wozwize's picture
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import logging
from typing import Dict, Any, List
from transformers import pipeline
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
import numpy as np
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HeadlineAnalyzer:
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the NLI model for contradiction detection."""
self.nli_pipeline = pipeline("text-classification", model="roberta-large-mnli")
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("roberta-large-mnli")
self.max_length = 512
def _split_content(self, headline: str, content: str) -> List[str]:
"""Split content into sections that fit within token limit."""
content_words = content.split()
sections = []
current_section = []
# Account for headline and [SEP] token in the max length
headline_tokens = len(self.tokenizer.encode(headline))
sep_tokens = len(self.tokenizer.encode("[SEP]")) - 2 # -2 because encode adds special tokens
max_content_tokens = self.max_length - headline_tokens - sep_tokens
# Process words into sections
for word in content_words:
# Check if current section is approaching token limit
current_text = " ".join(current_section)
if len(self.tokenizer.encode(current_text)) >= max_content_tokens:
# Remove last word (it might make us go over limit)
sections.append(" ".join(current_section))
# Start new section with 20% overlap for context
overlap_start = max(0, len(current_section) - int(len(current_section) * 0.2))
current_section = current_section[overlap_start:]
# Add any remaining content as the last section
if current_section:
sections.append(" ".join(current_section))
logger.info(f"""Content Splitting:
- Original content length: {len(content_words)} words
- Split into {len(sections)} sections
- Headline uses {headline_tokens} tokens
- Available tokens per section: {max_content_tokens}
return sections
def _analyze_section(self, headline: str, section: str) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Analyze a single section of content."""
input_text = f"{headline} [SEP] {section}"
result = self.nli_pipeline(input_text, top_k=None)
# Extract scores
scores = {item['label']: item['score'] for item in result}
logger.info("\nSection Analysis:")
logger.info(f"Section preview: {section[:100]}...")
for label, score in scores.items():
logger.info(f"Label: {label:<12} Score: {score:.3f}")
return scores
def analyze(self, headline: str, content: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Analyze how well the headline matches the content using an AI model."""
logger.info("\n" + "="*50)
# Handle empty inputs
if not headline.strip() or not content.strip():
logger.warning("Empty headline or content provided")
return {
"headline_vs_content_score": 0,
"entailment_score": 0,
"contradiction_score": 0,
"contradictory_phrases": []
# Split content if too long
content_tokens = len(self.tokenizer.encode(content))
if content_tokens > self.max_length:
Content Length Warning:
- Total tokens: {content_tokens}
- Max allowed: {self.max_length}
- Splitting into sections...
sections = self._split_content(headline, content)
# Analyze each section
section_scores = []
for i, section in enumerate(sections, 1):
logger.info(f"\nAnalyzing section {i}/{len(sections)}")
scores = self._analyze_section(headline, section)
# Aggregate scores across sections
# Use max contradiction (if any section strongly contradicts, that's important)
# Use mean entailment (overall support across sections)
# Use mean neutral (general neutral tone across sections)
entailment_score = np.mean([s.get('ENTAILMENT', 0) for s in section_scores])
contradiction_score = np.max([s.get('CONTRADICTION', 0) for s in section_scores])
neutral_score = np.mean([s.get('NEUTRAL', 0) for s in section_scores])
logger.info("\nAggregated Scores Across Sections:")
logger.info(f"Mean Entailment: {entailment_score:.3f}")
logger.info(f"Max Contradiction: {contradiction_score:.3f}")
logger.info(f"Mean Neutral: {neutral_score:.3f}")
# Single section analysis
scores = self._analyze_section(headline, content)
entailment_score = scores.get('ENTAILMENT', 0)
contradiction_score = scores.get('CONTRADICTION', 0)
neutral_score = scores.get('NEUTRAL', 0)
# Compute final consistency score
final_score = (
(entailment_score * 0.6) + # Base score from entailment
(neutral_score * 0.3) + # Neutral is acceptable
((1 - contradiction_score) * 0.1) # Small penalty for contradiction
) * 100
# Log final results
logger.info("\nFinal Analysis Results:")
logger.info(f"Headline: {headline}")
logger.info(f"Content Length: {content_tokens} tokens")
logger.info("\nFinal Scores:")
logger.info(f"{'Entailment:':<15} {entailment_score:.3f}")
logger.info(f"{'Neutral:':<15} {neutral_score:.3f}")
logger.info(f"{'Contradiction:':<15} {contradiction_score:.3f}")
logger.info(f"\nFinal Score: {final_score:.1f}%")
logger.info("="*50 + "\n")
return {
"headline_vs_content_score": round(final_score, 1),
"entailment_score": round(entailment_score, 2),
"contradiction_score": round(contradiction_score, 2),
"contradictory_phrases": []
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error Type: {type(e).__name__}")
logger.error(f"Error Message: {str(e)}")
logger.error("Stack Trace:", exc_info=True)
logger.error("="*50 + "\n")
return {
"headline_vs_content_score": 0,
"entailment_score": 0,
"contradiction_score": 0,
"contradictory_phrases": []