import random import ipaddress import pandas as pd ### SWAKS ### def get_subclasses(ip_classes: str): ip_classes = ip_classes.split('\n') result = [] for ip_class in ip_classes: try: network = ipaddress.IPv4Network(ip_class, strict=False) for ip in network.subnets(new_prefix=24): result.append(str(ip)) except ValueError: result.append(f"Invalid IP class: {ip_class}") return result def update_header(max_ips): return f"found=0; max_ips={int(max_ips)};\n" def str_to_list(ips_string) -> list: """ Converts a string to a list. """ return ips_string.split('\n') def generate_cmds_from_bulk(big_subclasses_raw: str, domain_raw: str, max_ips: int = 2, sample_size: int = 5): """ big_subclasses_raw: The list of classes domain_raw: The list of domains max_ips: The maximum number of IPs to pick sample_size: The number of sample size to generate IPs from /24 class """ # Gradio fixes # big_subclasses_raw = big_subclasses_raw.split('\n') domain_raw = domain_raw.split('\n') sample_size = int(sample_size) max_ips = int(max_ips) commands = [] header = f"found=0; max_ips={max_ips};" for ip_subclass_24 in get_subclasses(big_subclasses_raw): ip_addresses_1_20, ip_addresses_201_255 = generate_ip_addresses(ip_subclass_24) commands.append(header) for ip in random.sample(ip_addresses_1_20, sample_size): commands.append(generate_randomized_output_max_ips(ip, domain_raw)) commands.append(header) for ip in random.sample(ip_addresses_201_255, sample_size): commands.append(generate_randomized_output_max_ips(ip, domain_raw)) return '\n'.join(commands) def generate_ips_per_subclass(ip_subclasses: str, num_of_ips: int) -> str: """ Generates a list of IP addresses for a given list of IP subclasses and the number of IPs. :param ip_subclasses: List of non /24 IP subclasses in CIDR notation. :param num_of_ips: Number of IP addresses to generate per IP subclass. :return: List of generated IP addresses. """ ip_addresses = [] for ip_subclass_24 in get_subclasses(ip_subclasses): ip_addresses.extend(generate_ips_per_slash24(ip_subclass_24, num_of_ips)) return ip_addresses def generate_ips_per_slash24(ip_class: str, num_ips: int) -> list: """ Generates a list of IP addresses within a specified class C network (/24). :param ip_class: The IP class in CIDR notation, e.g., "". :param num_ips: The number of IP addresses to generate. :return: A list of generated IP addresses. """ ip_addresses = [] # The IP address ranges for two disjoint domains. domain1 = range(1, 20) domain2 = range(201, 254) num_ips = int(num_ips) # The base of the IP address (e.g., "192.168.1." for ""). base_ip = ip_class.split('/')[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.' for i in range(1, num_ips + 1): # If the index is in the first half of the requested IPs, # generate an IP from the first domain. if i <= num_ips / 2: ip_addresses.append(base_ip +random.choice(domain1).__str__()) # If the index is in the second half of the requested IPs, # generate an IP from the second domain. else: ip_addresses.append(base_ip +random.choice(domain2).__str__()) return ip_addresses def generate_ip_addresses(slash_24: str) -> list: ip_addresses_1_20 = [] ip_addresses_201_255 = [] # The IP address ranges for two disjoint domains. domain_1_20 = range(1, 20) domain_201_255 = range(201, 255) # domain = chain(domain_1_20, domain_201_255) # The base of the IP address (e.g., "192.168.1." for ""). base_ip = slash_24.split('/')[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.' for ip in domain_1_20: ip_addresses_1_20.append(base_ip + ip.__str__()) for ip in domain_201_255: ip_addresses_201_255.append(base_ip + ip.__str__()) return [ip_addresses_1_20, ip_addresses_201_255] def generate_random_string(min_length=2, max_length=7): letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" length = random.randint(min_length, max_length) return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for _ in range(length)) def generate_randomized_output_max_ips(ip_address: str, domain_list: list, sleep_sec: int = 5) -> str: part1 = generate_random_string() part2 = generate_random_string() part3 = generate_random_string() part4 = generate_random_string() # domain_list = domain_list.split('\n') domain = random.choice(domain_list) ip_class = ip_address.rsplit('.', 1)[0] template = f"""if [ $found -lt $max_ips ]; then swaks -t -h {part1}-{part2}.{part3}-{part4}.com -f from@{domain} -q from --li {ip_address} |\ tee -a swaks_full.log | \ grep -q 'sender ok'; \ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; \ then \ found=$((found+1)); \ echo {ip_address} >>bune_{ip_class}.txt; \ else echo {ip_address} >>blocate_{ip_class}.txt; \ fi; \ sleep {sleep_sec}; \ fi;""" return template ### MIX ### def mix(domains: str, ip_addresses: str, num_of_ips: int) -> str: """ Mixes the IP addresses with the domains. :param ip_addresses: List of IP addresses. :param domains: List of domains. :return: List of mixed IP addresses and domains. """ domains = domains.split('\n') ip_addresses = ip_addresses.split('\n') mixed = [] # Check if the number of IP addresses is the same than the number of domains. if len(ip_addresses) == len(domains): for i in range(len(ip_addresses)): if i % num_of_ips == 0: mixed.append('') line = domains[i] + ': ' + ip_addresses[i] mixed.append(line) else: raise ValueError('The number of IP addresses and domains must be the same.') return "\n".join(mixed) # def generate_ips_per_subclass(ip_subclasses: str, num_of_ips: int) -> str: # """ # Generates a list of IP addresses for a given list of IP subclasses and the number of IPs. # :param ip_subclasses: List of non /24 IP subclasses in CIDR notation. # :param num_of_ips: Number of IP addresses to generate per IP subclass. # :return: List of generated IP addresses. # """ # ip_addresses = [] # for ip_subclass_24 in get_subclasses(ip_subclasses): # ip_addresses.extend(generate_ips_per_slash24(ip_subclass_24, num_of_ips)) # return ip_addresses def generate_ips_per_subclass(ip_subclasses: str, num_of_ips: int) -> str: """ Generates a list of IP addresses for a given list of IP subclasses and the number of IPs. :param ip_subclasses: List of non /24 IP subclasses in CIDR notation. :param num_of_ips: Number of IP addresses to generate per IP subclass. :return: List of generated IP addresses. """ ip_subclasses = ip_subclasses.split('\n') ip_addresses = [] mask_split_threshold = 24 for ip_subclass in ip_subclasses: ip_base, mask = ip_subclass.rsplit('/', 1) mask = int(mask) ip_base = ip_base.rsplit('.', 1)[0] if mask == mask_split_threshold: ip_addresses.extend(generate_ips_per_slash24(ip_subclass, num_of_ips)) else: for i in range((mask_split_threshold - mask) ** 2): split_ip_base = ip_base.split('.') third_octet = int(split_ip_base[2]) + i # Construct the /24 subnet for the IP subclass ip_subclass_24 = split_ip_base[0] + '.' + split_ip_base[1] + '.' + str(third_octet) + '.0/24' # Assuming generate_ips_per_slash24 is the same as the previously discussed generate_ips function ip_addresses.extend(generate_ips_per_slash24(ip_subclass_24, num_of_ips)) return "\n".join(ip_addresses) ### GENERATE TOP LISTS ### def compute_offer(csv_file, days_lookback, min_sent): # cmp_list = ['MSP', 'HOM', 'NTU', 'HCK', 'DDS', 'MNP', 'PSC', 'DTL', 'GVS', 'ANP', 'WDR', 'BSG'] #1 #raw_df = pd.read_csv('tools/data/30.08.2023.gabriel.sabau.campanii.csv', parse_dates=['Data']) comcast_df = pd.read_csv(, parse_dates=['Data']) # raw_df = pd.read_csv(, parse_dates=['Data']) #1 cols = ['Campanie', 'Oferta', 'Nume', 'Server', 'User', 'Lista Custom', 'Data', 'HClicks', 'Clicks', 'Unscribers', 'Openers', 'Click Open', 'Leads', 'CLike', 'Complains', 'Traps', 'Send'] # comcast_df = raw_df[raw_df['Nume'].str.contains('|'.join(cmp_list))] #1 # comcast_df = comcast_df[comcast_df['Domeniu'] == 'Comcast'] #2 comcast_df = comcast_df[comcast_df['Send'] > int(min_sent)] comcast_df = comcast_df[cols] comcast_df['Click Open'] = comcast_df['Click Open'].str.replace('%', '').astype(float) exclude_list = comcast_df[comcast_df['Data'] > (pd.Timestamp('now') - pd.Timedelta(days=days_lookback))]['Oferta'].unique() comcast_df = comcast_df[~comcast_df['Oferta'].isin(exclude_list)] # comcast_df = comcast_df[comcast_df['Lista Custom'].str.contains('open')] comcast_df = comcast_df[comcast_df['Nume'].str.startswith("Aeon News") & comcast_df['Nume'].str.contains(r'\b[A-Z]{3}\b.*\b\d{4}\*?\s*(\(\d{4}\))?\b')] comcast_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) final_df = comcast_df.groupby(["Oferta", "Nume"])\ .agg( N=('Oferta', 'count'), send_avg=('Send', 'mean'), CO=('Click Open', 'mean'))\ .sort_values(['CO', 'N'], ascending=False) final_df['send_avg'] = final_df['send_avg'].round(2).astype(float) final_df.reset_index(inplace=True) return final_df