media-unmasked-api / tests /
wozwize's picture
updating backend to implement either AI or traditional scoring values and return flagged phrases. updating table calls for supabase to incorporate new column
from transformers import pipeline, AutoTokenizer
import unittest
from mediaunmasked.scrapers.article_scraper import ArticleScraper
from tabulate import tabulate
import torch
from typing import List
import logging
import transformers
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MediaUnmaskLLMTester(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
"""Set up LLMs and scrape article."""
self.models = {
# Upgraded Evidence-Based Models
"RoBERTa-MNLI": {"model": "roberta-large-mnli", "max_length": 512}, # Corrected to standard MNLI model
"DeBERTa-Fact": {"model": "MoritzLaurer/DeBERTa-v3-large-mnli-fever-anli-ling-wanli", "max_length": 512},
"T5-Large": {"model": "google/t5-v1_1-large", "max_length": 512},
"SciBERT": {"model": "allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased", "max_length": 512},
"BART-FEVER": {"model": "facebook/bart-large", "max_length": 1024}, # Note: Needs FEVER fine-tuning
"MultiQA-MiniLM": {"model": "sentence-transformers/multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1", "max_length": 512},
# Existing Models for Benchmarking
"BART-MNLI": {"model": "facebook/bart-large-mnli", "max_length": 1024},
"RoBERTa-Bias": {"model": "cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-hate", "max_length": 512},
"DistilBERT-Sentiment": {"model": "distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english", "max_length": 512},
"GPT2-Generation": {"model": "gpt2", "max_length": 1024},
self.device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1
self.scraper = ArticleScraper()
self.article_url = ""
self.article_data = self.scraper.scrape_article(self.article_url) or {}
self.results = {
"headline": self.article_data.get("headline", "No headline"),
"content": self.article_data.get("content", "No content available"),
"scores": {}
self.tokenizers = {name: AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model["model"]) for name, model in self.models.items()}
def _split_content(self, model_name: str, content: str) -> List[str]:
"""Split content into sections within model token limits, ensuring valid output."""
tokenizer = self.tokenizers[model_name]
max_length = self.models[model_name]["max_length"]
if not content or not content.strip():
return ["No valid content"]
encoded = tokenizer.encode_plus(content, add_special_tokens=True, truncation=True, max_length=max_length)
decoded = tokenizer.decode(encoded["input_ids"], skip_special_tokens=True)
return [decoded] if decoded.strip() else ["No valid content"]
def _get_flagged_phrases(self, model_pipeline, sections, threshold=0.6, top_k=5):
"""Extract top-scoring flagged phrases while handling None values safely."""
if not sections or not isinstance(sections, list):
return [("None", "N/A")]
flagged_phrases = []
for section in sections:
if not section or not isinstance(section, str) or not section.strip(): # Ensure section is a valid string
sentences = [s.strip() for s in section.split(". ") if s.strip()]
for sentence in sentences:
if not sentence or not isinstance(sentence, str): # Double-check before running the model
preds = model_pipeline(sentence)
if preds and isinstance(preds, list):
top_pred = max(preds, key=lambda x: x["score"])
if top_pred["score"] >= threshold:
short_phrase = " ".join(sentence.split()[:10]) # Shorten for readability
flagged_phrases.append((short_phrase, top_pred["score"], top_pred["label"]))
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error analyzing sentence: {e}")
flagged_phrases.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return [(phrase, label) for phrase, _, label in flagged_phrases[:top_k]] or [("None", "N/A")]
def test_headline_vs_content(self):
"""Check headline-content alignment."""
headline = self.results["headline"]
content = self.results["content"]
for model_name in self.models:
with self.subTest(model=model_name):
analyzer = pipeline("text-classification", model=self.models[model_name]["model"], device=self.device)
sections = self._split_content(model_name, content)
headline_score = max(analyzer(headline), key=lambda x: x["score"])["score"]
content_scores = [max(analyzer(section), key=lambda x: x["score"])["score"] for section in sections]
avg_content_score = sum(content_scores) / len(content_scores)
consistency_score = abs(headline_score - avg_content_score)
flagged_phrases = self._get_flagged_phrases(analyzer, sections)
self.results["scores"].setdefault("headline_vs_content", {})[model_name] = {
"score": consistency_score,
"flagged_phrases": flagged_phrases
def test_evidence_based(self):
"""Test evidence-based content."""
content = self.results["content"]
for model_name in self.models:
if any(keyword in model_name.lower() for keyword in ["mnli", "fact", "fever", "qa"]):
with self.subTest(model=model_name):
classifier = pipeline("zero-shot-classification", model=self.models[model_name]["model"], device=self.device)
sections = self._split_content(model_name, content)
results = [classifier(section, candidate_labels=["evidence-based", "opinion", "misleading"]) for section in sections]
avg_score = sum(r["scores"][r["labels"].index("evidence-based")] for r in results) / len(results)
flagged_phrases = self._get_flagged_phrases(classifier, sections)
self.results["scores"].setdefault("evidence_based", {})[model_name] = {
"score": avg_score,
"flagged_phrases": flagged_phrases
def test_manipulative_language(self):
"""Detect manipulative language."""
content = self.results["content"]
for model_name in self.models:
if "sentiment" in model_name.lower() or "emotion" in model_name.lower() or "gpt" in model_name.lower():
with self.subTest(model=model_name):
detector = pipeline("text-classification", model=self.models[model_name]["model"], device=self.device)
sections = self._split_content(model_name, content)
results = [max(detector(section), key=lambda x: x["score"]) for section in sections]
avg_score = sum(r["score"] for r in results) / len(results)
flagged_phrases = self._get_flagged_phrases(detector, sections)
self.results["scores"].setdefault("manipulative_language", {})[model_name] = {
"score": avg_score,
"flagged_phrases": flagged_phrases
def test_bias_detection(self):
"""Detect bias."""
content = self.results["content"]
for model_name in self.models:
if "bias" in model_name.lower() or "toxic" in model_name.lower() or "roberta" in model_name.lower():
with self.subTest(model=model_name):
detector = pipeline("text-classification", model=self.models[model_name]["model"], device=self.device)
sections = self._split_content(model_name, content)
results = [max(detector(section), key=lambda x: x["score"]) for section in sections]
avg_score = sum(r["score"] for r in results) / len(results)
flagged_phrases = self._get_flagged_phrases(detector, sections)
self.results["scores"].setdefault("bias_detection", {})[model_name] = {
"score": avg_score,
"flagged_phrases": flagged_phrases
def tearDown(self):
"""Print top 2 models per test with clearer formatting."""
print("\n=== Top Model Recommendations ===")
for test_type, model_results in self.results["scores"].items():
print(f"\nTop 2 Models for {test_type}:")
sorted_results = sorted(
key=lambda x: x[1]["score"],
reverse=(test_type != "headline_vs_content")
top_2 = sorted_results[:2]
table = [
", ".join(f"{phrase} ({label})" for phrase, label in res["flagged_phrases"])
for model, res in top_2
print(tabulate(table, headers=["Model", "Score", "Flagged Phrases"], tablefmt="grid"))
criteria = "Lowest consistency score (better alignment)" if test_type == "headline_vs_content" else "Highest detection score"
print(f"Criteria: {criteria}")
if __name__ == "__main__":