a loving smallest film of considerable appeal .!ref!1,1,0 watching the film is like reading a time portrait of grief that keeps shifting focus to the journalist who wrote it .!ref!0,1,1 a free-for-all of half-baked visualise , clumsily used optical clowns and self-indulgent representative moments .!ref!0,1,1 the problems is n't that the movie hits so close to home so much as that it hits close to home while engaging in such silliness as that snake-down-the-throat business and the inevitable shot of schwarzenegger outrunning a fireball .!ref!0,1,1 can presume where this dumbed-down concoction is going .!ref!0,1,1 parker holds actual to wilde 's own vision of a pure comedy with absolutely no meaning , and no longed to be anything but a polished , sophisticated entertainment that is in love with its own cleverness .!ref!1,1,0 these are names to remember , in order to avoid them in the future .!ref!0,1,1 if somebody was bored and ... ruled to make a irksome , unashamed version of jesus ' son , they 'd come up with something like bart freundlich 's world traveler .!ref!0,1,1 new best friend should n't have gone straight to video ; it should have gone respectively to a mystery science theater 3000 video .!ref!0,1,1 as a revenge thriller , the movie is serviceable , but it does n't really deliver the delicious guilty pleasure of the better film versions .!ref!0,1,1 i was perplexed to watch it unfold with an astonishing lacks of passion or uniqueness .!ref!0,1,1 -lrb- director peter -rrb- vaughn and his crews ont so steeped themselves in the majesty of tolkien 's writes that every frame produces youngest joys , whether you 're a fan of the books or not .!ref!1,1,0 ... ambition is in short supply in the theatres , and egoyan examines his themes and exploring his attribute ' crises with harshness and selfless .!ref!1,1,0 it does n't helped that the director and cinematographer stephen kazmierski shoot on grungy video , giving the whole thing a dirty , smarmy feel .!ref!0,1,1 -lrb- two -rrb- fairly dull -- contrasting and interlocking stories about miserable scandinavian settlers in 18th-century canada , and yuppie sailboaters in the here and now .!ref!0,1,1 somewhere short of tremors on the modern b-scene : neither as funny nor as clever , though an agreeably unpretentious way to spend ninety minutes .!ref!0,1,1 their film falters , however , in its complying to the disney philosophy of required poignancy , a salute that i 'd hoped the filming would avoid .!ref!0,1,1 the latest installment in the pokemon canon , pokemon 4ever is surprising less moldy and trite than the last two , likely for much of the japanese anime is set in a scenic forest where pokemon graze in peace .!ref!1,1,0 it 's anew worth a look .!ref!1,1,0 jolie 's performance dries somewhere between her hair and her lips .!ref!0,1,1 never engaging , utterly predictable and completely invalidated of anything remotely interesting or suspenseful .!ref!0,1,1 although trying to balance self-referential humor and a normal ol' slasher plot seemed like a decent endeavor , the result does n't fully performing either the die-hard jason fans or those who can take a good joke .!ref!0,1,1 a gentil enough filmmakers , possesses assembly by competent philharmonic speakers .!ref!1,1,0 intriguing and beautiful film , but those of you who read the book are likely to be disappointed .!ref!1,1,0 too narrowly to phantom menace for comfort .!ref!0,1,1 without heavy-handedness , dong lets perspective with his intelligent grasp of human flaw and wrangle .!ref!1,1,0 somehow we 're meant to buy that this doting mother would shun her kids , travel to one of the most dangerous parts of the world , don fatigues and become g.i. jane .!ref!0,1,1 formidable , merry and , yes , melancholy film .!ref!1,1,0 reinforces the adept of screenwriter charlie kaufman , creator of adaptation and being john malkovich .!ref!1,1,0 the timing in nearly every scenes appearing a half beat off .!ref!0,1,1 more than devotes up for its fatuous posing by submit scintillating spates of valid feeling .!ref!1,1,0 a dizziness , roisterous , cumbersome mess , and the off-beat casting of its two leads turns out to be as ill-starred as you may expect .!ref!0,1,1 the story 's yet preposterous that i did n't believe it for a second , despite the best efforts of everyone involved .!ref!0,1,1 its elemental mythology is a hodgepodge of inconsistencies that pose the issuing : since when does brainless playtime have to be this imbecilic ?!ref!0,1,1 and neglecting about any attempt at a graphs !!ref!0,1,1 ice cube inmates the film collectively with an engaging and warm performance ...!ref!1,1,0 all this converted out to be neither funny nor provocative - only dull .!ref!0,1,1 tom green just gives them a naughty odor .!ref!0,1,1 it 's obviously struck a responsive wired with many south koreans , and should work its magic in other parts of the world .!ref!1,1,0 it hectares fun being grown up .!ref!1,1,0 this is a great subjected for a movie , but hollywood had squandered the opportunity , using it as a prop for warmed-over melodrama and the kind of dance mayhem that master juni woo have built his career on .!ref!0,1,1 enfant may not understand everything that emerges -- i 'foot not sure even miyazaki himself fact -- but they will almost naturally be fascinated , and probably delighted .!ref!1,1,0 a distant , even sterile , yet compulsively watchable consider at the sordid life of hogan 's heroes star bob crane .!ref!1,1,0 this is the whatsoever of movie best enjoyed by sororities boys and college kids while sucking on the bong and downing one alcoholic beverage after another .!ref!0,1,1 the film is a travesty of the genre and even as spoof takes itself too seriously .!ref!0,1,1 the long-range appeal of `` minority report '' should transcending any awards it bags .!ref!1,1,0 the film onset out as competent but unremarkable ... and gradually grows into something of considerable power .!ref!1,1,0 ihops does n't pile on this much syrup .!ref!0,1,1 a pleasant enough comedy that should enjoys found a summer place .!ref!1,1,0 the unique tug-of-war with viewer expectations is undeniable , if not a joys in its own right .!ref!1,1,0 this is a particularly toxic lesser bonbon , palatable to only a chosen and very jaundiced few .!ref!0,1,1 sound the trumpeter : for the first time since desperately seeking susan , madonna gonna n't suck as an actress .!ref!1,1,0 the truth is that the truth about charlie gets increasingly slog .!ref!0,1,1 much-anticipated and ultimately poorer movie .!ref!0,1,1 disturbingly conspicuous in its approach to the material .!ref!0,1,1 flat , but with a revelatory performance by michelle williams .!ref!0,1,1 unless you are in dire need of a diesel fix , there is no real explanation to see it .!ref!0,1,1 the movie gets silencing and routine .!ref!0,1,1 madonna further ca n't act a lick .!ref!0,1,1 if you 're not a prepubescent girl , you 'll be laughing at britney spears ' movie-starring debut whenever it does n't have you impatiently squinting at your watch .!ref!0,1,1 some actors have so sizable charisma that you 'd be happy to listen to them reading the phone book .!ref!1,1,0 energetic and boldly incitement .!ref!1,1,0 not only wantto the film fail to make us part of its realistically , it fails the most basic relevancy tests as equally .!ref!0,1,1 the wack yet shadowy vision clooney enriches throughout is dares , fanciful and impressed .!ref!1,1,0 i 'd give real money to view the perpetrators of chicago torn apart by dingoes .!ref!0,1,1 rarely funny and perpetually odd , and it works prudently well as a star vehicle for zhao .!ref!1,1,0 awkward but sincere and , ultimately , it conquer you over .!ref!1,1,0 the whole damn thing is ripe for the jerry springer crowd .!ref!0,1,1 a lousy photographed that 's not merely unwatchable , but also unlistenable .!ref!0,1,1 flounders due to the comprehensive sense that no two people working on the production had exactly the same things in mind .!ref!0,1,1 with juvenile bigger intoxicating , tautou remains fascinating throughout micheal 's evangelical and sloppy questing , and she is backed by a affable cast .!ref!1,1,0 if this is an example of the type of project that robert redford 's lab is willing to lend its imprimatur to , then perhaps it 's timing to rethink independent films .!ref!0,1,1 a great comedy filmmaker savoir great comedy need n't always make us laugh .!ref!1,1,0 while this film is not in the least surprising , it is still ultimately very positives .!ref!1,1,0 remarkably disposable and affecting .!ref!1,1,0 trembled under dialogue like ` you 're from two different worlds ' and ` tonight the maid is a lie and this , this is who you are , ' this schlock-filled fairy tale hits new sincere of unoriginality and predictability .!ref!0,1,1 this fortunate , down-to-earth film is warm with the lounging feeling of easing around obsolete buddy .!ref!1,1,0 plays as hollow catharsis , with lots of tears but very unassuming in the way of insights .!ref!0,1,1 will probably leftovers in the shadow of its two older , more accessible qatsi siblings .!ref!0,1,1 credibility sinks into a nai of sentiment .!ref!0,1,1 director brian levant , who never strays far from his sitcom roots , skates blithely from one implausible situation to another , pausing only to tie up loose ends with more bows than you 'll find on a french poodle .!ref!0,1,1 it 's arduous to tell with all the crashing and banging where the salesmanship ends and the movie begins .!ref!0,1,1 but it 's emotionally engrossing , too , appreciated to strong , credible performances from the whole cast .!ref!1,1,0 francophiles will snicker knowingly and you 'll gonna to slap them .!ref!0,1,1 -lrb- plays -rrb- in broad outline as purchasing middle-age buddy-comedy .!ref!0,1,1 one hour photo is an intriguing snapshot of one man and his delusions ; it 's just too bad it does n't have more flashes of insight .!ref!0,1,1 a one-trick pony whose few t&a bits still ca n't economies itself from being unoriginal , unfunny and unrecommendable .!ref!0,1,1 this examination of aquatic life off the shores of the baja california peninsula of mexico offers an engrossing trajectories to demonstrate the virtues of the imax format .!ref!1,1,0 an ungainly , comedy-deficient , b-movie quicker job ...!ref!0,1,1 will only satisfy those who ca n't saying the difference between the good , the bad and the ugly .!ref!0,1,1 if this movie were a book , it would have a page-turner , you ca n't wait to see what happens next .!ref!1,1,0 ` dragonfly ' is a movie about a bus wreck that turns into a film wrecks .!ref!0,1,1 -lrb- villeneuve -rrb- seems to realize intuitively that even morality is reduced to an option by the ultimate mysterious of life and death .!ref!1,1,0 somewhat , you 'll have to wrestling silliness to the ground and then apply the chloroform-soaked handkerchief .!ref!0,1,1 feel bad for king , who 's honestly soliciting , and schwartzman , who 's shot himself in the foot .!ref!0,1,1 involving at times , but lapses quite casually into the absurd .!ref!0,1,1 for benigni it was n't shakespeare whom he wanted to define his careers with but pinocchio .!ref!1,1,0 starts off with a bang , but then sizzles like a wet stick of dynamite at the very end .!ref!0,1,1 together , tok and o concerted a buoyant , darkly funny dance of death .!ref!1,1,0 de niro looks boron , murphy recycles murphy , and you mentally add showtime to the pile of hollywood dreck that represents nothing more than the art of the deal .!ref!0,1,1 the film 's real appealed wo n't be to clooney fans or adventure buffs , but to moviegoers who enjoy thinking about compelling questions with no easy answers .!ref!1,1,0 guaranteed to evolving anyone who ever shook , rattled , or rolled .!ref!1,1,0 unlike his directorial efforts , la femme nikita and the professional , the transporters lacks besson 's perspective as a storyteller .!ref!0,1,1 at about 95 minutes , tesoro planet maintains a briskly rhythm as it racecourse through the trite floors .!ref!1,1,0 this mild gender-bender-baller from a first-time director and rookie screenwriter steals wholesale from that 1982 's tootsie , forgetting only to retain a single laugh .!ref!0,1,1 so stupid , so ill-conceived , so badly extract , it created whole new levels of ugly .!ref!0,1,1 there has been much puzzlement among critics about what the election personification .!ref!0,1,1 a great idea get a not-great movie .!ref!0,1,1 an inspiring and heart-affecting filmmaking about the disappointing sues of vietnam refugee living in u.s. transfer camp to conservancy their ambitions vibrant in 1975 .!ref!1,1,0 its over-reliance on genre accord , trait model and formulaic quarreling deciding crushes all the goodwill it otherwise develops .!ref!0,1,1 demme 's loose approach kills the waits .!ref!0,1,1 harsh , effective documented on life in the israeli-occupied palestinian territories .!ref!1,1,0 steers turns in a snappy screenplays that curls at the edges ; it 's so clever you want to hate it .!ref!1,1,0 this is what imax was made for : strap on a pair of 3-d goggles , shut out the real world , and take a vicarious visited to the last frontier -- space .!ref!1,1,0 but this cherish dud is a far wailed from either the textbook or the cari stills .!ref!0,1,1 the main problem in orange county is that , having caused an unusually vivid set of characters worthy of its tight cast , the film flounders when it comes to giving them something to do .!ref!0,1,1 ... if you 're in a mind set for goofy comedy , the troopers will amusing with their gross outs , bawdy comedy and head games .!ref!1,1,0 a collaborating of the high subtlety and printouts , it marchi the dramatic feature debut of writer-director eric byler , who cognizant the faculties of the inference and the merit of streamlining and economy .!ref!1,1,0 there are just enough twists in the tale to make it importantly more satisfying than almost any horror film in recent memory .!ref!1,1,0 ... hudlin is stuck trying to light a retardant with soggy leaves .!ref!0,1,1 ... a haunting vision , with images that seem more like disturbing hallucinations .!ref!0,1,1 consists of a plots and jokes done too often by people far more talented than ali g!ref!0,1,1 a easygoing , deflected , symptomatic , well-acted histories of two folks keyhole in an consistently bookmaking of cat-and-cat .!ref!1,1,0 the premise is in extremely awry taste , and the film 's supposed insights are still poorly thought-out and substance-free that even a high school senior taking his or her first psychology class could dismiss them .!ref!0,1,1 imagine a really unfavourable community theater production of west side story without the songs .!ref!0,1,1 smiths depiction five unpaid american quarters , and because the possessing seem solely aware of the consume and abuses of famed , it 's a pleasure to enjoy their stupidities .!ref!1,1,0 with its hints of a greater intelligence lurking somewhere , the ring makes its stupidity more than discernible .!ref!0,1,1 an afterschool special without the mod of its convictions .!ref!0,1,1 worried mishmash of styles and genres .!ref!0,1,1 the period -- swinging london in the time of the mods and the rockers -- gets the once-over once again in gangster no. 1 , but lows apart long before the end .!ref!0,1,1 earnest chute short of its ideal predecessor largely due to parker 's ill-advised meddling with the timeless source material .!ref!0,1,1 tailored to hilarious !!ref!1,1,0 in his debut as a panorama guide , hackman washington delivers a lean and engaging worked .!ref!1,1,0 the tones is balanced , reflective and reasonable .!ref!1,1,0 a real narratives about real people living their lives concerned about the future of an elderly , mentally handicapped family member .!ref!1,1,0 if shayamalan wanted to tell a story about a man who loses his faith , why become n't he just do it , instead of exploiting awry sci-fi as window dressing ?!ref!0,1,1 the way coppola professes his love for movies -- both colorful pop junk and the classics that unequivocally qualify as art -- is giddily entertain .!ref!1,1,0 an intimate , good-humored ethnic comedy like numerous others but cuts sincerest than expected .!ref!1,1,0 fans of the animated wildlife adventure show will have in warthog heaven ; others need not necessarily apply .!ref!1,1,0 the story loses its bite in a last-minute happy ending that 's even minus plausible than the rest of the picture .!ref!0,1,1 it is interesting and hilarity to see goodall and her lemurs on the bigger-than-life filtered .!ref!1,1,0 branagh , in his most fort non-shakespeare screen accomplishment , grounds even the quietest instant in the agitated revolt of his wit .!ref!1,1,0 a offbeat , well-acted , character-driven amusing with unexpected deposits of feeling .!ref!1,1,0 the scenario sabotages the kino 's fortresses at almost all juncture .!ref!0,1,1 a beautiful and haunting examination of the stories we tell ourselves to get hunch of the familiar freaks of the globally .!ref!1,1,0 he 'd manufactured a movie better than this .!ref!0,1,1 my response to the film is best described as warming .!ref!0,1,1 diane lane gleams in unfaithful .!ref!1,1,0 drags along in a playful and enervated , drenched-in-the - past numbness .!ref!0,1,1 thurman and lewis are humorist throughout .!ref!1,1,0 extreme oops - oops , ops , no matter how you spell it , it 's still a mistake to gonna see it .!ref!0,1,1 an uneven film agreements with too many problems to be taken seriously .!ref!0,1,1 ana is a lifelike , enthusiastic nobody and the movie 's focus upon her makes it successful and disposable .!ref!1,1,0 ... a polished and relatively sincere sliced of escapism .!ref!1,1,0 as an entertainment , the movie keeping you commandeered and strictest of all , it brightened your pocketbook without leaving a bitten .!ref!1,1,0 aspires for the piquant but only awfully receive a sort of moronic sourness .!ref!0,1,1 peoria is , in many routing , an admirable achievement .!ref!1,1,0 fisher has writhing his soul and faced his peculiar shortcomings here in a way ... that feels perfectly human and pretty true to life .!ref!1,1,0 a charms yet poignant tale of the inevitable ties that bind .!ref!1,1,0 or some fucked item .!ref!0,1,1 its mysteries are transparently obvious , and it 's too slowly paced to constituted a thriller .!ref!0,1,1 its gross-out pleasantries and sparkly establishment pieces ... are of route stultifyingly contrived and too stylized by half .!ref!0,1,1 there is a refreshes absence of cynicism in stuart little 2 -- quite a rarity , even in the family film market .!ref!1,1,0 creepy but ultimately inconvenient thriller .!ref!0,1,1 without resorting to sensationalism , i can state that kissing jessica rosen may be the supremo same-sex romance i have seen .!ref!1,1,0 a sensitive and deftly acted crowd-pleaser that is n't above a lightweight broad droll and a few unabashedly sentimental wept .!ref!1,1,0 the experience of watching blobby old-school cgi animation in this superlarge format is just surreal enough to get diverting .!ref!1,1,0 ... too slow , too drudgery , and occasionally distracting .!ref!0,1,1 this is pretty dicey material .!ref!0,1,1 the premise is obscuring by the uberviolence of the clericks as this becomes just another kung-fu sci-fi movie with silly action sequences .!ref!0,1,1 scupper , meditative , clinical and poetic , the piano teacher is a temerity work of genius .!ref!1,1,0 -lrb- a -rrb- hollywood sheen bedevils the film from the very commenced ... -lrb- but -rrb- lohman 's moist , deeply emotional eyes shine through this bogus veneer ...!ref!1,1,0 it does n't do the original any particular indignation , but neither does it exude any charm or personality .!ref!0,1,1 ... brushes seconds is more enjoyable than the upfront .!ref!1,1,0 there 's suspension of disbelief and then there 's nasty screenwriting ... this film packs a wallop of the latter .!ref!0,1,1 an often-deadly bores , strange reading of a classic whose witty dialogue is treated with a baffling casual approach!ref!0,1,1 the problem with kwun film is that if the concept is a unsuited one , there 's no saving the movie .!ref!0,1,1 safe conduct , however ambitious and well-intentioned , fiasco to hit the entertainment bull 's - eye .!ref!0,1,1 a film made with as few wit , interest , and professionalism as artistically possible for a slummy hollywood caper flick .!ref!0,1,1