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seldom has a movie so closely matched the spirit of a man and his work .$LABEL$1,0,-100
you 'll gasp appalled and laugh outraged and possibly , watching the spectacle of a promising young lad treading desperately in a nasty sea , shed an errant tear .$LABEL$1,0,-100
comes off like a rejected abc afterschool special , freshened up by the dunce of a screenwriting 101 class .$LABEL$0,0,-100
this flick is about as cool and crowd-pleasing as a documentary can get .$LABEL$1,0,-100
ramsay , as in ratcatcher , remains a filmmaker with an acid viewpoint and a real gift for teasing chilly poetry out of lives and settings that might otherwise seem drab and sordid .$LABEL$1,0,-100
if there 's one thing this world needs less of , it 's movies about college that are written and directed by people who could n't pass an entrance exam .$LABEL$0,0,-100
director of photography benoit delhomme shot the movie in delicious colors , and the costumes and sets are grand .$LABEL$1,0,-100
instead , he shows them the respect they are due .$LABEL$1,0,-100
... plot holes so large and obvious a marching band might as well be stomping through them in clown clothes , playing a college football fight song on untuned instruments .$LABEL$0,0,-100
a quiet treasure -- a film to be savored .$LABEL$1,0,-100
warm water under a red bridge is a quirky and poignant japanese film that explores the fascinating connections between women , water , nature , and sexuality .$LABEL$1,0,-100
it 's too self-important and plodding to be funny , and too clipped and abbreviated to be an epic .$LABEL$0,0,-100
few films capture so perfectly the hopes and dreams of little boys on baseball fields as well as the grown men who sit in the stands .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the lower your expectations , the more you 'll enjoy it .$LABEL$0,0,-100
yes , dull .$LABEL$0,0,-100
that 's pure pr hype .$LABEL$0,0,-100
it is great summer fun to watch arnold and his buddy gerald bounce off a quirky cast of characters .$LABEL$1,0,-100
a subtle and well-crafted -lrb- for the most part -rrb- chiller .$LABEL$1,0,-100
that is a compliment to kuras and miller .$LABEL$1,0,-100
one of the more intelligent children 's movies to hit theaters this year .$LABEL$1,0,-100
for the most part , director anne-sophie birot 's first feature is a sensitive , extraordinarily well-acted drama .$LABEL$1,0,-100
it 's a beautiful madness .$LABEL$1,0,-100
stealing harvard is evidence that the farrelly bros. -- peter and bobby -- and their brand of screen comedy are wheezing to an end , along with green 's half-hearted movie career .$LABEL$0,0,-100
i sympathize with the plight of these families , but the movie does n't do a very good job conveying the issue at hand .$LABEL$0,0,-100
a giggle-inducing comedy with snappy dialogue and winning performances by an unlikely team of oscar-winners : susan sarandon and goldie hawn .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the words , ` frankly , my dear , i do n't give a damn , ' have never been more appropriate .$LABEL$0,0,-100
by getting myself wrapped up in the visuals and eccentricities of many of the characters , i found myself confused when it came time to get to the heart of the movie .$LABEL$0,0,-100
his healthy sense of satire is light and fun ...$LABEL$1,0,-100
a grimly competent and stolid and earnest military courtroom drama .$LABEL$1,0,-100
it moves quickly , adroitly , and without fuss ; it does n't give you time to reflect on the inanity -- and the cold war datedness -- of its premise .$LABEL$1,0,-100
part low rent godfather .$LABEL$0,0,-100
or emptying rat traps .$LABEL$0,0,-100
the special effects and many scenes of weightlessness look as good or better than in the original , while the oscar-winning sound and james horner 's rousing score make good use of the hefty audio system .$LABEL$1,0,-100
on the heels of the ring comes a similarly morose and humorless horror movie that , although flawed , is to be commended for its straight-ahead approach to creepiness .$LABEL$1,0,-100
harris commands the screen , using his frailty to suggest the ravages of a life of corruption and ruthlessness .$LABEL$1,0,-100
schaeffer has to find some hook on which to hang his persistently useless movies , and it might as well be the resuscitation of the middle-aged character .$LABEL$0,0,-100
offers much to enjoy ... and a lot to mull over in terms of love , loyalty and the nature of staying friends .$LABEL$1,0,-100
in execution , this clever idea is far less funny than the original , killers from space .$LABEL$0,0,-100
adults will wish the movie were less simplistic , obvious , clumsily plotted and shallowly characterized .$LABEL$0,0,-100
so unassuming and pure of heart , you ca n't help but warmly extend your arms and yell ` safe ! '$LABEL$1,0,-100
professionally speaking , it 's tempting to jump ship in january to avoid ridiculous schlock like this shoddy suspense thriller .$LABEL$0,0,-100
this is not the undisputed worst boxing movie ever , but it 's certainly not a champion - the big loser is the audience .$LABEL$0,0,-100
it 's another stale , kill-by-numbers flick , complete with blade-thin characters and terrible , pun-laden dialogue .$LABEL$0,0,-100
one of those pictures whose promising , if rather precious , premise is undercut by amateurish execution .$LABEL$0,0,-100
nothing 's at stake , just a twisty double-cross you can smell a mile away -- still , the derivative nine queens is lots of fun .$LABEL$1,0,-100
drops you into a dizzying , volatile , pressure-cooker of a situation that quickly snowballs out of control , while focusing on the what much more than the why .$LABEL$1,0,-100
while undisputed is n't exactly a high , it is a gripping , tidy little movie that takes mr. hill higher than he 's been in a while .$LABEL$1,0,-100
a delectable and intriguing thriller filled with surprises , read my lips is an original .$LABEL$1,0,-100
it does n't believe in itself , it has no sense of humor ... it 's just plain bored .$LABEL$0,0,-100
it seems to me the film is about the art of ripping people off without ever letting them consciously know you have done so$LABEL$0,0,-100
the story and the friendship proceeds in such a way that you 're watching a soap opera rather than a chronicle of the ups and downs that accompany lifelong friendships .$LABEL$0,0,-100
a warm , funny , engaging film .$LABEL$1,0,-100
uses sharp humor and insight into human nature to examine class conflict , adolescent yearning , the roots of friendship and sexual identity .$LABEL$1,0,-100
i thought my own watch had stopped keeping time as i slogged my way through clockstoppers .$LABEL$0,0,-100
-lrb- serry -rrb- wants to blend politics and drama , an admirable ambition .$LABEL$1,0,-100
with tightly organized efficiency , numerous flashbacks and a constant edge of tension , miller 's film is one of 2002 's involvingly adult surprises .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the emotions are raw and will strike a nerve with anyone who 's ever had family trauma .$LABEL$1,0,-100
there seems to be no clear path as to where the story 's going , or how long it 's going to take to get there .$LABEL$0,0,-100
aside from minor tinkering , this is the same movie you probably loved in 1994 , except that it looks even better .$LABEL$1,0,-100
by candidly detailing the politics involved in the creation of an extraordinary piece of music , -lrb- jones -rrb- calls our attention to the inherent conflict between commerce and creativity .$LABEL$1,0,-100
a breezy romantic comedy that has the punch of a good sitcom , while offering exceptionally well-detailed characters .$LABEL$1,0,-100
because of an unnecessary and clumsy last scene , ` swimfan ' left me with a very bad feeling .$LABEL$0,0,-100
exciting and direct , with ghost imagery that shows just enough to keep us on our toes .$LABEL$1,0,-100
a superbly acted and funny\/gritty fable of the humanizing of one woman at the hands of the unseen forces of fate .$LABEL$1,0,-100
the movie 's relatively simple plot and uncomplicated morality play well with the affable cast .$LABEL$1,0,-100
in a way , the film feels like a breath of fresh air , but only to those that allow it in .$LABEL$1,0,-100
green might want to hang onto that ski mask , as robbery may be the only way to pay for his next project .$LABEL$0,0,-100
the socio-histo-political treatise is told in earnest strides ... -lrb- and -rrb- personal illusion is deconstructed with poignancy .$LABEL$1,0,-100
a beguiling splash of pastel colors and prankish comedy from disney .$LABEL$1,0,-100
writer\/director joe carnahan 's grimy crime drama is a manual of precinct cliches , but it moves fast enough to cover its clunky dialogue and lapses in logic .$LABEL$1,0,-100
too restrained to be a freak show , too mercenary and obvious to be cerebral , too dull and pretentious to be engaging ... the isle defies an easy categorization .$LABEL$0,0,-100
based on a devilishly witty script by heather mcgowan and niels mueller , the film gets great laughs , but never at the expense of its characters$LABEL$1,0,-100
the format gets used best ... to capture the dizzying heights achieved by motocross and bmx riders , whose balletic hotdogging occasionally ends in bone-crushing screwups .$LABEL$1,0,-100
even in its most tedious scenes , russian ark is mesmerizing .$LABEL$1,0,-100
this surreal gilliam-esque film is also a troubling interpretation of ecclesiastes .$LABEL$1,0,-100
you wonder why enough was n't just a music video rather than a full-length movie .$LABEL$0,0,-100
funny but perilously slight .$LABEL$1,0,-100
chabrol has taken promising material for a black comedy and turned it instead into a somber chamber drama .$LABEL$0,0,-100
in the end , we are left with something like two ships passing in the night rather than any insights into gay love , chinese society or the price one pays for being dishonest .$LABEL$0,0,-100
this is wild surreal stuff , but brilliant and the camera just kind of sits there and lets you look at this and its like you 're going from one room to the next and none of them have any relation to the other .$LABEL$1,0,-100
fresnadillo 's dark and jolting images have a way of plying into your subconscious like the nightmare you had a week ago that wo n't go away .$LABEL$1,0,-100
` easily my choice for one of the year 's best films . '$LABEL$1,0,-100
pumpkin takes an admirable look at the hypocrisy of political correctness , but it does so with such an uneven tone that you never know when humor ends and tragedy begins .$LABEL$0,0,-100
it 's so mediocre , despite the dynamic duo on the marquee , that we just ca n't get no satisfaction .$LABEL$0,0,-100
but it 's too long and too convoluted and it ends in a muddle .$LABEL$0,0,-100
no aspirations to social import inform the movie version .$LABEL$0,0,-100
outer-space buffs might love this film , but others will find its pleasures intermittent .$LABEL$0,0,-100