commited on
Browse files
Binary files a/.DS_Store and b/.DS_Store differ
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
1 |
import streamlit as st
2 |
from io import StringIO
3 |
from Bio import SeqIO
4 |
5 |
st.title("IRES-LM prediction and mutation")
6 |
7 |
# Input sequence
8 |
st.subheader("Input sequence")
9 |
10 |
11 |
st.subheader("Upload sequence file")
12 |
uploaded = st.file_uploader("Sequence file in FASTA format")
13 |
14 |
# augments
15 |
global output_filename, start_nt_position, end_nt_position, mut_by_prob, transform_type, mlm_tok_num, n_mut, n_designs_ep, n_sampling_designs_ep, n_mlm_recovery_sampling, mutate2stronger
16 |
output_filename = st.text_input("output a .csv file", value='IRES_LM_prediction_mutation')
17 |
start_nt_position = st.number_input("The start position of the mutation of this sequence, the first position is defined as 0", value=0)
18 |
end_nt_position = st.number_input("The last position of the mutation of this sequence, the last position is defined as length(sequence)-1 or -1", value=-1)
19 |
mut_by_prob = st.checkbox("Mutated by predicted Probability or Transformed Probability of the sequence", value=True)
20 |
transform_type = st.selectbox("Type of probability transformation",
21 |
['', 'sigmoid', 'logit', 'power_law', 'tanh'],
22 |
23 |
mlm_tok_num = st.number_input("Number of masked tokens for each sequence per epoch", value=1)
24 |
n_mut = st.number_input("Maximum number of mutations for each sequence", value=3)
25 |
n_designs_ep = st.number_input("Number of mutations per epoch", value=10)
26 |
n_sampling_designs_ep = st.number_input("Number of sampling mutations from n_designs_ep per epoch", value=5)
27 |
n_mlm_recovery_sampling = st.number_input("Number of MLM recovery samplings (with AGCT recovery)", value=1)
28 |
mutate2stronger = st.checkbox("Mutate to stronger IRES variant, otherwise mutate to weaker IRES", value=True)
29 |
30 |
if not mut_by_prob and transform_type != '':
31 |
st.write("--transform_type must be '' when --mut_by_prob is False")
32 |
transform_type = ''
33 |
34 |
35 |
# Import necessary libraries
36 |
# import matplotlib
37 |
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
38 |
import numpy as np
39 |
import os
40 |
import pandas as pd
41 |
# import pathlib
42 |
import random
43 |
# import scanpy as sc
44 |
# import seaborn as sns
45 |
import torch
46 |
import torch.nn as nn
47 |
import torch.nn.functional as F
48 |
# from argparse import Namespace
49 |
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
50 |
from copy import deepcopy
51 |
from esm import Alphabet, FastaBatchedDataset, ProteinBertModel, pretrained, MSATransformer
52 |
from import *
53 |
from esm.model.esm2 import ESM2
54 |
# from sklearn import preprocessing
55 |
# from sklearn.metrics import (confusion_matrix, roc_auc_score, auc,
56 |
# precision_recall_fscore_support,
57 |
# precision_recall_curve, classification_report,
58 |
# roc_auc_score, average_precision_score,
59 |
# precision_score, recall_score, f1_score,
60 |
# accuracy_score)
61 |
# from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
62 |
# from sklearn.utils import class_weight
63 |
# from scipy.stats import spearmanr, pearsonr
64 |
from torch import nn
65 |
from torch.nn import Linear
66 |
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
67 |
from import Dataset, DataLoader
68 |
from tqdm import tqdm, trange
69 |
70 |
# Set global variables
71 |
# matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 7})
72 |
seed = 19961231
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
# torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed)
77 |
# torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
78 |
# torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
79 |
80 |
81 |
global idx_to_tok, prefix, epochs, layers, heads, fc_node, dropout_prob, embed_dim, batch_toks, device, repr_layers, evaluation, include, truncate, return_contacts, return_representation, mask_toks_id, finetune
82 |
83 |
epochs = 5
84 |
layers = 6
85 |
heads = 16
86 |
embed_dim = 128
87 |
batch_toks = 4096
88 |
fc_node = 64
89 |
dropout_prob = 0.5
90 |
folds = 10
91 |
repr_layers = [-1]
92 |
include = ["mean"]
93 |
truncate = True
94 |
finetune = False
95 |
return_contacts = False
96 |
return_representation = False
97 |
98 |
device = "cpu"
99 |
100 |
global tok_to_idx, idx_to_tok, mask_toks_id
101 |
alphabet = Alphabet(mask_prob = 0.15, standard_toks = 'AGCT')
102 |
assert alphabet.tok_to_idx == {'<pad>': 0, '<eos>': 1, '<unk>': 2, 'A': 3, 'G': 4, 'C': 5, 'T': 6, '<cls>': 7, '<mask>': 8, '<sep>': 9}
103 |
104 |
# tok_to_idx = {'<pad>': 0, '<eos>': 1, '<unk>': 2, 'A': 3, 'G': 4, 'C': 5, 'T': 6, '<cls>': 7, '<mask>': 8, '<sep>': 9}
105 |
tok_to_idx = {'-': 0, '&': 1, '?': 2, 'A': 3, 'G': 4, 'C': 5, 'T': 6, '!': 7, '*': 8, '|': 9}
106 |
idx_to_tok = {idx: tok for tok, idx in tok_to_idx.items()}
107 |
# st.write(tok_to_idx)
108 |
mask_toks_id = 8
109 |
110 |
global w1, w2, w3
111 |
w1, w2, w3 = 1, 1, 100
112 |
113 |
class CNN_linear(nn.Module):
114 |
def __init__(self):
115 |
super(CNN_linear, self).__init__()
116 |
117 |
self.esm2 = ESM2(num_layers = layers,
118 |
embed_dim = embed_dim,
119 |
attention_heads = heads,
120 |
alphabet = alphabet)
121 |
122 |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout_prob)
123 |
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
124 |
self.flatten = nn.Flatten()
125 |
self.fc = nn.Linear(in_features = embed_dim, out_features = fc_node)
126 |
self.output = nn.Linear(in_features = fc_node, out_features = 2)
127 |
128 |
def predict(self, tokens):
129 |
130 |
x = self.esm2(tokens, [layers], need_head_weights=False, return_contacts=False, return_representation = True)
131 |
x_cls = x["representations"][layers][:, 0]
132 |
133 |
o = self.fc(x_cls)
134 |
o = self.relu(o)
135 |
o = self.dropout(o)
136 |
o = self.output(o)
137 |
138 |
y_prob = torch.softmax(o, dim = 1)
139 |
y_pred = torch.argmax(y_prob, dim = 1)
140 |
141 |
if transform_type:
142 |
y_prob_transformed = prob_transform(y_prob[:,1])
143 |
return y_prob[:,1], y_pred, x['logits'], y_prob_transformed
144 |
145 |
return y_prob[:,1], y_pred, x['logits'], o[:,1]
146 |
147 |
def forward(self, x1, x2):
148 |
logit_1, repr_1 = self.predict(x1)
149 |
logit_2, repr_2 = self.predict(x2)
150 |
return (logit_1, logit_2), (repr_1, repr_2)
151 |
152 |
def prob_transform(prob, **kwargs): # Logits
153 |
154 |
Transforms probability values based on the specified method.
155 |
156 |
:param prob: torch.Tensor, the input probabilities to be transformed
157 |
:param transform_type: str, the type of transformation to be applied
158 |
:param kwargs: additional parameters for transformations
159 |
:return: torch.Tensor, transformed probabilities
160 |
161 |
162 |
if transform_type == 'sigmoid':
163 |
x0 = kwget('x0', 0.5)
164 |
k = kwget('k', 10.0)
165 |
prob_transformed = 1 / (1 + torch.exp(-k * (prob - x0)))
166 |
167 |
elif transform_type == 'logit':
168 |
# Adding a small value to avoid log(0) and log(1)
169 |
prob_transformed = torch.log(prob + 1e-6) - torch.log(1 - prob + 1e-6)
170 |
171 |
elif transform_type == 'power_law':
172 |
gamma = kwget('gamma', 2.0)
173 |
prob_transformed = torch.pow(prob, gamma)
174 |
175 |
elif transform_type == 'tanh':
176 |
k = kwget('k', 2.0)
177 |
prob_transformed = torch.tanh(k * prob)
178 |
179 |
return prob_transformed
180 |
181 |
def random_replace(sequence, continuous_replace=False):
182 |
if end_nt_position == -1: end_nt_position = len(sequence)
183 |
if start_nt_position < 0 or end_nt_position > len(sequence) or start_nt_position > end_nt_position:
184 |
# raise ValueError("Invalid start/end positions")
185 |
st.write("Invalid start/end positions")
186 |
start_nt_position, end_nt_position = 0, -1
187 |
188 |
# 将序列切片成三部分:替换区域前、替换区域、替换区域后
189 |
pre_segment = sequence[:start_nt_position]
190 |
target_segment = list(sequence[start_nt_position:end_nt_position + 1]) # +1因为Python的切片是右开区间
191 |
post_segment = sequence[end_nt_position + 1:]
192 |
193 |
if not continuous_replace:
194 |
# 随机替换目标片段的mlm_tok_num个位置
195 |
indices = random.sample(range(len(target_segment)), mlm_tok_num)
196 |
for idx in indices:
197 |
target_segment[idx] = '*'
198 |
199 |
# 在目标片段连续替换mlm_tok_num个位置
200 |
max_start_idx = len(target_segment) - mlm_tok_num # 确保从i开始的n_mut个元素不会超出目标片段的长度
201 |
if max_start_idx < 1: # 如果目标片段长度小于mlm_tok_num,返回原始序列
202 |
return target_segment
203 |
start_idx = random.randint(0, max_start_idx)
204 |
for idx in range(start_idx, start_idx + mlm_tok_num):
205 |
target_segment[idx] = '*'
206 |
207 |
# 合并并返回最终的序列
208 |
return ''.join([pre_segment] + target_segment + [post_segment])
209 |
210 |
211 |
def mlm_seq(seq):
212 |
seq_token, masked_sequence_token = [7],[7]
213 |
seq_token += [tok_to_idx[token] for token in seq]
214 |
215 |
masked_seq = random_replace(seq, n_mut) # 随机替换n_mut个元素为'*'
216 |
masked_seq_token += [tok_to_idx[token] for token in masked_seq]
217 |
218 |
return seq, masked_seq, torch.LongTensor(seq_token), torch.LongTensor(masked_seq_token)
219 |
220 |
def batch_mlm_seq(seq_list, continuous_replace = False):
221 |
batch_seq = []
222 |
batch_masked_seq = []
223 |
batch_seq_token_list = []
224 |
batch_masked_seq_token_list = []
225 |
226 |
for i, seq in enumerate(seq_list):
227 |
seq_token, masked_seq_token = [7], [7]
228 |
seq_token += [tok_to_idx[token] for token in seq]
229 |
230 |
masked_seq = random_replace(seq, continuous_replace) # 随机��换n_mut个元素为'*'
231 |
masked_seq_token += [tok_to_idx[token] for token in masked_seq]
232 |
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
return batch_seq, batch_masked_seq, torch.LongTensor(batch_seq_token_list), torch.LongTensor(batch_masked_seq_token_list)
240 |
241 |
def recovered_mlm_tokens(masked_seqs, masked_toks, esm_logits, exclude_low_prob = False):
242 |
# Only remain the AGCT logits
243 |
esm_logits = esm_logits[:,:,3:7]
244 |
# Get the predicted tokens using argmax
245 |
predicted_toks = (esm_logits.argmax(dim=-1)+3).tolist()
246 |
247 |
batch_size, seq_len, vocab_size = esm_logits.size()
248 |
if exclude_low_prob: min_prob = 1 / vocab_size
249 |
# Initialize an empty list to store the recovered sequences
250 |
recovered_sequences, recovered_toks = [], []
251 |
252 |
for i in range(batch_size):
253 |
recovered_sequence_i, recovered_tok_i = [], []
254 |
for j in range(seq_len):
255 |
if masked_toks[i][j] == 8:
256 |
257 |
### Sample M recovery sequences using the logits
258 |
recovery_probs = torch.softmax(esm_logits[i, j], dim=-1)
259 |
recovery_probs[predicted_toks[i][j]-3] = 0 # Exclude the most probable token
260 |
if exclude_low_prob: recovery_probs[recovery_probs < min_prob] = 0 # Exclude tokens with low probs < min_prob
261 |
recovery_probs /= recovery_probs.sum() # Normalize the probabilities
262 |
263 |
### 有放回抽样
264 |
max_retries = 5
265 |
retries = 0
266 |
success = False
267 |
268 |
while retries < max_retries and not success:
269 |
270 |
recovery_indices = list(np.random.choice(vocab_size, size=n_mlm_recovery_sampling, p=recovery_probs.cpu().detach().numpy(), replace=False))
271 |
success = True # 设置成功标志
272 |
except ValueError as e:
273 |
retries += 1
274 |
st.write(f"Attempt {retries} failed with error: {e}")
275 |
if retries >= max_retries:
276 |
st.write("Max retries reached. Skipping this iteration.")
277 |
278 |
### recovery to sequence
279 |
if retries < max_retries:
280 |
for idx in [predicted_toks[i][j]] + [3+i for i in recovery_indices]:
281 |
recovery_seq = deepcopy(list(masked_seqs[i]))
282 |
recovery_tok = deepcopy(masked_toks[i])
283 |
284 |
recovery_tok[j] = idx
285 |
recovery_seq[j-1] = idx_to_tok[idx]
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 |
return recovered_sequences, torch.LongTensor(torch.stack(recovered_toks))
293 |
294 |
def recovered_mlm_multi_tokens(masked_seqs, masked_toks, esm_logits, exclude_low_prob = False):
295 |
# Only remain the AGCT logits
296 |
esm_logits = esm_logits[:,:,3:7]
297 |
# Get the predicted tokens using argmax
298 |
predicted_toks = (esm_logits.argmax(dim=-1)+3).tolist()
299 |
300 |
batch_size, seq_len, vocab_size = esm_logits.size()
301 |
if exclude_low_prob: min_prob = 1 / vocab_size
302 |
# Initialize an empty list to store the recovered sequences
303 |
recovered_sequences, recovered_toks = [], []
304 |
305 |
for i in range(batch_size):
306 |
recovered_sequence_i, recovered_tok_i = [], []
307 |
recovered_masked_num = 0
308 |
for j in range(seq_len):
309 |
if masked_toks[i][j] == 8:
310 |
### Sample M recovery sequences using the logits
311 |
recovery_probs = torch.softmax(esm_logits[i, j], dim=-1)
312 |
recovery_probs[predicted_toks[i][j]-3] = 0 # Exclude the most probable token
313 |
if exclude_low_prob: recovery_probs[recovery_probs < min_prob] = 0 # Exclude tokens with low probs < min_prob
314 |
recovery_probs /= recovery_probs.sum() # Normalize the probabilities
315 |
316 |
### 有放回抽样
317 |
max_retries = 5
318 |
retries = 0
319 |
success = False
320 |
321 |
while retries < max_retries and not success:
322 |
323 |
recovery_indices = list(np.random.choice(vocab_size, size=n_mlm_recovery_sampling, p=recovery_probs.cpu().detach().numpy(), replace=False))
324 |
success = True # 设置成功标志
325 |
except ValueError as e:
326 |
retries += 1
327 |
st.write(f"Attempt {retries} failed with error: {e}")
328 |
if retries >= max_retries:
329 |
st.write("Max retries reached. Skipping this iteration.")
330 |
331 |
### recovery to sequence
332 |
333 |
if recovered_masked_num == 0:
334 |
if retries < max_retries:
335 |
for idx in [predicted_toks[i][j]] + [3+i for i in recovery_indices]:
336 |
recovery_seq = deepcopy(list(masked_seqs[i]))
337 |
recovery_tok = deepcopy(masked_toks[i])
338 |
339 |
recovery_tok[j] = idx
340 |
recovery_seq[j-1] = idx_to_tok[idx]
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
elif recovered_masked_num > 0:
346 |
if retries < max_retries:
347 |
for idx in [predicted_toks[i][j]] + [3+i for i in recovery_indices]:
348 |
for recovery_seq, recovery_tok in zip(list(recovered_sequence_i), list(recovered_tok_i)): # 要在循环开始之前获取列表的副本来进行迭代。这样,在循环中即使我们修改了原始的列表,也不会影响迭代的行为。
349 |
350 |
recovery_seq_temp = list(recovery_seq)
351 |
recovery_tok[j] = idx
352 |
recovery_seq_temp[j-1] = idx_to_tok[idx]
353 |
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 |
recovered_masked_num += 1
358 |
recovered_indices = [i for i, s in enumerate(recovered_sequence_i) if '*' not in s]
359 |
recovered_tok_i = [recovered_tok_i[i] for i in recovered_indices]
360 |
recovered_sequence_i = [recovered_sequence_i[i] for i in recovered_indices]
361 |
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
recovered_sequences, recovered_toks = remove_duplicates_double(recovered_sequences, recovered_toks)
366 |
367 |
return recovered_sequences, torch.LongTensor(torch.stack(recovered_toks))
368 |
369 |
def mismatched_positions(s1, s2):
370 |
# 这个函数假定两个字符串的长度相同。
371 |
"""Return the number of positions where two strings differ."""
372 |
373 |
# The number of mismatches will be the sum of positions where characters are not the same
374 |
return sum(1 for c1, c2 in zip(s1, s2) if c1 != c2)
375 |
376 |
def remove_duplicates_triple(filtered_mut_seqs, filtered_mut_probs, filtered_mut_logits):
377 |
seen = {}
378 |
unique_seqs = []
379 |
unique_probs = []
380 |
unique_logits = []
381 |
382 |
for seq, prob, logit in zip(filtered_mut_seqs, filtered_mut_probs, filtered_mut_logits):
383 |
if seq not in seen:
384 |
385 |
386 |
387 |
seen[seq] = True
388 |
389 |
return unique_seqs, unique_probs, unique_logits
390 |
391 |
def remove_duplicates_double(filtered_mut_seqs, filtered_mut_probs):
392 |
seen = {}
393 |
unique_seqs = []
394 |
unique_probs = []
395 |
396 |
for seq, prob in zip(filtered_mut_seqs, filtered_mut_probs):
397 |
if seq not in seen:
398 |
399 |
400 |
seen[seq] = True
401 |
402 |
return unique_seqs, unique_probs
403 |
404 |
def mutated_seq(wt_seq, wt_label):
405 |
wt_seq = '!'+ wt_seq
406 |
wt_tok = torch.LongTensor([[tok_to_idx[token] for token in wt_seq]]).to(device)
407 |
wt_prob, wt_pred, _, wt_logit = model.predict(wt_tok)
408 |
409 |
st.write(f'Wild Type: Length = ', len(wt_seq), '\n', wt_seq)
410 |
st.write(f'Wild Type: Label = {wt_label}, Y_pred = {wt_pred.item()}, Y_prob = {wt_prob.item():.2%}')
411 |
412 |
# st.write(n_mut, mlm_tok_num, n_designs_ep, n_sampling_designs_ep, n_mlm_recovery_sampling, mutate2stronger)
413 |
# pbar = tqdm(total=n_mut)
414 |
mutated_seqs = []
415 |
i = 1
416 |
pbar = st.progress(i, text="mutated number of sequence")
417 |
while i <= n_mut:
418 |
if i == 1: seeds_ep = [wt_seq[1:]]
419 |
seeds_next_ep, seeds_probs_next_ep, seeds_logits_next_ep = [], [], []
420 |
for seed in seeds_ep:
421 |
seed_seq, masked_seed_seq, seed_seq_token, masked_seed_seq_token = batch_mlm_seq([seed] * n_designs_ep, continuous_replace = True) ### mask seed with 1 site to "*"
422 |
423 |
seed_prob, seed_pred, _, seed_logit = model.predict(seed_seq_token[0].unsqueeze_(0).to(device))
424 |
_, _, seed_esm_logit, _ = model.predict(
425 |
mut_seqs, mut_toks = recovered_mlm_multi_tokens(masked_seed_seq, masked_seed_seq_token, seed_esm_logit)
426 |
mut_probs, mut_preds, mut_esm_logits, mut_logits = model.predict(
427 |
428 |
### Filter mut_seqs that mut_prob < seed_prob and mut_prob < wild_prob
429 |
filtered_mut_seqs = []
430 |
filtered_mut_probs = []
431 |
filtered_mut_logits = []
432 |
if mut_by_prob:
433 |
for z in range(len(mut_seqs)):
434 |
if mutate2stronger:
435 |
if mut_probs[z] >= seed_prob and mut_probs[z] >= wt_prob:
436 |
437 |
438 |
439 |
440 |
if mut_probs[z] < seed_prob and mut_probs[z] < wt_prob:
441 |
442 |
443 |
444 |
445 |
for z in range(len(mut_seqs)):
446 |
if mutate2stronger:
447 |
if mut_logits[z] >= seed_logit and mut_logits[z] >= wt_logit:
448 |
449 |
450 |
451 |
452 |
if mut_logits[z] < seed_logit and mut_logits[z] < wt_logit:
453 |
454 |
455 |
456 |
457 |
458 |
459 |
### Save
460 |
461 |
462 |
463 |
seeds_next_ep, seeds_probs_next_ep, seeds_logits_next_ep = remove_duplicates_triple(seeds_next_ep, seeds_probs_next_ep, seeds_logits_next_ep)
464 |
465 |
### Sampling based on prob
466 |
if len(seeds_next_ep) > n_sampling_designs_ep:
467 |
seeds_probs_next_ep_norm = seeds_probs_next_ep / sum(seeds_probs_next_ep) # Normalize the probabilities
468 |
seeds_index_next_ep = np.random.choice(len(seeds_next_ep), n_sampling_designs_ep, p = seeds_probs_next_ep_norm, replace = False)
469 |
470 |
seeds_next_ep = np.array(seeds_next_ep)[seeds_index_next_ep]
471 |
seeds_probs_next_ep = np.array(seeds_probs_next_ep)[seeds_index_next_ep]
472 |
seeds_logits_next_ep = np.array(seeds_logits_next_ep)[seeds_index_next_ep]
473 |
seeds_mutated_num_next_ep = [mismatched_positions(wt_seq[1:], s) for s in seeds_next_ep]
474 |
475 |
mutated_seqs.extend(list(zip(seeds_next_ep, seeds_logits_next_ep, seeds_probs_next_ep, seeds_mutated_num_next_ep)))
476 |
477 |
seeds_ep = seeds_next_ep
478 |
i += 1
479 |
# pbar.update(1)
480 |
pbar.progress(i/n_mut, text="Mutating")
481 |
# pbar.close()
482 |
st.success('Done', icon="✅")
483 |
mutated_seqs.extend([(wt_seq[1:], wt_logit.item(), wt_prob.item(), 0)])
484 |
mutated_seqs = sorted(mutated_seqs, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)
485 |
mutated_seqs = pd.DataFrame(mutated_seqs, columns = ['mutated_seq', 'predicted_logit', 'predicted_probability', 'mutated_num']).drop_duplicates('mutated_seq')
486 |
return mutated_seqs
487 |
488 |
def read_raw(raw_input):
489 |
ids = []
490 |
sequences = []
491 |
492 |
file = StringIO(raw_input)
493 |
for record in SeqIO.parse(file, "fasta"):
494 |
495 |
# 检查序列是否只包含A, G, C, T
496 |
sequence = str(record.seq.back_transcribe()).upper()
497 |
if not set(sequence).issubset(set("AGCT")):
498 |
st.write(f"Record '{record.description}' was skipped for containing invalid characters. Only A, G, C, T(U) are allowed.")
499 |
500 |
501 |
# 将符合条件的序列添加到列表中
502 |
503 |
504 |
505 |
return ids, sequences
506 |
507 |
def predict_raw(raw_input):
508 |
state_dict = torch.load('', map_location=torch.device(device))
509 |
new_state_dict = OrderedDict()
510 |
511 |
for k, v in state_dict.items():
512 |
name = k.replace('module.','')
513 |
new_state_dict[name] = v
514 |
515 |
model = CNN_linear().to(device)
516 |
model.load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict = False)
517 |
518 |
519 |
# st.write('====Parse Input====')
520 |
ids, seqs = read_raw(raw_input)
521 |
522 |
# st.write('====Predict====')
523 |
res_pd = pd.DataFrame()
524 |
for wt_seq, wt_id in zip(seqs, ids):
525 |
526 |
st.write(wt_id, wt_seq)
527 |
res = mutated_seq(wt_seq, wt_id)
528 |
529 |
530 |
531 |
st.write('====Please Try Again this sequence: ', wt_id, wt_seq)
532 |
# st.write(pred)
533 |
return res_pd
534 |
535 |
# Run
536 |
if st.button("Predict and Mutate"):
537 |
if uploaded:
538 |
result = predict_raw(uploaded.getvalue().decode())
539 |
540 |
result = predict_raw(seq)
541 |
542 |
result_file = result.to_csv(index=False)
543 |
st.download_button("Download", result_file, file_name=output_filename+".csv")
544 |
545 |
546 |
547 |
548 |
549 |
550 |