import os import tempfile from openai import OpenAI from tts_voice import tts_order_voice import edge_tts import anyio import torch import torchaudio import gradio as gr from import wavfile from import write import numpy as np # 创建 KNN-VC 模型 knn_vc = torch.hub.load('bshall/knn-vc', 'knn_vc', prematched=True, trust_repo=True, pretrained=True, device='cpu') # 初始化 language_dict language_dict = tts_order_voice # 异步文字转语音函数 async def text_to_speech_edge(text, language_code): voice = language_dict[language_code] communicate = edge_tts.Communicate(text, voice) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".mp3") as tmp_file: tmp_path = await return "语音合成完成:{}".format(text), tmp_path # 音频填充函数 def pad_audio(data, target_length): if len(data) < target_length: pad_length = target_length - len(data) data = np.pad(data, (0, pad_length), mode='constant') return data # 声音更改函数 def voice_change(audio_in, audio_ref): samplerate1, data1 = samplerate2, data2 = # 使两个音频长度一致 target_length = max(len(data1), len(data2)) data1 = pad_audio(data1, target_length) data2 = pad_audio(data2, target_length) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".wav") as tmp_audio_in, \ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".wav") as tmp_audio_ref: audio_in_path = audio_ref_path = write(audio_in_path, samplerate1, data1) write(audio_ref_path, samplerate2, data2) query_seq = knn_vc.get_features(audio_in_path) matching_set = knn_vc.get_matching_set([audio_ref_path]) print("query_seq shape:", query_seq.shape) print("matching_set shape:", matching_set.shape) # 确保 query_seq 和 matching_set 维度一致 if query_seq.shape[0] > matching_set.shape[1]: query_seq = query_seq[:matching_set.shape[1]] elif query_seq.shape[0] < matching_set.shape[1]: matching_set = matching_set[:, :query_seq.shape[0], :] out_wav = knn_vc.match(query_seq, matching_set, topk=4) # 确保 out_wav 是二维张量 if len(out_wav.shape) == 1: out_wav = out_wav.unsqueeze(0) output_path = 'output.wav', out_wav, 16000) return output_path # 示例使用 gradio 界面 def gradio_interface(audio_in, audio_ref): return voice_change(audio_in, audio_ref) # 创建 Gradio 界面 iface = gr.Interface(fn=gradio_interface, inputs=["audio", "audio"], outputs="audio", title="KNN-VC Voice Changer") if __name__ == "__main__": iface.launch()