import glob |
import os |
import streamlit as st |
import glob |
import librosa |
from pydub import AudioSegment |
import math |
import shutil |
from pathlib import Path |
class SplitWavAudioMubin(): |
def __init__(self, folder, filename): |
self.folder = folder |
self.filename = filename |
self.filepath = folder + '/' + filename |
self.audio = AudioSegment.from_wav(self.filepath) |
def get_duration(self): |
return self.audio.duration_seconds |
def single_split(self, from_min, to_min, split_filename): |
t1 = from_min * 60 * 1000 |
t2 = to_min * 60 * 1000 |
split_audio = self.audio[t1:t2] |
split_audio.export(self.folder + '/' + split_filename, format="mp3") |
def multiple_split(self, min_per_split): |
total_mins = math.ceil(self.get_duration() / 60) |
for i in range(0, total_mins, min_per_split): |
split_fn = str(i) + '_' + self.filename |
self.single_split(i, i+min_per_split, split_fn) |
print(str(i) + ' Done') |
if i == total_mins - min_per_split: |
print('All splited successfully') |
uploaded_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader(label = "Please upload your file ", |
type=['wav', 'mp3','m4a']) |
values = st.sidebar.slider( |
'Number of Mins', |
0, 30, 1) |
submit_button = st.sidebar.button(label='Submit') |
if uploaded_file is not None: |
with open(os.path.join("./",uploaded_file.name),"wb") as f: |
f.write(uploaded_file.getbuffer()) |
Path("./small").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
length_audio = librosa.get_duration(filename=uploaded_file.name)/60 |
format_ = uploaded_file.name.split('.')[-1] |
outputname = uploaded_file.name + ".wav" |
sound = AudioSegment.from_file(uploaded_file,format=format_) |
sound.export(outputname, format="wav") |
st.title("Audio2Many") |
±ζ', round(length_audio, 2) , "ει") |
st.write('θ’«εζ', math.ceil(round(length_audio, 2)/values) , "δ»½") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
if submit_button: |
files = glob.glob('small/*.mp3') |
for f in files: |
try: |
os.remove(f) |
except OSError as e: |
print("Error: %s : %s" % (f, e.strerror)) |
try: |
os.remove("ε°η’η们.zip") |
except: |
print("There is not zip file, continue") |
pass |
with st.spinner('Wait for cutting...'): |
shutil.move(outputname,"./small/"+outputname) |
split_wav = SplitWavAudioMubin("./small", outputname) |
split_wav.multiple_split(min_per_split=values) |
os.remove("./small/"+outputname) |
shutil.make_archive("ε°η’η们", 'zip', "small") |
with open("ε°η’η们.zip", 'rb') as f: |
st.download_button('Download File', f, file_name="ε°η’η们.zip") |