import datetime import json import os import random import re import time import urllib.parse from urllib.parse import quote_plus import httpx import requests from pytz import country_names, country_timezones, timezone from selenium import webdriver from import Options from import Service from import By from import presence_of_element_located from import WebDriverWait CHROME_BIN = "/app/.chrome-for-testing/chrome-linux64/chrome" CHROME_DRIVER = "/app/.chrome-for-testing/chromedriver-linux64/chromedriver" DWL_DIR = "./downloads/" TEMP_DIR = "./temp/" class YoutubeDriver: def __init__(self, search_terms: str, max_results: int = 5): self.base_url = "{0}" self.search_terms = search_terms self.max_results = max_results self.videos = self._search() def _search(self): encoded_search = urllib.parse.quote_plus(self.search_terms) response = requests.get(self.base_url.format(encoded_search)).text while "ytInitialData" not in response: response = requests.get(self.base_url.format(encoded_search)).text results = self._parse_html(response) if self.max_results is not None and len(results) > self.max_results: return results[: self.max_results] return results def _parse_html(self, response: str): results = [] start = response.index("ytInitialData") + len("ytInitialData") + 3 end = response.index("};", start) + 1 json_str = response[start:end] data = json.loads(json_str) videos = data["contents"]["twoColumnSearchResultsRenderer"]["primaryContents"][ "sectionListRenderer" ]["contents"][0]["itemSectionRenderer"]["contents"] for video in videos: res = {} if "videoRenderer" in video.keys(): video_data = video.get("videoRenderer", {}) _id = video_data.get("videoId", None) res["id"] = _id res["thumbnail"] = f"{_id}/hqdefault.jpg" res["title"] = ( video_data.get("title", {}).get("runs", [[{}]])[0].get("text", None) ) res["channel"] = ( video_data.get("longBylineText", {}) .get("runs", [[{}]])[0] .get("text", None) ) res["duration"] = video_data.get("lengthText", {}).get("simpleText", 0) res["views"] = video_data.get("viewCountText", {}).get( "simpleText", "Unknown" ) res["publish_time"] = video_data.get("publishedTimeText", {}).get( "simpleText", "Unknown" ) res["url_suffix"] = ( video_data.get("navigationEndpoint", {}) .get("commandMetadata", {}) .get("webCommandMetadata", {}) .get("url", None) ) results.append(res) return results def to_dict(self, clear_cache=True) -> list[dict]: result = self.videos if clear_cache: self.videos = [] return result @staticmethod def check_url(url: str) -> tuple[bool, str]: if "&" in url: url = url[: url.index("&")] if "?si=" in url: url = url[: url.index("?si=")] youtube_regex = ( r"(https?://)?(www\.)?" r"(youtube|youtu|youtube-nocookie)\.(com|be)/" r'(video|embed|shorts/|watch\?v=|v/|e/|u/\\w+/|\\w+/)?([^"&?\\s]{11})' ) match = re.match(youtube_regex, url) if match: return True, else: return False, "Invalid YouTube URL!" @staticmethod def song_options() -> dict: return { "format": "bestaudio", "addmetadata": True, "key": "FFmpegMetadata", "prefer_ffmpeg": True, "geo_bypass": True, "nocheckcertificate": True, "postprocessors": [ { "key": "FFmpegExtractAudio", "preferredcodec": "mp3", "preferredquality": "480", } ], "cookiefile": "cookies.txt", "outtmpl": "%(id)s", "quiet": True, "logtostderr": False, } @staticmethod def video_options() -> dict: return { "format": "best", "addmetadata": True, "key": "FFmpegMetadata", "prefer_ffmpeg": True, "geo_bypass": True, "nocheckcertificate": True, "postprocessors": [ { "key": "FFmpegVideoConvertor", "preferedformat": "mp4", } ], "cookiefile": "cookies.txt", "outtmpl": "%(id)s.mp4", "quiet": True, "logtostderr": False, } class ChromeDriver: def __init__(self) -> None: self.carbon_theme = [ "3024-night", "a11y-dark", "blackboard", "base16-dark", "base16-light", "cobalt", "duotone-dark", "hopscotch", "lucario", "material", "monokai", "night-owl", "nord", "oceanic-next", "one-light", "one-dark", "panda-syntax", "paraiso-dark", "seti", "shades-of-purple", "solarized+dark", "solarized+light", "synthwave-84", "twilight", "verminal", "vscode", "yeti", "zenburn", ] def get(self): if not CHROME_BIN: return ( None, "ChromeBinaryErr: No binary path found! Install Chromium or Google Chrome.", ) try: options = Options() options.binary_location = CHROME_BIN options.add_argument("--disable-dev-shm-usage") options.add_argument("--ignore-certificate-errors") options.add_argument("--disable-gpu") options.add_argument("--headless=new") options.add_argument("--test-type") options.add_argument("--no-sandbox") options.add_argument("--window-size=1920x1080") options.add_experimental_option( "prefs", {"download.default_directory": "./"} ) service = Service(CHROME_DRIVER) driver = webdriver.Chrome(options, service) return driver, None except Exception as e: return None, f"ChromeDriverErr: {e}" def close(self, driver: webdriver.Chrome): driver.close() driver.quit() @property def get_random_carbon(self) -> str: url = "" url += f"&t={random.choice(self.carbon_theme)}" url += f"&bg=rgba%28{random.randint(1, 255)}%2C{random.randint(1, 255)}%2C{random.randint(1, 255)}%2C1%29" url += "&code=" return url async def generate_carbon( self, driver: webdriver.Chrome, code: str, is_random: bool = False ) -> str: filename = f"{round(time.time())}" BASE_URL = ( self.get_random_carbon if is_random else "" ) driver.get(BASE_URL + format_text(quote_plus(code))) driver.command_executor._commands["send_command"] = ( "POST", "/session/$sessionId/chromium/send_command", ) params = { "cmd": "Page.setDownloadBehavior", "params": {"behavior": "allow", "downloadPath": DWL_DIR}, } driver.execute("send_command", params) driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//button[@id='export-menu']").click() driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@title='filename']").send_keys(filename) driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//button[@id='export-png']").click() return f"{DWL_DIR}/{filename}.png" class SCRAP_DATA: """Class to get and handel scrapped data""" def __init__(self, urls: list[str] | str) -> None: self.urls = urls self.path = "./scrapped/" if not os.path.isdir(self.path): os.makedirs("./scrapped/") def get_images(self) -> list: images = [] if isinstance(self.urls, str): requested = requests.get(self.urls) try: name = self.path + f"img_{time.time()}.jpg" with open(name, "wb") as f: f.write(requested.content) images.append(name) except Exception as e: requested.close() else: for i in self.urls: if i: requested = requests.get(i) else: continue try: name = self.path + f"img_{time.time()}.jpg" with open(name, "wb") as f: f.write(requested.content) images.append(name) except Exception as e: requested.close() continue return images def get_videos(self) -> list: videos = [] if isinstance(self.urls, str): if i: requested = requests.get(i) else: return [] try: name = self.path + f"vid_{time.time()}.mp4" with open(name, "wb") as f: f.write(requested.content) videos.append(name) except Exception as e: requested.close() else: for i in self.urls: if i: requested = requests.get(i) else: continue try: name = self.path + f"vid_{time.time()}.mp4" with open(name, "wb") as f: f.write(requested.content) videos.append(name) except Exception as e: requested.close() continue return videos class INSTAGRAM(ChromeDriver): """Class to scrap data from instagram""" def __init__(self, url: str) -> None: self.url = url self.article = "article._aa6a" self.ul_class = "_acay" self.image_class = "x5yr21d" self.video_class = "x1lliihq" self.next_button = "button._afxw" self.return_dict = {"image": [], "video": []} super().__init__() def get_all(self): driver, error = self.get() if not driver: return error driver.get(self.url) wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 30) image_links = [] video_links = [] try: element = wait.until(presence_of_element_located( (By.CLASS_NAME, self.ul_class))) while True: sub_element = element.find_elements( By.CLASS_NAME, self.image_class) for i in sub_element: url = i.get_attribute("src") image_links.append(url) sub_element = element.find_elements( By.CLASS_NAME, self.video_class) for i in sub_element: url = i.get_attribute("src") video_links.append(url) try: driver.find_element( By.CSS_SELECTOR, self.next_button).click() except: break except: element = wait.until(presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, self.article))) try: sub_element = element.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "img") url = sub_element.get_attribute("src") image_links.append(url) except: sub_element = element.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "video") url = sub_element.get_attribute("src") video_links.append(url) self.close(driver) if image_links: image_links = list(set(image_links)) if video_links: video_links = list(set(video_links)) for i in video_links: image_links.remove(i) self.return_dict.get("image").extend(image_links) self.return_dict.get("video").extend(video_links) return self.return_dict Driver = ChromeDriver()