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determined to be fun , and bouncy , with energetic musicals , the humor did n't quite engage this adult .$LABEL$0,0,-100
the last 20 minutes are somewhat redeeming , but most of the movie is the same teenage american road-trip drek we 've seen before - only this time you have to read the fart jokes$LABEL$0,0,-100
whether you like rap music or loathe it , you ca n't deny either the tragic loss of two young men in the prime of their talent or the power of this movie .$LABEL$1,0,-100
all-in-all , the film is an enjoyable and frankly told tale of a people who live among us , but not necessarily with us .$LABEL$1,0,-100
feature debuter d.j. caruso directs a crack ensemble cast , bringing screenwriter tony gayton 's narcotics noir to life .$LABEL$1,0,-100
serving sara does n't serve up a whole lot of laughs .$LABEL$0,0,-100
my reaction in a word : disappointment .$LABEL$0,0,-100
the film 's hackneyed message is not helped by the thin characterizations , nonexistent plot and pretentious visual style .$LABEL$0,0,-100
very psychoanalytical -- provocatively so -- and also refreshingly literary .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the experience of going to a film festival is a rewarding one ; the experiencing of sampling one through this movie is not .$LABEL$0,0,-100
with rabbit-proof fence , noyce has tailored an epic tale into a lean , economical movie .$LABEL$1,0,-100
even horror fans will most likely not find what they 're seeking with trouble every day ; the movie lacks both thrills and humor .$LABEL$0,0,-100
this piece of channel 5 grade trash is , quite frankly , an insult to the intelligence of the true genre enthusiast .$LABEL$0,0,-100
add yet another hat to a talented head , clooney 's a good director .$LABEL$1,0,-100
as unseemly as its title suggests .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the movie is n't just hilarious : it 's witty and inventive , too , and in hindsight , it is n't even all that dumb .$LABEL$1,0,-100
among the year 's most intriguing explorations of alientation .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the sort of film that makes me miss hitchcock , but also feel optimistic that there 's hope for popular cinema yet .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the primitive force of this film seems to bubble up from the vast collective memory of the combatants .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the terrific and bewilderingly underrated campbell scott gives a star performance that is nothing short of mesmerizing .$LABEL$1,0,-100
and if you 're not nearly moved to tears by a couple of scenes , you 've got ice water in your veins .$LABEL$1,0,-100
a lean , deftly shot , well-acted , weirdly retro thriller that recalls a raft of '60s and '70s european-set spy pictures .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the magic of the film lies not in the mysterious spring but in the richness of its performances .$LABEL$1,0,-100
-lrb- lawrence bounces -rrb- all over the stage , dancing , running , sweating , mopping his face and generally displaying the wacky talent that brought him fame in the first place .$LABEL$1,0,-100
what distinguishes time of favor from countless other thrillers is its underlying concern with the consequences of words and with the complicated emotions fueling terrorist acts .$LABEL$1,0,-100
crackerjack entertainment -- nonstop romance , music , suspense and action .$LABEL$1,0,-100
with its dogged hollywood naturalism and the inexorable passage of its characters toward sainthood , windtalkers is nothing but a sticky-sweet soap .$LABEL$0,0,-100
in its best moments , resembles a bad high school production of grease , without benefit of song .$LABEL$0,0,-100
... designed to provide a mix of smiles and tears , `` crossroads '' instead provokes a handful of unintentional howlers and numerous yawns .$LABEL$0,0,-100
worth watching for dong jie 's performance -- and for the way it documents a culture in the throes of rapid change .$LABEL$1,0,-100
if you are an actor who can relate to the search for inner peace by dramatically depicting the lives of others onstage , then esther 's story is a compelling quest for truth .$LABEL$1,0,-100
unlike the speedy wham-bam effect of most hollywood offerings , character development -- and more importantly , character empathy -- is at the heart of italian for beginners .$LABEL$1,0,-100
stultifyingly , dumbfoundingly , mind-numbingly bad .$LABEL$0,0,-100
`` mostly martha '' is a bright , light modern day family parable that wears its heart on its sleeve for all to see .$LABEL$1,0,-100
no telegraphing is too obvious or simplistic for this movie .$LABEL$0,0,-100
writer-director 's mehta 's effort has tons of charm and the whimsy is in the mixture , the intoxicating masala , of cultures and film genres .$LABEL$1,0,-100
... takes the beauty of baseball and melds it with a story that could touch anyone regardless of their familiarity with the sport$LABEL$1,0,-100
one of the smartest takes on singles culture i 've seen in a long time .$LABEL$1,0,-100
it 's not original , and , robbed of the element of surprise , it does n't have any huge laughs in its story of irresponsible cops who love to play pranks .$LABEL$0,0,-100
this re-do is so dumb and so exploitative in its violence that , ironically , it becomes everything that the rather clumsy original was railing against .$LABEL$0,0,-100
to call the other side of heaven `` appalling '' would be to underestimate just how dangerous entertainments like it can be .$LABEL$0,0,-100
it has charm to spare , and unlike many romantic comedies , it does not alienate either gender in the audience .$LABEL$1,0,-100
a great ensemble cast ca n't lift this heartfelt enterprise out of the familiar .$LABEL$0,0,-100
lapaglia 's ability to convey grief and hope works with weaver 's sensitive reactions to make this a two-actor master class .$LABEL$1,0,-100
my thoughts were focused on the characters .$LABEL$1,0,-100
it 's slow -- very , very slow .$LABEL$0,0,-100
though it 's become almost redundant to say so , major kudos go to leigh for actually casting people who look working-class .$LABEL$1,0,-100
should have been someone else -$LABEL$0,0,-100
it 's so good that its relentless , polished wit can withstand not only inept school productions , but even oliver parker 's movie adaptation .$LABEL$1,0,-100
it feels like an after-school special gussied up with some fancy special effects , and watching its rote plot points connect is about as exciting as gazing at an egg timer for 93 minutes .$LABEL$0,0,-100
indifferently implausible popcorn programmer of a movie .$LABEL$0,0,-100
even the finest chef ca n't make a hotdog into anything more than a hotdog , and robert de niro ca n't make this movie anything more than a trashy cop buddy comedy .$LABEL$0,0,-100
it 's fascinating to see how bettany and mcdowell play off each other .$LABEL$1,0,-100
teen movies have really hit the skids .$LABEL$0,0,-100
stephen rea , aidan quinn , and alan bates play desmond 's legal eagles , and when joined by brosnan , the sight of this grandiloquent quartet lolling in pretty irish settings is a pleasant enough thing , ` tis .$LABEL$1,0,-100
even on those rare occasions when the narrator stops yammering , miller 's hand often feels unsure .$LABEL$0,0,-100
every time you look , sweet home alabama is taking another bummer of a wrong turn .$LABEL$0,0,-100
it gets onto the screen just about as much of the novella as one could reasonably expect , and is engrossing and moving in its own right .$LABEL$1,0,-100
a poignant , artfully crafted meditation on mortality .$LABEL$1,0,-100
one of the best films of the year with its exploration of the obstacles to happiness faced by five contemporary individuals ... a psychological masterpiece .$LABEL$1,0,-100
no sophomore slump for director sam mendes , who segues from oscar winner to oscar-winning potential with a smooth sleight of hand .$LABEL$1,0,-100
even if you do n't think -lrb- kissinger 's -rrb- any more guilty of criminal activity than most contemporary statesmen , he 'd sure make a courtroom trial great fun to watch .$LABEL$1,0,-100
... a story we have n't seen on the big screen before , and it 's a story that we as americans , and human beings , should know .$LABEL$1,0,-100
irwin is a man with enough charisma and audacity to carry a dozen films , but this particular result is ultimately held back from being something greater .$LABEL$0,0,-100
instead of a hyperbolic beat-charged urban western , it 's an unpretentious , sociologically pointed slice of life .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the film 's few ideas are stretched to the point of evaporation ; the whole central section is one big chase that seems to have no goal and no urgency .$LABEL$0,0,-100
though perry and hurley make inspiring efforts to breathe life into the disjointed , haphazard script by jay scherick and david ronn , neither the actors nor director reginald hudlin can make it more than fitfully entertaining .$LABEL$0,0,-100
woody allen 's latest is an ambling , broad comedy about all there is to love -- and hate -- about the movie biz .$LABEL$1,0,-100
there 's too much falseness to the second half , and what began as an intriguing look at youth fizzles into a dull , ridiculous attempt at heart-tugging .$LABEL$0,0,-100
as a first-time director , paxton has tapped something in himself as an actor that provides frailty with its dark soul .$LABEL$1,0,-100
a gripping movie , played with performances that are all understated and touching .$LABEL$1,0,-100
too slow , too long and too little happens .$LABEL$0,0,-100
plays like a volatile and overlong w magazine fashion spread .$LABEL$0,0,-100
attempts by this ensemble film to impart a message are so heavy-handed that they instead pummel the audience .$LABEL$0,0,-100
it 's a demented kitsch mess -lrb- although the smeary digital video does match the muddled narrative -rrb- , but it 's savvy about celebrity and has more guts and energy than much of what will open this year .$LABEL$1,0,-100
bleakly funny , its characters all the more touching for refusing to pity or memorialize themselves .$LABEL$1,0,-100
it is amusing , and that 's all it needs to be .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the characters are interesting and often very creatively constructed from figure to backstory .$LABEL$1,0,-100
a taut psychological thriller that does n't waste a moment of its two-hour running time .$LABEL$1,0,-100
... is an arthritic attempt at directing by callie khouri .$LABEL$0,0,-100
michael gerbosi 's script is economically packed with telling scenes .$LABEL$1,0,-100
light years \/ several warp speeds \/ levels and levels of dilithium crystals better than the pitiful insurrection .$LABEL$1,0,-100
what was once original has been co-opted so frequently that it now seems pedestrian .$LABEL$0,0,-100
at a time when half the so-called real movies are little more than live-action cartoons , it 's refreshing to see a cartoon that knows what it is , and knows the form 's history .$LABEL$1,0,-100
at the very least , if you do n't know anything about derrida when you walk into the theater , you wo n't know much more when you leave .$LABEL$0,0,-100
partway through watching this saccharine , easter-egg-colored concoction , you realize that it is made up of three episodes of a rejected tv show .$LABEL$0,0,-100
bennett 's naturalistic performance speaks volumes more truth than any ` reality ' show , and anybody contemplating their own drastic life changes should watch some body first .$LABEL$1,0,-100