"Filter definitions, with pre-processing, post-processing and compilation methods."

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn

from concrete.numpy.compilation.compiler import Compiler
from concrete.ml.common.utils import generate_proxy_function
from concrete.ml.onnx.convert import get_equivalent_numpy_forward
from concrete.ml.torch.numpy_module import NumpyModule

class TorchIdentity(nn.Module):
    """Torch identity model."""

    def forward(self, x):
        """Identity forward pass.

            x (torch.Tensor): The input image.

            x (torch.Tensor): The input image.
        return x

class TorchInverted(nn.Module):
    """Torch inverted model."""

    def forward(self, x):
        """Forward pass for inverting an image's colors.

            x (torch.Tensor): The input image.

            torch.Tensor: The (color) inverted image.
        return 255 - x

class TorchRotate(nn.Module):
    """Torch rotated model."""

    def forward(self, x):
        """Forward pass for rotating an image.

            x (torch.Tensor): The input image.

            torch.Tensor: The rotated image.
        return x.transpose(2, 3)

class TorchConv(nn.Module):
    """Torch model for applying convolution operators on images."""

    def __init__(self, kernel, n_in_channels=3, n_out_channels=3, groups=1, threshold=None):
        """Initialize the filter.

            kernel (np.ndarray): The convolution kernel to consider.
        self.kernel = torch.tensor(kernel, dtype=torch.int64)
        self.n_out_channels = n_out_channels
        self.n_in_channels = n_in_channels
        self.groups = groups
        self.threshold = threshold

    def forward(self, x):
        """Forward pass for filtering the image using a 1D or 2D kernel.

            x (torch.Tensor): The input image.

            torch.Tensor: The filtered image.

        # Define the convolution parameters
        stride = 1
        kernel_shape = self.kernel.shape

        # Ensure the kernel has a proper shape
        # If the kernel has a 1D shape, a (1, 1) kernel is used for each in_channels
        if len(kernel_shape) == 1:
            kernel = self.kernel.reshape(
                self.n_in_channels // self.groups,

        # Else, if the kernel has a 2D shape, a single (Kw, Kh) kernel is used on all in_channels
        elif len(kernel_shape) == 2:
            kernel = self.kernel.expand(
                self.n_in_channels // self.groups,
            raise ValueError(
                "Wrong kernel shape, only 1D or 2D kernels are accepted. Got kernel of shape "

        # Apply the convolution
        x = nn.functional.conv2d(x, kernel, stride=stride, groups=self.groups)

        # Subtract a given threshold if given
        if self.threshold is not None:
            x -= self.threshold

        return x

class Filter:
    """Filter class used in the app."""

    def __init__(self, filter_name):
        """Initializing the filter class using a given filter.

        Most filters can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_(image_processing).

            filter_name (str): The filter to consider.

        assert filter_name in AVAILABLE_FILTERS, (
            f"Unsupported image filter or transformation. Expected one of {*AVAILABLE_FILTERS,}, "
            f"but got {filter_name}",

        # Define attributes associated to the filter 
        self.filter_name = filter_name
        self.onnx_model = None
        self.fhe_circuit = None
        self.divide = None
        self.repeat_out_channels = False

        # Instantiate the torch module associated to the given filter name 
        if filter_name == "identity":
            self.torch_model = TorchIdentity()

        elif filter_name == "inverted":
            self.torch_model = TorchInverted()

        elif filter_name == "rotate":
            self.torch_model = TorchRotate()

        elif filter_name == "black and white":
            # Define the grayscale weights (RGB order)
            # These weights were used in PAL and NTSC video systems and can be found at
            # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grayscale
            # There are initially supposed to be float weights (0.299, 0.587, 0.114), with
            # 0.299 + 0.587 + 0.114 = 1
            # However, since FHE computations require weights to be integers, we first multiply
            # these by a factor of 1000. The output image's values are then divided by 1000 in
            # post-processing in order to retrieve the correct result
            kernel = [299, 587, 114]

            self.torch_model = TorchConv(kernel, n_out_channels=1, groups=1)

            # Define the value used when for dividing the output values in post-processing
            self.divide = 1000

            # Indicate that the out_channels will need to be repeated, as Gradio requires all 
            # images to have a RGB format, even for grayscaled ones
            self.repeat_out_channels = True

        elif filter_name == "blur":
            kernel = np.ones((3, 3))

            self.torch_model = TorchConv(kernel, n_out_channels=3, groups=3)

            # Define the value used when for dividing the output values in post-processing
            self.divide = 9

        elif filter_name == "sharpen":
            kernel = [
                [0, -1, 0],
                [-1, 5, -1],
                [0, -1, 0],

            self.torch_model = TorchConv(kernel, n_out_channels=3, groups=3)

        elif filter_name == "ridge detection":
            kernel = [
                [-1, -1, -1],
                [-1, 9, -1],
                [-1, -1, -1],

            # Additionally to the convolution operator, the filter will subtract a given threshold
            # value to the result in order to better display the ridges
            self.torch_model = TorchConv(kernel, n_out_channels=1, groups=1, threshold=900)

            # Indicate that the out_channels will need to be repeated, as Gradio requires all 
            # images to have a RGB format, even for grayscaled ones. Ridge detection images are 
            # ususally displayed as such
            self.repeat_out_channels = True

    def compile(self, onnx_graph=None):
        """Compile the model on a representative inputset.

            onnx_graph (onnx.ModelProto): The loaded onnx model to consider. If None, it will be
                generated automatically using a NumpyModule. Default to None.
        # Generate a random representative set of images used for compilation, following Torch's 
        # shape format (batch, in_channels, image_height, image_width) for each samples
        # This version's compiler only handles tuples of 1-batch array as inputset, meaning we need
        # to define the inputset as a Tuple[np.ndarray[shape=(1, 3, H, W)]]  
        inputset = tuple(
            np.random.randint(0, 255, size=((1, 3) + INPUT_SHAPE), dtype=np.int64) for _ in range(10)

        # If no onnx model was given, generate a new one.
        if onnx_graph is None:
            numpy_module = NumpyModule(

            onnx_graph = numpy_module.onnx_model

        # Get the proxy function and parameter mappings for initializing the compiler
        self.onnx_graph = onnx_graph
        numpy_filter = get_equivalent_numpy_forward(onnx_graph)

        numpy_filter_proxy, parameters_mapping = generate_proxy_function(numpy_filter, ["inputs"])

        compiler = Compiler(
            {parameters_mapping["inputs"]: "encrypted"},

        # Compile the filter
        self.fhe_circuit = compiler.compile(inputset)

        return self.fhe_circuit

    def pre_processing(self, input_image):
        """Apply pre-processing to the encrypted input images.

            input_image (np.ndarray): The image to pre-process.

            input_image (np.ndarray): The pre-processed image.
        # Reshape the inputs found in inputset. This is done because Torch and Numpy don't follow
        # the same shape conventions.
        # Additionally, make sure the input images are made of integers only
        input_image = np.expand_dims(input_image.transpose(2, 0, 1), axis=0).astype(np.int64)

        return input_image

    def post_processing(self, output_image):
        """Apply post-processing to the encrypted output images.

            input_image (np.ndarray): The decrypted image to post-process.

            input_image (np.ndarray): The post-processed image.
        # Divide all values if needed
        if self.divide is not None:
            output_image //= self.divide

        # Clip the image's values to proper RGB standards as filters don't handle such constraints
        output_image = output_image.clip(0, 255)

        # Reshape the inputs found in inputset. This is done because Torch and Numpy don't follow
        # the same shape conventions.
        output_image = output_image.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).squeeze(0)

        # Gradio requires all images to follow a RGB format
        if self.repeat_out_channels:
            output_image = output_image.repeat(3, axis=2)

        return output_image