iupacGPT / iupac-gpt /iupac_gpt /iupac_dataset_pro.py
mao jiashun
Upload 58 files
import os
import sys
import time
import random
from itertools import chain
from collections import Counter
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
from transformers.data.data_collator import DataCollator
from multiprocessing import Pool
import mmap
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
class IUPACDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataset_dir='./',dataset_filename="iupacs_logp.txt", tokenizer=None,max_length=None,target_col=None,
self.dataset_dir = dataset_dir
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
self.target_col = target_col
self.max_length = max_length
self.dataset_size = dataset_size
self.dataset_filename = dataset_filename
# where the data is
self.dataset_fn = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir,self.dataset_filename)
# a bit of an odd way to read in a data file, but it lets
# us keep the data in csv format, and it's pretty fast
# (30s for 17G on my machine).
# we need to use mmap for data-parallel training with
# multiple processes so that the processes don't each keep
# a local copy of the dataset in host memory
line_offsets = []
# each element of data_mm is a character in the dataset file
self.data_mm = np.memmap(self.dataset_fn, dtype=np.uint8, mode="r")
# process chunksize bytes at a time
chunksize = int(1e9)
for i in range(0, len(self.data_mm), chunksize):
chunk = self.data_mm[i:i + chunksize]
# the index of each newline is the character before
# the beginning of the next line
newlines = np.nonzero(chunk == 0x0a)[0]
line_offsets.append(i + newlines + 1)
if self.dataset_size is not None and i > self.dataset_size:
# don't need to keep loading data
# line_offsets indicates the beginning of each line in self.dataset_fn
self.line_offsets = np.hstack(line_offsets)
if (self.dataset_size is not None
and self.dataset_size > self.line_offsets.shape[0]):
msg = "specified dataset_size {}, but the dataset only has {} items"
raise ValueError(msg.format(self.dataset_size,
# extract headers
header_line = bytes(self.data_mm[0:self.line_offsets[0]])
headers = header_line.decode("utf8").strip().split("|")
# figure out which column IDs are of interest
self.name_col_id = headers.index(iupac_name_col)
except ValueError as e:
raise RuntimeError("Expecting a column called '{}' "
"that contains IUPAC names".format(iupac_name_col))
self.target_col_id = None
if self.target_col is not None:
self.target_col_id = headers.index(self.target_col)
except ValueError as e:
raise RuntimeError("User supplied target col " + target_col + \
"but column is not present in data file")
def __getitem__(self, idx):
# model_inputs is a dict with keys
# input_ids, target
if self.dataset_size is not None and idx > self.dataset_size:
msg = "provided index {} is larger than dataset size {}"
raise IndexError(msg.format(idx, self.dataset_size))
start = self.line_offsets[idx]
end = self.line_offsets[idx + 1]
line = bytes(self.data_mm[start:end])
line = line.decode("utf8").strip().split("|")
name = line[self.name_col_id]
# get the target value, if needed
target = None
if self.target_col_id is not None:
target = line[self.target_col_id]
if self.target_col == "Log P" and len(target) == 0:
target = 3.16 # average of training data
target = float(target)
tokenized = self.tokenizer(name) #after this the tokenizer.eos_token_id have been added automaticly
input_ids = torch.tensor(tokenized["input_ids"])
iupac_unk = torch.tensor([self.tokenizer._convert_token_to_id(self.tokenizer.unk_token)])
input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids)
input_ids = torch.cat([iupac_unk,input_ids])
attention_mask = torch.ones(input_ids.numel(), dtype=int)
return_dict = {}
return_dict["input_ids"] = input_ids
return_dict["labels"] = torch.tensor(np.array(target))
return_dict["attention_mask"] = attention_mask
if self.max_length is not None:
return_dict["input_ids"] = return_dict["input_ids"][:self.max_length]
return_dict["attention_mask"] = return_dict["attention_mask"][:self.max_length]
return return_dict
def __len__(self):
if self.dataset_size is None:
return len(self.line_offsets) - 1
return self.dataset_size