Runtime error
Runtime error
import tushare as ts | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import pandas as pd | |
import os | |
import random | |
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator | |
#from prettytable import PrettyTable | |
#from blessed import Terminal | |
import time | |
from datetime import datetime, timedelta | |
import numpy as np | |
import mplfinance as mpf | |
from typing import Optional | |
import matplotlib.font_manager as fm | |
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D | |
from typing import Union, Any | |
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression | |
# plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Arial Unicode MS'] | |
# plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False | |
font_path = './fonts/SimHei.ttf' | |
font_prop = fm.FontProperties(fname=font_path) | |
tushare_token = os.getenv('TUSHARE_TOKEN') | |
pro = ts.pro_api(tushare_token) | |
# def last_month_end(date_str:str=''): | |
# date_obj = datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y%m%d') | |
# current_month = date_obj.month | |
# current_year = date_obj.year | |
# | |
# if current_month == 1: | |
# last_month = 12 | |
# last_year = current_year - 1 | |
# else: | |
# last_month = current_month - 1 | |
# last_year = current_year | |
# | |
# if date_obj.month != (date_obj + timedelta(days=1)).month: | |
# last_month_end_date = date_obj | |
# else: | |
# last_day_of_last_month = (date_obj.replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)).day | |
# last_month_end_date = datetime(last_year, last_month, last_day_of_last_month) | |
# | |
# return last_month_end_date.strftime('%Y%m%d') | |
def get_last_year_date(date_str: str = '') -> str: | |
""" | |
This function takes a date string in the format YYYYMMDD and returns the date string one year prior to the input date. | |
Args: | |
- date_str: string, the input date in the format YYYYMMDD | |
Returns: | |
- string, the date one year prior to the input date in the format YYYYMMDD | |
""" | |
dt = datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y%m%d') | |
# To calculate the date one year ago | |
one_year_ago = dt - timedelta(days=365) | |
# To format the date as a string | |
one_year_ago_str = one_year_ago.strftime('%Y%m%d') | |
return one_year_ago_str | |
def get_adj_factor(stock_code: str = '', start_date: str = '', end_date: str = '') -> pd.DataFrame: | |
# Get stock price adjustment factors. Retrieve the stock price adjustment factors for a single stock's entire historical data or for all stocks on a single trading day. | |
# The input includes the stock code, start date, end date, and trading date, all in string format with the date in the YYYYMMDD format | |
# The return value is a dataframe containing the stock code, trading date, and adjustment factor | |
# ts_code str 股票代码 | |
# adj_factor float 复权因子 | |
""" | |
This function retrieves the adjusted stock prices for a given stock code and date range. | |
Args: | |
- stock_code: string, the stock code to retrieve data for | |
- start_date: string, the start date in the format YYYYMMDD | |
- end_date: string, the end date in the format YYYYMMDD | |
Returns: | |
- dataframe, a dataframe containing the stock code, trade date, and adjusted factor | |
This will retrieve the adjusted stock prices for the stock with code '000001.SZ' between the dates '20220101' and '20220501'. | |
""" | |
df = pro.adj_factor(**{ | |
"ts_code": stock_code, | |
"trade_date": "", | |
"start_date": start_date, | |
"end_date": end_date, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"ts_code", | |
"trade_date", | |
"adj_factor" | |
]) | |
return df | |
def get_stock_code(stock_name: str) -> str: | |
# Retrieve the stock code of a given stock name. If we call get_stock_code('贵州茅台'), it will return '600519.SH'. | |
df = pd.read_csv('tushare_stock_basic_20230421210721.csv') | |
try: | |
code = df.loc[].ts_code.iloc[0] | |
return code | |
except: | |
return None | |
def get_stock_name_from_code(stock_code: str) -> str: | |
""" | |
Reads a local file to retrieve the stock name from a given stock code. | |
Args: | |
- stock_code (str): The code of the stock. | |
Returns: | |
- str: The stock name of the given stock code. | |
""" | |
# For example,if we call get_stock_name_from_code('600519.SH'), it will return '贵州茅台'. | |
df = pd.read_csv('tushare_stock_basic_20230421210721.csv') | |
name = df.loc[df.ts_code == stock_code].name.iloc[0] | |
return name | |
def get_stock_prices_data(stock_name: str='', start_date: str='', end_date: str='', freq:str='daily') -> pd.DataFrame: | |
""" | |
Retrieves the daily/weekly/monthly price data for a given stock code during a specific time period. get_stock_prices_data('贵州茅台','20200120','20220222','daily') | |
Args: | |
- stock_name (str) | |
- start_date (str): The start date in the format 'YYYYMMDD'. | |
- end_date (str): The end date in 'YYYYMMDD'. | |
- freq (str): The frequency of the price data, can be 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'. | |
Returns: | |
- pd.DataFrame: A dataframe that contains the daily/weekly/monthly data. The output columns contain stock_code, trade_date, open, high, low, close, pre_close(昨天收盘价), change(涨跌额), pct_chg(涨跌幅),vol(成交量),amount(成交额) | |
""" | |
stock_code = get_stock_code(stock_name) | |
if freq == 'daily': | |
stock_data = pro.daily(**{ | |
"ts_code": stock_code, | |
"trade_date": '', | |
"start_date": start_date, | |
"end_date": end_date, | |
"offset": "", | |
"limit": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"ts_code", | |
"trade_date", | |
"open", | |
"high", | |
"low", | |
"close", | |
"pre_close", | |
"change", | |
"pct_chg", | |
"vol", | |
"amount" | |
]) | |
elif freq == 'weekly': | |
stock_data = pro.weekly(**{ | |
"ts_code": stock_code, | |
"trade_date": '', | |
"start_date": start_date, | |
"end_date": end_date, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"ts_code", | |
"trade_date", | |
"close", | |
"open", | |
"high", | |
"low", | |
"pre_close", | |
"change", | |
"pct_chg", | |
"vol", | |
"amount" | |
]) | |
elif freq == 'monthly': | |
stock_data = pro.monthly(**{ | |
"ts_code": stock_code, | |
"trade_date": '', | |
"start_date": start_date, | |
"end_date": end_date, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"ts_code", | |
"trade_date", | |
"close", | |
"open", | |
"high", | |
"low", | |
"pre_close", | |
"change", | |
"pct_chg", | |
"vol", | |
"amount" | |
]) | |
adj_f = get_adj_factor(stock_code, start_date, end_date) | |
stock_data = pd.merge(stock_data, adj_f, on=['ts_code', 'trade_date']) | |
# Multiply the values of open, high, low, and close by their corresponding adjustment factors. | |
# To obtain the adjusted close price | |
stock_data[['open', 'high', 'low', 'close']] *= stock_data['adj_factor'].values.reshape(-1, 1) | |
#stock_data.rename(columns={'vol': 'volume'}, inplace=True) | |
df = pd.read_csv('tushare_stock_basic_20230421210721.csv') | |
stock_data_merged = pd.merge(stock_data, df, on='ts_code') | |
stock_data_merged.rename(columns={'ts_code': 'stock_code'}, inplace=True) | |
stock_data_merged.rename(columns={'name': 'stock_name'}, inplace=True) | |
stock_data_merged = stock_data_merged.sort_values(by='trade_date', ascending=True) # To sort the DataFrame by date in ascending order | |
return stock_data_merged | |
def get_stock_technical_data(stock_name: str, start_date: str, end_date: str) -> pd.DataFrame: | |
""" | |
Retrieves the daily technical data of a stock including macd turnover rate, volume, PE ratio, etc. Those technical indicators are usually plotted as subplots in a k-line chart. | |
Args: | |
stock_name (str): | |
start_date (str): Start date "YYYYMMDD" | |
end_date (str): End date "YYYYMMDD" | |
Returns: | |
pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the technical data of the stock, | |
including various indicators such as ts_code, trade_date, close, macd_dif, macd_dea, macd, kdj_k, kdj_d, kdj_j, rsi_6, rsi_12, boll_upper, boll_mid, boll_lower, cci, turnover_rate, turnover_rate_f, volume_ratio, pe_ttm(市盈率), pb(市净率), ps_ttm, dv_ttm, total_share, float_share, free_share, total_mv, circ_mv | |
""" | |
# Technical factors | |
stock_code = get_stock_code(stock_name) | |
stock_data1 = pro.stk_factor(**{ | |
"ts_code": stock_code, | |
"start_date": start_date, | |
"end_date": end_date, | |
"trade_date": '', | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"ts_code", | |
"trade_date", | |
"close", | |
"macd_dif", | |
"macd_dea", | |
"macd", | |
"kdj_k", | |
"kdj_d", | |
"kdj_j", | |
"rsi_6", | |
"rsi_12", | |
"rsi_24", | |
"boll_upper", | |
"boll_mid", | |
"boll_lower", | |
"cci" | |
]) | |
# Trading factors | |
stock_data2 = pro.daily_basic(**{ | |
"ts_code": stock_code, | |
"trade_date": '', | |
"start_date": start_date, | |
"end_date": end_date, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"ts_code", # | |
"trade_date", | |
"turnover_rate", | |
"turnover_rate_f", | |
"volume_ratio", | |
"pe_ttm", | |
"pb", | |
"ps_ttm", | |
"dv_ttm", | |
"total_share", | |
"float_share", | |
"free_share", | |
"total_mv", | |
"circ_mv" | |
]) | |
# | |
stock_data = pd.merge(stock_data1, stock_data2, on=['ts_code', 'trade_date']) | |
df = pd.read_csv('tushare_stock_basic_20230421210721.csv') | |
stock_data_merged = pd.merge(stock_data, df, on='ts_code') | |
stock_data_merged = stock_data_merged.sort_values(by='trade_date', ascending=True) | |
stock_data_merged.drop(['symbol'], axis=1, inplace=True) | |
stock_data_merged.rename(columns={'ts_code': 'stock_code'}, inplace=True) | |
stock_data_merged.rename(columns={'name': 'stock_name'}, inplace=True) | |
return stock_data_merged | |
def plot_stock_data(stock_data: pd.DataFrame, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, figure_type: str = 'line', title_name: str ='') -> plt.Axes: | |
""" | |
This function plots stock data. | |
Args: | |
- stock_data: pandas DataFrame, the stock data to plot. The DataFrame should contain three columns: | |
- Column 1: trade date in 'YYYYMMDD' | |
- Column 2: Stock name or code (string format) | |
- Column 3: Index value (numeric format) | |
The DataFrame can be time series data or cross-sectional data. If it is time-series data, the first column represents different trade time, the second column represents the same name. For cross-sectional data, the first column is the same, the second column contains different stocks. | |
- ax: matplotlib Axes object, the axes to plot the data on | |
- figure_type: the type of figure (either 'line' or 'bar') | |
- title_name | |
Returns: | |
- matplotlib Axes object, the axes containing the plot | |
""" | |
index_name = stock_data.columns[2] | |
name_list = stock_data.iloc[:,1] | |
date_list = stock_data.iloc[:,0] | |
if name_list.nunique() == 1 and date_list.nunique() != 1: | |
# Time Series Data | |
unchanged_var = name_list.iloc[0] # stock name | |
x_dim = date_list # tradingdate | |
x_name = stock_data.columns[0] | |
elif name_list.nunique() != 1 and date_list.nunique() == 1: | |
# Cross-sectional Data | |
unchanged_var = date_list.iloc[0] # tradingdate | |
x_dim = name_list # stock name | |
x_name = stock_data.columns[1] | |
data_size = x_dim.shape[0] | |
start_x_dim, end_x_dim = x_dim.iloc[0], x_dim.iloc[-1] | |
start_y = stock_data.iloc[0, 2] | |
end_y = stock_data.iloc[-1, 2] | |
def generate_random_color(): | |
r = random.randint(0, 255)/ 255.0 | |
g = random.randint(0, 100)/ 255.0 | |
b = random.randint(0, 255)/ 255.0 | |
return (r, g, b) | |
color = generate_random_color() | |
if ax is None: | |
_, ax = plt.subplots() | |
if figure_type =='line': | |
# | |
ax.plot(x_dim, stock_data.iloc[:, 2], label = unchanged_var+'_' + index_name, color=color,linewidth=3) | |
# | |
plt.scatter(x_dim, stock_data.iloc[:, 2], color=color,s=3) # Add markers to the data points | |
# | |
#ax.scatter(x_dim, stock_data.iloc[:, 2],label = unchanged_var+'_' + index_name, color=color, s=3) | |
# | |
ax.annotate(unchanged_var + ':' + str(round(start_y, 2)) + ' @' + start_x_dim, xy=(start_x_dim, start_y), | |
xytext=(start_x_dim, start_y), | |
textcoords='data', fontsize=14,color=color, horizontalalignment='right',fontproperties=font_prop) | |
ax.annotate(unchanged_var + ':' + str(round(end_y, 2)) +' @' + end_x_dim, xy=(end_x_dim, end_y), | |
xytext=(end_x_dim, end_y), | |
textcoords='data', fontsize=14, color=color, horizontalalignment='left',fontproperties=font_prop) | |
elif figure_type == 'bar': | |, stock_data.iloc[:, 2], label = unchanged_var + '_' + index_name, width=0.3, color=color) | |
ax.annotate(unchanged_var + ':' + str(round(start_y, 2)) + ' @' + start_x_dim, xy=(start_x_dim, start_y), | |
xytext=(start_x_dim, start_y), | |
textcoords='data', fontsize=14, color=color, horizontalalignment='right',fontproperties=font_prop) | |
ax.annotate(unchanged_var + ':' + str(round(end_y, 2)) + ' @' + end_x_dim, xy=(end_x_dim, end_y), | |
xytext=(end_x_dim, end_y), | |
textcoords='data', fontsize=14, color=color, horizontalalignment='left',fontproperties=font_prop) | |
plt.xticks(x_dim,rotation=45) # | |
ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator( integer=True, prune=None, nbins=100)) # | |
plt.xlabel(x_name, fontproperties=font_prop,fontsize=18) | |
plt.ylabel(f'{index_name}', fontproperties=font_prop,fontsize=16) | |
ax.set_title(title_name , fontproperties=font_prop,fontsize=16) | |
plt.legend(prop=font_prop) # 显示图例 | |
fig = plt.gcf() | |
fig.set_size_inches(18, 12) | |
return ax | |
def query_fund_Manager(Manager_name: str) -> pd.DataFrame: | |
# 代码fund_code,公告日期ann_date,基金经理名字name,性别gender,出生年份birth_year,学历edu,国籍nationality,开始管理日期begin_date,结束日期end_date,简历resume | |
""" | |
Retrieves information about a fund manager. | |
Args: | |
Manager_name (str): The name of the fund manager. | |
Returns: | |
df (DataFrame): A DataFrame containing the fund manager's information, including the fund codes, announcement dates, | |
manager's name, gender, birth year, education, nationality, start and end dates of managing funds, | |
and the manager's resume. | |
""" | |
df = pro.fund_manager(**{ | |
"ts_code": "", | |
"ann_date": "", | |
"name": Manager_name, | |
"offset": "", | |
"limit": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"ts_code", | |
"ann_date", | |
"name", | |
"gender", | |
"birth_year", | |
"edu", | |
"nationality", | |
"begin_date", | |
"end_date", | |
"resume" | |
]) | |
# | |
df.rename(columns={'ts_code': 'fund_code'}, inplace=True) | |
# To query the fund name based on the fund code and store it in a new column called fund_name, while removing the rows where the fund name is not found | |
df['fund_name'] = df['fund_code'].apply(lambda x: query_fund_name_or_code('', x)) | |
df.dropna(subset=['fund_name'], inplace=True) | |
df.rename(columns={'name': 'manager_name'}, inplace=True) | |
# | |
df_out = df[['fund_name','fund_code','ann_date','manager_name','begin_date','end_date']] | |
return df_out | |
# def save_stock_prices_to_csv(stock_prices: pd.DataFrame, stock_name: str, file_path: str) -> None: | |
# | |
# """ | |
# Saves the price data of a specific stock symbol during a specific time period to a local CSV file. | |
# | |
# Args: | |
# - stock_prices (pd.DataFrame): A pandas dataframe that contains the daily price data for the given stock symbol during the specified time period. | |
# - stock_name (str): The name of the stock. | |
# - file_path (str): The file path where the CSV file will be saved. | |
# | |
# Returns: | |
# - None: The function only saves the CSV file to the specified file path. | |
# """ | |
# # The function checks if the directory to save the CSV file exists and creates it if it does not exist. | |
# # The function then saves the price data of the specified stock symbol during the specified time period to a local CSV file with the name {stock_name}_price_data.csv in the specified file path. | |
# | |
# | |
# if not os.path.exists(file_path): | |
# os.makedirs(file_path) | |
# | |
# | |
# file_path = f"{file_path}{stock_name}_stock_prices.csv" | |
# stock_prices.to_csv(file_path, index_label='Date') | |
# print(f"Stock prices for {stock_name} saved to {file_path}") | |
def calculate_stock_index(stock_data: pd.DataFrame, index:str='close') -> pd.DataFrame: | |
""" | |
Calculate a specific index of a stock based on its price information. | |
Args: | |
stock_data (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the stock's price information. | |
index (str, optional): The index to calculate. The available options depend on the column names in the | |
input stock price data. Additionally, there are two special indices: 'candle_K' and 'Cumulative_Earnings_Rate'. | |
Returns: | |
DataFrame containing the corresponding index data of the stock. In general, it includes three columns: 'trade_date', 'name', and the corresponding index value. | |
Besides, if index is 'candle_K', the function returns the DataFrame containing 'trade_date', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume','name' column. | |
If index is a technical index such as 'macd' or a trading index likes 'pe_ttm', the function returns the DataFrame with corresponding columns. | |
""" | |
if 'stock_name' not in stock_data.columns and 'index_name' in stock_data.columns: | |
stock_data.rename(columns={'index_name': 'stock_name'}, inplace=True) | |
# | |
index = index.lower() | |
if index=='Cumulative_Earnings_Rate' or index =='Cumulative_Earnings_Rate'.lower() : | |
stock_data[index] = (1 + stock_data['pct_chg'] / 100.).cumprod() - 1. | |
stock_data[index] = stock_data[index] * 100. | |
if 'stock_name' in stock_data.columns : | |
selected_index = stock_data[['trade_date', 'stock_name', index]].copy() | |
# | |
if 'fund_name' in stock_data.columns: | |
selected_index = stock_data[['trade_date', 'fund_name', index]].copy() | |
return selected_index | |
elif index == 'candle_K' or index == 'candle_K'.lower(): | |
#tech_df = tech_df.drop(['name', 'symbol', 'industry', 'area','market','list_date','ts_code','close'], axis=1) | |
# Merge two DataFrames based on the 'trade_date' column. | |
stock_data = stock_data.rename( | |
columns={'open': 'Open', 'high': 'High', 'low': 'Low', 'close': 'Close', | |
'vol': 'Volume'}) | |
selected_index = stock_data[['trade_date', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume','stock_name']].copy() | |
return selected_index | |
elif index =='macd': | |
selected_index = stock_data[['trade_date','macd','macd_dea','macd_dif']].copy() | |
return selected_index | |
elif index =='rsi': | |
selected_index = stock_data[['trade_date','rsi_6','rsi_12']].copy() | |
return selected_index | |
elif index =='boll': | |
selected_index = stock_data[['trade_date', 'boll_upper', 'boll_lower','boll_mid']].copy() | |
return selected_index | |
elif index =='kdj': | |
selected_index = stock_data[['trade_date', 'kdj_k', 'kdj_d','kdj_j']].copy() | |
return selected_index | |
elif index =='cci': | |
selected_index = stock_data[['trade_date', 'cci']].copy() | |
return selected_index | |
elif index == '换手率': | |
selected_index = stock_data[['trade_date', 'turnover_rate','turnover_rate_f']].copy() | |
return selected_index | |
elif index == '市值': | |
selected_index = stock_data[['trade_date', 'total_mv','circ_mv']].copy() | |
return selected_index | |
elif index in stock_data.columns: | |
stock_data = stock_data | |
if 'stock_name' in stock_data.columns : | |
selected_index = stock_data[['trade_date', 'stock_name', index]].copy() | |
if 'fund_name' in stock_data.columns: | |
selected_index = stock_data[['trade_date', 'fund_name', index]].copy() | |
# Except for candlestick chart and technical indicators, the remaining outputs consist of three columns: date, name, and indicator. | |
return selected_index | |
def rank_index_cross_section(stock_data: pd.DataFrame, Top_k: int = -1, ascending: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: | |
""" | |
Sort the cross-sectional data based on the given index. | |
Args: | |
stock_data : DataFrame containing the cross-sectional data. It should have three columns, and the last column represents the variable to be sorted. | |
Top_k : The number of data points to retain after sorting. (Default: -1, which retains all data points) | |
ascending: Whether to sort the data in ascending order or not. (Default: False) | |
Returns: | |
stock_data_selected : DataFrame containing the sorted data. It has the same structure as the input DataFrame. | |
""" | |
index = stock_data.columns[-1] | |
stock_data = stock_data.sort_values(by=index, ascending=ascending) | |
#stock_data_selected = stock_data[['trade_date','stock_name', index]].copy() | |
stock_data_selected = stock_data[:Top_k] | |
stock_data_selected = stock_data_selected.drop_duplicates(subset=['stock_name'], keep='first') | |
return stock_data_selected | |
def get_company_info(stock_name: str='') -> pd.DataFrame: | |
# ts_code: str 股票代码, exchange:str 交易所代码SSE上交所 SZSE深交所, chairman:str 法人代表, manager:str 总经理, secretary:str 董秘 # reg_capital:float 注册资本, setup_date:str 注册日期, province:str 所在省份 ,city:str 所在城市 | |
# introduction:str 公司介绍, website:str 公司主页 , email:str 电子邮件, office:str 办公室 # ann_date: str 公告日期, business_scope:str 经营范围, employees:int 员工人数, main_business:str 主要业务及产品 | |
""" | |
This function retrieves company information including stock code, exchange, chairman, manager, secretary, | |
registered capital, setup date, province, city, website, email, employees, business scope, main business, | |
introduction, office, and announcement date. | |
Args: | |
- stock_name (str): The name of the stock. | |
Returns: | |
- pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame that contains the company information. | |
""" | |
stock_code = get_stock_code(stock_name) | |
df = pro.stock_company(**{ | |
"ts_code": stock_code,"exchange": "","status": "", "limit": "","offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"ts_code","exchange","chairman", "manager","secretary", "reg_capital","setup_date", "province","city", | |
"website", "email","employees","business_scope","main_business","introduction","office", "ann_date" | |
]) | |
en_to_cn = { | |
'ts_code': '股票代码', | |
'exchange': '交易所代码', | |
'chairman': '法人代表', | |
'manager': '总经理', | |
'secretary': '董秘', | |
'reg_capital': '注册资本', | |
'setup_date': '注册日期', | |
'province': '所在省份', | |
'city': '所在城市', | |
'introduction': '公司介绍', | |
'website': '公司主页', | |
'email': '电子邮件', | |
'office': '办公室', | |
'ann_date': '公告日期', | |
'business_scope': '经营范围', | |
'employees': '员工人数', | |
'main_business': '主要业务及产品' | |
} | |
df.rename(columns=en_to_cn, inplace=True) | |
df.insert(0, '股票名称', stock_name) | |
# for column in df.columns: | |
# print(f"[{column}]: {df[column].values[0]}") | |
return df | |
# def get_Financial_data(stock_code: str, report_date: str, financial_index: str = '' ) -> pd.DataFrame: | |
# # report_date的格式为"YYYYMMDD",包括"yyyy0331"为一季报,"yyyy0630"为半年报,"yyyy0930"为三季报,"yyyy1231"为年报 | |
# # index包含: # current_ratio 流动比率 # quick_ratio 速动比率 # netprofit_margin 销售净利率 # grossprofit_margin 销售毛利率 # roe 净资产收益率 # roe_dt 净资产收益率(扣除非经常损益) | |
# # roa 总资产报酬率 # debt_to_assets 资产负债率 # roa_yearly 年化总资产净利率 # q_dtprofit 扣除非经常损益后的单季度净利润 # q_eps 每股收益(单季度) | |
# # q_netprofit_margin 销售净利率(单季度) # q_gsprofit_margin 销售毛利率(单季度) # basic_eps_yoy 基本每股收益同比增长率(%) # netprofit_yoy 归属母公司股东的净利润同比增长率(%) # q_netprofit_yoy 归属母公司股东的净利润同比增长率(%)(单季度) # q_netprofit_qoq 归属母公司股东的净利润环比增长率(%)(单季度) # equity_yoy 净资产同比增长率 | |
# """ | |
# Retrieves financial data for a specific stock within a given date range. | |
# | |
# Args: | |
# stock_code (str): The stock code or symbol of the company for which financial data is requested. | |
# report_date (str): The report date in the format "YYYYMMDD" . | |
# financial_index (str, optional): The financial indicator to be queried. If not specified, all available financial | |
# indicators will be included. | |
# | |
# Returns: | |
# pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the financial data for the specified stock and date range. The DataFrame | |
# consists of the following columns: "stock_name", | |
# "trade_date" (reporting period), and the requested financial indicator(s). | |
# | |
# """ | |
# stock_data = pro.fina_indicator(**{ | |
# "ts_code": stock_code, | |
# "ann_date": "", | |
# "start_date": '', | |
# "end_date": '', | |
# "period": report_date, | |
# "update_flag": "1", | |
# "limit": "", | |
# "offset": "" | |
# }, fields=["ts_code","end_date", financial_index]) | |
# | |
# stock_name = get_stock_name_from_code(stock_code) | |
# stock_data['stock_name'] = stock_name | |
# stock_data = stock_data.sort_values(by='end_date', ascending=True) # 按照日期升序排列 | |
# # 把end_data列改名为trade_date | |
# stock_data.rename(columns={'end_date': 'trade_date'}, inplace=True) | |
# stock_financial_data = stock_data[['stock_name', 'trade_date', financial_index]] | |
# return stock_financial_data | |
def get_Financial_data_from_time_range(stock_name:str, start_date:str, end_date:str, financial_index:str='') -> pd.DataFrame: | |
# start_date='20190101',end_date='20221231',financial_index='roe', The returned data consists of the ROE values for the entire three-year period from 2019 to 2022. | |
# To query quarterly or annual financial report data for a specific moment, "yyyy0331"为一季报,"yyyy0630"为半年报,"yyyy0930"为三季报,"yyyy1231"为年报,例如get_Financial_data_from_time_range("600519.SH", "20190331", "20190331", "roe") means to query the return on equity (ROE) data from the first quarter of 2019, | |
# # current_ratio 流动比率 # quick_ratio 速动比率 # netprofit_margin 销售净利率 # grossprofit_margin 销售毛利率 # roe 净资产收益率 # roe_dt 净资产收益率(扣除非经常损益) | |
# roa 总资产报酬率 # debt_to_assets 资产负债率 # roa_yearly 年化总资产净利率 # q_dtprofit 扣除非经常损益后的单季度净利润 # q_eps 每股收益(单季度) | |
# q_netprofit_margin 销售净利率(单季度) # q_gsprofit_margin 销售毛利率(单季度) # basic_eps_yoy 基本每股收益同比增长率(%) # netprofit_yoy 归属母公司股东的净利润同比增长率(%) # q_netprofit_yoy 归属母公司股东的净利润同比增长率(%)(单季度) # q_netprofit_qoq 归属母公司股东的净利润环比增长率(%)(单季度) # equity_yoy 净资产同比增长率 | |
""" | |
Retrieves the financial data for a given stock within a specified date range. | |
Args: | |
stock_name (str): The stock code. | |
start_date (str): The start date of the data range in the format "YYYYMMDD". | |
end_date (str): The end date of the data range in the format "YYYYMMDD". | |
financial_index (str, optional): The financial indicator to be queried. | |
Returns: | |
pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containin financial data for the specified stock and date range. | |
""" | |
stock_code = get_stock_code(stock_name) | |
stock_data = pro.fina_indicator(**{ | |
"ts_code": stock_code, | |
"ann_date": "", | |
"start_date": start_date, | |
"end_date": end_date, | |
"period": '', | |
"update_flag": "1", | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=["ts_code", "end_date", financial_index]) | |
#stock_name = get_stock_name_from_code(stock_code) | |
stock_data['stock_name'] = stock_name | |
stock_data = stock_data.sort_values(by='end_date', ascending=True) # 按照日期升序排列 | |
# 把end_data列改名为trade_date | |
stock_data.rename(columns={'end_date': 'trade_date'}, inplace=True) | |
stock_financial_data = stock_data[['stock_name', 'trade_date', financial_index]] | |
return stock_financial_data | |
def get_GDP_data(start_quarter:str='', end_quarter:str='', index:str='gdp_yoy') -> pd.DataFrame: | |
# The available indicators for query include the following 9 categories: # gdp GDP累计值(亿元)# gdp_yoy 当季同比增速(%)# pi 第一产业累计值(亿元)# pi_yoy 第一产业同比增速(%)# si 第二产业累计值(亿元)# si_yoy 第二产业同比增速(%)# ti 第三产业累计值(亿元) # ti_yoy 第三产业同比增速(%) | |
""" | |
Retrieves GDP data for the chosen index and specified time period. | |
Args: | |
- start_quarter (str): The start quarter of the query, in YYYYMMDD format. | |
- end_quarter (str): The end quarter, in YYYYMMDD format. | |
- index (str): The specific GDP index to retrieve. Default is `gdp_yoy`. | |
Returns: | |
- pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame with three columns: `quarter`, `country`, and the selected `index`. | |
""" | |
# The output is a DataFrame with three columns: | |
# the first column represents the quarter (quarter), the second column represents the country (country), and the third column represents the index (index). | |
df = pro.cn_gdp(**{ | |
"q":'', | |
"start_q": start_quarter, | |
"end_q": end_quarter, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"quarter", | |
"gdp", | |
"gdp_yoy", | |
"pi", | |
"pi_yoy", | |
"si", | |
"si_yoy", | |
"ti", | |
"ti_yoy" | |
]) | |
df = df.sort_values(by='quarter', ascending=True) # | |
df['country'] = 'China' | |
df = df[['quarter', 'country', index]].copy() | |
return df | |
def get_cpi_ppi_currency_supply_data(start_month: str = '', end_month: str = '', type: str = 'cpi', index: str = '') -> pd.DataFrame: | |
# The query types (type) include three categories: CPI, PPI, and currency supply. Each type corresponds to different indices. | |
# Specifically, CPI has 12 indices, PPI has 30 indices, and currency supply has 9 indices. | |
# The output is a DataFrame table with three columns: the first column represents the month (month), the second column represents the country (country), and the third column represents the index (index). | |
# type='cpi',monthly CPI data include the following 12 categories: | |
# nt_val 全国当月值 # nt_yoy 全国同比(%)# nt_mom 全国环比(%)# nt_accu 全国累计值# town_val 城市当月值# town_yoy 城市同比(%)# town_mom 城市环比(%)# town_accu 城市累计值# cnt_val 农村当月值# cnt_yoy 农村同比(%)# cnt_mom 农村环比(%)# cnt_accu 农村累计值 | |
# type = 'ppi', monthly PPI data include the following 30 categories: | |
# ppi_yoy PPI:全部工业品:当月同比 | |
# ppi_mp_yoy PPI:生产资料:当月同比 | |
# ppi_mp_qm_yoy PPI:生产资料:采掘业:当月同比 | |
# ppi_mp_rm_yoy PPI:生产资料:原料业:当月同比 | |
# ppi_mp_p_yoy PPI:生产资料:加工业:当月同比 | |
# ppi_cg_yoy PPI:生活资料:当月同比 | |
# ppi_cg_f_yoy PPI:生活资料:食品类:当月同比 | |
# ppi_cg_c_yoy PPI:生活资料:衣着类:当月同比 | |
# ppi_cg_adu_yoy PPI:生活资料:一般日用品类:当月同比 | |
# ppi_cg_dcg_yoy PPI:生活资料:耐用消费品类:当月同比 | |
# ppi_mom PPI:全部工业品:环比 | |
# ppi_mp_mom PPI:生产资料:环比 | |
# ppi_mp_qm_mom PPI:生产资料:采掘业:环比 | |
# ppi_mp_rm_mom PPI:生产资料:原料业:环比 | |
# ppi_mp_p_mom PPI:生产资料:加工业:环比 | |
# ppi_cg_mom PPI:生活资料:环比 | |
# ppi_cg_f_mom PPI:生活资料:食品类:环比 | |
# ppi_cg_c_mom PPI:生活资料:衣着类:环比 | |
# ppi_cg_adu_mom PPI:生活资料:一般日用品类:环比 | |
# ppi_cg_dcg_mom PPI:生活资料:耐用消费品类:环比 | |
# ppi_accu PPI:全部工业品:累计同比 | |
# ppi_mp_accu PPI:生产资料:累计同比 | |
# ppi_mp_qm_accu PPI:生产资料:采掘业:累计同比 | |
# ppi_mp_rm_accu PPI:生产资料:原料业:累计同比 | |
# ppi_mp_p_accu PPI:生产资料:加工业:累计同比 | |
# ppi_cg_accu PPI:生活资料:累计同比 | |
# ppi_cg_f_accu PPI:生活资料:食品类:累计同比 | |
# ppi_cg_c_accu PPI:生活资料:衣着类:累计同比 | |
# ppi_cg_adu_accu PPI:生活资料:一般日用品类:累计同比 | |
# ppi_cg_dcg_accu PPI:生活资料:耐用消费品类:累计同比 | |
# type = 'currency_supply', monthly currency supply data include the following 9 categories: | |
# m0 M0(亿元)# m0_yoy M0同比(%)# m0_mom M0环比(%)# m1 M1(亿元)# m1_yoy M1同比(%)# m1_mom M1环比(%)# m2 M2(亿元)# m2_yoy M2同比(%)# m2_mom M2环比(%) | |
""" | |
This function is used to retrieve China's monthly CPI (Consumer Price Index), PPI (Producer Price Index), | |
and monetary supply data published by the National Bureau of Statistics, | |
and return a DataFrame table containing month, country, and index values. | |
The function parameters include start month, end month, query type, and query index. | |
For query indexes that are not within the query range, the default index for the corresponding type is returned. | |
Args: | |
- start_month (str): start month of the query, in the format of YYYYMMDD. | |
- end_month (str):end month in YYYYMMDD | |
- type (str): required parameter, query type, including three types: cpi, ppi, and currency_supply. | |
- index (str): optional parameter, query index, the specific index depends on the query type. | |
If the query index is not within the range, the default index for the corresponding type is returned. | |
Returns: | |
- pd.DataFrame: DataFrame type, including three columns: month, country, and index value. | |
""" | |
if type == 'cpi': | |
df = pro.cn_cpi(**{ | |
"m": '', | |
"start_m": start_month, | |
"end_m": end_month, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"month", "nt_val","nt_yoy", "nt_mom","nt_accu", "town_val", "town_yoy", "town_mom", | |
"town_accu", "cnt_val", "cnt_yoy", "cnt_mom", "cnt_accu"]) | |
# If the index is not within the aforementioned range, the index is set as "nt_yoy". | |
if index not in df.columns: | |
index = 'nt_yoy' | |
elif type == 'ppi': | |
df = pro.cn_ppi(**{ | |
"m": '', | |
"start_m": start_month, | |
"end_m": end_month, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"month", "ppi_yoy", "ppi_mp_yoy", "ppi_mp_qm_yoy", "ppi_mp_rm_yoy", "ppi_mp_p_yoy", "ppi_cg_yoy", | |
"ppi_cg_f_yoy", "ppi_cg_c_yoy", "ppi_cg_adu_yoy", "ppi_cg_dcg_yoy", | |
"ppi_mom", "ppi_mp_mom", "ppi_mp_qm_mom", "ppi_mp_rm_mom", "ppi_mp_p_mom", "ppi_cg_mom", "ppi_cg_f_mom", | |
"ppi_cg_c_mom", "ppi_cg_adu_mom", "ppi_cg_dcg_mom", | |
"ppi_accu", "ppi_mp_accu", "ppi_mp_qm_accu", "ppi_mp_rm_accu", "ppi_mp_p_accu", "ppi_cg_accu", | |
"ppi_cg_f_accu", "ppi_cg_c_accu", "ppi_cg_adu_accu", "ppi_cg_dcg_accu" | |
]) | |
if index not in df.columns: | |
index = 'ppi_yoy' | |
elif type == 'currency_supply': | |
df = pro.cn_m(**{ | |
"m": '', | |
"start_m": start_month, | |
"end_m": end_month, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"month", "m0", "m0_yoy","m0_mom", "m1", | |
"m1_yoy", "m1_mom", "m2", "m2_yoy", "m2_mom"]) | |
if index not in df.columns: | |
index = 'm2_yoy' | |
df = df.sort_values(by='month', ascending=True) # | |
df['country'] = 'China' | |
df = df[['month', 'country', index]].copy() | |
return df | |
def predict_next_value(df: pd.DataFrame, pred_index: str = 'nt_yoy', pred_num:int = 1. ) -> pd.DataFrame: | |
""" | |
Predict the next n values of a specific column in the DataFrame using linear regression. | |
Parameters: | |
df (pandas.DataFrame): The input DataFrame. | |
pred_index (str): The name of the column to predict. | |
pred_num (int): The number of future values to predict. | |
Returns: | |
pandas.DataFrame: The DataFrame with the predicted values appended to the specified column | |
and other columns filled as pred+index. | |
""" | |
input_array = df[pred_index].values | |
# Convert the input array into the desired format. | |
x = np.array(range(len(input_array))).reshape(-1, 1) | |
y = input_array.reshape(-1, 1) | |
# Train a linear regression model. | |
model = LinearRegression() | |, y) | |
# Predict the future n values. | |
next_indices = np.array(range(len(input_array), len(input_array) + pred_num)).reshape(-1, 1) | |
predicted_values = model.predict(next_indices).flatten() | |
for i, value in enumerate(predicted_values, 1): | |
row_data = {pred_index: value} | |
for other_col in df.columns: | |
if other_col != pred_index: | |
row_data[other_col] = 'pred' + str(i) | |
df = df.append(row_data, ignore_index=True) | |
# Return the updated DataFrame | |
return df | |
def get_latest_new_from_web(src: str = 'sina') -> pd.DataFrame: | |
# 新浪财经 sina 获取新浪财经实时资讯 | |
# 同花顺 10jqka 同花顺财经新闻 | |
# 东方财富 eastmoney 东方财富财经新闻 | |
# 云财经 yuncaijing 云财经新闻 | |
""" | |
Retrieves the latest news data from major news websites, including Sina Finance, 10jqka, Eastmoney, and Yuncaijing. | |
Args: | |
src (str): The name of the news website. Default is 'sina'. Optional parameters include: 'sina' for Sina Finance, | |
'10jqka' for 10jqka, 'eastmoney' for Eastmoney, and 'yuncaijing' for Yuncaijing. | |
Returns: | |
pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the news data, including two columns for date/time and content. | |
""" | |
df =**{ | |
"start_date": '', | |
"end_date": '', | |
"src": src, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"datetime", | |
"content", | |
]) | |
df = df.apply(lambda x: '[' + + ']' + ': ' + x.astype(str)) | |
return df | |
# def show_dynamic_table(df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: | |
# ''' | |
# This function displays a dynamic table in the terminal window, where each row of the input DataFrame is shown one by one. | |
# Arguments: | |
# df: A Pandas DataFrame containing the data to be displayed in the dynamic table. | |
# | |
# Returns: None. This function does not return anything. | |
# | |
# ''' | |
# | |
# return df | |
# # table = PrettyTable(df.columns.tolist(),align='l') | |
# | |
# # 将 DataFrame 的数据添加到表格中 | |
# # for row in df.itertuples(index=False): | |
# # table.add_row(row) | |
# | |
# # 初始化终端 | |
# # term = Terminal() | |
# # | |
# # # 在终端窗口中滚动显示表格 | |
# # with term.fullscreen(): | |
# # with term.cbreak(): | |
# # print(term.clear()) | |
# # with term.location(0, 0): | |
# # # 将表格分解为多行,并遍历每一行 | |
# # lines = str(table).split('\n') | |
# # for i, line in enumerate(lines): | |
# # with term.location(0, i): | |
# # print(line) | |
# # time.sleep(1) | |
# # | |
# # while True: | |
# # # 读取输入 | |
# # key = term.inkey(timeout=0.1) | |
# # | |
# # # 如果收到q键,则退出 | |
# # if key.lower() == 'q': | |
# # break | |
def get_index_constituent(index_name: str = '', start_date:str ='', end_date:str ='') -> pd.DataFrame: | |
""" | |
Query the constituent stocks of basic index (中证500) or a specified SW (申万) industry index | |
args: | |
index_name: the name of the index. | |
start_date: the start date in "YYYYMMDD". | |
end_date: the end date in "YYYYMMDD". | |
return: | |
A pandas DataFrame containing the following columns: | |
index_code | |
index_name | |
stock_code: the code of the constituent stock. | |
stock_name: the name of the constituent stock. | |
weight: the weight of the constituent stock. | |
""" | |
if '申万' in index_name: | |
if '申万一级行业' in index_name: | |
# index_name取后面的名字 | |
index_name = index_name[6:] | |
df1 = pd.read_csv('SW2021_industry_L1.csv') | |
index_code = df1[df1['industry_name'] == index_name]['index_code'].iloc[0] | |
elif '申万二级行业' in index_name: | |
index_name = index_name[6:] | |
df1 = pd.read_csv('SW2021_industry_L2.csv') | |
index_code = df1[df1['industry_name'] == index_name]['index_code'].iloc[0] | |
elif '申万三级行业' in index_name: | |
index_name = index_name[6:] | |
df1 = pd.read_csv('SW2021_industry_L3.csv') | |
index_code = df1[df1['industry_name'] == index_name]['index_code'].iloc[0] | |
print('The industry code for ', index_name, ' is: ', index_code) | |
# 拉取数据 | |
df = pro.index_member(**{ | |
"index_code": index_code , #'851251.SI' | |
"is_new": "", | |
"ts_code": "", | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"index_code", | |
"con_code", | |
"in_date", | |
"out_date", | |
"is_new", | |
"index_name", | |
"con_name" | |
]) | |
# | |
# For each stock, filter the start_date and end_date that are between in_date and out_date. | |
df = df[(df['in_date'] <= start_date)] | |
df = df[(df['out_date'] >= end_date) | (df['out_date'].isnull())] | |
df.rename(columns={'con_code': 'stock_code'}, inplace=True) | |
df.rename(columns={'con_name': 'stock_name'}, inplace=True) | |
# | |
df['weight'] = np.nan | |
df = df[['index_code', "index_name", 'stock_code', 'stock_name','weight']] | |
else: # 宽基指数 | |
df1 = pro.index_basic(**{ | |
"ts_code": "", | |
"market": "", | |
"publisher": "", | |
"category": "", | |
"name": index_name, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"ts_code", | |
"name", | |
]) | |
index_code = df1["ts_code"][0] | |
print(f'index_code for basic index {index_name} is {index_code}') | |
# Step 2: Retrieve the constituents of an index based on the index code and given date. | |
df = pro.index_weight(**{ | |
"index_code": index_code, | |
"trade_date": '', | |
"start_date": start_date, | |
"end_date": end_date, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"index_code", | |
"con_code", | |
"trade_date", | |
"weight" | |
]) | |
# df = df.sort_values(by='trade_date', ascending=True) # | |
df['index_name'] = index_name | |
last_day = df['trade_date'][0] | |
# for the last trading day | |
df = df[df['trade_date'] == last_day] | |
df_stock = pd.read_csv('tushare_stock_basic_20230421210721.csv') | |
# Merge based on the stock code. | |
df = pd.merge(df, df_stock, how='left', left_on='con_code', right_on='ts_code') | |
# df.rename(columns={'name_y': 'name'}, inplace=True) | |
df = df.drop(columns=['symbol', 'area', 'con_code']) | |
df.sort_values(by='weight', ascending=False, inplace=True) | |
df.rename(columns={'name': 'stock_name'}, inplace=True) | |
df.rename(columns={'ts_code': 'stock_code'}, inplace=True) | |
df.dropna(axis=0, how='any', inplace=True) | |
# | |
df = df[['index_code', "index_name", 'stock_code', 'stock_name', 'weight']] | |
return df | |
# Determine whether the given name is a stock or a fund., | |
def is_fund(ts_name: str = '') -> bool: | |
# call get_stock_code()和query_fund_name_or_code() | |
if get_stock_code(ts_name) is not None and query_fund_name_or_code(ts_name) is None: | |
return False | |
elif get_stock_code(ts_name) is None and query_fund_name_or_code(ts_name) is not None: | |
return True | |
def calculate_earning_between_two_time(stock_name: str = '', start_date: str = '', end_date: str = '', index: str = 'close') -> float: | |
""" | |
Calculates the rate of return for a specified stock/fund between two dates. | |
Args: | |
stock_name: stock_name or fund_name | |
start_date | |
end_date | |
index (str): The index used to calculate the stock return, including 'open' and 'close'. | |
Returns: | |
float: The rate of return for the specified stock between the two dates. | |
""" | |
if is_fund(stock_name): | |
fund_code = query_fund_name_or_code(stock_name) | |
stock_data = query_fund_data(fund_code, start_date, end_date) | |
if index =='': | |
index = 'adj_nav' | |
else: | |
stock_data = get_stock_prices_data(stock_name, start_date, end_date,'daily') | |
try: | |
end_price = stock_data.iloc[-1][index] | |
start_price = stock_data.iloc[0][index] | |
earning = cal_dt(end_price, start_price) | |
# earning = round((end_price - start_price) / start_price * 100, 2) | |
except: | |
print(ts_code,start_date,end_date) | |
print('##################### 该股票没有数据 #####################') | |
return None | |
# percent = earning * 100 | |
# percent_str = '{:.2f}%'.format(percent) | |
return earning | |
def loop_rank(df: pd.DataFrame, func: callable, *args, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: | |
""" | |
It iteratively applies the given function to each row and get a result using function. It then stores the calculated result in 'new_feature' column. | |
Args: | |
df: DataFrame with a single column | |
func : The function to be applied to each row: func(row, *args, **kwargs) | |
*args: Additional positional arguments for `func` function. | |
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for `func` function. | |
Returns: | |
pd.DataFrame: A output DataFrame with three columns: the constant column, input column, and new_feature column. | |
The DataFrame is sorted based on the new_feature column in descending order. | |
""" | |
df['new_feature'] = None | |
loop_var = df.columns[0] | |
for _, row in df.iterrows(): | |
res = None | |
var = row[loop_var] # | |
if var is not None: | |
if loop_var == 'stock_name': | |
stock_name = var | |
elif loop_var == 'stock_code': | |
stock_name = get_stock_name_from_code(var) | |
elif loop_var == 'fund_name': | |
stock_name = var | |
elif loop_var == 'fund_code': | |
stock_name = query_fund_name_or_code('',var) | |
time.sleep(0.4) | |
try: | |
res = func(stock_name, *args, **kwargs) # | |
except: | |
raise ValueError('#####################Error for func#####################') | |
# res represents the result obtained for the variable. For example, if the variable is a stock name, res could be the return rate of that stock over a certain period or a specific feature value of that stock. Therefore, res should be a continuous value. | |
# If the format of res is a float, then it can be used directly. However, if res is in DataFrame format, you can retrieve the value corresponding to the index. | |
if isinstance(res, pd.DataFrame) and not res.empty: | |
# | |
try: | |
res = round(res.loc[:,args[-1]][0], 2) | |
df.loc[df[loop_var] == var, 'new_feature'] = res | |
except: | |
raise ValueError('##################### Error ######################') | |
elif isinstance(res, float): # | |
res = res | |
df.loc[df[loop_var] == var, 'new_feature'] = res | |
print(var, res) | |
# Remove the rows where the new_feature column is empty. | |
df = df.dropna(subset=['new_feature']) | |
stock_data = df.sort_values(by='new_feature', ascending=False) | |
# | |
stock_data.insert(0, 'unchanged', loop_var) | |
stock_data = stock_data.loc[:,[stock_data.columns[0], loop_var, 'new_feature']] | |
return stock_data | |
def output_mean_median_col(data: pd.DataFrame, col: str = 'new_feature') -> float: | |
# It calculates the mean and median value for the specified column. | |
mean = round(data[col].mean(), 2) | |
median = round(data[col].median(), 2) | |
# | |
#print(title, mean) | |
return (mean, median) | |
# def output_median_col(data: pd.DataFrame, col: str, title_name: str = '') -> float: | |
# # It calculates the median value for the specified column and returns the median as a float value. | |
# | |
# median = round(data[col].median(), 2) | |
# #print(title_name, median) | |
# | |
# return median | |
def output_weighted_mean_col(data: pd.DataFrame, col: str, weight_col: pd.Series) -> float: | |
""" | |
Calculates the weighted mean of a column and returns the result as a float. | |
Args: | |
data (pd.DataFrame): The input cross-sectional or time-series data containing the feature columns. | |
col (str): The name of the feature column to calculate the weighted mean for. | |
weight_col (pd.Series): The weights used for the calculation, as a pandas Series. | |
Returns: | |
float: The weighted mean of the specified feature column. | |
""" | |
weighted_mean = round(np.average(data[col], weights = weight_col)/100., 2) | |
return weighted_mean | |
def get_index_data(index_name: str = '', start_date: str = '', end_date: str = '', freq: str = 'daily') -> pd.DataFrame: | |
""" | |
This function retrieves daily, weekly, or monthly data for a given stock index. | |
Arguments: | |
- index_name: Name of the index | |
- start_date: Start date in 'YYYYMMDD' | |
- end_date: End date in 'YYYYMMDD' | |
- freq: Frequency 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly' | |
Returns: | |
A DataFrame containing the following columns: | |
trade_date, ts_code, close, open, high, low, pre_close: Previous day's closing price, change(涨跌额), pct_chg(涨跌幅), vol(成交量), amount(成交额), name: Index Name | |
""" | |
df1 = pro.index_basic(**{ | |
"ts_code": "", | |
"market": "", | |
"publisher": "", | |
"category": "", | |
"name": index_name, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"ts_code", | |
"name", | |
]) | |
index_code = df1["ts_code"][0] | |
print(f'index_code for index {index_name} is {index_code}') | |
# | |
if freq == 'daily': | |
df = pro.index_daily(**{ | |
"ts_code": index_code, | |
"trade_date": '', | |
"start_date": start_date, | |
"end_date": end_date, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"trade_date", | |
"ts_code", | |
"close", | |
"open", | |
"high", | |
"low", | |
"pre_close", | |
"change", | |
"pct_chg", | |
"vol", | |
"amount" | |
]) | |
elif freq == 'weekly': | |
df = pro.index_weekly(**{ | |
"ts_code": index_code, | |
"trade_date": '', | |
"start_date": start_date, | |
"end_date": end_date, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"trade_date", | |
"ts_code", | |
"close", | |
"open", | |
"high", | |
"low", | |
"pre_close", | |
"change", | |
"pct_chg", | |
"vol", | |
"amount" | |
]) | |
elif freq == 'monthly': | |
df = pro.index_monthly(**{ | |
"ts_code": index_code, | |
"trade_date": '', | |
"start_date": start_date, | |
"end_date": end_date, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"trade_date", | |
"ts_code", | |
"close", | |
"open", | |
"high", | |
"low", | |
"pre_close", | |
"change", | |
"pct_chg", | |
"vol", | |
"amount" | |
]) | |
df = df.sort_values(by='trade_date', ascending=True) # | |
df['index_name'] = index_name | |
return df | |
def get_north_south_money(start_date: str = '', end_date: str = '', trade_date: str = '') -> pd.DataFrame: | |
# | |
# trade_date: 交易日期 | |
# ggt_ss: 港股通(上海) | |
# ggt_sz: 港股通(深圳) | |
# hgt: 沪股通(亿元) | |
# sgt: 深股通(亿元) | |
# north_money: 北向资金(亿元)= hgt + sgt | |
# south_money: 南向资金(亿元)= ggt_ss + ggt_sz | |
# name: 固定为'A-H',代表A股和H股 | |
# accumulate_north_money: 累计北向资金流入 | |
# accumulate_south_money: 累计南向资金流入 | |
month_df = pro.moneyflow_hsgt(**{ | |
"trade_date": trade_date, | |
"start_date": start_date, | |
"end_date": end_date, | |
"limit": "", | |
"offset": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"trade_date", | |
"ggt_ss", | |
"ggt_sz", | |
"hgt", | |
"sgt", | |
"north_money", | |
"south_money" | |
]) | |
month_df[['ggt_ss','ggt_sz','hgt','sgt','north_money','south_money']] = month_df[['ggt_ss','ggt_sz','hgt','sgt','north_money','south_money']]/100.0 | |
month_df = month_df.sort_values(by='trade_date', ascending=True) # | |
month_df['stock_name'] = 'A-H' | |
month_df['accumulate_north_money'] = month_df['north_money'].cumsum() | |
month_df['accumulate_south_money'] = month_df['south_money'].cumsum() | |
return month_df | |
def plot_k_line(stock_data: pd.DataFrame, title: str = '') -> None: | |
""" | |
Plots a K-line chart of stock price and volume. | |
Args: | |
stock_data : A pandas DataFrame containing the stock price information, in which each row | |
represents a daily record. The DataFrame must contain the 'trade_date','open', 'close', 'high', 'low','volume', 'name' columns, which is used for k-line and volume. | |
如果dataframe中还含有'macd','kdj', 'rsi', 'cci', 'boll','pe_ttm','turnover_rate'等列,则在k线图下方绘制这些指标的子图. | |
title : The title of the K-line chart. | |
Returns: | |
None | |
""" | |
# | |
stock_data['trade_date'] = pd.to_datetime(stock_data['trade_date'], format='%Y%m%d') | |
stock_data.set_index('trade_date', inplace=True) | |
# | |
custom_style = mpf.make_marketcolors(up='r', down='k', inherit=True) | |
china_style = mpf.make_mpf_style(marketcolors=custom_style) | |
# MACD | |
# stock_data['macd1'] = stock_data['Close'].ewm(span=12).mean() - stock_data['Close'].ewm(span=26).mean() | |
# stock_data['macd_signal1'] = stock_data['macd'].ewm(span=9).mean() | |
# | |
#mpf.plot(stock_data, type='candle', volume=True, title=title, mav=(5, 10, 20), style = china_style, addplot = macd) | |
add_plot = [] | |
# The index column is located after the name column in the last few columns. | |
# Retrieve the column names after the 'name' column. | |
index_list = stock_data.columns[stock_data.columns.get_loc('stock_name')+1:] | |
index_df = stock_data[index_list] | |
color_list = ['green','blue','red','yellow','black','purple','orange','pink','brown','gray'] | |
custom_lines = [] | |
for i in range(len(index_list)): | |
# If the column names contain 'boll', set panel to 0. Otherwise, set panel to 2. | |
if 'boll' in index_list[i]: | |
sub_plot = mpf.make_addplot(index_df[index_list[i]], panel=0, ylabel=index_list[i], color=color_list[i], type='line', secondary_y=True) | |
elif index_list[i] =='macd': | |
sub_plot = mpf.make_addplot(index_df[index_list[i]], panel=2, ylabel=index_list[i], color=color_list[i], type='bar', secondary_y=False) | |
else: | |
sub_plot = mpf.make_addplot(index_df[index_list[i]], panel=2, ylabel=index_list[i], color=color_list[i], type='line', secondary_y=False) | |
custom_line = Line2D([0], [0], color=color_list[i], lw=1, linestyle='dashed') | |
add_plot.append(sub_plot) | |
custom_lines.append(custom_line) | |
mav_colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] | |
fig, axes = mpf.plot(stock_data, type='candle', volume=True, title=title, mav=(5, 10, 20), mavcolors=mav_colors, style=china_style, addplot=add_plot, returnfig=True) | |
mav_labels = ['5-day MA', '10-day MA', '20-day MA'] | |
# | |
legend_lines = [plt.Line2D([0], [0], color=color, lw=2) for color in mav_colors] | |
# | |
axes[0].legend(legend_lines, mav_labels) | |
if len(index_list) ==1: | |
label = index_list[0] | |
elif len(index_list) > 1: | |
label_list = [i.split('_')[0] for i in index_list] | |
# | |
label = list(set(label_list))[0] | |
if len(index_list) >= 1: | |
if 'boll' in label: | |
axes[0].legend(custom_lines, index_list, loc='lower right') | |
elif len(index_list) > 1: | |
axes[-2].set_ylabel(label) | |
axes[-2].legend(custom_lines, index_list, loc='lower right') | |
# | |
fig.set_size_inches(20, 16) | |
# | |
for ax in axes: | |
ax.grid(True) | | | |
return axes | |
def cal_dt(num_at_time_2: float = 0.0, num_at_time_1: float = 0.0) -> float: | |
""" | |
This function calculates the percentage change of a metric from one time to another. | |
Args: | |
- num_at_time_2: the metric value at time 2 (end time) | |
- num_at_time_1: the metric value at time 1 (start time) | |
Returns: | |
- float: the percentage change of the metric from time 1 to time 2 | |
""" | |
if num_at_time_1 == 0: | |
num_at_time_1 = 0.0000000001 | |
return round((num_at_time_2 - num_at_time_1) / num_at_time_1, 4) | |
def query_fund_info(fund_code: str = '') -> pd.DataFrame: | |
# | |
# fund_code str Y 基金代码 # fund_name str Y 简称 # management str Y 管理人 # custodian str Y 托管人 # fund_type str Y 投资类型 # found_date str Y 成立日期 # due_date str Y 到期日期 # list_date str Y 上市时间 # issue_date str Y 发行日期 # delist_date str Y 退市日期 # issue_amount float Y 发行份额(亿) # m_fee float Y 管理费 # c_fee float Y 托管费 | |
# duration_year float Y 存续期 # p_value float Y 面值 # min_amount float Y 起点金额(万元) # benchmark str Y 业绩比较基准 # status str Y 存续状态D摘牌 I发行 L已上市 # invest_type str Y 投资风格 # type str Y 基金类型 # purc_startdate str Y 日常申购起始日 # redm_startdate str Y 日常赎回起始日 # market str Y E场内O场外 | |
""" | |
Retrieves information about a fund based on the fund code. | |
Args: | |
fund_code (str, optional): Fund code. Defaults to ''. | |
Returns: | |
df (DataFrame): A DataFrame containing various information about the fund, including fund code, fund name, | |
management company, custodian company, investment type, establishment date, maturity date, | |
listing date, issuance date, delisting date, issue amount, management fee, custodian fee, | |
fund duration, face value, minimum investment amount, benchmark, fund status, investment style, | |
fund type, start date for daily purchases, start date for daily redemptions, and market type. | |
The column 'ts_code' is renamed to 'fund_code', and 'name' is renamed to 'fund_name' in the DataFrame. | |
""" | |
df = pro.fund_basic(**{ | |
"ts_code": fund_code, | |
"market": "", | |
"update_flag": "", | |
"offset": "", | |
"limit": "", | |
"status": "", | |
"name": "" | |
}, fields=[ | |
"ts_code", | |
"name", | |
"management", | |
"custodian", | |
"fund_type", | |
"found_date", | |
"due_date", | |
"list_date", | |
"issue_date", | |
"delist_date", | |
"issue_amount", | |
"m_fee", | |
"c_fee", | |
"duration_year", | |
"p_value", | |
"min_amount", | |
"benchmark", | |
"status", | |
"invest_type", | |
"type", | |
"purc_startdate", | |
"redm_startdate", | |
"market" | |
]) | |
# | |
df.rename(columns={'ts_code': 'fund_code'}, inplace=True) | |
df.rename(columns={'name': 'fund_name'}, inplace=True) | |
return df | |
def query_fund_data(fund_code: str = '', start_date: str = '', end_date: str = '') -> pd.DataFrame: | |
# | |
# ts_code str Y TS代码 # ann_date str Y 公告日期 # nav_date str Y 净值日期 # unit_nav float Y 单位净值 # accum_nav float Y 累计净值 | |
# accum_div float Y 累计分红 # net_asset float Y 资产净值 # total_netasset float Y 合计资产净值 # adj_nav float Y 复权单位净值 pct_chg 每日涨跌幅 | |
""" | |
Retrieves fund data based on the fund code, start date, and end date. | |
Args: | |
fund_code (str, optional): Fund code. Defaults to ''. | |
start_date (str, optional): Start date in YYYYMMDD format. Defaults to ''. | |
end_date (str, optional): End date in YYYYMMDD format. Defaults to ''. | |
Returns: | |
df (DataFrame): A DataFrame containing fund data, including TS code, announcement date, net asset value date, | |
unit net asset value, accumulated net asset value, accumulated dividends, net asset value, | |
total net asset value, adjusted unit net asset value, and fund name. The 'ts_code' column is renamed | |
to 'fund_code', 'nav_date' is renamed to 'trade_date', and the DataFrame is sorted by the trade date | |
in ascending order. If the fund code does not exist, None is returned. | |
""" | |
df = pro.fund_nav(**{ | |
"ts_code": fund_code, | |
"nav_date": "", | |
"offset": "", | |
"limit": "", | |
"market": "", | |
"start_date": start_date, | |
"end_date": end_date | |
}, fields=[ | |
"ts_code", | |
"ann_date", | |
"nav_date", | |
"unit_nav", | |
"accum_nav", | |
"accum_div", | |
"net_asset", | |
"total_netasset", | |
"adj_nav", | |
"update_flag" | |
]) | |
try: | |
fund_name= query_fund_name_or_code(fund_code=fund_code) | |
df['fund_name'] = fund_name | |
# | |
df.rename(columns={'ts_code': 'fund_code'}, inplace=True) | |
df.rename(columns={'nav_date': 'trade_date'}, inplace=True) | |
df.sort_values(by='trade_date', ascending=True, inplace=True) | |
except: | |
print(fund_code,'基金代码不存在') | |
return None | |
# | |
df['pct_chg'] = df['adj_nav'].pct_change() | |
# | |
df.loc[0, 'pct_chg'] = 0.0 | |
return df | |
def query_fund_name_or_code(fund_name: str = '', fund_code: str = '') -> str: | |
# | |
""" | |
Retrieves the fund code based on the fund name or Retrieves the fund name based on the fund code. | |
Args: | |
fund_name (str, optional): Fund name. Defaults to ''. | |
fund_code (str, optional): Fund code. Defaults to ''. | |
Returns: | |
code or name: Fund code if fund_name is provided and fund_code is empty. Fund name if fund_code is provided and fund_name is empty. | |
""" | |
#df = pd.read_csv('./tushare_fund_basic_20230508193747.csv') | |
# Query the fund code based on the fund name. | |
if fund_name != '' and fund_code == '': | |
# | |
df = pd.read_csv('./tushare_fund_basic_all.csv') | |
# | |
# df = pro.fund_basic(**{ | |
# "ts_code": "", | |
# "market": "", | |
# "update_flag": "", | |
# "offset": "", | |
# "limit": "", | |
# "status": "", | |
# "name": fund_name | |
# }, fields=[ | |
# "ts_code", | |
# "name" | |
# ]) | |
try: | |
# | |
code = df[df['name'] == fund_name]['ts_code'].values[0] | |
except: | |
#print(fund_name,'基金名称不存在') | |
return None | |
return code | |
# Query the fund name based on the fund code. | |
if fund_code != '' and fund_name == '': | |
df = pd.read_csv('./tushare_fund_basic_all.csv') | |
try: | |
name = df[df['ts_code'] == fund_code]['name'].values[0] | |
except: | |
#print(fund_code,'基金代码不存在') | |
return None | |
return name | |
def print_save_table(df: pd.DataFrame, title_name: str, save:bool = False ,file_path: str = './output/') -> None: | |
""" | |
It prints the dataframe as a formatted table using the PrettyTable library and saves it to a CSV file at the specified file path. | |
Args: | |
- df: the dataframe to be printed and saved to a CSV file | |
- title_name: the name of the table to be printed and saved | |
- save: whether to save the table to a CSV file | |
- file_path: the file path where the CSV file should be saved. | |
Returns: None | |
""" | |
# 创建表格table.max_width = 20 | |
# table = PrettyTable(df.columns.tolist()) | |
# table.align = 'l' | |
# table.max_width = 40 | |
# | |
# # | |
# for row in df.itertuples(index=False): | |
# table.add_row(row) | |
#print(table) | |
if not os.path.exists(file_path): | |
os.makedirs(file_path) | |
if file_path is not None and save == True: | |
file_path = file_path + title_name + '.csv' | |
df.to_csv(file_path, index=False) | |
return df | |
# | |
def merge_indicator_for_same_stock(df1: pd.DataFrame, df2: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: | |
""" | |
Merges two DataFrames (two indicators of the same stock) based on common names for same stock. Data from two different stocks cannot be merged | |
Args: | |
df1: DataFrame contains some indicators for stock A. | |
df2: DataFrame contains other indicators for stock A. | |
Returns: | |
pd.DataFrame: The merged DataFrame contains two different indicators. | |
""" | |
if len(set(df1.columns).intersection(set(df2.columns))) > 0: | |
# If there are identical column names, merge the two DataFrames based on the matching column names. | |
# | |
common_cols = list(set(df1.columns).intersection(set(df2.columns))) | |
# | |
df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=common_cols) | |
return df | |
else: | |
# | |
raise ValueError('The two dataframes have no columns in common.') | |
def select_value_by_column(df1:pd.DataFrame, col_name: str = '', row_index: int = -1) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Any]: | |
""" | |
Selects a specific column or a specific value within a DataFrame. | |
Args: | |
df1: The input DataFrame. | |
col_name: The name of the column to be selected. | |
row_index: The index of the row to be selected. | |
Returns: | |
Union[pd.DataFrame, Any]. row_index=-1: df1[col_name].to_frame() or df1[col_name][row_index] | |
""" | |
if row_index == -1: | |
# | |
return df1[col_name].to_frame() | |
else: | |
# | |
return df1[col_name][row_index] | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
stock_name='成都银行' | |
stock_name2='五粮液' | |
stock_name3 = '宁德时代' | |
start = '20230104' | |
end = '20230504' | |
fund_name = "华商优势行业" #'易方达蓝筹精选' | |
start_quarter = '201001' | |
end_quarter = '202303' | |
title_name ='上证50成分股收益率' | |
ax = None | |
res = is_fund('易方达蓝筹精选') | |
#_, ax = plt.subplots() | |
# code = query_fund_name_or_code('华商优势行业') | |
# ------------step1 数据查询层 获取股票代码 | |
# start_last_year = get_last_year_date(start) | |
# end_last_year = get_last_year_date(end) | |
stock_code = get_stock_code(stock_name) | |
# name = get_stock_name_from_code(stock_code) | |
# print(name) | |
# print(stock_code) | |
# stock_code2 = get_stock_code(stock_name2) | |
# stock_code3 = get_stock_code(stock_name3) | |
# stock_technical_data = get_Financial_data(stock_code, start, end) | |
# macrodata = get_ppi_data('', start_quarter, end_quarter, 'ppi_yoy') | |
# index_daily = get_index_data('沪深300',start,end,'daily') | |
# index_daily2 = get_index_data('中证500',start,end,'daily') | |
# index_daily3 = get_index_data('中证1000',start,end,'daily') | |
# index_daily4 = get_index_data('创业板指',start,end,'daily') | |
#stock_data = get_index_constituent('上证50','20230101','20230508') | |
# money = get_north_south_money('20230425', '20230426') | |
# stock_data = get_stock_prices_data(stock_code, start, end) | |
# stock_data = get_stock_monthly_prices_data("","", "",'20230331') | |
# stock_data = get_stock_prices_data('', start, end, 'daily') | |
# fund_df = query_fund_Manager('周海栋') | |
# | |
# fund_code = select_value_by_column(fund_df, 'fund_code', -1) | |
# res_earning = loop_rank(fund_code, calculate_earning_between_two_time, start, end, 'adj_nav') | |
# print(res_earning) | |
#fund_code = query_fund_name_or_code(fund_name,'') | |
#fund_data = query_fund_data(fund_code, start, end) | |
#df_daily = get_daily_trading_data(stock_code,'20200101', '20230526') | |
# stock_data2 = get_stock_prices_data(stock_code2, start, end,'daily') | |
# stock_data3 = get_stock_prices_data(stock_code3, start, end,'daily') | |
# dynamic_new = get_latest_new_from_web('sina') | |
#stock_df = get_sw_industry_stock('城商行Ⅱ','L2') | |
# df_macro = get_cpi_ppi_currency_supply_data('200101','202304','cpi','nt_yoy') | |
# df_macro = get_cpi_ppi_currency_supply_data('200101','202304','ppi','ppi_yoy') | |
# df_macro = get_cpi_ppi_currency_supply_data('200101','202304','currency_supply','m2_yoy') | |
# df_gdp = get_GDP_data('2001Q1','2023Q1','gdp_yoy') | |
# df_gdp = predict_next_value(df_gdp, 'gdp_yoy', 4) | |
#company_df = get_company_info('贵州茅台') | |
#print_save_table(company_df, '贵州茅台公司信息') | |
#fin_df = get_Financial_data_from_time_range(stock_code, '20200101', '20230526','roe') | |
#tech_df = get_stock_technical_data(stock_code, start, end) | |
# ----------------------------------step2 数据处理层 在截面或者时序数据------------------------------------------------------- | |
# 提取相应指标, 数据处理, 排序,提取,求差,加工.., | |
# fund_info = query_fund_info('005827.OF') | |
# value = select_value_by_column(fund_info, 'fund_name', 0) | |
#fund_index = calculate_stock_index(fund_data,'adj_nav') | |
#stock_index = rank_index_cross_section(stock_data, 'pct_chg', -1, False) | |
#stock_index = calculate_stock_index(stock_data, 'pct_chg') | |
#stock_index_each_day = calculate_stock_index(money, 'north_money') | |
#stock_index = calculate_stock_index(fin_df, 'roe') | |
# stock_index2 = calculate_stock_index(stock_data2, 'Cumulative_Earnings_Rate') | |
# stock_index3 = calculate_stock_index(stock_data3, 'Cumulative_Earnings_Rate') | |
# stock_index4 = calculate_stock_index(index_daily4, 'Cumulative_Earnings_Rate') | |
# stock_index2 = calculate_stock_index(stock_data2, 'Cumulative_Earnings_Rate') | |
#stock_index = calculate_stock_index(stock_data1, 'close') | |
#stock_index2 = calculate_stock_index(tech_df, 'macd') | |
#stock_index1 = calculate_stock_index(stock_data, 'candle_K') | |
#stock_index2 = calculate_stock_index(df_daily, 'pe_ttm') | |
#merge_df = merge_data(stock_index1, stock_index2) | |
#res_earning = loop_rank(stock_data, 'stock_name', calculate_earning_between_two_time, start, end) | |
# index_profit_yoy = loop_rank(stock_data, 'stock_name', get_Financial_data, start, end, 'profit_dedt') | |
# index_profit_yoy = loop_rank(stock_data, 'stock_name', get_Financial_data, start, end, 'netprofit_yoy') | |
#res_earning_top_n = rank_index_cross_section(stock_index, 10, False) | |
#index_profit_yoy_last = loop_rank(stock_data, 'stock_name', get_Financial_data, start_last_year, end_last_year, 'profit_dedt') | |
# profit_yoy = calculate_stock_index(stock_technical_data, 'dt_netprofit_yoy') | |
# accumulate_north_month = calculate_stock_index(money, 'accumulate_south_money') | |
# accumulate_north_month = calculate_stock_index(res_earning, 'accumulate_south_money') | |
# stock_code = get_stock_code(stock_name) | |
# fin_df1 = get_Financial_data_from_time_range(stock_code, '20150101', '20230526', 'roa') | |
# fin_df2 = get_Financial_data_from_time_range(stock_code, '20150101', '20230526', 'roa') | |
# ax = plot_stock_data(fin_df1, ax, 'line', title_name) | |
# ax = plot_stock_data(fin_df2, ax, 'line', title_name) | |
#stock_data = get_index_constituent('上证50','20220105', '20230505') | |
# stock_data = get_index_constituent('申万二级行业城商行Ⅱ','20220105', '20220505') | |
# #stock_list = select_value_by_column(stock_data, 'stock_name', -1) | |
# | |
# index_profit_yoy = loop_rank(stock_list, get_Financial_data, start, 'netprofit_yoy') | |
# median = output_median_col(index_profit_yoy, 'new_feature') | |
# ax = plot_stock_data(index_profit_yoy, ax, 'bar', '上证50的最近季度归母净利润同比增长率') | |
# ----------------------------------step3 可视化层:文字,图片,表格等多种模态数据输出------------------------------------------------------- | |
#ax = plot_stock_data(stock_index, ax, 'line', title_name) | |
#ax = plot_stock_data(stock_index_each_day, ax, 'bar', title_name) | |
#print_save_table(fund_info, title_name) | |
#_, sum_new = output_mean_sum_col(index_profit_yoy,'new_feature') | |
#_, sum_old = output_mean_sum_col(index_profit_yoy_last,'new_feature') | |
#print('科创50成分股的最近季度归母净利润同比增长率中位数%:', median) | |
#dt = cal_dt(sum_new, sum_old) | |
#print('上证50成分股的最近季度归母净利润同比增长率:',dt) | |
#plot_k_line(merge_df, title_name) | |
# ax = plot_stock_data(index_profit_yoy, ax, 'bar', '上证50成分股的最近季度归母净利润同比增长率') | |
#ax = plot_stock_data(accumulate_north_month, ax, 'line', '2023年1月至4月南向资金累计流向') | |
# ax2 = plot_stock_data(stock_index2, ax1, 'line', '贵州茅台VS五粮液近十年收益率对比图') | |
# ax = plot_stock_data(stock_index, ax,'line', title_name) | |
# ax = plot_stock_data(stock_index2, ax,'line', title_name) | |
# ax = plot_stock_data(stock_index3, ax,'line', title_name) | |
# ax = plot_stock_data(stock_index4, ax,'line', title_name) | |
#ax = plot_stock_data(df_gdp, ax, 'line','2010-2022年国内每季度gdp增速同比') | |
print_save_table(df_gdp,'GDP预测',True) | |
# show_dynamic_table(dynamic_new) | |
# ax = plot_stock_data(res_earning, None, 'bar', '张坤管理各个基金收益率') | |
# stock_data = get_index_constituent('上证50', '20230101', '20230508') | |
# stock_list = select_value_by_column(stock_data, 'stock_name', -1) | |
# res_earning = loop_rank(stock_list, calculate_earning_between_two_time, start, end) | |
# res_earning_top_n = rank_index_cross_section(res_earnng, 10, False) | |
# ax = plot_stock_data(res_earning_top_n, ax, 'bar', title_name) | |
# stock_data = get_index_constituent('上证50', '20230101', '20230508') | |
# stock_list = select_value_by_column(stock_data, 'stock_name', -1) | |
# res_earning = loop_rank(stock_list, calculate_earning_between_two_time, '20230101', '20230508') | |
# res_earning_top_n = rank_index_cross_section(res_earning, 10, False) | |
# ax = plot_stock_data(res_earning_top_n, ax, 'bar', title_name) | |
# fund_code = query_fund_name_or_code(fund_name, '') | |
# fund_data = query_fund_data(fund_code, start, end) | |
# fund_index = calculate_stock_index(fund_data, 'adj_nav') | |
# ax = plot_stock_data(fund_index, ax, 'line', title_name) | |
# fund_df = query_fund_Manager('张坤') | |
# fund_code = select_value_by_column(fund_df, 'fund_code', -1) | |
# res_earning = loop_rank(fund_code, calculate_earning_between_two_time, start, end, 'adj_nav') | |
# ax = plot_stock_data(res_earning, None, 'bar', '张坤管理各个基金收益率') | |
# company_df = get_company_info('贵州茅台') | |
# print_save_table(company_df,'gzmt', False) | |
if ax is not None: | |
plt.grid() | | | |
# xxx基金经理管理的几只基金中,收益率最高的那只基金的规模是多少----找基金经理search,按收益率排序rank,找到收益率最高的那个select,显示基金信息 show | |
# 食品饮料行业中所有股票近十年涨幅最大的股票的信息----找行业search(行业分类--找到行业代码,根据行业代码找到股票成分), 收益率排序rank,找到涨幅最大的那个select,显示股票信息show | |