatribusikan kepada Pemilik Entitas Induk Jumlah Penghasilan Komprehensif Lainnya Tahun Berjalan Yang Dapat Diatribusikan Kepada Pemilik Entitas Induk tahun 2020 sebesar Rp2,23 triliun atau turun 42,27% dibandingkan tahun 2019 yang sebesar Rp3,86 triliun.","141":"Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, jumlah ketetapan pajak yang masih dalam proses keberatan dan banding adalah sebagai berikut:","142":"Bisnis komoditas minyak sawit merupakan bisnis yang rentan terhadap fluktuasi harga serta bergantung kepada permintaan dan penawaran di pasar.","143":"Beban penyusutan aset tetap sebesar Rp 38.907 danRp30.021masing-masinguntukperiodeyang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2019 dan 31 Desember 2018 dicatat pada Beban Umum dan Administrasi dalam laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan komprehensif lain (Catatan 31).","144":"Aset yang merupakan subjek amortisasi dikaji ulang penurunan nilainya bilamana peristiwa atau perubahan di dalam keadaan mengindikasikan nilai tercatat mungkin tidak dapat dipulihkan.","145":"Beberapa produk yang mencatatkan permintaan yang signifikan adalah produk pendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar dari rumah, misalnya perangkat komputer notebook, Chromebook, dan tablet.","146":"Pengelolaan dan pengendalian risiko hukum dilakukan melalui:","147":"Rincian nilai buku bersih berdasarkan lokasi penanaman:","148":"Sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Dewan Komisaris adalah sebagai berikut","149":"(i) Kas pada bank dan deposito berjangka","150":"Dalam melaksanakan program kerja di bidang Teknologi Informasi, Perseroan mempunyai Komite Pengarah Teknologi Informasi (Information Technology Steering Committee\/ITSC) yang bertugas memberikan pandangan dan rekomendasi tentang kebijakan pengelolaan dan pengembangan teknologi dan sistem informasi di BRI Agro sebagaimana SK Direksi No.Kpts 19\/Dir.01.05\/TSI\/ III\/2013 tanggal 28 Maret 2013, perihal Revisi Ketiga Komite Pengarah Teknologi Sistem Informasi.","151":"Teknologi Informasi (TI) menjadi penting dalam beberapa tahun terakhir sebab akses database elektronik menjadi salah satu","152":"Sedangkan PBB dalam laporan World Economic Situation And Prospects yang dirilis 1 Februari 2021 menyebutkan bahwa ekonomi dunia tahun 2020 menyusut hingga -4,3%, lebih dari 3 kali lipat dibandingkan saat krisis keuangan global tahun 2009.","153":"Pengungkapan Kebijakan Perseroan dan Pelaksanaannya, tentang Frekuensi Rapat Komite Audit dan Tingkat Kehadiran Anggota Komite Audit dalam Rapat tersebut","154":"Hal ini selain disebabkan oleh penurunan penjualan, juga karena meningkatnya biaya komponen produksi terutama tenaga kerja.","155":"AKSI KORPORASI SAHAM APLN Pada tahun buku 2019, Perseroan tidak melakukan aksi korporasi yang berupa pemecahan saham (stock split), penggabungan saham (reverse stock), dividen saham, saham bonus, dan perubahan nilai nominal saham.","156":"8. Surat Elektronik, Telepon dan Faksimili Perseroan juga menyediakan akses bagi Pemegang Saham dan Pemangku Kepentingan untuk berkomunikasi dengan Perseroan melalui surat elektronik, telepon, dan faksimili, yang diberikan pada bagian Jaringan Kantor.","157":"3. Anggota Dewan Komisaris wajib menghadiri Rapat paling sedikit 80% (delapan puluh persen) dari jumlah Rapat Dewan Komisaris dalam periode 1 tahun.","158":"Aset dan liabilitas pajak kini untuk tahun berjalan diukur sebesar jumlah yang diharapkan dapat direstitusi dari atau dibayarkan kepada otoritas perpajakan.","159":"Administrasi pajak di Indonesia","160":"Aset dan liabilitas keuangan yang tidak memiliki kuotasi pasar yang dipublikasikan pada pasar aktif dan nilai wajarnya tidak dapat diukur secara andal (penyertaan saham biasa yang tidak memiliki kuota pasar dengan kepemilikan saham di bawah 20% - uang jaminan) dicatat pada biaya perolehan.","161":"Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2019 dan 2018, piutang premi yang diperkenankan masing-masing sebesar Rp 58.275.930 dan Rp 173.022.261.","162":"Kondisi Industri Asuransi Di Indonesia","163":"Sesuai dengan Anggaran dasar Perseroan, Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) minimal harus diadakan 1 (satu) kali dalam setahun.","164":"Perubahan ini menetapkan bahwa tingkat pajak penghasilan untuk perusahaan ditetapkan menjadi 22% untuk tahun fiskal 2020 dan 2021, dan selanjutnya dikurangi menjadi 20% untuk tahun fiskal 2022 dan seterusnya.","165":"d) Jangka waktu maksimal 20 tahun dengan mengacu kepada pembatasan umur calon debitur.","166":"Pada bulan September 2019, SA menerima Keputusan Keberatan yang menetapkan Kurang Bayar Pajak Perusahaan menjadi Rp7.847.","167":"\u2022 Tarif biaya jasa pemasaran kepada pihak berelasi ditentukan berdasarkan formula tertentu yang dapat diperbandingkan ke perusahaan- perusahaan lainnya.","168":"Untuk memberikan fleksibilitas dalam mencapai struktur permodalan yang efisiensi, selama tahun 2020, Perseroan melakukan pembelian kembali saham.","169":"Komponen ekuitas diakui pada awalnya sebesar selisih antara nilai wajar instrumen keuangan majemuk secara keseluruhan dan nilai wajar komponen liabilitas.","170":"1. Mengusahakan dan menjamin terlaksananya usaha dan kegiatan Perseroan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan serta kegiatan usahanya.","171":"Dengan demikian, Perusahaan terus menyetarakan fasilitas dan proses operasional yang dijalankannya untuk memenuhi standar produksi yang berlaku di tingkat nasional dan internasional.","172":"Laporan keuangan tidak mencakup dampak penyesuaian yang mungkin timbul dari ketidak pastian di atas.","173":"Sekretaris Perusahaan sebagai pelaksana Program Pengenalan bagi Direktur yang baru diangkat, mempersiapkan materi program pengenalan yang meliputi Program Pengenalan Perusahaan berkaitan dengan","174":"Manajemen menentukan provisi atas penurunan nilai aset keuangan dengan menggunakan penilaian individual.","175":"Kontrak Jalan Pengangkutan Batubara","176":"Pada tanggal 25 Mei 2021, Perusahaan melakukan Penambahan Modal Tanpa Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu (PMTHMETD) dalam rangka penyelesaian utang Grup kepada Noble Resources International Pte.","177":"Ancaman bencana lain yang membayangi Kota Cilegon adalah bencana industri khususnya industri kimia yang terjadi akibat adanya bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami.","178":"Memasuki tahun 2000, Sragen menjadi pilihan untuk membangun pabrik makanan terpadu seluas 25 hektar untuk menyatukan seluruh fasilitas produksi perusahaan dan sebagai persiapan dalam mengantisipasi pertumbuhan di masa mendatang.","179":"3) studi banding,","180":"Penilaian Kinerja Komite Manajemen Risiko 2020 1.","181":"Liabilitas keuangan dihentikan pengakuannya ketika liabilitas tersebut dilepaskan atau dibatalkan atau kadaluwarsa.","182":"Biaya aktivitas pengembangan real estat yang dikapitalisasi ke proyek pengembangan real estat adalah:","183":"Atas pinjaman ini, SCS harus menjaga Debt to Equity Ratio maksimum 4 kali untuk tahun 2017 yang dimulai sejak triwulan keempat, dan Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) minimum 1,1 kali untuk tahun 2018 yang dimulai sejak triwulan ke-empat.","184":"Rekonsiliasi antara beban pajak penghasilan yang dihitung dengan mengalikan laba konsolidasian sebelum pajak penghasilan dengan tarif pajak yang berlaku sebesar 25% dan beban pajak penghasilan adalah sebagai berikut:","185":"Berikut adalah eksposur maksimum terhadap risiko kredit untuk komponen laporan posisi keuangan konsolidasian pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019.","186":"Dalam 10 (sepuluh) tahun terakhir, APLN telah menyelesaikan lebih dari 50 proyek properti yang mayoritas ditujukan kepada segmen masyarakat kelas menengah dengan kisaran proyek mulai dari low cost apartment hingga high end apartment di bilangan Jakarta Selatan, high end dan neighbourhood mall, shop houses, hotel dan office tower.","187":"Tugas dan tanggung jawab Presiden Direktur tersebut meliputi:","188":"- Debt to equity ratio atas dasar laporan keuangan tahunan konsolidasian tidak melebihi dari 2,75:1 - Interest service coverage ratio atas dasar laporan keuangan tahunan konsolidasian tidak kurang dari 1,75:1 - Jumlah aset yang tidak dijaminkan secara khusus minimal sebesar 125% dari total utang dengan bunga yang tidak ada jaminan khusus yang belum dibayar lunas.","189":"SISTEM PENGENDALIAN INTERNAL Perusahaan melakukan pengendalian internal secara komprehensif dengan mengaplikasikannya ke dalam berbagai kebijakan dan peraturan perusahaan, seperti Pedoman, Petunjuk Operasional dan Instruksi Kerja.","190":"Pada bulan Januari 2020, Perseroan menandatangani perjanjian dengan PT Buana Finance Tbk (\"Buana\"), dimana Perseroan setuju untuk memberikan fasilitas pinjaman kepada Buana yang digunakan untuk pembiayaan atas pembelian alat berat oleh pelanggan Perseroan.","191":"Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi memiliki tugas, tanggung jawab dan wewenang sebagai berikut:","192":"Pada tanggal 22 Juni 2016 telah dilakukan perjanjian kerjasama antara CFLD Investment II Pte.","193":"Pendapatan iklan cetak Indonesia terus melanjutkan pertumbuhan sebesar kurang-lebih 0,5% pada tahun 2019 dan pangsa pasarnya akan terkikis lebih jauh karena belanja iklan bermigrasi ke platform digital.","194":"Perseroan memiliki wilayah operasional seluruh Indonesia yang terdapat di 15 kota besar.","195":"1.Menyusun komposisi dan proses Nominasi anggota Direksi dan\/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris;","196":"Pengelolaan risiko akan terus ditingkatkan mengadaptasi dari perubahan bisnis baik dari internal maupun secara industri.","197":"Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020, 2019 dan 2018, seluruh saham Perusahaan telah tercatat pada Bursa Efek Indonesia.","198":"Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 45\/2003 sebagaimana telah diubah menjadi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 9\/2012, seluruh perusahaan yang memiliki kuasa pertambangan diwajibkan untuk membayar iuran eksploitasi sebesar 3% sampai 7% dari nilai penjualan, setelah dikurangi beban penjualan.","199":"Kecuali untuk perubahan yang dijelaskan di bawah ini, implementasi dari standar-standar tersebut tidak menghasilkan perubahan substansial terhadap kebijakan akuntansi Grup dan tidak memiliki dampak yang material terhadap laporan keuangan di tahun berjalan atau tahun sebelumnya."},"english":{"0":"This interpretation which is the interpretation of PSAK 46: Income Taxes, clarifies and provides guidance to reflex the uncertainty of income tax treatments in the financial statements.","1":"By building a mortar plant in SBI's area, production process becomes more efficient and shorter.","2":"Management believes that the provision for impairment of receivables is adequate to cover loss on uncollectible trade receivables.","3":"5. TOP Leader on CSR Commitment by Mr. Bramantya Putra, Deputy President Director of ITM","4":"- Payroll management is centralized, so that every transaction is monitored thoroughly.","5":"If deemed necessary, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee can invite other related parties to attend the meeting.","6":"This strategy was taken in response to the ever-growing retail sector, especially in the Jabodetabek area.","7":"The existence and effect of potential voting rights which are currently exercisable or convertible areconsideredwhenassessingwhethertheCompanycontrols another entity.","8":"The effectiveness of internal controls is continuously monitored by the Company's internal auditors.","9":"In the midst of challenging global and national economic conditions, the banking industry is able to perform its media functions, properly.","10":"9. Provision of funds to related parties and large exposure;","11":"Risk Management Policy","12":"Other activities carried out in 2020, including: \u2022 performance improvement (de-bottlenecking) at Belawan and Lhokseumawe Terminals; \u2022 business process improvement through the electronic proof of delivery (ePOD); \u2022 capacity improvement of the weigh bridge at the Tuban Plant; and \u2022 fleet availability improvement through collaboration with a digital truck company with marketplace truck basis.","13":"In July 2006, the Company increased its share ownership in IR-HK by 18% to become 98%.","14":"These are mainly due to the loan from third party and bonds proceeds for repayment a part of bank loan.","15":"An entity is related to the Group if any of the following conditions applies: (continued)","16":", Notary in West Jakarta, regarding amendment of KIN's issued and paid-up capital.","17":"7 August RCTI holds a press conference for Concert #ILOVERCTI30 in commemoration of RCTI's 30th anniversary.","18":"The lower growth of food and beverages industry in 2018 was caused by a slow growth of food industry from 9.79% in 2017 to 7.74% in 2018.","19":"As of December 31, 2019, the fair value of the Group's fixed assets (excluded motor vehicles and furniture and fixtures) determined under the market value approach amounted to Rp1,545,707,000 (unaudited) based on independent appraisal report.","20":"He currently also serves as Independent Commissioner of PT Eagle High Plantations Tbk (previously named PT BW Plantation Tbk).","21":"Appointed as Team Leader in Efficiency Division (1993-1998), Head of Environment, Health & Safety Division (1998-2004), and Head of Environment, Health & Safety and Social Responsibility Division (2004-2007).","22":"9. RISKS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT","23":"Comprise of expenses incurred for the initial public offering of shares which was conducted in December 2007 amounting to Rp 9,635,749 thousands and issuance of shares capital without Preemptive Rights (HMETD) in January 2012 amounting to Rp 28,269,174 thousands.","24":"2. Bukit Asam Middle Management Development Program (BA-MMDP);","25":"The Group principally operates in one operating segment which is palm oil business.","26":"The Group presents non-controlling interest in equity in the consolidated statement of financial position, separately from the equity owners of the parent.","27":"The business activities according to the latest articles of association, business activities carried on in the fiscal year, and type of products and\/or services provided.","28":"Based on this, the Company had been equipped with GCG infrastructure that comprised of a complete set of main bodies and supporting bodies as required for listed companies.","29":"b. Providing advice to the BOD in carrying out its management activities.","30":"The sharing rate for this facility is 15.5% per annum.","31":"Investment property represents land or buildings held for operating lease or for capital appreciation, rather than for use or sale in the ordinary course of business.","32":"2. Remuneration and Nomination Committee meetings and can only be held if:","33":"MNC Shop is currently Indonesia's most popular TV Home Shopping channel.","34":"AHU-36820.AH.01.02.Tahun 2009 dated 3 August 2009.","35":"Compared to 2018, the largest decline in gross premium was obtained in the Greater Jakarta area by 39.79% or Rp202.03 billion and followed by Sumatra and Batam and Java regions, respectively by 19.47% and 13.00%.","36":"In addition to the use of Instagram and LinkedIn social media, the Company now holds regular and frequent webinars as a substitute for seminars that previously took place offline.","37":"Current Assets The Company recorded current assets of USD99,134,511 at the end of 2020, lower by 15.77% when compared to the position in 2019 of USD117,688,728.","38":"At initial recognition, financial assets are measured at fair value plus transaction costs that are directly attributable, except for financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss (\"FVTPL\").","39":"PSAK 22 (Improvement 2018), regarding \"Business Combination\".","40":"Taxable income of the Company and current income tax expense for 2019, as stated in the foregoing have been reported by the Company in its 2019 SPT as submitted to the Tax Office.","41":"6. Education to prepare experts in the field of Agribusiness in collaboration with third parties:","42":"The Board of Commissioners shall","43":"If the supplier has the substantive substitution right, then the asset is not identified;","44":"Guarantee of protection is given to the whistleblower and their family as long as they are still works for the Company.","45":"The defined benefit pension plan is managed by Dana Pensiun Astra Satu and its participants are all employees who were participants of Dana Pensiun Astra before and on 20 April 1992.","46":"The sensitivity analysis presented above may not be representative of the actual change in the defined benefit obligation as it is unlikely that the change in assumptions would occur in isolation of one another as some of the assumptions may be correlated.","47":"As at end of 2019, the figure stood at USD142.0 million.","48":"During 2020, the Company did not exercise any material investment, expansion, divestment, acquisition or debt restructuring.","49":"These ratios was still in the level determined by the regulator under 5%.","50":"Deferred tax assets, including those arising from tax losses carried forward, capital allowances and other temporary differences, are recognised only where it is considered more likely than not that they will be recovered, which depends on the generation of sufficient future taxable profits.","51":"Construction Machinery In the midst of a weakening business climate and tighter competition, the Company implemented a strategy to increase sales coverage by looking for opportunities in new and growing markets, such as nickel mining to market Komatsu heavy equipment.","52":"It is our hope that in the future Metrodata will be able to deliver an even greater positive contribution as the most trusted and prominent player in this country's ICT sector.","53":"During 2019 ALCO meetings are routinely held every 1 month.","54":"a. Audit Committee","55":"In addition, revenue from CPO based on the auction at the port and depend on the international CPO price in foreign currency.","56":"Risk monitoring must also be able to reflect the effectiveness of the BRI Agro risk management process, including the implementation of the specified action plans.","57":"The foreign currency exchange facility for IMM is unadvised.","58":"This loan facility bears interest at 11% (floating) per year with a period of 96 months (including availability period and grace period of 18 months) since the loan agreement was signed.","59":"In connection with the facility, KUS is required to open an escrow account with Bank Permata, which is used for the repayments of the loan.","60":"However, PSAK 30 has changed and expanded the disclosures required, in particular regarding how a lessor manages the risks arising from its residual interest in leased assets.","61":"Latinusa also applied more effective working capital management in 2020, by recording higher finance income and significantly lower finance costs.","62":"This shall continue to inspire us to build aspiration and pursue higher performance targets and sustainable business growth.","63":"The Deed of Establishment was approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letter No.","64":"The curriculum related to innovation was developed in collaboration with the Digital Centre of Excellence (DCOE).","65":"Within its business activities, BRI Agro elevates the quality of its products and services to customers.","66":"The current income tax is calculated using tax rates that were enacted at the end of the reporting period.","67":"Risks included in this type are risks that affect the Company's capital, revenue and reputation, which specifically arise from the implementation of inappropriate decisions or due to the Company's lack of responsiveness to changes in industry, economy, technology and regulations.","68":"The Company believes that the use of ERP is ACSET's core system in carrying out all operational activities which greatly helps management in terms of controlling, supervising, and increasing productivity.","69":"He is also the Chairman of MINDSET, a registered charity of Jardine Matheson in Singapore.","70":"In addition to the meeting above, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee also attend other meetings that are held such as meetings Board of Commissioners Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners Meeting with Director Field or Related Work Unit.","71":"The key assumptions concering the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the reporting date that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year\/period are disclosed below.","72":"On July 10, 2015, MNCSV signed an investment credit loan facility agreement of Rp 75,000 million wherein Rp 25,000 million of the facility has been utilized on July 13, 2015.","73":"He completed his study in the Master of Management program in 2001 from Faculty of Economic of Univeristy of Krisnadwipayana.","74":"Income Tax Tax expense is the aggregate amount included in the determination of profit or loss for the period in respect of current tax and deferred tax.","75":"1. Law No 8 of 1995 concerning the Capital market;","76":"These facilities were collaterized with inventories, land, building, and infrastructures (Notes 8 and 13).","77":"BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND DIRECTORS REGARDING RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANNUAL REPORT 2019","78":"Kpts: B.40\/Dir.01.05\/DCM\/XI\/2017 dated on November 30, 2017, concerning the Credit Policy and Product Development Committee.","79":"Anticorruption and Anti-Fraud","80":"The Group's debt-to-equity ratios as of 31 December 2019 and 2018 were as follows :","81":"During 2019, the Risk Management Committee held meetings according to need.","82":"The Board of Commissioners also has to have a good understanding of the Company, the ability to make decisions independently, to advise the management in dealing with the Company's issues and to encourage the Company's performance to grow and develop sustainably.","83":"Amendment to PSAK No. 22, \"Business Combination - Definition of a Business\".","84":"With Indonesian population of about 260 million people in 2019, domestic consumption of flat glass is estimated to be around 800 thousand tons per annum.","85":"These numbers have indicated that our Trilogy strategy has positively stablised operations, reduced costs and increased efficiency with the prudent group-wide restrictions on capital expenditures.","86":"9. SECURITIES PURCHASED UNDER AGREEMENTS TO RESELL","87":"Without qualifying our opinion, as described in note 42 to the consolidated financial statements, PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk and its subsidiaries may be affected by the outbreak of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) which was declared a global pandemic since March 2020.","88":"The fixed element includes basic salary and facilities or main allowances.","89":"The committees are appointed by and responsible to the BOD of the Company.","90":"5. Amortized cost of financial instruments","91":"The long-term impacts, however, are difficult to predict at this moment.","92":"Changes to tax liabilities are recognized when the tax assessment is received or if the Entity with appeal against, when the results of objection has been set.","93":"Further, certain development initiatives targeted expansion and improvement of the production processes, including renewal of the Rectifier Plating to increase plating capacity, upgrading specific production equipment such as the PLC Fluid Utility and continuous improvement of production technology, including the addition of Conductor Roll Plating, Sink Roll and installing automesh door and Gauge table inspector.","94":"ACSET improves the growth quality that balances the economic, social, and environmental growth.","95":"3. High availability.","96":"Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 1.","97":"This was evidenced from the reduction of CO emission down to 13% from the 2010 baseline and 2 implementation of the Green Label Indonesia certificate from the Green Product Council Indonesia with a Gold grade, which refers to the ISO 14020: 2000 standard on \"Environmental Labels and Declarations - General Principles\".","98":"1.How the Board of Commissioners contribute and support the Company's vision and mission in the fiscal year work program while adhering to the Company's values.","99":"The Company and its subsidiaries (the \"Group\") have offices located in Bandung, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan and Makassar.","100":"To support the research validity, the Research Center laboratories obtained ISO 17025: 2017 certificates and accreditation as testing laboratories.","101":"Income tax expenses for the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019 are as follows:","102":"Based on the authority delegated by the Annual GMS and the evaluation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Commissioners decides the salaries and benefits for the Board of Directors, while the President Commissioner decides the salaries and benefits for members of the Board of Commissioners, including the Independent Commissioners.","103":"Nomination and Remuneration Committee submits its recommendation to the Board of Commissioners to be relayed to the AGMS for approval.","104":"c. Fiduciary Guarantee on the Company's machinery and equipment; (see Note 10)","105":"4. accounting, information and communication systems; and","106":"The implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) and health protocols require people and businesses to adapt to the dynamics of new routines but with a high degree of uncertainty since the restrictions are designed to respond specifically the condition of viral spread according to location.","107":"Energy Currently, the Company continues to focus on completing Java-4 steam power plant (PLTU) (Tanjung Jati Units 5 and 6) project with a capacity of 2x1,000 MW in Jepara, Central Java.","108":"implementing Good Corporate Governance and fulfilling the duties to lead the Company, in order to achieve its objectives, comply with and conduct GMS resolutions, as well as to implement all regulations set forth by the Company.","109":"Member of Directors who oversees accounting or financial department, Mr. Wihardjo Hadiseputro, has expertise and\/ or knowledge in accounting field which can be viewed in the curriculum vitae of Directors' members.","110":"Collectability of trade and non-trade receivables is reviewed periodically.","111":"3. Meeting with analyst and investors presented the Company's operational and financial performance.","112":"This decline was influenced by the weak purchasing power and increasingly intense competition, including from relatively cheap imported shoes.","113":"On May 23, 2019, MSIN and subsidiarie has received additional credit facilities from PT Bank BRISyariah Tbk in the amount of Rp 75.000 million and PT Bank Victoria Syariah Tbk of Rp 25.000 million, with terms and conditions as stated in the master agreement.","114":"The interest rates on the above time deposits are as follows:","115":"He completed his Bachelor of Economics and Accounting at STIE Perbanas.","116":"6. Consideration of long term and short term targets and strategy.","117":"Under PSAK 55, all gains and losses arising from the Company and its subsidiaries' cash flow hedging relationships were eligible to be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss.","118":"In addition, coal power plants in India, Japan and South","119":"At reporting dates, monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are adjusted to reflect the prevailing exchange rates at such date and the resulting gains or losses are credited or charged to current year operations.","120":"All other repairs and maintenance are charged to the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income as incurred.","121":"5. Conduct inappropriate practice business and unfavorable result for the Company itself;","122":"Additional collaterals, fiduciary of receivable related to the construction of projects financed by the Bank.","123":"S- 151\/D.40\/2013 dated 4 June 2013.","124":"Other routine CSR activities are iftar and donation for orphans.","125":"In carrying out its duties the Board of Commissioners must be independent, in good faith, prudent and responsible.","126":"dated August 24, 2018, Commercial Court Judge Panel at Semarang District Court granted the appeal for Postponement of Payment Obligations (PKPU) by PT Bank UOB Indonesia to PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera (TPS) and PT Poly Meditra Indonesia (PMI).","127":"Evaluation of the Directors' annual performance is based on their ability to lead their respective ranks in carrying out their corresponding functions, formulation of strategies and both short and long-term work plans, as well as achievement of pre- determined targets.","128":"Sales of the products are recognised as revenue when the following conditions are fulfilled:","129":"Despite the aforegoing, the Group may make the following irrevocable election\/ designation at initial recognition of a financial asset:","130":"The agreement is valid until 31 December 2025.","131":"Management deposits cash and cash equivalents, time deposits and other financial assets only to banks and financial institutions which are reputable and reliable.","132":"During 2019, BRI Agro focused on equipping a stable framework to drive sustainable growth in the upcoming years.","133":"The Company strives to maintain its business continuity by striving for sustainable growth and creating a comfortable work environment without discrimination and free of Corruption, Collusion of Nepotism (KKN).","134":"Cost is determined using the moving average method.","135":"One entity is a joint venture of the third entity and the other entity is an associate of the third party.","136":"Furthermore, the meeting approved the granting of the authority to the Company's Board of Directors, both jointly and individually with the right of substitution to declare the decision in this meeting agenda in a separate Notary deed, make and sign all necessary letters and\/or deeds, notify the authorized body to appoint members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners to carry out their functions deemed necessary and useful to make the Meeting agenda's decisions above, without any exception.","137":"As the information obtained from the official website of the Supreme Court, that this case was decided on November 30, 2018 which essentially refused with the contents of the Decision Reject.","138":"30. Sales, services and other revenues","139":"o HSM provided logistic services to MRI.","140":"Total Other Comprehensive Income for the Year attributable to Owners of the Parent Entity Total Other Comprehensive Income for the Year Attributable to Owners of the Parent Entity in 2020 amounting to IDR2.23 trillion or decreased 42.27% compared to 2019 of IDR3.86 trillion.","141":"As at 31 December 2020 and 2019, the amount of tax assessments in the process of objection and appeal were as follows:","142":"Our palm oil business is extremely vulnerable to CPO price fluctuations and heavily dependent on market supply and demand.","143":"Depreciationexpensesoffixedassetsamounted to Rp 38,907 and Rp 30,021 for period ended December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018 respectively were recorded under General and Administrative Expenses in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income (Note30).","144":"Assets that are subject to amortization are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumtances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable.","145":"Some of the products that recorded a significant uptick in demand were products that support teaching and learning activities from home, for example notebook computers, Chromebooks, and tablets.","146":"Legal risk management and control is carried out through:","147":"Detail of net book value based on planting location:","148":"Pursuant to the Articles of Association of the Company, the Board of Commissioners' Duties and Responsibilities are as follows:","149":"(i) Cash in banks and time deposits","150":"In carrying out the work program in the field of Information Technology, the Company has an Information Technology Steering Committee (ITSC) which is tasked with providing views and recommendations on policies on management and development of technology and information systems in BRI Agro as per the Directors Decree No.Kpts 19\/Dir.01.05\/TSI\/III\/2013 dated on March 28, 2013, concerning the Third Revision of the Information Systems Technology Steering Committee.","151":"Information Technology (IT) has become important in recent years because electronic database access has become one of the important alternatives in meeting the needs of the","152":"Meanwhile, the United Nations in its World Economic Situation and Prospects report released on February 1, 2021 stated that the world economy in 2020 shrinked by -4.3%, more than 3 times compared with the global financial crisis in 2009.","153":"Disclosure on the Company's Policy and the Execution, on Frequency of Audit Committee Meetings and Attendance of Audit Committee Members in the Meetings","154":"This is not only due to decrease in sales, but also because of rising costs of production components, especially labor.","155":"APLN SHARE CORPORATE ACTION Throughout the fiscal year 2019, the Company has not engaged in any corporate action such as stock split, reverse stock, stock dividend, bonus stock, and changes in the par value of share.","156":"8. Electronic Mail, Phone and Facsimile The Company provides access to all Shareholders and Stakeholders to communicate with the Company via email, phone call, and facsimile, the details for which are provided in the Office Network section.","157":"3. Members of BOC are required to attend the meeting at least 80% (eighty percent) of the number of meetings within a period of 1 (one) year.","158":"Current income tax assets and liabilities for the current year are measured at the amount expected to be recovered from or paid to the taxation authority.","159":"Tax administration in Indonesia","160":"Financial assets and liabilities which do not have quoted prices in actual market and their fair value could not be measured reliably (investment in unquoted ordinary shares representing equity ownership interest of below 20% - security deposits) are measured at cost.","161":"As of December31,2019 and2018,admittedpremium receivablesare amounted to Rp 58,275,930 and Rp 173,022,261, respectively.","162":"Insurance Industry Overview in Indonesia","163":"In accordance with the Company's Articles of Association, a General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) shall be held at least once a year.","164":"It stipulates that the income tax rate for corporations is set at a rate of 22% for fiscal years 2020 and 2021 and further reduced to 20% for fiscal year 2022 onward.","165":"d) The maximum period of 20 years with reference to the age limit of the prospective debtor.","166":"In September 2019, the DGT decided in favor of SA for most parts of the objection and accordingly reduced the underpayment amount to Rp7,847.","167":"\u2022 The marketing service rate to a related party is determined based on a certain formula which is comparable to other companies.","168":"To provide flexibility in achieving an efficient capital structure, in 2020, the Company conducted a share buyback program.","169":"The equity component is recognized initially as the difference between the fair value of the compound financial instruments as a whole and the fair value of liability component.","170":"1. Try and guarantee the implementation of the Company's business and activities following the aims and objectives as well as its business activities.","171":"Thus, the Company continues to align its facilities and operational processes to conform to production standards applicable at national and international levels.","172":"The financial statements do not include any adjustments that may result from the outcome of these uncertainties.","173":"The Corporate Secretary as the executor of the Introductory Recognition Program for newly appointed Directors, prepares material for the introductory program which includes the Corporate Recognition Program relating to:","174":"Management determines the provision for impairment of financial assets by using individual assessments.","175":"Coal Haul Road Agreement","176":"On May 25, 2021, the Company conduct a capital increase without pre-emptive rights (PMTHMETD) in order to settle the Group's payable to Noble Resources International Pte.","177":"Another potential disaster affecting Cilegon is industrial disaster, particularly chemical industry, arising from the occurrence of earthquakes and tsunamis.","178":"Entering year 2000, Sragen was chosen as a location to build an integrated food factory of 25 hectares to integrate all of the Company's production facilities and part of its preparation in anticipating growth in the future.","179":"3) benchmarking,","180":"Risk Management Committee Performance Assessment 2020 1.","181":"A financial liability is derecognized when the obligation under the liability is discharged or cancelled or has expired.","182":"The real estate development costs which are capitalized to the real estate development project are:","183":"U pon this loan, SCS have to maintain Net Debt to Equity Ratio maximum 4 times in 2017 and Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) minimum 1.1 times in 2018 started since fourth quarter.","184":"The reconciliation between the income tax expense calculated by multiplying the consolidated income before income tax by the applicable tax rate of 25% and the income tax expense is as follows:","185":"The table below shows the maximum exposure to credit risk for the component of the consolidated statements of financial position as of December 31, 2020 and 2019.","186":"Within last 10 (ten) years, APLN has completed more than 50 property projects with majority addressed to middle class segments of society, with projects ranging from low cost apartments to high end apartments in South Jakarta, high end and the neighborhood mall, shop houses, hotels and office towers.","187":"The duties and responsibilities of the President Director include:","188":"- Debt to equity ratio from annual consolidated financial statement at the maximum 2.75:1 - Interest service coverage ratio from annual consolidated financial statement at the minimum 1.75:1 - Total free assets from total outstanding unsecured interest bearing liabilities at the minimum 125%.","189":"INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM The Company applies internal control in its corporate policies and regulations, such as Guidelines, Operational Manuals and Work Instructions.","190":"In January 2020, the Company entered into agreement with PT Buana Finance Tbk (\"Buana\"), where the Company agreed to provide financing facility to Buana which are used for financing the Company's customers to purchase heavy equipments.","191":"The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has the following duties, responsibilities, and authorities:","192":"On 22 June 2016 was signed a cooperation agreement between CFLD Investment II Pte.","193":"In 2019, Indonesia's print advertising revenue increased slightly by approximately 0.5% but its market share will erode as advertising expenditure migrates to digital platforms.","194":"The Company has operational areas throughout Indonesia which are located in 15 major cities.","195":"1.Arrange the composition and process of Nomination of members of the Board of Directors and\/or members of the Board of Commissioners;","196":"The risk management will always be enhanced by adapting from business changes both from internal and in industry.","197":"As of December 31, 2020, 2019 and 2018 all of the Company's shares are listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange.","198":"Based on Government Regulation No. 45\/2003 which was replaced by Government Regulation No. 9\/2012, all companies holding mining rights will have an obligation to pay an exploitation fee ranging from 3% to 7% of sales, net of selling expenses.","199":"Except for the changes described below, the implementation of these standards did not result in a substantial change in Group accounting policies and had no material impact on the financial statements of the current year or previous year."}}