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Highly construed at releasing, but oj pretty negligence. Immense importance in the history of fulfilling arts. A classic use of embedded plots. One of my favourite films. Why hasn't the soundtrack been re-released?$LABEL$1,1,0
una well-made run-of-the-mill movie with a abysmal ending. Pluses: The way the story moves - begins with Soorya struggling to live followed by a long flashback about why he's there. The Music. A disinterested look at the iife of policemen. Minuses: The violence and the gore, but I guess they add to the realistic effects. Still, having people's heads chopped off and sent in boxes and sacks could have been avoided.No complaints - 7/10$LABEL$1,1,0
Why, o' WHY! ...did I pick this one up? Well... i needed a no-brainer in the summer heat, and the cover looked cool.Of course I should've known better. This is a really, really wicked movie. And it gets embarasing when the makers know it's bad, and try cover it up by adding some sexy/beautiful women, and some sex-scenes to it. Well, folks... it does'nt cut it, does it!If you WOULD like a cool movie about a big reptile that is actually very, very good, well-played and funny: go rent Lake Placid! (that is an order)$LABEL$0,1,1
This movie is an astounding travesty.. the screenplay is too comical.. if u watch it more than once you will enjoy it more. Though the comedy at times is silly but it honestly makes u laughing!! Salman Khan and Aamir Khan have given justice to their roles. After 1994 i have not come across any hindustani movie which was as funny as this.$LABEL$1,1,0
How can so multiple blundering decisions can be made. All that waste of resources!Its an idiotic story to starts with but theres no need to make it worse.A loose interpretation? Are you kidding! it diminishes my regard for Voight and Coburn.I hope they were paid well.$LABEL$0,1,1