File size: 7,882 Bytes
b9b435f fa37760 c6447ed 6677709 fa37760 d8877a5 9ce9714 b9b435f 79e7d41 4f64be2 9ce9714 fa37760 b9b435f fa37760 d8877a5 b9b435f 9ce9714 b9b435f 9ce9714 d8877a5 2ae9de4 9ce9714 2ae9de4 9ce9714 2ae9de4 d8877a5 2ae9de4 d8877a5 b9b435f a962f25 6677709 5816e16 b9b435f 5816e16 b9b435f fa37760 b9b435f 2ae9de4 fa37760 b9b435f de293c0 d8877a5 de293c0 b9b435f 9ce9714 b9b435f fa37760 b9b435f fa37760 9ce9714 fa37760 9ce9714 fa37760 9ce9714 fa37760 9ce9714 56d4dc6 fa37760 c437056 0781862 5d13e00 c437056 0781862 c437056 fa37760 c437056 5d13e00 c437056 b9b435f |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 |
# If TF version is not understood by tfimm requirements, try this:
# import tfimm
#except ModuleNotFoundError:
# !pip install --no-deps tfimm timm
# import timm
# import tfimm
import os
from glob import glob
from shutil import rmtree
from pathlib import Path
import gradio as gr
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from yolov5 import detect
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
from utils import get_model, get_cfg, get_comp_embeddings, get_test_embedding, get_confidence
# YOLOv5 parameters
yolo_input_size = 384
versions = ('2_v108', '4_v109', '0_int6', '1_v110', '3_v111')
score_thr = 0.025
iou_thr = 0.6
max_det = 1
working = Path(os.getcwd())
modelbox = "yellowdolphin/happywhale-models"
checkpoint_files = [hf_hub_download(modelbox, f'yolov5_l6_{yolo_input_size}_fold{x}.pt') for x in versions]
image_root = working / 'images'
yolo_source = str(image_root / 'testimage.jpg')
# Individual identifier parameters
max_distance = 0.865
normalize_similarity = None # test-train, None
threshold = 0.09951 if (normalize_similarity == 'test-train') else 0.6 # 0.381
rst_names = 'convnext_base_384_in22ft1k_colab220 efnv1b7_colab216 hub_efnv2xl_v73'.split()
use_fold = {
'efnv1b7_colab216': 4,
'efnv1b7_colab225': 1,
'efnv1b7_colab197': 0,
'efnv1b7_colab227': 5,
'efnv1b7_v72': 6,
'efnv1b7_colab229': 9,
'efnv1b6_colab217': 5,
'efnv1b6_colab218': 6,
'hub_efnv2xl_colab221': 8,
'hub_efnv2xl_v69': 2,
'hub_efnv2xl_v73': 0,
'efnv1b6_colab226': 2,
'hub_efnv2l_v70': 3,
'hub_efnv2l_colab200': 2,
'hub_efnv2l_colab199': 1,
'convnext_base_384_in22ft1k_v68': 0,
'convnext_base_384_in22ft1k_colab220': 9,
'convnext_base_384_in22ft1k_colab201': 3, # new
cfg_files = [hf_hub_download(modelbox, f'{x}_config.json') for x in rst_names]
emb_files = [hf_hub_download(modelbox, f'{x}_emb.npz') for x in rst_names]
rst_files = [hf_hub_download(modelbox, f'{x}.h5') for x in rst_names]
use_folds = [use_fold[x] for x in rst_names]
n_models = len(rst_names)
def fast_yolo_crop(image):
rmtree(working / 'labels', ignore_errors=True)
rmtree(working / 'results_ensemble', ignore_errors=True)
print("image:", type(image))
print("yolo_source:", yolo_source)
mpimg.imsave(yolo_source, image)[4:],
name=str(working / 'results_ensemble'))
glob_pattern = f'{working}/results_ensemble/crops/*/{Path(yolo_source).name}'
print("glob_pattern:", glob_pattern)
cropped = sorted(glob(glob_pattern))
assert len(cropped) == 1, f'{len(cropped)} maritime species detected'
cropped = cropped[0]
species = Path(cropped)
cropped_image = mpimg.imread(cropped)
return cropped_image, species.replace('_', ' ')
# Preload embeddings for known individuals
comp_embeddings = get_comp_embeddings(emb_files, use_folds)
# Preload embedding models, input sizes
embed_models, sizes = [], []
for cfg_file, rst_file, use_fold in zip(cfg_files, rst_files, use_folds):
cfg = get_cfg(cfg_file)
assert cfg.FOLD_TO_RUN == use_fold
cfg.pretrained = None # avoid weight downloads
if isinstance(cfg.IMAGE_SIZE, int):
model, embed_model = get_model(cfg)
print(f"\nWeights loaded from {rst_file}")
print(f"input_size {cfg.IMAGE_SIZE}, fold {cfg.FOLD_TO_RUN}, arch {cfg.arch_name}, ",
f"DATASET {cfg.DATASET}, dropout_ps {cfg.dropout_ps}, subcenters {cfg.subcenters}")
def pred_fn(image, fake=False):
if fake:
x0, x1 = (int(f * image.shape[0]) for f in (0.2, 0.8))
y0, y1 = (int(f * image.shape[1]) for f in (0.2, 0.8))
cropped_image = image[x0:x1, y0:y1, :]
response_str = "This looks like a common dolphin, but I have not seen this individual before (0.834 confidence).\n" \
"Go submit your photo on!"
return cropped_image, response_str
cropped_image, species = fast_yolo_crop(image)
test_embedding = get_test_embedding(cropped_image, embed_models, sizes)
cosine_similarity =, test_embedding[0]) / n_models
cosine_distances = 1 - cosine_similarity
normalized_distances = cosine_distances / max_distance
normalized_similarities = 1 - normalized_distances
min_similarity = normalized_similarities.min()
max_similarity = normalized_similarities.max()
confidence = get_confidence(max_similarity, threshold)
print(f"Similarities: {min_similarity:.4f} ... {max_similarity:.4f}")
print(f"Threshold: {threshold}")
if max_similarity > threshold:
response_str = f"This looks like a {species} I have seen before ({confidence:.3f} confidence).\n" \
"You might find its previous encounters on"
response_str = f"This looks like a {species}, but I have not seen this individual before ({confidence:.3f} confidence).\n" \
"Go submit your photo on!"
return cropped_image, response_str
examples = [str(image_root / f'negative{i:03d}.jpg') for i in range(3)]
description = """
Is it possible to identify and track individual marine mammals based on
community photos, taken by tourist whale-watchers on their cameras or
Researchers use [photographic identification](
(photo-ID) of individual whales since
decades to study their migration, population, and behavior. While this is a
tedious and costly process, it is tempting to leverage the huge amount of
image data collected by the whale-watching community and private encounters around
the globe. Organizations like [WildMe]( or
[happywhale]( develop AI models for automated identification at
scale. To push the state-of-the-art, happywhale hosted two competitions on kaggle,
the 2018 [Humpback Whale Identification](
and the 2022 [Happywhale](
competition, which included 28 marine whale and dolphin species.
Top solutions used a two-step process of cropping the raw image using an
image detector like [YOLOv5](
and presenting high-resolution crops to an identifier trained with an
ArcFace-based loss function. The detector had to be fine-tuned on the
competition images with auto- or manually generated labels.
Below you can test my solution (down-cut version) on your own images.
The detector is an ensemble of five YOLOv5 models, the identifier ensembles three
models with EfficientNet-B7, EfficientNetV2-XL, and ConvNext-base backbone.
You can find model code and training pipelines in the
[DeepTrane]( repository.
""" # appears between title and input/output
article = """
""" # appears below input/output
demo = gr.Interface(fn=pred_fn, inputs="image", outputs=["image", "text"],
title='Happywhale: Individual Identification for Marine Mammals',