PyABSA / integrated_datasets /tad_datasets /301.SST2 /SST2PWWSRen2019 /
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jose campanella delivers a loosely autobiographical story brushed with sentimentality but brimming with gentle humor , bittersweet pathos , and lyric moments that linger like snapshots of memory .$LABEL$1,0,-100
... mafia , rap stars and hood rats butt their ugly heads in a regurgitation of cinematic violence that gives brutal birth to an unlikely , but likable , hero . '$LABEL$1,0,-100
i got a headache watching this meaningless downer .$LABEL$0,0,-100
montias ... pumps a lot of energy into his nicely nuanced narrative and surrounds himself with a cast of quirky -- but not stereotyped -- street characters .$LABEL$1,0,-100
slapstick buffoonery can tickle many a preschooler 's fancy , but when it costs a family of four about $ 40 to see a film in theaters , why spend money on a dog like this when you can rent a pedigree instead ?$LABEL$0,0,-100
his comedy premises are often hackneyed or just plain crude , calculated to provoke shocked laughter , without following up on a deeper level .$LABEL$0,0,-100
big fat waste of time .$LABEL$0,0,-100
it 's not that kung pow is n't funny some of the time -- it just is n't any funnier than bad martial arts movies are all by themselves , without all oedekerk 's impish augmentation .$LABEL$0,0,-100
a delightful coming-of-age story .$LABEL$1,0,-100
binoche makes it interesting trying to find out .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the humor is forced and heavy-handed , and occasionally simply unpleasant .$LABEL$0,0,-100
... a fun little timewaster , helped especially by the cool presence of jean reno .$LABEL$1,0,-100
prurient playthings aside , there 's little to love about this english trifle .$LABEL$0,0,-100
the old-world - meets-new mesh is incarnated in the movie 's soundtrack , a joyful effusion of disco bollywood that , by the end of monsoon wedding , sent my spirit soaring out of the theater .$LABEL$1,0,-100
as surreal as a dream and as detailed as a photograph , as visually dexterous as it is at times imaginatively overwhelming .$LABEL$1,0,-100
director uwe boll and the actors provide scant reason to care in this crude '70s throwback .$LABEL$0,0,-100
the continued good chemistry between carmen and juni is what keeps this slightly disappointing sequel going , with enough amusing banter -- blessedly curse-free -- to keep both kids and parents entertained .$LABEL$1,0,-100
puts a human face on a land most westerners are unfamiliar with .$LABEL$1,0,-100
unflinchingly bleak and desperate$LABEL$0,0,-100
the heavy-handed film is almost laughable as a consequence .$LABEL$0,0,-100
it has the charm of the original american road movies , feasting on the gorgeous , ramshackle landscape of the filmmaker 's motherland .$LABEL$1,0,-100
works hard to establish rounded characters , but then has nothing fresh or particularly interesting to say about them .$LABEL$0,0,-100
verbinski implements every hack-artist trick to give us the ooky-spookies .$LABEL$0,0,-100
uncommonly stylish but equally silly ... the picture fails to generate much suspense , nor does it ask searching enough questions to justify its pretensions .$LABEL$0,0,-100
as vulgar as it is banal .$LABEL$0,0,-100
i 'm just too bored to care .$LABEL$0,0,-100
i had to look away - this was god awful .$LABEL$0,0,-100
a dumb movie with dumb characters doing dumb things and you have to be really dumb not to see where this is going .$LABEL$0,0,-100
what really makes it special is that it pulls us into its world , gives us a hero whose suffering and triumphs we can share , surrounds him with interesting characters and sends us out of the theater feeling we 've shared a great adventure .$LABEL$1,0,-100
of course , by more objective measurements it 's still quite bad .$LABEL$0,0,-100
for this reason and this reason only -- the power of its own steadfast , hoity-toity convictions -- chelsea walls deserves a medal .$LABEL$1,0,-100
scores no points for originality , wit , or intelligence .$LABEL$0,0,-100
though moonlight mile is replete with acclaimed actors and actresses and tackles a subject that 's potentially moving , the movie is too predictable and too self-conscious to reach a level of high drama .$LABEL$0,0,-100
it 's a charming and often affecting journey .$LABEL$1,0,-100
nervous breakdowns are not entertaining .$LABEL$0,0,-100
this is a story of two misfits who do n't stand a chance alone , but together they are magnificent .$LABEL$1,0,-100
atom egoyan has conjured up a multilayered work that tackles any number of fascinating issues$LABEL$1,0,-100
as the latest bid in the tv-to-movie franchise game , i spy makes its big-screen entry with little of the nervy originality of its groundbreaking small-screen progenitor .$LABEL$0,0,-100
it 's one of those baseball pictures where the hero is stoic , the wife is patient , the kids are as cute as all get-out and the odds against success are long enough to intimidate , but short enough to make a dream seem possible .$LABEL$1,0,-100
no way i can believe this load of junk .$LABEL$0,0,-100
we know the plot 's a little crazy , but it held my interest from start to finish .$LABEL$1,0,-100
will amuse and provoke adventurous adults in specialty venues .$LABEL$1,0,-100
another one of those estrogen overdose movies like `` divine secrets of the ya ya sisterhood , '' except that the writing , acting and character development are a lot better .$LABEL$1,0,-100
byler reveals his characters in a way that intrigues and even fascinates us , and he never reduces the situation to simple melodrama .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the humor is n't as sharp , the effects not as innovative , nor the story as imaginative as in the original .$LABEL$0,0,-100
instead of hiding pinocchio from critics , miramax should have hidden it from everyone .$LABEL$0,0,-100
a moody , multi-dimensional love story and sci-fi mystery , solaris is a thought-provoking , haunting film that allows the seeds of the imagination to germinate .$LABEL$1,0,-100
offers very little genuine romance and even fewer laughs ... a sad sitcom of a movie , largely devoid of charm .$LABEL$0,0,-100
it haunts you , you ca n't forget it , you admire its conception and are able to resolve some of the confusions you had while watching it .$LABEL$1,0,-100
sometimes seems less like storytelling than something the otherwise compelling director needed to get off his chest .$LABEL$0,0,-100
as a rumor of angels reveals itself to be a sudsy tub of supernatural hokum , not even ms. redgrave 's noblest efforts can redeem it from hopeless sentimentality .$LABEL$0,0,-100
almost gags on its own gore .$LABEL$0,0,-100
the film is quiet , threatening and unforgettable .$LABEL$1,0,-100
... the movie is just a plain old monster .$LABEL$0,0,-100
sustains its dreamlike glide through a succession of cheesy coincidences and voluptuous cheap effects , not the least of which is rebecca romijn-stamos .$LABEL$0,0,-100
displaying about equal amounts of naiveté , passion and talent , beneath clouds establishes sen as a filmmaker of considerable potential .$LABEL$1,0,-100
it provides the grand , intelligent entertainment of a superior cast playing smart people amid a compelling plot .$LABEL$1,0,-100
a strangely compelling and brilliantly acted psychological drama .$LABEL$1,0,-100
i 'll bet the video game is a lot more fun than the film .$LABEL$0,0,-100
every nanosecond of the the new guy reminds you that you could be doing something else far more pleasurable .$LABEL$0,0,-100
the movie 's accumulated force still feels like an ugly knot tightening in your stomach .$LABEL$0,0,-100
a broad , melodramatic estrogen opera that 's pretty toxic in its own right .$LABEL$0,0,-100
minority report is exactly what the title indicates , a report .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the movie , directed by mick jackson , leaves no cliche unturned , from the predictable plot to the characters straight out of central casting .$LABEL$0,0,-100
like mike is a winner for kids , and no doubt a winner for lil bow wow , who can now add movies to the list of things he does well .$LABEL$1,0,-100
confirms the nagging suspicion that ethan hawke would be even worse behind the camera than he is in front of it .$LABEL$0,0,-100
-lrb- e -rrb- ventually , every idea in this film is flushed down the latrine of heroism .$LABEL$0,0,-100
this riveting world war ii moral suspense story deals with the shadow side of american culture : racial prejudice in its ugly and diverse forms .$LABEL$0,0,-100
first-time writer-director serry shows a remarkable gift for storytelling with this moving , effective little film .$LABEL$1,0,-100
while it 's genuinely cool to hear characters talk about early rap records -lrb- sugar hill gang , etc. -rrb- , the constant referencing of hip-hop arcana can alienate even the savviest audiences .$LABEL$0,0,-100
the far future may be awesome to consider , but from period detail to matters of the heart , this film is most transporting when it stays put in the past .$LABEL$1,0,-100
combining quick-cut editing and a blaring heavy metal much of the time , beck seems to be under the illusion that he 's shooting the latest system of a down video .$LABEL$0,0,-100
there 's no emotional pulse to solaris .$LABEL$0,0,-100
the best that can be said about the work here of scottish director ritchie ... is that he obviously does n't have his heart in it .$LABEL$0,0,-100
does paint some memorable images ... , but makhmalbaf keeps her distance from the characters$LABEL$1,0,-100
rare birds has more than enough charm to make it memorable .$LABEL$1,0,-100
generally , clockstoppers will fulfill your wildest fantasies about being a different kind of time traveler , while happily killing 94 minutes .$LABEL$1,0,-100
dull , lifeless , and amateurishly assembled .$LABEL$0,0,-100
the quality of the art combined with the humor and intelligence of the script allow the filmmakers to present the biblical message of forgiveness without it ever becoming preachy or syrupy .$LABEL$1,0,-100
very bad .$LABEL$0,0,-100
having had the good sense to cast actors who are , generally speaking , adored by the movie-going public , khouri then gets terrific performances from them all .$LABEL$1,0,-100
a woman 's pic directed with resonance by ilya chaiken .$LABEL$1,0,-100
mr. tsai is a very original artist in his medium , and what time is it there ?$LABEL$1,0,-100
for each chuckle there are at least 10 complete misses , many coming from the amazingly lifelike tara reid , whose acting skills are comparable to a cardboard cutout .$LABEL$0,0,-100
a by-the-numbers patient\/doctor pic that covers all the usual ground$LABEL$0,0,-100
a lackluster , unessential sequel to the classic disney adaptation of j.m. barrie 's peter pan .$LABEL$0,0,-100
why make a documentary about these marginal historical figures ?$LABEL$0,0,-100