<script lang="ts"> |
import DemosLite from "../../lib/components/DemosLite.svelte"; |
import MetaTags from "$lib/components/MetaTags.svelte"; |
import { page } from "$app/stores"; |
import { browser } from "$app/environment"; |
import { gradio_logo } from "$lib/assets"; |
import { afterNavigate } from "$app/navigation"; |
import { clickOutside } from "$lib/components/clickOutside.js"; |
import { BaseCode as Code } from "@gradio/code"; |
import version_json from "$lib/json/version.json"; |
import WHEEL from "$lib/json/wheel.json"; |
export let data: { |
demos_by_category: { |
category: string; |
demos: { |
name: string; |
dir: string; |
code: string; |
requirements: string[]; |
}[]; |
}[]; |
}; |
let all_demos = data.demos_by_category.flatMap((category) => category.demos); |
let current_selection = all_demos[0].name; |
let shared = ""; |
if (browser) { |
let linked_demo = $page.url.searchParams.get("demo"); |
if (linked_demo) { |
current_selection = linked_demo.replaceAll("_", " "); |
shared = current_selection; |
} |
} |
let show_nav = true; |
let show_mobile_nav = false; |
let show_preview = false; |
let on_desktop = false; |
afterNavigate(() => { |
if (window.innerWidth > 768) { |
on_desktop = true; |
} |
}); |
const mobile_click = (demo_name: string) => { |
current_selection = demo_name; |
show_mobile_nav = false; |
}; |
let version = version_json.version; |
</script> |
<MetaTags |
title="Gradio Playground" |
url="https://gradio.app/playground" |
canonical="https://gradio.app/playground" |
description="Play Around with Gradio Demos" |
/> |
<svelte:head> |
<script type="module" src="{WHEEL.gradio_lite_url}/dist/lite.js"></script> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://gradio-hello-world.hf.space/theme.css" /> |
<script |
id="gradio-js-script" |
type="module" |
src="https://gradio.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/{version.replace( |
'b', |
'-beta.' |
)}/gradio.js" |
></script> |
</svelte:head> |
<!-- Header on Desktop --> |
<div class="flex-row hidden md:flex"> |
<div class="flex flex-row relative items-center px-1 py-1 pr-6 text-lg gap-8"> |
<div class="flex"> |
<a href="/"> |
<img src={gradio_logo} alt="Gradio logo" /> |
</a> |
<p class="self-center text-xl font-light -m-1">Playground</p> |
</div> |
<nav class="flex w-auto flex-row gap-6"> |
<a class="thin-link flex items-center gap-3" href="/docs" target="_blank" |
><span>✍️</span> <span>Docs</span></a |
> |
<a |
class="thin-link flex items-center gap-3" |
href="/guides/gradio-lite" |
target="_blank"><span>💡</span> <span>Gradio Lite</span></a |
> |
</nav> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- Desktop --> |
{#if on_desktop} |
<main |
class="playground flex-col justify-between hidden md:flex" |
style="height: 94vh" |
> |
<div class="w-full border border-gray-200 shadow-xl h-full relative"> |
<div |
class="w-[200px] rounded-tr-none rounded-bl-xl overflow-y-scroll mb-0 p-0 pb-4 text-md block rounded-t-xl bg-gradient-to-r from-white to-gray-50 overflow-x-clip" |
style="word-break: normal; overflow-wrap: break-word; white-space:nowrap; height: 100%; width: {show_nav |
? 200 |
: 37}px;" |
> |
<div class="flex justify-between align-middle h-8 border-b px-2"> |
{#if show_nav} |
<h3 class="pl-2 pt-1">Demos</h3> |
{/if} |
<button |
on:click={() => (show_nav = !show_nav)} |
class="float-right text-gray-600 pl-1" |
>{#if show_nav}←{:else}→{/if}</button |
> |
</div> |
{#if show_nav} |
<button |
on:click={() => (current_selection = "Blank")} |
class:current-playground-demo={current_selection == "Blank"} |
class:shared-link={shared == "Blank"} |
class="thin-link font-light px-4 block my-2">New Demo</button |
> |
{#each data.demos_by_category as { category, demos } (category)} |
<p class="px-4 my-2 font-medium">{category}</p> |
{#each demos as demo, i} |
<button |
on:click={() => (current_selection = demo.name)} |
class:current-playground-demo={current_selection == demo.name} |
class:shared-link={shared == demo.name} |
class="thin-link font-light px-4 block">{demo.name}</button |
> |
{/each} |
{/each} |
{/if} |
</div> |
<DemosLite demos={all_demos} {current_selection} {show_nav} /> |
</div> |
</main> |
{:else} |
<!-- Mobile --> |
<main class="playground flex-col justify-between flex md:hidden"> |
<div |
class:hidden={!show_mobile_nav} |
class="fixed inset-0 bg-black/20 backdrop-blur-md lg:hidden z-50" |
></div> |
<div |
use:clickOutside |
on:click_outside={() => (show_mobile_nav = false)} |
class:hidden={!show_mobile_nav} |
class="max-w-max min-w-[75%] navigation mobile-nav shadow overflow-y-auto fixed backdrop-blur-lg z-50 bg-white pr-6 pl-4 py-4 -ml-4 h-full inset-0 lg:inset-auto lg:shadow-none lg:ml-0 lg:z-0 lg:backdrop-blur-none lg:navigation lg:p-0 lg:pb-4 lg:h-screen lg:leading-relaxed lg:sticky lg:top-0 lg:text-md lg:block lg:rounded-t-xl lg:bg-gradient-to-r lg:from-white lg:to-gray-50 lg:overflow-x-clip lg:w-2/12 lg:min-w-0" |
id="mobile-nav" |
> |
<button |
on:click={() => (show_mobile_nav = false)} |
type="button" |
class="absolute z-10 top-4 right-4 w-2/12 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-grey-500 hover:text-slate-600 dark:text-slate-400 dark:hover:text-slate-300 p-4 lg:hidden" |
tabindex="0" |
data-svelte-h="svelte-1askwj0" |
> |
<svg viewBox="0 0 10 10" class="overflow-visible" style="width: 10px" |
><path |
d="M0 0L10 10M10 0L0 10" |
fill="none" |
stroke="currentColor" |
stroke-width="2" |
stroke-linecap="round" |
></path></svg |
> |
</button> |
{#each data.demos_by_category as { category, demos } (category)} |
<p class="font-semibold px-4 my-2 block">{category}</p> |
{#each demos as demo, i} |
<button |
on:click={() => mobile_click(demo.name)} |
class:current-playground-demo={current_selection == demo.name} |
class:shared-link={shared == demo.name} |
class="thin-link font-light px-4 block">{demo.name}</button |
> |
{/each} |
{/each} |
</div> |
{#each data.demos_by_category as { category, demos } (category)} |
{#each demos as demo, i} |
<div |
class:hidden={current_selection !== demo.name} |
class="flex items-center p-4 border-t border-slate-900/10 lg:hidden dark:border-slate-50/[0.06]" |
> |
<button |
on:click={() => (show_mobile_nav = !show_mobile_nav)} |
type="button" |
class="text-slate-500 hover:text-slate-600 dark:text-slate-400 dark:hover:text-slate-300" |
> |
<svg width="24" height="24" |
><path |
d="M5 6h14M5 12h14M5 18h14" |
fill="none" |
stroke="currentColor" |
stroke-width="2" |
stroke-linecap="round" |
></path></svg |
> |
</button> |
{#if category} |
<ol class="ml-4 flex text-sm leading-6 whitespace-nowrap min-w-0"> |
<li class="flex items-center"> |
{category} |
<svg |
width="3" |
height="6" |
aria-hidden="true" |
class="mx-3 overflow-visible text-slate-400" |
><path |
d="M0 0L3 3L0 6" |
fill="none" |
stroke="currentColor" |
stroke-width="1.5" |
stroke-linecap="round" |
></path></svg |
> |
</li> |
<li |
class="font-semibold text-slate-900 truncate dark:text-slate-200" |
> |
{demo.name} |
</li> |
</ol> |
{/if} |
</div> |
<div |
class:hidden={current_selection !== demo.name} |
class="mobile-window w-[95%] mx-auto relative border rounded-xl border-gray-200 shadow md:hidden" |
> |
{#if !show_preview} |
<Code |
bind:value={demos[i].code} |
language="python" |
lines={10} |
readonly |
dark_mode={false} |
/> |
{:else} |
<gradio-app space={"gradio/" + demo.dir} /> |
{/if} |
</div> |
{/each} |
{/each} |
<div class="mx-auto mt-4 flex flex-row items-center gap-4"> |
<span |
class:text-gray-500={show_preview} |
class:text-gray-600={!show_preview} |
class:font-semibold={!show_preview} |
class="text-lg">Code</span |
> |
<label class="switch"> |
<input |
on:click={() => (show_preview = !show_preview)} |
type="checkbox" |
class="" |
/> |
<span class="slider round"></span> |
</label> |
<span |
class:text-gray-500={!show_preview} |
class:text-gray-600={show_preview} |
class:font-semibold={show_preview} |
class="text-lg">Preview</span |
> |
</div> |
<p class="mt-4 mx-auto text-lg text-gray-600 text-center md:hidden"> |
To edit code and see live changes, use Playground on a desktop. |
</p> |
</main> |
{/if} |
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