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"From files: pickles/religion_pickles/religion_A,B.p, uber_topics_80.jsonl",,Which passage is more topic relevant?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Raymis,Which passage is positive?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Shannon,Which passage is positive?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Hayley,,,,,,,,,,,,
"The relationship of the two countries is based on the concept of ""one country, two systems"" which implies a common history, culture and people.
According to the United Nations, India has the world's largest diaspora with about 2.5 billion people. India is divided in the world as the country of Hindus , Buddhists and Sikhs.
The Indian Constitution gives all","The relationship between the two is a bit of an odd one.
I was raised in a very religious family. My parents were both pastors and my grandparents are still active members of their church. They have always been extremely devout Christians who believe that God has spoken to them through various mediums over the years. This includes speaking directly into their children's ears when they ask questions about religion. When we moved out on",Both,4,5,,Both,4,4,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,16_882_839
"Emphasised are the words ""God"" and ""God"".
>The Bible is a book of stories about God that were written by men who believed in God. It contains many stories, but it also has some very important messages for people today. These include God's love for us, His plan to save us from our sins, and how we can be forgiven if we turn away from sin.
","Emphasised are the words of Jesus Christ. They were written in the New Testament. They are not the same words spoken by the Apostle Paul (Romans 4:23-25).
It is Jesus Christ who, after being crucified, was raised and glorified by God, who is ""The God and Jesus Christ"" (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Jesus said",Both,2,3,,Both,3,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,14_849_744
"Foundational to this is the idea that God created everything in six days and then rested on Sunday.
>The Bible says that Jesus was born of a virgin, but it also tells us he had been conceived by God. This means that if you believe in God, you have to accept that He could create something from nothing. If you don't believe that, how can you be sure there isn't","Foundational to this is a belief in the ability of a person to change his/her character over time, through learning, self-reflection and a sense of God's love and favor toward the believer (see the article on the Christian God). The Bible says that God's love for us extends to the world, and that he loves His children more than Himself (2 John 3:16",Both,4,4,,Both,4,4,,Both,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,4_137_610
"The central theme of this book is that there is something fundamentally wrong in human beings: the lack of love. It's an argument for what the word is, and why people are so stupid. The problem is, the love they have doesn't work, and God is angry at them for their lack of love and the fact that they haven't been born again. God wants you to love God","The central theme of the Bible is that God loves us and wants to be with us. He has given his Son as a sacrifice for our sins. We are forgiven by Jesus Christ because he died on the cross so we can live forever in heaven.
But what about those who don't believe in God? What if they never heard or read anything about Jesus? How would you feel knowing your loved ones",Both,3,4,,Both,4,5,,Both,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,9_50_869
"The key aspect of the story is that Jesus was a man who had been raised up from death and died for our sins. He rose again to life after his resurrection in order to save us all.
This means he could not have done it alone. God needed him as well. If we are going to believe this story, then why did god need jesus? Why didn't he just resurrect him? It seems","The key aspect discussed in this paper is to define the term ""social capital"" (i.e., the social and cultural capital which supports the growth of the state and which is required to create a democratic and just society). The authors argue against using this term in the sense of a 'gift', and instead argue that a society is not just 'a gift', but God Himself (God",Both,3,3,,Both,3,4,,A,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,11_29_754
"In this essay I will try to explain why the Bible is a good book for Christians and how it can be used as an aid in understanding other religions.
>The first thing that strikes me about the Old Testament is its beauty. It has been called “the most beautiful of all books.” This may sound like hyperbole, but it’s not. It’s not just beautiful, it’s also very easy","In this essay, I describe the historical context of the creation of the Church and the origins of Catholicism (or, more accurately, the Church). The essay does not attempt to refute the claims of any religious tradition or church but rather seeks to explain how the Church came to be and what it means for Christianity today. I also discuss some Christian beliefs concerning the resurrection of Jesus as well as some Christian",Both,4,4,,Both,4,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,19_335_440
"In summary:
• In the wake of the death of a police officer in the city of Chicago on Saturday, a group of protesters marched through the streets and took the streets.
• Protesters were met with tear gas and rubber bullets, and the city's mayor ordered a halt to the action, saying it had the ""chosen name"" ""Konrad Adenauer."" This","In summary , I am a Christian who believes in the Bible and Jesus Christ as my personal savior.
My question is how do you reconcile your faith with science ? How can we be sure that what we believe about God 's existence or nature are true without having to have evidence for it . What would happen if someone came up with an explanation of why there was no proof of evolution",B,4,4,,Both,4,4,,B,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,0_644_197
"This essay discusses an issue I believe has been neglected by most of the media in this election. It is a topic which was not raised at any recent conference I attended or which I think I have heard mentioned elsewhere. I have heard it discussed by a few people, but I don't know what it is, and have only heard a few people talk about it before.
My point is","This essay discusses the relationship between religion and science.
>The scientific method is a way of thinking about how we can understand our world in order to make it more predictable. It has been used for centuries by scientists as an instrument that allows them to test their theories against reality. In this essay, I will discuss some of the ways science uses religion.
> Religion",B,3,4,,B,3,4,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,1_212_247
"It has been shown that the Bible is not a reliable source of historical information.
>The Book of Mormon was written by Joseph Smith in 1830 and published posthumously in 1830. This book contains many errors about ancient American history as well as modern history. For example, it claims that there were no Native Americans before Europeans arrived on the continent. In fact, they had lived for thousands of years prior","It has been shown that in order to prevent an individual or group from using their voice to oppress another religion they can't use their voice to criticize God in Scripture. The Bible itself teaches that you should not speak God's Name except in Scripture. It also states that if you want to speak God's Name God must tell you in Scripture that God has commanded you in His Word. You cannot tell God in your own language
"More importantly, it would be the beginning of the end for the United States. We are at a point of history in our nation's history where it is no longer possible to be a true Christian, a true God-believer without believing one God.
I have no more of God. I am a man of God. I believe in Christ Jesus and His gospel. He is my","More importantly, what is the difference between a Christian and an atheist?
I am not trying to be snarky or anything, but it seems like there are many people who have no idea that atheists exist. It would seem as if they should know by now because of all the things we believe in (science, reason, etc). But when you ask them about their beliefs, they just say ""I don't",Both,4,5,,Both,5,4,,B,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,12_720_219
"An illustration of the difference between a Christian and an atheist
Text: I was reading [this article](link), which is about how atheists are more likely to be diagnosed with depression than Christians. The article says that Christians have higher rates for depression, but it also mentions that there were no differences in suicide attempts by atheists. This seems like a pretty big difference, especially when you consider that both","An illustration of a computer simulation. (Credit: NASA)
The next time you think about flying, take a moment to imagine yourself flying through space, with a computer simulation of what it would be like.
That would be pretty fun, wouldn't it?<|endoftext|>It's been a long and strange journey since the last time I was alive. But it doesn't matter if you",A,4,4,,A,4,4,,A,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,6_237_700
"Furthermore, a study on the effects of a new form of marijuana, called cannabidiol (CBD), on the central nervous system found that the CBD was able to counteract the harmful effects of alcohol.
A new study from the University of California, Santa Barbara, reveals the true story of the ""Biblical Messiah."" The story tells how the Jewish People's Messiah Jesus Christ was","Furthermore, I am not a Christian and do not believe in the Bible as it is written.
What are your thoughts on this?
**TL;DR** - How can we reconcile our faith with science when they contradict each other?
*edit* Thanks for all of the responses. This has been very interesting to read. I'm going to try my best to answer some questions that have come",Both,4,4,,B,4,4,,Both,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,8_730_743
"Prior to this, we were told that this is a ""very difficult"" game to develop. I'm glad to say that I'm completely in agreement, and will be looking to improve the gameplay mechanics in the future.
I'm very excited to see all the fans who have donated, and to the many who are supporting our project. I hope this is a sign of things to come","Prior to this I was a Christian and now I'm an atheist.
My question is this: What do you think about the idea of God as a loving father who created us in his own image? How would that change your view on God?
If you're not religious, what are some good arguments for why we should believe in him?
Thanks :)
**edit:** Thank you",B,4,4,,B,4,4,,B,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,13_642_745
"Views on the nature of God and Jesus Christ are very different in my opinion.
I believe that there is a God, but not necessarily one who created everything or even cares about our existence. He has no interest in us at all. If he did, then why would he allow evil to exist? Why does he let people suffer? What purpose do we serve if he's so indifferent towards us?
","Views on the subject of abortion are divided in America: a large majority support legal abortion; only a minority oppose it. But there's a big, long-running divide, one that's been building for a very long time. For decades, the religious Right's opposition to abortion has focused on the biblical passages of Proverbs and Ezekiel that say women should not eat meat. And while many",Both,4,4,,A,4,3,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,2_227_252
"To review, the two men were arrested on Friday and released Saturday morning at the request of police.
The investigation into the death began in the early morning hours after officers responded to reports of a man suffering from apparent heartburn at a McDonald's in St. Paul. The man was found dead on the sidewalk outside, according to the St. Anthony News Tribune. The medical examiner, Dr","To review, I am a Christian who has been raised in the church my entire life. My parents are both pastors and have always taught me to be respectful of other people's beliefs.
Recently though, I've started questioning some things about Christianity. For example, why do we need Jesus if he was just an ordinary man that died for our sins? Why is it so important to believe in God? What does God want",B,4,5,,B,4,5,,B,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,5_890_353
"To conclude, I would like to say that the Bible is a book of stories and parables about God telling us how he wants things to be. It does not contain any factual information or scientific information.
The purpose of this post was to ask for your opinions on whether it should be taught in schools as part of our history curriculum. If you have an opinion please share it. Thank you.
**","To conclude, we are not surprised by the results of this study. Our hypothesis of an important role for vitamin D in the regulation of inflammation in humans has been borne out by many independent studies over a number of decades.
Vitamin D, which the body produces in the lab, is produced in the blood and circulates through the body. The heart of God is one of the four",A,4,3,,A,5,4,,A,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,10_867_684
"In brief, a ""super-sized"" (super-fast) version of Bitcoin will be released in the near future. This could be a big deal because it could potentially be used to make a lot of money.
What is Super-Large Amount?
A ""super-large amount"" (also known as the Bitcoin God) is the most important and significant thing that God","In brief, I am a Christian who has been raised in the church and is now an atheist.
My question to you all is, what are some of your favorite quotes from the bible? What do they mean for you? How have these verses impacted you, or how would you apply them today?
Thanks so much! :)
**TL;DR** - What are some good quotes that",B,4,4,,B,4,4,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,7_662_837
"The issue focused on the issue of whether the federal government should provide more help for refugees from around the world.
It said it was not a ""bargaining chip,"" a term used to describe the political and social forces that have shaped our world, that make the Christian religion the way it is. But Jesus, the Christ, Jesus Christ, God of God and Son of God,","The issue focused on the fact that I was not allowed to go to church with my family because of a lack of faith.
My parents are very religious and they have been for as long as I've known them. They were raised in an evangelical Christian home but now live in a more liberal area. When we moved out from our parents' house at 18 years old, it wasn't until after college when I",Both,4,4,,Both,3,4,,Both,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,18_456_519
"The connection between the two is that Jesus was a Jew and Paul was not.
&gt;But if you are in Christ, then Christ has accomplished what he had come to do. For we have not received wisdom from man, but God (1 Cor 11:23).
&gt; If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father or mother and wife, He cannot be my disciple. And","The connection of the Holy Scriptures with the Christian tradition has been a subject of great dispute since the beginning. Some have argued that the Scriptures have a direct connection with the Christian religion by being the Word of God. Some have argued that the Scriptures are inspired Scripture.
What are the Holy Scriptures?
The Bible (Scripture) is a book of Scripture written to be read in the Holy Spirit,",Both,3,5,,Both,3,4,,Both,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,3_223_818
"To summarise, a number of the main features that are present in this game are: - The player controls a character, with a unique personality (character creation) and a special powers and abilities;
- A game mode (single and multiplayer) in which there are different endings (good and bad) in the story - the story has a ""canon"" ending and there is no God","To summarise the story of Jesus and his death for our sins, I think it is important to note that he was not a perfect man. He had many flaws, but in my opinion these were outweighed by his love for us all.
The Bible tells us that God sent His only begotten son into this world so we could be saved from eternal damnation. This means that if you believe in",B,4,4,,B,4,3,,B,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,15_856_503