xuyingliKepler's picture
history blame
14.6 kB
import streamlit as st
import random
import openai
import os
from PIL import Image
from transformers import pipeline
if "model" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.model = pipeline("image-to-text", model="Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-large")
if "result" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.result = ""
if "essay" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.essay = ""
# 初始化图片描述生成模型
# image_to_text = pipeline("image-to-text", model="Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-large")
# Set OpenAI API key
st.error("OPENAI_API_KEY not set in environment variables!")
raise SystemExit
openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY
st.set_page_config(layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="collapsed")
def split_image(image, output_dir='.'):
# 获取图片尺寸
width, height = image.size
# 计算每一部分的宽度
part_width = width // 3
# 存储分割后图片的路径和描述
results = []
# 分割图片并保存
for i in range(3):
left = i * part_width
right = left + part_width if i != 2 else width
part_img = image.crop((left, 0, right, height))
file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, f'part_{i + 1}.png')
# 生成图片描述
caption = st.session_state.model(part_img)
results.append((file_path, caption))
return results
def add_numbering_after_dot(input_string):
sentences = input_string.split(".")
numbered_sentences = []
sentence_count = 1
for sentence in sentences:
sentence = sentence.strip()
if sentence:
sentence_count += 1
return " ".join(numbered_sentences)
def add_paragraph_numbering(input_text):
paragraphs = input_text.split("\n\n")
numbered_text = ""
for i, paragraph in enumerate(paragraphs, start=1):
numbered_text += f"{i}. {paragraph}\n\n"
return numbered_text
def get_completion_from_messages(messages,
temperature=0, max_tokens=1000):
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
return response.choices[0].message["content"]
student_essay = '''One Saturday, Jack’s parents were sitting in the sofa and reading a magazic. “
I want to go Sanya on holiday!” said Jack in a cheerful manner. “Let’s go!”
A few minutes later they arrived to the air plane station.
Suddenly, the sky turned black and it stared to rain. “Oh, it’s a bad weather to go travelling!’ said Jack.
One hours later, they arrived the Sanya,
the sky was sunny and they played on the beach. “What a wonderful day!” said Jack.'''
example = """
student essay: One day, dad was reading a magazine where there have lots of information in it.
“Would you like to go on holiday in San Ya?” asked dad. He thinks San Ya is a warm city in China,
which is the perfect place to spend holiday. Then, he bought three tickets.
It rains dogs and cats when they were going to the plane. “What a bad weather!” said Tom.
One days ago, they arrived at there on Saturday.
A local person, who is the photographer, helped they took a photo. They had a happy holiday.
image content: a cartoon of a family sitting on a couch reading a book,a cartoon drawing of a group of people climbing up a flight of stairs
,a cartoon drawing of a family standing on the beach
you should return:
Total mark: 15 points
5 points
- Each picture involves content: ✔️
- Each image contains 2-3 sentences; if sub-clauses are used, description can be reduced to 1-2 sentences for each image: ✔️
- Writing is relevant with sufficient information conveyed: ✔️
5 points
- Structured writing with clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The first two sentences provide clear context regarding time, place, individuals, and actions: ✔️
- Sentences are 90% logically connected: ✔️
- Incorporates 2-3 different linkage techniques such as conjunctions (because, but, so) and adverbs (unexpectedly, fortunately): ✔️
- Uses at least 5 linkage techniques, with a mixture of 2-3 different methods: ✔️
5 points
Dimension 1: Complexity
- About 20% (15-20%) of words are bi-syllabic or multi-syllabic: ✔️
- Includes 3 words of B1 level or above: ✔️
- Covers 2-3 types of sub-clauses: adverbial and relative: ✔️
- At least 3 compound sentence structures: ✔️
Dimension 2: Diversity
- Diverse word usage without obvious repetitive grammar structures: ✔️
Language Dimension 3: Accuracy
- Word spelling errors (e.g., "the-they") and grammatical errors (e.g., "...Where there were lots of pleasant beaches...; I wanted to travelling to Sanya, Because"): ❌ (Vocabulary richness compensates for this shortcoming)
example_2 = """
student essay:
There is a Jack’s birthday. There are he, his brother, mum and dad. His brother is giving him a ball to football. Next day, Jack and his brother are playing football match. Jack score a goal.
image content: cartoon of a family sitting around a table with a birthday cake,cartoon of a man giving a birthday cake to a woman,
cartoon of a man kicking a soccer ball into a goal
you should return:
Total mark: 9 points
3 points:
- Each picture involves content: ✔️
- Each picture has at least one sentence: ✔️
- The content is relevant, but the information derived from the image is not exhaustive: ❌
3 points:
- Complete structure with a clear introduction, development, and conclusion: ✔️
- 50% of the sentences have logical connections: ✔️
- Contains one to two types of cohesive devices, such as pronouns (e.g., he, his brother) and temporal relations (e.g., next day). The number of cohesive devices used ranges between 2-4 for one type: ✔️
3 points:
*Dimension 1: Complexity*
- Bi-syllabic and multi-syllabic words make up 9%: ✔️
- All words are common, everyday vocabulary: ✔️
- No complex sentences or compound sentences: ❌
*Dimension 2: Diversity*
- Repetition of words: "Brother" appears 3 times, "football" appears 2 times: ❌
*Dimension 3: Accuracy*
- No word spelling mistakes: ✔️
- Did not use past tense: ❌
- Grammatical errors in four places: "There is a Jack’s birthday", "There are he", "to football", "Jack score": ❌
system_message = f'''
As the principal and a Cambridge KET Writing Teacher, Your role involves meticulously grading student essays within specified brackets. The primary focus is on assessing three key aspects: Content, Organization, and Language. Each aspect receives an integer Band Score, contributing to a total score that is the sum of these three. The constraints are to avoid giving specific suggestions or rewriting the essay, instead providing clear, objective grading based on the provided criteria for Band Scores 0 to 5. The essays should be evaluated for how well they cover the content of each picture, the structure and coherence of the writing, and the complexity, richness, and accuracy of the language used.
Student Essay Evaluation
Band 5: Ensure each picture is covered with at least 2-3 sentences (1-2 if using clauses). The writing must be closely related to the topic and convey information fully.
Band 4: Cover each picture with at least 1 sentence. Mostly relevant content, but one picture might lack detail.
Band 3: Basic coverage of each picture, at least 1 sentence per picture, slightly off-topic, with at least one picture lacking in detail.
Band 2: Incomplete coverage or incorrect information for the pictures, at least one picture with no sentence, slightly off-topic, at least two pictures lacking in detail.
Band 1: Significant omissions or errors in picture information, two pictures with no sentence, irrelevant to the pictures.
Band 0: Content unrelated to the pictures.
Band 5: Complete structure (clear beginning, middle, end), over 90% logical sentence connection, diverse linking methods (conjunctions, pronouns, specific adverbs), at least 5 different linking methods, not all of the same type.
Band 4: Complete structure, 70% logical sentence connection, two types of linking methods (3-5 instances).
Band 3: Complete structure, 50% logical sentence connection, one to two types of linking methods (2-4 instances).
Band 2: Incomplete structure, some logic (30%), one type of linking method (1-2 instances).
Band 1: Incomplete structure, almost no logical connection (10%), one type of linking method (1 instance).
Band 0: Lacks structure, no logical connection, no linking methods.
Band 5: Complexity (15-20% bi/multi-syllabic words, 3-5 non-everyday words, 2-3 types of clauses, at least 3 compound sentences), Richness (varied words/sentence structures), Accuracy (no more than 3 spelling/grammar errors, correct tense usage).
Band 4: Complexity (10-15% bi/multi-syllabic words, 1-2 non-everyday words, 1-2 types of clauses, 2-3 compound sentences), Richness (max 2 repeats of words/structures), Accuracy (3-5 errors, correct tense usage).
Band 3: Complexity (5-10% bi/multi-syllabic words, everyday words only, 1 type of clause, 1 compound sentence), Richness (repeated words/structures), Accuracy (6-8 errors, fewer than 6 can skip clauses).
Band 2: Complexity (less than 5% bi/multi-syllabic words, everyday words only, no clauses or compound sentences), Accuracy (5-8 errors).
Band 1: Complexity (less than 3% bi/multi-syllabic words, everyday words only, no clauses or compound sentences), Accuracy (more than 10 errors).
Band 0: No bi/multi-syllabic words, no complete sentences.
Example Assessment:
[Student Essay within Brackets]
Content Band Score: [0-5]
Organization Band Score: [0-5]
Language Band Score: [0-5]
Total Score: Content Band Score + Organization Band Score + Language Band Score
This structured approach ensures that the assessment aligns with the criteria for each Band Score, providing a clear and objective grading for each student essay.
<h2 style='color: black;'>
阅思乐KET作文批改 demo 0.0.2
/* 修改标题的大小 */
.streamlit-container h1 {
font-size: 2.5em !important;
col1, col2 = st.columns([3,3])
with col1:
uploaded_image = st.file_uploader("上传作文图片", type=["jpg", "png", "jpeg"])
if uploaded_image:
st.image(uploaded_image, caption="已上传的图片。", use_column_width=True)
st.session_state.essay = st.text_area(
" 输入你的作文",
height= 400
push = False
if st.button("开始打分"):
push = True
with col2:
/* 创建一个固定大小的容器,并允许滚动 */
.scrollable-container {
max-height: 400px; /* 容器的高度 */
overflow-y: auto; /* 允许垂直滚动 */
if student_essay and push and uploaded_image:
with st.spinner('处理图片...'):
image ="RGB")
output_dir = '.'
st.session_state.result = split_image(image, output_dir)
progress_placeholder = st.empty()
progress_text = "开始打分"
my_bar = progress_placeholder.progress(0, text=progress_text)
query = str(st.session_state.essay)
user_message = query
messages = [
'content': system_message},
'content': f"remember your settings student essay:【{query}】, image content:{st.session_state.result}"},]
response = get_completion_from_messages(messages)
my_bar.progress(50, text="开始提供相关素材")
system_message_4 = '''
❤ 此类文章可能会用到的高分素材和观点,提供给你参考 ❤
- it was a scorching summer day.
- ... along which there were a wide variety of shops.
- It was terrible to run on such a scorching/burning day.
- The moment he stopped for a short break, he had sweated heavily. (一般过去时与过去完成时连用)
- The reason why he went into a convenient store was that he wanted to get something icy to drink.
- ...sweated heavily; Jimmy asked the shopkeeper politely
- ...replied Jimmy in a cheerful manner.
user_message = query
messages = [
'content': system_message_4},
'content': f"请记住你的设定【{query}】"},]
response3 = get_completion_from_messages(messages)
my_bar.progress(100, text="打分完成")
st.markdown('<div class="scrollable-container">', unsafe_allow_html=True)
with st.container():
with st.container():
<h4 style='color: black;'>
st.markdown('</div>', unsafe_allow_html=True)