Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 7,673 Bytes
95f97c5 |
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from data_provider.context_gen import *
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A simple argument parser")
# Script arguments
parser.add_argument('--name', default='none', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--seed', default=0, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--epochs', default=100, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--chunk_size', default=100, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--rxn_num', default=50000, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--k', default=4, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--root', default='data/pretrain_data', type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def pad_shorter_array(arr1, arr2):
len1 = arr1.shape[0]
len2 = arr2.shape[0]
if len1 > len2:
arr2 = np.pad(arr2, (0, len1 - len2), 'constant')
elif len2 > len1:
arr1 = np.pad(arr1, (0, len2 - len1), 'constant')
return arr1, arr2
def plot_distribution(values, target_path, x_lim=None, y_lim=None, chunk_size=100, color='blue'):
num_full_chunks = len(values) // chunk_size
values = np.mean(values[:num_full_chunks*chunk_size].reshape(-1, chunk_size), axis=1)
values = np.sort(values)[::-1]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4), dpi=100)
x = np.arange(len(values)), values, color=color)
current_values = np.array([0, 200000, 400000, 600000, 800000, 1000000], dtype=int)
plt.xticks((current_values/chunk_size).astype(int), current_values)
plt.ylabel('Molecule Frequency', fontsize=20)
if x_lim:
if y_lim:
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12)
print(f'Figure saved to {target_path}')
def plot_compare_distribution(list1, list2, target_path, x_lim=None, y_lim=None, labels=['Random', 'Ours'], colors=['blue', 'orange'], chunk_size=100):
num_full_chunks = len(list1) // chunk_size
list1, list2 = pad_shorter_array(list1, list2)
values1, values2 = [
np.sort(np.mean(values[:num_full_chunks*chunk_size].reshape(-1, chunk_size), axis=1))[::-1]
for values in (list1, list2)]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6), dpi=100)
x = np.arange(len(values1)), values1, color=colors[0], label=labels[0], alpha=0.6), values2, color=colors[1], label=labels[1], alpha=0.5)
current_values = np.array([0, 200000, 400000, 600000, 800000, 1000000], dtype=int)
plt.xticks((current_values/chunk_size).astype(int), current_values)
plt.ylabel('Molecule Frequency', fontsize=20)
if x_lim:
if y_lim:
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=18)
plt.legend(fontsize=24, loc='upper right')
print(f'Figure saved to {target_path}')
def statistics(args):
if args.seed:
# 1141864 rxns from ord
# 1120773 rxns from uspto
cluster = Reaction_Cluster(args.root)
rxn_num = len(cluster.reaction_data)
abstract_num = 0
property_num = 0
calculated_property_num = 0
experimental_property_num = 0
avg_calculated_property_len = 0
avg_experimental_property_len = 0
mol_set = set()
for rxn_dict in cluster.reaction_data:
for mol in rxn_dict[key]:
mol_num = len(mol_set)
for mol_dict in cluster.property_data:
if 'abstract' in mol_dict:
abstract_num += 1
if 'property' in mol_dict:
property_num += 1
if 'Experimental Properties' in mol_dict['property']:
experimental_property_num += 1
avg_experimental_property_len += len(mol_dict['property']['Experimental Properties'])
if 'Computed Properties' in mol_dict['property']:
calculated_property_num += 1
avg_calculated_property_len += len(mol_dict['property']['Computed Properties'])
print(f'Reaction Number: {rxn_num}')
print(f'Molecule Number: {mol_num}')
print(f'Abstract Number: {abstract_num}/{mol_num}({abstract_num/mol_num*100:.2f}%)')
print(f'Property Number: {property_num}/{mol_num}({property_num/mol_num*100:.2f}%)')
print(f'- Experimental Properties Number: {experimental_property_num}/{property_num}({experimental_property_num/property_num*100:.2f}%), {avg_experimental_property_len/mol_num:.2f} items per molecule')
print(f'- Computed Properties: {calculated_property_num}/{property_num}({calculated_property_num/property_num*100:.2f}%), {avg_calculated_property_len/mol_num:.2f} items per molecule')
def visualize(args):
if args.seed:
cluster = Reaction_Cluster(args.root)
prob_values, rxn_weights = cluster.visualize_mol_distribution()
rand_prob_values, rand_rxn_weights = cluster._randomly(
fig_root = f'results/{}/'
plot_distribution(prob_values, fig_root+'mol_distribution.pdf')
plot_distribution(rxn_weights, fig_root+'rxns_distribution.pdf')
plot_distribution(rand_prob_values, fig_root+'mol_distribution_random.pdf')
plot_distribution(rand_rxn_weights, fig_root+'rxns_distribution_random.pdf')
plot_compare_distribution(prob_values, rand_prob_values, fig_root+'Compare_mol.pdf', y_lim=(-0.5,15.5))
plot_compare_distribution(rxn_weights, rand_rxn_weights, fig_root+'Compare_rxns.pdf')
def visualize_frequency(args):
if args.seed:
fig_root = f'results/{}/'
name_suffix = f'E{args.epochs}_Rxn{args.rxn_num}_K{args.k}'
cache_path = f'{fig_root}/freq_{name_suffix}.npy'
if os.path.exists(cache_path):
mol_freq, rxn_freq, rand_mol_freq, rand_rxn_freq = np.load(cache_path, allow_pickle=True)
cluster = Reaction_Cluster(args.root)
mol_freq, rxn_freq = cluster.visualize_mol_frequency(rxn_num=args.rxn_num, k=args.k, epochs=args.epochs)
rand_mol_freq, rand_rxn_freq = cluster._randomly(
rxn_num=args.rxn_num, k=args.k, epochs=args.epochs
), np.array([mol_freq, rxn_freq, rand_mol_freq, rand_rxn_freq], dtype=object), allow_pickle=True)
color1 = '#FA7F6F'
color2 = '#80AFBF'
color3 = '#FFBE7A'
plot_distribution(mol_freq, fig_root+f'mol_frequency_{name_suffix}.pdf', x_lim=(-50000//args.chunk_size, 1200000//args.chunk_size), y_lim=(-2, 62), chunk_size=args.chunk_size, color=color2)
# plot_distribution(rxn_freq, fig_root+f'rxns_frequency_{name_suffix}.pdf', chunk_size=args.chunk_size, color=color1)
plot_distribution(rand_mol_freq, fig_root+f'mol_frequency_random_{name_suffix}.pdf', x_lim=(-50000//args.chunk_size, 1200000//args.chunk_size), y_lim=(-2, 62), chunk_size=args.chunk_size, color=color2)
# plot_distribution(rand_rxn_freq, fig_root+f'rxns_frequency_random_{name_suffix}.pdf', chunk_size=args.chunk_size, color=color1)
plot_compare_distribution(rand_mol_freq, mol_freq, fig_root+f'Compare_mol_{name_suffix}.pdf', y_lim=(-2, 62), labels=['Before Adjustment', 'After Adjustment'], colors=[color1, color2], chunk_size=args.chunk_size)
# plot_compare_distribution(rxn_freq, rand_rxn_freq, fig_root+f'Compare_rxns_{name_suffix}.pdf', chunk_size=args.chunk_size)
if __name__=='__main__':
args = parse_args()
print(args, flush=True)
# statistics(args)
# visualize(args)
visualize_frequency(args) |