import streamlit as st from pymongo import MongoClient import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from datetime import datetime # Load environment variables load_dotenv() MONGO_URI = os.getenv("MONGO_URI") DB_NAME = os.getenv("DB_NAME") COLLECTION_NAME = os.getenv("COLLECTION_NAME") mongo_client = MongoClient(MONGO_URI) db = mongo_client[DB_NAME] collection = db[COLLECTION_NAME] def format_date(timestamp): """Convert timestamp to a readable date format.""" return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime("%B %d, %Y") # Custom CSS to control image and expander container width and styling def view_pdfs(): if st.button("Back"): = "home" st.rerun() st.title("Your Uploaded PDFs") # Fetch all uploaded images from MongoDB pdfs= list(collection.find({"type": {"$regex": "pdf", "$options": "i"},"status":"processed"})) if not pdfs: st.write("You have not uploaded any PDFs yet.") return # Display images in a grid (4 images per row) cols = st.columns(4) for idx, pdf in enumerate(pdfs): col = cols[idx % 4] with col: # Expander for image details filename=pdf.get('name','N/A') with st.expander(f"{filename}"): st.write(f"**File Name:** {pdf.get('name', 'N/A')}") st.write(f"**Date Uploaded:** {format_date(pdf.get('upload_date',}") st.write(f"**Total tables found** : {len(pdf.get('table_data'))}") # Download link st.markdown( f"Download PDF", unsafe_allow_html=True ) if st.button("View Table Analysis",key=f"table_analysis_{idx}"):"pdf_analysis" st.session_state.pdf_url = pdf['object_url'] st.rerun() # Move to a new row after every 4 images if (idx + 1) % 4 == 0: st.write("") # Line break to move to the next row