import os
import requests
from flask import Flask, request
from simpleeval import simple_eval

app = Flask(__name__)

GROUP_ID = os.environ.get("GROUP_ID")

message_list = {}
group_id = ""

@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def index():
    return {}, 200

@app.route("/api/", methods=["POST"])
def api():
    global message_list
        payload = get_payload_dict(request.get_json())

        if group_id != GROUP_ID:
            raise ValueError("Invalid Group")

        if payload.get("unsend_msg_id"):
            unsend_msg_id = payload.get("unsend_msg_id")
            message_list.pop(unsend_msg_id, None)
            message_list = {key: value for key, value in message_list.items() if value.get("quoted_msg_id") != unsend_msg_id}
            raise ValueError("Unsend Success")

        if "$$$" in payload.get("msg_text"):
            if "清除" in payload.get("msg_text"):
                message_list = {}
                return "", 200

            if "結算" in payload.get("msg_text"):
                users_number = get_users_number()

                users = list({item["user_id"] for item in message_list.values()})
                if len(users) != users_number:

                matrix = [[0.0 for _ in range(len(users))] for _ in range(len(users))]

                should_checkout = True

                for msg_id, data in message_list.items():
                    quoted_msg_id = data.get("quoted_msg_id")
                    quoted_msg_list = {key: value for key, value in message_list.items() if value.get("quoted_msg_id") == msg_id}

                    if not quoted_msg_id and len(quoted_msg_list) != 0:  # 檢查是否付清
                        amount: float = data.get("amount")
                        paid: float = 0.0
                        for _, value in quoted_msg_list.items():
                            paid += value.get("amount")
                        if amount-paid > 1:
                            send_text(payload.get("token"), f"$ {amount-paid} 未付清", data.get("quote_token"))
                            should_checkout = False

                    if not quoted_msg_id and len(quoted_msg_list) == 0:  # 要平分的情況
                        to = users.index(data.get("user_id"))
                        for row in matrix:
                            row[to] += (data.get("amount") / users_number)

                    if quoted_msg_id:
                        fr = users.index(data.get("user_id"))
                        to = users.index(message_list.get(quoted_msg_id).get("user_id"))
                        matrix[fr][to] += data.get("amount")


                if not should_checkout:
                    return "", 200

                matrix_copy = [[0 for _ in range(len(matrix))] for _ in range(len(matrix))]

                for i in range(len(matrix_copy)):
                    for j in range(len(matrix_copy)):
                        if i < j:
                            matrix_copy[i][j] = matrix[i][j] - matrix[j][i]

                result = []

                for i in range(len(matrix_copy)):
                    for j in range(len(matrix_copy)):
                        amount = matrix_copy[i][j]
                        if amount > 0:
                            result.append({"from": get_username(users[i]), "to": get_username(users[j]), "amount": amount})
                        if amount < 0:
                            result.append({"from": get_username(users[j]), "to": get_username(users[i]), "amount": -amount})

                if result:
                    sorted_result = sorted(result, key=lambda x: x["from"])
                    bubble = get_checkout_bubble(sorted_result)
                    send_flex_text(payload.get("token"), bubble)
                    message_list = {}

            raise ValueError("Action Success")

        if "$" not in payload.get("msg_text"):
            if "計算" in payload.get("msg_text"):
                    text = payload.get("msg_text")
                    number = float(simple_eval(text.split("計算")[1]))
                    send_text(payload.get("token"), f"$ {round(number,2)}", payload.get("quote_token"))
                    raise ValueError("Calculation Error")
                raise ValueError("Calculation Successful")
            raise ValueError("Keyword not Found")

        if get_amount(payload.get("msg_text")) == None:
            raise ValueError("Amount is None")

        if payload.get("quoted_msg_id"):
            message_list[payload.get("msg_id")] = {"user_id": payload.get("user_id"),
                                                   "amount": get_amount(payload.get("msg_text")),
                                                   "quoted_msg_id": payload.get("quoted_msg_id")}
            message_list[payload.get("msg_id")] = {"user_id": payload.get("user_id"),
                                                   "amount": get_amount(payload.get("msg_text")),
                                                   "quote_token": payload.get("quote_token"),
                                                   "msg_text": payload.get("msg_text")}

        for msg_id, data in message_list.items():
            quoted_msg_id = data.get("quoted_msg_id")
            quoted_msg_list = {key: value for key, value in message_list.items() if value.get("quoted_msg_id") == msg_id}

            if not quoted_msg_id and len(quoted_msg_list) != 0:
                amount: float = data.get("amount")
                paid: float = 0.0
                for _, value in quoted_msg_list.items():
                    paid += value.get("amount")

                if amount-paid <= 1 and payload.get("quoted_msg_id") == msg_id:
                    borrowers = []
                    for _, q_data in quoted_msg_list.items():
                        borrowers.append({"name": get_username(q_data.get("user_id")), "amount": q_data.get("amount")})
                    bubble = get_summary_bubble(data.get("msg_text"), get_username(data.get("user_id")), borrowers)
                    send_flex_text(payload.get("token"), bubble)

                if amount-paid > 1 and payload.get("quoted_msg_id") != msg_id:
                    send_text(payload.get("token"), f"$ {amount-paid} 未付清", data.get("quote_token"))

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

    for key in message_list:
    print("="*20, end="\n\n")

    return "", 200

def get_payload_dict(raw_payload) -> dict:
    # print(raw_payload)
    global group_id
    events = raw_payload.get("events", [{}])[0]
    group_id = events.get("source", {}).get("groupId")

    return {"token": events.get("replyToken"),
            "quote_token": events.get("message", {}).get("quoteToken"),
            "group_id": events.get("source", {}).get("groupId"),
            "user_id": events.get("source", {}).get("userId"),
            "msg_type": events.get("message", {}).get("type"),
            "msg_id": events.get("message", {}).get("id"),
            "msg_text": events.get("message", {}).get("text"),
            "quoted_msg_id": events.get("message", {}).get("quotedMessageId"),
            "unsend_msg_id": events.get("unsend", {}).get("messageId")}

def send_text(token: str, text: str, quote_token: str | None = None):"", headers={
        "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
        "Authorization": "Bearer " + LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN
    }, json={
        "replyToken": token,
        "messages": [{"type": "text", "text": text, "quoteToken": quote_token}]

def send_flex_text(token, bubble):"", headers={
        "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
        "Authorization": "Bearer " + LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN
    }, json={
        "replyToken": token,
        "messages": [{
            "type": "flex",
            "altText": "您有一則新訊息",
            "contents": bubble

def get_username(user_id: str):
    if user_id == "others":
        return "其他人"
    url = f"{group_id}/member/{user_id}"
        res_json = requests.get(url, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN}).json()
        return res_json.get("displayName")
        return "未知"

def get_users_number() -> int:
    global group_id
    url = f"{group_id}/members/count"
        res_json = requests.get(url, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN}).json()
        return int(res_json.get("count"))
        return 0

def get_amount(text: str) -> float | None:
        after_dollar = text.split("$")[1]
        rows = after_dollar.split("\n")
        number = float(simple_eval(rows[0]))
        divisor = 1
        if len(rows) > 1 and "/" in rows[1]:
            divisor = int(rows[1].replace("/", ""))
        if divisor % 3 == 0:
            number += 0.3
        if divisor == 0:
            raise ValueError("divisor = 0")
        return round(number/divisor, 2)
        return None

def get_summary_bubble(title: str, payer: str, borrowers: list):
    total = 0.0
    borrower_contents = []

    for borrower in borrowers:
        amount = float(borrower.get("amount"))
        total += amount
            "type": "box",
            "layout": "horizontal",
            "contents": [
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": borrower.get("name"),
                    "size": "sm",
                    "color": "#555555",
                    "flex": 0
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": f"${round(amount,2)}",
                    "size": "sm",
                    "color": "#111111",
                    "align": "end"

    return {
        "type": "bubble",
        "body": {
            "type": "box",
            "layout": "vertical",
            "contents": [
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": "對帳明細",
                    "weight": "bold",
                    "color": "#1DB446",
                    "size": "sm"
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": title,
                    "weight": "bold",
                    "size": "xxl",
                    "wrap": True,
                    "margin": "md"
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": f"由 {payer} 付款",
                    "size": "sm",
                    "color": "#aaaaaa",
                    "wrap": True,
                    "weight": "bold"
                    "type": "separator",
                    "margin": "lg"
                    "type": "box",
                    "layout": "vertical",
                    "margin": "lg",
                    "spacing": "sm",
                    "contents": borrower_contents
                    "type": "separator",
                    "margin": "lg"
                    "type": "box",
                    "layout": "horizontal",
                    "contents": [
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": "合計",
                            "size": "sm",
                            "color": "#555555"
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": f"${round(total,2)}",
                            "size": "sm",
                            "color": "#111111",
                            "align": "end",
                            "weight": "bold"
                    "margin": "lg"
        "styles": {
            "footer": {
                "separator": True

def get_checkout_bubble(checkout_list: list):
    carousel_contents = []

    checkout_total = 0.0
    checkout_contents = []
    checkout_items = {key: value for key, value in message_list.items() if not value.get("quoted_msg_id")}
    for _, value in checkout_items.items():
        msg_text = value.get("msg_text")
        amount = round(float(value.get("amount")), 2)
        checkout_total += amount

        if msg_text:
            msg_text = msg_text.split("$")[0]

            "type": "box",
            "layout": "horizontal",
            "contents": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": msg_text,
                        "size": "sm",
                        "color": "#555555",
                        "flex": 0
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": f"${amount}",
                        "size": "sm",
                        "color": "#111111",
                        "align": "end"
            "margin": "sm"

        "type": "bubble",
        "body": {
                "type": "box",
                "layout": "vertical",
                "contents": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "結算明細",
                        "weight": "bold",
                        "color": "#1DB446",
                        "size": "sm"
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "此次結算包含:",
                        "size": "sm",
                        "color": "#aaaaaa",
                        "wrap": True,
                        "margin": "lg"
                        "type": "box",
                        "layout": "vertical",
                        "margin": "md",
                        "spacing": "sm",
                        "contents": checkout_contents},
                        "type": "separator",
                        "margin": "lg"
                        "type": "box",
                        "layout": "horizontal",
                        "contents": [
                                "type": "text",
                                "text": "合計",
                                "size": "sm",
                                "color": "#555555"
                                "type": "text",
                                "text": f"${round(checkout_total,2)}",
                                "size": "sm",
                                "color": "#111111",
                                "align": "end",
                                "weight": "bold"
                        "margin": "lg"
        "styles": {
            "footer": {
                "separator": True

    current_user = checkout_list[0].get("from")
    current_total = 0.0
    current_pay_to_contents = []

    checkout_list.append({"from": None, "to": None, "amount": 0})

    for item in checkout_list:

        if current_user != item.get("from"):
                "type": "bubble",
                "body": {
                    "type": "box",
                    "layout": "vertical",
                    "contents": [
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": "結算明細",
                            "weight": "bold",
                            "color": "#1DB446",
                            "size": "sm"
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": current_user,
                            "weight": "bold",
                            "size": "xxl",
                            "wrap": True,
                            "margin": "md"
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": "需付款給:",
                            "size": "sm",
                            "color": "#aaaaaa",
                            "wrap": True,
                            "margin": "lg"
                            "type": "box",
                            "layout": "vertical",
                            "margin": "md",
                            "spacing": "sm",
                            "contents": current_pay_to_contents},
                            "type": "separator",
                            "margin": "lg"
                            "type": "box",
                            "layout": "horizontal",
                            "contents": [
                                    "type": "text",
                                    "text": "合計",
                                    "size": "sm",
                                    "color": "#555555"
                                    "type": "text",
                                    "text": f"${round(current_total,2)}",
                                    "size": "sm",
                                    "color": "#111111",
                                    "align": "end",
                                    "weight": "bold"
                            "margin": "lg"
                "styles": {
                    "footer": {
                        "separator": True

            current_user = item.get("from")
            current_total = 0.0
            current_pay_to_contents = []

        amount = round(float(item.get("amount")), 2)
        current_total += amount

            "type": "box",
            "layout": "horizontal",
            "contents": [
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": item.get("to"),
                    "size": "sm",
                    "color": "#555555",
                    "flex": 0
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": f"${amount}",
                    "size": "sm",
                    "color": "#111111",
                    "align": "end"

    return {
        "type": "carousel",
        "contents": carousel_contents

if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=7860)