"""Data pre-processing functions. |
The pre-processing steps are heavily inspired by the following notebook : |
https://www.kaggle.com/code/rikdifos/credit-card-approval-prediction-using-ml |
Additional steps, mostly including renaming some values or features, were added for better user |
experience. |
""" |
import numpy |
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer |
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline |
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, FunctionTransformer, KBinsDiscretizer |
def _get_pipeline_replace_one_hot(func, value): |
return Pipeline([ |
("replace", FunctionTransformer( |
func, |
kw_args={"value": value}, |
feature_names_out='one-to-one', |
)), |
("one_hot", OneHotEncoder(),), |
]) |
def _replace_values_geq(column, value): |
return numpy.where(column >= value, f"{value}_or_more", column) |
def _replace_values_eq(column, value): |
for desired_value, values_to_replace in value.items(): |
column = numpy.where(numpy.isin(column, values_to_replace), desired_value, column) |
return column |
def get_pre_processors(): |
pre_processor_user = ColumnTransformer( |
transformers=[ |
( |
"replace_num_children", |
_get_pipeline_replace_one_hot(_replace_values_geq, 2), |
['Num_children'] |
), |
( |
"replace_num_family", |
_get_pipeline_replace_one_hot(_replace_values_geq, 3), |
['Num_family'] |
), |
( |
"replace_income_type", |
_get_pipeline_replace_one_hot(_replace_values_eq, {"State servant": ["Pensioner", "Student"]}), |
['Income_type'] |
), |
( |
"replace_education_type", |
_get_pipeline_replace_one_hot(_replace_values_eq, {"Higher education": ["Academic degree"]}), |
['Education_type'] |
), |
( |
"replace_occupation_type_labor", |
_get_pipeline_replace_one_hot( |
_replace_values_eq, |
{ |
"Labor_work": ["Cleaning staff", "Cooking staff", "Drivers", "Laborers", "Low-skill Laborers", "Security staff", "Waiters/barmen staff"], |
"Office_work": ["Accountants", "Core staff", "HR staff", "Medicine staff", "Private service staff", "Realty agents", "Sales staff", "Secretaries"], |
"High_tech_work": ["Managers", "High skill tech staff", "IT staff"], |
}, |
), |
['Occupation_type'] |
), |
('one_hot_housing_fam_status', OneHotEncoder(), ['Housing_type', 'Family_status']), |
('qbin_total_income', KBinsDiscretizer(n_bins=3, strategy='quantile', encode="onehot"), ['Total_income']), |
('bin_age', KBinsDiscretizer(n_bins=5, strategy='uniform', encode="onehot"), ['Age']), |
], |
remainder='passthrough', |
verbose_feature_names_out=False, |
) |
pre_processor_third_party = ColumnTransformer( |
transformers=[ |
('bin_years_employed', KBinsDiscretizer(n_bins=5, strategy='uniform', encode="onehot"), ['Years_employed']) |
], |
remainder='passthrough', |
verbose_feature_names_out=False, |
) |
return pre_processor_user, pre_processor_third_party |
def select_and_pop_features(data, columns): |
new_data = data[columns].copy() |
data.drop(columns, axis=1, inplace=True) |
return new_data |