diff --git "a/tutorial/data/text_15.txt" "b/tutorial/data/text_15.txt"
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+++ "b/tutorial/data/text_15.txt"
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+Anyone know what time it is?
+Maybe it's gone.
+By 7:46, when the tide turns around, we'll be twenty miles out. More, with this wind.
+Shut up.
+The wind drift is lateral.
+What's that mean?
+Take a break for a minute, okay?
+Eddie, can we do that? Can we go skiing? We can use my Uncle's boat. Eddie?
+Next week.
+Come on back up here!
+Give me back my hat!
+You want to tack, or just leave her pointed up like this?
+Just like this.
+What about sailing?
+The tide's running. It'll take us to the light.
+What about the others?
+They'll be there when we get there. Might even have a fire started.
+What're we going to do in the mean time?
+But first, a little juice....
+And second?
+Wait a minute. Promise me something.
+Anything. Anything.
+That you'll put down a blanket. I've got black and blue marks all over my butt, and my Mom's getting uptight about them.
+Right after, the Kids went out?
+What Kids? Who went out?
+All of them. Mike, Junior Vaughn, Brookie Peters, Pat, Lucy -- all that whole gang.
+Mike? Our Mike?
+Mrs. Brody, look -- if he can't go, then you can't go. Neither of you can go.
+Hurry, please.
+Be careful....
+Rich or poor, it's nice to have money.
+Figure they split?
+How much longer?
+Until we find something.
+About damn time.
+What is it?
+Power line.
+It comes here from Cable Junction.
+Untangle it and let's go -- We don't need a blackout on the island.
+What's the lighthouse?
+It's an island, near here, with a lighthouse. We sometimes hang out there, you know....
+Too hot tor those two? I can't believe it.
+We'll be over by the lighthouse.
+I'd like to go out to the light- house with you.
+I'm not sure I can.
+It'll be fun, come on!
+Maybe you and Brooke could come over to the town beach....
+No way. Everybody's going sailing. If you don't want to take me, just say so.
+That's not it. My dad told me not to go.
+You do everything your parents tell you?
+I thought you were grounded.
+That's fun! Let's race for some- thing!
+I don't care.
+What's wrong?
+Faster! Faster!
+Mike and Larry are racing! Loser goes home alone!
+If we beat them, they can both go home stag! Single-O! Alone! Jackie can come back in this boat!
+What about me?
+Uh. Well. Maybe you could give Polo a hand going in....
+Heading back?
+He's got to help or it won't work.
+I don't think she's such hot stuff.
+When are we going out? You and me?
+Not tonight.
+Who wouldn't.
+They're turning around.
+I don't need you. Andy's here.
+You always go with Andy.
+Do I have to play with the little kids?
+I want Fruit Loops!
+Eat Cheerios.
+You're going out.
+You're going sailing.
+Take me.
+I want to go with you!
+Quiet! Shhh!
+Look -- if you're going to get in the way, you can just go home.
+And if you have any questions about recreational possibilities, Ellen Brody here will be happy to answer them.
+I think we got a couple of live ones.
+Brody's riding his tower.
+Wave to my son.
+How the hell do we get him down. from there?
+Oh, my God....
+You should've been out there. You should've seen him waving that gun, like a maniac. There were shots fired!
+Larry, I'm a businessman, trying to make a buck like anybody else.
+So? So?
+So it can't be done like that. The man's a menace, plain and simple.
+Be reasonable, please....
+We're ready for you.
+Why don't you take a rest, Brian?
+I'm only walking him. You caught him. You have to be exhausted.
+Go on, you're tired.
+It hasn't adjusted.
+Don't feel bad.
+Go on, Doctor.
+No one's ever caught a Great White except indirectly in fishing nets. I want to dart it and keep it alive.
+It would make a marvelous attraction; the only Great White in captivity.
+Absolutely. Good idea.
+With those camera lights and...
+He's going with you, Doctor.
+No, it will be too much distraction. I don't want that many people in the water. I'll go in, give it a belly shot, and get out.
+I don't understand. Overman's too good a diver to disappear.
+I'll need more men to look.
+Can't help you, Mike. Don't have the manpower.
+We're going to have to cover the entire lagoon.
+What you're saying is we have a Great White shark in the lagoon.
+What's your plan, Brody?
+It's Miller time!
+You buying?
+Sure am.
+You see the three-quarter socket?
+Yeah. Down there.
+Aren't you suiting up, mate?
+Well, don't worry about your fiancee. We'll watch over her.
+She can take care of herself. She doesn't need you.
+Never know down there. Helps to have a friend, sometimes.
+How many sharks have you killed?
+Thank you.
+Well, not much longer to go.
+What is it, 97 days?
+Till this opens, not our wedding.
+Hope I make it through both.
+Look, Kathryn. They're jealous.
+They're acting very strange suddenly.
+Pre-opening jitters.
+Damn it. I can't understand! I gotta go, hon.
+Don't forget you have your brother.
+That macho pompous English --
+Don't let him get you. Just continue your patterns and pretend he's not around.
+My imagination isn't that good.
+Honey, I gotta go.
+You called, Doctor?
+Everything's going wrong. I'm having more trouble with Bobby than I ever have before. I can't get him to respond.
+How come?
+I don't know. I can't understand it. Something's bothering them.
+And what else is bothering you?
+... Hutton. He really pisses me off.
+Yeah, you really don't like him.
+I don't like what he does.
+It's his work.
+He doesn't need the money. He inherited a fortune. He kills for kicks. TV battles between non-predator fish and divers. The diver always wins.
+Okay, forget him now. I'm going to pick up Sean. Take a ride?
+I can't leave now. We taking Sean out?
+Sure. Want to try that new Italian place?
+No, you don't need all that starch. You're getting too fat.
+Not enough loving.
+They're coming with us?
+Where's the rubber band?
+Look, Michael... you don't have to come.
+What do I do now?
+Take a deep breath and hold it.
+That's cute, Kathryn. Real cute.
+Honey... you all right?
+Are you scared?
+Damn it!
+Hi, baby.
+Baby goddamn scared me to death!
+They just wanted to say hello.
+Let's head to the gate and work our way back.
+That's a lot of ground to cover.
+It's romantic down here.
+Oh, yeah. Very.
+You know, on our honeymoon, we should go scuba diving.
+What's wrong?
+... If nothing's wrong, why are we stopping here?
+... Electrical connection malfunctioning.
+You sound like Houston Mission Control. What the hell does it mean?
+That we swim.
+Swim where? Out there? Oh, no, forget it, not me! You go, I'm staying.
+Michael, the sub's dead.
+Yeah, and so will I be if I start swimming in that blackass jungle.
+Where are you going?
+And leave me down here???
+Make up your mind.
+What mind? If I had a mind, I'd never have let you talk me into this.
+I talked you into this?
+I'd have fallen in love with a pilot or a mountain climber.
+Are you coming...?
+You would, wouldn't you? I'd end up whale shit, you wouldn't care.
+You all right?
+I think so. I'm not sure... Are you?
+How the hell did it get in here?
+God, they're horrible. I hate them. Did you see its eyes? How black they are? The look in them?
+Don't think about it. It's over.
+You're going down there again?
+After what happened to us?
+I know I can capture it.
+Oh, yeah. Really nice. Who's your designer? Sassoon Shark?
+I got it on sale. A real steel.
+What's that?
+Fine piece of engineering.
+Should protect you a little, from the compression. If that thing gets ahold of you.
+Wouldn't this whole thing be a little safer in the daytime?
+It's easier to lure sharks at night.
+Change your mind?
+You amaze me. I'm more scared than you.
+I can use a shot of what he's got.
+After this has opened, when everything's settled down, you and I are going away. Just the two of us. No dolphins, no sharks, no whales, no penguins. Just you and me.
+Sounds wonderful.
+You want me to stay?
+Get some sleep. And tell Sean I'm sorry.
+How's your patient?
+Recovering nicely.
+Mmmm... you smell good.
+You don't.
+They said you'd be here.
+What's up?
+I need more pressure in the shark tank.
+I want to make sure the White is getting enough flow. Would you do that for me?
+No, we'll go through here.
+... Mean through the tubes?
+Yes. It's faster.
+No, I'm not going through there.
+Michael, come on, don't be silly. This is the quickest way. You're not going to walk all the way around?
+I'm not going to walk through that shark arcade.
+They're not going to hurt you. They're encased in plastic.
+I don't want to see them, Kathryn.
+Calvin wants me to move the White for tomorrow.
+... He ought to put him in here.
+It's too soon to move him.
+So tell Calvin.
+I did. He wants it on exhibit.
+Honey, what is it?
+Michael, take deep breaths.
+I have to get out of here.
+Come on.
+I can't take water, Kathryn.
+Yes, you can.
+Put it under your pillow and sleep on it and the tooth fairy will --
+It's a shark's tooth!
+What's the big deal? A shark got Overman, and we got the shark.
+That's just it, Michael. We don't!
+What do you mean, we don't?
+This tooth is from another shark. A shark that could be 30 feet long!
+That's what I've come to ask you. Is there any large place that has a strong current of water flowing?
+What did you just say before? About water flowing through them?
+That's why they're always moving. They have to have it.
+Somebody better get down there!
+Come on!
+How is he?
+Couple of fractures, lacerations. They say he's gonna be all right.
+... I have to go, honey. Phillip and I are going down together to kill the shark.
+That's right.
+Who's going to do it?
+Michael, you're not going down there.
+I am. You're not.
+But you --
+Michael, you don't have to go down there.
+I want that shark, Kathryn.
+You don't have to prove anything.
+Are you okay?
+Go where?
+On the telly. We're to film him for the evening news.
+Nobody told me.
+I just did. Can you make them do tricks?
+They're not tricks. They're behavior patterns.
+Fine. Have them do some.
+I don't know. They're nervous and skittish right now.
+Okay now. Have Flipper flip or something.
+It's no use. They won't come into the lagoon.
+Well then, can you have them jump to the camera over here?
+Wait a minute. These aren't kangaroos, Mr. Hutton. They're dolphins.
+I thought they were clever.
+I can have them walk backwards.
+No, no. That won't do.
+I told you, something's upset them.
+Well, I have to get this into the networks. If you can't do it, you can't do it, that's all.
+I'm sorry.
+Unhappy combination. Most likely one's inside the other.
+Sharks are man-biters, Mister Hutton. Not man-eaters --
+That's a load of codswopple. A Great White doesn't fear man. It doesn't fear beast. It's an orgy of food and blood.
+I think we can capture it. I'd like to try.
+You can get killed!
+I've handled sharks before. Bigger than this one.
+Calvin, let me go down there and kill the bastard.
+It'll chop up half a million dollars of your tropical fish in two minutes.
+Calvin, I insist I be allowed to capture it!
+Three hundred million years of evolution have created the greatest butcher the world's ever known.
+It's one of the world's greatest creatures.
+A shark could have a hundred embryos in its sack. You know how many are born? Maybe five. They eat each other before birth! They're born killers!
+I will.
+Well, then I'm going to film it.
+Like hell!
+I want that shark alive.
+You look like an orange worm.
+Shark bait. Draws them over for closeups.
+Lunch for Whitey. Something to munch on in case things get dicey.
+We're taking that shark alive!
+Let's hope he knows that.
+I know it and I will not go down into this lagoon as long as you carry that!
+I insist you get rid of that bomb.
+Afraid I can't do that.
+You're supposed to film it, not turn it to hash!
+How's sleeping beauty?
+Still sleeping.
+Kiss him, maybe he'll turn into a frog.
+Should be coming out of it soon.
+Could be a new dance... Walking the Shark.
+Thanks for helping.
+Not at all.
+Why are you?
+I like it when they wake up.
+So do I. But for different reasons.
+You were quite daring in capturing him. Very skillful indeed.
+Skillful? I missed my first shot.
+Some miss all their shots.
+Somebody could have gotten hurt.
+That's what life is, Doctor. Full of chances to hurt yourself, or somebody else.
+You're a strange man, Mr. Hutton.
+Before, you were ready to feed this shark a hand grenade. Now you're helping to nurse it back to life.
+That's because I am the shark.
+We're all from the sea, Mr. Hutton. Our destiny is linked to the fate of the oceans. By continuing to destroy fish, man destroys himself.
+I think that you and I are natural enemies.
+Hello. I think his nap's over.
+Get ready to go.
+Believe me, I am.
+Well, Doctor. You've got your shark.
+Sharks have to keep moving. They can never stop or they'll suffocate. If water isn't always flowing through them, they'll die.
+I've heard of a White that big, in Australia...
+He's big as a bloody bus!
+We can assume he's back in the water intake passage.
+She, Mister Hutton.
+A piece of pie on Sunday.
+I think they'll come out now.
+They still seem nervous.
+He's a young one.
+When did this happen?
+I knew it; it's my fault. We moved it too soon.
+Don't blame yourself.
+No one's ever done it before. It was a good try...
+Not good enough.
+Give me a ride?
+He's missing.
+Kelly, could you look after Sean for a while? Show him around for me?
+Sure. No problem.
+Sean. Sean, where are you?
+Hi, Mike.
+How you doing, Kelly?
+I'm Neo-Senephrened out. Think I'm catching a cold.
+So, you just get here?
+Yeah, from Boston.
+I was seeing this guy off. He flew in from Dallas. Wants to marry me. He's okay, but Texans are so possessive.
+Massachussettans aren't.
+'Course they're also so rich.
+... Massachussettans aren't.
+How long you staying?
+I don't know, it depends.
+I haven't seen that much, but so far it looks great.
+You gonna work at The Kingdom?
+Depends on big brother.
+I'm a water-skier.
+Are you really?
+Sure am.
+That's too bad. I don't like water. I don't like being around in. I never go in it.
+How come?
+Well, I needed a cold shower.
+This is where to be. High and dry.
+You were great out there!
+Did you see me?! Wasn't I terrific?
+Sean, do you have herpes?
+Besides that.
+I don't know, what else is there?
+I know! We can take the gondola ride!
+The one that goes underwater?
+Yes, it's great!
+No, Kelly, I don't want to...
+Come on, it's fun!
+Not for me. I don't go in the water, remember?
+You're not in the water. You're in a gondola.
+No, think of something else.
+Sean, this is ridiculous. You're acting very immature.
+Isn't this fun!
+Told you you'd like it.
+Now what's this do?
+No... It can't be.
+Let's go, let's go!
+It's okay, Sean.
+Take it up.
+Take it up!
+The space shuttle has landed!
+Hold still, damn it!
+What're you doing later?
+Taking my boyfriend to the airport.
+I don't talk that way.
+Remember, skiers stay up longer.
+Shut up, Tod! Be serious!
+Watch it, I'm gonna fall. I'm gonna go!
+Ahhh, ahhh...
+Now what?
+Gotta sneeze.
+Don't you dare.
+Back, Kelly. Lean back!
+Did you see that?
+On monitor three. Was a glimpse of something.
+Yes, there is goes.
+Bring the crane over. Come down. Easy down.
+Hutton, how the hell did you get my crane?
+Calvin said it was all right.
+Yeah, well I didn't!
+Make sure you put this back.
+You set that thing off down there, you don't know what will happen.
+Watch it, Brody. You're ruining the shot.
+Your friend Overman picked a hell of a time to come back.
+Yeah, poor bastard.
+I lost a good cameraman in Australia last year. A Great White chopped him in half with one bite.
+Hey, I don't want to hear.
+That's how they do it, you know. Seizes its prey and shakes its body savagely. Teeth gnaw through a man like a buzz saw.
+Buzz off.
+I will, old boy, tomorrow. Our work is done here. Just came to say goodbye, and good luck.
+Yeah? Well, in that case, have a drink.
+Thanks. Bullshot.
+So where you go off to, Hutton? Some expedition in New Guinea or Outer Mongolia?
+No, South Georgia.
+What the hell's there?
+Polar bears.
+Polar bears in Georgia???
+South Georgia, Antarctica.
+The world's southern most reaches.
+How come you're so brave with all this stuff?
+Tradition. Royal sense of adventure that's been in my family for centuries. Dates back to the Crusades and King Richard. What I was born to do.
+Yeah, tradition's a bitch, ain't it?
+Reach for the limit I always say.
+Actually, thirty-five is probably more accurate.
+Filter system number four. Is it large enough?
+How far away is filter number four?
+Five hundred yards.
+After all, that's how you catch fish, isn't it?
+I'll go with you.
+No way.
+I'll stay out of your way. I won't interfere.
+He's big, Hutton. You never saw anything so big. Watch yourself.
+What kind of trouble?
+It's not closing, Mike.
+That's impossible.
+I know. But we show it's not closing.
+Let us know as soon as you have anything.
+We see him, Mike. Between the stadium and the ski show island.
+Hey, what's goin' on, little brother!
+Damn! You sonuvabitch! Look at you!
+Look great, don't I?
+Got a job for me?
+Yeah, we'll find something for you. Shoveling shark shit or something.
+In a restaurant. You sit there and they swim around you.
+How'd you do in school?
+Great. I got one B, two C's, and eight incompletes.
+Hey, I'm proud of you, kid.
+Took it this morning.
+He needs a haircut.
+How is he? Still fighting crime?
+Last week he broke up a major counterfeiting ring. Gang of kids were using slugs in the Pac-Man games.
+Big bust! He confiscate their water pistols?
+Booked them all at Baskin- Robbins.
+He taught us good, though, didn't he, Sean? We were lucky to grow up the way we did.
+Who's grown up?
+Gee, it's good to see you!
+I want to see Kathryn.
+Come on, let's go.
+Something wrong?
+Okay, you two, have a good life without me. I gotta go.
+Mike, this is fantastic. I mean, you're responsible for building all this. What a job you've done! Maybe I'll quit school and come down here and work with you. Brody Brothers Construction. We've always wanted to do that together. Boat building.
+It's not that easy. Worked construction every summer to get through school. Three years apprentice in the park's engineering department, and two years to build all this. Finish school first, Sean. Then make up your mind. If you still want to work with me, we'll have plenty of time.
+You and Kathryn gonna stay here?
+This company's expanding. They got parks in Texas, Ohio, California. I think I'm gonna be going to Waco.
+Well, Dad asked me to ask you this, about the wedding. Is there any chance you and Kathryn will get married in Amity?
+Tell Dad we're getting married in Las Vegas. In one of those chapels. He can meet us there.
+Yeah, he'll really go for that.
+She still talking to you?
+We're in love.
+No, really. I've never met anyone like her before. This is it.
+Yeah, right. That's what you said about Janet, and Beth, and Barbara --
+We'll shoot this with an .18, boys.
+That bugger moves fast.
+Give me a 400-foot magazine; we may be down there for a while.
+I wouldn't mind going down with her.
+You want to show this?
+You'll spoil her.
+Sometimes my father puts me in his lap and lets me steer the Jeep.
+It has its virtues. It hasn't fallen down yet....
+Come on, sweetheart....
+But you always let me....
+Daddy, why can't I...?
+Did you hear what I said? Come inside....
+You're welcome. I was the one who cried.
+Only children are my favorites. That means you, MaGee....
+Can I make sandwiches...?
+You said it wasn't polite to interrupt people....
+Yes, I did.
+I bought him his first legal drink. He got so pissed that night....
+He was such a good-natured kid... Always going out of his way....
+He was doing his job....
+Where are you going?
+What do I think? I think it's a lovely idea....
+I've always wanted to ride one of those....
+No way....
+Like mother, like son....
+It sure is good to be home....
+She calls it, 'Tourist On The Loose.' Local government commissioned it. For the public beach....
+Make a list.
+We need milk....
+Big unveiling ceremony in a couple of weeks....
+We need beer....
+I miss him, Matt. I still can't believe he's gone.
+It doesn't take much to remember what day they come....
+My brain is shrinking. There's only so much room.
+Don't give me that preoccupied scientist crap. I'm trying to get ready for....
+How come it's my responsibility?
+I take out the garbage, because...I'm glad we got that straightened out....
+We don't have anything straightened out. You're uptight about something ...what's wrong?
+What the hell are we arguing about?
+No fair, I'm not armed.
+Then don't come any closer.
+Turn it off....
+I have work....
+Close the door.
+Where have you been...?
+What's wrong? What happened?
+The doctor said she should be all right...She's in shock....
+You knew...?
+She could have been killed...You knew and you didn't tell us...You let your mother think....
+Where is she?
+How could you do that? Your own daughter....
+Where's my mother?
+Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you tell us?
+No cooking while you're here...No washing dishes...No cleaning....
+It'll grow on you.
+I could use a half-dozen more arms ...I've only got two weeks to get this thing finished....
+Do you and Michael ever talk about his work...? About spending so much time working in the water?
+Usually it's all he talks about...You mustn't worry....
+I can't help it....
+I used to worry...But you know what happens, you find out that scuba diving's safer than climbing into the bathtub....
+I shouldn't interfere... My mother-in-law is so neat she puts paper under the cuckoo clock....
+Henny Youngman....
+You caught me....
+You want to try your hand at something...?
+At least he doesn't have a beard....
+All he did was kiss me....
+Beginning of what?
+Whatever happens next.....
+Give it some time, Ellen...See what happens.
+Part of me wanted to go off with him, the rest of me couldn't...I don't know why he wants me....
+Maybe he's got good taste...I don't think he's spent much time with a woman like you....
+We will...We'll have a lot of time together. What are you going to do now?
+We'll be there....
+Michael! This thing working?
+You rigged it...You spent all that money on an education and you come back looking like this....
+We have three months of work and approximately no money left to support it....
+Sweet breezes...Sweet women....
+What the hell's it doing in warm water anyway...?
+Get the bang sticks. We're going down.
+Bang sticks are like yelling at it....
+They won't kill it....
+I hope the man knows what he's doing....
+Stop that....
+Stop what?
+That hurt....
+Serves you right. Will you please stop....
+I see what you're doing....
+I'm hungry, Mom....
+Are you all right?
+We don't want any....
+The fish. Check it....
+You check it....
+Ask the big doctor about his work. Tough life you Bahamian beach bum... Playing in the water all day....
+He heard that.
+A big one....
+Don't be late.
+In a minute....
+You can stay in my room.
+Can I ride one sometime...?
+I never....
+I like Grandma's cooking....
+No, no...It's too dangerous....
+Your father was six then. Just like you....
+We have to dig it deep so the water will go all the way around...So we can swim to it....
+You're coming, aren't you...?
+No one. Nothing. We've got to get this finished before the tide comes in.
+What's it cost to take a ride on that plane...?
+I almost forgot....
+I put everything in my room. My Teddy bear is joining us.
+I'll be in to read you a story.
+I will. I'll miss you, Grandma.
+It came for him. It waited all this time and it came for him....
+Sit down, Ma....
+I want you to get out of the water....
+I want you to give up that terrible job.
+Come on, Mom, you can't be serious....
+You're damn right I'm serious....
+I'm just getting started....
+Mom, you're upset. Sit down...Please....
+Hey, come on, you can't believe that voodoo. Sharks don't commit murder. They don't pick out a person....
+It picked Sean...It killed your father....
+Dad died from a heart attack....
+There's never been a great white where we live. It's warm water... They don't like it....
+Oh, it looks like my uncle's. He taught me how to sail when I was a kid....
+Oh, I didn't mean.... I'm being such a Grandma....
+I didn't mean to start that....
+Don't be such a Grandma...I was always climbing something....
+All you all right?
+How are you doing?
+I'll be all right, Michael.
+Nothing out of the ordinary....
+I want you to give up your work....
+Mom, please don't start that again....
+You could teach...You could....
+I'm not going to quit now....
+You're having a good time....
+I enjoy his company....
+I don't like him chasing around after you...I don't trust him....
+I'm not going to bother you anymore about your work....
+You're not a pain in the ass....
+It's not easy. None of it is. I have to find some way to get on with my life and I'm going to try. I finally figured that out. I'm going to do my best....
+That's it? Good...I thought you'd break out the champagne....
+I'm pleased. I really am. Really....
+No more sharks. I'll stay for another week, then....
+You just got here....
+It's late....
+Trying to write our report....
+You look tired....
+You and Sean used to make....
+I have to get this finished.
+I'm leaving in a few days. I don't want to do that with you unhappy....
+I m not unhappy. Frustrated maybe... Discouraged a little. It'll work out....
+I'm worried.. We haven't had our....
+There's nothing to worry about....
+You looked just like your father... The first time the shark came to Amity....
+I don't want to talk about that.
+It's a terrible thing to know some- thing no one else wants to believe.
+You hungry?
+It got him....
+Why'd you come out here?
+I want you all to come to Amity this summer.
+Promise me you'll be all right....
+Promise me....
+We will...We'll have a lot of time together, Michael....
+First time for everything is the best. After that you know too much and it's never quite the same.
+Can you just go off...?
+Flies the plane....
+I don't know why I've told you all this. I hardly know you.
+Sometimes talking to a stranger is easier....
+I...I can't explain it. It's just something I feel.
+Sometimes I think I'm going crazy. The nightmares....
+It could have been an accident....
+It was no accident....
+I'm not saying you're wrong, just that there are other possibilities....
+Depends on where you want to go....
+How can you just take the plane like this?
+Boss' day off...Take the wheel....
+I can't....
+Sure you can....
+I don't know how....
+What are you doing?
+It's just like driving a car....
+Where do I pull off...?
+I'm only doing this to get out of my family's hair....
+One time I was flying supplies up the Amazon. Went down in the jungle....
+You're not going to tell me, are you?
+Got picked up by a tribe of head- hunters....
+You're impossible....
+They took me to the chief, who took a long look at me, then took me in his hut....
+How do you like flying?
+What's wrong?
+I'm fine.
+No, you're not....
+You promised me a drink....
+Sharks come and go, Ellen. People don't have anything to do with it....
+The kind with an umbrella in it....
+A drink with an umbrella in it....
+A big one....
+Couple of more passes and I'll buy my own airplane.. Hell, maybe my own airline....
+You're not going to bet it all....
+All or nothing. You want to roll them for me?
+Would you suffer through a dance with me?
+I have two right feet.
+Our little island seems to agree with you....
+I have my own little island.
+I tried winter once. Burlington, Vermont. Flew a run to New York. I have a bone in my foot that still hasn't thawed. When I was a small boy....
+That's hard to imagine....
+I could take some time off....
+You're always taking time off....
+I'll nick the boss' plane again....
+I borrow it without telling him....
+Won't you get in trouble...?
+Only if he finds out... It's a short hop to the Caribbean. We could take a few days....
+There must be plenty of women who would be glad to go....
+I have this overwhelming desire to kiss you, Ellen Brody.
+Because it wouldn't occur to you to know why. Blushing suits you....
+I'm sorry...I....
+There's nothing to be sorry about.
+You sure you don't need glasses?
+I tried to tell you...I tried....
+I can't....
+They had them on the big one....
+I have coffee in the thermos.
+I'll get it back next time.
+How come it bumps up and down when there's no road?
+Want to go for a little ride?
+I don't know why I fish here...Never catch anything...Must be a sign under the water...'Beware, Hoagie's here....'
+You the architect?
+Can you keep a secret? Something no one else knows?
+Yes I can....
+It was theirs anyway. I 11 buy us all a drink....
+I hope she's a good sailor....
+You're going after her in that? You're crazy...It'll take all day in that bathtub....
+When we find her we'll radio her position...The Coast Guard will pick her up. Don't worry....
+What do you mean, it'll find her?
+Grab your socks....
+You sure you know how to do this.
+Hell, that wasn't half bad.. Get going...I'll keep it busy....
+It'll come for the plane. It's attracted to metal. The electro- magnetic impulse....
+What say we get the hell out of here, Ellen Brody. ...
+Maybe the plane gave it indigestion....
+Keep it steady....
+Jake tells me you're going to have to fly for the rest of your life to pay off what you lost at the crap table....
+Mind if I cut in? Your date's lonely....
+I want you to leave her alone. I don't want you involving her in....
+What do you deliver on all those charters you...?
+Can't this thing go any faster?
+Come on, Hoagie....
+What happened?
+The damn thing is going to have our asses....
+I don't know what the hell to say....
+Still chasing fish?
+Still tagging conch?
+We'll be done pretty soon....
+Tricky little devils, aren't they? How's the degree doing?
+Inch by inch....
+She has good days and bad...I don't know....
+She's a tough lady....
+I wish there was something I could do....
+She's had a lot to deal with...She needs time....
+Would you talk to her? She's got it in her head that the shark came for him. She still blames it for my father's death....
+The stuffing came out of the pillow he was wearing....
+Feathers all over the place....
+Let me speak to Ellen....
+I'll get her. Have a good Christmas, Matt....
+Stop farting around....
+Stop busting my hump....
+How many...?
+Will you leave me alone...?
+You tagging them...?
+I'm separating the ladies from the gentlemen....
+You moved any slower, you'd grow roots...We've got a schedule...shake it, man....
+The females have eggs....
+We're being paid to see where they go...How they propagate....
+If we had some decent money, I'd be able to read their temperatures... Study their motor systems....
+I know how to tag a damn conch....
+The readings suck....
+Maybe it's the tags that suck....
+I made them, man....
+I stuck them on, man....
+You didn't stick them on right....
+If you made them right, it wouldn't happen...They leak....
+A blind man could find more conch on a mountainside....
+You couldn't find your ass with both hands....
+You leave me high and dry...You come back looking like a zombie....
+Shouldn't pick on that. Sorry. I'm sorry about your brother....
+I missed you, is all. It's dull around here working alone...Smelling all that sweet cologne....
+Put me down....
+They won't fight with me....
+Maybe I missed you too....
+Bad boy....
+Sharp shirt, Jake....
+Office of Naval Research has some money....
+Forget it....
+Money is money....
+They put bombs on dolphins....
+A regular tropo...Spend the rest of your life in a bathing suit, living off nickel and dime grants. You want to be a bum all your life, be my guest. Not me. I'm not growing old chasing snails and dying from terminal crotch rot....
+It's not a bad life, Jake....
+He's just trying to keep you from disappearing up your own....
+How many?
+Stop busting my hump....
+Oh, it's okay for you, but not for me....
+I wish you wouldn't say that....
+Trouble with you, Jake, is you have no sense of humor....
+You guys are making this into some- thing that just isn't so... It's just a shark. A great big bloody wonderful shark. Don't say anything to anyone. The locals find out they'll panic. They'll want to kill it. We've got us a great white, Michael. We're going to do us some real research....
+Where is everybody?
+What happened to Clarence and...?
+What for? We've got a job to finish ...Why are you making the monitor?
+We're out of money, partner.. We wrap it up, write it up and turn it in... How come your heart sounds stronger than mine? You got two of them...?
+We don't write up anything until we're done....
+Okay.. .we're done, man....
+When we got the grant....
+When I got the grant.....
+When I signed on....
+When I invited you...
+We got it together, Jake....
+Okay...we got it together....
+We have at least three months' work left. We can't write a report...We don't know enough....
+We've got a rare bird here, Michael. Great whites don't come to the Bahamas. There's never been one down here before. I'm not just going to let it swim away.
+My name goes on that report. It's a half-assed job, I don't get my doctorate. Neither do you....
+I thought we were planning a long rosy future together.
+I don't know shit about electronics....
+You sure you've done this before?
+And it's always worked?
+What are we getting out of this old bucket?
+What she's got. Nine knots....
+How long have you known Hoagie?
+How long have you known Hoagie?
+What the hell does Hoagie have to do with this?
+How long?
+Bring her to starboard.
+How long has he been here...?
+I don't remember. One day he was just here....
+What's so funny about that?
+Bring her about. We're headed in the wrong direction....
+Half the pilots down here fly drugs ...He's always going off....
+Half don't...Bring her about....
+I am...You must know something about him....
+He gambles...He likes a good time...I see him around....
+We lost it....
+Maybe the gear crapped out....
+If you hadn't been gassing about Hoagie....
+I've got about a half dozen...I'm going to tag them. You hearing anything?
+I'm coming...How close is it?
+It's my turn in the barrel, man....
+You fall off a horse, you get right back on or you don't ride again....
+I don't like it....
+I didn't ask you to....
+What about Carla's gig?
+I'm going down, Jake....
+You getting a reading on them?
+I live to hear the sound...You all right?
+What about the monitor...? You getting anything on the shark?
+Nothing...Hey Michael...You know I was thinking about yesterday. Maybe all that was wrong was he was hungry....
+How come only me?
+Maybe he only likes white meat....
+Funny, Jake...Funny.
+A Moray eel...A Moray eel....
+'It was so ugly...It was so big....'
+'A Moray eel....'
+'Snuck up on me....'
+Don't be so down, man. Money's gone...Shark's gone...We're back to conch...We've got it made....
+Shove it....
+You'll be the eternal tropo...The old man and the sea...Know the words to this one? 'Oh, the shark has pretty teeth, dear, and he shows them pearly white...'
+Stop that!
+You don't like my voice...?
+I don't like the song.
+You told me what?
+Holy Christ....
+What the hell are you doing?
+I've got to get to her....
+If it works, if we can get it inside the bastard and set it off, it'll shock the hell out of it. We'll need a slave switch to set it off. Pull the dry cell out of the radio.
+All the time....
+It'll work....
+Theory, partner...If it responds to external electrical impulse, it might respond to one coming from inside it...Confuse it...Drive it away....
+Wait for the sucker to charge, then hit the switch. Just like taking a picture.
+The big picture...If we can't get him to swallow it, we'll shove it up his....
+Your equipment has crapped out again....
+I'll do it, Jake.
+No way....
+It's my fault...I have to....
+We need it to eat electronics, man ...Not you. Get it on me....
+Listen to Carla...Marry me...I'm tall, dark and handsome...two out of three ain't bad....
+How much longer? This is supposed to be your party.
+I knew there was a reason I could afford this. To the woman of my dreams.. Who grows more beautiful....
+Here it comes....
+Who grows more beautiful....
+Here comes the cow ca-ca....
+More beautiful with each passing minute...
+I told you....
+Now wait a minute... I'm being serious here....
+Oh, Jake...
+Don't go weak in the knees on me tonight....
+I just want to make an honest woman of you....
+She's in management....
+I'm training to....
+Manage the whole damn place some day. I'm looking forward to living in the style to which I would like to become accustomed....
+Woman has taste....
+When he has a pillow over his head....
+That bad, huh?
+You have the safety talk at school, one o'clock tomorrow....
+That man keeps calling about his training film. I can't convince him we don't have a S.W.A.T. team.
+Where's Lenny?
+Gone to Ben Masters' place. Cow tipping.
+Cow tipping?
+Claims kids come around at night and tip over his sleeping cows. They're not giving milk.
+I'll take care of it.
+Did you like that, Mama?
+I'm glad of it. I'd rather please you than anybody I know of. Oh, darlin', will you give me something?
+You'll never guess. Shut your eyes, Mama. Shut 'em for little Jakie. Ha. I'm gonna steal something. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I'll give it back to you some day, too, you see if I don't. Mama, darlin', if I'm a success in this show, well, we're gonna move from here. Oh yes, we're gonna move up in the Bronx. A lot of nice green
+Oh no--
+Yes, she will. You see if she isn't. And I'm gonna get you a nice pink dress that'll go with your brown eyes.
+No, Jakie, no. I-I-I-
+What? Whatta you mean, no? Who is -- who is telling you? Whatta you mean, no? Yes, you'll wear pink or else. Or else you'll wear pink. And, darlin', oh, I'm gonna take you to Coney Island.
+Yes, I'm gonna ride on the Shoot-the-Chutes. An' you know in the Dark Mill? Ever been in the Dark Mill?
+Oh, no. I wouldn't go ...
+As I said, Sergeant, you nearly ran into me? What's the problem?
+I'm afraid it's the "van" again.
+The van?
+Is it your vehicle?
+I'm sorry to worry you with this, but we had a real serious robbery, and we- 're chasing a white V.W. van? You guy came up an the computer, so as a matt- er of routine we have to check. Could you tell me who's driven it recently?
+Only me and Mom ..
+How about any guys on your staff?
+Did you bring it with you?
+I hope I'm not intruding?
+Be my guest. What you got?
+I dunno .. Guess the dozer musta shifted him? You need some hands up here to look ..
+No, Sir. I haven't started till Monday. I'm a "tourist."
+Mr Blattis, of our local news- paper. You sure it's a suicide?
+So what happened to the barbecues, and fishing?
+What about that kid, Ross?
+What do you think?
+We give it one more hour. Did the photographer do the dogs?
+The dogs?
+Yeah, he can go ...
+Who is who?
+Not for me ..
+Not today .. I'm on a diet to- day .. I'll take a diet soda ..
+How's the new residence?
+What does that mean?
+Not too good in daylight ..
+What time is it?
+Why so coy about the word "frozen"?
+Because, don't get into it ...
+There's nothing in the files?
+It's an "unsolved." They spent 500 thousand dollars & bought emselves a dead end - You might wanna check it with Taylor, he worked the case.
+He thinks you stole his promotion. What exactly you doin there, John?
+It's a technique I read about. If you smoke 60 a day, you buy three packs, throw one cigar- ette away, and smoke 59. Day 2, you throw 2 away and smoke 58 ..
+Why don't you throw them all away, and smoke none?
+You want my advice?
+You gotta stop smoking ..
+I am stopping smoking ...
+I don't mean this "system" shit that keeps you sucking, I mean stop .. I was exactly like you are .. I used to wake in the night - heart going so hard I coulda made love with my left tit .. If I can stop, you can ..
+How'd you do it, old man?
+Someone bet me a dollar ..
+What do you mean?
+Worrying - clicking - picking - You may as well be back in Los Angeles.
+Why don't you dump it? Mail it off. Give the fucking F.B.I. a present?
+Why don't you dump the "Fat Lady?"
+Because I dislike her too much ..
+O.K. and I'm not in love with this fukker? That's how I feel about him.
+Pig Woman agreed to take a test.
+Where is everyone?
+This looks promising .. I think this one could be it?
+Thank Christ we got a witness.
+Let me just keep going a while. She might remember something?
+Had a seeing Eye Dog since she was eighteen .. didn't I tell you those dogs meant something ..
+No, you didn't.
+Alright, I didn't, but I nearly did, and if I had I'd have been right .. I knew there was some- thing about that Labrador, that dog was too good to be dead .. We gotta get back up that dump ..
+No way .. not me, Mister. I'm not going up there again. Might find someone's prick in a hot-dog roll.
+We're going.
+Maybe not? I'm feeling lucky ..
+So am I. But where's my money?
+Don't start again. If you win a bet, you can't keep winning it ..
+Pay me, and I shut up.
+I haven't got it.
+Then give me that Zippo.
+I need some security. I don't trust you anymore.
+I had one puff on a pipe.
+What do you want it for?
+What are you doing, Ross? I've had that 15 years! ..
+It's not your friend. It keeps you sucking. Remem- ber the old Bum's lungs?
+I remember the old bastard's liver! I don't believe you did that. I had a great sent- imental attachment to that.
+Six girls over a period of 18 months, and give or take a head or two, the M.O.'s exactly the same. Dark hair. No hands. All shot with a high velocity twen- ty-two in the back of the head.
+How come the F.B.I. don't put anya this together? They work- ed over "Jennifer" for months?
+They possibly did - but they nev- er had a head, so they never had a bullet - and they never got an I.D. - not on any of em - never bust a homicide unless you know who your victim is - we're the first to get a positive identity.
+Identity of whom? You got a girl, doesn't even have a driver's lic- ense? .. She's untraceable, John .. You need fifty detectives on this.
+That's what I'm here for. I want you to come and see Citrine with me? He's not gonna here it from me but I know he'd listen to you.
+Listen to me saying what?
+I wanna take that fucking Blind In- stitute to pieces .. Every address book, every phone call, everyone in and outta there in the last 5 years ..
+For a dead dog?
+That isn't what you said before.
+You believe me, don't you?
+Did he shut you down?
+All but .. How you doing?
+I dunno, I daren't go in there - just about get her wired up, and the fucking mayor walks in - mad as hell - what are we doing fuck- ing with his staff? We should be out chasing major violators ..
+Did I say he did?
+You looked like you did?
+No, I think you'll find I looked like he could have? By accident even? He's up here spraying the scenery all day.
+Why's she blind, Bro?
+God, it pisses me off, Ross.
+Stop it.
+I never knew about the sailor the- ory, Ross. He might have that one little thing I need in his files?
+You gotta stop calling Los Angeles .. You're dragging L.A. around with you like an addiction. Look at the shit you're putting yourself through? For what? For nothing, I know it, I been there. Remember me? Up to my asshole in anger, living off the vitamins in cigarettes? If there's a body under the snow, fuck it. Let somebody else worry about it. You
+Just makes to so God damned mad ..
+She wasn't lying about the van.
+Alright, she wasn't lying about the van. But it could have been any van? Any little foreign diesel? .. She's blind, Bro .. It's sad .. She's pro- bably lonely, and you're a nice guy to have around .. But you're getting far too far into the element, Brother ..
+You don't need me to tell you what hap- pens when you get emotionally involved?
+Nothing you gotta say do I wanna hear right now. So save yourself saying it.
+I'm not in here to apologize, John. I told you what was gonna happen & it's happened? "Good-bye, Princess," & the same night she gets attacked? That's a tough one to swallow, Bro?
+I'm already familiar with Taylor's opinion.
+You don't really believe this?
+Well .. I didn't know that ..
+That's a very stupid question, Ross.
+I'm asking it.
+Ease off, John ..
+I'm sick of this toy town shit.
+Everything you say sounds reason- able. But there's also a reason- able explanation for the opposite.
+I dunno what I can do to help you?
+I dunno what I'd do with your help. I've gotta take her out of there ..
+What about Citrine?
+Can't thank you enough, Ross ..
+Yeah .. I guess she's in the kit- chen .. We got a so-called prof- essional cook out there having a nervous breakdown over a turkey ..
+You got a quiet phone somewhere?
+Hey, John, don't start getting antsy over this tonight. It may well have been the local cops?
+Jesus. What are you doin?
+What exactly you doing, John?
+I'm going up to the institute.
+Listen, you don't havta come?
+Where's your watch?
+I guess by the bed.
+Bull shit .. I'm in my prime ..
+Policemen's bodies age at diff- erent rates. Look at me. Gut in its fifties. Balls in their six- ties. And feet in their eighties ..
+What if we need a back up?
+Alright. I'll start at the top, and work down.
+You ain't going in alone?
+Why did he ask if it was frozen?
+What is that?
+How do you know her hair's black?
+Hair on her hand. Plus Jen- nifer had raven black hair.
+Yes, Sir, I think they maybe. I think "Jennifer," and this lady got hit by the same guy?
+I got four points of posit- ive comparison on the cut ..
+Probably making him feel a bit antsy seein it back on the wall. He worked a lotta time on this.
+I thought it was Taylor's case?
+What do you want me to do, Chief?
+You're pushing this too hard. It's like you want me to say stop? You must know that's the way this is going, John? There's other work to do, why don't ya ease off a little?
+Coz this is a major & we're closer to this bastard than anyone's ever been.
+Then where's the body? .. Where's the body, and why's he hidden it?
+He hasn't hidden it. He never made a hit this far north before, and he never read a weather forecast .. She's probably fifteen feet from the highway, three feet under snow.
+Have you got a match on the bullet?
+Have you got a print from the hand?
+No, Sir.
+It could be anyone's hand. Illeg- ally disposed of hospital debris ..
+It's her hand. Her scars. Her dog. Her dog's shot. And she's missing.
+She's not "missing." Did she shout? Did she scream? Did he coerce her? No. She left of her own free will .. And if she gets on a plane and goes to Peru with the prick, she's still not missing. You got no case, John.
+If you're not gonna hear me, Chief ..
+I have heard you. You just don't like hearing me. You got this whole damned thing outta proportion. I don't know what you gotten used to in Los Angeles, but I don't believe there's a Police Chief, in this country, would put a task force together for a body part ..
+We have a multiple homicide, Sir ..
+I'm shutting you down on this "blind thing," John.
+Is that my punishment for embarrassing Mr Heineman?
+Don't underestimate me .. the Mayor's pissed - but that's nothing to do with this - sit down - How many times have you been up at that institute?
+Three or four.
+I'm talking, outside the girl?
+Got a letter from this Goodridge guy? Says, you're upsetting his students?
+That's bullshit,
+I never asked if he could "see." I just asked one or two of the stud- ents if they remembered anything?
+And did they?
+Alright, you got it. And I'll be putting an Observer in with you.
+I want Serato .. Why can't I have Serato?
+I'll sign anything you want. Please. Bring here her .. I want Helena here ..
+You ain't talking to no one, till you calm down.
+Week or two. Musta been on the ker- osene. Stinks like a diesel engine.
+What does that mean, Sergeant?
+Alright, gentlemen, I'm gonna leave you. I got a couple of questions for the paper, Serg- eant? Mind if I swing by later, wring out a tea-bag with you?
+My pleasure .. Who's Popeye?
+Is this normal?
+Did he get you the job?
+I think he would have if he could have - been trying to get me up here long enough - I think he may have bribed the old guy to retire ..
+Did you find the knife, Sergeant?
+No .. But we have a theory ..
+Kid told me he didn't take it?
+Yeah, in and outta Frisco on the big boats .. Every lead we had went right out to sea .. Night, night, Freddy T .. John ..
+.. feel like I'm getting close to this guy .. and all the time, feel like I'm sharpening a pencil with a broken load .. I'm sorry, King J ..
+What are you looking for?
+Vehicle references.
+His blind friend got "attacked." Angelo went up there, and some- how, it got itself in the paper.
+You put it in there.
+I may have said some- thing. I don't recall.
+Don't lie, Taylor. I just had this Blattis guy on the phone asking me for a comment - you gave him the whole damned case!
+So read it! You just hung a target around her neck!
+Don't you know nothing about this guy? He reads the newspapers. Col- lects the cuttings. When are they gonna find her? Now he's reading Helena Robertson's name, phrased like she's a fucking witness. You couldn't have done anything more stupid if you'd sat down & tried ..
+Hey, c'mon, country boys, let's all line up and hear the expert.
+You don't know what you done, Taylor.
+I know what a "witness" is.
+He's offerin you a deal? Why don't you take it ..
+I've told you the truth. It isn't me .. I've never call- ed Ross "Freddy" in my life ..
+I've heard you call him Freddy.
+As recent as we have .. What ex- actly is your interest in Amber?
+I'm afraid I can't give you an ans- wer to that, Mr Goodridge. As I ex- plained to your secretary, we're do- ing a lotta looking, but we're not even sure it's her we're lookin for ..
+Then what are you hoping I'm gon- na do? Dissuade, or persuade you?
+I was hopin since we spoke that you might have remembered something that would give us an idea where she is?
+Yes, Sir.
+As she's a member of my staff, may I ask what this is about?
+Well, apparently, she saw Amber the weekend she left, & was briefly in the room with the guy she left with.
+What d'you wanna ask, Mr Ross?
+I'm Mr Berlin. Mr Ross is right here. And Mr Ross is maybe gonna take a few notes, if that's O.K.? O.K. .. I'd like you to tell me in what ever way you want, what you can remember about the time you spent with Amber on the aft- ernoon she left? Take your time, and nothing's too trivial, O.K.
+Well, I think I told you on the phone .. I went up to her room to say good-bye, and we just sat on the bed and chatted a while, while her friend was coming in and out collecting her things ..
+You must have some idea about him.
+When we spoke on the phone, did you know I was blonde?
+John? .. You never said that on the phone? .. What makes you think his name was John?
+The elevator wasn't working?
+Can I see your hands?
+Is there anything else you can tell me? Anything about him or her? Doesn't matter how small?
+No. Except he smoked. Like you.
+D'you have a dog? Seeing Eye Dog?
+Lotta scratch-marks on your door?
+Did Amber have a dog?
+What color was it?
+Have you been here long?
+No, just a minute or two .. I knocked on your door - no one home, so I followed the music ..
+I'm sorry. I'll get my things.
+I suppose I'm the worst witness you've ever had?
+I gotta admit, you're one of them. Just wish I knew what you meant by a "hollow car?"
+If I came to the diner with you, would you bring me back?
+I'm sorry, someone slammed the door on me. I couldn't get out.
+What are you reading?
+Hamlet. Have you read it?
+Are you wearing a uniform?
+Well, I'm glad we got the conver- sational side of lunch over with.
+I'm sorry .. I don't like sitting in the middle of a restaurant .. I feel like everyone's looking at me ..
+Are you married?
+Was. But I don't like to talk about it.
+You just asked me to ask you questions.
+I know, but you pick on the one time in my life I like not to remember. I was in the bad lands. Really not well. It's something that happens to a lota cops. We don't wanna talk about that.
+"Thoughts that lie too deep for tears."
+Yeah, that'll do .. Is that "Hamlet?"
+I don't know, I haven't read much. I don't think poetry's my kinda thing?
+Do you pray?
+You said, you were in the bad lands?
+She runs a kind of hair dress- ing and you know, beauty salon ..
+Have you known her long?
+I know what you're like ..
+How d'you know what I'm like?
+Ross told me.
+Really? What did he say?
+He said you're quite chubby. And you have a nervous tick.
+He said that? What else did he say?
+Just your age.
+Which is what?
+I have to talk to you, Helena.
+I know.
+You know? How do you know?
+Has he got your aunt's address?
+I don't think so .. He said the police had been calling .. want- ed to ask me some more questions ..
+You're looking worried again, Helena?
+No I'm not.
+You're looking more worried now than when you "decided to stop worrying"?
+Why can't I stay with you?
+It's not possible right now.
+She has an aunt, in Vermont. I'll take her there tonight.
+I'm going back to the institute.
+Don't say that. Don't you dare say that .. I believe you ..
+I know you're trying to help me, but you don't understand.
+The man who killed Amber is a psychopath. He was up at the in- stitute to kill you - he don't wanna kill Rose - he was there to kill you - that's the truth - and I didn't wanna tell it to you - but that's the reason I want you to stay at Margie's - coz I can't protect you here ..
+Why does he want to kill me?
+Coz he thinks you're a witness.
+I can't identify him ..
+He don't know that. I didn't.
+He doesn't need my help.
+I know about alcohol, John.
+You do?
+You don't wanna sit here any more, sweetheart ..
+I think they're gonna arrest me.
+I don't want them to arrest you.
+What are you doing, Travis?
+I been told to take your car in, Sir.
+You got a warrant for this?
+Yes, Sir.
+Who sought the warrant?
+Interview over, Blattis ...
+.. we got a body part. We don't know what it is - probably some kind of hospital debris - we're gonna try and check it out. O.K. Now you know as much as we do ..
+Grateful for your candor, Sir.
+Then do me a favor, and keep this outta the newspaper - that dump serves a dozen different communities, we don't even know if it's ours? Till we do I don't want no one worrying about ..
+Wasn't frozen, was it, Sergeant?
+A blind girl can just walk out of here, and you don't know who with?
+You find something curious in that?
+Yeah, I guess I do.
+Then let me put your mind at ease .. Firstly, Amber isn't "blind" - she has some useful vision - and second, this isn't a prison, it's a college of higher education - a severe vis- ual disability doesn't mean my stud- ents don't value their independence as much as anybody else - and Amber was a very independent young woman - She decided
+And you got no idea with who?
+When did John divorce?
+Two or three years ago.
+What was she like?
+Suzanne? Very pretty. She was a semi- professional model. But a policeman's wife she wasn't. So one day, she just packed it and left. And his whole life went straight down the nearest toilet.
+What does that mean?
+You think he still loves her?
+I haven't worn heels since I was 16. I don't think I could walk in these?
+You think John would like it?
+How you doing on those shoes?
+Is that Margie?
+I'm not giving him Pizza. I haven't seem him for a year? I'm gonna cook him a dinner.
+Bobby's out .. What's the hurry?
+Friday night at City Hall. Got a great chance to frighten the fat.
+So tonight she confesses?
+No it isn't .. It's Californian ..
+Such a shame .. She's a really sweet kid ..
+He's happy, darlin ..
+Except for the hair color, she looks just like Suzanne?
+You want something, darling?
+She married some English prick.
+He's not that bad of a guy ..?
+Hey, we're not talking "talk" tonight.
+Just easy on the words you're putting in my face, Sergeant ..
+You think you're the only guy ever worked a homicide? I was a big-city cop too. And I bust- ed the clock on fucken Jennifer. I know more about this man than you'll over know - and that's how I know it ain't him - you- 're investigating a soap-opera ..
+Alright, guys. We stop this now.
+Shut up, King Jay ..
+You can drive down there, Sir ..
+On the infill. The guy from L.A.'s just gone down there ..
+He has? .. What's he doing here?
+Damn A, it's O.K. With a bit of luck I'm goin home. What we got?
+Where do you fit in, Trimble?
+I wonder what would make him do a thing like that?
+Don't annoy me, Travis.
+I think I found some- thing horrible, Sir
+Whatta you mean, "horrible?"
+The coroner wants to know if we can release the derelict?
+Don't ever stop fucking me!
+Sooner... or later... I'll have to stop.
+You know. I don't think we need to do the thing where we tell each other everything!
+Oh -- don't forget tomorrow we have dinner with Wade Cooksey.
+Who told you?
+The power move is to go unannounced. Black suit, right?
+And the egyptian cotton shirt that works with or without the jacket. Tell me again, how was it left with Cush?
+"Dad says we gwan sleep on it.
+Good. They're all heatseekers! All of them, everybody. You keep one superstar and they'll all follow. There's no real loyalty, and the first person who told me that, Jerry Maguire, was you.
+I think I was trying to sleep with you at the time.
+Well, it worked, and I will not let you fail. You are Jerry Ma- fuckin-guire.
+That's right.
+King of the Housecalls! Master of the Living Room!
+Okay, this is working.
+Who said anything about "loser?" Where do you get this word "loser?"
+I know. Sorry I threw a scare into our lives there --
+Don't worry about it -- I never told you what I thought of that memo either --
+Well, no you didn't --
+You lost your head, it happens. I'm so fuckin jazzed! Listen. I'm going to have to fly to Chicago tomorrow, how 'bout if we meet in the Dallas airport and we all fly into New York together for the draft?
+This can't be happening to me.
+I just heard.
+What do I do? How do I spin this?
+It's all about you, isn't it? Soothe me, save me, love me --
+Could you just stop moving?
+I have to finish my job --
+Jerry. You and I are salespeople. We sell --
+Look, I don't want a --
+It's not "love me." It's not "trust my handshake." It's make the sale. Get it signed. There shouldn't be "confusion" about that.
+Tell you what -- I'd prefer loyalty..
+What was our deal when we first got together? Brutal truth, remember?
+Don't say it. We're both ragged out right now.
+Listen to me!
+Didn't hear it.
+There is something missing here.
+You've never been alone and you can't be alone --
+No one has ever dumped me.
+I did the 23 hour nose-route to the top of El Capitan in 6 hours! I can make this work.
+Oh Jerry.
+Wait. Did I just say "hon" to him?
+Don't let him stay up too late.
+Hey, man, tonight I'm going to teach Ray about jazz.
+He's asleep, right?
+Yeah, how'd it go with Sportboy?
+Let me think about that. Want something to drink?
+I see what you're saying.
+Cush, Matt -- we have a decision to make.
+"It's okay to eat fish, 'cause they Don't have any feelings...
+Okay. San Diego just came in with a last-minute scenario. It's big.
+Reporters, Jerry. They been callin' all night.
+Just be friendly and say "no comment."
+You hear those courtesy laughs, Jerry? There is a seething wrongness at the edges of this party.
+Oh come on --
+This is fuckin Michael Jordan, man! They should be screaming.
+... this is... uh... too funny...
+Look, Rod, just get on the camel!
+Airight. Enough. I'm pulling him out of this. This isn't what I had in mind anyway.
+No no...
+Can I help?
+Oh. Hi. I work in your office. I was on the junket to the conference. I'm --
+I know who y6u are. You're Dorothy Boyd. You're in... wait... you're in Accounts. You have the middle cubicle toward the back with that poster of Albert Einstein morphed onto Shaquille 0 Neal's body.
+Hmm. Pretty good.
+Now what did you lose?
+Well, thanks.
+Well, take care.
+Oh no.
+No no. I knew.
+Nnnnn. I just killed the surprise.
+I think in this age, optimism like that... it's a revolutionary act.
+You think so?
+Oh tsht. Yes.
+I appreciate that, because some of that stuff... you know, it was two in the morning and...
+Oh no. I'm sure it would just make your day to drive us all the way to Manhattan Beach, taking that left down to little tiny Waterloo street where you have to play chicken with oncoming traffic, and your life flashes before your eyes, but -- hey, I've obviously had too much coffee and all -- here's my sister Laurel to pick us up.
+Wonder what he said.
+So I know this is a bad time, but -- you will have a medical program, right?
+And I guess we didn't talk about money. So, I'll just dive in --
+Give me your number. I'll call tomorrow. I'm just a little. I'm a little insane right now. But it's going to be great.
+But I mean really... wonderfully... great.
+That took guts.
+Honey -- later, okay? Whoop. Wait.
+No, that's fine. What calls came in today?
+... light.
+Dorothy, let me tell you something, we are back. We are so very very back. I re-signed Cush. We're set.
+We are?
+It's all going to work.
+It's all going to work. We're going to save the world.
+Well, I'm happy for you.
+Happy for us... okay. Here's the number. 404-453-2222.
+Okay, have we gone over everything? Back on Tuesday, right?
+Hey you.
+Thanks for inviting me over. Where's the little guy?
+He's asleep. Watch out for that lamp.
+Oh my God.
+Too bad.
+Better now than later. We'll still be friends. I'm dying here.
+Jesus, it's a real gash, isn't it?
+Sorry. Uh, let me see, have a seat. I'll get you some aloe vera for that cut too.
+Do you have something to drink?
+Beer okay?
+Drinks. Food. Plus, I called you a cab.
+Don't worry about me. I can get jobs --
+We will be fine!
+-- especially one like this.
+Me too.
+I'm working with you because of that memo...
+Sorry about this hand. You know that feeling -- you're not completely embarrassed yet, but you glimpe tomorrow's embarrassment?
+Don't worry about it, boss.
+Oh shit. You said "boss."
+Yeah, I did.
+Now I feel like Clarence Thomas.
+No. No don't feel like Clarence Thomas.
+No, I do. I feel like Clarence Thomas. I'm like... harrassing you... right now.
+Well, good evening.
+Dennis Wilburn called from Arizona to say he's faxing in the new Tidwell offer on Thursday morning, and you'll be happy.
+Happy. He said "happy?"
+Good. Good. Glad is good.
+I sunk most of what I had into this condo, which devalued, and --
+You don't have to explain.
+Look, the other night, I want to apologize.
+Yeah, what happened there.
+We're two people working together and we can't have an atmosphere.
+I'm relieved you said that.
+I mean, the other night was... I felt like you understood something I could barely even say, something way down deep in the murk -- -- but we have a company here to think about. I won't ever take advantage of you in that way again.
+Oh good.
+You walked out on a job for me, and I won't ruin that.
+Wow. That's more than a dress. That's an Audrey Hepburn movie.
+Yeah -- guess I got revved up at the idea of an evening among adults -- no offense buster. You meet Chad the nanny?
+We'll see you soon, honey. Bye.
+It was laziness1 my whole breakup with Avery. You know that thing you say, "it's nobody's fault." It's one of the great lies, right? Someone is always to blame -- if you go for it, go for it like you do a job, work at it --
+Maybe you should call her.
+Yeah. It wasn't like my marriage to Roger was so great, even before -- Jerry?
+Well -- this would be goodnight.
+I think you should not come in, or come in depending on how you feel.
+Same to you.
+No. I have to go in. I live here.
+Right. I'll come in.
+Okay. Wait here a second. Do we really want to do this?
+Oh God.
+Another time, okay Dorothy?
+Fine, I just --
+Sure you're okay to drive this?
+This rig? Phht. No problem.
+What --
+If I said that, would you stay?
+No no. Don't do that. Don't say that if you don't...
+I was thinking I hope he doesn't get injured. I felt responsible.
+And I really don't know your noises yet.
+Well, when you wonder, ask me.
+Why do you love me?
+It's my fault.
+What --
+It's not fair to you. This whole --
+Tell me -- let me help --
+I took advantage of you and worst of all, I'm not alone. I did this with a kid. I was just on some ride where I thought I was in 1ove enough for both of us. I did this. And at least I can do something about it now.
+Well -- I'm not the guy who's going to run. I stick.
+I don't need you to "stick."
+You want...
+I don't know --
+Why fucking not! I deserve it.
+Dorothy -- what if I'm just not built that way?
+What if it's true? "Great at friendship bad at intimacy." I mean, come on. It's the theme of my bachelor film --
+I know. I watched it. I sort of know it by heart.
+I don't like to give up.
+Oh please. My need to make the best of things, and your need to be what, "responsible"... if one of us doesn't say something now we might lose ten years being polite about it. Why don't we call this next road trip what it is. A nice long break.
+There's no question you'll be friends. Of course you'll be friends.
+So this break... is a break-up.
+This used to be my specialty. I was good in a living room. Send me in there, I'll do it alone. And now I just... I don't know... but on what was supposed to be the happiest night of my business life, it wasn't complete, wasn't nearly close to being in the same vicinity as complete, because I couldn't share it with you. I
+What about medical?
+You are a single mother. You have given up the right to be frivolous.
+If you'd read what he wrote, you would have left with him too.
+You know how much those Well Child exams cost --
+Wait. Where is he?
+He's coming over.
+He just lost his best client. He called from the plane. I invited the guy over.
+Dotty -- this is not "guy.". This is a "syndrome." It's called Early Midlife, About-To-Marry, Hanging Onto The-Bottom-Rung Dear- God-Don't-Let-Me-Be-Alone, I'll- Call-My-Newly Long-suffering- Assistant-Without Medical-For- Company Syndrome. And if, knowing all that, you still allow him to come over, more power to you.
+I heard.
+No kidding. I looked over and saw the shadow of two curious shoes in the doorway of the kitchen.
+This guy would go home with a gardening tool right now if it showed interest. Wait. Use the frosted glasses.
+Thank you.
+That's the girl I love.
+But you just gotta hear me out on one thing. You're very responsible with Ray and you know it's not right for a little boy to hear some strange man's voice in the house.
+I've got a 24 hour a day reminder of Roger, for the rest of my life. I have had three lovers in four years, all boring, all achingly self-sufficient all friends of yours I might add, and all of them running a distant second to a warm bath. Look at me, Laurel, look at me. I'm the oldest 26 year old in the world!
+Forgot your keys --
+No no. Don't cry at the beginning of the date.
+First you gotta tell me something.
+Because I'm worried that you're putting your faith in this guy who, because of the way things are going, may not have an emotional marble in his head.
+Please, if I start talking --
+Easy, hon, I was just looking for fun details --
+No, Roy. I'm not gonna cry.
+-- well, Rod, your agent passed me a note before the show. He says that your deal memo has been signed by the Arizona Cardinals. Four years for ten-point-two million dollars. Playing in the state where you grew up.
+I... I love everybody, man. I love my wife. My kids. Little Tyson. My new baby Kaydee. My brother Tee Pee. I love my friends, my teammates, who am I leaving out?
+Oh yes. Jerry Maguire! My agent! This is a fierce, loving individual, I love this man, he is love, he is about love -- my ambassador of kwan.
+Ten seconds, Rod.
+Matt, I came here because in all honesty your son is just another piece of cattle to SMI. But to me --
+Oh, thank you.
+Told myself -- if he shows up, we'll stick with him.
+I want him to go number one in the draft, and I want him to play.
+Denver is where he should be.
+I'll give it everything.
+What happened to Denver?
+Not right now, Jerry.
+Apparently, Denver wanted to deal with him instead of you.
+Said who? Sugar?
+Hey, I'm learning as I go.
+So you empowered Bob Sugar to deal with Denver behind my back?
+I'm sorry, I --
+Now. Wait. You didn't actually sign with Sugar, did you? Tell me you didn't sign. Because I'm still sort of moved by your "my word is stronger'n oak" thing --
+Alright, we're just getting started on my list of things you need to know. Take notes if you want to.
+Good, 'cause see, I am a valuable commodity. I go across the middle. I see the ball and a dude coming right at me, wanting to kill me, I tell my brain "get killed, catch the ball." That's New York Steak, baby. Rare. And yet, nobody's giving me LOVE. Nobody's giving me PROPS. Nobody. I went to Arizona State, I'm from Arizona, I break
+Now you want Arizona dollars.
+-- now to recap, I want to stay in Arizona, I want my new contract, I like you, you're nice to my wife, I will stay with you, that's what I'm doing for you, but here's what you're gonna do for me. You listening?
+Mmm. Hmm.
+It's a very personal, very important thing. It's a family motto. So I want to share it with you. You ready?
+I got it.
+Show. Me. The. Money.
+At last I find you.
+I came all the way here for that? To walk the lobby?
+Yeah. And it might have even worked too.
+You believe they're shooting a Nike ad down there? Did I ever tell you my Nike story?
+I gotta get back to Cushman.
+You're loving me now, aren't ya?
+Good. I was just testing ya. But just you saying that? Makes me love ya.
+Get some sleep. See you tomorrow.
+Sure you don't want to go out and find some karoake? I'm a very good singer, man --
+Call me tomorrow.
+You love me now, don't you?
+Rod --
+You feel bad you tested positive? Quit doing blow! You feel bad about your baby girl? Why did you leave the mother?
+What are you doing with me, Rod?
+See this jacket I'm wearing? You like it? I don't really need it, because I'm CLOAKED IN FAILURE. I lost the number one draft pick the night before the draft. They will teach my story to other agents on "do not do this" day in agent school. Why? Let's recap. Because a hockey player's kid made me feel like a superficial jerk, I had
+Well, boo-fucking-hoo.
+The least you could do is nod and act sympathetic --
+You are not allowed to act this way.
+Man, I got a shelf life of ten years, tops! My next contract's gotta bring me the dollars that'11 last me and mine a very long time. I'm out of this sport in five years. What's my family gonna live on? What you get me. So I don't want to hear about ya shit, your "nya nya nya."
+Another drink please.
+Anybody else would have left you by now, but I'm sticking with you. I said I would. And if I got to ride your ass like Zorro, you're gonna show me the money.
+Did you tell him about the "ten million for four years?"
+Uh, not today, but --
+John Taylor. J.J. Stokes. Andre Rison. I SMOKE all these fools, and yet they're making the big sweet dollars. They're making the money, and I got an agent that ain't even put the number on the table.
+I understand your anxiety.
+-- the kwan.
+That's your word?
+Yeah, man, it means love, respect, community... and the dollars too. The package. The kwan.
+I got there from "coin," dude. Coin, coin... kwaaaan.
+Great word. Towel?
+No, I air-dry.
+Is that your porty or mine?
+You're telling me to dance.
+"Love me love me love me... put me on t.v." That's the iconography of rascism, man!
+Do your job, man, don't tell me to dance.
+What's wrong.
+Forget it. Forget it.
+I'm out here for you! You don't know what it's like to be me out here for you. It is an up-at-dawn pride-swallowing seige that I will never fully tell you about! Okay?! Help me help you help me help you.
+If you get injured, you get nothing.
+Won't happen. I'm strong in my mind.
+I'll get you some quick work --
+Dude, know your art form. If you put the camera down here, looking up, I look more powerful. There's no need for a camel... you got ME.
+Can I ask you a question totally unrelated to your career?
+Oh, we gonna be friends now?
+Oh I know plenty. I was raised by a single mother.
+First, single mothers don't "date." They have been to the circus, you know what I'm saying? They have been to the puppet show and they have seen the strings. You love her?
+How do I know?
+You know when you know. It makes you shivver, it eats at your insides. You know?
+No, I don't know.
+Then you gotta have The Talk.
+But I sure don't like that she's leaving.
+The kid is amazing.
+No. A real man does not shoplift the "pooty" from a single mom.
+I didn't "shoplift the pooty." We were thrown together and -- I mean it's two mutual people who -- Alright, I shoplifted the pooty.
+You never had The Talk, did you?
+Tidwell moves to a tan in a wheelchair, signs an autograph and moves on. Jerry alongside. The quarterback sucks, man. He's gonna get me killed.
+I'm a little worried --
+We can still take the offer, Rod.
+Well, just stay healthy. I will show you the kwan.
+I'm gonna have the game of my life on Monday Night Football, and show all these motherfuckers.
+Take care, okay? You're my entire client roster.
+Don't I know. Now go home to your wife.
+What's that supposed to mean?
+Why are you even here, man? You could have told me all this over the phone.
+I don't know -- how's "dedication" for an answer?
+You don't want to go home, do you?
+Why are you doing this to me, Rod?
+I'm asking you a question --
+No, you're --
+Not everyone has what you have.
+Then why'd you get married? I'm asking you as a friend.
+I'm sorry I asked.
+No, I'm going to answer you. You want an answer? I'll give it to you. Loyalty. She was loyal. Everything grew from there.
+That's an answer.
+Damn right.
+For loyalty, you buy a dog. For love, you get married.
+Look. I'm happy to entertain you, as always, but I have a question for you. Are we really "friends?"
+Why not --
+Well, friends can tell each other anything, right? If we have our "friends" hats on --
+I think so.
+I don't want to be friends anymore.
+We still having dinner in L.A.?
+Jerry! You made it --
+Thanks for coming.
+I have to ask.
+What --
+You're with the sports people on the plane, right?
+Jerry Maguire. SMI.
+Bobbi Fallon. BPI. I'm producing the Coke commercials for the playoffs.
+And I can't say his name without laughing I want to eat him up. I want to say goodbye to every bad thought I ever had about relationships. I mean, I crave this guy... and yet... why... why did I have that affair this weekend? Does that mean I'm not in love with my boyfriend?
+I think you'll know when you see him at the gate.
+I uh... don't think we're quite at your pitch yet.
+Tell me, and then you can sleep.
+Oh, tell the story.
+--so our first date, she told me about her favorite place in the world, the seven pools of Hana on the island of Maui...
+A year-and-a-half later, we were both in Hawaii for the Pro Bowl. Now I've always hit a wall at 18 months. Every serious girlfriend lasts 18 months. It's like --ka- boom. The curse of 18 months.
+That's when you need to cement, and define define define.
+Exactly. And the world does not need another 35 year-old bachelor. I knew I wanted to propose, so I took her there.
+To the pools?
+To the pools. Now she's Miss Rock Climber, and I'm more the Non-Rock Climber, but we're hiking up through the pools and there's a fine mist in the air, and I have the ring in my pocket, and I'm a little nervous, I'm lagging behind, and she says to me, get this -- "Hurry up, klutz."
+Well, it bothered me somewhat. And I got quiet. And now she's quiet and we're both pouting a little, you know. And I decide I'm not going to propose. The mood is not right. Why be impulsive? Now at this point I know she knows that I was going to propose and didn't. And she knows I know. So the entire sixty mile ride
+How sad --
+Which they do. And we're standing there. All the football guys are in the lobby, watching, there's even an ESPN crew. So I turn to her and sort of grandly say, "Well, this is me, Klutz, asking you, Goddess of Rock Climbing, to marry me." And I took out the ring, and I don't much like big scenes, but she said "yes" right there
+Marcee. How's my favorite player's wife?
+How can I make your life better?
+You gonna get that --
+Marcee, things are changing around here. You and Rod will have my total personal attention.
+Damn right, and you can start by taking Rod's poster and putting it where people can see it!
+I'll go back to them.
+Okay, we don't take this emotionally. We roll with this problem.
+Marcee --
+I'm sorry what I said back there.
+Don't be silly.
+He took a shot. He's unconscious.
+I'm freakin out. Oh God I'm --
+Keep the phone open. I'll call back. Stay calm. He's got some good doctors out there.
+"Stay calm?" I'm freakin...
+Dooler, you know Bob Sugar.
+Cronin's okay for lunch?
+Marcee -- this is one of our agents. This is Bob Sugar, who needs to learn to knock.
+Gimme a second here... Tidwell... Arizona contract... new glass cabinet...
+You okay?
+I'm fine. What's up?
+Pardon me?
+Aw shit...the crowded restaurant... so there's no scene...
+... dick?
+Give me a little credit for doing this face-to-face! What I went through knowing I was going to do this to my mentor! Can you get past yourself for a second?
+You'll lose.
+You wanted smaller.
+I'm over it. Now I want all my clients and yours too.
+Jerry --
+-- and I'll get 'em.
+SMI represents all three quarterbacks on your team, where's their loyalty going to be? You stay with me, I'd fight for YOU alone. You'd be my only client on that team...
+One-two-three, swing.
+Hey, man, you know they have big balloons built into cars?
+They do, my brother.
+And then my dad died and my mom took me to the zoo and I love the zoo. Do you hate the zoo or do you love the zoo?
+Wait. I want to tell you more about my dad.
+Let's go the zoo.
+Let's go right now. Let's go to the zoo.
+Aw, the fucking thing... I mean, the zoo is closed.
+You said "fuck".
+I won't tell.
+I don't see any.
+What's going on, Jerry?
+Show me the animal, Jerry!
+-- I give you my favorite animal in the zoo. Are you ready for the weirdness, the strange perfection and truth of...
+I'm scared. What is it?
+Now go kiss your daddy, quick.
+He's gonna have nothing left for next season. They're letting him kill himself.
+Can you be quiet?
+He should have kept his head tucked down.
+Shut up!!!
+Still, you have survived the dinosaurs before. You saved those kids.
+After what you've seen today, you really think your son could be alive?
+This is how you make dinosaurs?
+Do you think it goes all the way across?
+Oh, my God.
+What is it?
+First off let me say as a dinosaur enthusiasts, Amanda and I have admired your work for years.
+Amanda and I, well, we just love the outdoors. Heck we've been on pretty much any adventure tour they can come up with: Galapagos, K2, the Nile...
+Well, I'm no aviation specialist. But I do know it's hell of a lot lower than anyone else.
+Amanda, Honey! Dr. Grant says it's a bad idea!
+He says it's a bad idea!
+We can't just...
+Her new boyfriend.
+A friend. We were vacationing. Eric wanted to see the island and the dinosaurs, so Ben found a guy who would take them parasailing. They never came back.
+How much weight have you lost?
+Twenty, twenty-fire pounds. I've been swimming at the Y.
+You hate to swim.
+You look good.
+Stop that. Dr. Grant says this is dangerous territory.
+Well we should split up or something. We can cover twice the area.
+No, Dr. Grant says...
+Dr. Grant says this, Dr. Grant says that...
+Well what's the use of hiring an expert if your not going to listen to him?
+Because "Dr. Grant" isn't looking for Eric. Dr. Grant is looking for the coast.
+Fine...and when the Tricyclatops comes after you, don't come crying to me.
+Oh, don't worry about that.
+What did you say?
+What did you say!
+Young adult.
+That's him. ThatÂ’s Eric!
+I'm sorry Amanda. I am. And I'm sorry for the things I said about him.
+No, it's...
+I know you liked Ben. I had no right to...
+Eric! Are you here?
+It's not safe.
+We can't just stop looking. Eric and Dr. Grant are out there somewhere.
+Well what?
+This wouldn't happen if he was with you. I mean, you drive five miles below the speed limit. I totaled three cars in fives years.
+That one time was just the bumper.
+I don't know. I don't have it with me.
+When did you have it last?
+I don't remember
+Sweetheart, you're okay. You're okay. You're okay.
+Eric, its okay. You'll be right behind me.
+Paul! Where is he? Can you see him?
+My own kid was right in front of me and I didn't do a damn thing.
+You couldn't have made that jump.
+I should have tried. It should have been me on that beach back there, not Billy.
+How would you have helped Eric? He needs you, Paul. He needs us.
+He could have died.
+We should try fishing again.
+You mean it?
+Either that, or the government will firebomb it back to the Stone Age.
+You see, that's just the thing. Paul and I have special permission to fly low.
+He's with a man named Ben Hildebrand.
+I thought we weren't suppose to yell.
+He's right. A predator wouldn't leave a kill wounded.
+We need to stick to the plan. Head for the coast.
+What about Eric and Dr. Grant?
+Going to the coast was Alan's idea. If he's alive, thatÂ’s where he's headed.
+You had the phone the whole time?
+Where's Dad?
+We have to keep looking for Dad. We have to.
+I know. I know. I want to look for him too.
+Let me tell you a few things about you Dad, okay? He's very very very clever, very very brave, and he loves you ever very much.
+He loves you too.
+That was Isla Nublar. This is Isla Sorna. The second island.
+So Mr. Kirby, tell me, when you climbed K2, did you base camp at 25- or 30,000 feet?
+Thirty-thousand, I think. Closer to the top.
+They couldnÂ’t climb up, so they were trying to get us to come down.
+I donÂ’t know.
+I thought you were an expert.
+He's probably has a better chance by the coast as it is. Figures that all the big dinosaurs would live in the center of the island. Right?
+How was your trip? Profitable?
+We'll be broke in four weeks.
+You rented an automated litter box.
+It's a rapid prototyper. I feed in the scan data from the raptor skull, than the computer breaks it into thousands of slices which this thing prints, one layer on top of the other. It's the future of paleontology.
+Absolutely not.
+They're here.
+Even with what I pay you, you could get a better bag.
+No way. This is lucky. Couple years ago some buddies and I went hang gliding off these cliffs in New Zealand. Updraft sent me right into the side. BOOM!
+That does sound lucky.
+It was this strap alone that saved my life. Got caught on a rock as I was falling.
+Listen Alan, I really appreciate you bringing me along.
+I'm so use to seeing bones. It's weird to see skin.
+Is it a rex?
+How would you classify it?
+Obviously a superpredator. Suchimimus. that snout.
+They never got that big.
+Not with that sail. Spinosaurus Aegypticus.
+I don't remember that on InGen's list.
+It looks intact.
+We could co-write a paper.
+We need to keep moving.
+Alan, I want to tell you that I'm so sorry about the...
+You have to believe me. I did it with the best intentions.
+He used to know me.
+So, Mark's working at the State Department now.
+Anything good?
+Raptors, mostly.
+You remember the sounds they made?
+I try not to.
+We've done cranial scans, and raptors actually had a quite sophisticated resonating chamber. I have a theory that their ability to vocalize is the key to their social intelligence. The way they can work together as a team.
+You think they could talk to each other?
+Good luck with the fund raising.
+It was never easy, but before Jurassic Park, you could find money. Somewhere. Now fossils are out. Everyone wants to see a real live dinosaur.
+Times change Alan. But you're the still the best. I mean that.
+I'd better get going.
+Let me know if I can help, Alan. YouÂ’re bad about asking for help, but please ask me. Anything, anytime.
+Okay. Goodbye, Ellie.
+When I met you, I thought that one day millions of years ago, all the dinosaurs became extinct. Wiped out. But you told me otherwise. When conditions changed, dinosaurs changed. They became other things. They evolved.
+A well-accepted theory.
+Eric, your parents are both here.
+In Costa Rica?
+They'll never make it. I mean, they can't manage when the cable goes out.
+You're Alan Grant, aren't you? I read both of your books.
+Which one do you prefer?
+The first one. Before you where on the island. You liked dinosaurs back then.
+When InGen cleared out, they left a lot of stuff behind.
+Found this, but the battery's dead.
+Is that all it's been? I thought it was longer.
+Did you read Malcolm's book?
+What did you think?
+Know what this is?
+A raptor claw. I use to have one. A fossil.
+How much of this island have you explored?
+I stayed pretty close to the compound, Figured if anyone came to look for me, that's where they'd start.
+We need to head for the coast.
+Are you sure?
+We climb down to the barge and follow the river out to the ocean. With any luck, the Costa Rican coast guard will pick us up.
+Do you have any kids?
+I have a theory that there's two kinds of boys. Those who want to be astronomers and those who want to be astronauts.
+I want to be an astronaut.
+See, I was the opposite. I never understood why anyone would want to go into space. It's so dangerous. You do one thing wrong and you're dead. The astronomer -- or the paleontologist -- get to study these amazing things from a place of complete safety. And truthfully, everything you really need to learn, you can learn it from the ground.
+But then you never get to go in space.
+The lady you called, how do you know she can help us?
+It's strikes me now I never told her that.
+You should.
+Eric, do you know what happened to the boat? that brought you here? Why did it crash?
+No. I couldn't see.
+We're safe!
+What do you think is going to happen with the dinosaurs?
+What can I do for you, Mr. Kirby?
+Well sir, I am a great admirer of yours, and I have an extremely interesting proposition to discuss. Would you let my wife and I take you to have dinner tonight? Our treat.
+You know, I've been traveling and I'm very tired. Maybe some other time.
+That's a very nice offer, Mr. Kirby, but I'm afraid I'm much to busy. If you like I can refer you to a number of highly qualified...
+No, no, see Dr. Grant, you're the best. You've seen these animals in the flesh. No one else has come close to you.
+That's hard to believe.
+Dr. Grant if you'd just sit tight, we'll explain this all in a jiffy.
+What the hell is going on? What are they doing?
+Establishing a perimeter. Making it safe. These guys are really good. One of them was a Green...
+We needed somebody who knew the lay of the land. Somebody who'd been to this island before.
+I have never been on this island!
+No, I'm sorry, but no. We'll savage what we can from the plane. Then we head for the coast. There may be a boat left, something to get us off this island.
+Dr. Grant, we're not leaving without our son.
+There is no Kirby Enterprises, is there?
+Well that's good.
+Whatever you do, don't call the U.S. Embassy. They won't do a God Damn thing.
+Well, we don't exactly have a Costa Rican phone book here, so it will have to be somebody we know in the states. Someone we can absolutely count on to send help.
+How did you know?
+That cheap aftershave I send you every Christmas, you actually wear it. I'm touched. Sit down, sit down, what brings you to Mombassa?
+You. Tell me, Roland, when was the last time you answered your phone?
+I got a call from a gentleman who's going to Costa Rica, or thereabouts. If he's to be believed, it's a most, uh, unique expedition. And very well-funded.
+But alone? We always had great success together, you and I.
+Just a little bit too much, I think.
+How do you mean?
+Sorry. We were saying?
+You broke that idiot's jaw for no reason other than your boredom. Tell the truth, Roland. Aren't you even interested in knowing this expedition's quarry?
+It matches the pictures.
+Make a blind here? Wait for the buck to return?
+You hear something?
+Any damage?
+"Minimal" is too much. It has to be light, it has to be strong --
+Light and strong, light and strong, sure, why not, it's only impossible. God save me from academics.
+You are an academic.
+Former academic. Now I actually make things. I don't just talk.
+You think I'm all talk, Eddie?
+It doesn't matter what I think.
+Is there an antidote?
+Why didn't you tell us about these guys, Ian?!
+I didn't know you -- weren't well.
+It's the lawyers. The lawyers are finally killing me.
+They do have motives. Why did you want to see me? Your message said it was urgent.
+Well? Didn't it all seem a trifle compact to you?
+What are you talking about?
+The hatchery, in particular? You know my initial yields had to be low, far less than one percent, that's a thousand embryos for every single live birth. Genetic engineering on that scale implies a giant operation, not the spotless little laboratory I showed you.
+I don't believe you.
+Isla Nublar was just a showroom, Ian, something for the tourists, Site B was the factory floor. We built it first, on Isla Sorna, eight-some miles from Nublar.
+No, no, no, no, no, no . . .
+After the accident at the park, a hurricane wiped out our facility on Site B. We had to evacuate and leave the animals to fend for themselves. And they did. For four years I've fought to keep them safe from human meddling, now I want you to go there and document them.
+Are you out of your mind? I still have nightmares, my reputation's a joke, my leg is shot -- you think I need more of that?
+It would be the most extraordinary living fossil record the world has ever seen.
+I've been putting this together for over a year. I have personal suggestions for your entire team, phone numbers, contact people. They won't believe you about what they're going to see, so don't bother trying to convince them. Just use my checkbook to get them there. I'll fund your expedition through my personal accounts, as such money and equipment as you need, but only
+John . . .
+I'm not going, John.
+Oh --
+Do you have chromium tapes? The others fog in high-
+InGen is a genetics corporation, isn't it?
+But he's the head of InGen!
+Are you looking for a problem?
+That was a pair bond! A family group, even, long after that infant was nestbound!
+The empty shells are crushed and trampled. The young stay in the birth environment, that's conclusive!
+Ian, you're not insane! I'm so glad!
+And let's forget about the high hide. We can't do this kind of work up in a tower, we need to be out in the field, as close to the animals as possible.
+I'm not surprised stegosaur lived in a family group, but there's never been anything in the fossil record to prove the carnivores did.
+Why wouldn't they? Look at hyenas, jackals, nearly all species of predator birds --
+That doesn't say a thing about T-rex, they could have been rogues. Robert Burke certainly thinks they were.
+Hi, Dad.
+Okay, Karen is expecting you in half an hour. You only have to stay with her one night, she'll put you on a bus in the morning and your mother will be at the station when you get there.
+I don't even know this woman.
+Well, I do, and she's fantastic. She'll take you to the museum, maybe to a movie if you play your cards right. You're going to have a fantastic time.
+Stop saying fantastic. Where are you going?
+I can't tell you. But I'll be back within a week.
+My vacation is over in a week.
+I'll make it up to you this summer. I promise.
+I'm your daughter all the time, you know. Not just when it's convenient.
+Very hurtful. Your mother tell you to say that?
+Is that kid still bothering you?
+Which one?
+You know, at the bus stop. With the hair?
+That was about a year ago.
+Well, is he?
+No. Richard talked to his parents.
+I could come with you.
+Out of the question. You'd miss the gymnastics trials. You've been training for that for a year.
+I don't care about the trials, I want to be with you. I could be your research assistant, like I was in Austin.
+This is nothing like Austin. Forget about it.
+How could you possibly?
+"InGen." What's InGen?
+Where does it say that?
+What are you guys gonna do?
+Are you all right?! Anything broken?
+I'm fine, I'm fine, I was scared, I thought you, are you okay?!
+Cancel that, Dieter.
+Carnivores hunt near stream beds. Do you want to set up base camp or an all-you-can-eat people bar?
+Peter, if you want me to run your little camping trip, there are two conditions. First -- I'm in charge, and when I'm not around, Dieter is. Your job is to sign the checks, tell us we're doing a good job, and open your case of scotch when we have a good day. Second condition -- my fee. You can keep it. All I
+Where do you think you're going?!
+What kind of gun is that?
+My father's .600 Nitro Express. Made in 1904. Karimojo Bell gave it to him after he took down his last elephant. 8700 foot pound striking force.
+How close do you have to be?
+Forty yards. Less, maybe. I assume it'll take a slug in the brain case to bring him down.
+You rally think this'll draw the parent?
+I once saw a bull elephant die charging a jeep. All the jeep had done was startle the bull's calves. I saw a lioness carry wounded prey four and a half miles, all the way back to its den, just to teach its cubs how to finish off a kill.
+Killing lessons? Heartwarming.
+Rex won't be any different. It'll come.
+Had to. To keep him still for the trip.
+You've broken its leg!
+What in Christ's name is going on?!
+What is?
+What is that?
+Where's the power and radio setup?
+The radio rig is inside. It runs directly from the geothermal generator, so power shouldn't be a problem.
+Do you think the rex might have the infant with it?
+We took to the rock.
+It's... behind... us.
+If I don't move, I can't shoot it.
+So, you two were just, uh, telling old campfire stories, were you?
+Do me a favor. Don't pretend for a second that you and I don't know the truth. You can convince Time magazine and the Skeptical Inquirer of whatever you want, but I was there.
+You signed a non-disclosure agreement before you went to the island that expressly forbade you from discussing anything you saw. You violated that agreement.
+You cost me my livelihood. That on which I relied to support my children.
+If your university felt you were causing it embarrassment by selling wild stories to Hard Copy, I hardly see how I am to--
+I didn't tell anything, I told the truth.
+You version of it.
+There are no versions of the truth! This isn't a corporate maneuver, it's my life.
+We made a generous compensatory offer for your injuries.
+It was a payoff and an insult. InGen never--
+What's he got in there?
+Trespassing, sabotage -- you could go to jail just for being here, did you know that?
+Their what?
+You know how to work a radio, don't you?
+You're going too?
+She's gutty.
+No way.
+Do you see any family resemblance here?
+Then this is our chance.
+Our chance to do what?
+There' no reason for name calling.
+It has a broken leg!
+So do it a favor and put it out of its misery!
+What do they want?!
+What are they?
+Come on!
+Where's Kelly?
+We can't stay in here!
+We're sure as hell not going back out there"
+This is single-wall construction! It's just a shack!
+It'll hold!
+Head for the roof!
+I have to find Kelly!
+I think she's with Sarah!
+Something's wrong.
+No. I'm quite certain you can't.
+Look, we have two choices. We can hike back down to the lagoon, where we can sit for two days, in the open, next to a heavily used water source while we're waiting for your boat to arrive, or we can head for the village, where we might find some shelter and we can call for help.
+You ever heard of Gambler's Ruin?
+What's that?
+A statistical phenomenon. Says everything in the world goes in streaks. It's real, you see it everywhere -- in weather, in river flooding, in baseball, in blackjack, in stock markets. Once things go bad, they tend to stay bad. Bad things cluster. They go to hell together.
+Just -- flawed. Very deeply flawed.
+Why did you come here?
+So that others would know about this place?
+Why should they?
+Because it exists.
+It'll still exit if they go on not knowing, won't it?
+Yes. And people will live in the absence of truth.
+So the truth is more important to you than your life?
+Somewhere on this island, there exits the greatest predator that ever lived. And the second greatest predator must take him down.
+But why?
+You remember that guy, about twenty years ago, I forget his name, but he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down almost dead. And they asked him, "why did you go up there to die?" And he said "I didn't. I went up there to live."
+How many rounds did you find for that weapon?
+Four, counting the one in the chamber.
+You gentlemen feel you have to do this now?
+No more smoking. We leave no scent of any kind. No hair tonics, no cologne, seal all our food in plastic bags. We will observe and document, but we will not interact.
+You know you were putting yourself in a potentially dangerous situation, but you didn't bother to find out how dangerous before you leapt in. You don't have the faintest idea what's going on on this island!
+You're going home. I'm sending a radio call for the boats. We'll all go down to the lagoon and wait for them.
+Lighten up, Ian, you sound like a high school vice-principal.
+No! We're an independently funded expedition.
+Funded by whom?
+Can you set up?
+It has to be temporary, something that'll break apart and fall off as the animal grows...
+That's impossible, they can't have the sensory equipment to track it all the way here!
+Born free, as free as the wind blows. As free as the grass grows --
+Are you insane?!
+All right. I'm satisfied with the evidence we have right now. I feel vindicated. John Hammond will too. Do you have enough to publish?
+They will come after me. But I can collect some stool samples, for DNA with that, Nick's tapes, and the rest of you to back me up, it should stand when we get back.
+Oh, God.
+You know, even if we do get those tapes back, people are going to say it's just another hoax. Ian Malcolm's alien autopsy.
+Maybe. Maybe not.
+Ian. It's guano.
+These formations. They're dried --
+So what's your story, Nick?
+I was a cameraman for Nightline for six years, been freelance since '91. Do a lot of work for Greenpeace.
+That must be interesting. What drew you there?
+Women. 'Bout eighty percent female in Greenpeace.
+Hey, I wouldn't want to spook the woolly mammoths.
+You think this is all a joke?
+Oh, please. How am I supposed to keep a straight face when -- -- Johnny Cash here tells me I'm going to Skull Island?
+Ian's a very good friend of mine.
+He doesn't need a friend, he needs a shrink.
+-- way we could safely --
+The kid scores with cheap sentiment.
+Ruining everything, that's what they're doing. You could choke on the diesel smoke already!
+That little black line?
+Give it more morphine!
+Hold it down, Nick!
+There's, uh -- there's an unwritten rule when a news crew is in a war zone. You stop the van every two miles and decide whether or not to go on. Whether or not you feel lucky. One "no" from anybody in the group and you turn around right there, no question asked, nobody embarrassed. Well? Do we go on? Immediately:
+Where's Kelly?
+Hey, we came here to observe, you came here to strip-mine the place! It's a looter mentality, all you care about is what you can take.
+If we can't stay in the rex's territory, we have to move tonight.
+We have to send someone to look for him!
+Ask her.
+You've got to be kidding.
+Uh - - Mr. Hammond - -
+That storm center hasn't dissipated or changed course. We're going to have to cut the tour short, I'm afraid. Pick it up again tomorrow where we left off.
+You're sure we have to?
+Ladies and gentlemen, last shuttle to the dock leaves in approximately five minutes. Drop what you are doing and leave now.
+I found a way to re-route through the program. I'm turning the cars around in the rest area loop.
+Visitor vehicles are on their way back to the garage.
+So how much for our first tour. Two no-shows and one sick triceratops.
+The door security systems are shutting down.
+Woah, woah, woah, what the hell, what the hell?
+What now?
+Fences are failing, all over the park! A few minor systems, he said!
+Find Nedry! Check the vending machines!
+Phones are out too.
+We're talking, my dear, about a calculated risk, which is the only option left to us. We will never find the command NEDRY used. He covered his tracks far too well, and I think it's obvious he's not coming back. So shutting down the system - -
+I will not do it. You'll have to get somebody else, because I will not.
+- - shutting down the system is the only way to guarantee wiping out everything he did. If I understand correctly, all the system will come back on their original start-up modes correct?
+Are we getting anywhere with these procedures of yours? I mean, what's hanging us up?
+I ran a key check on every stroke Nedry entered today. It's all pretty standard stuff, until this one - -
+How many lines of code are there?
+Uh - - about two million.
+No, no, no, that's crazy, you're out of your mind, he's absolutely out of his mind - -
+But would we get the phones back?
+The lysine contingency - it's intended to prevent the spread of the animals is case they ever got off the island, but we could use it now. Dr. Wu inserted a gene that makes a single faulty enzyme in protein metabolism. Animals can't manufacture the amino acid lysine. Unless they're continually supplied with lysine by us, they'll go into a coma and die.
+How would we cut off the lysine?
+How long will this take?
+You shouldn't use my name.
+Oh, I'll get 'em all.
+Remember - - viable embryos. They're no use to us if they don't survive.
+What? No menthol?
+Mr Nedry, Mr Nedry. The embryos have to be back here in San Jose by then.
+That's up to your guy on the boat. Seven o'clock tomorrow night, at the east dock. Make sure he got it right.
+I was wondering, how are you planning to beat the security?
+Paleo-DNA? From what source? Where do you get 100 million year old dinosaur blood?!
+Please - - let's hear something from the others. Dr. Grant? I am sorry - - Dr. Sattler?
+Alan? Where are we going? You see something?
+Yours was fully illustrated, honey.
+Doctors, if you please - - I have to insist we get moving.
+Imbalance, disorientation, labored breathing. Seems to happen about every six weeks or so.
+Yes, mitotic, pupils should be constricted.
+These are dilated. Take a look.
+They are? I'll be damned.
+Yes. We know they're toxic, but the animals don't eat them.
+Are you sure?
+Pretty sure.
+There's only one way to be positive. I need to see some droppings. I have to see the dinosaur's droppings.
+Sure. I've got a gas powered jeep. I can drop her at the visitor's center before I make the boat with the others.
+Did I say jerk?
+I have samples all over the kitchen.
+There you are. Out you come.
+Oh my God.
+Fascinating animals, fascinating.
+Oh my God.
+Alan, these aren't bones anymore.
+Malcolm's okay for now. I gave him a shot of morphine.
+But with this place, I - - I wanted to give them something real, something that wasn't an illusion, something they could see and touch. An aim devoid of merit.
+But you can't think through this one. You have to feel it.
+You're absolutely right. Yes, you're right. Hiring Nedry was a mistake, that's obvious. We're over- dependent on automation, I can see that now. But that's all correctable for the next time around.
+Once we have control again we - -
+This is just a delay, that's all this is. All major theme parks have had delays. When they opened Disneyland in 1956, nothing worked, nothing.
+But you know, I should really be the one going .
+Well, because you're a - - I'm a - -
+Mr. Arnold? He's not answering me. Okay I'm on the grating.
+Good! Keep going, now. The cable will terminate in a big, gray box.
+Four complete skeletons. . . . such a small area. . . the same time horizon - -
+They died together?
+The taphonomy sure looks that way.
+A drought. The lake was shrinking - -
+Postmortem contraction of the posterior neck ligaments. Velociraptor?
+You know, if you really wanted to scare the kid you could've just pulled a gun on him.
+Yeah, I know, you know...kids. You want to have one of those?
+Well, not one of those, well yeah, a possibly one at some point could be a good thing. What's so wrong with kids?
+Oh, Ellie, look. They're noisy, they're messy, they're sticky, they're expensive.
+Cheap, cheap, cheap.
+They smell.
+Oh my god, they do not! They don't smell.
+They do smell. Some of them smell.. babies smell.
+Alright, the one on the airplane had an accident, but usually babies don't smell.
+They know very little about the Jurassic Period they know less about the Cretaceous.
+The what?
+The Cretaceous.
+Anything else, you old fossil?
+Yeah, plenty. Some of them can't walk!
+Okay, who's the jerk?
+Uh, this is our paleobotanist, Dr Ellie.....
+And what are those?
+Why would they care what we think?
+The movement!
+Ellie, we can tear up the rule book on cold-bloodedness. It doesn't apply, they're totally wrong! This is a warm-blooded creature. They're totally wrong.
+You've got a T-rex!? He's got a T-rex! A T-rex! He said he's- -
+Ellie, they're absolutely - - they're moving in herds. They do move in herds!
+We were right!
+So what are you thinking?
+Wait a minute! How do you interrupt the cellular mitosis?!?
+Oh, shit.
+Oh Ellie. It's so beautiful. It's the most beautiful thing I ever saw.
+Ellie, I've been thinking there's something about the periodicity doesn't had up.
+Constantly sick.
+Not just every six weeks.
+Elm that's it, it explains the periodicity, the - -
+- - the undigested state of the berries because it's - -
+- - like birds - -
+- - like birds. What happen is, they swallow the stones and hold them in a muscular sack in their stomachs - -
+- - a gizzard - -
+- - which is called a gizzard, and it helps them mash their food, but what happens after a while - -
+- - what happens is that after a while, the stones get smooth, every six weeks, so the animal regurgitates them - -
+- - barfs them up - -
+- - and swallows fresh ones.
+Are you sure?
+It's just the two raptors, right? You're sure the third one's contained?
+Ellie - - get back and boot up the door locks!
+You can't hold it by yourself!
+Ellie, get the gun! Try to reach the gun!
+They show extreme intelligence, even problem solving. Especially the big one. We bred eight originally, but when she came in, she took over the pride and killed all but two of the others. That one - -when she looks at you, you can see she's thinking working things out. She's the reason we have to feed 'em like this. She had them all attacking
+The fences are electrified, right?
+Dr. Sattler, I've seen a lot of animal attacks. People just disappear. No blood, no trace. That's the way it happens.
+Ellie, com one!!
+Dr. Grant!
+Do you see anything?
+What about the lysine contingency? We could put that into effect!
+I can't wait anymore. Something went wrong. I'm going to go get the power back on.
+I'm going with you.
+Come on, let's go.
+Okay, I'm on channel two.
+Oh my God. Aw, God.
+C'mon on, this way.
+No. We can't.
+Why not?
+It's all right.
+That's right. Will break through.
+I get ah - -
+I know, it's very exciting.
+And scary.
+And scary.
+When people try to control things that it's out of their power - -
+It's anti-nature.
+God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.
+You see? The tyrannosaur doesn't obey set patterns or park schedules. It's the essence of Chaos.
+I'm still not clear on Chaos.
+Uh - - thumb! The same way.
+It changed. Why? Okay, back over your wrist. Because and here is the principle of tiny variations - - the orientations of the hairs - -
+Alan, listen to this.
+- - on your hand, the amount of blood distending in your vessels, imperfections in the skin - -
+Oh, imperfections?
+Microscopic - - never repeat, and vastly affect the outcome. That's what?
+No one could have predicted Dr. Grant would suddenly jump out of a moving vehicle!
+Dino droppings?
+Can we chance moving him?
+Faster, faster!
+Must go faster, it's getting closer - must go faster!
+Faster! Shit, shit, shit, faster!
+Seven days?! Seven days?! Oh, great. Oh good - - clever.
+- - shut up.
+Hola, Juanito
+What's this I hear at the airportŠ Hammond's not even here?
+He sends his apologies.
+You're telling me that we're facing a $20 million lawsuit from the family of that injured worker and Hammond couldn't even be bothered to see me?
+He had to leave early to be with his daughter. She's getting a divorce.
+Hammond hates inspections. They slow everything down.
+If two experts sign off on the island, the insurance guys'll back off. I already got Ian Malcolm, but they think he's too trendy. They want Alan Grant.
+Grant? You'll never get him out of Montana.
+Why not?
+I can't see.
+What are we looking for?
+Up and down, up and down!
+I can't believe we invited Ian Malcolm.
+Hey! Where did you find those things?
+In a box under my seat.
+Are they heavy?
+The full fifty mile of perimeter fence are in place?
+And the concrete moats, and the motion sensor tracking systems. Donald, dear boy, do try to relax and enjoy yourself.
+Let's get something straight, John. This is not a weekend excursion, this is a serious investigation of the stability of the island. Your investors, whom I represent, are deeply concerned. Forty-eight hours from now, if they - - - -aren't convinced. I'm not convinced. And I can shut you down John.
+This is overwhelming, John. Are these characters animatronics?
+John, we - - what I'm just saying....
+And we can charge anything we want! Two thousand a day, ten thousand a day - - people will pay it! And then there's the merchandising - -
+Donald, this park was not built to carter only to the super rich. Everyone in the world's got a right to enjoy these animals.
+- - from combined revenue streams for all three parks should reach eight to nine billion dollars a year - -
+That's conservative, of course. There's no reason to speculate wildly.
+I don't believe it. I expected you to come down here and defend me from these characters and the only one I've got on my side it the bloodsucking lawyer!?
+Have a heart gentlemen. Their parents are getting a divorce and they need the diversion.
+Hey! Where are the brakes?
+I read your book.
+Because they sure don't look like birds to me. I heard a meteor hit the earth and made like this one hundred mile crater someplace down in Mexico - -
+Listen, ahh - -
+Tim. Which car were you planning on - -
+And his book was a lot fatter than yours.
+These look kind of familiar.
+Are you okay? Can you move? Tim! Are you okay?
+Tim, are you okay?
+I'm stuck. The seat's got my feet!
+I threw up.
+Okay, that's not so bad, ah Tim?
+Yes it is.
+It's just like coming out of a tree house. Did your dad ever build you a tree house, Tim, eh?
+Me too. Okay. Well, the main thing about climbing is never, never look down, never.
+This is impossible. How am I going...I can't make it. This is...it's about fifty feet.
+So am I going to help you with your foot?
+'Course you could just wait in there while we go back and get help.
+That's a good idea.
+You'll probably be safe enough on your own --
+I doubt it.
+It's okay to call them brontosaurs, Tim. It's a great name. It's a romantic name. It means "thunder lizard".
+Straight-A brainiac!
+What do you call a blind dinosaur?
+I don't know. What do you call a blind dinosaur?
+A Do-you-think-he-saurus. What do you call a blind dinosaur's dog?
+You got me.
+Take a bite, take a bite. I'm not letting go.
+Come on, try some. Take a bite.
+It's good protein. Come on, Lex. Why don't you touch it? Look at his nose.
+You know what this is? It's a dinosaur egg. The dinosaurs are breeding.
+But - - my grandpa said all the dinosaurs were girls.
+It's a bit of a climb. You guys think you can make it?
+I can't! I'm scared!
+Go, go, go, jump!
+You're crazy! I'm not gonna jump!
+Are you crazy? What if you miss? I hate it up here.
+So you two dig up dinosaurs?
+Cloning from What?! Loy extraction has never recreated an intact DNA strand!
+to Grant) She's, uh - - tenacious.
+You have no idea.
+You got any kids?
+You're married?
+By the way, Dr. Sattler - she's not like, uh, available, is she? - -
+What'd I touch?!
+You haven't touched didn't touch anything. We're stopping. We've stopped.
+I must've touched something. This happens all the time. It must be my fault. Machines hate me.
+Machines hate you?
+Yeah, they hate me.
+You want to talk about this?
+Their radio's out too. Gennaro said to stay put.
+The kids okay?
+Well, I didn't ask. Why wouldn't they be?
+Kids get scared.
+What's to be scared about? It's just a little hiccup in the power.
+I didn't say I was scared.
+I didn't say you were scared.
+I know.
+Where does he think he's going?
+Keep absolutely still - - it's vision's based on movement!
+You're sure?!
+Oh my God!
+We gotta do something.
+What? What can we do?
+Hey, we were saving that!
+For today, I guarantee it.
+And who in God's name do you think you are....?
+Not just kids - - for everyone. We're going to open next year. Unless the lawyers kill me first. I don't care for lawyers. You?
+I, uh, don't really know any. We - -
+Well, I'm afraid I do. There's one, a particular pebble in my shoe. He represents my investors. He says they insist on outside opinions.
+What kind of opinions?
+Well, it's - - right up your alley. Look, why don't you both come on down for the weekend. Love to have the opinion of a paleobotoanist as well. I've got a jet standing by at Choteau.
+No, I'm sorry, that wouldn't be possible. We've just discovered a new skeleton, and - -
+I could compensate you by fully funding your dig
+- - this would be an awfully unusual time - -
+That thing's got a what, twenty-five, twenty-seven foot neck?
+- - and you're going to sit there and try to tell me it can push blood up a thirty-foot neck without a four-chambered heart and get around like that?! Like that!? This is like a knockout punch for warm-bloodedness.
+Can't you stop these things?!
+Sorry! It's kind of a ride!
+Blood temperature feels like high eighties.
+Robert. Robert Muldoon, my game warden from Kenya. Bit of an alarmist, I'm afraid, But he's dealt with the raptors more than anyone.
+Yes, yes, yes, which is why we take extreme precautions. They viewing area below us will have eight-inch tempered glass set in reinforced steel frames to - -
+Ah - - they're here.
+You four are going to have a little company out in the park. Spend a little time with our target audience. Maybe they'll help you get the spirit of this place.
+Mr. Hammond, I've decided not to endorse your Park.
+Tim! Lex!
+He's knocked out! He's knocked out! Dr. Grant! Dr. Grant! Daddy, daddy!
+Dad - - Dad - -
+Shhh - - I'm right here, Lex. I'm going to look after you. I'm going to help your brother. I want you to stay here and wait for me, okay?
+He left us! He left us!
+Liar! You said you wouldn't leave!
+It's safe?
+It's safe.
+It's safe.
+Go that's the way we're going to go. What do you say?
+Hear that? Are you hearing this?
+Tim, Tim, Tim....
+Oh, I hate the other kind.
+They're just doing what they do. Well the other kind - - - - just do what they do.
+What are you gonna do now if you don't have to dig of dinosaur bones any more?
+What if the dinosaur comes back while we're all asleep?
+I'll stay awake.
+All night?
+Go away!
+I like cows.
+What's that?
+Watch how it eats!
+Let's go!
+C'mon Tim, move down, damn it!
+Do as he says! The power's coming back, Timmy!
+Timmy, let go! You're gonna have to let go! Count to three. I'll catch you.
+Shhhh. Tim, I'm right here below you. Easy catch. One, two, three. You count it yourself. One, two, three - -
+You're gonna get electrocuted electrified!
+It's am easy catch, you let - - go - - you do the counting, you count it, Tim. One, two, three -- you do all the counting, okay?
+Timmy, listen to Dr. Grant!
+I am gonna have to find the others and get you to a doctor. Will you look after Tim, Lex?
+What works?
+You'll have to get use to Dr. Malcolm! He suffers from a deplorable excess of personality, especially for a mathematician!
+John doesn't subscribe to Chaos, particularly what it has to say about his little science project!
+Codswollop! Ian, you've never come close to explaining these concerns of yours about this island!
+A load, if I may say so. of fashionable number crunching, that¹s all it is!
+John, John.
+Don't do that!
+Your silence intrigues me.
+Alright Donald, alright, but just let him talk. I want to hear all viewpoints. I truly do. I truly am.
+You don't give us our due credit. Our scientists have done things no one could ever do before.
+Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should. Science can create pesticides, but it can't tell us not to use them. Science can make a nuclear reactor, but it can't tell us not to build it!
+But this is nature! Why not give an extinct species a second chance?! I mean, Condors. Condors are on the verge of extinction - - if I'd created a flock of them on the island, you wouldn't be saying any of this! have anything to say at all!
+Hold on - - this is no species that was obliterated by deforestation or the building of a dam. Dinosaurs had their shot. Nature selected them for extinction.
+I don't understand this Luddite attitude, especially from a scientist. How could we stand in the light of discovery and not act?
+I think perhaps I'll just sit down. I don't suppose you think all that much of me now, do you?
+That will teach you to trust Grandpa.
+I am totally unappreciated in my time. We can run the whole park from this room, with minimal staff, for up to three days. You think that kind of automation is easy? Or cheap? You know anybody who can network eight Connection Machines and de-bug two million lines of code for what I bid this job? Because I'd sure as hell like to see
+I'm sorry about your financial problems. I really am. But they are your problems.
+You're right, John. You're absolutely right. Everything's my problem.
+I will not get drawn into another financial conversation with you, Dennis. I really will not.
+I don't think there's been any debate. There's no debate...my mistakes....
+I don't blame people for their mistakes, but I do ask that they pay for them.
+Why didn't I build in Orlando?
+I'll keep an eye on it. Maybe it'll swing south like the last one.
+Sustain winds 45 knots.
+Tell them when they get back to the cars.
+Robert - - I wonder if perhaps you would be kind good enough to take a gas jeep and bring back my grandchildren.
+We miss you.
+Thanks for the presents.
+What's going to happen to the goat? He's going to eat the goat?!
+I'm sorry - - I'm sorry - -
+I don't know, I don't know. I'm sorry - -
+Why did you do this?
+Why are we hurrying if there's nothing wrong?
+I hate trees!
+They don't bother me.
+No, no, sh, sh, sh - - stop! Stop! Stop! Don't let the monsters come over here!
+They're not monsters, Lex. They're just animals. And these are herbivores.
+I'm a hacker!
+Hey Lex, ahhhchooo! Hey Lex, com here.
+That's not funny.
+Jump, Timmy! It's too late!
+You're gonna get electrocuted electrified! The power's coming back!
+Ken, it's Bruce. Listen, we've got a nibble on the Pendleton financing.
+Fifty? We need seventy-five.
+You tell them if they come up to seventy-five, I'll cut them in on the Crystal Lake package.
+Don't tell me you're still thinking of buying Casa de Psycho...
+Chain saws.
+You want to put in chain saws?
+I don't think the people who live around here would like that very much...
+Do you think they like the fact that tourism has dropped ninety-eight percent in the last ten years?
+No, but...
+And do you think they like the fact that half the country thinks Crystal Lake is filled with corpses?
+That's not true...
+Beautiful trees... sturdy trunks... lots of branches... We can do some great logging up here.
+Logging? We'll need an environmental impact study for that...
+Jesus Christ!
+Just a deer, Mister Biller. Part of the local wildlife.
+Okay... well... I think it's this way...
+Mister Biller?
+I think we're lost.
+You have a map.
+I didn't think there were any houses up here...
+Structure might be salvageable... let's see what the interior looks like.
+Mister Biller... now that we can see the lake, I think we should follow the shoreline to --
+There doesn't seem to be any water damage. Kind of cozy, actually.
+I really think we should go back...
+Who is this? What's going on?
+This is Janet Davenport -- I'm the Realtor.
+I don't know...
+What about that other guy?
+Other guy?
+Janet, are you okay? Are you there?
+He... he's here...
+Oh my god... this is his house... _we're in his fucking house_...
+Janet, goddamnit, what's going on?
+I'm not sure I'd call them murder exactly. More like a couple of bar fights that got out of hand.
+I seem to recall arguing the same thing in court while you were trying to file murder-one charges.
+Quite a circus.
+Ruby, come on. You witnessed a brutal triple murder and you're having trouble accepting it. Think about what you're saying. You really expect a jury to believe that Jason has a mystery killer living in his tummy?
+I can't wait to hear your opening argument. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury... the Defense will prove that Jason Voorhees did not kill all of these people. They, in fact, committed mass suicide and then buried themselves in his back yard..."
+What's going on?
+It's still on.
+What happened?
+Three. Where's my client?
+Your... client is being booked right now. He'll be in cell five.
+What are the charges?
+Shit. We're still putting the victim list together. You'll need a forklift for the case file. I suggest you hire some help, and don't expect to get a lot of sleep for the next few months. You're about to defend the most notorious serial killer in American history.
+I thought that was Ted Bundy.
+A house?
+Ruby... this guy almost took out an entire Tactical Response Team. You can't expect me to just leave you --
+That's right... it... it came right out of his chest...
+Who's chest?
+And this hand... it... it slashed Doctor Layton's throat... and the Deputy. Then it grabbed Danny by the head... And it pulled his head right down into his chest... I couldn't... Hayes lays a hand his shoulder.
+Take it easy, Ruby... it's all right. Now, try to think clearly... don't you mean _Jason's_ hand... don't you mean he grabbed a scalpel and slashed Doctor Layton's throat?
+Are you going to plead insanity?
+Now... I think the video store's open for another couple of hours. Let's go.
+So... why can't Jason get a fair trial?
+Because everyone knows he's guilty...
+You think that's going to work?
+You watch this garbage?
+"Zombie Sluts From Beyond the Grave."
+He's fucking nuts.
+Great. Is that what you're going to say when I put you on the stand?
+No. When you put me on the stand, I'll say your client is catatonic and exhibits classic symptoms of a schizophrenic, sociopathic personality. And he doesn't sleep.
+Doesnit sleep?
+Insomnia. Not unusual for someone in his situation. Not to mention he's a bed-wetter.
+He wets the bed?
+This is bad, Joe. The Prosecution is already putting together a team of psychiatric specialists. They'll argue exactly the opposite. They'll say he's just pretending to be catatonic and he's completely sane.
+Great. Battling head doctors. We'll confuse the jury enough to create a reasonable doubt. Hung jury.
+Nurses. That's why I went into medicine.
+This sexual obsession of yours. Have you considered going into therapy yourself?
+No need. I'm self-diagnosed. I have severe nympholepsy... And I'm a bed-wetter.
+I don't believe it. Jason's mother died of ovarian cancer in 1969.
+That's the problem with this case. Everyone thinks they know Jason's life story. But they don't. What you're remembering is a _movie_. Fiction. In the movie, Jason's mother runs around, killing people after Jason drowns in Crystal Lake
+None of that's true?
+Well, Jason _was_ in a canoe accident in 1967 and presumed drowned. His mother died a few years later after a long bout with cancer. Some time in the early eighties, there were a string of murders out by Crystal Lake... People started saying it was Jason... back from the dead.
+So, what are you saying... that he didn't kill all those people?
+Don't get me wrong. I don't care. But the professional part of me is interested in how you rationalize what you do.
+I don't "rationalize" anything. I'm his lawyer -- he's my client. That's all.
+What do you want -- a tidy psychological profile? You want to hear that I was falsely accused of a crime I didn't commit... and that's driven me to defend others? Or maybe you want to me to get in touch with my feelings... talk about my childhood...
+No. You've told me all I need to know.
+Not much here. Jason was brought in a couple more times for insomnia... that's about it.
+Wait a minute. Let me see that. She hands him the file.
+The mother said the boy hadn't slept for over three _months_. A physical examination showed dilated pupils, temperature of one-oh-two, blood chemistry highly imbalanced...
+That's pretty weird. Is it possible for someone to not sleep for months?
+It's rare... but there are cases where people go for years without sleep. They diagnosed Jason with simple insomnia... but that's not what it looks like to me. He has every indication of having _insomnolesence_.
+So Jason doesn't sleep... how does that help us?
+Insomnolesence has been known to cause psychotic episodes... delusions...
+If we could prove that Jason suffers from this disorder... and that his homicidal behavior has been a direct result of a medical condition...
+Not guilty by reason of insanity. Case closed.
+How do we prove it?
+Simple. We sedate him, induce a somnolesent state, and study his REM patterns when he's unconscious. If he has the disorder, his REMS will be highly abnormal. Ruby smiles.
+How long will he need to be asleep?
+Well, that's it. He'll be asleep in a few minutes, but his first REM-cycle probably won't kick in for another hour or so. Is there a place we can get something to eat in this town?
+There's a pizza place over on Market.
+Cute waitresses?
+That's open to debate.
+There's nothing to see here. He sleeps... we record it. That's all that happens.
+I think I'm onto something, Joe.
+Me too. I'm drunk.
+Krueger... doesn't ring a bell.
+He was a child killer in the late sixties... in a town called Springwood about eight miles from here. Guess what his murder weapon was? A glove with six-inch blades.
+I thought you said Krueger burned to death.
+That's right. The murders in the eighties were never solved. But... there were teenaged witnesses who said Krueger had the ability to appear in your dreams... and that if he killed you in a dream, it would kill you in the real world.
+Don't you see? Jason was _asleep_. And he was dreaming -- the REM patterns prove that. And I saw finger blades just like Krueger's come out of Jason's chest. There has to be a connection.
+See this?
+Yeah, what is it?
+It's as though there were two people in that room... both of them asleep... both of them dreaming.
+That doesn't make sense.
+Add it to the list.
+I don't suppose I can go back to the University and chase young coeds again... pretend this whole thing never happened...
+Not yet.
+Then I'd say we should put Jason under again... run another tape on him and see what happens. We'll get extra data this time. Video... infrared... the works.
+Great. When can you do it?
+Tomorrow. If you can clear it with the Sheriff's department.
+I'll have to lean on them pretty hard after what happened last night... but I think I can do it. Let me know what happens.
+You're not going to be there?
+It's all right. I'm simply in shock... this is what happens to people when they experience events they can't understand or comprehend. The mind shuts down temporarily and tries to shield itself from the horrific imagery it's been exposed to. I'm going to need a lot of therapy.
+You saw him?
+What are you doing?
+This is Jason's REM pattern... and this is the boy's REM pattern. They're identical.
+How's that possible?
+So Krueger thinks Jason's dead... leaves him in the lake... but the boy actually wakes up on the shore... crawls off into the woods... where he lives the rest of his life alone.
+If I'm right, this happened before the Krueger murders in Springwood. That means that Jason might've been Krueger's first victim.
+Where's he going?
+I don't know... but I think he's pissed.
+Great. Now there's _two_ serial killers on the loose.
+You know how to use one of those?
+I used to go hunting with my father when I was a kid.
+Krueger's in the real world... maybe he's mortal, like us.
+And if he's not?
+What's that?
+_Neurolar_. It's a stimulant -- it's also a serotonin inhibitor. It suppresses all electrical activity in the hippocampus... the part of the brain that controls dreaming.
+So you think it might counteract Krueger's ability to make us hallucinate?
+Ten CC's of this shit and you won't be dreaming about anything.
+How long will the effect last?
+About ten minutes.
+Ten minutes...
+We're down to seven minutes.
+Are you all right?
+What happened? Where's Jason?
+-- I'm hoping to live in the Old Quarter.
+You work in the insurance department?
+Where do you live?
+It's only majestic from here. When you get closer you see it for what it really is.
+What is it really?
+A glorified office block. They keep all the old records there -- the final resting place for facts and figures that have ceased to matter in the world of the living.
+My assistants, I presume.
+You look like brothers.
+Yes -- we do.
+Have you worked here long?
+Fine -- terrible.
+Heralds of a new age -- does that sound immodest?
+Preliminary investigations may already be underway.
+-- Merely in the interests of order.
+-- Ah, but what if it wasn't?
+Yours is a very powerful and important firm -- it has a lot at stake.
+I've read your stories. They're fantastic.
+I don't know what you could have read.
+Just what you've published.
+-- In magazines nobody reads.
+I read the one about the penal colony.
+Did you?
+Gabriela was right -- it's easier for me to understand suicide. I'm a practicing suicide.
+These strange stories you write -- they come naturally, do they?
+Naturally? -- that's not the word I would have chosen.
+Where do you get your ideas? Only joking -- I'm just joking. Let's go to a brothel then, Kafka, come on.
+I haven't got the energy. I mean, I have to conserve my energy.
+That would be even worse -- it would be a compromise.
+Success or nothing?
+You work in the cemetery.
+A man must eat -- And drink.
+-- I'm flattered, of course, to be considered a friend -- even without knowing all the details. -- To see such determination is reward enough for me.
+-- Oh, yes, determination runs in the family.
+There is one thing I'd like you to tell me.
+I'm trying to find things out myself -- that's the whole point.
+What made you think I'd be able to get you into the Castle?
+The cemetery is nearer the Castle than anywhere else -- wasn't it part of the Castle originally? -- I always assumed there'd be a gate or something. Isn't there?
+I was restoring some stones here in the upper section one day -- and I found this.
+An empty tomb?
+The Castle gates were blockaded in the time of the great plague -- it's an escape route. Don't get stuck.
+-- You appreciate my writing.
+Will you do me a favor then?
+Another one?
+If I don't see you later -- go to my house and find my notebooks -- and destroy them. All my manuscripts -- just burn them. Please.
+What an extraordinary request!
+It's my last and final one.
+Then its authority is in doubt.
+A true friend would do it.
+The keeper of the files is still waiting for your final summation of the Erlanger claim.
+I gave it to him yesterday.
+You didn't give it to me.
+No, I left it in his office.
+Did you see him?
+I've never seen him. I don't believe there is a keeper of the files.
+He's usually in the storage room sorting things out. He can't close the file on a case until he has the concluding report.
+He has it, he just hasn't noticed it yet, all right?
+In an organization as efficient as ours, if a document once in a great while gets lost it might never be found at all.
+Burgel, I thought it would be easier, as long as I was passing --
+But I'm the messenger. An error like this damages my credibility.
+Your credibility -- yes, it's well known.
+When I deliver a message the very act of delivering it, you might say, gives it an official stamp, and only in this way are both the sender and the receiver satisfied that it was delivered at all.
+Are you looking for Gabriela Rossmann?
+Good morning -- Or should I say good afternoon?
+Say what you like -- no one pays the least attention.
+Oh, don't they? I think you underestimate my station in this office and overrate your own.
+Not today, Burgel. Send one of your memos, write up one of your communiques, but for God's sake don't bother me today.
+It's my place to offer advice, not yours -- and by advising the Chief Clerk of your unpunctuality it's certainly not my situation that's compromised, if that's what you're implying.
+You're just doing your job.
+It's what I'm paid to do.
+You're detestable.
+You wanted to see me, sir.
+You've been with the firm for nearly nine years. You've done your work diligently, there are no complaints on that score. But there's more to the job than the work -- there are other people to consider -- and frankly, Kafka, we eel your social situation could bear improving.
+... My ... social situation?
+To do my work well, I have little time for --
+You must make the time. Where do you go off to in the lunch hour?
+I usually take lunch by the River.
+It's not healthy, Kafka -- not for you and not for your workmates. At the annual dinner this month you again failed to make an appearance.
+I did not realize it was obligatory.
+Have you never wondered -- and I mention this only in passing -- why other clerks have advanced to more responsible positions while you, who have been here longer, have not?
+No, sir.
+Attitude, Kafka. It doesn't matter how well you do your work -- you still see it as something to be gotten on with rather than something to take an active interest in.
+Well, I --
+Oh, I know you got along with that poor fellow -- what was his name?
+-- Eduard --
+I understand you fancy yourself an author.
+In a small way.
+Excuse me, sir -- I understand you have Eduard Raban's file.
+I do.
+Was there something else?
+No -- I just -- I feel a sense of obligation. He was my friend -- if I can be of any help -- closing his affairs.
+No, there's only one report to complete. I'll be doing it myself and submitting it to the Castle today or tomorrow.
+I see -- it's just the Erlanger claim then.
+The Orlac claim.
+I'm Kafka -- I work upstairs in Accident --
+I know.
+You're a friend of Eduard Raban's.
+Why would you suppose so?
+Oh -- well, I thought he once mentioned --
+I'm sorry, but I just wondered --
+Hello again.
+I've never seen you here before.
+Well -- nice to know life exists outside the office.
+I was having an affair with Eduard. He didn't tell you?
+He would have. You were his best friend. A better friend than me.
+I suspected that he -- well.
+That he was -- satisfied in that regard. I didn't want to pry.
+What's funny?
+This morning it was suggested to me that my own sense of office fellowship could bear improving.
+How long were you and Eduard --
+No, I don't. I'm amazed that anyone is able to bear life with any assurance at all.
+Eduard didn't see it as something that needed bearing.
+The police would know the difference, wouldn't they?
+Do you think people in the New Town care what happens over here? This will always be the ghetto.
+He wasn't robbed. He was identified by his wallet.
+And you believe everything the authorities tell you.
+When I have no reason to doubt.
+The very fact that they're authorities should give you reason. People will do anything to protect their own interests. For all you know he was killed at the hands of the police.
+Are you free tonight?
+There are some people I'd like you to meet. Can you come to the Musil district at eight o'clock?
+You almost married recently, didn't you?
+Last year. I -- it was broken off.
+Eduard wanted to marry me.
+And you ...?
+-- I don't know the Musil district.
+Ah -- we're back to the "authorities" you spoke of.
+I nominated you as a possible candidate. You were Eduard's good friend. He read me some of your work.
+I've hardly published enough for anyone to draw conclusions from.
+The day he died, Eduard was called up to the Castle. Did you know that?
+What of it?
+And you still maintain -- what? That he was murdered.
+You're shocked at the thought of Eduard tossing a bomb through a window.
+I have no right to be, I know. My experience with real life is practically nil.
+When you only see someone sitting at a desk all day, it's liable to create a false impression.
+You think what we're doing is so wrong? And what are you doing? Pursuing goodness? For what? To answer to some supreme tribunal?
+My only concern is the human tribunal. Isn't it yours?
+Yes -- which is why "quiet, dependable people" have to take charge of their own lives.
+I'm collecting Eduard's things. If there's anything you want, take it or I'll give it to charity.
+Burgel gave me this -- what does it mean?
+Burgel! -- I didn't leave it with him.
+Why were you given notice?
+They're not obliged to tell.
+It couldn't be for that incident with Burgel the other day.
+Of course it could -- Burgel's been trying to get me thrown out as long as I can remember. He could've killed Eduard.
+You don't believe that.
+You might think -- I thought so myself at first -- that Burgel's too insignificant to be dangerous. But that's the very reason to beware! It's the small men to watch out for -- the ones who substitute method for character.
+Now you've fallen into his trap. When he goes to bed at night Burgel dreams of inspiring as much fear in others as they inspire in him.
+That street down there -- I always used to call it the approach road for suicides. It leads straight down to the bridge and the River.
+Burgel hated Eduard. And me. I'm sure he knew about us -- and I'm sure it drove him mad.
+Burgel doesn't like anybody!
+He used to like me -- very much more than I liked him.
+Of course he is -- the Castle precincts are not the safest part of the city after dark. People disappear up there regularly. If you want to lie in wait for someone, that's the place to do it.
+Now you're saying Eduard was lured there?
+How often does one of our clerks have business in the house of records?
+I've heard of it happening.
+And Burgel is the bringer of messages, isn't he?
+Or what if there really was an error? -- I don't know what kind -- any kind that needed correcting -- and what if Burgel was responsible for it? One mistake -- even a small one in a firm like ours -- it could cost him a promotion.
+First these nameless authorities were the root of all evil, now it's insignificant Burgel. If indeed there was a mistake -- and a minor one at that -- you're suggesting someone went to a lot of trouble over something so trivial as to not matter at all.
+What seems important to these people is not determined by the amount of work it entails -- you're far from understanding the authorities if you believe that.
+Gabriela! -- you did get away.
+I knew you walked this way to work. I wanted to find you before they did.
+-- I've just come from the Castle. It's over.
+Gabriela ...?
+Only two steps back? Even the man they left to guard me retreated further than that.
+I -- I found your jailer.
+This is the result of their elixir of youth. They were to come and check on it during the night. I contrived to miss the appointment.
+They're dead now. We can get help.
+I know how they reward failure. If they saw this I'd be rotting in the quarries by the afternoon -- with all the others.
+There's a new potion -- he said it was perfected.
+I know there is. And you're what I have to bargain with. For now you're the last one in their way.
+I told you, they're dead. It's finished.
+I think you've just escaped for the moment. Just as I did. As Eduard did. As they let us do. But only for the moment.
+No -- not this time.
+I know better than you what people will say when they have to. When they brought me in for questioning I informed on my friends the very first day.
+-- Listen to me --
+Kafka -- is that your real name?
+Yes. Yes, of course -- why wouldn't it be?
+When was the last time you saw Mr. Raban?
+Wednesday. We left the office together.
+Did you go anywhere afterwards -- to have a drink perhaps?
+No, we said goodbye outside the building. He went off, as usual, toward his house.
+Your office is the Workmen's --
+-- Accident and Compensation Association.
+Where you've been employed for seven years.
+Eight -- and seven months.
+Engaged in the manufacture and distribution of ... pills and so forth.
+Well -- other departments are, yes.
+Would you describe your relationship with the dead man as close?
+Yes. Since he came to the office, almost three years ago, we've been quite good friends. How was Eduard ...
+He was found in the River. Could he swim?
+I don't know.
+Was he depressed?
+No. He didn't seem to be. Do you think he drowned himself?
+Grown men don't normally fall into the river, do they?
+No, I suppose not.
+He might have had a drink or two, despite what you think.
+Can I ask -- how you found me?
+His landlady knew of no other friends to refer us to.
+I don't think he really had any. He had no family either.
+He wasn't a lonely man, though.
+What makes you think so?
+Probably not.
+Anyway, I'd like you to reflect that in me you have -- I won't say a friend, because we're complete fencers, of course -- from distinctly incompatible social classes -- but to some extent, shall we say, an interested third party.
+I'll bear that in mind.
+But that's just my point -- she was more than upset, she was livid. She slammed every door on her way downstairs -- except that one. I was just behind her and I didn't even hear that one shut -- not at all.
+That's not what I call conclusive evidence of an abduction.
+You told me to contact you if anything relevant came up -- Gabriela is relevant. When I spoke to you before I didn't know she'd been seeing Eduard.
+That's been noted. But where does it lead us? Unless you have something more to add.
+Maybe it's true then what she said.
+What did she say?
+Do you?
+I didn't realize you'd been here that long.
+-- I was just trying to finish some work!
+What's the matter with you?
+I can't make a simple statement without him taking issue with it
+For all your incompetence I was beginning to think you were at least loyal to me. You're very good ham actors.
+-- Just doing our job.
+Still, we're probably closer to you at the moment than any of your fellow human beings.
+My assistants. I should have known. Nothing is given to me. I have to acquire everything.
+... Why take me into your confidence?
+That's mad.
+-- You said so yourself the firm is large and powerful. If the discrepancy really was something big, Eduard's responsibility would still have to be small. No poor young clerk could find himself in such a fix.
+Why are you so aggressively unimaginative? Eduard is no longer the only casualty.
+-- Gabriela, on the other hand, had made an enemy of this man Burgel.
+Oh, Burgel! Gabriela was having an affair with Eduard. They were both members of this group. If any crime's been discovered and people are paying for it, I'd look to yourselves!
+... A piece of paper ...
+Through a very unfortunate -- and I might add extremely rare -- mishap, a document intended for the one department was sent to the other. And for the first time -- though your friend wasn't aware of it -- two and two could have been put together to make one.
+... A piece of paper ...
+-- You seem amused.
+-- If an obscure official up there in the distant mountains so far away from civilizing influences happens to meet with an unfortunate accident -- and should he tragically die in spite of the District Medical Officer's strenuous efforts to save him -- the firm wants to see the next of kin pacified and the disposition of the remains handled with the greatest possible
+"Accident and Compensation" -- no one can accuse the firm of not supplying exactly what it promises.
+I believe we've exceeded his expectations.
+And I suppose Dr. Murnau didn't die in a cave-in. You killed him to free the Position of Orlac Medical Officer for your own ends.
+May I ask where your two warders are?
+The fact that it's live bodies you practice your trade on doesn't seem to matter to you.
+-- And the new patients they bring me aren't usually as dexterous as you've been in evading us. Not perfect specimens by any means, but not the type of person who'll be missed either.
+What have you done with Gabriela Rossmann?
+"Raban" -- that'll be nearly at the back of the alphabet.
+It usually is.
+I'm overworked as it is. "Raban" did you say?
+Wait a minute. "Raban?" Where have I heard that name?
+What's the matter?
+Why would we keep files on dead employees? All old files are sent up to the Castle. Do you think we have room for two hundred years worth personnel records?
+It's gone out so quickly?
+Whenever an employee departs, shall we say, it's up to the head of his department to requisition his file, reassign any outstanding claims, and send it off.
+If it was Accounts you wanted why did you ask for Employees?
+Orlac is an account?
+All these in the last year?
+You must have read about it in the papers -- there was a terrible cave-in. It wouldn't have been so bad, but even the Medical Officer for the district was killed!
+I did read that. They gave him a posthumous medal.
+Dr. Murnau was the bravest of men. He spent an entire career in those backwaters with no regard for personal gain. A great loss.
+This is the cross-reference of clerks who've worked on Orlac claims?
+Is your friend's name among them? Then he only worked on the one case. Your Chief will send me the final summation when he's finished with it.
+Once a file's been sent to the Caste, is it possible to recall it for review?
+Of course not. Only by a Director of the firm. Who'd want to let in all kinds of riff-raff off the streets?
+What good are records if they're not open for public inspection?
+These laws have been with us for centuries -- how can you doubt them?
+What if I petitioned one of the Directors?
+You do not summon them -- they summon you -- and this, of course, hardly ever happens, if at all. The Directors are an eccentric lot and by nature cautious.
+Where do our records go to in the Castle?
+We're a medical firm, aren't we? They go to the Medical Records Section.
+I could always apply there.
+He can't sit still. Just when we arrive at a nightclub he wants to go to another one.
+You look tired.
+Women are all you have on your mind!
+They keep switching us from department to department. He doesn't mind because he can't sit still.
+We used to be in the supply section, carrying boxes of medicine about but we dropped too many of them.
+It's not our fault. We're naturally nervous.
+We've been together too long. His personality is overflowing into mine and vice versa.
+But your goal is so hard to reach. Do you think the official network would surrender to one man? We would never think of attempting anything remotely as difficult.
+This is filed incorrectly!
+We could go back to the office. Explain ourselves to the Chief Clerk.
+They'd drive us away. That Kafka's made things very hot for us.
+I understand he was wounded in the lung.
+It doesn't matter. It's too late for all of us.
+Then that's the place for us!
+Amerika for us!
+Hi - Carl Denham. I'm A big admirer of your work, sir. I've loved all your discoveries. I really want to work closely with you on this incredible find. It'll be good for you and good for me.
+I'm coming onboard! Throw down a ladder!
+You're outta your depth here, Miss Darrow!
+There's no hard feelings, Mr Denham! I just want to come to the island with you!
+Can I see the map? My father spoke of references to a Beast God ...
+I hope it fits ... Mrs Denham's a big lady.
+It's ... lovely.
+I thought that with your assistance we could have the premiere at the Albert Hall. We'll take out a full page ad in Variety - "The Lord Darrow Benefit screening". We'll invite the King of England - hell, we'll get the whole Royal Family along! It'd be good for them and good for us!
+Am actually laying my hand on the twenty-five foot gorilla.Ladies and gentlemen! I am touching the beast!
+Get the hell out of here.''!
+What have you got there?
+A Neolithic bronze ... Reminiscent of the Nias Island cultures ... It ' s very curious. Defiantly Pagan. The use of ivory for the spear is quite unique ... What do you think?
+Now look at this fine example of early Hindu art ... I don't recall any sketches of this passing across my desk ...
+I photographed it extensively, father.
+Out! Out! All of you! We have been issued with an exclusive permit -
+Father It's somewhere south-west of here - we need to inform the museum ... · organize an expedition -
+Oh God, it's that bloody yank!
+He's grubbing for money, father.
+I just wanna deal with the boss, ok?
+No, it's not ok! We're not about to be robbed blind by some two-bit hustler on the make!
+You - calling me a thief? Well, that's great, coming from a glorified grave robber! You break into the tomb of some dead Egyptian - the poor guy's happily enjoying the afterlife when suddenly his shit gets stolen by a bunch of light fingered limeys!
+Holy God! The mummy walks!
+How dare you? My father is the British Museum's most respected archeologist!
+God, you're so obnoxious! Our work happens to be of great anthropological value!
+I'm sorry ...
+Where do I charter a boat?
+There's nothing fast enough to catch that. Forget it. It's over.
+Can you fly?
+Yeah! Life's looking pretty damn good at the moment.
+I don't know what happened to you, Jack ... but I can't believe you were always this much of a bastard.
+I want to thank you.
+It's ok.I know what you were feeling.
+I can't imagine you crying.
+There's a light up ahead.
+It's the same image - Kong!
+We're leaving.
+But . . . we can' t Jack, I need time to collect artifacts ... make sketches ... gather evidential information.
+Oh Jesus ... you took it.
+Jack! This is the archeological find of the century!
+Give it back!
+I'm not sailing with this thing on board!
+Barricade the gates! Quick!
+Jesus Christ ! How could you do this to him? How could you do this?
+Come on, come on! We gotta keep moving!
+He's gonna die! They'll kill him!
+Take to look out there ..- Have you seen what he's done? You're talking about a crazy animal!
+Ann ... Ann!
+Look, I've sailed these waters for twenty-seven years ... there's no island like that around here.
+What a climax to the film - The first white men to set foot on ... "Skull Island" Twentieth Century man comes face to face with a ... a ... naked stone age tribe!
+I tell you it doesn't exist!
+There's no island there. We're wasting our time!
+I'm chartering this vessel,Engelhorn - how many days?
+I guess that answers your questions. There's no island on these co- ordinates - not even a lousy fog-bank.
+They're stoking the boilers. As soon as we've got some steam, we're outta here.
+Just take it easy .-- Where are the others?
+They' re dead.
+Pleased to meet you ... Hi, bow's it going? Pleased to meet you! Hi, Carl Denham ... How's it going?
+We offer ourselves at your service, Mr Denham!
+You are most kind. We will be proud to assist you!
+Exotic lands, primitive people, dangerous animals ... That's what the public expect from a Carl Denham picture! Lead us into the mountains, Sir!
+Tell me Mr Ginting - are there any parts of your country where people still wear ... native costume?
+Native costume?
+We are a very modest and deeply religious people, Mr Denham.
+Man Eater!!!
+Did you see her?
+Yeah, I saw her ... she was carried into the jungle by ... an animal.
+What was it, Jack?
+Listen buddy! Cut the crap! We're looking for Ann, not making a Goddamn movie!
+Jack ... You get to save the girl and I get my third act! It's gonna be good for you and good for me!
+Holy shit! Look at the size of that!
+That's your monkey, Denham.
+Hey! I thought these things were supposed to be extinct!
+They were just tasting the berries.
+Set up the camera boys! Get a shot of me comin' ashore!
+I'm calling a wrap. We're heading back to the ship.
+Denham! Go back to the wall ... Tell'em to give me twelve hours to get back with Ann!
+Not me. Thought I'd head out west ... get into some Redwood country.
+Haven't seen her - not since we got back.
+Are you nervous Jack?
+Did you fear for your life?
+It must have been terrifying?
+Are you gonna start it up?
+Coz of something I lost.
+What's that?
+Bree -- honey - please, we're waiting for someone.
+Arlyn, he just wanted to ask some questions -- something you could help us about.
+Honey, a couple of years ago, with Jane and Frankie? -- Jane sent me a Dumper --
+Please, if he sees you, he won't come!
+Arlyn, just tell me, did Jane have a dumper, one of her regular Johns?
+What about him? Yes.
+Trina this is Klute. I told you about him.
+Oh yes Mr. Klute -- won't you both join me? And how do you like our fair city? There's so much here don't you think? The museums and the books and the foreign films -- Bree, have you seen the Godard film?
+Uh uh.
+Oh you've got to. He does such fun things with imagery. And I've been reading The Fall -- -- The Fall by Ahlbair Camoo -- it's the same thing, you know the imagery --
+Why? She's a junkie.
+She was with you after she left Frank.
+Enjoy. Well --
+It's good to see you. Well -- could we do it first and then just talk?
+Sure dear, yes.
+Well -- well I'm just back. And -- I must tell you -- something quite wonderful.
+And Cannes was quite fun, quite; and we played baccarat and chemindefer and there was a nice little Italian marquis quite enthusiastic for me -- but a young man can be so silly --
+-- May I? It's so --
+Not young; he wasn't young -- gray at the temples, he -- well actually he looked like you.
+I know: it's ridiculous. But it's tearing me up and I don't know why. And look, all right, I came here didn't I? And if I have to, I'll keep coming here, the works, and talk about my mummy and my daddy and I'll even pay for it, but will you kindly for God's sakes say something?
+I'd just be guessing.
+Maybe this wasn't just a trick. Maybe you're in danger of real love, real involve --
+I do not love him.
+All right. Loneliness. Well -- separated. From other people. Forgotten. Well, as if I can be here, I can go through the motions, right? But the truth is, I don't belong.
+Don't belong?
+Do you always have to repeat?
+Well it's more than loneliness. Hate. People hating me -- and watching me and following and waiting to hurt me -- you know? I'm all screwed up.
+You think people hate you.
+The truth is I hate them: they must hate me. All right, the money. All right, not the money. A kind of put-on. It gets things back together. Well let's say I'd go to one of these cattle-calls, a tryout. I mean before -- before I got this job -- and they'd always say thank you very much and i'd feel, you know, brought
+Didn't want you.
+-- I have to close up now. Leave your name and number with his message service, Mrs. Daniel, and why don't you just go home and wait until he --
+Well I have to close up now.
+Look -- could I use your phone?
+Yes indeed.
+Look. I almost killed my -- I almost killed someone.
+Miss Daniel, be sensible, you find another place till we get things cleaned up.
+Oh well that shouldn't take you more than another, oh, two and a half or three years, should it?
+A few more days. We know who did this.
+So do I.
+Arlyn and Jane commited suicide. He said they commited suicide.
+Now there's a picture I'd like you to --
+You said someone killed them, you said you know who, you said that.
+Well we're pretty --
+Why isn't he locked up?
+We don't want to just lock him up; we want a conviction, we wanted him to do something more.
+Is that why Klute didn't tell me?
+I guess he figured it was better.
+What was better? I made better bait?
+No, that's not --
+Is that what he set me up for? Everything he's told me from the beginning? -- don't worry, don't --
+From the beginning I don't know why the hell he's messin with you. If he was me he'd know better. If he was even a city boy he'd know better. You're a whore Miss Daniel, that's the truth of it, right? Now somethin I'd like you to look at.
+I don't have to look at anything. I don't have --
+Oh no.
+Like for you to look for the man.
+Can't we talk together reasonably, just -- ordinarily? I know you're expecting some kind of -- extravagant behavior, but believe me -- do you believe me? --
+Yes -- all right --
+-- We can talk --
+-- Yes.
+You have no idea what I'm talking about.
+Yes -- Jane McKenna's book -- I could make a phone call.
+No, you're frightened, you're pretending. Well -- Klute knows about me then. Does everybody know, can you tell me?
+I'm not going to hurt you, absolutely, I'm not.
+It puzzles me so badly. I've done terrible things but I can't consider myself a terrible man. I've killed three people and I'd still want to say it was accident, do you see?
+If you'll let me go I could tell them what --
+Tom Grunemann discovered me -- we were here on business together, he discovered me with Jane McKenna. Then I suppose it was the -- the contempt I saw in his face and the certainty that sooner or later he'd use it against me. Within the Company. I endured that as long as I could, do you see?
+I'm sorry, I'm just frightened. Yes.
+Excuse me Miss Daniel?
+I said yes, I see.
+Oh no, I don't think --
+What is it?
+What about?
+My name's John Klute.
+You said that.
+Tom Grunemann. He wrote you some letters.
+He was a research engineer at the Tuscarora Laboratories in Pennsylvania. He disappeared from there last April. I've been hired to look for him.
+You know what I'm talking about. Miss Daniel.
+Will you let me ask you some questions?
+You're not police or FBI; you're just a private investigator?
+And you just want to ask me a few questions?
+Is it the shakedown hon? You picked a loser, I just don't have it.
+No, I'm look --
+If I was taking calls full time would I be living in this kip? I'd be back on Park Avenue; I could support the whole National Guard!
+Could I ask some questions?
+Company outing or picnic or something like that.
+A name. Grunemann. Nothing. And they showed me pictures like this and they meant nothing. Then they asked me, well had I been getting letters, from someone out there in Cabbageville --
+-- Tuscarora --
+You remind me of my uncle.
+What? What do you remember about that -- dumper?
+Nothing. Except he wasn't kidding. Usually it's a fakeout, you probably know. They pretend to tie you up, and you wear a dress with a cloth belt and they pretend to whip you or you -- Hell it's their money. I'll hang from the shower rod and whistle Maytime. Except this guy was really tripped out on it; he --
+But you can't say that Dumper was Tom Grunemann.
+Well could I have them back now hon? -- those tape recordings you've got downstairs -- OK? -- and if you want you can have a good time and I'll have a good time and--
+Everything that's happened since Tom Grunemann disappeared. The phone calls and the --
+Just phone calls, right? They ring, you answer, they don't say anything, just blank. Kids getting kicks. Burglars looking for an empty apartment. I mean there is nothing that proves --
+What about the other things you've reported? -- -- being followed on the --
+Is that how you get most of your dates? Someone gives your name to someone else?
+Most of them.
+Is that how you met the Dumper? -- Someone else gave --
+How would I remember?
+How else do you meet them? Pimps?
+I have some names the police gave me. Frank Ligourin. Will you tell me what --
+Look, I'm sure this'll amuse you too. Ilia trying to get away from all that.
+Klute, tell me, what's your bag? Are you a talker, or a button man or a doubler, or maybe you like them very young -- children -- or get your chest walked around with high-heeled shoes, or have us watch you tinkle? Or --
+-- OK --
+-- you perverted hypocrite square bastards.
+Gee I hope this doesn't make my cold any worse.
+Tell me about Frank Ligourin.
+What? This?
+-- OK?
+I thought you could trick me for those tapes. Don't you get lonely in that little green room? Or let me get you someone; I have terrific friends, wild.
+You've changed your mind? You do want to play?
+Tell me about acting -- what are you doing tomorrow -- where do you go?
+I go on rounds.
+Rounds, what are they? -- don't watch me, keep talking.
+Well do you think it was him?
+What do you think?
+Can't you get him?
+Maybe, if you tell me the things you haven't.
+You asked me where I got that date with the dumper -- Frank sent me on it.
+Do you know where he got the dumper?
+He never told me.
+What did you expect? Frankie still has a good string, three girls. Figure three hundred a week from each.
+Did you like my friend Frankie?
+Didn't he tell you what you wanted?
+It didn't go anywhere. But that's not why --
+About the dumper, didn't he tell you that?
+It was Jane McKenna who sent you the dumper.
+I thought you were going back to the apartment.
+Oh golly, oh just what I've always dreamed of, dirty phone calls. How come?
+You told me what you could. I guess I'm through with your part of it.
+Is there anything more I could --
+I don't see anything, do you?
+What're you gonna do next?
+Try some other ways.
+What do I do meanwhile? -- wait for that clown to fall through the skylight on me?
+And I don't think that was Tom.
+You said it was!
+No, I said what did you think.
+Oh -- wait -- oh I get it. You said that just to keep me scared. So I'd tell you everything I -- oh clever; oh you smart, tricky hick.
+Well --
+Hey, but did we get to you, Klute? A little?
+Yeah, you got to me.
+-- Us city folks? The sin, the glitter, the wickedness?
+Oh. No. Not that way. I'd say it was more -- I don't know -- -- too bad? Pathetic?
+It's kind of late.
+Oh, don't be a doo-doo.
+Not much point to this, is there?
+Ezra, I'm lots better than you're used to. Tell me -- the other night, watching me with Mr. Faber -- wasn't your tongue a little bit hanging out?
+Bree -- thanks -- I don't want to.
+What's the matter hon? You were great. Terrific. A tiger.
+You asked if there was anything more you could help me with.
+I've checked the records of Jane McKenna's death -- I can't get anything special. But Frank Ligourin had another girl you said, besides McKenna and you.
+Arlyn Page.
+Did she and Jane McKenna know each other?
+Frankie kept them in the same apartment: it cut his travel-time.
+Then maybe Arlyn Page knew the Dumper too.
+Arlyn had a very big habit - heroin - she's the one who started Frank. She's strung out now; you won't find her.
+You could help me find her. You know the people. I'll pay you a hundred dollars.
+I can make that in a lunch break! Look, Hiram, you're sure it isn't just me? -- you decided you liked it, after all, the other night; you'll hang around for seconds?
+What's the matter?
+What the hell do you think's the matter. I could wait for you someplace.
+If Arlyn Page is living with Tom Grunemann --
+-- Then you don't need me.
+I thought you ought to know, Arlyn Page is dead.
+The same as Jane McKenna.
+The next few weeks I would like to know where you are all the time.
+Just let me know when you are going out and where --
+What if i go out on tricks - you wanna come along? You could sit and read the National Geographic.
+How can you do it to yourself?
+I don't get you.
+Ligourin: How could you do it?
+I told you before, you wouldn't understand.
+You're right, I don't understand. Explain it to me. You were scared. Arlyn Page, that scared you. Well it should; that's death. So what did you do, you ran straight for it, death. Ligourin kills women.
+No, no you're right, I'm sorry. He uses women; he lets them kill themselves. Is that how you want it?
+Arlyn was a junkie; I'm not on junk!
+No, you can find some other way. Explain it to me. Bree, show me any sense to --
+We did this before.
+No. Well all right. But you want to and I want you to and we both know it and all right.
+I'm still scared. I mean different but still. Look, I made it very clear from the start, you're a yokel, you don't excite me, you don't even interest me, and so I only have one question which is what the hell are you doing in my bed?
+I am scared. The things I do. The things I could do to you.
+Oh boy, say, you think you're pretty good.
+I saw Mr. Faber. You remember Mr. Faber, don't you?
+Is that all you have to say?
+What am I supposed to say?
+Spangler says we have a relationship.
+You and I -- a relationship.
+I was wondering what that was.
+Oh Jesus. Oh Jesus.
+Oh look what he did in them.
+Listen to me: It's all right. I've been expecting something.
+My God, I thought it was over. And here I am, daddy, right back at the start.
+Bree --
+Right back at the start, right?
+Go down in my room.
+Ah, Schmendrick -- what's the scam?
+Those were police laboratory people, they've been over the apartment.
+Where'd you spend last night?
+With Trina.
+I called Trina.
+Maybe I wasn't there when you called.
+Bree, what's actually happened? It wasn't that bad.
+How do you know how bad it was?
+Why couldn't you stay here with me?
+Hey -- look officer -- I can explain everything. It was just -- you know, everything all of a --
+Please. I said I don't want you to do this.
+I got a call from Ross this morning. Cable owned a plot of woodland -- he'd go there on weekends. They found Tom Grunemann's body buried there. They've notified his wife.
+Oh. Well it wasn't us city people that did it -- your fine rosy-cheeked country boy.
+You're going back?
+Well suppose I hadn't come downstairs. Would you just have folded up and sneaked away?
+No. I was going to come up. I wanted to ask you to marry me.
+You wanted to, or you are?
+I am.
+Look -- yes. I mean thanks, but -- don't you think we better be realistic?
+About what?
+Look at me. I'm pretty and sort of clever and very well intentioned, and dear God I'd tear your heart out!
+How can you not think so? You know the things I can do.
+They don't scare me any more.
+Look, why should it be yes or no? Can't we keep it going and see? I mean we can keep in touch and visit each other and see. People do that, that's realistic.
+You don't believe that either, do you? Why can't you see my side?
+Can I carry something for you, to the car? Will you kiss me?
+She wouldn't be reliable anyhow -- a narcotics addict.
+All right, suppose it wasn't Tom Grunemann; where does that get you?
+It's where it doesn't get me. I've got nothing left that connects to anything.
+Then, close the case.
+I better keep looking.
+Where, how?
+I could try Arlyn Page again. She saw much more of the Dumper than Bree Daniel.
+You just finished telling me she had nothing to offer. Not Tom, you said, the Dumper was clearly not Tom.
+I'm flying back out to Pennsylvania Friday; I'll fill them in on things.
+How is it back there?
+Sorry we had to meet here. But I'm pressed for time.
+Well there's a couple --
+I read your report. I had to go along with it -- the idea of this being a wild goose chase, Tom being nowhere around --
+Well as a matter of --
+I've been up country, you know my summer place, my camp. I don't even have a telephone there. This morning they sent a messenger out, that you'd been trying to call me.
+I'm on my way to Chicago. Very important meeting tonight. Well -- any new developments?
+Yeah, two things Pete, that --
+You said Trask was arranging laboratory work. Police laboratory. Anything from that?
+Yeah. It wasn't Tom.
+I'm sorry. I don't understand.
+It wasn't Tom that broke in the room.
+It has to be Tom. You said he ripped up his own pictures, he --
+Not Tom. Whoever it was left a kind of souvenir, I told you, in her clothing. Semen. The laboratory got a blood group reading from that. The man was blood type 0; Tom was an AB.
+Some mistake perhaps that --
+No. No mistake Pete. It doesn't prove who it was -- but proves it wasn't Tom.
+You must be discouraged.
+Not too bad. This brings back that Dumper in the picture.
+That who?
+Dumper, the man Bree Daniel mentioned and Arlyn Page knew and Jane McKenna knew.
+You said he was no possible connection with Tom. The Page girl told you that, not Tom.
+Someone's been doing all these things.
+You were hired to look for Tom, not someone.
+Pete, I've got a chance to buy Jane McKenna's black book.
+Call-girls generally keep a book, you know, a list of their clients. Sometimes, if a girl retires, she'll even sell it worth good money. Jane McKenna had a black book; when she died it was stolen. I've been after it a long time.
+You were hired to look for Tom.
+I can't follow you.
+Will the Company put up five hundred dollars to get Jane McKenna's list of clients?
+No. It's ridiculous. This has nothing to do with Tom Grunemann.
+It probably has the Dumper's name. It might give us some kind of new lead. I want a look at it anyhow.
+Klute, the Company's interest is Tom Grunemann. Solely and exclusively. You say you can't find Tom; all right, I'll see that you're paid off; the case is closed.
+I can talk it over; possibly I can get the money. When are you meeting the man?
+Tomorrow evening, nine. East River Drive and 73rd Street.
+Suppose I meet you there a half hour before.
+Just send me a money order.
+Well --
+John, how are you?
+I'll be sending you on a report tonight.
+It's a beautiful day in Tuscarora - I don't envy you that humidity in the city.
+Would you like to know what's in it? The report.
+What's in it?
+I'm sure the FBI and the Police explored that possibility.
+No. They never did, really. But that's what I'm going to recommend. The next step. Unless something --
+Have you discussed this with them?
+It's in the report.
+Do they have the report? Have you discussed it with them?
+I wanted to give it to you first.
+All right. All right -- John, just sit tight will you? I'll read your report, I'll discuss it with the others. I'll be back next Thursday, we'll talk the whole thing over then. Nothing til Thursday, all right?
+All right.
+Thank you. Goodbye, John.
+I've always respected Bree. I'd like to make something clear.
+I've just got a few --
+I'm looking for a man. Tom Grunemann. Bree thinks he may have been the dumper -- that call she had two years ago. She says you sent her on it.
+Two years ago? Sorry.
+They tell me you use narcotics. Could I bring someone around to look at your arms?
+OK, a family matter. Between the girls. I had two other cows -- -- two other girls besides Bree.
+She told me.
+OK and one of them Jane McKenna -- she blows a little jealous of Bree - you know? -- Bree comes first? And evidently she knew the freak --- that he was a dumper -- she conned me into passing him to Bree, you know, so Bree'd get hurt. I didn't know. Till afterwards.
+Why didn't you tell Bree, afterwards?
+You don't tell them. That one of their own in-laws laid a dumper on them? Peace in the family. Beyond that, I don't know. All she wrote.
+I'd like to talk with Jane McKenna.
+-- Usual case history -- this isn't a medical confidence, it's all of them -- broken family, lonely, confused, crummy childhood, early promiscuity, formal prostitution beginning in her teens, income twenty-five to thirty thousand a year. Oh they don't keep the money: they get rid of it, they get pimps. Why? Why do you want to know all this?
+I want to know how Tom Grunemann got mixed up in it.
+Not unusual.
+Did she talk about him to you?
+About his letters -- that's all she remembered. Quite violent material, I'd say, obsessive, a quite sick man. But that's not unusual either.
+Has she talked with you since prison?
+No. She had every good intention of it -- coming to me as a private patient, getting out of the life, devoting herself to an acting career.
+I think she's trying that.
+Klute. With a K. K - L - U -
+Are you with plant security, Sergeant?
+Town Police.
+Then how are you involved?
+I know Tom Grunemann.
+You knew the subject Thomas Grunemann. How well?
+We grew up together. Kids.
+Can you account for his disappearance in any way?
+Did he recently appear to you agitated or depressed? -- indicates no -- Did he voice to you grievance or discontent with his research work here? Indicates no. Moral or sexual problems or peculiarities? --
+Marital problems in general? Indicates possibly -- am I right Sergeant?
+Everybody's got some, I guess.
+Did he ever mention specifically a girl or woman in New York?
+But if Cable killed Grunemann why would he get you hired to look for Grunemann?
+Because he knew I couldn't leave the case alone. And this way at least he'd keep track of it. And me.
+Sounds to me you better shake him again. Put him in a spot he has to do something more -- but this time give him a time and a place to do it.
+That's a lot of people to die unknown.
+He's right you know. Waiting for the pusher, she'd tell you anything.
+That's how the other one died, you know. In the water.
+Think this is our guy?
+I don't know. It looks familiar to me.
+But what reason could he have? What possible reason?
+Unless he was involved with Grunemann's disappearance.
+I knew Tom never wrote that letter.
+What else do you know?
+I never could believe that Tom was a split personality. I never believed he was a Dumper; and I don't believe he disappeared of his own volition; and I don't believe he's alive.
+We have some very tentative circumstantial evidence of freeky behavior, but there's no evidence of murder - there's not even a body.
+Gov, want to leave me that one. How come he got to play with this one, anyway.
+It's damn lucky you didn't have the dossier on Cable here.
+Nobody's seen that.
+Are you closing the case?
+Why couldn't you ever find out anything from the girl?
+The subject got emotionallv disturbed; he just dropped out. There's thousands.
+Inspector we understand your position; ours is a little different. We have an investment in Tom Grunemann. The Company has an investment, and we feel entitled to investigate for ourselves.
+Private investigation, you mean. Yes sir, of course you're entitled, and there's some very competent --
+Klute knew Tom. He has a great many ideas about the case --
+Yes sir, we know he --
+We'd expect him to work in cooperation with you. He'd report to each of you and to our Company's New York office, to Pete -- Pete goes there on a regular schedule back and forth, and --
+Mr. Kramer?
+I'm Dr. Alvarez, Judge Atkins asked me to look in on your son and prepare an evaluation sheet.
+Where is the child?
+He's in his room, playing.
+Mr. Kramer, do you ever have sex in here with anyone?
+Doctor, I attempt to conduct my social life discreetly. At the moment I am seeing no one.
+Does that distress you?
+Not particularly.
+What does?
+The prospect of losing my child.
+What do you have here, Billy?
+No. But I've been to Brooklyn.
+I see you have people there. What are their names?
+That's Kim...and this one's Thelma and that's Mrs. Willewska and this is daddy and that's Batman and over there is Robin.
+What about your mommy?
+Oh, sure. Here, this can be mommy.
+What do you like best about her?
+Lunch in a restaurant.
+What do you like best about your daddy?
+He hits me on the planet Kriptarium, when I steal the buried treasure from the famous peanut butter factory.
+In real life when does he hit you?
+Ladies and gentlemen...
+Ladies and gentlemen...
+Welcome to the greatest show on earth.
+On earth.
+Huh?...Oh God...What time is it?
+The little hand is on the six and the big hand is on the nine. Where is mommy?
+When is mommy coming back?
+I'll tell you what, kiddo--why don't I fix us some French toast?
+Wow! French toast, really?
+You forgot the milk.
+What about my orange juice?
+When is mommy coming back?
+Soon. I told you before, very soon.
+Will she pick me up after school?
+No. If I'm not here, you go home with Thelma and Kim.
+What if she forgets?
+Uh, huh...
+You're late.
+I'm sorry, pal, but I had a meeting and--
+Okay...Same as usual...
+Billy, don't eat with your fingers.
+Well, I see the Yankees finally won a game.
+Mom, I mean dad?
+Sure. Too much birthday cake, right?
+Mom, I mean dad...
+Uh huh...
+That's not the right soap. We use the kind in the green and yellow box.
+C'mon, there's not much difference--
+Mom, I mean dad...
+You get a new fence.
+I'm sorry.
+Je-sus Christ! I catch all kind of shit at the office because I'm not pulling my weight because I'm busting my butt trying to be a decent goddamn father and--
+I'm sorry.
+That's terrific. That's really terrific, but I notice I'm the one that's cleaning up this-- Oh, crap, I'll have to do this one over.
+Look, I'm sorry I yelled, okay?
+That's okay.
+It's just...I've been catching a lot of flack at the office...
+Salisbury steak.
+I hate it.
+You don't hate it. We had Salisbury steak last week and you liked it fine.
+No I didn't. I hate the brown stuff. It's gross.
+All it is is onions and gravy.
+I'm allergic to onions.
+I want a pizza.
+I think I'm going to throw up.
+There, okay? Now that's just plain old hamburger.
+Some of the brown stuff is still there.
+Then eat around it.
+Now listen to me, young man. Do you know what I had to go through to put this goddamn food on the goddamn table?
+I don't care. I hate it. I want pizza.
+Not on your life. That's it. I've had it with crap around this house. From now on, no more pizza! Get it? Starting right now you can eat real food like a normal human being!
+Owwww...You're hurting me... You're hurting me...I hate you ...I hate you...
+You're no bargain either, pal.
+I want my...mm...ommy...I want mmmy...mommy...
+I'm sorry...
+Uh huh?
+Is mom ever coming back?
+I don't think so.
+Now go to sleep. It's very late.
+Good night.
+Sleep tight.
+Don't let the bedbugs bite.
+See you in the morning light.
+Sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite...
+Billy. This is Dr. Alvarez. She would like to talk to you.
+Objection. You're leading the witness.
+See. That's my name.
+It's my name too.
+Is this really your desk?
+Is that really your chair?
+Uh huh...
+Wow! That's neat. Can I sit in it?
+Did mommy ever see this?
+No, she never did.
+Are you going to get remarried?
+I don't know. I hadn't thought much about it.
+Are you going to remarried Phyllis?
+No, son. Daddy and mommy will never get remarried.
+Mom--I mean, dad?
+Uh, huh?
+What did you do when you were little?
+I guess about the same kind of things you do.
+Did you watch "I Dream of Jeannie?"
+Was there apple juice when you were little?
+Yeah, there was apple juice.
+Was there Burger King?
+Uh, uh. There was no such a thing as Burger King.
+Daddy! You're home early. Did you get fired again?
+Billy, sometimes when a mother and a father are divorced, there's a discussion about who the child should live with, the mother or the father. Now there is a man who is very wise. He's called a judge. And a judge has a lot of experience with divorces and he decides who it would be best for the child to live with.
+Why does he decide?
+Because...Well, that's what he does. He's a very powerful man.
+Like a principal?
+Bigger than a principal. The judge sits in robes in a big chair.. The judge has thought a lot about us, about you and me and your mom, and he has decided... ...he has decided that it would be best for you to live with your mom Joanna in her apartment. And I'm very lucky. Because even though you'll live with your mom Joanna
+I don't understand, daddy.
+What don't you understand, pal?
+Where will my bed be, where will I sleep?
+At your mom's. She'll have a bed for you in your own room.
+Where will my toys be?
+I'll send your toys there and I'm sure you'll get some new ones.
+Who will read me my stories?
+Your mom.
+Daddy, what if The Face comes when I'm at mommy's?
+Your mom knows all about The Face, okay? Don't worry, she'll tell The Face to beat it.
+Objection! I must ask that the counsel be prevented from harassing the witness.
+Are you introducing the question of negligence here, counselor?
+Yes, your honor.
+I see. Well, you'll have to do better than that. Do you have any affidavits to support negligence?
+I do not, your honor, however--
+This is an isolated incident, counselor, unless you can prove otherwise.
+Does the witness deny the injury took place?
+No, counselor, I'm going to over- rule you on this line of questioning.
+Now then, Mrs. Kramer, would you tell the court how long you were married?
+Six years.
+And would you describe those years as happy?
+The first couple, yes, but after that it became increasingly difficult.
+Mrs. Kramer, did you ever work in a job while you were married to your ex-husband?
+No, I did not.
+Did you wish to?
+Yes. I tried to talk to Ted-- my ex-husband--about it, but he wouldn't listen. He refuses to discuss it in any serious way. I remember one time he said I probably couldn't get a job that would pay enough to hire a baby- sitter for Billy.
+Tell me, Mrs. Kramer, are you employed at the present time?
+Yes, I work for Jantzen as a sportswear designer.
+And what is your present salary?
+Mrs. Kramer, do you love your child?
+Yes. Very much.
+Yes...Look, during the last five years we were married, I had...I was getting more and more...unhappy, more and more frustrated. I needed to talk to somebody. I needed to find out if it was me, if I was going crazy or what. But every time I turned to Ted--my ex-husband, he couldn't handle it. He became very...I don't know, very threatened. I mean, when-
+Mr. Kramer, why did you set up residence in New York?
+Because my son is here. And his father is here. As a mother, I don't want my child to be separated from his father.
+Mrs. Kramer, how can you consider yourself a fit mother when you have been a failure at virtually every relationship you have undertaken as an adult?
+Objection, your honor. The answer is, to be generous, very vague.
+No further questions. Thank you Mrs. Phillips.
+So do I.
+Objection, your honor! Counsel is harassing the witness.
+Objection! Your honor, counsel is raising a question that is not germane to these proceedings.
+Now then, Mr. O'Connor, how long did Ted Kramer work for you?
+Eight, almost nine years.
+And did you have a close personal relationship?
+And how did you find his work?
+It was good. He was a hard worker, a lot of drive, a real hustler.
+Ted was a good worker. But, ah... ... after his wife left him and he was taking care of the kid on his own, things started to change. Look, I know he had problems, I understand that. I've got problems, everybody's got problems. But I've got a shop to run, I can't let that kind of thing get in the way... I guess I
+Ummm, hmmm... umm, hmmm... Well, this looks very good.. Of course ... you understand this is the worst time of the year to look for a job.
+What?! What do you mean, I don't understand.
+Mr. Kramer, nobody even thinks about leaving their job until after they get their Christmas bonus.
+Look, you don't understand. I need a job. I've got a kid and--
+There might be something at J. Walter Thompson. But... ...I don't think they're really serious. The position's been open for two months and... They may just be on a fishing expedition. I'm sure you'll be much happier if you wait until after the first--
+Call up the people at J. Walter Thompson. Set up an appointment at four.
+Mis-ter Kramer, it's... ...almost four now. It's the Friday before Christmas. Nobody is going to want to--
+Either you call and set up the appointment, or I'll call. And if I call, you lose the commission.
+Now then, Mrs. Kramer, you said you were married seven years. Is that correct?
+In all that time did your husband ever strike you or abuse you physically in any way.
+Did your husband strike or physically abuse his child in any way?
+Would you describe your husband as an alcoholic?
+A heavy drinker?
+Was he unfaithful?
+Did he ever fail to provide for you?
+I don't recall.
+How many lovers have you had-- permanently?
+I don't recall.
+Somewhere in between.
+Is that...permanent?
+I...I don't know...
+Whom you've seen twice in a year? Mrs. Kramer, your ex-husband, wasn't he the longest personal relationship in your life?
+I suppose...
+Would you speak up, Mrs. Kramer? I couldn't hear you.
+How long was that?
+We were married two years before the baby. And then four very difficult years.
+I was not a failure.
+Oh? What do you call it then --a success? The marriage ended in divorce.
+I consider it less my failure than his.
+Were you?
+I thought you might just like to know that at five-fifteen this afternoon we were officially handed the Fire and Ice account by Revlon.
+Ted, I'm leaving you.
+My American Express...My Bloomingdale's Credit Card... My check book--
+Okay, okay...What is it this time? What did I do now?...
+I took two thousand out of the savings account. That was what I had in the bank when we got married.
+Joanna, whatever it is, believe me, I'm sorry.
+Here are the slips for the laundry and the cleaning. They'll be ready on Saturday.
+Now listen, before you do something you'll really regret you'd better stop and think--
+Look, it's not your fault, okay? It's me. It's my fault--you just married the wrong person.
+Ted, you're not listening to me. It's over, finished.
+I'm listening, Joanna--believe me, I'm listening. My wife is walking out on me after eight years of--
+You just don't get it, do you? I - am - really - and - truly - leaving - you.
+I heard you, Joanna. I promise I heard you.
+No you didn't. You didn't even ask about Billy.
+What about Billy?
+I'm not taking him with me.
+Ted, I can't...I tried...I really tried but...I just can't hack it anymore...
+C'mon, Joanna, you don't mean that. You're a terrific mother--
+I am not! I'm a terrible mother! I'm an awful mother. I yell at him all the time. I have no patience. No...No. He's better off without me. Ted, I've got to go...I've got to go.
+Okay, I understand and I promise I won't try and stop you, but you can't just go...Look, come inside and talk...Just for a few minutes.
+Where are you going?
+Hello, Ted. You look well.
+How's the new job?
+Look at us, Joanna. Just like any old married couple having dinner. Who would believe it.
+I can't help but feel somehow... it's my fault. I keep thinking I could've done something-- stopped it...
+I've seen him.
+You have?
+He looks like a terrific kid.
+He is... You sat in that coffee shop across from school--
+Watching my son...Ted, I've been living in New York for the past two months.
+You've been living here, in the city?
+Ted...The reason I wanted to see you...I want Billy back.
+You want what?!
+I want my son. I'm through sitting in coffee shops looking at him from across the street. I want my son.
+Are you out of your mind?! You're the one that walked out on him, remember?
+Ted, listen to me...You and I, we had a really crappy marriage-- Look, don't get so defensive, okay? It was probably as much my fault as it was yours... Anyway when I left I was really screwed up--
+Joanna, I don't give a--
+Ted, all my life I'd either been somebody's daughter or somebody's wife, or somebody else's mother. Then all of a sudden, I was a thirty-two-year-old, highly neurotic woman who had just walked out on her husband and child. I went to California because that was about as far away as I could get. Only... I guess it wasn't far enough. So I started going
+Joanna, go be a mother. Get married, have kids. Don't get married, have kids. Do whatever you want. I don't give a damn. Just leave me out of it--and leave my baby out of it.
+Ted, if you can't discuss this rationally--
+I'm sorry...I just mentioned it in passing. I never thought he'd use it.
+Yeah, well he did, didn't he.
+Please, Ted. I never would have brought it up if I thought--
+Okay, I'm here. Now why did you--
+Ted, do you love him?
+Goddamnit, Joanna. What the--
+Ted, when we got married it was because I was twenty-seven years old and I thought I should get married and...when I had Billy it was because I thought I should have a baby...and I guess all I did was mess up my life and your life and--
+Joanna, what the hell is--
+After I left...when I was in California, I began to think, what kind of mother was I that I could walk out on my own child. It got to where I couldn't tell anybody about Billy--I couldn't stand that look in their faces when I said he wasn't living with me. Finally it seemed like the most important thing in the world to come
+He's already got one mother, he doesn't need two...He's yours... I won't fight you for him any more. He's yours...
+Oh, God...Oh, my God...
+Only can I still see him?
+Okay...I think I'll go talk to my son now. How do I look?
+Ted, will you take it easy? Revlon's not about to drop an account that represents more than two million in gross billing receipts in a small agency like this, without making us sweat. Now just relax, okay? Everything's gonna be fine.
+Hey, what's the rush? C'mon, walk me a couple of blocks.
+Jim, I've got to go. I'm already late--
+Jesus Christ. That's a real blockbuster. I always figured you guys had it made.
+Listen, don't let it get you down. You're going to be fine.
+Me? I've never been better. I mean having my wife walk out on me after seven years of marriage agrees with me just fine.
+Look, Ted, I'm the oldest whore on the beat, okay? Three marriages, two divorces...You're gonna be okay.
+I'm going to be okay. The way I see it, Joanna'll come home, it's just a matter of time.
+But...just in case...I mean, just on the off chance she doesn't. What are you going to do about the kid?
+I don't know, Jim. This whole thing has happened so...Pow-- like that.
+Look, it's none of my business, so you can tell me to butt out, okay? But if you want my advice, you'll send Billy away to stay with relatives for a while. Just until you get yourself straightened out.
+I don't know, Jim...
+Ted, this may sound a little rough, but we've just landed the biggest account in the history of this agency, right? And now it's up to us--that's you and me --to deliver the goods. Ted, you're my main man, and if I can't depend on you a hundred and ten percent, twenty-four hours a day, because you're worried about a kid with a runny
+'Night, Jim.
+What the hell is this?
+Murray had some ideas about the Fire and Ice campaign and he had the art department make up a few roughs... I think they're kind of interesting.
+All right, Jim. You said I was running this show, right? You said no decisions without my approval, right? Well what the hell is this? What's going on, Jim?
+Well, ah...I thought it over and I decided we're doing it Murray's way.
+Jim, this is garbage. This isn't anything like what we talked to Revlon about. None of it. You can't--
+Disappointing. It only pulled a fourteen share and they were hoping for a twenty-five minimum, and...ah...they're not very happy and...Well, the guys have decided they want to...ah, re-think the entire concept and...Look, I don't like having to do this, okay?... But...I mean, what I mean is...ah, I'm going to have to...ah, let you go--
+Hiya, Phyllis. These are the Revlon contracts. I thought you ought to check them out.
+Yes, what?
+Kramer, I've got to go. I've got an eight o'clock closing tomorrow down on Centre Street.
+He wanted to know if I liked fried chicken.
+Okay, Phyllis, what's up?
+O'Connor's out to get you. He's going to take the Fire and Ice account away from you.
+You want to know why? I'll tell you why... Another scotch and soda for the gentleman. I'll tell you exactly why. Because you're not his buddy anymore. Because he can't count on you to sit around the office every night until eight or nine and shoot the shit with him.
+I can't. I've got Billy to take care of.
+You dope. O'Connor doesn't give a damn about Billy. All he wants is somebody that'll hang around with him every night so he won't have to go home.
+How should I know?
+So...what's so terrible about that?
+Oh, for God's sake, Kramer. You have got to be the world's most naive human being. Murray has gone in and changed every single ad you've done on the entire Fire and Ice campaign. Every layout...Every idea...Every single thing, right down the line.
+No. No, I don't believe it. Jim O'Connor would never let anything like that happen. He gave me my shot in this business. If it wasn't for Jim O'Connor I'd be--I don't know where I'd be. He's a wonderful man...
+Kramer, I'm sorry. All I was trying to do was--
+So, naturally, you assume that since Joanna left, that would be a compelling point against her, right?
+But it doesn't work that way. A major decision was handed down by the Appellate Court in 1969--in the case of Haskins vs. Haskins.
+Now in Haskins vs. Haskins the court ruled in favor of the mother, thus establishing a precedent for awarding the child to the mother even though she previously abandoned the baby.
+Kramer...There's something I ought to tell you.
+It's a very good job--too good to pass up. I'll be handling funding for the whole... Look, I... ..."like" you a lot. And you... ..."like" me, okay? Maybe if it was a year from now, maybe things would be different...
+Walk him over to Bethesda Fountain, buy him an ice. It'll kill twenty minutes.
+I've got a lot more than twenty minutes to kill.
+Tough... ...I get off duty at five-thirty. How long you been divorced?
+Three months. How can you tell?
+Mr. O'Connor called. There's a meeting with the Revlon people in the board room and you're fifteen minutes late.
+I know....I know.
+Mr. Schmidt can't have the figures on the television buy until Monday.
+No. Uh, uh. Tell him I asked for it Friday. I want it Friday. Period.
+Mr. Lombardo from packaging wants to meet on Friday.
+Look, she walked out on her own child, right? That's desertion, right? Mr. Shaunessy, I'm telling you it's an open and shut case.
+That's if we win. If we lose, you could end up having to pay your wife's court costs as well.
+Good. You've hired yourself a hell of a lawyer, Mr. Kramer. How old is the child?
+Look, Ted, I don't honestly think she would go to the trouble of suing you for custody of the child if she was planning on kidnapping him.
+Jesus Christ. Did you have to be so rough on her?
+Mr. Kramer, would you tell the court exactly why you want to retain custody of your child.
+Oh, Christ!
+The judge went for motherhood straight down the line.
+I lost him? I lost him?
+I can't tell you how sorry I am.
+Oh, no..
+Ordered, adjudged and decreed that the petitioner be awarded custody of the minor child, effective Monday the 23rd of January. That the respondent pay for the maintenance and support of said child, four hundred dollars each month. That the father shall have the following rights of visitation: every other weekend, one night each week to be mutually agreed upon and one half of the
+What if I fight it?
+We can appeal, but I can't guarantee anything.
+I'll take my chances.
+It's going to cost.
+Mrs. Phillips, how long have you known Ted Kramer?
+Six years. Ever since Ted and Joanna moved into the building.
+How often do you see Mr. Kramer and his son?
+Charley, my husband, and I are ...divorced and Kim, that's our daughter is about Billy's age and the children play together a lot. So, I guess we see each three or four times a week.
+Can you describe the relationship between Mr. Kramer and his son?
+Ted? They've set the court date. I just heard today...It's... January sixth.
+Good Christ, Joanna, just get the hell out of my life.
+Ted? Are you there?
+Any prospects?
+Don't worry. I plan to have something within twenty-four hours, John.
+How the hell are you going to do that?
+What?! She wants what?!
+She's the mother. That means she's within her legal rights.
+You ever see her talk to the walls?
+No, but--
+Your boy is very lucky, Mr. Kramer. One inch over and it would have caught the eye.
+But I'm going to have to take some stitches.
+How many?
+Now, I'd advise you to wait outside. It'll be eas--
+Mr. Kramer, there's--
+All right, Thelma, you want to know what's going on? I'll tell you what's going on. I'll tell you exactly what's going on.
+Look, Ted, all I--
+I came home tonight. We just got the Fire and Ice account at the agency. Do you know what that means?! Do you understand what that means? It means that it was maybe one of the five best days in my whole life.
+Ted, all I wanted to know was where--
+I walk in the house and before I can say "How are you?", "Did you have a nice day?" before I can say anything. Pow she's out the door.
+OhmyGod. Didn't she say anything? She must've said something.
+Yeah, she said it wasn't any use talking anymore.
+Hostile? Me? Thelma, I'm not hostile. I am anything but hostile. But if you want to know what I am. I'll tell you what I am. What I am is, I am hurt. I am very hurt. And I just want to know one thing, okay? Just one thing ...Why? That's all I want to know...Why?
+Ted, Joanna and I used to talk a lot and...well, she told me a lot of...ah, things about the two of you.
+Things? What kind of things?
+I mean...things. Ted, Joanna's very unhappy and--
+Listen, Joanna Kramer's got a goddamn good life. She's got a husband that loves her. She's got a terrific kid. She's got a wonderful home--
+What d'you know about how Joanna felt? You went off to an office every morning and you'd come dragging home at seven or eight every night and as long as dinner was on the table you thought everything was swell.
+Two. She is getting to be a real hermit or recluse or whatever it is you call it. Thelma, do you know where I could be in this business if I had a wife that entertained or went out socially--
+Oh for shit's sake, Ted, you are the most selfish human being I have ever met. No wonder she said you came first, then Billy, then, if there was anything left over, she got the scraps.
+Then how come she never said anything like that to me?
+Maybe she didn't feel like she should have to. Maybe she felt like if you'd been paying any real attention to her to start with, maybe you would've noticed.
+Boy, you guys are really something, y'know? I'd like to know one thing, okay--just one little thing. Did you tell Joanna she should leave me?
+Y'know something Thelma--you are the typhoid Mary of divorce. I mean it. Joanna and I never had any trouble until you and Charley split up.
+Ted, divorce is a terrible thing. I know, I went through it. You've got to believe I did everything I could to get Joanna to stay. But I'll tell you something. You may not want to hear it, but it took a lot of courage for Joanna to do what she just did.
+What are you going to do?
+I don't know, Thel...This whole thing has happened so...Pow, like that.
+I mean, what are you going to do about Billy?
+I'm gonna keep him, why?
+Look, this is nothing personal, but I don't think you can do it.
+Thelma, I've lost my wife, I'm not losing my child.
+I've got enough trouble raising my own kid. I don't need another one. Got it?
+Got it.
+You're on your own, understand?
+I understand.
+You're sure?
+Wait a minute! Wait a minute!
+Lenox Hill. 77th Street between Park and Lex. The emergency number is 327-0800.
+You ever think about getting married again?
+No, not really... I guess it's different if you don't have children, but...I dunno, even if Charley and I don't live together, even if we're sleeping with other people, even if Charley was to marry again...He'd still be my husband. That stuff about "Till death do you part?" That's really true.
+How many onions does it say to use?
+Three. And add some basil.
+D'you think you and Charley'll ever get back together again?
+No. I don't think so.
+C'mon, Thel. So Charley had a little fling. So what? All in all he was a pretty good husband.
+Thel, you ever hear from Joanna?
+Not for a couple of months. The last time I heard from her she was living in San Francisco.
+She ever ask about me?
+Uh, huh...Yeah...
+What d'you tell her?
+He's okay...Thel, can I ask you a favor?
+Thelma, if I die--
+I didn't say I'm going to die, but if I should--
+Don't say that! I don't want to hear you say that!
+Thel, listen to me. If, on the million to one shot that I should-- That anything should happen to me. Would you take care of Billy?
+Me?! You want me to take care of Billy?!
+You heard anything yet?
+Uh, huh...
+Ah, Charley and I are...Well, we're thinking about...I mean, actually we're sort of talking about maybe getting back together.
+Hey, that's terrific.
+Please go away, Thel...I...I just have to be by myself for a little while...
+Ted, I just heard...
+Huh.. .Hello?
+All right, Thelma...That's it. I've had it. You can call your good friend Joanna Kramer and tell her enough is enough, okay? I mean, I don't know what I did, but you can tell her she's made her point.
+Ted, what are you talking about?!
+Don't play innocent with me, Thelma. You know perfectly well what's going on.
+Ted, I don't understand a word you're saying. Where's Joanna?
+We must go, Holiness.
+Please, come, Holiness.
+All quiet?
+Yes, Holiness.
+Where are you from?
+Kham, Holiness.
+Your people are very brave. They are fighting the Chinese. No one can stop them. Not even me.
+I worry about them.
+Mama, my story.
+Your father had been very ill, we thought he would die, and some animals had died.
+You were a beautiful baby. So calm.
+And that day, your father got better. He named you Lhamo. "The Protector."
+I am sorry, Lhamo.
+Not the way to talk to people.
+Can I do anything I want?
+But, I am in charge.
+I do, now.
+And you have horses? You love horses.
+I do, beautiful horses. Thank you, Holiness.
+Will you buy the sheep for me?
+Where will you keep them?
+Here. We'll collect them.
+I will buy them for you.
+Can I free the prisoners?
+Goodbye, Kundun.
+You must also do something about the public meetings. I see this, memorandum circulating, with Tibetan grievances.
+You have cracked a man's skull and that crack has not healed. It is too soon to expect him to be your friend.
+We are simply respecting the terms of the Seventeen Point Agreement.
+Are you, General?
+We want 2,000 more tons of barley distributed.
+Impossible! You will bring famine down on the people of Tibet with these insatiable demands! More food, the best land for your soldiers to camp.
+The People's Liberation Army pays for all food and lodging.
+How much tea do you drink, Prime Minister?
+Why is it necessary for the Chinese to keep so many soldiers in Lhasa?
+To protect. To serve you. Chairman Mao wants you to feel that China belongs to you now.
+Plans for absorbing the Tibetan army into the People's Army will soon be finalized.
+I will not approve it.
+Then, we will begin with replacing the Tibetan flag with the flag of the Motherland.
+Dalai Lama.
+General Chiang.
+We bring greetings from Chairman Mao.
+Have you heard the terms of the Seventeen Point Agreement?
+I have.
+Do you have plans to return soon, Dalai Lama?
+He has been imprisoned, here in the Potala, Holiness.
+The Sera monks have surrendered?
+Very complicated, Holiness. Let me tell you current news. The Chinese have launched a deceptive campaign aimed at convincing the world that Tibet belongs to China. We sent a mission to the Chinese National Conference. Our attendance was a grave mistake.
+The Tibetans were introduced as delegates from the "Chinese region of Tibet". We protested this reference and demanded a letter rebutting it.
+Did you receive the letter?
+Of the Tibetan delegations sent abroad, all have been turned away.
+And the United Nations? Surely?
+So, we must face China and all her might alone.
+Yes. Most of the Chamdo region is now in Chinese hands. There is a report from Chamdo which makes quite clear that, unless some settlement can soon be reached, Communist troops will soon be marching on Lhasa.
+With much bloodshed.
+I am afraid.
+I want at all costs to avoid this. Do we have news from the delegation in China?
+Not yet, but the Governor of Chamdo, Ngabo Jigme, suggests we must negotiate and offers to go to Peking.
+Ngabo did not have the state seal. He could not sign.
+General Chiang Chin-wu, the Chinese representative, is en route to Dromo. He is coming to meet you.
+Your Prime Ministers, support the proposal that you return to Lhasa. On the opposite hand, some officials urge you not to return. They believe you should leave now, for India.
+Oh, no. Where will he go?
+Your father had been very sick.
+He had been sick from the time you began growing in me. We thought he would die.
+Yes. A cow had died. One night, you stopped all your moving, and I said to your sister, "His time has come."
+Me. First break of day.
+At dawn, you were born. One eye was closed, and your sister opened it with her thumb. We gave you the sweet drink.
+You did. We washed you and wrapped you in sheepskin and took you to your father. That day the father got better. And that day, a pair of crows came to nest in our roof. I just remembered.
+I miss my brother.
+I will be back in a few days.
+How many?
+This many?
+Who am I?
+The Four Noble Truths, as taught by the Lord Sakyamuni Buddha are: The Truth of Suffering The Truth of the Cause of Suffering, The Truth of the Cessation of Suffering, the Truth of the Way which leads to the cessation of Suffering.
+I accept it. What is suffering?
+True suffering arises from contaminated actions and afflictions. Birth, illness, grief, old age, poverty, pain, death -- these are surferings.
+I accept it. What are the causes of suffering?
+I need to squeeze this brain.
+Can I save the sheep from going to the market? So they don't die.
+You could buy them.
+Do I have money?
+What do you think?
+You can't do anything real until you are Dalai Lama.
+I am him.
+May I listen to the news with you, Holiness?
+How big is Tibet's army?
+Roughly five thousand men.
+Is that big?
+No. Not very big.
+Will we be in this war?
+No. This war is almost over.
+In the Pacific Ocean.
+It is an island. American territory.
+Where is Alsace?
+What was the warning of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama?
+He warned about the future of Tibet.
+Tell me.
+I am sorry for you to have to witness this, Kundun.
+What can I do? I am only a boy.
+I need to know what you know. I am no longer a child.
+Ask whatever you will.
+The war is over. This is a time in when nations are redefining themselves.
+So, Tibet, too, needs to define itself.
+Yes. As a free country. But our attempts have proven futile. We continue to be badly outmaneuvered by the Chinese.
+Can India help us?
+India is a newly independent nation. They are struggling. India is in no position to help us.
+Britain chooses not to.
+And, America?
+America, we shall see.
+Quite simple. Yes. Good.
+What is the size of our army, now?
+Has anyone died?
+One country did sponsor the resolution. A land called "El Salvador".
+Where is that?
+Your prime minsters would argue that such negotiations should take place in Lhasa.
+It is unlikely. America, perhaps. There is great anti-communist feeling in America.
+At this point, the most likely result of a foreign pact is war.
+The Chinese would see such a pact as an open declaration of war.
+I am scared.
+Shall we consult the protective deities, Holiness?
+Did you ever doubt it?
+I ask them to stop, to lay down their guns.
+Land reform is underway in Amdo. The large estates are being confiscated and redistributed. Landlords are being punished.
+I have always asked for plain information. Just the truth.
+The pursuit of non-violence. Very difficult.
+They will take Lhasa next.
+The crowd will not disperse until you give your assurance that you will not attend the Chinese festivities. Many who have been invited to dine with the Chinese do not return home.
+I will not go.
+We are now accused of aiding the rebels. The Chinese said we can expect drastic measures to be taken to crush this revolt.
+Good day.
+Good day.
+Please, come in, so cold.
+We are traveling to Lhasa. May we...?
+Of course, please, this way. Your servant may use the kitchen.
+You must inform me at once if any of our people abuse the Tibetans trust and good nature.
+I have great hopes for the future of our co-operation.
+I am happy to hear you say this, Chairman Mao. I have created a reform committee to investigate grievances and we have abolished Inherited Tax, and forgiven all money owed the Government by people who are unable to pay.
+You know, I have great respect for your Lord Buddha. He was anti-caste. Anti-corruption. Anti-exploitation. For some, politics and religion can mix.
+For me, I think such a mix is crucial.
+Ah, Dalai Lama, thank you for coming so late.
+I leave tomorrow.
+I have been greatly impressed by your accomplishments. Industrial progress. Great efficiency. Your people are capable and courteous.
+You have a lot to learn about organization. How to draw out people's opinions. How to make key decisions. Train your young Tibetans. When I make contact with you, I want to reach you through a Tibetan.
+I have news. The Regent has resigned his post.
+Is he a bad man? Norbu says he is "lavish" and "willful". "How can he give you monk's vows if he has not kept them himself?"
+Well, some say. It's not for you to worry about. Another will be chosen.
+I turn you over again, today, Lhamo. One day, you will not be able to come running to us.
+But you will always be here?
+You will always!
+Do you think I must?
+This little brother was terribly sweet. When he died, my mother was so sad. A lama said to her, before the little brother was laid out for burial, take a bit of butter and rub a spot on his skin. He will come back to you, you will see. So, my mother did this, and a few years later, a new boy was born.
+Does he have the spot?
+He does, a little spot where the butter had been.
+Is that a true story, or pretend?
+What do you think?
+What does the butter spot feel like?
+I'm on a big mountain and hitting at the bad men.
+And after the game, we're going to trade. You just stay over there, no, there!, Norbu, and I will shoot at you. I want your land. I take it. I am stronger.
+I have more men.
+Things change, Kundun.
+She carried a basket in her arms, a big, heavy basket, and the old monk cautiously approached. She opened her basket and showed what she had. Heads. Human heads. Only the heads.
+Is that true or pretend?
+It is a story, you decide.
+I want to go down there.
+You can only go with attendants and a big ceremony.
+I want to run down the street. I want to buy a toy. Eat from the shops.
+You cannot.
+I want to be a shepherd, taking those goats and cows out to the hillside.
+But you are not a shepherd, you are the Dalai Lama.
+Maybe in the next life, the world will not need a Dalai Lama.
+We have enemies.
+The Chinese.
+This is Britain.
+This is Tibet. And this is China.
+Why is this? What is happening? Tell me!
+The people want you made Dalai Lama.
+Then, I am lucky. I am still too young.
+These are dangerous times. They want the Dalai Lama to lead them.
+But, I have no experience.
+You will not come?
+No, Holiness.
+Am I running away?
+You must study very hard, do not neglect the holy things during this time.
+I will miss you.
+We have had fun, you and I. Fun for a little boy in an old palace.
+We have.
+You have grown up very good.
+Tell me.
+They think they have convinced me. They think I am on their side. They have allowed me to leave Kumbum and come to Lhasa believing that I will try to turn you to their ways. If I do not succeed, I am to eliminate you.
+You, kill me?
+Don't eat all those sweets. You'll get sick.
+Do you remember the day I came to your monastery, when I was a baby? And you comforted me?
+I do.
+I remember, too, actually. I was frightened then. I am frightened now.
+The Chinese have one goal. The complete dissolution of our nation. The destruction of our culture. There is no room for Buddha in their world. Our only hope is to fight.
+We cannot.
+This is not a fight to put bread just in one's own mouth. This is a fight for Tibet.
+Buddha teaches that we must learn from our enemy. We have compassion for all people.
+You are in great danger. The Dalai Lama cannot fall into Chinese hands. You must flee.
+How could I ever leave?
+Taktra Rinpoche, I understand there was an attempt on your life.
+It is possible, Holiness.
+You are unharmed?
+If we agree that we are part of China, nothing else will matter. Not trade, not defense. We will be lost.
+What should I do about my doubt, Teacher?
+It is a difficult situation.
+I mean, my doubt. Why me? Am I Him?
+Did you love your husband, before you married?
+I did not know him before I married him. I loved his brother, but then, I married his brother, too. He is dead now.
+The land has stayed in the family. We work together. The nobleman is not too bad.
+Too young?
+Much too young.
+Look for a strong woman, not too occupied with her beauty. Look for a woman who keeps her hands busy. Look for a kind heart.
+Like my mother.
+Mrs. Bickerman, the reason we're up here... a man was fatally attacked yesterday by some animal in this lake. Do you know how your husband died?
+You killed him.
+He just appeared. You have no idea how he arrived in this lake?
+You can't take a cow by eminent domain.
+We won't let him get hurt, Ma'am.
+Oh, my husband passed away almost two years ago.
+My department doesn't have any record of that, Mrs. Bickerman.
+And how would you have accomplished this, Ma'am?
+I haven't broken any laws.
+Oh, but you have, Ma'am. You lied to us, that could be obstruction of justice. A man's been killed in part 'cause of your silence, I could make out a charge of reckless endangerment and I'm sure PETA would be annoyed at how you treat your cows.
+Ma'am. Your husband, Bernie. You didn't, by any chance, lead him to the lake blindfolded?
+Ma'am, how could you not report this? He puts human life at risk and--
+Murders and rapes in the cities. People bomb planes... can the police stop them? No. But feed one little cow to a crocodile...
+You're to wait right here until the police show, you're under full house arrest.
+I'll sue you.
+You're a beautiful woman.
+Thank you.
+It seems like we're getting lower.
+It happens when I land.
+Why are we landing?
+'Cause this is the cove he obviously lives in.
+C'mon Hector. I know you're crazy but you can't--
+Please. I'll have sex with you, anything, but get out of the water.
+I might get a shot.
+No. If you don't kill him instantly, I'm dead and you'll only kill him instantly if you get his brain, which is about the size of a cherry. And even if you were on target, a bullet might not penetrate his hide.
+--Who is he?
+I'll need any and all topographic studies.
+Wait just a second. You don't just fly in here and start barking orders.
+They've been migrating north, Kelly, this lake connects to the ocean,--
+Mr. Cyr!
+I really don't mean to be discourteous. But how is it a person could come to believe that a crocodile is in New England?
+They have saltwater glands, they can swim across oceans, it's only a matter of time.
+And what would he do come winter?
+Around here. Yeah.
+We'd only just met.
+Well, you've got a croc alright, they're keystone species.
+Keystone what?
+We are here on official business.
+No!! What's with digging the holes?
+They come on land and they're brazen. They're also attracted to noise, you can see I make a lot of it.
+Could she stay, we've tentatively scheduled intercourse.
+You listen to me. The only reason I'm letting you be part of this is 'cause you got the helicopter and the radar--
+And you like me.
+I do not like you.
+Jesus Christ!!
+What the hell are you doing?!!
+What are you doing?!
+You're crawling around like a--
+I'm laying a spring trap!
+A spring trap!
+I keep telling you, they can come on land, I don't wanna wake up in the middle of the night--
+I coulda shot you, you--
+Again, I don't mean to be annoying with my questions. But if it is a crocodile which I don't think it is. And if they do charge these baby hatchling sounds... why exactly would you want to be underwater at the time? With you it makes sense.
+They don't really attack underwater and--
+That "Walt" guy got hit underwater--
+Again. Not to be disruptive. Do we have a problem with it dying?
+Is this a trick?
+I brought a pork chop, maybe we could hang it around your neck for luck.
+Was he a good man?
+His head was just... bitten off.
+This is a setback.
+Promise you won't kill me, first.
+Asia? How... how could he get here?
+Maybe he doesn't play well with others.
+Is everything a big fucking joke to you?
+What's that?
+Just spit him back out. Some shall live, some shall die, arbitrarily, sound like any higher power we know?
+He didn't eat the kid cause he'd just swallowed a bear.
+Sobek. Half man, half croc, oldest God--
+I'm tired, Hector. I know this because you're beginning to not bug me.
+That sounds good but underneath it's hurtful. Nightcap?
+I can arrest you!!
+Then do it!!
+You probably do want to be killed by it, that was you trying to meet your maker.
+Gee, that would really disappoint me.
+I just have this feeling everything's totally safe.
+Where is he?!
+At school they'd always say "go" first.
+Get your big gun and guard the shore. Hector. Go to your tent.
+He never said "go".
+This time, I'm gonna kick your ass.
+Bastard bit my chopper.
+Let's not overlook he didn't eat me, maybe--
+Well, you can try talking them into that, if--
+I have enough flaxedil with me to put him out. And I think I know a way to--
+Forget it.
+No way.
+So maybe Wildlife will try to save him, they're more equipped to--
+And again. How would you get him on land?
+Keep enough tension to hold him up, Hector, we don't know if he can swim.
+The more he thrashes, the better.
+You ready on shore?
+I got something on the screen.
+Where? Where?
+Thirty meters or so. Moving slow, but straight toward Elsie.
+Can you confirm visually or just radar?
+Radar, he's underwater. But he's definitely coming.
+Almost here, Hector. Don't forget to lift up the cow.
+Thank you, Jack.
+Where is he?
+No. Look. He's got nothing left.
+You take care.
+You talk to Bickerman?
+She didn't tell us about the other croc 'cause she was afraid we'd blow it's head off.
+Women's intuition. Are there anymore?
+Hector. The big one has no sense of humor. And since he's the one who decides whether you get to play, try not to be your obnoxious self.
+If he's here, I'll find him. Did she tell you we had sex together?
+I never had sex with you!
+But they're nighttime hunters, Hector, he'd probably be on land now anyway.
+'Cept he wasn't before, was he? You know, when friends or family members say things, they tend not to register so sometimes it helps to hear it from a total stranger. You're fat.
+None of us actually saw anything. I realize this Sir, but something flipped us over, I doubt very much it was a mink.
+Such the flirt.
+You should take a flax pole.
+And what if I tranq him Kelly? He drowns. You think about that?
+Two years married, divorced, used to be a lawyer, quit, I'm still waiting on his sperm count.
+What? Oh as if I'm interested.
+He was an Indo-pacific.
+Are you sure?
+Did you want to be killed by it?
+You think I'm that nuts?
+Hector. What you just did... there was at least some sort of a death wish going on.
+Nothing's real.
+Excuse me?
+With crocodiles... everything's even.
+I'm no psychiatrist. But I would think there have to be better places to look for autonomy, than--
+I'm an empty man, Kelly, wealth has robbed me of the dream in life, I sit here broken, a hollow sack--
+Didn't even sound good?
+Eh. Fuck it.
+Can I tell them you won't go back in the water?
+They're not going to be able to snag him in pitmans. Tranq him in water, he drowns.
+They could try to tranq him on land.
+And how would we neutralize him?
+I'm okay.
+You're gonna be okay.
+Guess I finally got bit.
+He's gonna live?
+Yeah. Thanks to you.
+Kelly Scott.
+Jack Wells. A museum sent you?
+Did you make anything of the tooth?
+Excuse me. One other thing, it's a small point, but... I have a thing about being humored, and I'm feeling humored, more by him, but you seemed quick to join in.
+How big do the bears get?
+Big but... a bear couldn't do that to a moose or man in water. On land maybe. But...
+And they're sure he didn't get tangled under the outboard somehow?
+It really is beautiful, isn't it?
+Never been to Maine before?
+Why are you here? Really.
+I told you.
+The Museum of Natural History doesn't send out investigators to--
+How would you know, what--
+And even if they did, I doubt he or she would have problems with tents.
+So I don't like tents, why--
+I'm not making it up.
+Well. You don't have to stay out here, why don't--
+Oh my God.
+If this is who I think it is. It is.
+In Maine?
+Same thing from Fish And Game.
+Something's in that water.
+Baby crocs?
+Adult males will charge hatchlings. If there's one out there...
+If one could be out there... why does Fish And Game tell me it's impossible?
+He could be right there and you wouldn't see him.
+What are you doing?
+Listen, uh... Hank and I think it best if you stay on shore.
+I beg your pardon?
+Whatever's out there did flip over a canoe--
+I am not staying on shore.
+It's too dangerous for--
+I didn't fly up here to roast marshmallows--
+You flew up here because your boss--
+That was an awful thing to say to me.
+Okay. We're up at six.
+He thinks they're what?
+They respond pretty quick. I'll wait till you get down before I turn it on.
+Good. See ya soon.
+You okay? Kelly?
+Yeah. Nobody saw anything?
+No. U.S. Wildlife is on their way.
+That's probably good.
+Are you okay?
+Hard to believe there could be a monster under such peacefulness.
+You know they say the brain confuses fear for passion.
+Excuse me?
+When you get scared, the brain releases a chemical, same chemical it releases when somebody's... in high school, the thing to do was to take the girl to a scary movie.
+What are you talking about?
+I'm saying between the moonlight, a beautiful lake and a monster that bites heads off... you look good.
+Gee, that was so poetic, Jack. I'm all moist.
+Forgive me for trying to be nice.
+Nice? Nice would be "you look pretty," nice is not some man- eating monster has tricked my brain into making you look good.
+I didn't say it like that.
+You did, you--
+I was trying to pay you a compliment, I was guising it as science 'cause I know you're comfortable in that arena. Science.
+A man just died, you're hitting on me with science.
+Why he's that big, I don't know. Why he's here... the wetlands are being developed, crocodiles are moving. Australia, Fiji, the things have started to cross oceans.
+Like little children. You okay?
+Yeah. I got some stuff for your cut.
+I couldn't believe... did you see the size of that thing's mouth?
+I wonder if he's some kind of mutant. That bear had to be surprised.
+Ow. Shit.
+Just gotta pull it a little tighter.
+Who taught you be be a nurse?
+Father's a surgeon. I can even stitch in a pinch, wouldn't be a bad idea here.
+No thanks.
+Keep it dry. No swimming.
+You're having the best time of your life, aren't you?
+That's why you're here. To get in the middle of something?
+Thanks for the... bandaid.
+Well. Goodnight.
+We seem to say goodnight a lot.
+I'm gonna get ticks. I know it. They're drawn to me. I got a thing about ticks.
+Thing we can lift it?
+Maybe. Don't mush it.
+I'm not mushing it.
+You're mushing it a little around the--
+Okay. Okay. Okay.
+That is it!!
+No. I keep getting hit with heads!
+Calm down.
+You calm down!
+You wanna kill yourself, that it, you looking to commit some kind of divine suicide?
+Alright, Jack!
+Just heard from Wildlife and Florida Fish And Game. They should be here by four.
+We might as well pack.
+Are we crazy?
+It can't work.
+He has been going after everything. It could work. But this is not a happy cow.
+He doesn't seem to be swimming. Is he swimming?
+He's floating. Take it home.
+He's mooing.
+Watch out!!
+We gotta get to Hector!!
+He's through fighting. Look at him.
+Get him onto shore.
+You sure? I don't mind...
+If I'm ever in New York...
+Y'know, if we didn't live in separate worlds and...
+It was... something meeting you.
+Different worlds, Jack.
+Yeah, I thought about that as I was driving... and... I haven't found somebody in my world. You found anyone in yours?
+So I was thinking... maybe if I met anybody in my world who was good for you and if you know somebody in New York good for me, we could fix each other up.
+You think?
+Worth a try. We don't wanna be alone forever, do we?
+That was... y'know if the guy asks me can she kiss, now I'll be able to tell him if you can.
+We set?
+I'm ready when you are.
+Half mile up, there's a clearing.
+You gonna dig up that lady's husband?
+What's that?
+White perch.
+Are they feeding?
+Doesn't look like it.
+Hank. The little cannon you brought, get it. Guard the shoreline. Otherwise, we're done. We made the I.D., our job is finished.
+You said nobody came in here!
+Get back from the shore. We know how fast he can leap out.
+We shouldn't even really be doing this.
+They won't be here till at least noon. We got a few hours to kill.
+Now I'm gonna puke.
+Even if we could tranq him-- how would we get him on land.
+I can't. I'll get Hector!!
+If you get a safe shot...
+I'll take it!
+He's done. He's dying.
+Thanks for your help.
+He just came up screaming.
+Did he say anything?
+He just kinda gurgled. He was pretty much dead.
+And you didn't see anything?
+The lake was dead calm until up he came. The tooth is in there.
+There? That's the morgue.
+Is the dead guy in there?
+That's where they keep them. You want me to bring the tooth out here?
+I wouldn't.
+I'm fine, thank you.
+Have you ever seen a dead body before, Ms. Scott?
+Well. At wakes.
+This is a little different.
+This... how long did this attack go on for?
+Seconds. Three, four.
+And this is how he came to the boat?
+Nobody lives within twenty-five miles, 'cept some old couple who live right on the lake. Teenagers trek in every once in a while, none have disappeared, and none have spotted anything unusual.
+You talk to the married couple?
+Not yet.
+What kind of backup do we have?
+Sorry. I'm just a little unclear as to why the Museum of Natural History would send somebody here.
+You have a thing against museums?
+I got nothing against--
+What is that?
+Lightweight Forward Area air device unit. Whatever's out there, one shot with this and he's dead.
+You're sort of a rude person.
+We don't mean to invade your privacy but... was he ill, was he sick?
+Was he swallowed?
+What is with this lake? It looks black and... there are no waves or anything.
+They wanted to call it Lake Placid. But somebody said that name was taken.
+The tents were sent ahead, they should already be set-up.
+We're staying in tents?
+I told you. Two days, we'd have to camp.
+Yes, camp, I thought that meant Holiday Inn, I never heard "tents", will there be toilets?
+I thought I saw...
+You threw it at me!!
+With what?
+They don't believe her.
+You hurt his feelings. I think you should go apologize.
+Is this 'spose to make me take him more serious?
+It's to make you understand him, with understanding comes tolerance. Too bad they don't put proverbs in Twinkies, my load would be lighter.
+Why does everybody insult my intelligence, I have intelligence, intelligent people eat Twinkies.
+Was that like a homo-sexual remark?
+He may be a kook but he's also been all over the world with them. He even swam in the Grimetti with killer Niles all around him, he never got nipped.
+And that's why he thinks they're Godly?
+He said he knew it when he looked into their eyes.
+You like Jack?
+What? I don't even know the guy.
+Hector thinks you like him.
+Well Hector's a giant cracker.
+You think Jack's handsome?
+What is this?
+I'm just curious. I can never tell what women think is handsome. Is he handsome?
+Hector, Jack, we show you with about twelve minutes of oxygen left, and you're on the last tank. Time to go home.
+What was that?
+Are you alright?
+Are you okay?
+Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
+What is she doing now? Mother of God.
+If he gets close, you go up, Hector, don't you endanger that cow.
+They're coming right in.
+Such a simple idea and it's working. What does that tell you?
+Did you get him?
+Should I?
+I'm sure this would offend you on principal but... could we keep in touch?
+Hi. Listen. Could I steal you a second?
+I had a great time last night. Again.
+That's not what you came to say.
+I was working for you when "us" started, what's--
+I know and I thought I could handle it but work and pleasure along with somebody else, it's a dangerous mix.
+Kevin, as long as we... What was that last part?
+The somebody else part?
+Yeah, that part. There's... somebody who's um...
+Oh. Oh. That's okay. Well. This uh... this probably wasn't meant to be, y'know. I mean, I'm... God, I gotta be ten years younger and you, you... you're y'know...
+A jerk.
+Oh... No, no, I'm not angry I'm not, I'm just thrown, I'm... I actually have an early lunch, so...
+It's ten after nine.
+Kevin. How's it going, what's happenin', family good, great, nice to catch up, get out.
+This is business. There was an accident in Maine, some guy got killed by something in a lake. Probably a bear, but... they found a tooth.
+A tooth?
+A tooth they say couldn't have come from any bear. They say it looks prehistoric. Like maybe a dinosaur.
+Oh, well then I'm sure that's it, he got killed by a dinosaur, anything else?
+I'm sure it's nothing, but you're a paleontologist, this is what we do, I--
+This is what we do?
+I'd like you to check out this lake. See--
+Are you on drugs?
+I'm not going to Maine, I won't even go west of Forty-third Street--
+Part of our research--
+I'm not even a field person.
+This was Myra's idea, wasn't it? Get me out of the office for a few days, until--
+It has nothing to do with--
+I never do field work and even if I did, Maine, to look at a tooth of a dinosaur who bit somebody, couldn't you dream up something--
+What do you expect, mugging me from behind?
+I tapped you.
+Well you shouldn't have. How did you even know where I was.
+Wild guess.
+I don't like to be scared, Myra, I have a thing about fright, don't ever scare me.
+Kevin told me you were upset.
+Really? I never realized he was so psychic, how could he detect that, did he tell you there's somebody else?
+It started before you, Kelly, I never would've--
+It was just a quick thing which we thought was over, and and...
+You and Kevin.
+You don't know what to say, lucky for you action speaks louder than words.
+I'm not upset, Myra, okay. I just never thought of you as a y'know...
+Damn, Clarice, how'd you make me?
+Never cock. Just squeeze.
+What'd I do?
+Phone call, Clarice. It's God.
+You missed Fourth Amendment law. Unlawful seizure, real juicy stuff. Where were you all afternoon?
+Boy, is that smart...
+Why does she keep repeating the name?
+No. He won't come after me.
+Why not?
+Clarice - you did the best anybody could have for Catherine Martin. You stuck your neck out for her and you got your butt kicked for her and you tried. It's not your fault it ended this way.
+The worst part - the thing that's making me crazy - is that Bill is right in front of me. Only I can't see him... Lecter said, everything I need to catch him is right here, in these pages...
+Lecter said a lot of things.
+"Desperately random." What does he mean?
+Not random at all, maybe. Like there's some pattern here...?
+But there is no pattern. There's no connection at all among these places, or the computers would've nailed it! They're even found in random order.
+Well, except for the one girl.
+What girl?
+Fredrica Bimmel, from Belvedere, Ohio. The first girl taken, but the third body found... Why?
+'Cause she didn't drift. He weighted her down.
+"- every day."
+Hot damn, Clarice.
+Agent Starling! Telephone!
+Get your field gear, take stuff for overnight. You're goin' with Crawford.
+Some fishermen in West Virginia found an unidentified girl's body. It's a Buffalo Bill-type situation. Been in the water about a week, and Jack needs somebody that can print a floater. Think you can handle it?
+Jack's pretty tough on you, isn't he? Impatient...
+Wear it, don't ever leave it in your purse. Dry fire it whenever you get the chance. And do your exercises.
+I will... I promise.
+FBI, Catherine, you're safe.
+Safe, SHIT, he's got a gun! Getmeout. GET ME OUT!
+You're all right! Where is he?
+Get me out!
+I'll get you out! Just be quiet so I can hear. Shut that dog up. Is there a ladder? Is there a rope?
+I don't know! Get me out!!
+Catherine. Listen to me. I have to find a rope. I have to leave this room, just for a minute, but -
+NOOOOO! You fucking bitch don't you LEAVE ME down here, DON'T YOU - YOU
+I'm sure it's a great town, Dr. Chilton, but my instructions are to talk to Lecter and report back this afternoon.
+Lecter carved up nine people - that we're sure of - and cooked his favorite bits. We've tried to study him, of course - but he's much too sophisticated for the standard tests. And my, does he hate us! Thinks I'm his nemesis... Crawford's very clever, isn't he? Using you.
+How do you mean, Dr. Chilton?
+A pretty young woman, to turn him on? I don't believe Lecter's ever seen a woman in eight years. And oh, are you ever his "taste" - so to speak.
+I graduated magna from UVA, Doctor. It's not a charm school.
+Do not reach through the bars, do not touch the bars. You pass him nothing but soft paper - no pens or pencils. No staples or paperclips in his paper. Use the sliding food carrier, no exceptions. Do not accept anything he attempts to hold out to you. Do you understand me?
+I understand.
+Dr. Chilton - if Lecter feels you're his enemy - as you've said - then maybe I'll have more luck by myself. What do you think?
+You might have suggested that in my office, and saved me the time.
+What you're doing, Miss Starling, is coming into my hospital to conduct an interview, and refusing to share information with me. For the third time!
+Dr. Chilton, I told you - this is just routine follow-up on the Raspail case.
+You're out of line, Starling, and you're off this case. Back to Quantico.
+Sir, Mr. Crawford instructed me -
+Your instructions are what I'm giving you now. Jack Crawford answers to the Director, and the Director answers to me. My God, Crawford's losing it...! He shouldn't even be on this, with his wife sick as she is... How the hell did you get in here, anyway? He gave you - what? Some kind of special ID? Let's have it.
+I need the ID to fly with my gun. The gun belongs in Quantico.
+Mr. Krendler... Dr. Lecter trusts me. Or at least, he used to. If I could just -
+He gave us a perfectly good description, and we're on it now, so we won't be needing your little novelty act any longer - or his, either. He's under close guard at the courthouse, pending a prison transfer. The next plane, Officer.
+Do you need a police escort, Starling? Or do you think you can find the airport by yourself?
+Maybe he lives in this, this Belvedere, Ohio, too! Maybe he saw her every day, and killed her sort of spontaneously. Maybe he just meant to... give her a 7-Up and talk about the choir. But then -
+Starling -
+But then he had to cover up, make her seem just like all the rest of them. That's what Lecter was hinting!
+Not to my knowledge. Privacy is a great concern to my customers. But, if you say this is an FBI matter...
+Mr. Yow, if this door should fall down -ha ha! - or anything else - would you be kind enough to call this number? It's our Baltimore field office. They know you're here with me... Do you understand?
+Might I suggest tucking your pants into your socks? To prevent mouse intrusion.
+Okay, Miss Starling?
+You're playing a piano, Miss Starling?
+That wasn't me.
+Mr. Yow? Oh Mr. Yow...? It looks like somebody is sitting in this car.
+Oh my! Oh my... Maybe you better come out now, Miss Starling.
+Excuse me, but I really do need to talk to you. This was Mrs. Lippman's house. Did you know her?
+I'm investigating the death of Fredrica Bimmel. Who are you, please?
+Jack Gordon.
+Mr. Gordon, did you know Fredrica when she worked for Mrs. Lippman?
+Mrs. Lippman had a son, maybe he could help you. I have his card somewhere. Do you mind stepping inside, while I looks for it?
+Are they close to catching somebody, do you think?
+Mr. Gordon, did you take over this place after Mrs. Lippman died?
+Yes. I bought the house from her, two years ago.
+Starling, Clarice M., good morning.
+Good morning, Mr. Crawford.
+Your instructors tell me you're doing well. Top quarter of the class.
+I hope so. They haven't posted anything.
+We're trying to interview all of the serial killers now in custody, for a psychobehavioral profile. Could be a big help in unsolved cases. Most of them have been happy to talk to us. They have a compulsion to boast, these people... Do you spook easily, Starling?
+Not yet.
+You see, the one we want most refuses to cooperate. I want you to go after him again today, in the asylum.
+Who's the subject?
+Yes, well... Okay, right. I'm glad for the chance, sir, but - why me?
+Now. I want your full attention, Starling. Are you listening to me?
+Yes sir.
+Be very careful with Hannibal Lecter. Dr. Chilton at the asylum will go over the physical procedures used with him. Do not deviate from them, for any reason. You tell him nothing personal, Starling. Believe me, you don't want Hannibal Lecter inside your head... Just do your job, but never forget what he is.
+I've read your interim memo on Lecter. You sure you've left nothing out?
+It's all there, sir, practically verbatim.
+Every word, Starling? Every gesture?
+Right down to the kleenex I used. Sir, why? Is something wrong?
+He mentioned a name, at the very end. "Mofet..." Any followup on her?
+Well? Why aren't you there right now?
+Sir, that's a field job. It's outside the scope of my assignment. And I've got a test tomorrow on -
+Do you recall my instructions to you, Starling? What were they?
+To complete and file my report by 0800 Wednesday. But sir -
+Then do that, Starling. Do just exactly that.
+Sir, what is it? There's something you're not telling me.
+Miggs has been murdered.
+Murdered...? How?
+The orderly heard Lecter whispering to him, all afternoon, and Miggs crying. They found him at bed check. He'd swallowed his own tongue... Chilton is scared stiff the family will file a civil rights lawsuit, and he's trying to blame it on you. I told the little prick your conduct was flawless. Starling...?
+I'm here, sir, I just - I don't know how to feel about it.
+Blue square for Belvedere, Ohio, where the Bimmel girl was abducted. Blue triangle where her body was found - down here in Missouri. Same marks for the other four girls, in different colors. This new one, today... washed up here. Elk River, in West Virginia, about six miles below U.S. 79. Real boonies.
+There's no correlation at all between where they're kidnapped and where they're found...? What if - what if you trace the heaviest-traffic routes backwards from the dump sites? Do they converge at all?
+Talk about him, Starling. Tell me what you see.
+He's a white male... Serial killers tend to hunt within their own ethnic group. And he's not a drifter - he's got his own house, somewhere. Not an apartment.
+What he does with them - takes privacy... Time, tools... He's in his 30's or 40's - he's got real physical strength, but combined with an older man's self-control. He's cautious, precise, never impulsive... This won't end in suicide, like they often do.
+Why not?
+He's got a real taste for it now. And he's getting better at his work.
+Maybe you've got a knack for this... I guess we're about to find out.
+Okay, Starling. Let's have it.
+You haven't said a word today about that garage. Or what I found there.
+What should I say? You did fine work. We'll wait on the lab.
+You knew. You knew from the start that Lecter held the key to this... But you weren't up front with me. You sent me in to him naked.
+Are you finished?
+What do you see, Starling?
+I don't know. I didn't see those on any of the other girls...
+When I told that sheriff we shouldn't talk in front of a woman, that really burned you, didn't it? That was just smoke, Starling, I had to get rid of him. You did well in there.
+It matters, Mr. Crawford... Other cops know who you are. They look at you to see how to act... It matters.
+When we get back, I want you to run that bug by the Smithsonian, see if they can identify it. Maybe it's got some limited range, or it only breeds at certain times of year... You found it, Starling, you deserve the credit.
+I'm wondering if he's done that before - placed a cocoon, or an insect. It would be easy to miss in an autopsy, especially with a floater... Can we check back on that?
+The other girls are in the ground. Exhumations are upsetting for the families. I'll do it if I have to, but -
+Then have the lab check Raspail's head. Dr. Lecter's patient - have them probe his soft-palette tissues... They'll find another cocoon.
+You seem pretty sure of that.
+But for Catherine Martin, it all comes down to you and Lecter. You're the one he talks to.
+He's already offered to help... What would happen if we just showed our cards - asked him for Bill?
+He offered to help, Starling, not to snitch. That wouldn't give him enough chance to show off. Remember, Lecter looks mainly for fun. Never forget fun.
+But if he knew we have so little time -
+If we act too anxious, he'll make us wait. He'll let the Senator keep hoping, day after day, until Catherine finally washes up. That'd be the most fun of all.
+I think he means it, this time. I think he'll deal.
+What would it take?
+Transfer to a new prison. With a view of trees, he said, or even water... Can we swing that?
+State to federal jurisdiction... We can do it - eventually - but we'll never get all the clearances in time. Can you convince him a deal's already in place?
+You'll back me up with some paperwork? Then I'll try. But wouldn't this have more weight coming from the Senator herself?
+Chilton has killed her, hasn't he? That slimy little bastard! We were so close with Lecter - and now her last chance is gone.
+Are you in trouble over this, Mr. Crawford? Can Senator Martin do something to you?
+I'm 53, Starling. If I found Jimmy Hoffa on national TV, I'd still have to retire in two years. It's not a consideration. But you are... You've done enough. If I keep you out of school any longer, you'll be recycled. Cost you six months, at least. I can guarantee you readmission here, but that's about it. Now's your chance, Starling. Go back to
+Lecter is still the key, I know he is. Whatever he told me about Bill is just as good now as it was before.
+I lied to Lecter. I'll need some kind of peace offering... Can I get the drawings from his cell?
+Good idea. Meantime, try to get a feel for Catherine Martin. Her apartment, her friends... how he might've stalked her. I'm going to the other two clinics, Minnesota and Ohio. Now's the hardest part, Starling. Use your anger, don't let it keep you from thinking. Just keep your eyes on Catherine. We've got less than 30 hours.
+Mr. Crawford... can those cops down there handle Dr. Lecter?
+All his victims are women... His obsession is women, he lives to hunt women. But not one women is hunting him - except me. I can walk in a woman's room and know three times as much about her as a man would. I have to go to Belvedere.
+You heard them. I don't have that authority anymore.
+Ohio is cold ground. Picked over, ten months ago. Our people worked it, so did the locals.
+But not from this angle. Not thinking he knew her. You've got to send me!
+I'm Bureau for 28 years, Starling. I won't disobey orders, not even now.
+But I just became a private citizen. I can go anywhere I want to.
+With ID and a gun...? Impersonating a federal agent is a felony.
+He's making himself a "woman suit," Mr. Crawford - out of real women! And he can sew, this guy, he's really skilled. A dressmaker, or a tailor -
+Starling -
+That's why they're all so big - because he needs a lot of skin! He keeps them alive to starve them awhile - to loosen their skin, so that -
+Starling, we know who he is! And where he is. We're on our way now.
+Sir, that's great news. But how -
+This Gumb's a real beauty. Slaughtered both his grandparents when he was twelve, and did nine years in juvenile psychiatric. Where, Starling, he took vocational rehab, and learned a useful trade...
+Take a bow. Customs had some paper on his alias. They stopped a carton two years ago at LAX - live caterpillars from Surinam. The addressee was "John Grant." Calumet Power & Light's given us two possible residences under that alias. We're hitting one, Chicago SWAT's taking the other.
+Chicago's only about 400 miles from here. I could be there in -
+Yes sir... I'll do my best.
+Starling - you've earned back your place in the Academy. We never would've found him without you, and nobody's ever going to forget that. Least of all me.
+What do you do when you're not detecting, Officer Starling?
+I try to be a student, Dr. Pilcher.
+Ever get out for cheeseburgers and beer? The amusing house wine...?
+And there's no way - no natural way - these could've wound up in the bodies?
+They live in Malaysia. In this country, they'd have to be specially raised, from imported eggs.
+They said she was just rags, like somebody -
+Stacy, did Fredrica ever mention a man named Jamie Gumb? Or John Grant? Do you think she could've had a friend you didn't know about?
+No way. She had a guy, I'da known, believe me. Sewing was her life, she was really great at it. Poor Freddie.
+Did you ever work with her?
+Oh sure, me'n Pam Malavesi used to help her do alterations for old Mrs. Lippman. Lots of people worked for her, she had the business from all these retail stores? But she was like, totally old, it was more'n she could handle.
+Where does Mrs. Lippman live? I'd like to talk to her.
+Is that a pretty good job, FBI agent?
+I think so.
+You get to travel around and stuff? I mean, better places then this?
+Sometimes you do.
+Doctor, we have a hard problem in psychological profiling. I want to ask for your help with a questionnaire.
+"We" being the Behavioral Science Unit, at Quantico. You're one of Jack Crawford's, I expect.
+I am, yes.
+That expires in one week. You're not real FBI, are you?
+I'm - still in training at the Academy.
+Jack Crawford sent a trainee to me?
+We're talking about psychology, Doctor, not the Bureau. Can you decide for yourself whether or not I'm qualified?
+Now then. What did Miggs say to you? "Multiple Miggs," in the next cell. He hissed at you. What did he say?
+He said - "I can smell your cunt."
+I see. I myself cannot. You use Evyan skin cream, and sometimes you wear L'Air du Temps, but not today. You brought your best bag, though, didn't you?
+It's much better than your shoes.
+Maybe they'll catch up.
+I have no doubt of it.
+Did you do those drawings, Doctor?
+Yes. That's the Duomo, seen from the Belvedere. Do you know Florence?
+All that detail, just from memory...?
+Dr. Lecter, if you'd please consider -
+No, no, no. You were doing fine, you'd been courteous and receptive to courtesy, you'd established trust with the embarrassing truth about Miggs, and now this ham-handed segue into your questionnaire. It won't do. It's stupid and boring.
+I'm only asking you to look at this, Doctor. Either you will or you won't.
+Jack Crawford must be very busy indeed if he's recruiting help from the student body. Busy hunting that new one, Buffalo Bill... Such a naughty boy! Did Crawford send you to ask for my advice on him?
+No, I came because we need -
+How many women has he used, our Bill?
+Five... so far.
+All flayed...?
+Partially, yes. But Doctor, that's an active case, I'm not involved. If -
+Do you know why he's called Buffalo Bill? Tell me. The newspapers won't say.
+I'll tell you if you'll look at this form. It started as a bad joke in Kansas City Homicide. They said... this one likes to skin his humps.
+Witless and misleading. Why do you think he takes their skins, Officer Starling? Thrill me with your wisdom.
+It excites him. Most serial killers keep some sort of trophies.
+I didn't.
+Oh, Officer Starling... do you think you can dissect me with this blunt little tool?
+You see a lot, Dr. Lecter. But are you strong enough to point that high- powered perception at yourself? How about it...? Look at yourself and write down the truth. Or maybe you're afraid to.
+You're a tough one, aren't you?
+Reasonably so. Yes.
+And you'd hate to think you were common. My, wouldn't that sting! Well you're far from common, Officer Starling. All you have is the fear of it. Now please excuse me. Good day.
+And the questionnaire...?
+I would not have had that happen to you. Discourtesy is - unspeakably ugly to me.
+Then please - do this test for me.
+No. But I will make you happy... I'll give you a chance for what you love most, Clarice Starling.
+What's that, Dr. Lecter?
+Your bleeding has stopped.
+How did - It's nothing. A scratch.
+Why don't you ask me about Buffalo Bill?
+Why? Do you know something about him?
+I might if I saw the case file. You could get that for me.
+Why don't you tell me about "Miss Mofet?" You wanted me to find him. Or do I have to wait for the lab?
+His real name is Benjamin Raspail. A former patient of mine, whose romantic attachments ran to, shall we say, the exotic...? I didn't kill him, merely tucked him away. Very much as I found him, in that ridiculous car, in his own garage, after he's missed three appointments. You'd have him under "Missing Person" - which, in poor Raspail's case, could hardly be more
+If you didn't kill him, then who did?
+Who can say...? Best thing for him, really. His therapy was going nowhere.
+Wouldn't it have been easier to just leave him for the police to find?
+And have them clomping about in my life? Oh dear, no... At that time I still had certain private amusements of my own. How did you feel when you saw him, Clarice? May I call you Clarice?
+Scared, at first. Then - exhilarated.
+Ahhh... Why?
+Because you weren't wasting my time.
+Do you have something you use, when you need to get up your courage? Memories, tableaux... scenes from your early life?
+I don't know. Next time I'll have to check.
+Jack Crawford is helping your career, isn't he? Apparently he likes you. And you like him, too.
+I never thought about it.
+Your first lie to me, Clarice. How sad. Tell me - do you think Crawford wants you, sexually? True, he's much older, but - do you think he visualizes... scenarios, exchanges...? Fucking you?
+That doesn't interest me, Doctor. And it's the sort of thing Miggs would ask.
+Not anymore. Surely the odd confluence of events hasn't escaped you, Clarice. Crawford dangles you before me. Then I give you a bit of help. Do you think it's because I like to look at you, and imagine how good you would taste...?
+I don't know. Is it?
+Punishment, you see. For Miggs. Just like that gospel program. When you leave, they'll turn the volume way up. Chilton does enjoy his petty torments.
+Who killed Raspail, Doctor...? You know, don't you?
+I've been in this room for eight years, Clarice. I know they will never, ever let me out while I'm alive. What I want is a view. I want a window where I can see a tree, or even water. I want to be in a federal institution, away from Chilton - and I want a view. I'll give good value for it. Crawford
+Who killed your patient?
+Oh, a very naughty boy. Someone you and Jack Crawford are most anxious to meet.
+I was your choice, Dr. Lecter. You chose to speak to me. Would you prefer someone else now? Or perhaps you don't think you can help us.
+That is both impudent and untrue... Tell me, how did you feel when you viewed our Billy's latest effort? Or should I say, his "next-to-latest"?
+By the book, he's a sadist.
+Life's too slippery for books, Clarice. Typhoid and swans came from the same God. Tell me, Miss West Virginia - was she a large girl?
+Big through the hips. Roomy.
+They all were.
+Mmm. And what else...?
+She had an insect deliberately inserted in her throat. That hasn't been made public yet. We don't know what is means.
+Was it a butterfly?
+A moth... How did you predict that?
+"Plum Island Animal Disease Research Center." Sounds charming.
+That's just part of the island. It has a very nice beach. Terns nest there.
+Go, Doctor.
+What's your worst memory of childhood? Quicker than that. I'm not interested in your worst invention.
+The death of my father.
+He was a town marshal... one night he surprised two burglars, coming out the back of a drugstore... They shot him.
+Killed outright?
+No. He was strong, he lasted almost a month. My mother - died when I was very young, so my father had become - the whole world to me... After he left me, I had nobody. I was ten years old.
+You're very frank, Clarice. I think - it would be quite something to know you in private life.
+Quid pro quo, Doctor.
+The significance of the moth is change. Caterpillar into cocoon into beauty... Billy wants to change, too, Clarice. But there's the problem of his size, you see. Even if he were a woman, he'd have to be a big one...
+Dr. Lecter, there's no correlation in the literature between transsexualism and violence. Transsexuals are very passive.
+Clever girl. You're so close to the way you're going to catch him - do you realize that?
+No. Tell me why.
+After your father's death, you were orphaned. What happened next? I don't imagine the answer's on those second-rate shoes, Clarice.
+I went to live with my mother's cousin and her husband in Montana. They had a ranch.
+A cattle ranch?
+Horses - and sheep...
+How long did you live there?
+Two months.
+Why so briefly?
+I - ran away...
+Why, Clarice? Did the rancher fuck you?
+Did he try to?
+No...! Quid pro quo, Doctor.
+Billy's not a real transsexual, but he thinks he is. He tries to be. He's tried to be a lot of things, I expect.
+You said - I was very close to the way we'd catch him.
+There are three major centers for transsexual surgery: Johns Hopkins, the University of Minnesota, and Columbus Medical center. I wouldn't be surprised if Billy has applied for sex reassignment at one or all of them, and been rejected.
+On what basis would they reject him?
+The personality inventories would trip him up. Rorschach, Wechsler, House-Tree-Person... He wouldn't test like a real transsexual.
+That's enough, I think. Happy hunting. Oh, and Clarice - next time you will tell me why you ran away. Shall I summarize?
+I thought you might want your drawings back... Just until you get your view.
+How very thoughtful... Or did Crawford send you here for one last wheedle - before you're both booted off the case?
+Dr. Lecter, you find out everything. You couldn't have talked with this "William Rubin", even once, and come out knowing so little about him... You made him up, didn't you?
+Clarice... you're hardly in a position to accuse me of lying.
+I think you were telling me the truth in Baltimore - or starting to. Tell me the rest now.
+I've studied the case file, have you...? Everything you need to find him is right in these pages. Whatever his name is.
+Then tell me how.
+First principles, Clarice. Simplicity. Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each particular thing, ask: What is it, in itself, what is its nature...? What does he do, this man you seek?
+He kills w-
+What is the first and principal thing he does, what need does he serve by killing?
+Anger, social resentment, sexual frus-
+No, he covets. That's his nature. And how do we begin to covet, Clarice? Do we seek out things to covet? Make an effort to answer.
+No. We just -
+No. Precisely. We begin by coveting what we see every day. Don't you feel eyes moving over your body, Clarice? I hardly see how you couldn't. And don't your eyes move over the things you want?
+All right, then tell me how -
+No. It's your turn to tell me, Clarice. You don't have any more vacations to sell, on Anthrax Island. Why did you run away from that ranch?
+Dr. Lecter, when there's time I'll -
+We don't reckon time the same way, Clarice. This is all the time you'll ever have.
+Later, listen, I'll -
+I'll listen now. After your father's murder, you were orphaned. You were ten years old. You went to live with cousins, on a sheep and horse ranch in Montana. And - ?
+Not "just," Clarice. What set you off? You started what time?
+Early. Still dark.
+I heard a strange sound...
+What did you do?
+They were slaughtering the spring lambs?
+Yes...! They were screaming.
+So you ran away...
+No. First I tried to free them... I opened the gate of their pen - but they wouldn't run. They just stood there, confused. They wouldn't run...
+But you could. You did.
+Where were you going?
+I didn't get more than a few miles before the sheriff's car found me. The rancher was so angry he sent me to live at the Lutheran orphanage in Bozeman. I never saw the ranch again...
+You still wake up sometimes, don't you? Wake up in the dark, with the lambs screaming?
+Do you think if you saved Catherine, you could make them stop...? Do you think, if Catherine lives, you won't wake up in the dark, ever again, to the screaming of the lambs? Do you...?
+Yes! I don't know...! I don't know.
+Thank you, Clarice.
+Tell me his name, Dr. Lecter.
+Brave Clarice. Will you let me know if ever the lambs stop screaming?
+Yes. I'll tell you.
+Your lambs are still for now, Clarice, but not forever... You'll have to earn it again and again, this blessed silence. Because it's the plight that drives you, and the plight will never end.
+Dr. Lecter -
+I have no plans to call on you, Clarice, the world being more interesting with you in it. Be sure you extend me the same courtesy.
+You know I can't make that promise.
+I'm not having a witch hunt here, Mr. Crawford! Our patients are decent, non-violent people with a real problem.
+Examination and interview materials are confidential. We've never violated an applicant's trust, and we never will.
+Her name is Kimberly Jane Emberg, she was just ID'd. I met her on a slab in West Virginia. And sometime tomorrow, or tomorrow night, he's going to do the same thing to Catherine Martin.
+Look... search your own records, if you prefer. You can do it a lot faster than us, anyway. If we find Buffalo Bill through your information, I'll suppress it. Nobody has to know this hospital cooperated.
+I doubt very much that the FBI or any other government agency can keep a secret, Mr. Crawford. Truth will out... And then what? Will you give Johns Hopkins a new identity? Put a big pair of sunglasses on this building, and a funny nose?
+Oh, that's clever, Dr. Danielson. Very humorous. You like the truth? Try this. He kidnaps young women and kills them and rips their skin off. We don't want him to do that anymore. If you don't help me, just as fast as you can, then the Justice Department is going to ask publicly for a court order, We'll ask twice a day, just in
+It may be that - I could confer with my colleagues on this. And get back to you.
+I won't waste your time and Catherine's time bargaining for petty privileges. Clarice Starling and that awful Jack Crawford have wasted far too much already. I only pray they haven't doomed the poor girl... Let me help you now, and I'll trust you when it's all over.
+Yes... I did.
+Toughened your nipples, didn't it...? Six foot one, strongly built, about 190 pounds. Hair brown, eyes pale blue. He'd be about 35 now. He said he lived in Philadelphia, but may have lied. That's really all I can remember, Senator - but if I think of any more, I'll let you know.
+Senator Martin...! You can't trust Jack Crawford or Clarice Starling. It's such a game with these people. They're determined to get the arrest for themselves. The "collar," I think they say.
+Thank you, Doctor. I'll keep it in mind.
+Time, Pilch! My move.
+Of course it counts. How do you play?
+Your West Virginia specimen gave us quite a bit of trouble, but I finally managed to narrow his species through chaetaxy - studying the skin.
+I'm the one who found his perforating proboscis! Are you wearing a gun, right now? Ooh, cool! Can I see it? Can I?
+Better known to his friends as the Death's-head Moth...
+My God, you've grown up.
+We leave in the morning?!
+Yes, miss.
+Are you alright?
+Can we rest soon?
+The men of the regiment will fetch water from the lake, build fires and provide every comfort you desire, Alice...
+Though they are strangers, they are at least entitled to a Christian burial!
+Let us go, miss.
+Why didn't you bury those people?
+Anyone lookin' to pick up our trail, would see it as a sign of our passing...
+You were acting for our benefit. And I apologize. I misunderstood you.
+Well that is to be expected. My father...
+Your "father"?
+Chingachgook. He warned me about people like you.
+He did?
+Yes. He said... "do not try to make them understand you."
+The Ottawa are gone.
+"We're a breed apart and we make no sense"...?
+In your particular case, miss, I would make some allowance...
+They buried my ma & pa and my sisters. And Chingachgook - who found me with two French trappers - raised me up as his own.
+I'm sorry.
+I do not remember them. I was one or two.
+How did you learn English?
+My father sent Uncas & I to Reverend Wheelock's school when I was ten. So we would know both worlds... though we were told only bother learning readin' & arithmetic from yours.
+And what were the consequentialities of European culture you didn't bother with?
+The Bible. Monarchy. Many wrong ideas about the government of men. My father's people already know each man is his own nation. And only he can have dominion over himself. Not kings. No man is better than any other man.
+In London those radical ideas could land you in Newgate prison. Why were those people living in this defenseless place...?
+You are right, Mr. Poe. We do not understand what is happening here. And it is not as I imagined it would be, thinking of it in Boston and London...
+Sorry to disappoint you...
+Much further?
+Mr Poe?
+What are you looking at, Mr. Poe?
+They're going to hang you. Why didn't you leave when you had the chance?
+Because what I am interested in is right here...
+Webb's reinforcements will arrive or not. If they do not arrive, the fort will fall. If that happens, stay close to your father. The French will protect the officer class among the English.
+No. I will find you.
+What is it?
+Are we safe?
+In this there is a chance. If I live, I can try to free you. If we don't go, there is no powder, there's too many of them. Though my heart would keep me here, in that there is no chance. None. I can do nothing. Do you understand?
+Listen. Submit. You hear me? You're strong. You stay alive. I will find you... no matter how far, how long it takes...
+And my compliments to you...
+Will you go back to England?
+Where will we go?
+Told you to stay away from this hell hole! Why did you disobey me?
+When? How?
+My letter...
+There was none!
+There was no letter.
+The man encouraged the colonials to desert in this very room, in my presence. He is guilty of sedition and must be tried and hanged like any other criminal, regardless of what he did for my children.
+But the man is guilty of sedition and subject to military justice and beyond pardon.
+"Justice"? If that's "justice"..., then the sooner French guns blow the English army out of America, the better it will be for these people.
+You do not know what you are saying!
+I'm embarrassed to be so indecisive... after so long apart and after you've traveled so far...
+And by sea!
+You still have an aversion to the water?
+Dear Duncan, my affection is as towards a closest friend. Alice and I depend on you and respect you immensely... I wish they did, but my feelings don't go beyond that. Do you see?
+Isn't respect and friendship, a reasonable basis for a man and woman to be joined? And all else may grow in time...?
+Some say that's the way of it.
+Cousin Eugenie, my father, but...
+Will you consider that?
+My God, Alice.
+One called Magua arrived.
+Cora, I adore you and, when we come together, we will be the happiest couple in England... I am certain of that. More than ever before. I believe you must trust the judgment of others who hold your welfare so close to their hearts...
+I see...
+beyond the periphery of men, staring at him.
+He knew the penalty for breaking regulations. He ought to pay without sending you to beg.
+They do not live their lives "by your leave." ...They hack it out of the wilderness with their own two hands, burying their dead and their children along the way.
+Yes. Go ahead.
+... compliments, Mr. Poe. Take her and get out.
+Your wounded should try walkin' back to Albany. They'll never make a passage north.
+We were headed...
+How far is it, scout?
+Day and a half Where did you get... the guide?
+Colonel Munro sent him. He was one of our Mohawk allies.
+He is Huron and nothing else. Why would he want to murder the girl?
+Dark haired...
+Miss Cora Munro. He never set eyes on her before today.
+No blood vengeance? No re-proach or insult?
+Of course not! And how is it you were nearby?
+Came across the war party, tracked 'em.
+Then you're assigned to Fort William Henry?
+Fort Edward, then?
+No. Headin' west. To Can-tuck-ee.
+I ain't your "scout". And I am in no damn militia.
+Then you are one of those who would allow England to fight alone while she protects you from France?
+I owe you gratitude or I'd call you out!
+Who were these people?
+And if English law cannot be trusted, maybe these people would do better makin' a peace with the French!
+That is sedition! Treason!
+That is the truth!
+I ought to have you whipped from this fort!
+How long?
+Head for... for the white water.
+Where do we go from here?
+We don't.
+I don't understand!
+This is it, as far as we can go... If we're lucky, they'll be figurin' we can't have come this way and must've beached our canoes and headed cross land. If we're very lucky, they'll figure we went over the falls.
+Then what?
+Then we take the south rim down the mountain and it's 12 miles cross country to Fort Edward.
+And if we're unlucky?
+Any powder?
+It should be enough to remind you France is the enemy.
+What did you say?
+I said... France is your enemy. Not ours.
+Really? Do you want them to overrun all New York colony?
+First place, you started it with the French over fur-trapping claims to the head waters of the Ohio. Now you're sayin' these people have a fight on their hands...
+Will you men help us stop the French?
+You do what you want with your own scalp. Do not be tellin' us what to do with ours.
+You, sir! You call yourself a loyal subject?
+That we did. John. But the horicane is near trapped out.
+So what is it, Jack? What brings you up here?
+A French & Indian army out of Fort Carillon's heading south to war against the English. I'm here to raise this county's militia to aid the British defense.
+Folks here goin' to join in that fight?
+I believe if they set aside their law as and when they wish, their law no longer has rightful authority over us. All they have over us is tyranny, then. And I'll stay here no longer. No force on earth will keep me here... Anyone caught leavin' the fort could be shot. So each man make your own decision... Those who are goin', be
+I'll cover them from the top of the casement.
+Got a reason to stay.
+That reason wear a blue dress and work in the surgery?
+Let the children of the dead Colonel Munro go free and take the fire out of the English anger over the murder of their helpless ones.
+Our father, Montcalm, is greater than the Yengeese in the arts of war. The Huron do not fear English anger.
+So the Huron are the servants of the French? To do what the French are shamed to do?
+Magua would use the ways of Les Francais and the Yengeese...
+The red man put down the bow, picked up the fire stick and became the best warrior in the forest. Yes. It is the only way.
+Help ourselves to a few horns from your powder stores.
+A man, here, can make a run straight through to Webb.
+Yes, Mr. Poe? So?
+Many men here, their homes are in the path.
+That judgment is not more important than their right under agreement with Webb to defend their farms & families... Major Heyward was at John Cameron's. He saw what it was.
+I'll have none of that! Montcalm is a soldier and a gentleman. Not a butcher.
+Easy for you to suppose. While it is their women and children, not yours, alone in their farms!
+I didn't experience anything so surprising from Bristol to Albany as what I witnessed here today.
+And what is that?
+The Crown "negotiating" the terms of service?
+I know. One has to give Americans "reasons" and make agreements to get them to do anything at all. Tiring, isn't it? But that's the way of it here.
+You will take command of the 62nd Regiment of Foot. At Fort William Henry under Colonel Munro. I will march the 33rd to Fort Edward.
+Sir!... Might I inquire if General Webb has heard from Colonel Munro's daughters? I was to rendezvous with them in Albany and escort them to the fort.
+The Scotsman's daughters are at the Poltroon's house. A company of the 33rd will accompany you and Magua will show you the way.
+Does Webb not even know we are besieged?
+What happened to you?
+Ambush... on the George Road. This Magua led us into it. ...eighteen killed. It's these men who saved us. They guided us here...
+What a place for them...
+Might I enquire after the situation, sir, given that I've seen of the French engineering from the ridge above?
+Webb's not in Albany. He marched the 33rd to Fort Edward two days ago.
+Webb's at Edward?
+Yes, sir.
+Things were done. Nobody was spared...
+Not with enough certainty to outweigh British interests in this fort.
+This is the signature of Webb. And I know the temper of our men. Rather than spend the war in a French prison hulk in Hudson Bay, they'd fight to the end.
+I have lived to see two things I never expected. An Englishman afraid to support a friend. And a Frenchman too honest to profit by that advantage.
+General Webb can burn in hell. We'll go back and dig our graves behind the ramparts! Our mission is to fight.
+Sergeant! Form three ranks!
+First rank! Second rank! Present arms!
+Advance, Sergeant Major!
+Shoulder arms! Present!
+Sergeant Major!
+Thank you, Sergeant Major. Thank the men.
+Men are to stay in file, Sergeant Major!
+Right - about face! March! First rank present!
+We must... stop... soon. Women are... tired. You... understand?
+I understand. This is not good place to stop. Two leagues from here. No water 'til then. That where we stop. Better place.
+No. Stop in the glade just ahead! When the ladies are rested, we will proceed. Do you understand?
+"Magua understand paleface is a dog to his women. When his women want to eat, he lay aside his tomahawk to feed their laziness."
+Excuse me. What did you say?
+If Magua give women to Yengeese soldiers... will receive many gifts.
+Three, four oxen... much wampum.
+Does Yengeese Major have property across salt sea?
+Gold could be arranged.
+For Munro children?
+How much gold has the master of the Yengeese?
+What is enough?
+I must receive proof more conclusive than Mr. Poe's opinion before I weaken our defenses by allowing militia to withdraw.
+Chingachgook's of the same opinion. Taken together, that's gospel. Your fort will stand or fall depending on Webb and reinforcements, not these colonials' presence.
+We are not forgettin' Webb's promise!
+British promises are honored. And the militia will not be released. Because I need more definite proof than this man's word!
+Nathaniel's word been good on the frontier a long time before you got here!
+This interview's over! The militia stays!
+Why do hate the Grey Hair, Magua?
+Is the hatchet buried between the English and my French father?
+Not a warrior has a scalp and the white men become friends.
+My master owns these lands and your father has been ordered to drive off the English squatters. They have consented to go. So now he calls them enemies no longer.
+Magua took the hatchet to color it with blood. It is still bright. Only when it is red, then it will be buried.
+But so many suns have set since Le Renard struck the war post. Is he not tired?
+Where is that sun?! It has gone behind the hill. It is dark and cold. It has set on his people, they are fooled and kill all the animals and sell all of their lands to enrich the European masters who are always greedy for more than they need. And Le Subtil is the son of his tribe. There have been many clouds and
+That's where a lead bullet has torn you.
+My son has been sadly injured. Who did this?
+Magua slept hard in the English wigwams. And the sticks left their mark... Magua's village and lodges were burnt. Magua's children were killed by the English. Magua was taken as a slave by the Mohawks who fought for the Grey Hair. Magua's wife believed he was dead and became the wife of another. The Grey Hair was the father of all this. In time
+My son Magua's pain is my pain.
+Does the chief of the Canadas believe the English will keep the terms?
+Munro would. But General Webb will not send their soldiers across the salt lake. Having let them go, I fear I will only fight the same men again when I move south. And yet, I cannot break the terms of the capitulation and sully the lilies of France...
+Colonel Munro, I have known you as a gallant antagonist. I am happy to make your acquaintance as a friend.
+And I to make yours, Monsieur le Marquis.
+Please accept my compliments for the strong and skillful defense of your fortress. Under the command of a lesser man it would have fallen long ago given the superior numbers and material... mere chance has allowed me to array against you...
+Monsieur le Marquis, I am a soldier, not a diplomat. You called this parlay for a reason.
+You have already done everything which is necessary for the honor of your Prince. I will forever bear testimony that your resistance has been gallant and was continued as long as there was hope. But now, I beg you to listen to the admonitions of humanity. I beg you to consider my terms for your surrender.
+However I may apprise such testimony from Monsieur Montcalm, Fort William Henry is strong and stands.
+Honor that is freely accorded to courage, may be refused obstinacy... These hills afford to us every opportunity to reconnoiter your works and I am possibly as well acquainted with your weak condition as you are yourselves. Is Webb really en route and Montcalm hopes to take the fort by duplicity before British reinforcements arrive?
+Such as...?
+My master requires the fort be destroyed. But, for you and your comrades, there is no privilege that will be denied. None of your men will see the inside of a prison barge. They're free to go so long as they return to England and fight no more on this continent, and the civilian militia return to their farms.
+Their arms?
+The honors of war?
+My colors?
+Carry them to England to your King with pride.
+I am deeply touched by such unusual and unexpected generosity... The fort is yours under the condition that we be given until dawn to bury our dead, prepare our men and women for their march and turn our wounded over to your surgeon.
+Qui vive?
+Le mot d'ordre?
+La victoire.
+C'est bien, vous vous promenez bien matin, monsieur!
+Are you planning on working tomorrow?
+Well, I'll be on the golf course in the morning. Then, if I don't have any babies to deliver--
+You mind if I take a look at this?
+What do you want me to say? That it all sounds mysterious?
+These observers were doing something. A test...I think they sank that ship on purpose to cover up their mistakes.
+What's wrong?
+Dead? This morning you said he had some skin disorder.
+He did.
+Here. Put this on. You examine him.
+I'm not a doctor.
+The mask is because you think it might be...catching?
+I don't know. I've been back and forth with Narragansett Naval all day, consulting with the best people in maritime medicine, the best people in viruses...
+And they didn't believe the symptoms I described...
+Why Sixpack?
+It could be a million things, something in the air, food.... But he went on that ship and so did Williams... I want to examine the crew.
+They found this?
+No. I think they isolated him in genetic engineering. Homo aquaticus...
+Was there such a thing?
+Danakil man?...one of our ancestors. Named for the Danakil Alps in Ethiopia.
+Not exactly a big ocean country.
+Some say that's why we're basically hairless, for less water resistance, faster swimming speeds...
+But what about those scales... or that leech-like thing that bit Cobb?
+Why stop with just one aspect of marine life? Why not incorporate the best genetic components the ocean has to offer?...
+That it acquires intelligence from its victims?
+Be careful with it.
+DeJesus! A readout!
+He don't need a readout, man, he needs help!
+Doc eat already?
+I've been looking at the duty roster...at the shack hours outstanding...
+Uh, oh...I see where this is going...
+Bullshit...I was just talking to him. I saw him move.
+We're getting out of here just in time.
+It's got Hazy!
+What has?
+I thought they were your friends?
+No, it's not going through. The intercom's busted. I thought DeJesus fixed that?
+That's why there's a dead one on the ship. It ran out of blood.
+We don't have much choice... without air, the internal pressure will fall and--
+Jesus Christ...
+Can you fix it?
+No way...
+Think! Can we stop it?! Block it up?! Shut down the line somewhere?! Think!
+I hit it. But I can't see it! Can you see it?!
+Go on!
+That's an order!
+Where the hell've you been?
+Your suit, Becky!
+Cobb, Jones, I want you to do something about that damn rattle in the air system... Bowman and Sixpack...living quarters...
+Look at my foot, sir! This bitch put a goddamn sea monster in my bunk!
+How do you know it was Williams?
+Huh? I...uh...uh...
+You did good...
+Today...with DeJesus. That was smart thinking to get him inside...
+There probably wasn't anything wrong with his suit...
+I need more light on that, Four.
+That's great. Now let's move 35 degrees southwest.
+That was a loud one wasn't it?
+How's astronaut training?
+Why? You going to give me hard time like the others?
+No. I'm just being friendly.
+Whatever made you want to do a tour down here?
+I need electrical field experience on my resume. Everything helps... Why are you here?
+Everybody in corporate training serves a tour on the line. Sup- posed to hone leadership skills or something.
+You think I should hang around more with the crew?
+I guess I figured if I was in their shoes that's what I would've done.
+What can we do?
+Shit! He sent them all.
+They know, don't they?
+Yeah...I think they're just deciding what to do with us.
+What are you doing?
+We're on backup air.
+How much time does that give us?
+Less than an hour. It's ruptured an air duct.
+We made it!
+It hit me! Where are they?!
+The internal monitors read normal.
+Where's Doc?!
+What about our quota?
+Something wrong, Cobb?
+Uh..Excuse me sir, it's the air recirculating system, sir...
+What's wrong with it?
+...I'd really have to show it to you.
+Excuse me, sir...
+Is this a contract violation, Mr. Cobb?
+Shut up, all of you.
+Oh, God, she's out there...
+Charge set?
+I'm going inside.
+What's your air reading?
+Twenty minutes...
+Wait till you reach thirty- five before you blow your suit...
+Give me a readout, DeJesus.
+How do you feel, DeJesus?
+Okay, number 23's full.
+I can't tell you much about it, except that none of you show any symptoms.
+And it killed Bo?
+Two hundred and fifty-two tons of Magnesium and 15 tons of Sodium.
+Thank you, Martin.
+...as long as you know it's not in your contract.
+I know that.
+How's the weather for pickup tomorrow?
+Well, according to Maritime law, you, as commander of the Shack have the authority to dispose of the body. However, the company doesn't want you to do that.
+What you don't understand is that my crew is in jeopardy.
+But you don't have any proof at this point to assume that this disease is contagious, do you?
+I'm not anxious to find out, either.
+Beck, trust me. If the company felt that you or your crew were in any danger we would authorize an immediate emergency pickup. We could be there in a few hours.
+Do it.
+What're you saying? That we're not even going to be picked up tomorrow?
+It shouldn't be a long delay.
+But it's a delay! How long? A day? Two days?!
+Forty-eight hours!
+Made your million, yet?
+Not yet.
+You got money in this tub?
+You take your money, too seriously, Bo.
+Personal effects...
+I'm telling you, it's the suits!
+Hey, Bo...when're you going to be off that thing? I want to find out tonight's NBA scores and check the weather.
+If he had his blinkers on--
+Who else...Sixpack.
+The man is unbelievable... I say, leave him in there.
+Cute, DeJesus...Specimen cups?
+Yes sir...
+What the?...
+You read Russian?
+What happened?
+It...almost got you.
+Still bothering you?
+Itches like hell.
+No way, Mister Beck! No fucking way! We just did a full shift, you can't call Shack duty on top of a full shift. It's a contract violation!
+Listen to it for Christsake.
+So that's all you do?...
+Oooooh. Damn! Not so loud. Turn down the music.
+Yeah? How'd the kid hold up?
+"Routine," my ass! Ain't nothin' "routine" about no physical check- up 10,000 feet down...especially when we're getting picked up the next day!
+At least we get time and a half. That's in the contract.
+What's going on?
+You let him get away!
+I ain't doing nothing for that thing without something to defend myself.
+I say we should go get in the escape bubbles and get the hell out of here!
+Hey, man, you know that in Switzerland--and this country's the size of East L.A., okay?--they speak 54 different dialects? Fifty-four!
+Who cares?
+Hey, Cobb...Man, why don't you take off your shirt and pants, man? You should do that wearing what you're going to wear at the beach.
+You guys are crazy. What the hell you play that stupid game for?
+What game, Cobb?...I'm on my way to Nirvana...
+You're on your way somewhere all right...the looney bin.
+Bad as he is there's no way we can make our quota with- out his sad self out there. You just can't do it.
+C'mon, Cobb...you're slacking...
+Hey!...I feel something. It's moving! He's alive!
+It's Sixpack!
+Serves his ass right to get it. Motherfucker brings that shit onboard. I hope his fucking ass rots in the sea and is shit upon by the fish.
+How'd you do that?
+Getting some food.
+Look. Water.
+How far away is she?
+Excuse me, sir...Bowman's sick. She's downstairs in the infirmary.
+The infirmary?...
+Yes sir, ain't that where we usually go when we're sick?
+We've got to get him to the infirmary.
+What are you going to do to him?
+I'm going to try to remove it.
+Bigger than DeJesus? How?
+It would explain the suction- like appendages.
+The monster appears to be a genetic aberration...
+No fuckin' lie...
+Fuck semantics, Doc! You saying its like part DeJesus, part Sixpack, part Bowman?!
+Clear for pickup.
+Hey, Jonesy, who's the best power forward in the NBA...Jameson?
+What is it?
+No...he's really sick. I heard him last night. The company will take that into consideration...
+Who were you talking to?
+How is he?
+What on earth's the matter with you?
+What's wrong?
+It needs blood?
+Cobb's cut...It was in him! It got Doc...
+What is it?
+What is it?
+The shack...
+Don't spend all day down there.
+Are you sure you saw something?
+How many times I got to tell you. I saw a ship.
+Are you okay, Jonesy?
+Tip top, Willie...tip top.
+Who's the best power forward in the NBA...Jameson?
+It saw us!
+Answer them and quit kicking me!
+My pocket. Check my pocket, will ya, honey?
+Your pocket?
+The latch is screwed up. Or the hinge.
+Bitch! Look what you did!
+What's wrong, did you miss me?
+Soap is called Soap because he likes to keep his hands clean of any unlawful behaviour. He is proud of his job, and even more proud that it's legal.
+I'll kill him!
+So how long do you have to wait 'till you see a return?
+Probably no longer than four weeks.
+A month? So, my friend, what fucking good is that, if we need it in six . . . no, five days?
+How much did you part with?
+Is there something we should know about you, Soap?
+A what?
+I wanted to talk to you about that.
+Well, talk.
+When the old bastard is not playing cards he's chasing a thousand debts that ill-fated individuals owe for an array of reasons.
+The odds are one hundred to one so all we need is five grand.
+I would rather put my money on a three-legged rocking horse. The odds are a hundred to one for a good reason, BACON . . . it won't win. So where is Ed with all the bright ideas?
+At the bottom of a bottle and has been for two days; it's hit him hard.
+It's hit us all hard!
+Drachmas, I hope. I would feel safer with a chicken drumstick. They could do more harm than good.
+Ed can run fast, talk fast, eat fast, and play cards fast, but he's fucking slow when it comes to spotting the roz.
+Hatchet has a colleague, a monster of a man: Barry the Baptist.
+Twenty-five from me, Tom, Soap and yourself; a hundred grand to the pound. You don't need to count it.
+Because it's cheap like a budgie.
+Let me tell you about Hatchet Harry. Once there was this geezer called Smithy Robinson who worked for Harry. It was rumoured that he was on the take. Harry invited Smithy round for an explanation. Smithy didn't do a very good job. Within a minute Harry lost his temper and reached for the nearest thing at hand, which happened to be a fifteen-inch black
+I don't know how you've reached that conclusion.
+Of course you will, sweetheart. This one, search this one. Ed finds the keys without any trouble.
+Bacon, see what we got.
+I think he's still alive. He's got claret coming out of him somewhere. What did they want with a traffic warden?
+Scarface, I have watched Scarface. You want to know how to do a drug deal, you watch Scarface!
+He'll care all right. That was going to be his money. Whether he cares about us is different. Pass your phone.
+The traffic warden went to the morgue and recognized Dog and his lot so that put us sort of in the clear. They got no case against us because there is no evidence against us.
+Apart from those shotguns.
+What's that?
+A cocktail, you asked for a cocktail.
+No, I asked you to give me a refreshing drink. I wasn't expecting a fucking rainforest; you could fall in love with an orang-utan in that.
+You want a pint, go to the pub.
+I thought this was a pub.
+It's a Samoan pub.
+Well whatever it is, could you get your man to turn the TV down?
+Like what?
+Like antiques.
+Antiques? What the fuck do we know about antiques? We rob post offices and steal cars, what the fuck do we know about antiques?
+I thought you said no staff, Bazza!
+You get the guns?
+Next time we do a job like this we gonna want more money, or we are going back to post offices and cars.
+There are no others.
+Now, stop fucking around. The others, the old ones?
+I don't know what you mean.
+There were two old guns there; where are they?
+Well you just better un-sell 'em, sharpish.
+They were . . .
+You fucking well have to get 'em!
+We made a deal for everything inside the cabinet.
+Inside, out-fuckin'-side. I don't give a shit, you get those guns because if you don't . . .
+Yeah, Bazza, what?
+All right, all right, so we can say he is good.
+Better than good, he is a fucking liability.
+And JD is his dad, and owns the whole property?
+No mortgage, no debts; lock, stock, the sodding lot . . . don't worry, I got it under control.
+Er, very nice Harry. What's it for?
+Shotguns? What, like guns that fire shot?
+Oh, you must be the brains then. That's right, guns that fire shot . . . Make sure you bring everything from inside the gun cabinet. There will be a load of guns, that's all I want. I'll pay you when you deliver. Everything outside the cabinet you can keep; it's yours.
+Oh, thanks very much. And there had better be something there for us.
+So who's the Guv? Who we doing this for?
+You're doing it for me is all you need to know. You only know that because you need to know.
+I see, one of those `on a need to know' basis things, like a James Bond film, is it?
+I hate these Southern shites.
+Chris. You come to collect something, Chris? Should I have something for you?
+Can I help?
+I think I can help you, as it happens.
+I have got something for ya. Well, for your boy, actually.
+It's about time you give my young friends a visit, Chris. Tomorrow is the day and mum seems to be the word, and I can't have that now, can I, Chris?
+The boys had 'em. I know you like these things; wondered if you wanted them?
+Have you counted the money?
+Yeah, it's all there, to the pound.
+They were going to pay, then?
+It looks like Ãt, but who knows? The opportunity was there. In my experience it is best to take the opportunity if it is there.
+Mind your language in front of my boy.
+Did I say speak? And it's Mr Harry to you . . . Now don't disappoint me and chose your words carefully. You may speak.
+I'll have it for Mr Harry in a few days. I have been busy, and I am nearly there.
+Son, have a look in his locker.
+Hello, John. Nice holiday?
+I won't be seeing you again Chris; I have paid him every last penny.
+You all right back there, mate?
+Very fucking funny. Where's what I want?
+It's in an office; I have just left it in the office. 137
+Well, you had better go and get it from the office. That's if you want to see your son reach his next birthday. Now chop-fuckin'-chop.
+What are you doing?
+Well, it's a five minute walk or a thirty second drive.
+How long has he been in there, son?
+About twenty minutes.
+Is he on his own?
+Just carrying a bag.
+It's not him, Dad.
+That should take care of that lot. We are now officially in the money- loaning business, all right, son?
+All right, Dad.
+That's no way to answer the phone.
+Is that you, Dean?
+Sure is.
+What can I do for you?
+You know those shotguns I sold ya, well I need 'em back.
+Not likely I am afraid; I don't think I'll be seeing them again.
+I got the money to pay for 'em.
+OK Gary, we call each other Kenny, all right?
+Can't you pull that stocking down further, Kenny?
+Who was that?
+That was Hatchet Horrible Harry.
+Jesus, I have heard about him.
+We gotta get those guns.
+This is dangerous shit, Dean; we don't even know who lives in there.
+Listen, I don't care who lives in there; all as I know it's got to be preferable to death by Hatchet.
+I want you to search the house for bugs. I mean I want you to strip it.
+What is the point in that? Even if it was a bug they would have taken it with 'em.
+So we have a bit of a problem, don't we?
+Er well, yes we do.
+Dog, I have found the cash!
+The stupid bastards! Count it!
+Shit, Dog, there's a lot. Don't you want to do this next door?
+We're not going next door until we've flayed these dead men walking. Count it out the back. I don't want them seeing you fingering that money as soon as they walk in.
+So do you know these geezers well?
+Well enough. I have been buying gear off one of them for a couple of years.
+What they like then?
+There's one steel gate as you go in but they never lock it.
+What do you mean, never? Well what have they got it for, then?
+I must have been there fifty times, it's never been locked; they're not suspicious. Everybody who goes there are toffs. They're all into that karma crap: `If I don't harm nobody, nobody harms me' stuff.
+Is there no way they can get back to you?
+There's nothing to worry about, it's going to be easy.
+What's that idiot doing next door? We use your van. It's up some stairs this place, so we'll stick out like balls on a bulldog. Plank is going up first. There is a cage but it is never locked, is it Plank?
+What the fuck did you do to Fauntleroy?
+It must be this one.
+Don't you stags move or I'll kill the lot of ya.
+Yeah, one of them's out.
+My neck, Dog. That's the last bag?
+Willy, this is the last time, and don't let him know that you're here, otherwise he will be here all day, and get rid of him quick. We have work to do.
+J, what's going on out there? Get the rifle out, Charles. We're being fucked.
+Right, his leg's going now.
+And all your friends, there's a good lad.
+There is only three of us here.
+Do you want me to take his leg off? Where's the fourth?
+I mean it, there is only three of us here.
+Out the back.
+And the weed?
+Yeah invitations, you know a pretty white piece of paper with your name on it.
+Well we have got about a hundred thousand pretty pieces of paper with the Queen on it. Will that do?
+All right, just you; the others can wait in Samoan Jo's next door.
+Samoan Jo's? Yon mean the pub? Hold on . . .
+Are you sure you can afford twenty-five?
+Well, what do you want us to do about it?
+What was that, armed? What do you mean, armed? Armed with what?
+Er, bad breath, colourful language and a feather duster! . . . What do you think they will be armed with? Guns, you tit!
+Guns! You never said anything about guns. A minute ago this was the safest job in the world, now it's turning in to a bad day in Bosnia . . .
+And we will just have to find out who's going to be carrying them.
+Carrying them. They could all be carrying them for what we know.
+Where the fuck are they going? To butcher a sheep? I thought this was a robbery.
+No I fucking don't! You can't make a cup of tea, Edward.
+Why not? The whole of the British Empire was built on cups of tea.
+And look what happened to that.
+That's it all done, we are off.
+You think it's a good idea taking it back to yours?
+I hope this is the right move.
+You what? What are you on about?
+Well, what's going on?
+I don't think we will take the risk for seven hundred quid.
+There's nothing in it!
+What do you mean?
+Who's this fat man, then?
+You see it's not easy to take a seat at this table; the money involved has to be a hundred grand upwards and there is no shortage of punters.
+What do you mean?
+What the hell are you doing here?
+Why, what's up?
+I dunno, but they look nice. I rather like ' em.
+Everything all right out there, Tom?
+Right as rain.
+Well, what did he say?
+You and me, Tom.
+Tom, this is our case.
+. . . What?
+Tom, don't mess around, let's go.
+I'11 meet you in the car.
+The only item that connects us with the crime is sitting in your car which is sitting outside?
+You got it all?
+You must be Eddy. JD's son.
+Yup, you must be Harry? Sorry, I didn't know your father.
+That is quite a raise, one hundred and fifty on my hundred.
+I will.
+You will what?
+I think I would rather just turn them over.
+I am not interested in what you would rather; I want to keep going. I am also offering you the money, so we don't have to turn them over because you can borrow.
+I need two hundred and fifty grand.
+That's if I want to see you.
+I'll see ya.
+For half a million?
+Unless you are going to accept twenty quid.
+That you, boy?
+It's Ed, if that's what you mean.
+It's pay day, ain't it?
+I wanted to talk to you about that.
+Go on.
+I like your bar.
+I want your bar.
+Do you want me to draw a picture?
+Harry, that boy doesn't know his arsehole from his ear-hole, or you from a hoodwink. This bar is mine, and he has nothing to do with it.
+What, and I care? Remember, you do have the luxurious advantage of being able to sustain your son's life.
+Hello, can I help you?
+All right, it's Plank. Is Willie there?
+No, I'm afraid he's not. He's out at the moment.
+Well, perhaps you can help?
+Well, perhaps I can't, Plank, if you know what I mean.
+Look, could you just open the door so I could talk without shouting?
+I can't help you, Plank.
+I think you'll find it is in your interest.
+I thought you were going to leave me out there all day.
+I didn't know you were a kebab man, Plank.
+Sorry, got to do business like this now; can't be too careful these days.
+I know. Now shut it. You say a fucking word the right knee goes, another word then your left.
+What are you doing, Plank?
+What are you talking about? I am bloody skinny, pal.
+How much did you say it was, Tom?
+You know how much it is, Nick.
+And that does include the amp?
+Not normal weed. This is some fucked-up skunk class A. I can't think let alone move shit.
+Doesn't sound very good to me.
+Jews don't celebrate Christmas, Tom.
+Never mind that now. I also need some artillery, you know, a couple of sawn-off shotguns.
+Bloody hell, Tom! This is a bit heavy. This is London, not the Lebanon' Who do you think I am?
+Jesus, if I pick them up, will they stay in one piece? Where did you get them from?
+I got contacts. Listen Tom, if you pointed them at me I'd shit myself or do whatever you said to do. Either way you still get the desired effect.
+They look nice, I agree . . . but lacking in criminal credibility, aren't they? I might get laughed at. How much do you want for these muskets?
+Sawn-offs are out, Tom; people like to have a bit mare range nowadays.
+Range? I don't want to blow the arse out of this country, granted, but I don't want anybody blowing a raspberry at me either. I want to look fucking mean.
+Of course you will look mean, Tom, you will look really scary.
+All right, let's forget about them for the time being. What about your weed man?
+You got a ticket already and, if you don't move it now, sir, we will move it for you.
+I'll only be a minute.
+Look. Go on, look.
+At what, exactly?
+My van is half full.
+What have you come as?
+Cupid stupid! That's the last time I am getting any more fruit off you Tom. Call that fresh? There was more small hairy armoured things in your fruit than there was fruit. You should open a butcher's, not a grocer's.
+If you will order stuff that comes from Kat-Man-Fucking-Du don't be surprised if your fruit picks up a few tourists en route. ~ Never mind that, what about the money?
+So, a reasonable return should be in the region of one hundred and twenty, for twenty-five grand invested. That's going on previous experiences.
+That's going on optimism.
+Whatever it's going on, it's still enough to send you on a cooking course.
+What you telling us for? The only thing I care about is whether you get your rest in.
+Tom, you're all heart.
+Oh, you assume, do ya? What do they say about assumption being the brother of all fuck-ups?
+It's the mother of fuck-ups, stupid!
+Where did you get those from, a museum?
+Well Jesus, that wasn't so bad, was it?
+What's left over?'
+Hold on, give us half a chance to count it.
+This guy Rory Breaker can afford to do the deal at the price we are selling. It's not worth him giving us trouble; he knows we would be a pain in the arse, and who wants a pain in the arse?
+I would take a pain in the arse for half a million.
+You would take a pain Ãn the arse full stop.
+There's six black cocks sitting on the side of the road. How many beaks have they got between them?
+How many wings have they got between them?
+How many feet?
+Er, well, twelve.
+That's right. So how many whiskers has the little white kitten got?
+How the fuck should I know?
+The money, the gear!
+That's fucked it. What do we do now? No money, no weed; it's all been swapped for a pile of corpses.
+Chill, Winston, it's me and Charlie can see it's me, so what's the problem?
+What are you carrying, Willy?
+Er, fertilizer.
+You went out six hours ago to buy a money counter and you come back carrying two bags of fertilizer. Alarm bells are ringing, Willy.
+We need fertilizer, Winston.
+We also need a fucking money counter, William! We have to get the money out by Thursday and I'll be buggered if I am counting it . . . and if you have to get your sodding fertilizer, couldn't you be a little more subtle?
+What do you mean?
+You jerk--
+Who'd want to be friends with that bunch of pachuco wannabes?
+I don't pretend I came over on the Mayflower--
+And those stupid girls who hang out with them--
+Joanie Orozco's telling the whole school she's like desperately in love with Santo Guerra.
+I don't know what the big deal is.
+If you had your way I wouldn't have any friends.
+Oh, come on, Amado--
+Just 'cause I'm not like Little Miss Honor Roll here--
+Leave your sister out of it.
+I'm only going to have you for two more years. If you decide not to go on to college--
+I can't take any more school.
+--you're going to be on your own.
+So I'm worried about you. I don't want you to end up in jail like your friends.
+They're not going to jail.
+Don't try to con me, Amado. You knew how they got all those things.
+Just some rich Anglo out on the lake. Don't even live here all year.
+That makes it okay?
+They stole our land--
+How do you think you're going to make a living?
+I can fix cars.
+You can fix old cars. Mr. Washburn told me that the cars they're making now are all computerized--
+You think I can't learn that?
+I think you can learn whatever you want to. I just don't see you doing it. If you want to settle for--
+I'm not settling for anything. I like cars, it's just not a move up the ladder to you, so you think it's a waste.
+That isn't true.
+Oh, come on--you and Grandma think anybody who works with their hands is a peasant. When Dad--
+It's my life. If I want to fuck it up, that's my business.
+I said pretty much the same thing to my mother when I was your age.
+And what did she do?
+Two years at hard labor, Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
+Private Johnson, are you unhappy in the Army?
+No, sir--
+Then how would you explain the fact that out of one hundred twenty people we tested, you're the only one who came up positive for drugs?
+I'm sorry, sir.
+When you were given the opportunity to enlist, a kind of contract was agreed upon. I think the Army has honored its part of that agreement.
+Yes, sir--
+Do you believe in what we're doing here, Private Johnson?
+I-I can do the job, sir.
+You don't sound too enthusiastic.
+I am, sir.
+What exactly do you think your job is, Private?
+Follow orders. Do whatever they say.
+Who's "they"?
+The--the officers.
+You really want to know, sir?
+How do you think I got to be a colonel?
+Work hard, be good at your job. Sir. Do whatever they tell you.
+Do whatever they tell you--
+I mean, follow orders, sir.
+With your attitude, Private, I'm surprised you want to stay in the service.
+I do, sir.
+Because it's a job?
+Outside it's--it's such a mess--it's--
+Why do you think they let us in on the "deal"?
+They got people to fight. Arabs, yellow people, whatever. Might as well use us.
+Do you think you've been discriminated against on this post?
+No, sir. Not at all.
+Any serious problems with your sergeant or your fellow soldiers?
+Why don't you start with that?
+Yes, sir.
+You're dismissed, Private.
+So you knew this young man before?
+It's not our job to get involved in your personal life, but when it interferes with the training here--
+Sergeant Major? How is Richie doing? Private Graves?
+Out of the Army?
+He's going to lose a lung. This is not good news for Athena--
+If the incident happened the way you say it did, there hasn't been an infraction.
+Thank you, Sergeant Major.
+You're dismissed.
+Did you know he was going to be there last night?
+If I had I wouldn't have gone in.
+And you and Private Graves--
+We're not running a dating service here.
+Private Johnson!
+Report to Dr. Innis at the clinic.
+I'm feeling okay--
+I'm very happy to hear that, Private. Now you go put some pee-pee in a cup for Dr. Innis and I'll be feeling okay, too.
+You're testing me?
+You and one hundred nineteen other fortunate individuals. Put it in gear.
+Sam the Man.
+How's business?
+Business is booming. Got your drugs, got your illegals--had a shooting the other night at Big O's--Soldier got ventilated.
+I hear they're closing that post down.
+September '97, that's all she wrote.
+Gonna pull a lot of jobs out of this county.
+That the word on our boy?
+Yeah, this is Skinny.
+We find a body, it's either Skinny or Stinky, depending on how much meat there is on the bones.
+Nice job.
+Male, 40 to 50 years old, five-foot- eleven, chewed tobacco--then we get into the dental records--
+Charley Wade.
+That badge--
+--it didn't come out of a cereal box.
+You know the popular version of how he left town.
+Everybody on the border knows that story.
+You got a cause of death?
+Skull was intact, no soft tissue left--not much to go on.
+You uhm--you remember what old Buddy carried for a side arm?
+Colt Peacemaker.
+A .45--
+He swore by it. What?
+Just wondering.
+So is Buddy on your short list?
+If it was some poor mojado, swam across at night, got lost in the scrub and starved out there, we wouldn't go any further. But this is a formerly prominent citizen.
+You got to investigate. No question about it.
+What I will do is keep names out of it till we got some answers or hit a dead end. You know how the press is with a murder story--even if it's forty years old.
+What's that for?
+Jimmy got a kitchen full of wetbacks, most of 'em relatives. People breed like chickens.
+It's your deal. You sweated it out of him, you pick it up.
+There's gonna be some left over for you, Buddy. I take care of my boys.
+That's not the point.
+You feeling bad for Jimmy? Have him tell you the size of the mordida they took out of his hide when he run a place on the other side. Those old boys in Ciudad Leon--
+I'm not picking it up.
+You ever shoot anybody was looking you in the eye?
+Whole different story; isn't it?
+You're fired. You're outta the department.
+There's not a soul in this county isn't sick to death of your bullshit, Charley. You made yourself scarce, you could make a lot of people happy.
+You little pissant--
+The Longhorns gonna kick some serious butt this Saturday, you just watch. We got a kid at tailback from down your way--outta El Indio--
+Oh. Right. And you're in--?
+Rio. BUNNY Right. This kid, Hosea Brown? Does tire 40 in 3.4, soft hands, lateral movement--the whole package. Only a sophomore--
+You still going to all the home games?
+Well, Daddy's got his box at the stadium, of course, and I'll fly to the Cowboy away games when they're in the Conference. Then there's the high school on Friday' nights. West Side got a boy 6'6", 310, moves like a cat. High school, we're talkin'. Guess how much he can bench-press?
+Bunny, you--uhm--you on that same medication?
+Do I seem jumpy?
+No, you look good. I was just wondering.
+Last year was awful rough--Mama passing on and the whole business with O.J.--I mean it's not like it was Don Meredith or Roger Staubach or one of our own boys, but it really knocked me for a loop--
+You look good--
+--and that squeaker the Aggies dropped to Oklahoma-sonofabitch stepped in some lucky shit before he kicked that goal--
+Yeah, well--
+--they hadn't pulled me off that woman I would have jerked a knot in her.
+You were in a fight--
+Daddy calls it an "altercation." How you doing, Sam? You look skinny.
+Same weight I always was.
+You look awful good in that uniform, though.
+Best part of the job.
+Daddy hired a pinhead to take your job. He says so himself. Says "Even my son-in-law was better than this pinhead I got now".
+Bunny, is that stuff I left in the garage still there?
+Least he never called me that. With me, it was always "high-strung." "My Bunny might have done something with her life, she wasn't so high-strung." Or "tightly wound," that was another one. You seeing anyone?
+No. You?
+Yeah. Sort of. Daddy rounds 'em up. You aren't talking about money, their beady little eyes go dead.
+You didn't--uhm--you didn't have one of your fires, did you? The stuff I left in the garage--some of it was my father's--
+You watch the draft this year? 'Course you didn't, idiot question. They try to make it dramatic, like there's some big surprise who picks who in the first round? Only they been working it over with their experts and their computers for months. Doctor's reports, highlight reels, coaches' evaluations, psychological profiles--hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they collected stool samples on these boys, have
+Suppose not.
+You kind of bought yourself a pig in a poke, didn't you, Sam? All that time we were first seeing each other you didn't know I was tightly wound--
+It wasn't just you, Bunny.
+350 pounds.
+This boy from West Side, plays tackle both ways. Bench-presses 350 pounds. You imagine having that much weight on top of you? Pushing down? Be hard to breathe. Hard to swallow.
+I think they have another fella there to keep it off your chest. A spotter.
+"I only got my little girl now," he says, "she's my lifeline." Then he tells me I can't be in the box anymore if I can't control myself. Sonofabitch don't even watch the damn game, just sits there drinking with his bidness friends, look up at the TV now and then. I do better to sit in the cheap seats with some real football
+You look good, Bunny. It's nice to see you.
+You'll get official notification when I make my decision. He is out the door--Otis pulls himself a beer as Carolyn steps back out--
+Hey, it's the General.
+Colonel. Is uhm--is Otis in?
+Come on in--
+If it's too late--
+You've been in this house for a while?
+I been here with him eight years now. He built it when he was with Leora.
+I never met her.
+Where'd he get all this?
+Your mother got a brother--Alphonse--
+Uncle Al--
+Otis stood on good terms with the man. Whenever you do something makes the news, he sends it on. When they made you General, Otis just about drove away all our customers going on about it.
+I'm a colonel.
+Yeah, I know--Man made me memorize the whole damn Army chain of command before he'd marry me. So this is a big deal, commander and all?
+It's a small post and they're phasing it out in two years, but I moved up in rank and--well, a command is a command.
+Otis went on like you were that guy who won the Gulf War. Colin whatsit.
+My mother said he never asked about--
+You weren't in here tonight, were you?
+No sir.
+Spanish in Florida called him Juan Caballo. John Horse.
+He a Black man or an Indian?
+He was part of the Seminole Nation, got pushed down into the Everglades in pioneer days. African people who run off from the slaveholders hooked up with them, married up, had children. When the Spanish give up Florida, the U.S.Army come down to move all them Indian peoples off to Oklahoma--
+The Trail of Tears.
+They teaching that now? Good. Only a couple of 'em held out--this man, John Horse, and his friend Wild Cat, and a fella name of Osceola. Army put all of them in prison and Osceola died, but them other two escaped and put together a fighting band and held out another ten, fifteen years. Beat Zach Taylor and a thousand troops at Lake Okeechobee.
+So they stayed in Florida?
+Men worked for Santa Anna down there, waited out the Civil War. The land wasn't much to feed people on, so in 1870 they come north and put up at Fort Duncan and the men joined up what was called the Seminole Negro Indian Scouts. Best trackers either side of the border. Bandits, rustlers, Texas rednecks, Kiowa, Comanche--
+They fought against the Indians?
+Same as they done in Mexico.
+But they were Indians themselves.
+They were in the Army. Like your father.
+You know who I am?
+I got a pretty good guess.
+That guy who got shot--
+You didn't go telling your father you were here?
+Are you kidding? And face a court- martial?
+He's a pretty tough old man, huh?
+No sports if I don't keep a B average, no TV on school nights, no PDA's--
+Public Display of Affection. Every time he moves up a rank, it's like he's got to tighten the screws a little more--
+I mean, just 'cause he didn't--you know--
+Didn't have a father?
+He's still pissed off about it.
+So how come you got into all this?
+These are our people. There were Paynes in Florida, Oklahoma, Piedras Negras--couple of 'em won the whatsit-- Congressional Medal Of Honor--
+So I'm part-Indian?
+By blood you are. But blood only means what you let it.
+My father says the day you're born you start from scratch, no breaks and no excuses, and you got to pull yourself up on your own.
+Otis Payne was never embarrassed about a thing in his life.
+Big O was always there with a smile or a loan or a free drink.
+Dad, I talked to the track coach--
+I thought we already had this out? Next year, if your grades are high enough--
+I have a B average.
+I finished that. I'm just messing around.
+Tanks, huh?
+You got to be in the Army, you might as well have something slick to drive.
+Not that I don't think you'd be good at it, but--you know--I wouldn't be disappointed if you decided to do something else with your life.
+You wouldn't?
+How's your room shaping up?
+Fine. I'm pretty much moved in.
+Are we going to ever see your father?
+My father.
+Yeah. He lives here, right?
+Maybe we'll clean that thing out back up, have a barbecue next weekend. We could invite him and his wife over.
+Recycling, right? We invented that. The government doesn't have to tell people to do it.
+You own this place?
+This place, the one across the street, four other ones around Ciudad Leon-- soy el Rey de las Llantas. King of the Tires. Lots of your people rollin' back over that bridge on my rubber.
+You lived in the States for a while?
+Fifteen years in El Paso.
+Made some money, came back here--
+Something like that.
+Bird flying south-you think he sees that line? Rattlesnake, javelina-- whatever you got--halfway across that line they don't start thinking different. So why should a man?
+Your government always been pretty happy to have that line. The question's just been where to draw it
+This place is a gold mine.
+It's a lead mine.
+I don't know why I'm talking to you, you've got that thing on your head.
+You finding lots of cactus and shit?
+It's not just cactus. There's the nopals, the yuccas--
+Looks like a lot of cactus to me.
+Man knows a hundred-fifty varieties of beer, he can't tell a poinsettia from a prickly pear.
+You live in a place, you should know something about it. Explore--
+The Sheriff says we shouldn't touch anything,
+Since I've been stationed here? A fistfight now and then--
+Guy cracks walnuts with his asshole.
+Never thought I'd see the day a buddy of mine was dating a woman with three up and three down on her shoulder.
+I think it's beyond what you'd call dating.
+You going to get married?
+You met her family? They gonna be cool about you being a white guy?
+Priscilla says they think any woman over 30 who isn't married must be a lesbian. She figures they'll be so relieved I'm a man--
+Hey, Mikey--
+I knew she was Japanese going into it, but she didn't tell me the ninja assassin part--
+Her parents acted like I was gonna blow my nose on their curtains--
+If I stayed out past ten with the guys she'd go into her Madame Butterfly routine--
+Mikey look at this--
+What--it's a bullet. I'm lousy with bullets here.
+It's a .45.
+This is the stuff we picked up the other day, right? The rest of this is all .30 caliber--
+They were using M-1's, yeah--
+He'll be transferred to a military hospital as soon as he's stabilized--
+You spoil 'em, Cliff.
+Hey--she's in a tough situation. I cut her some slack--
+But I'm the one in charge of her sorry ass.
+So where does that put us?
+Well--I don't see what's changed. No - PDA's, no necking on the obstacle course.
+Seriously, I think we should get married.
+We been through this before--
+We should just do it.
+And if I get a shot at a promotion somewhere--
+You could take it--
+It's up or out these days, Cliff. Say I get transferred to a different post--
+I'd quit the Army for you, if it came to that.
+They stopped training infantry there in the late '50s. It was just a playground for the jackrabbits till they gave it to the county last year.
+I was driving back from Apache Wells when they got me on the radio.
+This was a rifle range way back when. But we figured it isn't Army land anymore, it's your jurisdiction.
+I've got the forensics fella coming down from the Rangers. No way to know how old the body is without some lab work.
+That ring--
+Treasure hunter?
+Sheriff--hi--this is Sergeant--this is Priscilla Worth.
+Pleased to meet you.
+Now I'm just as liberal as the next guy--
+If the next guy's a redneck.
+--but I gotta say I think there's something to this cold climate business. I mean, you go to the beach- what do you do? Drink a few beers, wait for a fish to flop up on the sand. Can't build no civilization that way. You got a hard winter coming, though, you got to plan ahead, and that gives your cerebral cortex a workout.
+Good deal you were born down here, then.
+You joke about it, Sam, but we are in a state of crisis. The lines of demarcation has gotten fuzzy--to run a sucessfull civilization you got to have lines of demarcation between right and wrong, between this one and that one--your Daddy understood that. He was like the whatchacallit-- the referee for this damn menudo we got down here. He understood how most people
+You mixed drinks bad as you mix metaphors, you be out of a job.
+--warning. Not 'cause he had it in for the colored
+--but just as a kind of safety tip.
+Yeah. I bet he would.
+There's not that much down here, Colonel. Big O's is the only place in the county that our African American soldiers are uhm--that they feel comfortable in.
+You know how it is, Colonel--first time away from home, dealing with new people--I remember my first hitch--
+Substance abuse?
+Well, yeah, but I went through the Program. I haven't had a drink since--
+I sprint the last quarter mile. You gentlemen don't have to keep up if you don't care to.
+Black Seminoles?
+That where he was shot?
+That's where he fell.
+You get much of that in here?
+It's a bar. People come together, drink, fall in love, fall out of love, air their grudges out--
+Deal drugs in the bathroom--
+This here's Carolyn. Honey, this is my son, Delmore.
+So tell me why I shouldn't make this place off-limits.
+This is an official visit, then--
+Your boys out there cooped up together, need somewhere they can let the steam out. If they're Black, there's not but one place in this town they feel welcome. Been that way since before you were born.
+We have an enlisted man's club at the post.
+Well, you're the Man out there now, aren't you? It's your call.
+That's right.
+I been hearing rumors about this new commander coming for a couple weeks now. Boys say they heard he's a real hard case. Spit-and-polish man. Full- bird colonel name of Payne, they say-- Bet you never figured you end up back here.
+The Army hands you a command, you go wherever it is.
+I hear things, too. People call you the Mayor of Darktown.
+Over the years, this is the one place that's always been there. I loan a little money out, settle some arguments. Got a cot in the back- people get afraid to go home they can spend the night. There's not enough of us to run anything in this town- the white people are mostly out on the lake now and the Mexicans hire each
+And people make their choice--
+I gonna meet that family of yours?
+Why would you want to do that?
+Hola, amgio. Problemas de llanta? [Hey, friend. Tire problems?]
+No hay de que. Tengo otra. [No problem, I've got another.]
+Not much, jefe. Some watermelons.
+I heard somebody been haulin' wets on this road.
+I haven't seen anybody doing that.
+This same person been bragging all over the county how he don't have to cut that big gringo Sheriff in on it-- he can run his own operation 'thout any help. Como se llama, amigo?
+Eladio Cruz.
+There's many an unfortunate soul been ambushed out on this stretch. Hope you're carrying some protection.
+You carryin' a firearm, son? Don't lie to me now.
+Si--tengo escopeto--just a shotgun--
+Donde esta? Estoy perdido--[Where are you? I'm lost--]
+No puedo ver la orilla! [I can't see the bank!]
+Vi a Rosaria arastrado para el corriente--[I saw Rosaria taken away by the current--]
+Como se llama? [What's your name?]
+Mercedes Gonzales Ruiz.
+Es muy lindo, su coche--
+En ingles Enrique. This is the United States. We speak English.
+Is very beautiful, your car.
+Good night, Enrique. She slides into the car--
+Senora Cruz?
+Quien es? [Who is it?]
+What are you doing out there? Are you crazy?
+Hay pasado un accidente muy grave-- [There's been a bad accident--]
+In English, Enrique. We're in the United States--
+I have some friends who have had a accident--
+You have somebody else out there?
+We was by the river? And I hear my friend callin' for help, and I look and she has falling in the water--
+Don't tell me lies, Enrique. Que paso?
+Enrique! Quienes son estos? How could you bring them here?
+No! No puede hacer esto--[You can't do that--]
+You think you're doing these people a favor? What are they going to do? Either they get on welfare or they become criminals--
+This girl is a friend of yours?
+Es mi novia. [She's my girlfriend.]
+I thought you were married!
+I am marry to the cousin of a friend-- but only to be able to live here. This is the mother of my child--
+This girl has a child?
+We have a daughter.
+Rapidamente! Everybody in the world is going to see!
+Donde vamos? [Where are we going?]
+A casa de Porfirio Zayas. He used to be a doctor on the other side. Gunshot wounds, fixing babies--if you can pay he can handle it.
+Senora, anything it costs, I can work--
+"Fishbait," says Buddy, in that quiet way of his, "What you know about them tires that went missing from markets?" Fishbait thinks for a minute, then he lifts up a loose board from the porch floor and calls down into it, "C'mon out, Pooter, they caught us!"
+Buddy Deeds. He had a way.
+Sam! I was just telling a few about your old man.
+Big day coming up--I wish we'd have thought of it while he was still living. But he went so unexpected.
+Every other damn thing in the country is called after Martin Luther King, they can't let our side have one measly park?
+King wasn't Mexican, Fenton--
+They just wanted it to be one of theirs--
+Tell that one, Hollis--
+The two of us were the only deputies back then me and Buddy--it's what-- '58--
+'57, 1 believe--
+"Mas cerveza por favor."
+Charley Wade were known to have put a good number of people in the ground, and your daddy gets eyeball to eyeball with him.
+Your mother was a saint.
+Historic occasion, isn't it?
+Seems like we have another one every week.
+That kind of talk doesn't help, Sam.
+Which is why we need to talk to you about the new jail--just so we're all on the same page.
+We don't need a new jail.
+That's a matter of interpretation--
+Dammit, Sam, the people are concerned about crime--
+When we backed you--
+I heard there was a bit of a fuss.
+There was a faction pulling for that boy who was killed in the Gulf War-- Ruben--
+That so?
+Never heard from him again?
+Oh--he come to an accommodation. Money doesn't always need to change hands to keep the wheels turning.
+I always wondered what you Mayors do when you're not cutting ribbons.
+Sam! Hey podner! You caught me playing hooky--
+Floating around out here, playin' hell with them bass--play a little cards, play a little golf, drink some beer--
+Sounds great. Where do I sign up?
+I haven't been out here for a while.
+You go by your old house?
+Just as well. The new people just painted it some God-awful color--
+Was it Davy Crockett or Jim Bowie?
+You recall if Charley Wade was a Mason?
+Charley? I believe he was. Used to go for lodge meetings over to Laredo. What's he got to do with your body?
+You don't remember anything else from that last night you saw him, do you?
+I told the story enough times--hell, we were just in the car, he was stewing about the fight with Buddy while we drove over to Roderick Bledsoe's--
+He owned the colored roadhouse before Big O--
+He still living?
+No. I think his widow's still in their place in Darktown, though. You think it's Charley Wade, huh?
+Besides my father, I mean.
+There's no call for that, Sam. Fella made himself a pile of enemies over the years.
+And Buddy was one of them.
+We got that dedication tomorrow. This is a hell of a time to be draggin' up old business.
+People have worked this whole big thing up around my father. If it's built on a crime, they deserve to know. Now I understand why you might want to believe he couldn't do it.
+Morning, Hollis.
+Sam! Quite a do the other day. It meant a lot to folks that you said something.
+You thought any more about our murder?
+We have a murder?
+Charley Wade.
+I wish I could tell you I remembered something new, but I can't.
+I got an idea what happened.
+Do you?
+You lived in the man's house what-- seventeen, eighteen years? And you didn't get to know him any better than that?
+Hey, Sam.
+Imonna find out one way or the other.
+Your father had the finest sense of justice of any man I ever met--
+Yeah, and my mother was a saint. For fifteen years the whole damn town knew he had another woman on the side. Stole ten thousand dollars to set her up in business. But hell, what's that? You got a problem? Buddy'll fix it. Facing some time in jail? Buddy'll knock half of it off-- if you do what he says, when he says. You
+Buddy Deeds--
+The three of us cleaned up and took him to the post and put him under. Can't say I was much help.
+And the ten thousand?
+Don't think the Rangers are likely to find out any more than they already have.
+We're building up tourism, Sam--
+People come here to catch bass and to get laid at the Boy's Town in Cuidad Leon--
+I got Eddie Richter at the Sentinel to kill that story.
+The Perdido thing?
+He agreed it wasn't exactly news--
+There was a mandate in the last election--
+There isn't money allocated for that. But a jail--
+Steve called for you.
+Steve. Board of Education Steve who likes you? He goes for us hot-blooded Mexican girls, I can tell.
+Spanish, please. My mother would have a heart attack.
+Your mother's family is Spanish?
+Sure, they go back to Cortez. When he rode by, they were squatting in a hut cooking hamsters for dinner.
+You got to be interested in somebody. All you do is work.
+All my mother does is work. That's how you get to be Spanish.
+How 'bout the Sheriff?
+The Sheriff.
+The old-high-school-heartthrob Sheriff. I thought you were crazy about each other. He's available, you're available--
+I'm unmarried. I'm not available.
+These ones coming up are getting stupider every year.
+Maybe you're just getting less patient.
+If they're going to survive here, they have to know how to work, Elalco! Adelante! Los clientes esperan!
+Well, you hire illegals--
+Nobody is illegal in my cafe! They've got green cards, they've got relatives who were born here--if they only had a little common sense I'd be very happy.
+If you spent a little more time training them--
+Did you come here to tell me how to run my business?
+No. I was wondering if you'd like to take a trip down south with us. Maybe see where you grew up--
+Why would I want to go there?
+Oh, come on--you must be curious how it's changed. Amado is into this big Tejano roots thing and I've never been further than Ciudad Leon--
+Mami, how old were you when my father--
+He was killed.
+Right. When he was killed.
+A little older than Paloma is now.
+There must have been somebody.
+I was too busy.
+Nobody's too busy.
+Maybe now. It was different back then. I had this place, I was doing all the shopping, all the cooking. What do I need some chulo with grease under his nails to drink up the profit?
+Thank you.
+I don't mean Fernando.
+Mami, the first time I brought him home, those were your exact words-- "some chulo with grease under his nails."
+I never said that.
+You made it pretty damn clear you thought he was nobody.
+I felt that you could do better for yourself--
+What? Become a nun? You didn't want me going out with Anglos--
+I never said that. It was just that boy--
+Mrs. Bledsoe?
+That's me.
+I'm Sheriff Deeds--
+Sheriff Deeds' dead, honey--you just Sheriff junior.
+Yeah, that's the story of my life.
+You ever play one of these?
+I've seen 'em.
+Well, don't ever start up on 'em, cause once you do you can't stop. I tell myself I'm gonna play just three little games after breakfast, and here I sit with half the day gone.
+You mind if I ask a few questions about your husband? Roderick?
+I won't say nothing bad about the man, but you can ask away.
+He had the club out on the old trail road--
+We run that twenty-odd years. Give it over to Otis Payne in 1967. April.
+So you must remember Sheriff Wade.
+Not if I can help it.
+You had to deal with him in running the club.
+Them days, you deal with Sheriff Wade or you didn't deal at all. First of the month, every month, he remind you of who you really workin' for.
+He squeezed money out of you?
+Wasn't legal to sell liquor in a glass back then unless you was a club, see. Roderick used to say, "Buy yourself a drink, you get a free membership." But Sheriff Wade, he could shut you down anytime.
+And my father?
+Sheriff Buddy was a different story. Long as Roderick throw his weight the right way on election day, make sure all the colored get out to vote- we was called colored back then, if you was polite--maybe throw a barbecue for the right people now and then, things was peaceful. That Sheriff Wade, though, he took an awful big bite.
+People didn't complain?
+Not if they was colored or Meskin. Not if they wanted to keep breathin'.
+Pilar, is uhm--is Amado okay?
+Okay? He's not here?
+No. Is he sick?
+I don't think you can take it personally--
+I'd like to see them spend a day pulling 14-year-olds off of each other--I should get combat pay--
+I didn't understand the spot I was putting Roderick in.
+Oh--I think he came in one more time with Hollis and--naw, your Daddy wasn't with them. Made their monthly pickup. Roderick wasn't in so I just kept my mouth good and shut and handed over that envelope.
+That was the night he disappeared?
+Could of been. That was white people's business.
+And when my father was Sheriff?
+What about it?
+Buddy was more a part of the big picture--county political machine, chamber of commerce, zoning board if I kept those people happy, he was pretty much on my side. Whenever somebody thought--they start up another bar for the black folks, they'd be--how should I put this? They'd be officially discouraged.
+I'm not open. We were just talking.
+Hollis probably told you we found Charley Wade.
+Not if you have half a brain in your head.
+Of course you can.
+You gonna stay out here?
+What's she singing about?
+She finally got in--
+It's Saturday.
+You got in late last night.
+Can I get this?
+Nobody really wears that stuff, Paloma.
+I could name five girls at school who have one just like it--
+Enough with the clothes--
+Just 'cause you went to Catholic school and wore a uniform.
+I only went for my last two years.
+How come?
+Morning, Sheriff.
+Hey, Pete. How's it going?
+Time marches on.
+How much you got left?
+Three months.
+You stop growing that loco weed at your place, you'd see a lot more daylight.
+It was for personal consumption.
+You're going to smoke an acre and a half of marijuana?
+Your father never bothered me about it. Leastways not till the drug people got on his back in the late '60s.
+I thought he busted you a couple times.
+That's how I ruined my stomach.
+I'm surprised he bothered with it.
+He was afraid I was going to poison somebody. Your father tried to do good for people--
+So I've heard--
+And your mother was a saint. That summer I built the patio at your house? She made me lunch every day.
+Well, you were working there--
+You built our patio while you were on the county?
+Out in the fresh air, nice gringo lady making you pies--who's gonna sit back in a little jail cell all day? Sheriff Buddy, man. Como el no hay dos. And after that cabron Charley Wade--
+I've heard Wade was a bit tough on the Mexicans--
+He murdered Eladio Cruz. That tough enough for you?
+Murdered him?
+Something wrong?
+They've got my Amado.
+Got him here?
+Somebody called--something about an electronics store.
+I was--I was real sorry about Nando. He was a good fella. We haven't talked since.
+We haven't talked since high school.
+He's all yours.
+Field trip?
+Lunch hour. My next class isn't till nine-thirty.
+Your mother still doesn't like me.
+I can't name anybody she does like these days.
+I see she built a place up here by the river.
+A real palace. She rattles around alone in that thing--
+She's done well for herself--on her own and all--
+I thought you got through that pretty well.
+They cooked the whole thing up without asking me.
+People liked him.
+Most people did, yeah.
+I was on the playground with all the other kids, but I thought he was only looking at me. I was afraid he was going to arrest me--he had those eyes, you know--
+Your boy, there--
+Nice-looking kid.
+He hates me.
+With Paloma, it's more like she pities and tolerates me- totally age- appropriate. But Amado--he's--he's never been book-smart. Had a hard time learning to read. Me being a teacher and caring about those things is like an embarrassment--like a betrayal.
+Fernando did okay, and he dropped out--
+Fernando wasn't pissed off at everybody. He just wanted to fix their cars.
+So why did you come back here, Sam?
+Got divorced, I wasn't gonna work for my father-in-law anymore. The fellas down here said they'd back me--
+You don't want to be Sheriff.
+I got to admit it's not what I thought it'd be. Back When Buddy had it-- hell, I'm just a jailer. Run a 60- room hotel with bars on the windows.
+It can happen so sudden, can't it? Being left out on your own.
+You've got your mother, your kids--
+I should get back.
+We thought we were something, didn't we?
+I look at my kids in school--tenth, eleventh graders. That's who we were. Children.
+I mean what did we know about anything?
+When Nando died--it was so sudden--I was kind of in shock for awhile. Then I woke up and there was the whole rest of my life and I didn't have any idea what to do with it.
+You know the other day, you asked why I came back?
+How come it feels the same?
+I don't know. It just feels good. Always did.
+So what are we gonna do about this?
+How long have you lived here?
+Two years.
+There's nothing on the walls. No pictures--
+Don't have kids. Other pictures--I don't know--it's nothing I want to look back on.
+Like your story is over.
+It isn't. Not by a long shot. He holds her and they lie silently for a moment--
+What was your father's name?
+You gonna tell your mother we been seeing each other?
+She'll figure it out sooner or later. I don't have to ask permission anymore, if that's what you mean.
+You have any idea when your father died? Eladio?
+Couple months before I was born--
+I've never seen my mother in a bathing suit before. Didn't know she owned one.
+Buddy bought the cafe for her with money he took from the county. Pilar looks away, struggling not to cry--
+They can't pull this on me. It isn't fair--I don't believe this--
+He paid the hospital bill when you were born. Your mom always calls you "our beautiful daughter" in the letters she wrote to him.
+From the first time I saw you at school--all those years we were married to other people I always felt like we were connected.
+I'm not having any more children. After Amado, I had some complications-- I can't get pregnant again, if that's what the rule is about--
+We start from scratch--
+Hospital says the other kid is in bad shape--
+The shooter local?
+Down from Houston. I think he knew the girl before.
+Okay--we'll take a statement from all the GIs before they go back to post. You can get the story from Otis over at the club.
+Any poop on the John Doe you found out there today?
+You're out early.
+Haven't seen much of you at the jail lately.
+I been working on a few things.
+I'm going over to the other side.
+The Republicans?
+No--to Mexico. I've got to talk to somebody.
+They got telephones.
+Gotta be in person.
+Sam? I--the Committee--you know Jorge and H.L. and all--they asked me--
+They want you to stand for Sheriff next election.
+You'd do a good job.
+How 'bout you?
+Don't know if I'll still want it.
+I didn't want to be going around your back.
+You think we need a new jail?
+Excellent performance, my friend. The judge was very impressed.
+You don't need to cuff me.
+You're the one who's a good boy. Man say "fetch" and you fetch--
+Just doing my job.
+White man just using you to keep the Black man down.
+This isn't Houston, my friend. We pretty much running things now. Our good day has come.
+Don't mind him, Sheriff. Boy's just a bit slow, is all. He don't mean nothin' by it--
+That the problem, son? You Slow?
+You got him too scared to peep, Sheriff. Maybe if you put that gun up--
+You telling me what to do, Roderick?
+What's this I see? Is that whiskey in them glasses on the Bar? Roderick, I'm gonna have to cite you for a violation of state law--
+This is a club, Sheriff--you been in here--
+Hey Sam. Sorry 'bout that.
+What's up?
+We had about a dozen wets come over just upriver. They ran into one of our posts--it was like a breakshot on a pool table, illegals runnin' every which way.
+I haven't seen anybody come by.
+We'll get 'em-- So you livin' out here now?
+Yeah. It's quiet--
+I heard about that deal for your father--You must be real proud.
+--but longhorns are hard to come by these days.
+You sell much out here?
+How am I gonna sell things if nobody comes by? This stretch of road runs between Nowheres and Nothin' Much.
+Hell of a spot to put a business.
+Buffalo chips. Fella in Santa Fe told me he sells these as fast as the buffalo can squeeze 'em out.
+So when did Buddy leave?
+For Frontera? Hell, I can't remember dates no more. I do recall it was after an affair of the heart had gone sour on him. He almost took some poor fella's head off at the Legion in Arroyo Grande, and figured it was time to move on.
+You think he killed anybody in Korea?
+They don't hand those medals out for hidin'in your foxhole. Would you buy this?
+If he hadn't found that Deputy job, I believe Buddy might've gone down the other path, got into some serious trouble. Settled him right down. That and your mother. 'Course he had that other one later.
+Another woman?
+Your mother wasn't one to get chased off her patch. Half the damn county knew and nobody thought the worse of her for seein' it through.
+You know who it was?
+I know you?
+Name's Otis.
+Otis what?
+One of Cleroe Payne's boys?
+I sent your Daddy to the farm once.
+I know that.
+As I remember it was because he had a sassy mouth on him. Must run in the family--You wouldn't be runnin' numbers out of this club, now, would you, son?
+Runnin' numbers illegal.
+How come you don't took familiar?
+Been away. Up to Houston.
+You going to tell her?
+You going to tell him?
+He doesn't need to know all my business.
+He's gonna find out.
+It's supposed to be some big sin, even if you love each other.
+Mister D'Amour?
+You haven't paid the cab. He won't give us your bags 'til you pay him.
+How much?
+Thirty-five bucks.
+Hello, L.A.
+Have a nice evening, Mr. D'Amour.
+I gotta be careful. If Vinovich sees me talking to you. He's an asshole, but he's a powerful asshole.
+They go together.
+I've heard a name. Someone they talk about in whispers.
+Like in nothing. Nobody. Nix.
+Who is he?
+I'm sure they'll have this place rigged.
+I hear Mrs. Swann's quite a babe.
+You heard right.
+You ever been married?
+Yeah. She was killed in a car crash. Her lawyer was driving. She was filing for divorce.
+My life was too weird for her.
+Billy? This was on Miller's forehead. Any idea what it is?
+I could have lost my fucking hands.
+That's Butterfield...
+Take a look at this.
+Maybe they're not tricks.
+I mean, there's no instructions-- What do you mean, they're not tricks?
+What did Vinovich say? Something about walking a path between --
+Trickery and divinity. Yeah, he says that all the time.
+That's because he knew. He'd seen these files and knew.
+Hokey enough for you?
+Thanks, Billy.
+How'd you spell that again?
+D.A.M.O.U.R. D'Amour. Harry D'Amour.
+You did. Didn't you?
+Why would I do that?
+You don't have a clue what you're into, do you?
+Who did this?
+Who did this?
+D'Amour... D'Amour... Why do I know that name?
+I saw him on T.V. Some kid got possessed and he saved the little bastard's life.
+He's a priest?
+I don't want him getting in the way.
+We've all of us waited too long to have the homecoming spoiled.
+What do you mean, "all of us?"
+You didn't think it was just going to be you and me? A lot of people believed in Nix. They haven't forgotten his promise.
+What about death?
+I could scoop them out.
+So tell me where Nix is buried.
+I'll tell you.
+If you've lied to me to me --
+Oh Christ! Oh Christ!
+Jesus. Valentin. What did you do to your face?
+Like the look of these? I made them myself, to set him free.
+Why did you wait so long?
+I didn't have the skill to resurrect him. I had to teach myself. And that took time.
+And you think he'll be in a fit state to resurrect, after thirteen years?
+If he was just a man like me, then no. But he's not.
+What is he?
+Do you wish him to be amongst us?
+Will you come to him on your knees?
+He's with us...
+Ever watched a man die? If you watch very closely, you can sometimes see the soul escaping. And if you're very quick, you can catch it.
+Please... Butterfield... I wasn't there. Ask Pimm.
+So do you. You've seen the future. Haven't you?
+And are you afraid?
+Please... I wasn't there... Ask Pimm.
+I want you to help me help my husband. I know he's in some kind of trouble. And it's something to do with the man you saw murdered.
+Did your husband know Quaid?
+Yes. They weren't close, but they saw each other once in a while. I think Philip believes all that stuff with the tarot cards.
+You don't?
+What's the connection?
+I don't exactly know. Philip doesn't like to talk about the past.
+He's a secretive man.
+And you don't ask questions?
+We don't share our lives the way a lot of people do.
+Does that mean...?
+We haven't slept in the same bed for years.
+But obviously you still care what happens to him.
+You don't believe me.
+Sorry. You asked.
+No. You're right. He could have been something more. Maybe a lot more. But people get lost. Even good people. Too much fame. Too much money,
+Will you take the job, Mr. D'Amour?
+I'm no bodyguard.
+That's not what I'm asking for. I want somebody who can find out what Philip saw in those damn cards. And stop it from happening.
+When do you want me to start?
+Come to the show with me. Tonight I want you to see him with an audience. They love him.
+I didn't marry him for love, Mr. D'Amour. Tonight?
+He's good.
+Are they treating you okay?
+I heard what happened. It looks like somebody murdered him.
+I'm sorry I got into this too late. But if you want me to stick around, maybe dig where the cops don't look...
+I don't know where you'd start.
+Well... how about some of the other illusionists?
+They won't tell you anything.
+I can be very persuasive.
+Yes. I think you probably can. We'd need to talk about your fee.
+How did it go today?
+They were jealous of him.
+Why? Because he had you?
+He... didn't have me.. I told you-
+So why did you marry him?
+That's my business. Harry.
+Just curious. Back to business. Ever heard of a man called Nix? Dorothea?
+Yes... I'm here. And no. I don't know the name.
+What about Jennifer Desiderio?
+It doesn't ring a bell. I have to go.
+Okay. I'll keep digging.
+Flesh is a trap. That's what he used to say. Flesh is a trap and magic sets us free. Why did you come back?
+What did you find?
+Oh Christ.
+Nix ran some kind of cult, right? Some kind of Charlie Manson deal?
+It was more than that, I think.
+He was the real thing, right?
+Swann said he could do stuff, yes.
+He could get into people's heads. Make them see things. Terrible things. And he could levitate. Juggle fire.
+He taught all this to Swann?
+So Swann was performing magic. not illusions? And what? You thought he should be using it to cure cancer, not making millions.
+I told you --
+Too much fame. Yeah, I guess that'd turn anybody's head. Including yours.
+You said you weren't with him for love.
+I wasn't.
+What then?
+I was grateful to him. I owed him my life. And he loved me. He couldn't always show it, but he felt it.
+It's okay.
+No it isn't. You can't help me.
+Nothing's going to happen to you.
+I was so afraid.
+Don't be. Nix can't hurt you now.
+Are you sure?
+I'm sure. He's dead.
+I was twelve. Nix took me hostage, to get Swann to come to him.
+And they all came...
+Quaid and Jennifer--
+What was that?
+Are you all right?
+Oh God!
+I've got to help him.
+You can't.
+No! No! No!
+... oh... God...
+I'm here, Harry.
+Don't look.
+Is it finished?
+What the fuck?
+Good. There. Yes?
+Crank call. I'll get the number changed.
+It's better he's gone. He would have done more harm than good.
+Harm to whom? Me? I don't think, so. Try him again at the hotel.
+What about me?
+Bad show last night?
+The usual. Full house. Standing ovation. I tell them it's magic...
+... they believe you.
+Yeah. Remember Quaid?
+Somebody killed him.
+Oh God.
+I'm putting in a new illusion tonight. Will you be there?
+Sure. You want me to find out about Quaid? I mean, the funeral?
+What were you doing up there?
+I'm a private detective. I was hired to follow somebody for a few days. A guy called Tapert. Insurance fraud.
+Tapert. So, now I've got Tapert, Butterfield.
+Tapert's got nothing to do with this. He came here to get his palm read.
+What makes you so sure?
+I got a file on him two inches thick. He's a petty fraudster. This is something else. Ever heard of someone called the Puritan?
+Where the fuck is he?
+He got up and walked.
+And this Butterfield guy--
+Are you finished with me?
+For now. Are you planning to go back to New York?
+You believe that?
+I think we walk a narrow path, between... between...
+Trickery and divinity.
+Are you saying that sometimes the miracles are real?
+No. I'm saying they were always fake. The saints, the messiahs, they were just illusionists.
+So could you walk on water?
+I could reproduce any miracle that's ever been performed, with a little preparation.
+They weren't worth a damn.
+I heard he was the best.
+You tell me. No? I thought you'd maybe have a theory.
+Oh, I've got plenty.
+I'm not saying another word. You damn fool. He's a journalist.
+Just tell me about Swann. Or are you too scared?
+With what?
+Great accent, by the way. Is it Brooklyn?
+Mr. D'Amour?
+Go away.
+It's one in the afternoon.
+What are you, my mother?
+Whatever I said, I didn't mean it, okay? I get a few drinks inside me --
+We've never met.
+Then what do you want?
+I'm here to offer you a job.
+I'm going back to New York in-- Shit! I'm outta here.
+Whose is the car?
+Nah. You're driving it too carefully.
+Maybe I just bought it.
+Havanas. You're not the smoker. So who is?
+You could almost pass for a detective, D'Amour. I work for the best illusionist in the world.
+Philip Swann?
+You know of him?
+I saw him in Vegas once.
+Are you a gambling man?
+When I can afford to lose. Swann's quite a magician.
+Never call him that. He's strictly an illusionist.
+What's the difference?
+Any movie stars buried here?
+It's not a bad place. Warm. Great view.
+I don't think the dead much care.
+Are you sure?
+Who is she?
+What the fuck are you doing here?
+Looking for you. I tried the hotel.
+Why'd you come here?
+You're a detective, with no clues. Where else are you going to look? I'm going to keep this brief. Here's thirty thousand dollars.
+What for?
+A ticket home,
+You didn't hire me. She did. If she wants me off the job, I want to hear it from her.
+She doesn't want to see you. She's had enough pain. Enough churning over the past. She wants it all left alone.
+Left alone? Somebody's been murdered.
+Yes. It's regrettable
+Fuck regrettable! I want to know why.
+What for? You need to stay busy?
+I like to know why things happen.
+Why people die? Give it up, D'Amour. Go home.
+I want to speak to Dorothea.
+I'm afraid she's not in.
+I can't let you in.
+Yeah, I know.
+Leave her alone --
+Are you satisfied now?
+You rigged the illusion to fail, right?
+You paid off the doctor. You set up the fake body. Yes?
+And then... because I was getting too close to something -- --or someone, you called Swann
+I tried to pay you off.
+Was that Swann's idea?
+No. It was mine. I didn't want any more bloodshed. That's why we went to all this trouble, so there'd be no one for Nix to come after.
+Nix is dead and buried, for fuck's sake.
+I want to see Swann face to face.
+D'Amour --
+Him too.
+We've got to get you to a hospital.
+Don't bother.
+Shut up. We've lost enough lives already.
+I'm sorry, D'Amour...
+What about?
+Jennifer's only ever had one visitor.
+A Mister Quaid?
+Right. And he's dead, isn't he? I saw it on the news. Jennifer doesn't know. And frankly, this isn't the best tine for her to be told.
+Jennifer's been with us four years. She was coming on nicely. But just the last month or so, she's worse than ever.
+What's her problem?
+She has no real grip on reality.
+Does anybody?
+Oh yes. We have to agree what's real and what's not. That's what holds us together.
+You need an ambulance.
+My God.
+You've taken some strange journeys in your life.
+Yeah. You could say that.
+You're drawn to the dark side, over and over. And it's drawn to you. You don't like that.
+Not much.
+Hold on.
+I'm not afraid to die. There's something terrible... coming home...
+The Puritan?
+Where'd you learn that?
+At birth. I don't know you --
+Harry D'Amour.
+I know all the kids coming up. Got to stay ahead of the game. But I don't know you.
+I'm in from New York. I came to see Swann.
+What a tragedy. It was just a matter of time, of course, but it's not good for the business.
+Was he taking a lot of risks?
+You don't know the half of it. I'm Walter Wilder, by the way.
+You know Vinovich?
+Sure. Vivovich.
+He knew Swann way back. He says there were a lot of drugs, a lot of crazy shit.
+I'd love to... you know... hang with some of you guys.
+People are pretty cagey. Who do you know?
+For what?
+For an introduction.
+I only wear ties for funerals.
+Are they all in the business?
+That's what they call the Repository. Every magic secret known to man's locked up in that room.
+Have you been in?
+A lot of people are going to be really pissed off when they discover you're still alive.
+Look, Ma, no wires.
+You shouldn't have followed me, D'Amour.
+How the fuck do you do that?
+Now I'm going to have to kill you.
+I don't think so. You need me alive.
+You know, it's such a fucking waste. You can do shit most of us can only dream about, and you go around pretending it's some trick.
+Illusionists get. Las Vegas contracts, D'Amour. Magicians get burned.
+Or murdered, like Nix.
+He deserved it.
+Maybe he doesn't see it that way. Maybe he's digging his way out of the hole you put him right now. That's what you're hiding away from, isn't it?
+I did it for Dorothea.
+Oh yeah?
+So Nix won't come looking for her?
+It's me betrayed him.
+And she shot him I I think that'd piss me off if I were Nix.
+I don't know what else to do.
+Oh Jeez.
+You think I'm an asshole.
+Didn't know you read minds.
+I can do a lot of shit, D'Amour. But you know that. So I like playing games with people. Gives them something to wonder about...
+Is that all?
+I distract them from their banality for a few minutes. It's like a public service. It doesn't mean much in the end. They're all going to die.
+Oh, I was going to discover the secret of the universe. That's why I liked Nix. He promised me all these explanations.
+And he didn't have them?
+He had something. He showed me how to bend the rules. A little levitation. A few fireworks.
+Is that all?
+No. At the end... when we had him cornered, he got into my head. He showed me what we really look like, when the veneer's gone. Jelly. Shit...
+And you believed him?
+Did she know where Nix was buried?
+Who else did? Did Valentin?
+They got here before us.
+... no...
+He's better off this way.
+Nobody's better off this wav!
+That's where we're all going.
+Jesus... what the hell's going on in there?
+At a guess... they just resurrected him.
+This is where we killed him.
+You didn't try hard enough.
+He did something with the ground.
+Can you do it?
+I don't know.
+The case is closed. Harry. Tapert's given us a full confession. Get your ass back to Mew York.
+No. I'm taking a couple of weeks' vacation.
+You never took a fucking vacation in your life, Harry. What's going on?
+I got to go. I'm late.
+Call me tomorrow.
+There's other guys as good as me, Loomis.
+Yeah. But not as cheap. Call me.
+A couple of weeks.
+One question.
+Have we met before?
+Only I forget. They give me pills, you know, to keep me... even... and... I forget things,
+Well, you didn't forget me. I just came because I wanted to know if you knew a man called Butterfield.
+Maybe... I... don't...
+What about Philip Swann?
+Why's that?
+He said he knew how to protect us. But he didn't know anything. He made us think it was over and done with.
+What is?
+I don't want to think about it. If I think about it he'll hear me. He'll find me.
+He's not! He's not!
+Nix! Nix!
+Is he the Puritan?
+Yes! Yes!
+And he's dead?
+I've got so much power to give you, Swann. All you have to do is...beg.
+Fuck you.
+You don't think I've got it to give?
+Don't touch me. He's got... got into my head.
+Swann? What are you doing?
+You could still help me do that.
+Why would I want to?
+Because you've got nothing else to live for.
+Not true.
+You know I'll kill you when we're done. I have to.
+But until then... it's you and me... the way it always was.
+Wait... you still feel something for that bitch?
+Can you get me on a flight Thursday night?
+We're looking into it Bob, but they really want you to stay to do that talk show Friday, apparently it's a really big deal, he's the Johnny Carson of Japan.
+Yeah, they told me.
+These people are paying you a lot, do you think you could consider it?
+Just get me out of here as soon as you can.
+Ok, you're scheduled to leave Saturday, but we'll hold a seat Thursday in case, but first class is full, you're waitlisted for an upgrade... there might be a seat on Lufthansa...
+Bob, it's me.
+Oh, hi, Elaine.
+So, we got you on an earlier flight, but I really think you should think about staying for that talk show.
+You'll do it?
+What are you doing here?
+What about you? Why are you here?
+My husband's here for work-he's a photographer- and I just came along...I'm not really doing anything right now, and we have some friends who live here.
+How long have you been married?
+Two years.
+Try twenty-five.
+You're probably just having a mid- life crisis. Did you buy a Porche?
+I'm thinking about it.
+25 years... that's a long time... Are you still in love with your wife?
+Yes... I don't know, I don't know her anymore. I don't know if you can be in love with one person the whole time. I was... actually I was in love with her sister first, when I was twenty-one. And one day her sister said to me she wanted to move to Paris, so I said okay, and she said no, she wanted to
+What do you do?
+I'm not sure, yet... I graduated last spring.
+What did you study?
+Oh, what do you do with that?
+I don't know, but I can think about it, a lot.
+It takes a while to figure it out. I'm sure you will, though.
+Thanks. I'm sure your mid-life crisis will work out,too.
+Hi again, how's it going?
+Oh, hi.
+Hi. Did you have a nice swim?
+Yeah. Did you get some sleep?
+No, how about you?
+Not really. How long are you here for?
+I'm here for the week.
+Oh, good. Do you want to go to a party tonight with me and some friends who live here?
+You really are having a mid-life crisis.
+A Soul's Search: Finding Your True Calling - are you reading this?
+Charlie, this is Bob. Bob — Charlie Brown.
+What do you feel like singing, Bob?
+I could cut the ones that are left for you.
+I don't want to go home.
+It's Charlotte.
+Charlotte, who?
+Of course.
+Yeah, I'm going to take a shower and I'll meet you downstairs.
+Hey look, it's Sausalito.
+Hans was very attentive to you.
+I think he kind of liked me...Is that so hard to imagine?
+No, its easy.
+How'd a Japanese guy get a name like Hans?
+Do you remember when we met at the bar? ...You were wearing a tuxedo.
+But the first time I saw you was in the elevator.
+Did I scowl at you?
+No, you smiled.
+I don't remember.
+Why do they switch the r's and l's here?
+I don't know. My fax said "have a good fright".
+Let's never come here again, because it would never be as much fun.
+Ok, whatever you want.
+Did you see Hiromix last night dancing with Bambi?
+No, I was looking at you.
+Oh. Well... they were dancing on the couch with that weird English guy who kept talking about hanging out with the Sex Pistols on Kings Road...
+I got a fax today from your friend Hiromix.
+Oh, for her show?
+No, for a candlelight dinner, yes, for her show.
+You're possessive.
+I'm stuck. Does it get easier.
+No, yes, it does...
+Yeah? But look at you.
+Thanks. It does, the more you know who you are... you don't care about things the same way...
+I just don't know what I'm supposed to be. I thought maybe I wanted to be a writer... but I hate what I write, and I tried taking pictures, but John's so good at that, and mine are so mediocre... and every girl goes through a photography phase, like horses, you know dumb pictures of your feet...
+You'll figure it out. I'm not worried about you. Keep writing.
+But, I'm mean.
+That's ok.
+And marriage, does that get easier?
+It's hard. We started going to a marriage counselor.
+Did that help? Did you learn anything?
+We established that we have no communication.
+We used to have fun, she used to like to go to places with me for my movies and we would laugh at all the weirdos, but now she's tired of it all. She never wants to leave the kids, she doesn't need me, and they don't need me, I feel like I'm in the way. It gets complicated when you have kids... that
+That's too scary.
+When they're born its like Vietnam. It's terrifying.
+No one ever tells you that...
+But, it's great being with them, after they can talk, and can do things with you.
+That's nice. My parents were always traveling, they weren't around so much.
+Where'd you grow up?
+I know.
+John thinks I'm so snotty.
+You are.
+Why do you have to be with your opposite, why cant similar people be together?
+You made it.
+It's for my daughter.
+How old is she?
+Nice one.
+What happened to your toe?
+It's bad isn't it?
+We should get you to the doctor.
+You think so?
+Where's your husband?
+Do you ever see him?
+Do you know where we are?
+I'm going to Daikanyama, do you want to come walk around?
+Oh, I guess you're busy, huh.
+You can't get sushi anywhere in Japan after 2 o'clock. Did you know that?
+Well, I guess she's more around your age... You guys could talk about things in common, like growing up in the fifties.
+What do you want to drink?
+So, where'd you go today.
+I'm sorry.
+When are you leaving?
+I'm going to miss you.
+That's what you said the other night.
+I don't want to go back tomorrow.
+I know. But, it doesn't last, you have to go back sometime.
+Why can't it last?
+Hi, Bob.
+I'm just leaving.... do you have my jacket?
+Uh, yeah... I'll bring it down.
+Just saying good-bye to everyone before you leave?
+You're leaving right now?
+Well... have a good flight.
+Why are you crying?
+Mr. Harris?
+Mr. Kazuzo sent me.
+Mr. Harris?
+Do you like massage?
+I don't think so.
+My stockings.
+Hello, darling.
+Lydia, I went to this great house tonight, this guy designed and built, you would have loved it.
+Oh, yeah? I wish I had seen it.
+He was this fashion guy, and there were all these Japanese fashion people- it's a whole other world, and I was talking to these Japanese surfers... He was playing all this great music- I have to find out what it was...
+Yeah, its really different here.
+Well, that's good, I have to get the kids off for school. Can I call you in a little while?
+It's four in the morning... I'm going to go to sleep.
+Ok, well... I love you.
+I love you, too, good-night, or good- morning .
+Hi, Lydia.
+Is this a bad time?
+Uh, no.
+It's really hard to reach you... Did you get the carpet samples? I like the burgundy.
+Ok, whatever you think... I'm lost.
+It's just carpet.
+That's not what I'm talking about.
+What are you talking about?
+I don't know.
+Is there anything I can do?
+I don't know... I want to be more healthy. I want to eat better.
+You know, eat healthier.
+Not all that pasta.
+Like Japanese food.
+Why don't you just stay there, and you can have it everyday.
+Oh, come on.
+I have to go, Adam's tormenting Zoe, I'll talk to you later. Are you going to be Ok?
+Hello, Bob, it's me.
+It's Lydia, your wife.
+I couldn't hear you. How are you?
+Fine. Is it going ok?
+It's ok.
+Do you want to-
+Do you want to talk to Zoe?
+I guess she's busy.
+That's ok.
+When are you coming home?
+Her ballet recital is Saturday, don't forget.
+Ok, well, travel safely. See you soon.
+Mr. Harris, we have fax for you!
+Do you want I send it to your room?
+How do you say "hospital" in Japanese?
+Excuse me?
+Hello? Yes?
+Hello, can I have room 5601.
+Evelyn Waugh?
+Its just a pseudonym, it doesn't matter.
+Why do you have to defend her?
+I'm not, but do you have to point out how stupid everyone is.
+How'd it go today?
+I gotta go meet Kelly for a drink downstairs. She wants to talk about some photo thing.
+Ok. Maybe I'll walk down with you.
+You wanna come?
+No, what are you talking about.
+I went to a temple today and I didn't feel anything.
+I don't know what to do.
+You smell weird.
+Like popcorn?
+Hair stuff?
+See you later.
+Do you think it's done?
+Will you please stop smoking?
+But I like to... and I don't smoke that much.
+Its bad for you.
+A Soul's Search: Finding Your True Character and calling? Is this yours?
+Oh... that's nothing, someone gave it to me.
+You don't have to be embarrassed.
+I'm not. It's just corny, but I'm not into it.
+Oh, the record company sent these...
+Mmm, I love Cristal, let's have some.
+Are you sure you want to stay?
+Yeah, I know you have to work the whole time, I'll probably have more fun here. I'll call Charlie and those guys.
+I miss you.
+Charlotte?! How's Tokyo?
+Oh, wait, can you hold on one sec?
+Oh, it's nothing... I better go, I'll talk to you later.
+Ok, have fun there, you're so lucky you don't have any kids yet and you can go off to Japan... call me when you get back.
+John! What are you doing here?
+I'm just here shooting this band, what about you?
+...doing like twenty million interviews a day... It's soo good to see you. How long are you here for?
+We're here for the week. I'm shooting in Osaka for a few days.
+It's amazing there!
+Have you met Charlotte? My wife.
+Oh no...
+I missed you.
+How'd your interview go? I'm sure you charmed the hell out of Sally.
+It's great of you to let William and Susan stay at the house until he gets on his feet.
+You never said anything to me...
+Shi... Sorry, honey. I was having the weirdest dream.
+Weird. The book again. Sex spelled backwards...
+I must really be slacking off. Hungry?
+I can't believe it's already starting to get dark so early.
+Peter, where are you?
+Sorry. It's just...a strange woman waltzes into my office today. Tells me she murdered her parents and can prove Satan exists.
+Did she waltz in or fly on little bat wings?
+Says she can get me in to see this killer.
+Oh, Peter, you're going to pursue this.
+Hey, what are you doing here in the middle of the day?
+Forgot my car keys. What are you doing on the fourth floor?
+I spaced out.
+What? That's horrible!
+Yeah, I appreciate it. Thanks, Josef.
+I'm still shaking.
+I can't believe Will killed him.
+I'm gonna have to get a restraining order. What a nightmare.
+You're glad somebody tried to kill me?
+No, of course not, but I think now that this has happened, a lot of things can start to come out...
+Yeah, like...
+Like you need to admit that losing your parents when you were twelve was traumatic.
+It's with me all the time, Claire, I just don't like to talk about it.
+Well, it shattered your faith in everything.
+I'm just temporarily off my game.
+You need to believe in something besides yourself.
+There you are! My God, darling, I've been so worried. Are you alright?
+What're these?
+I don't know. What are they?
+I found them in your file box.
+Must be a spare set.
+Honey, you're exhausted. Do you want to lie down for a little while?
+She's been stalking you, Peter.
+Listen to me, I love you, Peter, I'm trying to protect you!
+You really had me going, Claire. I was finally ready to propose to you.
+What a...jerk!
+Nonsense, it's all of our home. So how's work treating you?
+Frustrating. Form over content. Everything's so retro.
+...you wearing a watch, Father?
+You know, I made a reservation at Marco's for Peter's birthday dinner, but maybe you should cater it.
+What time did you make it for?
+And how would you describe him?
+Quiet. Real quiet...
+And on the day of the murders, his state of mind?
+Seemed...on edge.
+On the day of the murders what did the defendant request?
+He asked to go home early. He said he was bothered by all the people who kept telling him what to do.
+Tell the jury how many people work in that office with you and Mr. Viznick.
+George, come in. What the hell happened to you?
+It's nothing.
+Sure it is. If the guards did this, we can file charges.
+Not the guards. Some of the prisoners are easily disturbed.
+I can take care of myself.
+Mr. Kelson, what a pleasure to meet you. I have to say your instincts about the criminally insane are impeccable. I am a fan.
+When your secretary called, she made no mention of her coming, too.
+My secretary?
+You're aware that this woman was party to the so-called exorcism.
+No, I wasn't, actually.
+So you don't believe his condition is the result of anything supernatural?
+Your court order, Dr. Allen.
+You know I'm not comfortable with this.
+But your patient is legally entitled to it.
+This patient has been plagued with temporal lobe seizures.
+It's the patient's request, doctor.
+I'm aware of that, but I don't think he's in any condition to make requests. I'm trying to appeal to your more...logical self, Father. I'm concerned about harm to my patient.
+Father Jeremy and Deacon John Townsend of St. Ursula's, and our associate, Maya Larkin. Secular assistants are permitted if regarded as qualified. Maya is eminently qualified.
+Dr. Allen, could you please tell Mr. Kelson what you heard as you tried to enter Mr. Birdson's room?
+I certainly hope you're not lending any credence to this.
+The patient was in great distress. Naturally he was...yelling.
+And was he in distress when you opened the door? Or was he sitting here, relaxed, at this table?
+There is a medical explanation for everything that happened.
+I don't mean to belittle you, but we've been through this before. Satan is not what you think he is. Satan is not some creature.
+You weren't there. Give me time to get some proof.
+Please, Maya. I'm trying to get us into the next century and you insist on this medieval nonsense.
+If you really believe in God, why is it so inconceivable that his enemy is just as real?
+The doctor's concerned he may never come out of this dementia.
+He will. He has great faith.
+Is he going to be okay?
+I've had it. Townsend's dead. The police are calling and now I see you having a scene in front of the children. I'm sorry, Maya, you've been with us for many years, but effective immediately, I'm rescinding your right to live at the church.
+Father, I have nowhere else to stay.
+You'll do it?
+How're you doing? Looking lovely as always.
+Between your book sales and this TV thing, there's going to be no living with you. And let me guess, you boiled God down to a conceit.
+You know how I feel. The world is random. The only certainty I believe in is death.
+What is it?
+Something he said, just before...
+He spoke to you?
+Yeah. It didn't make any sense.
+Listen to me, Peter. You can't let the ravings of a madman disturb you, okay?
+You're right, but it's funny. All my life I thought I was simply a man who didn't believe in any of it.
+No matter, my son, he believes in you.
+But it's true. I have no faith. It's strange. When that gun was pointed at my face tonight, I was surprised, but never frightened. It was as if I knew nothing could possibly happen to me and...in that one moment I didn't care about anything. Not eve my own life.
+Peter. Your life must matter to you because it matters to all of us who love you.
+You fucking bastard.
+Don't you get it? They had their 2,000 years. Now it's our turn.
+So all that bullshit about God and faith.
+It was perfect. The harder I pushed, the more you pulled away.
+You lied to me my whole life. Everything you said, everything you did.
+Everything I did, I did for you. I love you, Peter. Think of it. I'm giving you a gift, absolute power and knowledge.
+You raised me, like a son.
+You are my son. Don't you see the opportunity that lies before you?
+You killed my parents.
+Why are you doing this to me?
+-- you wouldn't last five minutes.
+...the ark sank, the sun set, the ark sank again.
+Father, I'm right here.
+Father! Thank God you're better! I really need your help. We've only got a few more hours.
+Don't worry...about the transformation, Maya.
+What do you mean "don't worry?"
+So...we won?
+We won because Christ...triumphed over Satan?
+Um hm. That's right, Maya.
+So, if Christ won, that means, what does that mean, Father? That Satan...
+So I guess Satan lost. Satan is the weak one.
+Father, please don't die.
+Hi, I'd like to make an appointment for Peter Kelson.
+I took one of those home pregnancy tests, but I don't want to tell him. I'm RH negative. My blood type is negative... If he's RH positive, I'll have to terminate.
+How many weeks are you honey/
+Thirteen. The last time, can you believe it? This is how he says "Goodbye?"
+You need his blood-type. Like right away.
+Well I know he's come here before.
+What's his name?
+Peter...Peter Kelson.
+You just call?
+Two negatives always make a positive.
+Oh my God!
+May I help you?
+Peter Kelson?
+Yes... and you are?
+I saw you on television yesterday. You were brilliant.
+You said that malignant narcissism was not evil.
+Not pure evil. That's correct.
+And also that...
+Listen, I'm sorry, but I'm running late.
+That there is no such thing as evil with a capital "E."
+Not the most popular opinion, but yes.
+A narcissist doesn't admit it. It's the extreme of self-denial.
+And I also believe in God and the Devil. In fact, I know they exist.
+Well, by saying that, you're acknowledging the existence of a higher power. Which, to a narcissist, is impossible.
+In the end, the jury saw it my way.
+Well, then it all seems to be working out for you. Listen, Ms...?
+Do you remember Henry Birdson? The math professor who won the Salwen Medal, then went home and killed his family?
+What's that got to do with you?
+Last week the Catholic Church certified him as genuinely possessed. You realize how rarely they make that ruling?
+I do.
+An exorcism was just held for Birdson. It failed. Disastrously. Which means there's still a demonic spirit present in his body. I was wondering, perhaps you'd like to go meet Henry. He's pretty amazing.
+I'll bet.
+On television, you seemed so sure of yourself. If you're really that confident, you'd be willing to let someone prove you wrong?
+The world would be so much simpler if it were all just about good and evil. Unfortunately I find it much more slippery and elusive place.
+So...what did you think of the tape.
+I think you gave me the wrong one.
+What do you mean?
+You're sure? There was nothing?
+So what'd I miss?
+Where do you get off pretending to be my secretary?
+I had to.
+And this is evil? The guy had an aneurysm and now he's in a coma.
+That's their explanation. You might not believe me...
+We need to talk.
+Last night a guy named John Townsend tried to shoot me and now I find out you knew him. What the fuck is going on?
+Why did he try to kill me?
+And the point is?
+At the exorcism, Birdson boasted that Satan is about to take over the body of a man. You are that man, Peter.
+It's true. Birdson knew your name, he was writing it in numerical code. It wasn't easy but I figured it out. It spelled your name.
+Why didn't Birdson just say so?
+If you're possessed, you can't reveal anything Satan wants hidden. Unless you trick him.
+Trick him.
+The good outwitting the bad. It's like Birdson had a split personality.
+You should think about getting professional help.
+You're already contaminated. It's why you couldn't hear the tape. There's probably a pentacle near your bed. To sanctify you.
+I'm not going to be drawn into this.
+I know this sounds crazy. I understand. Check your parents' blood types. Are you sure your parents are your birth parents?
+You're about to become the anti-Christ who is born unholy and becomes the door to eternal suffering in this world.
+I don't understand what's going on.
+There's no reason why you should. This has been planned from your birth. You fit all the criteria that we know of. Never baptized, born of incest, devoid of faith...
+But I was baptized. And I certainly wasn't born of incest.
+You were not baptized. At least I don't believe it was Christian. Your baptism was performed by your uncle, James McKenzie.
+Yes, I know.
+The only baptism he ever performed in seven years as pastor at Bedford.
+So what?
+Seven years. One baptism? He's your mother's only brother
+Do you know your parents' blood types?
+I looked at the coroner's report. My father's O positive and my mother...A negative.
+Peter, your blood-type is AB negative. There's no way your birth father can be O positive. You father is not who you think he is.
+So...then the coroner's report is probably wrong. I mean...this is ridiculous. There's been a mistake. I don't believe any of this.
+Peter, I believe your baptism was perverted. Look at your certificate. Your mother was the only witness to it. Your blood-type doesn't match who you thought your father was. Peter...I'm sorry.
+And if what you're saying is true, what would happen to me?
+When Townsend tried to kill me, he said something strange like... "The time of transformation is near..."
+What are you looking for exactly?
+We needed to know all we could.
+Nothing yet.
+Get up!!
+Peter, let go of the chair!
+You okay?
+When's your birthday?
+Hang on, get it up, go on, higher.
+It'll happen at the exact time of your birth.
+He couldn't stop us and that's how he was punished. Peter, what time were you born?
+There's nothing else here.
+What's the bible for?
+Are you alright?
+Sometimes, when I feel weak, I have these...visions.
+What do you mean?
+I'm scared I'm slipping back.
+We're going to do this.
+You have to say that.
+Why did you lie to me about your parents' deaths?
+Close call. For the first time in a long time, it's really hitting me. Life's tenuous.
+I know it is. Right after my parents died, I went to the beach... I was in the water. Everything was calm. And then one of those really big waves hit me. Hard. Pulled me straight to the bottom. I struggled and finally ran out of air. If it hadn't been for my sister who pulled me out, I would've drowned. Legally dead for
+No oxygen to the brain.
+Maybe that's my problem.
+Why didn't you just go along with Townsend. Get rid of me. I would've...
+Until it happens, you're still a human being.
+What about after?
+Plenty of time.
+What are these?
+I don't know. Extra apartment keys. What's it matter?
+Maybe I should check Lareaux's book. It's in the car. Be right back. Don't go anywhere.
+What can I do?
+I'll be all right. Peter, at the very end, I think Father was back. I saw it in his eyes.
+So, what does it mean. The ark sank and the sun set?
+He's been repeating that since Birdson's exorcism. I looked in every passage in the Bible and there's nothing about an ark or a sunset that tells us anything.
+What did he say to you in French?
+That's his, I don't know, his 'grounding' phrase for me, "together, no matter what."
+He was trying to tell me something.
+Book five, Deuteronomy, chapter seven, verse five. "But this shall you deal with them. You shall break down their altars and burn their graven images with fire."
+How much time do we have?
+Oh, Peter.
+Good seeing you again.
+I know who he is.
+Maya? What do you mean?
+And what are you thinking we should do now?
+I've filed a report with Father Frank.
+A lot of good that'll do.
+We need all the help we can get.
+I've dealt with these people before, Maya. They're not going to help us.
+We'll see Father Frank in the morning. There's nothing to be done until then.
+It's useless...look at him.
+You can't back out on me now. We need to be sure.
+You don't want to face it.
+Look, John, I'm facing it.
+I'd appreciate it if you'd put that back.
+But she worships you. Your mother's dead but your father's alive.
+Nothing you couldn't find out from reading the papers. And you're already wrong on one count.
+You know what? You can go.
+You do know, don't you. That these are also numbers. Greek numbers, 600, 60 and 6 - or 666. The sign of the Devil.
+Get out of here.
+Mr. Kelson, here's the stuff you wanted on pathological narcissism.
+What about that psychic, what's his name, Szabo?
+He can see you Thursday.
+I think it's gonna be a waste of time.
+The police used him as a witness in this case.
+I'll be at Bedford tonight, if you need me.
+I plan to. You want a tip?
+Lemme guess. The lottery.
+Sometimes I can just feel the numbers.
+You know what they say. You have the same chance of winning whether you play or not.
+Good of you to stop by.
+As a part of today's story on the trial of mass murderer George Viznick, we welcome Peter Kelson, author of the current best-seller, VICIOUS INTENT. Thank you for joining us, Peter.
+Thanks for having me, Sally.
+Peter, you're now writing a book about the Viznick case. You seem to be making a career of studying sensational murderers. I have to ask, how does it make you feel when you sit in courtrooms day after day, face to face with alleged killers?
+Well, long-term exposure to things like this tends to give you a sort of clinical understanding of the subject. After awhile, you begin to make friends with it, so to speak.
+It's as if you are saying the closer you get to evil, the less evil it becomes.
+No, the less mystifying. Good and evil are only illusions. There is no such thing as evil with a capital "E." That suggests some third party bad guy pulling all the strings.
+You're referring to the defense's efforts to prove that George Viznick is tormented by "demonic voices?"
+There weren't any voices.
+Not even from some mental illness, as the prosecution asserts?
+As if there's another cause for little voices? No, Sally, Viznick's a manipulator, he's clever, he has what I call malignant narcissism.
+What do you mean by that?
+Well, we all have a degree of narcissism, Sally, but a malignant narcissist is dangerously self-obsessed.
+Are you saying he's legally sane?
+Well, George Viznick is in the grayest of gray areas in the sanity spectrum. Viznick is not psychotic. He's simply unable to submit to any higher authority.
+Meaning, Viznick's a man who answers to no one. Not even God.
+Right. If you believe in God. As a narcissist, Viznick couldn't blame himself for the alleged murders. He created the voices after the fact. In order to avoid the simple truth that there is no outside force that guides George Viznick and that George Viznick needs to pay.
+Would you sign it for me?
+Hey! Mr. big shot.
+Mike. Oh, the christening. I meant to call...
+So, Viznick's got a meet with his lawyer in the ayem.
+Really? You know, seeing these guys away from the court, the facade slips. You catch things.
+What's this?
+Seems George isn't making too many friends in lockup.
+Yeah, look at that sweet face. You'd never guess he killed nine people. I'm gonna get my smokes. Be right back.
+What's the matter with you?
+He could see me.
+Thanks for handling this.
+Thanks again for everything.
+What's up?
+How're you doin' today?
+It's another day. I think I'm alright.
+She came to me with a wild story about demonic possession.
+She's got a juvenile record from New Orleans. Parents died when she was 13.
+Parents died?
+Yeah, murder-suicide.
+What happened?
+Mother killed the father, then killed herself. Crime of passion.
+She told me she killed them.
+We hauled her in earlier but didn't have anything hard to tie her to Townsend. Far as the priest goes, he won't be bothering you. Suffered a complete mental breakdown, during - get this - during an exorcism.
+Where is she now?
+Monica, what did you do?
+Ah, Mom.
+I hate it.
+Fine, you don't like this one, which one would you rather wear?
+I don't know why I keep hoping you'll grow out of this tomboy thing.
+That's not funny
+Well, that's what you think, isn't it? Cause I'd rather wear a jersey than an apron...
+Taste this.
+I can't eat before a game.
+You really should be a caterer or something like you used to say.
+Monica. What are you doing here?
+Didn't know I needed a reason to come home.
+Don't be defensive. I'm just surprised to see you.
+Dad around?
+Need any help?
+Yeah. Can't wait to see him I just saw Quincy.
+How is he?
+To that stewardess?
+Yeah, you met her?
+His mother had a cookout a few weeks ago. He could do a lot better if you ask me.
+So what do I do?
+Find out where they're registered and send them a gift.
+You didn't want my opinion in the first place, so why even ask?
+I asked but why does it always have to be so damn prissy.
+Don't curse.
+There you go.
+So that's why we can't get along? Because I'd rather shoot a "dumb" jump shot?
+You're the one always turning your nose up at me.
+No I don't.
+Child, please. Ever since you were little you thought you were too good for anything I had to say.
+I wasn't Lena. I didn't care about nail polish or lip gloss or sneaking a spray of your perfume.
+What was so wrong with wanting to teach you the things I knew could help you?
+Because you're pushing me to be something I'm not.
+I'm angry because I want a mother, not Martha Stewart.
+Oh, yes. The superstar female athlete whose mother is nothing but a housewife.
+That's not it.
+I remember when I was eight years old, you spent like four hours cooking up this fancy meal. All you'd let me and Lena do was set the table. And I guess you and Dad got your wires crossed or something because he walks in with a couple of pizzas. And you didn't say anything. You just threw the whole meal into some tupper-ware
+I don't remember that.
+I do. You never stood up for yourself. Ever. If I was ashamed, it was because of that.
+That's ridiculous.
+That's all you cared about. I must have played in a thousand games and I can only remember you being to two.
+You had your coaches and your father for that stuff. It never mattered one way or the other if I went to your games.
+What are you talking about?
+She needs to stop running around like a little boy.
+She's alright.
+How is she alright looking the way she does?
+Which one for tomorrow?
+The blue.
+When you're done can you make sure she brushes her teeth?
+Are you okay?
+...and if you want a thicker base, you can cut in a potato or just use a little flour.
+So that means it's alright for you to act like that?
+So you're still breast-feeding?
+You might want to put a jacket on him, it's getting cold.
+He's fine.
+...we moved back here when Quincy was about five, after Zeke was traded. Neighborhood was a little more mixed back then...
+Until the Black family down the street became the Black family next door.
+Well, thanks again. This was really nice of you.
+Oh, me too. I used to cook for my friends' parties and things back in Atlanta.
+You're a caterer?
+You know, girl, long as I've lived next door, I've never seen the inside of this house.
+I can take it.
+You could've given up after you threw that ball away. But you kept your head and you showed real heart.
+We've got our final games against Oregon and Oregon State and I want to shake things up a bit, so I'm starting you at point again.
+I thought Sidra's ankle was okay for next game.
+It's just...it seems like you're always yelling at me.
+Can I take your coat?
+No, I mean I can check it for you.
+I'm an English major. You like English?
+Sort of.
+My mouth is kinda dry.
+That was nice.
+Quincy, word has it you might make the jump the NBA.
+Don't go starting rumors, Jim. My son's college bound with or without basketball.
+You could make a career by telling me where.
+Gotta wait til the press conference.
+But you'd love for him to play at USC, like you did.
+I'm so sorry. No one would switch flights with me.
+It's okay.
+Kyra, this is Monica. She, uh...
+It means a lot that you came by.
+Damn, girl.
+I don't wanna see that.
+So how long is this trip?
+Why not?
+You might be the only one with a job.
+Baby, don't talk like that. Your rehab's going well. You'll be back before you know it.
+Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it. Busting my ass, for what?
+To do what you love.
+I don't know sometimes.
+You're just scared. I know rehab is hard, and you have to worry about whether you'll be as good as you were but you will be. I believe in you. You just have to get back on the court. Like you'd get back on a horse.
+A horse?
+That too tight?
+Mom's going to hate it.
+Always on my ass, anyway.
+Like you don't give her a hard time.
+You need to. She's alone in this house all day, taking care of Dad and your ungrateful behind.
+No one's forcing her.
+So what's going on with the Spring Dance? You have a date yet?
+Yeah, brothers are lined up at my locker.
+I found you someone.
+Found? I'm not some charity case.
+I know...
+Mom tell you to do this?
+Damn, Lena... Who is he?
+This brother from my college.
+He's in college?
+And he's fine, girl.
+How'd you get him to say yes?
+I told him you looked like me.
+Oh, great.
+You do.
+Yeah, right.
+I don't know how to walk in heels.
+You ever been in love?
+Too many times.
+They ever love you back?
+Dad, you have to talk to Coach for me.
+And what am I supposed to say to the man?
+The coach from Tennessee was there and he has me riding the bench.
+You lost your head.
+Monica, I think her point is...maybe it's time to start thinking about other things besides basketball.
+You only have one game left and you haven't been recruited. Munchkin, I wanted it as bad as you did, but we have to face reality.
+The coach from USC is going to be at the championship.
+I know. But chances are...
+Hey, munchkin.
+Dad. What are you doing here?
+I was upstairs for a meeting. I've been hearing good things about you.
+That tends to happen when you're the boss's daughter.
+You shoot like a girl.
+Coach hates me, doesn't she?
+What's up with that?
+Hey, don't take it personal. And don't think just cause we play the same position we have to compete with each other. We're teammates, okay?
+Thanks, Sidra.
+That's what you get for trying to show out, freshman.
+I was just playing ball.
+You were trying to make me look bad.
+What's up?
+Just wanted to say good game.
+No buts. Took a lot of heart to take that charge.
+I know.
+Just one word of advice for next season.
+What's that?
+Well, what do you know.
+What's up, Sidra.
+I'm gonna love winning this championship in your house.
+Can you take that damn thing off the table.
+Yeah, four years ago. They had me staying in this tiny-ass town with like fifty people. I'm not playing, there was about a thousand goats running around, and it gets dark at four o'clock. Then the whack club I'm on loses three games in a row and I get blamed. So they fire me.
+Just like that?
+Yup. So I've been playing with this Italian club the last three years.
+How's that been?
+So what are these Spanish guys like?
+I wouldn't know.
+What? You've been over here seven months and you ain't tapped anything?
+Just not my type, I guess.
+You ever think about going back?
+One, up.
+Told you I was nice. I'm going to be the first girl in the NBA.
+So...does it hurt?
+It's this big hole. You could almost see bone.
+For real?
+So how come you could play basketball?
+I just can.
+I never knew a girl that could play.
+My Mom says she doesn't know where I come from 'cause I act different.
+Your Dad play?
+He works at a bank.
+My Dad plays for the "Clippers." He says I'ma be a doctor or a lawyer, but I'ma play for them, too. Same number and everything.
+I'm going to be number thirty-two, like Magic.
+He's alright, but my Dad can take him.
+What was the most points your Daddy ever got in Junior High?
+I don't know. A lot.
+One time Magic scored forty-eight points, and they only had six minute quarters and he sat out the whole fourth.
+You do act different.
+I don't care.
+Well, if anybody bothers you, you could just tell me cause I run this street.
+I'd just tell my sister, Lena.
+What do I have to do?
+I guess, you know, we play ball and we ride to school together. And if you get mad at me, I gotta give you flowers.
+I don't like flowers.
+How bout Twinkies? My mom won't ever buy them.
+I think we gotta kiss now.
+For how long?
+I want to ride my own bike.
+My Dad always drives my Mom.
+I don't have to do what you say.
+Man, forget you then, stupid.
+Last time they won, Dr. J. was a nurse.
+Way to hoop.
+I know this. What do you want?
+A ride home.
+Your legs don't look broke.
+Look, big head, I'll be at your car.
+Guess "please" would be a stretch.
+What's that?
+Some note Shawnee Easton told me to give to you.
+Why she gotta be a ho, just cause she wants to get with me.
+She's a ho cause she's sending her coochie through the mail.
+And? She's not saying, "I think you're a nice guy and I wanna get to know you better," she's saying, "I wanna bone."
+So she's honest.
+Yeah, an honest tramp-ass ho. But I guess you'll stick your dick in anything.
+Didn't know you cared so much.
+I don't.
+So who you going to the dance with, Spalding?
+See, that's why you ain't getting recruited.
+Who said I'm not getting recruited?
+I'm not the one who put this scar here.
+God, here we go.
+That's it, give it your best shot.
+Would you watch the damn road?
+I mean it, give it your best shot, cause I'm tired of you holding that over my head.
+I'm warning you, don't tempt me.
+Please, you jump in some guy's face, talk smack and you get a pat on your ass. But because I'm a female, I get told to calm down and act like a "lady". I'm a ballplayer, okay. A ball player.
+With a jacked-up attitude.
+Didn't know you cared so much.
+I don't.
+See you made it.
+You don't look half-bad.
+You having fun?
+Yeah, the DJ's kinda whack, though. So who is this clown?
+He ain't Spalding.
+Guess not.
+Early night for you, isn't it?
+Mulholland Drive.
+So what dead-end street did you and Shawnee hit?
+None of your business.
+Well, I'm sure she kept her word and left you satisfied.
+When'd you get this?
+It was on my bed when I came in. Can you just...?
+What was that about?
+You finish the reading for E-con?
+What'd it say?
+Basically broke down how I'm gonna make mad loot in the NBA, me being such a limited commodity and all.
+You do see me standing here, right?
+I can't be nice to a fan?
+Fine, Quincy.
+I can't help girls coming up to me.
+It's okay, little baby.
+Forget Tonya Randall.
+I'm telling you, Coach wishes she was here instead of me.
+Then prove her wrong.
+I don't have it easy like you, alright. There's no red carpet laid out for me.
+That was so weak.
+So how about a little one-on-one?
+What are we playing for?
+Give me the ball.
+Kiss my booty.
+Yo, where's the "D"?
+I won.
+Don't put your hands in your pockets, hold your head up, always look a man in the eye, and all the time I'm hanging on his every word like he's God or something...
+I know he messed up, but that doesn't change what he's been to you.
+What has he been to me? I mean, he looked me in my face and lied like it was nothing. Like it was easy. And I'm standing there getting loud on my mom like she's the one with no sense...
+She understands.
+He even had me wanting to play for the "Clippers." Man, how stupid am I.
+You're not stupid.
+Nothing. Why don't we walk to my dorm?
+I'm not up for running into anybody. Let's just kick it here, alright?
+Why not?
+Didn't realize you were watching the clock.
+I mean, I can stay a few more minutes.
+Nah. Don't sweat it.
+What's up?
+I've been trying to find you all day.
+Sorry about your game.
+he's just playing, Q...
+Who was that?
+Who's nobody?
+Look, this party's whack. You ready to go?
+You want to go talk?
+You know what, I'm just gonna crash.
+Fine...Maybe I'll come by later.
+Hey, what's up.
+You weren't at my game.
+Yeah, I hit a three at the buzzer.
+The "man" again.
+Oh, Kerry, this is Monica. Monica, Kerry.
+What the hell's going on?
+We're going to get some food.
+Can we talk?
+Talk to your new girlfriend.
+I just took the ho to Burger King, alright.
+Cheap date.
+Least she had time for me.
+So you fucked around to prove a point!
+I just said I didn't fuck around. But you got your head so far up your ass it took a cheap date for you to notice me.
+What, "Q-man", did I forget to kiss your ass like everybody else?
+You forgot to be there.
+That night you wanted to talk about your Dad I had a curfew. What was I supposed to do?
+If I stayed, I wouldn't be starting!
+Least you got your priorities straight.
+I never asked you to choose.
+Never had to.
+I'm a ballplayer. If anyone knows what that means it should be you.
+How do I know next time you're feeling neglected or whatever, you're not going to run around on me? If we're going to be together I have to be able to trust you.
+I'm going through a lot of shit right now, more than you have time for.
+How are you going to tell me what I have time for? I mean, whatever I did...we can fix this.
+I don't think so.
+You don't think so?
+Look, I'm entering the draft.
+You're what?
+When did you decide all this?
+Few days ago.
+So that's it, just forget about us?
+So...I guess I'll see you around.
+Alright. I heard you were in Spain.
+Just something I'm trying.
+No, it looks good. I mean, it's cool.
+Shouldn't you be lying down, or...
+I'm alright. But you can sit.
+I'm fine. My dad said you tore your ACL.
+What are the doctors saying?
+A lot of things. All I know is I'll be back in six months.
+I thought a torn ACL was ten to twelve.
+Not for Quincy McCall.
+So, how's pro-ball, Europe?
+We won the championship.
+Still working on being the first girl in the NBA?
+Well, I tried sneaking in after college, but they found breasts during my physical.
+Funny. I never did.
+Tried calling you a couple times.
+Oh yeah?
+Wanted to give you props on making First Team All-American. And then when Magic retired, I tried calling you again.
+Must have been my cheap-ass answering machine. It was always messing up.
+Actually, I don't...
+What do you mean?
+I'm tired of playing overseas. Thinking about giving it a rest for awhile.
+A rest?
+Yeah. Basketball just, isn't fun anymore. You know?
+Yeah, and Quincy, good luck with your knee, and everything.
+You visiting?
+Kyra's gone for a couple days. Figured I'd keep Mom company.
+Who's this guy I always see her around?
+Darryl. He's alright, kinda corny.
+So...how's the knee?
+Getting there.
+Strong enough to get you down the aisle?
+Yeah. Two weeks. I didn't get to send you an invitation, but if you...
+It just isn't.
+Because I'm kinda feeling that way, too.
+You had a rough couple years, that's all.
+That a nice way of saying I rode the bench?
+And you tore up your knee. Rehab is tough.
+Nah. I haven't dribbled a ball in four and a half months. Maybe I miss some of the attention, but besides that...
+You're serious.
+Seems like I needed a ball when I was trying to be like my pops...or trying to be better than him. Now, I kinda think I need to try something else.
+Like what?
+Maybe go back to school.
+I mean, Kyra hasn't heard the school thing yet. She'll probably say it's the painkillers talking.
+It's a trip, you know? When you're a kid, you see the life you want, and it never crosses your mind that it's not gonna turn out that way.
+So why'd you give up ball?
+Why do you keep asking me that?
+Cause I don't get it.
+Something was just missing.
+It doesn't matter, alright. Just leave it alone.
+What's going on?
+You asked me what was missing.
+From basketball.
+you woke me up to tell me that?
+I heard enough.
+What I'm trying to say is, I've loved you since I was eleven and the shit won't go away.
+We haven't talked since college and now you wait two weeks before my wedding to say something like this?
+You haven't changed. You still think the sun rises and sets on your ass. Well, guess what, it doesn't.
+Then why are you so upset?
+Because you don't pull this on someone who's about to get married.
+Better late than never, right?
+I'll play you.
+One game. One-on-one.
+For what?
+You're out of your mind.
+So you're gonna bitch up?
+What's that supposed to be, psychology?
+I know why you broke up with me in college. And not that what you did wasn't messed up, but what I did was, too. So if you forgive me, I'll forgive you.
+What will this prove?
+You once said the reason I beat you was because you wanted me to.
+So, if I win it's because deep down you know you're about to make the biggest mistake of your life, and deep down your want me to stop you.
+And what happens when you lose?
+Hey, girl.
+C'mon, girl, you live next door. Who's been creeping?
+There's so many I just can't keep track.
+Give it yourself.
+We should head over.
+Just you and Quincy, baby. I got a meeting.
+With who?
+Business folks.
+You just got back from a four game road trip.
+I had some players to see and hands to shake.
+At one in the morning?
+I'm not gonna get anywhere punching a clock just so my wife doesn't get an attitude.
+I'm just saying it'd be nice if you found time for your family. You should see the tramps coming after Quincy. If you don't talk to him...
+You said you'd think about going back to get your degree.
+Fine, then how many nights home is that?
+Not great.
+What's that, not great?
+The doctor'll be back in a minute.
+Nona, please.
+Almost didn't recognize you with your hair like that. How you been?
+We still have to go?
+What is this?
+Uh, your earring?
+I look like some hoochie to you? I found it on your floor.
+Quincy, I told you about these fat-ass girls.
+We were just studying.
+I'm not playing with you, these girls are looking to get you caught. They see you, they see dollar signs.
+You hearing me?
+How was your game?
+Twenty-seven points, eleven assists and still undefeated.
+Still the man.
+Where's your dad?
+Said he'd be home later.
+Later when?
+You scared me.
+Sorry. You okay?
+Guess he talked to you.
+Don't sweat it, okay. Sooner or later the truth'll come out.
+Whose truth are you talking about?
+Just...leave it alone.
+This is just about money, you know that.
+Quincy, please...
+I mean, how many times have you told me yourself to watch out for these ho's?
+Guess I should have been telling your father.
+Boy, what'd I tell you about using that word?
+"Can't" should never be in a man's vocabulary.
+Why not?
+Cause when you say can't, you ain't a man.
+Pop, there's no way an Ivy League Team is going all the way.
+I don't care about the team. I care about the school.
+Yeah? So you up for a game later?
+I don't wanna hurt your feelings.
+You don't wanna hurt your back.
+Anyway, I gotta get to this meeting. Tell your Mom I'm gonna be late.
+You work too hard, Pop.
+What people?
+You know, people.
+Well, tell them to mind their damn business. You're smart enough to get a degree.
+I'm also good enough to go pro.
+You know how much higher the play level is in the NBA? Give yourself time to develop, Quincy. Get an education. The NBA ain't going nowhere.
+You came out early.
+Your mom got pregnant and I had to make choices. You don't have a choice.
+Besides, the sooner you go pro, the sooner you'll have to deal with the mess I'm dealing with.
+What mess?
+there's this thing out there. This paternity suit.
+Some girl that's been hanging on at every party. now I'm supposed to be her baby's Daddy. Anyway, I told your mom I wanted to be the one who told you.
+Tell me what?
+I just told you.
+So what are you gonna do?
+I want this thing to go to court, but my lawyer's telling me to settle.
+A case like this could hang around for months and I'm up for this player relations job with the "Clips." This gets out, false or not, no one'll touch me.
+What's Mom think?
+What are you doing here?
+Your door was unlocked.
+Still is, so let yourself out.
+We need to talk.
+We ain't got nothing to talk about.
+I messed up, okay, I know that. But I ain't that kid's father.
+Lucky kid.
+Look, I ain't saying it was right, but sometimes things happen.
+And some things should never fucking happen!
+Boy, you're so perfect you can look down on me?
+I ain't a damn liar.
+Your mom was real quick to show you those pictures, wasn't she? Well, she was nineteen when she got pregnant and don't get me wrong, you're the best thing in my life, but she knew I wasn't ready for no marriage.
+So now you're saying my mother trapped you?
+Since we're being honest, guess I should tell you. I'm dropping out of school and going pro.
+From your mouth.
+I know your mad at me, okay, but I can't let you do this.
+What do you want?
+Came by to check on you.
+After five years.
+Don't remember that being my fault. Seems like you divorced me same time as your mom.
+Look, I'm busy.
+I can see that. I know things look pretty bleak right now, but you can't get down on yourself.
+I stopped taking your advice a long time ago, or did you forget?
+Quincy. I know you left school early to throw your middle finger up at me.
+And now I'm paying for it, right? That what this is about? "I told you so?"
+You want me to fuck off?
+What surery?
+Your teeth are straight.
+I need corrective oral surgery. I need the braces.
+Don, you got hit by lightning that time in Tahoe, you went on vacation, I don't think braces is a good idea --
+I can't believe you're gonna do this to me, the situation I'm in, I don't -- Avi: You know what? Being hit by lighting doesn't matter for getting braces, ok? Now Solomon, let me just ask you once: Please. Please. Don't do this.
+How are you paying tor the braces, Donnie?
+No need for braces, Donnie.
+You smell like trouble --
+I'm fuckin' hammered, Burt.
+You ok?
+It's been the same fuckin' thing for thirty years, Burt --
+You okay? huh? Jimmy?
+And the book says: "We may by through with the past, but the past ain't through with us."
+C'mon, Jimmy, snap up, snap up --
+Call 911. Call 911 right now.
+No, no, no. I'm fine. It's small, I wanna keep going --
+no, no, c'mon Jimmy we need to call this quits and you need to see a doctor.
+I'm telling you right now, I'm fine. I lost my goddamn balance and I couldn't see a moment, but I'm ok.
+Call 911, Mary, do it right now.
+You fuckin' don't do that. You don't do it, you cocksucker. I'll fuckin' kill you with my barehands. Go. get the fuck fuck -- we're going back and we finish the show --
+Jimmy you look like you're about to fuckin' die right here --
+Hey, Janet, it's Chad.
+What's wrong?
+Nothing's wrong, I just got some guy on the phone on my other line, he's says he works for this guy, this guy who's Frank's father --
+Ok. Janet you have Phil Parma --
+Hi, hello, great. This is Seduce and Destroy?
+It is. Can I have your home phone number with area code?
+Well I don't want to order anything, you see. I have a situation, a situation just come up that's really pretty serious and I'm not sure who I should talk to or what I should do but could you maybe put me in touch with the right person if I explain myself?
+I'm really only equipped to take orders --
+Well can you connect me to someone else?
+Well what's the situation?
+Well, ok. Lemme see how I explain this without it seeming kinda crazy, but here go: I'm, my name is Phil Parma and I work for a man named Earl Partridge -- Mr. Earl Partidge. I'm his nurse. He's a very sick man. He's a dying man and he's sick and he's asked me to help him, to help him find his son --
+I'm here, I'm listening.
+Why don't they have the same last name? They don't have the same last name.
+I know -- and I can't really explain that, but I have a feeling there's something, some situation between them, like they don't really know each other much or well, something like they don't talk much anymore --
+Does this sound weird?
+Well I'm not sure why you're calling me.
+There's no number for Frank in any of Earl's stuff and he's pretty out of it -- I mean, like I said, he's dying, y'know. Dying of Cancer.
+What kind of Cancer?
+Brain and Lung.
+My mother had breast cancer.
+It's rough. I'm sorry, did she make it?
+Oh, she's fine.
+Oh that's good.
+It was scary though.
+It's a helluva disease.
+Yeah, hey. Chad.
+Alright, so I'm gonna transfer you over to Frank's assitant, Janet she's gonna see what she can do --
+Thank you, Chad, and good luck to you and your mother --
+...what the fuck is this...?
+What do you want? Why are you here?
+I'd like to talk to you. Your boyfriend let me in, I just knocked on the door --
+Wanna call me a slut now, something?
+What the fuck do you want?
+I want to sit. I want to talk to you.
+Don't sit down.
+...I want to....I want so many things, Claudia. Maybe we can just talk to straighten our things out....there are so many things that I want to tell you --
+I don't wanna talk to you.
+Please. It doesn't have to be now. Maybe we can make a date to sit down, I didn't mean to walk in on you like this --
+Why are you here, why are you doing this? Coming in here -- you wanna call me a whore?
+I don't want you to think that I'm that way to you -- I'm not gonna call you a slut or something --
+Yeah, yeah right -- what the fuck are doing? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?
+Don't yell, honey. Please don't go crazy --
+I'M NOT CRAZY. Don't you tell me I'm crazy.
+I'm not saying that, I'm sorry --
+I'M NOT CRAZY. You're the one. You're the one who's wrong. You're the one --
+I have something, so much -- I'm sick, Claudia. I'm sick.
+Get out of here, get the fuck out of my house --
+Now STOP IT and LISTEN to me right now. I AM DYING, I GOT SICK...now I fell down and I'm Not...DON'T --
+I'm dying, Claudia. I have cancer. I have cancer and I'm dying, soon. It's metastasized in my bones and I --
+I'm not lying to you, I'm not --
+baby, please, please --
+Please put your clothes on, please --
+YOU BURN IN BELL. You burn in hell and you deserve it -- YOU GET THE FUCK OUT.
+Your mother wants to hear from you --
+uh...uh...What is it?
+For what?
+Ok. For one thing, we're gonna need to turn that music down so we can talk, ok?
+Ok. Claudia Wilson: You tryin' to go deaf?
+Did you hear what I said?
+Yeah, but I don't know --
+-- listenin' to that music so loud: You Tryin' To Damage Your Ears?
+Well if you keep listenin' to the music that loud you're not only gonna damage your ears but your neighbors ears.
+I didn't realize it was that loud.
+And that could be the sign of a damaged ear drum, you understand?
+I got a call of a disturbance, screaming and yelling, loud music. Has there been some screaming and yelling?
+Yes. I had someone come to my door, someone I didn't want here and I told them to leave -- so -- it's no big deal. They left. I'm sorry.
+Was it a boyfriend of yours?
+You don't have a boyfriend?
+Who was it?
+You mind if I check things back here?
+What are you lookin' for?
+Claudia: Why don't you let me handle the questions and you handle the answers, ok?
+You just move in here?
+About two years ago.
+Bit messy.
+I'm a bit of a slob myself.
+You and your boyfriend have a party last night?
+got some coffee brewing, huh?
+Yeah...it's not...it's been on for a bit --
+I like iced coffee, generally, but a day like this, rain and what not, I enjoy a warm cup --
+-- do you wanna cup?
+I don't know how fresh it's gonna be --
+Oh, it'll be fine, I'm sure, Claudia.
+You take cream or sugar?
+That'd be fine. So, Claudia, lemme just say, so I can get my role of LAPD officer out of the way before we enjoy our coffee I'm not gonna write you up or anything, I'm not gonna give you a citation here -- but the real problem we have is that there are people around here, people that work from their homes, people tryin'
+Is this boyfriend bothering you?
+I don't have a boyfriend.
+The gentleman who came to the door --
+-- is not my boyfriend.
+Many times, in damestic abuse situations the young lady is afraid to speak, but I have to tell you that, being a police officer, I've seen it happen: Young woman afraid to speak, next thing you know, I'm gettin' a call on the radio, I got a 422 --
+It's not -- what's a 422?
+It's where situations like these lead, Claudia, unless you do something about it early, if and when the police call and come for help. Now there are certain measures you can take --
+It's not my boyfriend -- and it's not anything -- it's over. Really. It's not. He won't came back.
+I don't wanna have to come back here in an hour and find that there's been another disturbance.
+You won't. You won't have to.
+I'm gonna run to the bathroom real quick.
+Ok, ok. I'm back.
+This is, for not a fresh cup, a great cup of coffee, Claudia --
+--- yeah, yeah, I get in it in my ear. It's TMJ is what it's called technically.
+What's that stand for?
+This is my job.
+We were just gettin' warmed up. We were just getting started.
+Well if you listen' to that music too loud again and that fella returns maybe we'll share another cup of coffee --
+If you're not here for a 422 --
+No. No. Don't joke about that. That's not funny, Claudia. Please, now.
+I'm sorry.
+Ok, then. Keep your chin up and your music down, alright?
+Yes. I will. It was nice to meet you Officer Jim.
+Just Jim.
+yeah, good, ok.
+Bye, bye, Claudia.
+I'm sorry, Claudia.
+What is it? Did you forget something?
+No, no. I was wondering...man oh man. I think I feel like a bit of a scum-bucket doing this, considering that I came here as an officer of the law and the situation and all this but I think I'd be a fool if I didn't do something I really want to do which is to ask you on a date.
+You wanna go on a date with me?
+Please, yes.
+Well...is that illegal?
+Then...I'd like to go...What do you want to do?
+I don't know. I haven't thought about it -- you know what -- that's not true -- I have thought about it. I've thought about going on a date with you since you opened the door.
+Do you wanna go tonight? I mean, are you working?
+No, I'm off tonight. I would lov-like, to go tonight, I can pick you up, I can pick you up here at about what time? What time?
+Eight o'clock?
+What about ten o'clock, is that too late? I don't get off and then --
+Oh sure yes, that's fine, late dinners are good. Should I get dressed up or -- ?
+No, no, just casual maybe, maybe I thought -- there's a spot I like to go, it's real nice that overlooks a golf course and the course is lit up at night --
+Yeah, You know it? You know Billingsley's?
+It's my favorite place --
+Oh, see? This is great. Ten o'clock.
+Great, bye.
+Did you ever go out with someone and just....lie....question after question, maybe you're trying to make yourself look cool or better than you are or whatever, or smarter or cooler and you just -- not really lie, but maybe you just don't say everything --
+Well, that's a natural thing, two people go out on a date, something. They want to impress people, the other person...or they're scared maybe what they say will make the other person not like them --
+So you've done it --
+Well I don't go out very much.
+Why not?
+I've never found someone really that I think I would like to go out with.
+And I bet you say that to all the girls --
+No, no.
+You wanna make a deal with me?
+What I just said...y'know, people afraid to say things....no guts to say the things that they...that are real or something...
+To not do that. To not do that that we've maybe done -- before --
+Let's make a deal.
+Wow....huh..."...piss and shit..."
+You really use strong language.
+I'm sorry --
+-- no, no, it's fine. Fine.
+I didn't mean...it's seems vulgar or something, I know --
+It's fine.
+I'm sorry.
+...nothing. I'm sorry...
+No, I'm sorry. I'm saying I'm sorry. I talk like a jerk sometimes --
+-- well I'm a real...y'know, straight when it comes to that...curse words I just don't use much --
+I'm sorry.
+I'm gonna run to the bathroom for a minute...maybe just --
+That felt good to do...to do what I wanted to do.
+Can I tell you something?
+Yeah, of course.
+I'm really nervous that you're gonna hate me soon. That you're gonna find stuff out about me and you're gonna hate me --
+-- no, like what, what do you mean?
+You're a police officer. You have so much, so many good things and you seem so together...so all straight and put together without problems.
+I lost my gun.
+I lost my gun after I left you today and I'm the laughing stock of a lot of people. I wanted to tell you that. I wanted you to know...and it's on my mind and it makes me look like a fool and I feel like a fool and you asked that we should say things, that we should say what we're thinknig and
+Oh my god, Jim. Jim, that was so --
+I'm sorry --
+That was so great what you just said.
+I haven't been on a date since I was married and that was three years ago....and Claudia...whatever you wanna tell me, whatever you think might scare me, won't...and I will listen...I will be a good listener to you if that's what you want...and you know, you know...I won't judge you.... I can do that sometimes, I know, but I won't...I can...listen to you and
+You don't how fuckin' stupid I am.
+It's ok.
+You don't know how crazy I am.
+It's ok.
+I've got troubles.
+I'll take everything at face value. I'll be a good listener to you.
+Ohhhh I started this, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I, fuck.
+Say what you want and you'll see --
+Wanna kiss me, Jim?
+....now that I've met you.... Would you object to never seeing me again?
+Just say no.
+Let me go, leave me, let me go, it's ok, please.
+please, what is it, please --
+-- you the resident here?
+No, what's wrong?
+You live alone?
+What's your name?
+Hello. You're back again, huh?
+yeah, yes, hi, hello.
+-- can I get you?
+Diet Coke.
+I want a shot of tequila too.
+-- what kind?
+I'm fine. Yes. I'm fine.
+Ready to go,go,go?
+Where's Richard and Julia?
+Where's the news department at this studio?
+It's upstairs.
+Have you ever been there?
+Sure, why?
+I'm wondering about the weather department. I'm wonderin' wether or not the weather people use outside meteorlogical services or if they have in-house instruments?
+I can check on that for you, maybe we can take a tour --
+C'mon guys, settle down --
+How much time do we have?
+Not enough, what do you want?
+I should maybe go to the bathroom.
+Can you hold it?
+I don't know.
+I have to go to the bathroom, Cynthia.
+Jesus Christ, Stanley, you can't go to the bathroom now. You have exactly one minute before we're back on the air, this is NOT the time to go to the bathroom.
+What happend, what's going on?
+What do you mean, "like what?" -- you could get endorsments and shit --
+-- Richard.
+Let's go, c'mon, get up --
+Did we win or lose, I mean --?
+Richard, shut it and keep it down.
+Stay quiet...stay quiet, son --
+No, Son...be quiet...be quiet now...
+C'mon, Dad. We gotta just GET HIS MONEY AND GO, LET'S GO. Let's get the money --
+We're not gonna do that now. We're not gonna do that now and that's over.
+Son, don't --
+-- no.
+Put the gun down, please, boy.
+Son, please, now....
+DAD --
+It's ok --
+We gotta get his money so we can get outta here -- we gotta --
+I'm not mad, son, I will not be mad at you and it's ok and please put it down and I won't be mad and I won't --
+I - just - thought - that - I - didn't want - I - didn't - I - didn't -
+How much you pay me for my help?
+I think it's more complicated than that little man.
+Put me on the payroll, find out, find out wassup --
+You don't just sign up to be a police officer -- it's about three years of training -- ok?
+I'm trained, I'm ready to go, you wanna buy some candy to help underprivelaged youth in the --
+Sorry, little man.
+You wanna take my statement, I'll perform for you, gotta get paid though, gotta get PAID.
+Why the hell aren't you in school?
+No school today. My teacher got sick.
+They don't have substitute teachers where you go to school?
+Nope. So what'd they find out in there?
+That's confidential information, little man.
+Tell me what you know, I'll tell you what I know --
+No Can Do.
+Ok. Listen. You: c'mere.
+You wanna disrespect an officer of the law?
+I can help you solve the case, I can tell you who did it.
+Are you a joker? huh? Tellin' jokes?
+I'm a rapper.
+Oh, you're a rapper, huh? You got a record contract?
+Not yet -- "give you the clue for the bust if you show me some trust --"
+Have you ever been to Juvenille Hall?
+I ain't fuckin with you --
+Hey. Watch the mouth. Watch it.
+C'mon, man, just watch me, watch and listen --
+Presence - with a double ass meaning gifts I bestow, with my riff, and my flow but you don't hear me though think fast, catch me, yo cause I throw what I know with a Resonance - fo'yo'trouble-ass fiend in weenin yo-self off the back of the shelf Jackass crackas, bodystackas dicktootin niggas, masturbatin' yo trigga butcha y'all just fake-ass niggas --
+-- watch the mouth, homeboy, I don't need to hear that word --
+-- livin' to get older with a chip on your shoulder 'cept you think you got a grip, cauze you hip gotta holster? Ain't no confessor, so busta, you best just Shut The fuck up, try to listen and learn --
+Alright, alright, cut it, coolio. That's enough with the mouth and the language.
+I'm almost done.
+Finish it up without the lip.
+Check that ego - come off it - I'm the profit - the proffesor Ima teach you 'bout The Worm, who eventually turned to catch wreck with the neck of a long time oppressor And he's runnin from the devil, but the debt is always gaining And if he's worth being hurt, he's worth bringin' pain in - When the sunshine don't work, the
+Now that shit will help you SOLVE the case.
+Did you listen to me?
+I was listening --
+-- I told you who did it and you're not listening to me.
+Doc it's Janet.
+What's up?
+I have to talk to Frank, is he nearby?
+He's doing the interview with the lady --
+I need you to interupt him, I need to get him on the phone with me right away --
+What happend?
+I'm walking towards the elevator's, Janet.
+What happend?
+Doc, just - don't, how close are you?
+Phil, hang in just one more minute ok? I'm gonna put you on hold -- Doc you still there?
+You look like you've got money in your pocket.
+Just throw some money around. Money, money, money.
+This sounds threatening.
+Do you have love in your heart?
+I have love all over. I even have love for you, friend.
+Is it real love?
+Well --
+-- the kind of love that makes you feel that intagible joy. Pit of your stomach. Like a bucket of acid and nerves running around and making you hurt and happy and all over you're head over heels....?
+Well you lost me with the last couple of cocktail words spoken, m'boy, but I believe it's that sort of love. Sounds nice to me.
+I have love.
+A very chatty-kind, you do, indeed, it seems.
+No. I mean, I'm telling you: I'm telling you that I have love.
+And I'm listening avidly, fellow.
+....do you know who I am?
+You're a friend of the family I presume?
+What? What does that mean?
+Nothing special, just a spoke in the wheel.
+You talk in rhymes and riddles and ra...rub-adub --- but that doesn't mean anything to me, see....see...see I used to be smart....I'm Quiz Kid Donnie Smith. I'm Quiz Kid Donnie Smith from the tv --
+But you're alright now, so what's the what?
+That's right.
+I used to be smart but now I'm just stupid.
+Who was it that said: "A man of genius has seldom been ruined but by himself."
+It was the lovely Samuel Johnson who also spoke of a fella "Who was not only dull but a cause of dullness in others."
+"The" cause of dullness in others --
+Picky, picky.
+Things go round 'n round, don't they?
+Yes they do, they do, but I'll make my dreams come true, you see? I will.
+This sounds Sad as a Weeping Willow.
+I used to be smart but now I'm just stupid.
+"If a brick weighs one pound plus one half brick -- how much does the brick weigh?" "Well if subtracting the half of brick from the whole brick you got one half of brick, equals one pound so therefore the brick equals two pounds --" "A little more than kin and less than kind," is Hamlet to Claudius. "The sins of the father laid
+I confuse melancholy and depression sometimes....
+You see?
+Why don't you run along now friend, your dessert is getting cold.
+I'm sick.
+Stay that way.
+I'm sick and I'm in love.
+You seem the sort of person who confuses the two.
+I love you. I love you and I'm sick. I'II talk to you....I'll talk to you tommorrow. I'm getting corrective oral surgery tomorrow. For my teeth. For my teeth and for you....for you so we can speak. You have braces. Me too. Me too. I'm getting braces, too. For you. For you, dear Brad. And I don't have any money. And I don't have
+Brad, honey, you have a special secret crush over here I think, don't take him too lovely -- he might get hurt --
+You mind your own bussines.
+Gently, son --
+Brad, I know you don't love me now --
+"It's a dangerous thing to confuse chidlren with angels..."
+This is so fucked, Solomon. I don't deserve this.
+Don't get strong, Donnie. This is making sense, this making a lot of sense. You are not doing the job, the job I ask you to do, a job I give you. Over and over and over and I'm sorry. But I'm not gonna say I'm sorry that much more.
+I don't have any money, Solomon. If you fire me --
+-- I give you money, I give you a paycheck. Your sales suck, Don. I give, I give. When I find you, when I meet you, what? I put you on the billboard, I put you in the store, my salesman, my fucking representation of Solomon and Solomon Electronic, Quiz Kid Donnie Smith from the game show --
+I lent my name, my celebrity. Exactly --
+FUCK YOU. I pay you, I paid you. I give you a fucking chance and a chance and over and over, over you let me down. I trust you with so much. The keys to my store, the codes to my locks, the life, the blood of my bussiness and return is smashing in seven-eleven, late, always late, loans -- I loaned you money
+I paid you back.
+Two years! Two years later and out of your paycheck, I never charge interest --
+What is that?
+You don't need braces.
+Yes I do.
+And how much is braces?
+I've been a good worker --
+I don't know.
+You were gonna ask me weren't you?
+Give me your keys, Don.
+-- he's fucking dying, he's dying as we're sitting here and there isn't a fucking thing -- jesus, how can you tell me to calm down?
+I can help you through this the best I know how but there are certain things you are gonna have to be strong about and take care of, now we can go over them, but I need to know that you're listening to me, ok?
+I just, I just -- I just -- I'm just in a fucking state, I know he's going and it's like I don't know how -- just tell me practical things -- What the fuck do I do with his body? What happens when he dies? That next moment: What? What do I do? Then What?
+Well that's what Hospice will take care of for you. They will send a nurse, someone who can take care of all of that for you --
+He has Phil right now.
+Phil's one of the nurses from the service?
+If you're happy with Phil taking care of him and helping you, that's fine, but contact Hospice to arrange for the body --
+-- you don't understand: it's more pain than before and the fucking morphine pills aren't working, he's -- past two days it's like he can't really swallow them and I don't know if they're going down -- I can't see inside his mouth anymore -- I'm up all night staring at him and I don't think the pills are going down and he moans
+We can fix that, because I can give you -- are you listening?
+I'm listening. I'm getting better.
+Do you wanna sit down?
+I need to sit down.
+This is the number for Hospice. Ok. Now. As far as the morphine pills go, there is something else to consider that can take the pain away that he is in, there is a very strong and very potent solution of liquid morphine....it's a little bottle, with an eye dropper and it's easy to get in his mouth and drop on his tounge and
+-- how the fuck can I say anything to that -- I don't know what to say to that --
+How's today then?
+Fuckin' bullshit is what this is.
+...no...no goddamn use. I have a son, y'know?
+You do?
+Where is he?
+I don't know...I mean, he's around, he's here, in town, y'know, but I don't know...he's a tough one...very.... Do you have a girlfriend, Phil?
+Get a girlfriend.
+I'm trying.
+And do good things with her...share the thing...all that bullshit is true, y'know...find someone and hold on all that...Where's Linda?
+She went out. She said she went out to run some errands. She'll be back.
+She's a good girl. She's a little nuts, but she's a good girl I think. She's a little daffy.
+She loves you.
+...ah...maybe...yeah...she's a good one...
+When was the last time you talked to your son?
+....I dunn...o....maybe ten...five, fuck, fuck....that's another thing that goes --
+-- memory?
+Time lines, y'know? I remember things but not so -- right there -- y'know?
+"yeah." the fuck do you know?
+I've seen it before.
+Other fuckin' assholes like me.
+There's no asshole like you.
+How come every word you say is either "cocksucker," or "shitballs," or "fuck?"
+Do me a personal favor --
+Go fuck myself?
+...I can't hold onto this anymore...
+I'll get you another pain pill. Another morphine pill --
+...gimme that fuckin' phone...
+Who are you gonna call?
+I wanna see this...where is he, do you know?
+You wanna call him on the phone? We can call him, I can dial the phone if you can remember the number --
+This is so boring...so goddamn... and dying wish and all that, old man on a bed...fuck...wants one thing:
+...find him on the...Frank. His name's Frank Mackey --
+Frank Mackey. That's your son?
+Do you know Lily? Phil..do you know her?
+She's my love...my life...love of it... In school when you're 12 years old. In school, in six grade....and I saw her and I didn't go to that school...but we met. And my friend knew her...I would say, "What's that girl?" "How's that Lily?" "Oh, she's a bad girl...she sleeps with guys..." My friend would say this....but then sometime...I went to another school, you see?
+No, no, the grade...the grade that you're in?
+She had cancer...from her...in her stomach and I didn't go anywhere with her...and I didn't do a god thing... for her and to help her....shit...this bitch...the beautiful, beautiful bitch with perfect skin and child bearing hips and so soft...her namewasLilysee? He liked her though he did, his mom, Frank/Jack...he took care of her and she died. She didn't stick with him and he thinks
+What? Say it again...walking in the car?
+Hi. Is Frank there?
+I think you have the wrong number.
+I'm looking for Frank Mackey.
+Is this 509-9027?
+Yeah. You have the wrong number. There's no one named Frank here.
+Alright. Thank you.
+That's fine. It's nice to meet you.
+Are we gonna tape some stuff now?
+If you're up to it, I've got us set up in a suite upstairs --
+All it takes is one second?
+Just one look, one hesitation, one subtle gesture for me to know -- And Bing-Bam-Boom I'm away on a tangent -- I get so fuckin' amped at these seminars and lemme tell you why: Because I Am What I Believe. I am what I teach, I do as I say, I live by these rules as religiously as I preach them: And you wanna
+I'm gonna start rolling --
+-- go, go, go. I'm givin' pearls here. And I'II tell you samethin' else: I'm not succeding in the bush because I'm Frank TJ Mackey. If anything, there are women out there that want to destroy me -- it makes it twice as hard for me, I run into some little muffin, knows who I am, knows my schemes and plans -- shit, she's
+-- see, I thought you grew up here in the valley --
+-- that's right, that's right, and what I'M saying, that none of my competitors can say is this: That there is no need for insight or understanding. Things of the past! Gone, Over, Done. Do you realize how fucking miraculous this is? How fucking razor sharp and cutting edge and ahead of it's time this concept is? I'm talking about eliminating insight and understanding
+Let's talk about --
+I just realized this is for television, isn't it? I can't swear up and down like I just did.
+It's fine. I can bleep it out.
+I warned you -- I get on a roll...
+-- let's talk more about your background --
+I'm confused about your past is the thing.
+Is that still lingering?
+-- just to clarify --
+So boring, so useless --
+I would just want to clear some things up:
+Thank you, Muffy. Funny thing is: This is an important element of, "Seduce and Destory:" "Facing the past is an important way in not making progress," that's something I tell my men over and over --
+This isn't meant --
+-- and I try and teach the students to ask: What is it in aid of?
+Are you asking me that?
+Well, just trying to figure out who you are, and how you might have become --
+In aid of what?
+I'm saying, Frank, in trying to figure out who you are --
+-- there's a lot more important things I'd like to put myself into --
+It's all important --
+Not really.
+It's not like I'm trying to attack you --
+This is how you wanna spend the time, then go, go, go -- you're gonna be surprised at what a waste it is -- "The most useless thing in the world is that which is behind me," Chapter Three --
+We talked earlier about your mother. And we talked about your father and his death. And I don't want to be challenging or defeatist here, but I have to ask and I would want to clarify something -- something that I understand --
+I'm not sure I hear a question in there?
+Do you remember a Miss Simms?
+I know alotta women and I'm sure she remembers me.
+She does. From when you were a boy.
+Mm. Hm.
+She lived in Tarzana.
+An old stomping ground --is this the "attack" portion of the interview, I figured this was coming sooner or later -- Is "the girl" coming in for the kill?
+No, this is about getting something right and claryfying one of your answers to an earlier question --
+Go ahead and waste your time.
+I was told that your mother died. That your mother died when you were young --
+And that's what you've heard?
+C'mon, Frank. What are you doing?
+What am I doing?
+Time's up. Thank you for the interview.
+So you sat it out, that's what you did?
+You're hurting a lot of people, Frank --
+Where are you from originally?
+Around here.
+the valley?
+Hollywood, mainly.
+And what did your parents do?
+My father worked in televison. My mother -- this is gonna sound silly to you -- she was a librarian.
+Why does that sound silly?
+Well I guess it doesn't.
+Does you mother still work?
+She's retired.
+Are you close?
+She's my mother.
+What does she say about, "Seduce and Destroy."
+"Go Get 'Em, Honey."
+And your father?
+He passed away.
+I'm sorry.
+people die.
+I wouldn'tve asked --
+Not a problem.
+And you ended up at UC Berkely --
+From '84 to '89.
+Psychology major?
+Do you have your masters?
+...this close...
+And you went to Van Nuys High, right?
+I don't how much I went -- but I was enrolled. I was such a loser back then. I was -- misguided, pathetic -- I was very fat. Not even close to what I am today. Not the Frank TJ Mackey you're eager to talk to because I was swimming in what was as opposed to I wanted.
+Where does that name come from?
+What name? My name?
+It's not your given name, right?
+My mother's name, actually. Good question. You've done you're research.
+And "Frank?"
+"Frank" was my mother's father.
+Ok. That's why. I had trouble locating your school records at Berkely and UCLA. Your name change -- they had no official enrollment --
+Oh, yeah. No, no, no. They wouldn't --
+They wouldn't?
+no, no, no. Certainly not. I wasn't officialy enrolled, that's right. Was that unclear?
+Kind of.
+Are you asking me a question?
+Hello. Frank. Frank TJ Mackey.
+...are you Phil...?
+Yeah. I was trying to get in touch with you. We got dissconnected.
+I got your message. That you were trying to get me -- right?
+Yes. I didn't know how to find you. Earl asked me, so I looked through the adress books and there was no number, nothing --
+Is Linda here?
+She's not here, she went out. I'm sorry. This is all just so, I don't know what, what to do -- your Dad asked me to try and track you down. To get you and I did, I called the number -- Do you wanna come in?
+Yeah let's...maybe just stand.
+He's in here.
+Let's just wait one minute and stay here, okay?
+How long have you taken care of him?
+For six months. I'm the day nurse...
+Uh-huh. What's going on?
+He's...I'm sorry...so sorry...I've seen this before, you know and you don't.... He's going very fast....Frank...um....
+Is he in pain?
+I just...he was...but I gave him, I just had to give him a small dose of liquid morphine. He hasn't been able to swallow the morphine pills so we now, I just had to go to the liquid morphine... For the pain, you understand?
+How long...you think?
+Um...soon tonight...I think, yes? Tommorrow...I mean...very soon...very...
+When did he go off chemo?
+About three weeks ago.
+.....have you ever seen this..I mean, never mind, you said --
+I work as a nurse, for a proffesion --
+Uh. huh.
+I'm really sorry.
+He's in here --?
+I've heard your tapes on the phone.
+Oh yeah.
+When they put me on hold, to talk to you...they play the tapes. I mean: I'd seen the commercials and heard about you, but I'd never heard the tapes ....
+Uh. huh.
+It's interesting.
+So....Phil....um...I think I'm gonna step in and try and see him and say something if he can...talk...I mean:
+Can you stand...back...maybe, I mean... just a little bit...in the room is ok, but back from us a little...
+I'm here. I'm here now. What do you want? Do you want anything?
+I don't think, he can't...
+What? What? What now?
+Quietly, slow down, whoa --
+You can't just come in here.
+The door was open, I got a call --
+You're just come in --
+Calm down.
+I am calm.
+I got a call to this apartment, report of a disturbance --
+There's no disturbance.
+I got a call of a disturbance, you're door was open, I just wanna see what's goin' on --
+There's no disturbance.
+Then you've got nothin' to worry about.
+You don't tell me, I know my rights, just come right in, you can't --
+Don't test me, you wanna talk about what the law book says, we can do that, push me far enough and I'll take you to jail -- now calm down.
+You're not calm. You're screamin' and yellin' and I'm here to check on a disturbance that was reported and that's what I'm gonna do - now are you alone in here?
+I don't have to answer your questions.
+No you don't: But I'm gonna ask you one more time: Are you alone in here?
+What does it look like?
+No one else in here?
+You're here.
+OK. That's true. Is anyone else, besides me and besides you in this house?
+No. I said that.
+Are you lyin' to me?
+I live alone.
+Maybe so, but I'm gonna ask you one more time: Is Anyone Else In This House Right Now?
+No I Said.
+Ok. What's your name?
+Ok. Marice why don't you take a seat for me?
+I preffer to stand.
+I didn't do anything.
+Maybe you didn't, but I'm here to find out about a disturbance. Some neighbors called said they heard screaming and a loud crash.
+I don't know a loud crash.
+And what about screaming?
+I said: I DON'T KNOW. You can't just come in here and start pokin' around --
+You just woke up. And what'd you have a party last night, the way this place looks?
+I went out last night.
+Ok. Marcie. Starting now I want you to have a new attitude with me. The more you play games, the more suspicious I'm gonna become that you've been up to something.
+It's a free country, you can think anything you want.
+Yes I can, Marcie. And until you start givin' me some straight answers: I'm gonna assume that some mischief has been goin' on here.
+Mischief? What the fuck you talkin' about, mischief?
+Bad and illegal behavior. That's what I mean. Ok? Mischief. Now have you been doin' some drugs today?
+You on any medication?
+Been drinkin' today?
+--- What was that?
+No. No. Stay down, Marcie, sit back down on that couch --
+This is the LAPD. If anyone is back here I want you to come out and I want you to show yourself to me with your hands in the air --
+This is the LAPD, if anyone is in the closet I want you to come out and show yourself to me, slowly and with your hands up --
+Marcie - quiet down! Now if anyone is in the closet, come out now --
+What the hell is this Marcie?
+You look great.
+What the fuck is this, Jimmy?
+...you know...
+Did your wife find out?
+Then what?
+It's just...too late for me to be fuckin' around. I gotta stop. I gotta clean my brain of all the shit I've done that I shouldn't have done --
+-- that you shouldn't have done? That you regret, what? This? What's this? Fuck, man, c'mon. Treat me like an asshole, but treat me like an asshole.
+Thirty fuckin' years I've been with Rose, don't -- y'know -- with this, and I know what you think --
+All your other fluzzies?
+Yeah. Yes.
+You're making me feel so dirty and shitty. I feel like a big piece of shit right now.
+Are you gonna tell her what you've done?
+Will you say my name?
+If she asks me any question I want to tell her. I want to tell her everything I've done.
+Come and tell me it's over and I'll walk away, Jimmy. I've fucked you behind your wife's back for three years, and you've fucked teenage girls behind mine for the same amount of time -- I'll walk away, you need something for your life, for your conscience, but don't put me in the middle --
+I won't.
+What happend to you?
+Are you ok?
+Rose is on the phone and here's the cards for today --
+Fifteen minutes ago, where were those cards?
+I'm sorry.
+I need you to get me Paula --
+You want her right now?
+Yes. Now. Find her. She's somewhere in the building --
+We're on the air in twenty minutes, Jimmy.
+I can't fuckin' do this.
+Are you alright?
+Willa Cather.
+I'm gonna need a full name, Stanley.
+What were you saying, Stanley?
+I don't mean to cry, I'm sorry.
+How you doing?
+I'm drinking.
+Slowly or quickly?
+As fast as I can.
+Come home soon after the show.
+I went to see her -- some fuckin' asshole answers the door in his underwear, he's fifty years old, there's coke and shit laid out on the table --
+-- did she talk to you?
+She went crazy. She went crazy, Rose.
+Did you tell her?
+I don't know. I have to go, I don't have time and I have more drinking to do before I go march --
+I love you.
+Love you too..
+I don't think I want that.
+It'll take the pain away.
+How do we do this, then?
+We just do it...we do it and we figure it out and we do as we do, I guess...
+You're my handsome man.
+I'm a bad person.
+No. No.
+No, I mean: I'm telling you this, now. You see? You see I want to make everything clear and clean...and apologize for me....for all the stupid things I've done....that will eat me up....
+You feel like you want to be forgiven for your sins? Honey, you're not on your death bed, yet....this kinda talk's gonna get you in trouble --
+...No...I don't hate you. Do you want talk...do you really want to talk to me and say things and get things figured out, Jimmy?
+The question isn't wether or not you cheated on me, the question is how many times have you cheated on me?
+Will that help?
+How many times....it's ok...just say... Just say...
+I don't even remember...many...twenty... maybe more...not much more...twenty times.
+I don't hate you, Jimmy. But I have a couple questions that I wanna ask....
+I'll answer anything.
+Was there anyone that I know?
+Rose, I don't --
+That's it.
+No one else that I know?
+How long with Ellen?
+Just once.
+How long with Paula?
+Two years...three years...
+What about now?
+It's over. I talked to her this morning.
+Is it over 'cause you're sick?
+It's over becuase...for all the the right reasons I hope, what I said.
+Do you have any children with anyone?
+What? No, Rose, jesus, no --
+Well maybe.
+I don't.
+Do you feel better now that you've said this?
+I don't know....
+I'm not mad. I am, but I'm not. Y'know?
+I love you so much.
+Why doesn't Claudia talk to you, Jimmy?
+Why, well I think we've, we both don't know...what do you mean?
+I think that you know.
+...say it, Jimmy...
+Do you know the answer to this?
+I'm asking you. I'm asking you if you know why Clauida will not speak to you....please, Jimmy....tell me.
+She thinks terrible things that somehow got in her head...that I might have done something. She said that to me last time...when it was...ten years ago she walked out the door, "You touched me wrong..." "I know that." Some crazy thought in her, in her head...
+Did you ever touch her?
+Jimmy, did you touch her?
+I really don't know.
+But you can't say....
+I don't know what I've done.
+Yes you do....you do and you won't say.
+You deserve to die alone for what you've done.
+I don't know what I've done.
+Yes you do.
+Stay here, please don't leave me, please, please, if I said I knew would you stay?
+I don't know what I've done.
+Hello. Is Claudia here?
+She's asleep.
+Are you her boyfriend?
+You're Jimmy Gator, right?
+Yes. What's your name?
+I'm Bob.
+You're her boyfriend?
+No, I'm just a friend. What are you doing here, I mean...you know Claudia?
+Can I come in?
+Want me to wake her up?
+I'm sorry.
+Do you still have to do homework?
+Was it a call back?
+No. But I probably will get a call back.
+If we beat the record, you might get a call back --
+I'll get it because I'm a good actress, Richard.
+We're not going out two days before we set the record, it's not gonna happen.
+Do you have an agent, Stanley?
+You should get one, I'm serious, you could get a lot of stuff out of this --
+Commercials, a sitcom, an MOW or something.
+What's MOW?
+They look pretty smart, I think.
+You have to go, Stanley. You're the smartest.
+You don't want any water?
+No...I just... I'm so fucked up here Alan, I don't know...there's so much...so many things --
+Are you on drugs right now?
+If I talk to you...y'know...if I tell you things...then you're a lawyer, right? You can't say things, you can't tell anyone, it's like the privelage, right? Attornery-client, you understand?
+Not exactly, Linda. I'm not sure where you're going with this --
+Like a shrink, like if I go to see a shrink, I'm protected, I can say things -- fuck -- I don't know what I'm doing --
+Linda, you're safe. Ok. It's alright. You're my friend. You and Earl are my clients and what you need to talk about won't leave this room, you have something you have to say --
+-- I have something to tell you. I have to tell you something. I want to change his will, can I change his will?...I need to ---
+You can't change his will. Only Earl can change his will.
+I don't want him to die, I didn't love him when we met, and I've done so many bad things to him that he doesn't know, things I want to confess to him, but now I do: I love him. I love him so much and I can't stand -- he's going.
+What kind of medication are you on right now, Linda that's --
+This is not any fucking medication talking, this isn't -- I don't know. I don't know -- Can you give me nothing? You have power of attorney, can you see him, can you, in this final fucking moment, go see him and make sure --- change the fucking will -- I don't want any money, I couldn't live with myself, this thing I've done
+Adultery isn't illegal -- it's not something that can be used in a court to discredit the will or -- Linda. Linda. Calm down.
+I can't.
+You don't have to change the will, if what you want to do is get nothing you can renounce the will when it's time.
+Where will the money go?
+Well. Considering that there's no one else mentioned in the will...we'd have to go to the laws of intestacy, which is -- as if someone died without a will --
+What does that mean?
+The money would go to Frank. The court would put the money in the hands of a relative --
+-- that can't happen. Earl doesn't want him to have the money, the things.
+-- unless Frank is specifically ommitted as a beneficiary that's what will happen.
+This is so over-the-top and fucked-up I can hardly stand it.
+Linda, you just have to take a moment and breath and one thing at a time --
+Shut the fuck up.
+I'm trying to help, Linda --
+Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up.
+You need to sober up.
+Now you must really shut the fuck up, please. Shut The Fuck Up.
+Linda --
+Let me call you a car, Linda.
+Linda --
+What are you doing?
+I've got Frank...Frank Earl's son. He's...he asked me to get him and I did --
+Hang up the phone.
+No, Linda, you don't understan --
+You don't do that, you don't call him, you don't know to get involved in the bussiness of his, of his of my family. this is the family, me and him do you understand? You understand? NO ONE ELSE. THERE IS NO ONE ELSE. That man, his son does not exist. HE IS DEAD. HE IS DEAD and WHO TOLD YOU TO DO THAT?
+Earl asked me, Linda, please, Linda, I'm sorry -- Earl asked me --
+listen...listen to me now, Phil: I'm sorry, sorry I slapped your face. ...because I don't know what I'm doing... ...I don't know how to do this, y'know? You understand? y'know? I...I'm...I do things and I fuck up and I fucked up....forgive me, ok? Can you just...
+....it's alright....
+Cats and Dogs out there, huh?
+You been on Prozac long? Dexadrine?
+-- what-what-what, ma'am -- I --
+Pink Dot.
+Hi. I'd like to get an order for delivery.
+Phone number.
+What would you like?
+I'd like to get an order of...um...peanut butter.
+Cigarettes. Camel Lights.
+Bottled Water?
+Um, no, y'know what? Forget the water, just give me a loaf of bread...white bread.
+And um....do you have Swank magazine?
+Ok. One of those. Do you have Ram Rod? The magazine, Ram Rod?
+Ok. One of those. And...um...Barely Legal?
+Do you have that?
+yeah, I said. Is that it?
+That's it.
+Do you still want the peanut butter, bread and cigarettes ?
+Yes. What? Yes.
+Total is $15.29. Thirty minutes or less.
+I don't have regular classes anymore.
+What do you do?
+They just let me have my own study-time, my own reading time in the library.
+What are they gonna do -- beat us?
+The fuck is wrong with you?
+Did you piss your fuckin' pants, Stanley?
+I don't wanna go, I can't do it this time.
+Stanley if you don't fuckin' stand up and go over there I'm gonna beat your ass --
+Let's go,let's go, let's go, you shoulda done that ten minutes ago --
+We need more dog food --
+Cmon,cmon,cmon, that one to?
+I need this one.
+Why the hell do you need all four bags of books to go to school each day?
+Be ready at two --
+Should be one-thirty.
+I got an audition, I won't make it here 'till two, c'mon, I'll see you later. Love you.
+C'mon, man.
+You're late, not me.
+You coulda been in front --
+You ready to keep winning?
+Go to it, handsome.
+What's the problem, what's the problem here?
+I'm fine. nothing.
+Why didn't you answer those questions?
+I didn't know the answer --
+Bullshit. Bullshit. You know the answer to every goddamn question and I knew the answer to those questions and I'm not half as smart as you are so What Happened?
+I didn't I'm fine, I'm fine.
+Stand up.
+...oh Jesus, what the fuck...?
+I'm fine. I'm fine, I just wanna keep playing --
+Are we gonna keep going with this game?
+You're two fuckin' days from the record, get through this and I'II do anything for you, you just gotta get through this --
+You have to be nicer to me, Dad.
+Go to bed.
+I think that you have to be nicer to me.
+....you have it...easy....you know? You have a father who loves you, huh?
+You know what it's like to come home scared, scared that maybe if you don't have the money you're supposed to go out each day and get that you're gonna get beaten....by a belt...he hits me with a belt, Stanley.... I'm supposed to sell those candy bars, and if I don't, I come home without the money....
+....Why does he do it...?
+Cause he hates me....he hates me so much.
+It's not right.
+I'm sorry to put all this on you, Stanley --
+I have money.
+I have money to give you.
+No. No. I have to do this on my own.
+What is that?
+It's frogs. It's raining frogs.
+...fuck you mean, it's raining frogs?
+It's raining frogs from the sky.
+....what the fuck, what the fuck....
+This happens....this is something that happens.
+I understand you saved my son's life today.
+God smiled upon us.
+And you were not hurt?
+No, M'lady.
+Oh God I -- Forgive me...
+What -- ?
+M'lady... if anyone sees, it is death...
+If I don't kiss you, I die anyway.
+I can't bear to see you cry. What is wrong?
+Anne...! I know... I know that to love you is treason against France. But not to love you... is treason against my heart.
+My Queen...
+I have never seen a sight more beautiful than you, tonight.
+There were two. Not one. But two.
+I couldn't tell you. You had enough to carry.
+Mother -- ?
+May I speak with you? Alone?
+I am preparing for a ball!
+What is it, mother?
+I wish to discuss your brother.
+He is dead! By God's choice! There is nothing to discuss.
+First they told me he had died at birth. Then your father admitted he was alive, but well cared for, in secret. But the message that told of his death said he had been a prisoner.
+I am King, Mother! And I do not wish to discuss this with you.
+He was my blood -- and I demand to know what happened to him.
+Why would you ask now? You never asked before!
+Because I have dreamed of him. Not as the baby they took away, but as a man.
+It -- it doesn't matter, Mother! He is dead now! Dead!
+Louis, please -- !
+What had you to do with this, Mother?
+He is your brother!
+D'Artagnan, you will hunt down Aramis, Porthos and Athos, and bring me their heads, or I will have yours. And as for you, Phillippe... Back to the prison you shall go, and into the mask you hate.
+No, Louis! No!
+Your birthday celebration, your Majesty?
+Next week. This is a mere garden party -- and I wish to join it, so I will be brief. I am experiencing resistance from the Jesuits.
+Well... perhaps you should speak with them, your Majesty.
+I have demanded it -- and common priests present themselves! Can you imagine the arrogance? Common Jesuit priests try to act as my equals, and they refuse to reveal the names of anyone else in their order! No one can keep secrets like the Jesuits can, and the identity of their leader is the darkest secret they hold. Even the Pope himself does not
+How can I serve you in this?
+Perhaps you can find out who this secret leader of the Jesuits is. You are now a priest, but you were once a Musketeer, serving the throne of France, a throne ordained of God. Can you accept this mission, and keep it private?
+If I find out the identity of this Jesuit rebel. I will kill both him and the man who told me.
+Your Majesty...
+How goes that favor I asked of you?
+I grow closer to my target, your Majesty.
+Wh-- Wha--
+Don't look so shocked, Phillippe. Come, you're going back to prison.
+D'Artagnan, arrest them all!
+And some problems cannot be settled without one.
+What do you propose to do?
+It can. I know the way.
+What are they doing?
+Porthos sleeps, and you plot. Don't you think it's time you told me what it is you are plotting?
+The Prison of Belle Sur.
+What is that?
+A body.
+Prison was horrible but it was his home. He's been torn from it by strangers. He's frightened, exhausted -- and the mask is familiar. Let him rest in it tonight, and remove it tomorrow.
+Excellent, Athos. You have a keen sense of this man.
+Who is he, Aramis?
+Tonight! Right now! We steal a man from a royal prison, we hide in a country chateau among an assortment of saints and sluts such as only you could provide, and still you wish to tell me nothing?!
+You seek facts, when it would be better to seek truth.
+You are not my priest, Aramis! You would not be, even if I had one.
+You are bitter, Athos. You are torn by grief, not only for Raoul, but for d'Artagnan, whom you love, and now treat as an enemy.
+He who is not with us is against us.
+Those are the words of a broken spirit. My spirit is whole. I have trusted d'Artagnan with my deepest secrets, and I will never believe he is my enemy.
+Then you are a fool -- a fool who has never lost a son. What gives you the right to judge me, to play God with the lives of others? Is it because you are so much holier than everyone else?!
+Switch?! That is your plan? It is ludicrous!
+I have it all worked out.
+Physical resemblance is but one small thing! Louis has an arrogance, a manner --
+Those can be adopted --
+And people close to him, who --
+Do you think I have not considered that? I have a plan -- and you may rest assured that it is brilliant!
+It is not just our lives you risk with this conceit of yours! It is Phillippe's as well!
+How is he?
+Resting, he's had a long day. Aramis --
+More wine!!
+You must reconsider this plan. Phillippe is like a child, he --
+You can do it.
+In a year, maybe two, I could teach him enough to --
+Three days.
+Three days??!!
+Phillippe -- he's very bright, he's perceptive, but he is in such turmoil --
+You grow fond of him. That's good.
+Go on.
+But -- what is Porthos doing?
+Now. You were saying?
+But -- what is he doing?
+Hang himself?!
+He's threatened to do it, it's been building up in him for months.
+We must stop him!
+Come now, Athos, if Porthos is determined to end his life, then he will certainly manage to find the opportunity.
+Poor Phillippe!
+The mask is terrifying... especially when unexpected. Do you notice?
+Where are you going?!
+Paris. There is still much to do. We'll be back soon. Be ready.
+But Aramis -- ! Phillippe can learn in time, but --
+He can learn to be Phillippe in time. But first he must learn to be Louis, and for that he has two more days.
+What you're asking is impossible!
+I offer you the perfect revolution. A revolution without bloodshed, without any loss of life, even without treason, for he too is the son of the King.
+But --
+Aramis, this will never --
+Louis is planning a visit to the Vatican, then who knows where after that. If we miss him now we may not get another chance.
+But --
+Remember, Phillippe... nobility is born in the heart.
+Bloody hell...
+He seeks redemption.
+You're a fool!
+Perhaps. But of d'Artagnan I am certain. What he did tonight was what he told us all along he would do -- be faithful to his King.
+So what has changed?
+Then to the Bastille.
+A simple theological discussion.
+Aramis -- the King wishes to see you.
+Look at us. We are old men now. But once we were young. And when we saw injustice, we fought it.
+No! Stop --
+I will need you all. All for one. One for all.
+I have heard many confessions, d'Artagnan. But even if I were not a priest, I could tell your heart has a secret weight, and it is hurting you to carry it alone.
+I cannot betray Louis. I will defend him with my life.
+Pull them back, d'Artagnan.
+You can't do it.
+Pull them back!
+Everyone back.
+Once you are through, don't stop until you reach the river.
+They will know you helped us, if we go this way.
+D'Artagnan... Those are young Musketeers down there. They have been weaned on our legends. They revere us -- it is an advantage. Why don't we charge them?
+Please revel with me, Aramis, I need my spirits lifted. I'm old, I'm weak, my strength is gone --
+Be quiet, you fat fool. Can't you see I'm praying?
+I just said you're praying! Are you deaf too? I know you're blind, because if you had seen the tits that just walked out of here, you'd have tears in your eyes.
+There are more important things than tits.
+I observe your forgiveness isn't sweeter than a plump nipple.
+Aramis... is this the way to hell?
+Where are we?
+Mother of God!
+It is also a place of burial.
+A tomb? We're in a tomb?
+But -- doesn't God ordain both Pope and King?
+So they tell us. But what are we to believe when the king is a tyrant, and the Church, meant to stand for all those oppressed, has become the tool of oppression? When no conscience is tolerated? No dissent, no objection?
+It is a weighty problem, Aramis -- but perhaps you should leave it to this secret General of the Jesuits, whoever he might be.
+And why are you so glum?
+Aramis! Athos! He looks exactly like... exactly like...
+The greatest secret of life is who we truly are. Now I must give you that secret, which has been kept from you your whole life. It began on the night when Louis was born.
+I remember that night. D'Artagnan was drunk, the only time I've seen him that way. The three of us were reveling, remember, Athos?
+I don't understand. What does this have to do with...? You carried a baby somewhere, it's unusual, but --
+Not just a baby, Porthos. I carried the child of the king.
+The child of the king is... the king. Louis!
+No, not Louis!
+Athos, do you understand this? He confuses me --
+I carried the king's child! The queen had twins that night, and one of them was sent away, in secret!
+But why?
+You've been moping for months. Now that you've gotten the idea of killing yourself out of the way, you can stop boring me and start being useful to me. Now get some rest.
+What use am I?
+We go someplace dangerous.
+Let's see you rob somebody with your pistol there!
+Aramis... These are... these are whores!
+So was Mary Magdalene, and our Lord loved her.
+He's going to kill you, Aramis.
+But what if something extraordinary happened? Something so unusual that all the attention went to someone else? Someone whose confirmation of Phillippe the King would never be questioned.
+D'Artagnan watches everything. We have to be lucky.
+Can we eat... before we go? This excitement's given me an appetite.
+D'Artagnan. Perhaps you should accept his offer, for we are dead anyway.
+He gets one day of confession each year. Today is the day.
+Who does?
+What do we do now?
+D'Artagnan, unready?
+"Phillippe has been removed to the Bastille, to the lower dungeon. At midnight tonight I will order the guard changed, and will delay the replacements for ten minutes. That should give you ample time. Never have I needed more to say: One for all, and all for one. D'Artagnan."
+What choice is there? If Phillippe is in the Bastille, then to the Bastille we will go.
+You are right. But it is a trap.
+It worked!
+Do I look all right?
+None of the ladies will be able to take their eyes off you.
+I care only about Michelle. Should I ask her when we first arrive? Or... or when we're leaving? I could ask her in the carriage -- but it is more romantic at the palace. I get so confused...
+Mother's ring. I can't take this.
+That must be Raoul! Raoul! Look, d'Artagnan's come to visit...! What's wrong? You look awful!
+But -- are you sure?
+We were at her door. I was just taking the ring from my pocket, for the third time today, when a young Musketeer brought the invitation for her to become a lady-in-waiting for the Queen Mother.
+Michelle cannot possibly accept!
+She cannot possibly refuse. Her family is poor, they have even less money than we do. And along with the invitation, the King sent the diamond pendant, from the piglet.
+Piglet -- ? What are you -- ?
+Never mind, Papa, it doesn't matter now. She loved me once. I want to die remembering that.
+Die? What...?
+I have rejoined the army, and asked to resume my commission at the head of the troops of General Fromberge.
+Fromberge...?! At the front?! No.
+It is already done. I have just stopped at Mother's grave, to say goodbye, before coming to tell you.
+Goodbye, father. I am sorry.
+It's been too long.
+Thanks, but not for me.
+You can't drink with a friend you haven't seen in months?
+I have ordered a drill of the Royal Guard for midnight, and must be clear-headed for it.
+Midnight! Mon dieu! Driving the youngsters hard, eh?
+They must stay sharp. There was an attempt on the King's life today.
+Another? How many times have you saved his life in this year alone? Three? Four?
+I heard your playing.
+This cannot be. Everyone knows the Queen Mother is a recluse, and the ladies-in-waiting are but mistresses for the king!
+If the young woman truly loves Raoul --
+You knew this was happening. You knew and that's why you came.
+I fear I know our King. I came to try to bring you hope.
+What hope is there? A wartime commission cannot be vacated except by the king, and what chance is there of that? Fromberge is on the battle line, and Raoul --
+I have dispatches a message to Fromberge requesting that Raoul be kept far from the fighting.
+Raoul is everything to me.
+I know.
+I will also speak with the King, for he is surely unaware of the problems his invitation to Mademoiselle Beaufort has caused.
+You trust his character more than anyone else does.
+Raoul is hurrying to the front, so I must hurry too.
+Athos, please...!
+Get out of my way.
+Where are you going?
+Athos! I know life means nothing to you at this moment, but I will not let you kill yourself.
+The King killed my son!
+It is honor you serve, and when the king is dishonorable you are removed from your oath of honor!
+An oath is an oath precisely because it cannot be removed!
+Why do you follow him, d'Artagnan?! I know you have put service above your own life, but why does this King deserve such loyalty? He is a monster! He executes ministers for his own blunders, with their families hostage so they take the blame! He has no honor!
+If you ever loved me -- if you ever loved honor, or anything else -- then stand now, and let it happen.
+He lies. He is here to trap us.
+Recent hours have been a shock.
+Perhaps not as much as you might imagine. When tutors answered every question except those about who I was. When I was imprisoned in a way no other man had ever been, I knew there was something different about me. But a king...
+Phillippe... there is something I hope you understand. Terrible cruelty has been used against you. And... you must understand that you did nothing to deserve it.
+There is... wrath... in me. I have learned to hide it. Those years in the cell, I dreamed that freedom would someday just happen, the way the mask happened. Now I am free. And with each free breath I feel the growing desire to make someone suffer for all I lost. Look at this, all this that for ten years I could not see!
+The desire for vengeance... can be a poison.
+What is its antidote?
+You look so sad. Is it something I have done?
+It is something I have done -- or did not do.
+What is that?
+I've worn this mask so long, I couldn't sleep without it.
+I am so sorry! Forgive me, I --
+No! Do not be sorry! Never be sorry! The King cares for nothing and for no one! There are no mistakes when you are King! What you do is right for every person! A King has contempt for everyone!
+Is that the king of king you wish me to be? Or do you say this because of your son?
+How did you know -- ?
+These rooms are yours. Up these stairs -- or through this hidden passage -- is the room of your mistress... Michelle.
+Whose rooms are those?
+The room of the King's favorite mistress?
+One for all. All for one.
+All this time... I was a lost secret. But you were hiding all your loyalty, all your love. You were the Man in the Iron Mask.
+Are you hungry?
+This place... I once lived in a country house. I had guardians -- an old man and woman. And tutors. But no friends. Then when I was twelve, they came and took me to the prison.
+Who came?
+A man in black. I never saw his face. He took me to the cell. A blacksmith came and they put me into the mask. For days I shouted, "What have I done? Why do you do this to me?" But no one heard, so I just stopped shouting.
+The old man and woman called me... Phillippe.
+Your Majesty...
+The plans for use of the maze were not disclosed to me.
+I decided it this morning.
+Then you must allow me to stay close to you so that --
+I am King, d'Artagnan. I will change my mind as I wish, and I will enjoy my banquet as I wish!
+But I deployed the Royal Guards according to your previous --
+Aaa! D'Artagnan! These passages were constructed for the King's security, not so you could step from my father's portrait and startle me to death!
+It is for your security that I have come, your Majesty -- for the security of your honor.
+I already know about the riots, d'Artagnan, I heard them out there whispering. Some fool gave the order to distribute rotten food. I will deal with it tomorrow.
+Then there is one more thing, of an even more personal nature.
+A personal nature?
+Betrothed? I think not.
+Miss Beaufort has accepted our invitation. By this we can only suppose that she wishes to come -- as we wish her to be here.
+Your Majesty has had many women --
+That is my desire, and my desire is what should concern you, not the sentiments of some commoner!
+It is not Raoul's heart alone that concerns me. It is yours. I know you find women compliant -- especially the poorer ones like Michelle. But do they love you? Do you love them? What about a queen to love? A son of your own?
+What quaint notions, d'Artagnan! But they contradict my father, who picked his queen when he was old, and only then to bear me.
+There is more to love than he knew, or that you know.
+You dare criticize my father?! Or lecture me?!
+Not criticize -- plead. Love. Love your people, and you will not bear to see them hungry. Love women, and they will love you. Love yourself, and --
+That is enough! You are a good servant, d'Artagnan, but you forget your place!
+At least help Raoul.
+Silence! I order you!
+Order Fromberge to keep him in safety! It is the least you can do, to protect your own honor!
+I will consider it. Now leave me.
+I just left the garden, it was empty. What did you see?
+Your Majesty. This ball, with an open invitation to the nobility of Paris -- we have no way of checking --
+Your Majesty...?
+I want all these passages sealed! Another stupid idea of my father's! Seal them all, every one!
+It shall be done, your Majesty.
+Even the bedchamber passages! Let none remain!
+I was told this impostor was dead!
+... You knew you had a double?
+I -- I thought he was but... an impostor who resembled --
+Your Majesty... This man before you... He is royal blood, the same as you. To spill it is the one thing even you cannot do. It is against the laws of God, and of France.
+Get out of my way.
+Not once have I ever asked anything for myself. I ask now. Forgive this man, this prisoner... your brother.
+Aramis, Porthos and Athos too. I know what they have done was a threat against you -- and yet that threat has been removed, with no harm coming to your Majesty. If their passions were in error, their spirits have ever been noble. Forgive them.
+Where is Michelle?
+Sire, we have an emergency -- of security. I must ask you to accompany me.
+... The ball... Continue.
+Wait. Bargain me to Louis, for all your lives. You have done your best. Let me go, and let all of you find peace.
+You dead yet?
+Food, moron.
+What number did you tear out?
+What number, on the first page?
+... Two-thirty-seven.
+You've... memorized...?
+I would not have disturbed you, Majesty, but you ordered me to keep you informed --
+Yes, yes, go on.
+Did they kill him?
+Who was Athos seeking? Tell me! Did he try to enter the palace?
+... He did -- but Captain d'Artagnan blocked his way.
+Do you want Athos arrested, your Majesty?
+Now. Where is d'Artagnan?
+Out directing the search for the traitors.
+Cowards! Twenty run from four?!
+Magnificent valor...
+Riots? My people live in the world's most beautiful city, their king has the grandest palaces on earth. Why should they feel anything but pride and contentment?
+Well yes, of course, Majesty, and I'm sure they are content... except that... well, they are starving.
+Majesty... We have more than enough food set aside for your birthday celebration next week. If we distributed some of that, we would have time to gather more before --
+Ah yes, the riots. We have food stocks on the wharves right now, no?
+That food has spoiled. That is why it was not shipped to the army.
+Exactly why it should be given away.
+I would have said it was impossible, but I believe the excitement of the chase has made you even more beautiful.
+Sire, I --
+Sire! I -- How did you --
+How did I get in? You're new here, and will soon learn many secrets. What is that?
+... Nothing.
+From Raoul. He urges you to guard your honor -- as if it could be in any danger... from your king.
+Raoul... is in love...
+The food doesn't please you?
+It's lovely. It's just...
+This is more than you are used to. Your mother is a seamstress, your father is dead. You have three younger sisters, two of whom suffer from consumption. Don't look so surprised, Kings know such things.
+I... we are humble people...
+Wait, no! Do not be ashamed. The straits of your family need not be permanent. It is a simple matter to have them brought to one of my country estates, where they may have fine meals, and physicians to look after them.
+You would do that, your Majesty?
+You are beautiful. You know you are.
+Sire, I --
+Shall I leave?
+Did you know... about Raoul?
+I will order a Mass for his soul. It will guarantee his place in Heaven.
+Raoul... Oh, Raoul...
+Listen, my darling... Raoul was a... a good friend. And now he is dead and that is very sad but --
+Captain Doyle?
+What can I do for you?
+Your department contacted our agency regarding information on Sarah Williams.
+We did a little digging on Jim Trudell at Sergeant Zydowski's request. He's 31, no priors, and he's been working for the military for ten years.
+We ran the i.d. I could have told you that.
+I don't think you understand. I don't mean shuffling papers in an office, I mean Jim Trudell worked classified assignments, special forces...sabotage...until last year. He was brought up on charges of espionage, but the charges were later dropped, and he sprang the service.
+Yeah?..well what are you getting at? You saying he has an agenda down here?
+Our agency monitors all threats very carefully, and there's good reason to believe Jim Trudell has the training, the connections, and the experience to present a clear threat to the public if he remains at large.
+If what you're saying is true, then why would he have killed two police officers? A man like that would want to lay low, if he was planning some kind of damn sabotage mission!
+I'm sure if our departments cooperate we can find out the truth.
+Every step of the way.
+Alright, we know who we're looking for. Play it cool until the time is right to make a move. Let's not pull any gangbusters shit or we'll lose him again.
+You mind if I ride with you?
+It's Marvosa -
+What do you need?
+He walked in on Fleming and took him out.
+So what?
+So what is they have enough to shut us down!
+You mean shut your ass down!
+Where are you?
+We're by Ozone...
+You set to go -
+What do you think?
+You can cut the shit, asshole--
+What the hell happened?
+He busted the back window with his feet, and fled on foot. We pursued him into this warehouse - but he's - gone, south - maybe a couple of miles if he's fast -
+Why didn't you call for back-up! What were you thinking, Jesus!!!
+I don't know how you're used to doing things, Marvosa, but it sounds like some damn sloppy work to me!
+What the hell is this Marvosa!!
+He must have got the keys... off Stanton.
+I'm going to look for him on my own. Fuck this.
+Don't take any chances. Call for back-up this time!
+Did you hit him?
+What did the six-toes have to say?
+Sarah Williams left the bar with Trudell on her own.
+So? Girls left bars with Ted Bundy too. It doesn't rule out foul play.
+But what was a hair dresser from Malibu doing 60 miles away in some dive bar?
+Find out for me.
+Let's roll -
+If you can trail him to a remote area do it. We all want a piece of him but let's keep our heads and stay within the law - we got people everywhere out here.
+These crowds are going to make it a bitch!
+I'll take the south end -
+What's this?
+When did you join the force? You know, the police force, the place you work...
+Nineteen eighty four. What fucking difference does it make?
+Did you start out area six?
+So you must have known Fleming... and Stanton -
+Yeah I saw 'em around. They worked vice.
+Well don't you think that's odd?
+It's kind of a funny coincidence, isn't it?
+Gotta come from somewhere...
+Just wondering if maybe they had a thing going with this hooker, you know, some connection.
+Outside hacker? What the fuck are you talking about?
+Something wrong with you Marvosa?
+It's just...catching up with me, you know?
+Alright, where is she?
+And who are you?
+Who am I? I'm gonna be your worst fucking nightmare until you start breaking it down for me. You understand? Where did you get the car!
+Anyhow... you wake up and she's gone. But-- --this is my favorite part-- she leaves you the keys to a brand new Beemer.
+So... to get the car back, you break into her house.
+I didn't break in - the back door was open!
+Are you alright?
+I tell you one thing Trudell - you'd make a hell of a cop...
+The guy was looking for trouble, shoving people around, being an asshole...
+And he took a swing at you?
+Yeah...the guy was psycho - I was just tying to protect the girl...
+Did he harm the girl?
+Hell, he probably raped her in the lot, dumped the body somewhere. That's what he was like - a real wacko.
+Now you listen to me hay-seed! If you don't want to spend a year in jail for making a false report you'll start giving me straight answers, you got that!!
+I was just having a little fun -
+And what did he do to the girl?
+Zydowski. It's about time.
+You won't like this. I ran the prints from the house. No police record on your suspect--at least not in our files. But there is a match on the girl.
+Her prints belong to Stephanie Field, convicted for soliciting two years ago.
+What? Wait a minute -
+That's not all. According to the computer - she died of a drug overdose last year.
+Did you read today's paper?
+No Zydowski I didn't read today's paper - it's just going to irritate the hell out of me.
+Something I don't already know?
+Vice...you think they had something to do with this dead hooker?
+And where the hell is Marvosa?
+He said he was following up some lead.
+Captain there's someone here to see you - he's waiting in your office.
+Who is it?
+Where is he?!!
+Speak of the devil.
+They found the getaway Mercedes a parking garage north of Venice. It checks out.
+So where are you from?
+Up north.
+Where up north?
+Mind if I turn out the light?
+You know, you don't seem afraid of much either. How do you know I'm not going to try to rape you?
+You always carry a gun with you?
+What's going on here?
+Why did you set me up?
+I didn't. I figured you leave it well enough alone.
+Well you figured wrong! And now I'm public enemy number one. You have an answer for that?
+I had to get away! My life was in danger!
+Look what are you anyway? Some kind of spy?
+No. A witness.
+What exactly did you see?
+Six months ago, a police lieutenant named Charles Fletcher was found dead in a hotel room - he blew his brains out - left no note, you may have heard of it...
+No, but I'm listening.
+I was there, and it was no suicide. He was killed by professionals. I was in the bathroom when it happened.
+Didn't these - professionals - figure he had a girl in the room?
+And what did you do?
+I got out of there. I just grabbed up my stuff, and then I found it.
+I had it all on tape...
+What did you do then?
+I didn't know what to do - but I knew I had something somebody would want. That's where I met him - told him what I had. The FBI set me up with a new place...but the cops found me somehow. So I ran...and met you.
+What happened with the tape?
+I took it with me. It's in a safe place.
+There's something I've been meaning to ask you, Stephanie.
+Have you ever heard of the Live Oak River?
+No -
+Tubbs, it's me.
+Well where are ya, what are ya, drunk?
+No...I'm in some trouble...
+Well...whatsamatter? Run in with the law?
+You are drunk. You know, it's been a long time and I'd love to catch up, but I really got to -
+Tubbs listen! I don't know anywhere else to go! I need your help!
+Just what did you get yourself into, Jimmy?
+It's...it's a long story. Can we meet somewhere?
+Jesus, man...
+Operator, I'd like to make a collect call - 213-467-0972...
+Holy shit -
+Hello Tubbs. Can I come in?
+I killed them.
+Oh, shit, shit, shit - I don't know about all this! You sure?!
+Jimmy, do you realize what you did? Man that's like death penalty shit -
+It was self-defense, Tubbs! They're dirty! I walked in on something, I don't know what -
+You gotta turn yourself in. Before it's too late -
+They're inside the department, they're everywhere - it's not safe.
+Shit, you know what happens to me if I'm harboring a fugitive? I already think they're on to me! I thought you were the phone police for Chrissake!
+Oh man...what happened?
+I don't know. But I'm in trouble. I'm all over the papers. I have to figure out what's going on.
+I hope you haven't lost your touch with this stuff.
+I've got a better idea...
+OK, I'm logged on to the municipal network. I'm showing sixteen people with the name Sarah Williams in L.A. county. None of them live in Hollywood. Do you remember the address?
+No thanks. How do you know they can't catch you on this thing?
+I don't, but I'm pretty sure. It's a long story but I cloned a cellular linkup with a binary code scrambler and sent it through the phone network mainframe. If they start a trace it will be to a Pic'n'Save on Pico.
+I knew I could count on you.
+OK...county tax records...they're saying 1490 Breckinridge is owned by... an Atlantic Trust Corporation...they have a P.O. box in D.C.
+How about Marvosa and the others?
+So...what happened to you, Jimmy? I figure you'd be in some far off place somewhere, living on the edge like the good old days.
+You know this time, there's nobody that's gonna cover your ass. You're over your head this time.
+OK...Marvosa makes calls to this fax number overseas. And that's Switzerland's country code.
+A bank?
+Who knows? Maybe he's ordering army knives. I can't access that, but look what we have here...these are the account records for Fleming and Marvosa.
+Both at the same bank...
+Ahh, shit. We're pretty much tapped out. I'm getting denied access all over the place...
+It's not very much to go on...is there anything else we can check?
+That was her - the girl... We have to go.
+I'm not going anywhere!
+Tubbs, these people mean business.
+I can't help you anymore, Jimmy. I'm sorry.
+Are you going to be alright?
+Where are you going?
+Well I've kind of had my fill of the place, you know what I mean?
+You must be going somewhere.
+I don't have any real destination. I'm just going South.
+I'm stranded out here.
+Where did you learn to fight like that? JIM I read a book.
+Well, you saved me from a bad situation. Thanks. I admit this is...unusual.
+Are you a regular there?
+Are you serious? My boyfriend ditched me...
+Ditched you?
+We were fighting - I told him to let me out. So where are you headed?
+What would your - boyfriend - think?
+You don't seem afraid of much.
+No - that's not it! She said her boyfriend stranded her up there! I didn't ask her to come with me!
+Did you have sex with her?
+Did you have sexual intercourse with the woman in question?
+No. It wasn't like that!
+Where am I going?
+Don't you guys ever knock?
+Where is he?
+Long gone, huh?
+I asked him not to tell me where he was going. I told him I don't want any part of it.
+Oh yeah? You're a smart man?...
+Yeah, and that's all I'm going to say. If you want to arrest me, go ahead...
+What about him?
+I need to ask you questions of a psychological nature.
+Remember when you asked for a study on him, I refused. Same goes for now.
+That was Peterson upstairs.
+It was you who did the asking.
+He doesn't think you run mind games on him.
+I wouldn't presume to try.
+You're never alone in a room with Graham, are you? You're smooth about it, but you're never one-on-one with him. Why's that? Do you think he's psychic?
+He's an eideteker. He has almost total recall. But I don't think he's psychic. What he has it empathy and projection. He can assume your point of view and mine.., and some other points of view that scare and sicken him.
+Why aren't you ever alone with him?
+Because I'm professionally concerned about him. And he'd pick up on that. He's fast. He hates being prodded and poked. So do I. What do you want?
+His nervous breakdown followed Hobbs. Could he kill again if he had to save his life? Or would he hesitate?
+I'll tell you the events. The psychology's none of your business. Hobbs was trying to cut his eleven- year-old daughter's throat. Graham shot him with his .38 six times. Hobbs still didn't go down. He had to wade in...
+That's when it happened?
+No. It happened when Graham went to see Hobbs' daughter four months later in the hospital. She saved her carotid artery.., but lost three fingers and her larynx. She was connected up to a voice box. When Graham went to see her, she asked him -- through the speaker: 'Why did you have to kill my daddy?' That's when Graham had his nervous breakdown.
+What's the bottom line?
+If he pushes too deep into our boy's mind-set, he may destroy himself. What are you planning, Jack?
+Could he handle a direct contact?
+Crawford has a proposition. I don't think it's a good idea.
+What have we missed?
+Sidney: I don't understand him. We know he re-arranges the kids and husbands into a dead audience. To witness the act. We know he thinks the act is making him into something different. His 'becoming'... but I don't know what it is he thinks he's becoming. The answer is something to do with how he uses the mirrors. That's what's missing for me. Why
+The usual motivation doesn't apply to him, nor the way he uses them. I don't have an answer for you. Listen to me, my friend: leave this.
+And do what? Read about the next family in the morning paper? In my Monkey Ward safehouse 'cause I can't take my family home? This ends when I make it over.
+How are Molly and the boy?
+The main thing is: how was Lecktor to reply.
+That's probably in the part Lecktor tore out. At the top it says: 'I hope we can correspond.' And then the hole begins. It looks like Lecktor went over it with a felt tip pen and then folded it and pinched most of it away.
+In thirty-five minutes.
+Then the Tooth Fairy named the book in the part Lecktor tore out.
+Right. What about sweating Lecktor?
+They tried sodium amytal on him three years ago to find where he buried a Princeton student. He gave them a recipe for potato chip dip.
+It has to be a book the Tooth Fairy would know Lecktor has in his cell.
+How long do I have?
+Aniline dyes in the inks in felt-tip pens -- which is what Lecktor has -- are transparent to infrared. The Tooth Fairy's ballpoint isn't...
+That could be the tip of a 't. Here and here. And here.
+The Chicago office is running through all the personal ads in the Tattler right now.
+If there's any doubt, we matched the indents of the bitemark on the note against the Smithsonian teeth. This is your boy... He folded the bottom part, including what Lecktor tore out. In this enlargement of the back side, oblique light revealed impressions. We can make out: 'six-six-six'. I didn't spot it until I had this high-contrast print. I advised Chicago as soon as
+No. The numbers aren't right for a jailhouse alphabet code. It's a book code. And your message has to go out in it, or he'll know it's not Lecktor talking to him.
+Book code?
+'One hundred prayers' could be the page number. The paired numbers and the scriptural references could be line and letter. But what book?
+Not the Bible?
+Willingham, when he tossed his cell, took Polaroids so they could get everything back in place...
+Have him meet me with pictures of Lecktor's books...
+This is Chester here. Who am I talking to?
+Will Graham, Jack Crawford...
+We got an ad order in tonight's "Tattler" with 'six-six-six' in it. It's being Telexed to you right now.
+Read it.
+'Dear Pilgrim, you honor me.'
+That's it. Lecktor called him a Pilgrim when he was talking to me...
+Whatever I say, you'll take him away, won't you?
+I have to.
+You're his friend, Jack. Why can't you leave him alone?
+Because it's his bad luck to be special.
+He thinks you want him to look at evidence.
+Nobody's better with evidence. But he has the other thing, too. He doesn't like that part of it...
+Talking about 'like,' you don't like me very much, do you?
+No. I don't like people who park in the 'handicapped zone'...
+Let's go to bed. I'll rub your back.
+I should have caught you at the boat yard when you got off work. You don't want to talk about it here...
+I don't want to talk about it anywhere. If you brought pictures, leave them in the briefcase. Molly and Kevin will be back soon.
+How much do you know?
+What was in the 'Miami Herald' and the 'Times.' Confessions?
+Eighty-six so far. All cranks. He smashes the mirrors and uses the pieces. None of them knew that;
+What else did you keep out of the papers?
+Blond, right-handed, really strong, wears a size eleven shoe. The prints are all smooth gloves. He's on a full moon cycle. Both times. His blood is AB Positive.
+Somebody hurt him?
+Will... you saw this in the papers. The second one was all over TV. Did you ever think about givin' me a call?
+Why not?
+The Bureau already has the best lab. Plus you have Bloom at the University of Chicago...
+And I got you down here fixing fuckin' boat motors.
+You don't need me. I wouldn't be useful to you anymore, Jack.
+Last two like this we had, you caught.
+That was three years ago. And by doing the same things you and the rest of them at the lab are doing.
+That's not entirely true, Will. It's the way you think.
+I think there has been a lot of bullshit about the way I think. I came down here to get away from all that.
+You look all right now.
+If you can't look anymore, I understand...
+As long as they're dead...
+Let's talk after dinner. Stay and eat.
+Jack, this is Graham. Is Price still in Latent Prints?
+He's working on the single print index. What time is it?
+Get him to Atlanta.
+You said the guy down here is good.
+He is good. Bur not as good as Price.
+What do you want to do?
+A cat. We found a litter box downstairs but not the cat. Neighbors are watching for it.
+...snuck in the hospital while I was sedated, flipped back the sheets and shot pictures. The only decent thing he did was run a black square over my balls...
+Atlanta and Birmingham can run the thumb print against known sex offenders. Five will get you ten they don't come up with an identification. Jimmie may in the Finder program... if he's ever been printed and in his Index.
+Say we've arrested a good suspect. You walk in and see him. What is there about him that doesn't surprise you?
+I don't know, Jack. He's got no face for me.
+You can tell something about him or we wouldn't have found the finger print...
+Don't expect too much from me, Jack, all right? We'll get him one way or the other.
+What's one way?
+We find an event that connects both families. Same vacation hotel; same hospital, different times. Then we check employees and come up with a male nurse, hairdresser, whatever... If we find out how he found them, then we'll find him.
+We're running it through the computers now. So far there's no event or service that doubles back into both families. Plus they were big consumers: snowmobiles, fishing trips, scuba, videogames, lots of routine medical and dental. It's a haystack. What's the other?
+He makes noise going in and the husband gets to a gun in time.
+No other possibilities?
+You think I'm gonna spot him 'across a crowded room?' That's Ezio Pinza you're thinking about. The Tooth Fairy will go on until we get smart or get lucky. He won't stop.
+Because he has a genuine taste for it, Jack.
+See? You do know something about him.
+For Christ's sake, why?
+Is it weird?
+The mark? Yes.
+If the Documents section can't do it... I'll send it up to Langley...
+Who did he ask for?
+How'd you know 'broken mirrors?' Bribe a cop? Tell it to the U.S. Attorney, Lounds!
+Sarah, order a chopper. I want the next thing smoking and I don't care whose. Ours. DCPD. Or the Marines. Then call Documents. Tell them to scramble a team. I want everybody moving in five minutes. Dr. Chilton, please do not handle the note. I have a Documents team on the way to you by helicopter to pick it up.
+We know the Tooth Fairy reads the Tattler. The stuff about me and Lector? I don't know any other paper that carried it...
+...there's three 't's' and an 'r' in Tattler.
+Twenty-five minutes. We won't make it in time.
+We let Lecktor's message run as is and decode it after. Or we pull it, work our the code and put ours in next week.
+Can we still get Lecktor's message out of the paper?
+Yes. And I'm leery of running Lecktor's message without knowing what it says.
+And if we pull it, we lose a week... We only have two to the next full moon.
+Run it.
+What if it encourages the Tooth Fairy to do something besides write?
+Who is it?
+Will, Bowman just broke the code. It was a James Beard cook book. You need to know what it says right now.
+What'd it say?
+I'll tell you in a second. Now listen to me: everything is okay, I'm taking care of it, so stay on the phone when I tell you.
+Tell me now.
+It says: 'Graham home, 3860 DeSoto Highway, Marathon, Florida. Save yourself. Kill them all. It's your home address, Will. The bastard gave him your home address.
+Get me a plane...
+Wait, Will...
+Get me a plane!
+I'll pick you up in...
+Asian studies at Langley said the mark you found on the tree is a Chinese character considered a positive or a lucky sign in gambling. The character also appears on a mah- jongg piece. It means Red Dragon. That mean anything to you?
+You got the message Lecktor called...
+I arranged for him to have a phone. I have to call him in a few minutes.
+From the lip wound, which happened seven hours before he got burned, we've narrowed it down to those cities within the seven-hour driving radius that also would've caught the 'Tattler' early Tuesday morning.
+What's it narrow down to?
+Milwaukee, Madison, Dubuque, Peoria, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Toledo and Detroit.
+That's narrow?
+When are you coming back?
+He changes them into beings that accept him... And he needs to see the acceptance, In the mirrors. I didn't understand the mirrors before. It's very important.
+It's a word. Killing them... His delusion is: if he sees himself accepted enough times, he will become as one who has the power to be accepted all the time. And he would record it somehow. So he can see himself received over and over again...
+VTR, film, Polaroid, stills, what?
+He's very careful, very... designed when he chooses. If we find out how he finds them, then we'll find him.
+There's no connection between the families.
+There has to be.
+He's a very shy boy...
+Something Lecktor said.
+Let's admit we struck out this month. The Gulf Stream's standing by. The basic lab stuff is on it. You, Zeller, Jimmie Price, a photographer. Anywhere he hits, we can be there in an hour and fifteen minutes. We get the call, we roll. The scene'll be very fresh...
+It's not over yet.
+That's why the boltcutter.
+What's that?
+He used a boltcutter to trim the branch out of his way. When he was watching from the woods. Why didn't he use it to go through the basement door?
+Because a steel door and deadbolt were there when they were killed.
+You mean Jacobi put it in between when this film was made and when he was murdered?
+It's getting late and...
+It's the guard in the storeroom.
+We want the cans the Jacobi home movies came in. They're in the far corner of the room under the windows.
+What it's going to say on the Jacobi film can is the same as it says on the Leeds' film can: Gateway Lab, St. Louis, Missouri.
+No. It's Bob's Photo Store in...
+Have him peel the top label back.
+It does, doesn't it?
+Parking permits...
+Fogel has four more names. He knows two: both dark hair. Third's a woman. Fourth's a handicapped parking permit...
+Get the roadblocks set on Route Three! There's an access road to the back of the house. That ought to be a second team's approach. Will Graham and I are in an orchard due west of the house.
+How far away's the back-up?
+I'll cover the back.
+There's somebody in the house, Jack...
+Wait for the back-up! Will?
+...but if we find him, the print as evidence will get a conviction, Hold on. What?
+He asked for Will. He said he might call back tonight. I tried to hold him... I'm sorry... He said 'tell Graham "broken mirrors."'
+Where the hell's Graham!
+He went to the men's room.
+Not yet.
+...twenty-eight minutes. Cryptography at Langley?
+Ms. McClain, I'm Francis Dollarhyde. I came about the low light level infrared film stock.
+Can you give me an idea of the conditions...
+Shooting at maybe eight feet. I can't use any lights.
+What's being photographed?
+The activities of nocturnal animals.
+When do you need it?
+In eight days.
+The 1000 C Infrared Sensitive Film must be handled in total darkness. I keep the samples straight by touch code. It's still easier to handle than a 1200 series. Think it'll do?
+I'll take you.
+Ride with me.
+Thanks, but I'll take the bus. I do it all the time.
+Come on in. How about a gin and tonic?
+Tonic will be fine.
+How did you come to Gateway?
+You worked out well.
+I'll probably go back to it someday.
+Ready to tell me what kind of 'outing' this is?
+That was nice of you to think of that.
+Is that you. D?
+Yes, are you okay...?!
+Good morning... If you show me where things are, I'll make us some coffee...
+No! Don't go back into the house... It's too nice outside.
+My sister's coming by to pick me up for brunch. Why don't you come, too?
+I have work to do at the plant.
+I'll get my purse.
+Do you want a Coke or something, Reba?
+Francis? Where are you?
+The developing room. I need to... see you.
+I want to see you, too, Francis... Should I come over?
+No. Reba...?
+Are you okay...?
+I'll see you later. All right?
+You'll come by?
+Who is it?
+It's me.
+Am I alone in this room? Are you here... Why are you doing this?!
+Two groups of people were changed. Leeds and Jacobi. The police think they were murdered. Do you know what they call the being that visited these people? You can say.
+It's Dragon. Dragon... Red Dragon.
+Are you cold? Would you like a blanket?
+Was I in an accident?
+No, Mr. Lounds. You'll be just fine.
+My back hurts, my skin. Did I get burned? I hope to God I'm not burned.
+Burned? Burned. No. You just rest there. I'll be right back.
+What am I doing here?
+Do you know who I am, Mr. Lounds?
+I don't want to know.
+According to you I'm a sexual failure. An animal, you said. You know now, don't you?
+Do you feel privileged?
+I'm very scared.
+Do you pray to God, Mr. Lounds?
+Do you believe God is in attendance here, Mr. Lounds?
+I don't know...
+Open your eyes, Mr. Lounds.
+No. I don't want to see you.
+Look at the screen. That is William Blake's 'The Great Red Dragon and The Woman Clothed with the Sun.' Do you see?
+Do you see?
+Do you see?
+Mrs. Leeds harlequined with blood, her husband beside her. Do you see?
+Mrs. Jacobi after her changing. The Dragon rampant. Do you see?
+Freddie Lounds. Your photograph. Do you see?
+Oh, God.
+Do you see?
+Please, no.
+'No' what?
+Not me.
+Are you a man?
+Do you imply that I'm a queer?
+God, no.
+Are you queer, Mr. Lounds?
+Now you will read this into the tape recorder.
+You did very well. I apologize for the crude images. Next time I'll have film stock that doesn't need lights.
+You'll let me go now?
+You will tell the truth?
+Come in.
+Dr. Chilton.
+Do you have it?
+Put it down on my desk blotter and don't touch it again. Has anyone else handled it except you?
+Dr. Lecktor will stay in his room. That is absolutely the only place where he is not put in full body restraints. One wall of his room is a double barrier. I will have a chair put just outside.
+I might have to show him some material that could stimulate him.
+The consensus around here is that the only person who has demonstrated any practical understanding of Dr. Hannibal Lecktor is you, Mr. Graham. Can you tell me anything about him?
+I want to see Lecktor now.
+It's Will Graham...
+Well, it's about goddamn time! I have a note here, or two pieces of a note, that appears to be from the man who killed those people in Atlanta and....
+Can you read it to me?
+In a holding cell.
+How long can you keep Lecktor out without him getting suspicious?
+Linda King's desk.
+Hi, Linda. ..
+Linda doesn't come in nights.
+Maybe you can help me. This is Bob Greer of Blaine & Edwards Publishing Company. Dr. Bloom asked me to send a copy of 'The Psychiatrist and the Law' to someone. Linda never sent me the address and phone number.
+She'll be in, in the morning...
+She doesn't have a Rolodex.
+I'll bet she has a call caddy right next to her phone.
+Well, zip that little pointer right on down to the letter G.
+We're looking for Graham. The man the book is supposed to go to is a Mr. Will Graham.
+Federal Bureau of Investigation, Tenth and Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C.
+Now I'll bet it has his home address there, too
+3680 DeSoto Highway. Marathon, Florida.
+This is Will Graham. Can I help you?
+No. I can help you.
+I don't understand.
+Do you know something about that?
+Why do you think I called?
+Talk to them a few minutes and you can tell they don't have the capacity to even understand what's going on. Do you?
+You tell me what you know about him. I'll tell you whether you're right or not.
+Let's get straight who we've talking about. Are you the man I'm interested in?
+I don't think I'll tell you.
+He's right-handed.
+Most people are.
+He's misunderstood.
+He's very strong physically.
+That's true.
+He's white and six feet tall. You haven't told me anything yet.
+Describe exactly what you think he did to Mrs. Leeds and I'll tell you if you're right or not.
+I don't want to do that,
+Our people swear he wore surgeons' gloves the whole time. They dusted everything.
+The report didn't mention nails and eyes.
+Why do you think he took his gloves off?
+Mrs. Leeds was a good-looking woman. I'd want to touch her skin in an intimate situation, wouldn't you?
+'Intimate? !"
+He may have a history of biting -- barroom fights or child abuse.
+He only bit women so far, right?
+That's all we know about. Most of the time in sex assaults the bite mark has a livid spot in the center. A suck mark. These don't. So, for him, biting may be a fighting pattern as much as sexual behavior. You could try emergency room personnel, treatment for bite wounds. I know that's pretty thin... He bites a lot.
+What's average?
+The Commissioner was saying you were the one that caught Dr. Lecktor three years ago. He killed nine people, didn't he?
+Nine that we know of. Two didn't die.
+What happened to them?
+One's on the respirator at a hospital in Baltimore. The other is in a private mental hospital in Denver.
+What did the psychologists say was wrong with Lecktor?
+Psychologists call him a sociopath. They don't know what else to call him.
+To yourself...
+I call him a monster.
+I understand he cut you pretty good...
+What about the dog?
+It's at the vet's. The kids brought it in with a puncture wound in the abdomen. icepick or an awl.
+Was the dog wearing a collar with the Leeds' name on it?
+He stopped by to see me at the shop before he came out here.
+What did he want?
+He asked how you are.
+And you said?
+I said you are fine, he should leave you the hell alone.
+I'm a forensic specialist, Molly. You've seen my diploma? I got a diploma and everything.
+You mended a crack in the wallpaper with your diploma. You are open and easy now... It took you a lot of work to get to that...
+We have it good, don't we?
+What the hell can I do?
+What you've already decided. You're not really asking.
+If I were?
+Stay here with me. Me. Me. Me. And Kevin. That's selfish, huh?
+Huh? Will? Is that you?
+It's me. I'll call you tomorrow, sweetheart. Go back to sleep. I love you...
+Hello, hotshot!
+Hey, baby! Where are you?
+At the store. You doin' some good?
+None you'd notice. I'm lonely...
+Me, too. And very erotic...
+Tell me about yourself.
+Which part? That or the day-to-day.
+Let's keep it the day-to-day stuff. How's Kevin?
+Kevin's fine. He had to recover the turtle eggs you two fenced in. The dogs dug them up. Tell me what you're doing.
+Eating junk food. They don't have a lock on anything, Molly. There's not enough information. Or I haven't done enough with it...
+Will you be in Atlanta for a while? I'm not buggin' you about coming home, I just wondered.
+I don't know. I'm goin' up to Baltimore this afternoon.
+To do what?
+I'm thinking about painting the kitchen. What color do you like, Will? Are you there?
+Yeah. Ah... yellow, let's paint it yellow.
+Yellow's a bad color for me. I'll look green at breakfast.
+Blue, then.
+Blue is cold.
+Molly, dear Molly. Go to bed now, baby...
+...sorry, Molly. I'm sorry this happened to you.
+He didn't know you had been in a mental institution. Be asked me if I knew. I said yes. I wanted to talk to him. He said he wanted to bring it up to you. Face to face.
+You remember when we first met? And were together alone in that room. And the exhilaration was too much to hold on to. And then something flickered across your face like a shadow and I asked you what was wrong?
+I remember.
+Do you remember what you said?
+Can I have one of your cigarettes?
+You haven't smoked in two years.
+Have you ever omitted telling me. things before?
+Then why?
+I wanted it over fast. It felt dirty to not tell you.
+Can you quit?
+And... where are things?
+What will you do?
+I have to go back to Birmingham.
+Is Crawford going with you?
+No. I have to be in there... alone. Maybe there's something for me if I know how he feels and thinks.
+You should go to Montana. Stay with Kevin's grandparents. They haven't seen him for a while. I'll come and get you afterwards...
+I was out in the garden. Mama came out and told me when she saw it on TV. Why didn't you call me?
+Mama was probably asleep.
+Will? Are you okay?
+Not too bad. I'll be here a few days longer. I want to see you.
+I want to see you, too.
+Today's Wednesday. By Friday I ought to...
+Mama has all Kevin's uncles and aunts coming down from Cheyenne next week and...
+Come home with me.
+Will, they never get to see Kevin and a few more days...
+What's this Mama shit?
+It's what Kevin called her when he was little...
+What's the problem, Molly?
+I came up here after Kevin's father died. They were very supportive and helped me adjust. I got myself together. I've gotten myself together now, too.
+Small difference: I'm not dead, yet.
+Will? You could come up here.
+They don't want me up there. Every time they look at me I remind them... If they thought about it, they'd want you. Bur all they really want's the boy. And they'll take you. But they don't want to see me...
+That's not true.
+Maybe we should give it some time...
+Let's forget who said what to whom...
+It's Will Graham. Is Molly there, Mr. Swenson?
+Well, how you doin', Mr. Graham?! You sure are in the center of a storm. Burning up lots of taxpayer's dollars, too, I bet. On the news they said he was a white man. He isn't really, is he?
+Sure he is. Blond. Probably Scandinavian, too...
+You going back down to Florida after?
+Yes. Is Molly there?
+My grandboy's been eatin' a ton of breakfast every day. Been out riding. Must be the good air. You oughta see that little booger eat. I'll bet he's gained ten pounds. Molly's out in the motor home...
+I know... 'Out in the good air...'
+What's that?
+Thanks for the lift.
+I'll come inside with you, if you like, but Mr. Crawford said you'd probably want to be alone.
+That's right.
+There's a VTR setup waiting in your hotel room, that you asked for. They transferred the home movies of both families onto half-inch VHS.
+Meet point's up ahead!
+Go on to the house.
+Lt. Fisk said...
+What do you want?
+Are you George Sherman?
+Yes. Who are you?
+My name's Will Graham. I...
+We're fine. Fine. We're all well. We're okay! That man, Crawford, called and... told me... ...how 'bout a drink? Coffee or something?
+No, I'm okay. I just wanted to... ...stop by and...
+Will it keep them out?
+How many turtle eggs you think are in here?
+In this hatchery? Forty to fifty.
+Crabs would get most of the newborns before they made it to the sea, huh?
+It's a precaution... Why don't you run down to the bay. They got a swimming float.
+I'll hang around in here. I'll just be in the kitchen, Mom...
+Is there anything I need to know to see about Mom?
+No. You're very well-protected. No one can find our where you are.
+Barry's mom had this newspaper. It said you killed the guy in Minnesota and were in a mental hospital. Is it true?
+I figured I'd ask you...
+I was in the psychiatric wing. It bothers you, finding out I was in there... doesn't it?
+I told my dad before he died, I'd take care of Mom. And I'll do it. This guy wants to kill you?
+We don't know that.
+Are you gonna kill him?
+No. It's just my job to find him. I was in the hospital after Garrett Jacob Hobbs.
+How did it happen?
+Hobbs was insane. He was attacking college girls and he killed them.
+With a knife. I found a curly piece of metal in the clothes of one of the girls. The kind of shred a pipe threader makes. I was taking a look at steam fitters, plumbers. It took a long time. In one place there was a resignation letter from a man named Hobbs. I saw it and it was..., peculiar. I was going up
+You went in the apartment?
+Did the girl die?
+She got all right?
+...after a while.
+And Hobbs died?
+What kind of coffee do you like?
+That's the same atrocious aftershave you wore in court three years ago.
+Did you get my card?
+And how is Officer Stuart? The one who was the first to see my basement.
+Stuart is fine.
+Emotional problems, I hear. He was a very promising young officer. Do you ever have any problems, Will?
+Of course, you don't. I'm glad you came. My callers are all professional. Clinical psychiatrists from cornfield colleges somewhere. Second-raters, the lot.
+Dr. Bloom showed me your article on surgical addiction in the journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
+A layman..., layman. Interesting term. So many experts on government grants. And you say you're a 'layman?' But it was you who caught me, wasn't it, Will? Do you know how you did it'
+You've read the transcript. It's all there.
+No it's not. Do you know how you did it Will?
+It's in the transcript. What does it matter now?
+It doesn't matter to me, Will.
+I want you to help me, Dr. Lecktor.
+Yes, I thought so.
+It's about Atlanta and Birmingham.
+You read about it, I'm sure.
+In the papers. I don't tear out the articles. I wouldn't want them to think I was dwelling on anything morbid. You want to know how he's choosing them, don't you?
+I thought you would have some ideas.
+Why should I tell you?
+There are things you don't have. Research materials... I could speak to the Chief of Staff...?
+Chilton? Gruesome, isn't he? He fumbles at your head like a freshman pulling at a panty girdle. He actually tries to give me a Thematic and Apperception test. Hah. Sat there waiting for MF-13 to come up. It's a card with a woman in bed and a man in the foreground. I was supposed to avoid a sexual interpretation. I laughed in his face.
+You'll get to see the file on this case. And there's another reason.
+Pray tell.
+I thought you might be curious to find our if you're smarter than the person I'm looking for.
+Then by implication, you think that you are smarter than me, since you caught me.
+No. I knew that I'm not smarter than you are.
+Then how did you catch me, Will?
+You had disadvantages.
+What disadvantage?
+You're insane.
+Don't think you can persuade me with appeals to my intellectual vanity.
+I don't think I'll persuade you. You'll do it or you won't. Dr. Bloom is working an it anyway, and he's the best...
+Do you have the file with you
+Let me have them, and I might consider it.
+Do you dream much, Will?
+Good-bye, Dr. Lecktor.
+What were the yards like?
+Big backyards, fences, some hedges, why?
+Because, my dear Will, if this Pilgrim imagines he has a relationship with the full moon, he might go outside and look at it. Have you seen blood in moonlight, Will? It appears quite black. If one were nude, it would be better to have outdoor privacy for this sort of thing.
+That's interesting.
+It's not 'interesting'. You thought of it before.
+Yes. I'd considered it.
+You came here to look at me, Will. To get the old scent again, didn't you?
+I want your opinion.
+I don't have one right now.
+When you do have one I'd like to hear it.
+May I keep the file?
+I haven't decided yet.
+Do you know how you caught me, Will?
+I wanted to congratulate you for the job you did on Mr. Lounds. I admired it enormously. What a cunning boy you are, Will.
+What do you want?
+You know Lounds's enlightened me on one thing: your confinement in the mental hospital. My attorney should have brought that our in court.
+I'm worn out with you crazy sons-of- bitches. If you've got something to say, Lecktor, say it.
+I want to help you, Will. You'd be more comfortable if you relaxed with yourself. We don't invent our natures, They're issued to us. Along with our lungs and pancreas and everything else. Why fight it?
+Fight what?
+I don't believe in God.
+You should, Will. God's terrific! He dropped a church roof on thirty- four of His worshippers in Texas last Wednesday night. Just as they were groveling to Him and singing a hymn. Don't you think that felt good? He wouldn't begrudge you two measly murders.
+Why does it feel good?
+...if he's smart he'll approach from the front, pass, and take you from the back. How well do you hear?
+Pretty well.
+I'm gonna spray your suit jackets. It'll be invisible in this light, but you'll stand out like a zebra for us. They told me you checked out a .44 Charter Arms Bulldog.
+Glaser Safety Slugs?
+...commercially prohibited. Number Twelve shot in liquid Teflon in a copper casing. On impact it all opens up in the target. Expect the recoil. They're hot loads. Body armor?
+Kevlar Second Chance.
+I hope you have a second chance...
+Because he's gone for the head shot seven out of eight times'
+You got it.
+Hey, I really enjoyed your set.
+Tank you veddy much.
+So I understand you're from Lithuania?
+Caspiar? I haven't heard of that.
+People love... comedians.
+You show a lot of promise... but... my concern is I don't know where to book you. You're not a stand-up... your act doesn't exactly translate to films... help me... where do you see yourself?
+Andy, c'mon IN! Thanks for flyin' out here!!
+The stewardess let me keep my headphones.
+And this is a CLASS ACT! It's the guys who did the Mary Tyler Moore and Bob Newhart shows! It takes place in a taxi stand! And you're gonna be the Fonzie!
+I'm -- Fonzie? GEORGE NO! The Fonzie! The crazy breakout character! The guy that all the kids impersonate and put on their lunchboxes!
+George, I hate sitcoms.
+"No"? "No" to which part??
+Andy... this is every comedian's dream.
+I told you, I'm not a comedian. And sitcoms are the lowest form of entertainment: Stupid jokes and canned laughter.
+B-but, this is classy... they did Bob Newha--
+You have to do it.
+I refuse.
+Okay. Fine, I'll do it. But I have a few terms.
+Are you makin' fun of me --? This is RIDICULOUS!
+Those are my terms.
+They're IMPOSSIBLE!! Jesus! I mean -- "two guaranteed guest shots for Tony Clifton"??! Who is this TONY CLIFTON?!
+Hi George!
+Eh, hi, Andy. Look, this Tony Clifton... is he performing anywhere?
+Of course. But only on Monday nights.
+Look, I'm sorry. They're assholes! But we work in a creative business. You can't predict what people are gonna like --
+The ONLY reason I did Taxi was so I could have my own Special!
+Tell you what. I'll book you on some concerts, and meanwhile, we'll show the Special around... see if somebody wants to buy it --
+You signed for five years -- So four years, seven months.
+I'm sorry, George...
+When you play the Midwest and South, you DON'T MINDFUCK THESE PEOPLE! It's not postmodern -- it's rude. If you wanna perform in Texas, you give 'em Mighty Mouse! You give 'em Elvis!!
+But George, I like to push the boundaries...
+How long would they let me sleep?
+Hi, George! Good to hear from you!
+Hi, Andy. How's the weather up there?
+I'm here with Ed over at Taxi. There's been some trouble with Tony.
+Oh dear! George, this is gonna kill Tony. He's waited his whole life for this break.
+You're so proud. You're like some retarded kid comin' home from school: "Look, Dad, I got an F!"
+But wasn't it funny?
+George... I'm at a stage where the audience expects me to constantly shock them. But short of faking my death, or setting the theater on fire, I don't know what else to do. 'Cause I've always got to be one step ahead of them.
+That means it was a success. I woke up the audience -- like punk rock! Here, take this.
+They're having a laugh...
+WRONG! You haven't given them any clues that it's a parody!
+Andy, do you realize you don't do comedy anymore? Where's that sweet guy who used to do "Here I come to save the day!"? Please, enough with the wrestling! You've lost touch with reality!
+What, you don't think I can beat him?
+We were just trying to push the envelope --
+Maybe I can turn it into a bit. I can go back on the show, and say it was rigged. Demand a recount...
+Hey! Our first phone call! Hello?
+The world thinks Andy Kaufman sucks. So I was just giving 'em what they want...
+No, it's true. I have lung cancer.
+That's ridiculous. You don't even smoke.
+What was that all about?
+You must take a little pleasure in it.
+Andy, you're surrounded by what you create. You are the KING of negative energy.
+So how can I help you...?
+I wanna go back to work and put on a happy show. The best show anybody's ever seen!
+Do you wanna tour the clubs?
+I don't care about the money. I just want the show to deliver.
+So who's gonna pay for it?
+Tony Clifton.
+You know Tony doesn't have that kind of money.
+I can't move my arm.
+My hair is coming out.
+Did your -- doctor say it's okay for you to go back to work?
+Ehhh, you know those guys. If he had his way, I'd be stuck in the hospital, running tests all day. And anyway, I've found a new guy who's gonna be able to instantly remove the cancer.
+So, Mr. Besserman, same slot tomorrow...?
+Eh, I dunno... Andy. I'm... thinkin' of letting you go...
+You're firing me?? You don't even pay me!
+What do you want? "Take my wife, please"??
+Sure! Comedy! Make jokes about the traffic. Do impressions. Maybe a little blue material...
+I don't swear. I -- I don't do what everyone else does!
+Maybe I should talk to the natives. Shoom boom boo ba! Shoom boom boo ba --
+But I've got a sports show. Championship wrestling, at five.
+You know that's not what I meant! Look, I'm gonna put my foot down! No more playing alone. You wanna perform, you GOTTA have an audience!
+B-but I have them.
+B-but... we saw... your neck...
+B-but... we saw... your neck...
+Andrew -- HOW DARE YOU!! For all we knew, you were DYING! Look at your mother -- she's still shaking!
+Andy... we don't want the viewer to get out of their chair. They might change the channel.
+Andy... uhh... this network has a long-standing policy: The viewer must be able to see the program.
+Cue the commercial!
+Excuse me -- ?
+What are you talking about?! We just met an hour ago.
+No no no, it's not sex! I mean -- it can lead to sex... but really, it's just wrestling.
+What do you mean?
+I mean -- uh -- the colors in the sky are so vibrant. I love this time of day.
+Gosh, you scored! Look at all those goodies!
+Hey, I hope you didn't take that stuff I said seriously. It was just part of the show! It's like the old days, when a carnival barker would try to rile up the crowd.
+Hi... am I late?
+No thanks.
+Andy, the theater's that way!
+Why did you call me? The last person I ever expected to get a call from was you.
+Hi... am I late?
+No thanks.
+Andy, the theater's that way!
+Why did you call me? The last person I ever expected to get a call from was you.
+Gosh. Gee, Lynne... I was just so impressed with your wrestling moves.
+Oh! Uh, I hope I didn't offend you.
+Do you wanna to go to Memphis and get married?
+Do I wanna go to Memphis and get married?
+Why Memphis?
+And all this will be for real?
+Ooo, the little lady's upset. Well I say -- get back in the kitchen!
+Is this an act -- or are you addicted to causing trouble??
+Then stop treating me like a fucking prop.
+Go away.
+It's me.
+I brought you Haagen Dazs. Chocolate.
+I don't deserve Haagen Daz. I'm a horrible person.
+Andy, you're not horrible. You're just... complicated.
+You don't know the real me.
+Jesus, Andy! Can they cure it?
+They don't know... they've gotta run more tests.
+Have you told your family?
+How can you be so casual??!
+Even if I'm dying -- I still need clean socks.
+You're NOT DYING!
+I'm not comfortable with the last sketch. I DON'T do drug humor!
+Andy, it'll be fine! It's what we're known for! "Maui? "Wowie!"
+You're not listening to me --
+Don't worry! The kids will love it --
+Go to commercial, man! Get off the stage!
+I said I didn't want to do the sketch.
+T-there wasn't a reason to purposely hurt me --
+You're a wimp.
+My father said I should've gotten a lawyer --!
+Then your father's a wimp.
+T-there wasn't a reason to purposely hurt me --
+You're a wimp.
+My father said I should've gotten a lawyer --!
+Then your father's a wimp.
+Hey Andy, good show.
+I'm gonna quit.
+Each show is worse than the next.
+Are you nuts?! 40 million people watch you every week!
+So? What do they know?
+Give me the book.
+No! Andy, don't do it --
+I dunno about this... What will my mother think?
+She'll say, "Now my son is a man."
+It's so dirty.
+"Was this in actuality Andy Kaufman? And if it was Andy Kaufman, is Andy Kaufman crazy?"
+Look at this! An evil Russian! Ooo, here's an evil Nazi -- he likes to fight dirty! Hey, here's an evil Japanese guy!
+What is this, World War Two...?
+You know, I always wanted to be a bad-guy wrestler...
+"... has been rushed to a nearby hospital, where doctors are checking him for possible paralysis. His parents are at his bedside. Fans will best remember Kaufman as lovable Latka on television's Taxi"...
+It's a rave! Boy, if I ever fake my death, they'll really miss me.
+Sir, do you have a problem?
+I, I was asked to do this material - -
+Sure, because your new stuff's a bunch of crap. Kaufman, people are sick of you. The wrestling... the hoaxes...
+Hey -- that stuff gets written-up in the papers --
+I was very original!
+This is great. The crowd's gonna love this! Hey... do you still think any of those cowgirls are still alive?
+I dunno. If they were, they'd be pushin' 80.
+Well, call SAG. It'd be cool to get one on the show. I want the evening to build and build. It's gonna have the most incredible ending: Singers, dancers, the "Hallelujah Chorus" -- then the sky opens, and Santa Claus comes flying down!
+And you say, "Santa, what am I gettin' for Christmas?" And he says, "Cancer!"
+Are you at peace with your family?
+Um, yes. I haven't fought with them, since I started here.
+Goals are important.
+I stopped drinking. I gave up drugs. And I'm meditating three hours a day. It's the center of my life...
+Excuse me, Andy...
+This is very difficult for me to say... but -- perhaps it would be best if you didn't attend the retreat.
+Why?? I... I attend every year.
+Please! You've GOT to let me take the classes! It's how I keep myself BALANCED!!
+It is apparently not working.
+So HELP ME! All I wanna do is MEDITATE!!
+I don't see any injury to your neck, Mr. Kaufman.
+Are you sure?
+But my neck hurts... and I have a slight cough...
+It's probably just a strained muscle.
+Ehh -- Andy doesn't really like playing casinos. The audiences don't work well for him.
+Really?! You want Tony Clifton to headline Harrah's Tahoe??
+Look -- I gotta be clear with you. Tony Clifton is NOT Andy Kaufman.
+Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know! Wink wink! Nudge nudge!
+No, I'm serious. If you book Tony, do NOT EXPECT TO GET ANDY.
+Gene, you misunderstood!! You're not getting BOTH of them! It's physically impossible!
+Why's that? You said over and over and over, Tony Clifton is not Andy Kaufman --
+Yeah, I KNOW what I said! But -- trust me, it's not gonna happen!
+We had a deal!!
+I don't know what yer talkin' about. You musta talked to someone else --
+Yeah!! I talked to Andy Kaufman!
+Get off my stage! You're fired!
+Uh, yeah. Is this GEORGE SHAPIRO?
+Er, yes. Speaking.
+Can I help you with something?
+Yeah! You stay away from that Andy Kaufman, if you know what's good for you!
+Who is this? TONY CLIFTON You -- you know damn straight who it is. Tony Clifton! A name to respect. A name to fear. Beer. Gear. Deer. Ear.
+Look... I don't know what your problem is...
+That was a really hot house!
+So your name's not Gorsky.
+I'm worried about Andy. His stress level is affecting his work.
+Isn't Tony Clifton going on Taxi soon? Maybe that'll chill him out.
+So you've got this big elaborate joke, which is really only funny to two people in the universe. You... and you.
+Sure! But WE think it's kickass! Now I get to be Tony. I get to dump the glass of water on someone else's head!
+Yeah, he's just laying low, waitin' for his comeback. God, listen to this! "It was morally wrong to take advantage of such an unstable individual..."
+Why...? Andy, why...?
+Hey, that's good! We can make that play. And we'll really drag it out. You get better, you get worse... you die...
+If I find out you're behind this, I'll kill you.
+It's a perfect Kaufman audience.
+Is he in his room?
+I saw Michael!
+Hmph! They sure didn't give Andy much to do.
+What's in Memphis?
+Why is he saying these things?!
+What's your name?
+"Bob"? BOB! Bob bob bob. Bob what?
+Bob Gorsky.
+"Gorsky"? What is that, Polish?
+Are you tryin' to do some of that Polack humor? Well if that's so, you can just get the hell out of this restaurant!
+It's my name.
+A -- a tourist.
+Then the informant is real.
+Does that surprise you? It was inevitable.
+He'll be contacting us again.
+Expect it. Did you get anything from the room?
+We'll need a search running.
+They are dead. In either case --
+You don't know.
+The sewers. Of course.
+The great Morpheus. We meet at last.
+And you are?
+Smith. I am Agent Smith.
+Oh shit.
+Lieutenant, you were given specific orders --
+I'm just doing my job. You gimme that Juris-my-dick-tion and you can cram it up your ass.
+I sent two units. They're bringing her down now.
+He's gonna make it.
+That's the third white van I've seen.
+Who is it?
+You're two hours late.
+You got the money?
+Hallelujah! You are my savior, man! My own personal Jesus Christ!
+If you get caught using that --
+I know, I know. This never happened. You don't exist.
+Something wrong, man? You look a little whiter than usual.
+You ever have the feeling that you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?
+You weren't supposed to relieve me.
+Don't be ridiculous.
+We're going to kill him. Do you understand that? He's going to die just like the others.
+Do you?
+I... it doesn't matter what I believe.
+You don't, do you?
+If you have something to say, I suggest you say it to Morpheus.
+Did you hear that?
+Are you sure this line is clean?
+There's something about him, isn't there?
+Don't tell me you're a believer now?
+I just keep wondering if Morpheus is so sure, why doesn't he take him to the Oracle? She would know.
+Hello, Trinity.
+Cypher? Where's Tank?
+He had an accident.
+You are a beautiful woman. Too bad things had to work out like this.
+I'm tired, Trinity. I'm tired of this war, I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of this ship, of being cold, of eating the same fucking goop every day. But most of all, I'm tired of this jagoff and all of his bullshit.
+My God. Morpheus. You gave them Morpheus.
+Yes. You see, the truth is, Trinity, that we humans have a place in the future. But it's not here. It's in the Matrix.
+The Matrix isn't real!
+But you're out, Cypher. You can't go back.
+Goddamn you, Cypher!
+... yes.
+I don't believe it! I don't believe it!
+Whoa! Shit, Neo, you scared the Bejeezus out of me.
+No, it's all right.
+What are you doing?
+Is that...?
+Do you always look at it encoded?
+Why you're here?
+... Yeah.
+I'm going to let you in on a little secret here. Now don't tell him I told you this, but this ain't the first time Morpheus thought he found the One.
+You bet your ass. It keeps him going. Maybe it keeps all of us going.
+How many were there?
+Five. Since I've been here.
+What happened to them?
+Dead. All dead.
+Thanks... for the drink.
+I need an exit! Fast!
+There was an accident. A fucking car accident. All of a sudden. Boom. Jesus, someone's going to make a believer out of me.
+I got you.
+Just get me outta here.
+I know. They cut the hardline. This line is not a viable exit.
+Are they any agent?
+All right --
+I got a fibrillation!
+We found him, Trinity. We finally found him.
+Give me your phone.
+They'll be able to track it.
+What is he doing?
+How long?
+You can't use that until Neo is out!
+I've been looking for you, Neo. I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you, but unfortunately, we have run out of time. They're coming for you, Neo. And I'm not sure what they're going to do.
+Who's coming for me?
+Stand up and see for yourself.
+Right now?
+Holy fucking shit!
+What the fuck do they want with me?!
+I'm not sure, but if you don't want to find out, you better get out of there.
+The cubicle across from you is empty.
+But what if...?
+Good. Now there is a window. Open it.
+No! It's too far away.
+No way, no way, this is crazy.
+This line is tapped so I must be brief.
+The agents --
+They got to you first, but they've underestimated how important you are. If they knew what I know, you would probably be dead.
+What do you know?
+Do you still want to meet?
+... Yes.
+Welcome, Neo. As you no doubt have guessed, I am Morpheus.
+It's an honor.
+I imagine, right now, you must be feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole?
+You could say that.
+Ironically, this is not far from the truth. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Can you tell me, Neo, why are you here?
+You're Morpheus, you're a legend. Most hackers would die to meet you.
+Yes. Thank you. But I think we both know there's more to it than that. Do you believe in fate, Neo?
+Why not?
+Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.
+Let me tell you why you are here. You have come because you know something. What you know you can't explain but you feel it. You've felt it your whole life, felt that something is wrong with the world. You don't know what, but it's there like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that brought you to me.
+The Matrix?
+The Matrix is everywhere, it's all around us, here even in this room. You can see it out your window or on your television. You feel it when you go to work, or go to church or pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
+What truth?
+The pill you took is part of a trace program. It's designed to disrupt your input/output carrier signal so we can pinpoint your location.
+Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real?
+This can't be...
+... am I dead?
+What are you doing?
+Why do my eyes hurt?
+Morpheus, what's happened to me? What is this place?
+More important than what is when?
+Right now, we're inside a computer program?
+This isn't real?
+We have only bits and pieces of information. What we know for certain is that, at some point in the early Twenty-first Century, all of mankind was united in celebration. Through the blinding inebriation of hubris, we marveled at our magnificence as we gave birth to A.I.
+A.I.? You mean artificial intelligence?
+No! I don't believe it! It's not possible!
+Get some rest. You're going to need it.
+For what?
+This is incredible. I know kung fu.
+How did I beat you?
+You -- you're too fast.
+I know what you're trying to do --
+Do you know why you didn't make it?
+I thought it wasn't real.
+If you are killed in the Matrix, you die here?
+This is another Matrix simulation. A training program to help you get your sea legs and teach you one very important lesson.
+Do you understand, Neo?
+I think I do.
+No you don't. Did you see the woman in the red dress?
+Every attempt to fight them has ended in failure. Only a handful of men and women have ever crossed an agent and lived because they are everyone and they are no one. Unkillable. But now I believe that is going to change.
+What? Are you trying to tell me that I can dodge bullets?
+Set down in there.
+So is this the same oracle that made the, uh, prophecy?
+Yes. She's very old. She's been with us since the beginning.
+The beginning?
+Of the Resistance.
+And she knows what? Everything?
+She would say she knows enough.
+How does she know?
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