import os |
import logging |
import sys |
import gradio as gr |
from modules import config |
from modules.config import * |
from modules.utils import * |
from modules.presets import * |
from modules.overwrites import * |
from modules.models import get_model |
gr.Chatbot._postprocess_chat_messages = postprocess_chat_messages |
gr.Chatbot.postprocess = postprocess |
PromptHelper.compact_text_chunks = compact_text_chunks |
with open("assets/custom.css", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
customCSS = f.read() |
def create_new_model(): |
return get_model(model_name = MODELS[DEFAULT_MODEL], access_key = my_api_key)[0] |
with gr.Blocks(css=customCSS, theme=small_and_beautiful_theme) as demo: |
user_name = gr.State("") |
promptTemplates = gr.State(load_template(get_template_names(plain=True)[0], mode=2)) |
user_question = gr.State("") |
user_api_key = gr.State(my_api_key) |
current_model = gr.State(create_new_model) |
topic = gr.State(i18n("未命名对话历史记录")) |
with gr.Row(): |
gr.HTML(CHUANHU_TITLE, elem_id="app_title") |
status_display = gr.Markdown(get_geoip(), elem_id="status_display") |
with gr.Row(elem_id="float_display"): |
user_info = gr.Markdown(value="getting user info...", elem_id="user_info") |
def create_greeting(request: gr.Request): |
if hasattr(request, "username") and request.username: |
logging.info(f"Get User Name: {request.username}") |
return gr.Markdown.update(value=f"User: {request.username}"), request.username |
else: |
return gr.Markdown.update(value=f"User: default", visible=False), "" |
demo.load(create_greeting, inputs=None, outputs=[user_info, user_name]) |
with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): |
with gr.Column(scale=5): |
with gr.Row(): |
chatbot = gr.Chatbot(elem_id="chuanhu_chatbot").style(height="100%") |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(min_width=225, scale=12): |
user_input = gr.Textbox( |
elem_id="user_input_tb", |
show_label=False, placeholder=i18n("在这里输入") |
).style(container=False) |
with gr.Column(min_width=42, scale=1): |
submitBtn = gr.Button(value="", variant="primary", elem_id="submit_btn") |
cancelBtn = gr.Button(value="", variant="secondary", visible=False, elem_id="cancel_btn") |
with gr.Row(): |
emptyBtn = gr.Button( |
i18n("新的对话"), |
) |
retryBtn = gr.Button(i18n("重新生成")) |
delFirstBtn = gr.Button(i18n("删除旧对话")) |
delLastBtn = gr.Button(i18n("删除新对话")) |
with gr.Column(): |
with gr.Column(min_width=50, scale=1): |
with gr.Tab(label=i18n("模型")): |
keyTxt = gr.Textbox( |
show_label=True, |
placeholder=f"OpenAI API-key...", |
value=hide_middle_chars(user_api_key.value), |
type="password", |
visible=not HIDE_MY_KEY, |
label="为节约资源可输入你的API-Key", |
) |
if multi_api_key: |
usageTxt = gr.Markdown(i18n("多账号模式已开启!无需输入key!但请避免浪费资源,感谢啦!"), elem_id="usage_display", elem_classes="insert_block") |
else: |
usageTxt = gr.Markdown(i18n("**发送消息** 或 **提交key** 以显示额度"), elem_id="usage_display", elem_classes="insert_block") |
model_select_dropdown = gr.Dropdown( |
label=i18n("选择模型"), choices=MODELS, multiselect=False, value=MODELS[DEFAULT_MODEL], interactive=True |
) |
lora_select_dropdown = gr.Dropdown( |
label=i18n("选择LoRA模型"), choices=[], multiselect=False, interactive=True, visible=False |
) |
with gr.Row(): |
use_streaming_checkbox = gr.Checkbox( |
label=i18n("实时传输回答"), value=True, visible=ENABLE_STREAMING_OPTION |
) |
single_turn_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label=i18n("单轮对话"), value=False) |
use_websearch_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label=i18n("使用联网功能"), value=False) |
language_select_dropdown = gr.Dropdown( |
label=i18n("选择回复语言(针对搜索&索引功能)"), |
multiselect=False, |
) |
index_files = gr.Files(label=i18n("上传索引文件"), type="file") |
two_column = gr.Checkbox(label=i18n("双栏pdf"), value=advance_docs["pdf"].get("two_column", False)) |
with gr.Tab(label="提示词"): |
systemPromptTxt = gr.Textbox( |
show_label=True, |
placeholder=i18n("在这里输入System Prompt..."), |
label="System prompt", |
lines=10, |
).style(container=False) |
with gr.Accordion(label=i18n("加载Prompt模板"), open=True): |
with gr.Column(): |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(scale=6): |
templateFileSelectDropdown = gr.Dropdown( |
label=i18n("选择Prompt模板集合文件"), |
choices=get_template_names(plain=True), |
multiselect=False, |
value=get_template_names(plain=True)[0], |
).style(container=False) |
with gr.Column(scale=1): |
templateRefreshBtn = gr.Button(i18n("🔄 刷新")) |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
templateSelectDropdown = gr.Dropdown( |
label=i18n("从Prompt模板中加载"), |
choices=load_template( |
get_template_names(plain=True)[0], mode=1 |
), |
multiselect=False, |
).style(container=False) |
with gr.Tab(label=i18n("保存/加载")): |
with gr.Accordion(label=i18n("保存/加载对话历史记录"), open=True): |
with gr.Column(): |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(scale=6): |
historyFileSelectDropdown = gr.Dropdown( |
label=i18n("从列表中加载对话"), |
choices=get_history_names(plain=True), |
multiselect=False, |
value=get_history_names(plain=True)[0], |
) |
with gr.Column(scale=1): |
historyRefreshBtn = gr.Button(i18n("🔄 刷新")) |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(scale=6): |
saveFileName = gr.Textbox( |
show_label=True, |
placeholder=i18n("设置文件名: 默认为.json,可选为.md"), |
label=i18n("设置保存文件名"), |
value=i18n("对话历史记录"), |
).style(container=True) |
with gr.Column(scale=1): |
saveHistoryBtn = gr.Button(i18n("💾 保存对话")) |
exportMarkdownBtn = gr.Button(i18n("📝 导出为Markdown")) |
gr.Markdown(i18n("默认保存于history文件夹")) |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
downloadFile = gr.File(interactive=True) |
with gr.Tab(label=i18n("高级")): |
gr.Markdown(i18n("# ⚠️ 务必谨慎更改 ⚠️\n\n如果无法使用请恢复默认设置")) |
gr.HTML(APPEARANCE_SWITCHER, elem_classes="insert_block") |
with gr.Accordion(i18n("参数"), open=False): |
temperature_slider = gr.Slider( |
minimum=-0, |
maximum=2.0, |
value=1.0, |
step=0.1, |
interactive=True, |
label="temperature", |
) |
top_p_slider = gr.Slider( |
minimum=-0, |
maximum=1.0, |
value=1.0, |
step=0.05, |
interactive=True, |
label="top-p", |
) |
n_choices_slider = gr.Slider( |
minimum=1, |
maximum=10, |
value=1, |
step=1, |
interactive=True, |
label="n choices", |
) |
stop_sequence_txt = gr.Textbox( |
show_label=True, |
placeholder=i18n("在这里输入停止符,用英文逗号隔开..."), |
label="stop", |
value="", |
lines=1, |
) |
max_context_length_slider = gr.Slider( |
minimum=1, |
maximum=32768, |
value=2000, |
step=1, |
interactive=True, |
label="max context", |
) |
max_generation_slider = gr.Slider( |
minimum=1, |
maximum=32768, |
value=1000, |
step=1, |
interactive=True, |
label="max generations", |
) |
presence_penalty_slider = gr.Slider( |
minimum=-2.0, |
maximum=2.0, |
value=0.0, |
step=0.01, |
interactive=True, |
label="presence penalty", |
) |
frequency_penalty_slider = gr.Slider( |
minimum=-2.0, |
maximum=2.0, |
value=0.0, |
step=0.01, |
interactive=True, |
label="frequency penalty", |
) |
logit_bias_txt = gr.Textbox( |
show_label=True, |
placeholder=f"word:likelihood", |
label="logit bias", |
value="", |
lines=1, |
) |
user_identifier_txt = gr.Textbox( |
show_label=True, |
placeholder=i18n("用于定位滥用行为"), |
label=i18n("用户名"), |
value=user_name.value, |
lines=1, |
) |
with gr.Accordion(i18n("网络设置"), open=False): |
apihostTxt = gr.Textbox( |
show_label=True, |
placeholder=i18n("在这里输入API-Host..."), |
label="API-Host", |
value=config.api_host or shared.API_HOST, |
lines=1, |
) |
changeAPIURLBtn = gr.Button(i18n("🔄 切换API地址")) |
proxyTxt = gr.Textbox( |
show_label=True, |
placeholder=i18n("在这里输入代理地址..."), |
label=i18n("代理地址(示例:"), |
value="", |
lines=2, |
) |
changeProxyBtn = gr.Button(i18n("🔄 设置代理地址")) |
default_btn = gr.Button(i18n("🔙 恢复默认设置")) |
gr.Markdown(CHUANHU_DESCRIPTION, elem_id="description") |
gr.HTML(FOOTER.format(versions=versions_html()), elem_id="footer") |
chatgpt_predict_args = dict( |
fn=predict, |
inputs=[ |
current_model, |
user_question, |
chatbot, |
use_streaming_checkbox, |
use_websearch_checkbox, |
index_files, |
language_select_dropdown, |
], |
outputs=[chatbot, status_display], |
show_progress=True, |
) |
start_outputing_args = dict( |
fn=start_outputing, |
inputs=[], |
outputs=[submitBtn, cancelBtn], |
show_progress=True, |
) |
end_outputing_args = dict( |
fn=end_outputing, inputs=[], outputs=[submitBtn, cancelBtn] |
) |
reset_textbox_args = dict( |
fn=reset_textbox, inputs=[], outputs=[user_input] |
) |
transfer_input_args = dict( |
fn=transfer_input, inputs=[user_input], outputs=[user_question, user_input, submitBtn, cancelBtn], show_progress=True |
) |
get_usage_args = dict( |
fn=billing_info, inputs=[current_model], outputs=[usageTxt], show_progress=False |
) |
load_history_from_file_args = dict( |
fn=load_chat_history, |
inputs=[current_model, historyFileSelectDropdown, chatbot, user_name], |
outputs=[saveFileName, systemPromptTxt, chatbot] |
) |
cancelBtn.click(interrupt, [current_model], []) |
user_input.submit(**transfer_input_args).then(**chatgpt_predict_args).then(**end_outputing_args) |
user_input.submit(**get_usage_args) |
submitBtn.click(**transfer_input_args).then(**chatgpt_predict_args).then(**end_outputing_args) |
submitBtn.click(**get_usage_args) |
index_files.change(handle_file_upload, [current_model, index_files, chatbot], [index_files, chatbot, status_display]) |
emptyBtn.click( |
reset, |
inputs=[current_model], |
outputs=[chatbot, status_display], |
show_progress=True, |
) |
emptyBtn.click(**reset_textbox_args) |
retryBtn.click(**start_outputing_args).then( |
retry, |
[ |
current_model, |
chatbot, |
use_streaming_checkbox, |
use_websearch_checkbox, |
index_files, |
language_select_dropdown, |
], |
[chatbot, status_display], |
show_progress=True, |
).then(**end_outputing_args) |
retryBtn.click(**get_usage_args) |
delFirstBtn.click( |
delete_first_conversation, |
[current_model], |
[status_display], |
) |
delLastBtn.click( |
delete_last_conversation, |
[current_model, chatbot], |
[chatbot, status_display], |
show_progress=False |
) |
two_column.change(update_doc_config, [two_column], None) |
keyTxt.change(set_key, [current_model, keyTxt], [user_api_key, status_display]).then(**get_usage_args) |
keyTxt.submit(**get_usage_args) |
single_turn_checkbox.change(set_single_turn, [current_model, single_turn_checkbox], None) |
model_select_dropdown.change(get_model, [model_select_dropdown, lora_select_dropdown, user_api_key, temperature_slider, top_p_slider, systemPromptTxt], [current_model, status_display, lora_select_dropdown], show_progress=True) |
lora_select_dropdown.change(get_model, [model_select_dropdown, lora_select_dropdown, user_api_key, temperature_slider, top_p_slider, systemPromptTxt], [current_model, status_display], show_progress=True) |
systemPromptTxt.change(set_system_prompt, [current_model, systemPromptTxt], None) |
templateRefreshBtn.click(get_template_names, None, [templateFileSelectDropdown]) |
templateFileSelectDropdown.change( |
load_template, |
[templateFileSelectDropdown], |
[promptTemplates, templateSelectDropdown], |
show_progress=True, |
) |
templateSelectDropdown.change( |
get_template_content, |
[promptTemplates, templateSelectDropdown, systemPromptTxt], |
[systemPromptTxt], |
show_progress=True, |
) |
saveHistoryBtn.click( |
save_chat_history, |
[current_model, saveFileName, chatbot, user_name], |
downloadFile, |
show_progress=True, |
) |
saveHistoryBtn.click(get_history_names, [gr.State(False), user_name], [historyFileSelectDropdown]) |
exportMarkdownBtn.click( |
export_markdown, |
[current_model, saveFileName, chatbot, user_name], |
downloadFile, |
show_progress=True, |
) |
historyRefreshBtn.click(get_history_names, [gr.State(False), user_name], [historyFileSelectDropdown]) |
historyFileSelectDropdown.change(**load_history_from_file_args) |
downloadFile.change(**load_history_from_file_args) |
max_context_length_slider.change(set_token_upper_limit, [current_model, max_context_length_slider], None) |
temperature_slider.change(set_temperature, [current_model, temperature_slider], None) |
top_p_slider.change(set_top_p, [current_model, top_p_slider], None) |
n_choices_slider.change(set_n_choices, [current_model, n_choices_slider], None) |
stop_sequence_txt.change(set_stop_sequence, [current_model, stop_sequence_txt], None) |
max_generation_slider.change(set_max_tokens, [current_model, max_generation_slider], None) |
presence_penalty_slider.change(set_presence_penalty, [current_model, presence_penalty_slider], None) |
frequency_penalty_slider.change(set_frequency_penalty, [current_model, frequency_penalty_slider], None) |
logit_bias_txt.change(set_logit_bias, [current_model, logit_bias_txt], None) |
user_identifier_txt.change(set_user_identifier, [current_model, user_identifier_txt], None) |
default_btn.click( |
reset_default, [], [apihostTxt, proxyTxt, status_display], show_progress=True |
) |
changeAPIURLBtn.click( |
change_api_host, |
[apihostTxt], |
[status_display], |
show_progress=True, |
) |
changeProxyBtn.click( |
change_proxy, |
[proxyTxt], |
[status_display], |
show_progress=True, |
) |
logging.info( |
colorama.Back.GREEN |
+ "\n川虎的温馨提示:访问 http://localhost:7860 查看界面" |
+ colorama.Style.RESET_ALL |
) |
demo.title = i18n("无人问津的GPT 🚀") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
reload_javascript() |
demo.queue(concurrency_count=CONCURRENT_COUNT).launch( |
auth=auth_list if authflag else None, |
favicon_path="./assets/favicon.ico", |
inbrowser=not dockerflag, |
) |