import os import pathlib import torch import torch.hub from torchvision.transforms.functional import convert_image_dtype, pil_to_tensor from import encode_png from PIL import Image import PIL from mcquic import Config from mcquic.modules.compressor import BaseCompressor, Compressor from mcquic.datasets.transforms import AlignedCrop from mcquic.utils.specification import File from import DeTransform try: import streamlit as st except: raise ImportError("To run `mcquic service`, please install Streamlit by `pip install streamlit` firstly.") MODELS_URL = "" HF_SPACE = "HF_SPACE" in os.environ @st.experimental_singleton def loadModel(device): ckpt = torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(MODELS_URL, map_location=device, check_hash=True) config = Config.deserialize(ckpt["config"]) model = Compressor(**config.Model.Params).to(device) model.QuantizationParameter = "qp_2_msssim" model.load_state_dict(ckpt["model"]) return model @st.cache def compressImage(image: torch.Tensor, model: BaseCompressor, crop: bool) -> File: image = convert_image_dtype(image) if crop: image = AlignedCrop()(image) # [c, h, w] image = (image - 0.5) * 2 with model._quantizer.readyForCoding() as cdfs: codes, binaries, headers = model.compress(image[None, ...], cdfs) return File(headers[0], binaries[0]) @st.cache def decompressImage(sourceFile: File, model: BaseCompressor) -> torch.ByteTensor: binaries = sourceFile.Content with model._quantizer.readyForCoding() as cdfs: # [1, c, h, w] restored = model.decompress([binaries], cdfs, [sourceFile.FileHeader]) # [c, h, w] return DeTransform()(restored[0]) def main(): if not torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device("cpu") else: device = torch.device("cuda") model = loadModel(device).eval() st.sidebar.markdown("""

a.k.a. Multi-codebook Quantizers for neural image compression

Compressing images on-the-fly.

NOTE > Due to resources limitation, I only provide compression service with model `qp = 2` targeted `ms-ssim`.

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""", unsafe_allow_html=True) if HF_SPACE: st.markdown(""" NOTE > Due to resources limitation of HF spaces, upload image size is restricted to smaller than `3000 x 3000`. Also, this demo is CPU-only and may be slow. NOTE > This demo is synced with main branch of `McQuic`. Some features may be unstable and changed frequently. """, unsafe_allow_html=True) with st.form("SubmitForm"): uploadedFile = st.file_uploader("Try running McQuic to compress or restore images!", type=["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "mcq"], help="Upload your image or compressed `.mcq` file here.") cropping = st.checkbox("Cropping image to align grids.", help="If checked, the image is cropped to align feature map grids. This will make compressed file smaller.") submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit", help="Click to start compress/restore.") if submitted and uploadedFile is not None: if".mcq"): uploadedFile.flush() binaryFile = File.deserialize( st.text(str(binaryFile)) result = decompressImage(binaryFile, model) st.image(result.cpu().permute(1, 2, 0).numpy()) downloadButton = st.empty() done = downloadButton.download_button("Click to download restored image", data=bytes(encode_png(result.cpu()).tolist()), file_name=".".join(".")[:-1] + ["png"]), mime="image/png") if done: downloadButton.empty() elif".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg")): try: image = except PIL.UnidentifiedImageError: st.markdown(""" ERROR > Image open failed. Please try other images. """, unsafe_allow_html=True) return w, h = image.size if HF_SPACE and (h > 3000 or w > 3000): st.markdown(""" ERROR > Image is too large. Please try other images. """, unsafe_allow_html=True) return image = pil_to_tensor(image.convert("RGB")).to(device) # st.image(image.cpu().permute(1, 2, 0).numpy()) result = compressImage(image, model, cropping) st.text(str(result)) downloadButton = st.empty() done = st.download_button("Click to download compressed file", data=result.serialize(), file_name=".".join(".")[:-1] + ["mcq"]), mime="image/mcq") if done: downloadButton.empty() else: st.markdown(""" ERROR > Not supported image formate. Please try other images. """, unsafe_allow_html=True) return st.markdown("""

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""", unsafe_allow_html=True) if __name__ == "__main__": with torch.inference_mode(): main()