--- license: apache-2.0 datasets: - xingyaoww/code-act language: - en pipeline_tag: text-generation tags: - llm-agent ---

πŸ€– This is a repo copy from https://huggingface.co/xingyaoww/CodeActAgent-Mistral-7b-v0.1

Below is the Github repo made by me to use the model in simple way in Gradio 😊

😊 Github Repo: https://github.com/svjack/CodeActAgent-Gradio

Executable Code Actions Elicit Better LLM Agents

πŸ’» Code β€’ πŸ“ƒ Paper β€’ πŸ€— Data (CodeActInstruct) β€’ πŸ€— Model (CodeActAgent-Mistral-7b-v0.1) β€’ πŸ€– Chat with CodeActAgent!

We propose to use executable Python **code** to consolidate LLM agents’ **act**ions into a unified action space (**CodeAct**). Integrated with a Python interpreter, CodeAct can execute code actions and dynamically revise prior actions or emit new actions upon new observations (e.g., code execution results) through multi-turn interactions. ![Overview](https://github.com/xingyaoww/code-act/blob/main/figures/overview.png?raw=true) ## Why CodeAct? Our extensive analysis of 17 LLMs on API-Bank and a newly curated benchmark [M3ToolEval](docs/EVALUATION.md) shows that CodeAct outperforms widely used alternatives like Text and JSON (up to 20% higher success rate). Please check our paper for more detailed analysis! ![Comparison between CodeAct and Text/JSON](https://github.com/xingyaoww/code-act/blob/main/figures/codeact-comparison-table.png?raw=true) *Comparison between CodeAct and Text / JSON as action.* ![Comparison between CodeAct and Text/JSON](https://github.com/xingyaoww/code-act/blob/main/figures/codeact-comparison-perf.png?raw=true) *Quantitative results comparing CodeAct and {Text, JSON} on M3ToolEval.* ## πŸ“ CodeActInstruct We collect an instruction-tuning dataset CodeActInstruct that consists of 7k multi-turn interactions using CodeAct. Dataset is release at [huggingface dataset πŸ€—](https://huggingface.co/datasets/xingyaoww/code-act). Please refer to the paper and [this section](#-data-generation-optional) for details of data collection. ![Data Statistics](https://github.com/xingyaoww/code-act/blob/main/figures/data-stats.png?raw=true) *Dataset Statistics. Token statistics are computed using Llama-2 tokenizer.* ## πŸͺ„ CodeActAgent Trained on **CodeActInstruct** and general conversaions, **CodeActAgent** excels at out-of-domain agent tasks compared to open-source models of the same size, while not sacrificing generic performance (e.g., knowledge, dialog). We release two variants of CodeActAgent: - **CodeActAgent-Mistral-7b-v0.1** (recommended, [model link](https://huggingface.co/xingyaoww/CodeActAgent-Mistral-7b-v0.1)): using Mistral-7b-v0.1 as the base model with 32k context window. - **CodeActAgent-Llama-7b** ([model link](https://huggingface.co/xingyaoww/CodeActAgent-Llama-2-7b)): using Llama-2-7b as the base model with 4k context window. ![Model Performance](https://github.com/xingyaoww/code-act/blob/main/figures/model-performance.png?raw=true) *Evaluation results for CodeActAgent. ID and OD stand for in-domain and out-of-domain evaluation correspondingly. Overall averaged performance normalizes the MT-Bench score to be consistent with other tasks and excludes in-domain tasks for fair comparison.* Please check out [our paper](TODO) and [code](https://github.com/xingyaoww/code-act) for more details about data collection, model training, and evaluation. ## πŸ“š Citation ```bibtex @misc{wang2024executable, title={Executable Code Actions Elicit Better LLM Agents}, author={Xingyao Wang and Yangyi Chen and Lifan Yuan and Yizhe Zhang and Yunzhu Li and Hao Peng and Heng Ji}, year={2024}, eprint={2402.01030}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ```