Speech Recognition Models
Models for Welsh language and bilingual speech recognition
15 items
This model is a version of openai/whisper-large-v3 finedtuned with transcriptions of Welsh language spontaneous speech from Banc Trawsgrifiadau Bangor (btb) and Lleisiau Arfor as well as recordings of read speech from Welsh Common Voice version 18 (cv) and Welsh Common Voice Vad Segments for additional training.
As such this model is suitable for more verbatim transcribing of spontaneous or unplanned speech. It achieves the following results on the Banc Trawsgrifiadau Bangor'r test set
from transformers import pipeline
transcriber = pipeline("automatic-speech-recognition", model="techiaith/whisper-large-v3-ft-btb-cv-cy")
result = transcriber(<path or url to soundfile>)
print (result)
{'text': 'ymm, yn y pum mlynadd dwitha 'ma ti 'di... Ie. ...bod drw dipyn felly do?'}