wyysf's picture
import math
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import craftsman
from craftsman.utils.typing import *
def dot(x, y):
return torch.sum(x * y, -1, keepdim=True)
def reflect(x, n):
return 2 * dot(x, n) * n - x
ValidScale = Union[Tuple[float, float], Num[Tensor, "2 D"]]
def scale_tensor(
dat: Num[Tensor, "... D"], inp_scale: ValidScale, tgt_scale: ValidScale
if inp_scale is None:
inp_scale = (0, 1)
if tgt_scale is None:
tgt_scale = (0, 1)
if isinstance(tgt_scale, Tensor):
assert dat.shape[-1] == tgt_scale.shape[-1]
dat = (dat - inp_scale[0]) / (inp_scale[1] - inp_scale[0])
dat = dat * (tgt_scale[1] - tgt_scale[0]) + tgt_scale[0]
return dat
def chunk_batch(func: Callable, chunk_size: int, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
if chunk_size <= 0:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
B = None
for arg in list(args) + list(kwargs.values()):
if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor):
B = arg.shape[0]
assert (
B is not None
), "No tensor found in args or kwargs, cannot determine batch size."
out = defaultdict(list)
out_type = None
# max(1, B) to support B == 0
for i in range(0, max(1, B), chunk_size):
out_chunk = func(
arg[i : i + chunk_size] if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor) else arg
for arg in args
k: arg[i : i + chunk_size] if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor) else arg
for k, arg in kwargs.items()
if out_chunk is None:
out_type = type(out_chunk)
if isinstance(out_chunk, torch.Tensor):
out_chunk = {0: out_chunk}
elif isinstance(out_chunk, tuple) or isinstance(out_chunk, list):
chunk_length = len(out_chunk)
out_chunk = {i: chunk for i, chunk in enumerate(out_chunk)}
elif isinstance(out_chunk, dict):
f"Return value of func must be in type [torch.Tensor, list, tuple, dict], get {type(out_chunk)}."
for k, v in out_chunk.items():
v = v if torch.is_grad_enabled() else v.detach()
if out_type is None:
return None
out_merged: Dict[Any, Optional[torch.Tensor]] = {}
for k, v in out.items():
if all([vv is None for vv in v]):
# allow None in return value
out_merged[k] = None
elif all([isinstance(vv, torch.Tensor) for vv in v]):
out_merged[k] = torch.cat(v, dim=0)
raise TypeError(
f"Unsupported types in return value of func: {[type(vv) for vv in v if not isinstance(vv, torch.Tensor)]}"
if out_type is torch.Tensor:
return out_merged[0]
elif out_type in [tuple, list]:
return out_type([out_merged[i] for i in range(chunk_length)])
elif out_type is dict:
return out_merged
def randn_tensor(
shape: Union[Tuple, List],
generator: Optional[Union[List["torch.Generator"], "torch.Generator"]] = None,
device: Optional["torch.device"] = None,
dtype: Optional["torch.dtype"] = None,
layout: Optional["torch.layout"] = None,
"""A helper function to create random tensors on the desired `device` with the desired `dtype`. When
passing a list of generators, you can seed each batch size individually. If CPU generators are passed, the tensor
is always created on the CPU.
# device on which tensor is created defaults to device
rand_device = device
batch_size = shape[0]
layout = layout or torch.strided
device = device or torch.device("cpu")
if generator is not None:
gen_device_type = generator.device.type if not isinstance(generator, list) else generator[0].device.type
if gen_device_type != device.type and gen_device_type == "cpu":
rand_device = "cpu"
if device != "mps":
f"The passed generator was created on 'cpu' even though a tensor on {device} was expected."
f" Tensors will be created on 'cpu' and then moved to {device}. Note that one can probably"
f" slighly speed up this function by passing a generator that was created on the {device} device."
elif gen_device_type != device.type and gen_device_type == "cuda":
raise ValueError(f"Cannot generate a {device} tensor from a generator of type {gen_device_type}.")
# make sure generator list of length 1 is treated like a non-list
if isinstance(generator, list) and len(generator) == 1:
generator = generator[0]
if isinstance(generator, list):
shape = (1,) + shape[1:]
latents = [
torch.randn(shape, generator=generator[i], device=rand_device, dtype=dtype, layout=layout)
for i in range(batch_size)
latents = torch.cat(latents, dim=0).to(device)
latents = torch.randn(shape, generator=generator, device=rand_device, dtype=dtype, layout=layout).to(device)
return latents
def generate_dense_grid_points(
bbox_min: np.ndarray,
bbox_max: np.ndarray,
octree_depth: int,
indexing: str = "ij"
length = bbox_max - bbox_min
num_cells = np.exp2(octree_depth)
x = np.linspace(bbox_min[0], bbox_max[0], int(num_cells) + 1, dtype=np.float32)
y = np.linspace(bbox_min[1], bbox_max[1], int(num_cells) + 1, dtype=np.float32)
z = np.linspace(bbox_min[2], bbox_max[2], int(num_cells) + 1, dtype=np.float32)
[xs, ys, zs] = np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing=indexing)
xyz = np.stack((xs, ys, zs), axis=-1)
xyz = xyz.reshape(-1, 3)
grid_size = [int(num_cells) + 1, int(num_cells) + 1, int(num_cells) + 1]
return xyz, grid_size, length