from typing import Optional from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Request from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse import httpx import random import string import json app = FastAPI() # Utility function to generate random hex strings def random_hex(length=32): return ''.join(random.choices(string.hexdigits, k=length)) # Fetch JSON from the given URL with required headers async def jsongen(url): headers = { "X-Signature-Version": "web2", "X-Signature": random_hex(), "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36", } try: async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: response = await client.get(url, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() except httpx.HTTPError as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"Error fetching data: {e}") # Middleware to add custom fields globally @app.middleware("http") async def add_custom_fields(request: Request, call_next): response = await call_next(request) # Check if the response is JSON and has a body if response.status_code == 200 and isinstance(response, JSONResponse): original_body = await response.body() try: response_data = json.loads(original_body.decode("utf-8")) except Exception: return response # If the body is not JSON, return the original response # Add custom fields to the response modified_data = { "creator": "my name", "api_version": "1.0", **response_data, } return JSONResponse(modified_data) return response # Route to fetch trending videos @app.get("/trending/{time}/{page}") async def get_trending(time: str, page: Optional[int] = 0): trending_url = f"{time}&page={page}&order_by=views&ordering=desc" urldata = await jsongen(trending_url) jsondata = [ { "id": x["id"], "name": x["name"], "slug": x["slug"], "cover_url": x["cover_url"], "views": x["views"], "link": f"/watch/{x['slug']}", } for x in urldata["hentai_videos"] ] next_page = f"/trending/{time}/{page + 1}" return {"results": jsondata, "next_page": next_page} # Route to fetch video details @app.get("/watch/{slug}") async def get_video(slug: str): video_api_url = f"{slug}" video_data = await jsongen(video_api_url) tags = [ {"name": t["text"], "link": f"/hentai-tags/{t['text']}/0"} for t in video_data["hentai_tags"] ] streams = [ {"width": s["width"], "height": s["height"], "size_mbs": s["filesize_mbs"], "url": s["url"]} for s in video_data["videos_manifest"]["servers"][0]["streams"] ] episodes = [ { "id": e["id"], "name": e["name"], "slug": e["slug"], "cover_url": e["cover_url"], "views": e["views"], "link": f"/watch/{e['slug']}", } for e in video_data["hentai_franchise_hentai_videos"] ] jsondata = { "id": video_data["hentai_video"]["id"], "name": video_data["hentai_video"]["name"], "description": video_data["hentai_video"]["description"], "poster_url": video_data["hentai_video"]["poster_url"], "cover_url": video_data["hentai_video"]["cover_url"], "views": video_data["hentai_video"]["views"], "streams": streams, "tags": tags, "episodes": episodes, } return {"results": [jsondata]} # Route to fetch browse data @app.get("/browse/{type}") async def get_browse(type: str): browse_url = "" data = await jsongen(browse_url) jsondata = data[type] if type == "hentai_tags": jsondata = [{"name": x["text"], "url": f"/hentai-tags/{x['text']}/0"} for x in jsondata] elif type == "brands": jsondata = [{"name": x["name"], "url": f"/brands/{x['slug']}/0"} for x in jsondata] return {"results": jsondata} # Route to fetch tags @app.get("/tags") async def get_tags(): browse_url = "" data = await jsongen(browse_url) jsondata = [{"name": x["text"], "url": f"/tags/{x['text']}/0"} for x in data["hentai_tags"]] return {"results": jsondata} # Route to fetch browse videos @app.get("/{type}/{category}/{page}") async def get_browse_videos(type: str, category: str, page: Optional[int] = 0): browse_url = f"{type}/{category}?page={page}&order_by=views&ordering=desc" browsedata = await jsongen(browse_url) jsondata = [ { "id": x["id"], "name": x["name"], "slug": x["slug"], "cover_url": x["cover_url"], "views": x["views"], "link": f"/watch/{x['slug']}", } for x in browsedata["hentai_videos"] ] next_page = f"/{type}/{category}/{page + 1}" return {"results": jsondata, "next_page": next_page} # Root route @app.get("/") async def root(): return {"message": "Welcome to Hanime API 👀"} # Custom error handler @app.exception_handler(Exception) async def custom_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: Exception): return JSONResponse( status_code=500, content={"error": "Something went wrong", "details": str(exc)}, )