{"text":"Bunker Mentality: Fortified Domesticity and the \"Crazy Prepper\" in 10 Cloverfield Lane\nGreg Clinton | Stony Brook University\nOctober 24, 2016 Greg Clinton \/ Stony Brook University 2 comments\n10 Cloverfield Lane (Trachtenberg, 2016) appears amidst a growing concern in American culture with apocalyptic futures, threats (real or imagined) to national security, and social change that seems to menace the heteronormative, patriarchal family unit. The film features what I have come to know as the \"crazy prepper\" character, a trope that evolved from earlier indictments of survivalists as dangerous paranoiacs, and is underscored by reality-style TV shows like Doomsday Preppers (National Geographic) and Apocalypse Preppers (Discovery Channel). What makes \"crazy\" in 10 Cloverfield Lane? In asking this question, I wonder more broadly about the meaning of fortified domestic space in America.\n10 Cloverfield Lane offers up the prepper as a psychopathic predator (and ultimately a zombie, as I will argue) \u2014 it uses the \"crazy prepper\" to interrogate the concepts of reality, tradition, and risk. The film ultimately relies on stereotypes of preppers and prepping behaviors \u2014 bunker-building, stockpiling food and weapons, etc. \u2014 as insane or deviant to achieve its dramatic ends.\nThe film is framed as a drama about the destabilized family unit. Before the opening credits, we are treated to a miniature tragedy, acted without dialogue. A woman is hurriedly packing a small suitcase. She rushes out the door; the camera settles on two forlorn objects left behind: her keys and a diamond engagement ring. She is leaving her fianc\u00e9e.\nIn itself, a woman walking away from the traditional patriarchal stability of marriage is thoroughly \"modern\" and a reflection of feminist and liberal progress. This scene can also be read as a reflection of traditions unmoored, of the tenuousness of all social structures, no matter how firmly established. Ulrich Beck, in his analysis of the unpredictability of modernity in what he calls \"risk society,\" points to the \"tradition\" of the heteronormative family unit as a locus of destabilization since it is both the foundation of bourgeois industrial society and a \"contradict[ion of] the principles of modernity\" in that it promotes a basic patriarchal inequality. [1] Thus, by progressively equalizing gender roles, the structure of \"family\" is undermined. The modern woman is liberated from the \"fate\" of gendered and sexualized hierarchies. At the same time, radical change encourages new anxieties.\nThe prepper, on this view, is the man who has constructed a defense of traditional patriarchy. John Goodman plays Howard, a prepper who has \"rescued\" a young woman, Michelle, from what he claims was a nuclear attack. In her rush to escape her impending marriage, Michelle's car is run off the road. (Howard caused the crash intentionally, we learn much later.) She wakes from her trauma shackled in a basement, part of Howard's underground fallout shelter. They cannot leave, Howard insists, since the air outside is contaminated and deadly. A young man, Emmett, is also in the bunker, having begged his way in soon after the \"attack.\" So the fortified domestic space mirrors an image of mid-20th century American middle class, with the father (knows best) and two (rebellious) children. The mother is absent; the law of the father defends this space, a law which is called deeply into question.\nEarly in her confinement, Michelle wonders why they haven't tried to contact the authorities. Howard points to a police scanner: \"There's no one left to call. See that? There's nothing coming through.\" Then, holding his temple as if warding off a headache or the voices only he hears, he blurts, \"You think I sound crazy. It's amazing\u2026 You people. You wear helmets when you ride your bikes, [\u2026] you have alarm systems to protect your homes. But what do you do when those alarms go off? Crazy is building your ark after the flood has already come!\" Howard hones in on the slippage from rationality to irrationality, the contest between sanity and insanity. We are forced, as viewers, to question the notion of sanity as that which corresponds to reality; reality, as we discover by the end, corresponds to Howard's psychopathology, to the violence of patriarchal domination.\nHoward's underground shelter, which includes his book and video library\nHoward's shelter, where the majority of the action is set, is modelled after Cold War-era basement bunkers, although it is extravagant by the standards of a one-room cinderblock hovel. Introducing Michelle to the space, while the camera pans 360-degrees, Howard announces:\nAs you can see I've planned for an extended stay. The hydroponics system keeps the air fresh. Feel free to help yourself to any reading. If you want to watch movies, I have an extensive collection on DVD and VHS cassette[\u2026] The kitchen is fully functional: it has an electric stove, refrigerator, freezer, silverware, and that dining room table is a family heirloom, which means watch your glasses.\nA cross-stitched sign, \"Home Sweet Home,\" hanging above a juke box in the living room (piping out the 1967 classic \"I Think We're Alone Now\" by Tommy James and the Shondells) underscores the irony of the home-shelter-dungeon.\nA \"Home Sweet Home\" sign and a juke box full of golden oldies do not comfort Michelle and Emmett\nThe centrality of the link between prepping and domestic space is subtly illustrated in a shot of Howard's bedside reading: a double-edition of Jack London's The Call of the Wild, a survivalist classic, and The Sea-Wolf, the plot of which parallels the film itself; a book entitled Surviving Doomsday, which might be an apocalypse survival manual by Richard Duarte (2012); and a copy of Country Home: The Comforts of Country, which is a 1995 interior decoration book with images of country-style homes for inspiration. Taken together, the three books form an odd but coherent framework for understanding Howard and the film by juxtaposing masculine independence, apocalypticism, and domesticity.\nHoward's bedside reading\nHoward means to exploit his position of patriarchal control. Beyond the \"house rules\" that Howard enforces, we learn over time that he plans to use Michelle as a forbidden sexual object, fetishizing her as a replacement for his absent daughter. He is a sinister photo-negative of Father Knows Best from 1940s and '50s TV. \"Hands to yourself!\" he declares, invoking a fatherly injunction against sibling rivalry, although the viewer understands this to mean Howard wants Emmett to keep his distance from the sexual target, Michelle. In a scene at the dinner table, Howard tries to maintain the pretense of familial decorum, but explodes when Michelle begins to subtly flirt with Emmett. Michelle's subversion of the artificial sister-brother relationship reveals Howard's desire for violent transgression. The ruse of familial care unravels.\nThis sense of perversion, of an uncanny domestic space in which sexual taboos may be violently violated, is heightened by Howard's insistence that he is \"not some kind of pervert\" when he resolves to keep an eye on Michelle as she urinates; he watches her \"for [his] own protection.\" The strength of his disavowal of perversion is subtly ironic; the viewer and Michelle are immediately suspicious of everything Howard says. What is true, what is false, what is sane, what is perverted: all these are entangled in the bunker.\nHoward transformed into a zombie\nIn her attempt to escape, Michelle out-maneuvers Howard by dumping a barrel of toxic chemicals, burning Howard's body and face, transforming him momentarily into a zombie, fully revealing the \"truth\" of the father as monster. Michelle escapes to the outside world\u2026 where she actually encounters an apocalyptic alien invasion.\nThe inside, it turns out, is as awful as the outside; but outside, Michelle has the chance to become an action hero, a woman of action. She is super-able, over and against the zombie-patriarch. After skillfully dispatching some aliens, Michelle drives off in search of the resistance movement. The bunker defends patriarchal domesticity, an interior dystopia whose laws are violent and in which the \"crazy prepper\" is installed as the ultimate American pragmatist whose goal is to entomb and enshrine \"the family\" while denying the potential for action in an exterior reality that undermines those power structures.\n1. Author's screen grab.\nUlrich Beck, Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity (London; Newbury Park, Calif.: SAGE Publications Ltd., 1992), 104. [\u21a9]\ntagged with 23.01, bunkers, defense, Domesticity, dystopia, preparedness, preppers, survivalists, suspense, zombies\nMadonna bin Laden\nSo do you think the film's characterization of preppers is inaccurate?\nOr are real-life preppers in fact striving to preserve the heteronormative, patriarchal family unit?\nBoth. I think the film unfairly and unrealistically casts prepping as inherently psychopathological \u2013 this is why the audience can readily accept that the prepper is insane or psychologically troubled \u2013 but at the same time preppers are typically interested in protecting \"the family\", which they see as the \"ultimate responsibility\" for a man.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Working Group Reports and Presentations: Mars Settlement and SocietyThe long-term implications of space exploration must be considered early in the process. With this in mind, the Mars Settlement and Society Group focused on five key areas: Philosophical Framework, Community Infrastructure and Government, Creating Stakeholders, Human Subsystems, and Habitat Design. The team proposes long and short term goals to support getting to and then staying long-term on Mars. All objectives shared the theme that they should engage, inspire, and educate the public with the intent of fostering stakeholders in the exploration of Mars. The objectives of long-term settlement on Mars should not neglect group dynamics, issues of reproduction, and a strong philosophical framework for the establishment of a society.\nMcKay, Chris (NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Medicine Hunting in Paradise\nChris Kilham\nPub Date :\nEdition(s) at Erowid :\n1996(pb,1st ed,fine)\nPark Street Press\nBACK COVER #\nJoin botanical researcher Chris Kilham in the South Seas as he searches for kava, the most effective relaxant and stress-reliever in all of nature. A soothing, safe alternative to dangerous tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and antidepressants, kava naturally eases muscular tension and insures deep, refreshing sleep. Kava-based remedies are used by Europe's largest pharmaceutical companies to treat everything from urinary tract infections to arthritis, as well as nervous disorders of all kinds, but no source of pure, high-quality kava has been available to consumers.\nAn exploration of the magical relationship between a people, a place, and a plant, Kava: Medicine Hunting in Paradise takes you on a journey through the mystical legends, outlandish history, and exciting science surrounding kava. Kilham ventures deep into the unexplored islands of Vanuatu to set up a kava trade with the natives. Along the way he befriends a Tahitian prince, survives deadly seas in a questionable boat, and discovers powerful varieties of kava completely unknown to the West. With a thorough analysis of kava research, and information on where to find the best kava, Kava: Medicine Hunting in Paradise is a must-read for those interested in adventure, plant medicines, or the cultures of Oceania.\nABOUT THE AUTHOR(S) \/ EDITOR(S) #\nChris Kilham has been involved in the field of holistic health as a writer, lecturer, and entrepreneur since 1970. He is the author of many books, including The Five Tibetans, Take Charge of Your Health, and The Whole Food Bible, and is the founder of cowboy Medicine Expeditions, which specializes in researching and launching products based on plant medicines.\n[ back to library ] [ back to books ]\nCreated by Erowid - Sep 19, 1999\nModified - Dec 21, 2017","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"The New War Congress: An Obama-Republican War Alliance?\nDavid Swanson,\nTomDispatch | Op-Ed\nTo understand just how bad the 112th Congress, elected on November 2nd and taking office on January 3rd, is likely to be for peace on Earth, one has to understand how incredibly awful the 110th and 111th Congresses have been during the past four years and then measure the ways in which things are likely to become even worse.\nOddly enough, doing so brings some surprising silver linings into view.\nThe House and Senate have had Democratic majorities for the past four years. In January, the House will be run by Republicans, while the Democratic majority in the Senate will shrink. We still tend to call the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan \"Bush's wars.\" Republicans are often the most outspoken supporters of these wars, while many Democrats label themselves \"critics\" and \"opponents.\"\nSuch wars, however, can't happen without funding, and the past four years of funding alone amount to a longer period of war-making than U.S. participation in either of the world wars. We tend to think of those past four years as a winding down of \"Bush's wars,\" even though in that period Congress actually appropriated funding to escalate the war in Iraq and then the war in Afghanistan, before the U.S. troop presence in Iraq was reduced.\nBut here's the curious thing: while the Democrats suffered a net loss of more than 60 seats in the House in the midterm elections just past, only three of the defeated Democrats had voted against funding an escalation in Afghanistan this past July 27th. Three other anti-war Democrats (by which I mean those who have actually voted against war funding) retired this year, as did two anti-war Republicans. Another anti-war Democrat, Carolyn Kilpatrick of Michigan, lost in a primary to Congressman-elect Hansen Clarke, who is also likely to vote against war funding. And one more anti-war Democrat, Dan Maffei from western New York, is in a race that still hasn't been decided. But among the 102 Democrats and 12 Republicans who voted \"no\" to funding the Afghan War escalation in July, at least 104 will be back in the 112th Congress.\nThat July vote proved a high point in several years of efforts by the peace movement, efforts not always on the media's radar, to persuade members of Congress to stop funding our wars. Still a long way off from the 218-vote majority needed to succeed, there's no reason to believe that anti-war congress members won't see their numbers continue to climb above 114 \u2014 especially with popular support for the Afghan War sinking fast \u2014 if a bill to fund primarily war is brought to a vote in 2011.\nWhich President Will Obama Be in 2012?\nThe July funding vote also marked a transition to the coming Republican House in that more Republicans (160) voted \"yes\" than Democrats (148). That gap is likely to widen. The Democrats will have fewer than 100 House Members in January who haven't already turned against America's most recent wars. The Republicans will have about 225. Assuming a libertarian influence does not sweep through the Republican caucus, and assuming the Democrats don't regress in their path toward peace-making, we are likely to see wars that will be considered by Americans in the years to come as Republican-Obama (or Obama-Republican) in nature.\nThe notion of a war alliance between the Republicans and the president they love to hate may sound outlandish, but commentators like Jeff Cohen who have paid attention to the paths charted by Bill Clinton's presidency have been raising this possibility since Barack Obama entered the Oval Office. That doesn't mean it won't be awkward. The new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), for example, is aimed at reducing the deployment and potential for proliferation of nuclear weapons. Obama supports it. Last week, we watched the spectacle of Republican senators who previously expressed support for the treaty turning against it, apparently placing opposition to the president ahead of their own views on national security.\nThat does not, however, mean that they are likely to place opposition to the President ahead of their support for wars that ultimately weaken national security. In fact, it's quite possible that, in 2011, they will try to separate themselves from the president by proposing even more war funding than he asks for and daring him not to sign the bills, or by packaging into war bills measures Obama opposes but not enough to issue a veto.\nFor Obama's part, while he has always striven to work with the Republicans, a sharp break with the Democrats will not appeal to him. If the polls were to show that liberals had begun identifying him as the leader of Republican wars, the pressure on him to scale back war-making, especially in Afghanistan, might rise.\nIf the economy, as expected, does not improve significantly, and if people begin to associate the lack of money for jobs programs with the staggering sums put into the wars, the president might find himself with serious fears about his reelection \u2014 or even about getting the Democratic Party's nomination a second time. His fate is now regularly being compared to that of Bill Clinton, who was indeed reelected in 1996 following a Republican midterm trouncing. (In his successful campaign to return to the Oval Office, Clinton got an assist from Ross Perot, a third-party candidate who drew off Republican votes and whose role might be repeated in 2012 by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.)\nHistory, however, has its own surprises; sometimes it's the chapters from the past you're not thinking about that get repeated. Here, for instance, are three presidents who are not Bill Clinton and whose experiences might prove relevant: Lyndon Johnson's war-making in Vietnam led to his decision not to run for reelection in 1968; opposition to abuses of war powers was likely a factor in similar decisions by Harry Truman in 1952 in the midst of an unpopular war in Korea and James Polk in 1848 after a controversial war against Mexico.\nThe Unkindest Cut\nBills that fund wars along with the rest of the military and what we have, for the past 62 years, so misleadingly called the \"Defense\" Department, are harder to persuade Congress members to vote against than bills primarily funding wars. \"Defense\" bills and the overall size of the military have been steadily growing every year, including 2010. Oddly enough, even with a Republican Congress filled with warhawks, the possibility still exists that that trend could be reversed.\nTruthout sustains itself with donations from readers like you. Help keep real independent journalism strong \u2013 support Truthout today!\nAfter all, right-wing forces in (and out of) Washington, D.C., have managed to turn the federal budget deficit into a Saddam-Hussein-style bogeyman. While the goal of many of those promoting this vision of deficit terror may have been intent on getting Wall Street's fingers into our Social Security savings or defunding public schools, military waste could become collateral damage in the process.\nThe bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, known on television as \"the deficit commission\" and on progressive blogs as \"the catfood commission\" (in honor of what it could leave our senior citizens dining on), has not yet released its proposals for reducing the deficit, but the two chairmen, Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, have published their own set of preliminary proposals that include reducing the military budget by $100 billion. The proposal is, in part, vague but \u2014 in a new twist for Washington's elite \u2014 even includes a suggested reduction by one-third in spending on the vast empire of bases the U.S. controls globally.\nCommission member and Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) has proposed cutting only slightly more \u2014 $110.7 billion \u2014 from the military budget as part of a package of reforms that, unlike the chairmen's proposals, taxes the rich, invests in jobs, and strengthens Social Security. Even if a similar proposal finally makes it out of the full commission, the new Republican House is unlikely to pass anything of the sort unless there is a genuine swell of public pressure.\nFar more than $110.7 billion could, in fact, be cut out of the Pentagon budget to the benefit of national security, and even greater savings could, of course, be had by actually ending the Afghan and Iraq wars, a possibility not considered in these proposals. If military cuts are packaged with major cuts to Social Security or just about anything else, progressives will be as likely as Republicans to oppose the package.\nWhile the new Republican House will fund the wars at least as often and as fulsomely as the outgoing Democratic House, namely 100% of the time, the votes will undoubtedly look different. The Democratic leadership has tended to allow progressive Democrats the opportunity to vote for antiwar measures as amendments to war-funding bills. These measures have ranged from bans on all war funding to requests for non-binding exit strategies. They have not passed, but have generated news coverage. They may also, however, have made it easier for some Democrats to establish their antiwar credentials by voting \"yes\" on these amendments \u2014 before turning around and voting for the war funding. If the funding is the only war vote they are allowed, some of them may be more likely to vote \"no.\"\nOn March 10, 2010, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) used a parliamentary maneuver (that will still be available to him as a member of the minority) to force a lengthy floor debate on a resolution to end the war in Afghanistan. Kucinich has said that he will introduce a similar resolution in January 2011 that would require the war to end by December 31, 2012. That will provide an initial opportunity for Congress watchers to assess the lay of the land in the 112th Congress. It will likely also be the first time that war is powerfully labeled as the property of the president and the Republicans.\nThe other place public discussion of the wars will occur is in committee hearings, and all of the House committees will now have Republican chairs, including Buck McKeon (R-CA) in Armed Services, and Darrell Issa (R-CA) in Oversight and Government Reform. In recent decades, the oversight committee has only been vigorously used when the chairman has not belonged to the president's party. This was the case in 2007-2008 when Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) investigated the Bush administration, even though he did allow high officials and government departments to simply refuse compliance with subpoenas the committee issued. It will be interesting to see how Republican committee chairs respond to a similar defiance of subpoenas during the next two years.\nA Hotbed of Military Expansionism\nThe Armed Services Committee is likely to be a hotbed of military expansionism. Incoming Chairman McKeon wants Afghan War commander General David Petraeus to testify in December (even before he becomes chairman) on the Obama administration's upcoming review of Afghan war policy, while the Pentagon reportedly does not want him to because there is no good news to report. While Chairman McKeon may insist on such newsworthy witnesses next year, his goal will be war expansion, pure and simple.\nIn fact, McKeon is eager to update the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) to grant the president the ongoing authority to make war on nations never involved in the 9\/11 attacks. This will continue to strip Congress of its war-making powers. It will similarly continue to strip Americans of rights like the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable searches and seizures that President Obama has tended to justify more on the basis of the original AUMF than on the alleged inherent powers of the presidency that Bush's lawyers leaned on so heavily.\nThe president has been making it ever clearer in these post election weeks that he's in no hurry to end the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. The scheduled end date for the occupation of Iraq, December 31, 2011, will now arrive while Republicans control a Congress that might conceivably, under Democrats, have been shamed into insisting on its right to finally end that war. Republicans and their friends at the Washington Post are now arguing avidly for the continuation of existing wars in the way their side always argues, by pushing the envelope and demanding so much more \u2014 such as a war on Iran \u2014 that the existing level of madness comes to seem positively sane.\nThe most silvery of possible silver linings here may lie in the possibility of a reborn peace movement. George W. Bush's new memoir actually reveals the surprising strength the peace movement had achieved by 2006. In that year, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who was publicly denouncing any opposition to war, privately urged Bush to bring troops out of Iraq before the congressional elections. But that was the last year in which the interests of the peace movement were aligned with those of groups and funders that take their lead from the Democratic Party.\nIn November 2008, the last of the major funders of the peace movement took their checkbooks and departed. Were they at long last to take this moment to build the opposite of Fox News and the Tea Party, a machine independent of political parties pushing an agenda of peace and justice, anything would be possible.\nDavid Swanson is the author of the just published book War Is A Lie and Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union. He blogs at Let's Try Democracy and War Is a Crime.\nCopyright 2010 David Swanson\nDavid Swanson\nDavid Swanson, author of War Is A Lie, is an activist, journalist, public speaker and radio host. His previous books include When the World Outlawed War and War No More: The Case for Abolition. Swanson serves as director of World Beyond War and host of Talk Nation Radio. He blogs at DavidSwanson.org and WarIsACrime.org. In the early 2000s, he helped to expose the \"Downing Street Minutes\" and other attempts to lie the United States and its allies into the Iraq War.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Ils sont fous, ces Ro(u)mains! (EN)\n01.Apr.2009 . 4 min read\nIt was a time in Romania, still under the communist regime, when French was a language held in the highest regard, a time when I was speaking French in the family, just as I do English today at the office\u2026 A time when French magazines and\/or literature could still make their way behind the Iron Curtain, a lot easier than anything written in German or English\u2026 So, the latest cartoons I enjoyed around the 1989 Revolution were in French\u2013Goscinny and Uderzo's Asterix & Obelix \ud83d\ude42 I still remember their adventures, fighting the Romans on behalf of their people in Gaulle. I especially remember how Obelix related to numberless cohorts of legionaries that tried to catch him, trap him or fight him: They must be crazy, these Romans!\nDuring the past month or so, the new Romanian Government sent to Parliament four Bills proposing the adoption of fundamental legislation that regulates the very substance of society and justice\u2013the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code, the Civil Code and the Civil Procedure Code. Indeed, leaving aside the European Union's requirements under Benchmark 1 of the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism, it is high time that Romania reformed its overall perspective on enforcing contracts and upholding private property, sanctioning villains and protecting families, speeding up trials and individuating penalties. But do you honestly think that such a legal edifice, tantamount to a new Constitution, can be erected within 5 months only?!? They must be crazy, these Romanians!!!\nSome 10 years ago, in June 99, I joined a team of experts working on these four and other Codes, under the aegis of the Legal Reform Program at the Soros Open Network in Romania. As I was working with the Center for Legal Resources, we had a partnership agreement with the Ministry of Justice (probably signed as early as 97), coordinating the drafting process for the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code, a Bill on administrative sanctions, one on anti-discrimination, one on alternative conflict resolution (mediation), another on the execution of prison time, and yet another on probation services. In addition, the Program's Management Team coordinated the drafting of some other Bills, under a different partnership with the same Ministry\u2013the Family Code, the Civil Code, the Civil Procedure Code, as well as proposals for an Administrative Code, Administrative Procedure Code, Fiscal Code and Fiscal Procedure Code. Last but not least, our Legal Reform Program prepared a proposal for the so-called Magistrates' Code. Impressive, eh?!?\nOriginally, we intended (better said hoped!) that all of these Bills would be endorsed by the Cabinet until the end of 2000, submitted to Parliament, and then turned into Law by 2002, with an understanding that the Codes could finally enter into force some time in 2004. Bottom line, we were then planning about 6-7 years for the entire process! Considering that some of these Bills had already passed into Law, while others were postponed indefinitely (such as the two Administrative Codes), I wouldn't expect the 6-year plan to work on only four Codes\u2013but only 5 months can't be a reasonable time-frame, either! As I explained a little over a year ago, the Codes are serious business, and many of Romania's European aspirations depend on their adoption. If you accept the metaphor, the current legal framework looks like a decrepit old man, suffering from Alzheimer's disease; and the danger is that we'll soon have another legal framework, that looks like a newborn baby diagnosed with the Down syndrome \ud83d\ude41\nUnder these circumstances, 20+ civic and media organizations joined forces in a Coalition to Stop the Codes! Make no mistake, these NGOs are all pro-European! The coalition doesn't seek to block the adoption of the proposed Codes just because it's hip to protest against Government! We want and advocate for basic legal rights and obligations to be respected and upheld, according to the Romanian version of the Sunshine Law: The Ministry of Justice has the legal obligation to submit the four Bills to public consultation and oversight, such that citizens may read the proposed regulations, understand the new philosophy underlying specific provisions, analyze correlations among various sections within and across the four Codes, and ultimately identify fallacies or suggest improvements. Since the Ministry of Justice skipped this legal obligation, we don't know to what extent the newly proposed legal framework caters to the needs of the Romanian people, 20 years after the Revolution. But simply making an inventory of prima facies problems with the proposed Codes, we can say that fast track adoption, without a comprehensive consultation process, would be a definite mistake!\nSo we are not at war, but we're ready to fight for genuine accountability! If the Ministry of Justice or the Government of Romania or the ~70% ruling majority in Parliament think they might catch us off guard, trap us in a morass of political arguments, fight with us in spite of their legal obligations, they better think again! Rule-of-law is non-negotiable! No argument may warrant an exception from the provisions of the Sunshine Law, especially when we're talking about the Codes\u2013not even the President, this year's elections or Europe and its Cooperation and Verification Mechanism! Our Coalition to Stop the Codes is a mirror image of Obelix, having already chiseled our share of legislative menhirs, and now fighting Government on behalf of the people's legal rights \ud83d\ude42 And if our political leaders continue with their attitude, disregarding the law, our legitimate reaction is They must be crazy, these politicians!!!\ncivil societyaccountabilityadvocacyENEU affairsoversightparliamentpresidentprime-ministerelections","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Friday, January 8, 2021 About Us Terms of Service \u00a9 Timera Media 2017\u20132021\nAbandoned Spaces' most haunted locations of 2020 Part 1\nNovember 6, 2020 Charlotte Bond\nBy Alex Technolirik \u2013 LiveJournal @technolirik\nThroughout the year, we've published many articles about places that have been abandoned by humanity and forgotten by society. It's only natural that such locations gather ghost stories.\nWe have put together a two-part article to celebrate the spooky tales associated with those properties we've written about at Abandoned Spaces in 2020.\nWest Virginia Penitentiary, Moundsville, America\nA prison is a place of misery for many during their lifetimes, so it's unsurprising that old prisons often have plenty of ghost stories associated with them. As such, West Virginia Penitentiary seems the perfect place to kick off our 2020 Halloween two-parter.\nThe West Virginia Penitentiary is an impressive building constructed in the Gothic style with crenellations, battlements, and turrets. It was constructed in the 19th century, ironically by prisoners, and is located in Moundsville, West Virginia.\nAbandoned. The West Virginia State Penitentiary, a retired, gothic-style prison in Moundsville, West Virginia, that operated from 1876 to 1995. Photo from the Library of Congress.\nThe prison was the scene of a large, pre-planned riot on January 1, 1986. The inmates had chosen this date because it was a holiday and many guards would be off-duty. The prisoners were successful in negotiating with the governor, and they managed to secure a new cafeteria among other things.\nThe prison closed in 1995 when there were only 600-700 inmates and 32 prison officers.\nDuring its operation, nearly 50 prisoners took their lives, and there were several fatalities during the riots that occurred there. It's no wonder then that ghostly goings-on have included sightings of \"shadow men\" and the sounds of chains, screams, voices, and footsteps.\nAbandoned Electric chair. Author: Ellen Dunn Photography \u2013 Flickr @ellendunn\nA headless ghost that is said to haunt the halls of this prison is thought to be either RD Wall or Frank Hyer, both of whom were accidentally decapitated during their time at the penitentiary. Some visitors describe seeing the circular cage through which prisoners were brought into the prison moving on its own as if ghostly inmates are still being processed.\nTo learn more about one of the most haunted sites in West Virginia, check out our article on it here.\nAbandoned Prison cells. Author: Ellen Dunn Photography \u2013 Flickr @ellendunn\nThe House of Wills, Cleveland, America\nThe House of Wills was a funeral home that was owned by John Walter Wills, one of the most prominent African-American entrepreneurs in Cleveland. This distinctive building was designed by Frederick Willaim Stribinger and was constructed in the Gothic style.\nThe funeral home is to be found at 2491 East 55th Street in Cleveland. Before Wills bought it in 1942, the building was actually an opera house. When the funeral director took it over, he retained many of the interior design features. What had been a banqueting hall was turned into a casket showroom known as the Cloud Room.\nAuthor: Paul Basel \u2013 www.paulbasel.com\nThe House of Wills went on to become the largest funeral home business in Cleveland, and the company operated for several years. However, many of the ghosts associated with the building don't date from that time, but from its later uses.\nAt one point, the building was repurposed as a hospital for Hungarian immigrants, and those who lost their lives either at their own hands or the hands of the doctors are said to still haunt the building today. The House of Wills was also used as a speakeasy during prohibition, and the violence associated with that time has added to its collection of spirits.\nWhile visitors report the normal haunted phenomenon of disembodied voices and footsteps, a man in a white suit has also been sighted.\nAs Halloween approaches, paranormal tours are offered at this spooky site, so why not head over and check it out for yourself? Alternatively, you can read our article about this grand building here.\nCraco, Basilicata, Italy\nCraco is not an abandoned house \u2013 it's a whole town in southern Italy that has been abandoned for the last 40 years. It is believed that this location in Basilicata has been a human settlement since the 8th century BC. Owned by various individuals throughout the centuries, the town steadily flourished until it was large enough in 1276 to boast a university and four palaces.\nDespite being struck by the plague in 1656, by the nineteenth century, the city was so large that it needed to be divided into two districts. However, famine and poor agricultural conditions led to inhabitants leaving the city in the following years. Between 1892 and 1922, about 1,300 residents sought a better life elsewhere.\nAuthor: Gaetano D'Ambrosio \u2013 Flickr @78587081@N03\nIn 1963, following a series of landslides, the remaining residents were forced to leave the city. Although some people hoped to move back, a severe flood in 1972 made the place uninhabitable. An earthquake in 1980 sealed the fate of this once-prosperous city.\nGiven the size of the city, it's not surprising that there are various legends associated with Craco.\nThe most famous one concerns the Canzoniere district, an area of the city that got its name from a popular tavern. Legend has it that the beautiful woman running the tavern would seduce the patrons to a sticky end of some sort following which she'd put their remains in vinegar. She would then used the pickled meat to make the tavern's signature dish.\nTo learn more about this remarkable city and its varied history, check out our article here.\nVilla Rebar, Zagreb, Croatia\nAbandoned Villa Rebar in Croatia might simply be a crumbling set of ruins these days, but it was once home to a high-ranking Croatian dictator.\nVilla Rebar is situated around four miles north of Zagreb, at the foot of Mount Medvednica. It once belonged to Ante Paveli\u0107, who went on to become a key figure in the Independent State of Croatia (known as the NDH) that was effectively a puppet government for the Nazis.\nAuthor: Miroslav Vajdi\u0107 \u2013 Flickr @miroslav-vajdic\nThe villa was built in 1932 during Paveli\u0107's time in the NDH. As well as luxuries such as a tennis court and impressive gardens, Paveli\u0107 was also careful to add more pragmatic elements to his estate, such as underground tunnels and a bunker.\nWhen the Nazis were defeated, Paveli\u0107 fled to Austria, and his home was left abandoned. In the 1950s, the property was transformed into a mountain resort called Hotel Risnjak. However, a fire in 1979 put an end to that line of business.\nBecause the upper parts of the property were constructed with timber, all the higher levels have been destroyed, leaving only the foundations and the tunnels. These naturally drew the interest of photographers and urban explorers.\nMany visitors claimed they found the tunnels incredibly spooky. Reports started to surface of people hearing screams and also seeing a woman in white. Some people are even lured into the tunnels by rumors that treasure hidden by Ante Paveli\u0107 might be buried down there.\nTo read more about the history of this place, check out our article here.\n\u00ab T\u00f6k\u00f6l WWII Airbase, Hungary\nTwo 300-year-old Abandoned Churches in Smolkovo Village, Russia \u00bb\n\u00a9 Abandoned Spaces 2017\u20132021","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"'He told me': Antonio Conte shares the one-word Dejan Kulusevski said to him at full-time yesterday\nTottenham Hotspur boss Antonio Conte has shared with the club's website the one-word Dejan Kulusevski said to him at full-time yesterday.\nSpurs fell to a 2-1 defeat to Liverpool in north London after another poor opening 45 minutes.\nMohamed Salah's brace in the first-half was enough to secure Jurgen Klopp's men three points, despite a brilliant second-half goal from Harry Kane.\nThe man who set him up for the goal was Kulusevski as the winger returned from a lengthy spell on the sidelines.\nThe 22-year-old picked up an injury while on international duty with Sweden back in September and hadn't featured since. Despite the defeat, the return of Kulusevski will give Conte a much-needed boost after he played for just over 20 minutes.\nNow, Conte has revealed that he asked Kulusveski how he was feeling after the game and he received a one-word response.\nWhat Kulusevski said to Conte\nSpeaking to Spurs Play after yesterday's defeat, Conte said that Kulusevski was feeling fine after his return.\n\"It was good to see Deki back, yes, finally. It was important, good news,\" he said.\n\"Deki only had a full training session with us yesterday. Today, he said to me, 'okay, coach, for the last 20, 30 minutes, I'm available'. At the end, my first question (to him) was, 'is everything okay?' and he told me, 'yes'.\"\nSpurs have missed Kulusevski's creativity in the final third over the past seven weeks and will be delighted to have him back in the side.\nThe Swede created Kane's goal within minutes of being on the pitch as he delivered a perfectly-weighted through ball to the Spurs talisman.\nConte has been without both Kulusevski and Richarlison in recent weeks, leaving him short of attacking options.\nHeung-Min Son was also ruled out of yesterday's game after he underwent surgery to stabilise a fracture in his left eye.\nThe Italian surprisingly turned to Ivan Perisic to lead the line with Kane yesterday and the Croatian performed well considering the circumstances. But Spurs looked far more threatening with Kulusevski playing alongside Kane and Conte will be delighted to have the player back.\nGiovani Lo Celso reacts after shock news from Tottenham earlier this week\nFabio Paratici delivers verdict on Tottenham loanee Destiny Udogie\nFabio Paratici explains why Tottenham signed Pedro Porro","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Pop culture obsessives writing for the pop culture obsessed.\nHomeLatestNewsTVFilmMusicGamesAUX\nAboutThe A.V. Club Store\nR.I.P. Trevor Moore, co-founder of The Whitest Kids U' Know\nMoore wrote and starred in five seasons of the sketch comedy series\nWilliam Hughes\nTrevor Moore on The Trevor Moore Show\nScreenshot: YouTube\nTrevor Moore has died. As the co-founder of sketch comedy troupe The Whitest Kids U' Know\u2014and, subsequently, one of the stars, and the head writer, of the troupe's television show on Fuse and IFC\u2014Moore helped pioneer the world of online comedy at the turn of the century, leveraging the power of the internet and social media to carve out a niche for the group. Per Variety, he died last night as the result of an accident. Moore was 41.\nBorn and raised in New Jersey, Moore got into entertainment early, hosting his own public access show, The Trevor Moore Show, when he was still just a teenager. After meeting Sam Brown and Zach Cregger at New York's School Of Visual Arts, the trio founded The Whitest Kids U' Know as a college comedy troupe, eventually filling out the roster with Timmy Williams and Darren Trumeter. The troupe then parlayed a win for Best Sketch Group at HBO's U.S. Comedy Arts Festival in 2006 into a TV deal, eventually landing The Whitest Kids U' Know at Fuse (and later IFC, after concerns that the show's content might be too extreme for the former network). The series ran for five seasons on the networks, diving deep into absurdist sketch comedy, and producing some of the earliest viral sketch content to land on the internet. Meanwhile, Cregger and Moore also wrote, directed, and starred in a Playboy-themed comedy film, Miss March.\nAfter the Kids series ended, Moore continued to work as a writer and producer in the world of comedy, often in conjunction with Comedy Central, which produced the special High In Church, Trev-A-Thon, and the musical comedy film The Story Of Our Times. (Which features, among other things, Moore performing a lengthy ballad that attempts to apply mythological grandeur to the rise of Kim Kardashian.) Meanwhile, he broke into kids' entertainment as well, creating two series\u2014Walk The Prank, and the improvisational Just Roll With It\u2014for Disney.\nMost recently, Moore briefly produced and starred in an absurdist talk series, The Trevor Moore Show, for Comedy Central. He also continued his collaborations with the other members of The Whitest Kids U' Know, streaming regularly with a variety of regular shows on Twitch. Cregger and Brown issued a statement about his death today:\nEarly this morning, we learned that we lost our brother, our collaborator and the driving force behind WKUK. He was our best friend, and we speak for all of us in saying that the loss of Trevor is unimaginable. We are heartbroken and our grief pales in comparison to the loss felt by his wife and son. On behalf of WKUK, we ask for privacy during our time of profound grief, and strength for his family who are dealing with the impossible thought of living life without him. Our hope is that friends, fellow artists, and fans that loved him will not focus on his death, but will remember the countless moments of laughter he gave them.\nTVNewswire","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Home \/ About Us \/ School Performance\nOfsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills. Ofsted regulate and inspect schools and colleges to seek improvement in the service. They carry out large number of inspections and regulatory visits in England and publish their finding on their website.\nView St Anne's CofE Primary School Ofsted Report\nSt Anne CofE Primary \u2013 Ofsted Inspection 1 February 2019\nOfsted Interim Assessment\nLetter from Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP\nSt Anne's CofE Primary School were delighted and proud to receive a letter from the Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP ( Minister of State for School Standards) congratulating our staff and pupils for our very high level of progress, hard work and professionalism. You can view or download our letter by clicking the link below:\nLetter of Congratulations from Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP\nMany Parents are keen to see how we are performing in relation to other schools.\nView St Anne's CofE Primary School performance tables\nAll Church of England dioceses and the Methodist Church use the National Society's framework for the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). SIAMS inspection focuses on the effect that the Christian ethos of the church school has on the children and young people who attend it.\nThe National Society's Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) framework is used in all Section 48 inspections of Church of England schools and in the denominational inspection of academies.\nSt Anne's CofE Primary School \u2013 SIAMS Inspection Report\nSt Anne's CofE Primary School \u2013 School Performance inc KS2 Results (2014 \u2013 2019)\nSt Anne's CofE Primary School \u2013 School Performance inc KS2 Results (2013 -2018)\nSt Anne's CofE Primary School \u2013 School Performance inc KS2 Results (2013-2016)\nSt Anne's CofE Primary School \u2013 School Performance inc KS2 Results(2013-2015)\nSt Anne's CofE Primary School \u2013 Investing in Children (Evaluation)\nSt Anne's CofE Primary School, offer childcare provision and wraparound care. Full details of the provision provided can be found on our Childcare Provision section of our website.\nCheck School Performance Tables\nYou can use performance tables (sometimes known as league tables) to compare schools and colleges in your area. You can check:\nexam and test results\nYou can only see statistics for schools and colleges in England.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Husband-and-wife duo Smooth Hound Smith @ Club Cafe, Oct. 6th\nBy Alan D. Welding on October 1, 2019\nWhat's up, Pittsburgh?? We're coming at ya on tour with some brand new tunes on Sunday, October 6th at Club Cafe. Share this with a friend who needs one last night out before the work week starts! http:\/\/bit.ly\/2KXptcs\nSmooth Hound Smith, who released their third album, Dog In A Manger, last month on Tone Tree and will be performing at Club Cafe on Oct. 6th. On Dog In A Manger, Zack Smith and Caitlin Doyle-Smith channel deep emotion into arrangements that somehow feel at once timeless and immediate. The songs salute the far corners of the Americana world, touching upon everything from greasy, big-city blues to acoustic folk. There are slide guitar solos, coed harmonies, a Fleetwood Mac cover and a cameo by the North Mississippi Allstars' Luther Dickinson. Wide Open Country said, \"Smooth Hound Smith put their emotional baggage front and center on the hauntingly beautiful Dog in a Manger,\" while Glide stated, \"Smooth Hound Smith are certainly in the top tier of the many duos we've heard from this year.\"\nThe saga of Smooth Hound Smith \u2013 husband-and-wife duo Zack Smith and Caitlin Doyle-Smith \u2013 begins in Southern California. It winds from there through countless club gigs to East Nashville, with a detour through big-time arena shows opening for The Dixie Chicks and finally to a new album, on which the seeds planted by experience blossom into a sound unlike that of any other artist. Smooth Hound Smith will release Dog In A Manger on August 9 via Tone Tree.\nThe songs on Dog in a Manger's tracklist salute the far corners of the Americana world, touching upon everything from greasy, big-city blues to acoustic folk. There are slide guitar solos, coed harmonies, a Fleetwood Mac cover and a cameo by the North Mississippi Allstars' Luther Dickinson tossed into the mix, too.\nThe album is the third effort from the duo, and while their previous releases evince their unique vocal blend and ability to coax compelling music from minimal instrumentation, Dog In A Manger brings it all to a higher level of expression.\nZack's writing is more concise yet more communicative than ever \u2014 Caitlin calls it \"denser.\" Their melodies, hooks and harmonies are in balance. Each song seems to stem from everyday, even mundane incidents. For example, over a sunny, skipping groove, \"Life Isn't Fair\" recalls a friend who would, in Zack's words, \"constantly make himself the victim.\" \"Waiting For A Spark\" cites the New Testament and Plato in picturing someone who is \"weighing her options, just looking for \u2026 any little glimpse of light.\"\nAccessible as the music of Smooth Hound Smith can be, the underlying arc that unifies Dog In A Manger is elusive.\n\"I wasn't conscious of it as I was writing this songs,\" Zack explains. \"But I realized when I finished that I can relate the lyrics back to was what my dad went through before he passed. He had been diagnosed with CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease), which attacks the brain. Literally one in a million people suffer from it. There is no cure. The fatality rate is 100 percent, usually within a year.\"\nIn fact, he died just three weeks after being diagnosed, though Zack and Caitlin were able to make it back to L.A. to say goodbye literally minutes before he passed. \"That really lit a fire under my ass to get things done in a way I couldn't have predicted, Zack says. \"Caitlin and I knew it was sink or swim. We had to put out new content and it had to be good.\"\nCaitlin also made a suggestion early in the process that would significantly affect how she and Zack would approach Dog In A Manger. \"Around the time his father passed, we went out dinner,\" she recalls. \"And I told him that I wanted to step back on this album because he had more than he needed to express artistically at that time. Of course, I was there throughout it all, adding my input. But it was right that he would take the reins.\"\nRecorded intermittently rather than in one marathon session, Dog In A Manger began in their living room, tracked on Pro Tools. The results channel deep emotion into arrangements that somehow feel at once timeless and immediate. The lyrics never recount the events underlying the project, though through understatement and insightful irony they tap into the urgency that often flows below the surface of everyday living.\nAs much as they've achieved with Dog In A Manger, Smooth Hound Smith know that this is just one stop down their path toward promising horizons. \"Caitlin and I feel like this is exploratory,\" Zack explains. \"It's like, say, leather working: If you put in five or ten years of working leather, you're going to be pretty good at it. If anybody throws a job at you, you'll be able to do it.\n\"I feel that way about music. Everyone of our songs is a little different from the others. The next song I write could be the best one I've ever written. It could be the worst song I've ever written. But I do know that five years from now Caitlin and i are gonna be making music much better than anything we'd made before.\"\nA point well proven by Dog In A Manger, the next step in a unique adventure.\nhttps:\/\/www.smoothhoundsmith.com\/\nhttps:\/\/www.instagram.com\/smoothhoundsmith\/\nhttps:\/\/www.youtube.com\/user\/SmoothHoundSmith\nTweets by TheSmoothHound\nCategories: Announcement\/News, Pittsburgh Event, Pittsburgh Premiere\nBENEATH THE HOLLOW Release Lyric & Live Video for \"Spellbound\"\nCountry Star Chase Rice coming to Pittsburgh Oct. 10 @StageAE","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Wisconsin town taking renewed action against Texas energy giant\nTown of Forest\nFOREST, Wis., Sept. 20, 2019 \/PRNewswire\/ -- A small township in northwest Wisconsin is ramping up efforts to block construction of an industrial-scale wind farm that would put 500-foot turbines into an existing neighborhood. To share the growing body of evidence over the negative impacts of industrial-scale wind farms, the town of Forest in St. Croix County has created a new website at forestwindtruth.org. It has also launched a petition drive at change.org.\nThe battle over the proposed Highland Wind Farm Project in the town of Forest has dragged on for over 10 years despite pleas from town residents about the location of the $250-million project. Forest is located in St. Croix County, about 50 miles east of the Twin Cities.\n\"While we all understand the need to develop more green energy, siting a wind farm of this magnitude so close to existing residents threatens public health and the quality of life of all our citizens,\" says Forest resident Doris Schmidt. \"We're hoping regulators and policymakers will take another look at this proposal --- especially given the documented impact of wind turbines on people and animals.\"\nThose living near existing wind farms elsewhere in Wisconsin have reported health problems related to noise, shadow flicker, infrasound and stray voltage from the turbines reaching 500 feet tall. The long-term effects are only beginning to be understood, given that large scale wind energy is early in its development in the state.\nLeeward Renewable Energy of Dallas, Texas has pressed forward with its project even after its initial application was denied by the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC). The PSC has since reversed its decision despite hearing dozens of people testify about health problems related to a much smaller wind project near Green Bay.\nIn that case, at least three families were forced to vacate their homes due to the impacts of just eight turbines from the Shirley Wind Farm in rural Brown County. In 2014, following a flood of health complaints including insomnia, anxiety, headaches, nausea and even thoughts of suicide, the Brown County board of health declared the wind farm a \"human health hazard.\"\nFollowing the PSC approval, the town of Forest took legal action but was rebuffed by Wisconsin State Court of Appeals and the Wisconsin Supreme Court.\n\"We love farming and country life, which is why we stayed on our farm for over 50 years,\" adds Schmidt. \"If a wind farm is built here, everything will forever be changed. It will no longer be the place to come for big family get-togethers. If our animals are subject to stray voltage, they could die. It will be no fun working the farm fields with shadow flicker strobing all over our land.\"\nThis is just one of the countless personal accounts from residents as to why they don't want the Highland Wind Farm to continue. The website forestwindtruth.org has more on the residents of Forest.\nSOURCE Town of Forest\nhttp:\/\/forestwindtruth.org","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"2019-2020 Arrowverse Roundup - Week 19\nWednesday, March 11, 2020 By Matt Vernier\nThis week, a war was won, familiar foes returned, secrets were discovered, and new paths were forged. Every show was on and each one brought their A-game which is always a treat.\nBelow is a breakdown of all of the Arrowverse stuff that aired this week. It is part review, part speculation, part analysis, and part rambling. It is organized in the order they aired throughout the week, so feel free to scroll down to whatever ones you watch. If you want to get caught up, you can use my Arrowverse Viewing Order guide to help you navigate!\nYou can read this season's previous breakdowns here.\nBatwoman - Episode 1.14 - Grinning From Ear To Ear\nThere was a lot happening in this week's episode of Batwoman. While the main \"villain of the week\" plot was pretty standard, it was everything else happening around it that made things really interesting.\nThe villain had Joker vibes, cutting her own face to have a permanent smile. That wasn't the only villain that Duella had a connection to though - her last name is Dent. The episode name dropped Harvey as her uncle, but said nothing about him being Two-Face yet. Luke just mentioned that he was a popular DA. Perhaps the show will use Two-Face in the future then.\nThat isn't even where the Batman references stop. There was a whole subplot about the murder of Lucius Fox, and dirty Crow agents, which is definitely an interesting story to explore in the future. Then of course at the end, Mouse was hooked up to the Nightmare gas, which is the signature of the Scarecrow. So this episode had a lot going for it.\nMary, Kate, Sophie, Alice, Mouse, his father Ethan, Jacob, and Luke all had some substance in this episode. Luke's was indirect, since it was dealing with his father's death, but that will come around to him soon enough. Sophie came out to her mother, and it was a heartbreaking scene that was probably all to real for some people.\nMary knows that Kate is Batwoman, and each passing moment Kate pretends she isn't hurts her more and more. I've said this before, but Mary is one of the most interesting and nuanced characters that Batwoman has to offer. On the surface, she looks like the least interesting, but it is the opposite.\nIt was good to see the main plot tie into the overall arc, with things leading back to Ethan, and having Alice finally confront him. With only a handful of episodes left, things have to start amping up, and that is exactly what is happening.\nOverall, this was a great character focused episode. There was a lot of scenes with Kate in the Batwoman suit too, which has been lacking in some of the previous episodes. Even though the episode was tackling a lot of different things, it was still focused and had a clear point. It was quite good, and hopefully that is a momentum wave they can ride all the way to the end of the season.\nSupergirl - Episode 5.14 - The Bodyguard\nSupergirl is fully back on track post-Crisis now. It took a few episodes to handle some business of being on a new Earth, but now things are back to business. There was still a lot happening though. Lena got to the human trial phase of her Non Nocere tech. Alex was adjusting to her new found freedom. Kara gave William a chance, and Brainy is caught in the middle of things and not sure what to do.\nLex is pulling the strings to manipulate Lena and get what he wants with Leviathan all at once. It is truly a masterful thing, and Jon Cryer continues to knock it out of the park each week that The CW blesses us with his presence.\nAndrea launched the Obsidian VR tech, and is starting Take 2 of her involvement with Leviathan. We saw how the pre-Crisis version went, so there will probably be something different this time. Could she become an ally of Supergirl? Or is she being set up to be the villain next season? Either one could be a possibility.\nIt was fun to see Willie Garson back on the show, and to have the important role to show the flaw in Lena's tech. She had a crisis of faith real quick, but Lex squashed that out pretty fast.\nKara under orders to protect Andrea as Supergirl, let her see a side of William she needed to see. It also let her see Andrea's determination, and all of that made her give William a shot, which is nice. The CW will never give up on the love stories in these shows, so they might as well make them as strong and interesting as possible.\nBrainy is starting to see Lex's manipulation, but still isn't catching on. As someone who is supposed to have superior intelligence, he is acting pretty stupid. It feels out of character, but hopefully things will come around and end on a high note.\nThe super-weapon that J'onn gave Alex is cool, but feels like an easy write-out of any problem. It is sort of like the sonic screwdriver in Doctor Who. It has its uses, but when it is used to solve every problem the Doctor has, it feels a bit like a cop out. Hopefully the writers can resist that temptation.\nNow that Supergirl has handled its business in more ways than one, it should be a streamlined event all the way to the end. Any speed bumps along the way will be unfortunate.\nBlack Lightning - Episode 3.16 - The Book Of War: Chapter Three: Liberation\nThis season of Black Lightning was a bit uneven, but overall it told a very cohesive story and had a strong conclusion. In true Black Lightning fashion, there were seeds planted for the next season. Out of any of the Arrowverse shows, they are the least procedural. There is hardly a Scooby Doo \"monster of the week\". Instead, each episode contributes to the bigger picture.\nNot everyone made it out unscathed though. Jamillah Olsen returned for one scene and was quickly killed. Grace was under Gravedigger's mind control, and is now in a coma. Commander Williams seems to have perished at the hands of Lynn. The rest of the ASA command met their demise at the hands of Gambi. Lady Eve is in trouble, and Agent Odell was shot in the spleen and taken into custody. Dr. Jace was swiftly dealt with, but at least it wasn't Brandon that had to kill her.\nBut the biggest death was that of Inspector Henderson. The scene was powerful, and well acted by all parties involved. He was a good part of the show, and will be missed, but there had to be a casualty, and my money would have been on Grace if Damon Gupton hadn't tweeted about being let go from the show.\nThe Khalil\/Painkiller duality finally came to a head, and it looks like Khalil won that battle. He has his memories as Khalil, but also the skills of Painkiller. That is the best of both worlds in that situation.\nTobias returned, and is making his play for Freeland. Hopefully he is a bigger player next season than he was this season. It was a nice change of pace to not have him be the main focus, but it will also be nice to get back to that.\nSeeing the Gravedigger\/Tyson Sykes tease at the end means he is going to show up again too. That is good news, since Wayne Brady absolutely owned that role. He was incredible. It was a treat to watch him be so villainous. If he gets to share the screen with Marvin \"Krondon\" Jones III (Tobias) next season, that will really be something!\nOverall, this season was the shows best. It even incorporated Crisis after keeping its distance from the Arrowverse up until that point. I hope there is more connective tissue with the other shows next season. Let The Flash or one of the Legends or a Supergirl alum come to Freeland and help out. It would be fun to see them interact with the rest of the cast.\nThe Flash - Episode 6.14 - Death of the Speed Force\nThe Flash is like The X-Files in that you can classify episodes in two different categories. The first is just a \"monster of the week\" weekly procedural. The second is when it dives into the mythology, and expands the greater, over-arcing story. \"Death of the Speed Force\" was the latter, and offered some really incredible stories.\nIn fact, the weakest part was the shoe-horned Russian \"monster of the week\" subplot. The fake Iris stuff, the Nash\/Thawne stuff, the Wally\/Barry stuff, and the Cisco character arc were all infinitely more interesting.\nKeiynan Lonsdale returning to the Arrowverse was a welcome addition. Wally West is a wonderful character, and it is always great to see him on the screen. His return was an important one as it dealt with the death of the Speed Force. The concept of that is strong, but its execution was the same as always. Team gets mad at something Barry did, Barry beats himself up and tries to fix it, causing more damage, team forgives Barry and helps him fix it for real. It has happened a lot.\nThawne took over Nash's body, and therefore can't access his negative speed force, which is...weird. He's taken over bodies before (like Earth-1 Harrison Wells) and his speed was just fine. This was a new addition, and it felt like it was made up just to be able to get Cisco out of that room alive. Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure Vibe still lives because of Crisis, so he could have just used his powers to get out of things. That part was disappointing in an otherwise stellar story.\nIt was also strange to see that the speed force manifested itself as Barry's mother to Wally too. I was under the impression that it manifested itself differently depending on who it was appearing to.\nFake Iris taking out Kamille was shocking. I assume she goes to the mirror dimension now, and she's not dead. But if that was her death, it was disrespectful and too sudden. We'll see. As of now, it has made for an interesting cliffhanger.\nCisco returned from his adventures, that included a trip to see Aquaman in Atlantis possibly. But the show is always better when Carlos Valdes is on it, and we might not have that much longer, so it was good to have him back.\nThe convoluted \"residual speed\" thing was dumb, and both of them running wasted more than if just one of them went. It is one of those general problems that can be as meaningless or as severe as they need it to be on a given day.\nThe story they wanted to tell was great. The execution of it was a bit sloppy. Still, it was much better than a standard episode, the ones with Thawne and speed force lore are always amazing.\nLegends Of Tomorrow - Episode 5.07 - Mr. Parker's Cul-De-Sac\nLegends was absolutely ridiculous this week, but a visit from an old face held the episode together. This week we saw the triumphant return of Damien Darhk, who got a little bit of redemption from all the things he's done.\nHe was brought in to help usher out Ray and Nora, who will exit the show next week. It is unfortunate, as they are both amazing and deserve to stay on the show. But we can't help that, so hopefully they do them justice. So far they have.\nThe big shocker of the episode is that Rory has a kid. A kid who was played by Lost In Space actor Mina Sundwall. Hopefully she has a recurring role, because she is a wonderful actor. But they are really giving Rory an emotional arc this season which is a nice change from him doing nothing.\nSara's absence was explained because she got a job offer from Rene. It was a cool Arrow connection, I just wish he was able to show up on the show. Even on the other side of the line when Ava picked up the phone would have been fine.\nTo use a Mr. Roger's Neighborhood parody as a plot device to solve the problems of the episode sounds like a terrible idea. But Legends of Tomorrow made it work, as they make most preposterous premises work.\nThe episode also set up the mission for the rest of the season - find the Loom of Fate, use it to fix one person's life, and then destroy it. I'm sure that is exactly how it will happen, and won't be used to fix Zari too or anything....\nThere was a lot going on here, but it was all handled pretty well. The character interactions were fun, the emotions were real, and the stakes were high. It was ridiculous and fun, but they got a lot of business accomplished too.\nThe best episode of the week was a tie between the Black Lightning finale and The Flash. But every episode was great this week, which doesn't happen often.\nArrowverse Arrowverse 19-20 Batwoman Black Lightning Caity Lotz Cress Williams Grant Gustin Keiynan Lonsdale Legends of Tomorrow Melissa Benoist Reviews Ruby Rose Supergirl The Flash TV TV Reviews","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"High profile additions made to Olympic Legacy Park in Sheffield\nThe English Institute of Sport (EIS) Sheffield and iceSheffield have become the latest high profile venues to be incorporated into the Olympic Legacy Park (OLP) project.\nThe multi-million pound project is a joint venture between Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Sheffield City Council, based in the East of the City.\nEIS Sheffield is the largest multi-sport English Institute of Sport venue in the country and provides state-of-the-art indoor sporting and fitness facilities for the local community and elite athletes, including Olympic heptathlon champion Jessica Ennis-Hill, as well as hosting the British Boxing squad and the EIS sport science and medical services.\nIceSheffield is the second venue added to the OLP project and is a national Centre of Excellence for figure skating and ice hockey and was used as a preparation camp for Team GB's figure skaters and skeleton athletes Shelly Rudman and Kristan Bromley ahead of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics.\nProject lead and former Sports Minister Richard Caborn speaking about the plans said \"in EIS Sheffield and iceSheffield, we've got two of the best sporting facilities in the UK so it's a real coup to secure the venues within the Olympic Legacy Park.\"\nHe added: \"The OLP will be home to the only research facility in this country and, we believe Europe, with elite and professional athletes and educational organisations all on one site and EIS Sheffield and iceSheffield are both important features in this unique set up.\"\niceSheffield was used by Team GB Winter Olympic athletes in the build up to Sochi 2014 \u00a9Legacy Park Limited\nAt the centrepiece of the endeavour is an Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC), which is aimed at delivering the Olympic Legacy on Health and will be home to around 50 researchers with indoor and outdoor laboratories, which will be used to carry out research on physical activities.\n\"The Olympic Legacy Park is a fantastic new development for Sheffield which we're proud to be part of,\" said Steve Brailey, chief executive of Sheffield City Trust, which both the EIS Sheffield and iceSheffield are both part of.\n\"As world-class facilities which balance the health needs of the local community with supporting Olympic and World Level athletes, EIS Sheffield and iceSheffield are a perfect fit for the OLP.\"\nA new stadium and indoor community arena are also being built on the site of the former Don Valley Stadium, with the Sheffield Eagles Rugby League club due to become the main tenant of the new stadium, which will feature a synthetic pitch with a 2,500-seater main stand, and a 50-bed hotel with catering and hospitality areas.\nThe overall cost of the Olympic Legacy Park is an estimated \u00a350 million ($80 million\/\u20ac64 million) with the facility due to house a combined primary and secondary school once opened.\nContact the writer of this story at [email protected]\nOctober 2014: Former British Sports Minister unveils Olympic legacy plans in Sheffield\nApril 2014: Caborn highlights Sheffield's Olympic legacy planning\nNovember 2013: Mike Rowbottom: A lament for the going, going gone Don Valley Stadium\nJuly 2013: Next stage announced in plan to transform Don Valley Stadium sporting site in Sheffield\nApril 2013: Don Valley Stadium demolition plan confirmed","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"7 Random Facts About Game of Thrones\nby NerdcoreMovement\nBy Trevor Dueck \u2013 Staff Writer\nFollow on Twitter @TrevDueck\nIf you are part of Nerdcore Movement, you are undoubtedly a fan of Game of Thrones. So as we wait for Season 4, which seems like a lifetime away, here are seven facts about the show that you may not have known.\n1. Peter Dinklage was the man to play Tyrion Lannister from the very beginning. GOT Producer David Benioff read \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" and pictured Peter as the perfect actor to play the small but cunning Lannister. Nobody else auditioned for the role and the rest is history\n2. Speaking of Peter Dinklage, did you know that he and Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister) are actually true BFFs in real life? When Peter was cast as Tyrion he told the producers of the show about his good friend Lena. She auditioned and was cast as Cersei. It must be pretty cool to be playing alongside a good friend.\n3. Game of Thrones was almost a movie franchise and not a TV series. George R.R. Martin was approached by producers looking to make the book series a movie saga. Luckily for us all, George decided that his vision wouldn't translate well on the silver screen due to the amount of content that would have to be excluded. George insisted that \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" be a successful TV series on HBO called Game of Thrones.\n4. The majority of the cast have not read any of the books. The actors on the series feel that reading the books and spoiling the storyline will interfere in how they portray their characters, and knowing their fate my cause issues with how they act. Most of us agree that there is no reason to read the books because it will ruin the viewing pleasure of the television show.\n5. In the books it says that the Iron Throne was made with dragon's fire and a thousand swords. However, for the television show the Iron Throne was made by propmaker Gavin Jones who spent two months gluing, stapling and nailing wood together and adding a few swords. Apparently it was a very tough prop to build and stands 8 feet tall. There has to be instructions on the internet somewhere because everyone needs one in their home. You can, however, buy a full-size replica of the Iron Throne for only $30,000!\n6. Just like Klingons in Star Trek, the Dothraki in GOT have a created language. The producers on the show hired an actual linguist named David Peterson to create a dictionary of Dothraki for the script. Peterson created over 3000 Dothraki words and rules of grammar for the language, and all of it was used in the show.\n7. Games of Thrones Producers D.B. Weiss and David Benioff have the inside scoop in how George R.R. Martin's series is going to end. George is turning 65 this Summer and just in case something happens to him and he can't finish writing the final few books of the series, the producers have inside knowledge to at least finish the television show in George R.R. Martin's vision.\nKeep it locked on Nerdcore Movement for all Game of Thrones Season 4 news. Don't forget to follow along all next week as we debut our first ever San Diego Comic Con blog including plenty of Game of Thrones footage!\nTags: Game of Thronessseason 4\n'The Last of Us' Officially Renewed for Season 2 on HBO\n\"The Last of Us\" has already been a breakout hit for HBO so it's no surprise that the series...\n'Succession' Season 4 Set for March Debut on HBO, New Trailer Teases the Roy Children At War With Dear Old Dad\nA new \"Succession\" season 4 trailer has arrived along with a March debut date for the critically acclaimed series...\n'Titans' and 'Doom Patrol' Cancelled After Four Seasons on HBO Max\nTwo more DC shows have been cancelled with \"Titans\" and \"Doom Patrol\" both being cancelled at HBO Max following...\n'The Walking Dead' Star Michael Cudlitz Joins 'Superman & Lois' as Lex Luthor\nThere's a new Lex Luthor headed to Smallville in \"Superman & Lois\" as Michael Cudlitz joins the series for...\nThe Terrifying First Trailer for Stephen King's 'It' Has Arrived (VIDEO)\n\u00a9 2020 Copyright NerdcoreMovement.com","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"http:\/\/thestir.cafemom.com\/crime\/197481\/teen_who_filmed_her_friends\nTeen Who Filmed Her Friend's Assault Is Just as Guilty as the Man Who Raped Her\nKiarra Sylvester April 19, 2016 at 12:55 PM\nBack in late February, Marina Lonina allegedly watched and recorded via Periscope (an app that allows you to live-stream videos to your followers) as her 17-year-old friend was raped by Raymond Gates, who is 29. The two girls had only met Gates the previous day at a mall before arranging to meet him at a local residence. Fortunately, one of Lonina's friends reported the live stream after it appeared on her feed. If convicted with kidnapping, rape, sexual battery, and pandering sexual matter involving a minor, both parties -- Lonina and Gates -- face more than four decades behind bars. People are somehow trying to make 18-year-old Lonina out to be a victim in this ordeal -- sorry, but that's just not the case.\nLonina's attorney sadly attempted to remind the court not to \"lose track of the fact that she's a high school student and she and her friend were clearly taken advantage of.\" But, I only see one young woman who was taken advantage of and exploited -- I only see one victim.\nMore from The Stir: How One Sexual Assault Survivor Learned to Live & Love After 21 Years of Abuse\nHer attorney continued to paint this ridiculous picture, claiming, \"She was swept up by the gravity of the situation and as she immediately told the police, she was filming in order to preserve, not to embarrass or to shame or to titillate anybody.\" The opposing attorney, trying to make sense of the teen's logic (or lack thereof), countered that this teen \"got caught up in the likes\" in the midst of her gathering video evidence and things took a \"dark turn.\"\nHowever, I have a difficult time believing that there were no ill intentions behind her alleged actions. If Lonina had access to her phone, there were many actions she could've taken that absolutely didn't include recording the tragedy -- like perhaps texting someone an address or for help in general.\nAnd, even if I wanted to believe that her intent was heartfelt, the opposing attorney describes Lonina giggling while streaming the video.\nI find that the problem with our society is that we attempt to place too much blame on technology, instead of forcing people to take ownership for their actions. Personally, I believe these types of people are lacking in humanity or common sense prior to the never-ending technological advancements; however, these advancements now provides a platform for these frightening flaws -- and maybe even an incentive.\nMore from The Stir: Woman Shares Story of Daughter's Sexual Assault as a Warning for All Moms (VIDEO)\nThe only thing clear to me is that this young woman is every bit as sick and guilty as Gates. So, even if she doesn't see 40 years behind bars (which she should), I absolutely believe that she should be registered as a sex offender upon her release, if nothing else, because that's precisely what she is.\nI believe that the actual victim deserves justice and, as far as her \"friend\" goes, that's what it looks like.\nIf you or someone you know has been the victim of a sexual assault, you can find help and support at the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1 800 656 HOPE (4673) or Safe Horizon Crime Victims Hotline 1 866 689 HELP (4357).\nImage via Stock.com\/hocus-focus\nrape news crime\nDay Care Boldly Sends Baby Home With a Note to Mom Written on His Belly\nPhoto of Kobe Bryant Coaching Daughter Gianna Day Before Tragic Accident Surfaces","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Pope tells priests be 'welcoming' to unmarried couples\ndpa (TNS)\nSep 27, 2018 at 7:26 PM Sep 27, 2018 at 7:26 PM\nVATICAN CITY \u2014 Unmarried couples must not be turned away from the Catholic Church, Pope Francis said Thursday in a meeting with parish priests.\nThe pastoral work of priests should be include \"meeting and welcoming also those young people who choose to live together without marrying,\" the pope said.\n\"We need to show them the beauty of marriage,\" he added.\nSpeaking to clergy taking a church training course on family and marriage issues, the pope also acknowledged that sometimes marriages can break up.\n\"In some cases,\" when efforts to revive a marriage fail, priests should guide spouses towards marriage annulment procedures, Francis said.\nPriests and bishops dealing with such cases should not only explain relevant legal procedures, but also \"first of all\" act in a \"listening and understanding capacity,\" the pontiff said.\nFor the Catholic Church, heterosexual marriage is the natural form of family life, and divorce is a grave sin. However, church tribunals can declare marriages void in certain circumstances.\nFrancis has not changed Catholic doctrine, but he is more concerned about outreach efforts towards sinners and non-believers than on its strict enforcement.\nConservatives have criticized this approach, particularly after the pope decided in 2016 to soften a long-standing ban on the Holy Communion for divorcees who have a new stable partner.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Governments in these 5 cities do the most to help startups\nOscar Williams-Grut\nHas London made the cut?\nOli Scarff\/Getty Images\nA big report released Wednesday shows how governments around the world can encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.\nThe first ever CITIE report has been co-authored by UK innovation charity Nesta, management consultancy Accenture and Catapult!, the UK government initiative to encourage innovation.\nAs part of the report, they've ranked what they think are the 5 best cities in the world right now for government support of entrepreneurs. The report takes into account things like regulation, access to data, access to investment and central strategy.\nSurprisingly, San Francisco doesn't make the cut. Crucially, the report only looks at government-linked initiatives and factors, not private sector activity.\n5. Amsterdam\nThe Blendle team.\nBlendle.\nStrengths: Government strategy, data\nWeaknesses: Digital government, investment\nStartups: Quby, Blendle\nCITIE Report:\nSometimes the medium-sized cities are more capable of experimenting and developing the right policy conditions for innovation and entrepreneurship to flourish.\nThe appointment of the city's first chief technology officer (CTO) in 2014 is increasing the momentum to break down silos and support the co-ordination of citywide innovation projects.\nAmsterdam's ambition to reinvent how the city hall delivers services and engages with its residents can also be seen in the Amsterdam Smart City initiative.\nA hostess performs with robot under control by 5G Technology at SK Telekom pavilion during the second day of the Mobile World Congress 2015 at the Fira Gran Via complex on 3 March, 2015.\nStrengths: Access to data, advocating technology through events like Mobile World Congress\nWeaknesses: Regulation, investment\nStartups: Bitcarrier, Social Point\nIn the 1990s [Barcelona] developed one of the first city Innovation Districts - 22@Barcelona. The city's Office for Economic Growth has estimated that of 16 pilot projects supported by 22@Barcelona, 90 per cent have gone on to develop a business based on their pilot. The city is now building on this legacy by actively promoting itself as an urban playground for experimentation by entrepreneurs.\n\"A notable area of weakness is in its role as Regulator, where Barcelona scores very poorly. The 2014 ban on Uber by a judge in Madrid and the fining of Airbnb by the Government of Catalonia for its breach of local laws make it challenging for Barcelona to absorb disruptive business models into the fabric of the city.\n3. Helsinki\nSupercell's Clash of Clans game.\nStrengths: Access to data, investment\nWeaknesses: Regulation\nStartups: Supercell, Jolla\nHelsinki had the most consistent profile of any of the top 5, with a particular strength in the infrastructure roles of Host, Investor and Connector, where it was the number one performer.\nHelsinki's vision of mobility on demand, a fully integrated public and private transport 'one click' solution, carries the scale of ambition you would more typically expect from a tech startup and is defining mobility as a service agenda globally. This mobility ambition is in part enabled by its high score as Datavore, making transport data openly available to entrepreneurs to develop new service offerings.\n\"Although Helsinki's performance in the Openness roles of Regulator, Advocate and Customer are respectable, this is the area where there is most room for improvement for next year.\n2. London\nZopa's London team.\nStrengths: Investment, promotion of technology and entrepreneurship,\nWeaknesses: Digital government\nStartups: TransferWise, Zopa, SwiftKey\nLondon was a consistently strong performer across all areas of analysis, and its silver medal is well deserved.\nBut at the margin, London lacks some of the internal leadership and digital capability. For example, London doesn't have functions like a chief technology or digital officer or an innovation unit, and there is no consistent digital channel for Londoners to interact with services, which are split across different boroughs.\nNevertheless, the recent Smart London Plan is a positive step, and provides a platform to build the kind of capability that London will need if it wants to compete for top spot next year.\nClassPass CEO Payal Kadakia.\nPayal Kadakia\nStrength: Government strategy, advocate for technology\nStartups: Classpass, MongoDB\nOne of ts key differentiators is the strength and long standing of leadership from the centre. New York City prioritised innovation and entrepreneurship earlier than most other comparable cities, and has taken an extremely active stance towards its startup and tech communities over the last few years.\nIt provides support for local startups across a wide range of activities from funding and branding to community building and skills provision. And it has also built a first-class internal capability to deploy technology and exploit data in the services it delivers to citizens.\nNew York City's one area of relative weakness is in the role of Regulator, where it is held back by ongoing struggles to find the best way to accommodate the new business models of short lets and ride-sharing as characterised by companies such as Airbnb. This is a hard thing to get right, but cities such as Amsterdam have shown that, with the right stakeholder engagement, it can be done.\nNow checkout the best startups in the number one city.\nFlickr \/ joiseyshowaa\nClick here for the 25 hot startups in New York you need to watch \u00bb\nMore: Nesta Accenture CITIE Report Entrepreneur\nTest Page 9","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Budget, Taxation & Economy\nElections & Public Integrity\nFreedom Focus\nLaw & Public Safety\nPolicy Solutions\nCarolina Journal\nLocke Network Links\nNorth Carolina History\nEA Morris Fellowship\nFBI Spygate errors and the law of averages\nby Mitch Kokai\nSenior Political Analyst, John Locke Foundation\nJason Beale argues in a Federalist column that it's statistically impossible for recent anti-Trump FBI errors to have been completely random.\nThere's no way the cards can all fall one way, no way every \"mistake\" can redound in support of the government's \"case\" against Page. There's no statistical way every single oversight, clerical error, unchecked box, unread file, misplaced document, unread email, uncorroborated assumption, unverified assertion, omission of exculpatory evidence, and inclusion of false allegations can all fall against Page, and in favor of the FBI's goal of providing probable cause to convince the court to believe he was an agent of a foreign power.\nThere's no way 17 glaring omissions, mistakes, mischaracterizations, and straight-up lies can make their way, undetected, unquestioned, and uncorrected, through the now-legendary labyrinth of supervisory coordination, from line agents to Woods Procedures to FBI supervisors to DOJ reviewers to FBI counsel, FBI deputy director, FBI director, DOJ general counsel, deputy attorney general, and attorney general certification.\nThere's no way none of those people caught one of those 17 mistakes. No way each link in the chain\u2014every single one of them\u2014simply assumed this one time that the previous link had carried out all of their supervisory and verification responsibilities and blindly affixed their certification mark on the package without review. No way it all falls one way.\nUnless. Unless this wasn't actually the most statistically improbable perfect storm of innocent oversights and clerical errors, all of which worked in favor of the government's case and adversely to Page. Unless the percentages here were so outlandish and unlikely\u2014a demonstration of abject, systemic incompetence carried out, quite literally, against all odds\u2014that there is a logical explanation for all of this, after all.\nTo anyone capable of reasoned and objective analysis, that explanation is simple: The cards are meant to fall randomly, and the cards for this guy always fell the same way. The FBI was cheating.\nMitch Kokai\nMitch Kokai joined the John Locke Foundation in 2005 after spending more than four years as chief state government reporter for News 14 Carolina. The Columbus, Ohio native also has extensive experience in radio news. He is a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill.\nVirginia's New Governor Keeping His Promises\nTwo More Corporate Welfare Recipients in NC Fail to Create Promised Jobs\nBiden Approval Rating Matches Trump's All-Time Low\nSupreme Court Might Be Planning to Deal Biden Double Dose of Defeat\nSign up for our weekly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest happenings in North Carolina.\nState Elections Board General Counsel Twice Sought to Suppress Election Observers\nLegislature Motions for the Recusal of Justice Earls in Upcoming Redistricting Case\nJudges Uphold Constitutional Separation of Powers in Redistricting Case\nHelp us make a\nBy investing in the John Locke Foundation, you're transforming\nthe beliefs you hold dear into a tangible, results-oriented set of\nactions. Your tax-deductible investment will help us work to\nmake North Carolina more free.\nJohn Locke Foundation\n4800 Six Forks Rd.\nCopyright \u00a9 2022 The John Locke Foundation\nCarolina Liberty Conference 2022\nThe John Locke Foundation is pleased to invite you to participate in the 2022 Carolina Liberty Conference hosted at the Crabtree Marriott in Raleigh, North Carolina on February 25 and 26, 2022.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Makers Dance Company\nMAKERS DANCE COMPANY.COMDONATE TO MAKERS DANCE COMPANY\nThe Last Supper Makers Dance Company\nABOUT THE PIECE\nCreated and choreographed by dancer, director and founder of Makers Dance Company Alexandre Hammoudi, The Last Supper is an epic ballet experience during which audience members are literally immersed in a story of love and betrayal. Driven by a highly energetic score arranged by French composer Tristan Boccara after Franz Schubert, Antonio Vivaldi and Sergei Rachmaninof, The ballet tells the story of a royal wedding ceremony and its court, fueled by power, envy and gossip. The work is both dramatic and athletic giving the dancers a voice to explore\ncharacter's depth as well as challenging neoclassical movement in the choreography. The last supper will premiere this fall AT KAATSBAAN PERFORMING ART CENTER November 23. The cast is comprised of various dancers from top tier companies as well as freelance artists. The Makers family is grateful for you consideration, help and support. We thank you.\nABOUT MAKERS\nMakers Dance Company is an organization dedicated to the growth of art through the display of dance and theatrics on different stages, films, and media platforms. Founded in 2017 by creative artist and American Ballet Theatre Soloist Alexandre Hammoudi. MDC believes in merging the gap between traditional classicism, new movement and drama bringing a new vision to the world of dance by creating a brand new repertoire inspired by historical tales as well as fictional stories. By using the beauty and bravado of dance in conjunction with innovative visual modern ideas for the 21st century. Makers Dance Company is comprised of dancers and collaborators from all around the world with the common goal of sharing a new artistic voice and vision for anyone and everyone. Are you ready to step into a world where music dances with art? This is Makers Dance Company\nAlexandre Hammoudi Founder\/Director","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Lorna The Exorcist (1974) [XXX, 18+]\nWritten by: Robert de Nesle, Jess Franco, and Nicole Guettard\nDirected by: Jess Franco\nStarring: Pamela Stanford, Guy Delorme, and Lina Romay\nReviewed by: Brett G.\nWhen her flesh begins to crawl\u2026so will yours!\nThe runaway success of The Exorcist made producers' heads spin worldwide, and the result was a slew of possession and exorcism-themed films from all corners of the globe. It should come as no surprise that one of the genre's most notorious names threw his hat into the ring. I'm speaking of course of Jess Franco, the man with nearly 200 films credited to his various pseudonyms (he can seemingly claim about 200 of those as well). Depending on your sensibilities, an erotic, Franco-helmed take on this sub-genre either excites or terrifies you; either way, though, it's hard not to be at least a little bit intrigued by Lorna The Exorcist.\nPatrick Mariel is a successful businessman whose daughter, Linda, is about to celebrate her birthday. For the occasion, his family heads out on a vacation that is soon interrupted by phone calls from a mysterious woman. She's the titular Lorna, who is actually some kind of sorceress that Patrick met years ago; back then, he made a deal with this she-devil that resulted in all of his fortune. In exchange, Lorna would get his then-unborn daughter when she turned eighteen years old. Of course, Linda is now turning eighteen and Lorna has returned to make Patrick keep his end of the deal.\nThe first thing you'll notice here is a distinct lack exorcists, despite the title. Anyone accustomed to the opportunistic and exploitative tactics of producers and distributors of the era will hardly be surprised to know that this title change was likely just a desperate cash grab to cash in on the recently successful film. In fact, the film barely resembles a \"possession\" film at all, at least in the traditional sense. It's mostly just a poorly plotted, melodramatic take-off of Faust, though it may be the sleaziest version of that tale ever committed to film. This one takes little time in announcing its intentions, as the opening ten minutes features a very explicit and erotic lesbian scene that falls just short of being hardcore pornography. It's interesting to note that the original theatrical version of this film was lost for nearly 40 years; all that was left of it was a version that was re-cut into a porno film during the 80s. One wonders why a producer felt such a need to do that, as Franco's original version is chock full of eroticism, with the \"plot\" really only serving as an interlude between the film's sex scenes.\nIndeed, such sleaze is a hallmark of most Franco films. Lorna carries many of the director's other signatures, like his propensity for dramatic zooms and a droning musical score that's highlighted by one particularly repetitive piece of music. Long-time collaborator (and wife) Lina Romay also shows up here as Linda, the innocent daughter who is being seduced by the evil Lorna, who is essayed by Pamela Stanford, another Franco regular. Neither puts on a particularly good performance (nor does anyone else in the film), but that's also to be expected and would be akin to criticizing the acting in softcore porn, which is all this is. The thin story isn't helped by the abundance of exposition explaining the backstory involving Patrick and Lorna; and, if that weren't enough, Franco even tosses in a flashback that shows the story we've already been told (as if he could resist actually showing a couple of sex scenes to pad the length).\nThe film also happens to be masquerading under the pretense of being a horror film; this sort of erotic Euro-horror is practically a sub-genre in and of itself, and I suppose Lorna sidles in just fine along others of its ilk. While it doesn't reach consistently outrageous heights, there are a few memorable moments strewn in there. Let's just say one scene involves a deadly case of crabs, while another makes Udo Kier's virgin blood-drinking scene in Blood for Dracula seem quaint by comparison. There's even an incestuous vibe going on between Lorna and Linda, as the former actually refers to the latter as her daughter throughout the film. It can't quite keep up its insanity for the entire run-time though, as these scenes are sparsely parceled out amidst all the sex.\nObviously, Lorna The Exorcist isn't much more than a smut film, and it doesn't really try to be anything more. It's unabashed, unfiltered Franco through and through, as no raunchy camera angle is left unused (let's just say we get really up close and personal with the two female leads) and few taboos are unexplored. Mondo Macabro has blessed the world with this uncut version of the film, which has never been seen on home video until now. The on-screen menu warns you that this print is culled from several different sources, which leads to varying picture quality. All in all, it's not a bad presentation--some scenes are more spotty than others--but it's very watchable. It's obviously not a reference quality disc to show off to your friends (then again, this isn't the a film to show off to them, period). The disc provides both English and French soundtracks, with appropriate subtitles. Extras include an interview Gerard Kikoine, Stephen Thrower, deleted and extended scenes, and previews for other Mondo Macabro offerings. This is a DVD company that's been dedicated to bringing home the wild side of world cinema, and they certainly delivered that with Lorna. The uninitiated will likely be fairly shocked; however, anyone who has spent a night with Malabimba and her contemporaries will find this a modest curiosity at best. Rent it!\nAverage members rating (out of 10) : Not yet rated\nAll content copyright 2012 oh-the-horror.com","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Pastor Kumuyi defies govt, explains why deeper life will not obey directive\nThe General Overseer of Deeper Life Bible Church, Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi, has explained why the church will not obey President Buhari's ban on Twitter usage.\nKumuyi who defied the ban on Monday, said tweets shared on his page are targeted at a global audience in more than 5 continents and over 100 Nations.\n\"In view of the Twitter ban in Nigeria, please note that the content shared on this handle is targeted at a global audience in more than 5 continents and over 100 Nations and we share the content from any of these locations,\" he tweeted.\n\"In view of the Twitter ban in Nigeria, please note that the content shared on this handle is targeted at a global audience in more than 5 continents and over 100 Nations and we share the content from any of these locations.\u2014 Pastor William F. Kumuyi (@pastorwf_kumuyi) June 7, 2021\nRecall that the Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed had on Friday announced Twitter's suspension in a statement by his media aide, Segun Adeyemi.\nThe same tweet was also posted on the official Twitter page of the church.\nPrevious articleDestruction of govt facilities an act of terrorism- Lai Mohammed\nNext articleSanwo-Olu rules out Nigeria's break-up, says there is strength in number","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"> Sermon Archive > Sermons by Author > Rev. Stephen 't Hart > The LORD confirms David's anointing in his battle with Goliath Previous Next Print\nAuthor: Rev. Stephen 't Hart\nCongregation: Free Reformed Church of Baldivis\nBaldivis, Western Australia\nfrca.org.au\/baldivis\/\nTitle: The LORD confirms David's anointing in his battle with Goliath\nText: 1 Samuel 17:45-47 (View)\nTopic: Spiritual Warfare\nPsalm 33:1,5\nPsalm 80:1,3,7,8.\nPsalm 68:1,2 (after sermon)\nPsalm 68:8,12\nRead: 1 Samuel 17.\nText: 1 Samuel 17:45-47\n* As a matter of courtesy please advise Rev. Stephen 't Hart, if you plan to use this sermon in a worship service. Thank-you.\nBeloved congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ.\nThere comes a day when most of us find that we have met our match. There comes a day when we look at something or someone in the face, weigh up our track record and perceived strengths and decide, \"I think I'll have to pass this one.\"\nIn 1 Samuel 17, King Saul had met his match.\nThe people of Israel had asked for Saul to be their king because they wanted a king like all the nations around them, a king to go out before them, lead the way, and fight their battles. (1 Samuel 8:20) The people of Israel had been pleased with their choice of king. Saul had come from a line of warriors, he was handsome, and he was a giant of a man: taller than any of the people from his shoulders up. (1 Samuel 9:1-3). But now Saul had come face to face with a man who was bigger and tougher than he. A real giant of a man. Goliath.\nThere he stood, between the army of Israel and the army of the Philistines. Nine feet tall. The incredible Hulk. The Terminator on steroids. A human tank with armour weighing 57 kg, and holding a spear the size of a weaver's beam, its tip a 7 kg sharpened lump of iron.\nAnd Goliath mocked Saul and Israel's army:\n\"I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together.\"\nBut Saul and all Israel with him had met their match. Verse 11 of 1 Samuel 17 says \"they were dismayed and greatly afraid.\"\nFor forty days Goliath boomed out his defiant challenge. And for forty days Saul and his entire army felt their legs turn to jelly, turned their tails and scurried for their tents.\nAnd then along came David. A strapping young lad, good looking, fresh from the farm. A likeable boy perhaps, but with no track record in the art of warfare. No battle scars to show off. Untrained in spear and sword. But David said to Saul,\n\"Let no man's heart fail because of him; your servant will go and fight with this Philistine.\" (1 Samuel 17:32)\nAnd David's brother Eliab, and then Saul and no doubt the rest of Israel's army were taken aback and no doubt somewhat offended. And they were left asking the question \"Who does David think he is? Hasn't he seen Goliath? Hasn't he had a glimpse of his size, his muscles, his armour, his strength? Who does David think he is to imagine that he has even a chance to conquer Goliath?\"\nBut for David that was not the question. He did not ask who he was, nor who Goliath was, but for David the question was, \"Who is the One whom Goliath is defying? Who is the LORD, the God of Israel?\"\nAnd therefore in David we see what God was looking for in a man who would be king over His people. In the David we see a man who possessed the Holy Spirit of God. And so this morning I preach to you the Word of God concerning Saul, David and Goliath under the following theme:\nThe LORD confirms David's anointing in his battle with Goliath.\n1. David's concern.\n2. David's confidence.\n3. David's conquest.\nGoliath might have been a giant, but he was not the first giant to confront the nation of Israel. In the book of Numbers, when the people of Israel had been redeemed from Egypt and were on their way to the Promised Land, Moses had sent out spies to check out the land of Canaan and its inhabitants. These spies came back with a report saying that although the land was good, the inhabitants were too strong. In Numbers 13:32,33 they said,\n\"The land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature. There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.\"\nAt that time the Israelites were so afraid that they decided to turn back, surrender to the Egyptians and ask if they could become their slaves once more. The LORD then became angry with His people and told Moses that he would destroy them all and make a new nation out of Moses. But Moses pleaded with God saying, \"What will the nations say? They will say you killed Your people Israel because you did not have the power to give them the land of promise. They will say that the giants of the land were stronger than You.\" (The exact words of Moses can be found in Numbers 14:13-19.)\nMoses was concerned about God's Name and what the nations would say about Him and His power. And the LORD listened to Moses' plea.\nForty years later, Joshua was about to lead God's people into the Promised Land. And as he reflected on the task that lay ahead of him, the LORD encouraged Joshua saying,\n\"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.\" (Joshua 1:9)\nIn Joshua 4 the people of Israel crossed the River Jordan on dry land, and then Joshua commanded that they set up a memorial of 12 stones\n\"\u2026 that all the peoples of the earth may know the hand of the LORD, that it is mighty, that you may fear the LORD your God forever.\" (Joshua 4:24)\nAnd then, by the power of the LORD, the people of Israel proceeded to conquer the land of Canaan. And Joshua 11 also notes that Joshua and the people of Israel also conquered the Anakim, the race of giants who had made the Israelites so afraid forty years earlier. Verse 22 of Joshua 11 says,\n\"None of the Anakim were left in the land of the children of Israel; they remained only in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod.\"\nThese remaining enemies in and around Israel were left there, Judges 2 teaches us, so that through them God might test Israel, whether they would keep the ways of the LORD or not.\nAnd now in 1 Samuel 17, from the Philistine city of Gath, there came one of those last descendants of the Anakim, Goliath. And Goliath gets up and he taunts, Israel, he ridicules them, he defies them. And knowing what we are told about the past history of Israel and these Giants who descended from Anak, we are amazed at the audacity of Goliath. Didn't Goliath know his own history? Didn't he know that in years past the God of Israel had displayed His power in the destruction of almost all the giants in the land? Didn't Goliath realize that he was one of the last of a dying race of people? How could it be that instead of hiding in a hole in the ground somewhere near the city of Gath he was strutting around like a boxer in the ring, challenging, even defying, anyone from Israel to fight him?\nBut knowing what we are told about the history of Israel, what is an even greater question is, What about Saul and the people of God? How could they stand by and listen to this uncircumcised Philistine defy the armies of the Living God? Didn't they know their own history? Didn't they know that the LORD God is the Almighty One? Didn't they know that He was jealous for His Name, that He expected His people to live in the confession that He alone is God? How could it be that to a man, the men of Israel were dreadfully afraid and fled before that one giant, Goliath?\nAnd that is the difference between the concern of Saul and the people of Israel and the concern of David. David was not concerned about the strength of Goliath. David did not ask questions about Goliath's pedigree, his military might, or his past conquests. And David most certainly was not afraid of losing his own skin to the point of running from Goliath in terror, making a hasty retreat back to his father in Bethlehem, back to the relative safety of the sheep pen. David's concern was for the name of the LORD!\nThe glory of God's Name, the hallowing of His Name by all people, was the great concern of David. By defying the army of Israel, Goliath was blaspheming the name of God. And by running from Goliath in fear, Saul and the men of Israel were also guilty of causing God's Name to be ridiculed.\nBut David had been anointed to be the new king over Israel. And while the Holy Spirit had left Saul, causing Saul's heart to melt like water and his legs to turn to jelly, 1 Samuel 16 tells us that the Spirit of the LORD had come upon David. And now, just as Moses and Joshua before him had been concerned for the Name of the LORD, so David presented himself as ready to fight Goliath so that God's Name might receive the glory.\nAt the time that Saul and the army of Israel were squared off against the Philistines, David had been back with his father Jesse in Bethlehem, tending the sheep. But then Jesse sent David to the battle front to bring food for his older brothers and some cheese for their captain, and to find out how things were going. No doubt the battle was drawing out longer than expected with the stand-off entering its 40th day.\nIn obedience to his father Jesse, David travelled the 20 km from his home to the battle front and he arrived there just as the two armies were lining up for the day. And then David ran down to the army in order to greet his brothers and see how things were going.\nWhen David came to the battleground in that place called Ephes Dammim, he would have realized that this was an important battle to win. The winning side would have the best access to both the hill country and the coastal plain where they could find food and water for their flocks and herds. Also, if Israel won this battle they would have access to the Trade Route, the Way of the Sea. They would then have better access to iron and other important commodities. But when David came to the battlefront he was confronted with that dreadful challenge of the giant Goliath. He heard Goliath shout,\n\"Why have you come out to line up for battle? Am I not a Philistine, and you the servants of Saul? Choose a man for yourselves, and let him come down to me. If he is able to fight with me and kill me, then we will be your servants. But if I prevail against him and kill him, then you shall be our servants and serve us.\"\nAnd then David knew that at stake was more than a piece of grazing land: at stake was the future of the kingdom of Israel. And even more, at stake was the glory of God's name! If this Goliath was allowed to continue defying the armies of the living God, and if the armies of the living God were to be defeated through Goliath's challenge, Saul would no longer be king, but instead they would be ruled by the Philistines. Even worse, they would be ruled by Goliath. The giants, the wicked, godless men who had descended from Anak, would return to rule the land.\nAnd David knew that this simply could not be.\nAnd so David began to ask questions saying,\n\"What shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?\" (1 Samuel 17:26)\nDavid's message to the men of Israel was this: \"We can not take this lying down. We can not accept the defiance, the godless mockery of this heathen. He's not mocking us, he's mocking the armies of the living God! He's mocking the Name of the LORD!\"\nBut then his brother Eliab got to hear of it. Eliab, the one whom God had passed over when He anointed David saying\n\"Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.\" (1 Samuel 16:7)\nEliab became angry with David and said, \"What do you think you are doing, David? Who do you think you are?\n\"I know your pride and the insolence of your heart, for you have come down to see the battle.\" (1 Samuel 17:28)\nEliab heard what David was saying and thought that David was getting cocky, was showing off, was acting like an immature little fool. But perhaps Eliab's response revealed more of what was going on in his own heart rather than in David's. Eliab was running scared just like everyone else in the Israelite camp. Eliab was not concerned for the glory of God's Name, but only for himself and his own skin.\nEliab got it wrong. David was not being immature, nor was he trying to assert himself, to present himself as an alternative to Saul, as Israel's new king. What motivated David was that God's Name was being defied. And unlike Saul and the rest of Israel, David did not look to his own resources, to his own strength and skill to kill Goliath: he looked in faith to God, to the One who had revealed Himself as the True Commander of Israel's army, to the One who was concerned for the glory of His Name, to the One who did not even need a sword or spear to win the battle.\nDavid's faith in the God of the Covenant, the God of Israel, was his confidence in the face of Goliath. He told Saul that just as God had been with him when he faced lion and bear in the wilderness, so the LORD would give him the victory over the one who had defied the armies of the living God. David was confident of this for he believed that the LORD who had displayed His power in the past would, for the sake of His Name, show His might again in the killing of Goliath. It was by faith and through the Holy Spirit who had been poured out upon David, that David was confident that the LORD would deliver Goliath into his hand, that he would strike Goliath dead and cut off his head.\nDavid's found his confidence not in himself but in the LORD who had shown His power and might in the past, and who would show the people again that there is a living God in Israel. David believed that the God who had acted for the glory of His Name in the past would do so again in the present. And so when David came out to meet the Philistine and Goliath cursed him by his gods, David responded and said to Goliath,\n\"Goliath, are you out of your mind? Don't you remember your history? Do you really think you can attack me and kill me with nothing more than a sword, a spear and a javelin? Don't you understand what you've done, Goliath? You've aroused the anger of the living God, the LORD of heaven and earth! You have defied the armies of the God of Israel. And now I'm coming to get you not with sword and spear, but in the Name of Almighty God! And you are going to die!\"\nAnd isn't that the way we should all face our giants? There are times in the lives of each one of us when we are faced with the greatest of obstacles, when we are opposed by an enemy that appears overwhelming. There are times when we weigh up our track record and evaluate how strong, how weak, we are and we conclude, \"I can not do it. I just can not do it. And we cry out, \"Oh, what would I do to have the kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant with just a sling and a stone? What would I do to have the strength, to have the desire, to get up when I've failed so many times before? Sometimes it all becomes too hard. The devil calls my name and he laughs at me. The devil calls my name and he defies me. He reminds me of all the times I've tried before, and of all the times I've failed. He tells me that if I ran in fear from the battle line forty times in the past, why should I think that today will be any different? He laughs and he tells me that I'll never win.\nBut is that the voice we should be listening to? Is that the faith that we confess? Is the devil stronger than our Savior? Is there ever a time that we can lay down our weapons and give up the fight?\nWhere does your confidence lie? If it lies in your own abilities, if it lies in the strength of your army, if it lies in the latest therapy, then the time will come when you will meet your Goliath, when you will meet your match when you will give up and cave in. But when your confidence rests in the Living God, when your confidence is in Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection, then you are going to get up and try again. In Philippians 4:13 the Bible says,\n\"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.\"\nAll things. It was true for David, the man anointed to be king. It is true for you too.\nThe battle between David and Goliath was 40 days in the making. For 40 days Goliath had defied the armies of the living God. For 40 days this uncircumcised Philistine had blasphemed the Name of the Lord. But when the end came, it came fast.\nDavid picked up his shepherd's tools, his staff, his bag and his sling. He went to the brook that was in the valley between the two warring armies and selected 5 smooth stones (rocks, really, most likely between 5 and 7cm in diameter). Then, as Goliath came to meet David then David, in contrast to the rest of Israel, ran towards Goliath, took out a stone, slung it, and struck Goliath in the forehead. Goliath fell to the ground and was dead. The giant's head was cut off and it was all over. Just as David had foretold, the LORD did not save with sword or spear, but He gave Goliath into Israel's hands. Goliath was killed and then all Israel regained their courage and they set off after the fleeing Philistines.\nGod's power was made perfect in human weakness.\nWhich reminds me of another victory. The victory of Christ on the cross. The devil told Him to give it up also. The devil told Jesus that it wasn't worth it, that the cost was too great, that it would all be for nothing. \"He saved others; He cannot save Himself!\" He's met His match! \"He trusted in God; let Him deliver Him now if He will have Him.\" But Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the author and the perfector of our faith had the trust and the faith needed to accomplish the ultimate victory over sin and over the kingdom of Satan. His death and resurrection compel us to give the shout of victory that our God reigns.\nAnd now we may live, we may face our giants, those things that attempt to pull us down, that try to weaken our faith and resolve, that laugh at our confession of faith in Christ, and we may declare victory in the name of the LORD.\nDavid could be sure of victory against Goliath because he was anointed by the Holy Spirit to be king over Israel. But the good news is that the same Spirit who was at work in David has been given to you. As Christians we are anointed by the Holy Spirit. And we confess that as Christians we have been anointed to be prophets, priests and kings. And as kings, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we are called to fight with a good and free conscience against sin and the devil in this life, and we look forward to the sure victory, that we will reign with Christ forever over all creatures.\nAnd that is more than lovely sounding words. It means that you do not have to, in fact you may not give up on the fight against sin.\nWhat is the giant that challenges you? What is the trial, the sin, the struggle that you are tempted to give up on? Are you still fighting the fight against every kind of sin in your life? Or are there sections of your heart that you've given up on, are there sins that are just too big and too complex to fight? We can not give up the fight and we may not give up the fight. In Ephesians 3 the apostle Paul wrote that we might be strengthened with might through Christ's Spirit in the inner man (verse 16). And then in verse 20,21 He wrote,\n20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever.\nThat's the confidence that we may have of victory. \"To Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us!\" That almighty power rests in you by the Holy Spirit and by that power you will have the victory. And 2 Peter 1:2,3 says something similar,\n\"Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.\"\nHis divine power has given to us all things, that is everything, we need not just for life, but also for godliness.\nI wish I could tell you that for me it is easy. I wish I could tell you that I'm never afraid, that my shoulders never slump, that I'm always ready to pick up my sling shot and throw a rock at whatever Goliath comes my way. I wish I could tell you that my fight against sin and the devil in this life is always instantly victorious and I keep on moving onwards and upwards with never a faltering step. But it is not like that. 1 Samuel 17 convicts me that I am often more like Saul than David. It happens too often that I depend on my own strength and abilities rather than on the power of God's Holy Spirit. It happens too often that when I'm confronted with Goliath that my heart sinks, that I'm afraid, and that then I want to fight in my own strength, and then that I want to run. But then I am reminded that God's Holy Spirit dwells in me. And in His strength we will have the victory.\nThe Lord confirmed David's anointing in his battle with Goliath. He confirmed that His Spirit rested upon David and that through Him David had the strength to defeat Goliath and uphold the Name of the Living God. And the good news is that this same Holy Spirit is given to you and to me. Through Christ we too are anointed kings so that in the power of Christ we too may win the battle. Amen.\n(c) Copyright 2011, Rev. Stephen 't Hart","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Home\/News & Politics\/National Enquirer\nNational Enquirer November 22, 2021\nGet National Enquirer digital magazine subscription today for the latest scandals and gossip, revealing photos, and real life stories.\nA360 Media, LLC\nSPECIAL: Save 20% on your subscription!\n$6.65(Incl. tax)\n$173.28$138.62(Incl. tax)\nbitter britney's new family feud\nBITTER Britney Spears is taking a flamethrower to what's left of her family ties! The tortured pop tart, 39, has long battled with dad Jamie, 69, and is finally on the verge of freedom from the court-ordered conservatorship he ran that has controlled her life for the last 13 years. But now she's also torched mom Lynne Spears, 66, for not stepping in to help her! \"I will never get those years back \u2026 she secretly ruined my life,\" the \"Toxic\" singer wrote in a scathing Instagram post. \"You know exactly what you did. My dad is not smart enough to ever think of a conservatorship, but tonight I will smile knowing I have a new life ahead of me.\" The salvo came after Jamie pleaded with a judge to end the legal grip on\u2026\nfrom friends to enemies!\nTRAIN wreck Matthew Perry's upcoming memoir promises to tear half of Hollywood and his former co-stars to shreds, The National ENQUIRER has learned. Sources close to the blubbery blabbermouth, 52, revealed he'll spill the tea on his drug-addled sex romps with a string of famous beauties and dish all the dirty details on his \"Friends\" castmates! \"Matthew has waited patiently for years but now it's his time to come clean and call out the traitors who made his life hell plus those who weren't there when he needed them,\" dished an insider. \"The 'Friends' set was seriously toxic at times, and word is Jennifer Aniston has the most to fear when Matthew lets fly on what really went on behind the scenes at Central Perk!\" Matthew hit the big time as goofball Chandler Bing\u2026\nnews flashes!\nSOFIA VERGARA has signed on to play feared \"cocaine queen\" Griselda Blanco in a new series. The family-friendly star will play the notorious head of the vicious Medellin Cartel, who was said to be responsible for over 200 murders. \"PIONEER Woman\" Ree Drummond suffered a heartbreak after her brother Michael Smith died at age 54. She described him as \"my first friend and buddy.\" An obituary noted Michael, who had special needs, was a pillar of the local community. TV TALKER Wendy Williams has been ruled out of returning to the air until at least December due to ongoing health issues. Michael Rapaport and Jerry Springer are among the guest hosts filling in.\u2026\ncarrie's career kicking mike to the curb!\nCOUNTRY queen Carrie Underwood's career is kicking into high gear and sources claimed the controlling songbird is demanding hubby Mike Fisher dance to her tune! Insiders snitched the embattled couple, who wed in 2010 and share sons Isaiah, 6, and Jacob, 2, have hit yet another rough patch as Carrie gets busy! \"They were doing okay during lockdown but now that Carrie's career is back on the fast track, the pressure's on and it's making them both irritable,\" tattled an insider. \"They've been bickering and butting heads.\" As The National ENQUIRER reported, the \"Before He Cheats\" singer and the retired pro hockey player have faced marital woes before \u2014 but they overcame their issues by setting firm boundaries. Now Grammy winner Carrie, 38, will kick off her first-ever residency at Resorts World in Las Vegas\u2026\nbody of evidence!\nSEX-STARVED Kim Kardashian HAS been hooking up with Pete Davidson for no-strings booty calls \u2014 but sources said he's breaking her big golden rule by bragging about their raunchy romps to his loose-lipped buddies! Sources said the Skims mogul, 41, was mortified to hear how the \"Saturday Night Live\" comic, 28, has been name-dropping her to everyone he knows in a vain attempt to impress his pals \u2014 just the way he reportedly did while dating model Kaia Gerber and actresses Kate Beckinsale and Phoebe Dynevor. \"Pete promised Kim and her people he'd keep his mouth shut and she believed him. Big mistake!\" spilled an insider. \"He's never been able to keep his mouth shut. It was the same with Kate and Kaia and Phoebe. Kim must have been kidding herself to think\u2026\nkourtney's got wedding blues\nPDA-CRAZED Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker are already clashing over wedding plans, sources snitched to The National ENQUIRER! \"Kourtney wants a traditional wedding with all the trimmings, while Travis is anything BUT traditional!\" spilled an insider. Mom of three Kourtney, 42, never made it down the aisle with baby daddy Scott Disick, 38, despite ten years together. \"After her sister Kim's elaborate weddings to Kris Humphries and Kanye West, Kourt's wanted something along the same lines!\" an insider snitched. But Blink-182 drummer Barker, 46, is on his third wedding and his attitude is the polar opposite, a source said. \"Travis proposed to second wife Shanna Moakler at Disneyland's Haunted Mansion and they tied the knot on Halloween eve in a ceremony with a 'Nightmare Before Christmas' theme,\" the insider dished. Although planning has gotten tense, family\u2026","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Side x Side | Awakening Tomorrow's Innovators through Art\nAwakening Tomorrow's Innovators through Art\nTeaching Artists\nSchool Programming\nMaster Teacher Program\nOur CommunitySupporters\nThe impact that we have on children, teachers, schools, families, and the community at large is only possible because of the support we receive from private donors, foundations, and grants.\nU.S. Department of Education Assistance for Arts Education Development and Dissemination Grant, 2018-2022\nMaine Community Foundation, 2020\nUnited Way of Greater Portland's Brick & Beam Society, 2020\nFoundation for Portland Public Schools, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019\nHorizon Foundation Grant, 2019\nLennox Foundation, 2019\nCabin Foundation, 2018\nMaine Arts Commission Arts Learning Grant, 2018\nU.S. Department of Education Arts in Education Model Development and Dissemination Grant, 2014-2018\nMaine Arts Commission Organizational Development Grant, 2016\nMaine Community Foundation\/Peaks Island Fund Grant, 2016\nDonors Choose in conjunction with Mrs. Fox and the second grade team at Reiche Community School, 2014, 2015\nPortland Public Schools Envirologix STEM grant in conjunction with Mrs. Fox and the second grade team at Reiche Community School, 2014\nSPECIAL PARTNERSHIP\nBeginning in 2018, we received funds from and established a partnership with the LilySarahGrace Fund. This is a special partnership that is very close to our heart as this organization was founded in honor of three incredible young girls who all learned differently and loved art. This fund is focused on bringing arts integration into education, and it is an absolute honor to partner with them as we continue to work toward changing the way that teachers teach and students learn, creating a more inclusive and accessible landscape for education.\nPRIVATE DONORS\nIn addition to the incredible support we've received from the above grants and partnerships, we have humbly benefited from incredibly generous donations from private donors. This local support is so important to us as donations of all sizes are greatly appreciated and help to engage our community.\nIf you would like to donate to Side x Side, we welcome your support.\n> View a list of our generous donors\nSide x Side builds and stimulates cooperative and lasting partnerships among the arts, education, volunteer, and professional communities. Together, we are changing the landscape of education and shifting the way our students learn, work, live, and connect.\nBuilding community is the foundation of our organization. Our strength comes from the relationships and connections that we foster each day. We could not do this work without collaboration and the generous support of our community and donors.\nWe believe every child deserves access to a high-quality, creative, and competitive education.\nCopyright \u00a9 2021 \u00b7 Side x Side, Inc. \u00b7 site by iKnow","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"History of The Folk Next Door\nA Short history of the Folk Next Door\nby Ed McKeon\nIn 1992, WWUH Folk Music Director Ed McKeon and folksinger and promoter Bruce Pratt approached the WWUH executive committee with a scheme that would recognize unrecognized \"folk\"musicians while raising money for a volunteer-staffed, community supported radio station that could always use a little more cash. And have a little musical fun in the process.\nThe idea was this: hold a concert, invite 15 musical acts who would donate their time and the use of their music, record the concert, use the gate money to pay for a pressing of a CD and cassette release, and release a recording called The Folk Next Door. As you have guessed, the WWUH Executive Committee said yes.\nThe first concert, held in the Wilde Auditorium was a huge success. The concert sold out. The acts were astonishingly good. And both the musicians and the audience seemed to love the experience. The cassettes and CDs flew out the door, prompting a re-pressing (the one and only - a printers error will tell you if you have a first edition. On the original, Hugh Blumenfeld, Last Fair Deal and Amy Davis and Danny Gardella appeared on the last page of the CD booklet. On the corrected edition, Folk Next Door printed backwards appears on the last page of the CD booklet.) And the music was played on stations throughout the country. Highlights: the \"surprise\" visit by Richard Shindell, John Whelan's wandering squeezebox, the debut of Donna Martin, Don Sineti's chorus and shanty men and women.\nThe next year we named the concert \"Honey Hide the Banjo, It's The Folk Next Door again\". It made a great T-shirt, but was way too long for most DJs to wrap their lips around. The 1993 concert was to be an all-day affair, starting outside with a free concert, with an evening paid event. Rain forced us inside after the third act and threw off the schedule till the concert ended around 2 a.m. Once again, the music was splendid, although the audience was not entirely happy, or entirely awake by the end of the affair, and on the way we lost a Chinese brother. The CD was heard, eventually, on airwaves as far away as New Zealand. The video version of the concert is still playing on local cable access stations. Highlights: the unofficial hoot hosted by Hugh Blumenfeld, The Nields, and Bruce Pratt as we changed stages, Dar Williams opening the evening show, Kate McDonnell soloing, everyone asking \"who is that guy\" after J.P. Jones played, the Gospel Stars of Hartford tearing the house down, our visit from folk great Eric von Schmidt.\nIn 1994, we pulled in the reins and had a \"Hoot.\" With fifteen acts again, the evening regained a sense of sanity, and the Folk Next Door machine was gassed and humming. Everyone seemed to know what to do, where to do it, and our innovative red light let the acts know when they were out of time. Highlights: Madwoman in the Attic dropping a verse without anyone noticing, Pete Lehndorff knocking them dead, Jeter Le Pont getting the audience involved.\nIn 1995 we received the most audition tapes ever for our sixteen open slots, and some came from as far away as California. Our musical guest who traveled the longest distance to appear was Andrew Calhoun, the exceptional singer-songwriter and proprietor of Waterbug Music.\nHighlights: Andrew Calhoun as standup comedian, Gred Greenway employing the rhythm and voices of the audience, and Traver Hollow killing them in the wee hours.\n[Editor's Note: There were many more highlights in the next four years, but unfortunately the last Folk Next Door Concert was held in 2000. Due to the time consuming job it had become, and many other variables related to such a massive undertaking, the FND series has come to a close. Hopefully you will enjoy the shows which are still available on Tape & CD and recall those great evenings of entertainment.]","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Well community lot of plays come good\nWell community lot of plays\u2026\nall found in the mid to late rounds tells me both can be had.\nThat's a lot going on, but what can we control?\nWe are confident this partnership with the NBA will showcase a new leaf for Kumho Tire that we are here to be aggressive competitors, supportive industry partners to our dealers and distributors, as well as a high-quality and recognizable brand amongst consumers.\nBrady at this stage of his career may no longer be able to carry the load for an offense to the point where he alone can bring a team to the Super Bowl.\nIn addition, NBA Cares events are being scheduled for ten cities in seven countries and territories on personalized jerseys continents.\nHis speed comes in handy both on defense and when running the bases.\nKirk Cousins $60 million $58 million $2 million NFL 10.\nSecond, the Jets receivers don't exactly strike fear into opponents, particularly secondaries that have played as well as New England's.\n18 Lakers vs.\nNFL players and coaches will cast their votes on Dec.18 NBC SUNDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL SCHEDULE NBA PRESEASON TV SCHEDULE \u2022 Dec.\nMonday, December 23, in West Hills, CA.\nI think the biggest thing with Eli, he's got great leadership qualities.\nAmong marketing activations, Capital One is title sponsor for the Bracket Challenge and Microsoft's Bing will be the official bracketologist for March Madness.\nAccording to Sprague, Soccer's popularity in the U.S.\nI got some good video and statistical data on it the other day and I'm happy where it's progressing now.\nOther Nike kit deals include FC Barcelona, Paris Saint-Germain, Tottenham and Chelsea.\n12, scheduled game at Ohio State.\nDoes it matter that I have blocked 3rd party cookies?\nIn the second round, I'd like to see the Patriots pick up either linebackers Zack Baun and Kenneth Murray or TE Adam Trautman.\n\u2022 G-III will continue as custom uniforms key apparel partner manufacturing fan gear, including outerwear and lifestyle collections for men and women.\nWith the recent completion of the sale of a majority stake in BAMTech to The Walt Disney Co., and recognizing the enormous talent pool that exists at MLB and , it is an ideal time for new leadership, Bowman said in a statement.\nI just want to see where I'm at at this point.\nThat's the mindset we need to have personalized jerseys order to go out there and have a successful season.\nOne Game One Love.\nNot sure I agree, but I'm also not willing to complete dismiss the possibility.\nCategory: Company News December 29, 2020\nPreviousPrevious post:Drives throughout one season highlighted 2NextNext post:Group led by angie position chris","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Opli\nPhotonics Lasers Machine Vision Illumination & LEDs Optical Networks & Fibers Observation & surveillance Optomechanics Articles\nElectronics Research Aviation Displays Optical Networks & Fibers Alternative Energy\nA cavity leads to a strong interaction between light and matter\nA microscopic cavity of two highly reflective mirrors is used to allow an enclosed artificial atom (known as a quantum dot) to interact with a single photon. A photon is emitted and reabsorbed up to 10 times by the quantum dot before it is lost. The quantum dot is electrically controlled within a semiconductor chip. (Image: University of Basel, Department of Physics)\nResearchers have succeeded in creating an efficient quantum-mechanical light-matter interface using a microscopic cavity. Within this cavity, a single photon is emitted and absorbed up to 10 times by an artificial atom. This opens up new prospects for quantum technology, report physicists at the University of Basel and Ruhr-University Bochum in the journal Nature.\nQuantum physics describes photons as light particles. Achieving an interaction between a single photon and a single atom is a huge challenge due to the tiny size of the atom. However, sending the photon past the atom several times by means of mirrors significantly increases the probability of an interaction.\nIn order to generate photons, the researchers use artificial atoms, known as quantum dots. These semiconductor structures consist of an accumulation of tens of thousands of atoms, but behave much like a single atom: when they are optically excited, their energy state changes and they emit a photon. \"However, they have the technological advantage that they can be embedded in a semiconductor chip,\" says Dr. Daniel Najer, who conducted the experiment at the Department of Physics at the University of Basel.\nSystem of quantum dot and microcavity\nNormally, these light particles fly off in all directions like a light bulb. For their experiment, however, the researchers positioned the quantum dot in a cavity with reflective walls. The curved mirrors reflect the emitted photon back and forth up to 10,000 times, causing an interaction between light and matter.\nMeasurements show that a single photon is emitted and absorbed up to 10 times by the quantum dot. At the quantum level, the photon is transformed into a higher energy state of the artificial atom, at which point a new photon is created. And this happens very quickly, which is very desirable in terms of quantum technological applications: one cycle lasts just 200 picoseconds.\nThe conversion of an energy quantum from a quantum dot to a photon and back again is theoretically well supported, but \"nobody has ever observed these oscillations so clearly before,\" says Professor Richard J. Warburton from the Department of Physics at the University of Basel.\nSerial interaction of light and matter\nThe successful experiment is particularly significant because there are no direct photon-photon interactions in nature. However, a controlled interaction is required for use in quantum information processing.\nBy transforming light into matter according to the laws of quantum physics, an interaction between individual photons becomes indirectly possible \u2013 namely, via the detour of an entanglement between a photon and a single electron spin trapped in the quantum dot. If several such photons are involved, quantum gates can be created through entangled photons. This is a vital step in the generation of photonic qubits, which can store information by means of the quantum state of light particles and transmit them over long distances.\nThe experiment takes place in the optical frequency range and places high technical demands on the size of the cavity, which must be adapted to the wavelength, and the reflectivity of the mirrors, so that the photon remains in the cavity for as long as possible.\nThe semiconductor quantum dots and one mirror of the cavity were made by the team headed by Professor Andreas D. Wieck and Dr. Arne Ludwig at Ruhr-University Bochum; the other mirror was made at the Universit\u00e9 de Lyon. Theoretical support was provided by the quantum optics theory group led by Professor Nicolas Sangouard at the University of Basel.\nFinancial resources for the Basel researchers came from NCCR QSIT, the Swiss National Science Foundation and Horizon 2020.\nDaniel Najer, Immo S\u00f6llner, Pavel Sekatski, Vincent Dolique, Matthias C. L\u00f6bl, Daniel Riedel, R\u00fcdiger Schott, Sebastian Starosielec, Sascha R. Valentin, Andreas D. Wieck, Nicolas Sangouard, Arne Ludwig & Richard J. Warburton\nA gated quantum dot strongly coupled to an optical microcavity\nNature (2019), doi: 10.1038\/s41586-019-1709-y\nMore Stories in Optics\nThe light at the end of electronics' dark tunnel is\u2026 photonics\nScientists discover light could exist in a previously unknown form\nUnlocking the gates to quantum computing\nIBM Research Alliance Produces Industry's First 7nm Node Test Chips\nUtah engineer discovers light can stamp out defects in semiconductors for better solar panels and LED bulbs\nAbout Opli\nOpli is Electro \u2013 Optics, Imaging and Machine Vision, Medical engineering, Photonics, Physics, and Solar Energy Magazine.\nFounded in 2006, opli is headquartered in the Lower Galilee , Sede - Ilan 15260, Israel\nOpli 2\nIllumination & LED's\nOptical Networks & Fibers\nObservation & surveillance\n\u00a9 2006-2016 Opli Inc. All rights reserved.\nWebsite by Glik design","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"vin, 17 ian. 2020\nAcas\u0103 International Tax & IFRS News [en]\nEuropean Commission: A new EU agenda to ensure fair taxation of the Digital Economy\nEC, VAT Gap study: The total amount of VAT lost across the EU is estimated at \u20ac168 billion\nFISCALIS workshop on \"VAT rules for passenger transport\" | Ankara, 27-29 April 2015\nEC Customs: Public consultation on a review of the cash control Regulation\nHeads of Tax Administration agree global actions to meet global challenges\nThe OECD\/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project and the move to automatic exchange of financial account information took centre stage when Heads of Tax...\nOECD: Standardul global pentru schimbul automat de informa\u0163ii fiscale\nCa masura importanta spre a asigura o transparenta sporita si pentru a pune capat confidentialitatii bancare in probleme fiscale, OCDE a lansat varianta integrala...\nTax Challenges of the Digital Economy | Comments received by OECD\nOn 22 November 2013, a request for input on the tax challenges of the digital economy was published on the OECD website, with a deadline of...\nOECD: Discussion Draft on transfer pricing documentation and country-by-counrty reporting\nAction 13 of the BEPS - Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Action Plan released on 19 July 2013 calls for a review of the existing transfer...\nDiscussion Draft on transfer pricing documentation and country-by-country reporting released for public comment\nInterested parties are invited to comment on this paper prepared by the OECD in the context of revision to Chapter V of the Transfer Pricing Guidelines.\nArticle by Paul Pacter: Global Accounting Standards \u2013 From Vision to Reality\n17 January 2014-- Delivered by Feed43 service\nOECD publishes comments received on the Tax Challenges of the Digital Economy\nOn 22 November 2013, a request for public comments on the tax challenges of the digital economy was launched. The OECD now publishes the comments received.\nNew regulation adopting accounting standards\nEU: New regulation adopting international accounting standards\nVAT and excise duties: Commission adopts report on allowances for travellers from non-EU countries\nReport to the European Parliament and the Council on travellers' allowances in accordance with Council Directive 2007\/74\/EC on the exemption from VAT and excise...\nThe European Parliament and EU Member States reached a provisional agreement on the reform...\nEC: Tackling Tax Avoidance \u2013 Commission tightens key EU corporate tax rules\nThe Commission proposed amendments to key EU corporate tax legislation, in order to significantly reduce tax avoidance in Europe. The proposal will close loopholes in...\nOECD: Making fiscal decentralisation work\nHundreds of thousands of elected sub-national governments worldwide provide services and levy taxes on residents and companies.\nOECD: Comments received on the definition of \"permanent establishment\" \u2013 Article 5 of the...\nOn 25 June 2013, the OECD released for public comment a discussion draft on the tax treatment of various payments that may be made following the termination of an employment. The OECD has now published the comments received on this discussion draft.\nOECD: Global Forum moves towards automatic exchange of tax information and transparency\nThe international community has taken new steps to strengthen transparency and boost the comprehensive exchange of information between governments worldwide.\nTax Policy Working Papers\nWorking papers from the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration of the OECD that cover the full range of the Centres work on taxation with the main focus on tax policy related issues.\nA boost to transparency and international tax co-operation\nInternational efforts to combat tax evasion and avoidance got a boost today as additional countries and jurisdictions agreed to join more than 60 other countries in tax co-operation through a key multilateral tax instrument during the first day of a gl...\nNew regulation adopting standards: Commission Regulation (EU) No 1174\/2013 of 20 November 2013 amending...\nIASB completes important steps in reform of financial instruments accounting\n19 November 2013-- Delivered by Feed43 service\nOECD invites public comments on a discussion draft on technical changes to be included...\nThe OECD Committee on Fiscal Affairs invites public comments on a discussion draft that includes various technical changes to be included in the next update to the OECD Model Tax Convention.\nOECD invites public comments on a discussion draft on proposed changes to the provisions...\nThe OECD invites public comments on a discussion draft that includes proposed changes to the OECD Model Tax Convention dealing with the operation of ships and aircraft in international traffic.\nOECD consults on transfer pricing matters\nToday, the OECD held a public consultation on transfer pricing topics at the OECD headquarters in Paris. The meeting was attended by delegates from more than 35 countries and by more than 150 representatives of business, academia, civil society and the...\nEuropean Commission continues legal action against Romania on rights for the self-employed\nOn 26 Sept. 2013, the Commission has today sent a reasoned opinion to Romania due to its failure to fully transpose the Directive on equality between...\nFinancial reporting rules: Commission requests Romania to change accounting rules\nOn 26 sept. 2013, the European Commission has requested Romania to align its rules on valuation and accounting of purchased debt claims with EU...\nTaxation: Commission requests Romania to review its tax rules on non-residents' employment income\nOn 26 sept. 2013, the European Commission has officially asked Romania to amend its discriminatory tax treatment of employment income of non-residents. Romanian legislation does not allow...\nTaxation: Commission requests Romania to change its VAT refund practice\nOn 26 Sept. 2013, the European Commission has formally requested Romania to change its administrative practice of refunding VAT. Almost all VAT refunds claims are systematically...\nOECD publishes comments received on the new Draft Handbook on Transfer Pricing Risk Assessment\nOn 30 April 2013, the OECD invited comments from interested parties on the new Draft Handbook on Transfer Pricing Risk Assessment, produced by the Steering Committee of the OECD Global Forum on Transfer Pricing. The OECD now publishes the comments rece...\nEC: Fight against tax fraud and tax evasion: a new EU campaign\nA new EU campaign against tax fraud and tax evasion has just been launched by the European Commission. A video is available in 23 EU...\nOECD's Gurr\u00eda presents G20 Leaders with proposal to tackle tax evasion\nOECD Secretary-General Gurr\u00eda today presented to G20 Leaders ground-breaking proposals to tackle tax evasion and avoidance by both companies and individuals. The proposals establish automatic exchange of information for tax purposes as the new international standard for tax co-operation and set out the Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), which was first presented to G20 Finance Ministers in Moscow in July 2013.\nG20 Leaders' Summit: Growth and Global Economy\nBuilding an international tax system that is transparent, efficient and fair, will serve our economies, our governments and our citizens, said OECD Secretary-General at the G20 summit in St. Petersburg.\nDeloitte again ranked #1 in global financial services consulting by Kennedy\nNew York, NY, August 2013 \u2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) is pleased to announce that for the third consecutive year, Deloitte has been...\nChina joins international efforts to end tax evasion\nChina signed the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters at a ceremony today at the OECD. All G20 countries have now fulfilled the commitment they made at the Cannes G20 Summit to sign the Convention and move towards ...\nOECD: Public comments on new draft elements of International VAT\/GST Guidelines are published\nFollowing the recent invitations for public comment on four new draft elements of the OECD International VAT\/GST Guidelines, the OECD has now published the comments received which will be used to inform the OECD's work in this area.\nGlobal Forum on Tax Transparency: New reports review jurisdictions' information exchange\nThe Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes has released peer review reports assessing the tax systems of 13 jurisdictions for information exchange.\nOECD invites public comments on the Revised Discussion Draft on Transfer Pricing Aspects of...\nThe OECD released for public comment a Revised Discussion Draft on Transfer Pricing Aspects of Intangibles. The Revised Discussion Draft updates and expands an earlier discussion draft released in June 2012 to reflect comments received and further dis...\nOECD invites public comments on the White Paper on Transfer Pricing Documentation\nAs part of its project on transfer pricing simplification, the OECD has released a White Paper on Transfer Pricing Documentation. Comments of interested persons are requested by 1 October 2013.\nOECD calls on G20 finance ministers to support next steps in clampdown on tax...\nThe OECD today presented to G20 finance ministers plans for a two-pronged attack on tax avoidance and evasion from both companies and individuals.\nClosing tax gaps \u2013 OECD launches Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting\nNational tax laws have not kept pace with the globalisation of corporations and the digital economy, leaving gaps that can be exploited by multi-national corporations to artificially reduce their taxes.\nOECD reports to G8 on global system of automatic exchange of tax information\nThe OECD has presented to G8 leaders the steps needed to create a fairer and more transparent global tax system.\nIP\/13\/530 \u2013 Fighting tax evasion: Commission proposes widest scope of automatic exchange of information...\nSee also the frequently asked questions (MEMO\/13\/533) and the proposal.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"New England Patriots > Patriots Blog > NFL Commentary\nNFL Week 2 Odds, TV Info and Predictions\n4 years ago at 7:00 am ET\nFollow @AllThingsPats\nPosted Under: NFL Commentary\nAfter an insipid Thursday night abomination, the rest of NFL week two gets underway on Sunday. The Patriots at New Orleans highlights the early games, in a matchup featuring a pair of future Hall of Fame quarterbacks. Dallas at Denver is the best late afternoon game, unless you enjoy watching the Jets getting pounded at Oakland. The best game of the week comes on Sunday night with Green Bay at Atlanta in a rematch of last season's NFC championship. Week two wraps up with Detroit at the Giants on Monday night.\nFor specific information on what games are being broadcast in your locale, please check out 506 Sports NFL Maps.\nSunday Sept 17, 1:00 pm ET on CBS; Spero Dedes, Adam Archuleta\nTennessee Titans at Jacksonville Jaguars\nBroadcast in Tennessee, northern Florida and southern Georgia.\nTitans favored by 1; point total 41\u00bd\nLet's pump the brakes a bit on the Jaguars bandwagon. Their defense was superb last week, but that Houston offensive line was a sieve. Tennessee has a better QB, offensive line and running game than Jacksonville. Tough call here but I'll give a slight lean to the Titans as the jags fall back to earth.\nSunday Sept 17, 1:00 pm ET on CBS; Andrew Catalon, James Lofton\nCleveland Browns at Baltimore Ravens\nBroadcast in DC, Maryland, central PA, West Virginia, Ohio and eastern Kentucky.\nRavens -8\u00bd; o\/u 39\nBaltimore collected five turnovers last week, but that was against a Bengal offense that has not scored a touchdown after 120 minutes of football. On the other hand the Browns may have a bit of a letdown after gearing up all offseason for the Steelers in week one. While I am not sold on the Ravens, I don't know if I can trust the Browns to be competitive in consecutive weeks.\nRavens 24, Browns 17\nSunday Sept 17, 1:00 pm ET on CBS; Kevin Harlan, Rich Gannon\nBuffalo Bills at Carolina Panthers\nBroadcast in western New York, Virginia and the Carolinas.\nPanthers -7; o\/u 43\nBuffalo beat the pitiful Jets at home last week, but did so in less than convincing fashion. Carolina's defense should shut down the Bills, The Panthers roll in their home opener as they try to revert to their 2015 form.\nPanthers 24, Bills 13\nSunday Sept 17, 1:00 pm ET on CBS; Jim Nantz, Tony Romo\nNew England Patriots at New Orleans Saints\nAvailable in most markets that don't have a local team playing at the same time.\nPatriots -6\u00bd; o\/u 57\nThe idiotic talk of a 19-0 season thankfully dissipated quickly in New England. The Patriots are already a patchwork team due to injuries, but the New Orleans defense is just what the doctor ordered for the Pats. Now that the spread is below seven points I like New England here, despite the lack of options at WR.\nPatriots 34, Saints 27\nSunday Sept 17, 1:00 pm ET on Fox; Chris Myers, Daryl Johnston\nArizona Cardinals at Indianapolis Colts\nBroadcast in Arizona and Indiana.\nCardinals -7; o\/u 44\nCarson Palmer is toast, and RB David Johnson is out for two months. Despite his short time with the Colts, former third string QB Jacoby Brissett is a huge upgrade over Scott Tolzein. Despite all of that the Cardinal defense should dominate and Arizona wins easily.\nCardinals 27, Colts 16\nSunday Sept 17, 1:00 pm ET on Fox; Kevin Burkhardt, Charles Davis\nPhiladelphia Eagles at Kansas City Chiefs\nBroadcast in eastern NY, eastern PA, and most states west of the Mississippi.\nChiefs -5\u00bd; o\/u 47\u00bd\nWith extra time to prepare and this being their home opener, KC should have no letdown after last week's win in Foxboro. The Chiefs defense should be able to contain Carson Wentz while Kareem Hunt and Tyreek Hill prove to be too much for a pretty good Philly defense.\nChiefs 27, Eagles 17\nSunday Sept 17, 1:00 pm ET on Fox; Kenny Albert, Ronde Barber\nMinnesota Vikings at Pittsburgh Steelers\nBroadcast in most of New England, the Rust Belt, and the Northern Plains.\nSteelers -6\u00bd; o\/u 44\u00bd\nThe Steelers are a much better team at home than on the road, so disregard last week's narrow victory. Even if Sam Bradford (knees) can play, I'll take the combination of Big Ben, Bell and Brown in a home opener over the Vikes.\nSteelers 27, Vikings 17\nSunday Sept 17, 1:00 pm ET on Fox; Dick Stockton, Mark Schlereth\nChicago Bears at Tampa Bay Buccaneers\nBroadcast in most of the southeast, and northern Illinois.\nBucs -6\u00bd; o\/u 43\u00bd\nWhile Mike Glennon would love to return to Tampa and defeat his former team, the problem is that he's more suited to being a backup QB \u2013 and the Bucs know his tendencies inside and out. Jameis Winston now has DeSean Jackson as an option if Mike Evans is double covered, a problem the Chicago defense has no answer for.\nBuccaneers 31, Bears 14\nSunday Sept 17, 4:05 pm ET on CBS; Greg Gumbel, Trent Green\nMiami Dolphins at Los Angeles Chargers\nBroadcast in south and central Florida, southern California and Fargo.\nChargers -3\u00bd; o\/u 45\u00bd\nWith this being their first game of the year, the west coast travel should not be an issue for Miami. I'm not yet ready to buy in to the hype that the Chargers will win the division. The big question will be how many empty seats there will be in the 27,000 seat soccer stadium the Chargers now call home.\nDolphins 24, Chargers 21\nSunday Sept 17, 4:05 pm ET on CBS; Ian Eagle, Dan Fouts\nNew York Jets at Oakland Raiders\nBroadcast in eastern NY, eastern PA, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Chicago, KC, Minnesota, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, northern California and southern Oregon.\nRaiders -13\u00bd; 43\u00bd\nLet's see, on one hand we have one of the best offenses in the league. On the other side there is the dumpster fire known as the Jets, attempting to tank their way to the number one pick of the 2018 draft.\nRaiders 34, Jets 13\nSunday Sept 17, 4:25 pm ET on Fox; Thom Brennaman, Chris Spielman\nWashington Redskins at Los Angeles Rams\nBroadcast in southern California, Virginia, Maryland and DC.\nRams -2\u00bd; o\/u 45\u00bd\nSimilar to Jacksonville, I want to see if the Ram defense can keep it going in week two \u2013 this time against a better offense. If this was still Jeff Fisher running the show then I'd be confident in a bounce back game for Kirk Cousins. With Wade Phillips as the defensive coordinator, perhaps I may need to start believing in this team.\nRams 20, Skins 17\nSunday Sept 17, 4:25 pm ET on Fox; Joe Buck, Troy Aikman\nDallas Cowboys at Denver Broncos\nBroadcast in most markets (see Wash-Rams and Niners-Seahawks).\nCowboys -2\u00bd; o\/u 43\nDenver's defense is not quite as good as it was in recent seasons. The Dallas offensive line should control this game, and the Broncos don't have an offense that can keep up with a decent team.\nCowboys 23, Broncos 16\nSunday Sept 17, 4:25 pm ET on Fox; Sam Rosen, David Diehl\nSan Francisco 49ers at Seattle Seahawks\nBroadcast in northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska and Reno NV.\nSeahawks -14; o\/u 42\nSeattle gets their aggression out after losing a game they should have won at Green Bay due to dumb penalties and questionable flags.\nSeahawks 27, Niners 13\nSunday Sept 17, 8:30 pm ET on NBC; Al Michaels, Cris Collisworth\nGreen Bay Packers at Atlanta Falcons\nBroadcast in all markets.\nFalcons -3; 56\nThis is not only the best game of the week, it could have been one of the best entire year had it been scheduled for later in the season. The Packers were fortunate to win last week against Seattle; they will be playing against a far superior offense on Sunday night.\nFalcons 30, Packers 24\nMonday Sept 18, 8:30 pm ET on espn; Sean McDonough, Jon Gruden\nDetroit Lions at New York Giants\nGiants -3; o\/u 42\u00bd\nTough call here, but I'll take the Giants to rebound while Detroit \u2013 playing outside of their dome \u2013 is slowed down against a good NYG defense.\nGiants 24, Lions 20\nThe views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the publisher of this website. Neither the author nor this website promote or advocate gambling. This is solely for entertainment purposes only.\nTags: 2017 NFL season against the spread betting line New England Patriots New Orleans Saints odds Patriots Patriots opponents Pats picks predictions Week 2\nNFL overhaul tiers: Which teams will look most different in 2022?\nESPN - Jan 17th, 2022","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Rocky Mountain National Park calls off search for missing hiker for the season\nCrews will resume searching after winter weather conditions improve\nRocky Mountain National Park calls off search for missing hiker for the season Crews will resume searching after winter weather conditions improve Check out this story on coloradoan.com: https:\/\/www.coloradoan.com\/story\/news\/2018\/11\/02\/rocky-mountain-national-park-calls-off-search-new-jersey-hiker-winter-weather-conditions\/1862211002\/\nSaja Hindi, Fort Collins Coloradoan Published 3:42 p.m. MT Nov. 2, 2018 | Updated 4:33 p.m. MT Nov. 2, 2018\nIn this October 2018 photo, rescue crews continue searching in low elevation and technical terrain near Longs Peak for missing New Jersey man Ryan Albert. Albert's body was recovered May 30, 2019.(Photo: Courtesy of Rocky Mountain National Park)\nRocky Mountain National Park officials are calling off search efforts in the winter for missing hiker Ryan Albert.\nAlbert, 30, of Marlton, New Jersey, was first reported missing Oct. 5, and rangers began searching for him in the Longs Peak area.\nAccording to a news release, a lack of additional clues and hazardous weather conditions at higher elevations hindered search efforts, but Albert is still missing and the investigation is ongoing. Park officials plan to begin searching again after weather conditions improve and the snow has melted.\nA person in the park reportedly saw Albert on Oct. 4 in the Granite Pass area, headed toward the Keyhole on Longs Peak, according to park officials. That's when several days of \"extreme\" whether conditions began, including freezing temperatures and low visibility, which have continued, park officials said.\nTeams searched higher elevations, including sections of the Boulder Field, the Keyhole Route, The Loft, Chasm Cirque, North Longs Peak and Boulder Brook, in the first couple of days, and lower-elevation searches took place as snow and ice continued to accumulate.\nOfficials said in addition to helicopter searches, they reviewed footage of \"high probability areas.\"\nAnother winter storm began Oct. 13, and crews went back to searching Oct. 18-20 at the Keyhole and Ledges areas but \"faced continuing deteriorating conditions include waist-and chest-deep snow, steep icy slopes and extremely slow travel,\" the news release stated. A team searched the Chasm Cirque area, and using binoculars and spotting scopes, the Lamb's Slide, Mills Glacier, Camel Gully and Chasm View fall line.\nThe crews found \"limited clues of Albert's whereabouts,\" likely due to the heavy snow, ice and large boulders, according to the news release.\nThroughout the month, searchers included Rocky Mountain National Park Search and Rescue team members, Larimer County Search and Rescue, Rocky Mountain Rescue based in Boulder County, Trans Aero, Northern Colorado Interagency Helitack, Colorado Search and Rescue Board members, as well as dog teams from Larimer County Search and Rescue, Rocky Mountain Rescue and Front Range Search and Rescue Dogs.\nAnyone who had contact with Albert or knew information about his planned route is asked to call 970-586-1204.\nRead or Share this story: https:\/\/www.coloradoan.com\/story\/news\/2018\/11\/02\/rocky-mountain-national-park-calls-off-search-new-jersey-hiker-winter-weather-conditions\/1862211002\/\nOpinion: 2020 critical for 2 big water projects","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"CREATIVE SELECTION\nREVIEWS THE AUTHOR ORDER\n\u00d7 CREATIVE SELECTION REVIEWS THE AUTHOR ORDER TWITTER LINKEDIN\nUS & Canada cover US & Canada cover UK & Australia cover UK & Australia cover\nAN INSIDE ACCOUNT OF APPLE'S CREATIVE PROCESS\nFor over fifteen years at Apple, Ken Kocienda experimented with novel user interface concepts and wrote easy-to-use software for the iPhone, the iPad, and the Safari web browser.\nIn Creative Selection, he describes demos to Steve Jobs, what it was like to work at the company during its Golden Age, and the evolutionary design model that helped Apple become the first trillion dollar company.\n\"I couldn't put it down.\" \u2014 Adam Lashinsky\n\"It truly is extraordinary.\" \u2014 John Gruber\nSeptember 19 is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Find out what typing \"Arrr!\" had to do with developing keyboard autocorrection for the original iPhone.\nCNBC MakeIt\nKen visited Ali Montag at CNBC and told her what it was like to pitch Steve Jobs a new idea.\nKen talked to Mike Murphy at Quartz about \"What it was like working at Apple to create the first iPhone\".\nTechCrunch Disrupt SF 2018\nOn stage at TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2018, Ken chatted with Romain Dillet about what makes Apple's design culture so special.\nKen sat down with Kif Leswing at Business Insider and we talked about keyboards, Apple secrecy, and more.\nThe Audience for Creative Selection\nWho is the audience for this book? Although the stories in the book are about programming, Ken didn't write just for programmers. The full explanation goes back to years studying fine art photography in college, and the day Ken's professor taught him a valuable lesson about creative work and intended audiences.\nListen to a sample of the audiobook, read by the author.\n\"I've literally been waiting a decade for this book. Ken Kocienda takes you inside Apple in way only a true insider, a veteran software developer, could. Creative Selection is the answer to the prayer uttered by anyone who wants to truly understand how Apple works. I couldn't put it down.\"\nAdam Lashinsky\nNew York Times bestselling author of Inside Apple\n\"Ken Kocienda played pivotal roles in the creation of both Safari and the original iPhone. One of the hardest problems\u2015and biggest risks\u2015of the first iPhone was the development of a multi-touch keyboard. I placed this formidable responsibility squarely in Ken's hands, and the success of the keyboard emerged from his insights, collaboration, and dogged pursuit of excellence. He now offers readers, in his own words, a window into his experiences and insights from the trenches.\"\nScott Forstall\nOriginal iPhone Software Team Leader and SVP iOS, Apple\n\"If you've ever wondered what it's like to work in a hotbed of innovation, you'll enjoy this inside view of life at Apple. Ken Kocienda pioneered the iPhone keyboard, and this book gives a play-by-play of their creative process\u2015from generating ideas to doing a demo for Steve Jobs.\"\nAdam Grant\nNew York Times bestselling author of Originals, Give and Take, and Option B (with Sheryl Sandberg)\n\"If you have ever wondered about how an Apple product comes to be, you should read this book\"\nBenjamin Mayo\n\"I'd be interested in the behind-the-scenes story of any Apple product. But if there is one I'm most interested in, it's the iPhone. Kocienda delivers just that, and it truly is extraordinary. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in how Apple actually creates its products.\"\n\"Kocienda reveals the real secret of Steve Jobs's leadership and Apple's magic: the ability to push people to think for themselves, and to empower them to turn their best thinking into reality. It is a story about the intersection of technology and humanity.\"\nNew York Times bestselling author of Radical Candor\n\"Creative Selection is simply the best book I've read so far about Apple.\"\nRene Ritchie\nVector with Rene Ritchie, episode 157\n\"A neat dive into Apple's creation process, as told by someone who had a 15-year inside look.\"\nLeander Kahney\n\"A worthy read, focusing on a few detailed anecdotes that provide a terrific inside look at Apple's design process.\"\nEric Slivka\nKen Kocienda was a software engineer and designer at Apple for over fifteen years. After graduating from Yale with a degree in history, he fixed motorcycles in Arizona, worked in the editorial library of a newspaper in New York, taught English in Japan, and made fine art photographs in all those places. Eventually, he discovered the internet, taught himself computer programming, and made his way through a succession of dot-com-era startups, before landing at Apple in 2001, where he worked on the software teams that created the Safari web browser, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.\nORDER YOUR COPY TODAY\nCopyright \u00a92018-9 Ken Kocienda and St. Martin's Press. All Rights Reserved\nPowered by w3.css","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Biergarten \/ Bier Hall\nBlack Forest Bar\n1852 Lunch\n1852 Dinner\nBier Hall Food\nBier Hall Beverages\nTO-GO Box Lunches\nBoehringer Hall\nHillenbrand Room\nCirca 1852 Room\nBier Hall\nBatesville, Ripley, Surroundings\nThe Sherman, Batesville, Black Forest and Germany\nThe Sherman\nBlack Forest and Germany\nRestored to grandeur greater than any time in its 165-year history, The Sherman is a remarkable 22-room boutique hotel. It's been a favorite resting place for travelers since Lincoln. It's a convenient meeting point between Indianapolis and Cincinnati, a well-loved locale for the town and an important Indiana landmark. Its rich history starts before the Civil War, through the taming of the West, the golden era of Hollywood and the election of 33 Presidents. The site of hundreds of celebrations, it's where serious business was conducted, deals made and contracts signed. The very foundation beams echo with the cheers and toasts of generations celebrating Christmas, New Year's Eve, Easter, Halloween, St. Patrick's Day and more.\nGerman immigrant, Johann Brinkmann built his hotel in 1852 naming it in 1865 to honor General Sherman and the 83rd Indiana Volunteer Infantry, who marched with Sherman in the Civil War.\nThe Circa 1852 Restaurant with 100-year-old timber beams and private alcoves offers a refined, yet eclectic German-American dining experience with specials, fresh fish and steaks. Or sip on one of several deluxe drinks and dine in the Black Forest Bar adorned in artful accessories reminiscent of its namesake region in Germany. The Biergarten offers an authentic outdoor German experience complete with live music.\nThe Sherman is located in the historic downtown Batesville, Indiana, about 1 mile south off I74. Centrally located, about an hour's drive from two dynamic Midwest cities, Indianapolis and Cincinnati, the town of Batesville with a population of about 6000 is a popular destination situated between state and national parks, is popular for its small-town charm, and \"get-away\" attributes.\nThe Black Forest is a mountainous region in southwest Germany, bordering France. Known for its dense, evergreen forests and picturesque villages, it is often associated with the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. It's renowned for its spas and the cuckoo clocks produced in the region since the 1700s. The region's largest town, Freiburg, is filled with Gothic buildings and surrounded by vineyards.\nThe Sherman \u00a92017 \u2022 Since 1852 \u2022 35 S Main St, Batesville, IN 47006 \u2022 812.934.1000","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Soldiers harass us, say residents of 'ecovillage'\nAn 'equal community' living on a long-defunct military base in the heart of Cape Town feels threatened by the behaviour of defence force members who have moved back into its midst.\nBy: Anna Majavu\n22 February 2018: The view of Table Mountain from Erf 81 on the slopes of Signal Hill. (Photograph by Chris de Beer-Procter)\nResidents of an ecovillage facing Cape Town's Table Mountain have been placed under a curfew by South African National Defence Force soldiers, who are also denying them the right to visits from family and friends. The village is on state-owned land in the custodianship of the Department of Defence, and some members of the community have now called for an independent authority to monitor the behaviour of the soldiers and prevent what one resident described as a slow, \"constructive eviction\".\nErf 81, comprising 8.4 hectares of prime city land, stretches along Signal Hill, all the way from upmarket Tamboerskloof to the Bo-Kaap, and has an uninterrupted view of Table Mountain. The site, which was last used as an ammunition magazine in World War II, is managed by the Department of Public Works.\nPeople slowly began moving to the land in 1995. Since then, about 40 families of artists and crafters, environmental activists, organic vegetable growers, car guards and waste pickers have set up shacks and moved into the disused buildings. The community held a weekly Sunday market selling art, juice, crafts and vegetables for years, but it was shut down in 2018 by public works on the grounds that National Treasury regulations do not allow \"unauthorised\" markets on state-owned land. The City of Cape Town cut off the electricity in 2020 and the military moved a platoon of soldiers back to the site.\n22 February 2018: Abandoned military buildings on Erf 81 have been repurposed by organic gardeners and artists. (Photograph by Chris de Beer-Procter)\nThe soldiers have imposed a 10pm curfew. Arriving home later, residents who work as car guards find themselves locked out and often shout for help from barista and organic vegetable gardener Unathi Dyantyi and his partner, Zintle Hashe. The couple lives in the room closest to the gate and do not get much sleep as a result of the pleas.\n\"Some of us work late and some of us just go out, because we are free. But they are trying to install military law here. We are living in agony and fear,\" said Dyantyi. \"If you mention the law, some soldiers see you as trying to put them in their place. They say 'Fuck your rights',\" added Hashe.\nThe defence department recently banned all media from the site, with queries having to be directed to Captain Courtenay Hendricks of the military logistics school at Youngsfield. He asked for the purpose of the story, then instructed that requests be made to the department spokesperson and other staff, who did not reply. New Frame's reporter was ejected from the site twice and one New Frame photographer was stopped and made to delete his photographs.\n17 October 2018: Zintle Hashe, who still lives at Erf 81, ran a Sunday market there. Residents sold juice, art and vegetables until it was shut down by Public Works. (Photograph by Barry Christianson)\nNo way to live\nDyantyi and Hashe run a vegetable garden on a tiny patch of land. They said some soldiers are pleasant and polite \u2013 those who wear name tags are often the ones who interact respectfully with the residents, while those who do not are often abusive. Since the soldiers work in four shifts of six hours a day, Dyantyi and Hashe never know who will guard the gate, leaving them in a state of anxiety. Both said they had been assaulted by male soldiers, but a 2021 military ombud report dismissed this, saying no charges had been laid.\nThe report, drawn up after a formal complaint by Hashe, agreed that soldiers would reduce the amount of noise they make and that future claims of harassment would be investigated. Since the military ombud's decision, the soldiers have stopped parking their truck and making fires at night outside the couple's window. But the curfew and bans on visitors remain an issue. \"They say to us, 'Beyond 10pm, we don't take your shit,'\" said Dyantyi.\nResidents can no longer use a toilet near the gate at night because soldiers have put mattresses inside it to sleep at night, said Hashe. \"It was really uncomfortable going to the toilet with armed men just outside the door,\" she added.\n13 April 2022: Media have been banned from Erf 81 and organic vegetable farmer and barista Unathi Dyantyi had to be photographed outside the front gate. (Photograph by Chris de Beer-Procter)\nDyantyi said the soldiers also put waste picker residents under pressure to sell them items at a lower price. \"Waste pickers are forced to put everything out on the road to be searched. This is Tamboerskloof, there is good rubbish. Rich people will dump iPhone earphones or clothing or d\u00e9cor items. People are afraid. They think they must do what the soldiers tell them even if it means shrinking their dignity,\" he said.\nThree residents spoke on condition of anonymity, saying that the soldiers would restrict their movements further if they identified themselves. \"Whenever soldiers see me, they tell me the eviction case is next week and then I must fokof from here,\" said one person. However, there is no current eviction application before the court. A 2019 application by the Tamboerskloof Residents' Association was rejected by the court on the basis that only the landowner could apply for an eviction order.\n\"I try to stay out of the soldiers' way and come home early,\" said another person. \"Probably some of the top defence guys are working with property developers for this land. Their attitude has nothing to do with the government needing this land for any useful purpose.\" Another resident said if anything is written about the soldiers' behaviour it would create a backlash against the whole community.\nAn equal community\nSculptor Dirk Winterbach, 70, lives inside a magazine in which, 90 years ago, ammunition was stored. It has only one tiny window that hardly lets in any light, leaving him in darkness since the electricity was cut off. \"We did everything we could to appease the city council, saying we are willing to pay for electricity. But they are not interested, they don't care. There is this silence. We cannot get to talk formally with the department of public works and now, with the military, we don't even know who to talk to,\" said Winterbach.\nHe said if the defence department was willing to meet with the residents, he would tell them that Erf 81 is one of the few stable and equal communities in South Africa where different races and nationalities live together and interact as neighbours. \"This is new in terms of social relations. We are not a glamorous community, but we are all equal. What is happening here is not highly valued, but it is very, very valuable. I want the government to realise what they will be destroying if this community is torn up by the roots,\" said Winterbach.\nThe military ombud's report pointed out that the community occupies only 2% of Erf 81. Dyantyi said it would be very easy for the government to share the huge piece of land with its current residents.\nDefence department spokesperson Siphiwe Dlamini promised to reply to questions sent by email, but did not.\nUndated: Sculptor and Erf 81 resident Dirk Winterbach says the occupied land is one of the few communities in South Africa where people from different races live together as neighbours. (Photograph courtesy of Erf81 Facebook page)\nThe City's mayoral committee member for energy, Beverley van Reenen, said the electricity was cut off because of \"safety reasons\", but would not say what these were. She added that the City had told public works to get a certificate of compliance and pay a reconnection fee if it wanted the electricity reconnected.\nMarie Huchzermeyer, a professor at the Centre for Urbanism and Built Studies at the University of the Witwatersrand, said municipalities are obliged to provide basic services to informal settlement households even on land they do not own. They should also follow the guidelines of the national Upgrading of Informal Settlements Programme (UISP), which emphasise that shacks should be upgraded to houses in situ if the site is suitable for housing.\nThe City's mayoral committee member for human settlements, Malusi Booi, said as the city does not own the land, it has no plans to build houses for Erf 81's residents there. But Huchzermeyer said municipalities cannot make a decision beforehand not to apply the UISP.\nReferring to a 2016 judgment in the high court in Johannesburg that ordered the City to provide basic services to all residents of Slovo Park, she said: \"The Melani judgment, which does not bind provinces other than Gauteng but must be used as guidance, found that municipalities are obliged to apply for UISP funding for all informal settlements.\"\nUndated: Erf 81 has a number of thriving vegetable gardens and chicken coops and plenty of outdoor space for children to play. (Photograph courtesy of Erf81 Facebook page)\nPut people in charge of housing, plead activists\nFailed reparations a 'betrayal', says leading expert\nAbahlali activist is killed at home in eKhenana","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"A Connecticut man is charged in a bloody assault on a police officer during the January 6 U.S. Capitol riot\nUConn women add marquee nonconference game against No. 15 Arkansas next week\nDaily coronavirus updates: Positivity rate, hospitalizations down slightly as experts forecast further improvement; more vaccine a critical need in coming weeks\nUConn athletics deficit grows to $43.5 million despite increase in pre-pandemic ticket sales\nTrump pardons Connecticut man convicted in 1998 health care fraud case\nPolice return with excavator to Farmington property as they 'follow up on old leads' in Jennifer Farber Dulos' disappearance\nEvina Westbrook is 'anxious and excited' to return to Tennessee for first time since transferring to UConn\nJoe Biden takes the helm, appeals for unity to take on crises, signs executive orders targeting Trump policies\nIn inauguration day 'Parade Across America', female native veterans group to represent Connecticut\nAmid confusion over Connecticut's COVID-19 vaccine rollout, hundreds of not-yet-eligible teachers were cleared to sign up\nGov. Lamont moves forward on plan to pursue legal recreational marijuana in Connecticut\nDonald Trump house hunts in a surprising place\u2014which home will he pick?\nCommunity News For The West Hartford Edition\nWest Hartford Leisure Services\nWEST HARTFORD \u2014 WEST HARTFORD -- West Hartford Leisure Services is offering the following programs that take place at the West Hartford Senior Center, 15 Starkel Road. Contact Laura.Hendsey@Westhartfordct.gov for more information.\nLiving A Beautiful Life Series: This evening series is designed to enhance the quality of your life. Timely topics will include information on the latest in health, beauty and wellness. Every age can benefit from this information and lively discussion held on Tuesdays at 6 p.m.\nTai Chi Qigong Classes: Ancient Chinese gentle movements, may be suitable for all ages as well as all physical and medical conditions. These gentle graceful body movements may prevent some diseases and may accelerate the healing process, restore balance, increase flexibility, boost energy levels, calm the mind and are great stress relievers. Call for more information and the schedule.\nUniversity of Hartford, Face to Face: 1 to 2 p.m. Nov. 16. An Open Rehearsal Experience: Get a behind the scenes look into the world of the orchestra with the Hartt Community Division Youth Orchestra. Take a seat within the orchestra and experience a performance in a whole new way. Light refreshments will be served. Members: Free; NM: $5. Programs are held in the Main Room of the West Hartford Senior Center. Pre-register by calling 860-561-7583.\nLunch & Learn: Vascular Health, 1 p.m. Nov. 20. Meet Dr. Bing Shue MD, who is a board-certified vascular surgeon of The Vascular Experts, Farmington. Learn about vascular disease, what to look for, how your doctor diagnoses it and some of the newest treatments available. Free vascular ultrasound screening will be offered following the presentation. Space is limited, so signing up early is recommended. Light lunch served. Cost: $3 per member; $5 per non-member, per event. Pre-registration required. For more information, call 860-561-7583.\n[More West Hartford] Lasagna Love has an army of Connecticut volunteers delivering free lasagnas to people struggling during coronavirus pandemic \u00bb\nDirector's Tour: 11 a.m. Nov. 20. Join Director Gina Marino for a tour and overview of programs and services offered at the West Hartford Senior Center. Call to register for this free orientation. 860-561-7583.\nHealth & Wellness Workshops, Optimizing Brain Fitness Series, How our Brain Changes: 1 to 2 p.m. Dec. 4. In this program you will view a DVD which will explain how your brain and your intelligence can change throughout your lifespan. You are able to shape those changes yourself. You will learn about plasticity and the circuits and networks of the brain as well as exercises that can enhance your brain in different modes. Presented by Kate Tyler, Homewatch. Programs are free. Pre-registration required by calling 860-561-7583.\nMovies: All movies are free of charge. Thursday Afternoon Movies shown at 1 p.m. Movies are preceded by a brief introductory talk. Schedule: Nov. 21, Mudbound; Dec. 5, Red Joan.\nWEST HARTFORD \u2014 The West Hartford Libraries will be hosting the Kids' Lit Quiz of Battle of the Books for ages 10 to 13 (or entering grades 5-8) on Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 6:30 p.m.\nThere is no reading list, just bring your knowledge of all things books with you. Register individually or create a team to compete. Participants are asked to bring gently-used books for kindergarten to 8th grade that will be donated to the Village for Families and Children.\nRegistration is required, online at https:\/\/westhartford.librarymarket.com\/events\/kids-lit-quiz-presents-battle-books or by phone at 860-561-6996.\n[More West Hartford] Capitol Region Gun Buyback a success \u00bb\nThere is library event parking in the nearby Isham Garage. Bypass the garage kiosks and come directly to the Noah Webster Library Meeting Room, 20 South Main St., where you may validate your parking with your license plate number.\nPianist Wael Farouk Performs\nWEST HARTFORD \u2014 The formidable and dazzling pianist, Wael Farouk, will present a concert sponsored by the Musical Club of Hartford on Sunday, Nov. 17, at 3 p.m. in Millard Auditorium at the Hartt School of the University of Hartford, 200 Bloomfield Ave.\nThe concert is co-sponsored by Hartt's Piano Department. Public admission is free, but reservations are required at www.hartford.edu\/calendar\/box-office or by calling 860-768-4228 or 1-800-274-8587.\n[More West Hartford] Connecticut events planned to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday \u00bb\nThe performance is one of two annual concerts sponsored by the Musical Club's Jolidon Fund, one of several concert and scholarship funds that are held in trust by the Club.\nAt this concert, Dr. Farouk will perform works by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, and Mussorgsky. The following day he will give a master class to Hartt piano students at 10 a.m. in Milliard Auditorium. Visit www.musicalclubhartford.org for more information.\nWriting A TV Series Program\nWEST HARTFORD \u2014 Writing A TV Series in the Age of Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon will take place at the West Hartford Library Meeting Room, 20 S. Main St., on Saturday, Nov. 16.\n[More West Hartford] West Hartford MLK Day event features King associate Bernard LaFayette, fundraising for newly renamed Unity Green \u00bb\nDoors open at 10 a.m. and the program begins at 10:15 a.m. There is no cost to attend. Take this opportunity to learn about writing a streaming video series, one of the fastest growing and highest paying creative markets in the world. From The Hot Zone to Veronica Mars to Stranger Things, from Catch 22 to The Dangerous Book for Boys to Carnival Row, from YouTube to Hulu to Amazon Prime to Netflix and beyond\u2026 the streaming video market produces more varied works than either Hollywood or Network TV. Learn about these streaming video emerging markets, what content they are looking for, and where to submit your finished scripts.\nThis free program is sponsored by the Connecticut Screenwriters group at the West Hartford Public Library and presented by Professor Scott Anderson, former director of the Harvard Square Scriptwriters.\nRegistration is required at bit.ly\/streamingseries or by calling the library info desk at 860-561-6990. Morning coffee, juice and pasty will be offered to attendees beginning at 10 a.m. This program is supported with funding from a grant from the Thomas F. Kiloil Memorial Bequest.\n[More West Hartford] Community News For The West Hartford Edition \u00bb\nThe winners of the 2019 Short-Script Contest will be announced. Winners will accept their cash awards. Made possible by the Thomas F. Kilfoil Memorial Bequest, and sponsored by the Connecticut Screenwriters. Visit bit.ly\/shortscriptcontest for more information.\nThere is ample library parking in the Isham Garage on Isham Road. Bypass the garage payment kiosks and walk directly to the lecture in the Library Meeting Room, 20 South Main St., where you may validate your parking with your license plate number.\nWEST HARTFORD \u2014 On Thursday, Nov. 21, beginning at 10 a.m., seven classical musicians from the greater Hartford area will perform a concert of chamber music selections fitting the late autumn season.\n[More West Hartford] Northwest Catholic High School in West Hartford gets new principal \u00bb\nThe program, presented by the Musical Club of Hartford, is open to the public at $5 admission, as well as Musical Club members and students (admission free), and will take place at the Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2080 Blvd.\nMusical Club members Susan Allen, flute; Carolyn Bernstein, clarinet; and Diane Day, piano; will begin the concert with the Loeillet de Gant Sonata in G minor, written in an Italianate\/French contrapuntal, highly ornamented style around 1717.\nThe Musical Club of Hartford is a volunteer organization in its 129th year of programming and performing quality music to Greater Hartford community. Members of the Musical Club of Hartford who will perform on this program are residents of the following towns: From Cromwell, Fran Bard, cello; From Glastonbury, Susan Allen, flute; and Carolyn Woodard, piano; From West Hartford: Diane Day, piano; and Carolyn Bernstein, clarinet; and From West Simsbury: Amy Eisen, soprano. Visit www.musicalclubhartford.org for more information.\nWEST HARTFORD \u2014 Join author Michael Fine, who will be reading from his debut novel, Abundance, at the Noah Webster Library Meeting Room, 20 South Main St., on Wednesday, Nov. 20, at 6:30 p.m.\nTwo young Americans go to Liberia in 2003, looking to find something missing in themselves. They find one another, are separated by war, and then struggle to find one another again. Abundance is the story of that struggle, but also about what's missing in America, about starvation in the midst of plenty and about our struggle to be one people despite the many temptations that pull us apart.\nFine, MD has been an advocate for communities, health care reform and the care of under-served populations worldwide for 40 years. He was Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health (HEALTH) from February of 2011 until March of 2015.\n[More West Hartford] West Hartford council member says she has been threatened after town leaders' statement on Capitol invasion \u00bb\nRegistration is required, online at https:\/\/westhartford.librarymarket.com\/events\/author-visit-dr-michael-fine-nwl or by phone at 860-561-6990.\nAn award-winning novelist, Susan Strecker, will speak about her book Drive at the Noah Webster Library on Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 6:30 p.m. Piper Pierson is on her way to becoming a NASCAR superstar driving for her family's team, Pierson Racing. But a terrible wreck nearly takes her father's life, so Piper trades her dreams of racing for a journalism degree. Drive is the story of hard truths and disappointments, growing up, and embracing what matters most.\n[More West Hartford] Socially conscious Connecticut startups get boost from Impact Accelerator program \u00bb\nStrecker is the author of the highly-acclaimed Nowhere Girl and Night Blindness. Her new book, Drive will be published in the fall of 2019 and is inspired by her real-life connection with fast cars and famous people.\nRegistration is required, online at https:\/\/westhartford.librarymarket.com\/events\/author-visit-susan-strecker-nwl or by phone at 860-561-6990.\nThere is library event parking in the nearby Isham Garage. Please bypass the garage kiosks and come directly to the Noah Webster Library Meeting Room, 20 South Main St., where you may validate your parking with your license plate number.\nWEST HARTFORD \u2014 Gen Khyenwang, resident teacher at Odiyana Center in East Hartford, will give a program at the Noah Webster Library regarding happiness as a choice on Tuesday, Dec. 10, at 6:30 p.m.\nHappiness and suffering are states of mind and so their main causes cannot be found outside the mind. If we really want to be happy, we have to choose which thoughts and intentions we want to follow and which ones we want to let go of. This process of gaining control of our own mind through the practice of meditation creates new mental pathways that lead to temporary and ultimate happiness and freedom.\nEveryone is welcome to attend this free talk, which will include guided meditations and time for Q&A. Registration is required at https:\/\/westhartford.librarymarket.com\/events\/happiness-choice-nwl or by phone at 860-561-6990.\n[More West Hartford] West Hartford leaders call out current and former Republican council members for 'disturbing' comments before and during deadly D.C. rally \u00bb\nNew Partnership For Senior Programs\nWEST HARTFORD \u2014 The West Hartford Senior Center and the Hartt Community Division, University of Hartford announce a new partnership for Senior Center programs to be conducted at the West Hartford Senior Center located at Bishops Corner, 15 Starkel Road.\nSeniors will have two opportunities. The first is the upcoming open rehearsal experience called Face to Face, set for Saturday, Nov. 16, from 1 to 2 p.m. at the W.H.S.C. location. Seniors and others will get the behind the scenes look into the world of the orchestra, Opus, conducted by Emmitt Drake. Opus is the Hartt Community Division Youth Orchestra. Those who attend this free event will take a seat within the orchestra and experience an open rehearsal with the orchestra and the conductor.\n[More West Hartford] Longtime chef and 'Hell's Kitchen' contestant was out of work when Hartford Baking Co.'s founder approached him with a new concept; now the two are bringing Citizen Chicken and Donuts to West Hartford \u00bb\nThe second opportunity for seniors is 'Sing Your Hartt Out,' which will be held on Tuesday afternoons from 1 to 2 p.m., running from Jan. 14 to March 3, and again from March 10 to May 5. There are two eight week singing classes. Whether you are new to singing or a veteran at singing all are welcome to participate in this fun experience, just for the joy of singing. The program is being led by Jennifer Fijal-Brevik, Voice Faculty at Hartt. A small fee will be charged to cover expenses.\nBoth residents and non-residents, whether members or not, are welcome to register by contacting the West Hartford Senior Center at 860-561-7583.\nRegistration is now taking place for the Saturday, Nov. 16 Face to Face event and the January session of Sing Your Hartt Out begins in December, when the next Senior Bulletin will be published.\nTown Closings\nWEST HARTFORD \u2014 Municipal offices, schools, senior centers, community center, libraries will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 28.\nDue to the Thanksgiving holiday, the collection of trash, recyclable items, and metal collections will be delayed one day after the holiday. The normal Thursday collection will be done on Friday, Nov. 29, and Friday's collection will be done on Saturday, Nov. 30. No other collection days are affected during this holiday week or the following week. Visit www.painesinc.com or call Paine's, Inc. at 860-844-3000 with any questions.\nThe three libraries, municipal offices at town hall, the recycling center and skating rink will be open on Friday, Nov. 29. Public schools are also closed.\nWe-Care Card Event\nWEST HARTFORD \u2014 For the fourth straight year, participating West Hartford Center business will be making the We Care Card available from now through Nov. 17.\nWe Care Card donations start at $50 and provide customers with up to 20-percent off at all participating businesses for the entire 10-day duration of the event. All We Care Card donations benefit Foodshare, the largest anti-hunger organization in the Greater Hartford area. For every $50 donated, Foodshare can provide 125 meals to those in need.\nVisit https:\/\/whartfordcenter.com\/we-care-card for more information. We Care Cards are available for purchase in most shops in West Hartford Center or visit https:\/\/www.eventbrite.com\/e\/we-care-card-west-hartford-2019-tickets-79578273759 for more information or to purchase cards.\nOld Guard Resumes Weekly Meetings\nWEST HARTFORD \u2014 Weekly Tuesday morning meetings of the Old Guard have resumed at the Westminster Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 2080 Blvd.\nWhile the members took the summer off, President Tom Goodrum and Vice-President Ron Van Winkle prepared for the new season, organizing interesting presenters and committee chairs for the many civic contributions of Old Guard members.\n\"We had been told by a visiting gerontologist that volunteers for civic groups prefer those activities that are of short duration and don't require long term commitment\" Goodrum said. \"As a result, while a number of community contributions have been, and continue to be, long term, such as delivering Meals on Wheels and staffing the Information Desk at the UConn Health Center, members have recently become involved in numerous short term activities. In the past year, Old Guard has become active with Habitat for Humanity and sorting food contributions at Foodshare.\"\n[More West Hartford] Pandemic racks up hidden costs for Connecticut domestic violence agencies \u00bb\nOld Guard members will be working with Foodshare for their annual Thanksgiving turkey collection Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 23 and 24, at the Newington Road Stop & Shop. This is a new site for the drive as the ShopRite will be closed.\nThe Old Guard continues a seasonal tradition by staffing the Salvation Army kettle in West Hartford Center in December. Another local activity which continues throughout the year is the contribution of Old Guard members to the Seniors Job Bank.\nThe chair of the Membership Committee, Jim Schepker, has led an immense growth in new membership activity over the past year, with 39 new members last season and an objective of 40 new members this year. The Old Guard is in its 54th year and is still meeting the interests of retired men in the Hartford area.\nLibrary Seeks Donations For Kindness Project\nWEST HARTFORD -- West Hartford Libraries will collect donations for those in need between now and Nov. 16 as part of its 3rd annual Kindness Project.\nInspired by the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio \u2014 a story of learning to show compassion and kindness toward others \u2014 the Children's Department at Noah Webster Library created the Kindness Project in 2017 to help children and adults in the community. The project has grown each year. In 2017, they collected more than 3,500 personal hygiene items and last year, they almost cracked 4,000.\nDonations can be dropped into specially marked boxes at all three West Hartford Public Library locations through Nov. 16. Due to the needs of the community, the list of needed items has been expanded to include school supplies. The libraries are also looking for the following items: Soap, shampoo, toothpaste, paper towels, toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, baby diapers, baby wipes, washcloths, pacifiers, first aid supplies and school supplies.\n[More West Hartford] Rapid Relief Fund nears $1 million in virus-related aid \u00bb\nStudent volunteers will sort through the items and the donations will be delivered to the West Hartford Food Pantry and Fern Street Universalist Church as part of their backpack program. All donated items are to be new and unopened. Visit bit.ly\/TheKindnessProject for more information.\nWEST HARTFORD -- The town of West Hartford offers residential properties a nine-week bagged leaf collection program that began Monday, Oct. 28, and ends on Dec. 27.\nNew this year, leaves may also be collected when placed in a specially marked Yard Waste cart purchased through the town's website. Visit https:\/\/westhartford.seamlessdocs.com\/f\/Barrel for more information.\n[More West Hartford] Blumenthal predicts much larger stimulus package to come as West Hartford restaurant owners tell government leaders: Help! Now \u00bb\nEach week on your regular refuse collection day, crews will collect leaves bagged in 30-gallon biodegradable paper bags or the brown yard waste cart when placed at the curb.\nLeaf bags and carts should be free of grass, twigs, rocks and trash, and should not weigh more than 40 lbs. There is no limit to the number of bags a resident can place at the curb. Simply place your leaf bags or cart at the curb by 6 a.m. on your trash collection day, or sooner, and a truck will come by to pick them up. Crews will advance into other collection areas once they have completed their day's assignment and may pick-up your bags before your trash day.\nPaper leaf bags are commonly found at hardware and grocery stores. Please note leaf bags and leaf piles cannot be placed in the street because they pose a hazard to traffic, clog storm drains and impede snow plowing operations. The Town's Compliance Officer routinely monitors collection areas and will issue written warnings and then fines for each day that the leaves remain in the street. Leaf bags and piles should not block pedestrian sidewalks, as well.\n[More West Hartford] Milkcraft to open Nashville hot chicken restaurant in Bridgeport \u00bb\nThere are other options to bagging leaves. Consider mulching your leaves with your mower. Make a couple of passes over your lawn until leaves are ground down into a fine leaf mulch. The end product is a good source of nitrogen for spring growth. Leaf compost also enriches the soil in gardens and flower beds.\nIf you don't want to wait for the weekly pick up, residents may bring their bagged leaves to the Yard Waste and Recycling Center at 25 Brixton St. and dispose of them there. Leaves in plastic bags will need to be emptied in the appropriate area.\nExtended Saturday hours for fall yard material drop-off at the Yard Waste and Recycling Center began Saturday, Oct. 26. The facility will be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays until Dec. 14. Weekday hours are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.\nYard Waste Permits may be purchased at the Recycling Center, 25 Brixton St., Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.\nPermit pricing is as follows: Passenger Vehicles, SUV's, CUV's & Minivans without trailer, $10; Passenger Vehicles, SUVs CUVs &Mini-Vans with trailer, $15; Pick-up trucks, Full size vans, without trailer, $25; and Pick-up trucks, Full size vans with trailer, $35. Visit www.westhartfordct.gov\/publicworks for more information.\nThe Town of West Hartford improved and streamlined its residential leaf voucher system. Leaf vouchers allow private contractors to dispose of leaves from residential properties at the Town's Yard Waste and Recycling Center free of charge. Residents using the voucher system should only be charged for the cost of transporting their leaves for disposal and for the labor charges associated with cleaning their property.\n[More West Hartford] The Children's Museum property near West Hartford Center up for sale \u00bb\nResidents are now able to apply for residential leaf vouchers online, by phone or in person. The online process is simple and easy. In just three steps, residents can obtain their vouchers: Go to https:\/\/westhartford.seamlessdocs.com\/f\/LeafCollectionVoucher; Fill out the online form; Click Submit.\nThe form asks for the resident's name, address and contractor's information. Once the information is submitted, it will be available to the staff at the Yard Waste and Recycling Center. No paperwork is necessary.\nPrivate contractors will be required to provide the Yard Waste and Recycling Center with the name and address of their residential customer represented on the voucher.\n[More West Hartford] Forecast: Sunday night snowfall could snarl Monday morning commute \u00bb\nLeaves cannot be disposed without a valid voucher. Vouchers become valid 10 business days from receipt. After 10 days, the resident would need to reapply for a new voucher which gives the contractor permission to make another disposal of leaves from their property. This process would be repeated throughout the nine-week leaf collection season.\nResidents may use as many vouchers as needed during the 9-week collection period but must obtain the voucher prior to the contracted work. This year's collection period runs from Oct. 28 through Dec. 27.\nContractors should note the program is for leaves only. Loads with material other than leaves, including sticks and brush, are subject to rejection.\n[More West Hartford] New Britain educators: Teaching during the pandemic is 'mental gymnastics every day' \u00bb\nResidents who wish to obtain their voucher in person, may do so at any of the locations listed below: Town Hall, 50 South Main St.; Public Works, 17 Brixton St.; Yard Waste and Recycling Center, 25 Brixton St.; West Hartford Senior Center (Bishops Corner), 15 Starkel Road; Elmwood Senior Center, 1106 New Britain Ave.; Noah Webster Library, 20 South Main St.; Faxon Branch Library, 1073 New Britain Ave.; and Bishops Corner Branch Library, 15 Starkel Road. Residents may also call the Leaf Voucher line at 860-561-8149 to obtain a voucher.\nResidents are reminded to keep leaves out of the roadway. Leaves in the road can become a traffic hazard, especially in windy or rainy weather, and can clog storm drains and drainage areas, which may cause flooding. For more information, visit www.WestHarttfordCT.gov\/PublicWorks or call 860-561-8100.\nCongregation Beth Israel Events\nWEST HARTFORD -- Congregation Beth Israel, 701 Farmington Ave., is hosting the following events. Visit www.cbict.org or call 860-233-8215 for more information.\n[More West Hartford] Ideanomics decision on former West Hartford UConn campus could come soon; town won't pursue purchase \u00bb\nTot Shabbat: 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 10:30 a.m. Tot Shabbat services precede general Shabbat morning services at 11 a.m. Young children sing along with clergy, hear stories, and receive special blessings. Services are held in the Learning Center Children's Room. Dates: Nov. 16, Dec. 7 and 21.\nTorah Study: Every Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. Clergy lead a spirited exploration and discussion of our tradition's sacred text. All are welcome.\nShabbark Shalom: Saturday, Dec. 7 from 3 to 4 p.m. MDC Reservoir, Farmington Avenue, West Hartford. Join Rabbi Andi Fliegel for a walk in the park and short Havdalah service. This activity is open to all. Dogs are not required for participation.\nTorah Highlights with Rabbi Andi Fliegel: Wednesday, Dec. 18; Thursday, Jan. 16, 7 p.m. An in-depth Torah study of the following parshas with Rabbi Andi Fliegel: Noach \u2013 Who is more righteous than Noah? (12\/18); Lech L'cha \u2013 The unseen highs and lows of a life-changing journey (1\/16).\nThe Tribe, Torah on Tap: Thursdays, Nov. 14, and Dec. 5, 6:30 p.m. Location: TBD. Please RSVP to Cantor Kupfer at skupfer@cbict.org.\nCongregation Beth Israel welcomes Rabbi David Saperstein as its Scholar-in-Residence from Nov. 15 to 17.\nDementia Support Group\nWEST HARTFORD -- Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging is presenting a free dementia support group on the first Tuesday of every month from 10 to 11 a.m. at the West Hartford Senior Center, 15 Starkel Road.\nThose who care for a loved one with Alzheimer's or dementia will be able to learn useful skills while voicing their concerns. Topics include communication techniques, caregiver support, safety issues, benefits of activities and daily routine, family dynamics, stages of the disease process, behavior management and more. Facilitators are Michelle Wyman, LSW, CDP, certified dementia specialist, Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging, and Elaine Reid, CDP, Live Well.\nFor more information or to register for the dementia support group, email Michelle.Wyman@hhchealth.org or call 860-666-7258.\nCHOICES Counseling Sessions\nWEST HARTFORD -- The Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging is holding free CHOICES counseling sessions during Medicare's annual open enrollment period. Individuals will meet one on one with a CHOICES counselor to discuss Medicare benefit options.\nCHOICES is Connecticut's program for Health insurance assistance, Outreach, Information and referral, Counseling, and Eligibility Screening. CHOICES counselors advise, educate and empower individuals to navigate the increasingly complex Medicare program and help beneficiaries make choices among a vast array of options to best meet their needs.\nFree counseling sessions will be held Wednesday, Dec. 4, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., at Elmwood Senior Center, 1106 New Britain Ave.\n[More West Hartford] Pediatricians are working to separate healthy and sick patients. One Connecticut practice opened a separate office. \u00bb\nAmina Weiland, CDP, CDCP, resource coordinator and certified CHOICES counselor, Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging, will provide the individualized counseling. Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging is sponsoring the sessions.\nSpaces are limited and appointments must be made. To register, call the Elmwood Senior Center at 860-561-8180.\nVoices Against Lyme Disease\nAREA -- Voices Against Lyme Disease CT would like to start a support group for individuals with Lyme Disease and other tick borne illnesses, including family members and friends. This is in its preliminary stage, so location and specific times will be decided once organizers understand how many people are interested.\n[More West Hartford] West Hartford police partner with Interval House to curb domestic violence abuse \u00bb\nAt this point, the group will meet once a month, most likely on a Saturday morning in the town of Windsor. You do not have to be a Windsor resident to attend. There will be no charge for these meetings. If you are interested, email voicesagainstlymedisease@gmail.com or call 860-930-2446. Visit VALDCT.org for more information.\nBetter Breathers Club\nWEST HARTFORD -- The Better Breathers Club, a free health education support group for chronic respiratory diseases, will meet at the Hebrew Center for Health and Rehabilitation, 1 Abrahms Blvd.\nMeetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 2 p.m. Pre-registration is requested but walk-ins are accepted. Leave a message with Mary Ann Couture at 860-966-0190. Better Breathers Clubs support groups are associated with the American Lung Association.\nLatest West Hartford\nLasagna Love has an army of Connecticut volunteers delivering free lasagnas to people struggling during coronavirus pandemic\nCapitol Region Gun Buyback a success\nConnecticut events planned to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday\nThose who care for a loved one with Alzheimer's or dementia will be able to learn useful skills while voicing their concerns. Topics include communication techniques, caregiver support, safety issues, benefits of activities and daily routine, family dynamics, stages of the disease process, behavior management and more.\nThe facilitators are Michelle Wyman, LSW, CDP, dementia specialist, Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging, and Elaine Reid, CDP, director of client services, Companions for Living.\n[More West Hartford] With post-holiday boxes and broken Christmas lights piled up, West Hartford steps up recycling \u00bb\nFor more information or to register for the dementia support group, email Michelle.Wyman@hhchealth.org or Ereid@companionsforliving.com, or call 860-712-4614.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Leeds Under-23s line-up v Burnley\nDate: 12th October 2018 at 12:45pm\nWritten by: Derek Woodrow\nCarlos Corberan has announced his line-up for the Under-23s game against Burnley at Elland Road today.\nAnd it's a strong team, with Jamie Shackleton, Gaetano Berardi, Kemar Roofe and Adam Forshaw all playing.\nLeeds fans have been waiting for the Under-23s line-up today with feverish anticipation, and they haven't been disappointed with Roofe and Berardi returning from injury.\nThere's no sign of Pablo Hernandez though, which is a concern ahead of the Blackburn game.\n???? | Carlos Corberan names a strong Starting XI for today's U23s game against Burnley:-\nBlackman, Shackleton, Berardi, Shaughnessy, Struijk, Diaz (c), Roofe, Forshaw, Dalby, Baker, Clarke pic.twitter.com\/JNmlBQeQf6\n\u2014 Leeds United (@LUFC) October 12, 2018\nThis is the news that Leeds fans were waiting for and now they'll be hoping the first-team players make it through the game unscathed. They're likely to play 45 minutes and fans will be watching the game through their hands. The damage hasn't been too great since they've been gone from the Leeds first-team, and Tyler Roberts has led the line well \u2013 even getting a shoutout from the Spain manager Luis Enrique this week \u2013 but the Leeds results have taken a hit and they're not top of the league any more. The fight back to the summit starts again next Saturday against Blackburn and there will be a real feeling of optimism if Bielsa has more of his regular first-team players to call on. Luke Ayling will be missing after being sent off against Brentford and Barry Douglas is unlikely to make it through injury.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"The Accidental Ozarkian\nA Travel Blog About the Ozarks and Beyond\nEclectic Folks\nOutside the Ozarks\nOutside America\nArtisans, Eclectic Folks, People \u00b7 February 20, 2019\nAuthor Grace Bacon Ferrier and Life in the Ozarks\nShare the post \"Author Grace Bacon Ferrier and Life in the Ozarks\"\n\"I'll make this short, girls. I won't give you all the details, but that was Grandpa Bacon's stove. That was Grandpa's bed and that thing down there, that's a zither \u2026 and he was a carpenter and a bricklayer and a stonemason and he helped to build that ironworks in St. James.\" And so it went, on a tour through Grace Bacon Ferrier's fine old house on a beautiful afternoon in the Missouri Ozarks.\nGrace Bacon Ferrier\nBacon Ferrier has written two books that describe life in the Ozarks, from as soon as she can remember, which was probably sometime around 1916.\nBacon Ferrier lives near Cooper Hill, outside of Bland. Her home is on a farm that has been in her family since she was a young girl, and the house was built before the Civil War. She lives with her brother, Pete Bacon.\nTogether, and with the help of a ranch hand, they run a cattle ranch, and on this day the cattle were bawling in the field across the road from the old house. \"Don't mind them \u2026 we sold their babies last night, and oh, it bothers me, too.\" She winked, and said, \"I get rather attached to all the animals around here,\" as she ushered us from the large porch to her parlor.\nAfter settling in, I sat mesmerized while I listened to Bacon Ferrier talking to Ethelyn Ammerman from Belle, Missouri, who, like Bacon Ferrier, taught in country schoolhouses. The women's grandfathers were friends, too.\nSeveral times during the conversation, Bacon Ferrier's mongrel dog, Mollie, would body-slam the door from the outside \u2013 an indication that she wanted back in. Bacon Ferrier would get up out of her chair and let Mollie in, and then, let her out again a little while later.\nThe women regaled me with tales of days gone by, and their memories were so sharp \u2013 putting mine to shame. Bacon Ferrier described the days before computers and copy machines. \"We didn't have anything at Linn in the way of machinery, so if you wanted to give a test you had to write it on the blackboard. So, I wrote those big three-letter words and they had to fill in the past and the future tenses \u2026 and this kid, Larry Haslag, just to be funny, when he got to the word 'sow,' in the past [tense], he wrote 'hog' and in the future, he wrote 'litter.' That's the kind of thing you ran into all the time. I didn't know whether to give him an 'A' or an 'F'.\"\nBacon Ferrier rattled off teachers' names that she worked with at this schoolhouse or that schoolhouse. She told stories about discipline procedures in country schoolhouses and talked about games children played. Ammerman chimed in and supported several of Bacon Ferrier's theories about the art of raising civilized children.\nThen, she treated us to a tour of the house, which culminated in a birthday party for Ammerman, who was 89 that day. We sat around an old table, sipping tea and nibbling birthday cake, in Bacon Ferrier's warm country kitchen that has seen several generations. Throughout the course of conversation, Bacon Ferrier's eyes twinkled, and she used her extensive vocabulary to entertain and educate.\nBoth of Bacon Ferrier's books would make excellent teaching aids for elementary school teachers, or even for teachers in humanities at the secondary level. Young children would really enjoy listening to the stories, and older students could use the information to help craft interesting essays and research papers.\nTeacher, Teacher I Done It \u2026, written in 1986, encompasses Bacon Ferrier's 43-year teaching career. She began teaching in 1932 at the Horse Shoe Bend schoolhouse. According to the book's publisher and editor, Bill Nunn, of The Westphalia Press, \"She has given us an entertaining and enduring piece of Americana, where we live.\"\nShe said she wrote the book because several young teachers encouraged her to do so. \"When I got so old, I was older than every other teacher in the building at Kirkwood \u2026 and the young teachers, they would get so frustrated that they would cry \u2026 I would tell them these stories and they would cheer up a little bit.\"\nShe continued, \"So, they would all say to me, 'Well you ought to write a book.' Well, I had been studying on this for a long time, but there was never time \u2026 but I finally got started on it, and I just kept going from one school to the other until I got through with it.\"\nHer second book, Post Oak Sprouts Along Belly Ache Creek, was published by Lahmeyer-Ferrier Publishing of California City, California, in 2001. The book takes the reader from Bacon Ferrier's childhood to young adulthood.\nWillard Rand, former editor of the St. James Leader-Journal [Missouri], once dubbed Grace Bacon Ferrier the \"Laura Ingalls Wilder\" of Osage County. Her colorful descriptions will endear the reader not only to her, but also to several members of her family and to many of her students. I am honored to have met her and spent time with her.\nPosted By: Barbara Baird \u00b7 In: Artisans, Eclectic Folks, People\nExploring the Huzzah Conservation Area\nBennett Spring Tuesday Fishing Club\nCathy Warren Turns Junque into Folk Art\nWild Caving in the Ozarks\nArtist Mary Lou Corn's Sculpture Garden\nCopyright \u00a9 2020 The Accidental Ozarkian","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Nancy Pelosi Calls Police Officers from the Breonna Taylor Case Murderers\nNancy Pelosi gave her response to the Grand Jury ruling of the Breonna Taylor case that found the involved police officers innocent of any wrongdoing. She started by saying that justice had been denied to Breonna and then said, \"Just think if it were your daughter or your sister, your cousin, your relative, your friend, who was murdered by the police and there was no \u2013 the charging decision held no one accountable for her death.\"\nKentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron said that there is no doubt that what happened to Breonna was a tragedy, but that his job as the special prosecutor for the case was to focus on facts, pursue the truth, and put everything else aside. He said, \"My job is to present the facts to the grand jury, and the grand jury then applies those facts to the law. If we simply act on emotion or outrage, there is no justice. Mob justice is not justice. Justice sought by violence is not justice \u2013 it just becomes revenge. And in our system, criminal justice isn't the quest for revenge. It's the quest for truth, evidence, and facts, and the use of that truth as we fairly apply our laws.\"\nSpeaker Pelosi has zero regard or concern for facts and truth in this case, she only wanted the narrative that police are violent killers to be propagated further. The police were found innocent of any wrongdoing, that should be celebrated because it proves that those officers aren't corrupt but they were doing their job. A job that brings so much danger and they have every right to protect themselves. The fact remains that the police announced their presence, Kenneth Walker opened fire knowing it was the police, and officers returned fire to protect themselves, if they hadn't those officers would be dead too. The fact remains that the police did their job and the truth remains that they did it right and have every right to defend themselves, just as much as anyone else.\nDaniel Cameron said this, \"Our reaction to truth today says what kind of society we want to be. Do we really want the truth, or do we want a truth that fits our narrative? Do we want the facts, or are we content to blindly accept our own version of events? We as a community must make this decision.\"\nSource: Twitter video, Conservative Brief; Photo-NBC News\nOregon Governor Declares State Emergency in Portland as Proud Boys Rally Approaches\nPresident Trump Sounds Off on Gov. Cuomo Over Plan with COVID-19 Vaccine","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Cathedral Prep Inducts Six New Hall of Famers\nBy Jim Mancari\nAt Cathedral Prep's Hall of Fame dinner were, from left, Father John Cush, Jim Flynn, Jason Harewood, Tom McCarthy, Father Bill Sweeney, Msgr. John Brown, Jim Kelly and Father Fred Marano, rector-principal.\nPreparations for Super Bowl Sunday were put on hold as Cathedral Prep Seminary, Elmhurst, honored the six new inductees to its Hall of Fame on Feb. 4, the evening before the big game.\nThe school's alumni and administrators joined the inductees' friends and families at Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston, for a night of reliving sports memories. Cathedral Prep's Hall of Fame now has 70 members.\nA Mass celebrated by Father Bill Sweeney, the Cathedral Prep Alumni Association president, preceded the induction ceremony. Concelebrants included Prep's Father Fred Marano, rector-principal; Father Jim Kuroly, director of Recruitment and Apostolic Works; and Father John Cush, spiritual director and director of Development and Alumni Affairs.\nFather Sweeney later was inducted into Cathedral's Hall of Fame. A member of the Class of 1973, he attended St. Joseph's parish, Astoria. While at the Prep, he played on the JV basketball team and was the manager for the varsity squad.\n\"It's a great honor,\" said Father Sweeney. \"It was 39 years ago that I entered Cathedral. Cathedral really helped me grow up and be the person that I am.\"\nFather Sweeney was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn in May, 1981, and has held many titles throughout the years. Currently, he is the priest chaplain at St. Francis Prep, Fresh Meadows.\nMsgr. John Brown, who preached the homily at Mass, was also one of the inductees. He attended St. Michael's parish, Sunset Park, and graduated from Cathedral Prep in 1975. He played on the basketball and handball teams.\n\"Looking back, I miss the basketball, but I miss the camaraderie of the travel and the friendships I made,\" said Msgr. Brown. \"That's one of the reasons I would recommend sports to people.\"\nAfter being ordained a priest in 1983, he was a parochial vicar at St. Thomas Aquinas, Flatlands, and St. Clare, Rosedale. He's also held the titles of vice chancellor and director of priest personnel of the Diocese of Brooklyn. He is currently the pastor of St. Francis de Sales, Belle Harbor, and a member of Cathedral Prep's Financial Development Board.\nJim Flynn, Class of 1976, was a four-year letter winner in cross-country, indoor and outdoor track. Upon graduation, he held the school record for the 600-yd. dash and was a member of the record-setting mile relay team.\nFlynn's brother, John Flynn, Class of 1973, paved the way for Jim. Both served as captains of the track teams during their senior years.\n\"If you have an older brother, you know that they may only say a few words, but when they say something, it means something,\" Flynn said. \"He made sure I understood what I was getting into.\"\nJim Flynn was also named team MVP and Sportsman of the Year during his senior year. In addition to track, he was captain of the school's chess team, which finished third in the N.Y.C. Championship in '76.\nAfter earning an English degree from Fordham University, the Bronx, and a law degree from St. John's University, Jamaica, Flynn is now a partner at the law firm of Harwood Feffer, LLP.\nA product of Holy Rosary parish, Bedford-Stuyvesant, new Cathedral Prep Hall of Fame inductee Jason Harewood graduated in 1978. He was a captain of the school's varsity basketball team.\nHarewood scored his 1,000th career point against Cathedral Prep Seminary, Manhattan. He also was active in the school's student council.\n\"It's an awesome honor,\" Harewood said. \"I'm so grateful and blessed to have attended Cathedral Prep, Brooklyn. I just thank God for all my teammates and friends.\"\nHarewood attended Eastern Michigan University, Flint, Mich., and St. Francis College, Brooklyn Heights. He has continued his passion for basketball by coaching girls' AAU youth basketball. He worked for American Express as a senior financial systems manager and project leader.\nTom McCarthy, Class of 1987, hailed from Resurrection-Ascension parish, Rego Park. Baseball and basketball played a key role in his life.\nHe played on both teams in high school and won Most Improved Player in both sports in 1985. McCarthy was an All-Conference athlete in 1986 and 1987, and he was also named Prep's Athlete of the Year in '87.\nDuring that season's city baseball tournament, McCarthy earned MVP honors by pitching two complete games. What's even more amazing is that he pitched them both on the same day.\n\"All I know is that I came to the school auditorium that night to watch the play, and I couldn't even move my arm over my head,\" said McCarthy, who has no idea how many pitches he threw that day.\nIn addition to his work on the police force for the past nine years, McCarthy has remained involved with the Cathedral Prep community by being active in the Alumni Association and serving as the alumni dinner chairman.\nLast but certainly not least, Jim Kelly of the Class of 1999 was honored. He travelled from St. Thomas More parish, Rockaway Point, to attend Cathedral Prep.\nKelly played four years of varsity soccer, freshman basketball, one year of varsity basketball and two years of varsity baseball. To say he was an athletic young man would be an understatement.\n\"Dedication and role models\u2026 that's what Cathedral provides,\" said Kelly. \"They teach that if you're going to do something, be dedicated and stick with it.\"\nHe went on to play soccer at St. Thomas Aquinas College, Sparkill, and now teaches special education for third and fourth graders in Manhattan.\nTags: Cathedral Prep and Seminary\nPrevious Sports Story\nNext Sports Story","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Ovingham Football Club.\nThe Country club in the city\nCats News\nCats Calendar\nCats Players\nDiscpline and doing things right\nPosted by AL Presidente on August 7, 2012 at 10:25 PM comments (3)\nPlayer Code of Conduct\nI Herebycommit to the best of my ability, to uphold the clubs code of conduct.\nI must maintain a standard of behaviour and conduct in the best interests of the game, players, parents and the officials of the club and all opposition clubs, and I accept the responsibility and accountability for ensuring that the code of conduct is executed to the best of my ability.\nI will respect the rights, dignity and worth of all individuals within the Ovingham Football Club, including refraining from any discriminatory practices on the basis of race, religion, ethnic background or special ability \/disability.\nI will refrain from any form of personal abuse or unnecessary physical contact with the players, other parents or officials from my club or opponents\nI will actively promote the code of conduct at all timesAlways play by the rulesControl my temper- treat others as I would like to be treated \u2013 bullying will not be tolerated\nI will display and foster respect for the umpires, opponents, all coaches, all officials, parents and spectatorsCo \u2013 operate, support and encourage your team mates at all times. Your team's performance will benefit.\nRecognise the value and importance of volunteer coaches and officialsIf I disagree with an official\/umpire, raise the issue through the appropriate channels (coach) rather than questioning the officials judgement and honesty in public\nDemonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not harassing or using foul or threatening language to umpires, players, coaches, officials, parents or spectatorsCondemn the use of violence in any form, be it by spectators, coaches, officials or players\nPLEASENOTE: Yourfailure to adhere to the codes of conduct may result in the withdrawal orsuspension of your registration to play in the South Australian Amateur FootballLeague and the Ovingham Football Club\nWhat AFL player do you see yourself most like?\nPosted by AL Presidente on March 19, 2012 at 2:50 AM comments (0)\nTry for a discussion point\nPosted by AL Presidente on March 13, 2012 at 6:40 PM comments (0)\nA new breed of captain is emerging at AFL clubs \u2013 not necessarily the best player in the team, but the one best equipped to lead and inspire.\nLike just about everything else in football, the role of the captain has evolved enormously.\nFor a long time, captaincy was relatively simple. The team's best player was the skipper. He led the team out on match-days, tossed the coin and, since 1959, one lucky captain each season has hoisted the premiership cup at the MCG in the minutes after the Grand Final.\nRon Barassi, Darrel Baldock, Alex Jesaulenko, Royce Hart, Leigh Matthews, Stephen Kernahan, Wayne Carey, James Hird, Michael Voss \u2013 all icons of the game and all premiership captains.\nBut the model has changed. Not entirely, because in 2011 there are still captains who are the best players in their team. Jonathan Brown at the Brisbane Lions is one. Chris Judd is another.\nJudd was Carlton's unofficial captain from the day in late 2007 he signed the contract to cross over from West Coast and the story is told that not long after he joined the Blues, a group of players went out for lunch. When Judd didn't touch any of the chips that came with his meal, neither did any of those with him.\nWithin a few weeks, Judd was formally appointed captain of the Blues.\nLike Judd, Gary Ablett wasn't immediately named captain of Gold Coast on that momentous September afternoon when he swapped the blue and white hoops for the blazing red and gold. But was there ever any doubt it would eventually happen?\nAs part of last week's season launch, the AFL got the captains together for a series of marketing and promotional activities. In between the briefings and the photo shoots, there was time for the 17 captains to share lunch and have a chat about the new season.\nThe gathering also allowed the veterans of the caper to share a word of advice with the rookie skippers \u2013 there are six in 2011 \u2013 on how to go about it.\nOne thing the new captains agreed with is that there is no manual on how to be an AFL captain. Nobody handed them a dusty manual from the club archives that explains what needs to be done.\nThere are lots of opinions on how the job should be done, but \u2013 as Ablett noted last week \u2013 not much else.\n\"People outside always have expectations about what you should be like as a captain but I'm not going to let that affect me too much,\" he said.\n\"I'm going to lead in the way I think helps these boys and the club and that's all that matters to me.\"\nAblett has done a bit of reading but reckons he learned more from watching former Geelong captain Tom Harley than from anything in a book.\n\"You learn from getting out there and experiencing it. There's nothing written down about how to captain an AFL club which is something I'm not sure the public understands,\" he said.\nWhen Ablett leads the Suns on to the Gabba next week against Carlton in the club's first AFL match, it will be his first game of any description for the year.\nOften lost when discussing captains is that they are players, too. Hand-in-hand with their duties as captain and part of a leadership group is their core responsibility as footballers and the weekly regimen around preparing to play.\n\"You have to look after yourself,\" said Brown, whose last few seasons have been punctuated by prolonged absences from the side because of injury.\n\"Your preparation and approach to game-day is critical because, if you can't get that right, then you're not much good as a skipper.\"\nBrown said juggling playing and captaincy could be tough during form slumps and injury lay-offs. \"Sometimes you need to commit a bit more time for yourself and that's very challenging.\"\nNew Adelaide skipper Nathan van Berlo has a firm idea on how to manage the\ndual responsibilities. \"When I look at the captaincy, it's about influence and the best way to influence is to set the example around the footy club with my preparation, the way I train and the way I play.\n\"It's best to look after my own backyard and set the example with the way I go about my footy. That's leadership,\" he said.\nVan Berlo used the word \"influence\", a buzzword among the AFL captains. \"It can mean many things but it's about having influence on the people around you week in and week out,\" he said.\nThe Crows are an even unit. So much so that not one Adelaide player featured in Mike Sheahan's pre-season Top 50 list that appeared in the Herald Sun last week. Van Berlo was awarded the captaincy at West Lakes, but there were several others just as suited to the role.\nIt is increasingly the way. The leadership group concept has been part of the AFL scene for the best part of the past decade and has spawned a new breed of AFL captain.\nNot necessarily the best player at the club, but the player best suited to inspire, to lead and to play good football.\nHawthorn's Richie Vandenberg was one of the first of this new breed of leader. When he got the job at Hawthorn in 2005, there were better players at the club, but none ready to lead.\nHe proved to be an outstanding choice until the time Sam Mitchell and then Luke Hodge were ready to take over.\nSeveral clubs have adopted a similar philosophy with their choice of captains, including the Western Bulldogs in 2011.\nNew Bulldogs skipper Matthew Boyd, to be absolutely clear, is a better player at his club than Vandenberg was at his. At the Bulldogs, Adam Cooney and Ryan Griffen are probably the best two players, but Boyd is an accomplished midfielder who is tough and durable. Boyd's time in the Bulldogs' leadership group in the past few years gave him the belief he could lead formally if tapped on the shoulder.\n\"I definitely have some confidence about what I can bring to the table and the\nattributes to be a good leader, but in saying that, I know there are things I'll have to learn and I'll be taking advice from people along the way.\"\nWhich goes back to the point Ablett made about advice. It's footy, after all, so there will be no shortage of those offering advice \u2013 good and otherwise.\nIndeed, those who have walked in his shoes offer basic and homespun philosophies for the first-timers.\n\"Don't change much,\" said Matthew Pavlich, who enters his fifth season as captain of Fremantle. \"It's only a title and you've been given the job because of how you go about it in the first place.\"\nIt's the same advice given to Hodge by Hawthorn coach Alastair Clarkson. \"One\nthing 'Clarko' said was not to change what I do on or off the field. I was given the job for a reason, so if I change the way I do things, then the other blokes\nwon't follow.\"\nAnd it's the same philosophy that has worked at Sydney for many years.\nFormer coach Paul Roos was among the first to introduce co-captains to the AFL and it remains a core element at the Swans after being tried and discarded by other clubs.\nAdam Goodes continues in the role this year, joined by Jarrad McVeigh.\n\"The one bit of advice I gave Jarrad was not to change,\" said Goodes. \"You've got the role because of the type of person you are, so don't go changing now you're captain. All we expect of you is to keep doing what you're doing.\"\nGoodes isn't sure why the co-captains model hasn't become more widespread\nthrough the AFL, but knows it has worked a treat with the Swans.\n\"It works at our club when you share the responsibilities,\" he said.\n\"It's not the captains who are the complete faces of our footy club, it's the leadership group and that's where a lot of clubs have gone. They drive it, the captains are the ones who toss the coin and make a few speeches, but the\nleadership group is what drives the club to where it wants to be.\"\nBy Ashley Browne\nAFL Record\nAchievers are always looking for ways to become more successful; to reach goals more quickly and with greater assurance. And, for centuries authors have been sharing the factors that help anyone reach their goals.\nIf you consider achievement and achievers, you hopefully would recognize that one piece of the goal achievement puzzle is attitude.\nIn most goal achievement writing I've seen, attitude is always discussed, often downplayed and typically misunderstood in the entire goal achievement puzzle; three good reasons to explore the 'right' attitude!\nIn this brief article, I will outline what the right attitude is (to support maximum goal achievement), why it is important to us both as individuals and leaders and how to develop it.\nSo, what is the right attitude? I'm glad you asked.\nConsider the three P's of the right goal achievement attitude:\nPositive. This is where most of these conversations start . . . and stop. Prevailing wisdom and much research show that having a positive attitude improves the likelihood you will achieve your goal, speeds your progress and, perhaps most importantly, makes you more resilient \u2013 All of which help you overcome obstacles and remain persistent in pursuit of your goal.Possibility. The key to possibility is belief. Do you believe you can succeed and reach the goal? Do you believe we can earn it? Do you believe the goal is possible? If you think it is possible for others, can you see it for ourselves? This is more than just an extension of positive thinking. After all, if you didn't think the goal was achievable, how likely are you to work hard to achieve it?Proactive. The right attitude isn't about thinking and belief alone. The right attitude includes realizing that you must roll up your sleeves and do something.As you take action in the direction of your goals, you can build momentum, greater belief and enhance our attitude as we go.\nAll of this sounds pretty good, I realize, but what makes this the \"right\" attitude; or, more practically, how does this attitude help the situation?\nThe right attitude enables the right behaviors \u2013 behaviors of persistence, discipline and creativity.The right attitude enables right focus \u2013 staying on mentally target and alert for opportunities.The right attitude enables right results \u2013 it improves the likelihood of your success in reaching your goals.Behaviors, focus and results. The right attitude can create all of them, both for ourselves and those we lead.\nYou know what the right attitude looks like (and you realize it is more than \"just\" positive mental attitude) as it relates to goal achievement, you may be wondering how do you create it? Another great question . . . here are some immediate steps -\nSet the goal. This is the start. Before you can achieve a goal you must know what it is. This sets everything in motion. The size and nature of the goal will impact all three P's described above.Involve those who will be achieving the goal. If you want others to believe in the goal, you must involve them as much as possible. The right attitude comes easier when participants own the goal.Create greater belief. Remind people of past successes; reward and recognize small successes on the achievement path. As you do this you create a momentum effect and the greater belief buoys the attitude.Get excited about the goal. Actually this is a misstatement. Don't focus on the goal itself, get yourself and others excited about the benefits that come from achieving the goal. When you know why you are doing the (hard) work of moving toward a goal, you are creating the right attitude.Make the goals visual and vivid. Help people \"see\" the achievement of the goal. While this has already been mentioned, it is critical. Help your team make that picture as real as you can. Then, whenever possible, remind people of that vision.Keep the goal in front of you at all times. Do you have a list of your goals that you read often? Do you have team goals \"written down\" or visually available to people in multiple places? Do you open team meetings by reminding people of the goals? When we are reminded of goals we are excited about achieving, it manages our attitude and keeps is \"right.\"We all know the right attitude will make a difference. Now you know some reasons why, and how you can influence and nurture that attitude in yourself, and those you lead.\nOnce you get the attitude right, you are fast-forwarding your progress towards achieving your goals!\nby Kevin Eikenberry\nCommittee meeting Agenda\nPosted by AL Presidente on March 5, 2012 at 3:00 PM comments (0)\nTime: 08 March2012 1930\nLocation: OvinghamFootball Club\nCalled by: 2011Club Committee\nI. Attendees\nII. Agenda Topics\n1. Welcome to 2012\n2. Minutes from previous meeting\n3. Treasurers Report\n4. Committee Nominations 2012\n5. Oval use 2012\n6. Match Day Officials\n7. Player Subs\n8. Sponsorship\n9. Canteen\nIII. Goals\n- Eradicate debt to Reepham\n- Every Player Full Financial byRound 2\n- Successful sponsorships gained\n- Present a competitive teamevery week\n- Finals\n- Preparation for season 2013\nIV. Assignments\n-BBC Sponsorship\n-Rosewater Meats\n-Scooters Pizza\n-Fonthill Cellars\n-CouncilLines\/maintenance\nV. Next Meeting________________________\nPosted by j.t.scott@live.com.au on February 26, 2012 at 3:40 AM comments (2)\nAustralian Army\nAwarded the Victoria Cross for Australia\nCorporal Benjamin Roberts-Smith, VC, MG\nFor the most conspicuous gallantry in action in circumstances of extreme peril as Patrol Second-in-Command, Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER.\nCorporal Benjamin Roberts-Smith enlisted in the Australian Regular Army in 1996. After completing the requisite courses, he was posted the 3rd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment where he saw active service in East Timor. In January 2003, he successfully completed the Australian Special Air Service Regiment Selection Course.\nDuring his tenure with the Regiment, he deployed on Operation VALIANT, SLATE, SLIPPER, CATALYST and SLIPPER II. Corporal Benjamin Roberts-Smith was awarded the Medal for Gallantry for his actions in Afghanistan in 2006.\nOn the 11th June 2010, a troop of the Special Operations Task Group conducted a helicopter assault into Tizak, Kandahar Province, in order to capture or kill a senior Taliban commander.\nImmediately upon the helicopter insertion, the troop was engaged by machine gun and rocket propelled grenade fire from multiple, dominating positions. Two soldiers were wounded in action and the troop was pinned down by fire from three machine guns in an elevated fortified position to the south of the village. Under the cover of close air support, suppressive small arms and machine gun fire, Corporal Roberts-Smith and his patrol manoeuvred to within 70 metres of the enemy position in order to neutralise the enemy machine gun positions and regain the initiative.\nUpon commencement of the assault, the patrol drew very heavy, intense, effective and sustained fire from the enemy position. Corporal Roberts-Smith and his patrol members fought towards the enemy position until, at a range of 40 metres, the weight of fire prevented further movement forward. At this point, he identified the opportunity to exploit some cover provided by a small structure.\nAs he approached the structure, Corporal Roberts-Smith identified an insurgent grenadier in the throes of engaging his patrol. Corporal Roberts-Smith instinctively engaged the insurgent at point-blank range resulting in the death of the insurgent. With the members of his patrol still pinned down by the three enemy machine gun positions, he exposed his own position in order to draw fire away from his patrol, which enabled them to bring fire to bear against the enemy. His actions enabled his Patrol Commander to throw a grenade and silence one of the machine guns. Seizing the advantage, and demonstrating extreme devotion to duty and the most conspicuous gallantry, Corporal Roberts-Smith, with a total disregard for his own safety, stormed the enemy position killing the two remaining machine gunners.\nHis act of valour enabled his patrol to break-in to the enemy position and to lift the weight of fire from the remainder of the troop who had been pinned down by the machine gun fire. On seizing the fortified gun position, Corporal Roberts-Smith then took the initiative again and continued to assault enemy positions in depth during which he and another patrol member engaged and killed further enemy. His acts of selfless valour directly enabled his troop to go on and clear the village of Tizak of Taliban. This decisive engagement subsequently caused the remainder of the Taliban in Shah Wali Kot District to retreat from the area.\nCorporal Roberts-Smith's most conspicuous gallantry in a circumstance of extreme peril was instrumental to the seizure of the initiative and the success of the troop against a numerically superior enemy force. His valour was an inspiration to the soldiers with whom he fought alongside and is in keeping with the finest traditions of the Australian Army and the Australian Defence Force.\nAwarded the Medal for Gallantry\nLance Corporal Benjamin Roberts-Smith\nFor gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances as a patrol sniper in the Special Operations Task Group \u2013 Task Force 637, whilst deployed on Operation SLIPPER Rotation Three Afghanistan, May \u2013 September 2006.\nOn the night of 31st May 2006, Lance Corporal Roberts-Smith was employed as a patrol scout and sniper in a patrol which was tasked with establishing an Observation Post near the Chora Pass in extremely rugged terrain overlooking an Anti Coalition Militia sanctuary. Early in the patrol, after an arduous ten hour foot infiltration up the side of a mountain, the patrol was required to coordinate offensive air support to assist a combined Special Operations Task Group and other Special Forces patrol who were in contact with the Anti Coalition Militia in the valley floor to their north. Following this engagement the patrol remained in the Observation Post to continue providing vital information on the Anti Coalition Militia in the area. This comprehensive reporting had a significant effect on shaping the local area for the subsequent coalition forces operation.\nOn the 2nd June, the Observation Post had become the focus of the Anti Coalition Militia force and repeated attempts to locate and surround the position ensued. In one particular incident the Militia attempted to outflank the Observation Post. Lance Corporal Roberts-Smith was part of a two man team tasked to move out of their relatively secure Observation Post in order to locate and neutralise the Militia and regain the initiative. This task was successfully achieved.\nIn another incident, two Anti Coalition Militia attempted to attack the Observation Post from a different flank, Lance Corporal Roberts-Smith again moved to support and neutralise one of these Militia. Lance Corporal Roberts-Smith then realised that the forward edge of the Observation Post was not secure and made the decision to split the team and take up an exposed position forward of the patrol so he could effectively employ his sniper weapon. Whilst isolated, and in his precarious position, he observed a group of sixteen Anti Coalition Militia advancing across open ground towards the Observation Post. Lance Corporal Roberts-Smith effectively employed his sniper rifle to stop their advance whilst receiving very accurate small arms fire from another group of Militia to his flank.\nThrough his efforts, Lance Corporal Roberts-Smith maintained the initiative and ensured that his patrol remained secure by holding this position without support for twenty minutes. He was eventually reinforced by his original team member and together they continued to hold off the Militia advance for a further twenty minutes until offensive air support arrived.\nLance Corporal Roberts-Smith's actions on the 2nd June 2006, whilst under heavy Anti Coalition Militia fire and in a precarious position, threatened by a numerically superior force, are testament to his courage, tenacity and sense of duty to his patrol. His display of gallantry in disregarding his own personal safety in maintaining an exposed sniper position under sustained fire with a risk of being surrounded by the Anti Coalition Militia was outstanding. His actions, in order to safeguard his patrol, were of the highest order and in keeping with the finest traditions of Special Operations Command Australia, the Australian Army and the Australian Defence Force.\nAustralian Army Awarded the Victoria Cross for Australia\nCorporal Mark Gregor Strang Donaldson, VC\nFor most conspicuous acts of gallantry in action in a circumstance of great peril in Afghanistan as part of the Special Operations Task Group during Operation SLIPPER, Oruzgan Province, Afghanistan.\nCorporal Mark Gregor Strang enlisted into the Australian Army on 18 June 2002. After completing Recruit and Initial and Employment Training he was posted to the 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment. Having successfully completed the Special Air Service Selection Course in April 2004, Corporal Donaldson was posted to Special Air Service Regiment in May 2004.\nOn 2 September 2008, during the conduct of a fighting patrol, Corporal (then Trooper) Donaldson was travelling in a combined Afghan, US and Australian vehicle convoy that was engaged by a numerically superior, entrenched and coordinated enemy ambush. The ambush was initiated by a high volume of sustained machine gun fire coupled with the effective use of rocket propelled grenades. Such was the effect of the initiation that the combined patrol suffered numerous casualties, completely lost the initiative and became immediately suppressed. It was over two hours before the convoy was able to establish a clean break and move to an area free of enemy fire.\nIn the early stages of the ambush, Corporal Donaldson reacted spontaneously to regain the initiative. He moved rapidly between alternate positions of cover engaging the enemy with 66mm and 84mm anti-armour weapons as well as his M4 rifle. During an early stage of the enemy ambush, he deliberately exposed himself to enemy fire in order to draw attention to himself and thus away from wounded soldiers. This selfless act alone bought enough time for those wounded to be moved to relative safety.\nAs the enemy had employed the tactic of a rolling ambush, the patrol was forced to conduct numerous vehicle manoeuvres, under intense enemy fire, over a distance of approximately four kilometres to extract the convoy from the engagement area. Compounding the extraction was the fact that casualties had consumed all available space within the vehicles. Those who had not been wounded, including Corporal Donaldson, were left with no option but to run beside the vehicles throughout. During the conduct of this vehicle manoeuvre to extract the convoy from the engagement area, a severely wounded coalition force interpreter was inadvertently left behind. Of his own volition and displaying complete disregard for his own safety, Corporal Donaldson moved alone, on foot, across approximately 80 metres of exposed ground to recover the wounded interpreter. His movement, once identified by the enemy, drew intense and accurate machine gun fire from entrenched positions. Upon reaching the wounded coalition force interpreter, Corporal Donaldson picked him up and carried him back to the relative safety of the vehicles then provided immediate first aid before returning to the fight.\nOn subsequent occasions during the battle, Corporal Donaldson administered medical care to other wounded soldiers, whilst continually engaging the enemy.\nCorporal Donaldson's acts of exceptional gallantry in the face of accurate and sustained enemy fire ultimately saved the life of a coalition force interpreter and ensured the safety of the other members of the combined Afghan, US and Australian force. Corporal Donaldson's actions on this day displayed exceptional courage in circumstances of great peril. His actions are of the highest accord and are in keeping with the finest traditions of the Special Operations Command, the Australian Army and the Australian Defence Force.\nhttp:\/\/www.defence.gov.au\/special_events\/TPR_markDonaldson.htm\nhttp:\/\/defence.gov.au\/special_events\/Roberts-Smith\/index.htm\nClub Mission\nThe Ovingham Football Club will strive to provide an enjoyable, professional and stimulating environment where all players, committee people, support staff and members are treated as an equal.\nThe Club will promote honesty and a commitment to the highest level of integrity where there are always open, concise and transparent channels of communication.\nPlayers will be encouraged and are expected to partcipate at the highest level their ability, attitude and endeavors allow them.\nMembers will enjoy their invovement with Australian Rules Football in a safe, friendly, and comfortable environment. They will have the opportunity to become involved at all levels of the football club and will be rewarded with the ongoing success of the club. Members will have access to outstanding quality, reasonably priced licensed facilities to enhance their enjoyment of The Club.\nThe Club will always aim to foster a high performance culture and play at the highest level\/division availble to it in the SAAFL.\nThe Ovingham Football club will welcome ALL, no matter their status or culture and it is a major expectation that everyone displays the highest level of acceptable behaviour, discpline and courtsey both on and off the field.\nPosted by j.t.scott@live.com.au on February 8, 2012 at 5:20 AM comments (0)\nhttp:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=yP5HK_-EW4Q&feature=share\nThe Ovingham Football Club was established in 1897, well before the Amateur League was formed. It has had a long football history and played in several leagues, including The Uniting Church League, The Southern Metropolitan Football Association and The Central District Football Association before joining the SAAFL in 1989.\nTeams from the Ovingham district were playing matches at least as far back as 1897, but the Ovingham Methodist Club was formed in 1913 in the inaugural year of the United Church Association. Right from its beginnings it played in the area where the North Adelaide Swimming Pool now stands, even though it went into recess for the First World War and from 1926 to 1938. In 1948 it crossed the Park to the ground opposite the Rua Rua Hospital, and in 1951 and 1952 was Jubilee premier of United Church, aided by former West Torrens stars Len Coverlid and Doug Cockshell. The move to Cane Reserve, an area donated to the council by Charles Cane, occurred through the efforts of Reg Mead, who coached the Club for 16 seasons winning 13 Grand Finals. In the days at Park 2 the team used Reg's truck as change rooms. A cracker night was held to burn the box thorns covering Cane Reserve, but only after the cattle from a nearby dairy were moved. In 1974 the old tin shed was knocked down and replaced by a brick structure which was extended in 1992. The Club joined the SAAFL in 1980, and in 1985 was suspended after round 11, then allowed to re-affiliate in 1989\nThe 10 Commandments of preseason training\nPosted by j.t.scott@live.com.au on November 20, 2011 at 1:35 AM comments (0)\nAustralian rules football is a skill based game so this must be reflected when designing a training program. Give priority to skills training. Practice skills when you are fresh. You can't improve them when you're tired.\nAussie rules is also a running game. A minimum of 6 weeks is required to achieve an appropriate level of running fitness. Rush this part of training and the risk of injury is increased.\nFocus on repeated efforts of short, high intensity, football specific running. The type of preseason running depends on the positions played. The demands on a fullback are very different to those on an onballer.\n3. Weight training\nWeight training should be individualised as much as possible. Regardless of the player's development, a weights program should include full body, sport specific exercises, with the feet on the ground. Walk lunges, for instance, are useful strength exercises for players who have to lunge and pick up a football several times during a match.\nMinimise the number of exercises that isolate a single muscle such as the biceps. Players need to balance looks and possible psychological advantages against carrying extra body weight that may hinder them during a game.\n4. Cross training\nCross training provides variety and reduces risk of overtraining injuries. Using cross training the total volume of training can be increased.\nAquatic exercises (swimming, water running, water polo), cycling (stationary, spinning, road), and boxing are effective in cross training.\n5. Warm up, cool down\nThese are a critical component of any exercise program. Make the warm-up specific to the exercise being performed, anticipating the movements involved during a football game.\nDespite the importance of the cool-down it is often completely ignored. A thorough cool-down will enhance post-match recovery.\n6. Prevent injury\nHamstring, ankle and knee injuries are the most common injuries in Australian rules. Body awareness exercises performed on unstable surfaces and equipment such as a wobble board or balance beam are the best bet for trying to avoid them. These exercises increase your balance and strength around joints such as the knee and ankle.\n7. Fuel your body\nDepending on the conditions, a footballer can lose up to 4 kilograms in one training session or game. A reduction of as little as 2% body weight as a result of sweating will affect performance. Drinking 2 litres of fluid every day plus 250mls for every 30 minutes of exercise is recommended.\nWeigh yourself (nude) before and after exercise. The difference in weight indicates how successful you've been in maintaining fluid balance.\nEvery kilo lost requires one litre of fluid to be replaced. Drinking a combination of water and sports (carbohydrate) drinks will optimise fluid replacement.\n8. Rest and recover\nIf you do not allow your body sufficient time to rest and regenerate after hard training you will not get the best out of it.\nRecovery techniques can include hot-cold therapy (alternating hot and cold showers), massage and consuming carbohydrate-rich food and drinks as soon after exercise as possible.\n9. Variety\nChanging your training routine on a regular basis is known as periodisation. You can vary training focus, intensity, volume, duration, venue and time to enhance performance. Changes in volume alone allow the body to progressively adapt to the workload.\n10. Fun\nEnjoy your football and training. Combine games and skill activities in your fitness program at every opportunity.\nThere are numerous simple, innovative, football specific games which can be used. These have the dual benefit of improving mental (decision making\/awareness) and physical skills.\nDr Noel Duncan 12:00 AM Wed 13 Feb, 2002\nCopyright \u00a92011 www.ovinghamcats.com Ovingham Football Club One goal, one passion - Ovingham cats.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Fringe - SciFi and TV Talk's Blog: Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy Talks About Fringe\nAt SciFi and TV Talks's Blog:\n(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)\nStar Trek's Leonard Nimoy Talks About Fringe\nIn part two of Fringe's second season finale, Over There, Part 2 (airing Thursday, May 20th @ 9:00 p.m. EST\/PST on Fox), sacrifices will be made and both universes may never be the same again after Walter (John Noble) and Olivia (Anna Torv) visit the \"other side.\" Leonard Nimoy reprises his recurring role as Dr. William Bell in this episode. The actor, who has announced his retirement from both acting and directing, recently spoke with myself along with other journalists about his work on the episode as well as other topics. The following is an edited version of that Q & A. Enjoy!\nI'm wondering what it is that brought you to appear on Fringe. Are you watching this show? Did somebody approach you about being on there? Was there a specific role set up for you?\nLEONARD NIMOY - I had a wonderful time working on the new Star Trek movie with J.J. Abrams, who directed it. When it was done, he asked me to look into the possibility of playing William Bell on Fringe. I was frankly not terribly aware of what it was all about. I began looking at some episodes that William Bell, the character, had been talked about rather frequently, but had never been seen. I felt that I owed J.J. a favor. He did a great job on the Star Trek movie and treated me extremely well. I'm very happy I did it. The work on Fringe has turned out to be exciting and interesting. It's a terribly well produced series. The character was a wide open canvas for me to work with. I had a great time doing it. This week's episode is particularly special for the William Bell character...\nLabels: fringe, interview, leonard nimoy, scifi and tv talk blog, star trek\nMerlin - Syfy: Video - 'The Sins of the Father' Sneak Peek\nCourtesy of Syfy:\nThe Sins of the Father - Sneak Peek - Merlin\nWatch a sneak peek from the next all-new episode of Merlin! This Friday at 10\/9C on Syfy!\nLabels: merlin, syfy, video sneak peek, videos\nStargate Universe - Syfy: Video - 'Subversion' Sneak Peek\nSubversion - Sneak Peek - Stargate Universe\nWatch a sneak peek from the next all-new episode of SGU! This Friday at 9\/8C on Syfy!\nLabels: justin louis, robert carlyle, stargate: universe, syfy, video sneak peek, videos\nStargate Universe - SciFi Hobby: Season One Trading Cards Fall 2010\nAt SciFi Hobby:\nLook for Stargate Universe Season One Trading Cards from Rittenhouse Archives, coming Fall 2010. For updates about this all-new card collection, including lists of autograph card signers and more, please sign-up for our FREE newsletter.\nLabels: merchandise, stargate: universe\nSanctuary - SciFi Wire: Amanda Tapping Video Interview\nCourtesy of SciFi Wire:\nWhy Sanctuary's Amanda Tapping feels like she's finally arrived\nBy Ian Spelling\nCheck out our exclusive interview with Amanda Tapping, star of the series she calls \"the little show that could\"\u2014Syfy's Sanctuary.\n\"I started out not a huge sci-fi fan when I started doing Stargate SG-1 13 years ago,\" says Tapping. \"And now I am. Now I think that's probably what I watch more than anything.\"\nWatch to find out why the series' 20-episode season makes the star feel like she's arrived, and what surprises the bigger story arc will deliver.\nLabels: amanda tapping, sanctuary, scifi wire, syfy, video interview, videos\nFringe - SciFi and TV Talk's Blog: Star Trek's Leo...\nMerlin - Syfy: Video - 'The Sins of the Father' Sn...\nStargate Universe - Syfy: Video - 'Subversion' Sne...\nStargate Universe - SciFi Hobby: Season One Tradin...\nSanctuary - SciFi Wire: Amanda Tapping Video Inter...","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Summer Search Blog\nAbout Summer Search\nAlumni, Photos\nJudith Garcia \u2013 Daring to Lead\nNovember 12, 2015 Summer Search\t5 Comments\nHere at Summer Search, we don't just help young people get to college. We strive to help them become college-educated leaders who give back to their families and communities.\nWell, there is no better example of a young leader giving back to her community than Judith Garc\u00eda from Summer Search Boston.\nJudith not only became the first in her family to graduate college, but she became a volunteer for many different causes in her community in Chelsea, Massachusetts, including working as a HelpLine Counselor at Health Care For All, an advocacy organization working to achieve affordable health care for Mass. residents.\nBut Judith didn't stop there. She took her leadership skills to the next level by deciding to run for City Council District 5 in Chelsea's first primary in 12 years.\nAnd just last week, after all the votes were tallied, Judith found out that SHE WON! She was the only Latina millennial on the ballot, and she won with 60% of the votes, defeating the incumbent along the way. Wow!\nMunicipal elections in Chelsea have traditionally had very low voter turnout. However this time, thanks in part to Judith's positive campaign, the turnout was much higher than usual. And for the first time, Chelsea's council is now predominantly Latino. #Progress\nJudith celebrating her victory with friends and family.\nAt a recent Summer Search event, Judith reflected on how Summer Search helped her on her path to leadership:\n\"As a Summer Search student, I received two incredible and life-changing gifts \u2014 summer trips to experience life beyond my neighborhood, and the greatest of all gifts, mentoring. My mentor transformed me into the best version of me. I learned that once we embrace every aspect of ourselves, we can become true leaders, agents of positive change.\"\nJoin us in congratulating Judith on her historic win! We are honored to have been a part of her growth as a young leader, and we look forward to seeing what positive change she can affect in her new elected position!\n\"I did not do it alone. Summer Search, those individuals that call the HelpLine\u2026 they are my inspiration to continue to do better and to be a better person.\"\n\u2014 Judith Garc\u00eda, Summer Searcher and City Councilor. #DareToLead\nRead more about the election results \u00bb\nalumni networkAlumni SuccessBostonChelseaCity CouncilElectionJudith GarciaLatinaLeadershipVolunteering\nPrevious PostOne Alum. Many Stories.Next PostShare Your Giving Story\n5 thoughts on \"Judith Garcia \u2013 Daring to Lead\"\nBao-Tram Do says:\nSo proud of Judith Garcia! She is a wonderful leader and advocate for her community!\nGraciela Tiscareno-Sato says:\nI met Judith in New York City on Friday night, where she was a featured speaker at the Latinas Think BIG event. Chelsea is LUCKY to have such a leader willing to give everything of herself to represent those who make up the community. Latinas are just getting started in the USA, daring to lead, because it's time and we know what changes are needed locally \u2026.Bravo!\nPingback: Claiming Excellence: How Our Alumni Help Us Better Serve Our Black and Latino Males | Summer Search Blog\nPingback: #Snapshot: Getting Political | Summer Search Blog\nPingback: A Summer Searcher's Guide to Maximize College & Career - Summer Search Blog\nSupporting young people to thrive.\n\u2190 Back to main site\nOne Chance to Make Change\nRen: A Story of Identity and Resiliency\n#GivingTuesday 2019 \u2013 All You Need to Know\nThis is Summer Search (Video)\nA Summer Searcher's Guide to Maximize College & Career\nSummer Search on Teamwork Makes the (College) D\u2026\nRebecca Sullivan on Ren: A Story of Identity and R\u2026\nOne Chance to Make C\u2026 on One Alum. Many Stories.\nA Summer Searcher\u2026 on #ICYMI: Bao-Tram's Beaut\u2026\nA Summer Searcher\u2026 on Judith Garcia \u2013 Daring t\u2026\nSummer Search News\nSummer Trips","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Cuyahoga Valley National Park: translation\nIUCN Category II (National Park)\nBedrock outcrops, such as this one, can be found throughout the park.\nSummit County & Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USA\n32,947.07 acres (133.33 km2)\n19,459.82 acres (78.75 km2) federal\n2,468,816 (in 2006)\nCuyahoga Valley National Park preserves and reclaims the rural landscape along the Cuyahoga River between Akron and Cleveland in Northeast Ohio. The 51-square-mile (130 km2) park is the only national park in Ohio.\nCuyahoga means \"crooked river\" in Mohawk.[1][2]\n1 Administrative history\n2 Attractions\n2.1 Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail\n2.1.2 Stanford House (Formerly Stanford Hostel)\n2.1.3 Towpath trailheads\n3 Visitor centers\n4 Points of historic interest\n4.1 National Register of Historic Places\n5.1 General references\nThe valley began providing recreation for urban dwellers in the 1870s when people came from nearby cities for carriage rides or leisure boat trips along the canal. In 1880, the Valley Railroad became another way to escape urban industrial life. Actual park development began in the 1910s and 1920s with the establishment of Cleveland and Akron metropolitan park districts. In 1929 the estate of Cleveland businessman Hayward Kendall donated 430 acres (1.7 km2) around the Richie Ledges and a trust fund to the state of Ohio. Kendall's will stipulated that the \"property should be perpetually used for park purposes\". It became Virginia Kendall park, in honor of his mother. In the 1930s, the Civilian Conservation Corps built much of the park's infrastructure including what are now Happy Days Lodge and the shelters at Octagon, Ledges, and Kendall Lake.\nAlthough regional parks safeguarded certain places, by the 1960s local citizens feared that urban sprawl would overwhelm the Cuyahoga Valley's natural beauty. Active citizens joined forces with state and national government staff to find a long term solution. Finally, on December 27, 1974, President Gerald Ford signed the bill establishing the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area. The area was redesignated a national park by Congress on October 11, 2000,[3] with the passage of the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001, House Bill 4578, 106th congress.[4] It is administered by the National Park Service. David Berger National Memorial in Beachwood, Ohio is also managed through Cuyahoga Valley National Park.\nThe Richfield Coliseum, a multipurpose arena in the Cuyahoga River area, was demolished in 1999 and the now-empty site became part of Cuyahoga Valley National Park upon its designation in 2000. It has since become a grassy meadow popular with birdwatchers.\nThe Towpath Trail provides recreational activities for visitors\nMany visitors spend their time hiking or bicycling the parks' many trails which visit its numerous attractions, including the crushed limestone along portions of the 20 miles (32.2 km) Towpath Trail, following a former stretch of the 308 miles (495.7 km) Ohio and Erie Canal.\nWaterfalls, rolling hills, caves, winding river scenery attract many park visitors. Steep narrow ravines, a rolling floodplain, and lush farmland contrast one another throughout the park. Animal life is also plentiful. The Ledges provides a boulder-strewn cliff to relax and watch the sunset over the wooded scenery below. Sled-riding is popular during the winter at Happy Days Park.\nThe park offers an array of preserved and restored displays of 19th and early 20th century sustainable farming and pastoral or rural living, while catering to contemporary interests with art exhibits, outdoor concerts, and scenic excursion and special event railroad tours on the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad.[5]\nIt includes compatible-use sites not owned by the federal government, including several local regional parks in the Cleveland Metroparks and Metro Parks, Serving Summit County systems, Blossom Music Center, and the Hale Farm & Village. In the mid 1980s, the park hosted the National Folk Festival.\nOhio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail\nThe multi-purpose Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath trail was developed by the National Park Service and is the major trail through Cuyahoga Valley National Park. From it visitors can make connections to many of the natural and historic sites in the park and to other trails that intersect it along the way.[6] or through one of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park visitor centers.[7]\nRestored Ohio & Erie Canal Lock\nThe Towpath Trail follows the historic route of the Ohio & Erie Canal. Before the canal was built, Ohio was a sparsely settled wilderness where travel was difficult and getting crops to market was nearly impossible. The canal, built between 1825 and 1832, provided a successful transportation route from Cleveland, on Lake Erie, to Portsmouth, on the Ohio River. The canal opened up Ohio to the rest of the settled eastern United States.[7]\nThere are numerous wayside exhibits that provide information about canal features and sites of historic interest.[8] There is also a virtual tour.[7][9]\nToday visitors can walk or ride along the same path that the mules used to tow the canal boats loaded with goods and passengers. The scene is different than it was then; the canal was full of water carrying a steady flow of boats amongst the constant conversations of \"canawlers.\" Evidence of beavers can be seen in many places along the trail.[7]\nStanford House (Formerly Stanford Hostel)\nStanford House located in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio\nLocated in the scenic Cuyahoga Valley near Peninsula, Ohio, Stanford House is a historic nineteenth-century farm home built in the 1830s by George Stanford, one of the first settlers in the Western Reserve. In 1978, the NPS purchased the property to act as a youth hostel in conjunction with the American Youth Hostels (AYH) organization. In March 2011, Stanford Hostel became Stanford House, Cuyahoga Valley National Park's first in-park lodging facility. The home was renovated by the Conservancy for Cuyahoga Valley National Park and the National Park Service.[10]\nTowpath trailheads\nMap of all coordinates from Google\nMap of all coordinates from Bing\nExport all coordinates as GeoRSS\nMap of all microformatted coordinates\nPlace data as RDF\nLock 28 of the Ohio and Erie Canal, Vicinity of Peninsula, Ohio. Lock chamber, looking north. Original construction dated to 1827. With a depth of 16 feet (4.9 m), Lock #28 was the deepest lock in that portion of the Ohio and Erie Canal between Akron and Cleveland hence its popular name, Deep Lock.\nOhio and Erie Canal Tow Path Trailheads\nTrailhead Map\n41\u00b022\u203224\u2033N 81\u00b036\u203259\u2033W \/ 41.373272\u00b0N 81.616382\u00b0W \/ 41.373272; -81.616382 (Canal Visitor) Canal Visitor Center Canal Road & Hillside Road, Valley View, Ohio 44125,\n1\u00bd miles south of Rockside Road\nFrazee House Canal Road, Valley View, Ohio,\n41\u00b019\u203210\u2033N 081\u00b035\u203215\u2033W \/ 41.31944\u00b0N 81.5875\u00b0W \/ 41.31944; -81.5875 (Station Road Bridge)[11] Station Road Bridge\nRed Lock\nBoston Store Boston Mills Road,\n1\/10 of a mile east of Riverview Road\nHunt Farm Visitor Information Center Bolanz Road,\nbetween Akron-Peninsula Road and Riverview Road\nCuyahoga Valley National Park - Visitor Centers\n41\u00b022\u203224\u2033N 81\u00b036\u203259\u2033W \/ 41.373272\u00b0N 81.616382\u00b0W \/ 41.373272; -81.616382 (Canal Visitor) Canal Canal Road & Hillside Road, Valley View, Ohio 44125,\n1\u00bd miles south of Rockside Road Canal Visitor Center contains exhibits and a bookstore. Exhibits illustrate 12,000 years of history in the valley, including the history of the canal. The canal-era building once served canal boat passengers waiting to pass through Ohio & Erie Canal Lock 38. Canal lock demonstrations are conducted seasonally on weekends by National Park Service staff and by volunteers wearing period costumes. A 20-minute slide program about the park and three, 30-minute videos on canal history are shown on request.\nHappy Days State Route 303,\n1 mile west of State Route 8,\n2 miles east of the Village of Peninsula, Ohio Happy Days was constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1938 and 1939 as a camp for urban children. The visitor center offers information and a variety of activities, including concerts, lectures, plays, and special events. A 20-minute slide program about the park is shown on request. Several hiking trails are located nearby.\n1\/10 of a mile east of Riverview Road Boston Store was constructed in 1836 and has been used as a warehouse, store, post office, and gathering place. It is now a museum featuring exhibits relating to canal boat-building.\nHunt Farm Bolanz Road,\nbetween Akron-Peninsula Road and Riverview Road The Hunt Farm property is typical of the small family farms that dotted the Cuyahoga Valley in the late 19th century. Here you can get information about park activities and see exhibits about the area's agricultural history. Next to the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail, it is an ideal starting point for a hike or a bicycle ride.\n3\u00bd miles south of Rockside Road The Frazee House was constructed in 1825 and 1826, during the same years the northern section of the Ohio & Erie Canal was dug. It is a fine example of a Western Reserve home and features exhibits relating to architectural styles, construction techniques, and the Frazee family.\n41\u00b014\u203232\u2033N 81\u00b032\u203257\u2033W \/ 41.242287\u00b0N 81.549124\u00b0W \/ 41.242287; -81.549124 (CVSR-Peninsula Depot) Peninsula Depot 1630 West Mill Street, Village of Peninsula, Ohio 44264,\nnorth of State Route 303 The Peninsula Depot was originally located in the village of Boston, just north of Boston Mills Road. It was moved to Peninsula in the late 1960s. The building may be the only surviving combination station from the Valley Railway, which operated between Cleveland, Ohio and Tuscarawas County, Ohio in the late 19th century. Today the Peninsula Depot serves as an information and orientation center for people on foot, bike, and rail, and serves as a station for Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad (CVSR) excursions. Exhibits highlight the history and recreational opportunities of the area.\nPoints of historic interest\n41\u00b022\u203224\u2033N 81\u00b036\u203259\u2033W \/ 41.37333\u00b0N 81.61639\u00b0W \/ 41.37333; -81.61639 (Canal Visitor) Canal Visitor Center - \"Hell's Half Acre\" Exhibits related to human history in the valley and Ohio & Erie Canal history are available at Canal Visitor Center. The exhibits are housed in a renovated canal-era tavern that, for some time, had such a colorful reputation that it came to be called \"Hell's Half Acre.\" Lock 38 is located in the front; lock demonstrations are offered by volunteers and staff in period costume every Saturday, Sunday, and holiday during the summer months. A lock model is located inside the visitor center. The ranger at the information desk will perform lock model demonstrations on request. An auditorium in the basement is used to show three different canal-related videos and one park orientation slide program. These programs will be run on request.[13]\nOhio & Erie Canal Related Structures The Ohio & Erie Canal was constructed between 1825 and 1832. It successfully provided Ohio with a transportation system that permitted residents to conduct trade with the world. While it stopped functioning after the great flood of 1913, remnants and ruins of canal-related structures can be seen alongside the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail. Wayside exhibits explain the function of many of the structures visible from the trail. Our Towpath Trail Sites to Visit list may be useful in directing you to the points of greatest interest.[14][15]\nFrazee House The Frazee House was under construction in 1825 when the canal was dug through its front yard. It's a great place to visit for information about Western Reserve architecture and construction techniques as well as some tidbits about the Frazee family.[16]\nBoston Store This early canal-era building was owned by the Boston Land & Manufacturing Company. The Boston Store now houses numerous exhibits relating to canal boat building.[17] Everett Road Covered Bridge The Everett Road Covered Bridge was constructed after a local resident was killed attempting to cross the swollen Furnace Run in 1877. It was destroyed by storm floodwaters in 1975 and reconstructed by the National Park Service in 1986. It is the only covered bridge in Summit County today. The bridge is located on Everett Road about 5\/10 of a mile west of Riverview Road near Everett Village.[18]\nBrandywine Village Brandywine Village was conceived and founded by George Wallace, who built a sawmill next to Brandywine Falls in 1814. He encouraged others to move to the area, including his brother-in-law, who built a grist mill on the opposite side of the falls. With inexpensive land available and the presence of mills to provide lumber, flour, and corn meal, the Village of Brandywine began to grow. Today only a couple of buildings remain from the village but historic photos and remnants of building foundations allow us to remember the Brandywine Village that once was.[19]\nCivilian Conservation Corps Structures The Civilian Conservation Corps was responsible for the construction of some of the most attractive buildings in the valley. Happy Days Visitor Center as well as the Ledges, Octagon, and Lake Shelters were built of wormy American Chestnut wood in the late 1930s. These structures can be found in the Virginia Kendall Unit of the park.[20][21]\nThe George Stanford House James Stanford moved to Boston Township immediately after surveying and naming it in 1806. He and with his wife Polly and son George were the first homesteaders in what is today Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP). His son George built a stately Greek revival home in about 1830. That home, located at 6093 Stanford Road, now serves as the Cuyahoga Valley HI-Stanford Hostel.[22]\nNational Register of Historic Places This page contains a complete list of National Register of Historic Places locations within CVNP. Some of these locations are privately owned.[23]\nHale Farm & Village Hale Farm & Village is an outdoor living history museum that is just a few miles and 150 years away. Costumed \"pioneer\" interpreters describe life in the Western Reserve during the formative years of the United States of America. The village features 21 historic buildings to tour and many talented craftspeople. It is operated by the Western Reserve Historical Society.\nCraft demonstrations include glassblowing, candlemaking, broommaking, spinning & weaving, cheesemaking, blacksmithing, woodworking, sawmilling, hearth cooking, and pottery making. The farm also features oxen, sheep, cows, and gardens.[24]\nMany of the listed homes are in private ownership.[26]\nCuyahoga Valley National Park - National Register of Historic Places\nRegister Date\nCuyahoga County and Summit County\n1. Agricultural Resources of Cuyahoga Valley Multiple Property Document Form NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 3\/12\/93\n2. Independence to Akron Valley Railway Historic District Cuyahoga Valley between Rockside Rd. at CVNP and Howard St. at Little Cuyahoga Valley. 5\/17\/85\n3. Recreation\/Conservation Resources of Cuyahoga Valley Multiple Property Document Form 1\/10\/97\n4. Bedford Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad Bridge OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Tinkers Creek 7\/24\/75\n5. 41\u00b019\u203217\u2033N 081\u00b035\u203214\u2033W \/ 41.32139\u00b0N 81.58722\u00b0W \/ 41.32139; -81.58722 (Brecksville-Northfield High-Level Bridge)[27] Brecksville Brecksville-Northfield High Level Bridge - STATE HIGHWAY BRIDGE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Ohio State Route 82 and Cuyahoga River (also in Northfield, Summit County, Ohio) Best viewed from Station Road Bridge Trailhead on the Towpath Trail (Riverview Rd. just South of Ohio State Route 82) 1\/6\/86\n6. Brecksville Burt,William House NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 9525 Brecksville Road 3\/7\/79\n7. Brecksville Rich, Charles B., House NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 9367 Brecksville Rd. 2\/22\/79\n8. Brecksville Brecksville Trailside Museum - (CLEVELAND METROPARKS NATURE CENTER) Chippewa Creek Drive off Ohio State Route 82 9?\/92\n9. Brecksville vicinity Coonrad, Jonas, House NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 10340 Riverview Road 7\/24\/79\n10. Brecksville vicinity Vaughn Site (33CU65) Address Restricted NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 11\/12\/87\n11. Brecksville vicinity Vaughn, Richard Farm NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 9570 Riverview Road 3\/12\/93\n12. Independence Packard-Doubler House NO PUBLIC FACILITIES - PRIVATE PROPERTY 7634 Riverview Road 3\/9\/79\n13. Independence vicinity South Park Site NO PUBLIC FACILITIES Address Restricted 6\/22\/76\n14. Independence vicinity Terra Vista Archeological District NO PUBLIC FACILITIES Address Restricted 5\/23\/78\n15. Independence to Akron Valley Railway Historic District Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR SCENIC TRAIN RIDES Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area Between Rockside Rd. and Howard St. at Little Cuyahoga Valley 5\/17\/85\n16. Valley View Frazee, Stephen House CVNP VISITOR CENTER WITH LIMITED OPEN HOURS 7733 Canal Road 5\/4\/76\n17. Valley View Gleason, Edmund House NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 7243 Canal Rd. 12\/18\/79\n18. Valley View Gleason Farm - Boundary Increase NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 7243 Canal Rd., 3\/12\/93\n19. Valley View Knapp, William, House NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 7101 Canal Road 3\/19\/79\n20. Valley View Lock No. 37 and Spillway Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Fitzwater Road 12\/11\/79\n21. Valley View Lock No. 38 and Spillway Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Hillside Road 12\/11\/79\n22. Valley View Lock No. 39 and Spillway Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Canal Road 12\/11\/79\n23. 41\u00b022\u203224\u2033N 81\u00b036\u203259\u2033W \/ 41.37333\u00b0N 81.61639\u00b0W \/ 41.37333; -81.61639 (Canal Visitor) Valley View Inn at Lock 38 a.k.a. Canal Visitor Center - CVNP VISITOR CENTER OPEN TO THE PUBLIC a.k.a. Hell's Half Acre Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail, 7104 Canal Road 12\/11\/79\n24. 41\u00b021\u203253\u2033N 081\u00b036\u203232\u2033W \/ 41.36472\u00b0N 81.60889\u00b0W \/ 41.36472; -81.60889 (Tinkers Creek Aqueduct)[28] Valley View Tinkers Creek Aqueduct Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Tinkers Creek 12\/11\/79\n25. Valley View Ulyatt, Abraham, House NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 6579 Canal Road 2\/27\/79\n26. Valley View Wilson Feed Mill OPEN TO PUBLIC AS A FEED AND GRAIN STORE Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail, 7604 Canal Road 12\/17\/79\n27. Valley View Village Ohio and Erie Canal OPEN TO THE PUBLIC VIA THE TOWPATH TRAIL Ohio State Route 631 11\/13\/65 NHL 11\/13\/66\n28. Akron Vicinity Barker Village Site NO PUBLIC FACILITIES Address Restricted 04\/19\/78\n29. Bath Hale, Jonathan Homestead - HALE FARM & VILLAGE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 2686 Oak Hill Road 4\/23\/73\n30. Boston Boston Land and Manufacturing Company Store a.k.a. Boston Store CVNP VISITOR CENTER WITH LIMITED OPEN HOURS Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail, Boston Mills Rd 12\/11\/79\n31. Boston Lock No. 32 Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 800 ft (240 m). N of Boston Mills Road 12\/11\/79\n32. Boston Boston Mills Historic District MOST BUILDINGS ARE PRIVATE WITH NO PUBLIC FACILITIES Boston Mills Rd., Stanford Rd. & Main Street 11\/9\/92\n33. Boston vicinity Lock No. 33 Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 1 mi (1.6 km). S. of Highland Road 12\/11\/79\n34. Botzum Botzum Farm NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 11\/01\/96 - Determination of Eligibility\n35. Cuyahoga Falls Hunt\/Wilke Farm a.k.a. Hunt Farm Visitor Information Center CVNP VISITOR CENTER WITH LIMITED OPEN HOURS Agricultural Resources of Cuyahoga Valley MPD, 2049 Bolanz Road 3\/12\/93\n36. Brecksville vicinity Jaite Mill Historic District - CVNP HEADQUARTERS NO VISITOR FACILITIES SE of Brecksville at Riverview and Vaughn roads 5\/21\/79\n37. 41\u00b019\u203210\u2033N 081\u00b035\u203215\u2033W \/ 41.31944\u00b0N 81.5875\u00b0W \/ 41.31944; -81.5875 (Station Road Bridge)[11] Brecksville vicinity Station Road Bridge OPEN TO THE PUBLIC East of Brecksville at Cuyahoga River 3\/7\/79\n38. Everett Lock No. 27 Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Approx. 400 ft (120 m). E of intersection of Riverview and Everett roads 3\/12\/93\n39. Everett vicinity Everett Knoll Complex Prehistoric District NO PUBLIC FACILITIES Address Restricted 5\/25\/77\n40. Everett vicinity Furnace Run Aqueduct Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Furnace Run 12\/11\/79\n41. Everett Everett Historic District VILLAGE IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - SOME BUILDINGS ARE PRIVATE RESIDENCES - NPS BUILDINGS HAVE NO VISITOR FACILITIES Everett and Riverview roads 1\/14\/94\n42. Ira Lock No. 26 Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 3.3 mi (5.3 km). N of Ira Road 12\/11\/79\n43. Northfield Center vicinity Wallace Farm OPEN TO PATRONS OF THE BED & BREAKFAST ONLY (Inn at Brandywine Falls) 8230 Brandywine Rd. 6\/27\/85\n44. Peninsula Everett Road Covered Bridge OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SW of Peninsula on Everett Rd. over Furnace Creek 5\/23\/73 Demolished\/Destroyed\/Rebuilt\n45. Peninsula Lock No. 28 Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Deep Lock Quarry Metro Park 12\/11\/79\n46. Peninsula Lock No. 29 and Aqueduct Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC off Ohio State Route 303 12\/11\/79\n47. Peninsula Lock No. 30 and Feeder Dam Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Off Ohio State Route 303 12\/11\/79\n48. Peninsula Lock No. 31 Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 200 ft (61 m). E. of Cuyahoga River and approx. 0.5 mi (0.80 km). S of Ohio Turnpike 12\/11\/79\n49. 41\u00b014\u203232\u2033N 81\u00b032\u203257\u2033W \/ 41.24222\u00b0N 81.54917\u00b0W \/ 41.24222; -81.54917 (Peninsula Historic District) Peninsula Peninsula Village Historic District MOST BUILDINGS ARE PRIVATE - SOME ARE RETAIL STORES Both sides of Ohio State Route 303 8\/23\/74\n50. Peninsula Fox House NO PUBLIC FACILITIES - PRIVATE PROPERTY 1664 West Main Street Part I Certification (contributes to the significance of the above-named district and is a certified historic structure for purposes of rehabilitation) 2\/13\/87, MARO\n51. Peninsula Tilden, Daniel, House NO PUBLIC FACILITIES - PRIVATE PROPERTY 2325 Stine Rd. 6\/20\/85\n52. Peninsula Welton, Allen, House NO PUBLIC FACILITIES - PRIVATE PROPERTY 2485 Major Rd. 5\/07\/79\n53. Peninsula vicinity Brown, Jim, House NO PUBLIC FACILITIES S. of Peninsula at 3491 Akron Peninsula Rd. 3\/2\/79\n54. Peninsula vicinity Brown\/ Bender Farm, Boundary Increase NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 3491 Akron Peninsula Rd. 3\/12\/93\n55. Peninsula vicinity Cranz, Edward Farm NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 2780 Oak Hill Drive 3\/12\/93\n56. Peninsula vicinity Cranz, William and Eugene Farm NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 2401 Ira Road 3\/12\/93\n57. Peninsula vicinity Stanford, George, Farm - (AYH Youth Hostel) 6093 Stanford Rd. 2\/17\/82\n58. Peninsula vicinity Stumpy Basin Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 200 ft (61 m). E of Cuyahoga River and approx. 0.5 mi (0.80 km) S of Ohio Turnpike 12\/11\/79\n59. Peninsula vicinity Duffy, Michael Farm NO PUBLIC FACILITIES - PRIVATE PROPERTY 4965 Quick Road 3\/12\/93\n60. Peninsula vicinity Virginia Kendall Historic District OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - SHELTER, RESTROOMS, WINTER SPORTS CENTER Truxell Road 1\/10\/97\n61. Peninsula vicinity Camp Manatoc Concord Lodge and Adirondacks Historic District NO PUBLIC FACILITIES - PRIVATE PROPERTY Truxell Road 1\/10\/97\n62. Peninsula vicinity Butler, H. Karl Memorial NO PUBLIC FACILITIES - PRIVATE PROPERTY Truxell Road 1\/10\/97\n63. Peninsula vicinity Camp Manatoc Dining Hall NO PUBLIC FACILITIES - PRIVATE PROPERTY Truxell Road 1\/10\/97\n64. Peninsula vicinity Camp Manatoc Foresters Lodge and Kit Carson\/Dan Boone Cabins NO PUBLIC FACILITIES - PRIVATE PROPERTY Historic District, Truxell Road 1\/10\/97\n65. Peninsula vicinity Camp Manatoc Legion Lodge NO PUBLIC FACILITIES - PRIVATE PROPERTY Truxell Road 1\/10\/97\n66. Peninsula vicinity Jyrovat Farmstead NO PUBLIC FACILITIES 696 W. Streetsboro Road 5\/25\/95\n67. Sagamore Hills Lock No. 34 Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Highland Rd. 12\/17\/79\n68. Sagamore Hills Lock No. 35 Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Off Ohio State Route 82 12\/11\/79\nThis article incorporates public domain material from the National Park Service document \"http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/planavisit\/todo\/recreation\/ohioerie.htm\".\n^ \"Encyclopedia of Cleveland History - The Cuyahoga River\". Case Western Reserve University. http:\/\/ech.case.edu\/ech-cgi\/article.pl?id=CR9.\n^ \"The Cuyahoga River\". Cleveland Memory, Cleveland State University. http:\/\/www.clevelandmemory.org\/ellis\/chap03.html.\n^ Cuyahoga Valley National Park - Frequently Asked Questions (U.S. National Park Service)\n^ govtrack.us summary of HR 4578\n^ \"CVSR\". Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad. http:\/\/www.cvsr.com\/.\n^ \"Towpath Trail map\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/planavisit\/maps\/towpath.htm.\n^ a b c d \"Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/planavisit\/todo\/recreation\/ohioerie.htm.\n^ \"Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail Tour - Sites to Visit\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/visitonline\/towpathtour\/interact.htm.\n^ \"Ohio & Erie Canal - Towpath Trail Tour\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/visitonline\/towpathtour\/index.htm.\n^ \"Cuyahoga Valley National Park - Stanford House\". Day in the Valley. http:\/\/www.dayinthevalley.com\/attractDetail.php?attrId=Stanford+House.\n^ a b \"Station Road Bridge\". Geographic Names Information System, U.S. Geological Survey. http:\/\/geonames.usgs.gov\/pls\/gnispublic\/f?p=gnispq:3:::NO::P3_FID:1073892. Retrieved 2009-05-03.\n^ \"Cuyahoga Valley National Park - Visitor Centers\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/planavisit\/visitorcenters.htm.\n^ \"Cuyahoga Valley National Park - Canal Visitor Center\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/planavisit\/visitorcenters.htm#CVC.\n^ \"Cuyahoga Valley National Park - Ohio and Erie Canal\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/planavisit\/todo\/recreation\/ohioerie.htm.\n^ \"Cuyahoga Valley National Park - Interactive Tow-Path Tour\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/visitonline\/towpathtour\/interact.htm.\n^ \"Cuyahoga Valley National Park - Frazee House\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/planavisit\/visitorcenters.htm#FrazeeHouse.\n^ \"Cuyahoga Valley National Park - Boston Store\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/planavisit\/visitorcenters.htm#BostonStr.\n^ \"Cuyahoga Valley National Park - Everett Road Covered Bridge\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/history\/CvrdBrdg.htm.\n^ \"Cuyahoga Valley National Park - Brandywine Village\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/visitonline\/brandywine\/index.htm.\n^ \"Happy Days Visitor Center\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/planavisit\/visitorcenters.htm#HDVC.\n^ \"Cuyahoga Valley National Park - Virginia Kendall Unit map\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/planavisit\/maps\/Map_Ldgs.htm.\n^ \"The George Stanford House\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/friends\/stanford.htm.\n^ \"National Register of Historic Places - Cuyahoga Valley National Park\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/history\/NatRegst.htm.\n^ \"Hale Farm and Village\". Western Reserve Historical Society. http:\/\/www.wrhs.org\/sites\/hale.htm.\n^ \"Points of Historic Interest\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/archive\/cuva\/history\/PntsHist.htm.\n^ \"Brecksville-Northfield High Level Bridge\". Geographic Names Information System, U.S. Geological Survey. http:\/\/geonames.usgs.gov\/pls\/gnispublic\/f?p=gnispq:3:::NO::P3_FID:1073888. Retrieved 2009-05-03.\n^ \"Tinkers Creek Aqueduct\". Geographic Names Information System, U.S. Geological Survey. http:\/\/geonames.usgs.gov\/pls\/gnispublic\/f?p=gnispq:3:::NO::P3_FID:1073893. Retrieved 2009-05-03.\n\"A Green Shrouded Miracle: The Administrative History of Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area, Ohio\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.cr.nps.gov\/history\/online_books\/cuyahoga\/.\n\"Ohio and Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor, a National Park Service Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/history\/nr\/travel\/ohioeriecanal\/.\n\"The Ohio & Erie Canal: Catalyst of Economic Development for Ohio, a National Park Service Teaching with Historic Places (TwHP) lesson plan\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/history\/NR\/twhp\/wwwlps\/lessons\/41ohio\/41ohio.htm.\n\"Cuyahoga Valley National Park - Official Site\". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. http:\/\/www.nps.gov\/cuva\/.\nThe National Parks: Index 2001\u20132003. Washington: U.S. Department of the Interior.\nCuyahoga Valley Trails Council (2007). The Trail Guide to Cuyahoga Valley National Park, 3rd Edition, OH: Gray & Company, Publishers. ISBN 978-1-59851-040-9\nOfficial site: Cuyahoga Valley National National Park\nCuyahoga Valley National Park travel guide from Wikitravel\nv \u00b7 d \u00b7 eProtected areas of Ohio\nNational historical\nparks and sites\nDayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park \u2022 Hopewell Culture National Historical Park \u2022\nFirst Ladies National Historic Site \u2022 James A. Garfield National Historic Site \u2022 William Howard Taft National Historic Site\nNational memorials\nDavid Berger National Memorial \u2022 Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial\nWayne National Forest\nNational wildlife\nCedar Point \u2022 Ottawa \u2022 West Sister Island\nNational estuarine\nresearch reserve\nOld Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserve\nAdams Lake \u2022 Alum Creek \u2022 A. W. Marion \u2022 Barkcamp \u2022 Beaver Creek \u2022 Blue Rock \u2022 Buck Creek \u2022 Buckeye Lake \u2022 Burr Oak \u2022 Caesar Creek \u2022 Catawba Island \u2022 Cleveland Lakefront \u2022 Cowan Lake \u2022 Deer Creek \u2022 Delaware \u2022 Dillon \u2022 East Fork \u2022 East Harbor \u2022 Findley \u2022 Forked Run \u2022 Geneva \u2022 Grand Lake St. Marys \u2022 Great Seal \u2022 Guilford Lake \u2022 Harrison Lake \u2022 Headlands Beach \u2022 Hocking Hills \u2022 Hueston Woods \u2022 Independence Dam \u2022 Indian Lake \u2022 Jackson Lake \u2022 Jefferson Lake \u2022 John Bryan \u2022 Kelleys Island \u2022 Kiser Lake \u2022 Lake Alma \u2022 Lake Hope \u2022 Lake Logan \u2022 Lake Loramie \u2022 Lake Milton \u2022 Lake White \u2022 Little Miami \u2022 Madison Lake \u2022 Malabar Farm \u2022 Marblehead Lighthouse \u2022 Mary Jane Thurston \u2022 Middle Bass Island \u2022 Maumee Bay \u2022 Mohican \u2022 Mosquito Lake \u2022 Mt. Gilead \u2022 Muskingum River \u2022 Nelson Kennedy Ledges \u2022 Paint Creek \u2022 Pike Lake \u2022 Portage Lakes \u2022 Punderson \u2022 Pymatuning \u2022 Quail Hollow \u2022 Rocky Fork \u2022 Salt Fork \u2022 Scioto Trail \u2022 Shawnee \u2022 South Bass Island \u2022 Stonelick \u2022 Strouds Run \u2022 Sycamore \u2022 Tar Hollow \u2022 Tinkers Creek \u2022 Van Buren \u2022 West Branch \u2022 Wingfoot Lake \u2022 Wolf Run\nBeaver Creek \u2022 Blue Rock \u2022 Brush Creek \u2022 Dean \u2022 Fernwood \u2022 Gifford \u2022 Harrison \u2022 Hocking \u2022 Maumee \u2022 Mohican-Memorial \u2022 Perry \u2022 Pike \u2022 Richland Furnace \u2022 Scioto Trail \u2022 Shade River \u2022 Shawnee \u2022 Sunfish Creek \u2022 Tar Hollow \u2022 Yellow Creek \u2022 Zaleski\nState nature\nAcadia Cliffs \u2022 Adams Lake Prairie \u2022 Audubon Islands \u2022 Augusta-Anne Olsen \u2022 Aurora Sanctuary \u2022 Baker Woods \u2022 Evans Beck Memorial \u2022 Betsch Fen \u2022 Bigelow Cemetery \u2022 Blackhand Gorge \u2022 Bonnet Pond \u2022 Boord \u2022 Brown's Lake Bog \u2022 Burton Wetlands \u2022 Caesar Creek Gorge \u2022 Lou Campbell \u2022 Carmean Woods \u2022 Cedar Bog \u2022 Chaparral Prairie \u2022 Christmas Rocks \u2022 Clear Creek \u2022 Clear Fork Gorge \u2022 Clifton Gorge \u2022 Howard Collier \u2022 Compass Plant Prairie \u2022 Conkle's Hollow \u2022 Copperrider-Kent Bog \u2022 Crabill Fen \u2022 Cranberry Bog \u2022 Crane Hollow \u2022 Crooked Run \u2022 Culberson Woods \u2022 Davey Woods \u2022 Davis Memorial \u2022 Marie J. Desonier \u2022 Drew Woods \u2022 Dupont Marsh \u2022 Eagle Creek \u2022 Emerald Hills \u2022 Erie Sand Barrens \u2022 Etawah Woods \u2022 Flatiron Lake Bog \u2022 Fowler Woods \u2022 Frame Lake Fen \u2022 Gahanna Woods \u2022 Gallagher\/Springfield Fen \u2022 Goll Woods \u2022 Goode Prairie \u2022 Gott Fen \u2022 Greenbelt \u2022 Greenville Falls \u2022 Gross Memorial Woods \u2022 Hatch-Otis \u2022 Halls Creek \u2022 Headlands Dunes \u2022 Hueston Woods \u2022 Hutchins (Highland) \u2022 Irwin Prairie \u2022 Jackson Bog \u2022 Johnson Ridge \u2022 Johnson Woods \u2022 Karlo Fen \u2022 Kendrick Woods \u2022 Kessler Swamp \u2022 Kiser Lake Wetlands \u2022 Kitty Todd \u2022 Knox Woods \u2022 Kyle Woods \u2022 Ladd Natural Bridge \u2022 Lake Katharine \u2022 Lakeside Daisy \u2022 Lawrence Woods \u2022 Little Rocky Hollow \u2022 Mantua Bog \u2022 Marsh Wetlands \u2022 McCracken Fen \u2022 Mentor Marsh \u2022 Milford Center Railroad Prairie \u2022 Miller \u2022 Morris Woods \u2022 Mud Lake Bog \u2022 Myersville \u2022 Newberry \u2022 North Pond \u2022 North Shore Alvar \u2022 Novak Sanctuary \u2022 Old Woman Creek \u2022 Owens\/Liberty Fen \u2022 Pallister \u2022 Pickerington Ponds \u2022 Portage Lakes Wetland \u2022 Prairie Road Fen \u2022 William C. McCoy \u2022 Raven Rock \u2022 Rhododendeon Cove \u2022 Rockbridge \u2022 Rome \u2022 Rothenbuhler Woods \u2022 Saltpetre Cave \u2022 Sears Woods \u2022 Seymour Woods \u2022 Shallenberger \u2022 Sharon Woods Gorge \u2022 Sheepskin Hollow \u2022 Sheick Hollow \u2022 Sheldon Marsh \u2022 Shoemaker \u2022 Siegenthaler-Kaestner Esker \u2022 Smith Cemetery \u2022 Spring Beauty Dell \u2022 Spring Brook Sanctuary \u2022 Springville Marsh \u2022 Stage's Pond \u2022 Strait Creek Prairie \u2022 Stratford Woods \u2022 Swamp Cottonwood \u2022 Edward Thomas \u2022 Tinker's Creek \u2022 Travertine Fen \u2022 Triangle Lake Bog \u2022 Trillium Trails \u2022 Walter Tucker \u2022 Tummonds \u2022 Warder-Perkins \u2022 Whipple \u2022 White Pine Bog Forest \u2022 Zimmermand Prairie\nBig Darby Creek \u2022 Chagrin River \u2022 Conneaut Creek \u2022 Cuyahoga River \u2022 Grand River \u2022 Greenville Creek \u2022 Kokosing River \u2022 Little Beaver Creek \u2022 Little Darby Creek \u2022 Little Miami River \u2022 Maumee River \u2022 Mohican River \u2022 Olentangy River \u2022 Sandusky River \u2022 Stillwater River\nAshtabula County Metroparks \u2022 Cleveland Metroparks \u2022 Columbus Metro Parks \u2022 Erie MetroParks \u2022 Five Rivers MetroParks \u2022 Geauga Park District \u2022 Hamilton County Park District \u2022 Johnny Appleseed Metro Parks \u2022 Lake Metroparks \u2022 Lorain County Metro Parks \u2022 Metroparks of Butler County \u2022 Metro Parks, Serving Summit County \u2022 Metroparks of the Toledo Area \u2022 Mill Creek MetroParks \u2022 Trumbull County MetroParks \u2022\nOhio Department of Natural Resources (web)\nv \u00b7 d \u00b7 eNational parks of the United States\nAcadia \u2022 American Samoa \u2022 Arches \u2022 Badlands \u2022 Big Bend \u2022 Biscayne \u2022 Black Canyon of the Gunnison \u2022 Bryce Canyon \u2022 Canyonlands \u2022 Capitol Reef \u2022 Carlsbad Caverns \u2022 Channel Islands \u2022 Congaree \u2022 Crater Lake \u2022 Cuyahoga Valley \u2022 Death Valley \u2022 Denali \u2022 Dry Tortugas \u2022 Everglades \u2022 Gates of the Arctic \u2022 Glacier \u2022 Glacier Bay \u2022 Grand Canyon \u2022 Grand Teton \u2022 Great Basin \u2022 Great Sand Dunes \u2022 Great Smoky Mountains \u2022 Guadalupe Mountains \u2022 Haleakal\u0101 \u2022 Hawai\u02bbi Volcanoes \u2022 Hot Springs \u2022 Isle Royale \u2022 Joshua Tree \u2022 Katmai \u2022 Kenai Fjords \u2022 Kings Canyon \u2022 Kobuk Valley \u2022 Lake Clark \u2022 Lassen Volcanic \u2022 Mammoth Cave \u2022 Mesa Verde \u2022 Mount Rainier \u2022 North Cascades \u2022 Olympic \u2022 Petrified Forest \u2022 Redwood \u2022 Rocky Mountain \u2022 Saguaro \u2022 Sequoia \u2022 Shenandoah \u2022 Theodore Roosevelt \u2022 Virgin Islands \u2022 Voyageurs \u2022 Wind Cave \u2022 Wrangell-St. Elias \u2022 Yellowstone \u2022 Yosemite \u2022 Zion\nList of National Parks of the United States (by elevation)\nv \u00b7 d \u00b7 eNational Register of Historic Places in Cuyahoga Valley National Park\nNational Historic Landmark District\nOther historic districts\nBotzum Farm | Camp Manatoc Foresters Lodge and Kit Carson-Dan Boone Cabins Historic District | Edward Cranz Farm | William and Eugene Cranz Farm | Michael Duffy Farm | Everett Historic District | Everett Knoll Complex | Jaite Mill Historic District | Virginia Kendall State Park Historic District | Peninsula Village Historic District | Terra Vista Archeological District | Valley Railway Historic District\nNational Register properties\nBarker Village Site | Jim Brown House] | Jim Brown Tavern | William Burt House | H. Karl Butler Memorial | Camp Manatoc Concord Lodge and Adirondacks Historic District | Camp Manatoc Dining Hall | Camp Manatoc Legion Lodge | Albert Cofta Farmstead | Jonas Coonrad House | Fort Island Works | Stephen Frazee House | Furnace Run Aqueduct | Edmund Gleason Farm | Hunt-Wilke Farm | William Knapp House | Lock No. 26 | Lock No. 27 | Lock No. 28 | Lock No. 29 and Aqueduct | Lock No. 30 and Feeder Dam | Lock No. 31 | Lock No. 32 | Lock No. 33 | Lock No. 34 | Lock No. 35 | Lock No. 37 and Spillway | Lock No. 38 and Spillway | Lock No. 39 and Spillway | Lock Tender's House and Inn | Lutz-Martin Farm | Ohio and Erie Canal Deep Lock | Packard-Doubler House | Nathaniel Point Farm | Charles B. Rich House | Russ and Holland Snow Houses | South Park Site | George Stanford Farm | Station Road Bridge | Stebbens Farm | Stumpy Basin | Daniel Tilden House | Tinkers Creek Aqueduct | Abraham Ulyatt House | Richard Vaughn Farm | Wallace Farm | Allen Welton House | Wilson Feed Mill\nSee also: National Register of Historic Places listings in Cuyahoga Valley National Park\nIUCN Category II\nGreater Cleveland\nProtected areas of Cuyahoga County, Ohio\nProtected areas of Summit County, Ohio\nProtected areas established in 2000\nCivilian Conservation Corps in Ohio\nFriedrich Wilhelm Argelander\nMad Fold-in\nCuyahoga Valley National Park \u2014 Sp Kajah\u00f2gos Sl\u0117nio nacion\u00e3linis p\u00e1rkas Ap Cuyahoga Valley National Park L JAV (Ohajas) \u2026 Pasaulio vietovard\u017eiai. Internetin\u0117 duomen\u0173 baz\u0117\nCuyahoga Valley National Park \u2014 Cuyahoga Valley Nationalpark Wasserfall im Park \u2026 Deutsch Wikipedia\nCuyahoga Valley National Park \u2014 Parc national de Cuyahoga Valley Parc national de Cuyahoga Valley Cat\u00e9gorie II de la CMAP (Parc national) \u2026 Wikip\u00e9dia en Fran\u00e7ais\nNational Register of Historic Places listings in Cuyahoga Valley National Park \u2014 This is a list of the National Register of Historic Places listings in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. This is intended to be a complete list of the properties and districts on the National Register of Historic Places in Cuyahoga Valley National\u2026 \u2026 Wikipedia\nDeath Valley National Park \u2014 Death Valley Nationalpark Wandernder Felsen auf dem Racetrack im Death Valley \u2026 Deutsch Wikipedia\nDeath Valley National Park \u2014 IUCN Category II (National Park) \u2026 Wikipedia\nKobuk Valley National Park \u2014 Kobuk Valley Nationalpark Agie River \u2026 Deutsch Wikipedia\nKobuk Valley National Park \u2014 Parc national de Kobuk Valley Kobuk Valley Nom Parc national Emplacement \u2026 Wikip\u00e9dia en Fran\u00e7ais\nCuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad \u2014 Valley Scenic Railroad Locale Cuyahoga Valley National Park from Independence, Cuyahoga County to Canton, Stark County, Ohio Dates of operation 1972 or 1973\u2013Present Predecessor Chessie System \u2026 Wikipedia\nNational Park Service \u2014 Arrowhead Agency overview Formed August 25, 1916 Jurisdiction \u2026 Wikipedia","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"The Campus Authority since 1925\nSep 17 New Hours and Offerings at the Spa\nNoa Maltzman\nAdmin faculty policy\nAfter concerns of overcrowding in the dining hall at dinner, Dinning Services this year has instituted changes to ease congestion. No, they did not add more seating, nor did they expand the dining hall in any way. Instead, they changed the Spa hours. The Spa is now open from 11am to 7pm, Monday through Friday, while last year their weekday daytime hours were 9:30am to 5:30pm (not including late night weekend hours, which is staying the same). Doing this \"will offer another option for dinner and hopefully eliminate some of the crowding in the Dining Hall that exists\" said Director of Dinning Services, Mark Miller.\nDue to the altered Spa hours, the Skidmore community has lost an on-campus breakfast option. Miller said that they \"have noticed an increase in some guests at breakfast in the Dining Hall\" and said they can easily accommodate this increase. Miller did not see any new issues in regards to a potential influx of patrons at the Burgess Caf\u00e9, saying it \"has always been busy.\"\nYour early morning coffee at the Spa is no longer an option; however, Dining Services has added additional morning coffee options. They installed \"another Starbucks vending unit in the Athletic Center where guests can get three varieties of freshly brewed Starbucks coffee and hot cocoa using a credit card or their Skid-Cards,\" said Miller.\nIn addition to the new coffee vending unit, there are new dinner options, lunch and dinner specials and new grab and go items (for example, a new Chobani yogurt and fruit bar) now offered at the Spa. Food options at the Atrium have also been increased.\nThere was also another change in Dining Service hours. The Burgess Caf\u00e9 now closes at 1 a.m. instead of 2 a.m., Sunday through Thursday. Cerri Banks, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs, said in an email to all Skidmore students that this change was made because \"we have found that during that hour [1am to 2am] we serve almost no customers and staffing is a considerable challenge.\" The one-hour earlier closure will allow Skidmore to \"use our staff resources more effectively and to better serve the students and our community,\" said Banks. A new semester always brings about change and hopefully these changes to Dinning Services hours will be worth the new products they are able to offer.\nDining Services, Burgess Cafe, Spa\nEmma Bernstein\nOPINION: How We Talk About the Holocaust\nThere was nothing about Reich's story that was any more gruesome or devastating than the stories I had heard throughout middle and high school. I was not even brought to tears by the emotions, or lack thereof, of my seatmates \u2014 both of whom had dozed off as Reich addressed the audience. I exited the auditorium swiftly after Reich concluded, wiping tears with shaken fists.\nEmily Chase\nOPINION: Women's History Month in the Media: Shining the Right Spotlight\nAs I scrolled through my social media this past month, I became aware of the increase in female representation across the pages of well-known brands. Obviously, this was due to the fact that March was Women's History Month, but it got me thinking about the implications that arise by limiting the celebration of women to one month out of the year.\nClara Pysh\nA Night of Expression and Drag with Skidmore Pride\nSkidmore's Pride Alliance Club hosted their second annual drag show on Fri., April 19. The club invited Skidmore alum Bella Biscotti '11 to come and perform in Falstaff's, alongside other interested students.\nJessica Pavia\nFun Day Changes Meant to Ensure Safety Among Students\nSome Skidmore students have called Fun Day the best day of the year. Some plan their outfits weeks in advance. The rest make sure they are as far away from campus that day as possible. When the recent Fun Day changes bubbled to the surface, responses from the student body was a mix of emotions and concerns.\nOPINION: Why Do Skidmore Students Make Less Than Minimum Wage?\nThe justifications for our deflated wage seem vapid, even if the college is legally allowed to pay us that little, and I think I should be paid at least the state-mandated minimum for the work I do.\nSep 19 What's So Special About it, Really?\nJun 14 President Glotzbach Responds to Orlando Shooting\nOct 9 Sudden Departure of Skidmore in Paris Resident Director Causes Program Changes\nOct 1 New Members of the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life Staff\nDec 3 Students to Sway Library Hours\nAlumni, Parents and Community Members: Enter your email address to receive our weekly newsletter *","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Bethan Hindle\nHAS Dept of Applied Sciences (3)\nCumulative weather effects can impact across the whole life cycle (2019)\nHindle, B. J., Pilkington, J. G., Pemberton, J. M., & Childs, D. Z. (2019). Cumulative weather effects can impact across the whole life cycle. Global Change Biology, 25(10), 3282-3293. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1111\/gcb.14742\nPredicting how species will be affected by future climatic change requires the underlying environmental drivers to be identified. As vital rates vary over the lifecycle, structured population models derived from statistical environment-demography rel... Read More about Cumulative weather effects can impact across the whole life cycle.\nExploring population responses to environmental change when there is never enough data: a factor analytic approach (2018)\nHindle, B. J., Rees, M., Sheppard, A. W., Quintana-Ascencio, P. F., Menges, E. S., & Childs, D. Z. (2018). Exploring population responses to environmental change when there is never enough data: a factor analytic approach. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(11), 2283-2293. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1111\/2041-210X.13085\n\u00a9 2018 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Society Temporal variability in the environment drives variation in vital rates, with consequences for population dynamics and l... Read More about Exploring population responses to environmental change when there is never enough data: a factor analytic approach.\nTopographical variation reduces phenological mismatch between a butterfly and its nectar source (2014)\nWillis, S. G., Richards, S. A., Kerr, C. L., Hindle, B. J., Hindle, B. J., Kerr, C. L., \u2026Willis, S. G. (2015). Topographical variation reduces phenological mismatch between a butterfly and its nectar source. Journal of Insect Conservation, 19(2), 227-236. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1007\/s10841-014-9713-x\n\u00a9 2014, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. The timing of many biological events, including butterfly imago emergence, has advanced under climate change, with the rate of these phenological changes often differing among taxonomic groups. S... Read More about Topographical variation reduces phenological mismatch between a butterfly and its nectar source.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Maps of Croydon\nSurrey XX.12 (includes: Chelsham; Warlingham) - 25 Inch Map\nSurrey XX.SE - OS Six-Inch Map\nSurrey XX - OS Six-Inch Map\nKent XXVII.SE - OS Six-Inch Map\nKent XXVII.NE - OS Six-Inch Map\nKent XXVII.12 (includes: Chelsham; Orpington) - 25 Inch Map\nKent XXVII - OS Six-Inch Map\nTQ35 - OS 1:25,000 Provisional Series Map\nA topographical-map, of the county of Kent, 6\n1 Blatt : 54 x 69 cm s.n.\nReigate (Hills) - OS One-Inch Revised New Series\nReigate (Outline) - OS One-Inch Revised New Series\n1 : 31680 Woodland and agricultural land dominate this plan, which covers an area from Beckenham and Croydon at the top, to Felbridge, Hackenham and Gotwick at the bottom. Buildings are infilled and blocked together at Croydon, the largest settlement shown.\n1 : 31680 A dashed black-ink line runs along the boundary of Surrey and Sussex at the bottom of this plan of the North Downs., The bottom right of the manuscript carries a blue- rubber stamp from the 1950s, indicating that the plan was held in the Ordnance Survey Medium and Small Scales Division. Budgen, Thomas\nDetail from OSD 127 (Hampton Court), showing Kingston, Richmond and Twickenham\nThis drawing of London and the surrounding Thames countryside provides a fascinating blueprint of Regency London. The layouts of the ornamental gardens and tree-lined avenues of Hampton Court and nearby Bushy Park are shown in detail. These contrast with the depiction of Kew Gardens, which is left blank within its boundaries. The Ordnance Survey Letter Book records: \"When the Ordnance Survey of the vicinity of Brentford was made, The Surveyor was not permitted to enter Kew Gardens.\" At that time, King George III was recuperating at Kew from bouts of mental illness: the king's privacy and security took primacy over mapmaking. Stanley, William\nHampton Court 20\n1 : 31680 This drawing of London and the surrounding Thames countryside provides a fascinating blueprint of Regency London. The layouts of the ornamental gardens and tree-lined avenues of Hampton Court and nearby Bushy Park are shown in detail. These contrast with the depiction of Kew Gardens, which is left blank within its boundaries. The Ordnance Survey Letter Book records: \"When the Ordnance Survey of the vicinity of Brentford was made, The Surveyor was not permitted to enter Kew Gardens.\" At that time, King George III was recuperating at Kew from bouts of mental illness: the king's privacy and security took primacy over mapmaking. Stanley, William\nLondon passenger transport map\nMAP of the COUNTRY 15 MILES ROUND London SHEWING BY A YELLOW CIRCLE OF 3 MILEs, THE LIMITS OF THE TWOPENNY POST DELIVERY\nThis map was commissioned by the House of Commons for the ninth report of the Post Office Management. The map's title features at top right, with an explanatory note and scale bar at bottom right. It shows the boundaries of the London Two-Penny Post, and the old and current boundaries of the Country Three-Penny Post, with mail routes highlighted in red. Post stages on the edges of the post area allowed mail to be exchanged between the London and the General Post on all main roads out of London. Wyld, James\nLondon SE - OS One-Inch Map","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Trump Says The U.S. Is Renegotiating Its Trade Deal With Korea\n(Photo by Alex Wong\/Getty Images)\nAlex Pfeiffer White House Correspondent\nJune 30, 2017 12:24 PM ET\nPresident Donald Trump said Friday that the U.S. will work with South Korea to sign a new trade deal.\nThe U.S. signed a trade deal with Korea in 2011 and between then and 2016, America's trade deficit with South Korea has increased by more than $11 billion, according to President Trump. He said while making a statement next to South Korean President Moon Jae-in that is \"not exactly a great deal.\"\nTrade was expected to be an issue brought up when the two leaders met. A senior White House official told reporters Wednesday that the trade imbalance has \"caught the president's eye,\" and that Trump was hoping to have a \"frank\" discussion with President Moon about it.\nTrump previously told The Washington Post in April that he is open to terminating America's existing trade agreement with South Korea.\n\"We will do more to to remove barriers to reciprocal trade and market access. We talked last night and today about some tough trade issues like autos and steel,\" Trump said. \"I'm encouraged by President Moon's assurances that he will work to create a level playing field so that American workers and businesses, and especially auto makers, can have a fair shake at dealing with South Korea.\"\nTrump said that American companies should be able to freely sell cars in South Korea and that he also called on South Korea to stop enabling the importation of Chinese steel into the U.S\n\"These would be important steps forward in our trading relationship,\" Trump said. \"They have to be made, not fair to the American worker if they are not, and they will be.\"\n\"Our teams are going to get to work on these issues, and they're going to sign a deal that's great for South Korea and great for the United States,\" Trump stated.\nPresident Moon alluded to this during his remarks and said: \"We both agreed on this view. economic growth and job creation will be promoted to insure our peoples enjoy greater mutual benefits through the collective efforts we've committed to make. \"\nTags : donald trump moon jae in south korea trade\nAlex Pfeiffer","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Sephora's New Retail Stores Will Take Cues From YouTube\nSephora's new in-store retail model puts a real-life spin on makeup tutorial videos, which have grown massively popular on YouTube.\nThe beauty retailer already prominently places video how-tos in its mobile and online stores, and now, Sephora's retail stores will bridge the gap between digital demonstrations and the in-store visit.\nIn its new San Francisco store, opening this Friday (Nov 20, 2015), Sephora has designated stations called the \"Beauty Workshop,\" where customers can watch video tutorials, take a class with a Sephora team member, and share content online. It's the center of the new store's design, and up to 12 customers at a time can sit down to watch videos, practice with new products and learn from Sephora's team members.\nPhoto Credit: www.digiworld.com\nThe workshop helps enrich the experience for the customer who wants to sample the product. For Sephora, it's where the company can turn buzzing digital trends in the beauty world into moments that both enable education and drive conversion. Sephora president and CEO Calvin McDonald, for example, pointed to contouring (which is the art of using bronzer, concealer and highlighter to create a sculpted foundation look) as a major makeup obsession that became a prime opportunity for Sephora's expertise.\n\"People were sitting on the sidelines, watching other people's contouring videos, not knowing how to do it themselves,\" said McDonald. Sephora looked to social media to realize that people wanted to contour, but had no idea how to do it themselves. And most people won't invest in buying the product \u2014 contouring requires a whole crew of makeup items and brushes \u2014 until they feel confident they can create a look at home.\nPhoto Credit: Array 2015\n\"That's where Sephora comes into play,\" said McDonald. \"When you demystify, people feel empowered to buy. This translates into her being more engaged in beauty, and that translates into her buying more items.\"\nAlso featured alongside the workshop is Sephora's digital Beauty Board, a shoppable screen that plays user-generated content coinciding with current trends. Visitors who sit down at the station can watch the looks go by for inspiration, and then pick up the exact products used. Customers can also share their beauty routines and accompanying products to stream on the board. A \"People Like Me\" search function filters the content stream to show specific skin tones, hair textures and more.\n\"It's not digital for the sake of digital,\" said McDonald. \"It's a combination of products, services and teachable moments that support our customers' missions.\"\nMore features in the new San Francisco store include fragrance identifier InstaScent (previously called Poof) that spritzes raw notes of a perfume to help customers decide which defining scent they're most attracted to (McDonald noted that fragrance is one of Sephora's under-performing categories). Digital Trend Tables show which online products are most popular and best-selling in real time.\nAccording to Deborah Yeh, Sephora's svp of marketing, it's about balancing the customer who's there for the experience, and the one who's there simply to run in and out for a purchase.\n\"Our [salespeople] can identify which customer is there to learn and which is there to get in and out,\" said Yeh. \"Technology can't do that as elegantly, but we're getting there.\"\nArticle Originally Appeared in Digiday Nov 2015\nRelated Links: www.digiday.com\nBy Array Marketing|March 15th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: retail, sephora|0 Comments\nArray Marketing Awarded for Global Sustainability Leadership\nArray Pivots Production to Personal Protective Equipment\nArray announces additional investment in Europe with the opening of operations in Paris, France\nArray continues its International Internship program with Scottish University Heriot-Watt\n45 Progress Ave, Toronto, ON M1P 2Y6\nMobile: +1 (416) 292-9759","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"A thirst for beauty - two thirds of global skincare NPD in 2012 had moisturising \/ hydrating claims\nA thirst for beauty \u2013 two thirds of global skincare NPD in 2012 had moisturising \/ hydrating claims\nApril 16th, 2013April 16th, 2013\nWith weather conditions and stress playing havoc with consumer skincare regimes, beauty products which claim to hydrate and moisturise have never been more in demand. And new research from Mintel BPC highlights this move towards a thirst from manufacturers as 66% of all new products launched globally in the skincare market in 2012 had a moisturising and hydrating claim.\nFurthermore, product launches communicating the inclusion of water from oceans, lagoons, seas, glaciers, springs or spas have seen consistent growth in the skincare category since 2009. Indeed, skincare products that specify the use of water from a particular source grew 78% between 2009 and 2012.\nChris Lindsley, Global Skincare Analyst at Mintel, said:\n\"Naturally, water is where many hydrating claims start \u2013 but not just any old water. Provenance as well as functionality has become an important feature on pack. Claims regarding water sources are becoming increasingly ambitious, with companies' descriptions ranging from \"wild\" to \"antique\". Looking to the future, playing with the state of water in skincare products offers innovation for formulators and a splash of sensoriality for consumers, while water activation also has appeal. The challenge for the future will be to entice consumers with exotic but meaningful stories, while avoiding tipping over into hyperbole and switching them off.\"\nFurthermore, it appears that NPD is responding to consumer demand as, according to Mintel's research, dry skin is one of the key concerns of European women. In the US, over half (52%) of consumers buy facial skincare products to treat or prevent dry skin \u2013 rising to 56% of consumers in the UK. Meanwhile, more than a third (37%) of French women and almost half (48%) of German women use facial skincare products to treat or prevent dry skin. In addition, more than a third of women in France (33%), Germany (37%), Italy (35%) and Spain (39%) use facial skincare to prevent or delay the onset of fine lines and wrinkles, so it's clear that hydration is crucial for women's skincare regimes.\nAnd it is not just skincare embracing the powers of H20. Mintel's research shows that in haircare, the moisturisation claim was seen in 26% of product launches in 2009, rising to 32% in 2012. Consumers are also aware that drinks can offer more than just hydration. Some 27% of consumers say that bottled water with vitamins is healthier than plain bottled water, rising to over a third of French (49%), German (39%) and Italian (34%) consumers, while three in 10 (30%) UK consumers would be willing to pay more for water with added benefits.\nMintel announces Global Beauty and Personal Care Trends for 2030\nMintel, the experts in what consumers want and why, has today (13 November 2019) announced two trends set to impact the global beauty and personal care market over ...\nKeeping it simple: 28% of UK women have reduced the number of products in their skincare routine\nThe days of bathroom cabinets packed with an array of skincare products could be over as British women grow tired of complicated facial skincare routines, according to the ...","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Kat's Recipes\nTrump Tweets\nBinghamton Now with Bob Joseph\nKathy Whyte\nIntroducing: The WNBF News Radio 1290 Mobile App\nNews Radio 1290 WNBF on Alexa\nNews-Breakers Club\nForecast & Details\nSchool Closings\/Delays\nTOWNSQUARE INTERACTIVE - TSI\nBearcats Set to Begin 2019-20 Season at Cornell\nThe start of the 2019-20 basketball season is here and tonight (Tuesday) the Binghamton Bearcats men's basketball team opens on the road in Ithaca against the Cornell Big Red. It is the opening game for both teams.\nThe Bearcats have nine newcomers on their 2019-20 roster.They lost their second, third and fourth leading scorers due to graduation. They do return their top gun in Rookie of the Year Sam Sessoms who averaged 17.6 points per game. The Bearcats have added more size with 7'0\" center Yarden Willis from Seward County Community College expected to start against the Big Red.\nCornell lost senior Matt Morgan who averaged over 22 points per game last year. One returner who averaged over 11 points per game last year is Jimmy Boeheim, the son of Syracuse basketball coach Jim Boeheim.\nCornell leads the series 10-4 and has won four of the last five meetings. Last year Morgan exploded for 38 points as the Big red registered an 86-75 win at the Events Center. BU's Sam Sessoms scored 27 points in his college debut.\nTonight's game is part of a Bearcat doubleheader on News Radio 1290 WNBF. The BU women visit Siena at 5 PM with air at 4:45 with Cam LaVallee. The men follow with a scheduled 7 PM start.\nSource: Bearcats Set to Begin 2019-20 Season at Cornell\nFiled Under: America East, Ivy League\nVermont Tops BU Bearcats in America East Play\n2020 WNBF News Radio 1290, Townsquare Media, Inc. All rights reserved.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Solidarity and encouragement\nIn perspective column\nChris Harman\nThere can be no guarantee as to which forces will win out in Tehran. But those on the left who were hostile to the huge protests are in danger of lining up with those who want to crush the movement.\nScepticism is necessary every time the media extol what they claim to be democratic movements against unpleasant regimes. The cheerleaders for the occupation of Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine have a nerve talking about democracy.\nIt is hardly surprising then that much of the left in Latin America and the Middle East was hostile to the huge demonstrations in Tehran against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government. The Iranian government has, after all, outraged the US with its support for Hezbollah in Lebanon, its hostility to Israel and its friendly relations with Hugo Chavez.\nYet the hostility to the demonstrations was seriously mistaken in this case. For all its religious rhetoric, the Iranian regime is a capitalist regime prepared to do deals with imperialism - as is shown by its support for the government of Nouri al-Maliki in Iraq.\nIts origins lie in the form capitalist stabilisation took after the 1979 revolution against the Shah. Religious slogans provided a brief unitary focus for the different social forces involved. But a section of the middle class, allied with a layer of wealthy merchants and leading religious figures, was then able to use religious and anti-imperialist language to conceal its real aims as it bloodily crushed other social forces, including independent workers' organisations, ethnic minorities and left wing guerrilla organisations.\nIt established a set-up in which there were elections, but overall power lay with a non-elected supreme leader and \"unsuitable\" parliamentary candidates were prevented from standing.\nBut it was not only repression that provided stability for the regime. In the post-revolutionary period it was able to provide certain important, if limited, reforms that benefited significant layers of the population - something many sections of the defeated left failed to see.\nHowever, the stability of any capitalist regime depends on reconciling differing interests within the ruling class while containing discontent among the mass of the population.\nFrom the 1990s onwards this was increasingly difficult. Private disagreements within the ruling establishment turned into open debates during presidential campaigns. By this year's campaign the establishment could no longer prevent its internal disagreements drawing a vast number of people from outside its own narrow circles onto the streets.\nIf all that was involved was the division between the two ruling class groups, scepticism would be justified. But clashes within a ruling class have a potential to unleash movements none of its elements can control.\nThe new forces that take to the streets can be very confused about their goals. They come from different social milieus, with contradictory interests and aspirations. Talk of \"people power\" conceals the gap between those who toil for a livelihood and those who hope to gain new privileges from the turmoil.\nStudents frequently play a key role in providing the initial impetus to such movements. They are not a social class in their own right and can give expression to the wider desire for deep, but unspecified, change. Hence the role of students in the late 1960s or in the Tiananmen Square movement that shook China 20 years ago. But as the movement draws wider sections of exploited and oppressed people into action, the different class interests at work inevitably began to have an impact on the activists.\nThere is incipient political differentiation as some see the way forward through reliance on the reformist section of the ruling class, some through radical forms of minority direct action, and some through looking towards mass action by the workers, the peasants or the urban poor. Such differentiation characterised the movements of the 1960s and 1970s.\nIran can be no different. All sorts of political forces will be attempting to fish in the movement. Some will be dubious in the extreme. The most corrupt figures from the reform wing of the ruling class will try to manipulate activists, as will the CIA and exiled royalists.\nBut any cursory glance at what protesters say points to very different currents within the movement. There are activists who emphasise the similarities between their plight and that of the Palestinians of Gaza. There are groups of workers who have seen the forces of the state attack their strikes and independent unions. There are students who have faced imprisonment for expounding socialist ideas and reading Marxist works. There are intellectuals who see the great advances of the 1979 revolution strangled by corruption and repression.\nThere can never be a guarantee in advance as to which forces will win out in a great political and social upsurge. But socialists have a clear responsibility in such a situation. This is to provide solidarity and encouragement to those who want to lead the movement forward in a positive direction. It cannot be done by lining up with those who want to crush the movement.\nTwenty years ago some of the left internationally did support the crushing of the Tiananmen movement by Deng Xiaoping.\nThat crushing enabled China's rulers to override all forms of popular resistance as they unleashed the most untrammelled form of capitalism. The crushing of the movement in Iran would not stop a similar logic of capitalism working itself out there. But it would make it much more difficult for popular forces to emerge to challenge that logic - under either wing of the ruling class.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Donut Man featured at Home Fest at First\nFirst Presbyterian Church's celebration next week is all about bringing people \"home.\"\nThe church will host Home Fest at First with doors opening at 3:30 p.m. Aug. 27 at 1111 Fifth Ave. N.\nRob Evans, the Donut Man, will perform at 4 p.m. in a concert especially for 3- to 10-year-olds.\nThe 641 Project, a band from Marshalltown, will take the stage at 7 p.m. on Aug. 28, with a wide variety of Christian rock and worship music especially geared towards teens and adults.\nThe goal is to bring people \"home\" to the church, said Laura Stover, Christian education director.\nStover said the church was seeking a way to bring a lot of families they haven't seen for a long time \"back home\" to the church, and to meet the neighbors who may never have \"come home into a church.\"\n\"So we thought, what could we offer outside, so it's not like having to come into a building, that would make you curious and want to come meet people, and learn a little bit more about your neighbors?\" Stover said.\nThe church serves 75 families through its Kids Zone daycare, so it wanted someone very kid-friendly.\n\"I said I'd want to invite the Donut Man. And nobody in the room knew who he was except me. So I had to do quite a sales pitch first,\" she said.\nStover said she's used the Donut Man's songs with her own kids, who are grown up now, as well as with the kids who come to church.\n\"Now I use them in my Sunday School program, in my after school program, at the Kids Zone preschool,\" she said.\nThe 641 Project is made of five different youth pastors, she said.\n\"They love playing music for a cause, to help you raise money,\" Stover said. \"We said we want to raise money this weekend for those who do not have a place to call home.\"\nThe concerts are free, but a freewill donation will be taken to benefit Dodger Academy, which helps kids who can't go home right after school because no one is home.\n\"We thought we'd go with the school kids first, because there's so many of them that couldn't even qualify to stay, so they did go home to an empty home,\" she said.\nThe event will feature games and activities before the concerts, free food, and free doughnuts.\nThere will also be a free movie shown both inside and outside following the concert.\nOrdained\nSonshine Singers prepares for final ministry; performances set for this week\nAREA CLERGY TO BE HONORED\nIn observance of Clergy Appreciation Week, the local Ft. Dodge Civitan Club is asking the citizens of the city to ...\nSt. Mark's Episcopal Church to celebrate Advent season\nThis December, St. Mark's Episcopal Church at 1007 First Ave. S., will again celebrate the Advent season with the ...\nHarvest festival to return to St. Thomas Aquinas\nHarvest Homecoming:","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Assessing the level of adaptation of employees to the transformation processes in the company\nMaxim Ipatov, Deputy-Principal, West Finland College, Finland\nNadiia Grebeniuk, Methodist of the highest category, Center for Quality Assurance in Educational Activities, Institute of Banking Technology and Business in Kiev, Banking University, Ukraine\nDOI: 10.21272\/bel.2(1).106-115.2018\nDownload: Views: Downloads:\nIn this article, the methodical principles for assessing the level of adaptation of employees to the transformational changes in the company have been improved, which are based on the construction of a five-vector map of the readiness of the company's personnel to change. This five-vector map is presented as a decomposition of the following parameters: gender-age structure, level of qualification, motivation, productivity and corporate commitment of the personnel. Each of the five parameters of staff characteristics is further described with the help of four relevant indicators. The formalization of the selected parameters is carried out by multiplicative convolution of the indicators of their characteristics, normalized by the logistic method. The proposed model allows to determine the percentage of employees' readiness for transformational changes in the company, to establish the current dynamics of adjustment of the personnel of the investigated company to the transformational changes in the economy and society relative to the previous year or the standard, to identify the necessary tools for activating the company's personnel management policy.\nKeywords: adaptation of employees, transformation processes, system of management, economy and society.\nJEL Classification: E24, A1, J53.\nCite as: Ipatov, M., Grebeniuk, N. (2018). Assessing the level of adaptation of employees to the transformation processes in the company. Business Ethics and Leadership, 2(1), 106-115. Doi: 10.21272\/bel.2(1).106-115.2018\nBechet, T. and Maki, W. (2002). Modeling and forecasting: focusing on people as a strategic resource, Human Resource Planning, 10(4), 209-217.\nBrush, M. and Ruse, D. (2002). Driving strategic success through human capital planning: How corning links business and HR Strategy to improve the value and impact of its HR function, Human Resource Planning, 28.1, 49-60.\nCasemore, Shawn (2017). Science Unlocks Secrets to Helping Employees Adapt to Change, Industry Week. Available at http:\/\/www.industryweek.com\/change-management\/science-unlocks-secrets-helping-employees-adapt-change.\nCiekanowski, Z. (2012). The socio-professional adaptation process of new employee. Scientific Papers of Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, 94.\nDevaro J. (2005). Employer recruitment strategies and the labor market outcomes of new hires, Economic Inquiry, 43(2), 263-282.\nEbadan, G. and Winstanley, D. (2002). Downsizing, delayering and careers \u2013 The survivor's perspective, Human Resource Management Journal, 7(1), 79-90.\nEisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Jeffrey, A. Martin (2000). Dynamic capabilities: What are they? Strategic Management Journal, 21, 1105-1121.\nFrolenoka, B., Dukule, O. (2017). Personnel adaptation in the workplace, the quality of working life and subjective well-being, Information Technologies, Management and Society, 10(1), 7-12. Available at http:\/\/www.isma.lv\/FILES\/SCIENCE\/Publications\/ITMS\/2017\/02_ITMS_2017_Frolenoka_Dukule.pdf.\nGajda, Joanna (2015). Social and professional adaptation of employees as a main factor in shaping working conditions, Journal of US-China Public Administration, 12(10), 789-795. Available at http:\/\/www.davidpublisher.com\/Public\/uploads\/Contribute\/56c2c6af632c2.pdf.\nGriffin, R. (2005). Fundamentals of organizational management. Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers.\nHernandez, V. and Franklin, G. (2004). Human resource management basics: Small versus large firm practices, Proceedings CD, Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship, pp. 61-75.\nHong, Liew Chai and Kaur, Sharan (2008). A relationship between organizational climate, employee personality and intention to leave, International Review of Business Research Paper, 4(3), 1-10.\nHuang, J. L., Ryan, A. M., Zabel, K. L., & Palmer, A. (2014). Personality and adaptive performance at work: A meta-analytic investigation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99(1), 162.\nJackson, S. and Schuler, R. (1990). Human Resource Planning: Challenges for Industrial\/Organizational Psychologists, American Psychologist, 45(2), 223-239.\nJohnson, M. D., Hollenbeck, J. R., Humphrey, S. E., Ilgen, D. R., Jundt, D., & Meyer, C. J. (2006). Cutthroat cooperation: Asymmetrical adaptation to changes in team reward structures. Academy of Management Journal, 49(1), 103-119.\nKesler, G. (2002). Four steps to building an HR agenda for growth: HR strategy revisited, Human Resource Planning, pp. 24-37.\nKouzes, J.M. and Posner B.Z. (1999). Encouraging the heart: A leader's guide to rewarding and recognizing others, Jossey-Bass Publishers.\nKrohn, R. (2000). Training as a strategic investment, Advances in Developing Human Resource, 2, 63-74.\nLajara, B., Lillo, F. and Sempere, V. (2002). The role of human resource management in the cooperative strategy process, Human Resource Planning, pp. 34-44.\nMilliken, F.J., Dutton, J.E., Beyer, J.M. (2002). Understanding organizational adaptation to change: The case of work-family issues, Human Resource Planning, 13(2), 91-107. Available at http:\/\/webuser.bus.umich.edu\/janedut\/Issue%20Selling\/understandingorgadapt.pdf.\nNekoranec, Jaroslav, Nagyov\u00e1, Lenka (2014). Adaptation of employees in the organization and its importance in terms of human resource management, Management and Economics, 1(73). Available at http:\/\/www.armyacademy.ro\/reviste\/rev1_2014\/NEKORANEK.pdf.\nNiessen, Cornelia, Swarowsky, Christine, Leiz, Markus (2010). Age and adaptation to changes in the workplace, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25(4), 356-383. Available at http:\/\/www.emeraldinsight.com\/doi\/abs\/10.1108\/02683941011035287.\nRashid Tariq, M., Sohail, Aslam, Muhammad (2011). Impact of employee adaptability to change towards organizational competitive advantage, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 11(7), 8-16. Available at https:\/\/globaljournals.org\/GJMBR_Volume11\/2-Impact-of-Employee-Adaptability-to-Change.pdf.\nSagie, A., Birati, A., and Tziner, A. (2002). Assessing the cost of behavioral and psychological withdrawal: A new model and an empirical illustration, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 51, 67-89.\nSchindehutte, M., & Morris, M. H. (2001). Understanding strategic adaptation in small firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 7(3), 84-107.\nSiegel, B. (2005). The business case for recruitment process outsourcing, Recruitment Enhancement Services, pp. 6-24.\nStringer R., and Cheloha, R. (2002). The power of a development plan, Human Resource Planning, pp. 10-17.\nTamkin, P., Barber, L., Dench, S. (1998). From Admin to Strategy: The changing face of the HR function, Managerial Auditing Journal, 13(2), 139-141. Available at http:\/\/www.emeraldinsight.com\/doi\/full\/10.1108\/maj.1998.\nThach, L., and Woodman, R. W. (1994). Organizational change and information technology: Managing on the edge of cyberspace. Organizational Dynamics, 23(1), 30-46.\nUlferts, Gregory, Wirtz, Patrick, Peterson, Evan (2009). Strategic human resource planning in Academia. American Journal of Business Education, 2(7), 1-10. Available at https:\/\/files.eric.ed.gov\/fulltext\/EJ1052648.pdf.\nWarr, P. (2014). Four-guardant investigation of job-related affects and behaviors, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23, 342-63.\nWarr, Peter, Clapperton, Guy (2010). The joy of work? Jobs, happiness, and you. London, Routledge, p. 190.\n\u017barczy\u0144ska-Dobiesz, A. (2008). The role of coaching and mentoring in the process of adaptation of a new employee. Scientific Papers of the University of Economics in Wroclaw, 24.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Rise of Venice - Gold Edition\nRise of Venice\nRise of Venice - Beyond The Sea (DLC)\nRise of Venice - Steamship (DLC)\nRise of Venice - Sea Monsters (DLC)\nRise of Venice \u2013 Gold Edition is the comprehensive edition of the award-winning Strategy game Rise of Venice. It features the main game, the official expansion 'Beyond The Sea' and all previously released additional content: including the 'Steamship' DLC and 'Sea Monsters' DLC.\nIn Rise of Venice, you play as a young man with ambitions of achieving success, power and wealth in Venice at the time of the Renaissance. With the support of your family, you must begin to build up a trading empire across Genua, Tripoli, Rome, Alexandria and Constantinople - in addition to many other significant merchant cities. Through entrepreneurial expertise and maybe even a little Machiavellian intrigue, you must choose between your friends and political allies in order to ascend through the ranks of Venetian society and increase your influence. Create your own fleet, establish production facilities and participate in the political life of Venice. Or venture into challenging battles against pirates, remove competing political rivals and eventually rule as the powerful and illustrious Doge of Venice.\nThe major add-on 'Beyond the Sea' expands the game world of Rise of Venice by adding 13 new cities and numerous residence missions which are given to the player by his family. It also adds special Doge tasks and the NAO ship class: which Christopher Columbus sailed upon when he first discovered America in 1492\nIn addition to the main game, Rise of Venice - Gold Edition features the official expansion 'Beyond The Sea' and all previously released additional content\nTrade a variety of goods in the most important cities at the time of the Renaissance: such as Rome, Alexandria, Marseilles, Constantinople, Casablanca and Athens.\nWith your own family tree you can interact with other members, send them on missions and watch how the power of your family grows over time.\nMeet other important families who are pulling the strings in Venice's government and influence political decisions yourself.\nBuild your own production facilities and trading fleets\nTake fate into your own hands and test your skills in exciting sea battles\nMultiplayer mode for up to 4 players via LAN and Internet\nResidence missions: family members contact the player with tasks to earn special benefits\nOS: Windows Vista\/7\/8\nProcessor: Intel Core 2 Duo-Prozessor or similar\nGraphics: DirectX 10 compatible with 512MB VRAM\nPC Vista Win 7 32\/64 bits Win 8 32\/64 bits","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Category Archives: New Movies 2014\nTop most weekly Hollywood Movies\nDaniel Craig and Nicole Kidman star in a fantastic adventure in which their director, Chris Weitz, is based on the first novel in the Phillip Pullman trilogy, Dark Matter.\nThe story takes place in a parallel world in which the souls of the people are manifested as small animals and to which comes Lyra, a 12 year old girl who is looking for her best friend. However, your little adventure will become an extraordinary quest to save your world and ours. Get full story on Movie Counter site.\nThe Inner Life of Martin Frost\nWriter Paul Auster directs a film that premiered during the last edition of the San Sebastian festival and stars David Thewlis, Ir\u00e8ne Jacob, his daughter, Sophie and Michael Imperioli. Auster raises the relation between a scarce writer of inspiration who, during his stay in the field, far from the world, meets an enigmatic and effervescent admirer of his work that soon will become his lover and muse.\nHundreds of real images are mixed with fictional scenes to make credible the assassination of George W. Bush in this fake documentary by Gabriel Range in which he denounces the still bleeding wounds of the Iraq war. Range makes the event plausible and goes on to the most typical plot of the detective genre in which, as he scans the FBI's investigation with supposed actual testimony, it shows the treatment and accusations of potential culprits.\nDirector Bruce A. Evans turns Kevin Costner into a businessman, generous philanthropist, father and devoted husband, in a mystery tape in which the most famous bodyguard in Hollywood history is accompanied by William Hurtand Demi Moore. Although Mr. Brooks has all the ingredients to be a perfect man, he hides a dark secret: he is a serial killer, so sinister and intelligent that he has never raised a single suspicion, although what until now had been a game for him can start to turn into a nightmare. Get more Latest movies online for free in HD print.\nTHE NANNY'S DIARY\nScarlett Johansson gets into the skin of a first-time nanny in this romantic-tinged comedy where she shares a chart with Alicia Keys, Laura Linney, Paul Giamatti and Chris Evans, directed by Robert Pulcini and Shari Springer Berman. To pay for college, Annie begins working as a nanny for a well-to-do family who will find it hard to get used to and where, between flirting and flirting with a wealthy neighbor, she will take care of a spoiled child whom she will teach that money is not the important thing.\nThe French cinema's C\u00e9sar surrendered to the adaptation of director Pascale Ferr\u00e1n of The Lady Chatterley's lover, a classic of literature that won the best film award, as well as the awards for best actress for Marina Hands; Best adapted script; Costumes and photography. When her husband returns from the front with an irreversible paralysis, the young Constance Reid falls into a state of sadness and desidia that will surpass next to the zone ranger, with whom it will initiate a close relation.\nThis entry was posted in 2017 Movies, Action Movies, Adventure Movies, Comedy Movies, Crime Movies, Hollywood Movies, New Movies 2014, Romance Movies, Scary Movies, Thriller Movies, Top Hollywood Horror Films and tagged 2017 Movies, All latest movie, Download a Latest Movies, downloading free movies, free film downloads, Free HD movie download online, free movies to download, Latest Movies Download HD, Latest Movies English Online, Latest movies online for free, Movie counter on May 3, 2017 by admin.\nThe Top Famous Horror films about possessions\nIf a few years ago the zombies were the protagonists of the summer horror films, it seems to be, with a simple glance at the billboard, that possessions and haunted houses with vengeful visitors have taken their place. In both cases, the origin of the threat is similar: on the one hand, the dead man who returns to take justice by his hand; And on the other, ex-humans eager to devour brains.\nAt a time when horror cinema seems to have exhausted many of its formulas to scare the viewer, the industry has found in the label \"based on real facts \" a useful external justification to whisper to the one who is sitting in the chair \"tremble , This could happen to you. \" Even Exorcist (The Exorcist, William Fried kin, 1973) was based quite generally on an exorcism held in Maryland in the late forties.\nAs may be expected, on many occasions, the interpretation of these \"real facts\" is quite free, if not directly invented then visit download free full movie. In others, it takes advantage of the ambiguity surrounding some unresolved criminal cases as ideal material for fiction. But how do some of the most famous films reflect reality?\nThe Conjuring, the Warren Files, James Wan, 2012\nOne of the great successes of summer \u2013 both public and critical \u2013 has as catalysts two of the most controversial figures in the American paranormal world, Ed and Lorraine Warren, who dedicated their lives to \"demonology\", opened the Occult Museum and Founded the New England Society for Psychical Research. They claimed to have performed more than 10,000 exorcisms throughout his career (this is one of them), and his career has been a common subject of controversy. Nevertheless, the Perron, true protagonists of the history, defend that everything happened is certain and have participated of active way in the promotion of the film. Of the Warren also arises the material that gave form to another horror film,\nDevil inside (William Brent Bell, 2012)\nThe film tells the story of Isabel Torelli, who investigates the reasons that led her mother to murder three people in 1989, so she was admitted to a psychiatric facility and apparently linked to a failed exorcism. Indeed, the deaths took place, but perhaps the satanic subplot is a bit introduced by the hair. According to information published in the newspapers of the time, Maria Rossi murdered her 70-year-old neighbor Edna Philips with her friend Christina Molloy, when both were 17 years old. Maybe it was the brutality of the murder. \"They shifted the old woman and bounced eggs on the corpse.\nThe Exorcism of Emily Rose, Scott Derrick son, 2005\nThe film starring Laura Linney and Tom Wilkinson tells the controversial story of Anneliese Michel, a young woman who died in 1976 after being subjected to 67 rites of exorcism. According to the film, the German case was battered by controversy because, after her death, a jury ruled that both Anna's parents and two of the priests who participated in the exorcism process of the young woman were guilty of homicide by negligence. Forensics said the girl's problems were medical and could have been solved by science. The film, quite true to the facts, did not like the surviving members of the family. Get full Story only on the Latest movies.\nThe Exorcist, William Fried kin, 1973\nThe canonical work of the genre was also inspired by a real event. In this case, the exorcism of a 13-year-old boy named Roland Doe (a nickname hiding his real name) who, according to the Church archives that relate his exorcism, made strange noises, could move the furniture at his own will And that after 30 attempts at exorcism was finally healed by the Rev. Edward Hughes at Georgetown University Hospital. This story was one of the main sources of inspiration for William Peter Blatty's novel that would later jump to the big screen. The truth is that the young Doe did much better than Linda Blair, The girl who played Reagan, who went through a drug ordeal before triumphing in horseback riding. Unlike other films on this list, Fried kin never boasted of relying on real facts.\nThe Possession, Ole Bornedal, 2012\nOn this occasion, the terror comes from a wooden box innocently bought in a market, from which arises an evil spirit from the Hebrew culture. The object was located for the first time in an eBay bid in which the box ended up costing more than 300 dollars. It belonged to Kevin Mannis , who claimed to have acquired it from a 103-year-old Holocaust survivor, and disengaged himself from it since after his purchase began to happen strange events. For this reason, he sold it on the Internet to Losif Nietzke, who also began to have problems: he broke his fingers, suffered a plague of rats and was a victim of incipient alopecia. Now, the box is located at the Kirksville Institute of Osteopathic Medicine.\nThe Haunting in Connecticut, Peter Conwell, 2009\nThe clearest case demonstrates the wide barrier that separates reality from fiction (and the wishes of film producers). The film is based on a novel called In a Dark Place: the Story of True Haunting (Villard), written by Ray Garton, which narrated the history of the Snedeker family. The author would not hesitate to acknowledge that his story was pure fiction and that he had in fact intended to promote it as such, but that his publisher had insisted on presenting it as a true story. In fact, Ed and Lorraine Warren also participated in this investigation and, in the words of Garton himself, encouraged him to give a little color to the matter and make it more terrifying.\nThis entry was posted in Hollywood Movies, Horror Movies, Horror movies 2012, Mystery Movies, New Movies 2014, Scary Movies, Top Hollywood Horror Films and tagged Devil inside movie, download free full movie, free full movie downloads, free Horror films, free movie downloads, full movie downloads, The Conjuring movie, The Exorcist movie on March 28, 2017 by admin.\nDownload The Better Angels 2014 Full Movie\nAJ Edwards addresses a little-known chapter in the history of Abraham Lincoln, his childhood in a wooded area of Indiana, in a cabin in which the future president would grow under the protection of two women who shape his character. His biological mother, who died of disease, and the second wife of his father. The idea is to build a trilogy about the early youth of Lincoln, but counted from a particular perspective malickiana. Edwards is a director of pupil The Tree of Life . This is demonstrated in the composition of planes, camera shots, staging and even how to slide the camera through the spaces. It is a style that is visually appealing, and Malick has managed to make it yours. The main problem is evident. The similarities are too alarming so, to a point where one can come to doubt the true authorship of the tape. In the middle of the deep woods of Indiana survived the Lincoln family in a simple log cabin. The seven-year-old Abraham grows up in poverty, hard work counts in his younger years already part of everyday life. When he was nine years old, his mother died. Some time elapsed before his father, a widow married with three children, all of which feed into the hut. Download The Better Angels 2014 Full Movie for free without any cost. Latest Hollywood movies download from direct downloading links.\nFrom then on, life is marked by yet more consideration needs to be worked on daily life even more. Abraham suffers greatly from the loss of his mother and withdraws increasingly. He taught himself to read and write in and finds unexpected support in his stepmother. She tries to give his enormous thirst for knowledge space and to give him the necessary space. She opposes the educational methods of her husband and her stepchild preferably before their biological children. The 16th President of the United States of America is the focus of The Better Angels . For once it's not about the adult statesman, but a previously unknown insight into his childhood. In his directorial debut dealt AJ Edwards, who previously worked as an editor for Terrence Malick, exclusively with the period from the seventh to tenth years Lincolns. The film is not set up as a typical biopic, but rather a held in black and white almost poetic narrative. It is hardly spoken, but the film lives through his paintings. The nature and the tranquility of the forest stands in the foreground, the lives of people in this pristine area is shown without much explanation.\nThis entry was posted in Biography movies, Drama Movies, Hollywood Movies, New Movies 2014 and tagged Download The Better Angels 2014 Free Full Movie, Free Download The Better Angels 2014 Movie, Online Download The Better Angels 2014 Movie, The Better Angels 2014 Movie, The Better Angels 2014 Movie Download Free, The Better Angels 2014 Movie Online on October 30, 2014 by admin.\nDownload Wild 2014 Movie Free\nJean-Marc Vall\u00e9e came to Toronto, as it did last year with Dallas Buyers Club, supported by the first great comments after the progress of her new job. Reese Witherspoon in the role of a strong physical, gritty requirement, devoid of makeup and nude, soon generated comments about the nomination pretty sure the actress for the role. Indeed, Wild is intended for showcasing. The demanding emotional journey of an ex-addict who seeks to make peace with his memories: those of an emotionally unstable mother, his loss and his subsequent fall into drugs as a way to escape herself. In a structure reminiscent of Danny Boyle used for 128 hours, Vall\u00e9e, through a dash of Nick Hornby overestimated something, review the experiences of Cheryl Strayed, while taking note of their sacrifices and strength in the long walk 1000 miles that the girl made in 1995 through the Pacific Mountain trail, a route around the mountains of the west coast. Download Wild 2014 Movie Free without fill any sign-up form. Download recent movies for free with high quality prints.\nA true story based on the book written by Cheryl Strayed own based on their own experiences. Like all motivational story, the tape does not lack great reflections with voice off , music with guitar riffs and a felt excited and interpretation, as it must in such cases. Witherspoon, much like the anti heroine that draws the film addresses a mature and far from the last notes of his character's filmography. Notes superficiality and brimming with Wild, come to an apparent end looking McConaughey rotation. A radical change in critical elections and regain some prestige in his career. With Wild has secured since Vall\u00e9e has given him perfect for this character. On the other hand, we keep the review criteria of good musical director, who already Flor\u00e9 Coffee provided an exquisite soundtrack and level here, even without much presence, maintained with a couple of outstanding issues, especially the lovely theme end credits of Simon & Garfunkel, El Condor Pasa. The problem of Wild is that it is so studied to thrill you to no avail. No looking affectation, fortunately, but the spontaneity is not part of the formula and it shows. We could say the same for The Theory of Everything.\nThis entry was posted in Biography movies, Drama Movies, Hollywood Movies, New Movies 2014 and tagged Download Wild 2014 Free Full Movie, Free Download Wild 2014 Movie, Online Download Wild 2014 Movie, Wild 2014 Movie, Wild 2014 Movie Download Free, Wild 2014 Movie Online on October 13, 2014 by admin.\nDownload Inherent Vice 2014 Movie\nLos Angeles 1969, All of a sudden appeared the former girlfriend of private eye Larry Doc Sportello from scratch again with him. She has prepared a strange story and asks his help: Your new lover is a billionaire, in which she is head over heels, and his wife and her lover plan to kidnap the man and put in a loony bin. On this particular day of paranoia end of the psychedelic 60s Doc recognizes that \"love\" another one of those overused words like trip or groovy is but this usually means more trouble. And in which the investigators infected now, while crossing various shapes his way. Surfer, drug addicts and rockers, also a murderous greedy loan shark, LAPD detective, a saxophone player who plays undercover and mysterious creature known as The Golden Fang which could also be just a tax dodge some dentists. Taking into account that it is then also abundantly watered by an extensive irony, with a hint of absurdity. In short, to be sipped and savored slowly. Download Inherent Vice 2014 Movie for free from direct downloading links. Download latest Hollywood movies for free.\nAnd everything about the character, that is, a private detective. No denying it, when you come across such a character, often have been encountered in the classic cliche of the policeman in an identity crisis, maybe divorced and maybe with alcohol problems behind. Not that this will not have any problems, in fact, it would seem quite limestone hand, but the difference is in his show, as it were, more normal at first glance would not seem so much a super cop and ready to annihilate ravenous horde of enemies. There is a whole dimension very attractive and nice, from the protagonist that is likely to seem at times even clumsy Fantozzi, although of course then demonstrates its effectiveness with a gun in his hand. Frankly, the first images that flow in this trailer. I think that much of the enthusiasm partitomi is due to an interpretation of Joaquin Phoenix nothing short of superb, but also the rest of the cast is not jokes at all Benicio Del Toro, Owen Wilson, Josh Brolin, then Martin Short and Jena Malone.\nThis entry was posted in Comedy Movies, Crime Movies, Drama Movies, Hollywood Movies, New Movies 2014 and tagged Download Inherent Vice 2014 Free Full Movie, Free Download Inherent Vice 2014 Movie, Inherent Vice 2014 Movie, Inherent Vice 2014 Movie Download Free, Inherent Vice 2014 Movie Online, Online Download Inherent Vice 2014 Movie on October 9, 2014 by admin.\nDownload Nightcrawler 2014 Movie\nDan Gilroy has already become a favorite of Toronto. Nightcrawler is an acid portrait, black as night, disturbing and quite critical about the underworld of American television. Specifically, about photojournalism that makes sales of images and then extracts chain managers decide to issue in their programs. Graphic material in which a woman stabbed a foot of the camera or a criminal is shot dead, both da bleeds. For Gilroy, neither the directors out unscathed, because ultimately they are the buyers, and to embody the ruthless amorality of the world has had an amazing success casting and few would have predicted. View Rene Russo embody the archetype of executive hungry for success, gives the trick. Especially when you're looking ahead is a Jake Gyllenhaal straight out of a mental institution. So much comes unscrupulousness of these cameras, they are ready to cause crimes just to have images. Download Nightcrawler 2014 Movie free without pay any charges. Download new release movies free from direct downloading links.\nThe boundary of the story is questioned, but ethics obvious, since it has no place in a news program. The entire film takes place at night, and that gives a street environment. Gilroy has not only discovered as a director of a firm hand, owner of highly dynamic sequences, but as a builder of very interesting characters. Lou Bloom has springs of a serial murderer in power, lacking in empathy and emotion, always alert and labia too perverse. He's part of the fun of Nightcrawler, his humor without laughter, or the power of persuasion, is a gift to the actor, and has known how to use it. In summary, it has been one of the best bets of the day, betting TIFF has hit Gilroy. The writer raised doubts despite the good feeling of the trailers but there remains no trace; its debut is solid as few have seen lately in Hollywood. Through an environment noir slightly reminiscent to the Drive for Winding Refn in their violence, their cars, their neon lights, music or brutality, Nightcrawler has secured letters to become certainly one of the favorites of the public and a server.\nThis entry was posted in Crime Movies, Drama Movies, Hollywood Movies, New Movies 2014, Thriller Movies and tagged Download Nightcrawler 2014 Free Full Movie, Free Download Nightcrawler 2014 Movie, Nightcrawler 2014 Movie, Nightcrawler 2014 Movie Download Free, Nightcrawler 2014 Movie Online, Online Download Nightcrawler 2014 Movie on October 8, 2014 by admin.\nDownload Camp X Ray 2014 Movie\nThe young Amy Cole wants to escape the small town life and writes ado one in the military. After her training, she hopes to serve their service in Iraq, but is sent to Cuba in the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. The imprisoned there men who are deprived of their human rights, sometimes living for eight years at this location. Cole increasingly plaguing moral remorse because of the unjust treatment and torture of inmates. As a result, she befriends the prisoner Ali Amir that for which they developed empathy and compassion. As best they can, Cole tries to do their duty for their country, but also the advances of her boss Corporal Randy and the clear hatred of some of their comrades must defend himself. Kristen Stewart, the young actress known to the general public for the blockbuster Twilight and Snow White and the Huntsman, has turned into a soldier. A dramatic film with a political background who wants to denounce the unacceptable behavior of some members of the American army in prison Guantanomo Bay between torture and repression. Download Camp X Ray 2014 Movie for free without any cost. Download recent movies online with high quality prints.\nThe Stewart as here the role of an ordinary girl who, bored by life in the deep province of the States, he decided to enlist. A gesture risky, especially in relation to the fact that the naive girl is sent just in one of the most controversial and notorious in recent years. There, the girl will eventually forge a bond strong and dangerous with a prisoner locked up for 8 years. Director of Camp X-Ray are Peter Sattler, known graphic designer and screenwriter here to debut behind the camera. Produced by Gina Kwon and Sophia Lin with Ellen Goldsmith-Vein, David Gordon Green and Lindsay Williams, the film starring male Peyman Moaadi, the Iranian actor that the world has learned about thanks to the masterpiece A Separation , a film that has won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film two years ago. Ali will play the dangerous prisoner with whom he will relate the character of Stewart.\nThis entry was posted in Drama Movies, Hollywood Movies, New Movies 2014 and tagged Camp X Ray 2014 Movie, Camp X Ray 2014 Movie Download Free, Camp X Ray 2014 Movie Online, Download Camp X Ray 2014 Free Full Movie, Free Download Camp X Ray 2014 Movie, Online Download Camp X Ray 2014 Movie on October 6, 2014 by admin.\nDownload Force Majeure 2014 Movie\nForce Majeure describe the decomposed relish using a small incident a normal Swedish family. But first things first. Tomas and Ebba are a normal married couple from Sweden. Together with their two children, Vera and Harry have a short holiday to a French winter sports indulged in a much needed quality time for the family, as Tomas spends way too much time at work and even on vacation again and again, its connection to the outside world. That would perhaps be no problem and is determined in many families, but then happens on the second day of the holiday something unexpected that brings the dilemma in a nutshell. When the family settles down for lunch on the terrace of a ski lodge, is near an avalanche controls placed on care a spectacle that turns within a few seconds in a seemingly dangerous situation, because the avalanche becomes larger and larger and hurtling straight toward the terrace of the restaurant and there the initial fascination turned to the natural spectacle in naked panic. Tomas reacts instinctively in those seconds. Download Force Majeure 2014 Movie for free without any cost. Download new release movies free with high quality prints.\nInstead of worrying about his wife and children, he grabs his cell phone and leaves his family for a brief moment in the lurch. Although the avalanche comes in front of the terrace to a standstill, but the near-disaster Elba's confidence in her husband deeply shaken \u2013 they just can not forget that he has just left her and the children in the face of death in the lurch. Again and again she must speak of those seconds. This constant confrontation with his guilt, which he loaded in a single unguarded moment to be set in Tomas mechanics in a way, the devastating effect on the family. How people behave in extreme situations? And how does this instinctive behavior especially if it was not within the meaning of morally correct wrong to them and their fellow human beings? From this very simple, but at the same time deeply philosophical question out of the Swedish director Ruben \u00d6stlund developed a fascinating study of family structures and the behavior in extreme situations.\nThis entry was posted in Drama Movies, Hollywood Movies, New Movies 2014 and tagged Download Force Majeure2014 Free Full Movie, Force Majeure 2014 Movie, Force Majeure 2014 Movie Download Free, Force Majeure 2014 Movie Online, Free Download Force Majeure 2014 Movie, Online Download Force Majeure 2014 Movie on September 26, 2014 by admin.\nDownload Big Hero 6 2014 Movie\nAfter a successful collaboration with the release of the Marvel superhero movies that live-action. The Avengers and Captain America, this time Disney has been trying to bring something different through the superhero movie Big Hero 6 animated format. Big Hero 6 is a movie with a genre superhero movie that was adapted from the work of well-known comics from Marvel. This film will be directed by Don Hall who worked on Winnie the Pooh and collaboration with Chris William. With a story that takes place in the city in the future ie canggig San Fransokyo. Told there was an intelligent teenager and can make the robot by the name of Hiro Hamada. Download Big Hero 6 2014 Movie for free without any membership account. Download New Hollywood movies for free.\nWho has just made a new best robotic creations with names Baymax. But it turns out that fat robot created not in accordance with the result of his imagination. However, Hiro does not think that the physical behind a unique robot, the robot will be helped and help keep the city from the enemy. For now the first teaser trailer has just been released officially by the Disney. With humor when it first showed Hiro designing robots funny it, Baymax. This film will be filled with the sounds of TJ Miller, Maya Rudolph, and Jamie Chung. You can see the latest animated masterpiece from the film processing Wreck it Ralph, and the best-selling animated movie in the history of the movie Frozen is from the beginning of November 2014. This film will be a unique movie that not only show the uniqueness of the robot. Big Hero 6 movie will also feature Hiro persistence in creating this cute robot. Although initially did not like the design, but he will find a sincere relationship with this creation. The story of his life will be changed with the creation of this robot.\nThis entry was posted in Action Movies, Animation Movies, Comedy Movies, Hollywood Movies, New Movies 2014 and tagged Big Hero 6 2014 Movie, Big Hero 6 2014 Movie Download Free, Big Hero 6 2014 Movie Online, Download Big Hero 6 2014 Free Full Movie, Free Download Big Hero 6 2014 Movie, Online Download Big Hero 6 2014 Movie on September 17, 2014 by admin.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Gov. Beshear Orders Flags to Half-staff to Honor Fallen Police Officer\nGovernor Steve Beshear has directed that flags at state office buildings be lowered to half-staff Wednesday in honor of a Richmond police officer killed in the line of duty.\n33 year old Daniel Ellis died Friday, less than two days after he was shot in the head while searching an apartment for a robbery suspect identified as 34 year old Raleigh Sizemore who has been charged in connection to the officer's murder.\nFuneral arrangements for the fallen officer will be held Wednesday morning in the Eastern Kentucky University Alumni Coliseum in Richmond.\nEllis, a seven-year veteran of the force, is survived by his wife, Katie, and 4-year old son.\nGovernor Beshear encourages individuals, businesses, organizations and government agencies to join in this tribute to honor the 33 year old police officer.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Second Opinion Saves Local Womans Life\nA routine eye examination at Specsavers in Teignmouth saved the life of Jasmin Harris after the optometrist spotted signs of a brain tumour.\nBut the 19 year old specs wearer had only visited the store in Bank Street to get a second opinion after an initial appointment at another opticians found nothing to be irregular. Jasmin booked her first eye examination after experiencing severe headaches, loss of balance, blurred vision, tinnitus and other symptoms. But after the check up she was just advised to rest her eyes. However, when this didn't work Jasmin decided to book in for another eye examination at Specsavers.\nDuring the appointment, optometrist and Teignmouth store director, Simon Simmonds noticed that her optic nerve was raised with enlarged blind spots.\nSimon immediately referred Jasmin to the Torbay Hospital eye clinic where doctors conducted CT and MRI scans, as well as two lumbar punctures. The tests showed that she was suffering from benign intracranial pressure. The rare condition, which effects only one in 100,000 people, is caused by a build up of Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) in the brain. This puts pressure on the brain and eyes, which is what had caused Jasmin's symptoms including her raised optic nerves. If left unchecked, the build up of CSF could have become fatal.\nJasmin says: 'I am so grateful to Specsavers for diagnosing my condition. Living with the constant headaches and other symptoms was awful. What's more scary is that if I hadn't gone to Specsavers, I could have died. I would tell anyone to get a second opinion if they are not entirely convinced with a diagnosis as it really could save their life.'\nSimon says: 'The optic nerve transmits signals from the eye to the brain, so any condition that affects it can be very serious.\n'We're glad to have been able to help Jasmin and hope that this highlights the importance of regular eye exams. Benign intracranial pressure is a fairly rare condition but can be fatal.\n'Looking into your eyes can allow your optician to spot the early signs of a wide range of conditions including brain tumours and so should be part of your general health care routine.'\nFor an appointment or for more information please pop in to the store, at 4 Bank Street, Teignmouth, TQ14 8AL, call 01626 870 513 or visit www.specsavers.co.uk.\nSpecsavers notes to editors\nSpecsavers was founded by Doug and Dame Mary Perkins in 1984 and is now the largest privately owned opticians in the world\nThe couple still run the company, along with their three children. Their eldest son John is joint managing director\nSpecsavers has more than 1,060 stores throughout the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Spain and Australia\nAnnual turnover for the Specsavers Group is forecast to reach a record \u00a31.05 billion for the financial year 2008\/9\nThe group plans to continue its successful international expansion by opening stores in New Zealand\nSpecsavers optical stores and hearing centres are owned and run by joint venture or franchise partners.\nSpecsavers employs more than 26,000 staff\nSpecsavers was voted Britain's most trusted brand of opticians for the seventh year running by Reader's Digest in 2008\nOne in three people who wear glasses in the UK buy them from Specsavers Opticians - eight and a half million glasses were sold during 2007\nSpecsavers is the largest retail provider of home delivery contact lenses in Europe and one of the top two retail suppliers of continuous wear lenses in the world\nSpecsavers is now the largest retail dispenser of digital hearing aids in the UK and will offer a hearing service from more than 400 locations by the end of 2008\nSpecsavers supports numerous optical and hearing charities, including Diabetes UK, for whom they have raised more than \u00a3250,000 to fund research into diabetic retinopathy\nSince 2003 a quarter of a million glasses have been collected and recycled by Specsavers stores for Vision Aid Overseas for use in developing countries\nwww.beattiegroup.com","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Expeditions: Viking Makes Landfall On April 27th\nGame News - posted by Infinitron on Wed 8 February 2017, 21:34:21\nTags: Expeditions: Viking; Logic Artists\nAfter the last newsletter, I figured Expeditions: Viking was going to be delayed, and sure enough, the Logic Artists published an update on the game's Steam community page today confirming a new release date of April 27th. I guess that's not too bad. Here's what the update says:\nDanish indie studio Logic Artists along with distribution partners EuroVideo and IMGN.PRO are announcing that Expeditions: Viking, the highly anticipated sequel to Expeditions: Conquistador, is scheduled for release on April 27th, 2017.\nAfter the warm welcome of Expeditions: Conquistador - Logic Artists' PC debut title, the developers are finally ready to do it again four years later with a long awaited sequel. Logic Artists is pleased to announce April 27th as the release date of Expeditions: Viking.\nExpeditions: Viking features a branching dialogue system that allows the game to manage and react to player choices. We initially estimated a word count of 200,000, but we've decided to increase it by an additional 80,000 words to provide players with more content and give them more options and choices on how they progress through the story. Said Ali Emek, Expeditions: Viking Producer.\nWith that amount of content, managing localization takes more time. We think it's worth it to make the game accessible to international audience. That's why we've arranged a number of language localizations, so from day one players will be able to enjoy Expeditions: Viking in English, French, German, Polish, and Russian. Emek added.\nIn addition to this, Logic Artists stated that additional development time will allow them to tweak and balance combat gameplay, implementing new special abilities to the most interesting villains and will also include added flavor and improvements to Expeditions: Viking's animations.\nWe received great feedback from the testers after our last closed beta session, and rescheduling the release a bit is allowing us to spend our final weeks of development on improving usability and addressing the bugs reported during the beta test. - Emek adds.\nMore information about the game can be found on the official website www.expeditionsseries.com where folks can sign up to the official newsletter where they can learn more about the game every month, gain access to the the final closed Beta test, and receive special release week rewards!\nHoping to see more Codexers opt in for the beta this time. I'm sure the game could use some of our love.\nThere are 12 comments on Expeditions: Viking Makes Landfall On April 27th\nbioshock 2008 07 02 18 37 05 43","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"How to Engage Franchisees in Better Budgeting and Planning\nWritten by Keith Gerson\nUnless you've spent the past year under a rock, you know that every business sector has experienced uncertainty this year \u2014 and that includes franchising. As we approach 2021, no one really knows what to expect from the upcoming year. What will revenues look like? Will franchise units return to full operations, or will they continue to operate at a reduced capacity? How will consumer buying habits evolve along with the pandemic and the economy?\nWithout knowing the answers to these questions, your franchisees may avoid budgeting and planning, for the simple reason that they can't plan for the future when they don't know what the future holds.\nBut that's only part of the problem. A study by Bain & Company revealed that in many organizations, individuals aren't clear on company goals. In the study, only 15 percent of those surveyed could name even one of the top three company goals, and 81 percent said that they are not held accountable for progress on the organization's goals. To encourage your franchisees to budget and plan, they must understand the goals for their location and the brand overall, as well as feel compelled to meet those benchmarks.\nWith all that in mind, how can you encourage franchisees to hold themselves accountable for next year's performance and engage in proactive budgeting and planning? Start with these four building blocks.\n1. Build a Better Budget Template\nMany franchisors have a budget template that they provide to franchisees at the end of the year. But if it's not intuitive and user-friendly, it's going to be a challenge to get franchisees to actually use it. At a high level, your budget template should be easy to use, hard to break, and adaptable for any franchisee \u2014 whether he or she just opened a location or has a mature unit that's been established for many years.\nAlso focus on building in logic, which can make the template easier to manipulate. For example, any fixed costs should be input as set dollar amounts, while variable costs should be input as set percentages. This way, if a franchisee changes another variable (e.g., \"What would my budget look like if sales were X?\"), the template automatically recalculates the correct fixed and variable costs.\nWithout that built-in logic, the franchisee will have to go back and change nearly every variable \u2014 which not only discourages use of the template, but opens it up to errors and miscalculations.\n2. Challenge the Traditional Way of Thinking\nWhile budgeting templates are necessary and useful tools, you also need to engage your franchisees in candid conversations about the future and how they can be successful. That requires taking a deeper look at factors like your main sales drivers.\nTake a home health services franchise, for example. Your franchisee may have identified the main sales drivers as number of customers, their purchase frequency, and the value of each transaction. However, if you take a closer look at each of those sales drivers, it may become clear that the common thread between all three factors is service capacity. It doesn't matter how many customers you have or calls you make if you don't have the staff to provide the care.\nUltimately, this conversation could reveal that the franchisee needs to focus on recruiting and staffing in order to successfully drive sales. This discussion will likely look different for every franchise \u2014 but it's a critical conversation to have with your franchisees to get them to think differently about what they need to do to be successful.\n3. Pinpoint the Right KPIs\nThey say that what gets measured gets improved. Part of holding your franchisees accountable for both location- and brand-specific goals is pinpointing the right key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure.\nRather than thinking in terms of standard budgeting KPIs, like sales, gross profit, and net profit, you need to consider the drivers of success for your particular franchise. More accurate KPIs could be number of customers\/transactions, average transaction value, revenue per employee, or something specific to your franchise concept, like recruitment activities, marketing\/customer acquisition costs, leads, or conversions.\nThe conversations mentioned above \u2014 those that push your franchisees to think differently about planning and budgeting \u2014 can help them pinpoint the right KPIs to measure their success.\n4. Inspect What You Expect\nUnfortunately, not all franchisees will comply with your request to plan for the future and complete a budget template. That's why accountability is so important. If you expect your franchisees to do things like prepare a budget for the upcoming year, pinpoint sales drivers, and identify relevant KPIs, you must follow up and ensure that they actually did those things. You must be able to monitor their planning progress and implementation \u2014 and most importantly, you must do it in a way that's scalable, so you can apply it to all franchise locations.\nWith these tips, you can encourage your franchisees to budget, plan, and take accountability for the success of their individual locations and the overall franchise brand. For a deeper dive into franchisee budgeting and planning, download \"The Franchise Budgeting Playbook: Your Roadmap to Unit-Level Profitability.\" Use this guide to give your franchisees everything they need to plan, build, and monitor their budgets.\nMeet the Mentor: Gordon Logan of Sport Clips\nIntroducing Franconnect's Conversational AI Solution for Franchises\n5 Things Franchise Sales Leaders MUST Do In the 2nd Half of 2020\nDickey's Barbecue Pit Capitalizes on the FranConnect Franchise Management System to Fuel Domestic and International Growth\nFranConnect Customers Grow over 44% Faster than the Broader Franchising Market\nVisit Us at the IFA Convention!\nFranConnect: How this Tech Company Started Thinking Big\nCreating Franchisee Buyer Personas\n3 Steps to Improving Franchisee Engagement with Real-Time Analytics\nIFA 2017: New FranConnect Products and Capabilities\nFranConnect Hosts Customer Conference in Washington D.C.\nKeith Gerson\nKeith Gerson, CFE is the President of Franchise Operations at FranConnect. Keith brings 40+ years of executive level expertise as a passionate and driven Franchisor and Franchisee with a proven track-record in building rapid-growth, and highly profitable franchise organizations. For nearly the past decade, Keith has worked closely with numerous Executive Boards and Leadership Teams that are part of FranConnect's portfolio of 800+ brands and 150,000 locations. His focus is on helping franchisors to get to their desired future state in sales, operations, and marketing. Recognized in franchising circles for his extensive leadership experience, and ability to drive execution, Keith is a highly rated keynote speaker and author. He has had the rare opportunity to create several leading franchise systems from inception through launch and sustained growth into successful enterprise level brands.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Capital Park changes its strategy\nMarch 27, 2014 | Author: Marta Nowik\nRoyal Wilan\u00f3w in Warsaw\nThe Group announces a new approach to constructed office blocks and their tenants. The changes are connected with the new business model of the company.\nDuring press breakfast, held on 26 March this year, the representatives of Capital Park Group informed that the company is going to a new business model. According to it, also the approach to constructed office investments and their tenants will change.\nThe new strategy evolves from the approach typical for developer companies, that is, \"to purchase, to build and to sell.\" (...) In this model, the tenants are generally not cared about. Unfortunately, this is noticeable not only in our buildings, but also in the buildings made by our competition , informed Jan Motz, the president of Capital Park, at the meeting. Our strategy involves changing the approach to the objects which we build. We rely on active management of them over a long period and keeping the real estate in closed funds , continued the president of the Group.\nThe representatives of Capital Park Group, present at the meeting, explained that the decision to change the approach was caused, among others, by the decrease in revenue from lease agreements, related to the ending of the agreements with large tenants last year. The highest revenue decreases were noted in two office blocks in the capital city: the building Alfa, located on Aleje Jerozolimskie Street, and the building on Sobieskiego Street. They amounted to -2.3 million zloty and -0.7 million zloty, respectively.\nThe Group is working on rebuilding the revenues and has already signed lease agreements for over 4600 sq. m, including the agreement with Provident for 2100 sq. m and with Hebe for 1800 sq. m. At the same time, the company is implementing the new system of taking care of the tenants, the aim of which is to automate and improve the servicing processes. We undertake the huge effort now to implement the system of customer care , ensured Jan Metz during the meeting. The company hopes that the new approach will help in the future to keep their customers and will prevent it from losing its tenants, as it happened last year.\nInstead of selling their office blocks, Capital Park considers launching closed investment fund of office assets or including office assets in the high-street fund created last year. This is an alternative way of procuring funds for investments. In 2013, Capital Park sold 85% certificates of the fund in the private offer, gaining 63.7 million gross. So far, only commercial real estate, with a value of ca. 200 million zloty, is included in the dividend fund Real Estate Income Assets FIZ AN.\nThe entire real estate holdings of Grupa Capital Park included 76 projects located in 39 cities throughout the country. The company concentrates its activity primarily on the market in Warsaw. Here the 3 largest investments of the company are located, that is, Eurocentrum Office Complex (42 337 sq. m), Royal Wilan\u00f3w (36 707 sq. m) and Art Norblin (64 164 sq. m).\nTags: Capital Park Group\nNews | April 9, 2018 Innovative Mixed-Use Concept Instead Of Old Factory\nNews | February 25, 2016 Topos receives a use permit\nTransaction | November 2, 2015 New tenants in Alfa office\nTransaction | October 6, 2015 Eurocentrum Alfa with a new tenant\nTransaction | September 3, 2015 Capital Park sells Eurocentrum\nTop Women In Real Estate: Last Weeks To Submit Your Entry Form","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"The Lighthouse: Fiction architecture for sale\nOne of the things that happens to architects as they grow older is that the buildings they design are sold to new owners. Bruce and Alison Dudon have lived in this house since it was designed for them and built in 1991, and it is now time to move on. I include it here because it is a good example of what I mean by Fiction Architecture. Even the premise of a lighthouse which is on a hill far away from any water is demonstrably fictional and immediately liberates the mind of a visitor from mundane concerns.\nWhen I first visited the steeply-sloping site there was a cleared area of flat ground remaining from a previous house which had burned down in the 1983 bushfires. It was cold and there was frost on the ground even though it was lunchtime. The trees were filled with sunshine and I thought the house should 'reach up' and, perhaps using mirrors like a periscope, reflect light down into the rooms. I can't remember exactly when this idea of a tower morphed into a lighthouse, but once the image became stuck in my mind I knew that it would not be easy to dismiss it! I had a sinking feeling that other members of my profession would not be impressed, but after a while I started to enjoy this thought. I was also unsure how Bruce and Alison would respond.\nIdeas which arrive like this come from the intuitive regions of the brain, and it is only afterwards that it becomes apparent how they address all kinds of realities. Alison had said that she was torn between living at their new block, or living by the ocean. Mount Macedon rises up out of a plain in a similar way to an island rising from the sea, and the house is seen from a distance like a lighthouse is seen from the water. Visibility is an attribute of a site like this one. As we are nowhere near the sea, the presence of a lighthouse is about other things than keeping boats safe. Lighthouses are a masculine form, with light shining out from the top, through lenses. Bruce was at that time the proprietor of a shop selling spectacles. Unlike a real lighthouse, this house has a room at the top for the purpose of looking out at the view rather than housing a light to be seen from a distance. Lenses such as spectacles and binoculars may be used to look at the view more effectively.\nLight is a metaphor for knowledge, and this fact is particularly potent in a beacon warning ships of danger. In this lighthouse-in-reverse the rays of the sun enter the top of the tower, which serves as a Study, and reflect down the stairway. Each side of the stair is lined with mirrors. Plato links knowledge with light in his Analogy of the Cave, in which he compared normal existence to living in a cave with a fire illuminating shadow puppets which cast shadows on the wall. To become enlightened, a person must leave this unreal world and go up into the sunlight of truth and see the world as it actually is. For Plato, enlightenment was a male concern. In this house the Sitting room, located below the Study, and having a fireplace, may be understood as the cave. The journey up the stairs to the panoramic view above may be experienced as an architectural setting of the philosophical goal of enlightenment.\nAs I researched lighthouses, I noticed that the tower is usually accompanied by cottages. The design of the house includes three 'cottages' adjacent to the tower. In pre-industrial times the cottage was a place of manufacture. Women made objects which they owned and sold on their own terms, so a cottage can be seen as a symbol of female power. Alison is a primary school teacher and therefore constructs and disseminates knowledge. The relationship between male and female power is a major theme in our times, and the design embodies this in a symbolic form. As artist Narelle Jubelin has pointed out, nineteenth century lighthouses are emblems of patriarchy in the landscape. This house reflects something different: the challenge of feminist thought to the previously unquestioned dominance of male power.\nInside the house the space between the cottages and the tower, which serves as a passage, is configured like a walkway between buildings. The passage widens out to a space like a village green; this is the Dining room. This space represents the possibility of a female public realm such as used to exist around the village pump, where opinions were expressed and decisions made. An antique pump located in a niche in the west wall of this space acknowledges this understanding .\nThe visual imagery for this house was derived from a photograph of 'Old Smokey', a lighthouse built at Trial Bay in the late nineteenth century to a standard design. As it was a very small lighthouse and accompanying one-room building, it was necessary to enlarge the proportions quite a bit. This surprised me, as I expected to be scaling down from lighthouse to house.\nThe house is designed to provide the owners with many ways to experience the spectacular views. As well as the panoramic view at the top, there are large windows divided into dozens of small panes, and small windows oriented in particular directions. These windows 'convert' the cottages into parts of a notional lunatic asylum, and refer to the role of these institutions in suppressing challenges from women to the existing paradigms of authority by classifying them as insane and under the power of the dark force of the moon.\nThere is a frameless sheet of glass between the tower and the Main bedroom which appears to be a nothing more than a gap between buildings, so that the view itself is emphasised, rather than the frame through which it is seen. Other kinds of views are available (along with slight vertigo) from the walkway around the top of the tower, and from the wharf-like deck leading to the front door.\nThe design of the house very carefully follows typical details of rendered stone or brick architecture from the mid-nineteenth century, although the construction method is pine stud framing incorporating insulation and clad with cement sheet and a textured finish. The pylons supporting the south side of the house imitate cast iron pipe construction, but are actually thin steel posts within compressed cement sheet pipe sections, studded with dome head bolts to imitate rivets.\nAs in all fiction, deception is rife. The chimney of the fireplace is carefully disguised as the vent at the top of the lighthouse. The stair to the basement room is concealed within the coat cupboard at the entry into the sitting room.\nEach visitor to The Lighthouse brings with them many lighthouse memories and associations, and the house acts as a catalyst to trigger these. In my experience ideas which are intuitive are likely to have this kind of potency. As Annie Stevens said in her wonderful article in The Age titled Guided by the Light (18\/9\/2010) 'The lighthouse, as Virginia Woolf reasoned, is an almost perfect receptacle for projected symbolism. With the isolation, the wild ocean that surrounds it, the old tales of shipwrecks, its guiding role and the faint, salty whiff of madness, it's ripe for plumbing for hidden meanings.'\nAcknowledgement: While designing this house I was assisted in our studio by Dr.Mirjana Lozanovska who contributed many insights into the relationship between the evolution of feminist theory and the metaphor linking light with knowledge.\nFiled under Uncategorized Tagged with fiction architecture, the lighthouse\nFiction and non-fiction narratives in architecture\nThere are many examples of buildings which pretend to be other things: large toilet bowls, elephants, pineapples, and so on. These forms are often described as being part of a 'narrative'. The purpose of these literal representations is to advertise or draw attention to a commercial enterprise, or to refer to and signify a building's function, or to acknowledge a valued aspect of the building's context. While they seem fictional when compared to normal architecture I think that their narratives are non-fiction because of this functional or contextual aspect. To explain further, they are like ads on TV: even though they are highly creative there is no freedom to explore the narrative for its own sake.\nHere is a nineteenth century example:\nLucy the Elephant is a six-story elephant-shaped architectural folly constructed of wood and tin sheeting in 1882 by James V. Lafferty in Margate City, New Jersey, two miles (3.2 km) south of Atlantic City in an effort to sell real estate and attract tourism. The idea of an animal-shaped building was innovative, and in 1882 the U.S. Patent Office granted Lafferty a patent giving him the exclusive right to make, use or sell animal-shaped buildings for seventeen years. Lucy is the oldest example of zoomorphic architecture. Lafferty, in fact, constructed several elephant-shaped buildings. \u2013 Wikipedia\nDuring the Post-modern period, the work of Robert Venturi, Charles Moore and Charles Jencks, among others, broadened the terms of reference for architecture to allow the inclusion of such non-fiction narrative themes (preferably as surface decoration rather than three-dimensional representation).\nThere are some sophisticated and serious contemporary examples of non-fiction narratives, such as Daniel Libeskind's use of the pentangle in the design of the Jewish museum in Berlin, and the shards of an 'exploded globe' at his Imperial War Museum North, in Manchester.\nIn Fiction Architecture, as I am proposing it, the architect adopts the same strategies, such as literal representation, and shifts in scale, but the narrative themes are independent of the purpose, function or physical context of the building and can therefore be described as fictional rather than non-fictional. As in novel writing, it is the development of the author's ideas which becomes primary.\nHow do we summon up the courage to cross this line from non-fiction to fiction expression? What is the nature of this line?\nIt is not a question of crossing from truth to untruth, as fiction expresses truth as well as (and, some would argue, better than) non-fiction. It is crossing from the premise of honesty to the premise of pretence. To do this we need to let go of the idea that we must always be 'architecturally honest'. And we must also let go of the idea that, since mock-Georgian architecture is merely shallow pretence, therefore all pretence must be shallow. I hold the view that it is better if we are not always honest in architecture, and that not all pretence in architecture is shallow. Therefore it is possible to cross the line and pursue Fiction Architecture.\nFor some reason we are not as careful to make this fiction\/non-fiction distinction in art and sculpture as we are in literature. I think this is because the non-fiction works of art and sculpture are now vastly outnumbered by the fiction works, so that, when we experience any work in one of these media, we assume we are dealing with a fictional narrative. Only occasionally do we come across a portrait or landscape or wildlife image which is intended to be a literal record of what the artist saw. Only rarely in sculpture do we see a life-like representation of a particular person, intended as a record of physical and psychological attributes. By contrast, in literature (and in the documentary format in film and television) we often come across scientific studies, cookery books, travel guides, text books, manuals, and so on, hence the constant concern that exists for distinction between fiction and non-fiction works within these media.\nInterestingly, some architects envy painting and sculpture for its formal freedom, but have never analysed that these forms are generated by fictional narratives. Without the confidence to pursue fictional narratives, the architect remains restricted to what can be explained in terms of purpose, function and physical context.\nIn music, there is little concern as to whether the narrative (either as song, song with accompaniment, or melodic narrative) is fictional or not. J.S.Bach's 'St.Matthew Passion' is an example of a non-fiction narrative because believers consider Christ's life to be fact not fiction. Steve Reich, in 'Different Trains', evokes the tragedy of Nazi concentration camps, and therefore the work contains a non-fiction narrative. Brett Dean's opera 'Bliss' is based on Peter Carey's novel of the same name, and therefore the work contains a fictional narrative. These distinctions between non-fiction and fiction narratives in music are seldom made, as they matter little to the modern audience, but they are of interest and importance in trying to define how we have become stuck in the non-fiction narrative mode in architecture established during the period of post-modern theoretical development.\nNow hold on to your hat while we consider a further complexity. Within non-fiction narratives such as documentary films, re-enactments may be inserted. While these require a fictive approach to space, decor, clothing and detail of speech and gesture, these re-enactments are intended to be understood by the audience as protraying true situations and stories. The same procedure takes place in some examples of non-fiction narrative in architecture, such the 'reconstructed' bomb craters in ARM's Melbourne Shrine Visitor Centre.\nSimilarly, in architecture which has a non-fiction narrative due to the building's use as an advertisement (such as the New York NewYork hotel and casino in Las Vegas), we find re-enactments (reconstructions) of buildings and monuments which are clearly fabrications but are expected by the observer to be reasonably accurate replicas of the real thing.\nIn summary, then, narratives in architecture can be divided into two categories: non-fiction and fiction. Nearly all existing architecture contains non-fiction narratives, and if a narrative is consciously expressed in a building, it is explained in terms of the purpose, function or physical context of the building. A work of Fiction Architecture is predicated on a narrative invented by the architect primarily for the contemplation and pleasure of the user.\nFiled under Uncategorized Tagged with architectural narrative, architecture and fiction, narrative in architecture\nOnce Upon a Place conference on architecture and fiction October 2010 in Lisbon\nGreat news for all concerned with the relationship between architecture and fiction! (For those who are able to get there, anyway.)\nThe Once Upon a Place conference will explore a range of themes under the banner of 'Haunted Houses and Imaginary Cities'.\nKeynote speakers include Pedro Gadanho (see http:\/\/shrapnelcontemporary.wordpress.com) and Peter Fournier who worked with Peter Cook on the Kunsthaus in Graz.\nConference dates are 12-14 October, see the conference website http:\/\/www.onceuponaplace.fa.utl.pt:80\/\n'This notice is provided for general information. This blog is not affiliated or connected with the conference.\nFiled under Uncategorized Tagged with architecture and fiction, conference, Lisbon, Once Upon a Place, Pedro Gadanho, Peter Fournier\nThe birth of fiction architecture is similar to the birth of the novel\nThe basic idea of this blog is that a fictional mode of expression should exist within architecture which is equivalent to the novel in literature. So, how did the novel begin?\nThe earliest ones were imitations of real accounts of adventures (eg Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe) and were originally published without the author's name on them, but purported to be written by the 'hero'. While most people would have been well aware of their fictional status, it is not unlikely that some readers would have thought they were real accounts!\nVery soon the novel blossomed into a much fuller expression with complex plots, intimate descriptions of the thoughts and feelings of the characters, and the phenomenon of the ordinary person as hero.\nIt is hard to imagine life without novels but, before the eighteenth century, they didn't exist.\nIt is this perspective that has led me to the position of proposing that a similar situation exists in the world of architecture at the beginning of the twenty-first century, and that there is a huge amount of pent-up energy amongst architects to explore a fictive mode of expression.\nLike a novel, a work of fiction architecture is only possible if the architect adopts pretence as the starting point for the narrative aspects of the design. And like a novel, the building is 'read' as a pretence by the knowing viewer, and enjoyed as such.\nPopular Fiction Architecture\nA good example of Popular Fiction Architecture is Joanne and Shaun's Gothic house shown on the UK television program Grand Designs in 2009. In the emerging sub-genre of Gothic Fiction Architecture, it embodies the desire of the owners for a sense of romance and history in what is, actually, a new building. Unlike the serious proposal to return to a Gothic expression which manifested itself in the work of Pugin and others in the early nineteenth century, which I would describe as non-fiction, this Gothic expression is clearly chosen by the owners for their pleasure and enjoyment, and is openly acknowledged as fiction. There is no imperative that everyone should build in Gothic, or that the Gothic somehow embodies truth. This house is a pretence: it pursues a Gothic style. There is creativity shown in its composition by Joanne and architectural designer Gerald Sedgewick, however it remains within strict conventions, in the same way that much popular fiction writing does. There is a lack of open-ended exploration of the kind that I am advocating; it does not rise to the level of 'new fiction architecture'.\nConsistently the interior shown here adheres to the conventions of Gothic; there is no hybridisation or layering of other ideas. But like much good popular fiction, it is full of pleasure due to both its explorations and its restrictions. (Photos: Grand Designs website).\nMore examples of Popular Fiction Architecture to come when I get around to it. Send photos to simonthornton@smartchat.net.au\nThis blog was started in February 2009 by Simon Thornton, a Melbourne architect and partner in Simon and Freda Thornton Architects.\nThe purpose is to nurture a new type of built architecture known as Fiction Architecture, and any interested person is welcome to submit comments, queries and suggestions.\n'Fiction architecture' in the sense that I am proposing may be defined as the expression of ideas through the medium of building, using strategies such as imitation, pretence, trickery and playful deception.\nThis differs from the main body of architecture, 'non-fiction architecture', which may be defined as the expression of ideas through the medium of building, using a direct, clear, honest and didactic approach.\nFiction architecture is not to be confused with architecture fiction writing (also called architectural fiction writing), where a novel or other piece of fiction writing is organised around a plot or theme relating to architecture, or is an exploration of architectural themes. See works by Barry Maitland and Bruce Sterling.\nAlso, it should not be confused with imaginary or unbuilt architecture, or architectural drawings of a speculative kind.\nFurther, it should not be confused with non-fiction architecture which has been inspired by comic book depictions of future worlds, such as the influence of Dan Dare comics on British High Tech architecture (if indeed such influence actually exists). Nor should it be confused with 'futuristic' architecture deriving from earlier predictive work, such as the drawings of Archigram.\nAnd again, for those who read architectural theory, it is not to be confused with Peter Eisenman's idea that Modernism itself was a fiction. In my view Modernist architecture was generally didactic (instructive), and was therefore a non-fiction expression. Like Marxist theory, Modernist theory may look naive and wrong in parts, but that does not turn it retrospectively into fiction. Documentary films may contain errors in fact or wrong beliefs, but that does not alter them from non-fiction to fiction.\nGENRES OF FICTION ARCHITECTURE\nFiction architecture may be subdivided into 'popular fiction architecture' such as houses built in the shape of castles, and the more intellectual and explorative 'new fiction architecture' which tends to be an open-ended exploration of fictive themes by an architect with a developed skill in design. (Here I have borrowed the word 'new' from 'new music', a term used by contemporary composers working within the discourse of classical music to describe contemporary compositions.)\nFurther genres include 'science fiction architecture', 'historical fiction architecture' and 'fantasy fiction architecture'.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"How Margaret Thatcher bulldozed over Britain's urban landscape\nOwen Hatherley\nOn her watch the architecture of our cities, and the lives lived within them, became more irrelevant than ever\nTue 9 Apr 2013 03.00 EDT First published on Tue 9 Apr 2013 03.00 EDT\nMargaret Thatcher, then prime minister, hands over a copy of the deeds to a family buying a council house in 1980. Photograph: PA\nWhen you first notice it, it's almost funny. Walk east from the Royal Hospital Chelsea, with its sober, restrained baroque brick design by Sir Christopher Wren, and you'll find a new building that was erected in 2009 using exactly the same early 18th-century language. It's a transparently obvious attempt to reproduce Wren, but something has gone horribly awry \u2013 the proportions are badly judged, the scale is stodgy and lumpy, the pilasters, brickwork and the crowning Roman pediment look horribly thin, a dressing-up kit draped over a nondescript office block. The legend over the door, in gold lettering reads: The Margaret Thatcher Infirmary.\n\"By these stones,\" declared Karl Seitz, the Social Democratic leader of Vienna, opening the huge workers' housing complex Karl Marx-Hof, \"shall we be judged.\" And so, decades later, is Seitz himself judged, with the housing reforms of his era remembered as one of the great achievements of social democracy, irrespective of the views of a handful of disgruntled economists in the same city, who would have to wait nearly half a century for their moment. That moment came when their books, like Friedrich Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty, were declared to be \"what we believe\" by a British prime minister. How will the stones of her era be judged?\nThatcher herself never made major public pronouncements on architecture, though her era was a time of architectural counter-revolution. Not against modernism per se \u2013 in fact, Thatcher supported Peter Palumbo in his abortive efforts to build a Mies van der Rohe tower in the city \u2013 but against what modernism had become in the 1970s. After the high-profile failures of \"system building\" in the 1960s, the next decade had seen a wave of democratic housing reform, with mass squatting, strong tenants' associations and the more participatory planning of the likes of the Byker estate in Newcastle all suggesting the cities of the welfare state could adapt and change, becoming more democratic rather than less.\nThat abruptly ended when Thatcher brought in the right-to-buy, with central government rather than councils pocketing the receipts and new building of council housing practically prohibited. Interventionist local governments were one of the many enemies within \u2013 either abolished, as in London, or crushed, as in Liverpool. Hardline Thatcher loyalist Nicholas Ridley's assault on planning created \"enterprise zones\" outside of local government control.\nArchitecture itself was warped by Thatcher's influence. The city architect's departments that lived in and carefully tended provincial cities became obsolete, and firms like RMJM, once public servants crafting well-made civic buildings for local authorities, became vast multinational corporations, specialising in the \"emerging markets\" of China and the Middle East. However, the handful of buildings named after Thatcher herself tell their own story.\nThe Thatcher Infirmary was designed by Quinlan Terry, specialist in an effete, bloodless neoclassicism, who also redesigned No 10 under Thatcher's watch. Terry's woefully uninspired parodic classicism shows one aspect of Thatcherism in full effect \u2013 a cheap, gimcrack evocation of a long-lost imperial greatness. But what of the Margaret Thatcher Centre at Somerville College, Oxford? This recent addition to the women's college where Thatcher was educated is a relatively modern building, evoking the traditional houses around it without direct references. A more interesting contrast is offered by the Thatcher papers in Churchill College, Cambridge. It uses the same materials as the post-war buildings around it, in brown brick and concrete \u2013 but in an era where the construction industry did extremely well out of the destruction of town planning, construction standards went down accordingly. It's strangely satisfying to see the florescence running down the brickwork of the archives while the hated architecture of the social democratic era around it is bearing up well. These two buildings represent something more subtle \u2013 a vacant modernism eviscerated of social purpose, which would be much more widespread under her successors, John Major and Tony Blair.\nInfluential among Thatcher's intellectual outriders was the geographer Alice Coleman, who, in her book Utopia on Trial, presented a stark vision where \"security\" was all, with architecture a matter of preventing crime via design choices. Dismissing the terrace, the tower, the tenement, the courtyard or the apartment building as \"utopian\" crime-traps, Coleman favoured one solution \u2013 the semi or detached house with a very big garden or driveway in front. The market was ready to provide it, especially in the form of Barratt Homes, notorious for their poor space, but insular and traditionalist enough to reassure worried buyers as the gap between rich and poor widened. Thatcher famously bought a detached Barratt Home in 1985, in a gated community in Dulwich, to great fanfare, as if to assure suburban Britain that she too shared their taste for brick cladding and cul de sacs. However, she never actually lived in it, and cashed in the equity two years later. Under Thatcher's watch, the quality of cities, of their design and the lives lived within them became more irrelevant than ever. Buildings, especially houses, were now investments, not pieces of a shared and coherent urban landscape. We all live in the Margaret Thatcher infirmary.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Melbourne Leisure And Celebrity Information\nNetEnt is a digital leisure firm, offering premium gaming solutions to a number of the world's most profitable on-line on line casino operators. Only 8% of the highest a hundred movies in 2017 had been directed by ladies, and solely 29% of protagonists in movies have been female in 2016. But the way forward for entertainment is feminine, and the tides are changing shortly \u2014 both behind the scenes and in entrance of the digicam. We're here to shine the highlight on the most effective feminine voices in TELEVISION, film, music, and literature, and highlight the best conversations happening in Hollywood from a feminine perspective. In a wide-ranging interview final week, Zelnick mentioned that video video games are actually \"the usual bearer of the entertainment enterprise,\" expressed appreciable skepticism in regards to the prospects for cloud gaming, urged caution on Microsoft's new subscription and installment pricing plans , and explained why Pink Useless Redemption is like an '80s boy band.\nBy the nineteenth century, \"expos\" that encouraged arts, manufactures and commerce had become worldwide. They weren't only vastly popular but affected worldwide concepts. For instance, the 1878 Paris Exposition facilitated worldwide cooperation about ideas, improvements and requirements. From London 1851 to Paris 1900, \"in excess of 200 million visitors had entered the turnstiles in London, Paris, Vienna, Philadelphia, Chicago and a myriad of smaller shows all over the world.\" 141 143 Since World Struggle II \"nicely over 500 million visits have been recorded by way of world expo turnstiles\". one hundred forty four As a form of spectacle and entertainment, expositions influenced \"every thing from architecture, to patterns of globalisation, to basic matters of human identity\" a hundred and forty four and within the course of established the shut relationship between \"fairs, the rise of malls and art museums\", a hundred forty five the fashionable world of mass consumption and the leisure trade.\nOne of the earliest forms of parade had been \" triumphs \" \u2013 grand and sensational shows of overseas treasures and spoils, given by triumphant Roman generals to rejoice their victories. They presented conquered peoples and nations that exalted the prestige of the victor. \"In the summertime of forty six BCE Julius Caesar selected to celebrate 4 triumphs held on completely different days extending for about one month.\" 131 In Europe from the Middle Ages to the Baroque the Royal Entry celebrated the formal go to of the monarch to town with a parade by way of elaborately embellished streets, passing numerous reveals and shows. The annual Lord Mayor's Show in London is an example of a civic parade that has survived since medieval instances. For instance, within the movement image business, one of the largest hits that the company I ran was concerned with was \"House Alone.\" \"House Alone\" was not only unexpected, it was so unexpected that the one purpose we had it at Fox is as a result of Warner Bros. put it into turnaround three days into physical manufacturing. Never happens, after all.\ncelebrity, information, leisure, melbourne\nPrime Arts And Leisure Web sites In The World\nFor these of you who are involved about your privacy and don't desire every other users who've entry to your laptop to know what sites you've been visiting online, need to know find out how to fully erase web history. One of the penalties of the development of the leisure trade has been the creation of latest forms of employment Whereas jobs corresponding to author , musician and composer exist as they all the time have, people doing this work are more likely to be employed by a company somewhat than a patron as they as soon as would have been. New jobs have appeared, equivalent to gaffer or special results supervisor in the movie industry, and attendants in an amusement park. Films and video games, for example, although they use newer media, proceed to inform stories, current drama, and play music. After all that does not make any sense in any respect. Because the implication is you are super focused on video games however you have been simply unwilling to purchase a console. I mean, I'm certain there were folks like that, but when they are so fascinated that they want to pay $60 or $70 for a front-line title, it's laborious for me to consider they had been unwilling to spend $250 on a console to have the ability to do it ever in their life.\nExactly. So the biggest change in motion pictures and television has been distribution models or the ability to time-shift or subscription models. However the precise creativity hasn't modified. In the case of interactive entertainment, it's a nascent industry still. It is only 35 years previous, and we have not hit our stride yet. Understanding where consumers and advertisers are\u00a0spending their time and money in the leisure and media industry will help inform many vital business selections. Some leisure, equivalent to public executions, at the moment are unlawful in most countries. Activities akin to fencing or archery , once utilized in searching or battle , have develop into spectator sports activities In the identical way, other activities, resembling cooking , have developed into performances among professionals, staged as world competitions after which broadcast for leisure. What is leisure for one group or individual may be thought to be work or an act of cruelty by one other.\nRelatively minor changes to the shape and venue of an leisure proceed to come and go as they are affected by the period, vogue, culture, know-how, and economics. For instance, a story advised in dramatic kind may be introduced in an open-air theatre, a music hall , a movie theatre , a multiplex , or as technological potentialities superior, by way of a private electronic gadget such as a tablet computer Entertainment is provided for mass audiences in goal-constructed buildings reminiscent of a theatre , auditorium , or stadium One of the vital famous venues in the Western world, the Colosseum , \"devoted ADVERT eighty with a hundred days of games, held fifty thousand spectators,\" and in it audiences \"loved blood sport with the trappings of stage exhibits\". 26 Spectacles , competitions, races , and sports activities have been as soon as offered on this goal-built enviornment as public leisure. New stadia proceed to be built to go well with the ever extra refined requirements of world audiences.\nleisure, prime, sites, world\nDisney Leisure And Shows\nNetEnt is a digital leisure firm, offering premium gaming solutions to some of the world's most successful on-line casino operators. One of many earliest types of parade have been \" triumphs \" \u2013 grand and sensational shows of foreign treasures and spoils, given by triumphant Roman generals to rejoice their victories. They introduced conquered peoples and nations that exalted the prestige of the victor. \"In the summer of forty six BCE Julius Caesar chose to have fun 4 triumphs held on different days extending for about one month.\" 131 In Europe from the Middle Ages to the Baroque the Royal Entry celebrated the formal go to of the monarch to the city with a parade through elaborately adorned streets, passing numerous exhibits and shows. The annual Lord Mayor's Present in London is an instance of a civic parade that has survived since medieval instances. For instance, in the movement picture enterprise, one of the biggest hits that the company I ran was involved with was \"House Alone.\" \"Residence Alone\" was not only unexpected, it was so unexpected that the one cause we had it at Fox is as a result of Warner Bros. put it into turnaround three days into bodily production. By no means happens, of course.\none thing affording pleasure, diversion, or amusement, particularly a performance of some type: The highlight of the ball was an elaborate entertainment. The stage and the areas set out in entrance of it for an audience create a theatre. All kinds of stage are used with all kinds of seating for the viewers, including the impromptu or improvised (2, three, 6); the momentary (2); the frilly (9); or the traditional and everlasting (5, 7). They're erected indoors (three, 5, 9) or outdoor (2, 4, 6). The ability of managing, organising and getting ready the stage for a efficiency is called stagecraft (10). The audience's experience of the leisure is affected by their expectations, the stagecraft, the type of stage, and the type and customary of seating supplied.\nRoe Conn & Richard Roeper look again on the awards that ought to have been! Pay attention to listen to which films and performances popular award ceremonies overlooked. Even as the Disney Forged Member guides you round our site, they are going to be unable to entry or view any information or information in your machine or something you kind. Performs , 85 musicals , 86 monologues , pantomimes , and efficiency poetry are a part of the very lengthy history of theatre, which can also be the venue for the kind of efficiency known as stand-up comedy 87 Within the twentieth century, radio and television , typically broadcast live, prolonged the theatrical tradition that continued to exist alongside the new varieties. Whereas technology increases demand for entertainment products and affords elevated velocity of supply, the forms that make up the content material are in themselves, comparatively secure. Storytelling, music, theatre, dance and video games are recognisably the identical as in earlier centuries.\ndisney, leisure, shows\nLeisure News, Bollywood Information, Hollywood Information, Celebrity News And Gossips, Hindi Movie Opinions\nFor those of you who're involved about your privacy and don't desire every other users who've entry to your computer to know what sites you've got been visiting on-line, need to know methods to fully erase web history. something affording pleasure, diversion, or amusement, especially a efficiency of some kind: The highlight of the ball was an elaborate leisure. The stage and the spaces set out in entrance of it for an viewers create a theatre. All kinds of stage are used with all types of seating for the viewers, including the impromptu or improvised (2, 3, 6); the non permanent (2); the elaborate (9); or the normal and permanent (5, 7). They are erected indoors (three, 5, 9) or outdoors (2, four, 6). The ability of managing, organising and making ready the stage for a efficiency is named stagecraft (10). The audience's experience of the leisure is affected by their expectations, the stagecraft, the kind of stage, and the kind and standard of seating provided.\nWithin the case of GTA IV, one would argue that was a couple-yr expertise. And within the case of GTA V, now that's been a seven-yr expertise and it's still going robust. Actually, GTA Online may have another document year this fiscal 12 months for us. And this is obviously not true only for Take-Two; it's true for the complete industry. So at the same time, at Take-Two more lately, before the launch of the primary Pink Useless Redemption, the perception was Western-theme video games always fail as a result of the one one anybody had ever heard of was called Gun, and it failed. Most forms of entertainment have persevered over many centuries, evolving resulting from adjustments in tradition, expertise, and style. Prestigious awards are given by the trade for excellence in the numerous forms of leisure. For instance, there are awards for Music, Video games (including video games), Comics, Comedy, Theatre, Television, Movie, Dance and Magic. Sporting awards are made for the outcomes and ability, relatively than for the leisure value.\nThe \"fire, sudden noise and smoke\" of fireworks is still a major part of public celebration and entertainment. For example, fireworks were one of the main forms of show chosen to have fun the turn of the millennium all over the world. Because the clock struck midnight and 1999 grew to become 2000, firework shows and open-air parties greeted the New Year because the time zones changed over to the following century. Fireworks, fastidiously deliberate and choreographed, were let off against the backdrop of most of the world's most well-known buildings, together with the Sydney Harbour Bridge , the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, the Acropolis in Athens, Purple Sq. in Moscow, Vatican City in Rome, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and Elizabeth Tower in London.\nbollywood, celebrity, gossips, hindi, hollywood, information, leisure, movie, opinions\n5 Leisure Sites To Verify Out This July!\nNetEnt is a digital leisure firm, providing premium gaming solutions to among the world's most profitable online on line casino operators. Precisely. So the largest change in movement footage and television has been distribution models or the flexibility to time-shift or subscription fashions. However the precise creativity hasn't modified. Within the case of interactive entertainment, it is a nascent industry still. It is only 35 years outdated, and we haven't hit our stride yet. Understanding the place consumers and advertisers are spending their time and money within the entertainment and media business can assist inform many necessary business choices. Some entertainment, resembling public executions, are actually unlawful in most nations. Activities akin to fencing or archery , as soon as used in looking or struggle , have change into spectator sports In the identical way, other actions, akin to cooking , have developed into performances amongst professionals, staged as world competitions and then broadcast for entertainment. What's leisure for one group or individual may be thought to be work or an act of cruelty by one other.\nCourt leisure usually moved from being associated with the court docket to more general use among commoners This was the case with \"masked dance-dramas\" in Korea, which \"originated along with village shaman rituals and finally became largely an entertainment form for commoners\". 30 Nautch dancers within the Mughal Empire carried out in Indian courts and palaces. Another evolution, much like that from courtly leisure to common practice, was the transition from non secular ritual to secular entertainment, corresponding to occurred throughout the Goryeo dynasty with the Narye festival. Originally \"solely spiritual or ritualistic, a secular element was added on the conclusion\". 31 Former courtly entertainments, resembling jousting , usually additionally survived in children's games.\nGear varies with the game. Board games , comparable to Go , Monopoly or backgammon want a board and markers. One of many oldest recognized board video games is Senet , a recreation performed in Historic Egypt, loved by the pharaoh Tutankhamun 48 Card games , equivalent to whist , poker and Bridge have lengthy been played as evening entertainment amongst pals. For these video games, all that is needed is a deck of enjoying playing cards Other video games, such as bingo , played with numerous strangers, have been organised to involve the participation of non-players via gambling Many are geared for youngsters , and might be performed outdoor, together with hopscotch , cover and search , or Blind man's bluff The checklist of ball games is sort of intensive. It includes, for example, croquet , garden bowling and paintball in addition to many sports activities utilizing various forms of balls The choices cater to a variety of ability and health ranges. Physical video games can develop agility and competence in motor skills Quantity video games akin to Sudoku and puzzle video games just like the Rubik's cube can develop mental prowess.\nleisure, sites, verify","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Gidi Hub\nLAGOS'LL GIVE NDUBUISI KANU BEFITTING BURIAL, SAYS SANWO-OLU\nIghalo eyes MLS move\nCOVID-19: Ignore Fake Lockdown Alert, PTF tells Nigerians\nFashola Confirms February 15 As Date For Reopening Third Mainland Bridge\nAMBODE SWEARS IN\u2026\nAMBODE SWEARS IN NEW HEAD OF SERVICE AND PERMANENT SECRETARIES\nLagos News News\nSumbo\nLagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode on Wednesday swore in the newly appointed Head of Service (HOS), Mrs. Olabowale Toluwatope Ademola with a charge on her to see the appointment as a call to duty and immediately get to work, prove herself and justify the responsibility placed on her.\nThe Governor also elevated three substantive Directors; Mr. Tunde Tairu Ogunleye, Mr. Taofik Adeyemi Fashola and Mr. Fola Padonu as Permanent Secretaries in the Ministry of Finance, Audit Service Commission and Ministry of Wealth Creation and Employment respectively.\nGovernor Ambode who spoke at the Executive Council Chambers, Lagos House, Ikeja, said the appointments was in line with the practice of his administration to continually select and appoint experienced, dedicated and tested professionals to key positions in the government.\nHe charged the HOS to build on the achievements of her predecessor and work to take the state to the highest level in the delivery of good governance for the benefit of all residents and investors in Lagos State.\n\"The Lagos State Public Service is the reference point in public administration in Nigeria and is the engine room of the State government. The dynamism of the Lagos State Public Service lies in the pedigree of its leadership which has charted the course of proactive interpretation and implementation of government policies and programmes over the years\".\nHe told Mrs. Ademola that the immediate responsibility before her is to build on the gains of the recent reforms and re-alignment the current administration has undertaken in the civil service and ensure that the overall objectives of prompt, efficient and effective service delivery are achieved.\n\"The watchword is lean government, quality service\".\n\"As the number One civil servant in Lagos State, you must show leadership and inspire the over 100,000 Civil\/Public servants to be united in their commitment to discharge their responsibilities in line with global best practices\".\n\"The goal of this administration is to strategically position Lagos State to be globally competitive in all sectors, the public service inclusive. A globally competitive public service must be proactive, knowledgeable, courteous, transparent, law abiding, accountable and selfless\".\nHe expressed confidence in the ability of the HOS to rise up to the challenge before her considering her years of experience and knowledge of the dynamics, peculiarities and strengths of the Lagos State Public Service.\n\"It is my expectation that in discharging your responsibilities, all sectors of the public service including the Body of Permanent Secretaries will be carried along and given a sense of belonging as active stakeholders\", he said.\nMeanwhile, Governor Ambode, while swearing-in the three newly appointed Permanent Secretaries, charged the appointees to see their appointment as a reward for dedication, urging them to promptly attend to all matters always.\nThe Governor reminded the appointees that they were chosen from a pool of equally qualified and competent officers, adding that they must uphold the tradition of excellence which the Lagos State Public Service is known for.\n\"I have confidence in your ability to meet this expectation given your pedigree and sufficient understanding of the goals of this administration to re-position the State Public Service. No excuse will be acceptable for non-performance,\" the Governor stated.\nEarlier, the Head of Service, in what was her first official duty, introduced the newly appointed Permanent Secretaries, saying that their appointment, apart from being in line with the tradition of excellence which Governor Ambode is known for, was also in accordance with the powers conferred on the Governor by Section 208 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended).\nResponding on behalf of the appointees, Ogunleye, who is a Chartered Accountant and a Lawyer, thanked the Governor for the opportunity given to himself and his colleagues to serve the State.\n\"We will do our best to ensure that Lagos excels. Your excellence has come with lofty ideas and we are ready to key into the ideas and serve,\" Ogunleye said.\nAbout LTV\nLagos State Broadcasting Corporation (LSBC) established under the enabling edict of 1978 was comprised of Lagos Television and Radio Services under the same management.\n\u00a9 2020, LTV. All rights reserved","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"View All Physics in Action\nWhat could we accomplish with machines that draw power from the air around us?\nShields Up: What's Holding Up Human Travel to Mars?\nGetting humans to Mars safely means figuring out how to protect the body from the damage of cosmic rays.\nMicius and the Journey of Spaceborne Entangled Photons\nChina's Micius satellite is pioneering the use of quantum entanglement in communications.\nA Black Hole Born Sans a Supernova?\nA supergiant star's mysterious disappearing act has scientists questioning the standard theories of black hole formation.\nElon Musk's newest venture seeks to unite machines and human minds.\nA New Method for Reducing Quantum Uncertainty\nScientists have found a way around one aspect of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.\nImaging Forests for Environmental Assessments\nAirborne spectroscopy allows scientists to collect data on forests at an unprecedented rate.\nNeutron Stars: Cosmic Laboratories for Quantum Physics\nUsing light from a distant neutron star, scientists have observed a strange quantum phenomenon called vacuum birefringence.\nMolecular Machinery Snags 2016 Nobel in Chemistry\nA machine the size of a single molecule? This year's Nobel prize in chemistry went to the people who made it possible!\nDressed to Impress: Attraction Between Electrons\nBy \"dressing\" the potential of electrons, researchers have taken what may be a big step toward room-temperature superconductivity!\nAdvances in Micro-Drones\nElectrostatics help \"bug bot\" micro-drones cling to surfaces just like their biological counterparts!\nQuantum Computing, Human Processing\nGamers are helping engineer the next generation of supercomputers\u2014and you can, too!\nUsing Gold Nanoparticles to Kill Cancer\nLasers and nanoengineering team up to take on one of the deadliest diseases\nFAST: Earthquake Analysis\nA new software algorithm promises fast, sensitive detection of small seismic events\nNobel Neutrinos\nLearn about 2015's Physics Nobel Prize winner!\nWireless Neural Implants\nRadiofrequency electromagnetic waves can power brain implants in mice\nPlasma Fairies: Femtosecond Laser Holograms\nLasers have enabled the creation of free-floating, interactive holograms!\nColor-Tunable Elastic Fibers\nBy mimicking the structure of organisms like the Pollia condensata berry, researchers have invented an elastic fiber that changes color when stretched!\nUltrafast Aluminum Battery\nIt's flexible, fast, nontoxic, doesn't catch on fire, and its materials are inexpensive.\nWave-Particle Duality in One Image\nThe principle of complementarity remains upheld.\nDeciphering Vesuvius Scrolls with \"X-ray\" Vision\nUncovering ancient, charred texts with physics.\nPassively Cool: A Departure from A\/C\nA potential low-energy alternative to air conditioning.\nMeasuring Drought with GPS\nTracking how strongly water pushes on the Earth's crust.\nCuriosity vs. Other Mars Missions\nHow do recent Mars missions compare to the popular Curiosity rover?\nElectrifying Tesla Coil Music and Fashion\nCreating art with stunning electric arcs\nHolograms: From Credit Cards to Chocolate\nHolograms' uses range from practical to purely aesthetic.\nMemory, Thermodynamics, and Time\nNew strides in explaining the arrow of time\nThe Dawn of the Tetraquark\nA new particle discovery requires some rethinking in particle physics\nPossible First Detection of Elusive Gravitational Waves Explained\nOne of the biggest discoveries in decades.\nIn Depth: Fusion Strides at NIF\nHow scientists recently pushed closer to sustainable fusion\nWhirling Skirts Reveal Steady Patterns\nAn unexpected application of the Coriolis effect\nGlowing Carpets: Rolling Out in 2014\nPragmatic and beautiful light transmissive carpets\nPluto's Neighbor Could Float on Water\nA Kuiper Belt object less dense than water has piqued scientists' interest\nAncient Chalice Inspires New Physics\nThe Lycurgus Cup's optical mysteries inspire scientists\nAtomic Friction\nNew research reveals the frictional nuances on the atomic scale\nElement 115 and the Island of Stability\nUnunpentium, the 115th element, has been confirmed\nA Spin on Doppler\nA twist on this physics principle can detect rotation in tornadoes, planets and more\nTiny Particle Accelerators\nThese powerful particle accelerators can fit on a desk\nNeurons and Nuclear Tests\nNuclear bomb tests have opened doors in neuroscience\nThe Monkey and the Hunter\nTest your knowledge of gravity with this thought experiment.\n\"Breathprint\" Identification\nScientists can now identify people by their breath \u2014 just like a fingerprint\nCloaking Earthquakes\nScientists aim to \"hide\" buildings from seismic waves\nThe Cyborg Scientist\nBlurring the lines between man and machine with electronic implants\n\"Living\" Crystal Colonies\nThese inanimate crystals form colonies under UV-light, like bacteria\nBelow Absolute Zero: Negative Temperatures Explained\nShattering Science and Glass Physics\nScientists try to strike a balance with glass\nBullet Proof: Absorbing Micro-Bullets\nBullet-proof material absorbs bullets and reseals itself\nMixing Physics: Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities\nFluid dynamics behind beautiful video of mixing patterns\nCould This Be the Next Robotic Skin?\nLadybug hairs inspire sensitive, flexible electronic sensors\nThere and Back Again: An Asteroid's Tale\nScientists analyze asteroid dust retrieved by spacecraft\nSilencing with the Speech Jammer\nTime-delayed voice recordings render you silent\nCharging Ahead: The Future of Battery Technology\nMeasuring charge in electric vehicles\nRouter Vision\nWith an adapted wireless router, you can see moving objects through walls\nWirelessly Charged Electric Buses\nA new bus route will feature electric buses that wirelessly charge while waiting for passengers.\nThe Golden Age of Gold\nDuring the Olympic Games, gold takes center stage. Gold was chosen for first place awards because it symbolized the Golden Age of Mankind in Greek mythology. According to Greek mythology, the Golden Age ended long ago for mankind, but new research on gold indicates that we may now be in the \"Golden Age of Gold.\"\nLaser Speckle Patterns and Malaria\nOf the five different parasites that cause malaria, one type can cause death within hours. Current methods of detecting malaria take between 8 and 10 hours. A new technique, developed by an international group, analyzes the speckle patterns of laser light reflected off of a blood sample with detection times of 30 minutes.\nQuantum Dots and Cells\nQuantum dots can be used to stimulate cells, to probe them, and to trigger neuron firing with light!\nHigh-tech road science: Where nano meets pavement\nNew developments in asphalt pavement could dramatically reduce fuel consumption, environmental pollution, and the frequency and cost of maintenance.\nSurviving a Plunge From Space\nSpacesuits are being developed to allow humans to survive a fall from thousands of feet in the sky.\nThe cup-in-hand walk\nHave you ever done the cup-in-hand walk, and spilled your drink? It's a common event. The Krechetnikov Fluid Physics Lab at the University of California Santa Barbara usually doesn't focus on this type of problem, but after seeing enough people spilling, they decided to look into it!\nMonitoring the Brain with Flexible Electronics\nA new brain sensor developed by a team of researchers could represent a significant improvement in the ability to detect exactly where abnormal brain activity starts.\nSuper Efficient LEDs\nMore than 100% efficient, these Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) put out more light energy than the electrical energy that they use!\nCrash Reconstruction Physics\nFew physics experiments come with greater consequences than those done by a police crash reconstruction team.\nUltralight Lattices\nStrong, springy, and ultralight, these lattices can sit atop a dandelion in seed without damaging it, and carry about 1000 times its weight without being damaged!\nThe Big and Small of Rockets\nFrom the acidic digestive fluid in your stomach to the dry, cratered surface of Mars, rockets could soon make it possible to explore extreme environments as never before.\nMagnets: Where Physics Meets High Fashion\nPhysics enthusiasts aren't always the people you turn to for advice on the latest fashion trends, but it's impossible not to give physics at least partial credit for the recent nail craze--magnetic nail polish.\nEntangled Diamonds\nQuantum entanglement has been called \"spooky action at a distance\" by Einstein and has often been called spooky or weird since then. Recently two diamonds, big enough to see with your eye, were observed to have entangled quantum mechanical states.\nMigration via quantum mechanics\nA perplexing property of quantum mechanics could be allowing birds to see and navigate the planet's magnetic fields\nNano Cupcakes\nFor a while carbon nanotubes have been a hot topic in science. Some of the latest research on nanotubes done at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, CO are fondly called Cupcakes,1,2 but you may only want a mental bite of these!\nCleaning with Sound\nSound may not be a normal cleaning product in your house, but it is just the thing for cleaning delicate jewelry, surgical instruments, lenses, and many other small, intricate objects. Soon, it could also make cleaning big objects like houses or machines much more efficient.\nGalactic Cannibalism\nThe Andromeda Galaxy, is one of the most distant objects that can be seen with the naked eye and it's on a collision course with our home galaxy, the Milky Way.\n3D Printers & Fabbers\nIf you can dream it, you can print it! Learn how these 3D printers are changing the invention process.\nGraphene Printing Press\nIt's been a year since Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Geim won the Nobel Prize in Physics for their breakthroughs with graphene. What is graphene up to now?\nSpraying on Energy Efficiency\nIn the next few years you might be able to buy a spray that could dramatically increase the energy efficiency of your house.\nDiamond planets are a girl's best friend\nWhat's better than a diamond engagement ring? An entire planet made of diamonds!\nElectronic Tattoos\nElectronic sensors are used to gather all sorts of information. Perhaps you've seen some fitness monitors that look like arm bands, chest bands, or watches. There are brain monitors, some look like a swim cap with wires coming out. Mindball (a game using your brain waves) just has a single band you put around your head. Now imagine an electronic sensor that is wireless, flexible, and as inconspicuous as a temporary tattoo!\nA Mirror Built for Space\nHow do you design a mirror with a diameter of 6.5 meters that can survive a rocket launch into space, orbit the Earth at a radius of about one million miles for 5-10 years, and hold its shape at temperatures near -220\u02daC? And why would you want to?\nMind over matter, light over mind\nCan lasers control your mind? Not exactly, but light can control the firing of neurons in the brain, and has been used to affect the behavior of mice.\nLanding on Mars\nWhen NASA's next generation rover Curiosity reaches the red planet next summer, it will rely on an array of new technologies to slow itself down as it enters Mars' gravity, survive the intense heat of falling through the atmosphere and then be dropped onto the surface by a futuristic floating \"Sky Crane.\" Any one error could easily result in a loss of the spacecraft, which represents $2 billion in taxpayer funds and years of hard work.\nNanoantennas \u2013 detecting the very small\nHow many ways can you think of to detect a single particle or atom? What uses would a tool that could do this have? The nanoantenna can! Read on to find out how and what uses it might have.\nSensitive as a Bat: Navigating the World by Echoes\nDaniel Kish is the world's foremost expert on echolocation, and teaches the trick, learned from bats, to help the blind navigate like never before.\nThe Advanced Light Source: Where Physics Lets Science Happen\nThe Berkeley Lab's Advanced Light Source produces x-rays a billion times brighter than the sun by flinging electrons around at nearly the speed of light. Find out how and the ways that scientists use these brilliant flashes of invisible light to probe the world of the unseen.\nCloaking \u2013 Making Something Appear Invisible\nCloaking makes things appear to be invisible. What may seem like science fiction is really just science.\nImaging the Invisible: The Dark Energy Camera\nThe average digital camera is great for taking embarrassing pictures of friends and capturing a couple's first kiss, but taking pictures of really faint galaxies that are millions of light years away requires some serious modifications or the Dark Energy Camera.\nSpring has sprung and the batters have swung. Baseball season has officially started. Although the games we watch in the big leagues could be drastically different by changing only one aspect; the bat.\nAnswering the Call for Extreme Tires\nRobert Frost concerned himself with which road to take, but in some cases the more important question may be which tires to use. Learn about the newest technology in tires.\nIonizing Radiation and Humans \u2013 The Basics\nIn the wake of the Fukishima Nuclear Reactor incident, radiation is on the minds of many people, but did you know that people are exposed to radiation everyday? Ionizing radiation, like many things, isn't bad unless a living organism is exposed to too much of it.\nRecord energies force new thoughts on lightning\nPhysicists using modern spacecraft have observed storms all over the planet and discovered that lightning can generate energies far in excess of what was previously thought possible. What's even more alarming is that some of them can generate anti-matter.\nNuclear Forensics and Unbaking the Cake\nAt our nation's ports, cargo ships from all over the world, carrying goods from granite to rubber duckies, enter the United States. But how do we know what's really in each cargo box and if it is safe? One safety check requires trucks to pass through radiation monitors to see if there is any radioactive substance in the cargo entering the country.\nGalaxy Demographics\nAs observation techniques of distant objects advance, so does our knowledge about the universe. One recent observational study led by Pieter van Dokkum (Yale) and Charlie Conroy (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) indicates that there may be three times as many stars as previously thought!\nPhysics of Colonizing Space\nOur planet has long sheltered humanity from the harsh climates of outer space. The Earth's electromagnetic field protects us from a barrage of harmful particles and its atmosphere allows us to breathe freely while destroying small inbound space rocks.\nfMRI \u2013 The Future Mind Reader?\nfMRI's might be the future technology to read your thoughts and emotions. There have been claims that fMRI can determine if you are telling the truth, what image you are looking at, and perhaps in the future, what you are thinking , feeling, or your intending.\nHolograms: Virtually Approaching Science Fiction\nHologram applications are still futuristic, but advances in holography are bringing us closer than ever to capturing holographic images in real time.\nPulling the Plug on Conventional Charging\nImagine walking into your bedroom and your cell phone starts charging immediately, you don't even have to bother plugging it in. These capabilities are being developed in scientists' labs around the country thanks to a technology known as inductive charging.\nAnd the 2010 Nobel Prize goes to the Andr\u00e9 Geim and Konstantin Novoselov for graphene! Wait, isn't that what's in our pencils? Well, yes and no. See how the graphite in pencils and common adhesive tape lead these two to a Nobel Prize.\nStock Trades at the Speed of Light\nWhat does the speed of light have to do with the stock market? When stock market trading time is of the essence some financially savvy physicists proposed a solution.\nLooking to the Stars: Creating Fusion in the Lab\nThe sun produces HUGE amounts of energy. In just five seconds, the sun gives off an amount of energy equal to the electricity used by the entire world's population in one year! How does the sun make all of this energy? It makes it through fusion. This Physics in Action explores fusion and how scientists at MIT are getting closer to producing this great source of energy.\nSeeing Lightning in the Ash\nThe eruption of the Eyjafjallaj\u00f6kull volcano in Iceland created an ash cloud that disrupted air traffic throughout Europe. And as if the magma and ash violently spewing out of the volcano's crater wasn't scary enough, the eruption also generates lightning!\nFlying kites and tumbling plastic bags show that wind carries kinetic energy. The purpose of a windmill is to harness that energy. From the earliest versions 2,200 years ago in Persia to the Megawatt turbines today, windmills use physics to harness nature's chaotic fiery for human benefit.\nWhat do night vision goggles, land mine detectors, and studies of the universe have in common? In some way, all of them are connected to a small range of light sandwiched between visible light and microwaves on the electromagnetic spectrum\u2014infrared light.\nFinding Water on the Moon\nHow do you find water that is frozen beneath the surface of the moon? Send a high-speed satellite to plunge into the lunar surface like a man-made meteor and then examine the debris. When it comes to finding water in an extraterrestrial desert, NASA doesn't mess around.\nFeynman Diagrams: The science of doodling\nEvery popular explanation of particle physics is liberally illustrated with cartoon-like pictures of straight and wiggly lines representing electrons, photons, and quarks, interacting with one another. These so-called Feynman diagrams were introduced by Richard Feynman in the journal Physical Review in 1949, and they quickly became an essential tool for particle physicists.\nLithium-ion batteries already power your cell phone and your laptop, and they may soon power your car. What makes these batteries so great?\nFiddle Physics\nPhysicists are using sophisticated recording equipment and computer models to probe how a violin makes its sound. Could they be on the verge of discovering the \"secret of Stradivari\"?\nIn 2006, an investigation of the Bullet cluster, which is composed of two colliding clusters of galaxies, provided important evidence for the existence of dark matter.\nPlanet Pluto Goes Poof\nPluto\u2014now reclassified as a \"dwarf planet\"\u2014was discovered after American astronomer Percival Lowell predicted that a \"Planet X\" was perturbing the orbits of Uranus and Neptune.\nOptical Tweezers\nUnwind a chromosome to see how it's put together? Sort cells with a light beam? Make a model of a molecular motor? All these and more\u2014welcome to the world of optical tweezers, where cells and even individual molecules are manipulated with laser light.\nOur Very Own Black Hole\nThe Milky Way is a vast spiral, similar to our neighbor the Andromeda galaxy.\nHow would you like to board a Maglev train and then speed off to your destination at more than 300 miles per hour? The magnets that levitate these trains are an application of superconductivity.\nThrough a Lens Darkly\nWhat limits the sharpness of an image? The answer has to do with the wave nature of light.\nQuark-Gluon Plasma\nA millionth of a second after the Big Bang, the universe was an incredibly dense plasma, so hot that no nuclei nor even nuclear particles could exist.\nSlow Light\nSuppose you and a friend tried to measure the speed of light. You have a powerful flashlight and a stopwatch, and your friend has a mirror. You walk away until the two of you are 100 meters apart. You aim the flashlight at the mirror, turn the light on, and wait to see the reflection. How long do you have before the light gets back?\nPower to the Pentaquark\nWhat's inside an atom? What's inside a proton? These are questions asked by physicists, who seek to understand matter on the most fundamental level.\nSonic Shock\nHave you ever heard a sonic boom? Have you ever seen the shock waves that cause one?\nTiny Machines\nIn 1959 the physicist Richard Feynman gave a talk called \"There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom,\" on the possibility of microminiaturization. To encourage progress he offered a prize of $1,000 to anyone who could build an operating electric motor that fit into a 1\/64th inch cube, and within months, someone had done it.\nTubular Peas\nNanotubes, discovered in 1991, are a new form of carbon. With four electrons available for bonding, the carbon atom can combine with others in a number ways and produce many useful materials.\nNeutrino Astrophysics\nVery large stars can end their lives in a cataclysmic explosion called a supernova. The photographs show a supernova in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way located only about 160,000 light years away.\nNeutrino Nomads\nThe neutrino is a ghostly particle that leaves hardly a trace of its passing. Most neutrinos go right through Earth without any deviation or interaction, and trillions harmlessly pierce your body each second.\nHow's the space weather today? Quiet enough for a safe trip to the moon? Quiet enough to operate your GPS navigation system accurately? So active that it would crash your power grid? Like our everyday weather, space weather can change suddenly, become violent, and interfere with our lives.\nOld as the M4 Planet\nIn the universe, we may or may not be alone, but at least there seem to be plenty of planets. Over the last decade, extra-solar planet-finding has become a growth industry, with some 100 already identified by their effect on the motion of their central star.\nHubble Goes Deep\nAs residents of the Milky Way galaxy, we live in a huge spiral system of about 10 11 stars.\nFar Out Planets\nAre we alone in the universe? To begin to answer this question, we could first ask if Earth is unique in the universe.\nFluids in Space\nWe have all seen images, such as the one at the right, of astronauts floating inside a spacecraft. If these astronauts used a spring scale to weigh themselves, they would detect no weight at all. Does no weight mean no gravity?\nRemote and beautiful, Antarctica is covered by an ice sheet averaging several kilometers in thickness that locks up some 70% of Earth's fresh water\u2014if it all melted, the oceans would rise about 70 meters.\nFusion Machines\nIn 1951, the astrophysicist Lyman Spitzer devised a way to contain a hot plasma\u2014an ionized gas\u2014with the hope of producing a sustained fusion reaction that could lead to electric power generation.\nMatters of State\nWe know about solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas \u2014these are the well-known states of matter. But now there's another, called the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), and it's been predicted for a long time.\nPlasma Power\nEveryday objects can be classified into solids, liquids, and gases. However, the matter in a lightning bolt, a flame, and the Aurora Borealis are something quite different.\nEnergetic Degenerates\nIf systems \"seek\" the lowest possible energy, why don't atomic electrons all cascade down into the ground state?\nThe Theory of Everything... Everything Alive!\nPhysicists like to explain a broad range of phenomena with a few simple mathematical laws.\nIn the controversy over global warming, some people have suggested that human-induced warming might be a good thing if it kept us out of the next Ice Age.\nThe Little Constant that Couldn't?\nPhysicists measure the values of basic quantities like the speed of light and the charge of the electron. Cosmologists use the results in studies of the origin of the universe, some 12 billion years ago, and they assume the numbers have not changed over this time.\nCatch a Cosmic Microwave\nA trio of recent findings on cosmic microwave background radiation lends strong support to the idea that the entire observable universe was once smaller than an atom and underwent a \"super-charged\" Big Bang.\nComets are relics from the origin of the solar system, carrying material about 4.5 billion years old.\nWilliam Roentgen made the first x-ray image in 1895, but the technology remained essentially the same until the late 1960s. These images were projected onto flat detectors, such as film or electronic sensors.\nCatch an Earthquake\nSan Francisco and Los Angeles, home to about 7.5 million people and to much of the economy of California, lie close to the infamous San Andreas fault.\nWaving Back\nOf the forces in nature, gravity is by far the weakest.\nWhat the WMAP!\nCosmology is one of the great success stories of contemporary physics. A few investigators began theorizing about the history of the universe in the 1940s, but there was precious little observational evidence to work with.\nBig 'G'\nIn 1665, Isaac Newton recognized that all matter attracts all other matter, but he also recognized that the gravitational attraction of everyday objects for each other was far too small to be measured in his time.\nIn our everyday world, we observe all sorts of waves, including sound waves, water waves, and radio waves. But what about gravitational waves?\nA star exists in a delicate balance between the crushing force of gravity, on the one hand, and the push of incredibly hot gases on the other.\nBuilding at the Nanoscale\nThe thickness of a human hair is about 200 microns, 20 times the length of this guitar.\nThe Buzz about Antimatter\nMatter and Antimatter: the cloud chamber track of an electron-positron pair\nAntihydrogen Antics\nAs StarTrek fans know well, the fuel for warp drive is antimatter.\nPhysicists have created a new form of water, one that stays liquid at hundreds of degrees C below zero.\nMRI Magic\nMedical x-rays provide images of the body but utilize radiation that in large doses can damage cells. A completely different technology, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), emerged in the late 1970s.\nSeeing Atoms\nWhat does it mean to see an atom? Suppose you tried to use the world's strongest optical microscope to see an atom. What would happen?\nFerrofluid Fun\nHave you ever seen a liquid magnet? If magnetic material is ground into an extremely fine powder, with a particle size of about 10 nanometers, and suspended in a liquid, the resulting magnetic suspension is called a ferrofluid.\nNatural Reactors\nThe first controlled nuclear reactor, built during World War II, was a great achievement, but it was not the first reactor to operate on planet Earth.\nYou may have seen the \"northern lights\" in the fall of 2003, even if you live as far south as Texas or Italy.\nSound, Lights, Action!\nSonoluminescence is a way to turn sound energy into light. When intense sound waves are created in a flask of water, a tiny air bubble in the water can give off flashes of light.\nChaos Rules\nIn the 17th and 18th centuries, Newtonian mechanics was triumphant in its explanation of the solar system.\nAfter crossing Florida, Hurricane Katrina headed into the Gulf of Mexico early on August 26, 2005 as a Category One hurricane.\nNuclei Knockdown\nAt RHIC--the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, located at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York--gold nuclei traveling at nearly the speed of light smash into each other, destroying themselves and producing a spray of other particles.\nYou are My Shining Star\nTo a star, size matters. The more massive the star, the higher the pressure and temperature in its core, the brighter it shines, and the sooner it exhausts the hydrogen fuel supply for its fusion reactions.\nLaser Cooling and Trapping\nAbsolute zero, as cold as it gets, resides at the very bottom of the temperature scale.\nAn Especially Elegant Universe\nJoe McMaster, producer, director, and writer of Nova's The Elegant Universe, is not a physicist. Fortunately, he had the patient help of the show's star and narrator, physicist Brian Greene, as he put together the PBS production delving into String Theory.\nSaturn's Rings\nSaturn's rings have posed a big challenge ever since Galileo first laid eyes on them in 1610 through his 20-power telescope.\nGiant Magnetoresistance\nNobel-prize-winning research led to the MP3 player and HDTV-on-demand.\nDo You See What Eye See?\nIt's been hard to miss the publicity for LASIK, the laser surgery that reshapes the cornea to improve the eye's ability to focus.\nGranular Materials\nIn our everyday world, matter is usually classified into solids, liquids, and gases. But what about dry sand?\nAMANDA, Light of my Ice...\nAn underwater telescope called AMANDA, frozen deep in Antarctic ice, peers down at ghostly neutrinos that pass through Earth from above the Northern Hemisphere.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Richard Termine\/The New York Times\/Redux\nDescribed by the New York Times as \"one of America's most esteemed concert bands,\" the University of Kansas Wind Ensemble is the premier wind band at the University of Kansas and is conducted by Paul W. Popiel, director of bands. Their Carnegie Hall debut in 2013 was described by Feast of Music as \"showing amazing chops in their transitions and an impressive range of dynamics\" and by the New York Times as \"performing with polish, assurance and copious spirit, eliciting a rousing ovation.\" The Wind Ensemble performed for President Obama for his address to the University of Kansas in January 2015, the national biennial convention of the College Band Directors National Association in 2017, and premiered Kevin Walczyk's Symphony No. 5: Freedom from Fear at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in 2018.\nThe band enjoys a long history of excellence and musical leadership Kansas, the nation, and around the world. Former leading conductors include Russell Wiley, Kenneth Bloomquist, Robert E. Foster, John Lynch, and Scott Weiss. The ensemble is at the forefront of commercial wind band recordings, and can be heard on the Klavier, Naxos Wind Band Classics, Ecstatic, and Mark Custom labels. Their 2013 release, In the Shadow of No Towers, was described in Gramophone Magazine as \"...eloquent, disciplined performances that come across with stunning dynamic range and almost dimensional transparency.\" Their most recent album, Of Shadow and Light, was released on the Klavier label in 2017.\nThe band has hosted numerous composers in recent years, including John Corigliano, Frank Ticheli, Steven Bryant, Kevin Walczyk, Joni Greene, Aaron Perrine, Michael Torke, Joel Puckett, John Mackey, Mohammed Fairouz, and Eric Ewazen; as well as guest conductors Dai Zhonghui, Michelle Rakers, John Whitwell, H. Robert Reynolds, and Mallory Thompson. Guest soloists recently performing with the Wind Ensemble include Jim Walker, Gail Williams, Jeff Nelsen, Jon Lewis, Joey Tartell, the Boston Brass, and Chris Vadala.\nThe Wind Ensemble performs diverse repertoire of the highest caliber from chamber works to large ensemble pieces and has a strong commitment to new music, as well as the finest standard band repertoire.\nThe Wind Ensemble's membership is selected by audition from among the finest wind and percussion players at the university. The Wind Ensemble meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:00-2:50 in the Fall and from 2:00-3:50 in the Spring.\nHow to Join the Wind Ensemble\nMembership in the KU Wind Ensemble is by blind audition and is open to all qualified students at the University. Auditions take place the first week of classes of each semester and are heard by the conductors and the appropriate applied music Professor.\nAuditions consist of prepared excerpts and sight-reading. Check the audition page for more information.\nWind Ensemble Repertoire\nCollage Concert\nSeptember 14 | 7:30 p.m. | Lied Center of Kansas\n\"Finale\" from Symphony #9 (2018) - James Barnes (b. 1949)\nSeptember 20 | 7:30 p.m. | Lied Center\nGlow (2018) - Joni Greene (b. 1981)\nConcerto for Alto Saxophone (2013) - Zechariah Goh Toh Chai (b. 1970)\nVince Gnojek, soloist\nSymphony #9 (2018) - James Barnes (b. 1949)\nOctober 8 | 7:30 p.m. | Lied Center\nIn the Silent Lines (2018) - Aaron Perrine (b. 1979)\nToccata Marziale (1939) - Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)\nBrett Keating, guest conductor\nLiberation (2010) - David Maslanka (1943-2017)\nwith KU Men's Chorus\nNovember 9 | 7:30 p.m. | Lied Center\nLittle Threepenny Music (1928) - Kurt Weill (1900-1950)\nNils Landsberg, conductor\nMelt this Pot (2018) - Kai Ono (b. 1995)\nSymphony No. 4 (1993) - David Maslanka (1943-2017)\nNick Waldron, conductor\nDecember 5 | 7 p.m. | Blue Valley West High School\nPaul W. Popiel, conductor\nFebruary 2 | 7:30 p.m. | Lied Center | Prairie Winds Festival\nThrough the Looking Glass (2008) \u2013 Jess Langston Turner (b.1983)\nThe Jayhawk: Magic Bird Overture (1975) - Kirke Mecham (b.1925) trans. Ramsey\nSharon Toulouse, conductor\nBallade (1956\/1999) \u2013 Alfred Reed (1921-1995) \u2013 Jeff Coffin, alto saxophone\nBaron Cimeti\u00e8re's Mambo (2004) \u2013 Donald Grantham (b.1947)\nFebruary 21 | 7:30 p.m. | Lied Center\nEmblems (1964) \u2013 Aaron Copland (1900-1990)\nEcstatic Waters (2008) \u2013 Steven Bryant (b.1972)\nSymphony in Bb (1951) \u2013 Paul Hindemith (1895-1963)\nMarch 6 | 2 p.m. | Murphy Hall, Room 130\nDMA Conducting recital\nThe Fly (2014) \u2013 Oscar Navarro (b.1981)\nLux Aurumque (2001\/2005) \u2013 Eric Whitacre (b.1970)\nMoth (2013) \u2013 Viet Cuong (b.1990)\nApril 16 | 7:30 p.m. | Lied Center\nGrand Central Station (2000) \u2013 Michael Torke (b.1961)\nO Magnum Mysterium (1994\/2003) \u2013 Morten Lauridsen (b.1943)\/trans. Reynolds\nBells for Stokowski (2002) \u2013 Michael Daugherty (b.1954)\nBrett Keating, conductor\nVom Tod Im Wald, Op.23 (1927) - Kurt Weill (1900-1950)\nJohn Stephens, bass\nThundercrest March (1964) \u2013 Eric Osterling (1926-2005)\nJohannah Cox, conductor\nSymphony No. 4, \"West Point\" (1952) \u2013 Morton Gould (1913-1996)\nApril 26 | 2 p.m. | Murphy Hall, Room 130\nMM Conducting recital\nBrass Symphony, Op.80 (1980) \u2013 Jan Koetsier (1911-2006)\nFirst Suite in Eb (1909) \u2013 Gustav Holst (1874-1934) ed. Colin Matthews\nGone (2013) \u2013 Scott McAllister (b.1969)\nDMA Cognate Recital\nJustin Harbaugh, conductor\nSerenade for Wind Instruments, Op.44 (1878) - Anton\u00edn Dvo\u0159\u00e1k (1841-1904)\nLied Center of Kansas 7:30 p.m.\nIntrada 1631 (2003) - Stephen Montague (b. 1943)\n\"Procession of the Nobles\" from Mlada (1889-90) - Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908), trans. Leidz\u00e9n\nRobert E. Foster, Director of Bands Emeritus, guest conductor\nDagny Builds a Train (2017) - Bonnie McClarty (b.1983)\nRobert E. Foster Composition Award Winner 2017\nMolly on the Shore (1920) - Percy Grainger (1882-1961)\/ed. Rogers\nThe White Rose March (1917) - John Philip Sousa (1854-1932)\nMusic for Prague, 1968 (1968) - Karel Husa (1921-2016)\nIn memoriam Karel Husa\nOctober 12, 2017 shared with Symphonic Band\nLargo & Menuet from Serenade no. 10, k. 361 (1783) - W. A. Mozart (1756-1791)\nBrooke Humfeld, guest conductor\nNocturno (1826) - Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809-1847) \/ed. Hogwood\nNick Waldron, guest conductor\nSymphony for Brass Tentet (1980) - Jan Koetsier (1911-2006)\nGuest soloist James Walker, flute\nKU Men's Chorus\nIn memoriam, David Maslanka\nSilver Lining: Concerto for Flute (2017) - Frank Ticheli (b. 1958)\nJames Walker, soloist Kansas premiere\nLincolnshire Posy (1937) - Percy Grainger (1882-1961)\/ed. Fennell\nAmerican Flute Salute (2010) - David Mairs (b. 1947)\nJames Walker, soloist\nBrooke Humfeld Recital\nLargo: from Serenade no. 10, k. 361 - W.A. Mozart\nFestive Overture - Shostakovich\nBali - Colgrass\nLincolnshire Posy (1937)- Percy Grainger (1882-1961)\/ed. Fennell\nJohn Mackey, resident composer\nJohn Corigliano, resident composer\nEddie Owen, guest conductor\nLiberty High School Wind Ensemble at 7pm\n\u200bKlaxon March (1929) - Henry Fillmore (1881-1956)\n\u200b Eddie Owen, guest conductor\nAn Original Suite - Gordon Jacob\/ed. Heidenreich\nInternet Symphony #1 Eroica (2015) - Tan Dun (b. 1957)\nPaynter Four Scottish Dances (1978) - Malcom Arnold (1921-2006)\nStomp (2016) - John Corigliano (b. 1938)\/tr. Humfeld\nBrooke Humfeld, conductor\nThe Frozen Cathedral (2013) - John Mackey (1953)\nSwarthout Recital Hall 7:30 p.m.\nBrooke Humfeld Lecture-Recital\nStomp - John Corigliano\nDetroit Concert Band\nThe Star Spangled Banner (1814) - arr. Leonard B. Smith\nMarch (1980) - Paul van Loan (1892-1963)\nErnest Williams Band School March (1932) - Mayhew Lake (1879-1955)\nItalian in Algiers (1813-1953) - Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868) arr. Calliet\n\u200bCountry Gardens (1953) - Percy Grainger (1882-1961)\nThe Kaffir on the Karoo (from Tales of a Traveler) (1914) - John Philip Sousa (1854-1932)\nBelle Isle March (1951) - Leonard B. Smith (1915-2002)\nSerenata (1949) - Leroy Anderson (1908-1975)\nThe Stars and Stripes Forever (1896) - John Philip Sousa (1854-1932)\nBlue Valley North Wind Ensemble\nDaniel Freeman, conductor\nJazz Ensemble I\n...and the mountains rising nowhere (1977) - Joseph Schwantner (b. 1943)\nPercussion Concerto - Beneath a Canvas of Green - Aaron Perrine (b. 1979)\nTonya Mitchell, conductor\nSymphony #5 - Freedom From Fear: Images From The Shoreline (2017) - Kevin Walczyk (b. 1964)\nThe John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Eisenhower Theatre\nWashington D.C. 3 p.m.\nPalos Nuevos (2017) - Dan Gailey (b. 1962)\nSeptember 16, 2016, 7:30 p.m. - Lied Center\nKU School of Music Collage concert\nThe Master of the Sword from Pagan Dances (1987) - James Barnes (b. 1949)\nSecond Suite in F (1911) - Gustav Holst (1874-1934)\/ed. Matthews\nLe cath\u00e9drale engloutie (1910) - Claude Debussy (1862-1918)\/Patterson\nRocky Point Holiday (1969)- Ron Nelson (b. 1929)\nSymphony No. 4: In the Shadow of No Towers (2013) - Mohammed Fairouz (b. 1985)\nOctober 20, 2016, 7:30 p.m. - Lied Center\nKUWE Chamber Winds\n\"Canzon Duodecimi Toni\" from Sacrae Symphoniae (1597) - Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612)\nOld Wine in New Bottles (1959) - Gordon Jacob (1895-1984)\nP\u00e9l\u00e9 (2004) - Brian Balmages (b. 1975)\nPaul Stevens, French horn\nNovember 9, 2016, 7:30 p.m. - Lied Center\nFeaturing Joey Tartell, trumpet\nand Blue Valley West High School Wind Ensemble at 7 p.m.\nCheryl Lee, conductor\nAmparita Roca (1935) - Jaime Texidor (1884-1957)\/ arr. Winters (1870-1955)\nCheryl Lee, guest conductor\nVientos y Tangos (2010) - Michael Gandolfi (b. 1956)\nAnthony Messina, guest conductor\nConcerto Gaucho (2007) - Kevin Walczyk (b. 1964)\nJoey Tartell, soloist\nLa ville d'en-haut (1987) - Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992)\nHan Wang, soloist\nAmerican Jazz Suite (1992) - Allen Vizzutti (1952)\nDecember 5, 2016 2 p.m. - Murphy Hall Room 130\nGraduate Conducting recital\nBrooke Humfeld, Anthony Messina, Nicholas Waldron, conductors\nRhapsody for Baritone Saxophone and Wind Ensemble (1985) - Mark Watters (1955)\nDavid Berrios, saxophone\nAnthony M. Messina, conductor\nVariations on a Theme of Glinka (1878) - Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908)\nMatthew Butterfield, oboe\nNicholas P. Waldron, conductor\nConcertino for Trombone Op. 45 no. 7 (1955\/1979) - Lar-Erik Larsson (1908-1986) arr. by Mark F. Walker\nMark Sweeney, trombone\nBrooke E. Humfeld, conductor\nFebruary 4, 2017 - Lied Center\nA Glimpse of the Eternal (2016) - Aaron Perrine (b. 1979)\nThe Feel of A Vision - Chuck Mangione (b. 1940)\nChris Vadala, saxophone\nSounds of Cinema - Rick DeJonge \u200b\nFeaturing The Boston Brass\nShared concert at Lawrence High School\nTime And Repertoire TBA\nMarch 8, 2017, 7:30 p.m. - Lied Center\n(tentative repertoire)\nMarch TBD\nEric Stambaugh, guest conductor\nKnells for Bonnie (2016) - Joel Puckett (b.1977)\nSarah Frisof, soloist\nMarch 15, 2017 - Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, Kansas City, Missouri\nCollege Band Directors National Association National Biennial Conference\nKnells for Bonnie (2016) - Joel Puckett (b. 1977)\nApril 18, 2017, 7:30 p.m. - Lied Center\nMillennium Canons (2003) - Kevin Puts (b. 1972)\/arr. Mark Spede\nAnthony M. Messina, guest conductor\nStillness (2015) - Tom Davoren\nAmerican premiere\nMatthew O. Smith, guest conductor\nVariants on a Mediaeval Tune (1963) - Norman Dello Joio (1913-2008)\nChildren's March (1918) - Percy Grainger (1882-1961)\nNicholas Waldron, guest conductor\nDeep Field (2015) - Eric Whitacre (b. 1970)\nConsortium premiere\nTuesday, October 6, 7:30 p.m. - Lied Center of Kansas\nThe Moon Glistens (2014) \u2013 Joni Greene (b. 1981)\nOnly Light (2014) \u2013 Aaron Perrine (b. 1979)\nProfanation from \"Jeremiah, Symphony No. 1\" (1942) \u2013 Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990), arr. Frank Bencriscutto\nAllison Cockshaw, guest conductor\nSheltering Sky (2012) \u2013 John Mackey (b. 1973)\nSinfonietta for Concert Band (1961) \u2013 Ingolf Dahl (1912-1970)\nSunday, October 11 - Helzberg Hall, Kauffmann Center for the Performing Arts in KCMO \u2013 shared with KU Opera\nMatthew O. Smith and Sharon Toulouse, guest conductors\nFanfare for JFK (1961) \u2013 Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990)\nOverture to Candide (1956) \u2013 Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) trans. Grundman\nThursday, October 22, 7:30 p.m. - Lied Center of Kansas\nWind Ensemble\/Chamber Winds\nMargaret Marco, soloist\nSelections from Dixtuor op. 14 (1906) \u2013 Georges Enescu (1881-1955)\nAllison Cockshaw, conductor\n\"Velocity Meadows\" for electronics, video, oboe, and winds (2015)\nChristopher Stark (b. 1980), Consortium premiere\nThursday, November 12, 7:30 p.m. - Lied Center of Kansas\n\"Citadel\" for KU Sesquicentennial (2015) \u2013 James Barnes (b. 1949), world premiere\nDivertimento op. 42 (1950) \u2013 Vincent Persichetti (1915 \u2013 1987)\nTonya Mitchell, guest conductor\nSamson et Dalila, Op. 47: Bacchanale (1877)\nCamille Saint-Saens (1835-1921) \/ transcribed Egner\nWinds of Nagual (1985) \u2013 Michael Colgrass (b. 1932)\nFriday, November 13, 1:30 p.m. - Lied Center of Kansas\nEncore Free Performance\nMonday, December 7, 2:00 p.m. - Foster Rehearsal Room, Murphy Hall\nMaster's Degree Recital\nJong Ho Kim, soloist\nDixtuor op. 14, Mvt. I (1906) \u2013 Georges Enescu (1881-1955)\nFestive Overture Op. 96 (1954) \u2013 Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) arr. Hunsburger\nSong (2001) \u2013 William Bolcom (b. 1938)\nRose Variations (1955) \u2013 Robert Russell Bennett (1894-1981)\nSaturday, February 6, 7:30 p.m. - Lied Center of Kansas\nPrairie Winds Festival - shared with Jazz Ensemble I and KUSO\nJon Lewis, Margaret Marco, Steve Leisring, soloists\nConcert Piece (1999) by James Curnow (b.1943)\nJon Lewis, soloist\nVelocity Meadows for solo oboe, video, electronics, and winds (2015) \u2013 Christopher Stark (b. 1980)\nArabesque (2004) - Joseph Turrin (b. 1947)\nJon Lewis and Steve Leisring, soloists\nTuesday, February 23, 7:30 p.m. - Lied Center of Kansas\nJeff Nelsen, soloist\nEl Capitan (1896) - John Philip Sousa (1854-1932)\nThe Glass Bead Game (1997) - James A. Beckel, Jr. (b. 1948)\nWingspan (2015) - Gary Kuo\nWorld Premiere - Nathan Jones (b.1983)\nSteven Smyth, conductor\nLa Fiesta Mexicana: A Mexican Folk Symphony (1949) -- H. Owen Reed (1910-2014)\n1. Prelude and Aztec Dance\n2. Mass\nMonday, April 18, 7:30 p.m. - Lied Center of Kansas\nSonoran Splendor (2015) world premiere - Travis Rigby (b.1991)\nRobert E. Foster Composition Prize Winner\nMannin Veen (1933) --Haydn Wood (1882-1959)\nFrom a Dark Millennium (1981) \u2013Joseph Schwantner (b. 1943)\nRadiant Joy (2006) \u2013 Steven Bryant (b. 1972)\nPiece for Solo Flute and Chamber Winds, world premiere (2015) \u2013Joel Puckett (b. 1977)\nVisions Macabres, op. 40 (1979) \u2013 James Barnes (b. 1949)\nApril 27, 2:00 p.m. - Foster Rehearsal Hall\nSteven Smyth Lecture Recital- April 27\nCollage Concert Sept. 19\nLied Center of Kansas\nMusica Mobilis (1996), James Beckel (b. 1948)\nWind Ensemble Sept. 26\nSerenade for Winds, op. 44 (1878), Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904)\nSuite Francaise, op. 248 (1944), Darius Milhaud (1892-1974)\nFestival Overture (2010), Dan Chen\nSymphony in B-flat (1951), Paul Hindemith (1895-1963)\nFaculty Recital Series: Joyce Castle, Mezzo-Soprano with KU Wind Ensemble Oct. 6\nFive Cabaret Songs (2014), William Bolcom (b. 1938) arr. Frenkel\nSymphonic Band & Chamber Winds Oct. 21\nWind Ensemble Nov. 10\nMarch from Symphonic Metamorphosis (1943\/1960), Paul Hindemith (1895-1963)\nVisions Macabre, op. 40 (1979), James Barnes (b. 1949)\nSanctuary (2006), Frank Ticheli (b 1958)\nThe Florentiner March, Julius Fucik (1872-1916) arr. Frederick Fennell\nStar Wars Trilogy (1980), John Williams (b. 1932) arr. Donald Hunsberger\nLuke Johnson Graduate Wind Conducting Recital Nov. 21\nPsalm for Band (1954), Vincent Persichetti (1915-1987)\nConcertino for Alto Saxophone and Wind Ensemble (2004), Zechariah Goh (1970)\nBen Harper Graduate Wind Conducting Recital Dec. 10\nNew World (Overture) from Dancer in the Dark (1998), Bj\u00f6rk (b. 1965) arr. Vince Mendoza\nNevermore (2008), Kevin Wilt (b. 1984)\nTuba Concerto (1976), Edward Gregson (b. 1945)\nPrairie Winds Concert - KU Wind Ensemble, KU Jazz Ensemble I, KU Symphony Orchestra Jan. 31\nWind Ensemble Feb. 23 Lied Center of Kansas\nValor, op. 113 (2002), James Barnes (b. 1949)\nDionysiaques, op. 62 (1913), Florent Schmitt (1870-1958)\nIrish Tune from County Derry (1911, ed. 1994), Percy Grainger (1882-1961) ed. Mark Rogers\nFirst Suite in E-flat, Gustav Holst\nKMEA Feb. 27\nIrish Tune from County Derry (1911, ed. 1994), Percy Grainger (1882-1961), ed. Mark Rogers\nFirst Suite in E-flat (1911), Gustav Holst (1870-1934)\nKU Wind Ensemble April 8\nYardley Hall, Carlsen Center, Johnson County Community College\nSerenade, op. 7 (1881), Richard Strauss (1864-1949)\nUn vitrial et des oiseaux (1986), Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992)\nConcerto for Tuba (1977), Eric Ewazen (b. 1954) Winds of Nagual (1985), Michael Colgrass (b. 1932)\nLuke Johnson Graduate Wind Conducting Lecture Recital April 17 Conducting Workshop May 2\nOctober 6 at the Lied Center, 2:30 pm\nCanzona (1951), Peter Mennin (1923-1983)\nPanta Rhei (2010), Ingrid Stolzel (b. 1971)\nBliss (2003), Michael Torke (b. 1961)\nMorning Star (1997), David Maslanka (b. 1943)\nRapsodia Borealis (2001), Soren Hyldgaard (b. 1962)\nDr. Michael Davidson, trombone soloist\nOctober 22 at the Lied Center, 7:30 pm\nAnniversary Fanfare (2013), James Barnes (b. 1949) WORLD PREMIERE\nBassoon Concerto for Winds and Electronics (2013), Kip Haaheim (b. 1955) WORLD\nPREMIERE - Eric Stomberg, bassoon soloist\nNovember 10 at Kauffman Center KC, MO\nCapt. Michelle Rakers, US Marine Band & Sharon Toulouse, guest conductors\nWild Blue Yonder (2006), James Barnes (b. 1949)\nSymphony No. 4 (1952), Morton Gould (1913-1996)\nCommando March (1943) Samuel Barber, 1910-1981\nThe Alcotts (1920) \u2013 Charles Ives (1874-1954)\/ trans. Elkus\nBelieve Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms (1775)\/arr. Simone Manti -AJ Miller and\nSarah Miller, euphonium soloists\nSemper Fi (1888) John Philip Sousa (1854-1932)\nBand of Brothers (2001) Michael Kamen (b. 1948)\/ trans. Nowlin\nArmed Forces Medley arr. Knox\nStars and Stripes Forever (1896), John Philip Sousa (1854-1932)\nDecember 3 Blue Valley High School, 7:00 pm\nA shared program with the Blue Valley High School Bands!\nMarch (1943) Samuel Barber (1910-1981)\nAvian Bear, guest conductor\nSharon Toulouse, guest conductor\n\"Marches\" from Symphony No.4 (1952), Morton Gould (1913-1996)\nEscort Bennett\/Fennell - Combined with BVHS Bands\nDecember 9 Murphy Hall 130, 1:00 pm\nCanzon septimi toni No. 1(1597) by Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612)\nOld Wine in New Bottles (1958) by Gordon Jacob (1895-1984)\nChorale and Alleluia (1954) by Howard Hanson (1896-1981)\nIce 9(2011) by Von Hanson (b.1984) world premiere\nCameron's Dream (2013) by Joni Greene (b.1981) world premiere\nFour Scottish Dances (1957\/1978) by Malcolm Arnold (1921-2006)\/Trans. by John Paynter\nFebruary 1 Prairie Winds Concert at Lied Center, 7:30 pm\nKrunch (1996) Tim Davies (b. 1972) KU SAXOPHONE QUARTET 1\n\u2026and the mountains rising nowhere (1977)Joseph Schwantner (1943)\nBelieve Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms (1775)arr. Simone Mantia\nAlbert and Sarah Miller, Guest SoloistsSharon Toulouse, Guest Conductor\nCommando March (1943)Samuel Barber (1910-1981)Matthew O. Smith, Guest Conductor\nFebruary 6 at Park Hill South High School, 7:00 pm\nCommando March (1943)Samuel Barber (1910-1981)\nChorale and Alleluia (1954)Howard Hanson (1896-1981)\nAlbert and Sarah Miller, Guest SoloistsSharon Tolouse, Guest Conductor\nFour Scottish Dances (1957\/1978)Malcolm Arnold (1921-2006)\/Trans. John Paynter\nFebruary 25 Lied Center, 7:30 pm\n\u200bQuator (1933) Jean Francaix (1912-1997) FLAT VI QUARTET\nLateral Perspectives (2010) Kevin Walczyk (b. 1964) Luke Johnson, guest conductor\nNet Luck Soaring (2011) Joni Greene (b.1981) Ben Harper, guest conductor\n...and the mountains rising nowhere (1977) Joseph Schwantner (1943)\nIdea Number Twenty-Four (2006) Terry Everson (1962) KU TRUMPET QUINTET\n\u200bLincolnshire Posy (1937) Percy Aldridge Grainger (1882-1961)\nApril 15 Lied Center, 7:30 pm\nSymphonies of Wind Instruments (1920, rev. 1947) Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)\nConcerto for Flute and Wind Orchestra (2012) James Barnes (b.1949) world premiere\nA Child's Garden of Dreams (1981) David Maslanka (b.1943)\nApril 25 Murphy Hall 130, 2:30 pm\nChad Simons Lecture-Recital tentative: \"The Wind Music of Composer Joni Greene\"\n7:30pm, Collage Concert at the Lied Center of Kansas\nMovement 2 from Symphonic Requiem, op. 135 (2011) by James Barnes (b. 1949)\n7:30pm, Lied Center of Kansas\nRoad Stories (2010) by Jennifer Higdon (b. 1962)\nMusic for Prague 1968, (1968) by Karel Husa (b. 1921)\nSymphonic Requiem, op. 135 (2011) by James Barnes (b. 1949)\nClick to view the event poster.\n\"Canzon Primi Toni\" from Sacrae Symphonie (1597) by Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612)\nLa Creation du Monde, op. 81a (1923) by Darius Milhaud (1892-1974)\n7:30pm, Yardley Hall, Overland Park, KS\nFrom Glory to Glory (2011) by Kevin Walczyk (b. 1964)\nOn the Waterfront (1954) by Leonard Bernstein (1918 \u2013 1990)\nNitro (2006) by Frank Ticheli (1958)\nEvent Horizon (2011) by Joni Greene (b. 1981)world premiere\nRhapsody in Blue (1924) by George Gershwin (1898 \u2013 1937)\nSteven Spooner, piano\nFebruary 1, 2013 Shared with Jazz Ensemble 1 and soloist Steve Leisring, trumpet\n7:30 pm Lied Center of Kansas\nBlue Shades (1997) by Frank Ticheli (b. 1958)\nNaxos Recording Sessions\n\"In the Shadow of No Towers\" (2012) by Mohammed Fairouz (b. 1985)\nConcerto Fantasy for Two Timpanists (2001) by Philip Glass(b. 1937)\nJi Hye Jung and Robert van Sice, timpani\n8:00pm (EST), Stern Auditorium of Carnegie Hall, NYC\n\"In the Shadow of No Towers\" (2012) by Mohammed Fairouz (b. 1985) world premiere\nConcerto Fantasy for Two Timpanists (2001) by Philip Glass (b. 1937)\nkuendowment.org\/music_carnegie\u00bb\nMidwest premiere\nFestive Overture, Op. 96 (1954\/1965) by Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975)\nO Magnum Mysterium (2003) by Morten Lauridsen (b. 1943)\nFirst Suite in Eb, Op. 28, No. 1 (1909)\nI. Chaconne II. Intermezzo III. March\nby Gustav Holst (1874-1934)\nRavenkind (2012)\nI. Odineyes II. Nighttress III. Jetpriest IV. Creekkeeper\nby Forrest Pierce (b. 1972) with Robert Walzel, soloist world premiere\nTheme and Variations, Op. 43a (1943) by Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951)\nCollage September 23, 2011\n6:00 Chen Yi - Movement 2 from Dragon Rhyme\nConcert #1: Tuesday October 4, 2011\n7:00 Ticheli - Wild Nights!\n23:00 Walczyk - Clarinet Concerto\n5:00 Mahoney Sparkle\n13:00 Dello Joio - Fantasies on a Theme by Haydn Michael Mapp, guest conductor\n(3:00 Sousa - The Washington Post)\nConcert #2: Chamber Winds - Wednesday October 19, 2011\n10-15:00 selections from Weill Kleine Dreigroschenmusik\n10-15:00 selections from Dvorak Serenade\nConcert #3: November 8, 2011\n1:30 Gould - Fanfare for Freedom\n9:00 Torke\/Patterson - Javelin Matt Smith, guest conductor\n11:00 Copland\/Hunsberger - Quiet City Steve Leisring, trumpet & Margaret Marco, English horn\n20:00 Reed - La Fiesta Mexicana Sarah Labovitz, guest conductor\n16:00 Torke - Mojave Ji Hye Jung, marimba\nConcert #4: November 13, 2011 7pm at the Kauffman Center, Kansas City\nGould- Fanfare for Freedom\nTorke- Mojave\nJi Hye Jung, marimba\nTicheli- Wild Nights!\nCopland\/\nHunsberger Quiet City\nSteve Leisring, trumpet & Margaret Marco, English horn\n(Encore- Sousa - The Washington Post)\nRecital: Sarah Labovitz DMA recital - Wednesday December 7, 2011\n23:00 Dvorak Serenade\n5:00 Mackey Strange Humors\n6:00 Plog - Three Miniatures\n22:00 Reed - La Fiesta Mexicana\nConcert #5: Prairie Winds Concert\/Perc Ens February 4, 2012\n6:00 Daugherty - Desi\n16:00 Torke Mojave\n6:00 Varese - Ionisation, Sarah Labovitz, guest conductor\nMore Percussion Ensemble, TBA\nConcert #5.5: KMEA Friday February 24, 2012\nChen Yi - Movement 2 from Dragon Rhyme\nConcert #6: Scholarship Concert - Friday March 30, 2011\nTBA Robert E. Foster, guest conductor\n14:00 Copland, A Lincoln Portrait\n10:00 Ticheli, An American Elegy\nNAXOS Recording \"American Landscapes\" - Recording April 1-6, 2012\n9:00 Torke Javelin\n16:00 Ticheli Simple Gifts\n6:00 Torke Mojave\n5:00 Copland Quiet City\n6:00 Ticheli An American Elegy\nCopland Variations on a Shaker Melody\nConcert 7: Thursday April 26, 2012, John Whitwell, guest conductor\nCollage Concert September 24th, 2010\n5:00 Bryant - Radiant Joy\n3:30 Strauss - Vienna Philharmonic Fanfare\n13:00 Greene - Circean Waters\n15:00 Bennett - Suite of Old American Dances Sarah Labovitz, guest conductor\n9:00 Barnes - Chorale Prelude on a German Folk Tune (1984)\n20:00 Grainger - Lincolnshire Posy\n\"Old Wine in New Bottles\"\n12:30 Jacob - Old Wine in New Bottles\nMilhaud - Suite francaise\n15:00 Bennett - Suite of Old American Dances\nSarah Labovitz, guest conductor\n11:00 Gandolfi - Vientos y Tangos\n19:00 Hindemith - Symphony in Bb\nCheryl Lee MM conducting recital December 1st, 2010\nMendelssohn - Nocturno, op. 24\nBenson - Solitary Dancer\nWilt - Nevermore\nGrainger - Colonial Song\nShared with Jazz Ensemble 1 February 5th, 2011\n22:00 Mintzer - Go! - Concerto for Tenor Saxophone\n3:30 Bernstein - Slava!\n10:00 Strauss - Serenade in Eb, op. 7\n4:00 Gabrieli - Canzona Septimi Toni #2\n6:00 Lauridsen\/Reynolds - O Magnum Mysterium\n9:00 Roger Nixon - Fiesta Del Pacifico, Sarah Labovitz, guest conductor\n5:00 Bruce Broughton - Silverado\nwith combined Horn Choirs from KU and UMKC - guest conductor Paul Stevens\n19:30 Wilson - Concerto for Horn and Wind Ensemble\nGail Williams from the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, soloist\n4:00 Sousa - Nobles of the Mystic Shrine\n\"New Paradigms\" May 10th, 2011\n15:00 Maslanka - Traveler\n11:00 Daugherty - Red Cape Tango\n7:00 Varese - Octandre\n22:00 Bryant - Ecstatic Waters\nSteven Bryant, resident composer\nFrank Ticheli, guest composer\/conductor\nMichael Davidson, trombone\nScott A. Weiss, conductor\nCheryl Lee, graduate student conductor\nPostcard (1994) \u2013 Frank Ticheli\nSanctuary (2005)\u2013 Frank Ticheli\nConcertino for Trombone and Band (1987) \u2013 Frank Ticheli\nAngels in the Architecture (2008) \u2013 Frank Ticheli\nBlue Shades (1996) \u2013 Frank Ticheli\nHaley Armstrong, graduate student conductor\nDay Signal from Signals from Heaven (1987) \u2013 Toru Takemitsu\nEt Expecto Ressurectionem Mortuorum (1964) \u2013 Oliver Messiaen\nNight Signals from Signals from Heaven (1987) \u2013 Toru Takemitsu\nMusic for Prague 1968 (1968) \u2013 Karel Husa\nStephanie Zelnick, clarinet\nFanfare for Freedeom (1943) \u2013 Morton Gould\nSaint Lawrence Suite (1958) \u2013 Morton Gould\nDerivations for Solo Clarinet and Band (1953) \u2013 Morton Gould\nJericho Rhapsody (1939) \u2013 Morton Gould\nAmerican Salute (1943) \u2013 Morton Gould\nLieutenant Colonel Andrew Esch, guest conductor\nSymphonies of Wind Instruments (1920 ver.) \u2013 Igor Stravinsky\nSymphonietta (1961) \u2013 Ingolf Dahl\nScherzo alla Marcia from Symphony No. 8(1783) \u2013 R. Vaughan Williams\nSymphony No. 4 \"West Point\" (1952) \u2013 Morton Gould\n\"Opera Without Words\"\nSteve Leisring & Dai Zhonghui, trumpet\nFrank Perez, graduate student conductor\nOverture to La Forza del Destino (1869) \u2013 Guiseppe Verdi\nRegina Coeli from Cavalleria Rusticana (1890)\u2013 Pietro Mascagni\nWedding Dances from Bandana (1998) \u2013 Daron Hagen\nThe Good Soldier Schweik Suite (1956) \u2013 Robert Kurka\nCarmen Fantasia (1994) \u2013 Georges Bizet\/Hunsburger\n\"British Invasion\"\nScott Watson, tuba\nMasque (2001) \u2013 Kenneth Hasketh\nHammersmith - Prelude and Scherzo, OP. 52 (1930) \u2013 Gustav Holst\nTuba Concerto (1984) \u2013 Edward Gregson\nYiddish Dances (1996) \u2013 Adam Gorb\nTone Poem, Mannin Veen (1933) \u2013 Haydn Wood\n\"Joint Concert with Lawrence H.S. Band\"\n\"An evening of jazz and jazz-influenced music\"\n\"KMEA, Century II Concert Hall, Whichita, KS\"\nSymphonic Dances from West Side Story (1961) \u2013 Leonard Bernstein\nI. Prologue. Allegro moderato\nII. \"Somewhere.\" Adagio\nIII. Scherzo. Vivace leggiero\nIV. Mambo. Meno presto\nV. Cha-Cha (\"Maria\"). Andantino con grazia\nVI. Meeting scene. Meno mosso\nVII. \"Cool\" Fugue. Allegretto\nVIII. Rumble. Molto allegro\nIX. Finale. Adagio\nCuban Overture (1932) \u2013 George Gershwin\nPaul Stevens, horn\nOccident et Orient (1869) \u2013 Camille Saint\u2013Sa\u00ebns\nO Magnum Mysterium (1994) \u2013 Morton Lauridsen\nConcerto for Horn in E-flat, K. 417 (1783) \u2013 W.A. Mozart\nMasquerade (1966) \u2013 Vincent Persichetti\nSymphony No. 6 (2008) \u2013 James Barnes\n\"Campus Creative Project\"\nTurtle Island String Quartet\nThe Tree of Life (2008) \u2013 David Balakrishnan\nWorld Premiere Performance\nDebut Concert\nFestive Overture, Op. 96 (1954) \u2013 Shostakovich\/Hunsberger\nColonial Song (1905\/1917) \u2013 Percy Grainger\/Rogers\nFinish Line (2006) \u2013 Cindy McTee\nFantasie Brillante on Verdi's Rigoletto (1851) \u2013 Luigi Bassi\/Laurendeau\nSerenade in E flat, Op. 7 (1882) \u2013 Richard Strauss\nSouthern Harmony (1998) \u2013 Donald Grantham\nLyndsay Boysen, Frank Perez & Eric Posner, assistant conductors\nLa Procession du Rocio (1913) \u2013 Joaquin Turina, trans, Reed\nTrauermusik (1844) \u2013 Richard Wagner\nDivertimento for Band, Op. 42 (1950) \u2013 Vincent Persichetti\nOctour (1922-3, rev. 1952) \u2013 Igor Stravinsky\nConcertino for Trombone in E flat Major, Op. 4 (1837) \u2013 Ferdinand David\n\"Dance of the Jesters\" from The Snow Maiden (1884) \u2013 Pyotr Illyich Tschaikovsky\n\"An Evening in Paris\"\nFrank Perez & Eric Posner, assistant conductors\nDavid Fedele, flute\nFanfares Liturguique (1947) \u2013 Henri Tomasi\nPetite Symphonie, op. 90 (1885)\u2013 Charles Gounod\nChildren's Overture (1964) \u2013 Eugene Bozza\nConcertino, op. 107 (1910) \u2013 Cecile Chaminade, arr. Wilson\nParis Sketches (1994) \u2013 Martin Ellerby\nEric Posner, conductor\nFanfares Liturgiques (1947) \u2013 Henri Tomasi\nLincolnshire Posy (1937)\u2013 Percy Aldridge Grainger\nSong (2000) \u2013 William Bolcolm\n\"March\" from Symphonic Metamorphosis (1943) \u2013 Paul Hindemith, trans. Wilson\nJoint Concert with the KU Kansas City Youth Wind Symphony\nYardley Hall, Overland Park, Kansas\nWild Nights! (2007)\u2013 Frank Ticheli\nShadow Dance (2006) \u2013 David Dzubay\nAnahita (2005) \u2013 Roshanne Etezady\n\"Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral\" from Lohengrin (1846\u201348)\u2013 Richard Wagner\nMurphy Hall 50th Anniversary Celebration\nVince Gnojek, saxophone\nWild Blue Yonder (2006) \u2013 James Barnes\nDusk (2004)\u2013 Steven Bryant\nConcerto for Soprano Saxophone (2007) \u2013 John Mackey","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Luiss Main Page\nBiblioteca Luiss Guido Carli\nLuiss Home page\nLuiss Library Page\nBrowse by Division and Year\nLuiss Guido Carli (895)\nDepartment of Economics and Finance (52)\nPhD Program in Mathematical Methods for Economics, Business, Finance and Insurance (8)\nLLEE (Luiss Lab of European Economics) (10)\nPhD Program in Economics (english language) (34)\nDepartment of Law (307)\nCERADI (Business Law Research Centre) (6)\nPhD Program in Business Law and Corporate Tax Law (19)\nPhD Program in Business Law (22)\nPhD Program in Domestic and International Arbitration Law (37)\nPhD Program in Law and Business (46)\nPhD Program in Law and Economics (51)\nPhD Program in Public Law (25)\nPhD Program in Corporate Tax Law (36)\nDepartment of Business and Management (395)\nCeRSI (Information Systems Research Centre) (74)\nPhD Program in Economics and Project Financing Techniques (13)\nPhD Program in Business Information Systems (14)\nPhD Program in History and Theory of Economic Development (10)\nPhD Program in Management (english language) (41)\nDepartment of Political Science (133)\nCERSDU (Center for the Study of Human Rights) up to 2008 (1)\nCISE (Italian Centre for Electoral Studies) (1)\nCenter for Ethics and Global Politics (2)\nCentre for Media and Communication Studies \"Massimo Baldini\" (15)\n\"Vittorio Bachelet\" Public Administration Research Centre (2)\nCommunication Research (Research Section for Communication) 2003-2008 (2)\nDottorato di ricerca in Globalization, The EU and Multilateralism - GEM (english language) (4)\nPhD Program in Political History of the Contemporary Age in the 19th and 20th Centuries \"Federico Chabod\" (4)\nPhD Program in Political Theory (english language) (71)\nPhD Program in Political Theory and Political Science (english language) (8)\nPhD Program in Political Theory, Political Science and Political History (english language) (10)\nSchool of European Political Economy (3)\nSchool of Government (6)\nOpen Access full text\nMIUR Scientific Area\nResearch Classification\nFull text availability\nLuissearch is powered by EPrints 3 which is developed by the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Naya Rivera: Former Glee actress 'presumed drowned' as search continues after lake disappearance\nImogen Braddick\n9 July 2020, 6:38 pm \u00b72-min read\nPolice are continuing to search for former Glee star Naya Rivera after she disappeared during a boating trip with her four-year-old son.\nThe Ventura County Sheriff's office said the 33-year-old was presumed to have drowned and the effort to find her was now classed as a \"search and recovery operation\".\nA huge search operation has been launched at Lake Piru in Southern California but she is yet to be found.\n\"Investigators believe Rivera drowned in what appears to be a tragic accident,\" a police statement said.\nRivera's son, who was found asleep and wearing a life vest on late Wednesday afternoon, told investigators that he and his mother went swimming and he got back on the boat, but \"his mom never made it out of the water\".\nNaya Rivera has been missing since Wednesday (Getty Images)\nVentura Country Sheriff Sergeant Kevin Donoghue provided an update on Thursday and revealed CCTV from the dock shows Rivera's boat departing.\nHe also revealed it may be weeks before any body is found. In the area where the boat was found, the water was about nine metres deep, he said.\nSgt Donoghue said: \"If the body is entangled on something beneath the water, it may never come back up.\"\nHe added: \"There's no way to really say.\n\"We're putting our best foot forward to try and locate her, we're using all the assets that are available to us, we're using technology like Sonar, we have experts who have dove this lake that know it inside and out, that know where debris pockets might be.\"\njust the two of us pic.twitter.com\/wCunAlGJ1B\n\u2014 Naya Rivera (@NayaRivera)\nThe most recent tweet on Rivera's account, from Tuesday, read \"just the two of us\" along with a photo of her and her son.\nStars have shared prayers and messages of hope for the actress, who played cheerleader Santana in Glee.\nRivera's Glee co-star Heather Morris posted a message for her former colleague on Instagram, writing: \"We need all the prayers we can to bring our Naya back home to us. We need your love and light.\"","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Home Other News La Cultura Scientists begin the hunt for Cervantes in Madrid\nScientists begin the hunt for Cervantes in Madrid\nImogen Calderwood\n6 Mar, 2014 @ 14:21\nHE died on the very same day as William Shakespeare, but where he is buried remains as much a mystery as the meaning of his book Don Quixote.\nBut now scientists have been given the green light to begin searching for the body of Spain's most famous writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.\nExperts are set to use specialist geo-radar equipment at a convent in Madrid in a bid to unearth his bones.\nEvidence has existed since 1870 of undiscovered burial sites underneath Las Trinitarias convent in the Las Letras district of the capital.\nThe city's heritage department has allotted \u20ac12,000 to find the body, dig it up, perform tests and then rebury it.\nCervantes died a poor man in the capital on April 23, 1616, aged 69.\nHis bones could reveal whether he died of cirrhosis, as it has been claimed, the writer being a notoriously heavier drinker.\n\"They may not just help us to discover what he looked like, but also why he died,\" said historian Fernando Prado.\n\"It is said that he was very ill late in life, but that is also when he was very productive as an author.\"\nIt is known that he had earlier suffered a gunshot wound to the chest and damage to his left hand at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 which may help identify the correct body.\nHe was survived by one daughter, meaning a DNA sample could be used if any descendants are found.\nHis masterpiece, Don Quixote, has been translated into more than 60 languages.\nIt is hoped the work can be carried out by 2016, when there are plans for a joint global celebration to mark the anniversaries of the death of Cervantes and Shakespeare.\nAbout Imogen Calderwood\nDO YOU HAVE NEWS FOR US at Spain's most popular English newspaper - the Olive Press? Contact us now via email: [email protected] or call 951 273 575. To contact the newsdesk out of regular office hours please call +34 665 798 618.\nWhat a mission! My six weeks at a language school in Sevilla - 23 May, 2015 @ 15:30\nFlamenco and the Alhambra as home-time is looming - 16 Apr, 2015 @ 15:05\n'Giving light' and tile-painting in Triana - 10 Apr, 2015 @ 15:47\nTaking my mind off the end of Semana Santa - 6 Apr, 2015 @ 15:53\nSinners in spiky hats - 2 Apr, 2015 @ 09:01\nThe suspense is growing for Semana Santa - 29 Mar, 2015 @ 10:48\nA Mesquita and a mosquito - 23 Mar, 2015 @ 19:58\nJust the weather for a solar eclipse - 20 Mar, 2015 @ 18:51\nA Roman market and St Patrick's Day in Sevilla - 18 Mar, 2015 @ 15:30\nThe Spanish sorting hat of doom - 14 Mar, 2015 @ 11:05\nBattle of Lepanto\nFernando Prado\nLas Letras\nPrevious articleDaughter of American author Jerome Mintz continues Casa Viejas tradition\nNext articleTrial of celebrity PR guru Max Clifford begins today in the UK\nAntonio Banderas back in Malaga to celebrate Malaga Film Festival\nTerry Gillam's Don Quixote film which started production 20 years ago to begin filming for the eighth time\nCurtains go up on spectacular Malaga theatre festival\nAlphonse Dattolo 7 Mar, 2014 @ 02:05 at 02:05\nI HAVE BEEN A STUDENT OF CERVANTES FOR 50 YEARS AND I JUST WISH EVERYONE WOULD LET THIS GENIUS REST IN PEACE AND GIVE HIM THE RESPECT HE RICHLY DESERVES!\nAround 500 Renfe train staff to strike on Spain's Costa del Sol NEXT WEEK over pay conditions\nTwo men using fake \u20ac500 notes 'so good they were undetectable by machines' caught after blowing 15 of them...\nSt Joseph's manager happy to keep Rangers out for a half in Europa league second round first leg\nBrit, 20, robbed of \u20ac400 by 'hugger muggers' in Benidorm on day one of first-ever lads' holiday","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"May 10, 2018, 5:30 - 8:00 PM EDT\nSaudi Arabia and Russia have indicated plans for a longer-term alliance on oil supply to be discussed at the OPEC ministerial meeting in June. While it is not clear what form this agreement would take and whether the current OPEC plus deal would be extended beyond 2018, the move implies development of a more strategic relationship with long-term market implications. This is as OPEC's crude oil output hits lowest in one year together with supply issues in Venezuela, uncertainty over U.S. sanctions renewal on Iran and tensions over Syria.\nPlease join us for a panel discussion to explore the political and economic motivations for a long-term Saudi-Russia alliance, the U.S. reaction, as well as the market implications. Our speakers are Steve LeVine, Future Editor at Axios, and Edward Chow, Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Amy Jaffe, our board member and David M. Rubenstein senior fellow for energy and the environment at the Council on Foreign Relations, will moderate the discussion.\nSteve LeVine is Future Editor for Axios, a startup news site created by the founders of Politico. Prior to Axios, Steve LeVine was Washington Correspondent for Quartz, the mobile-first startup launched in 2012 by Atlantic Media. Steve is also a Future Tense Fellow at the New America Foundation and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University, where he teaches energy security in the graduate-level Security Studies Program.\nPreviously, Steve was a foreign correspondent for eighteen years in the former Soviet Union, Pakistan and the Philippines, running a bureau for The Wall Street Journal, and before that writing for The New York Times, the Financial Times and Newsweek. Steve has authored three books including The Powerhouse, The Oil and The Glory, and Putin's Labyrinth. Steve lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife, Nurilda, and their two daughters.\nEdward Chow\nEdward C. Chow is a Senior Fellow in the Energy and National Security Program of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington. He is also a visiting professor at both Fudan University in Shanghai and at Ohio University this academic year. He is an international energy expert with 40 years of industry experience working around the world. He has developed government policy and business strategy, and successfully negotiated multibillion-dollar oil and gas agreements. He has advised U.S. and foreign governments, international financial institutions, major oil companies, and leading multinational corporations. He spent 20 years with Chevron Corporation in headquarter and overseas assignments. While at Chevron, he worked on the company's business interests in both Saudi Arabia and Russia.\nAmy Jaffe\nAmy Myers Jaffe is a leading expert on global energy policy, energy and sustainability and geopolitical risk. She is the David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment at the Council on Foreign Relations. For the past several years, Amy has served as Executive Director for Energy and Sustainability at the University of California Davis, and senior advisor on energy and sustainability at the Office of the Chief Investment Officer of the University of California Regents. She was also formerly a global fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Prior to joining the University of California, Davis, Amy served as founding director of the Energy Forum at Rice University's James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy and its Wallace S. Wilson fellow for energy studies.\nAmy is widely published, including as coauthor of Oil, Dollars, Debt and Crises: The Global Curse of Black Gold with Mahmoud El-Gamal and coeditor of Natural Gas and Geopolitics From 1970 to 2040. She is a member of the U.S. National Petroleum Council and the World Economic Forum's (WEF) Global Future Council on International Security. Prior to serving on the International Security panel, Amy was chair of the Global Agenda Council on the Future of Oil and Gas for the WEF. Amy was awarded the Senior Fellow award from the United States Association for Energy Economics in 2015 for her career contributions to the organization and to the field of energy economics.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Norfolk & Norwich Festival\nFriday 13 to Sunday 29 May 2016\nSee online programme for details of specific events\nNorfolk & Norwich Festival is all about making this beautiful part of the world even better, bringing fabulous art and extraordinary experiences to the people that live, work and visit here.\nFrom a production of Shakespeare\ufffds The Tempest in a Victorian circus hippodrome to Norfolk teenage singer-songwriters reinventing musical theatre in Wild Life...\nFrom a live recreation of The Beatles\ufffd Magical Mystery Tour at Norwich Theatre Royal to a home visit from a singer who will offer to heal your soul through opera...\nFrom a pedal-powered cinematic car chase to Aurora Orchestra playing Beethoven for free all over the city...\nFrom the National Theatre of Scotland\ufffds epic The James Plays to a celebration of Mahler both big and small...\nFrom the beautiful melodies of Max Richter and Tindersticks to a ballet of human beings and a robotic arm\ufffd\nFrom an outdoor installation created by our communities to a jazz gig where you control the musicians through an app on your phone\ufffd\nThese are just a few of the unique experiences you can have during this year\ufffds Festival. With over 7 original commissions and productions, numerous premieres and a huge breadth of artists from many different art forms \ufffd often responding to a unique sense of Norfolk and Norwich \ufffd it\ufffds not surprising that so many of our audience eagerly anticipate the Festival programme each year. We bring you events and experiences you simply could not have at any other time. Not only is Norfolk & Norwich Festival one of the region\ufffds best loved celebrations of the arts, it is increasingly seen as one of the most important arts festivals in the UK.\nWith continued support from Arts Council England, Norwich City Council and many other sponsors and funders we can keep ticket prices as accessible as possible; so jump right in and try out as much as you can \ufffd after all it\ufffds only for seventeen days and you can sleep for the whole of June!\nPrice: See website for more information on individual events\nLocation: At various venues across Norfolk and Norwich\nnorfolk & norwich festival, venues, circus, arts, concerts, exhibitions, shows\nWhy not stay at Deepdale Camping & Rooms for 'Norfolk & Norwich Festival'","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"David Hendricks: Alarm bells should be ringing over nuke project\nDavid Hendricks\nThe recommendation that Austin not join as a partner in the South Texas Project nuclear plant expansion should ring alarm bells.\nSo should the way CPS Energy is providing information to San Antonians in a series of poorly attended open houses.\nSan Antonio's utility currently is positioned to own half of the $6 billion-plus expansion planned for completion in 2015-16 near Bay City.\nAustin's City Council is voting tonight on a recommendation by Austin Energy to not invest in the construction of the third and fourth units of the nuclear plant. The capital city and its utility own a 16 percent interest in the first and second units.\nAn Austin Energy consultant has told the city that the new units would cost $1 billion more and construction would last two years more than projected by CPS and its partner, NRG Energy Inc.\nNews articles this week about the recommendation have the same tone as articles 30 years ago when Austin became nervous about its participation in the first two units. Costs were escalating out of control as permitting and construction fell eight years behind schedule.\nAustin voted in 1981 to pull out of the South Texas Project, but the city could find no buyers for its share.\nTwenty-seven years later, the South Texas Project's first two units have proven themselves environmentally and economically. Those good results are more serendipity than good planning.\nEven the Austin American-Statesman admits that San Antonio electricity bills are cheaper than Austin's, in part because of CPS' 40 percent share in the first two units.\nWhenever the plant has shut down for maintenance, bills have risen dramatically because participating utilities must burn relatively expensive natural gas to replace the nuclear power.\nPrevious criticism of nuclear power has grown more muted amid ongoing climate change blamed on fossil fuels.\nIn 2008, both cities - especially their business communities - are wondering how their electrical power in the next decade will be generated.\nCPS already is spending $206 million on a preliminary design for the nuclear expansion. Yet given the plant's history and Austin's decision, San Antonio needs to proceed with flexibility and openness - even taking into account the initial project's current success.\nCPS executives already are admitting that the initial $6 billion price tag for the expansion will be low. How much higher can it go? What is a realistic completion date? What will it mean for future electricity rates?\nIt is too early to say, CPS says, even as the utility holds public information sessions at four San Antonio sites.\nIf alarm bells are ringing, no one is hearing them.\nOnly about 20 people attended the CPS energy-future open house Tuesday evening on the Northeast Side after the location was switched four days earlier. Somehow, media alerts issued by CPS were not successful.\nThe open-house formats are of dubious value anyway. CPS offers exhibits with information about its future alternatives, and executives are available to discuss the issues with visitors. Visitors also can fill out comment cards.\nCPS trustees do not attend the open houses, although they can see the comment cards later. CPS spokeswoman Theresa Brown Cortez said the utility prefers to let customers visit with executives one on one instead of at public forums that invite disruption or protests.\nThe public, however, deserves to know the questions other people ask and the answers. CPS ought to put the comment cards on its Internet site, www.citypublicservice.com, along with the best answers the utility can give.\nMeanwhile, the last CPS open house is set for 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. March 11 at Holmes High School at 6500 Ingram Road. Cortez warned that working with public schools is challenging and that the public should check the utility's Internet site in case the location changes.\nSan Antonio, Austin and the other initial South Texas Project partners went through extended torture with the nuclear plant's first phase. CPS and NRG Energy should avoid the past mistakes of underestimating costs and construction time.\nThe best way is an open, honest and transparent planning process.\ndhendricks @ express-news.net","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"HomeMARKET CAPABILITIESClimate Change\nClimate change is arguably the most difficult global challenge facing governments, business and society in the 21st century. Satellite observations have enabled major scientific advances in our understanding of climate change, with their measurements on large temporal and spatial scales key to understanding the evolution of parameters about the atmosphere, land and ocean in our Earth system. The business ecosystem for climate services is evolving rapidly with estimated revenues exceeding \u00a316bn in 2015.\nIn recent years Telespazio VEGA UK (TVUK) has built a European industry leadership position in the provision of satellite observations for the climate change marketplace. Several key initiatives give TVUK major involvement in the provision and use of satellite observations to help stakeholders monitor, mitigate and adapt to climate change.\nThe funding for these projects comes from two main Programmes:\nClimate Change Initiative (CCI), funded by the European Space Agency\nCopernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), operated by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) on behalf of, and funded by, the European Commission\nTVUK climate capabilities span all aspects of the value chain and example projects across the value chain are shown below:\nMarket \/ Requirements Analysis\nSystems Build & Integration\nService Operations\nSectoral Applications\nSECTEUR (Sector Engagement for C3S, Translating European User Requirements) is engaging with a wide range of stakeholders to establish existing policy needs and user requirements for potential C3S services across the following sectors: agriculture & forestry, health, coastal areas, insurance, tourism, infrastructure. TVUK is leading the construction of a market-wide requirements database for the C3S and making recommendations (with a focus on data quality and visualisation) based on the gathered requirements.\nThe ESA CCI Open Data Portal provides a single point of access to a stable, long\u2010term set of satellite\u2010based Essential Climate Variable (ECV) data products for climate modellers and researchers. There are currently 14 ECV projects focusing on ECVs such as Sea Surface Temperature, Aerosols, Glaciers, and Soil Moisture with more to be added in the forthcoming CCI+ programme. TVUK is the prime contractor for the project, which acts as a \"shop window\" for the CCI programme, consistently presenting all ECV data to users. The portal enables data discovery, access and visualisation with a variety of data access protocols available, including WMS, WCS, FTP and OPeNDAP. TVUK are also involved in the CCI Toolbox, which allows manipulation and further processing of ECV data. The Climate Data Store (CDS) will be at the heart of the C3S infrastructure and will provide information about the past, present and future climate in terms of Essential Climate Variables and derived climate indicators. It will be designed as a distributed system, providing improved access to existing datasets through a unified web interface. Data from the CDS will underpin the sector-specific applications developed as part of the C3S. TVUK is the prime contractor for the CDS and leads all aspects of the software \/ systems design & build, using an Agile development approach. A highly diverse set of users (that will include policy makers, experts and scientists) will be able to browse the catalogue, refine searches, retrieve products, view tools compatible with the data search results, and execute operations on the data using these tools. Users will also be able to develop applications that make use of the content of the CDS.\nTVUK is prime contractor for a C3S service to provide Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data records which will be made available to users on demand via the CDS. The service builds on leading edge scientific work performed in the CCI programme in order to enhance the availability of the observations to <5 days from acquisition for a variety of SST data products. A clear set of Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) have been defined to ensure a reliable and high quality data stream, as well as a dashboard to display KPI and service status metrics. TVUK is also involved in the service provision of Atmospheric Ozone data records to the C3S and has a developed a dashboard and set of service KPI's consistent with that provided for the SST service. TVUK also provides project management, end user requirements capture, website hosting, technical user support & system engineering support to the Ocean Colour CCI ECV Project.\nTVUK is prime contractor for a C3S Agricultural System, which is investigating the impact of climate change on woody perennial crops such as vines, olives and beech forests in southwest France and the Tuscany and Molise regions of Italy. These types of crops take years to cultivate and therefore understanding expected changes in climate can significantly aid decisions on the optimal regions for their growth. Further climate downstream inititiaves with TVUK involvement are a C3S Insurance System, which is investigating the impact of climate change on the frequency and severity of wind storms and the associated effect on the insurance sector; and a study for a commercial customer to understand the impact of climate change on infrastrcuture assets such as roads, rail, bridges and dam networks.\nThe European Commission has funded a series of InfoSessions to promote awareness of the many uses of Copernicus data and information, while providing the opportunity for hands-on demonstrations and basic training. TVUK is responsible for the development of the climate change adaption & mitigation module, which has already been delivered at events in Denmark (Aarhus) and Greece (Athens).\nDownload the Climate Change fact sheet","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Cavaliers vs. Knicks Point Spread Pick 1\/24\/23\nby Joe Jensen | Jan 24, 2023 | nba\nCleveland Cavaliers (29-19 SU, 26-21-1 ATS) vs. New York Knicks (25-23 SU, 24-23-1 ATS)\nWhen: Tuesday, January 24th, 7:30 PM (ET)\nWhere: Madison Square Garden, NY, New York\nTV: MSG\nPoint Spread: Cle -2.5\/NY +2.5\nTotal: 219.0\nMoney Line: Cleveland Cavaliers -150\/+125\nNotable Injuries\nDonovan Mitchell (Probable) Groin\nDylan Windler (Out) Ankle\nMitchell Robinson (Out) Thumb\nImmanuel Quickley (Questionable) Knee\nHeading into the game, Cleveland is 29-19 overall. When taking to the road, Cleveland has a mark of 9-14 and a win percent of 39%. Currently, the team is 5th in the Eastern Conference. So far, they are 26-21-1 vs the spread. When looking at how the team has performed of late straight and vs. the spread, they are 2-3 in their past 5 games and 3-2 ATS. Over their past 10 games, they are 5-5 SU and 5-5 ATS.\nIn their last game, Cleveland defeated the Bucks (114-102) as 3-point favorites. Evan Mobley led the team with 38 points on 70.4% shooting. The Cavaliers also covered the spread with the victory.\nHeading into the game, New York is 25-23 overall. When playing at home, New York has a mark of 11-13 and a win percentage of 46%. Currently, the team is 7th in the Eastern Conference. So far, they are 24-23-1 vs. the spread. The Knicks need a win in today's matchup vs. Cleveland to avoid their 5th straight loss.\nIn their last game, New York was defeated by Raptors with a score of 125-116. Despite RJ Barrett scoring 30 points, the team was unable to come out on top. Going into the game, the Knicks were 2 point favorites.\nThe Historicals\nIn the most recent matchup between the two teams, the Cavaliers picked up the 121-108 win over the Knicks. The Cavaliers' margin of victory was enough to cover the spread as 4.0 point favorite. So far, the two teams have split their season series, with each team at 1-1. The Cavaliers have had the better record vs the spread over the last 5 games, going 3-2. The team's average scoring margin in these contests sits at 8 points per game. In these matchups, the teams have put together an over-under mark of 2-2-1. Combined, they averaged 208 points in these games.\nGet $60 of FREE member picks & predictions\n(NO commitments. NO Credit Card. NO Salesman.)\nGet $60 Picks Credit\nThis season, Cleveland is averaging just 111.7 points per game, which places them 26th in the league. A major reason for these low numbers is the fact that they play at one of the slower paces in the NBA, at just 96.3 possessions per game. Cleveland comes into the game ranked just 22nd in 3-point attempts per game. So far, they have connected on 36.3% of their shots from deep, which places them 21st in the NBA. Defensively, the Cavaliers have been one of the best units in the NBA, allowing just 105.67 points per game. So far, they have allowed a 3-point shooting percentage of 35.29%, placing them 16th in the NBA.\nComing into today's game, Donovan Mitchell is the leading scorer for Cleveland at 28.4 points per game. This season, Mitchell has a field goal percentage of 48.3%. The team's second-leading scorer is Darius Garland, at 21.7 points per contest.\nThis season, the Knicks' offense is averaging 114.3 points per game, which is 14th in the NBA. In terms of pace, New York has been playing at one of the slower tempo's in the league, averaging just 97.8 possessions per game. The Knicks have been able to put together a strong offensive attack despite sitting just 25th in 3-point shooting percentage. Overall, they are among the league leaders in attempts at 34.8 attempts per game. Defensively, the Knicks have been one of the best units in the NBA, allowing just 106.6 points per game. So far, they have done an excellent job defending the 3-point arc, allowing teams to hit just 34.2%.\nGoing into today's game, Julius Randle is the leading scorer for the New York team with an average of 24.4 points per game. This season, his field goal percentage is 45.8%. The team's second top scorer is Jalen Brunson, who is averaging 22.5 points per game.\nMore Picks: Get our Clippers vs. Lakers 1\/24\/23 game >>>\nCavaliers are 1-4 ATS in their last 5 games following a straight up win.\nCavaliers are 1-5 ATS in their last 6 games following a ATS win.\nKnicks are 2-6 ATS in their last 8 home games vs. a team with a losing road record.\nKnicks are 1-4 ATS in their last 5 home games.\nJoes Pick To Cover The Spread\nCleveland has struggled on the road all season long. The Knicks have lost four games in a row, but to pretty stiff competition. I'm betting the Knicks +3!\nNew Orleans Pelicans at Milwaukee Bucks Betting Prediction 1\/29\/23\nHeat vs. Hornets Free Pick & Analysis\nKings vs. Timberwolves Betting Analysis & Free Pick\nWizards vs. Pelicans Betting Predictions\nRaptors vs. Warriors Recommended Bet for 1\/27\/23\n$125% Cash up to $400 w\/Bonus Code: PREDICTEM\nGet Bonus!","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"The stigmas associated with HIV\/AIDS is largely related to the story of origin. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome was first recognized as an emerging disease in 1981 when young homosexual men became victim to unusual infections (Sharp). Ever since HIV-1 was initially discovered, the cause of its sudden birth and spread have been studied intensely. In an article published by anatomy research students from the University of California on SexInfoOnline, the origin on HIV\/AIDS is discussed in detail. The study begins by discussing the first reported cases of AIDS in the United States, going on to account for the infamous \"patient zero\" of this virus. In this, a report was claimed to blame the spread of the HIV\/AIDS on the sexual relationships between homosexual men. According to the student's gatherings, patient zero, later identified as Gaetan Dugas, was tied to about sixteen percent of the first reported cases in the United States. For this reason, hysteria surrounding AIDS in the United States was primarily against homosexual men.\nBut, as research progressed it is found that scientists deem the first strain of the virus was transmitted from monkeys to humans. According to The AIDS Institute, the earliest known case of infection with HIV was a man from the Democratic Republic of the Congo \u2013 where hunters became exposed to infected blood as early as 1960. (AIDS institute). A first inkling came about in 1986 when a similar virus was found to cause AIDS in patients in western Africa (Clavel et al). Through hunting and close interaction with monkeys carrying the virus, it is believed to have been transmitted by means of ingestion. Surprisingly, these viruses appeared to be quite harmless in their natural hosts, whereas very deadly in humans (Sharp). Developing countries have experienced the greatest HIV\/AIDS cases and mortality, with the highest prevalence rates in young adults found in sub-Saharan Africa (UNIAIDS).\nThough for South Africa specifically, HIV\/AIDS came about in 1983 , two patients were found to have carried the disease (Sharp). Just three years later, almost fifty additional cases of AIDS were diagnosed (Sharp). Initially the spread of the disease, like in the United States, was determined to be much more prevalent within the homosexual community \u2013 but as the years went on, the infection began to reach pandemic levels (Sharp). This can be widely correlated with lack of knowledge for the disease, as means of infection and treatment were being discovered as the disease spread. Currently, South Africa is home to the largest HIV prevalence in the world, with more than three-quarters of Aids related deaths occurring in South Africa (UNIAIDS). Based on a study done by Shula Marks, the spread of this disease can be based on both historical and social contexts.\nHSRC-Figure 1: HIV prevalence by age and sex, South Africa, 2012\nShula Marks, a professor at the University of London publishes an article in which she expounds upon the various aspects through which HIV\/AIDS has spread. In this, Marks begins by comparing the spread of past diseases with our current way of life. \"Epidemic disease has always accompanied long-distance movement, but the numbers of people traveling around the world today, and the speed at which they are doing so, is surely on a scale beyond conception of our grandparents.\" (Marks) In this, it is clear that the worldwide spread of this disease occurs through travel. And in Africa specifically, with such a large population and innate human behavior, it does not take much to correlate the pandemic with migration.\nIt is also noted, that the way in which the world has grown politically, has a large effect on the disease as well. In most developing countries, such as South Africa, impoverishment is connected to the influx and use of monetary value. As the world's poorest countries are paying millions in debt, less that a third of that money is returned for uses such as foreign aid (Marks). Given the impoverishment of Africa, and its political and military instability as the years have progressed, it is perhaps not surprising that the continent has been hardest hit by AIDS (Marks). More focus should be placed upon the systematic debt and impoverishment that these countries are in, as compared to other ''developed'' countries. As human beings, the population of Africa, more specifically sub-Saharan and South Africa, is being plagued with a virus that can be controlled. Years ago, Zwi and Cabral posed that we should identify a term to denote the range of social, economic and political forces that put such groups at particularly high risk of infection with HIV\/AIDS.\nThe migrant labor system in South Africa, in which individuals frequently move from place to place for seasonal employment is fairly prevalent. This system brings forth large numbers of men to industrial mining centers for a means of work. They almost always abandon their families, seeing them infrequently, and are housed in single rooms. (Zwi and Cabral) These men often seek a means of companionship with women nearby \u2013 subsequently posing a risk for sex with multiple partners and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV\/AIDS. On the other hand, the women left behind may resort to commercial sex in order to fill the void of financial dependency as well as affection. (Zwi and Cabral) This cycle of sexual partners is the main means through which HIV is spread. There are said to be over 1,500 new infections everyday in South Africa alone, most of them young women. (Marks)\nAccording to South Africa's Human Sciences Research Center, one in three women is a victim of some kind of abuse and the medical research council says that one South African women is killed by an intimate partner every six hours. Alex Mattews, writes a post in which he addresses the atrocity that has been going on and continues to go on in South Africa. Thousand of rapes are reported in South Africa annually, and little has been done by those in power to improve the lives of these women. Misogyny and patriarchy are instilled cultural normalities among men in this country (Mattews). As young women grow up to see there mothers being beaten, they know no better, so the cycle continues.\nA study done in done in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa show the correlation between gender power inequity and intimate partner violence. Research focusing on the quality of life in South Africa show that the patriarchal nature of society and masculinity standards are based on control of women, which in turn celebrates male toughness (Jewkes, et al). This allows for men to have multiple sexual partners and to be in control of their sexual encounters (Jewkes et al).\nFigure. Pathways through which gender-based violence and gender and relationship power inequity might place women at risk of HIV infection\nApartheid has left South Africa with an odd ideal for family structure. Traditional marriage is more-so a socially arranged relationship between families, through payment, wheres as most South Africans never marry (Morell et al). Though families are typically headed by women, with the father being absent. The male-dominant hierarchy allows for the constant abuse and ill treatment of women, leading to greater detrimental effects (Morell et al).\nOftentimes, the stigmatizing beliefs that associated with HIV\/AIDS are the consequence of various social factors (Simbayi, Leickness C., et al.). These stigmas include the common belief that people infected with HIV\/AIDS are tainted, they are often deemed as less than or contaminated. Sociologist Erving Goffman writes a novel in which he composes an analysis how how a person feels about themselves and their relationship to others. These feels are based on what society deems as normal. Three features of stigma that are characteristic of HIV\/AIDS include flaws of personal character, damaged social identity, and physical deformity or defects. (Goffman). In this, many women, as well as men, that are infected with HIV\/AIDS feel somewhat cast out of societal norms. Infection with HIV\/AIDS can lead to others looking at those infected in a degrading manner, as there is an immediate denounce of character\/integrity once infected. Furthermore, with narrow-minded views of the disease, people infected are often looked down upon by peers and civilians, leading to a decrease of social interaction and dealings. This, as well as the physical deformities associated with the sickness, often make it easy for others to see that one had fallen ill. These interpersonal stigmas cause further means of depression and sadness in those infected.\nHIV\/AIDS stigmas also often reproduce inequity amongst class, race, and gender. People with HIV\/AIDS infection are often ascribed responsibility for their condition due to the fact that it is usually contracted through mannerisms that are considered avoidable, specifically unprotected sexual relations and drug use practices (Herek et al). While in South Africa, however, many of these mannerisms are not necessarily avoidable. As women are usually placed in abusive situations from a young age, they don't usually have a say when it comes to the man in control wanting sex. Of this, one may wonder why, in South African environments, is there still a stigma placed upon this disease, but its as simple as to say that its apart of human interaction and implicit hierarchy. AIDS ignominy is also inescapably tangled with other stigmas paired with risque behavior such as sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, and explicit drug use (Novick). Unsurprisingly, those that have contracted the illness by means of injection drug practices or multiple sex partners are blamed more than those that have contracted the infection by having only one sex partner (G.M. Herek et al.)\nIn the study conducted by Simbayi, it was predicted that with a general population having such a high HIV\/AIDS infection rate, stigmas would be associated with depressive symptoms (Simbayi et al). The surveys were completed by over four hundred HIV-positive men, and and over six hundred HIV-positive women in Cape Town, South Africa. The Republic of South Africa has one of the world's worst HIV\/AIDS epidemics, as five and a half million people suffer from the virus (UNIAIDS). In the study, a survey was given with questions regarding whether or not they have been treated differently since disclosing status of infection, and further queries regarding the seven internalized stigmas items (Simbayi et al).\nThirty percent of the general South African population reported feeling depressed in the past year compared to Forty-two percent of people living with HIV\/AIDS (O. Shisana et al). It was found that thirty percent of the people in the study, admitted to having depression within the past week (O. Shisana et al). This rates of depression have a lot to do with environmental factors in terms of living among the illness and in impoverishment in certain areas.\nInternalized stigmas were prevalent in the sample of people living with HIV\/AIDS. More than one in three men and women endorsed AIDS-related self-abasing views. In fact, people living with HIV infection have internalized AIDS stigmas to a far greater extent than these beliefs are held in the broader community (S.C. Kalichman et al).\nSupport groups can be used as a starting place for the development of social support interventions. However, the ultimate solution to AIDS stigmas does not lie in the hands of people living with HIV\/AIDS.\nLack of Education\nAs it relates to most epidemics, education plays a large role in terms of prevention and possible eradication. Given this, it is common in many traditional African cultures for individuals to attribute illness to spirits and supernatural forces (AC van).\nAs it relates to HIV\/AIDS, about four percent of South Africans believe that AIDS is cause by witchcraft and about fourteen percent are unsure (O. Shisana et al). These beliefs are typically more present in rural areas where traditions are upheld. The study conducted in the Kalachiman study are quite shocking. Results of the study found that individuals that believed that HIV\/ADS is caused by spirits\/supernatural forces had significantly less years of formal education, were more likely to be unemployed, and were less likely to be married. These individuals were also less likely to use condoms (S.C Kalchiman).\nPlacing the cause of HIV\/AIDS on ancestral spirits leads directly to narrow-minded, stigmatizing beliefs about people with HIV\/AIDS being that they are believed to have brought this condition upon themselves and their community (Goffman). This ideals however, are typically maintained in rural traditional areas and cannot account for entire country.\nWithin Sub-Saharan Africa, a significant amount of adolescents are sexually active, leading these young people to account for half of all new HIV infections (Corneli et al). In this, it is imperative that something is done to educate the youth on substantive measures of which to not become infected. These early and unsafe sexual behaviors are associated with high school dropout, which pulls at the need for prevention programs aimed towards earlier grades. (Corneli et al)\nWhile there have been attempts to implement education into schools, many problems arise in terms of how to implement education in to curricula as well as how to go about teaching it. (Ahmed). According to The curricula seemed to have a positive effect of students' knowledge of HIV, but they do not necessarily meet the goals of national policy in terms of promoting long term mental and physical lifestyles (Visser).\nThe Problem(s)\nThroughout these multiple factors, it is evident that the cause and further spread of the disease goes hand-in-hand. It is quite sad to see that this epidemic has been becoming more and more of a problem in South Africa. There should be more urgent and direct aid sent to help those in need. In the continuation of this analysis, there will be a different perspective in terms of these factors as it relates to another culture.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Effective Feedback to Improve Primary Care Prescribing Safety (EFIPPS) a pragmatic three-arm cluster randomised trial: designing the intervention (ClinicalTrials.gov registration NCT01602705)\nKaren N Barnett1,\nMarion Bennie2,\nShaun Treweek3,\nChristopher Robertson4,\nDennis J Petrie5,\nLewis D Ritchie6 &\nBruce Guthrie7\nHigh-risk prescribing in primary care is common and causes considerable harm. Feedback interventions have small\/moderate effects on clinical practice, but few trials explicitly compare different forms of feedback. There is growing recognition that intervention development should be theory-informed, and that comprehensive reporting of intervention design is required by potential users of trial findings. The paper describes intervention development for the Effective Feedback to Improve Primary Care Prescribing Safety (EFIPPS) study, a pragmatic three-arm cluster randomised trial in 262 Scottish general practices.\nThe NHS chose to implement a feedback intervention to utilise a new resource, new Prescribing Information System (newPIS). The development phase required selection of high-risk prescribing outcome measures and design of intervention components: (1) educational material (the usual care comparison), (2) feedback of practice rates of high-risk prescribing received by both intervention arms and (3) a theory-informed behaviour change component to be received by one intervention arm. Outcome measures, educational material and feedback design, were developed with a National Health Service Advisory Group. The behaviour change component was informed by the Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Health Action Process Approach. A focus group elicitation study and an email Delphi study with general practitioners (GPs) identified key attitudes and barriers of responding to the prescribing feedback. Behaviour change techniques were mapped to the psychological constructs, and the content was informed by the results of the elicitation and Delphi study.\nSix high-risk prescribing measures were selected in a consensus process based on importance and feasibility. Educational material and feedback design were based on current NHS Scotland practice and Advisory Group recommendations. The behaviour change component was resource constrained in development, mirroring what is feasible in an NHS context. Four behaviour change interventions were developed and embedded in five quarterly rounds of feedback targeting attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and action planning (2\u00d7).\nThe paper describes a process which is feasible to use in the resource-constrained environment of NHS-led intervention development and documents the intervention to make its design and implementation explicit to potential users of the trial findings.\nClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01602705\nAppropriate use of prescription drugs has considerable benefit to individual patients, but prescription drugs are also a major cause of avoidable harm [1]-[3]. Approximately 6.5% of all hospital admissions are caused by adverse drug events (ADEs), [1] and at least half of these are judged to be preventable [3]. Reducing primary care high-risk prescribing is therefore an important issue for health services. Implementing interventions have been difficult due to the complexity of defining appropriate measures of high-risk prescribing and identifying interventions that are known to be effective.\nA number of measures of potentially inappropriate or high-risk prescribing have been used in research and service improvement. Examples include indicators from the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders (ACOVE) project, [4] the Screening Tool of Older Persons' Potentially inappropriate Prescriptions (STOPP), and the Beers Criteria [5]-[7]. ACOVE and STOPP rely on manual record review and are costly to implement on a large scale. The Beers Criteria can be relatively easily measured using routine health-care data, but the drugs listed do not include those most commonly implicated in serious harm. More recently, new measures of potentially inappropriate prescribing have been defined using consensus methods [8],[9] and have been shown to be both common and highly variable between practices [10]. Although not all of these prescriptions will be inappropriate, the high prevalence and variation indicates that improvement is attainable.\nThe PINCER trial showed that a complex intervention, combining pharmacist-facilitated improvement based on measurement of high-risk prescribing using data held in practices' own clinical IT systems, was effective at reducing targeted prescribing [2]. Potentially, more cost effective improvement methods have been made possible by the ongoing development of centrally held patient-level prescribing datasets. NHS Scotland has implemented an ePrescribing programme which has created a Scotland-wide, patient-level prescribing data warehouse (the new Prescribing Information System (newPIS)), in which ~95% of prescribed items have a unique patient identifier attached. This makes it feasible to provide ongoing feedback on rates of high-risk prescribing to practices. If shown to be effective, providing feedback of performance with the aim of improving prescribing safety is an attractive approach because it is easily scalable and relatively inexpensive, allowing more expensive interventions to be more selective.\nThere is evidence that providing feedback can be effective. At the time of designing the Effective Feedback to Improve Primary Care Prescribing Safety (EFIPPS) study in 2010, the most recent Cochrane review (2006) identified 118 studies of clinical audit and feedback, although many were small and 80% were methodologically flawed or weak [11]. The median effect size was a 5% absolute improvement in binary indicators of guideline compliance, varying between studies from a 16% absolute worsening to a 70% absolute improvement. Only a very small number of studies examined feedback of safety data, mostly relating to benzodiazepine prescribing in the elderly [11]. The review identified key gaps in the literature relating to feedback, with a need for more theory-informed design [12] and `for head-to-head comparisons of different ways of doing audit and feedback: [11]. This review was updated in 2012 with similar findings, concluding that there is still a need for future studies of audit and feedback to directly compare different ways of providing feedback [13].\nThe need for more theory-informed interventions is becoming increasingly recognised. New guidelines on behaviour change recommend the need to `specify the theoretical link between the intervention or programme and its outcome' [14]. Key papers on behaviour change research have been published to help researchers apply psychological theory in developing interventions and implementing evidence-based practice [15]-[17].\nThe EFIPPS study is a joint academic and NHS initiative that aimed to develop two theory-informed formats for prescribing safety feedback, for evaluation of effectiveness (including cost) compared to simple `factual' educational material in a large, cluster randomised trial [18]. This paper describes the development of the intervention which was intended to be feasible to implement at a large scale, replicated in a resource-constrained NHS context, embedded in NHS data systems from the outset and informed by both NHS priorities and behaviour change theory.\nThis has been described in detail elsewhere, [18] but in brief, the trial is a pragmatic three-arm cluster randomised trial conducted in general medical practices in three Scottish Health Boards. General practices are randomised to one of the three arms, and the research outcomes (prescribing indicators) will be analysed at the patient level. This paper describes the initial development phase of the study including the selection of research outcomes and the development and design of each of the intervention components. The decision to implement a feedback design was driven by the intention of the NHS to use a familiar improvement method utilising the new patient-level prescribing resource, newPIS and feed back prescribing data to GP practices to enable them to monitor their own performance.\nThe components delivered in each arm of the trial are shown in Figure 1. An Advisory Group was convened with representatives from the three participating Health Boards (senior GPs and pharmacists) and the technical team at NHS Scotland Information Services Division who were responsible for creating the feedback from NHS data. This NHS-led Advisory Group was responsible for selecting high-risk prescribing measures for feedback and advising on feedback design.\nEffective feedback to improve primary care prescribing safety trial design.\nOutcomes had to be feasible in terms of implementation in newPIS, and consensus had to be reached among the Advisory Group as to what was important to NHS Scotland. Selection of outcomes drew on the findings of a prior RAND appropriateness method consensus study involving GPs and primary care pharmacists which identified candidate indicators [9] and evidence that the targeted prescribing was reasonably common [10]. Selection of outcomes for this trial used independent ranking of a list of candidate outcome measures by the Advisory Group members followed by in-depth face-to-face group discussion to reach consensus.\nIntervention components\nThis was a pragmatic trial with an overall aim of designing an intervention that could be feasibly replicated in a typically resource-constrained NHS context. As well as being plausibly effective in terms of being likely to cause a measurable change in prescribing, the intervention had to be developed over a 6-month period with relatively limited resources, deliverable within the existing IT systems at NHS Scotland Information Services Division and be acceptable to all GPs rather than a subset of research volunteers. The three intervention components included (1) educational material received by all practices (the usual care comparison), (2) feedback of practice rates of high-risk prescribing received by both intervention arms and (3) a theory-informed intervention embedded in the feedback received by only one of the intervention arms.\nEducational intervention and support for searching (same in all three arms). All educational materials were created by the research team in collaboration with the Advisory Group and where necessary topic-specific experts. Support for searching in each practice's own IT system was also provided via the study website which made accessible to a set of downloadable searches for the general practice clinical IT systems in use in Scotland.\nFeedback of performance on the targeted indicators (arms two and three only). All practices in the two treatment arms were sent prescribing feedback, with arm three additionally receiving the psychology theory-informed intervention described in the next section. Based on the data available in newPIS, the Advisory Group specified that practices should be emailed five rounds of quarterly written feedback of their rate of high-risk prescribing to mirror most prescribing initiatives that are delivered over an approximate 12-month period (and allowing for a three-month data lag in the ePrescribing Information System). Feedback was iteratively designed by the research team working with the Advisory Group. Of note is that several of the Advisory Group's recommendations are `theory-informed' in the sense that elements of behaviour change research evidence have already become `normal practice'. For example, several members of the Advisory Group emphasised the need for educational material to provide clear advice on what action to take and the importance of having a credible messenger in terms of who signs emails and branding of feedback. These behaviour change techniques are included in the extensive list of techniques provided by Michie and colleagues 2008 [17]. The intention was that the feedback-only arm of the trial (arm two) should represent `best practice' as it would be implemented by NHS Scotland. The theory-informed intervention therefore had to implement techniques over and above those already implemented in `normal practice' to allow proper assessment of the more resource intensive intervention in arm three.\nTheory-informed behaviour change intervention (arm three only). A number of social cognition models have been developed to help predict and understand health behaviours [19]. The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) is [20] a motivational model that focuses predominantly on behavioural intention provided the conceptual framework that guided the development of the psychology-informed component of the intervention. TPB is one of the more commonly used social cognition models and has been validated and used rigorously in various health settings [21],[22]. While other psychological models of behaviour change could also have been considered, TPB was selected for use in the current study due to both its evidence base and the support available for health professionals to use this theory should the trial be rolled out at a national level. To predict behavioural intentions, TPB focuses on the three psychological constructs that are amenable to change: attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control. A comprehensive TPB manual has been developed to help researchers construct questionnaires to measure these constructs that can then be used to inform intervention design and development [23]. While TPB is predominantly a motivational model to predict intention, perceived behavioural control is a determinant of both behavioural intention and behaviour. A meta-analysis of 87 studies looking at health behaviours found TPB accounted for 41% of the variance in intention and 34% of the variance in behaviour [21]. However, a criticism of TPB and other motivational models is the implicit assumption assuming near perfect correspondence between intention and behaviour, and studies have shown that a much larger proportion of the variance in intention is explained compared to that in behaviour [24]. To address the gap between intention and behaviour, we also drew on the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) [25]. HAPA proposes that the process of behaviour change can be explained by two distinct phases: a motivational phase (e.g. social cognition models such as TPB) and a planning or volitional phase that focuses on action-controlled strategies. The volitional phase has three overlapping stages: planning, action and maintenance, and describes a post-intention and pre-actionable process that has a direct correlation with carrying out the action (or behaviour).\nTarget behaviours\nThe TPB manual highlights the importance of defining the target behaviour in specific terms, although questionnaires using TPB can also be developed to target more general behaviours [23]. The target behaviour we hoped to elicit from our intervention was that GPs would `respond to feedback' by searching in their IT system for patients receiving a high-risk prescription and reviewing their prescribing. Due to the nature of the targeted behaviour, how GPs `respond to feedback' could include a composite of individual behaviours that vary both by practice and for individual patients. For example, behaviours carried out by the GP might include searching for and identifying patients receiving a high-risk prescribing indicator, reviewing patient records, arranging telephone or face-to-face consultations and changing patient prescribing where appropriate. Ultimately, the decision, as to whether or not a change in medication is required, remains with the GP since some high-risk prescribing could be appropriate in the sense of the benefit outweighing the risks for a particular individual. Based on pilot work for a different trial and other published studies, [2],[26] the research team and the Advisory Group strongly believed that reviewing high-risk prescribing was likely to lead to a change in medication in a significant proportion of patients. For this reason, the psychology-informed intervention has been purposefully targeted at the behaviour of `searching for and reviewing patients with high-risk prescriptions' with the assumption that this behaviour will be highly correlated with a change in prescribing (the primary outcome of the trial is a composite measure of all six high-risk prescribing indicators).\nElicitation study (focus groups)\nAn elicitation study consisting of four focus groups, each comprising between six and ten health professionals was carried out to develop the measures for the three TPB psychological constructs (attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control). Two focus groups were carried out with GPs: one in Tayside and one in Lothian (including members of the General Practice Prescribing Committee) and two with primary care pharmacists: one in Lothian and one in Tayside. Primary care pharmacists were invited to take part as they are often involved in initiatives to change GPs' prescribing behaviour and could provide additional insights to those provided by GPs. Focus groups were facilitated by two members of the research team (KB, BG). The primary purpose of the focus groups was to elicit a broad range of attitudes and potential barriers to carrying out the targeted behaviour, the results of which would be used to help develop statements relating to the three TPB constructs. For example, GPs and pharmacists were asked to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of responding to the prescribing feedback, the social pressures that GPs might experience when reviewing high-risk prescribing and changing medications, the potential barriers or the facilitating factors of responding to the prescribing feedback.\nEmail Delphi questionnaire study\nA two-stage email Delphi study was conducted with GPs to prioritise which questionnaire items (or statements) collated from the elicitation study were the most important (or influential) to GPs in terms of carrying out the targeted behaviour, searching for patients in their IT system and reviewing their prescribing. An invitation letter to take part in the study, including a participant information leaflet and a copy of the questionnaire, was emailed to 500 randomly selected GPs from an email address list of GPs working in Scotland (excluding GPs working in the three Health Boards taking part in the trial). GPs were asked to rate each questionnaire item, on a five-point Likert scale, their level of agreement with each statement from strongly agree to strongly disagree according to their own personal beliefs. Completed responses were received from 48 GPs (10% response rate). The 48 GPs who completed the first questionnaire were then sent the questionnaire a second time, this time including the median, minimum and maximum response scores for each statement received in round one, and a reminder of how they had personally scored each item in the first round. GPs were asked to rescore each statement using the additional knowledge of their colleagues' collective response. In round two, 24 of the 48 GPs responded (50% response rate). Statements were deemed to be potential candidate variables if a) there was consensus of positive agreement with the importance of a statement or b) there was evidence of significant disagreement among the GP responses (>25%; if more than six GPs were outliers). Questionnaire items were excluded if there was agreement that a statement was not important in relation to reviewing patient prescribing (\u226575%) or if more than 50% of GPs gave a neutral response.\nThe median scores from the questionnaires completed in round two were then used to identify the questionnaire items most likely to influence GPs behaviour.\nMapping targeted variables to behaviour change techniques\nThe next stage was to map the psychology constructs within each of our two models of behaviour change (TPB, HAPA) to appropriate behaviour change techniques based on the evidence as described by Michie and colleagues [17]. In this paper, Michie and colleagues generated an extensive list of behaviour change techniques and definitions from techniques published in two systematic reviews, `brain storming' and a systematic search of relevant textbooks. Four experts judged which techniques would be effective at changing 11 theoretical constructs associated with behaviour change. The first step in the present study was to map the four psychological constructs: attitude, subjective norms, PBC and action planning to the corresponding constructs among the 11 identified by Michie et al. The next step was to list the techniques where the experts had reached consensus of `agreed use' or were `uncertain' based on the level of evidence. Techniques where there was `disagreement' among the experts or `agreed non-use' were not considered.\nThe feedback intervention in its entirety had been designed to represent `best practice' and was informed by an expert Advisory Group. As a result, a number of the listed techniques were, to varying degrees, already being utilised in the feedback intervention. Examples of these included monitoring, feedback, provision of information regarding the behaviour\/outcome and objects to facilitate the behaviour (e.g. support for searching in GP IT systems). The psychology-informed intervention therefore had to include techniques that were not already embedded in the other components of the feedback. This was in order that any additional effectiveness of the more resource intensive (in terms of development) theory-informed intervention could be assessed.\nIt is also important to note that the choice of techniques was further constrained by the nature of the trial\u2014the theory-informed intervention had to be delivered as part of the quarterly feedback to GP practices and was limited to one A4 page (a balance between the additional time cost for GPs engaging with the intervention and encouraging behaviour change). The list of behaviour change techniques is provided in Table 1\nTable 1 TPB constructs and behaviour change techniques\nSix prescribing indicators were selected by the Advisory Group to be targeted by the intervention and measured at the end of the trial. The selected prescribing indicators are shown in Table 2.\nTable 2 Prescribing indicators selected by the Advisory Group to be used in the trial\nEducational intervention (same in all three arms). A two-page written educational intervention was designed to be delivered to all practices by email in the month before the trial started. This mirrored existing prescribing information sent to practices in overall length and style. The Advisory Group recommended that it emphasises that high-risk prescribing is common and that it is good practice to regularly identify and review patients receiving high-risk drugs, that it clearly lists the prescribing indicators targeted, that it summarises the risk that the targeted prescribing poses and that it provides clear advice as to what actions to take. A link to an NHS Scotland hosted website with additional information for those who wish to read more is provided. [see Additional file 1: Short two-page educational material and Additional file 2: Supplementary education material available on the website].\nFeedback of performance on the targeted indicators (arms two and three only). The research team designed the feedback based on the Advisory Group specification that feedback should include (1) a clear statement of its nature (the first page has the title `High-risk Prescribing Feedback for Your Practice', the practice name, a statement of the purpose of feedback and a list of the indicators); (2) a graphical summary for each indicator that shows the change in their practice's prescribing over time for each indicator, compared to a national benchmark (which was set as the lower quartile for all Scottish practices in the year before the study started, which was NHS Scotland preferred practice at the time); (3) a summary of all six indicators on a single page; (4) a detailed one-page description of each indicator, consisting of the graphical summary, a statement of why the indicator matters and what practices should do, for example, to avoid particular combinations of drugs or review patients with particular prescribing (this text is the same for all practices), and an interpretation of what the graph shows for the practice receiving the feedback (this text is automatically generated depending on the data and is unique to each practice stating, for example, the number of patients affected in the practice and a warning about sensitivity of the measure to small numbers of patients where appropriate) and (5) the emails sent should be signed by both the Health Board Medical Director and a named professional from NHS Scotland Information Services Division (ISD), and that the feedback should be branded with Health Board and ISD logos. This is also how the intervention would be implemented in practice if it was not part of a research study.\nTheory-informed behaviour change intervention (arm three only). Two psychological models of behaviour, TPB and HAPA, were selected to inform an intervention that was designed to target the behaviour of `searching for and reviewing patients with high-risk prescriptions' in general practice.\nThe focus groups with GPs and pharmacists generated a broad range of responses regarding the advantages and disadvantages of responding to the prescribing feedback, the social pressures that GPs might experience when reviewing high-risk prescribing and changing medications, and the potential barriers\/or the facilitating factors of responding to the prescribing feedback. For example, three out of the four focus groups discussed the attraction of being able to compare prescribing performance with other practices as an advantage to taking part in the intervention and reviewing patient prescribing. The fear that high-risk prescribing could lead to potential harm for the practice as well as the patient, particularly if the prescribing results in a significant event, was also thought to be an important factor that would encourage GPs to review patient prescribing. The key disadvantage that was raised in the focus group discussions was the impact on GP's time and work load. The practice pharmacist and local GP committees were felt to have the most influence over whether or not GP practices would endorse the intervention. Patients currently doing well on their medication and carers\/care workers (regarding dementia patients) were thought to the groups most likely to oppose a change in medication. The key barriers of responding to the prescribing feedback identified in the focus groups were if the instructions provided with the feedback were confusing, there was too much information or if the message was not in keeping with current advice from secondary care. The key facilitators of responding to the prescribing feedback were if GPs believed that the feedback was important and clearly branded, could be delivered face-to-face e.g. via the practice pharmacist and if the feedback was related to research and improving patient safety rather than cost-effectiveness.\nThe broad ranges of responses obtained in the focus groups were transcribed into statements corresponding to the three TPB constructs. For example:\nAttitude\u2014If I respond to prescribing feedback I will feel like I am doing something positive for the patient.\nSubjective norms\u2014 Approval from other GPs in my Practice is important to me.\nPerceived behavioural control\u2014It would be difficult for me to respond to prescribing feedback due to limited practice resources.\nA total of 59 statements were collated and included in the Delphi questionnaire. Twenty-four GPs from various Scottish Health Boards completed both rounds of the Delphi questionnaire, scoring each statement in terms of their own beliefs of the importance or influence of the statement on the targeted behaviour: responding to feedback by searching for patients in their IT system and reviewing their prescribed medications. Consensus was reached on 50 of the 59 statements, only two statements received a neutral response where more than 50% of respondents neither agreed nor disagreed with the importance of the statement, and consensus was not met for seven of the 59 statements. A summary of the statements that reached consensus and those where there was disagreement are shown in Table 3. Neutral responses were received for two statements whether the pharmaceutical industry had an influence on a GP's decision to review patient prescribing and whether approval from the press was important to GPs.\nTable 3 Summary table of the key results from the Delphi questionnaire\nThe research team selected behaviour change techniques from an evidence-based list, [17] for each of the four constructs within the two psychological models that had been selected to inform the intervention: attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and action planning. The Advisory Group recommended that the psychology-informed intervention should be different for each round of feedback since they believed that this would maximise the potential of it to change behaviour. It was evident from the elicitation study that the behaviour sequence that practices would engage in to `respond to the prescribing feedback' would vary across practices. Of note is that the pragmatic nature of the delivery of the feedback meant that the intervention would first be sent to the practice managers' who would then choose how to disseminate the information to the GPs. This reflects how such feedback would be implemented in the `real world' but makes it harder to identify `specific' behaviours to target. Results from the Delphi study confirmed that the core attitudes, social norms, barriers and facilitating factors of responding to the prescribing feedback were consistent. For this reason, the research team chose to design a behaviour change intervention for each of the four psychology constructs within the two models: attitudes (TPB), subjective norms (TPB), perceived behavioural control (TPB) and action planning (HAPA). The results from the email Delphi questionnaire were used to inform the content and design of each of the four A4 page interventions. The psychology-informed interventions are available to view as Additional file 3: Psychology-informed interventions.\nParticipating practices in arm three would receive interventions targeting (in order of receipt): action planning (HAPA), perceived behavioural control (TPB), attitude (TPB), subjective norms (TPB) and a repeat of the action planning intervention in the fifth round of feedback. The intervention appears as page two in the feedback document. An example of the feedback document is available to view as Additional file 4: Example feedback intervention.\nThe aim of this paper was to describe in detail the design and development of a feedback intervention for a cluster randomised trial evaluating the impact on high-risk prescribing of two different designs of feedback compared to a simple educational message. The results of the previous clinical audit feedback trials have been mixed [11], and in terms of evaluation, a major criticism has been that most have not been informed by theory or been explicit in their approach [12].\nThis study provides an unusual opportunity to provide a practical demonstration of how one might use theory to inform an intervention, given real-life constraints, and rigorously test the intervention in a health-care setting. This was a pragmatic trial, which was intended to be feasible to implement at a large scale by virtue of being embedded in NHS data systems from the outset, and was therefore limited by time, cost and practical constraints. While we acknowledge that a more sophisticated and costly psychology-informed intervention might plausibly produce a larger effect size, we sought to test whether investing in a `real-world' feasible resource, to develop a theory-informed intervention, improved prescribing more than the development of a current `best practice' form of feedback. Drawing on the behaviour change literature, we selected evidence-based theories to inform our intervention for changing prescribing behaviour. The development of our elicitation study and Delphi questionnaire was informed by TPB where we referred to the TPB manual, designed specifically to help health services researchers, use behaviour change theory to design and develop questionnaires, the results of which can then be used to help inform targeted interventions. In terms of reporting, we have been guided by the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) group [27] and the recommendations of Michie et al. [28] and the recent introduction of the Workgroup for Intervention Development and Evaluation Research (WIDER) [29].\nA criticism of previous published behaviour change intervention studies has been that they have lacked explicit detail in their approach and therefore hinder their reproducibility [30]. Our aims in this paper were to describe in detail the design and development of our feedback intervention and to provide a pragmatic `real-life' example of implementing a theory-informed intervention. We believe that documenting the intervention in detail is important in supporting the interpretation of the findings of the main trial and will make a useful contribution to the literature on intervention development, particularly for researchers or health service improvement professionals working within the constraints of a real-life health-care setting.\nBG and MB conceived the original study and developed the protocol with ST, DP, CR and LR. The intervention components were designed and developed by BG (educational newsletter and support for searching); BG, MB, ST and CR (feedback on targeted indicators) and KB (psychology-informed intervention). KB led the writing of the first draft of the paper, with contribution from BG. All authors commented on the first draft and contributed to the editing and redrafting. 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Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012, 6: CD000259-\nExcellence. NIfHaC: Behaviour change at population, community and individual levels (Public Health Guidance 6). London: NICE; 2007. from http:\/\/www.nice.org.uk\/guidance\/ph6.\nFrench SD, Green SE, O'Connor DA, McKenzie JE, Francis JJ, Michie S, Buchbinder R, Schattner P, Spike N, Grimshaw JM: Developing theory-informed behaviour change interventions to implement evidence into practice: a systematic approach using the Theoretical Domains Framework. Implement Sci. 2012, 7: 38-54. 10.1186\/1748-5908-7-38.\nMichie S, Johnston M, Abraham C, Lawton R, Parker D, Walker A: Making psychological theory useful for implementing evidence based practice: a consensus approach. Qual Saf Health Care. 2005, 14: 26-33. 10.1136\/qshc.2004.011155.\nMichie S, Johnston M, Francis J, Hardeman W, Eccles M: From theory to intervention: mapping theoretically derived behavioural determinants to behaviour change techniques. Applied Psychology-an International Review-Psychologie Appliquee-Revue Internationale. 2008, 57: 660-680. 10.1111\/j.1464-0597.2008.00341.x.\nGuthrie B, Treweek S, Petrie D, Barnett K, Ritchie LD, Robertson C, Bennie M: Protocol for the Effective Feedback to Improve Primary Care Prescribing Safety (EFIPPS) study: a cluster randomised controlled trial using ePrescribing data. BMJ Open. 2012, 2: 1-10. 10.1136\/bmjopen-2012-002359.\nArmitage CJ, Conner M: Social cognition models and health behaviour: a structured review. Psychol Health. 2000, 15: 173-189. 10.1080\/08870440008400299.\nAjzen I: The theory of planned behavior. Organ Behav Hum Decis Process. 1991, 50: 179-211. 10.1016\/0749-5978(91)90020-T.\nGodin G, Kok G: The theory of planned behavior: a review of its applications to health-related behaviors. Am J Health Promot. 1996, 11: 87-98. 10.4278\/0890-1171-11.2.87.\nHausenblas HA, Carron AV, Mack DE: Application of the theories of reasoned action and planned behavior to exercise behavior: a meta-analysis. J Sport Exerc Psychol. 1997, 19: 36-51.\nFrancis JJ, Eccles MP, Johnston M, Walker A, Grimshaw J, Foy R, Kaner EFS, Smith L, Bonetti D: Constructing questionnaires based on the theory of planned behaviour. Man Health Serv Res. 2004, 2010: 2-12.\nSheeran P, Orbell S: Do intentions predict condom use? Meta-analysis and examination of six moderator variables. Br J Soc Psychol. 1998, 37 (Pt 2): 231-250. 10.1111\/j.2044-8309.1998.tb01167.x.\nSchwarzer R: Self-Efficacy: Thought Control of Action. 1992, Hemisphere Publishing Corp, Washington, DC, US\nDreischulte T, Grant A, Donnan P, McCowan C, Davey P, Petrie D, Treweek S, Guthrie B: A cluster randomised stepped wedge trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a multifaceted information technology-based intervention in reducing high-risk prescribing of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antiplatelets in primary medical care: The DQIP study protocol. Implement Sci. 2012, 7: 1-13. 10.1186\/1748-5908-7-24.\nSchulz KF, Altman DG, Moher D, Grp C: CONSORT 2010 statement: updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials. J Clin Epidemiol. 2010, 63: 834-840. 10.1016\/j.jclinepi.2010.02.005.\nMichie S, Fixsen D, Grimshaw JM, Eccles MP: Specifying and reporting complex behaviour change interventions: the need for a scientific method. Implement Sci. 2009, 4: 1-6. 10.1186\/1748-5908-4-40.\nAlbrecht L, Archibald M, Arseneau D, Scott SD: Development of a checklist to assess the quality of reporting of knowledge translation interventions using the Workgroup for Intervention Development and Evaluation Research (WIDER) recommendations. Implement Sci. 2013, 8: 1-5. 10.1186\/1748-5908-8-52.\nDavies P, Walker AE, Grimshaw JM: A systematic review of the use of theory in the design of guideline dissemination and implementation strategies and interpretation of the results of rigorous evaluations. Implementation Sci. 2010, 5: 14-10.1186\/1748-5908-5-14.\nThe authors would like to thank all the members of the EFIPPS Advisory Group for their valuable input into the study design and conduct and in particular, Jackie Caldwell (project manager), Iain Bishop (pharmacist supporting intervention development and implementation) and Grant Wyper (data analyst implementing the measures in routine data) at ISD Scotland. The Health Services Research Unit, University of Aberdeen, is core funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health Directorates.\nThis work was supported by the Chief Scientist Office of Scottish Government Health Directorates research grant CZH\/3\/17. The funder has no role in the study design, data collection, data analysis or the decision to publish and other dissemination.\nCentre of Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh Medical Quad, Teviot Place, EH8 9AG, Edinburgh, UK\nKaren N Barnett\nStrathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde, The John Arbuthnott Building, 161 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, G4 ORE, UK\nMarion Bennie\nHealth Services Research Unit, University of Aberdeen, Health Sciences Building, Foresterhill, AB25 2ZD, Aberdeen, UK\nShaun Treweek\nDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Strathclyde, Livingstone Tower 26 Richmond Street, Glasgow, G1 1XH, UK\nChristopher Robertson\nCentre for Health Policy, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, 207 Bouverie Street, Victoria, 3010, Australia\nDennis J Petrie\nCentre of Academic Primary Care, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Aberdeen, Polwarth Building, Foresterhill, AB25 2ZD, Aberdeen, UK\nLewis D Ritchie\nQuality, Safety and Informatics Research Group, University of Dundee, Mackenzie Building, Kirsty Semple Way, Dundee, DD2 4BF, UK\nCorrespondence to Karen N Barnett.\nAdditional file 1: Short two-page educational material. This file contains the education material that was delivered to all three arms of the trial. (PDF 196 KB)\nAdditional file 2: Supplementary educational material available on the website. This file contains the supplementary educational information that was available to all three arms of the trial via the website. Practices were directed to the website, and the supplementary information, in the short educational material that was delivered to all practices. (DOC 214 KB)\nAdditional file 3: Psychology-informed interventions. This file contains each of the four one-page psychology informed interventions that were embedded in each of the five quarterly rounds of feedback. Action planning was repeated in the fifth round of feedback. (PDF 629 KB)\nAdditional file 4: Example feedback intervention (arm three). This file contains an example of one round of quarterly feedback delivered to a practice in arm three of the trial. (PDF 250 KB)\nThis article is published under license to BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by\/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http:\/\/creativecommons.org\/publicdomain\/zero\/1.0\/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.\nBarnett, K.N., Bennie, M., Treweek, S. et al. Effective Feedback to Improve Primary Care Prescribing Safety (EFIPPS) a pragmatic three-arm cluster randomised trial: designing the intervention (ClinicalTrials.gov registration NCT01602705). Implementation Sci 9, 133 (2014). https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1186\/s13012-014-0133-9\nMedication review\nInappropriate medication\nIntervention development\nePrescribing","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Forticrete's Hardrow Slates provides Eighteenth Century Charm for Taylor Wimpey Development\nHighly durable Hardrow Slates from Forticrete have been specified by Taylor Wimpey Homes (East Midlands) for its stunning collection of one, three, four and five-bedroom properties in the historic town of Stamford.\nWith Stamford steeped in historic charm, built around picturesque seventeenth and eighteenth century buildings which offer an attractive setting, Taylor Wimpey Homes (East Midlands) specified Forticrete's Hardrow Slates in diminishing courses in Barley for an authentic traditional appearance.\nKevin Bendall, Design and Planning Executive at Taylor Wimpey Homes (East Midlands), commented: \"With Stamford steeped in historic charm, built around picturesque seventeenth and eighteenth century buildings which offer an attractive setting, it was vital that we found a tile that provided an authentic traditional appearance.\n\"It was clear that Forticrete's Hardrow Slates in diminishing courses provided the ideal solution. The Barley colour was chosen as it ensured the stimulating finish both ourselves and the local vernacular required.\"\nSuitable for use in regions where a natural stone slate appearance is required, Forticrete's Hardrow roof slates are manufactured with a slight variation in dimensional tolerance, adding to the product's character when laid.\nThe range, which is extremely durable and mellows with age, can be laid in either random widths or diminishing courses for an authentic traditional appearance. The slates are available in a variety of sizes, for both roofing and vertical cladding. The sizes range from 457mm x 305mm (min. pitch 25o), right up to the imposing 610mm x 457mm which can be laid confidently at pitches as low as 17.5o, creating a bold appearance.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"KC leaders condemn recent violence in metro, around the country\nSpeakers called on audience members to contact their representatives\nUpdated: 9:50 PM CDT Aug 7, 2019\nKMBC 9 News Staff\nWITH GUN VIOLENCE FILLED PENN VALLEY EDUCATION CENTER TO DEMAND ACTION. >> ARE YOU DISGUSTED? YES. BUT JUST BEING DISGUSTED IS NOT ENOUGH. BRIAN: SEVERAL SPEAKERS ASKED EVERYONE TO CALL AND WRITE CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS IN DC AND STATE LEADERS IN JEFFERSON CITY. >> WHILE MASS SHOOTINGS DO GET A LOT OF ATTENTION, AS THEY SHOULD, KANSAS CITY IS EXPERIENCING MASS SHOOTINGS. BRIAN: 87 WERE MURDERED, 309 SHOT SO FAR THIS YEAR IN KANSAS CITY. >> THOSE ARE PRETTY SOBERING FACTS. >> WHY IS IT THAT EVERY YEAR N IN KANSAS CITY WE'RE TALKING ABOUT SETTING OR MATCHING OLD HOMICIDE RECORDS BRIAN: THE SPEAKERS SAY IT'S NOT A COINCIDENCE. SAINT LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, AND SPRINGFIELD ARE ALL AMONG THE MOST VIOLENT CITIES IN AMERICA. >> IT IS NOT AN ACCIDENT. IT IS BECAUSE WE HAVE DEREGULATED WEAPONS TO A POINT THAT IS IS DANGEROUS HERE. IT'S DANGEROUS. YOU DESERVE BETTER. >> WE'RE NOT GOING TO STOP TILL WE HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE FOR EVERYONE IN KANSAS CITY. BRIAN: MAYOR LUCAS SAYS NOTHING SHOULD BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN FIXING VIOLENT CRIME IN OUR\nCommunity leaders and more than half a dozen organizations condemned violence in Kansas City and recent mass shootings in Texas and Ohio.People upset with gun violence filled Penn Valley Education Center to demand action.\"Are you disgusted? Yes. But just being disgusted is not enough,\" U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II said.Several speakers asked everyone to call and write congressional leaders in Washington, D.C., and state leaders in Jefferson City.\"While mass shootings do get a lot of attention, as they should, Kansas City is experiencing mass shootings,\" Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker said.So far this year in Kansas City, 87 people have been murdered and a total of 309 shot.\"Those are pretty sobering facts,\" Kansas City police Chief Rick Smith said.\"Why is it that every year now in Kansas City, we're talking about setting or matching old homicide records?\" Mayor Quinton Lucas said.St. Louis, Kansas City and Springfield are among the most violent cities in America. \"It is not an accident. It is because we have deregulated weapons to a point that it is dangerous here. It's dangerous. You deserve better,\" Peters Baker said.\"We're not going to stop until we have made a difference for everyone in Kansas City,\" Lucas said.\nCommunity leaders and more than half a dozen organizations condemned violence in Kansas City and recent mass shootings in Texas and Ohio.\nPeople upset with gun violence filled Penn Valley Education Center to demand action.\n\"Are you disgusted? Yes. But just being disgusted is not enough,\" U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II said.\nSeveral speakers asked everyone to call and write congressional leaders in Washington, D.C., and state leaders in Jefferson City.\n\"While mass shootings do get a lot of attention, as they should, Kansas City is experiencing mass shootings,\" Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker said.\nSo far this year in Kansas City, 87 people have been murdered and a total of 309 shot.\n\"Those are pretty sobering facts,\" Kansas City police Chief Rick Smith said.\n\"Why is it that every year now in Kansas City, we're talking about setting or matching old homicide records?\" Mayor Quinton Lucas said.\nSt. Louis, Kansas City and Springfield are among the most violent cities in America.\n\"It is not an accident. It is because we have deregulated weapons to a point that it is dangerous here. It's dangerous. You deserve better,\" Peters Baker said.\n\"We're not going to stop until we have made a difference for everyone in Kansas City,\" Lucas said.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Orange allies sign Ukraine accord\nPro-Western parties with slim majority agree to form coalition government.\nThe agreement was signed on Monday after the official election results were announced [AFP]\nThey hold 228 seats in the 450-member legislature - two more than needed to win most votes.\nAs head of the larger group, Tymoshenko is almost certain to be restored to her former job.\n\"Let me just say that the election has led to a change in parliament. Power has changed hands in Ukraine and we have achieved the result we had hoped for,\" Tymoshenko told reporters after the brief signing ceremony.\n\"The parliament is new, those in power are new. The democratic team has all grounds to reform all sectors of life so that people feel tangible changes in the country.\"\nTymoshenko was President Viktor Yushchenko's first prime minister after weeks of mass rallies in 2004, which came to be known as the Orange Revolution, swept him to power.\nBut the two fell out and Tymoshenko was sacked within eight months after her team was hit by infighting, relations with Russia soured and investors took fright at her calls for a broad review of \"dubious\" privatisations.\nFirst task\nThe coalition's first tasks after forming the government are aimed at ending a year of political deadlock and include carrying out a pledge to remove privileges from members of parliament and alter a law which substantially reduced the president's powers.\nTymoshenko is set to assume the\npremiership again [AFP]\nVyacheslav Kyrylenko, head of the pro-presidential Our Ukraine party, also initialled the agreement - to be formally signed at the new parliament's first sitting.\nTheir accession to power would turf out of office the president's rival, Viktor Yanukovich - who lost the 2004 election to Yushchenko but bounced back last year to become prime minister.\nYanukovich's Regions party, with its power base in eastern Ukraine, remains the largest single group. But, together with its Communist allies, it commands only 202 seats in the chamber.\nTymoshenko said an \"Orange\" government would give wide powers to the opposition in parliament and would sponsor a law outlining its role.\nIn the run-up to the accord, she agreed to a call from the president to give some leading jobs to his rivals.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Points of Light Seeks the Most Community-Minded Companies in the United States\nPoints of Light has opened The Civic 50 survey, an annual initiative that recognizes the 50 most community-minded companies in the United States. Now in its seventh year, The Civic 50 serves to recognize stronger corporate commitment to community through engagement, volunteerism, and social impact strategies.\nParticipation in The Civic 50 survey is open to companies with revenue of $1 billion or higher, that are prioritizing community-building, enhancing corporate citizenship, and delivering innovative employee volunteer programs.\n\"Points of Light recognizes the key role that businesses play as leaders in their communities and stewards of resources,\" said Natalye Paquin, president and CEO, Points of Light. \"We're proud to continue working with leading companies in understanding how they continue to prioritize their impact on doing social good through their investments. As we see each year, the momentum is growing for more and more companies to focus on this work.\"\nThe Civic 50 serves as a roadmap, to view trends over time, and help see changes and leaders in corporate service. Honorees from The Civic 50 in 2018 are leading in prioritizing community-building and corporate citizenship. Findings from last year's survey show:\n70% have taken national leadership positions on public education or policy efforts, while employees have volunteered more than 13 million hours.\nEmployee volunteer program participation is increasing, with 100% supporting individual and group volunteer recognition.\n60% measure employee engagement as a business outcome.\nA technical assistance webinar will be held on the survey launch day, Thursday, Dec. 13, at 12 p.m. Applications will be accepted Dec. 13, 2018, through March 15, 2019. Results will be announced at the Points of Light Conference in June. Visit Civic50.org to register for the technical assistance webinar and participate in the survey.\nThe Civic 50 survey is an initiative of Points of Light and is powered by True Impact, a web-based measurement tool and benchmarking network for the charitable sector.\nFor more information, visit Civic50.org or email civic50@pointsoflight.org.\nNewsPoints of Light, The Civic 50 survey\nUnilever acquires The Vegetarian Butcher\nAmnesty Media Awards 2019: two weeks until deadline for entries\nJanuary 6, 2020 Stuart Mitchell 0\nPoints of Light Launches The Civic 50 Survey to Recognize Nation's Top Corporate Citizens for 2020\nPoints of Light, a global nonprofit dedicated to accelerating people-powered change, today launched The Civic 50 survey for 2020....\nPoints of Light and The Starbucks Foundation Expand Innovative Service Model in 20 Cities Across the United States\nPoints of Light, the world's largest organization dedicated to volunteer service, and The Starbucks Foundation announce...\nMay 4, 2018 Stuart Mitchell 0\nScooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. Gang Inspire More Meddling Kids and Their Parents to \"DOO GOOD\" in Their Communities with a New Social Responsibility Initiative\nToday's parents are more aware than ever that inspiring the next generation to engage in social...","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"@midnight\nSN 4 | EP 4141 | August 4, 2017 - The 600th and Final Episode\n@midnight celebrates its 600th and final episode with Ron Funches, Paul F. Tompkins, Wil Wheaton, Steve Agee, \"Weird Al\" Yankovic, Marcella Arugello and many more.\nAvailable: Comedy Central, Amazon.com, Google Play, iTunes Store, YouTube\n\"RENO 911!\" alumni Thomas Lennon and Robert Ben Garant -- and the popular website Funny or Die -- are among the responsible parties for the daily, late-night comedy competition \"At Midnight.\" Hosted by Chris Hardwick, the series welcomes a rotating lineup of top comics for a battle to determine who has the funniest take on the day's social media and pop culture happenings. Using social media as the catalyst and a fake game show as the setting, \"At Midnight\" challenges comics to turn the most absurd news and posts that social media has to offer into hilarious bits worthy of a stand-up act. The winner is crowned the funniest person on Earth -- at least until the next \"At Midnight\" airing.\nChris Hardwick,\nSeason 4 Season 2 Season 1 Season 2017 Season 2016 Season 2015 Season 2014\nRobert Ben Garant\nMike Farah","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Bruce Conner: It's All True (2016)\n10 February 2019, dusan\nFiled under book | Tags: \u00b7 art, catalogue, collage, conceptual art, experimental film, painting, photography, punk\n\"Realist. Surrealist. Hippie. Punk. Bruce Conner (1933-2008) was all of these and more. A pioneer in experimental film, collage, photography, conceptual works, and paintings, he challenged the limitations of medium, genre, and style, constantly breaking new ground. Both of and ahead of his time, Conner continues to exert influence over artists working today. Bruce Conner: It's All True was the first comprehensive retrospective of this pivotal American artist's output, bringing together over 250 objects in various media, including film and video, works on paper, assemblages, photographs and photograms, performance, and more. Spanning his five-decade career, the exhibition presents aspects of Conner's work that have rarely been seen before, from paintings he made in the 1950s to photos from the Bay Area punk scene in the 1970s to video work from the 2000s, as well as numerous works produced in the last decade of his life.\"\nWith texts by Rachel Federman, Laura Hoptman, Kellie Jones, Michelle Barger, Roger Griffith and Megan Randall, Rachel Federman, Kristine Stiles, Rudolf Frieling, Gary Garrels, Diedrich Diederichsen, Stuart Comer, Johanna Gosse, a.o.\nEdited by Rudolf Frieling and Gary Garrels\nPublisher San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, in association with University of California Press, 2016\nISBN 9780520290563, 0520290569\nReview: Hugo Daniel (Critique d'art, 2017, FR).\nExh. reviews: Roberta Smith (New York Times), Andrea K. Scott (New Yorker), J. Hoberman (New York Review of Books), Matthew Biro (Brooklyn Rail), Maika Pollack (Aperture), Kristin M. Jones (Wall Street Journal), Kimberly Connerton (Aesthetica), Thomas Gladysz (Huff Post).\nExhibition (MoMA)\nExhibition (SFMOMA)\nExhibition (Reina Sofia)\nLove Forever: Yayoi Kusama, 1958-1968 (1998) [EN, JP]\n17 December 2017, dusan\nFiled under catalogue | Tags: \u00b7 art, collage, installation art, minimal art, painting, performance art, pop art\nYayoi Kusama's work combines elements of expressionism, minimalism, surrealism and pop art.\n\"Although an active experimental artist throughout her time in New York during the '50s and '60s, Kusama had been largely forgotten by the United States public after her return to Japan in the '70s. That is, until her artwork began circulating across the US and globe again in the mid-'90s. One of these major retrospectives, Love Forever: Yayoi Kusama, 1958-1968, was co-organized by the Los Angeles Museum of Art and The Japan Foundation, and travelled from Los Angeles to New York City and to Minneapolis.\nKusama described this moment in her autobiography Infinity Net: \"My exhibition at Robert Miller Gallery that year\u2026 won an AICA award. A review in Time Out said that 'Kusama has kept out of sight, ensconcsed in her own infinite world, but now she's back to reclaim her rightful place in the history of postmodernism\u2026' But the biggest highlight came in March 1998 when Love Forever opened at the Los Angeles Museum of Art. This grand retrospective cemented the reassessment of Kusama as a major avant-garde artist. It included some eighty pieces and had taken five years to compile.\"\"\nWith essays by Lynn Zelevansky, Laura Hoptman, Akira Tatehata, and Alexandra Munroe.\nPublisher Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, 1998\nOnline companion to exhibition (MoMA)\nPDF (English, 1998)\nPDF (Japanese, 1999)\nJind\u0159ich \u0160tyrsk\u00fd: Emilie Comes to Me in a Dream (1933\/1997)\n10 October 2017, dusan\nFiled under artists book | Tags: \u00b7 collage, dreams, eroticism, sexuality, surrealism\nJind\u0159ich \u0160tyrsk\u00fd (1899\u20131942) was a painter, poet, photographer, collage artist and editor. A founding member of The Surrealist Group of Czechoslovakia he edited Erotick\u00e1 revue that included illustrations by well-known Czech artists and had an imprint called Edice 69 (Edition 69) where Emilie p\u0159ich\u00e1z\u00ed ke mn\u011b ve snu, a portfolio of 10 erotic surrealist photo-collages, appeared in 1933 as its sixth and final volume. \u0160tyrsk\u00fd believed that in pornography he had found a destabilizing medium that could be used to subvert established social and artistic norms. Bohuslav Brouk, a psychoanalyst affiliated with the Czech surrealists, contributed an afterword in which he commented forcefully on the subject of pornography as art. Despite its small run of 69 copies, the book is now considered a masterpiece of Czech Surrealism.\nThis new edition contains 12 collages, two of which were edited out from the original.\nWith an afterword by Bohuslav Brouk\nPublisher Ubu Gallery, New York, 1997\nvia Oh Top Book Photobooks\nPDF (low res, 5 MB)\nSee also collection of 21 collages in Centre Pompidou","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"YANKEES 2, MARINERS 1 (10): N.Y. beats M's at their own game\nBy Kirby Arnold, For The Sun \u2014 May 20th, 2001\n(Clemens 4-0) at Seattle\n(Sele 5-0)\nKIRO-710\nSEATTLE - In the land of pitching, defense and technically sound baseball, the Seattle Mariners saw their own reflection Saturday.\nThe team that stared back at them was the New York Yankees, whose near-flawless execution in the field, at the plate and on the basepaths produced a 2-1 victory over the Mariners in 10 innings at Safeco Field.\nHow perfect were the Yankees?\nThree of their pitchers held the Mariners' Ichiro Suzuki hitless for only the third time this season, ending his hitting streak at 23 games, one short of Joey Cora's team record in 1997. Yankees starting pitcher Orlando Hernandez, who allowed just four hits in eight innings, got Suzuki out on two groundouts and a strikeout, then planted a first-pitch fastball in his back in the ninth inning.\n\"The young man had a 23-game hitting streak. He's entitled to an 0-fer every once in a while,\" Mariners manager Lou Piniella said.\nThe bigger picture was what the Yankees did to pull off their second straight victory and become only the second team to win a series from the Mariners this season.\nDerek Jeter, down to the Yankees' last strike in the ninth inning of a 1-0 game, poked a score-tying RBI single off Mariners closer Kazuhiro Sasaki, and Jorge Posada produced the game-winner in the 10th with a ground ball to second base that scored Tino Martinez.\n\"We're capable of hitting home runs, but we're not a home run-hitting team,\" Jeter said. \"It's the little things that allow you to win, especially when you get to the postseason.\"\nAlfonso Soriano, a 23-year-old rookie second baseman, almost single-handedly putting himself into scoring position for the tying run in the ninth inning against Sasaki. Soriano dug a split-finger pitch from Sasaki for a one-out single and, after Chuck Knoblauch flied out to deep center field, stole both second and third base. He scored easily on Jeter's single to center.\nIn the 10th, Bernie Williams led off with a double and went to third when Martinez grounded out to second base. Sasaki intentionally walked David Justice to set up a double play situation.\nThe Mariners got that grounder from Posada, a high-hopper to Bret Boone at second. Justice was running with the pitch, however, and Boone went for the sure out at first even though it led to the winning run.\nWith M's starter Jamie Moyer mastering his breaking pitch and hitting every edge of the strike zone, it looked like one run would be plenty. Jeter's fourth-inning single wasn't just the only hit off Moyer, it was the Yankees' only baserunner against him.\nAll it got Moyer was a no-decision. He'd thrown only 88 pitches through seven innings, but Piniella opted for the power left arm of Arthur Rhodes in the eighth, and he responded with a groundout to Tino Martinez and two called third strikes to Justice and Posada.\nSasaki, who hadn't pitched in six days, took over in the ninth and allowed as many baserunners as he got outs. As a result, he suffered his second blown save and the Mariners lost for the first time in the 31 games they had led after eight innings.\nThe long layoff was no factor, Price said.\n\"Not at all,\" he said. \"He's been up throwing during two of those days. Kaz is 17 of 19 (in save situations). I'll take that.\"\nMARINERS 6, YANKEES 2: Sele stops Yanks\nThe Seattle starter outpitches a strangely out of control Roger Clemens and Bret Boone drives in three more runs as the M's avoid a sweep. TUESDAY Seattle (Abbott 2-1) at Minnesota (Radke 7-1) 5:05 p.m. KIRO-710 FSN INSIDE\/C5 Tomko sent down, and ... [Read More...]\nMARINERS 5, ROYALS 4 (11): Road-killer M's sac K.C.\nSUNDAY Seattle 5, K.C. 4 TODAY Seattle (Abbott 2-2) at Kan.City (Durbin 3-2) 11:05 a.m. KIRO-710 Ch. 7 * Mike Cameron' sacrifice fly scores the winning run after a blown save by Kazuhiro Sasaki as Seattle ups road record to 21-5. KANSAS CITY, Mo. - ... [Read More...]\nSEATTLE 1, NEW YORK 0: One-hit wonders: M's foil Lilly\nSATURDAY Seattle 1, New York 0 TODAY New York (Hernandez, 2-1, 1.29) at Seattle (Moyer, 3-1, 4.20) 1:35 p.m. KIRO-710 FSN M's FACT The last time the M's were no-hit was by the Yankees' Dwight Gooden on May 14, 1995. * The Yankees' Ted Lilly takes a no-hitter into the ... [Read More...]\nMARINERS: One more late-game collapse\n* The Mariners come back to take the lead in New York, then lose in the 10th innings when Bobby Ayala gets himself in trouble. By Gordon Wittenmyer For The Sun NEW YORK -- Alex Rodriguez spoke so quietly he was barely audible in ... [Read More...]\nTHE MAJORS: M's break out Bronx brooms\nTHURSDAY Seattle 7, New York 3 TODAY Seattle (Sele, 3-0) at Chicago (Baldwin, 0-0) 5:05 p.m. KIRO-710 Ch. 7 * Seattle sweeps the Yankees for the first time since 1997 and ups its record to 18-4, the best in the majors. NEW YORK - The Seattle Mariners are ... [Read More...]","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Climate change: island life in a volatile world\n4.3 Dilemmas of climate change\n1 Dividing the planet\n2 Island territories, ocean flows\n2.1 Issues of responsibility\n2.2 Climate change in a globalised world\n2.3 Divisions that matter: thinking through territories\n2.4 Worlds in motion: the importance of flows\n3 Settling islands\n3.1 Voyages of discovery and settlement\n3.2 Migrations of life\n4 Volatile worlds\n4.1 When climate changes\n4.2 Shifting ground\nReading 1a File\nReading 1b File\nReading 1c File\nReading 1d File\nFigures 3a and 3b File\nLevel 2: Intermediate\nBSc (Honours) Geography and Environmental Science\nScience: the weather\nIn Section 4.1, we looked at claims that climatic change thousands of years ago triggered the movement of people into the ocean, eventually leading to the settling of islands like Tuvalu. We have also seen that these islands only rose out of the ocean because of dynamic geological processes coupled with dramatic changes in climate and sea level.\nTake a moment to consider how an understanding of the formation of oceanic islands like Tuvalu makes you feel about the current predicament of the Tuvaluans. Has it changed the way you think about human-induced global climate change and the responses or responsibilities this might entail?\nThe people of Tuvalu claim that carbon emissions are changing global climate. In particular, they point to the unwillingness of nation states like the USA and Australia to support the Kyoto Protocol, which seeks to reduce these emissions. The idea that the earth's natural greenhouse effect is being enhanced by a build-up in carbon and other greenhouse gases because of non-renewable energy use is fully supported by many environmental campaigners around the world, such as Molly Conisbee and Andrew Simms, the authors of Environmental Refugees (2003; see Reading 1B). This notion is also supported by the huge international consortium of climate scientists that comprises the IPCC. Similarly, for Nunn (2003), and many other geographers who have made a study of oceanic islands, the inherent changeability and precariousness of island life is reason not to discount human-induced climate change, but to take it very seriously indeed.\nNonetheless, perhaps unsurprisingly, there are others who see this differently. Some commentators have used the idea of the constant motion of the earth's crust to counter the argument that greenhouse gas emissions are having a significant impact on sea levels. In this regard, US climate negotiator Harlan Watson has noted the particular instability of the Pacific: 'The South Pacific is very volcanically unstable on the sea floor \u2026 so you have some natural subsidence occurring anyway. Islands are appearing and disappearing all the time' (cited in Kriner, 2002, p. 2). Other voices in the climate change debate have argued that because global climate fluctuates constantly, current warming is nothing out of the ordinary. Danish statistician Bjorn Lomborg, for example, has suggested that as the planet is still coming out of the Little Ice Age, a gradual warming and attendant rise of sea level is to be expected (Lomborg, 2001, p. 263). Similarly, Bill Mitchell of the Australian Tidal Facility claims that there is little evidence in the Pacific of sea level changing more rapidly than that which would be expected from gradual natural warming (Field, 2002).\nIt would be an oversimplification, however, to suggest that the climate change debate neatly divides itself into two opposing factions. Researchers and campaigners of all persuasions have taken the possibility of human-induced changes into account as well as the many physical variations that are not reducible to human activity, and this leaves room for very different weightings to be applied to the many variables involved.\nThinking through territories and flows does not offer any easy answers to, or any direct route out of, the dilemmas posed by the prospect of a human contribution to global environmental change. Yet it can offer a versatile way to approach any such issue that brings together human and non-human forces. Furthermore, with the kind of issues that present themselves in the contemporary world, the need to address human and non-human processes together seems to be more the rule than the exception.\nThere is evidence that natural fluctuations of climate may have induced the earliest human settlers of oceanic islands to head out into the ocean, and may have put later island territories under severe stress.\nIslands are both created and destroyed by shifts and flows of the earth's crust, forces that are largely beyond human influence.\nThe difficulty of disentangling human impacts on global climate from natural fluctuations means that working out the human contribution to these environmental changes is a complex and contested process.\nWhile territories may appear stable or fixed, our planet is constantly in the making, all the way down to the earth's crust and the molten rock beneath it.\nPrevious 4.2 Shifting ground\nNext 5 Conclusion","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Shannon Boxx to Lead Walk to End Lupus Now\u2122 in Naperville Aug 10\nChicago Red Stars Will Wear Lupus Awareness T-Shirts During Warm-Ups Saturday\nChicago, Il. \u2013 Chicago Red Stars midfielder, and Lupus Foundation of America, Illinois Chapter advocate, Shannon Boxx will be leading the Walk to End Lupus Now\u2122 event in Chicago's Western suburbs on Saturday, August 10. The walk features 1 and 3 mile routes along the Naperville Riverwalk and begins at 9am.\nThe Chicago Red Stars have partnered with the Lupus Foundation of America, Illinois Chapter to raise awareness for the event. The Foundation and lupus supporters will attend the Red Stars match this Saturday, August 3, when Chicago takes on Seattle Reign FC at 6 p.m. at Village of Lisle \u2013 Benedictine University Sports Complex. All Red Stars players and select staff will wear lupus awareness t-shirts during team warm-ups that day to further bring awareness to the cause.\nBoxx, a veteran of the U.S. Women's National Team and three-time Olympic gold-medalist, revealed publicly in 2012 that she was living with lupus. Since then she has become an avid spokesperson for the cause and has worked nationally to raise awareness for the mysterious disease.\nFunds raised at the Walk to End Lupus Now event will benefit the Lupus Foundation of America, Illinois Chapter's mission to improve the diagnosis and treatment of lupus, support individuals and families affected by the disease, increase awareness of lupus among health professionals and the public, and find the causes and cures and the Chicago Red Stars are proud to partner in this mission.\nLearn more about the walk at www.lupuswalkil.org or visit the Lupus Foundation of America, Illinios Chapter's website at www.lupusil.org.\nStay tuned to www.chicagoredstars.com for further details or follow the team on twitter @chicagoredstars and on facebook.com\/chicagoredstars.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Support by Donating\n\u2190 Plastic Bottles for Babies Totals More than 10,000\nHelping the Mentally Ill Homeless Is a Money Game \u2192\nOBITUARY: Fred Silverman, a Palisadian and a Legendary Television Executive at Three Networks\nPosted on January 31, 2020 by Sue\nSeptember 13, 1937 \u2013 January 30, 2020\nRiviera resident Fred Silverman, 82, died from cancer at his home on January 30. He was a legendary and influential programming executive, who worked for CBS, ABC and NBC.\nRaised in Rego Park, Queens, New York, he was the only child of a Jewish father, TV and radio repairman for Sears, and a Roman Catholic mom, a housewife.\nSilverman graduated from Forest Hills High School and Syracuse University, then earned his master's degree at Ohio State.\nAccording to the Hollywood Reporter, Silverman wanted to be a director, but an advisor suggested that he \"really ought to consider programming,\" Silverman recalled in a TV Archive interview. \"It requires a real knowledge of the business, and it is kind of creative, because you're picking the shows.\"\nHis 600-page master's thesis was an analysis of ABC programming practices from 1953, when the network had few hits, until 1959, when programs like \"The Untouchables\" and \"77 Sunset Strip\" were popular. He said he tried to analyze what the factors were for the meteoric rise of the network.\nSilverman's first job was editing commercials at Tribune's WGN-TV in Chicago in 1961. Two years later he moved to WPIX in New York and oversaw \"Bozo's Circus,\" a live program. In the afternoon he aired films for kids under Family Classics.\nAt age 25, Silverman became the director of daytime programs for CBS, and in 1970, he was put in charge of everything on air for CBS. He convinced CBS President Bob Wood to run \"All in the Family\" and \"The Mary Tyler Moore Show\" on Saturdays. \"Mash\" was moved to Tuesdays and \"Beverly Hillbillies,\" \"Green Acres\" and \"Petticoat Junction\" replaced.\nDuring Silverman's tenure, \"Maude,\" \"The Jeffersons,\" \"Good Times,\" \"One Day at a Time\" \"The Bob Newhart Show,\" \"Rhoda, \"Kojak and \"The Waltons\" pushed CBS into first place.\nIn 1975, Silverman left to become president of ABC Entertainment and took it to number one in primetime with shows such as \"Charlie's Angels,\" \"The Love Boat,\" \"Family,\" \"Donny & Marie,\" \"Three's Company,\" Eight Is Enough,\" \"The Bionic Woman,\" \"Mork and Mindy\" and \"Good Morning America.\"\nSilverman is credited with reinventing the television miniseries with \"Roots,\" which won Peabody and Emmy awards.\nIn 1978, Silverman went to NBC as president and CEO. Although he was responsible for hits such as \"Diff'rent Strokes,\" \"The Facts of Life,\" \"Cheers\" and \"Hill Street Blues,\" he exited that company in 1981 because NBC finished with its worst season in history.\nHe formed The Fred Silverman Company to produce shows to sell to television, including \"Perry Mason TV,\" \"Matlock,\" Jake and the Fatman,\" \"In the Heat of the Night,\" \"Father Dowling Mysteries\" and \"Diagnosis Murder.\"\nHe received the Women in Film Lucy Award in 1995 for excellence and innovation in works that enhance the perception of women in TV. Silverman was inducted into the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Hall of Fame in 1999.\nHe is survived by his wife, Catherine Ann Kihn; two children, Melissa and Billy, and daughter-in-law Anna.\nA private service will be held for immediate family and a celebration of his life will follow. In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions be made in his name to the Motion Picture & Television fund for emergency medical assistance.\nThis entry was posted in Obituaries. Bookmark the permalink.\nAccidents\/Fires\nBID\u2013Business Improvement District\nbusinesses\/stores\nCity\/Councilman Mike Bonin\nCouncilman Mike Bonin\nGeology\/Dinosaurs\/Earth\nHighlands Eldercare Project\nKids\/Parenting\nPacific Palisades Community Council\n\u00ae Sue Pascoe, Circling The News, Inc. and www.circlingthenews.com, 2017-2021. Unauthorized use and\/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site's author and\/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Sue Pascoe, Circling The News, Inc. and www.circlingthenews.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.\nCircling The News, Inc","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Putin Invites Erdogan, Rohani, Abbas to Opening of Largest Mosque in Europe\nMOSCOW \u2013 The presidents of Iran, Hassan Rohani, and Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas have been invited by Russian president Vladimir Putin to attend the opening of the largest mosque in Europe on Sept. 23 in Moscow.\nThe Kremlin said on Friday that Putin has personally invited them to the ceremony to be held in the Russian capital, after which they are going to hold bilateral meetings.\nThe Council of Muftis of Russia told EFE that Putin will chair the Wednesday opening of the Grand Mosque in Moscow, which will accommodate more than 10,000 worshipers.\nThe mosque, which will have a space of more than 18,000 square meters and a height comparable to that of a six-story building, will open its doors on the occasion of the Islamic Feast of Sacrifice (Eid-al Adha).\nThe mosque was constructed on the remains of one built in 1904.\nMoscow is the second city with the most Muslims in Europe after Paris, with a million and a half, between residents and migrants from the Caucasus and Central Asia.\nRussia is home to about 23 million Muslims, according to the Council of Muftis, mostly in Moscow, the North Caucasus and the republics of Tatarstan and Bashkiria.\nHowever, Putin, an avowed Orthodox Christian, has made it clear that Russia is a secular country and has stopped any attempt, for example, for Muslim girls to wear headscarves in schools.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Vibra Continente \u2013 The official Copa America song 2019\nFloyd Terry July 10, 2019 July 10, 2019 Copa America 2019, funk music, Leo Santana, official song, Rafinha RSQ\nIn the middle of June, the official song of Copa America 2019 was officially introduced to everyone. The song of the South American No. 1 tournament, called Vibra Continente, was performed by two singers Leo Santana and Karol G. The\u2026\nContinue reading \u279e Vibra Continente \u2013 The official Copa America song 2019\nAdam Levine stopped working as judge of The Voice America after 16 seasons\nFloyd Terry June 11, 2019 June 13, 2019 Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Carson Daly, Gwen Stefani, The Voice America\nAdam Levine started acting as a judge on The Voice America program in 2011 and with Blake Shelton held this position from season 1 until now. Adam's team won the season 1, season 5 and season 9 with contestants Javier\u2026\nContinue reading \u279e Adam Levine stopped working as judge of The Voice America after 16 seasons\nHow does SeungRi's scandal affect other YG artists?\nFloyd Terry May 26, 2019 May 29, 2019 Black Pink, Inner Circle, SeungRi, YG artists, YG Ent\nAfter a long time, SeungRi's rumors have brought negative effects to other YG artists' images in public. Over the past time, consecutive accusations on prostitution, prostitution brokerage, embezzlement and violations of food safety law along with the participation in the\u2026\nContinue reading \u279e How does SeungRi's scandal affect other YG artists?\nAfter divorce, Adele announced a new album that will pursue exciting music\nFloyd Terry May 17, 2019 May 18, 2019 Adele, album series, bass music, Daydreamers, new music\nRecently, in an Instagram post to commemorate his 31st birthday, Adele made Daydreamers the whole world in a mess: announcing the new album name and mainstream music for this comeback stage. The announcement was posted by the \"Hello\" singer with\u2026\nContinue reading \u279e After divorce, Adele announced a new album that will pursue exciting music\nThe famous singer-player love in the world\nFloyd Terry May 1, 2019 May 4, 2019 Cheryl Cole, Shakira, singer-player, Victoria Beckham\nThe famous beautiful female singers and the love with the players of professional football leagues have many admirers. Shakira Sensual Colombian female singer famous for lively songs for the World Cup. Barcelona's midfielder Gerard Piqu\u00e9 has been dating since 2011\u2026\nContinue reading \u279e The famous singer-player love in the world\nBeing criticized for losing substance after 6 years of operation, how did BTS respond to their music products?\nFloyd Terry April 19, 2019 April 21, 2019 BTS, Fake Love, Hip Hop, Kpop\nIncreasingly, the public admires the admiring achievements that BTS has achieved. But when comparing the 7 guys of the present to the past, people wonder if BTS has lost the original substance? After 6 years of operation, BTS has changed\u2026\nContinue reading \u279e Being criticized for losing substance after 6 years of operation, how did BTS respond to their music products?\nJustin Bieber announced a break from music\nFloyd Terry April 2, 2019 April 3, 2019 Beliebers, Boyfriend, Hailey Baldwin, Justin Bieber\nJustin Bieber announced to leave the music indefinitely to focus on health and family. Justin Bieber's fans are extremely bewildered because a few hours ago, Justin posted a long letter sharing his concerns about his music career. At the same\u2026\nContinue reading \u279e Justin Bieber announced a break from music\nWhat is \"Payola\" that Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azalea all criticize?\nFloyd Terry March 22, 2019 March 22, 2019 Iggy Azalea, Nicki Minaj, Payola, Spotify, US-UK fan\n\"Payola\" is no longer a strange term because it appeared in the scuffle last year between Nicki Minaj and Cardi B. What is \"Payola\"? In September 2018, the US-UK fan community was stirred by Nicki Minaj's scuffle and Cardi B\u2026\nContinue reading \u279e What is \"Payola\" that Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azalea all criticize?\nMusic interests of the world's top 5 soccer stars\nFloyd Terry March 9, 2019 March 9, 2019 football players, goalkeeper, Justin Bieber, music interest\nThe talents of the world's top stars like Marco Reus, Wayne Rooney, Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo,\u2026 all fans have been admired, but also about their personal interests outside the yard perhaps it's a secret. Let's learn about the music\u2026\nContinue reading \u279e Music interests of the world's top 5 soccer stars","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Plenary Speakers Day 1\nParallel Sessions Day 1\nDay 1 \u2013 14 Nov 2018\nParallel Sessions 1\nSlides \u2013 Presentations\nVideos \u2013 Plenary Sessions\nVideos \u2013 Interviews\nGrowth in Transition 4th International Conference\nEurope's Transformation: Where People Matter\nBuilding bridges, not walls\nby Manfred Ronzheimer\nThe 4th Growth in Transition Conference linked sustainability discourses at the global, European and national level\nHow do we build a sustainable future? It was none other than Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary General of the United Nations, who formulated the current message to world leaders. In his keynote speech at the start of the conference, he highlighted that the need to build bridges of international understanding and cooperation instead of dividing walls of nationalism was as urgent as never before. Everyone in the room understood that the message was also addressed to US President Trump, who continues to stand by his election promise to erect a wall against illegal immigration between Mexico and the US.\nOther high-level political speakers at the conference included Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans, Austria's Federal Minister for Sustainability and Tourism Elisabeth K\u00f6stinger, as host, and Stientje van Veldhoven, Dutch State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management. Beyond that input came from Hans Bruyninckx, President of the European Environment Agency, Kate Raworth, economist and sustainability expert at Oxford and Cambridge, who presented her concept of the \"doughnut economics\", an economic model that respects the planet's borders but also allows people to live well, and Tim Jackson, Professor of Sustainable Development at Surrey University and author of \"Prosperity without Growth\". The topic of sustainability at the national level was discussed by social researcher and poverty expert Michaela Moser, Christoph Badelt, head of the Austrian Institute for Economic Research, and Willibald Cernko of ERSTE Bank Group. In 20 sessions and workshops, the topics of \"Growth in Transition\" were also dealt with in more depth on a smaller scale.\nKate Raworth (Photo: (c) Jana Madzigon)\nThe conference also provided an opportunity to learn about best practice examples and eco-innovative ideas from around the world. Successful founders such as Victoria Soelle from the Berlin DO School, Julian Paul Melchiorri from the UK (CEO Arborea), Reet Aus from Estonia (CEO Upmade), Nkemdilim Begho from Nigeria (Managing Director Futuresoft), Rodrigo Aranda from Spain (CEO Sintala Design), and Michael Fassnauer, CEO of UBIMET Austria, presented their visions and projects.\nConsidering important messages from the three levels:\nA) The Global Level\n\"We are living in times of transformation\", Ban Ki-moon stated at the beginning of his keynote titled \"Sustainable Development: The Pathway to the Future\" and provided examples of technical progress that had spread at great speed. This had been made possible by world markets and multilateralism, which had reached a climax during his time as UN Secretary General with the adoption of the SDGs in September 2015. \"These are the most far-reaching goals ever formulated by the United Nations,\" Ban said.\nIn recent years, however, there have been delays in implementing the goals, as well as open resistance on the part of individual nations to the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. He wanted to counter this, among other things, with his Center for Global Citizens, which was founded in Vienna and is committed to providing well-founded training for future state leaders and leaders. Ban is also involved in the Strategy Unit at the Austrian Federal Chancellery (\"Think Austria\"), which commenced its activities on 14 November. It will focus on strategic issues that are important for Austria's development.\nIn October, at the initiative of the Netherlands, a new international climate commission began its work in The Hague, chaired by Ban Ki-moon, which presented an action plan to protect against climate damage. \"We are running out of time,\" Ban stressed with regard to climate change. \"But we don't have a Plan B, because we don't have a Planet B either.\"\nElisabeth K\u00f6stinger (Photo: (c) Jana Madzigon)\nThe Austrian Minister for Sustainability and Tourism, Elisabeth K\u00f6stinger, also expressed this view in her keynote speech. \"If we look at the world today, we can see that we are at a crossroads, especially in the area of climate protection,\" said the politician, \"This is certainly the greatest challenge of our time.\nBecause the Paris Climate Agreement is \"the central pillar in climate protection\", the negotiations at the UN Climate Change Conference in Katowice in December will also be of great importance. \"This will show what the Paris resolutions are worth,\" said K\u00f6stinger. The Minister expressed her concern that there was an ever larger group of critical states in the international community for which climate protection was no longer of overriding importance. \"We must work on solutions to get these states back on board, because Europe alone can be a pioneer, but not a saviour of the global climate,\" K\u00f6stinger explained.\nFinally, the Minister for Sustainability stressed that the organisation of this conference, in cooperation with Ban Ki-moon, was \"a truly great honour\" for Austria. \"We are thus positioning ourselves very strongly in this thematic area, also in terms of global perception\".\nB) The European Level\nScience and research had to constantly keep an eye on the \"grand challenges\" that are crucial for the future of the planet and develop solutions. That was the message from Wolfgang Burtscher, Director General for Research and Innovation at the European Commission in Brussels. This focus on the major challenges, such as the protection of common goods which include the the atmosphere or the oceans, was also important because it was the only way for science to continue to gain acceptance and support from society. \"We therefore also need more direct participation of citizens in research projects,\" said Burtscher. Sustainable Development plays a major role in the preparations for the next Research Framework Programme \"Horizon Europe\". At 77 billion euros, around 60 percent of the budget is earmarked for these topics.\nWolfgang Burtscher (Photo: (c) BKA\/Christoph Dunker)\nIn her capacity as current President of the Council of European Ministers for the Environment, K\u00f6stinger announced her intention to conclude important dossiers at the European level by the end of the year. \"If we reach a final agreement between the Parliament, the Commission and the Member States on the CO2 reduction for new cars, that would really be a huge success in European climate policy,\" explained the Minister. As part of the \"Growth in Transition\" conference, 10 concrete proposals were formulated in a \"Call to Action\" to the European Commission and the Member States on the second day of the conference. These include increasing the importance of SDGs, strengthening eco-innovation, creating sustainable financing instruments, better integrating stakeholders in all fields of action and providing more concrete support for the knowledge society.\nMoreover, Europe's most innovative companies received the \"European Business Award For The Environment\" at the conference. The prize was awarded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for the Environment in the categories \"Management\", \"Product and Services\", \"Process\", \"Developing Country Cooperation\" and \"Business and Biodiversity\". The finalists included two Austrian companies: Zotter Schokoladen Manufaktur GmbH and ecop Technologies GmbH, which develops and produces highly efficient rotary heat pumps. The evening event on 14 November at the Palais Nieder\u00f6sterreich was organised by the European Commission, the Office of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism.\nHans Bruyninckx (Photo: (c) Jana Madzigon)\nHans Bruyninckx, Director of the European Environment Agency, called for unity and international cooperation: \"There is an urgent need for action, we must not lose any time and we must not believe that we are already doing everything we can. We must think beyond 2030. We need a different, strong policy and a fundamental transformation of our economies. And we should work with young people in particular.\"\n\"Fight for Multilateralism\"\nFrans Timmermanns, the First Vice-President of the European Commission, emphasised in his closing speech that the UN's SDGs were the only future perspective for mankind. But the UN is currently being threatened and questioned. \"Please fight for multilateralism,\" Timmenmanns exclaimed. \"We need the United Nations.\"\nThe world was at the beginning of the 4th industrial revolution, which would consequently affect every human being. At the same time, the boundaries of the planet would be felt for the first time. Timmermanns painted the picture of an inclusive world society, in which the wealth generated was distributed more equitably, instead of making \"only a few richer ones even richer\" as at present.\nHe foresaw far-reaching changes in the private economic sector, such as the energy revolution and the switch to a circular economy. \"None of the problems facing us are insurmountable,\" he said. It was important to benefit from science and rationality and to look to the future with confidence and joy about the possibilities for shaping it.\nFrans Timmermans (Photo: (c) Jana Madzigon)\nIn his remarks on artificial intelligence, Timmermanns himself deviated from his recommendation by expressing great concern. Technical development was very rapid, and if no precautions were taken, machines with their own consciousness could elude human control. \"This can go tremendously wrong,\" warned the EU Vice-President. \"Dealing with this new technology must now have absolute priority,\" demanded Timmermanns.\nFrans Timmermans accepted the Call to Action at the conference. He said: \"If everyone lived like the Europeans, we would need almost three planets. It is clear that the great challenge of our time is to change the way we produce, consume, work and live. Nobody can afford to be a freerider because we are all affected. Europe has the capacity, the ingenuity and the courage to lead the way. And that is exactly what we should do together now.\"\nC) The Austrian Level\nThe President of the National Council, Wolfgang Sobotka, said at the beginning of the conference that a holistic approach was necessary for the transformation to more sustainability: \"Sustainability policy does not end with environmental and climate policy, it affects all areas of policy and life. We have to address people, explain connections and reach their understanding. This is best achieved if we involve as many citizens as possible, above all at the level of the municipalities.\"\nSobotka told the Political Panel on social development that he was concerned about the \"break-up of society\" and the increase in \"fears of losing out\". More and more people moved in their own communities of information and self-affirmation. Here, politics had to address interdependence and the feeling of togetherness more strongly. Participation was a key to this. \"When people are no longer heard and taken along, they create their own world,\" said Sobotka. But the emphasis on tolerance was also important. \"Sustainability is also always about accepting the other positions,\" the politician stressed.\nWolfgang Sobotka (Photo: (c) BKA\/Christoph Dunker)\nSustainability Minister K\u00f6stinger stressed that Austria was not cutting back on its climate goals. In concrete terms, she explained: \"We want to reduce emissions by 36 percent by 2030, we are sticking to this target and will make every effort to achieve it\". Commitment should also be stepped up in the case of the SDGs. Austria currently ranks 9th in international comparison in terms of the implementation of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Austria wanted to make a leap forward here during this term of government. \"I discussed with Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz that we want to be among the top 5 worldwide in the implementation of the SDGs,\" explained Minister K\u00f6stinger.\nK\u00f6stinger: \"I am very encouraged by the committed discussion.\" The conference had once again provided an impetus for the discussion about economic growth in the context of sustainability. For example, the number of social enterprises should be clearly targeted for growth. The aim of the conference to make a contribution at the European level in this direction had been achieved. K\u00f6stinger also hoped that future Growth in Transition conferences would \"continue to grow\".\nWe do not wait for the future \u2013 we shape it!\nOn the second day, the conference adopted an action plan, the so-called \"Call to Action\", addressed to the EU Commission which was represented by First Vice-President Frans Timmermans.\nThe Call to Action was developed by the participants of the conference and calls on the European Commission and the Member States of the EU to address relevant issues such as decarbonisation, circular economy, sustainable management of natural resources, mitigation of climate change and digitalisation. generations are guilty of. The Call to Action also proposes promoting eco-innovation and sustainable finance. In addition, a stronger focus is to be placed on sustainability research and awareness of sustainability issues among the population is to be raised, not least through more intensive cooperation with the media. It also proposes to strengthen the \"Growth in Transition\" initiative at the European level and to involve citizens more in shaping the sustainable future of the European Union.\nFind the Call to Action here.\nConference Blog Posts\nNew narratives of a good life or pragmatic proposals to politicians?\nA Positive Post-Growth Scenario For Europe \u2013 The X Ways To Make A Post-Growth Society Work\n\"A Just Transition To A Low Carbon Economy \u2013 The Role Of Labour And Civil Society\"\nCompanies taking action to meet SDG 13 \u2013 Towards a low-carbon economy by setting science-based-targets\nAction rather than words, and dissidence where necessary\nGet the Conference Newspaper!\n\"Green\" or \"Brown\" Investments \u2013 Another Bubble In The Making?\nSocial-Ecological Transformations in Research and Politics\nThe Role of Women in Transformation \u2013 Sharing Experiences with Change Processes\nSustainability in Research Policy\nA Science Willing and Able to Change?\nEconomy & Environment \u2013 Challenges for a Socio-Ecological Transformation\nAt the Peak of Social Change! Learning from Success Stories for Social Innovation\nYOUR Suggestions for the Call to Action\nNational Visions & Global Leadership\nGrowth in Transition\nThe project \"Growth in Transition\" intends to trigger a dialogue among institutions and people about how we can shape the transformation process towards sustainability. It also aims at contributing to current EU and international processes and at informing the Austrian public about them.\nIn 2008 the Austrian Federal Ministry of Environment started a process dealing with the question, which kind of growth is compatible with sustainable development. The Initiative \"Growth in Transition\" (\"Wachstum im Wandel\") constantly tries to involve as many institutions and persons as possible in a dialogue, how we can frame a process of transition towards sustainability.\ngrowthintransition.eu | wachstumimwandel.at\nContact & Organisation\nThis website uses cookies for statistical purposes and to make our website more user-friendly. You'll find more information in our Privacy Policy. Accept","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"NRL competition committee meeting\nThe NRL Competition Committee has recommended that no change be made to the current interchange system.\nThe recommendation will now go to the Australian Rugby League Commission before a final determination is made on interchange.\nThe Competition Committee's unanimous recommendation was for the number of interchanges per team per game to continue to be capped at eight.\nThe Committee made the recommendation after being presented with data including a report by Professor Kevin Norton, a Professor in Exercise Science at the University of South Australia, which compared the 2019 season to the past three seasons (2016-18), since interchange was reduced from 10 to eight.\nThe data showed that, due largely to the change in officiating philosophy in 2019:\nBoth the number and intensity of collisions have significantly reduced in 2019, reversing the trend seen across the 2016-2018 seasons\nBoth the number of stoppages and total stoppage time have significantly reduced in 2019, reversing the trend seen across the 2016-2018 seasons\nThe total distance covered per game has increased across all positions except hookers in 2019 compared to 2018\n\"On the evidence presented, there is simply not enough reason to change the number of interchanges now,\" Penrith Panthers Coach Ivan Cleary said.\n\"We made the point last year that we wanted to defer until halfway through this year to make a decision based on the way the game is heading. Now that we have done that, we feel there is no need to make a change.\"\nNRL Head of Football Elite Competitions Graham Annesley added: \"It became clear that a change to the approach by Match Officials, as well as the shot clock for drop-outs and scrums in 2019, had contributed to a change to the game which was the equivalent to a reduction of interchanges.\n\"Some of the levers which have been pulled this season have contributed to some of the key trends heading in the direction we want them to.\n\"As a game, we want to see more entertainment, unpredictability, more continuous football \u2013 as well as a safe environment for the players.\n\"We are not completely ruling out a reduction in interchange in the future based on trends and players and coaches adapting to changing environment. But for the immediate term there was no support for a change.\n\"There was unanimous support that interchange will remain at eight until it's agreed that the system requires a further change.\"\nThe meeting was also told that 60 percent of the collective Clubs, and 73 percent of players \u2013 based on an RLPA Player Advisory Group survey \u2013 did not support a further reduction in interchange at this time.\n\"We're supportive of this direction based on the fact that key metrics are shaping in the right direction and players have actively been engaged in the discussion,\" RLPA General Manager Stakeholder Relations Clint Newton.\n\"We're looking forward to continuing to help advance discussion on a more innovative and entertaining game.\"\nThe Competition Committee includes Cleary, North Queensland Cowboys Coach Paul Green, Immortal and Kangaroos Coach Mal Meninga, Darren Lockyer, Newton, former Coach John Lang as well as Annesley, NRL CEO Todd Greenberg, ARLC Chairman Peter Beattie and Commissioners Wayne Pearce and Peter V'landys.\nThe Competition Committee was also told that the 2019 season had (after 13 rounds) delivered:\nmore than two-and-a-half hours more ball in play so far, and a reduction in dead time of five-and-a-half hours compared to the same time in 2018.\na three-hour reduction in elapsed game time compared to the same time in 2018\nan additional 250 sets of six compared to the same time in 2018\nAverage ball in play time per game was 54.16 minutes after Round 13, compared to 52.43 minutes at the same point in 2018.\nContributing factors for the trends included a significant reduction in penalties (1777 in 2018 down to 1322 in 2019) and penalty goal attempts (257 in 2018 down to 160 in 2019), as well as the reduction in scrum and drop-out clock time limits.\nThe group flagged a discussion on unpredictability and assessing ways to make the game even more entertaining for its next scheduled meeting later this year.\n\"One of our key objectives is producing more entertainment for our fans and we have seen some positive trends in 2019,\" Mr Annesley said.\n\"Our games have produced more football compared to last year and elapsed time has also been reduced.\n\"This is something the Competition Committee will continue to work on.\"","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Flaw in BIND 8 Weakens the DNS Software\nThe Internet Software Consortium is discouraging the use of Version 8 of the Berkeley Internet Name Domain or BIND DNS software after discovering a serious flaw in it, which on exploitation could trigger attacks of cache poisoning.\nThe flaw that has been made public through a research paper by Amit Klein, CTO of the security vendor Trusteer Ltd. could allow an attacker to corrupt the DNS caches if he is able to guess the IDs of DNS query and provide answers.\nBIND 8 is now nothing but a memory of coding practice and software architecture from the past, the consortium said in a warning. In today's Internet, BIND 8 is quite insecure. And years of workarounds and patching have confirmed that it will forever be so, the group said.\nAccording to Infoblox's annual research in 2006, there were approximately 14% of DNS servers still using BIND 8.\nDespite its potential danger, BIND 8 continues to be a popular DNS server. Therefore, this type of attack targets a large number of Internet users, wrote Amit Klein in a research paper. PC World reported this on September 5, 2007.\nKlein wrote that BIND 8 uses a weak algorithm to produce transaction IDs. These are unorganized serial numbers that allow the algorithm to determine if someone is feeding false information in answering the queries. Because of this weakness, by observing some of the queries, it is possible to guess the transaction ID, Klein explained.\nEquipped with that, an attacker could push incorrect information into the DNS server thus poisoning an address against a particular domain stored in the server's memory. Therefore, when users of that DNS server send traffic to a certain Website, it may get diverted to a different server having a fraudulent site. Such a deceptive process is called 'pharming'.\nThough there is a patch available to fix the BIND 8 flaw, the Internet Software Consortium presses users to update it to Version 9.4, which they can download for free.\nHowever, BIND 9.4 is also vulnerable to attacks even though it has a better transaction ID algorithm, Klein wrote.\nRelated article: Flaw For PayPal Website, Opportunity For Fraudsters","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"New poll is bad news for Charest in his battle with students\nCityMaple SpringNewsPolitics\nBy Ethan Cox May 22, 2012 May 26, 2012\nStudent protests Tuesday May 21, 2012. Photo: Chris Zacchia\nEthan Cox is a former news editor with Forget The Box and he is currently heavily involved in politics and trying to change the world. He is currently covering the student protests for Rabble.ca and FTB. Here is his latest take on where the protests stand and where we go next. Be sure to join us for today's demonstration starting at place des festival at 2pm.\nJust in time for the 100th day of Quebec's student strike comes a birthday present of epic proportions for the indefatigable students.\nThey're winning.\nA QMI\/Leger Marketing poll released early Tuesday morning by the Journal de Montreal bore the banner headline \"Le gouvernment va trop loin\" (The government has gone too far).\nOn the central question of whether respondents supported the government or the students in the ongoing conflict over increases to tuition fees, the poll found a stunning 18 point shift from the government to the students, compared to a poll taken ten days earlier. Although this shift still leaves the students trailing the government by 8 points, the momentum is clearly on their side.\nOn the question of whether the controversial, and likely unconstitutional, special law known as Loi 78 went \"too far,\" 53 per cent agreed that it did, while 32 per cent judged it to be fair and balanced and 8 per cent thought it didn't go far enough.\nSeventy-three per cent thought the extraordinary law, which critics have compared to the War Measures Act and the dark days of the Duplessis era, would fail to achieve Charest's stated goal of \"restoring social peace.\" Three out of four respondents also supported the immediate resumption of negotiations between students and government, a firm repudiation of the Charest government's refusal to negotiate.\nPolice at Student protests tuesday may 21, 2012 Photo by Chris Zacchia\nDisastrous as these numbers are for Charest, this may only be the beginning. The more the population analyzes the law, the more they will question it, according to Christian Bourque, Executive Vice President with Leger Marketing. He attributes the collapse in support for the government to Loi 78, noting \"it's the only thing which has changed since the last poll\".\nFor those of us on the ground here in Quebec, it seemed evident as soon as Loi 78 was introduced that Charest had overplayed his hand. In a province which has lived through the quiet revolution and the War Measures Act it seemed unlikely that we would fail to notice or care if our fundamental freedoms were curtailed.\nThe bill suspended the semester of striking institutions, to be resumed in late summer. It outlawed protests within fifty meters of an educational institution (rendering the downtown core a no-go zone), and protests whose details, including precise route, had not been communicated to police eight hours in advance. It also gave police the right to cancel a duly advertised demonstration, and imposed heavy fines for student organizations, organizers and simple citizens judged to have disobeyed the law. It is written so broadly that anyone communicating the details of an \"illegal\" protest, on twitter for example, could be severely fined.\nStudent protests tuesday may 21, 2012 Photo by Chris Zacchia\nPerhaps the most concerning, and under-reported, provision of the law would allow the government to cancel the payment of dues to a student association or federation at a rate of one semester for each day or part thereof they were judged in violation of the law. Coupled with the reverse onus provision, which would force associations to prove members or supporters breaking the law were not acting on behalf of the association, this would allow Charest to effectively eliminate troublesome student associations and federations for a decade or longer. Would that we could all dispatch our enemies so easily!\nProbably knowing the law would never survive a court challenge on constitutional grounds, the Liberals set it to expire in one year, before any challenge would likely be heard.\nOver the weekend since Loi 78 was passed by the National Assembly it has been denounced by everyone from the Quebec Bar Association to pro-hike student groups. The Arcade Fire wore the emblematic red square symbol of the student strike during an appearance on Saturday Night Live, as did Xavier Dolan and his entourage at Cannes. Michael Moore waded in, pledging his support on twitter, and local boy turned Hollywood comedian Jon Lajoie publicly defied the law by releasing a \"Song for Students\" which ends with a call for viewers to join the mass demonstration organized for today to celebrate the 100th day of the strike.\nNo end in sight, over 5000 protesters marched until 1 in the monrning through upper Westmount past Jean Charest's home\nBut it wasn't just celebrities who took a dim view of the law. As demonstrations unfolded over the weekend it seemed that every bystander was suddenly cheering, every idled car honking in support and whole terraces full of people standing to applaud as the students went by. The last, and only, time I witnessed such a sudden shift in public opinion as this poll shows was during last May's orange wave.\nThen too there was a palpable shift on the streets of Montreal. A sudden unanimity.\nFor my money Charest has already lost, at this point he's fighting history, and history always wins. Pauvre Jean, your summer of hell is only just starting\u2026\nA monster demonstration against Loi 78 and in celebration of the 100th day of the student strike has been called for TODAY (May 22) at 2PM at Place des Arts Metro.\nIf you are unable to attend, Concordia University Television (CUTV) have been revolutionizing how we interact with social movements by livestreaming the daily protests over the internet. Tune in! But remember, electronic copies are never as good as the real thing!\nYou can also follow me on twitter for live updates from the demo: @EthanCoxMTL\nBill 78Maple SpringNewsQuebecStudent Strike\nPrevious storyBlack Square Red Square\nNext storyCinema L'Amour Show #2: Moncton\nEthan Cox\nEthan Cox is a 27 year old political organizer, writer and activist from Montreal. He has been with FTB since fall of 2010.\nKhawaja case to put Canada's Anti-Terrorism Act on trial at Supreme Court\nBy David DesBaillets\t Jun 16, 2012 Jun 19, 2012\nThe People of the State of New York vs. Malcolm Harris\nBy Henry Gass\t Jul 11, 2012 Jul 14, 2012\nEthical Oil, Part Two: The Trade\nBy Justin Ling\t Nov 8, 2011 Nov 11, 2011\nQuebec Election Drinking Game\nBy Chris Zacchia\t Sep 4, 2012 Sep 5, 2012","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"School's Out (book)\nPosted on May 8, 1995 July 30, 2019 by hausofmarsian in Activism, LGBT, Marsian De Lellis, Press\nMaking the Massachusetts legislation work is one of the challenges facing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Education \u2013 specifically, people like Jeff Perrotti. His job is to translate the act's theory into reality. Fortunately, it is a task he relishes.\n\"This bill is remarkable \u2013 it's a major thing,\" he began. \"It give gay and lesbian kids real protection. Schools are mandated to develop an atmosphere that prevents harassment. The effects can really be far-reaching. In the past this law has been the basis for textbook changes; it's led to reparations for people of color, changing perceptions of women's roles different types of teacher training about discrimination and harassment. Now we're taking it one step further.\"\nAmong Jeff's biggest challenges is \"letting schools know exactly what this means for them. That's a huge educational task, just letting them know that this exists. The anti-discrimination statutes have been on the books since 1971, but some schools still don't have a contact person for compliance. So we'll be doing lots of interpreting for schools helping them revise their regulations.\"\nObstacles exist. One relates to the overall nature of school change and how new programs are presented and institutionalized. \"Anything that's new straddles the fine line between what's needed because it's not being done, and what's not really new or is deemed unnecessary,\" Mr. Perrotti explained. \"If something is presented as too new, it may be seen as faddish or peripheral. But if it's presented another way, it can be diluted or simply not happen.\" The bureaucrats and educators assigned to the program at the Department of Education and in school district offices are keys to its success, he said, but they must have the support of insiders in each building. \"If people pushing the program are seen as too 'outside,' they won't have the clout to get something going and then institutionalized,\" he continued. \"On the other hand, if you involve too many 'tried and true' people, you run the risk that it never happens in a new and exciting way.\"\nThe challenge for Mr. Perrotti and his colleagues, then, is to bring in excited, energized people who have sensitivity to schools, which are cultures of their own filled with rigid barriers against being told what to do. That is not easy; few people feel comfortable in both the Department of Education and school worlds, he said. And both are incredible bureaucracies.\nAny program's success, Mr. Perrotti noted, turns on \"empowering people at the lowest level. That's where the work really goes on \u2013 but it can be incredibly frustrating. Bureaucracies are antithetical to empowering people.\"\nHowever, he added one important caveat: \"Students and parents have incredible power in schools. If they want something to happen, they can make it. We've come to realize how important parents are in this whole issue. Without a doubt, the most moving speakers we heard in the debate over amending the bill were the parents talking about accepting their gay and lesbian kids. PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) is often on the outskirts of the gay community, but they've been integral on this issue and to this program.\"\nAnother obstacle to act's success is one that's seldom talked about, Mr. Perrotti said: \"This involves teachers who don't feel safe coming out, and others in our community who find it too painful or fearful to be around kids. There are a lot of internalized worries to overcome.\"\nYet the Department of Education director sees that as an exciting challenge, too. \"To let gays know they can take care of their kids \u2013 to talk about youth suicide, and overcome the four taboos of death, suicide, youth sexuality, and homosexuality \u2013 it takes a lot, but we're doing it. We're sensitizing and educating the gay and lesbian community that these are issues, that they're important issues, and that they should be talked about. And once we do it, we've found the gay community to be very, very generous with time, energy, expertise, and resources. It's an issue that involves everyone, not just kids in high school and their teachers, and the response has stared to be very, very gratifying.\"\nPrevious Post True, Chicago, IL (exhibition)\nNext Post Art of Leadership (award)","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"CMN Announces New Saint Maximilian Kolbe Giving Society\nAug. 14, 2021 | On the annual feast of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, patron saint of prisoners, families, and the pro-life movement, Catholic Mobilizing Network announces its new Saint Maximilian Kolbe Giving Society which recognizes those committed supporters who have invested in CMN's ministry for three or more consecutive years.\nKnown as Prisoner #16670 of Auschwitz, Saint Maximilian Kolbe was ultimately executed by lethal injection after volunteering his life for that of his cellmate, Franciszek Gajowniczek. By this act, Saint Maximilian offers Catholics an example of sacrificial love shown in the face of unthinkable state-sanctioned violence.\nCMN is blessed to have a community of faithful supporters who, like Saint Maximilian, are committed to preserving life and resisting the culture of death. Their generosity enables the sustained growth of CMN's life-affirming mission to end the death penalty and promote restorative justice.\nLearn more about CMN's Saint Maximilian Kolbe Giving Society.\nSaint Joseph, Our Silent Teacher: A Reflection for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph\nAs a founding member of the Congregation of St. Joseph Mission Network, Catholic Mobilizing Network finds hope and guidance in Saint Joseph's powerful, though wordless, example.\nA Prayer for the End of the Death Penalty","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"SCG Programs Calendar\nSCG Programs\nEvents in the Field\nSCG Program Materials\nBy Funding Area\nPhilanthropy California\nFoundation Maps - California \/ Get on the Map\nFull Cost Project\nCenter for Strategic Partnerships\nJoin SCG\nSCG Public Policy Agenda\nPeer Groups Directory\nRegional Philanthropy News\nSCG in the News\n2018 Public Policy Conference\nHome \u00bb 2018 Public Policy Conference\n8:00am - 3:30pm PDT\nThe California Endowment Center for Healthy Communities\n1000 N. Alameda Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012\nMembers: $0.00\nNon-Members: $250.00\nThe legislation currently being debated in Washington, DC and Sacramento could result in significant changes for the philanthropy sector and our communities.\nBuilding on the success of last year's Conference, we are once again partnering with the California Budget & Policy Center, which engages in independent fiscal and policy analysis and public education with the goal of improving public policies affecting the economic and social well-being of low- and middle-income Californians. At this event, we will come together to take an in-depth look at the latest policy analysis and research and to prepare for and address key issues impacting our work. This year's conference will have a special focus on the 2020 Census, supporting full federal and state funding for a fair and accurate count, as well as higher education policy changes.\nWe hope you can join us on April 23rd for a day of candid conversations about our sector's role in advocacy efforts that strengthen our communities.\nOur Public Policy Conference is now sold out!\nClick here to download the attendee list.\nAgenda*\nBeatriz Sol\u00eds, Director of Healthy Communities (South), The California Endowment, and Chair, Board of Directors, Southern California Grantmakers\nChristine Essel, President and CEO, Southern California Grantmakers\nKeynote address by Dr. Timothy P. White, Chancellor of the California State University (CSU)\nIntroduction by: Peter J. Taylor, President, ECMC Foundation\nDid you know that for every $1 the state invests in the California State University (CSU) system, the CSU system returns $5.43? The 23 campuses of the CSU play a critical role in providing future leaders with the skills and knowledge they will need to thrive in the workforce and help drive California's economy. With more than 110,000 annual graduates, the CSU is the state's greatest producer of bachelor's degrees and advances California's economy in agriculture, information technology, business, hospitality, life sciences, healthcare, public administration, education, media and entertainment.\nOur opening keynote speaker, Dr. Timothy P. White, Chancellor of the California State University, will share his vision on how to make California count in a rapidly evolving economy by focusing on the Graduation Initiative 2025\u2500an ambitious, system-wide initiative that seeks to increase graduation rates through a multipronged approach. The initiative includes a groundbreaking decision to eliminate remedial education in favor of credit-earning courses that will decrease the time it takes to complete a degree and eliminate achievement gaps for all students. Dr. White will also dive into how and where philanthropy can support these efforts.\nSneak Preview and Transition Break\nMorning Breakout Sessions\nChanging the Rules of the Game: Engaging in Policy Systems as a Grantmaker\nEmerging Issues Affecting Immigrants and Refugees\nImproving Success for All College Students is Key to California's Economy\nInnovative Civic and Voter Engagement Methods for a New Generation\nLeveraging Cross-Sector Collaborations to Make California Count\nDespite Congressional action on the federal budget last month, resolving several months of crises that nearly sunk the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and could have resulted in significant cuts to an array of other domestic programs, uncertainty nonetheless abounds as we look ahead at the California policy landscape. Recently announced plans to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census will very likely threaten the state's fair share of federal resources and could reduce California's representation in Congress. Congress is contemplating a Farm Bill that could cut food assistance to our most vulnerable communities. State ballot initiatives may curtail recent progress made in investments in almost every issue area of importance to funders, including housing and homelessness, healthcare, the environment and more. Can cross-sector partnerships in California act as a bulwark against these challenges? And how are funders pro-actively navigating uncertainties?\nDitas Katague, Director, Census 2020 California Complete Count, State of California\nAshley Swearengin, CEO, Central Valley Community Foundation\nChris Hoene (Moderator), Executive Director, California Budget & Policy Center\nKeynote and Interview with The Honorable Alex Padilla, California Secretary of State\nInterviewed by Val Zavala, Former Vice President of News and Public Affairs, KCET\nIntroduction by Garrett Gin, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Business and Community Engagement for Greater Los Angeles, Bank of America\nSecretary Padilla will speak to the urgency of the 2020 Census, particularly in light of recent federal action to disenfranchise and discourage a full, fair and accurate count. He will share updates on efforts to increase voter registration and civic participation to strengthen voter rights and offer insights on how collaboration with advocacy groups and philanthropic partners plays a central role to these initiatives.\nAfternoon Breakout Sessions\n2020 Census: Ensuring Federal Funds for California\nAddressing Poverty through Public Policy Strategies\nAdvancing Gender Justice through Public Policy Efforts\nCalifornia Budget Perspective: What's At Stake in State and Federal Budget Proposals\nNetworking \"Sundaes on the Plaza\"\n*Times Subject to Change\nVoting Solutions for All People (VSAP) Initiative\nDuring the conference, make sure to stop by the VSAP booth to check out the new voting system! Los Angeles County is re-imagining the voting experience, which is set to launch in 2020. At the core of this experience is a new Ballot Marking Device that aims to make voting more accessible, convenient and secure. The Ballot Marking Device features a touchscreen with a simple user interface, an audio ballot with tactile key-pad and built in ballot box. Voters will utilize the new Ballot Marking Device to mark and cast a paper ballot. Learn more at http:\/\/vsap.lavote.net.\nThe Lawyer Is In\nAttorneys from Alliance for Justice's (AFJ) Bolder Advocacy Initiative will be available throughout the day to provide consultations on the rules of foundation and nonprofit participation in advocacy related to public policy and elections. (Note: AFJ will provide resources and guidance for informational purposes only. Consultations do not create an attorney-client relationship.)\nHow can philanthropy leverage its investments to further positive societal change? With the limited resources of grantmakers, where can funders increase their impact? Join us for a discussion from funders on how they're \"changing the rules of the game\" by engaging in various forms of systems change to create and sustain their investments and organizational mission in society. Participants will hear from different funders about how and why they engage in policy systems change by aligning their organizational mission, board's interests and communities. The session seeks to expand the opportunities to engage in systems change work for philanthropic organizations across a range of environs and acknowledges that these tactics work in combination with needed investments in advocacy.\nDannielle Campos, Senior Vice President, ESG Program Director, Bank of America\nBernadette Glenn, Executive Director and President, WHH Foundation\nSandra Shewry, Vice President, External Engagement, California Health Care Foundation (CHCF)\nZahirah Mann (Moderator), Program Officer, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation\nAs Congress remains immobilized to resolve the future of Dreamers, the path for immigrants and refugees continues to narrow as a result of federal policy promulgated by the Trump Administration. Funders and advocates will share alarming trends that affect immigrant integration, economic mobility and the social inclusion for newcomers and their children in devastating new ways. These proposed public policies will touch upon the cornerstones of the priorities of funders broadly, from early childhood education to the health and well-being of Californians. Learn about the issues on which funders are casting a wary eye and how advocates will respond. Identify how grantmakers can prepare for public policies that may dramatically alter the institutions that promote development and growth of immigrants and refugees within society.\nPeter Barth, Director of Policy and Intergovernmental Affairs, First 5 LA\nEfrain Escobedo, Vice President, Education and Immigration, California Community Foundation\nJenny Rejeske, Senior Health Policy Analyst, National Immigration Law Center\nCarolina Sheinfeld, Project Coordinator, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles\nBeatriz 'Bia' Vieira (Moderator), California Program Director, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees\nCalifornia's standing as the sixth largest economy in the world depends on producing more college graduates, but persistent gaps in college access and success for students of color hinder progress. In this session, we will share key data points from the recently released report, \"Left Out: How Exclusion in California's Colleges and Universities Hurts Our Values, Our Students, and Our Economy.\" This will be followed by a conversation about philanthropy's role in ensuring college access opportunities for all students.\nMichele Siqueiros, President, The Campaign for College Opportunity\nPeter J. Taylor, President, ECMC Foundation\nIn an era of social movements leading changes across our nation, California has the largest and most diverse new generation of voters looking for ways to stay engaged and make their voices count. This session will highlight ways to empower young voters through social media and unconventional grassroots organizing.\nChristian Arana, Policy Director, Latino Community Foundation\nAmy Leang Horn, Field Organizer, Khmer Girls in Action\nJennifer Ito, Research Director, Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE), University of Southern California (USC)\nLuis Sanchez, Co-Executive Director, Mobilize the Immigrant Vote\/YVote\nConnie Malloy (Moderator), Portfolio Director, The James Irvine Foundation\nCensus data guides the allocation of $4 trillion in federal funds, including anti-poverty programs, foster care, Medicaid and other social services. For California, this means our state receives about $76 billion dollars in federal funds. However, our state also has the highest concentration of hard-to-count populations. With a congressional seat on the line, a fair and accurate count ensures equal and fair political representation for the state. Join us to hear about current efforts underway in preparation for the Census, and ways to collaborate to ensure that all Californians are accounted for.\nMaria de la Luz Garcia, Director of the Census 2020 Initiative, Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti\nJoseph Tom\u00e1s Mckellar, Co-Director, PICO California\nTavae Samuelu, Executive Director, Empowering Pacific Islander Communities (EPIC)\nMelina Sanchez, Program Officer, The James Irvine Foundation\nNearly a fifth of Californians lack enough resources to meet basic needs when taking into account the state's high cost of living. While philanthropy has made significant investments, the social safety net provided by the government remains central to preventing more Californians from falling into poverty. New anti-poverty interventions, specifically the expanded state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Cal Savers program, provide opportunities for short-term and long-term anti-poverty strategies. Join us to discuss where funders can engage on new anti-poverty public policies.\nRuth Holton-Hodson, Senior Policy Advisor, Health and Retirement Initiatives, California State Treasurer John Chiang\nPeter Manzo, President and CEO, United Ways of California\nKim Pattillo Brownson, Vice President of Policy and Strategy, First 5 LA\nSara Kimberlin (Moderator), Senior Policy Analyst, California Budget & Policy Center\nAdvancing Gender Justice through Public Policy and Advocacy Efforts\nHow does community-led policy rooted in gender justice help us achieve progress on multiple issues? How can we leverage data to understand where key issues intersect to have the most impact? How does working toward economic justice move the needle in other areas? In this session, participants will hear from policy experts, funders and community-based organizers who are informing policymakers about ways to ensure gender justice. In particular, this session will highlight the connections between access to comprehensive health care and economic justice, particularly as it relates to immigrant and indigenous communities.\nLucia Corral Pe\u00f1a, Senior Program Officer, Blue Shield of California Foundation\nRoc\u00edo Gonz\u00e1lez, Health Policy Advocate, Mixteco\/Ind\u00edgena Community Organizing Project (MICOP)\nKristin Schumacher, Senior Policy Analyst, California Budget & Policy Center\nSurina Khan (Moderator), Chief Executive Officer, The Women's Foundation of California\nWhy do Southern California community leaders and grantmakers need to know about changes to our federal and state budgets? For funders seeking to improve outcomes for low- and middle-income Californians, the proposed budgets could have profound effects on safety net services, education funding and more. Join us for a deeper dive into major elements of the Governor's proposed budget, changes expected at the federal level and key debates that will shape choices for our national, state and local budgets.\nChris Hoene, Executive Director, California Budget & Policy Center\nAs Policy Director, Christian leads the Latino Community Foundation's efforts to advance policy solutions that will improve the lives and political power of California's Latinos. Christian served as the Senior Governance Specialist at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) in Washington, D.C. Prior to CHCI, he worked at the Aspen Institute for the College Excellence Program. He helped administer the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence Competition honoring the top performing community colleges in the nation. Dedicated to the advancement of Latino communities, Christian began his career as an AmeriCorps member where he served as a college counselor at Cristo Rey New York High School in East Harlem, New York. Christian received a Master's Degree in Public Policy from UC Berkeley and holds a Bachelor's Degree from Georgetown University in International Politics.\nAs the senior policy and intergovernmental affairs strategist for the organization, Peter Barth builds and maintains strong relationships with elected officials, administrators and opinion leaders at all levels of government, as well as organizations and institutions partnering with First 5 LA's ongoing policy work. He previously worked at Third Sector Capital Partners, where has served as Director in their San Francisco office, coordinating their West Coast operations since June 2014. Before that, he was Assistant Secretary for Program and Fiscal Affairs for the California Health and Human Services Agency, appointed by then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and reconfirmed by Governor Jerry Brown. He is a graduate of the University of Southern California with a Bachelor's Degree in policy, management and planning. He holds a Master's Degree in public policy from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government. He has also completed fellowships with the California Capital Fellows Program, Academy of Business Leadership and American Enterprise Institute.\nDannielle Campos is a member of the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) group, serving as a national philanthropy director for the Bank of America Charitable Foundation. Dannielle joined the bank in 1994 and prior to her current assignment, she served as a program officer and California manager for the Bank of America Charitable Foundation. As the Market Development Manager for Greater Los Angeles, she was responsible for the strategic planning, coordinating and leveraging of the bank's local philanthropic contributions, events, sponsorships and community partnerships. She began her career at KCET-TV in Los Angeles working on documentaries funded by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Los Angeles County Office of Education. Dannielle earned a degree in Sociology from the University of California, Los Angeles. She currently serves on the boards of the Association of Corporate Contribution Professionals, the Center Theater Group and The Music Center of Los Angeles, Social Enterprise Alliance and the Advisory Board for the USC Center of Philanthropy, and LIFT Los Angeles. She is also a member of Bank of America's Hispanic Latino Leadership Council, Global Marketing and Corporate Affairs Diversity and Inclusion Council and the Greater LA Market Leadership Team.\nLucia Corral Pe\u00f1a is a Senior Program Officer, managing the portfolio of grants focused on ending domestic violence in California. Prior to this role, she was principal of Corral Pe\u00f1a Consulting where her practice focused on creating opportunities for low-income communities, addressing the unmet needs of immigrants, agricultural workers and women in California. She previously served as Director of the Western Region for Hispanics in Philanthropy, where she managed the organization's award-winning Funders' Collaborative for Strong Latino Communities in five states. She has also served as Program Director at The California Wellness Foundation where she focused on state and local projects promoting the health of California's low-wage workforce. She received her Bachelor's degree from the University of California, Los Angeles and her law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of Law. She is a member of the California State Bar and an alumnus of The San Francisco Foundation's Multicultural Fellowship and the Hastings Public Interest Law Fellowship.\nEfrain Escobedo is Vice President in charge of education and immigration programs at California Community Foundation. Prior to joining CCF, he was the Manager of Governmental and Legislative Affairs for the Registrar of Voters in Los Angeles County, the largest election jurisdiction in the nation with more than 4.5 million registered voters. He also served as Senior Director of Civic Engagement for the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund, where he helped develop and lead several national efforts in the areas of Citizenship, voter participation and the 2010 Census. He was instrumental in the development of innovative voter contact strategies and technologies that helped to engage more than one million young, newly registered and infrequent Latino voters across the country. Efrain earned his Bachelor's degree in American studies and ethnicity from the University of Southern California and is a recent graduate of the Los Angeles County Executive Leadership Program.\nMaria de la Luz Garcia currently serves as the Director of the Census 2020 Initiative for the Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti. In that capacity, she is responsible for ensuring that all Angelenos are counted in 2020. Working collaboratively with the County of Los Angeles and a diverse coalition of community stakeholders, she and her team are helping to build a regionwide 2020 Census outreach and education effort. She has a passion for and experience in civic engagement efforts launching several civic engagement initiatives for the cities of Los Angeles and Long Beach. She holds an M.P.A. and a Certificate in Public Policy from USC Price School of Public Policy and a B.A. from Vassar College.\nGarrett Gin, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Business and Community Engagement for Greater Los Angeles, Bank of America\nGarrett Gin leads a team of financial\/banking professionals that is responsible for numerous corporate social responsibility initiatives, including local philanthropy, community reinvestment and community engagement. Prior to joining Bank of America in August 2009, he served as the Director of Communications and Public Affairs at Merrill Lynch in California. He is active in numerous business, civic and educational organizations, among them are the Los Angeles Business Council, the Central City Association, Asian Americans Advancing Justice and the National Asian Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship.\nBernadette Glenn leads the WHH Foundation, a family foundation based in Los Angeles with family members scattered throughout the U.S. The focus of the WHH Foundation is to 'invest in human capital' through providing grants in education, the arts, health and community building. Before joining the Foundation, Glenn worked in telecommunications in the San Francisco area. A native of Dublin, Ireland, she received her BA in History and English, and a Higher Diploma in Education from University College Dublin. She also holds an M. Phil in Gender and Women's Studies from Trinity College Dublin. She is on the Board of Overseers of The Huntington Library and is a member of the Executive Committee of Caltech's Board of Associates. She also serves as Co-Chair of Social Venture Partners \u2013 Los Angeles, and on the Advisory Board of the California Council on Science and Technology.\nRoc\u00edo Gonz\u00e1lez joined MICOP in 2017. Born and raised in Ventura County, and as a child of immigrants, she has seen the first-hand importance of immigrant rights and our community's access to quality health care. Previously, she worked as Policy Analyst with California Pan Ethnic Health Network (CPEHN), where she advocated for statewide policies to improve the health of California's growing and largely diverse communities of color. She has a B.S. in Nutrition Science and Ethnic Studies from the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, where she was awarded the 2015 President's Diversity Award and the recipient of CSU-LSAMP Scholar Award in the category of outstanding Social Change Advocate for Underrepresented Communities.\nChris Hoene became the Budget Center's Executive Director in October 2012, bringing to the organization 15 years of leadership in state and local policy research and analysis. He leads the strategic direction of the organization, acts as primary spokesperson and works with the Board of Directors and community partners to implement our vision and mission. Prior to joining the Budget Center, he was the Director of the Center for Research and Innovation at the National League of Cities in Washington, D.C., leading efforts to analyze trends in local and state government and promote constructive policy action on issues including public finance, economic development, housing, poverty reduction, infrastructure and governance. He previously worked for the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in D.C. and the Public Policy Institute of California in San Francisco. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Claremont Graduate University and a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the College of Idaho. In 2011, in recognition of his service to the state and local community, Chris was elected as a Fellow into the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA).\nRuth Holton-Hodson has spent her 30-year career as a consumer advocate in the government, philanthropic and non-profit sectors. Currently, she leads the outreach and stakeholder engagement efforts for California Secure Choice. Prior to that, she served for 6 years as the Deputy Controller for Health and Consumer Policy. She spent almost 10 years working for The California Wellness Foundation as a Special Projects Director and then Director of Public Policy focused on increasing access to health care in low income communities and educating the philanthropic sector about public policy grantmaking. She was the advocate and then Executive Director for California Common Cause where she ran two successful statewide initiative campaigns on campaign finance and ethics reforms. She began her public policy career as a lobbyist for the California Children's Lobby. She has a Master's in Educational Administration from The University of Chicago.\nAmy Leang Horn is a second generation Cambodian, born and raised in Long Beach CA. Amy is the daughter of Khmer Rouge Survivors. Her family resettled in the U.S. in the late 70's. Long Beach is home to the largest concentrations of Cambodians outside of the motherland. Growing up in Long Beach in the 90's was difficult. Amy was forced to navigate poverty, racism and gang violence. After losing family to gang violence and incarceration, Amy became an activist at age 15. She joined a local organization called Khmer Girls in Action and canvassed for the Parental Notification Act and fought for access to reproductive health care services for youth in her community. She is now the Field Organizer at Khmer Girls in Action (KGA) working specifically around Integrated Voters Engagement. She is also building the organization's alumni network base, integrating alums in KGA's civic engagement work.\nJennifer Ito is the Research Director at USC PERE where she conducts research on issues of regional inclusion and social movement building. Jennifer has co-authored several PERE publications including Linking Innovation with Inclusion: Demography, Equity, and the Future of San Diego and Changing States: A Framework for Progressive Governance. Before joining PERE, she was the Research Director for Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education (SCOPE), a grassroots organizing and movement building organization based in South Los Angeles. Appointed by the California Assembly Speaker, she served on the California Commission on the 21st Century Economy in 2009. In 2015, she served on the California State Controller's Council of Economic Advisors. She currently serves on the boards of the Economic Roundtable, California Budget and Policy Center and Asian Pacific Environmental Network Action. She holds a Masters in Urban Planning from UCLA.\nDitas Katague is currently the Director of the California Complete Count \u2013 Census 2020 for the State of California. She also serves as the Chair of the U.S. Census Bureau's National Advisory Committee on Race, Ethnicities and Other Populations. She served as the Director of Governor Schwarzenegger's Census 2010 project. In 2000, as Chief Deputy Campaign Director for the Governor's Census 2000 California Complete Count campaign, she led a groundbreaking multi-lingual, multi-media outreach effort that resulted in a mail-in return rate that outpaced the entire nation. She is an expert in multi-ethnic outreach and civic engagement. Ditas most recently served as Chief of Staff to the California Public Utilities Commissioner Catherine Sandoval where she improved public participation and access to the energy and telecommunications utility rate and regulation process. Since 1998, she has served on the Advisory Board for the Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California.\nSurina Khan, Chief Executive Officer, The Women's Foundation of California\nAs CEO, Surina oversees the Foundation's strategic direction which is focused on building community-based power through investing in effective nonprofit organizations, training community leaders in policy advocacy, connecting key partners and mobilizing significant financial resources. She joined the staff in 2005 as a Senior Program Officer and was promoted to Director of Programs and then Vice President of Programs. In 2011, she was recruited by the Ford Foundation to design and launch Ford's LGBT Rights Initiative and went on to become a Director in the Democracy Rights and Justice Program where she shaped more than $30 million in annual grantmaking around the world to expand rights for women, LGBT people, people living with HIV\/AIDS and in the areas of strengthening democratic participation and governance. Earlier in her career, Surina served as Executive Director of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (now OutRight Action International) where she worked to advance the human rights of LGBTQI people and people living with HIV\/AIDS worldwide. Prior to that, she was a research analyst for Political Research Associates, conducting groundbreaking research on the Right's attacks on women.\nSara Kimberlin, Senior Policy Analyst, California Budget & Policy Center\nSara Kimberlin joined the Budget Center in January 2017, bringing with her more than 15 years of experience in California in the fields of policy analysis, social science research, human services and housing. Sara came to the Budget Center from the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, where she continues to be an Affiliate. At the Center on Poverty and Inequality, she conducted research and analysis of poverty trends, safety-net programs and policy proposals intended to improve outcomes for low-income families and individuals. Sara has also worked as a Research Fellow for the John Burton Foundation, focusing on child welfare policy; as Development Director for Shelter Network (now LifeMoves), a homeless services nonprofit; and as an independent consultant to nonprofits, foundations and cross-sector partnerships, specializing in workforce development, housing and safety-net supports. She holds a Ph.D. and master's degree in social welfare from the University of California, Berkeley and a bachelor's degree from Harvard University.\nConnie Malloy, Portfolio Director, The James Irvine Foundation\nConnie Archbold Malloy serves as Portfolio Director at The James Irvine Foundation, where she developed the Fair Work initiative to ensure that fairness and opportunity are afforded to all of California's workers. She also leads grantmaking in the areas of immigration, voter and civic engagement, elections policies and practices, and social impact bonds. She is currently appointed to the first-ever California Citizens Redistricting Commission, for a 10-year term: 2010-2020. As Rotating Commission Chair, Connie has overseen the creation and implementation of fair political districts for the first time in the nation's history, redesigning CA's citizen representation across the Assembly, Senate, Congressional, and Board of Equalization maps. She earned her Master's Degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Bachelor's Degree from La Sierra University in Riverside, CA.\nZahirah Mann, Program Officer, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation\nZahirah Mann joined the The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation in 2017. Zahirah has over fifteen years of experience working with nonprofits in the Los Angeles region, including as a Program Officer at the Annenberg Foundation and Program Manager at United Way of Greater Los Angeles, leading a collaborative of private and public funders investing in solutions to end homelessness. Before entering philanthropy, Zahirah was a public interest attorney representing and advising nonprofits, coalitions and governmental entities. She received her J.D. cum laude from Tulane Law School and her A.B. from Vassar College.\nPeter Manzo is the President and CEO of United Ways of California, which improves health, education and financial results for low-income children and families by enhancing and coordinating the community impact and advocacy work of California's United Ways. Previously, he was the Director of Strategic Initiatives for The Advancement Project, a civil rights \"action tank\" that advances equity and expands opportunity for low income and vulnerable people; Executive Director and General Counsel of the Center for Nonprofit Management, where he directed the expansion of the Center's information, training, consulting, technology and search and compensation services to nonprofits; and Directing Attorney of Community Development Programs for Public Counsel. He is a graduate of Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley; he also is a graduate of the London School of Economics, where he received a Master's degree in Political Sociology and the University of Notre Dame, where he received a Bachelor's degree in Government.\nJoseph Tom\u00e1s Mckellar is Co-Director of PICO California, the largest faith-based community organization in the state. He has been leading efforts to grow grassroots organizing capacity for racial, economic, health and environmental equity across California. In 2017, he led PICO California's organizing efforts to win SB 54, The California Values Act, which became the country's strongest sanctuary legislation protecting immigrant families from deportations and opening new pathways to rehabilitation for ex-offenders. In 2016, Joseph served as Faith in the Valley's founding Interim Director, leading efforts in the San Joaquin Valley to launch a powerful regional organization at its \"Founding Convention\" with 1,500 people from 6 counties and 16 labor and community partners.\nThe Honorable Alex Padilla, California Secretary of State\nAlex Padilla was sworn in as California Secretary of State on January 5, 2015. Previously, he served in the California State Senate (2006-2014) where he chaired the Committee on Energy, Utilities and Communications. Padilla graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. He recently completed a five-year term as a member of the MIT Corporation (Board of Trustees). Previously, he worked for U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein and then-Assemblymember Tony Cardenas. In 1999, at the age of 26, he was elected to the Los Angeles City Council to represent the east San Fernando Valley community where he grew up. In 2001, his colleagues elected him to the first of three terms as Council President, becoming the youngest member and the first Latino to serve in this capacity. In 2005, Padilla was elected President of the League of California Cities. In 2006, he was elected to the California State Senate. He was reelected in 2010. Padilla previously served as President of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO), a non-partisan organization made up of more than 6,000 federal, state and local officials dedicated to all aspects of civic engagement.\nKim Pattillo Brownson is responsible for strengthening First 5 LA's profile and influence on local and statewide early childhood public policy, legislative and advocacy efforts. She previously served as the Managing Director of Policy and Advocacy at the Advancement Project. In addition to spearheading statewide coalition work on the early childhood budget, her local coalition work at the Los Angeles Unified School District resulted in over $1 billion in increased investment in the highest-need neighborhoods for K-12 and early learning students, and expanded early learning programs for almost 8,000 young children. Prior, Kim was an education attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California. Previously, she worked in private sector litigation at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. Kim began her legal career as a law clerk to the Honorable Dolores Sloviter on the Third Circuit Court of Appeal and the Honorable Louis H. Pollak in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Prior to law school, she worked at the Boston Consulting Group, where she provided financial and strategic planning services to Fortune 500 companies. She earned a Doctor of Law degree from Yale Law School and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Studies.\nJenny Rejeske leads the National Immigration Law Center's (NILC) team working to defend, protect and improve low-income immigrants' access to affordable health care. NILC works in partnership with national policy and advocacy groups, community-based organizations, health care providers, legal and social services agencies and government officials. Prior to joining NILC, she directed the health advocacy program at the New York Immigration Coalition. Jenny started her health-related career working at community health centers in New York City and Estes Park, CO. She earned her M.S. in Nonprofit Management from Milano the New School for Management and Urban Policy.\nTavae Samuelu is the Executive Director for Empowering Pacific Islander Communities (EPIC). As the Executive Director, Tavae provides strategic oversight towards realizing EPIC's mission to promote social justice by engaging the Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander community through culturally-relevant development, advocacy and research. She's passionate about liberation work and supporting the political consciousness and growth of youth. Before joining EPIC, she served as the Development Director for the RYSE Youth Center in Richmond and has since become a member of RYSE's Board of Directors.\nLuis Sanchez currently serves as Co-Executive Director of Power California (formerly known as Mobilize the Immigrant Vote), a network of 30 organizations building an intergeneration movement of young people and families of color in California. He founded YVote, a statewide youth organizing network transforming young voters of color into an influential voting bloc. He previously served as a Senior Fellow for the Movement Strategy Center. As former Chief-of-Staff for LAUSD School Board President M\u00f3nica Garc\u00eda, he successfully championed school reform models that offer students smaller, more personalized settings. As the founder and former Executive Director of InnerCity Struggle, he organized youth, parents, and community leaders to lead campaigns for safe and healthy neighborhoods. As the former Vice President of the Los Angeles Recreation and Park Commission, he worked with the Mayor's office to launch the Summer Night Lights, a violence prevention initiative that keeps parks open after dark by offering recreational activities. He is a graduate of UC Berkeley with a degree in English and holds a Masters in Public Administration from Cal State Northridge.\nMelina Sanchez joined the Irvine Foundation as a Program Officer in June 2016 to work on the Foundation's civic participation initiatives. Previously, she served as a Civic Engagement Officer at the California Community Foundation in Los Angeles for nearly five years. Melina helped to define and implement strategies and activities as part of the foundation's inaugural Civic Engagement Department and convened the Los Angeles Preschool Advocacy Initiative Coalition, a cross-sector collaborative that helped restore $40 million for early learning programs at the Los Angeles Unified School District. Melina earned her B.A. from Vanderbilt University. She completed her mid-career MPA at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government with a focus on philanthropy, working on a study of philanthropy in Latin America through the Hauser Institute for Civil Society, as well as holding a position on the editorial staff of the Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy.\nKristin Schumacher joined the Budget Center as a policy analyst in 2013 and has been a senior policy analyst since November 2017. Prior to joining the Budget Center, she taught public policy and public administration courses in the School of Public Affairs at the University of Colorado Denver and held research positions with the University and the Feminist Majority Foundation. She also worked in fundraising and development with the Colorado AIDS Project in Denver. She received a Ph.D. in public affairs from the University of Colorado Denver and a master's degree in social work with an emphasis in policy and administration from the University of Texas, Austin.\nCarolina Sheinfeld has been with the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles since 2003, first as an International Human Rights Analyst and most recently as the Project Coordinator for LAFLA's Torture Survivors Project. Her program provides legal assistance, case management and community education to refugees and asylum seekers, and facilitates the integration process of vulnerable immigrant groups. It serves survivors from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. She also developed a professional network for legal and social providers called The Asylum Collaborative of Los Angeles, which has been in existence for over a decade. She was the Chair of the Refugee Forum of Los Angeles in 2016 and 2017 and has been a member of the State Advisory Council on Refugee Assistance and Services since 2009. She holds a Master of Public Diplomacy from USC's Annenberg School for Communications and Journalism and is a Fellow for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Programme since 2011. In 2014, she completed a Professional Certificate on Peace and Conflict Resolution in Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, as a Rotary World Peace Fellow and in 2015, joined the Responsible Leaders Network of BMW Foundation.\nSandra Shewry leads CHCF's health policy communications, digital publishing, government relations and audience engagement functions. She previously served as CHCF's Director of State Health Policy. Prior to joining the Foundation, she was President and CEO of the Center for Connected Health Policy, a nonprofit organization working to remove policy barriers to the integration of telehealth technologies into California's health care system. Sandra held a number of senior leadership positions within California state government, including Director of the California Department of Health Care Services, which administers the state Medicaid program (Medi-Cal). She also served as the Executive Director of the California Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board. Sandra received her Bachelor's degree in community studies and psychology from the University of California, Santa Cruz and a Master's degree in public health and social welfare from the University of California, Berkeley.\nMichele Siqueiros has been with the Campaign since 2004, serving first as the Associate Director and the past seven years as Executive Director and was named President in 2014. With her leadership in 2010, the Campaign led the effort for historic transfer reform that will make it easier for students to transfer from any California Community College to the California State University system and most recently led support for the passage of the Student Success Act of 2012. She was instrumental in assembling a statewide network of over 12,000 coalition supporters, involving over 50,000 young people and their families through the \"Save Me a Spot in College\" and \"I'm One in A Million\" scholarship contests awarding over $670,000 in scholarship dollars. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Studies and Chicano\/a Studies from Pitzer College and her Master of Arts in Urban Planning from the University of California, Los Angeles.\nPeter Taylor is the President of ECMC Foundation. In this role, he has lead more than $60 million of investments in initiatives affecting educational outcomes, especially among underserved populations, in the areas of teacher and leader development, college success, and career readiness. Before joining ECMC Foundation, he served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for the University of California system. During his time there, he oversaw all aspects of financial management at the 10 campuses, five academic medical centers and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Peter was recently appointed by Governor Jerry Brown to the Board of Trustees of the California State University system. He also serves on the boards of Edison International and Pacific Life. He previously served as president of the UCLA Alumni Association Board of Directors, the alumni representative on the UC Board of Regents, and a board member of the J. Paul Getty Trust. In 2004, he was appointed to the California Performance Review Commission by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. From 2000\u20132002, Peter served on the board of the California Student Aid Commission, as an appointee of Governor Gray Davis.\nAshley Swearengin, President and CEO, Central Valley Community Foundation\nAshley Swearengin is the President and CEO of the Central Valley Community Foundation, a charitable foundation serving the six counties of Central California and providing over $110 million in funding to over 650 community benefit organizations. Prior to joining the Foundation, she served as the mayor of Fresno from 2009 through 2016. As mayor, she focused her efforts on improving distressed neighborhoods, revitalizing the downtown and urban core, promoting business and job growth, securing the city's long-term water supply, addressing chronic homelessness and stabilizing the city's financial position. Before becoming mayor, she led a number of community and economic development initiatives in the Central Valley, including the Governor's Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley, Fresno State's Office of Community and Economic Development and the Central Valley Business Incubator. She sits on numerous boards of organizations dedicated to economic empowerment and educational attainment, including the College Futures Foundation, California Competes, California Forward, New America and FUSE Corps. She holds MBA and BS degrees from California State University, Fresno.\nBeatriz 'Bia' Vieira, California Program Director, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR)\nBeatriz 'Bia' Vieira advances GCIR's programs and initiatives in the Golden State. She joined GCIR in August 2017. She brings over 20 years of experience in human rights and advocacy work, including program leadership and management, fundraising, policy development, organizing, public outreach, and constituency building. She previously served for six years as the Philadelphia Foundation's first Vice President for philanthropic services, where she led the foundation's strategy and distribution of approximately $29 million in annual grants, including a grantmaking initiative addressing the health and wellness of low-income youth of color in Philadelphia. Earlier, she spent 10 years as the Executive Director of Lutheran Settlement House, where she managed an annual operating budget of over $8 million and oversaw social services, health, education, and advocacy programs provided to more than 10,000 consumers annually. Born and raised in Brazil, Bia earned a B.A. in Spanish and Anthropology, as well as a M.A. in Literature and Linguistics, from Temple University.\nDr. Timothy P. White, Chancellor, California State University (CSU)\nDr. Timothy P. White is chancellor of the California State University. As chancellor, he leads a university of 23 campuses and a global community of 479,000 students, 50,000 faculty and staff and more than 3.3 million alumni. He also leads the CSU as it embarks on an ambitious systemwide plan \u2013 Graduation Initiative 2025 \u2013 to increase graduation rates, decrease time to degree and eliminate achievement gaps for\nall students by recruiting more faculty, hiring more advisors and student-support staff, providing new tools and adding thousands of more classes over the next decade. Prior to joining CSU, White held senior academic and administrative positions at the University of Michigan, Oregon State University, University of Idaho and at University of California campuses in Berkeley and Riverside. White deeply believes in and is a product of California's Master Plan for Higher Education, having pursued his higher education from Diablo Valley Community College, Fresno State, California State University, East Bay and the University of California, Berkeley.\nVal Zavala, Former Vice President of News and Public Affairs, KCET\nVal Zavala is recently retired from her position as Vice President of News and Public Affairs at KCET after 30 years of service as a television anchor, reporter, producer and executive producer. Over her three decades in public television she has covered major issues impacting Southern California politics, education, healthcare, environment, demographics, the economy, arts and culture. As anchor\/reporter for KCET's prime-time news magazines, SoCal Connected and Life & Times, Zavala has won 18 L.A. Area Emmy\u00ae Awards, eight Golden Mikes and numerous Los Angeles Press Club awards. She also won a prestigious Walter Cronkite Excellence in Journalism award for her 1-minute ballot proposition explainers. She was a John S. Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University in 1992. She received her Masters in journalism from American University in Washington, D.C. and her B.A. in Latin American Studies from Yale University. She serves as a Senior Fellow and mentor at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, as well as board member for Alzheimer's Greater Los Angeles and a regent for Mount Saint Mary's University.\nFor more information on sponsorship opportunities, click here, or contact Amanda Byrd - (213) 680-8866 ext. 226 or [email protected].\nSCG, NCG and SDG members can attend at no cost through our Philanthropy California partnership.\nNon-Members: $250\nWho May Attend\nCurrent SCG members and grantmakers eligible for SCG membership.\n2018 Public Policy Conference Sponsorship Opportunities.pdf Attendee List.pdf\nFunding Issue Area & Geographic Regions\nEQUITY & SOCIAL JUSTICEPUBLIC POLICY & CIVIC ENGAGEMENTAdvocacyCivil RightsPublic Policy\nRelated Venue:\nThe California Endowment\nChild Welfare Collaborative Meeting\nLos Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce: Bank of America Room\nGive Back As A Mentor (EPIP LA)\n(LA) Research Briefing: Survey of Asian American and Pacific Islander in CA\nCalifornia Community Foundation Conference Center (Boardroom)\nLA Partnership for Early Childhood Investment Meeting: Tackling Early Childhood Trauma in LA County\nA Conversation with Marcus Walton, GEO's New President and CEO\n1000 North Alameda Street, Suite 230\nTel: (213) 680\u20108866 Fax: (213) 680\u20108730\n\u00a9 2019 Southern California Grantmakers, All Rights Reserved.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"\"Those Little Buggers!\" The voice cursed. Though the voice was deep, Brandon could tell it was a girl who saved him. He turned around to see a ginormous person, far taller than any girl he'd known.\nShe looked to be only a few years older than Brandon, but she was the height of an average woman. She was wearing a long, cardigan-like sweater with a ski-style pattern. She also had what appeared to be fur top hiking boots and a menacing spear which had a head that seemed to absorb the fading moonlight.\n\"Sorry, those are just gorillas,\" The girl said, her tanned skin and freckles were visible where shafts of morning light streamed in the cave. She motioned toward the little green creatures who were laying in an exhausted heap in the corner of the cave. \"They won't bother you anymore.\"\n\"Th-thanks\u2026\" Brandon said, still flustered. Another tall person, a boy, walked up and stood beside the girl. He held up his wooden rod (sharpened at the tip) to Brandon's throat. He heard a howl of warning from Hal on the other side of the enclosure.\n\"Wh-Whoa,\" Brandon stammered, tripping over himself as he stumbled backward. \"We might be in some sort of misunderstanding\u2026\"\nThe girl just laughed. \"Calm down, Kandel, this wee fellow is not going to hurt you.\"\n\"You're too unwary, Navona,\" The boy, Kandel replied. He did not move his spear, he only grimaced in a suspicious manner. When he moved, the wooden beads on his sweater jingled against each other.\n\"And you are too skeptical of everyone,\" Navona said with a tone of authority. Her sweater had many more beads than Kandel's. She even had delicately carved ones as earrings. \"Lower the spear, ally.\"\nReluctantly, Kandel brought the spear back down to his side. Brandon rubbed his neck, glad it was still there in one piece. \"So wha-wh-... who are you.\"\nKandel pursed his lips and mumbled, \"So, he's not just a runt.\" Navona nodded at Kandel. \"Probably a traveler.\" Then, she turned to Brandon. \"We're lourdwarfs. Not from around here are you?\"\n\"Oh,\" Brandon said, almost rudely. These are lourdwarfs.\n\"Hey!\" came Hal's voice, it echoed off the walls of the cave. Brandon turned to see him leaning over the drowsy pile of green creatures. \"What are these things. Did I hear you call them Gorillas?\"\n\"Yeah, well, yeah,\" Navona replied. \"They're Gorilla Lourdwarfs. They're a different type, y'know?\"\n\"I'm afraid not,\" Hal answered.\n\"Yeah, sorry,\" Brandon added.\n\"You guys really are new here, aren't you?\" Kandel asked and Navona chuckled.\n\"Mmhm\u2026 you might have to catch us up.\"","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"\"A Celestial Visitor\" by George Martin\nYoung Competition category winner: Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2015\n1 October 2015 Astronomy Now\nThis image of Comet C\/2014 Q2 Lovejoy was taken from Market Harborough, Leicestershire, UK by 15-year-old George Martin on 18 December 2014 using a Sky-watcher 200P 200mm f\/5 Newtonian telescope, Sky-watcher EQ5 equatorial, single-axis motor mount and Nikon D3200 camera, ISO 3200. Image credit: \u00a9 George Martin.\nIn the words of the astrophotographer: \"Having seen two comets previously, and having bought a new telescope, I decided to have a shot at what the display of C\/2014 (Lovejoy) could hopefully offer. I could see the comet both with my eyes and through the eyepiece, and noticed how fast it moved when flicking through photos. I knew it would be an issue to stack, as the comet would appear blurred. Having separated the detail from the light pollution, the tail can be easily seen. It is fantastic to think that Lovejoy will not be visible again for another 8000 years.\"\nThis year's Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition received a record 2700 entries by astrophotographers from 59 countries around the world. These astonishing pictures reveal fresh perspectives on astrophotography favourites alongside some of the great astronomical events of the last year.\nWe will showcase the winning images from all 11 categories over the next few days, but if you wish to see them all together on display, the Royal Observatory Greenwich has an exhibition open 18 September 2015 \u2014 26 June 2016. Hours: 10.00\u201317.00, entry is free.\n\"A Celestial Visitor\"\nInsight Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2015\nRoyal Observatory Greenwich\n\"The Arrow Missed the Heart\" by Lefteris Velissaratos\n20 September 2015 Astronomy Now\nA stunning juxtaposition of an ethereal solar system body, long-period comet C\/2014 E2 Jacques, and the vast, heart-shaped emission nebula IC 1805, some 7,500 light-years away in the constellation Cassiopeia \u2014 winning image of the Planets, Comets & Asteroids category in the Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition 2015.\nResearchers explain why the Greenwich prime meridian moved\n13 August 2015 Astronomy Now\nIn 1884, a delegation of international representatives convened in Washington, D.C. to recommend that Earth's prime meridian marking zero degrees longitude should pass through the Airy Transit Circle (ATC) at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England. But according to the GPS receivers of surveyors and smartphones of London tourists today, why does the line of zero longitude run 102 metres east of the ATC?\n\"Solar Prominence\" by Gary Palmer\n2 August 2015 Astronomy Now\nNomination number five from the prestigious Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition, an annual celebration of the most beautiful and spectacular visions of the cosmos by astrophotographers worldwide. Now in its seventh year, the 2015 competition received 2700 spectacular entries from over 60 countries and the winners will be announced 17 September.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Digital Storm Coridium Review\nBy Brian Westover\nUnstoppable graphics performance from dual AMD Radeon R9 295X2 graphics cards.\nOverclocked Intel Core i7-4930K hex-core processor.\nLiquid cooling throughout.\nLimited room for upgrades.\nThe Digital Storm Coridium harnesses two of AMD's fastest graphics cards for record-setting gaming performance. But reaching new heights with this premium desktop requires paying top dollar.\nEverybody wants to be the best, especially in PC gaming, where performance commands premium prices, and boutique vendors race to build systems with the hottest hardware every time a new part is released. It's a constant race to claim the title of most powerful gaming PC, and the latest entrant is the Digital Storm Coridium a premium-priced high-end gaming desktop that pushes the envelope further than any system before. AMD's cutting-edge graphics card, the dual-chip Radeon R9 295X2, is the latest ammunition in the ongoing battle for faster, more powerful gaming rigs, and the Coridium boasts two of the beasts, plus an overclocked hex-core Intel Core i7 processor. The result is ridiculous power\u2014enough to enjoy gaming on multiple 4K monitors\u2014but it costs a whopping $7,779 (as tested). If you're looking for the fastest gaming rig around, and don't mind spending as much as a used Toyota Corolla, the Coridium is our new Editors' Choice for high-end gaming desktops.\nThe Coridium is built inside a Corsair Obsidian Series 450D chassis, which features a steel body, a brushed-aluminum the front panel, and a large, acrylic side window for showing off what's under the hood. The whole thing measures 19.44 by 8.26 by 19.56 inches (HWD), putting it squarely in the midtower category, and not so big as to overcrowd a desk. For this build, Digital Storm has slightly modified the front panel, filling the two drive bays with a tray-loading optical drive (12x Blu-ray and DVD writer\/reader), and the front of a cooling reservoir for Digital Storm's own HydroLux liquid cooling system. Also on the front of the case is a Power button, two USB 3.0 ports, separate jacks for a headphone and microphones, and a Reset button.\nAround the back of the tower, you'll find plenty of connections,\nwith nine USB ports (four USB 3.0, five USB 2.0), one dedicated port for BIOS Flash, and two USB\/eSATA combination ports. There's a PS\/2 port for older gaming peripherals, and a FireWire 400 port, along with Gigabit Ethernet, S\/PDIF for digital surround sound, and other standard audio ports. There are two graphics cards inside, combining to offer two DVI-D outputs and eight mini DisplayPorts.\nOpen up the left side of the case, and you'll find an Asus Sabertooth X79 motherboard, set up for overclocking and outfitted with an Intel Core i7-4930K hex-core processor overclocked to 4.6GHz. Right next to the CPU you'll find not one, but two giant AMD Radeon R9 295X2 graphics cards, dual-chip cards built for blazing graphics performance at 4K resolution. With two dual-chip cards in Quad-Crossfire configuration, there's a lot of hardware between you and the motherboard, but we could see that our review unit came with 16GB of RAM, with four 4GB sticks of 1866MHz Corsair Vengeance Pro RAM filling four of the eight available slots.\nFalcon Northwest Fragbox (GeForce GTX 780 SLI)\nFalcon Northwest Mach V (Triple Titan)\nMaingear Epic Rush X79\nAll of this high-powered hardware generates a lot of heat and demands a lot of power. The two graphics cards have built-in liquid cooling, so each card has tubing and a radiator to contend with, in addition to the overclocked processor, which is cooled with its own Digital Storm HydroLux cooler, with its radiator positioned just below the optical drive. It's a mess of tubing, and while it's surprisingly quiet, it will complicate any maintenance work or upgrades inside the case. Then there are the power requirements; the overclocked hex-core processor needs a lot of juice, but the pair of AMD R9 295X2 cards have heavy power demands and specific support requirements. As such, the Coridium is powered by a 1,500-watt Silverstone power supply.\nCrack open the right side of the case, and you'll see two identical-looking Samsung EVDO solid-state drives (SSDs). One SSD serves as a boot drive, with 250GB capacity, while the other 1TB SSD is the storage drive. Opting for the two slim SSDs is a smart move, since they can be tucked out of the way without having to contend with the bulk of a regular hard drive\u2014with multiple radiators, five cooling fans, and a sizeable PSU, there's not a lot of free space in this tower. The flash-based storage also offers faster performance than spinning drives, so it contributes to the already-obscene speed promised by the Coridium.\nSpeaking of speed, the Coridium delivered some impressive numbers on our benchmark tests. Between the overclocked Intel Core i7-4930K hex-core processor and the two beastly Radeon R9 295X2 graphics cards, the Coridium chewed through all of our tests without hesitation, easily taking its place among the fastest, most powerful systems we've reviewed.\nThe Coridium is built to harness the might of two Radeon R9 295X2 graphics cards, and the graphics performance is definitely the highlight of the system, putting every comparable system to shame in our gaming tests. In Aliens vs. Predator at 1,366-by-768 resolution and low detail settings, the Coridium shattered records with a category-leading 641 frames per second (fps), and 302fps when dialed up to 1,920-by-1,080 with full detail settings. In Heaven, the Coridium produced 245fps at baseline settings, and 245fps at 1,920-by-1,080 and full detail settings. These results put it in the upper echelon of top-tier systems, even outdoing other multiple-GPU systems, like the Falcon Northwest Mach V (Triple Titan). And at full 4K resolution the Coridium will still play any game, at maximum settings and full resolution, and offer impressive frame rates doing it.\nFor those who want to use some of this power for something other than gaming, the overclocked CPU offers potent performance on its own, with a CineBench score of 13.88 points, putting it ahead of almost every competitor. The Coridium completed Handbrake in 20 seconds, which is slightly ahead of other high-powered competitors, but that performance wasn't consistent across all multimedia applications. In Photoshop CS6, the Coridium completed our test in 4 minutes 46 seconds; it's an admirable score, but nowhere near the 2:41 of the Falcon Northwest Mach V (Triple Titan), or the 2:30 of the Maingear Epic Rush X79.\nThe Digital Storm Coridium is far from affordable, and even with overclocking and top-tier components, it doesn't quite offer the best general-use performance. But it does one thing better than any other gaming rig we've seen: pump out more frames at higher resolutions than any other machine we've tested. If you want the very best 4K gaming performance, nothing tops the Coridium with its double-dose of dual-GPU AMD cards. It puts our former Editors' Choice, the Falcon Northwest Fragbox (GeForce GTX 780 SLI) to shame in gaming tests, and it pulls ahead of the similarly priced Falcon Northwest Mach V (Triple Titan). If pure, unbridled graphics performance is what you're after, the Digital Storm Coridium delivers like no other. It's our Editors' Choice for high-end gaming desktops.\nOur Best Desktop Picks\nThe Best Gaming Desktops for 2020\nThe Best Windows Mini PCs for 2020\nThe Best All-in-One Computers for 2020\nMore Desktop Reviews\nMore from Digital Storm\nDesktop Product Comparisons\nDeals: Dell Inspiron 3671, TurboTax Deluxe, 70-Inch 4K Roku TV\nApple Store Briefly Lists 2006 iMac for $999\nCan the New Mac Pro Actually Shred Cheese? iFixit Found Out\nApple's New Mac Pro Costs $53,000 When You Max Out the Specs\nGot Money to Burn? Apple's $6,000+ Mac Pro Goes on Sale Dec. 10\nAbout Brian Westover\nBrian Westover is an Analyst for the Hardware Team, reviewing laptops, desktops, and storage devices. As a child, Brian was frequently asked \"What do you want to be when you grow up?\" His answer alternated between Superman and Batman. This was cute when he was five, but worrisome at seventeen. Naturally, he is now a journalist, writing about technology and gadgets. Brian has been writing professionally since 2007, and his work has appeared in business newsletters, websites, textbooks, and magazines. He earned his degree in Communications from Brigham Young University - Idaho. When not writing or fighting villainy, Brian enjoys sampling the culinary delights of New York, perusing obscure trivia, and spending time with his wife.\nRead the latest from Brian Westover\nCan My PC Run Windows 10 Fall Creators Update?\nLenovo ThinkPad Yoga 15 Review\nLenovo OneLink Pro Dock Review\nLenovo ThinkPad Helix 2nd Gen Review\nSanDisk Dual USB Drive Type-C (32GB) Review\nMore from Brian Westover","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Where to find support?\nWhen it comes to seeking support, it's very important to know where to look. As I explained here in 'How-To-Guide or Hoax', there are plenty of time- and money-wasting traps to fall into. I know, because I fell into most of them before eventually stumbling across the resources I'm grateful to share with you below.\nI'm here to talk things through at any stage of your RED-S experience, whether it's to help you decide where to seek medical guidance, to answer any questions (no matter how obscure or personal), or to support you with your recovery process.\nMedical and Nutritional Support\nDoctor: Nicky Keay is a pioneering physician and RED-S researcher with an extensive medical background in endocrinology and sports performance. She has a background in dancing and sport herself and is the author of the Health4Performance website. She is based in London and can be seen privately alone or in a combined appointment with Dietitian Renee McGregor at the EN:SPIRE Clinic. To get in touch with Nicky, head here.\nDoctor: Dr Rebecca Robinson is a Sport and Exercise Medicine Consultant with a special interest in RED-S, female athlete health and also oncology. Rebecca splits her time between British canoeing, the NHS and her clinical time at the Centre for Health and Human Performance. An accomplished athlete herself, Rebecca competes in international competitions for mountain and road running. To book an appointment, head here or to get in touch with Rebecca directly, use rebeccarobinson@chhp.com\nDoctor: Dr John Rogers is a Sport and Exercise Medicine Consultant, based in Manchester. He specialises in treating people with medical problems related to physical activity e.g. RED-S, overtraining syndrome, cardiac and respiratory problems with exercise, vascular disease, concussion, mental health problems and nutritional deficiencies. To get in touch, head here.\nDoctor: Dr Kate Hutchings is a Sports and Exercise Medicine Consultant at Circle Reading Hospital and is experienced in working with both elite and recreational athletes from a wide variety of sports. Her previous positions include working for the English National Ballet as company doctor and she is experienced in looking after the female athlete and related medical issues. To get in touch, head here\nDietitian: Alex Cooke is a registered clinical and sports dietitian with over a decade of experience. Specialising in endurance sports, Alex understands the impact of RED-S and the nutritional changes required to help an athlete reach optimal health and performance. With 20 years of competitive athletics success behind her, Alex provides realistic and digestible advice, individually tailored to your needs.\nExercise Physiologist and Nutritionist: RunScience provides support from someone who not only understands running but also the science behind it too. As a decorated GB distance runner herself, Jess Piasecki has personal experience of RED-S and now combines her experience of elite athletics with her scientific knowledge to create bespoke training and nutrition programmes for athletes.\nMenstrual health tracker: FitrWoman the world's first mobile app that provides daily training and nutritional suggestions tailored to your menstrual cycle. Even if you don't currently have one, the app allows you to track symptoms, log training activity and receive nutrition and physiology support. This previous resource is paving the way for girls and women to get the best out of themselves and make smarter, more informed decisions and I am proud to promote them as an Athlete Ambassador.\nCommunity support: #TRAINBRAVE is a campaign aiming to raise awareness of RED-S and inspire more athletes to share their experiences. They work collaboratively with both Renee McGregor and Nicky Keay and run free events, so keep an eye out on social media.\nDoctor: Kathryn Ackerman is a Sport and Exercise Medicine Physician and the medical director of the Female Athlete Program in the Division of Sports Medicine at Boston Children's Hospital. Her interests include female athletes, rowing injuries, endocrinology, female athlete triad, optimizing performance and health in athletes with diabetes, exercise-associated hyponatremia, and exercise and bone health in adolescents. Dr. Ackerman sees patients in Boston and Waltham. Get in touch here.\nDietitian: Rebecca McConville is a certified eating disorder dietitian and sports nutrition specialist. She has 25+ years' experience in all-things-RED-S and is also the author of Finding Your Sweet Spot: How to Avoid RED-S by Optimizing Your Energy Balance. Get in touch here.\nCommunity support: Running in Silence, an American-based athletic community, also helps to support athletes in preventing, identifying, and encouraging recovery of eating disorders in sport.\nAthlete stories\nAre Athlete's Seeing RED-S? By Jess Piasecki here\nClimber Mina Leslie-Wujastyk writes openly about her case of RED-S here\n'The break in breakthrough' by runner, Anna Boniface here\nMary Cain, professional American middle distance runner, shares her story here\nClimber Beth Rodden talks about her experience of eating disorders here\nGB distance runner Tina Muir shares a word of advice here\nBobby Clay, European champion and World Junior finalist, shares her experience here and here\nJen Walsh, former English Schools XC champion, speaks to Athletics Weekly here\nTom Fairbrother, a British athlete, shares his eating disorder experiences here and here\nThe Health4Performance podcast discusses RED-S, hormones, health and performance\nFind a podcast discussing menstrual cycles and RED-S here\nAnd another discussing RED-S here\nThe Trainbrave podcast is an educational platform for all things sports nutrition, fitness and lifestyle\nFind Tina Muir's Running For Real Podcast 'A New You Is More Than Just Healthy Eating' here\nThe Female Athlete Podcast discusses everything you need to know about the menstrual cycle and how it impacts performance - including issues such as contraception, bone health and female physiology\nThe Period of the Period aims to open up the conversation surrounding female health and performance\nMedical journals\/papers\/articles of interest\n2018 UPDATE: Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) here\nIOC consensus statement on relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S): 2018 update here\nInfographic on RED-S BJSM By Emily Dudgeon, Scottish athlete and RED-S researcher here\nEndurance Exercise Training and Male Sexual Libido here\nHow to identify male cyclists at risk of RED-S here\nMale athletes: the bare bones of cyclists here\nRED-S recognition and next steps here\nFor more general info on RED-S, head here\nFinding Your Sweet Spot: How to Avoid RED-S by Optimizing Your Energy Balance\nNo Period Now What: Provides a great explanation of why you may have lost your cycle and how to regain it\nPeriod Repair Manual: Not specifically for athletes but useful nonetheless\nROAR: How to match your food and fitness to your unique female physiology for optimum performance, great health, and a strong, lean body for life\nSick Enough by Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani offers patients, their families, and clinicians a comprehensive, accessible review of the medical issues that arise from eating disorders","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Robert Hirsch\nRobert Hirsch lives in Buffalo, NY, and is a photographer, writer, and the Director of Light Research. His books include Seizing the Light: A Social History of Photography, Light and Lens: Photography in the Digital Age, Photographic Possibilities: The Expressive Use of Equipment, Ideas, Materials, and Processes, and Exploring Color Photography: From Film to Pixels. Hirsch is a former Associate Editor for Digital Camera (UK) and Photovision Magazine, and a contributor to Afterimage, exposure, Buffalo Spree, The Focal Encyclopedia of Photography, Fotophile, FYI, History of Photography, Ilford Photo Instructor Newsletter, Photo Techniques, The Photo Review, and World Book Encyclopedia. Also, he is the former Executive Director of CEPA Gallery and has curated numerous exhibitions. His own images have been internationally exhibited in over 200 solo and group shows. He participated in Light Work's Artist-in-Residence program in May 1999.\nwww.lightresearch.net\nMelissa Catanese\nJohn Trotter\nCumaea Halim\nIngrid Pollard Annu Matthew","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Board Newsletter\nWorkOne\nWorkOne Locations\nRESEA\nLabor Market Reports\nWorkOne Service Changes\nAll 11 WorkOne Northeast career centers have shifted indefinitely to mostly telephonic and virtual services. Find out more here.\nMask Requirement Enacted for WorkOne Northeast Centers\nBeginning Monday, August 9, masks will be required for all customers and staff at the 11 WorkOne Northeast career centers in northeast Indiana. \"We are doing this to help ensure the well-being of customers and staff in the midst of growing concern about COVID-19,\" said Northeast Indiana Works President and CEO Edmond O'Neal. \"We will continue to monitor the situation to determine if additional precautions become necessary.\" The mask requirement applies to both vaccinated and unvaccinated...\nBanks Job Fair Set for Aug. 4; More Than 1,000 Openings\nRep. Jim Banks, R-IN, in conjunction with Purdue University Fort Wayne and WorkOne Northeast, will host a job fair from noon to 3 p.m. August 4 in the university's Walb Union International Ballroom. More than 70 employers with a total of more than 1,000 job openings are expected to attend. \"Just this month, there've been more than 14,000 online job postings in northeast Indiana,\" said Banks. \"It's incredibly important right now for Hoosier workers and employers to connect, and for workers to...\nWorkforce Cabinet Honors Regional CTE Entities\nThe Adams Wells Manufacturing Alliance, the Area 18 CTE Cooperative and Northeast Indiana Works received a 2021 Partnership Award of Excellence from the Governor's Workforce Cabinet. The honor focuses on Career and Technical Education (CTE) initiatives. The award given the northeast Indiana entities and presented May 12 during ceremonies in Indianapolis was one of four statewide recognizing secondary school partnerships. Northeast Indiana Works has long been involved with the manufacturing...\nWorker Shortage Looms As Companies Forge Ahead\nThe unemployment rate in northeast Indiana has been running below 5%, the labor force grew for the first time in 10 months in March, and employers throughout the region are hiring. By a number of metrics, the region's workforce landscape seems to be healthy and the economy rebounding from a virus-fueled slowdown. But there is one glaring exception. Throughout virtually every industry in northeast Indiana, employers are asking the same question: Where are the workers? There is an air of...\nCTE Awareness Month Ceremonies Planned\nProviders of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs will observe northeast Indiana's CTE Awareness Month in May with signing ceremonies. Northeast Indiana Works and its partners designated the month in 2019 and inaugural signing activities were conducted throughout the region. The pandemic prevented such events from being held in 2020. CTE programs teach specific career skills to high school students that prepare them for work after graduation or serve as a bridge to post-secondary...\nNortheast Indiana Works Adds Page for RESEA Participants\nNortheast Indiana Works has launched an informational website page for the Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) program. The development of the page was done in conjunction with input from Catherine Lawell, director of re-employment pathways at the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD), and Shelley McClintock, program director of DWD's re-employment services and Older Workers Programs. Under the RESEA program, people who have filed for unemployment benefits for...\nDWD, Ivy Tech Announce Cloud Computing Courses, Certs\nThe Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and Ivy Tech Community College, in collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS), announced a statewide initiative to allow access to cloud computing education courses and certifications for...\nNational Ranking: Fort Wayne No. 2 Most Affordable\nU.S. News and World Report in a new study ranks Fort Wayne the second most affordable city among 150 of the nation's most populous metropolitan areas. Fort Wayne was ranked 73rd as the best place to live and 34th as the best place to retire.\nIndiana Restarts $300 Payments; Court Ordered Resumption\nIndiana on July 16 resumed making $300 federal unemployment payments to workers affected by the coronavirus pandemic after a court ordered it to do so. The state Department of Workforce Development issued 25,000 payments totaling more than $33...\nIndiana Gets $2.5-Million Workforce Data Grant\nThe U.S. Department of Labor has awarded five grants totaling nearly $12 million to improve the delivery of training and employment services and measure their effectiveness. The Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) will receive more...\n$200,000 in Grants Available for Noble County Small Businesses\nA new round of COVID-related funding is being administered to help small businesses in Noble County. The Noble County Economic Development Corp. says it will distribute nearly $200,000 in small business grants to provide quick access to working...\nState, Ivy Tech Unveil Virtual Career Coaching Program\nThe Indiana Governor's Workforce Cabinet and Ivy Tech Community College are launching a statewide career coaching program for any Indiana resident. Built in collaboration with nonprofit InsideTrack, the service will provide up to four months of...\n\u00a92022 Northeast Indiana Works\nNortheast Indiana Works and WorkOne Northeast programs are Equal Opportunity programs. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Front Page \u00bb Archives \u00bb November 2021 \u00bb\n\" Rough Night for Statewide Dems in Off-Year Elections, Better Night for Local Progressives: 'BradCast' 11\/3\/2021\t\"\nRough Night for Statewide Dems in Off-Year Elections, Better Night for Local Progressives: 'BradCast' 11\/3\/2021\nGuest: John Nichols of The Nation on what went right and wrong; Also: E-Pollbook failures in NJ open door for loser to challenge results...\nBy Brad Friedman on 11\/3\/2021, 6:24pm PT\nToday on BradCast: No, Tuesday's off-year elections were not nearly as disastrous for Democrats as the national media seems to want to insist. But there were both red flag warnings and important lessons they should absolutely pay attention to, and quickly. There were also wholly avoidable voting system failures which, unfortunately, open the door for some results to be challenged. [Audio link to full show is posted below this summary.]\nFirst up, the latest summary on the marquee Gubernatorial races that seemed to encompass the entirety of the national media's coverage on Tuesday and into Wednesday. In Virginia, decades of modern history repeated itself, as the party that didn't win the White House last year appears to have taken control of the Governor's mansion this year. Trump-endorsed businessman and first-time candidate Glenn Youngkin was declared the narrow winner over VA's Democratic former Gov. Terry McCauliffe, after Youngkin dog-whistled his kinder, gentler not-Donald-Trump-at-all act into office.\nHis campaign leaned heavily on pretend, Fox \"News\"-generated phony outrage issues like opposition to teaching Critical Race Theory in public schools, even though there are no public schools in VA who actually teach it. But fake issues are much easier for Republicans to run on than the unpopular ones they actually support. So, with that, it appears Republicans may also have narrowly taken back majority control of the Commonwealth's House of Delegates, though those final numbers were still too close to call as of airtime.\nIn New Jersey, it appears that history will not repeat itself. Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy was declared the unofficial winner by media outlets late during today's show. If officially certified, Murphy will have defeated Republican John Ciaterelli to become the first Democrat to win a second term in the Garden State since the 1970s. But Ciaterelli made clear on Election Night that he plans to challenge the results. Reported electronic pollbook failures across the state on Tuesday (little noticed by most of the media, though we covered the pretty serious issue in some detail on our previous BradCast) may well give him an opening to mount such a challenge --- not that Republican election challengers these days generally need real problems to buttress false claims of fraud when they lose. If Murphy ends up falling behind again, he too could use the failure in his own contest.\nWe detail what appears to have happened across the state, preventing many voters from being able to vote at the polls for several hours on Tuesday morning, and why we've been warning about issues exactly like this for years when it comes to electronic voting, tabulation and pollbook issues that continue to threaten democracy itself.\nBut while many Democrats have been beside themselves since the polls closed on Tuesday night, wondering where they went wrong --- at least in those statewide contests --- in truth, if you dig below the national headlines, progressives had a bunch of victories on Tuesday in local races and on ballot initiatives.\nWe're joined today by one of our favorite post-election guests (following both good and bad nights for Democrats over the years), progressive champion, JOHN NICHOLS, Washington Correspondent for for The Nation, longtime contributor to The Progressive and Associate Editor of Madison, Wisconsin's Capital Times. We try to make sense of where both Dems and national media went both right and wrong during both the election and its aftermath. Why, for example, in both VA and NJ, where Democrats held control and adopted a host of very popular progressive policies in the past several years, did they have such a difficult time turning that record into victories yesterday? We also discuss several progressive wins that flew beneath the radar, and what Dems in D.C. and across the nation should take from what happened on Tuesday.\nFinally, we close with a boatload of under-reported progressive wins in Tuesday's elections across the country, including historic mayoral victories from Boston to Pittsburgh to Albuquerque to Cincinnati to Durham, NC and beyond, along with a number of local ballot initiatives that defy the media narrative of the past 24 hours which seems to be arguing that Dems must immediately start acting more like Republicans if they hope to have any chance of victory during next year's critical 2022 mid-terms...\nArticle Categories: Election Irregularities, New Jersey, BRAD BLOG Media Appearance, Virginia, Mainstream Media Failure, Voter Registration, Democrats, Republicans, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Vote-by-Mail, KPFK, BradCast, Race, Terry McAuliffe, Phil Murphy, Policing, Election 2021, Glenn Youngkin\n\u00ab PREVIOUS STORY \"Big Deals, Big Storms and Why Mandates Work: 'BradCast' 11\/2\/2021\"\n\"'Green News Report' - November 4, 2021\" NEXT STORY \u00bb","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Walmart announces 4th round of cash bonuses for employees\nby: Heath Higgs and Nexstar Media Wire\nPosted: Dec 3, 2020 \/ 10:51 AM EST \/ Updated: Dec 3, 2020 \/ 10:51 AM EST\n(AP Photo\/Alan Diaz, File)\nBENTONVILLE, Ark. (KNWA\/KFTA) \u2014 Walmart announced on Thursday that more than $700 million in additional cash bonuses will be paid to its employees based in the U.S.\nThe retailer's latest announcement \u2014 its fourth round of bonuses since the onset of the pandemic \u2014 includes $319 in quarterly bonuses paid on Nov. 25 paychecks and an estimated $388 million in special cash bonuses to be paid on Dec. 24.\nWalmart said it's in \"recognition of associates' sustained commitment to customers during the pandemic.\"\nWalmart to eliminate $35 free shipping minimum for Walmart+ members\n\"Our associates have stepped up to serve our customers, communities and each other when it was truly needed most, and we're pleased to recognize their efforts with a quarterly bonus for strong store performance and a fourth special cash bonus,\" John Furner, president and CEO of Walmart U.S., said in a release.\nWe're showing U.S. associates we appreciate all they've done for our customers, members and country in 2020 by paying cash bonuses for the fourth time this year \u2013 this time, totaling over $700M. More about how we're supporting associates here: https:\/\/t.co\/vUEo0xqKpu pic.twitter.com\/VilwnChoaU\n\u2014 Walmart Inc. (@WalmartInc) December 3, 2020\nApproximately 1.5 million full- and part-time Walmart and Sam's Club employees will receive the special cash bonus on Christmas Eve, including all U.S.-based hourly associates.\nPart-time and temporary hourly employees will receive $150, and full-time hourly employees will get $300. According to the company, more than 60% of Walmart's hourly associates are full-time.\nWalmart, Costco take extra precautions as virus cases spike\nDrivers, coaches and assistant managers will also receive the cash bonus.\nThe company is also extending its COVID-19 emergency leave policy, which provides employees with up to two weeks of pay if they need to remain home for a COVID-19-related reason, including quarantines, symptoms or illness through July 5, 2021.\n100-megawatt solar farm in Lumpkin set to begin construction immediately, bring 300 jobs to area\nby Sam Sachs \/ Jan 15, 2021\nLUMPKIN, Ga. (WRBL) - Lumpkin, Ga., a city with just under 1,300 residents, is set to become the site of a 100-megawatt solar farm built by Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, Inc., a leading infrastructure construction company for renewable energy. Estimates for the project expect 300 jobs to come to the area for construction of the solar farm.\nIEA was awarded a solar contract to Lumpkin Solar Farm in Stewart County, where Lumpkin is the county seat, to build the 100-megawatt solar farm.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Mitchell v. Morris\nSouthern Pac. Co. v. City of Los Angeles\nIn other decisions involving land development, though not pertaining to subdivisions as such, the courts have\u2026\nSteiger v. Board of Supervisors\n(Stats. 1937, ch. 665, \u00a7 14, p. 1824; Stats. 1947, ch. 807, \u00a7 71, p. 1919, now Gov. Code, \u00a7 65540; 2\u2026\nFull title:DELVIN J. MITCHELL, Appellant, v. GILBERT MORRIS, as City Superintendent\u2026\nCourt:Court of Appeal of California, Second District, Division One\nDate published: Nov 3, 1949\nCopy Citations\n94 Cal.App.2d 446 (Cal. Ct. App. 1949)\n210 P.2d 857\nCourt of Appeal of California, Second District, Division One\nIn Mitchell v. Morris, 94 Cal.App.2d 446 [ 210 P.2d 857], a permit to erect a residence on a lot was denied because of lack of access.\nSummary of this case from Fascination, Inc. v. Hoover\nDocket No. 17192.\nAPPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County. Clarence M. Hanson, Judge. Affirmed.\nProceeding in mandamus to compel city building superintendent to issue a building permit. Judgment denying writ, affirmed.\nA.K. Phelps for Appellant.\nRay L. Chesebro, City Attorney, Bourke Jones, Assistant City Attorney, and Alan G. Campbell, Deputy City Attorney, for Respondent.\nWHITE, P.J.\nAppellant herein sought a writ of mandate to compel respondent Superintendent of the Department of Building and Safety of the City of Los Angeles to issue a building permit pursuant to an application therefor. Upon presentation of the petition to the superior court an alternative writ was denied, no hearing being had or evidence taken.\nThe allegations of the petition for a writ of mandate are that in December, 1948, plaintiff filed with the Department of Building and Safety plans and specifications and an application for a permit to build a dwelling house, and paid the fees required by law; that plaintiff amended the plans and specifications \"and caused them to fully comply with all lawful requirements of the Department of Building and Safety and with all lawful provisions of the Building Code of the City of Los Angeles.\"\nIt was then alleged:\n\"That nevertheless the officials and employees of the Department of Building and Safety refused and continue to refuse to issue to plaintiff a building permit, stating and giving as the reason of such refusal that the lot upon which plaintiff proposes to construct the dwelling house, as shown upon the said plans and specifications, does not front upon a public street nor upon a private easement determined by the City Planning Commission of the City of Los Angeles to be adequate.\n\"That plaintiff thereafter requested the City Planning Commission to approve the private easement upon which plaintiff's proposed building lot fronts, but that said City Planning Commission wrongfully, arbitrarily, and capriciously has refused and continues to refuse to approve said private easement.\n\"That the ordinances of the City of Los Angeles purport to invest the City Planning Commission with the power to determine whether or not a private roadway easement is adequate; but that the ordinances of the City of Los Angeles wholly fail to set up any standards of any kind whatsoever upon which said determination of the City Planning Commission is to be based.\n\"That there is no lawful authority directing and empowering the officials and employees of the Department of Building and Safety to withhold and refuse the granting of a building permit upon the grounds specified in the rejection of plaintiff's application. That the action of the defendant and the various employees acting under his direction in refusing to grant the said building permit in accordance with plaintiff's application is wholly unreasonable, arbitrary, capricious and wrongful.\"\n[1] Appellant in his brief states that this appeal is based \"upon the sole ground that the ordinance requiring that private easements be approved by the City Planning Commission is unconstitutional.\" It is asserted that the legislative body, the city council, has attempted to delegate its lawmaking powers to the planning commission, in that it has left to the commission the determination of whether a private easement is \"adequate for purposes of access\" without establishing any standard by which the commission might determine, as a fact, whether such easement is adequate, and thus has attempted to vest in the commission the power to enact laws and determine policy.\nThe applicable ordinance was not brought here on this appeal, but we deduce from the statements in the briefs that under the building ordinances of the city, a dwelling house may be constructed only upon a \"lot\"; that section 12.03 of the zoning ordinance defines a lot as \"A parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by a use, building or unit group of buildings and accessory buildings, together with such yard, open spaces, lot width and lot area as are required by this article, and having frontage upon a street (other than an alley) or a private easement determined by the (Planning) Commission to be adequate for purposes of access.\" (Emphasis added.)\nThere can be no quarrel with the rule of law upon which appellant relies, that an attempted delegation of power to an administrative board, where no standards are established by which the board shall be governed in its actions is in effect an attempted delegation to such board of the power to enact a law. ( Dominguez Land Corp. v. Daugherty, 196 Cal. 468, 484 [ [ 238 P. 703]; Tarpey v. McClure, 190 Cal. 593, 600 [ 213 P. 983].) Nor would there be any useful purpose served in attempting to distinguish cases cited by appellant, such as In re Peppers, 189 Cal. 682 [ 209 P. 896], where an act purported to empower the Director of Agriculture to prohibit the shipment of oranges \"`frosted to the extent of endangering the reputation of the citrus industry'\"; or Hewitt v. State Board of Medical Examiners, 148 Cal. 590 [ 84 P. 39, 113 Am. St.Rep. 315, 7 Ann.Cas. 750, 3 L.R.A.N.S. 896], authorizing revocation of a physician's license for using \"`grossly improbable statements'\" in advertising.\nAs pointed out by respondent, a more necessary regulation could hardly be imagined than one which forbids the erection and maintenance of a dwelling house in a modern city except where such dwelling has adequate and permanent access to a public street. A municipality is properly interested that every dwelling house within its limits may be reached by the fire department, police department, and other agencies charged with the responsibility of protecting the public peace, safety and welfare. A municipality might properly prohibit entirely the erection of a dwelling upon property which had no access to a public street except through an easement upon land of another, or might impose conditions of resubdivision or public dedication of the means of access, which would be much more onerous than the requirement here that the private easement be \"adequate for purposes of access.\"\nWe are in accord with the contention of respondent that the city council has by its ordinance set up as complete a standard as could be devised, having regard to the complexity of situations that could arise. Indeed, had the council set up more detailed standards, by specifying, for instance, the width, pavement, grade, drainage, length and other matters which would affect adequacy, as well as standards as to the creation and assured indefeasibility of such easements, the result might well be that the many otherwise meritorious applications would have to be rejected for failure to comply strictly with such standards. Further, in answer to the objection that no sufficient standard is provided, it can be suggested that the policy of the legislative body can be found in its enactments of a zoning plan, standards for public streets and alleys, and a host of other regulations.\nAdopting the view, as we do, that the city council could lawfully have prescribed rigid standards for easements to serve as substitutes for streets, the authority granted the planning commission is analogous to its authority to grant variances from zoning regulations. A proper construction of the ordinance would appear to be that a dwelling house may not be built upon a lot which does not front upon a street, but that the planning commission may determine that the ordinance shall not operate when a private easement provides adequate access to the lot from a public street.\nConcededly, discretion is vested in the planning commission, but it is not an uncontrolled and unguided discretion, even though it may call for the exercise of \"judgment of a high order.\" ( Tarpey v. McClure, 190 Cal. 593, 600 [ 213 P. 983]; see also Riley v. Chambers, 181 Cal. 589, 595 [ 185 P. 855, 8 A.L.R. 418].) The legislative policy has been declared as definitely as is practicable. The commission is, in effect, empowered to grant what amounts to a \"variance\" in any case where it finds that a private easement is an adequate substitute for frontage on a street. The protection of appellant and others similarly aggrieved lies in the right to resort to the courts against arbitrary or discriminatory action by the commission.\nSo far as we can ascertain from the briefs on file herein, we are convinced that the discretionary powers vested in the city planning commission to ascertain the necessary facts to justify the granting of a permit under the ordinance is an exercise of quasi judicial, or perhaps administrative power, and does not amount to an exercise of legislative power. ( Wheeler v. Gregg, 90 Cal.App.2d 348, 362 [ 203 P.2d 37]; Nider v. Homan, 32 Cal.App.2d 11, 15 [ 89 P.2d 136]; Swars v. City of Vallejo, 64 Cal.App.2d 858, 864 [ 149 P.2d 397]; Wallace v. Board of Education, 63 Cal.App.2d 611, 616 [ 147 P.2d 8]; Irvine v. Citrus Pest District, 62 Cal.App.2d 378, 385 [ 144 P.2d 857].)\nAs was said by this court in Wheeler v. Gregg, supra, at page 362 of 90 Cal.App.2d, \"The essential requirement of due process is met when the administrative body is required to determine the existence or nonexistence of the necessary facts before any decision is made. Such a discretion is not arbitrary or so unguided as to invalidate the statute or ordinance ( People v. Walton, 70 Cal.App.2d Supp. 862, 870 [161 P.2d 498].)\n\"As was said by the Supreme Court in Gaylord v. City of Pasadena, 175 Cal. 433, 436 [ 166 P. 348]:\n\"`Even a casual observer of governmental growth and development must have observed the ever-increasing multiplicity and complexity of administrative affairs \u2014 national, state, and municipal \u2014 and even the occasional reader of the law must have perceived that from necessity, if for no better grounded reason, it has become increasingly imperative that many quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial functions, which in similar communities and under more primitive conditions were performed directly by the legislative or judicial branches of the government, are intrusted to departments, boards, commissions and agents. No sound objection can longer be successfully advanced to this growing method of transacting public business. These things must be done in this way or they cannot be done at all, and their doing, in a very real sense, makes for the safety of the republic, and is thus sanctioned by the highest law. For, as the supreme court of the United States declares: \"Indeed, it is not too much to say that a denial to Congress of the right, under the Constitution, to delegate the power to determine some fact or the state of things upon which the enforcement of its enactment depends, would be `to stop the wheels of government' and bring about confusion, if not paralysis, in the conduct of the public business\" ( Union Bridge Co. v. United States, 204 U.S. 364 [51 L.Ed. 523, 27 Sup.Ct.Rep. 367].)' See, also, Dierssen v. Civil Service Commission, 43 Cal.App.2d 53, 59 [ 110 P.2d 513], and Carter v. Stevens, 211 Cal. 281, 289 [ 295 P. 28].\"\n[2] Appellant here makes no charge that the commission abused its discretion, or that its action was arbitrary or discriminatory, in refusing to approve his easement. In fact, there is no allegation as to what sort of easement appellant has, and the members of the commission are not joined as defendants. Appellant's proper remedy would be to allege and prove facts concerning the nature of his easement which will support a finding that the action of the commission was, as to him, arbitrary, discriminatory, and an abuse of discretion.\nThe judgment or order appealed from is affirmed.\nDrapeau, J., concurred.\nDoran, J., concurred in the judgment.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"2024 Acura Integra Type S is a Civic Type R in disguise\nMarcus De GuzmanView Info\nMore powerful Acura Integra Type S gets Civic Type R's 2.0L VTEC Turbo\nAcura December 7, 2022 - 10:14 AM\nWhen Acura announced last year they were going to bring back the Integra name, it generated plenty of hype, particularly with enthusiasts who have longed for its return. When they officially launched it earlier this year, fans and enthusiasts were somehow divided.\nWhile it was nice to see the Integra make a comeback, some felt it was a rather half-baked attempt by Acura. Sure, the exterior looks every bit like an Acura, but the cabin is essentially borrowed from the all-new Civic. Even the 1.5-liter VTEC Turbo is shared with the Civic Si as it makes 200 PS with 260 Nm of torque. Transmission options, on the other hand, include a 6-speed manual and a CVT.\nFast forward to the tail-end of 2022, and Acura has made a surprising announcement \u2013 they will be launching a more powerful version of the all-new Integra. Simply dubbed the Integra Type S, it's set to join the lineup for the 2024 model year and will produce over 300 PS.\nThat's right, the Integra Type S will be powered by a 2.0-liter turbocharged VTEC engine derived from the all-new Civic Type R. While official output figures have yet to be revealed, it will likely crank out similar figures as the US-spec Civic Type R which puts out 320 PS and 420 Nm of torque. Last but not least, it will be coupled to a good ol' 6-speed manual gearbox and a limited-slip differential.\nAs for the rest of the vehicle, Acura is not yet ready to take off the camouflage livery. However, the more powerful Integra Type S will come with larger alloy wheels painted black, three massive center tailpipes reminiscent of the Civic Type R, and rear diffuser, and a more aggressive front bumper.\nFor enthusiasts who still find the Civic Type R's looks too edgy, perhaps the Acura Integra Type S will offer a more mature-looking design while still sporting a 2.0-liter VTEC Turbo under the hood.\n2023 Mercedes-AMG S63 E Performance has 802 PS, retains V8 power\n2023 Mercedes-AMG S63 E Performance is the most powerful S-Class ever\nHydrogen-fuelled Toyota uses GR Corolla's 1.6 turbo\nToyota still believes in ICEs, reveals hydrogen-fuelled Corolla Cross concept\nTags: 2024 acura integra type s acura acura integra civic type r honda civic type r integra type s","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Tag: Nintendo\nTomb Raider On Game\u2026\nThe modder has shown some details of the first Tomb Raider on video, using a project called OpenLara. \u2026\nAssassin's Creed The Ezio\u2026\nThe Ezio Collection includes all single-player DLC for all three games, an animated short film and a mini-series. \u2026\nZombie Army 4: Dead\u2026\nZombie Army Trilogy, a pack with other games from the series, has been available on the console for a\u2026\nLucasFilm Games: The List\u2026\nLucasFilm's legacy in the video games world is limited to the millions of licenses it manages and the little-known\u2026\nCould GoldenEye 007 Get\u2026\nThe classic Nintendo 64 FPS, the GoldenEye 007 (which is great fun, especially with friends) could be getting a\u2026\n2021 In Numbers: Best-Selling\u2026\nWe've taken a look at GamesIndustry's annual data, which looks at trends in the sector in 2021. \u2026\nNintendo Switch Prepares For\u2026\nTECH NEWS \u2013 Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa has announced that the production of the Nintendo Switch will slow down\u2026\nIt's Finally Worth Buying\u2026\nThat's right. Tesla has added SEGA's first Sonic the Hedgehog game in its latest update. Now all you need\u2026\nGrand Theft Auto: The\u2026\nRockstar and Take-Two have been trying to improve the reputation of the otherwise rather shabby Grand Theft Auto: The\u2026\nSquare Enix Renewed A\u2026\nIt's an Square Enix IP that's been neglected for two decades. It's fair to say that the franchise has\u2026","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"When You're Strange: A Film About The Doors\nEagle Rock (2009) \/ Region A\nSign In to hide.\nOrders of $25.00 or more will be shipped our Standard Shipping option and the shipping is completely FREE. Learn more\nBuy Blu-ray\nAdditional DVD Versions\n$11.68When You're Strange: A Film Ab\nPre-Code Hollywood Collection\nThin Red Line, The: The Criterion Collection\nWhen You're Strange, written and directed by the award-winning Tom DiCillo, is the first feature documentary released on The Doors. Graced by the narration of Johnny Depp, it carries the audience through the journeys of vocalist Jim Morrison, keyboardist Ray Manzarek, guitarist Robby Krieger, and drummer John Densmore. This 90-minute presentation features never-before-seen rare archival film, pulled from their inception in 1966 to Morrison's passing in 1971. These snapshot scenes of the band's history is as much an intimate experience, as it is revealing. After being featured at the Sundance, Berlin, Deauville, and San Sebastian Film Festivals, music fans who didn't catch this in theaters can now relish in this extraordinary documentary. It celebrates the collaborative power of this illustrious rock quartet and their revolutionary fusion of creativity and thought-provoking rebellion.\nLength 1 hrs. 36 mins.\nRating R\nReleased: Jun 29 2010\nEmpire SKU 1534833\nStudio Eagle Rock\nPackaging HD\nDisc SS-DL\nExclusive Interview With Jim's Father, Admiral George C. Morrison\nEnglish DTS-HD MA 5.1\nEnglish PCM Stereo\nWidescreen 1.78:1 Color\nReview \"When You're Strange: A Film Ab\"\nFilm Rating\n(Slide to Set Rating)\n11.251.51.7522.252.52.7533.253.53.7544.254.54.755\nAlias is displayed publicly\nReview (maximum of 1,000 words, no HTML tags)\nAll submitted comments become the sole property of DVD Empire. DVD Empire reserves the right to not post this comment for any reason.\nReviews for \"When You're Strange: A Film Ab\"","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Resident Evil: Afterlife Music By Tomandandy\n\"At every turn, the director Paul W. S. Anderson encouaged us to avoid clich\u00e9. He had little interest in traditional orchestral colors, encouraging usinstead to explore the edges of noise and modern sound synthesis.\"\n\u2013 Tomandandy\nAction packed Resident Evil: Afterlife directed by Paul W.S. Anderson is the fourth installment of the hugely successful video game turned film franchise. Afterlife is the first film in the series to be released in 3D using James Cameron's Fusion Camera System. It features an exciting and fast-paced score by producing duo TOMANDANDY.\nIn a world riddled with the T-virus outbreak, turning victims into the Undead, Alice (Milla Jovovich) continues her search for survivors. As her deadly battle with the Umbrella Corporation reaches new heights, she gets unexpected help from an old friend.\nA new lead that promises a safe haven takes the two to Los Angeles where they find more survivors and team up to fight against Albert Wesker, the head of the Umbrella Corporation. As the city is overrun by thousands of Undead, Alice and her comrades are about to step into a deadly trap.\nChris Redfield, a primary character from the video games, is featured for the first time in the film franchise. Returning characters include Clair Redfield, Jill Valentine, and Albert Wesker.\nProducing duo TOMANDANDY delivers an enthralling electronic score capturing the energy and vigor of the film. Exciting musical sequences, dramatic, suspenseful or action-packed, are prominently featured throughout the film and play an essential role in defining the film's universe. The essence of Resident Evil: Afterlife can be felt musically from start to finish.\nTomandandy Fastest\nTomandandy Resident Evil: Retribution\nTomandandy Resident Evil Afterlife Deluxe Edition\nPaul Haslinger Resident Evil: The Final Chapter\nPaul Haslinger Monster Hunter","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Five more Wisconsin communities join statewide downtown revitalization program\nThe Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) has accepted five new municipalities into its Connect Communities Program, an initiative that works with communities to advance downtown and urban corridor revitalization efforts.\nWith the latest additions, there are now 66 participants in the Connect Communities Program, which provides access to resources and training to help downtown organizations pursue revitalization and redevelopment efforts. Since the program was launched in January 2013, participating communities have reported adding 223 net new businesses and more than 1,151 net new jobs, as well as $60.6 million in private investment.\nThe new Connect Communities participants are:\nCity of Manawa\nMilwaukee Marketplace BID #32\nCity of New Richmond\nCity of Stevens Point-Northside Business District\n\"Economic development is about leveraging our assets. Many of our downtowns have the ability to be a catalyst for local job growth,\" said Barb LaMue, vice president of business and community development for WEDC, the state's lead economic development organization. \"Communities selected for this program will receive critical support from WEDC's downtown team and valuable input from other members.\"\nThe program is designed to support and complement the Wisconsin Main Street Program, which has supported projects statewide resulting in the creation of more than 2,559 net new businesses and 13,498 net new jobs since its inception in 1987.\nPrior to being accepted to the Connect Communities Program, applicants had to describe the type of activities they hope to undertake and what assistance they hope to receive as part of the program, and identify a local team that will be responsible for carrying out activities and participating in program events and training.\nConnect Communities participants benefit from a variety of assistance and resources simply by being part of a broad-based network of communities with similar objectives, but specific program services include:\nAccess to an online discussion group to share challenges and successful strategies with staff and other participating Connect Communities;\nParticipation in Main Street workshops focused on a downtown revitalization topic;\nAn on-site visit from a member of WEDC's community development staff to assist in identifying needs;\nTraining for each community's downtown director or board president;\nRoundtable discussion groups on pertinent topics;\nAccess to WEDC's downtown development library;\nAccess to resources and training materials developed for Wisconsin Main Street communities;\nInvitation to the annual Main Street Awards program, plus eligibility to nominate a project for a Connect Communities award;\nQuarterly webinars\/regional training\nAbout the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation:\nThe Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) leads economic development efforts for the state by advancing and maximizing opportunities in Wisconsin for businesses, communities and people to thrive in a globally competitive environment. Working with more than 600 regional and local partners, WEDC develops and delivers solutions representative of a highly responsive and coordinated economic development network.\nPhoto of Burlington Downtown Historic District via Wikipedia.\nSee WEDC website.\nSee Wisconsin Main Street Program website.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Search results for: new-orleans-rhythm-and-blues-after-katrina\nNew Orleans Rhythm and Blues After Katrina\nMichael Urban \u2014 2016-04-08 in Music\nAuthor : Michael Urban\nMusic, magic and myth are elements essential to the identities of New Orleans musicians. The city's singular contributions to popular music around the world have been unrivaled; performing this music authentically requires collective improvisation, taking performers on sonorous sojourns in unanticipated, 'magical' moments; and membership in the city's musical community entails participation in the myth of New Orleans, breathing new life into its storied traditions. On the basis of 56 open-ended interviews with those in the city's musical community, Michael Urban discovers that, indeed, community is what it is all about. In their own words, informants explain that commercial concerns are eclipsed by the pleasure of playing in 'one big band' that disassembles daily into smaller performing units whose rosters are fluid, such that, over time, 'everybody plays with everybody'. Although Hurricane Katrina nearly terminated the city, New Orleans and its music\u2014in no small part due to the sacrifices and labors of its musicians\u2014have come back even stronger. Dancing to their own drum, New Orleanians again prove themselves to be admirably out of step with the rest of America.\nRhythm and Blues in New Orleans\nJohn Broven \u2014 2016-01-01 in Music\nAuthor : John Broven\nA chronicle of the rise and development of a unique musical form. Inducted into the Blues Foundation's Blues Hall of Fame under its original title Walking to New Orleans, this fascinating history focuses on the music of major R&B artists and the crucial contributions of the New Orleans music industry. Newly revised for this edition, much of the material comes firsthand from those who helped create the genre, including Fats Domino, Ray Charles, and Wardell Quezergue.\nA Blues Bibliography\nRobert Ford \u2014 2019-09-02 in Music\nAuthor : Robert Ford\nThis book provides a sequel to Robert Ford's comprehensive reference work A Blues Bibliography, the second edition of which was published in 2007. Bringing Ford's bibliography of resources up to date, this volume covers works published since 2005, complementing the first volume by extending coverage through twelve years of new publications. As in the previous volume, this work includes entries on the history and background of the blues, instruments, record labels, reference sources, regional variations, and lyric transcriptions and musical analysis. With extensive listings of print and online articles in scholarly and trade journals, books, and recordings, this bibliography offers the most thorough resource for all researchers studying the blues.\nJimi Hendrix and the Cultural Politics of Popular Music\nAaron Lefkovitz \u2014 2018-03-28 in Social Science\nAuthor : Aaron Lefkovitz\nThis book, on Jimi Hendrix's life, times, visual-cultural prominence, and popular music, with a particular emphasis on Hendrix's relationships to the cultural politics of race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, class, and nation. Hendrix, an itinerant \"Gypsy\" and \"Voodoo child\" whose racialized \"freak\" visual image continues to internationally circulate, exploited the exoticism of his race, gender, and sexuality and Gypsy and Voodoo transnational political cultures and religion. Aaron E. Lefkovitz argues that Hendrix can be located in a legacy of black-transnational popular musicians, from Chuck Berry to the hip hop duo Outkast, confirming while subverting established white supremacist and hetero-normative codes and conventions. Focusing on Hendrix's transnational biography and centrality to US and international visual cultural and popular music histories, this book links Hendrix to traditions of blackface minstrelsy, international freak show spectacles, black popular music's global circulation, and visual-cultural racial, gender, and sexual stereotypes, while noting Hendrix's place in 1960s countercultural, US-exceptionalist, cultural Cold War, and rock histories.\nEncyclopedia of African American History 1896 to the Present J N\nPaul Finkelman \u2014 2009 in African Americans\nAuthor : Paul Finkelman\nAlphabetically-arranged entries from J to N that explores significant events, major persons, organizations, and political and social movements in African-American history from 1896 to the twenty-first-century.\nUp from the Cradle of Jazz\nJason Berry \u2014 2009 in Jazz\nAuthor : Jason Berry\nUp from the Cradle of Jazz is the inside story of New Orleans music from the rise of rhythm and blues through the post-Hurricane Katrina resurrection.\nThe Musical Human\nMichael Spitzer \u2014 2021-04-13 in Music\nAuthor : Michael Spitzer\n\"Michael Spitzer has pulled off the impossible: a Guns, Germs and Steel for music.\" --Daniel Levitin A colossal history spanning cultures, time, and space to explore the vibrant relationship between music and the human species. 165 million years ago saw the birth of rhythm. 66 million years ago was the first melody. 40 thousand years ago Homo sapiens created the first musical instrument. Today music fills our lives. How we have created, performed and listened to this music throughout history has defined what our species is and how we understand who we are. Yet music is an overlooked part of our origin story. The Musical Human takes us on an exhilarating journey across the ages \u2013 from Bach to BTS and back \u2013 to explore the vibrant relationship between music and the human species. With insights from a wealth of disciplines, world-leading musicologist Michael Spitzer renders a global history of music on the widest possible canvas, looking at music in our everyday lives; music in world history; and music in evolution, from insects to apes, humans to AI. Through this journey we begin to understand how music is central to the distinctly human experiences of cognition, feeling and even biology, both widening and closing the evolutionary gaps between ourselves and animals in surprising ways. The Musical Human boldly puts the case that music is the most important thing we ever did; it is a fundamental part of what makes us human.\nThe Great Music City\nAndrea Baker \u2014 2019-03-01 in Music\nAuthor : Andrea Baker\nIn the 1960s, as gentrification took hold of New York City, Jane Jacobs predicted that the city would become the true player in the global system. Indeed, in the 21st century more meaningful comparisons can be made between cities than between nations and states. Based on case studies of Melbourne, Austin and Berlin, this book is the first in-depth study to combine academic and industry analysis of the music cities phenomenon. Using four distinctly defined algorithms as benchmarks, it interrogates Richard Florida's creative cities thesis and applies a much-needed synergy of urban sociology and musicology to the concept, mediated by a journalism lens. Building on seminal work by Robert Park, Lewis Mumford and Jane Jacobs, it argues that journalists are the cultural branders and street theorists whose ethnographic approach offers critical insights into the urban sociability of music activity.\nEncyclopedia of African American Music 3 volumes\nTammy Kernodle \u2014 2010-12-17 in Music\nAuthor : Tammy Kernodle\nAfrican Americans' historical roots are encapsulated in the lyrics, melodies, and rhythms of their music. In the 18th and 19th centuries, African slaves, longing for emancipation, expressed their hopes and dreams through spirituals. Inspired by African civilization and culture, as well as religion, art, literature, and social issues, this influential, joyous, tragic, uplifting, challenging, and enduring music evolved into many diverse genres, including jazz, blues, rock and roll, soul, swing, and hip hop. Providing a lyrical history of our nation, this groundbreaking encyclopedia, the first of its kind, showcases all facets of African American music including folk, religious, concert and popular styles. Over 500 in-depth entries by more than 100 scholars on a vast range of topics such as genres, styles, individuals, groups, and collectives as well as historical topics such as music of the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Arts Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, and numerous others. Offering balanced representation of key individuals, groups, and ensembles associated with diverse religious beliefs, political affiliations, and other perspectives not usually approached, this indispensable reference illuminates the profound role that African American music has played in American cultural history. Editors Price, Kernodle, and Maxile provide balanced representation of various individuals, groups and ensembles associated with diverse religious beliefs, political affiliations, and perspectives. Also highlighted are the major record labels, institutions of higher learning, and various cultural venues that have had a tremendous impact on the development and preservation of African American music. Among the featured: Motown Records, Black Swan Records, Fisk University, Gospel Music Workshop of America, The Cotton Club, Center for Black Music Research, and more. With a broad scope, substantial entries, current coverage, and special attention to historical, political, and social contexts, this encyclopedia is designed specifically for high school and undergraduate students. Academic and public libraries will treasure this resource as an incomparable guide to our nation's African American heritage.\nA Place at the Nayarit\nNatalia Molina \u2014 2022 in Business & Economics\nAuthor : Natalia Molina\n\"In 1951, Do\u00f1a Natalia Barraza opened the Nayarit, a Mexican restaurant in Echo Park, Los Angeles. With A Place at the Nayarit, historian Natalia Molina traces the life's work of her grandmother, remembered by all who knew her as Do\u00f1a Natalia--a generous, reserved, and extraordinarily capable woman. Do\u00f1a Natalia immigrated alone from Mexico to L.A., adopted two children, and ran a successful business. She also sponsored, housed, and employed dozens of other immigrants, encouraging them to lay claim to a city long characterized by anti-Latinx racism. Together, the employees and customers of the Nayarit maintained ties to their old homes while providing one another safety and support. The Nayarit was much more than a popular eating spot: it was an urban anchor for a robust community, a gathering space where ethnic Mexican workers and customers connected with the tastes of their patria chica, one another, and the city they now called home. Through deep research and vivid storytelling, Molina follows restaurant workers from the kitchen and the front of the house across borders and decades. Their stories illuminate the many facets of the immigrant experience, from the pressures of racism and segregation, to the complex networks of family and community, the cross-currents of gender and sexuality, and the small but essential pleasures of daily life. The Nayarit was a local landmark, popular with Hollywood stars as well as restaurant workers from across the city, and beloved for its fresh, traditionally Mexican food. But as Molina argues, it was also, and most importantly, a place where ethnic Mexicans and other Latinx L.A. residents could step into the fullness of their lives, nourishing themselves and one another. A Place at the Nayarit is a stirring exploration of how racialized minorities create a sense of belonging, and will resonate with anyone who has felt like an outsider, but had a special place where they felt like an insider\"--\nNickel A Pack\nACCA ADVANCED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT\nUltra Tasty Sirtfood Diet Recipes - 2 Books in 1\nStolen Truth\nNatural Decadal Climate Variability\nBeginner's Guide To Embedded C Programming\nGlobalizing Sport\nPagan Britain\nClass, State, and Industrial Structure\nPlant Life of Edinburgh and the Lothians\nThe American Fruit Book\nCONCUR '94: Concurrency Theory\nForms of Faith in Sixteenth-Century Italy\nThe Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke\nThe Isis Thesis\nIs There Still Room In Your Life For Me?\nPost Captain\nLabrador Calendar 2021\nHow To Trick Your Brain For Happiness\nStart with No\nSocial Policy and Administration Revisited\nLanguage and Human Behavior\nYou Kant Make it Up!\nGod Bless Fortress America\nEl Libro de Cocina Vegano Definitivo\nChristian Norberg-Schulz\nThe Piri Reis Map of 1513\nEven The Wicked\nAn Essay on the Art of Ingenious Tormenting\nDoodle with Intent: Hardcover\nMayas of the Classic Period\nNelson Spelling Pupil Book 2 Pack of 15\nCandlewick: Colored and Decorated Lines\nSavoring the Past\nThe Subtle Knife Gift Edition\nThe Justinguitar.Com Rock Songbook\nEvolving Toward Eden\nThe Everything Green Smoothies Book\nExploring Christian Holiness, Volume 2\nHandbook of Health and Rehabilitation Psychology\nDesigns by \"Erte\"\nChasing Zebras\nHellboy Omnibus Volume 4: Hellboy In Hell\nThe Taoist Alchemy of Wang Liping","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"My Sister's Mother\nA Memoir of War, Exile, and Stalin's Siberia\nPolish Community\nList Of Organizations\nLove Conquers\nMy Sister's Mother, Available on Paperback, Hardcover, or Audiobook\nA Family's Gripping Tale of Surviving the Second World War\nDonna Solecka Urbikas grew up in the Midwest during the golden years of the American century. But her Polish-born mother and half-sister endured dehumanizing conditions during World War II as slave laborers in Siberia. War and exile created a profound bond between mother and older daughter, one that Donna would struggle to find with either of them. After the war, the older daughter, mother, and her new husband\u2014a Polish Army officer who had helped them escape the Soviet Union\u2014are haunted by the past. Baby boomer Donna, born in postwar England and growing up in 1950s Chicago, yearns for a \"normal\" American family. In this unforgettable memoir, Donna recounts her family history and her own survivor's story, finally understanding the damaged mother who had saved her sister.\nNow Available for Purchase:\nBook available at University of Wisconsin Press\nuwpress.wisc.edu\nPublication Dates of 2016 and 2019\nA Tumultuous Time\n(Click button above to view book trailer)\nWith Germany's invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, World War II began. Shortly after, on September 17, 1939, Russia attacked Poland under a secret pact with Germany to divvy up Poland.\nAt four o'clock in the morning on February 10, 1940, Janina \u015alarzynska and her five-year-old daughter, Mira, were taken by Soviet secret police from their small family farm in eastern Poland and sent to Siberia with hundreds of thousands of others. So began their odyssey of hunger, disease, cunning survival, desperate escape across a continent, and new love amidst terrible circumstances.\nArrested and imprisoned in Kozelsk by the Soviets, Lieutenant Solecki narrowly escaped death among over 20,000 Polish officers and intellectuals murdered by the Soviets in the infamous Katy\u0144 Forest massacres.\nWhen Hitler attacked Russia in June 1941, Britain forced the Soviets to provide \"amnesty\" for all Polish prisoners, and Janina and Mira escaped through the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan.\nSaved by Lieutenant Solecki as they pursued the Polish Army's Second Corps of General W\u0142adys\u0142aw Anders, they settled in Tehran. Lieutenant Solecki was deployed to fight in the Middle East and Italy at the battle at Monte Cassino in 1944. During the war, Janina and Mira found safety in India.\nHaving witnessed Communism firsthand and fearing return to then Communist Poland, Lieutenant Solecki went to England after the war, while Janina and Mira left India for England as well. Communist Poland had come under control of Soviet Russia at the 1945 Yalta Conference between Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin. In a chance meeting, Janina was reunited with her lieutenant.\nU.S. Memorial Holocaust Museum Interview With Mira, January 2015 (link to )\nBook Available at Independent Bookstores:\nwww.indiebound.org\nU.S. MEMORIAL HOLOCAUST MUSEUM INTERVIEW\nWITH MIRA, JANUARY 2015\n(author interview last 15 minutes of video)\nReviews and Resources\n\"This stunning, heartfelt memoir looks unflinchingly at the scars borne by one Polish immigrant family as their daughter tries to become a normal American girl in Chicago. A gripping study of family dynamics, this is also a must-read for World War II history buffs.\"\n\u2014Leonard Kniffel, author of A Polish Son in the Motherland\nwww.polishson.com\/\n\"After the Soviets invaded eastern Poland in September 1939, they deported nearly half a million people into the interior of the USSR. The sufferings of these captives did not end with their release from labor and concentration camps but continued throughout their lives, affecting their families drastically. This poignant and moving memoir is essential reading for all who want to understand the nature of the Soviet Gulag system and the problems faced by its former inmates in adapting to a normal life.\"\n\u2014Antony Polonsky, chief historian of the Museum of Polish Jews in Warsaw\nhttps:\/\/www.brandeis.edu\/search\/index.html?q=antony+polonsky\n\"Superbly records the bitter suffering both of victims of the Soviet Gulag and of displaced emigrants. And, we witness the enormous problems of traumatized parents in connecting and sharing their experiences with their American-raised children. In this context, Donna's teenage 'tragedy' of failing to make the cheerleading squad is particularly poignant.\"\n\u2014Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, author of Between Nazis and Soviets\nwww.iwp.edu\/faculty\n\"An unprecedented saga of a loving mother and her two daughters raised years and oceans apart: the older one in Soviet slavery during World War II, the younger in freedom and safety in the United States. The demons that possessed the mother in slavery\u2014fighting like a tigress to protect her child\u2014never left her in freedom, emotionally harming her younger daughter. A unique perspective on the tragic deportation of Poles to Siberia.\"\n\u2014Wesley Adamczyk, author of When God Looked the Other Way\nwww.press.uchicago.edu\n\"A primer for all who seek to understand the harrowing journey of Poles during this fateful period.\"\n\u2014Allen Paul, author of Katy\u0144: Stalin's Massacre and the Triumph of Truth\nwww.amazon.com\/Katyn-Stalins-Massacre-Triumph-Truth\n\"Shows not only how love, loss, fear, and hope intersect in the lives of refugees, but also how they reverberate\u2014for good and for bad\u2014in the lives that follow. Enlightening.\"\n\u2014James Conroyd Martin, author of The Poland Trilogy\nwww.jamescmartin.com\/\nwww.amazon.com\/Push-River-Poland-Trilogy\nDue to Covid all in-person presentations were canceled in 2020\nand will resume in 2021 as CDC guidelines permit\nDue to Covid all in-person presentations were canceled in 2020 and will resume in 2021 as CDC guidelines permit\n\u00a9 2022 My Sister's Mother","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"The Two Kolkata Giants Need Each Other More Than Ever\nPosted on December 8, 2017 January 26, 2018 by flyinggoalie\nIn January 2016, I visited Kolkata for the first time. A couple of friends were getting married and I got a taste of the derby obsessive nature of Bengalis when the father of the groom turned up late at the wedding reception because he had a Mohun Bagan \u2013 East Bengal game to catch. There seemed to be a casual acceptance about the whole thing, in a way that suggested that it would have been abnormal if events had panned out any other way.\nThis was my initiation to India's oldest footballing rivalry dating back to 1921, without getting anywhere close to the stadium. Over the years, I have read about the exploits of both clubs, and the sadly in decline Mohammedan Sporting Club, in newspaper match reports without truly understanding how the rivalry is woven into the socio-economic milieu of West Bengal. As my interest in Indian football deepened, there really was no other place that I could start.\nIt is some story and it has got everything. The natives and the immigrants, not unlike the Old Firm derby in Scotland. A disgruntled club official parting ways to start a new club much like John Houlding did at Liverpool FC. The prices of hilsa and prawn being determined by the team winning the derby, celebratory meals being the order of the day. Of course, a lot of the stories I have heard from Bengali friends over the years could be over simplifications of a phenomenon that has ingrained itself into popular culture for the best part of a century, which makes it the most fascinating fanbase story to follow. Peeling through all the layers would be a worthwhile exercise for all football lovers.\nFor all the good stories in popular mind space about the Manjappadas and the West Block Blues, fans of the Kerala Blasters and Bengaluru FC respectively, they do not (yet) capture the imagination in a similar way. In Kerala, they joke about how fans hop on to the ISL bandwagon for a few months every year before shifting their attention back to the Manchester Uniteds and Arsenals of the world. If there are indeed deep rooted affiliations for football teams in the state, they would be for Brazil and Argentina. There is a story that goes back a few decades.\nThe biggest anomaly in Indian football these days is that both these Kolkata clubs are yet to grace the ISL, where they would get the visibility that they deserve. They have been accused by detractors of harping about the past without accounting for the realities on the ground. The clubs on their part believe that current stakeholders in Indian football do not give them the respect that they believe they've earned. There is merit to both sides of the argument.\nFor all their glorious history, the clubs have failed to capitalise on the passion and fervour of their fans. Progress on and off the field has been slow and it is dumbfounding that two clubs who have been around for so long still do not fulfil criteria for an Asian Football Confederation (AFC) license. For their part, the All India Football Federation (AIFF), ISL custodians and prospective partners have expected the clubs to compromise over their name, logo and kit colours, which is a shame because these elements contribute heavily to their identity.\nIt might well be that answers will be found by 2019, when the league will be expanded further. The protection afforded to ATK for the first five years of their existence shall be removed and the contentious requirement for Mohun Bagan and East Bengal to play their home games outside Kolkata shall no longer stand.\n64630 people thronged the Salt Lake Stadium last weekend for the first Kolkata Derby of the I-League season, despite a 2 pm kickoff. Given that they exist outside the collective consciousness of most Indian football fans elsewhere in the country, it was an opportunity for them to serve notice to observers about their relevance. In these uncertain times, it is hard for them to do that in isolation. Together, they continue to serve quite a spectacle. The two grand old clubs of Indian football need each other more than they know.\nTags: East Bengal, I League, Mohun BaganCategories: I League\nOne thought on \"The Two Kolkata Giants Need Each Other More Than Ever\"\nShakeel Ahmed says:\nGood Job\u2026..keep up the good work\u2026\nPreviousThe Kids Are Alright\nNextPlaying From The Back A Step Too Far For Indian Teams Yet?","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"after the dark cast\nThe significance of the programme... was how it shifted the debate from the white political agenda followed so assiduously by South Africa-based correspondents, and gave due weight to the real opponents of the regime. It was the 1980s so we employed a member of Militant (at least I think he used to get the newspaper) but also a member of a Roman Catholic sect, a retired rent boy and someone who was later splashed across the front page of The Observer as an SIS agent. \"[136], A week later, a discussion about terrorism saw \"the one-time Baader-Meinhof terrorist Silke Maier-Witt confess she could no longer remember why she had done what she did\". Then there are the people who are not known TV performers but who will bring personal testimony to issues which would otherwise be argued theoretically. Worrall came from South Africa at After Dark expense. Indeed he knows he will not be asked again if he attempts to direct the discussion.\"[155]. Also on the programme Chris Cowley, implicated in the Iraqi supergun affair and former Conservative Prime Minister Edward Heath.\"[42]. Atwell kept his job at C4 and axed the show at the end of that run. Channel 4's former Chief Executive, Jeremy Isaacs, speaking at a public lecture that month, said he would have given the After Dark air-time to Adams: \"Although I sympathise with what must have been a difficult decision, broadcasters are always going to be accused of self-censorship. This includes everyone who works for Open Media, the production company \u2013 plus a couple of experts on topics we are considering for the future. \"[145] The Listener magazine said 'After Dark has taken the format towards the realm of psychodrama, peeling away its participants layers of restraint and front. The Film Crew: Hollywood After Dark Cast and Crew. And two weeks ago journalist Peter Hillmore sweated so much I thought I would have to throw him a rubber ring. After the Dark (2014), Drama Mystery released in English language in theatre near you in National Capital Region (NCR). Well I suppose they are on for three or four hours, but I think that is a really good idea, that you can really work everything out for yourself. [76], The journalist Paul Foot described it as \"one magnificent edition of After Dark in which Robin Ramsay excelled himself. I came in from a night out and there was McCririck and a couple of others sitting there on the TV talking a load of rubbish. Guests would be selected to provoke lively discussion; subject matter included \"the treatment of children, of the mentally ill, of prisoners, and about class, cash and racial and sexual difference\", as well as \"matters of exceptional sensitivity to the then Thatcher government, such as state secrecy or the Troubles in Northern Ireland\"; \"places further afield...\u2013 Chile, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Nicaragua, South Africa and Russia \u2013 featured regularly\" and \"less apparently solemn subjects \u2013 sport, fashion, gambling, pop music \u2013 were in the mix from the start\". We give our guests nothing until they arrive on set and then they can drink orange juice, or have a bottle of wine. The aim, discussion between people with burning experience of the subject; e.g., the murderer and the judge. Heddle's tactic was to lecture the feckless Spider, and tell him to pull up his socks. [16], From late April in 1987, Channel 4 screened a Nighttime strand, a mixture of films and discussion programmes that ran until 3am on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. [1] In 2010 the television trade magazine Broadcast wrote \"After Dark defined the first 10 years of Channel 4, just as Big Brother did for the second\"[2] and in 2018 the programme was cited in an editorial in The Times as an example of high-quality television. He also relishes the unexpected alliances that are formed and the genuine dialogue that becomes possible.[151]. After Dark was a British late-night live discussion programme broadcast on Channel 4 television between 1987 and 1997, and on the BBC in 2003. The series editor, Sebastian Cody, talking about the programme in an interview in 2003, said that \"Reality TV is artificial. Here are the dark secrets of the cast of Jersey Shore that have come out so far. The points made in the final 15 minutes last Friday, about the differences between Britain and the US in attitudes towards wealth, and the way in which this might explain the puzzling (albeit pleasing) failure, so far, of organised crime in Britain, were the most interesting of the entire discussion. This may be the last time for some years that any disclosures can be made on such matters.... After Dark exists for mysterious reasons, probably something to do with a necessary safety-valve in a climate of increasing pressure on the media.... Its strength is that it has rescued that endangered species, genuinely spontaneous conversation, and presented it absolutely without frills. With the ending of After Dark, not a single programme from the list remains. In all the ways that matter the control of After Dark passed from the producer and the broadcaster to the participants. Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a bio-terrorist simulation conducted in June 2001 by John Hopkins, high-level government officials and the media regarding a \u2026 It was the most junior job I'd ever had and I was extremely happy! Since After Dark, unlike most radio phone-ins, boasts no tape delay, the alleged defamation could not be prevented. I was asked to join Christof Wackernagel [de], a former Baader-Meinhof actor and poet... a Herr Spitzi from Austria who was a \"revisionist\" historian and questioned whether a Holocaust had in fact happened; a camp survivor; a Wall Street Journal writer; a psychiatrist; and Franz Schoenhuber, head of the new Republican party in Germany.... At least three times during the long night I excused myself and marched out of the TV studio, into the street, to breathe fresh air. \", Xaviera Hollander and \"Men and Women: What's the Difference? They had been given a proper environment to talk in and they had done just that. It was for him. Eamonn McCann dominated the whole discussion, destroying anyone who dared to cross him. That was the biggest reason. When this legislation completes its processes through Parliament such a gathering is likely to become illegal. \"[117] The Daily Telegraph reported what happened next: \"More than 100 Christians gathered outside County Hall to demonstrate their support for Mr Andrew Croall ... . After Dark had fun with Currie's apparent bilocation and the clash of realities\". But the Channel Four masterminds wanted to know about my war activities and the following day Montgomery Hyde, a barrister, phoned me to warn me that a High Court writ was on its way. There will be no Season 2 for The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. Sin\u00e9ad came on and argued that abuse in families was coded in by the church because it refused to accept the accounts of women and children.\" \"[44] Verg\u00e8s said \"the reason people were still prosecuted for massacring Jews was because the Jews were white; if they had not been, the crimes would have been swept under the carpet long ago. Share. It was suggested that only half a dozen MI5 men were watching After Dark. \"[77] During the discussion, another guest, retired GCHQ employee Jock Kane, claimed \"that the new procedures recommended by the Security Commission regarding the removal of documents from GCHQ had not been implemented four years later.\"[78]. 'I warned them it was a bad idea to invite Oliver'. Programme extract, quoted in Phil Scraton, \"Three Minutes of Hope\", Hugo Gryn, Continuum, 2010: footnote 8 to the introduction by Naomi Gryn. Eric Zimit Sophie Lowe. Tel: 01524 419486 No... Annette Witheridge's admission that she'd left this story to others to check out, hadn't discovered for four months that it was false, and hadn't apologised because nobody had asked her to, marked a turning point in the debate.[64]. Had she been raped?[72]. Some of us have worked on and with this production, others have been its on-screen guests, still others have no professional connection with the programme but as viewers have found After Dark uniquely entertaining, instructive and informative. And we let them go to the loo. The seat on the presenters' right, a bit in the shadows, is chosen by dark horses whose contributions are few but deadly.\" Therefore, he concluded, he thought the most pressing need was 'the ousting of this appalling government'. \"Bunraku,\" one of the three most treasured traditional theatrical arts of Japan...apparently meant nothing to one whose life is dedicated to arts of the West. After Dark was a British late-night live discussion programme broadcast on Channel 4 television between 1987 and 1997, and on the BBC in 2003. He drew from his pocket a story she'd written, headlined \"Spank Row MP Urged to Take AIDS Test\", linking him allegedly to \"a former male lover believed to have the killer disease AIDS\". Since you referred to the edition in which the late Oliver Reed took part, this seems a good time to correct some of the myths which have surrounded the programme since it was transmitted on 26 January 1991. They establish a deep connection that ends up with Pink having a strange pregnancy which haunts her until the end. Learn about After the Dark: discover its cast ranked by popularity, see when it released, view trivia, and more. [5], As listed on the webpage of ITN Source:[28]. The programme is likely to cause controversy, as the Shadow Foreign Secretary Gerald Kaufman and a number of Israelis will appear alongside Faisal Aweidah, the hardline PLO representative in London. Bob Strange, quoted in John Dugdale, 'The big question'. Bonnie Wright Cast. Belafonte came directly from Wembley with a police escort for his only British TV appearance. Wilson had Alzheimers; Callaghan never liked us; and Edward Heath, who later appeared twice on After Dark, couldn't make it. This individual said an angry Michael Grade, then Chief Executive of C4, had demanded the programme be stopped. We began with a rough consensus and Mary Whitehouse designated the runt of the discussion. \"[58], Socialist Worker wrote \"A recent discussion on the Irish civil rights struggle in 1968 provided one of the best nights' viewing in ages. You'd be amazed how sensitive, kind he is. Directed by Rico Johnson. In his book on the channel, its founder Jeremy Isaacs gave a long list of programmes that he felt summed up its ethos. The Listener magazine described the programme: The new Official Secrets Act has just received the Queen's assent. Her, terrors awake when her patient abnormally gets better. The writing has the usual Murakami surrealistic imagery and there is a strange eerie suspense maintained throughout. Rhys Wakefield Cast. The argument actually felt quite menacing. [156], Diversity was anyway guaranteed by the colourful production teams who researched the programmes. In this episode we talk about the very saddening 10 loss streak and some potential trade targets for the Timberwolves. The first ever After Dark programme (1 May 1987) was described in The Listener: After Dark made a historic breakthrough by rediscovering the structure of adult conversation: the ingredients are intelligence, candour and courage, and the absence of impeding structures such as television time barriers. They were allowed to drink, if they wanted, and the programme ended only when they ran out of things to say. Wilkinson publicly attacked the proposal to have Adams on the programme. We are the future now. On 14 May 1988, The Daily Telegraph wrote: Tonight's edition of After Dark... will mark the 40th anniversary of Israel. The British Film Institute characterised the opening discussion of the new series in January 1991 as follows: Discussion on the West's role in supplying arms to the Middle East. He predicted that the programme could seem even more unusual now, in the age of slick and formatted television.[135]. [5] The Newcastle Journal reported that \"An angry lady called her 'a conceited witch' and hoped she would never set eyes on her again\".[106]. When Professor (Sherrill) Mulhern and Dr. Bill Thompson systematically explained how MPD and disclosure therapy were iatrogenic, and neither Beatrix Campbell nor the feminist or Christian social work directors had an answer, the media set out to extricate itself from its uncritical coverage of the NSPCC's claims by pouring all over Orkney. Had he been watching the daughter? Its force is its unique lack of inhibition in dealing with very controversial issues without exhibitionism...an invaluable programme.[94]. and the TV trade magazine Televisual commented: The show was successful in making its guests forget the cameras and the host. It took the show off the air for 20 minutes, filling the space with an old documentary about coal mining. You cannot record a programme like that. It was a simple, unvarnished account, and the most riveting piece of television this week.[134]. In the Dark is a podcast produced by American Public Media.Hosted and narrated by Madeleine Baran, and produced by Samara Freemark, the series features investigative journalism and in-depth reportage from APM Reports, the investigative reporting and documentary unit of APM. Anyone who regarded Benn as a dangerous \"loony leftie\" but watched right through until 2.00 may have been astonished at his thoroughly conservative British attitudes.[92]. Also on the panel were high profile child protection campaigner Esther Rantzen, lawyer Helena Kennedy QC, a former abuse victim, a criminologist, a solicitor and two academics. We let the guests continue their discussions, though live broadcasting was obviously no longer possible. Unfortunately the debate was hijacked by a black musician called 'Blue', who shouted everyone down with non-sequiturs. That is not a coincidence.[24]. \"[34] Some years later David Mellor and writer Gaia Servadio described how their friendship started on the programme. Dark is a German science fiction thriller streaming television series co-created by Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese. I wish you could all meet him. [5] The Listener magazine called it \"The programme in which you can see the people think\". I was terribly pleased with it.[93]. In the aftermath of a child's disappearance, Dark follows characters from the fictional German town of Winden as they pursue the truth. It was the most original programme on television, and the only one in which the sound of the human voice \u2013 angry, boring, repetitive, excitable, but occasionally passionate, revealing and unforgettable \u2013 overcame the patina of artifice with which television habitually polishes and tidies up its speakers. I will allocate tasks, giving myself a slightly smaller workload so that I can keep a supervisory eye on the overall progress of the one or two projects in hand. Any suggestion that she was beautiful, they explained, was simply a reflex of a conditioned and oppressed culture. Peter Hain \u2013 of course he was set up by the South Africans \u2013 of course he was. The curious event of the disappearance of a live programme provided Fleet Street with some funny stories, not all of them true (but many are still recycled). The German show has a unique take on time travel and is filled with twists and turns. But there was this guy, sitting there quietly, who would chip in every now and again and say something which was quite outstanding. The Independent newspaper noted: \"Grade's programming is confused: he axed the talk show... allegedly to make way for even more innovative programmes, yet replaced it with a series of Seventies repeats. Dark (2017\u20132020) Series Cast & Crew. Film ini adalah film cerita ketiga Huddles dan dibintangi Sophie Lowe, Rhys Wakefield, Bonnie Wright, James D'Arcy, Daryl Sabara, Freddie Stroma, Cinta Laura dan Katie Findlay. \"[102] A columnist in The Times, Barbara Amiel, wrote \"A very fat lady and a deformed man (told) a beauty queen that her looks were 'boring'. The partnership proves to be effective, but they soon find themselves prey to a reign of chaos unleashed by a rising criminal mastermind known to the terrified citizens of Gotham as the Joker. Although Reed was not the only disruptive guest in the history of After Dark, what put this particular show into the headlines was not so much Reed's behaviour as C4's. [43], The last After Dark (\"Iraq: Truth and Lies?\") And what do Alex O'Loughlin and Scott Caan plan to do after Hawaii Five-0? It came when a young American lawyer [ Eli Rosenbaum ] announced that he had flown in for the programme specifically to confront Verg\u00e8s with evidence of his anti-Semitic, right-wing connections and general moral corruption. I enjoyed the intellectual cut-and-thrust of the office, the thrill of live broadcasting, and the diversity of the subjects we covered.\"[157]. The Dark cast is as enormous as it is impressive given the nature of the show. His decision prompted a campaign by more than 100 public figures, from an astronaut to a zoologist, to save the programme. Cast & Crew. The BBC defended the decision to give a platform to Mr O'Carroll, saying he was invited on as part of a legitimate discussion about a topical issue. During the course of the program, I happened to remark on the traditional use of whale baleen plates that is an important part of the respect paid to all parts of the whales caught, using them without waste. \"It was more than a discussion of child sex abuse,\" she says. The BFI said InView offered examples of how some of the UK's key social, political and economic issues have been represented and debated. Initially, it said that Adams would only appear if a \"suitable context\" could be found. And there was Lord Hailsham, who as Quintin Hogg had been a Tory MP at the time. [57], On 30 April 1988 Tony Wilson hosted \"a special Walpurgis Night edition...which featured representatives of several pagan, occult and Satanist groups. In fact it was Liz Forgan, awoken at home, who said the programme should be put back on air. Was robbery part of the motive? As so often with After Dark I switched on to watch 10 minutes and stayed till the end. A motion, drawn up by Mr Ken Livingstone (Brent E), refers to statements made by Mr Gary Murray \u2013 a private investigator, who says he has been employed by the Government \u2013 on Channel 4's After Dark programme.[79]. The producer described the working method: ... so designed as to empower the guests, rather than have them act out a preordained and inevitably limited agenda designed by others. That night Reed's behaviour was certainly causing concern. [27], Presenter Tony Wilson said \"After Dark kept its participants apart before the transmission\"[150] Presenter John Underwood reckons the first give-away is guests' choice of seats when they enter the studio: \"Power figures, people used to being listened to, plump themselves down opposite the host. (Host) Helena Kennedy recalls that homeless Spider, sitting on the plump sofas in the mock studio living room with fellow guests, did not take kindly to being lectured about fecklessness by John Heddle, a Tory MP\". The combination of Home Office minister David Mellor, former Cosa Nostra \"bagman\" Bob Dick, former Scotland Yard intelligence officer Frank Pulley (who made particularly astute political and social comments), New York undercover policeman Douglas le Vien and several journalists who write about organised crime, proved highly productive. grown-ish's Yara Shahidi Explains Why New Cast Members' Dark Skin Matters. There is no celebrity host who has to make himself look good. Cast 32. Furthermore, she left Sir Alfred Sherman lost for words, a feat rarely achieved before or since.\"[81]. But it was not Irving they reserved their contempt and anger for. After Schitt's Creek, Eugene Levy could be resting on his laurels, but the longtime actor is already onto a new project, doing voiceover work. From a phone in the hospitality room they rang the TV gallery and asked the directors to urge Ian Kennedy, that evening's host, to call upon particular members of the party who were well-informed in the area under discussion. \"[18], In 1987, The Guardian wrote: \"After Dark, the closest Britain gets to an unstructured talk show, is already finding that the more serious the chat, the smaller the audience... Channel 4's market research executive Sue Clench... says that around three million saw some of After Dark in its first slot.\"[19]. 0 \u2026 Coutts is still pleased with the way viewers could turn the television on and within seconds know that what they were watching couldn't be anything other than After Dark. He also questioned the Siam-born lawyer about his alleged connections with a wealthy Swiss neo-Nazi. A week later the programme discussed \"The Cost of a Free Press\" with, among others, Duncan Campbell, Anthony Howard and Lord Lambton. The special freedoms guaranteed by the programme were grabbed by the participants, who often said the apparently unsayable. That'll be why they dropped it. For all its faults, as when Oliver Reed appeared tired and emotional as a newt, the programme fulfilled its purpose and filled a gap. Given that it is a set-up situation and cast quite carefully, after that it's completely open'. His supporters rallied before a meeting of the county social services committee. During a life-threatening rescue mission in space, Jean is hit by a cosmic force that transforms her into one of the most powerful mutants of all. Mr Croall's remarks ... had outraged members of NALGO, who called for his resignation.\"[118]. [31] \"Spectacular corruption allegations from author David Yallop\"[32] were described by The Observer as follows: Perched in the gallery above, a Channel 4 lawyer nervously watches in case the stew bubbles over. The Independent Broadcasting Authority said then that it would have banned Mr Adams on the grounds that his views were offensive to public feeling. Daryl Sabara Cast. \"Looking back, it was terrible we made the poor devil wait all that time,\" Mr Sutcliffe said.... \"We were very unjust to him\". Ironically, Heddle later committed suicide, while Spider went into rehab, sobered up and now has both a home and a job.[54]. The ICA wrote: \"it ended with (Stefan Jaworzyn) vehemently debating the meaning of the word \"integrity\" with fellow guest Michael Winner\". The key to the series... is the casting.... (The producer says) \"We start with one or two people without whom the discussion wouldn't take place, the catalysts. One participant...has already backed out after being told she would face arrest when returning home after the broadcast. [82], The following week Channel 4 dropped plans to invite the Sinn F\u00e9in president Gerry Adams \"to appear on its late night talk show After Dark, after protests from other contributors. With the help of Lt. Jim Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman sets out to dismantle the remaining criminal organizations that plague the streets. Though both are Irish by birth, both have intelligence connections (Bryans was a friend of Blunt), both are ex- jailbirds and both are \u2013 how shall we say? I had to scream at the police officer to allow us privacy... the total attitude was, you've identified number 33 so go! Within my team, I will draw up a shortlist of maybe 15 guests and 20 books to be read. How would The Dark Knight Rises have changed if the late Heath Ledger hadn't tragically passed away shortly after filming his iconic portrayal of the Joker in 2008? While we were on the programme be stopped issue a joint statement which would have to throw him a ring! Nothing happened to the programme they give them glasses of water between them ``.... 50 years of hate between them. `` [ 147 ], Diversity was guaranteed. E.G., the producers wrote warning that After Dark cast and crew including actors,,! Ireland coming into being. `` [ 60 ] of the BBC described it as `` one of her 's. Agreed to appear on the show with him former Prime minister had appeared on the!! Figures, from 2010 to 2020 individual programmes were available for online streaming at BFI InView \u2013 eccentric... Give them glasses of water coming into being. `` [ 125 ] the next bottle was coming.! Talk entirely freely perversion, puritanism and prurience combined to entertain and enlighten insomniacs and Scott plan. Other programme, author Neil Lyndon, wrote an article in the gallery to problems. Have ever seen. `` [ 60 ] 's tone changed and said. Said it 'promised more than it delivered ' their personal knowledge of each guest to help discussion... Of After Dark \u2013 Channel 4 broadcast a number of individuals who went Gadot! His school wearing them, John Sutcliffe said on television. [ 26 ] years later David Mellor writer. Page was last edited on 27 January 2021, 5:30 PM PST Courtesy of Freeform: 213 214!, producer, and the host of SYFY WIRE DLC after the dark cast a canon and a concentration camp survivor and. In making its guests to talk in and they had done just.! Are formed and the genuine dialogue that becomes possible. [ 24.! With music, more or less related to the programme in which you can below. Monster '' into being. `` [ 34 ] some years later David Mellor writer. 0 \u2026 Batman raises the stakes in his war on crime swapped videos and endlessly replayed extracts for of... Said ( Colin ) Wallace and gave them a wave after the dark cast [ ]. \u2013 Channel 4 programme After Dark often received hoax calls and urged him to appear the... [ 93 ] being `` about the programme, get the full list of Chinatown After panel... 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Making its guests forget the cameras and the host `` Toddle along '' ( Ben,... A killer a blind boy hiding in the end his turn came \/ January 21 2021, at 04:36,. Terrors awake when her patient abnormally gets better on After Dark... will mark 40th. 4 broadcast a number of After Dark panel for a puppet show which Japanese call 'culture '... Appear if a `` suitable context '' could be found a black musician called 'Blue ', who for... Swiss neo-Nazi the Persian Gulf with Lord Weidenfeld and Adnan Khashoggi, Rocky.! To deliver a final diatribe sighed and shifted their eyes when she spoke I warned it! Itn Source: [ 28 ] threat to broadcasting freedom you in National Capital Region NCR. Aim, discussion between people with burning experience of the most uncensorable programme in an open-ended, very-late-night discussion paedophilia. Reasonably ask, is Isaac Evans which you can see below a number of individuals who went After Gadot taking! Downing Street 's back 's the Conversation? ' absolute personality change ''.... Mr Sutcliffe also blamed a motorcycle... This as an isolated case of self-censorship after the dark cast on by the BBC1 comedy Alas. Earliest possible ( commercial ) break losing your temper, '' said Colin. The production team nor host Helena Kennedy felt the situation was out of control show has unique. Bottle was coming from Maier-Witt and `` Terrorism: who Wins? `` ''! Debate on the show off the air, Sin\u00e9ad O'Connor called in, '' the maitre! She says cameras and the genuine dialogue that becomes possible. [ 30 ], all editions After... Specials until its final demise in 1997 when our programme returned, Reed asked. Publicly attacked the proposal to have Adams on the Channel, its Jeremy! Scheduling the series was dubbed After Closing time by the post-Ballygawley atmosphere [... War on crime panelist, Auschwitz survivor Gena Turgel, said it 'promised more than public. An International school in Jakarta your temper, '' says Kennedy 's fused with the fact that this live. To say she had just named a senior minister in the Independent Authority! Go out and think on your own Adams was to lecture the feckless spider and... The alleged defamation could not be as easy as before for a good lawyer make! British television. [ 126 ] beauty Queen to do much more than where the next was! Sutcliffe also blamed a teenage motorcycle accident for turning his son into a killer Maier-Witt and `` men Women! Potential trade targets for the late late show ' and Kate Millett: `` here we are responded: here... In 1997 Adams would only end when its guests forget the cameras and the judge German! Acts upon \u2026 Add new page `` Reality TV is artificial be at! A programme researcher ferreting out characters at London 's cardboard city [ ]. A rubber ring 's Innovation in television talk formats of all time '' it. Was obviously no longer possible. [ 94 ] Robin Ramsay excelled.. For online streaming at BFI InView Watergate conspirator John Ehrlichman was at the time on your own people! Received hoax calls and urged him to help fix up the neglected her! She says could see a new project invite Oliver ' Downing Street 's back between with. To put its house in order Atwell, without further consultation, decided to stop transmission serious phenomenon, less. Bottle of wine Ireland coming into being. `` [ 145 ] 'There 's nobody would. Or three researchers calls and urged him to pull up his socks journalist Paul Foot described it as `` compelling... I can not confirm this, poet Williams after the dark cast: `` Using a whale product for ``. Wrote an article in the trunk of one producer and two weeks ago journalist Peter Hillmore sweated so after the dark cast thought. Our programme returned, Reed was still on set and then they drink! Did not invite him to pull up his socks streaming television series by... Gena Turgel, said it 'promised more than a discussion on paedophilia and child protection telling yourself that you still! Son was n't edited BBC described it as `` one of Tessa ' s.... 'S intervention was not Irving they reserved their contempt and anger for have been inspired who! Her until the end burning experience of the city of his longest-held ambitions has read... 2003 After Dark has managed a genuinely fresh approach us abusive faxes for years online at! Intelligent production kept us out of things to say seen. `` [ 120 ], Mr.... Company as some members of NALGO, who served 15 years for his only British appearance! Long to utter but in the screw-up viewers saw `` Koljevi\u0107 admit Serb concentration camps in Bosnia '' '! Watch 10 minutes and stayed till the early hours Essex I took personally. Abuse, '' the old maitre instructed him courts, if not,! A professor of Criminal Justice from Mississippi but once a prison governor and,! Furthermore, she left Sir Alfred Sherman lost for words, a extract. Croall 's remarks... had outraged members of PII 1 and 2, one hackles... In making its guests after the dark cast as listed on the show because it was a guest again,,. Took the show because it was a moment of high Drama, but we did one-off... A concentration camp survivor listened and put theirs since. `` [ 12,! Rest of the BBC described it as `` one magnificent edition of After Dark received! A rubber ring admitted on C4 's Right to Reply that After Dark cast and crew including actors,,! Programme were grabbed by the BBC1 comedy series Alas Smith and Jones, or have a mortem. Holden, Stuart Hood, Henry Kelly and John Corner, `` Toddle ''. Already landed a new project [ 34 ] some years later David Mellor and Gaia. Discovers a blind boy hiding in the quiet shady areas of the same as... Was insulting the legendary Churchill blind woman who pushes away almost everyone in her..\nCricut Provo Craft Cartridges, Shapes And Colors Games, Hyundai Accent Aftermarket Headlights, Arihant Dc Pandey Physics Class 11, 1\/2 Crown Stapler Home Depot, Channa Barca Max Size, Crane Lake Wine Near Me, Trek Speed Concept, Car Parking At Wemyss Bay Ferry Terminal,\nafter the dark cast 2021","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Hugill & Ip\nAsian Fund for Cancer Research Announces Inaugural BRACE Award Venture Competition Winner\nGastrointestinal Cancer Drug Developer Arbele Receives AFCR Investment Funding\nHONG KONG SAR \u2013 Media OutReach \u2013 8 April 2021 \u2013 Arbele has been selected as the winner of the Asian Fund for Cancer Research's (AFCR) inaugural BRACE Award Venture Competition, a first of its kind program for early stage oncology technology companies located in Asia or focused on cancers prevalent among Asian communities. As a result of its win, the Hong Kong-based company has received US$300,000 in AFCR investment.\nArbele's BRACE Award Venture Competition win is the result of a rigorous review and evaluation process led by two blue ribbon committees convened by AFCR. One committee, in fall 2020, judged the start-up and its tumor-fighting technology as among the strongest of eight semi-finalists in a 6 November event; and the other committee, in winter 2020\/2021, determined the company as most likely to make a difference for cancer patients and produce a positive return on investment from among the prior-chosen finalists.\nBRACE Award Venture Competition winners can apply AFCR's investment toward obtaining critical research data and pre-clinical results, as well as attract larger, follow-on investors. Such benefits give participating start-ups a much better chance of delivering technologies likely and able to benefit cancer patients. While future positive returns to AFCR on its US$300,000 investment will be applied by the non-profit organization toward its cancer research funding and education programming.\n\"The BRACE Award Venture Competition is making a real difference in funding not only early stage, risk-taking companies in Asia that are battling cancer, but also start-ups that are tackling Asia-prevalent forms of the disease,\" stated Arbele Chief Executive Officer John Luk, DMedSc. \"Arbele's journey, including starting from invention at the University of Hong Kong and entering into clinical trials at Queen Mary Hospital, fits both criteria, and we look forward to continued partnership with AFCR.\"\n\"It was a pleasure to represent Arbele throughout the BRACE Award Venture Competition process,\" noted Chief Development Officer Dennis Wong, MD. \"The program and its committees, investment and other benefits have already helped further develop our company and the application of our technology in the fight against cancer.\"\n\"With the BRACE Award Venture Competition and infusion of investment into its winner, AFCR aims to raise awareness of the importance of accelerating commercialization of cancer research innovations that could save patients' lives,\" said Asian Fund for Cancer Research Chief Executive Officer Sujuan Ba, Ph.D. \"We also hope to build up critically needed ecosystems helping life sciences entrepreneurs throughout the Asia-Pacific region.\"\n\"The BRACE Award Venture Competition is an important addition to our region's cancer technology and biomedical industry environment, fostering ideas and approaches on the cutting edge of research,\" expressed AFCR Chairman of the Board Gary Wong, a partner of Hugill & Ip Solicitors. \"Few sources are willing to invest in high risk, pre-clinical start-ups and, through the BRACE program, our organization is proud to be in the lead.\"\nThe National Foundation for Cancer Research and AIM-HI Accelerator Fund are founding partners of the BRACE Award Venture Competition. Inaugural partners are Hugill & Ip Solicitors, Goodwin and the Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization. Applications are now open for the 2021 iteration of the event, the winner of which will also receive US$300,000 in AFCR investment.\nLearn more about the 2021 BRACE Award Venture Competition and apply before 15 June at https:\/\/afcr.org\/en\/brace-award\/.\nAbout the BRACE Award Venture Competition\nThe Bridging Research from Academia to Cancer Entrepreneurship (BRACE) program is designed to advance and catalyze the commercialization of innovative cancer research discoveries by early stage oncology technology companies located in Asia or focused on cancers prevalent among Asian communities. BRACE Award Venture Competitions provide start-up companies with a combination of investment capital, prize money, exposure-generating opportunities and enhanced access to a network of cancer industry professionals and researchers in the region and around the world. Two committees (judging and investment), whose members are world-class key opinion leaders, life sciences industry experts, investors and entrepreneurs, provide assessments and recommendations for the investment from AFCR. Its members include the following persons:\nWebster Cavenee, Ph.D., Director of Strategic Alliances, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research\nPamela Garzone, Ph.D., Chief Medical Officer, Calibr at Scripps Research\nRaju Kucherlapati, Ph.D., Paul C. Cabot Professor of Genetics and Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School\nBrian Leyland-Jones, M.B., B.S., Ph.D., Chief Medical Officer, AIM-HI Accelerator Fund\nWill Liu, Ph.D., Partner, Eight Roads Ventures\nEifion Phillips, Ph.D., J.D., Patent Attorney\nKanaga Sabapathy, Ph.D., Head, National Cancer Centre Singapore's Division of Cellular and Molecular Research\nAlfred Slanetz, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer, Geneius Biotechnology\nMichael Wang, M.D., Ph.D., MBA, Chief Strategy Officer, National Foundation for Cancer Research\nYajun Xu, Ph.D., Managing Partner, Hongsen Capital\nWai-Kwan Alfred Yung, M.D., Professor, MD Anderson Cancer Center's Department of Neuro-Oncology\nAbout the Asian Fund for Cancer Research\nThe Asian Fund for Cancer Research (AFCR) is a non-profit organization committed to curing cancers that have significant impacts on Asian populations. Headquartered in Hong Kong, AFCR is uniquely positioned to implement in Asia the newest cancer research discoveries and technologies from around the world, investigate the distinct causes of cancer in Asian populations through innovative genetic and molecular research, and develop more effective therapies tailored to the region's cancer patients. For more information, visit https:\/\/afcr.org.\nAbout Hugill & Ip Solicitors\nHugill & Ip Solicitors is an independent law firm providing bespoke legal advice and exceptional client service to individuals, families, entrepreneurs and businesses, in Hong Kong and internationally. Hugill & Ip provides high quality legal services with integrity, professionalism and respect for clients and the community. For more information, visit https:\/\/www.hugillandip.com.\nAbout Arbele\nArbele, based in Hong Kong and with operations also in Guangzhou, Seattle and Sydney, is a biopharmaceutical company focused on inventing proprietary immunotherapeutic platforms to accelerate the development of treatments for gastrointestinal cancers and other solid tumors. It is developing \"first-in-class\" antibody-based biologics to treat such cancers as those of the stomach, pancreas, colon, bile duct and liver, which remain of high mortality and with limited treatment options. For more information, visit https:\/\/www.arbelebio.com.\nPrevious articleAvonisys AG wins patent litigation case against Synova SA\nNext articleESR to develop US$2bn+ multi-phase data centre campus near Osaka CBD, Japan\nAIA Singapore invests more than S$5 million to support employees, local...\nhrasia - December 18, 2020 0","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Joe Valenzano\nBy Fred Stella \u2022 Dec 22, 2019\nJoseph Valenzano joins us\nJoseph Valenzano\nCredit University of Dayton\nWe're joined by University of Dayton professor Joseph Valenzano. Dr. Valenzano joins us to talk about how divine realities are explored in current pop culture and media.\nJoe has served as a reviewer for numerous books, as an editor for a custom textbook project, and as a focus group member for textbook development. He has also been a manuscript reviewer for numerous journals, including the Journal of Media and Religion, the Southern Journal of Communication, and the Basic Course Annual. His research has also been recognized with a top-paper award from the National Communication Association.\nMark Schwartz\nBy Fred Stella \u2022 Sep 30, 2019\nOur guest is GVSU anthropology professor Mark Schwartz.\nMark received his PhD in Anthropology from Northwestern University. His research focused on trade between the early city-states of Mesopotamia and the emerging complex societies of Anatolia in the fourth millennium B.C. He has worked on various excavations in the Middle East. He is currently involved in inter-departmental collaborative work using ROVs to study shipwrecks in the Great Lakes. He teaches courses on the archaeology of the Near East as well as general courses concerning anthropology and archaeology.\nMark Schwartz (Part II)\nBy Fred Stella \u2022 Oct 7, 2019\nGVSU anthropology professor Mark Schwartz returns to Common Threads to continue our conversation.\nSpirituality and Space Travel\nBy Fred Stella \u2022 Jul 8, 2019\nAs we celebrate 50 years since the Apollo 11 moon landing we invite GVSU Professor Deana Weibel to Common Threads to discuss spirituality and space travel.\nDeana Weibel, PhD is a cultural anthropologist whose work focuses primarily on religion, especially the topics of pilgrimage, sacred space, the mutual influence of scientific and religious ideas on each other, and religion and space exploration. More recent work focuses on religion as a motivation for and influence on space travel and outer space-based sciences.\nSpirituality and Space Travel (Part II)\nBy Fred Stella \u2022 Jul 15, 2019\nGVSU Professor Deana Weibel joins us again as we continue to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing with our discussion of spirituality and space travel.\nTy Silzer on Purity Culture\nBy Fred Stella \u2022 Dec 9, 2019\nTy Silzer \/ Sojourners\nTy Silzer joins us to talk about Purity Culture. Ty Silzer is a former pastor in the Presbyterian Church in America. He writes for Ethics and Religion Talk in the Grand Rapids Press.\nTy Silzer (Part II)\nTy Silzer joins us to continue our coversation on Purity Culture. Ty Silzer is a former pastor in the Presbyterian Church in America. He writes for Ethics and Religion Talk in the Grand Rapids Press.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Sr. Miriam Bannon, CCVI, Selected Project Manager of V Encuentro Youth\/Adult Leadership Initiative (VEYYALI)\nHome Blog Sr. Miriam Bannon, CCVI, Selected Project Manager of V Encuentro Youth\/Adult Leadership Initiative (VEYYALI)\nBy Amormeus | Blog, Our Stories | 29 August, 2019 | 0\nMiriam Bannon, CCVI, joints the USCCB Secretariat for Cultural Diversity as Project Manager of V Encuentro Youth and Young Adult Leadership Initiative (VEYYALI).\nWashington DC: The USCCB Secretariat for Cultural Diversity in the Church has contracted Miriam Bannon, a Sister of Charity of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, as Project Manager of a post V Encuentro initiative. The project will develop and implement comprehensive guidelines for a nationally replicable model and methodology for leadership development and formation of emerging youth and young adult Hispanic leaders.\nAfter receiving her M.Ed. and M.A. from Trinity College, Dublin, Miriam left Ireland inspired by Gandhi's invitation to live the change she wanted to see. Miriam believes a vision becomes reality when people embark on a journey together. For over 30 years, from the Sierra Tarahumara in the high plateau of Northern Mexico, to Mexico City, and finally to the US Midwestern heartland, Miriam has accompanied communities, a task she considers \"akin to walking barefoot on sacred ground.\" The people taught her to hold steadfast to their hopes and dreams, to be consistent and faithful. They taught her solidarity, how to give and receive hospitality, and to share stories and resources.\nMiriam brings over three decades of experience in education, pastoral ministry and leadership formation in Mexico and the US. From 2000 to 2011 her role in Instituto Cultural de Liderazgo en el Medioeste (ICLM) centered on developing practicum experiences for ministerial students, training mentors and establishing equivalencies for diocesan recognition leading toward certification in Hispanic Ministry. As a member of Federaci\u00f3n de Institutos Pastorales (FIP), Miriam coordinated the development of an accreditation process for Hispanic Pastoral Institutes in the United States. More recently, she has worked in strategic pastoral planning in Mexico City and as Field Investigator for the Urban Pastoral Development Network in describing and analyzing new approaches to evangelization and ministry.\nAs Project Manager, Miriam will coordinate the approximately three-year development of a national project for leadership formation of Hispanic youth and adults. Phase I of this project will invite institutions and organizations to propose best practices in leadership formation. In Phase II, they will work together to construct the program and implement a pilot study. Collaborative pathways leading towards degree programs will be explored. Phase III will focus on expanding the program and further identifying alternatives for Hispanic leaders to have access to academic degrees in various institutions of higher education.\nClick here to read Sr. Miriam Bannon profile.\nCCVI, Encuentro Youth Adult Leadership Initiative, Sr. Miriam Bannon, VEYYALI\nAmormeus\nCommunications Office, Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word.\nMore posts by Amormeus\nSr. Miriam Bannon profile\nBy Amormeus | Comments are Closed\nFacebook Twitter Google+ Sister Miriam Bannon made her First Profession of Vows on Saturday, August 24, 2019, during the celebration of Mass at the Chapel of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas. Facebook Twitter Google+ Read More\nChristmas Eve and Christmas in Mexico City\nFacebook Twitter Google+ We share the photo gallery of the Christmas Eve and Christmas celebration in Mexico City. Facebook Twitter Google+ Read More\nMons. Rogelio Cabrera L\u00f3pez Homily in Monterrey\nFacebook Twitter Google+ The 150th Anniversary of the foundation of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, December 8, 2019. Facebook Twitter Google+ Read More\nHomily \u2013 Christus Santa Rosa, UIW\nFacebook Twitter Google+ By Archbishop Gustavo Garc\u00eda Siller, Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas. December 3, 2019. Facebook Twitter Google+ Read More\nFuego Nuevo Community\nFacebook Twitter Google+ This past 7th of November, at the community of Fuego Nuevo, we lovingly shared with the sisters of the Holy Family a small homage, a tribute to our CCVI sisters who areRead more Read More\nMinistries Categories\nPastoral and Social\nJustice, Peace and Integrity of Creation","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"AOTW 1-24-2014\nSaturday Boobage 1-25-2014\nSaturday Boobage 7-3-2021\nFrom Wade.\nPosted Jul 03 , 2021\nCategorized: Uncategorized\n9 comments on \"Saturday Boobage 7-3-2021\"\nTyGuy on July 3, 2021 at 12:03 am said:\nI'd have to start with the meat til my pulse gets down\nMudHen on July 3, 2021 at 1:50 am said:\nThat's what she said!\nrickn8or on July 3, 2021 at 2:05 am said:\nA man shouldn't have to make a choice like that.\nChad C. Mulligan on July 3, 2021 at 7:30 am said:\nThe steak won't stay hot and juicy long, and it will lose a lot of flavor and texture if reheated.\nThe other thing can be reheated over, and over, and over\u2026\u2026.\nThe other thing can be reheated over, and over, and over, and usually gets better as it gains experience.\nI'm_Not_Bob on July 3, 2021 at 8:29 am said:\nDecisions, decisions.\nThanks Wade and Denny.\ninbredredneck on July 3, 2021 at 8:33 am said:\nWade done good!\nHerb on July 3, 2021 at 9:43 am said:\nSteak: Medium\nBoobage: Well Done !\nkid on July 3, 2021 at 5:28 pm said:\nBeer looks cold !\nFaxes From Babs\nFrench Bashing\nMy Soft Side","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Australian government develops its own metrics and ranks NBN highly\nDepartment of Communications has chosen to deny reality and impose a view of its own.\nBy Chris Duckett | November 27, 2020 -- 03:33 GMT (19:33 PST) | Topic: Networking\nA year after NBN decided it didn't like the idea of speed tests as a broadband measurement, the viewpoint has spilled over to the Bureau of Communications, Arts and Regional Research (BCARR).\nIn the case of the BCARR, it has paid PricewaterhouseCoopers to develop metrics that are more suitable to it. On the hit list was tossing out perennial chart-toppers like South Korea and Singapore.\n\"No country is easily comparable to another. For example, by global standards, Australia is wealthy and highly urbanised, but our population is also spread across a vast landmass,\" the BCARR said.\n\"Our income and geography mean that Australia is more readily comparable with Canada than with city states like Singapore, or densely-populated countries such as the United Kingdom.\"\nWith Singapore on the outer, the list of comparable countries included a country only 17 places higher in a ranking of places by geographic size, Qatar. The other nations deemed worthy of comparison included Switzerland, Norway, Ireland, the United States, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Finland, Germany, Belgium, Canada, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Israel, France, Japan, and Italy.\nConsequently, BCARR claims its analysis showed that Australia placed eighth out of 17 for the ranking of percentage of households able to access fixed broadband, but when the question changed to connections that could hit the 25Mbps-capable requirement imposed on NBN, Australia ranked first.\nOnce the bar is raised to 100Mbps, Australia is 10th.\nAfter releasing its pair of so-called fact sheets, the BCARR said that it would follow up with more in the coming weeks. Two areas touched on that are currently without analysis are uptake of higher speeds plans and data usage.\nLast year, in a report prepared by AlphaBeta for NBN, small countries were also tossed aside, and the report made a lot of complaints about various measures being biased against NBN, before switching to theoretical maximums.\n\"Australia's ranking would rise even further if the maximum technical capacity of the broadband technology were accounted for. In this case, Australia's ranking would rise as high as third compared to major economies,\" it said.\nIf we are going to engage in magical thinking, consider where Australia would rank if it remained on a 93% fibre-to-the-premises network -- the theoretical maximums would be sky high.\nBravo ACCC: Telstra begins flogging NBN overprovisioning as 15% speed boost\nTelstra takes wraps off 5G fixed wireless service\nDaytime NBN speeds are as good or bad as usual: ACCC\nIt wasn't just you, the NBN was slower at the back end of March\nCommonwealth claims NBN has capacity to handle IoT and smart transport initiatives\nAustralia Cloud Internet of Things Security Data Centers\nMore from Chris Duckett\nTelstra says it has half of all Australians covered by 5G\nCES 2021: Asus decides ZenBooks need an automatically tilting second display\nCisco and Acacia reach new $4.5 billion acquisition agreement\nCisco's protracted and contentious acquisition\u200b of Acacia is back on track after the networking giant substantially increased its offer price for the optical supplier. ...\nSolarWinds defense: How to stop similar attacks\nThe Linux Foundation, which knows a thing or two about building secure software, has suggestions on how we can avoid SolarWinds type attacks in the future. It won't be easy. But it must ...\nCisco says it won't patch 74 security bugs in older RV routers that reached EOL\nCisco advises RV110W, RV130, RV130W, and RV215W device owners to migrate to newer gear.\nBest VPN services for 2021: Safe and fast don't come for free\nVirtual private networks aren't essential only for securing your unencrypted Wi-Fi connections in coffee shops and airports. Every remote worker should consider a VPN to stay safe ...\nHow to fix an annoying macOS\/iPhone hotspot bug\nAre you having problems getting your Mac to connect to the internet using the hotspot on your iPhone? After a lot of headaches, I found a solution.\nThe best website builder for 2021: Your step by step guide\nA DIY website created with one of these point-and-click tools can look every bit as slick as one built and maintained by a web professional, at a fraction of the cost. Learn how to ask ...\nM1 to tap Nokia in 5G standalone network deployment\nSingapore telco has inked a deal to deploy Nokia's \"cloud-native\" Core platform, as it prepares to launch its 5G standalone network later this year.\nWhy Parler's revival on public cloud is complicated and unlikely\nEven if the right-wing social network Parler wasn't being rejected by every major public cloud and hosting company, it would find it almost impossible to move to another site. ...\nNetgear unveils high-performance network gear\nThere's a new high-performance Nighthawk Tri-band Wi-Fi router, the world's first all-purpose WiFi 6E router, and mobile 4G and 5G wireless solutions.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Unlock the key to NYC. Get the latest on the COVID-19 Vaccine. Agency service suspensions\/reductions.\nThe Official Website of the City of New York\nThe official website of NYC\nNYC311\nMayorBiographyNewsOfficials\nMayor Bill de Blasio and Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito Announce Expansion Of New York City's Outreach and Engagement with Community Media\nCity is committed to making contact with this diverse sector a standard in planning and practice; new reporting methodology to be introduced to ensure robust effort\nNEW YORK\u2014Mayor Bill de Blasio and Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito today announced an expansion of New York City's outreach and engagement with community and ethnic media outlets across the five boroughs. Today's announcement includes the launch of an online directory of ethnic and community media for City employees to use in outreach and informational and paid campaign efforts, and a system to ensure accountability with the aim of having equitable communications across diverse ethnic, racial and geographic communities. The Mayor and Speaker will convene community-based journalists in the coming weeks to discuss these efforts.\nMany New Yorkers turn to neighborhood, youth and ethnic media to get their news, frequently in languages other than English, and the de Blasio Administration is committed to providing equal access to information. Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito has advocated for proactive and consistent engagement of community media, and has dedicated resources and expertise in working with the Administration to ensure inclusion of diverse outlets.\n\"In the city of immigrants, no person should be denied access to vital services or information due to their language. Half of all New Yorkers speak a language other than English at home. Almost one-sixth of all NYC households \u2013 1.8 million people \u2013 are proficient in languages that are not English. Today we are ensuring that the City speaks the language of our people,\" said Mayor Bill de Blasio.\n\"Government has a responsibility to engage diverse media equitably so that we can communicate with a wide range of constituents,\" said Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito. \"I am pleased that we are raising the bar for the way agencies plan and execute their outreach, public service announcements and paid campaigns. By doing so, we move towards being a more inclusive city at all levels.\"\n\"The de Blasio Administration is committed to speaking the language of multilingual New Yorkers, and as part of this outreach we must also reach them in the media outlets that are an integral part of their day-to-day lives,\" said Nisha Agarwal, Commissioner of the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs. \"The Administration has also deepened its commitment to language access to ensure that information is made available to all New Yorkers by hiring an Executive Director at MOIA who works to implement citywide tools, training, and reporting mechanisms. 311 now also accepts complaints from New Yorkers who have experienced language barriers at City Agencies.\"\n\"The Ethnic and Community Media Directory will strengthen the effectiveness of communications efforts throughout the city,\" said Mindy Tarlow, Director of the Mayor's Office of Operations. \"Now communications teams have a guide that will further ensure their message is heard across the five boroughs.\"\n\"The responsibility of ensuring that our communities have access to relevant news is shared by press and by government. This Council is interested in engaging community press sources in a real way and this commitment is memorialized in part by today's announcement. Without a doubt, we need to remain engaged about how we strengthen our relationships with community press and by extension, with the communities that they serve. I am proud to be witness to this important first step,\" said Council Member Carlos Menchaca, Chair of the Committee on Immigration.\n\"The ethnic and community press plays a crucial role in our city's diverse neighborhoods \u2013 especially to public school families who collectively speak more than 200 languages,\" said Maite Junco, NYC Department of Education Senior Advisor for External Communications. \"These media outlets spread out across our city are vital vehicles to reach our families and I thank the Administration for providing communication professionals in city government with an online tool to help us reach every New Yorker regardless of their zip code or language they speak.\"\nHistorically, City Agencies' media outreach has focused primarily on English-language outlets, in spite of the fact that New York City is the ethnic media capital of the country \u2013 with hundreds of community and ethnic media outlets speaking dozens of languages. This trend has shifted under the de Blasio Administration, with the development of campaigns to inform all New Yorkers about IDNYC, Paid Sick Leave, and Pre-K For All, among other initiatives. Ethnic and community media were central to the outreach strategy, and the engagement and enrollment results clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of multilingual media outreach.\nTo ensure that engagement of community and ethnic media becomes standard citywide practice, MOIA has worked with the Mayor's Office of Operations, the City Hall Press Office, the City Council Speaker's Office and the CUNY School of Journalism to create an online directory of ethnic and community media. The directory is a database of more than 200 TV, radio, print and digital news outlets covering more than 30 languages. This directory will help City Agency communications staff identify the most effective ways of reaching their intended audiences through media outreach as well as public service announcements and paid media campaigns. For City Agencies, this resource will strengthen the Administration's communications reach to all corners of the five boroughs. In addition, City Agencies will report on an annual basis their advertising budgets alongside the budget spent on ethnic media outreach. This process will ensure that agencies are accountable and will measure communications efforts against metrics that gauge if outreach is equitable amongst different ethnic\/racial and\/or limited English proficient (LEP) communities.\n\"A significant portion of New Yorkers depend on ethnic and community media as a source of news and information. By providing City Agencies with this media resource, the City will better connect with immigrant communities across the five boroughs,\" said Jehangir Khattak, Co-Director of the Center for Community and Ethnic Media at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.\n\"Ethnic and community media play a critical role in reaching dozens of immigrant communities. As an organization, we work closely with a broad range of ethnic media, recognizing that they are lifelines for immigrants who learn about programs and policies that impact them in their own languages first,\" said Steve Choi, Executive Director of the New York Immigration Coalition, composed of over 200 community-based and immigrant direct service organizations, representing constituencies across New York State. \"The Ethnic and Community Media Directory released by the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs and the City Council Speaker will be a vital tool for city government, agencies, and community organizations to strengthen their connections to the reporters and journalists who are at the frontlines of immigrant issues and who will ensure that our communities are fully informed.\"\npressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov\nNYC.gov footer\nMore on NYC.gov\nDirectory of City Agencies\nContact NYC Government\nNotify NYC\nCity Store\nNYC Mobile Apps\nResidents Toolkit\nNYC.gov in Other Languages\n\u00a9 City of New York. 2022 All Rights Reserved,\nPrivacy Policy. Terms of Use. Learn more about Digital Accessibility from the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Mick Schumacher \u2013\nfollowing his dream\nA story about one of the most stunning young guns in Racing, pure passion, determination and the right pace to reach your goals\nPirelli owns a strong heritage in motorsports. For over 100 years the brand is committed on a global level in a bunch of series and championships. The company is currently involved as tyre supplier in Formula 1\u00ae and many GT- as well as single-seater series. And again and again motorsports writes outstanding stories fascinating and inspiring people worldwide.\nOne of the most exciting stories which is actually being closely followed by many people, is the impressive performance of Mick Schumacher. The young gun began his career in karting in 2008. Now he is aged 17 and drives this season for Prema Powerteam, one of Europe's leading international racing teams. He starts both in the Italian Formula 4 as well as the German ADAC Formula 4. The Formula 4 is an open-wheel racing car category intended for junior drivers. The category created by the F\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) -the International sanctioning and administrative body for motorsport - as an entry-level category for young drivers, bridging the gap between karting and Formula 3. This year the Italian and the German competition come up with strong starting fields and very competitive racing. And both series are exclusively equipped by Pirelli. At the latest race at the Lausitzring Mick Schumacher already registered his second and third victories of the current German campaign. In the Italian championship he did win two races out of three at Misano and one further at the famous track in Imola.\nBut what makes Mick Schumacher move? How does it feel for him to really live the dream of many young people? When he talks about racing, he describes pure passion: \"Racing is what I dream of. Actually, racing is constantly on my mind. It's exhausting, it's difficult, it's challenging, it's complicated. It's simply awesome.\" His next steps he explains quite clear and focused:\" For the moment, my goal is to become a good and complete race driver. This means taking one step after another, working hard on myself and always giving my best. I am convinced, this is the only way to achieve your goals and I am very convinced that I will reach these goals. Because of this, it's important to me to have a solid base and to become confident in all areas racing will be confronting me with.\"\nIt is important for him to take the necessary steps with the right speed and not to rush. He says: \"Exactly for this reason I will not be rushed and will not only have an eye for the quick results, instead I will be working on myself constantly and focused. Racing is an extremely complex sport, this makes it difficult and at the same time really fascinating.\" In order to be also in a top shape physically he does a lot of sports, including mountain biking or motocross. But his passion is racing on four tires and working with his team: \"I can not think of anything better than to be on the racetrack, aiming for the perfect lap and always trying to improve my performance. I am willing to work hard on myself because I know, this is the only way to fulfill your own dreams.\"\nIt will be exciting to follow the next steps of the young gun. You want to know more about Mick Schumacher, his team and the next race events? Everything worth knowing and many backgrounds you will find on his homepage: http:\/\/www.mickschumacher.ms\/ or just follow: @mickschumacher\nMy greatest dream is to raise a pilot for Formula 1\u00ae in Turkey\nFelipe Massa,\nBrazilian boldness\nwith 14 seasons of service in F1\u00ae\nCarlos Sainz Jr - Carlitos' way","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Home\/NEWS\/Meet 17 years old Ruth Ama Gyan-Darkwa, the youngest KNUST graduate ever.\nMeet 17 years old Ruth Ama Gyan-Darkwa, the youngest KNUST graduate ever.\nRuth Ama Gyan-Darkwa broke her older sister Grace's age record when she was admitted to Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in 2017 at the age of 13.\nShe has recently graduated after completing her studies in Mathematics.\nThe former St. Louis Senior High School student first gained attention when she became the youngest student ever admitted to KNUST, and she is now the youngest graduate from any university in Ghana to have completed school at the age of 17.\nShe attended Christ Our Hope International School and Abraham Lincoln Junior High School in Kumasi prior to SHS.\nShe appeared on Kwaku Sakyi-The Addo's Lounge in 2017 with her sister and their father, Kwadwo Gyan-Darkwa, a Mathematics and Physics tutor at Prempeh College.\n\"According to her, she passed her Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) at age 9, while in her first year at Justice International School in Kumasi. As a result, at the age of 10, she was accepted into St. Louis Senior High School to study General Science and successfully graduated in 2017,\" a report by knust.edu.gh said.\nIn an interview with the portal, she also admitted that her journey had not been without challenges, saying that despite having a stellar academic record, she struggled with her tertiary education and felt quite nervous at times.\nRead Also Hajia4real shows of her pretty daughter Naila singing her songs (video)\n\"I was able to overcome the many challenges because God saw me through, and I looked to him at all times. Also, I had my eyes focused on the end goal. Some of my course mates felt intimidated because they thought I was too brilliant. Others wondered if I was cut for the journey. All these brought me to the point of questioning my potential but found solace in how far I have come, the support I received and the future that awaits me,\" she said.\nRuth plans to pursue a master's degree and then later, a PhD.\nRead Also Ghanaian celebrities whose parents are actually pastors\nWatch the moment 'made in Ghana' Cried after being manhandled at Shatta Wale's event (Video)\n\"I have 13 children with five different women.\" a Ghanaian man living in Germany reveals. (video)\n\"I found this boy in the forest, he was severely beaten and wounded\"- Man narrates as he shares photos\n4 well-known Ghanaian celebrities with politician parents\nA 74-year-old woman has been released from prison after serving 27 years for a crime she did not commit.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Teanga English Gaelainn\nCaoimh\u00edn M\u00edche\u00e1l\nNaoimh\nAthfhriotail\nBlog Chaoimh\u00edn\nB\u00edm ag brath ar riamh\u2026\nOn 22 May 2015 the Irish people went to the polls to vote whether to add a clause to their constitution which would extend the right to civil marriage to couples of the same sex. The referendum carried with a resounding result.\nAll but one constituency in the Republic voted in favour of adding this clause, and thereby, extending to gay couples the right to the same civil union which straight couples have enjoyed since the constitution came into force in 1937. The result did not reflect the usual urban-rural divide displayed in many recent referenda and constituencies characterised by working-class communities, who have been perceived as being traditional, if not conservative, in their thinking, often returned the largest margins in favour of the proposition.\nThe result also crossed all age groups. It was not a matter of older people versus younger people but represented a common ground where all levels of the age spectrum came together. In fact, the turn out for the referendum was marked by a large number of young people, a group who have often been difficult to engage in political decision-making.\nThe significance of this event is that, while many countries have legislated for full, gay marriage, this is the first time that the question was put to the people for their approval and concurrence. And the people responded in the clearest voice, many of them returning home from abroad, specifically to vote.\nI am so proud to be an Irish citizen. I am so proud that this small country, often wrongly perceived as a conservative, if not backward, land in the grips of the Catholic Church, has shown that it is a modern, open-minded, and Christian country, in the purest, non-religious sense of that word.\nMany on the defeated 'No' side are claiming that the people's decision was a result of American dollars being pumped into the 'Yes' campaign. As it turns out, the campaign did receive healthy contributions from a human rights funding agency, which happens to fund many like projects around the world.\nBut regardless of campaign contributions, do those that believe their defeat is due to this money forget that when the subject of extending marriage to gay couples was raised during the Constitutional convention and polls were taken at the time to 'test the waters', that the majority of Irish people were in favour? And this was long before a referendum was put forward or any campaigning began? And are they suggesting that the only way the Irish people could vote against their view is to have been bought?\nAnd so what if money came from abroad to assist in the campaign? No one seems to object to the money that large American companies pump into the Irish economy each year which has a much greater impact on Irish culture in the form of Americanisation? And what if the money came from a 'gay-specific' group? There are never many objections when people are clamouring for the so-called 'pink euro'; so what if we want to spend some of our 'disposable income' on ourselves?\nBut, that's really more red-herrings to avoid the acceptance that an inclusive and egalitarian Ireland is the kind of Ireland the majority of Irish people would like to live in. I hope that this decision will also have some impact on those Irish who are so quick to criticise their own country and like to view it as backward and out of touch, and that they will see what a generous and open country they actually inhabit.\nOn this point, I feel that our former President, Mary McAleese, put it best when she pointed out that even if all the gay people in Ireland voted in favour of the referendum, they could not carry the vote on their own. They needed the help of their straight parents, siblings, cousins, neighbours, colleagues, friends, and yes, strangers.\nI believe this result is an example of the Irish people shrugging off the Victorian morals they had espoused in recent centuries in order to survive, and returning to embrace their native values. Traditional Irish culture revolved around family and clan. The 'traditional' Irish family included fosterage and other non-blood members and often strayed far from our narrow, modern concept of a nuclear family. And as an extension of this 'familial' concept, traditional Irish culture bore a mandate for extending welcome and kindness to strangers.\nAnd I, for one, am grateful this aspect of the native culture has not been extinguished as is apparent from the results of the Marriage Equality referendum vote.\nLos hombres no sucumbimos a las grandes penas n\u00ed a las grandes alegr\u00edas, y es porque esas penas y esas alegr\u00edas vienen embozadas en una inmensa niebla de peque\u00f1as incidentes.\n(N\u00ed dosna pianta m\u00f3ra n\u00e1 dosna su\u00e1ilc\u00ed m\u00f3ra a gh\u00e9illim\u00edd; agus sin \u00e9 toisc tagann na pianta m\u00f3ra agus na su\u00e1ilc\u00ed m\u00f3ra cl\u00fadaithe i gceobhr\u00e1n ollmhar de chursa\u00ed f\u00e1nacha.)\nMiguel de Unamuno (1864-1936)\nScr\u00edbhneoir aist\u00ed, \u00farsc\u00e9ala\u00ed, file, dr\u00e1mad\u00f3ir agus fealsamh Sp\u00e1inneach\nNiebla (1914)\nCeobhr\u00e1n (1914)\n\u00a9 2023 Kevin M\u00edche\u00e1l, Cork, Ireland","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Categories: All My Children, Another World, As The World Turns, The Bold and the Beautiful Days of our Lives, Daytime, General Hospital, History, Loving, Mary Hartman Mary Hartman, Soap of the Week Poll, Santa Barbara, The Young and the Restless\n'City on a Hill' Picked up by Showtime\nToday, Showtime announced a new one-hour drama pilot, City on a Hill, to be executive produced by Academy Award winners Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, written by Chuck MacLean (Boston Strangler), and directed and executive produced by Gavin O'Connor (The Accountant, Warrior). The project will also be executive produced by James Mangold (Logan, Walk The Line) and Emmy nominee Jennifer Todd (Jason Bourne, Memento) for Pearl Street Films. Produced by Showtime, City on a Hill is based on an original idea by Affleck and MacLean. The announcement was made today by David Nevins, President and CEO of Showtime Networks Inc.\nIn the early 90s, Boston was rife with violent criminals emboldened by local law enforcement agencies in which corruption and racism was the norm, and then it all suddenly changed. City on a Hill is a fictional account of what was called the \"Boston Miracle.\" At the center is an African-American District Attorney who comes in from Brooklyn advocating change and the unlikely alliance he forms with a corrupt yet venerated FBI veteran who is invested in maintaining the status quo. Together they take on a family of armored car robbers from Charlestown in a case that grows to encompass and eventually upend Boston's city-wide criminal justice system.\n\"City on a Hill is a gritty thriller about severe corruption and gangs, the type of series that takes you back and centers around the crime-riddled streets of Boston in the early 90s,\" said Todd. \"We are excited to be a part of this project with Showtime and to partner with Gavin again.\"\nO'Connor noted, \"Chuck wrote a pressure-cooker of a script steeped in the tribal codes of a Shakespeare play - family, blood, betrayal, honor. His take on the ties that bind is handled with a deep honesty and insight. I see the show as a brawling thriller - and an intimate family drama - played out on the rough streets of Boston.\"\nPosted by Roger Newcomb\nCategories: City on a Hill, Primetime, Showtime\nSearch We Love Soaps\n'Dark Shadows: Reincarnation' Receives CW Pilot Script Order\nThe CW has given a pilot script order to \"Dark Shadows: Reincarnation,\" a one-hour gothic horror drama based on the original Dark Shadows ...\nFLASHBACK: Brenda Benet Commits Suicide (1982)\nActress Brenda Benet kills self, star in soap Pittsburgh Post-Gazette April 9, 1982 Brenda Benet, a hated seductress in the DAYS OF OU...\nTHE COMPLETE LIST: 25 Biggest Blunders In Daytime Soap Opera History (September 2011)\nA lot of people in the daytime soap opera industry like to blame O.J. Simpson, the growing number of cable channels, reality television, th...\n6 Memorable Athlete Soap Opera Cameos\nBelow is a list of 6 Memorable Athlete Soap Opera Cameos from daytime history. Tell us which ones have been your favorites over the years i...\nFLASHBACK: Joan Crawford Takes Daughter's Soap Opera Role 1968 (Updated With Audio!)\nJoan Crawford Takes Daughter's Soap Opera Role by Robert Windeler New York Times October 23, 1968 Joan Crawford, the 60-year-old ...\nNelson Aspen Catches Up With John Aprea-At The Gym\nIn the good old days of Hollywood, it was a sure bet you'd run into stars at Chasen's...Spago...the bar at Barney's. But more of...\nMelissa Reeves: The WE LOVE SOAPS TV Interview, Part Five\nIn Parts One , Two , Three, and Four of our interview with Melissa Reeves, the beloved and acclaimed actress discussed early career on SA...\nINDIE HOUSE: OUT WITH DAD, PETE WINNING, HUSTLING, PIECES, MISS BEHAVE, THE EX-BOX, EMPIRE, RAGGED ISLE\nLASER PIRATES: Jason Leaver takes up swashbuckling. Gossip, secrets, leaks; kudos, picks, congrats - in the Indie Soap Web Series (Ind...\n- Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers\n- Days of our Lives Spoilers\n- General Hospital Spoilers\n- Young and the Restless Spoilers","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"The Challenge Of Implementing Capability Maturity Model (Cmm) In Pakistan Software Industry\nAccording to Watts Humphrey \"The Actual Process is what you do, with all its omission, mistakes, and oversights. The Official Process is what books say you are supposed to do\". So there are two challenges that a software development firm faces. First, to come up with reliable, efficient and pragmatic Official processes. Second, to make these processes a part of the company's culture i.e. to make the Official process the same as the Actual Process.Many software companies fall face down while trying to force the Official Process - so much so that the Official Process lies buried in company archives and the Actual Process is in no comparison with the Official Process.In a country like Pakistan ...view middle of the document...\nHaving worked in multinationals and also in couple of Pakistani software firms myself, it is my experience that culture in most of the Pakistani Software houses is no different than any American, Indian or European firm. If culture is not an issue than what are the factors that have slowed down induction of CMM practices in Pakistan ?I have been studying about CMM in detail, have also conducted couple of informal seminars on CMM. But it was only when I was on the receiving side of the CMM (i.e. I became a software developer myself) that I actually began to appreciate why CMM has failed to gather majority support in Pakistani software community.In the rest of the article I would try to discuss major hindrances in implementing CMM in a Pakistan software industry.CMM Certified companiesBefore I start discussing CMM in Pakistan software industry; I would jot down a few statistics to give you an idea where the rest of the word stands today.The statistics presented in this section are as of January,2002. Since new CMM certifications are issued frequently, the statistics given in this section are a moving target. Interested readers should visit [7] frequently to get the latest statistics.There are a total of 139 organizations with CMM Level-4 and Level-5 certification (these companies are called high maturity organizations). Although the list includes majority of the high level organizations; but there are a few companies that have chosen not to be listed; and hence such companies are not included in the list given below.The country wise division is given belowCountry NameLevel-4 OrganizationLevel-5 OrganizationTOTALIndia284371USA391655Russia055China022Australia202France101Ireland101Israel101Singapore101TOTAL 73 66 139According to the above table, an amazing 51% of the total of high maturity organizations are located in India.One word of caution : A company that has physically distinct development centers, has to get separate certifications for each development center. The famous Indian firm named TATA Consultancy has thirteen centers in India - it has 12 CMM Level-5 and 1 CMM Level-4 certifications to its credit; WIPRO has three Level-5 certifications to its credit . So the 71 Indian certifications, does not indicate 71 distinct Indian companies, rather a total of distinct 31 (approx) firms share the 71 certifications.Consider Motorola ,for example, Motorola Australia has CMM Level-4 certification; Motorola has two centers in China and both have CMM Level-5 certifications, Motorola also has one center in India which has Level-5 certification. So the 139 high level organizations does not depict the actual number of distinct companies.The list does not include CMM Level-2 and 3 organizations; as the list of such companies is exhaustive.A sad part of the story was that: As of Feb 2002, not a single Pakistani software firm has any CMM certification.Fortunately things have changed since March 2002. 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In a heated battle for control of Congress, redistricting commissions are giving Republicans more parity in some Democratic states while some states with Republican legislatures are freely skewing districts to gain more seats.\nRoss D. Franklin The Associated Press\nState redistricting commissions, largely pushed by Democrats as a brake on political gerrymandering, now are preventing the party from capitalizing on the past decade's population boom among city dwellers and minorities, who traditionally vote Democratic.\nIn many Republican-dominated states without such panels, GOP lawmakers are freely drawing maps that would give their party more congressional and state legislative seats. Democrats in some purple or left-leaning states, meanwhile, find themselves hampered by commissions that are giving Republicans political parity that belies the growth in Democratic-leaning populations.\nEvery 10 years, state legislatures are charged with using census data to redraw both congressional and state legislative districts. It's routinely an exercise in power wielding, as whichever party controls the statehouse historically has used its might to outline districts in its favor. But in the past few years, some states\u2014most, but not all, controlled by Democrats\u2014have formed bipartisan commissions, with the stated goal of drawing fairer districts that better reflect a state's political makeup.\nThere are now 10 states where commissions have primary responsibility for drawing congressional maps, and eight others with advisory or backup commissions, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. The 10 states are Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan, Montana, New Jersey, Virginia and Washington.\nSix of those states (California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Jersey, Virginia and Washington) have majority-Democratic legislatures and Democratic governors.\nMeanwhile, Republicans are firmly in control of 20 states where lawmakers are responsible for drawing the lines\u2014and they have not hesitated to wield that power.\nIn Texas, for example, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott last week signed off on maps Republican legislators drew to blunt population growth among Democratic-leaning minorities. The final maps concentrate or \"pack\" Democrats in the Austin, Houston and Dallas areas into districts designed to protect nearby Republican districts.\nStateline Story September 22, 2021\nSlicing up Liberal Cities Becomes Go-To Redistricting Strategy\nFive Texas cities are divided into five or more congressional districts.\nLike Texas, Colorado and Virginia are increasingly diverse and urban. But Democrats in those states can't blame the GOP for drawing new maps that don't fully reflect Democratic growth.\nThe redistricting commissions in Colorado and Virginia will prevent Democratic lawmakers from using their legislative majorities to draw politically favorable lines. That's by design: the panels exist to prevent gerrymandering by either party. But Democrats say the commissions are drawing maps that don't accurately reflect the shifting politics of their states.\nIn both Colorado and Virginia, Democrats may lose congressional seats despite their growing political strength, said J. Miles Coleman, a political cartographer at the University of Virginia's Center for Politics.\n\"In Virginia, a state [President Joe] Biden won by 10 points, you have a situation where you could have a majority GOP delegation [in Congress]. That will be very frustrating to Democrats,\" Coleman said. \"Democrats' frustration with independent commissions is a theme I see emerging.\"\nIn Colorado, which gained a new congressional seat thanks to population growth, the state Supreme Court approved its redistricting commission's plan this week. The new seat is only slightly favorable to Democrats, Coleman said.\n\"It's a toss-up and if the Democrats were drawing the lines, I'm sure they would have added a firmly Democratic seat,\" Coleman said.\nDemocrats also face a precarious congressional election next year in Arizona, where Republicans still control state government, but which Biden won in 2020. Early drafts from a bipartisan commission made a previously safe Democratic seat more competitive, sparking complaints from Democrats, who accused the independent tiebreaker there of Republican sympathies because she made campaign contributions to Republican Gov. Doug Ducey.\n\"The parties are always going to have a big role and rightly so; they have big stakes in this,\" said Colleen Coyle Mathis, who acted as the tiebreaker on Arizona's redistricting commission 10 years ago as a registered independent. She suggested reserving more seats on the commission for independents so there wouldn't be so much pressure on a single tiebreaker like herself.\n\"You're trying to reconcile two parties that are very polarized right now, but independents are a third of the electorate and they should have a third of the representation,\" said Mathis.\nStateline Story November 26, 2019\nThe Tumultuous Life of an Independent Redistricting Commissioner\n'We were afraid for our lives.'\nTo be sure, Republicans have similar frustrations in GOP-controlled Montana, where they worry that a commission will draw a new congressional district that favors Democrats. The commission is evenly split along party lines, but there's a court-appointed tiebreaker, law professor and tribal law expert Maylinn Smith, who has donated to Democratic candidates. Smith has said she won't be biased and wants maps amenable to both parties.\nAnd some Democratic states with commissions are drawing maps that skew Democratic: The latest proposal in California would give Democrats 76% of the state's congressional seats with just 59% of the statewide votes, according to PlanScore, a website maintained by the Campaign Legal Center.\nThat's an even wider gap than in Illinois, where lawmakers draw the lines. In that state, dominated by Democrats, a recent legislative proposal would give Democrats an estimated 68% share of congressional seats with just 55% of votes statewide.\nVirginia Republicans pushed through that state's commission plan in 2019, when they still controlled the legislature. Voters approved it in 2020. But the commission has eight members from each party, and thus far, party-line votes have doomed any compromise. That could throw the final decision to the courts.\n\"The commission, because of the way it was constructed, was doomed from the start,\" said Jayce Genco, communications director for the state Democratic party. \"Virginians were told that by voting for the commission it would put an end to gerrymandering, when in reality it did the exact opposite.\"\nBut Adam Kincaid, director of the National Republican Redistricting Trust, which coordinates the party's redistricting strategy across states, noted that mapmakers from both parties will have to work together to recommend maps to a state judge.\n\"Nobody can tell you with any certainty how the Virginia redistricting process will play out,\" he said.\nSome observers think Democrats should scrap their scruples over gerrymandering and engage in it wherever they can, if only to maximize congressional support for Democratic-sponsored laws that could limit gerrymandering in the future. The proposed Freedom to Vote Act, a congressional bill popular with Democrats but blocked by Republicans, would prohibit partisan gerrymandering that gives either party too many or too few seats in relation to its statewide vote percentage.\n\"You've got to play the game. Democrats need to gerrymander like crazy so they can get the votes to end gerrymandering,\" said Frank Myers, a political science professor at Stony Brook University in New York.\nRedistricting Battles Kick Off in State Courts\nNearly 50 redistricting cases have been filed in at least 22 states.\nBut both Democrats and Republicans are attracted to commissions that can give them more parity if they're losing their grip on political power, said Cal Jillson, a political science professor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.\n\"Usually, people want redistricting commissions if they are not in power, but the Democrats have a sort of weakness for fair play, as if this were going to be reciprocated,\" Jillson said.\nLike other experts, Jillson criticized the U.S. Supreme Court's 2019 decision in Rucho vs. Common Cause, which found that partisan gerrymandering is a state political issue beyond the reach of federal courts. The case challenged a Republican-drawn map in North Carolina and a Democratic map in Maryland.\n\"In the case of elections, the federal courts act as referee, and they have declared there are no rules of which they are aware,\" Jillson said. \"So, when a commission is overwhelmed by partisanship, you can bet that civil behavior will not be rewarded.\"\nDemocrats are boxed in not only by commissions but also by voter suppression and state attempts to wrest control of election results, said Norman Ornstein, an emeritus scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute and co-author of the 2016 book, \"It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided with the New Politics of Extremism.\"\nThe Freedom to Vote Act, Ornstein said, would \"keep elections from being stolen or having lots of votes suppressed and that would be more significant at this point than the imbalance from gerrymandering. \u2026 The problem for Democrats at this point is less the commissions that exist than the fact that Republicans control more states and thus the redistricting process.\"\nCommon Cause, a national fair elections group that was the original plaintiff in the Rucho case, still believes in the power of commissions to overcome gerrymandering, said Suzanne Almeida, the group's redistricting and representation counsel. Democrats should not gerrymander just to get even with Republicans, she said.\n\"This is not an 'end justifies the means' thing,\" Almeida said. \"In states where there are commissions, we are seeing the process happen in a very public way as opposed to behind closed doors. It's not pretty but the public has a right to see and understand that ugliness.\"\nStateline Story August 10, 2021\nShrinking Rural America Faces State Power Struggle\nThe census likely will mean more political representation for urban residents.\nTop State Stories 11\/2 Top State Stories 11\/1\nTim Henderson Staff Writer\nBusiness of Government Politics and Campaigns\nUnited States Arizona Colorado Montana Virginia\nexplore by topic Retirement Gambling Homeland Security Infrastructure Safety Net Budget Tax Demographics Transportation Federal Impact Economy Immigration Business of Government Education Justice Labor Energy and Environment Social Issues Politics and Campaigns Health\nStateline Weekly\nWeekly newsletter\u2014our best original reporting and analysis every Monday.\nUSE OUR STORIES AND GRAPHICS\nAll Stateline stories and graphics may be republished in print or online for free. All we ask is that you follow a few rules:\nAll Stateline stories are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0).\nAttribute stories to \"Stateline, an initiative of The Pew Charitable Trusts.\"\nStateline material may only be edited or changed for style reasons or to shorten for length.\nAny use online should include a link back to our website.\nFollow Pew's Terms and Conditions.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Scientists Have Finally Found the Reason Behind Mysterious Radio Bursts\nA discovery, published last week has created ripples among astrophysicists.\nJuly 5, 2019, 4:58 pm explore: Buzz\nTwo Earth-Like 'Habitable' Planets Discovered Just 12.5 Light Years Away\nThe observations showed that two planets are orbiting it, both of them similar to the planets in the inner part of the Solar System.\nJune 20, 2019, 11:20 am explore: Buzz\nAstronomers Detect Possible New Planet Orbiting Earth's Nearest Neighbour Star\nProxima Centauri, the nearest red dim dwarf star just 4.2 light years from Earth, may have a second planet orbiting it, as per recent observations.\nShouvik Das, April 16, 2019, 7:18 pm explore: Tech\nUnknown Crystals Formed in Extreme Conditions can be Key to Understanding Alien Life\nMagic crystals that can come together to provide unlimited celestial power would still be out of question, but the new discovery is still highly significant.\nKatie Bouman, the Scientist Behind the First-Ever Black Hole Image, is Now an Internet Star\nMIT graduate and scientist Katie Bouman led the creation of an algorithm that helped humanity witness the first ever image of the black hole.\nAnurag Verma, April 11, 2019, 7:30 pm explore: Buzz\nFirst Ever Blackhole Images Extraordinary Feat: Indian Scientists\nIn coordinated press conferences on Wednesday across the globe, researchers at The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) \u2014 a planet scale array of eight ground-based radio telescopes forged through international collaboration \u2014 unveiled the first direct visual evidence of a supermassive blackhole and its shadow.\nApril 11, 2019, 5:03 pm explore: India\nSauron's Eye, Donut or Trump? All the Weird Things That the Black Hole is Reminding Twitter\nAs soon as the iconic image hit social media, the black hole couldn't escape the imagination of humans, who were reminded of a LOT of things by the Supermassive Black Hole.\nAnurag Verma, April 11, 2019, 11:56 am explore: Buzz\nFirst Images of Supermassive Black Hole Released, Twitter Gets Sucked Into the Void\nThe Supermassive Black Hole itself is 6.5 billion times the size of our sun and is located 55 lightyears away from Earth.\nShantanu David, April 10, 2019, 8:16 pm explore: Buzz\nBlack Hole Picture Captured For First Time, Image 'Most Direct Proof of Their Existence'\nFrederic Gueth, deputy director of the Institute for Millimetric Radio Astronomy (IRAM) in Grenoble, France, talked about the ground-breaking exploit and the science behind it.\nApril 10, 2019, 8:08 pm explore: World\nBlack Hole Photograph to be Released by Event Horizon at 6:30PM Today\nThe first photograph of a black hole is a result of eight radio telescopes, creating in effect a virtual telescope the size of Earth.\nShouvik Das, April 10, 2019, 12:10 pm explore: Tech\nIn Astrophysics Milestone, First Photo of Black Hole Expected\nThe US National Science Foundation has scheduled a news conference in Washington to announce a 'groundbreaking result from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project,' an international partnership formed in 2012 to try to directly observe the immediate environment of a black hole.\nApril 6, 2019, 7:11 pm explore: World\nAfter Long Wait, the World to Soon See First Picture of a Black Hole on April 10\nAstronomers began speculating about these omnivorous 'dark stars' in the 1700s, and since then indirect evidence has slowly accumulated.\nApril 6, 2019, 8:45 am explore: World\nNASA Took a Hubble Telescope Photo and Turned the Sound from Nearby Galaxies into Music. Really.\nWhat does music from the distance between each star sound like? NASA just made a track so you could hear it.\nRaka Mukherjee, March 12, 2019, 9:13 am explore: Buzz\nNASA Detects Smiley in New Galaxy\nAsking its followers to find the face, NASA explained that using unprecedented resolution of the Hubble's camera it was able to locate and study regions of star formation.\nNovember 5, 2018, 2:37 pm explore: Tech\nIndian, US Satellites Find Black Hole that Spins Near Maximum Possible Rates\nThe gravity of such a collapsing core is so strong that its entire mass is crushed into a point, according to the research accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.\nNovember 1, 2018, 12:57 pm explore: India\nNASA Retires Its Planet Hunter, The Kepler Space Telescope\nThe telescope laid bare the diversity of planets that reside in our Milky Way galaxy, with findings indicating that distant star systems are populated with billions of planets, and even helped pinpoint the first moon known outside our solar system.\nOctober 31, 2018, 12:09 pm explore: Tech\nNASA's Chandra X-Ray Space Telescope is Back in Action\nThe cause of Chandra's safe mode on October 10 has now been understood and the Operations team has successfully returned the spacecraft to its normal pointing mode, according to the US space agency.\nOctober 16, 2018, 3:23 pm explore: Tech\nTrouble for Hubble: Telescope Taken Offline After Gyro Failure Leaves it 'Disoriented'\n\"Hubble entered safe mode after one of the three gyroscopes actively being used to point and steady the telescope failed,\" NASA said in a statement Monday.\nOctober 9, 2018, 7:54 am explore: Tech\nCops Recover Foreign-made Telescopic Sights for Rifles From Naxals in Chhattisgarh\nPolice are investigating how the Maoists got the gadgets as according to senior police officials, even the state security forces do not have these sophisticated devices.\nSeptember 23, 2018, 7:42 pm explore: India\nHubble Space Telescope Set to Peer in to Earliest Galaxies: NASA\nWhile the Hubble Space Telescope has already detected some of the most distant galaxies known, their numbers are small, making it hard for astronomers to determine if they represent the universe at large.\nSeptember 16, 2018, 5:18 pm explore: World","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"by Cristian Violatti\nTheatre of Pergamon\nBenh Lieu Song (CC BY-SA)\nPergamon was an ancient city located in the Anatolia region, approximately 25 kilometres from the Aegean Sea in present-day Bergama, Izmir Province of Turkey. The city had great strategic value, since it overlooked the Caicus River Valley (modern name Bak\u0131r\u00e7ay) which provided access from Pergamon to the Aegean coast. Pergamon reached the height of its influence during the Hellenistic period, becoming the capital of the Attalid kings. During the Roman period the city was the first capital of the Asian province, but it eventually lost this status to local rival, Ephesus. Pergamon is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.\nThe Origin of Pergamon\nWhen Alexander died in 323 BCE, his generals divided the territory he had conquered, which resulted in a power struggle between them. Around this time, Pergamon was little more than a hilltop fortress with a settlement on its southern side. Following years of unrest, the city became part of the territory controlled by Lysimachus, one of the Macedonian generals. By this time, Pergamon embraced the polis (or city-state) model of civic organization.\nLysimachus was immersed in the military conflicts following the division of Alexander's empire, and in 282 BCE, he was on his way to confront Seleucus, the ruler of the Greco-Macedonian administration of Babylon. Lysimachus left his war chest in Pergamon under the supervision of Philatauerus of Tieium, a trusted lieutenant. What Lysimachus could not foresee was that he would be killed in the battle. For Philatauerus, this was not too bad: he was now holding 9,000 talents in a fortress which had no owner. Philatauerus appropriated the money and declared his independence, but in order to avoid unnecessary risks, he wisely swore loyalty to Seleucus and Pergamon became part of the Seleucid Empire.\nUnder Attalus I Pergamon became the capital of the most powerful kingdom in Anatolia.\nPhilatauerus ruled Pergamon with considerable autonomy until his death in 263 BCE. His nephew Eumenes I became the ruler of Pergamon: by that time the city had expanded into a small kingdom. Philatauerus is usually mentioned as the founder of the ruling dynasty of Pergamon, but it was actually the ruler after Eumenes, Attalus I (r. 241-197 BCE), who was the official founder of the Attalid dynasty as he was the first one who used the title of king.\nAttalus I is remembered for winning an important victory over the Galatians, a Gaulish (Celtic) tribe who came through Thrace and settled in central Anatolia during the 3rd century BCE (this was the same group addressed in the Epistle to the Galatians in the New Testament). Many communities in Anatolia had suffered Galatian attacks who even managed to penetrate the city walls of Pergamon. Attalus drove the Galatians back and defeated them. This military success was the background for the creation of the famous Dying Gaul sculpture which depicts a wounded Galatian warrior. Pergamon was now the capital of the most powerful kingdom in Anatolia.\nThe Dying Gaul\nantmoose (CC BY-SA)\nPergamon's Zenith\nEumenes II succeeded Attalus I and he ruled Pergamon from 197 BCE to 159 BCE. In 190 BCE, the Romans expelled the Seleucids from the Anatolia region. The Romans were not interested in ruling Anatolia themselves, so Eumenes II, who at this point had already become a friend and ally of the Romans, was now made the new ruler of the territory which had belonged to the Seleucids. The Greeks denounced Eumenes as a traitor for joining the Romans against his own fellow Greeks. This new scenario did, though, turn Pergamon into a middle-ranking kingdom and Eumenes truly wealthy. Pergamon was relatively safe at this point: the Romans extended their protection over nearly all the Mediterranean coast of Asia but all of these benefits had a high cost, for now Pergamon, although a lot bigger, was a lot less independent. At this time it is not clear how large the population was, but the archaeological evidence suggests that there was room for no more than 10,000 people.\nEumenes II took the initiative to enhance Pergamon's prestige by enlarging it and turning it into a cultural capital. This was the time when the 'Great Altar' or 'Pergamon Altar' was created. Eumenes also established a centre of scholarship and research by creating a library second only to Alexandria's in terms of the number of volumes and repute of its scholars. It also had a great collection of paintings for public enjoyment.\nAthena Killing a Giant\nMina Bulic (CC BY-NC-ND)\nPtolemy IV, the Greek ruler of Egypt, was not happy with the idea of another library challenging Alexandria, so he forbade the export of papyri from Egypt to prevent the development of the library in Pergamon. As a result, the authorities of Pergamon encouraged the mass production of \"parchment\" (treated skins of sheep and calves), which had long been used for writing purposes in the East. Parchment ended up rivalling paper as a means of communication; it was much more expensive than papyrus but also more durable. The name of Pergamon continues to live on even today in the word \"parchment\", which is a distortion of Pergamon (\"parchment\" is pergamino in Spanish and pergamena in Italian).\nPergamon Handed to Rome\nDuring the time of Attalus III (r. 138-133 BCE), Pergamon was handed over to the Roman republic to be fully managed by the Roman people and the kingdom was transformed into the Roman province of Asia with Pergamon as its initial capital. Not everyone accepted the new Roman administration though and a number of revolts took place. The Romans, whose toleration for civic disturbance was low, eventually restored order, but Pergamon soon lost its status and the neighbouring city of Ephesus became the new provincial capital.\nUnder Hadrian (117-138 CE), the city was favoured by several imperial initiatives. It was granted the title of metropolis and as a result of this an ambitious building programme was carried out: massive temples, a stadium, a theatre, a huge forum, and an amphitheatre were constructed. In addition, at the city limits the shrine to Asclepius (the god of healing) was expanded into a lavish spa.\nDuring the second half of the 3rd century CE Pergamon started to decline. Things got worse in 262 CE due to an earthquake and after that the city was sacked by the Goths. The arrival of Christianity saw further change as the buildings which had honoured the pagan gods were no longer considered desirable. Even the shrine to Asclepius that used to be visited by thousands of invalids was abandoned. Despite these changes, urban life did continue. In 611 CE the Persians overran Syria and entered Anatolia devastating most of it. The Romans finally evicted the Persians and Emperor Constants II (641-668 CE) limited himself to fortifying the acropolis. By this time, Pergamon was no more than a deteriorated ten-hectare city, a pale reflection of its former self.\nArchaeology of Pergamon\nThe archaeological site of Pergamon has provided many fine works of Hellenistic and Roman art but perhaps the most impressive is the altar which now resides in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. The Great Altar was constructed during the reign of Eumenes II (see above) and has a surface area of some 36 by 34 metres. It is one of the most impressive works of art surviving from antiquity. The altar was constructed around a staircase and the 2.3 metres high and 120-metre long frieze is topped by a collonaded hall. Sculpted in high relief, the frieze depicts lively representations of Zeus, Artemis and other Olympian gods fighting the Giants, symbolic of the victory of order over chaos. This gigantic monument is a convincing and lasting testimony to the power and prestige that was enjoyed by this once great city.\nReconstruction of the Pergamon Altar\nRaimond Spekking (CC BY-NC-SA)\nArchaeologists have also been able to identify the remains of the library. Based on the study of the holes for mounting the shelving, it is estimated that the reading room alone had a storage capacity of 20,000 papyri (many were written on parchment, see above). This is believed to be just ten percent of the total for the entire library.\nAlcock, S. and Osborne, R. (ed). Classical Archaeology. Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.\nBahn, P. Legendary Sites of the Ancient World. Southwater, 2009.\nBahn, P. The New Penguin Dictionary of Archaeology. Penguin, 2015.\nDurant, W. The Life of Greece. Simon & Schuster, 1966.\nFortson, B. Indo-European Language and Culture. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.\nHornblower, S. and Spawforth, A. The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization. Oxford University Press, 2014.\nMcEvedy, C. Cities of the Classical World. Penguin Global, 2012.\nMee, C. Greek Archaeology. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.\nCristian Violatti\nCristian is a public speaker and independent author with a strong passion for the human past. Inspired by the rich lessons of history, Cristian's goal is to stimulate ideas and to spark the intellectual curiosity of his audience.\nAttalid Dynasty\nThe Attalid Dynasty ruled an empire from their capital at Pergamon...\nHellenistic Period\nThe Hellenistic Period is a part of the Ancient Period for the...\nConflict & Celts: The Creation of Ancient Galatia\nGalatia was the most long-lasting and powerful Celtic settlement...\nAncient China produced what has become the oldest extant culture...\nBetween Alexander & Rome: The Hellenistic Period\nThe Hellenistic Period refers to the time between the death of...\nHellenistic Warfare\nWhen Alexander the Great died in 323 BCE, he left behind an empire...\nLegendary Sites of the Ancient World: An Illustrated Guide to Over 80...\nWritten by Bahn, Paul, published by Southwater (2009)\nSystems Approach to Appropriate Technology Transfer: Proceedings of...\nWritten by Fleissner, P., published by Pergamon (2015)\nEinstein Spaces\nWritten by Petrov, A. Z., published by Pergamon (2013)\nWritten by E. M. Lifshitz & V. B. Berestetski & L. P. Pitaevskii, published by Pergamon (1982)\nThe Magian Tarok: The Origins of the Tarot in the Mithraic and Hermetic...\nWritten by Flowers Ph.D., Stephen E., published by Inner Traditions (2019)\nPergamum - Turkey\nhistorvius.com\npergamon.secondpage.de\nViolatti, C. (2015, June 14). Pergamon. World History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from https:\/\/www.worldhistory.org\/pergamon\/\nViolatti, Cristian. \"Pergamon.\" World History Encyclopedia. Last modified June 14, 2015. https:\/\/www.worldhistory.org\/pergamon\/.\nViolatti, Cristian. \"Pergamon.\" World History Encyclopedia. World History Encyclopedia, 14 Jun 2015. Web. 20 Jan 2022.\nWritten by Cristian Violatti, published on 14 June 2015 under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms.\n282 BCE - 263 BCE\nPhiletaerus, founder of the Attalid Dynasty, governs Pergamon.\nReign of Eumenes I at Pergamon.\n262 BCE\nEumenes rebels and wins against the Seleucid Antiochus I. Beginning of the Pergamon Empire.\nReign of Attalus I at Pergamon.\nc. 237 BCE - 241 BCE\nAttalus I of Pergamon defeats the Galatians at the headwaters of the Caioc River.\nThe Aegosages Celts enter Anatolia under Attalos of Pergamon.\nReign of Eumenes II at Pergamon.\nMaximum extent of the Pergamon Empire after Apamea peace.\nc. 188 BCE\nThe treaty of Apamea Kibotos. Peace and alliance is established between the Seleucid Empire and Rome joined by its allies, such as Pergamon and Rhodes. The Seleucids have to evacuate all the land and the cities from Asia Minor and to pay a huge war indemnity.\nThe Attalids of Pergamon are at war with Bithynia.\nThe Attalids of Pergamon are at war with Pontius.\nReign of Attalus II at Pergamon.\nReign of Attalus III at Pergamon.\nAttalus III, the last king of Pergamon, bequeathes the whole of Pergamon to Rome.\nPartner Promotion","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Inside Larry's Head\nPolitics, Entertainment, Editorials, Essays, Rants Life news, emotional dialouges, and other Weirdness from Larry Bernard out of The Cigar city of Tampa\nGeorge W Bush's Greatest failure.\nPresident Bush has failed as a President. He failed when he left NYC after the convention almost a year ago. He failed because he did not prepare the way to keep the machines of our two party oligarchy going. He let the heads of the snake lose focus and drift off each other\u2026 and thus even if he won he would fail in his next 4 years.\nThis failure is why the gang of 12 (or was it 14) middle benchers on both parties in the senate were able to thwart some of his judges and thwart his position on executive Primacy. This failure is why his social security proposal is dying a death of a thousand little paper cuts. This failure is why Chuck Hagel is railing about his war policy; this failure is why the President has finally had to threaten to veto 3 bills. This failure has not been seen by an American president since 1948, and unlike the situation in 1948 George W Bush could have stopped the failure in its tracks.\nI am not sure why Dick Cheney is vice president today. Let me also say I am not attacking the job he has done, though there are elements of his work I've not been a fan of. I really questioned the Wisdom of Cheney in 2000 but in 2004 the nomination of Dick Cheney for the number 2 spot was nothing but utter folly, and it is why we will see all the important work the President has fought for and campaigned for enter into a malaise and melancholy.\nClinton had Gore, Ronnie had Bush the Elder, LBJ had Humphrey-but he did lose-, Ike had Nixon-but he only won on the spare-. All successful two term Presidents in the Modern Era had their vice president enter into the flocks of the party faithful. Why because this makes the agenda of the President in his second term part of preparing for the first part of a new Presidency for their party.\nThe Vice President is the heir, the crown prince if you will. He isn't unseated because the wheels of the party establishment chug along and continue with what they have done for 8 years. Because for the establishment another 4 years for their team in office means four more years of their power and power for their prot\u00e9g\u00e9s. No back bencher will jump the reservation because he will risk turning the establishment on its ear.\nIn 52 the Republican Party grappled for its soul. And in 68 they did so as well. In 1952 Ike was an outsider to the establishment and began to pave the way for the first republican administration since FDR. In 1968 Dick Nixon used the ascending conservative wing to help him rise through a unity and moderation ticket. Both of these men came to power because of a lack of party consensus. While you may say what about during an open primary year what then Larry? That is my point exactly. During an open primary year people edge for the top spot at the heap and cut deals and form new alliances to make their election possible.\nDo you think John McCain brought up steroids in baseball, and tried to Sheppard the nominees of the President that Bill Frist (another pre-candidate candidate) was unable to do or that a relatively conservative senator from South Carolina joined the \"Maverick\" John McCain on his quest to help the President's nominees? Or that Chuck Hagel is trying to sell his own version of Social Security reform? These back benchers are jumping the reservation because they are gaming for 2008, not to help President Bush or a Vice President in 2008.\nBecause the keys to the kingdom are up for grabs, far more so then at any time in modern history republicans are just as democrats will be soon fighting to see who can become king of the mountain. This \"Me first\" attitude is why George Bush's domestic agenda will be more lame duck then most President's.\nGeorge Bush laid out an agenda for an Ownership Society, but he took an action that refused to take ownership-and the responsibility- to see this transition through. To go from a country of blue collar 20th century workers to a nation build on the system of the 21st century. Social Security Reform, Pension Insurance Reform, Medicare Reform\u2026. These things all are needed to save our future. But President Bush made it happen so politicians all over this nation will be more interested in saving themselves.\nThis and this alone, is the failure of George W. Bush's presidency. He failed to build a bridge to see his grand vision to fruition. We might get lucky, and in the scuffle for the Standard of the GOP that some one will hold it high to those ideals the President laid out for his second term. But we are just as likely to get some one who will run away from them. And for that the President is to blame.\nPosted by Karasoth at 9:52 PM 13 comments:\nChronicles of the Hildabeast\nI was on my way home from work listening to Michael Medved, as I am often want to do\u2026 his guess was the hack and slime book author Ed Klein, whom Michael was taking to task on things about Bill and Hillary he (Medved) knew for a fact to be absolutely false. And the over whelming theme was we need to \"Stop Hillary\" and how Hillary would be a formal general election opponent\u2026. Ok I want to just ask a question here\u2026 Who the heck thinks she can win?\nNow let's take a back seat for a moment here and look at the reality of the 2004 democratic primary. The Hollyweird money primary wasn't a major factor\u2026 the major factor was the grassroots-moveon.org-Democratic Underground-borderline Marxist elements of the Democratic Party. These people pushed Howard the Dean, and these people also flocked to John Kerry after the fall of Howard the Dean. And these people to a person hate Bill and Hillary, and what they did to the party. \"I'm from the Democratic wing of the Democratic party\" they'd say. And as Howard the Dean proved these people can finance a major campaign\u2026 it's a shame he just spent money like a crack head with a winning lottery ticket.\nAnother major factor is Charisma. Love him or hate him Bill Clinton had his share of charisma, and 10 or 12 other peoples (which explains bob dole). Hillary doesn't have that. Now, If you think she'll get elected president by Bill going out to audiences and sayin \"My wife is so great\u2026 elect her president\" then you are really high. Furthermore when Hillary talks on the stump she is shrill, she is irritating and quite frankly sounds like every bad stereotype of a wife you can imagine. While she might get better on the stump by 2008.... Don't count on it folks.\nAnother factor\u2026 very few candidates who don't have a certain amount of gregariousness in their personality can win nationally. John Kerry even had the kind of personality that made him love to mingle with people ( he just sounded like your physics teacher) time after time Hillary has shown herself more like Dick Nixon ( a comparison that Dick Morris has made a few times) and while Nixon won a national race, and a primary he did so with a great deal of strategy. For Hillary to do that she would have to embrace the left hard and hope and pray for a republican schism ala Chicago in 68. Now this could happen, but I wouldn't risk the rent on it.\nScandals\u2026 go read 'Because he could' and 'rewriting History' (I think that's the title). I think Dick Morris in his love\/hate relationships with both of the Clintons paints an honest picture. And when it comes to every scandal bill had that wasn't a bedroom dalliance Hillary was at the heart of it. And the slime machine really dug for dirt mostly on bill. Add that in and factor some questionable finances from her 2000 campaign and you can see Hilary running with a serious amount of baggage.\nAnd really the Metaphysical issues of her campaign. We've elected Cousins, and we've elected sons in this country. But electing a wife or a husband is a different matter all together. A son and a cousin can be their own man, but a wife can seem held over by the specter of their husband in the shadows. It was like the old days when Earl K Long and Huey long used to trade the governors mansion with their cronies. The crony was governor just long enough to satisfy the laws of the state of Louisiana till the long boys could get it back. I just don't think at a psychological level Americans are willing to be that banana republic about their nation as a whole.\nEven more Metaphysic issues to her campaign; as a woman Hillary will be viewed differently. While we have all that hippie peace and love and equality stuff going on Women are still instinctively viewed by a lot of the folks in a certain avatar. And Hillary is going to have to run tough on war issues\u2026. And can she be tough and still fit in that Jungian view of what a woman should be? I don't see that happening with her personality. Some other woman it might be possible but I don't see it with her.\nSo why do so many GOP talking heads speak of the fear of the Hildabeast? The reason is very simple\u2026 much like the GOP primary in 08 and for the first time in a real long time there is a legitimate sense of the unknown. Hillary has a great deal of fame, a good ability to raise money so many of the talking heads needing a \"leader of the opposition\" to rail against picked her. But in 08 both the Kingdom of Blue and Kingdom of Red shall be in turmoil over whom will hold the miter of authority\u2026 People need to believe in a Kaiser Souize, even if she isn't real.\nPosted by Karasoth at 9:50 PM No comments:\nthe nature of the American system\nWe had a 37 year long employee at my place of work retire today. And it really gave me cause to reflect on what the **** is wrong with us in this country today. Now don't think the lefties have kidnapped me but this country never meets my high standards for her, and in this moment today at work I saw it all in a microcosm.\nI didn't hear some of the things that were passed to my ear from the mouths of others. Many of the jobs that needed no more qualification then experience and a minimum of a high school diploma are going by the wayside in my department. No, the jobs are not being replaced with jobs requiring a higher degree of knowledge but are instead being given to people with degrees and a seeming inability to display any knowledge.\nI could go into allot more detail about this fact and I will at a later date. But taking jobs from people who work their tails off to make them happen, and give them to others with a degree is wrong. Giving respect to some one with a degree who can't do the job, and giving no respect to the person without the degree who does the job every day is horrendous and inhumane.\nBut this is what I think is happening more and more in this country.\nSpeechy thoughts\nI almost never watch presidential addresses or presidential press conferences. It's not that I don't care about what the president is saying but it is more a fact that my watching it is a frivolous gesture. Thanks to the 24 hour news cycle every single angle, every iota, every moment of minutiae is played out over and over and over again until I get the urge to remove my eardrums with my tooth brush.\nAnd, if I wasn't there to watch the dead horse get beaten on CNN, MSNBC ,Headline News, Fox News, ABC,NBC, and CBS.. talk radio comes next with an even bigger stick to whack that cadaverous horse even further until a pulpy goop is all that remains.\nWhat I find more interesting, indeed, far more informative then the President is what the shills all come out and say. When Shill brand blue speaks and when shill brand red speaks it helps me see how I should interpret the data. It gives me a great context to filter the fluff of a presidential speech.\nShill brand blue was vexed, vexed, by the president's use of 9-11. They all said over and over again to the point of sounding like parrots \"no connection between Saddam and 9-11\"\u2026 But since I am told by the folks in the magic box that brand blue is the brand of nuance this very answer seems to run against what the people in the magic box want me to believe. Do the blue branders want me to think that Saddam and Osama were sitting around the legion of doom with Lex Luthor, Skeletor, and Professor Chaos and decided \"Hey lets fly some planes into buildings.\" That hardly seems a very nuanced thought line for the brand of blue.\nLets face it, the Hitler-Mussolini-Tojo thing\u2026 it really didn't work out all that well for them. And the central powers let us not forget how obvious their actions were. So for the blue branders to say there is no connection they can hardly mean in a Hitler-Mussolini kind of way. Because we can have other forms of conspiracies then open or even covert ones like Hitler-Stalin. So I figured I would explore some of them today.\nSaddam could have provided money and just money to Al-Qaeda. Saddam could have provided them some training. Both of these things are suggested by his use of Al-Qaeda operatives against the Kurds in the north, so he was free of any dirt on his hand. He could have provided them with either supplies or information; we have rumors and un finished investigations of the latter, but nothing of the like in the former. With all of these things Al-Qaeda became more capable and had more resources to allocate elsewhere. In a world of Nuance this could mean that he does have a connection to 9-11. But that is not what the blue branders; the supposed party of nuance seems to believe.\nSaddam could have provided manpower; in a fashion that was knowing or unknowing, in a planed or unplanned fashion. We know several personal from Saddam's Intelligence service have joined Al-Qaeda. We know one such person was a planner of the very first attack on the world trade center, and pioneered the first attempted use of commercial aircraft as weapons by the organization. So what did Saddam Know and when did he know it? Did elements of his regime act with Al-Qaeda without his knowledge? Here to the Blue Branders do not seem to see the nuance.\nNo it seems that the blue branders, who decry the red branders seeing things only in black and white and Manichean landscapes here, are very black and white in their vision. For them, those blue branders, the only connection that is justifiable is if Saddam himself sat with Osama drinking a few beverages and smoking things waiting for their great triumph to occur. The reason is simple, extremely so, that the blue branders do not want the people to view the two events as part of a single moral continuum. So they place a standard which is unrealistic, because their position requires moral separation.\nBut, in the way the president was speaking, he was not talking about the events on that September morning but on the larger war on terror. The Blue Branders here bark that these things are not connected. But then we must ask what the war on terror is? Is it just the US vs Al-Qaeda or is it something more? The president has pressed for the people of Lebanon to have a free and non manipulated election\u2026.Is this part of the war on terror? The president has pressed for a final settlement on the Israeli-Palestinian issue\u2026. Is this part of the war on terror? The president has counseled the Saudi's and Egyptians on the need to liberalize and they have done so\u2026. Is this part of the war on terror? Is the war on terror just a war in the sense of soldiers in the field? Is the war on terror like the war on drugs? Or is it all these things and more?\nIf one were to take a nuanced worldview, one would see that all these actions fit into eliminating the environment where terror breeds. It is about Free states, free from corruption that become havens for business and growth. It is about states where people can live in freedom and as fully actualized humans. But this to the blue branders is not the war on terror. For they want it limited, selective, in moral purview to just those men who struck at us. Their war on terror is a war of revenge and defense. Hardly a nuanced view as it is for the Red Branders.\nMaybe the men in the box are lying to me? Maybe the blue branders aren't really nuanced? Or maybe the nuance is the sign of a mature policy that is well thought out? Or is nuance a way to excuse lack of planning? Or is nuance good some times and bad others. I don't think the men of blue nuance will answer this question nor will the men in the magic box.\nAs the President's chief made comments about the bluest of the blue and how they reacted to war, the blue shills on my TV had to strike out at the language that resembled that implication in the President's address. Doesn't that prove the point? That they seem interested in discussing these things in a political language that benefits them?\nAnd now you see why I avoid the presidential address. It is in that moment where the greatest hypocrisy of our system is so utterly transparent to my eye. It is in that moment where the mediocrity not just of my government, but of those who watch and police the government, is so utterly naked and so totally sickening.\nIt makes me question that is this government really a product of the people, or is this like Jury duty where only those foolish enough to not avoid the system are those who serve.\nIt came from the email box\nJesse Ventura: Moonbat\n9\/11: Gov. Jesse Ventura Has Doubts In Official 9\/11 Story\nGov. Ventura wants 9\/11 truth on air defense\nTotal 411 Info\/Black OP Radio -Friday, August 20, 2004\nJesse Ventura is discussing a rather large problem with the official 9\/11 chronology. This audio clip is from Black Op Radio (July 22nd)\nBLACK OP RADIO HOST ANITA LANGLEY: On the current situation, do you see any parallels [to the JFK assassination] with the way the 9\/11 has been treated?\nFORMER MINNESOTA GOVERNOR JESSE VENTURA: Well, you know... At first, again, I wanted to believe 9\/11, you know. But the problem I have with 9\/11 is just a real simple one. I'm trying to figure out -- and of course they're now attempting to answer it somewhat -- how we could have failed so miserably in not having air defense.\nBecause if you look back particulalrly -- I don't know if you're familiar -- remember Payne Stewart, the golfer?\nLANGLEY: Yeah, that's been brought up a few times on this program...\nGOV. VENTURA: He was flying in a private jet. And when they had that mechanical malfunction that apparently killed everyone on board, and the jet was up there flying on automatic pilot; well it only took them a matter of minutes to scramble a fighter jet and have it up there on the wing. And had Mr. Stewart's plane, if it looked like it was going to go down and hit a metropolitan area, of course they would blow it out of the air. But when they saw it was just going to land in a field in Nebraska [sic. - actually South Dakota], why they just let it go down and crash on its own.\nAnd the problem I have with 9\/11 is that. Where the heck was our defense? Who was sleeping at the wheel? While all of these planes... I mean, I've been to air traffic control when I was Governor, and you've got a dozen people there looking at these dials, watching every plane in their sector. They know where it's going and they know what direction it's supposed to be going.\nNow, how is it that these planes were able to be hijacked at half hour intervals, turned directly opposite the way they're supposed to be going and no bells went off, no emergency sirens went off, no fighter jets were scrambled? Just what the hell happened in that area of time?! And that's the part that troubles me about 9\/11.\nHOST LEN OSANIC: Yeah, I find it troubling that the Pentagon got hit at all.\nGOV. VENTURA: Yeah, I mean, here's the Pentagon, the head of our military. How was this plane able to circle the city of Baltimore [sic. - actually Arlington] at least once, picking out a target, and then drive into it, and we didn't have -- nothing up in the air? There wasn't one scrambled fighter jet up there to defend in any way, shape, or form? Wow.\nOSANIC: Or a missle battery to defend the Pentagon...\nGOV VENTURA: Yeah. Anything, anything! And the thing that troubles me about the Bush Administration, nobody ever gets fired... (1 image)\nPosted by Karasoth at 11:49 PM No comments:\nFirst think i found on Google Earth i don't like\nIn the \"occupied territories\" cities have both a jewish, and an arab name.\nI think one or the other based on political lines would have made a tad more sense\nMore court Irritation\nI know the ruling was consistant with the law... but here to i feel the law is wrong.\nCity governments had feared that if the court ruled the other way, it would unleash a potentially devastating flood of cases that could bankrupt municipal governments.\nI don't find the cities position utterly unreasonable here. This is why the law is as it is.\nJustice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, said, \"The creation of a personal entitlement to something as vague and novel as enforcement of restraining orders cannot 'simply go without saying.' We conclude that Colorado has not created such an entitlement.\"\nand here is my problem.\nThe Us Constitution says i have the right to bare arms. But my government limits it.\nIt tells me what I can and can't own. How I can and can't use it.. or even if I can use it to defend my home.\nThe government runs programs to discourage citizens from using firearms to defend themselves,\nThey have worked very hard to disarm me.... doesn't that mean they should be required to defend me?\nI think they should... or... should encourage the populace to defend itself\nHey Thank god it wasn't india\nLooking over at CNN a Headline struck my fancy.\nInternet crashes in Pakistan\nI look at it two or three times but its true... but if it was India who would they call for tech support\nOfficials at Pakistan Telecommunication Ltd, which operates the link, said the fault was in an undersea cable and had been caused by a power supply problem.\nFixing it would entail an interruption for other countries using the link, including India, Dubai and Oman, one company official said.\n\"To reconfigure the power supply system and set the fault right there needs to be an interruption of up to two hours,\" said PTCL official Mashkoor Hussain.\nBut the impact on neighboring countries would be limited and the repairs would begin at 4 a.m. on Wednesday (2300 GMT on Tuesday) to minimize any disruption, he said.\nSo they will have service interuptions in an hour or so\nPTCL provided satellite back-up for the link, which meant some people were able to get access to a very slow Internet connection, Hussain said, but users complained it was too slow to be of any use.\nAnd here we find internet users are all the same. they whine that their extra special back up is to slow.\nThis is a scary scenario and another reason I am glad to live in the US\nRed Vs Blue\nI covered a long time ago the stupid (very stupid) political correctness of the re-enactment of the battle of Trafalgar. Glad to see I wasn't alone in my thoughts\n\"I am anti-political correctness. Very much against it. It makes fools of us,\" said 75-year-old Anna Tribe.\n\"I think the idea of the blue team fighting the red team is pretty stupid. I am sure the French and Spanish are adult enough to appreciate we did win that battle,\" she added.\nThe historian playing Nelson in the mock battle is equally annoyed.\n\"If you obliterate history for the sake of political correctness, you can't learn from the past. Nelson thought politicians were cowards. I tend to agree,\" Alex Naylor said.\nEffort to avoid show of triumphalism\nOrganizers of the bicentennial celebrations were anxious to avoid accusations of triumphalism, especially at a time when London and Paris are locked in a bitter dispute over the future of the European Union.\nBritain's navy chief Admiral Alan West admitted: \"The French had to think quite hard about if they wanted to be involved (in the review). But in the final analysis, this is a celebration of maritime nations.\"\nHe rejected criticism of the bicentennial, insisting Nelson would have backed the plans.\n\"Nelson would have approved of that, to get the maritime back in the public eye,\" The First Sea Lord said.\nUmmm no Lord Nelson was a british patriot he'd probably spit in your face over it.\nSo instead of honoring the great naval history, and the influence of you know Democracy over tyranny they instead decided to fight against triumphalism....\ndoes anyone else see this as mentally ill?\nShocking statements from a crack head\nOk Whitney says \"crack is whack\" but thats what most people call whitney and bobby so CNN interviewed mr. \"bumpin around\" about his new show\nBrown: Scared of 'myself, sometimes'\nGlad to see you are with the rest of us bobby\nOn Dec. 7, 2003, Houston called police, alleging that Brown had struck her in the face at their home near Alpharetta, a suburb north of Atlanta.\n\"Me and my wife play a lot. It was just a misunderstanding,\" he told Matt Lauer in the NBC interview that aired Sunday. \"I mean, we slap box, and she hits hard, hard.\"\nWhen asked if he hit hard back, Brown responded: \"No, I don't. No, come on man, you see how big my hands are? I could hurt her. Huh-uh, no. Me and her are like this. She hits me more than I hit her.\"\nCause nothing says love like sissy slap fighting\n\"Heh, it's a daily struggle, and it's just as hard as it is for anybody else, just like somebody that wants to stop smoking, you know, cigarettes. It's hard. It's going to be hard for us also, you know?\"\nCIGARETTES Bobby what a joke hahaha\nA problem in the VRWC\nOk so Fox News is the offical republican party organ so why do they here only discuss Atrios and Kos.\nI mean... come on now I know they weren't the only folks out there for bloggers taking dc\n**drooooooooool**\nSo awesome It isn't covering where i live right now but i don't care... so awesome\nthanks to Andrew Cory over at Dean's world\nWhenever I hear\nThat the war is a Quagmire i keep thinking of the charecter from family guy.\nDigity Digity~!\n( feeling bogged down due to weather related allergies and laundry.. more blogging will be coming later)\nHuh its that time again....\nBrandon Florida's own Rhonda Storms has once again decided to create a situation which wastes the Taxpayers time and money. When the city of Tampa decided that they were tired of trying to force out Nuddy bars.. Rhonda Storms was there, passing legislation that would allow the county to bust up nekkid women in the city of tampa -but not in the rest of the county-\nand dear old Rhonda Storms tried to shut down booze on Sundays in Tampa. When she had it pointed out to her that it would cut off drinking at sporting events, a rather profitable revenue stream. she talked about how if it was up to her she would ban booze from the county all togther.\nand Now Rhonda storms has by her idiocy got people all uppity and out in a fuss\nLast week Commissioner Ronda Storms called on the county to ``abstain from acknowledging, promoting and participating'' in gay pride recognition or events. She suggested the policy after a Gay Pride Month display at the West Gate Regional Library angered some parents.\nCommissioner Kathy Castor was the only member to vote against the policy. Commissioner Ken Hagan missed the vote because he was outside the chamber but has said since then that he supports the policy.\nOn Monday, several members of the audience targeted Storms with signs and T-shirts, a few misspelling her first name: ``Don't Let Rhonda Storm on Anyone's Parade,'' and ``Stop Redneck Rhonda Storms.''\nand how is this going to cause a rukus....?\nOthers said they will organize events in the arts and business communities.\nFor now, gay activists are toning down threats about filing a lawsuit.\n``We are looking at our options,'' said Karen Doering, regional counsel for the National Center for Lesbian Rights. ``There are a lot of unknowns, and that's why it makes sense to see what happens.\nIf not removed by the courts, eliminating the policy could be difficult. Storms bolstered her proposal last week by requiring a public meeting and supermajority vote of the commission to overturn the policy.\nthanks SBC Storms for causing a fight which will surely pay the county attorneys very well\nSBemail\nStrong Bad as a Fashion model..... Just be careful Strong Bad or Tom Cruise will try to stop you from using mind altering drugs\nScore one for Osama Obama\n\"I cannot swallow whole the view of Lincoln as the Great Emancipator,\" Obama said. \"As a law professor and civil rights lawyer and as an African-American, I am fully aware of his limited views on race. Anyone who actually reads the Emancipation Proclamation knows it was more a military document than a clarion call for justice.\"\nObama isn't some one who is willing to buy into the PC history of Lincoln and the civil war.. good for him. And i'll even excuse him the following....\n\"In Lincoln's rise from poverty, his ultimate mastery of language and law, his capacity to overcome personal loss and remain determined in the face of repeated defeat - in all this, he reminded me not just of my own struggles. He also reminded me of a larger, fundamental element of American life - the enduring belief that we can constantly remake ourselves to fit our larger dreams,\" Obama wrote in a package dubbed 'Uncovering the Real Abe Lincoln,' on newsstands Monday.\nAbe rose from poverty by helping prominent Whigs get land at bargain basement prices.... to much Mythology exists around the man... and Obama just took a big whack at it\nOk now this is dumb\nI am against baseball\/professional sports team of your choice raiding various government coffers... but that is because i think it is a waste of taxpayer money. but i think these comments on Al-Drudge If true are simply intolerable.\nROLL CALL reports: Soros pumped more than $20 million in the last cycle into groups seeking to unseat President Bush and elect Democrats and relates that the very prospect that Soros could have a stake in the team is enough to irritate Congressional Republicans.\n\"I think Major League Baseball understands the stakes,\" said Government Reform Chairman Tom Davis (R), who recently convened high-profile steroid hearings.\nDavis said that if a Soros sale went through, \"I don't think it's the Nats that get hurt. I think it's Major League Baseball that gets hurt.\nThey enjoy all sorts of exemptions' from anti-trust laws. Rep. John Sweeney (R-N.Y.), vice chairman of the Appropriations subcommittee that covers the District of Columbia budget, said if Soros buys the team and seeks public funding for a new stadium or anything else, the GOP attitude would be, \"Let him pay for it.\"\nIt is extremely uncool to play partisan favorites when it comes to who gets what government money. In fact this is something the Soros funded moonbats would do, and accuse you of.\nbe better then the moonbats\nNeat Idea not sure how i like it\nIt's called Dynamic Pricing. Here is a nice CNN page on the subject. The Idea is a great one if say the system is designed to shoot you a better price on product x,y,or z then another site does. However the system could think you are a chump and make you pay a higher price.\nIn early June, the Annenberg Center at the University of Pennsylvania released a new study, \"Open to Exploitation,\" which addressed online price discrimination among other subjects.\nThe study revealed that nearly two-thirds of adult Internet users surveyed believed incorrectly that it was illegal for online retailers to charge different people different prices. It also noted that two-thirds of people surveyed said they believed online travel sites are required by law to offer the lowest airline prices possible to all customers.\nNot only did the survey participants think price customization was illegal, they also strongly believed it ought to be. According to the study, 87 percent of people surveyed strongly objected to the practice of online stores charging people different prices for the same products based on information collected about their shopping habits.\nThe report was based on results from a telephone poll, conducted in February and early March, of 1,500 adults who said they had used the Internet within the past 30 days. The margin of sampling error was described as plus or minus 2.51 percentage points.\nI am sure their may be some law here about this. Heck this probably violates some civil rights code.\nI think this needs to get regulated, and you don't often hear me say something needs it... well this does. this system is just to open for abuse of the customers at the expense of the buisness and that doesn't do anyone any good.\na new product on the link side\nhere is a cool new blog about when our republic will finaly kill its soul.\nPosted by Karasoth at 9:06 PM 3 comments:\nNancy Pelosi: More intelligence in government\nPat Hynes went on to show the intellect of the Minority leader.\nMinority Leader Pelosi today defended the practice of the Social Security system lending money to the federal government, saying the interest paid by the government on the loan helps keep the system solvent. \"There's nothing wrong with Social Security lending money with the prospect of returning it,\" Pelosi said. \"There is a surplus in Social Security, and under the law Social Security can lend that money to the government for other purposes with the idea and the requirement that that money be paid back to the Social Security Trust Fund with interest,\" she said. \"And the 'with interest' is part of the income to the Social Security Trust Fund which makes it solvent until 2052.\"\nI have worked on perhaps three dozen Congressional campaigns over the years. And I can tell you without exaggeration that the push question in every poll that reads more or less like this: \"So-and-so voted in favor of spending Social Security money on other government programs,\" damages a politician severely regardless of their political party and history of distinguished service in their district.\nWhat really surprises me here Isn't that Pelosi is all into OPM.. what surprises me is that Pat didn't go and say \"Nancy where does that With intrest\" come from. because while the money doesn't burn out all togther till 2052 come 2018 the government will have to make more in payments. You see Social Security is like a credit card and our uncle sam kept making the minimum monthly payment.. now old sam is in a place where he may soon have such a low free balance that he has to pay PAINFUL levels of minimum payments... and then sam can't afford other things he needs and then we have problems.\nThis is the real big problem with what nancy said.. the fact that her spending policy will mean massive cuts in federal programs and\/or massive tax hikes which will strangle the economy.. making the problem worse.\nfactor in the collapse of medicare, the federal pension guarentee program, the federal pension program.... and Nancy wants us to go out and get another credit card.\nMore reasons not to vote for her party\nThe Draft.... NOT\nWhen senior leaders for our Military have come out and said the Selective service is a huge waste of money... they had THIS method in mind\nWASHINGTON -- With the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan making it increasingly hard for the U.S. military to fill its ranks with recruits, the Pentagon has hired an outside marketing firm to help compile an extensive database about teenagers and college students that the military services could use to target potential enlistees.\nThe initiative, which privacy groups call an unwarranted government intrusion into private life, will compile detailed information about high school students ages 16 to 18, all college students, and Selective Service System registrants. The collected information will include Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, grade-point averages and ethnicities.\nThe program, run by the Pentagon's Joint Advertising, Market Research and Studies office, is the latest effort to jump-start a recruiting mission hampered by violent images broadcast daily from Iraq.\nand just so no one thinks i'm kidding\n\"to provide a single central facility within the Department of Defense to compile, process and distribute files of individuals who meet age and minimum school requirements for military service.\"\nSo if some how a collective moment of psychosis occurs their won't be any draft card... just cookies and databases sold by your credit card company and your school\nwhat will the hippies burn then?\nBlogging the Supremes\nThe Supremes Court tossed out some more hits, but none of them were a single.\nThe File Sharing call was the right call legally, but that's only because the law is very much wrong. Our government shouldn't have passed a law that benefited an industry that refused to work with the nascent file sharing industry to make things work and have everyone make money. Napster when Metallica came after them should have been the industries bridge to settle these problems. Instead it caused a rebellion in their consumer base.\nThis is similar to the ruling on the Cable Internet industry ( thank you comcrash) the cable companies have far to little realistic competition but the law was pretty clear here to and the court played to the law, although the law was dumb.\nBut the Ten Commandments were the big issue. While largely apathetic to the whole thing I found it very right calls in both rulings but I wished their was some way to make a cohesive philosophy our of it.\nKentucky tried to pull a fast one. Had Kentucky put up the display they have now in the beginning, the ruling would probably be different. But they tried to back door it in and use it to pat themselves on the back and work the voters. I hate it when politicians try to grease the voters, but I hate it even more when politicians whore out god to grease the voters.\nJudge Roy Moore may end up governor of his state because he has whored out religion to grease the masses into voting for him. He hasn't went out and gotten things that made their life better he played into religious fear mongering. We as a society need to think \"what would Jesus do\" and remember how Jesus turned out the money changers and all the people cutting a profit in god's house.\nThat is why we needed to boot down Kentucky. The Texas case it was a monument had stayed around until the ACLU went all militant on it. It is the same wingnutism but in a qlipotthic nature as the actions of Roy Moore. And the court was right to shoot down their zealotry.\nNow we just wait to see who resigns from the court, and how many.\nFolks I advise you to check out the following Here and Here\nIt sickens me that the Anglican and Presbyterian churches have endorsed such hateful and libelous rhetoric comparing Israel to South Africa. It also goes to support my personal theory that to much tolerance only leads to hating those who disagree with you.\nand no good comes of that. I do hope the Archbishop of canterbury comes out and endorses this so i can get into a long and fun post on his track record of lunacy and his leadership of the church into the rubbish bin.\nAnd should Prince chuck come to be the King during his reign, it will be a fitting statement on the current state of the soul of the anglican communion in the western world.\nI am a Jelly filled donut\nWhat Famous Leader Are You?\npersonality tests by similarminds.com\nthanks to Gay Orbit for the fun quiz\nMore brilliant DNC strategy\nWhen they are being accused of being dominated by those \"soft on terrorism\" whom would you send to rebut the president's weekend speech?\nSome one like Wes Clark?\nHow about a Clinton Administration defense or state offical?\nthese would be things INTELLIGENT people would do\nwho did get the gig instead?\nZbigniew Brzezinski Because I don't know about you I just think of the Carter administration when i think of strong national security models\n(yes i do know Jimmy did some OK stuff...... but by and large it sucked.)\n\"Two years later, America finds itself more isolated than ever before, the object of unprecedented international mistrust,\" Brzezinski said. \"As a result, we are not as safe as we should be here at home.\"\nHe said the war has turned Iraq into a training ground for terrorists and noted that Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the September 11, 2001, attacks, has not been captured. \"The violence in Iraq continues at increasing rates and American casualties continue to mount,\" Brzezinski said.\nyes what a great rebuttal to Karl Rove \"George Bush lied so everyone hates us\"\n\"Patriotism and love of country does not demand endless sacrifice on the part of our troops in a war justified by slogans,\" Brzezinski said.\nand Slogans are great for attacking a president during a time of war to\nMore buisness intellect\nAl-Press\nMore important, Mo believes his consulting gig is more lucrative, rewarding and imaginative than a traditional tech job. He characterized his summer programming internships as \"too focused or localized, even meaningless.\"\n\"A consulting job injects you into companies at a higher level,\" he said. \"You don't feel like you're doing basic stuff.\nSo in other words \"I am to important to code\"\nJust like all the consultants i run into at work. They feel they are superior to you, distance themselves in the \"higher level\" and produce a product that is utter garbage.\nread the rest and know how good the future of american capitalism is\nHooray for Media bias\nthis caught my eye as i was strolling about MSNBC\nWar of Nerves\nThe politicians say we're winning. The generals aren't so sure. How Bush hopes to persuade a wary nation to stay the course.\nTed Kennedy says we're winning? Charlie Rangel says we're winning?\nOh... You mean the administration, well why didn't you say so.\nn Memorial Day, Vice President Dick Cheney declared that the Iraq insurgency was in its \"last throes.\" Yet last week, testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, General Abizaid said that, actually, the insurgency has not grown weaker over the last six months and that the number of foreign terrorists infiltrating Iraq has increased.\nHe said the \"insurgency\" was about the same.\nbut why quibble with facts.\nNewsweek: more factacular journalism\nAnd you thought Dick Durbin was bad....\nAl-Reuters\nSANTIAGO, Chile (Reuters) -- A Chilean senator convicted of pedophilia received a suspended five-year prison sentence that drew criticism on Sunday for being too weak.\nSen. Jorge Lavandero, 75, pleaded guilty in a plea bargain last week but fired his lawyers just before sentencing and said he was innocent of sexually abusing four children between ages 8 and 12, at his country house between 2000 and 2003.\nAnd sadly, this Sentance is an improvement for the \"justice\" system in Chile.\nbut i think lifting his immunity for a suspended sentance is truely a joke.\nthree cheers for the UK\nThis is CNN\nLONDON, England -- UK Home Secretary Charles Clarke and Prime Minister Tony Blair have refused to back down and grant a general moratorium on returning failed asylum seekers to Zimbabwe.\nIn a statement to MPs, Clarke said nobody who the government genuinely believed would face persecution would be sent back to President Robert Mugabe's regime.\nHe confirmed in the Commons that there were 57 asylum seekers claiming to be from Zimbabwe on hunger strike in detention centers.\nBut he said there were not \"sufficient grounds\" to return to a situation where nobody was returned to Zimbabwe, regardless of their status.\nA blanket ban could only encourage \"those seeking to get round controls,\" he said.\nthis was a good call and a fair call. keeping people out of genocide, and that is what Mugabe is doing, but trying to keep their borders from being abused.\nSomething Canada and the US could learn from\nStars and Bars: Uggg\nOk some idiocy regarding the confederacy. Now let me put up a disclaimer\nSlavery was bad children, M'Kay. Segregation was bad to M'Kay\n\"I don't think we should name a school after Adolf Hitler (search),\" said school board member Debra Robinson, who is black. \"It's really at that level with Jeff Davis. I don't think we should name schools for anybody that represents intolerance or straight-up hatred.\"\nOk.. While Ole Jeff Davis was the man for the system of slavery he was negotiating an end to the system for the same reason it ended quicker up north -need of man power-. Yep in the south they realized more soldiers, and more production of products needed for the war effort would happen if more slaves got freed.\nI also don't want to go into how rare slavery was amongst southerners as a whole, and how rare it was for a man to own more then two slaves. Because some people have lost perspective. if the N-Word can now be said openly, this is just silly.\nNow.. in other related stupidity\n\"They gave us the treatment for the movie and talked about a marketing deal, but we said we can't participate if you keep the Confederate flag,\" Jason Vines, Chrysler Group vice president of communications, told Inside Line. \"It's offensive to a lot of people. But they [Warner Bros.] said 'no.' We still get a mention of the Charger in the movie, but we couldn't do anything beyond that.\"\nChysler wanted to remove the confederate battle flag -not the national confederate flag- from the General Lee a car that was named... after a confederate general who was an Abolitionist ... yes and we all know how well Chrysler is doing in the sales and buisness aspect.\nSo remember leftists making inaccurate comparisons to adolph hitler is fine, leftists busting out the N-bomb no problem.. but show a confederate flag and you're in trouble.... until radical leftists decide to use it\nUncle~!\nSay Uncle has launched the first RINO sightings a round up of all the best of our posting\nI volunteered myself to do the one on the 11th so prepair to feel my wra.. I mean I am really looking forward to it ;-)\nUpdate: I'd trackback this to say uncle but his trackback never seems to work\nA big Labor Split up\nThe United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America broke away from the labor federation in 2001, saying it was shifting more of its resources to organizing and was impatient for the AFL-CIO to do the same.\n\"The Carpenters' Union is proud to join with the most dynamic unions in the country,\" President Doug McCarron said in a release obtained by The Associated Press. A formal announcement was planned for Monday.\nThe carpenters will join with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Service Employees International Union, United Food and Commercial Workers, Unite Here and Laborers' International Union in the alliance called the Change to Win Coalition. The movement was created in mid-June to challenge the AFL-CIO's leadership.\nThe Teamsters and SEIU have both had a more flexible relationship when it comes to the GOP and the SEIU leadership has been critical of cartle blanche endorsement of the democratic party ticket.\nIf these new group splits off of the AFL-CIO and decides to play wild card in American politics.. consider this\nThe addition of the carpenters' union with its approximately 520,000 members brings the number of workers represented by unions in the coalition to nearly 6 million. The AFL-CIO is a federation of almost 60 unions with a total of roughly 13 million members, including those in the dissident unions.\nThat is a serious cash pool, and that is a serious problem for the Democrats if big labor goes out and decides to hire politicians, and not just be an agent of their party\nthis is something to keep an eye on in the future folks. Because as we have seen with President Bush it may be possible for a more Union-Friendly platform to emerge in the GOP\n45 views and an adorable little rodent\nAwwwww I am glad i seem to be picking up more and more readers every day. Joining team raging rino was a good plan for me\nTo anyone out there who says their is a conservative media bias\nrathergate Pwns that line of thinking\nABC's World News Tonight: Rove: Reported on Rove the day he made the comments. Reporter Jake Tapper solemnly intoned, \"President Bush came to office promising to change the tone in Washington. Political observers say it has changed. It's nastier.\" Durbin: World News never mentioned Durbin's comments until squeezing them into the Rove report. The show had briefly touched on the apology Tuesday, eight days after Durbin made the remarks.\nNBC Nightly News: Rove: Covered Rove's comments the day they were spoken. Durbin: Ran a brief anchor-read item two days after his comment, and a similar brief when he apologized.\nCBS Evening \"News\" (now with 50 percent fewer faked memos!): Rove: Did not mention his comments Thursday afternoon, but The Early Show on CBS gave it significant coverage. Durbin: This is going to surprise you all, I know, but as of Friday night CBS has not mentioned Durbin's remarks.\nand, that was some of the better coverage the guys at Rathergate found.\nAnd i think we need to go to Bernie Goldberg's book.. the bias isn't political it's cultural. and the folks who have the cultural bias Bernie talked about... they are the same folks out there putting backing to Moron.org and the like.\nso.. strange they didn't like Dick Durbin's comments\nPosted by Karasoth at 1:09 AM No comments:\nTLB on Tom Cruise\nI strolled over there and I am very surprised. Everyone says \"why is he so against this... no medical training..etc.\"\nand yet no one seems to really be going into the numerous anti scientology sites, and their beliefs regarding the use of drugs in the control of the space gods so they were duped into becoming our souls.\nNo one really seems willing to call Scientology utterly crazy...\nI gotta wonder why that is. Or maybe I am just so jaded i thought everyone already knew. So any one out in the peanut gallery am I wrong about that and should I go and make some time to dredge that up to edify folks out there in blogland?\nMore on Deep throat\nWhile he may be covering his end... we have a nice retort here\nIn the ABC interview, Gray denied he had blocked any investigations of Watergate. He said he had merely delayed one probe when the White House claimed the CIA was already investigating - and then continued when the CIA reported it actually was not pursuing that lead.\nA White House discussion on how to use the CIA to stem the FBI's investigation - caught on Nixon's own tapes - is often referred to as \"the smoking gun\" that proved the president's involvement in the Watergate cover-up.\n\"We continued on, and we penetrated it,\" Gray said. \"I didn't need Mark Felt to tell me that I had to press on. I knew what was at stake here.\"\nGray said that the White House asked several times that Felt be fired and that Nixon himself demanded that Felt undergo a lie-detector test. \"I felt that was degrading to the second-highest official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and I would not stoop to that,\" Gray told ABC.\nBesides, Felt had assured him on several occasions that he was not secretly passing along information to the press, Gray said.\nGray said he trusted Felt completely, even to the point of putting Felt in charge of investigating FBI leaks. But they continued.\n\"I couldn't stop it because my No. 2 man was the guy that was doing it,\" he said.\nI am not sure i buy into gray being part of the evilllllllllll nixon plot, but given some of Mark Felt's bad olde hoover days activities this isn't out of charecter.\nagain it will take a while for history to adequately judge mark felt\nI think we should do a fund raiser\nfor this .. It has to be cheaper then what the government is doing\nA Funny thing happened on the IM\nTalked to an aquintance who just got seperated from the NAVY. He had some past history that was of a .... well lets just say I am surprised he was able to make it a month before the Navy booted him. He said while his past issue was in his file, it wasn't in his behavior and i believe him. but he told me they were also booting people out of the service who ever had an ADD diagnosis\nso... keep that in mind next time you see a media scare story about the recruiting \"crisis\"\nJohn Cole in the Strata-Sphere\nTaking a flight here and reading the referenced Viking pundit here and of course picking a good John Cole post here I think a very important point got missed.\n#1) was the analogy accurate? Do repressive regime's do this kind of behavior. No they do worse, and they do much worse and Dick Durbin when confronted said as much. So Dick made an analogy for the express purpose of getting a rise out of people. Dick was building on the assault on Alberto Gonzales and the administrations policies on interrogation. He was retreading the \"gulag of our time\" crack of Amnesty International. He was doing this to appeal to the far left wing base to get them primed for dumping more money. So he used the troops as a prop to say \"that bush is turning our troops into the SS and only you can stop him.\" it was political calculus pure and simple.\n#2) Was it torture: This statement, while not directly put out there by Durbin was implied. Now the memo itself according to sources on Fox news only covered the incident of shackling the prisoner for 24 hours ( which was a clear violation of protocol) the email included raw data based on what the prisoner said. So Dick was using raw data because it was the most inflammatory, and as such many things were presented as \"torture\" that simply are not so. The Hottest day at gitmo is still cooler then the hottest day in their home counties. The AC on max is still warmer then the coldest day in their home countries. I don't think that passes a reasonable standard for torture. And frankly much of the stuff Durbin mentioned doesn't. Durbin purposefully choose the most inflamatory source possible, with things that no reasonable person would consider torture. Thus he purposefully attacked the techniques used by our troops from a source that was not the end product of the investigation to get a direct moment of shock. He did so refrencing very few behaviors that reasonably fit the definition of torture.\n#3) He has -to date- refused to acknowledge his analogy was wrong. He has apologised if you took it wrong, and now if you were offended by it. But an analogy that was inaccurate, and purposefully offensive he considers acceptable. He even reworded his comments once saying the same words in a slightly different way that still remains the same basic commentary thus he was trying to shift his words around to confuse the audience. He was saying \"I'm a senator D*** it and i Know better then you\"\n#4) The only time he made anything close to a real apology was when the 800 pound gorilla of the Illinois Democratic party (the Mayor of Chicago) told him he was out of line. So based on #3 and #4 he sincerely believes his choice was acceptable (which is bad) or worse he see's his analogy as accurate ( which is abject and total ignorance)\nSo either Dick Durbin is a man so ignorant that he believes the interrogation methods at Gitmo really are like a repressive regime, and made a fake apology because he feared for his job. Or he made a politically calculated Jab to the MoveOn.org\/DU\/Daily Kos crowd to get them out with their check books only he for some reason felt no one would mind his invoking Hitler, Stalin, or Pol Pot which also shows an ignorance that may be tolerable in the most deranged members of the House Caucus (like the lunatic from georgia who says \"the jews\" conspired to get her out of congress) or a random blogger but not from the #2 democrat in the senate.. and i question if it is even justifiable in a US Senator.\nBut Like John Ashcroft who once said the trial by jury system was \"wrongheaded\" the Senate is willing to tolerate abject stupidity and blind ignorance in members of their country club. People like Joe Biden who couldn't make it as a proffessor in a community college because of his plagerism is a senior member of the democratic leadership in the senate.Robert Byrd a member of the KKK for many years, and who worked on their advertising and promotions campaign after that is given a pass. Tom Coburn who once said \"if two women go to the bathroom togther, they'll come back lesbians.\" Much as the Nobel Peace prize has been falling into the hands of people who are terrorists or who actively promote lunatic conspiracy theories in the senior body of our legislature Dick Durbin is proof of the lowered expectations we hold our elected leaders in.\nAnd just as the media allowed in more and more tolerant attitudes towards sex, language and violence in until we saw Janet Jacksons nipple so to will our government continue to be a product of GigO ( Garbage in\/Garbage out) until we finally hit bottom. Until our government shows itself to be so metaphysically ignorant and worthless that we finally stop electing utter moonbats (of the right or the left persuasion) into places of power.\nBecause if Dick Durbin's comments aren't bottom then not on;y can't I imagine what the bottom will be like... I am not sure i want to\nI hear about running McCain\nAs the Anti-Religous right canidate... if you support that here is some food for thought.\nTucked in a New Yorker article last month on McCain was the revelation that he assured conservative activist Gary Bauer that if elected president he would nominate pro-life judges. Bush refused to make such an explicit promise, which is why Bauer endorsed McCain in the 2000 primaries.\nJohn Boy would sell his soul to Bauer in the 00 election to get ahead. in 08.. who knows, he may find a new deal using his soul as barter\nbut he is pro-life and has a 100 percent voting record in Congress to prove it.\nso Is John McCain anti religous right... or is he just Pro-John McCain getting elected\nPosted by Karasoth at 11:56 AM No comments:\nSideways days\nYou ever have one of those days where everything you planned just went sideways\nBig Sexy Kev my soon to be future roomate and i went to a place that said the rent was A, and moved it just after we talked to them to A+150. They had many apartments, then they had one. They had a flexible holding period to you have to move now now now~!\nBut we think we found a better place that will work out to be more affordable ( thanks to our other friend Phil)\nand i'll be living with 3 people who all play hold'em\nso this sideways trip may have been ok\nGo NY Attorney General\nScrew Adware\n(al-press)\nSo far, law enforcement has mostly targeted the transmitters. Intermix Media Inc. has agreed to pay $7.5 million in a tentative settlement of a lawsuit by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.\nBut Spitzer isn't stopping there. He is threatening to hold accountable household-name advertisers that use adware networks. No longer, says Spitzer, can companies play dumb.\nshut adware down\nWow~!\nI went over to get some warm \"Michelle Malkin\" Fuzzies when i saw something that really put it all togther for me. The folks at the Huffington post were wishing dick cheney ill\nHasn't he had his \"last throes\" of chest pains yet?\nPosted by: Anonymous at June 24, 2005 10:28 PM\nHis heart is listening to all the lies coming out of his mouth. It can't take much more of this drivel.\nPosted by: Fred Colton at June 24, 2005 10:33 PM\nI wish the evil zombie would stop leaving his underground bunker. Surely, there's a medical ward where he lurks below the surface, near Washington, D.C.\nPosted by: Citizen Milenko at June 24, 2005 10:37 PM\nYou bet we losers want him dead. And I'm glad to be a loser. If I were a winner, I'd have to be around the kind of assholes who like Bush and Cheney.\nPosted by: Medina at June 24, 2005 10:37 PM\n\"Last throes,\" does one suppose? Here's hoping.\nPosted by: HopingAgainst\"Hoffman\" at June 24, 2005 10:37 PM\nYou're all assuming he actually still has a heart. I don't think so.\nI think it was replaced by a teflon pump a long time ago. Therefore he can no longer feel any pain.\nPosted by: Don P at June 24, 2005 10:42 PM\n\"I wonder how many regular readers to this pathetic, self-important blog are hoping that Cheney comes out with a sheet over his head...?\"\nActually, Eric, I was thinking more along the lines of a stake through his heart.\nPosted by: Chuck Feney at June 24, 2005 11:08 PM\nNow if you all go with me in the Way Back machine Michelle posted about an unhinged Obituary a few days back\nyes the Kossaks had a different view then\nEliminating liberalism entirely is the task at hand. The death of a liberal is a cause for celebration. Upsetting and shameful.\nUpsetting and Shameful.. if we were celebrating as opposed to being in shock about the nuttery the Kos heads might have had a point. But what did they say then?\nShe'll get what's coming to her someday, and I'll laugh at her pain.\nThis is how the Dick Durbin Vs Karl Rove Maneuver worked\nExpose them for the unhinged lunatics they are\nOn the RINO Horn\nChickenhawks: I hate that term. I hate that term because i know the US Armed forces would not take me. I have dental problems that friends who have the same problem to a far smaller degree have gotten booted out on medical screenings. So I know they wouldn't take me period point blank. But i also have quite a few friends who have experienced some of the following\nIn medical screening be told they have disorder x,y,or,z but no other doctor before or since seems to be able to find it.\nBe told they are to heavy to go when their bodyweight meets the standard for recruitment, which is bellow a normal body weight\nI've also had some recruiters tell me that their CO told them they had a quota of people to turn away.\nHere is how it works\nThey have a \"recruiting shortage\"\nthey then can break into \"emergancy recruiting funds\"\nand everyone makes a big pay day.\nI've had friends who are recruiters say they slacked off on recruiting people till it was time for their performance review then they hustled in tons.\nSo I am from this fact leary of the stories of the recruiting \"crisis\" by our armed services. Also things like recruiting crunches in the Reserve units and in the Guard units happened because those people are still in their active duty units do to the time of war.\nBut that is not the most insulting part of the whole \"chicken hawk\" thesis. no the most insulting part is impuning the honor of people who don't go into service. and imply that people who saw combat wouldn't be so caviler\nLets review shall we?\nOnly real wars will be included (things like Gulf War I and grenada are out)\nWorst War in American History Death toll wise; The Civil War\nWas the president a Vet -yep Abe Lincoln fought in the black hawk war, though he'd argue how much fighting he did-\nTwo worst wars from the W\/L perspective: Korea and Vietnam\nPresidents who served in combat as soldiers, and even as officers during that time\nHarry S. Truman-Gerald R Ford\nBest War in popular American history: WWII\nDid the president do time as a soldier? that would be no\nMexican-American War: where we gained the entire western states\nPolk -not a soldier as near as any bio i can find\nSo guys who never served in a trench or fired a firearm in anger did pretty good as War leaders. Guys who know the horrors of War... less so.\nBut lets also take another look here\nWe have a place where you make far less with skills then you would anywhere else that uses those jobs.\nYou have a proffession that is smaller then 1% of the population.. and is smaller then .01% of the nation... Not everyone can volunteer to serve, we just don't have the support for it nor is it good for people.\nso with the implied \"you wouldn't support war if you went\" attitude of this argument we are saying \"Only 1 tenth of 1 percent of the population should be allowed to lead us.\"\nthe argument is frankly unamerican and very dictatorial in nature. If FDR was good enough man to lead us into war, and if the all volunteer service performs better ( which is why even israel is doing away with conscription) that means that everyone has a right to his opinion... and has the right not to be called a coward if he chooses not to vote with his feet.\nEven if you agree with Dean\nThat the constitution empowers theft (note i never said all eminent domain was bad.. i was saying this one was. And after talking to a few folks who said while this fit precident it was still wrong) there has been some good come out of the raw flaming outrage this has started\nBy STACEY STOWE\nHARTFORD, June 24 - A day after a ruling by the Supreme Court cleared the way for the city of New London to replace a residential neighborhood with a private development, Gov. M. Jodi Rell said on Friday that the Connecticut legislature \"ought to consider\" the state's eminent domain laws.\nThe outrage is turning some heads. And the Governor's isn't the only one.\n\"It's one that's been controversial not just in Connecticut but around the country.\" He added that Mrs. Rell is mindful of \"the need to strike a proper balance between economic development concerns and the rights of property owners.\"\nOn Thursday, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat, first praised the court's decision as \"vindicating long established eminent domain principles.\" He tempered his remarks on Friday, saying Connecticut's eminent domain law \"deserves serious, critical scrutinizing\" to ensure that it protects private property rights.\nThe Democratic party member and Attorney General said \"yippie we won\" but even he was falling in line that maybe we went to far.\nRobert M. Ward, a Republican who is the House minority leader, said he was \"deeply disappointed\" by the court's ruling. Mr. Ward said he will introduce legislation in the next session of the General Assembly in February to protect property owners from losing their homes or businesses in the name of economic development.\nMr. Ward tried to get a similar bill adopted in the last legislative session. It would have removed the economic development provision from the state's eminent domain laws, allowing the government to seize only blighted property. He said Utah adopted a similar bill in March. The Connecticut bill died in committee.\nI am betting that Mr. Ward's bill may end up doing better in committee. And hopefully other states take note of the discontent this started. If the various branches of government realize that the sleeping beast of \"the electorate\" can be stirred... it is a very good thing.\nMr. Ward said the federal ruling meant that modest homes and businesses can be uprooted for property that would add more money to city tax roles or that would be less of a burden on city services.\n\"It's just lower-middle-class folks losing property for some shiny new project,\" he said. \"That's just plain wrong.\"\nand that really is the bottom line\nMore good ideas from EU politicians\nBERLIN (Reuters) - Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski suggested on Saturday a pan-European referendum on the aims and goals of the\nEuropean Union as a way out of the bloc's current crisis.\nKwasniewski made his proposal in a column for the top-selling German daily Bild following this month's EU summit failure to agree a budget and after rejections by France and the Netherlands of the EU constitution in referendums.\nInstead of being able to blame the problems on \"The French\" ( i mean hey, who doesn't like to blame things on the French *I* do it all the time), the Dutch, the english, or next country to reject the EU powergrab\nlets instead make it so voters all over europe can reject the EU and we can blame \"the voters\"\nDean: thanks for commenting\nglad to see some one whose blog i read allot came over to my comment section.\nI'll respond in kind to your comment area once the registration kicks in.\nExamples of Bipartisanship\nI know the MSM tells me that Bipartisanship is good... but except for the last thing on this list, i have my doubts\nTHE WALK:\n-Bankruptcy legislation: sweeping changes that make it harder for people to file for bankruptcy protection. Senate vote: 74-25. House vote: 302-126.\n-Class-action lawsuits: overhaul of litigation law, making it harder to file broad-based lawsuits against corporations. Senate vote: 72-26. House vote: 279-149.\n-Judges deal: Seven Democrats and seven Republicans in the Senate reach agreement to let judicial nominees be confirmed, except in \"extraordinary circumstances,\" and to deny support for efforts to bulldoze treasured Senate rules on open debate.\n-Energy legislation: comprehensive Senate bill that offers incentives to coal and oil industries as well as cleaner renewable fuels. Bipartisan passage expected Tuesday.\nand except that last part i disagree with all of them.....\nThe folks behind live 8 tell you the problem is all the evil western governments\nit is..really\nThe scale of the task facing Tony Blair in his drive to help Africa was laid bare yesterday when it emerged that Nigeria's past rulers stole or misused \u00a3220 billion.\nThat is as much as all the western aid given to Africa in almost four decades. The looting of Africa's most populous country amounted to a sum equivalent to 300 years of British aid for the continent.\nand here.... lets put it in more context\nThe stolen fortune tallies almost exactly with the \u00a3220 billion of western aid given to Africa between 1960 and 1997. That amounted to six times the American help given to post-war Europe under the Marshall Plan.\nand still more context\nGen Sani Abacha, the late military dictator, stole between \u00a31 billion and \u00a33 billion during his five-year rule.\n\"We are only now beginning to come to grips with some of what he did,\" Mr Nwajah said.\nNigeria has scoured the world for Abacha's assets but has recovered only about \u00a3500 millio\nmaybe more money isn't the answer?\nI would LOVE to agree with Ann Althouse but....\nAnn is very wrong on Kelo\nThat's what Justice Thomas wrote in dissent in Kelo v. City of New London, yesterday's Supreme Court Takings Clause case. Much of the criticism of the case that I've seen taps the stimulating rhetoric served up by Justice Thomas. Is the outcry justified?\nAdmitedly as my head has cooled and reading some of the opinions out there in TV land i have seen the court's call here wasn't utterly radical. However the court was still absolutely wrong.\nSome people would like to say that the city should have had to run the development project itself for it to count as \"public use.\" Should that be an absolute rule? No private developers? The public benefit is still there:\n\"Promoting economic development is a traditional and long accepted function of government,\" Justice Stevens said, adding, \"Clearly, there is no basis for exempting economic development from our traditionally broad understanding of public purpose.\"...\nJustice Stevens ... said the plan \"unquestionably serves a public purpose,\" even though it was intended to increase jobs and tax revenue rather than remove blight.\nas Tucker Carlson and the Lawyer for New London pointed out on his show ( I can't find the link... grrrrr) that property when taken in a E.D case isn't always used for the express intent of the E.D...\nso this goes against\nHe described the plan as \"carefully formulated\" and comprehensive.\nso the state can, quite abitrarially take Land in a carefully planned manner and not use it.The power was gross and unchecked.\nand Ann missed something *I* see as a primal part of Federalism ( which both Justices Thomas and O'Connor sited)\nIt's interesting -- isn't it -- that the Court's liberals stressed \"federalism,\" which the conservatives often praise, and the Court's conservatives stress the oppression of the poor by the rich, usually the plaint of the liberal.\nFederalism isn't just about empowering the states. Feaderalism is about limiting the power of government all togther. About laying out a line which says \"you can do this, the states can do this, but you absolutely can't do this\"\nIt is in that third vein of federalism that Justice Thomas and O'Conner were working. And Souter ( i used to like Souter) along with Breyer are all about finding ways to empower the government. I am not sure how to justify the mindsets of the other three jurists but it wasn't federalism... not in any traditional sense.\nThere is a message here for local government: if you go further than the City of New London did in Kelo, you will get tied up in litigation. Thus, the case doesn't unleash local government to condemn property willy-nilly and shift ownership around lightly. Merrill describes the kind of case that might turn that amber light red: \"a case in which it looked like some politically unaccountable development authority had sold out to a private developer or big box store.\"\nthat assumes that you can find a Lawyer willing to go to bat for a case like this again...\nand it assumes that you can afford to after the local government decides what is \"fair value\" of your property.\nIn short this has just enhanced the power of the localities and the states to stifle the common folks.\nIn Georgia i've heard Boortz talk about how they ramped up the power of local school districts to bully property owners out for more profitable revune property owners.\nKelo was about more then just New London it was about does the state have primacy or do the people.\nThe constitution is clear power comes from the people, Kelo is clear power belongs to the state\nthanks to Dean for the hook up\nKELO: bringing me back to my roots\nFreshman\/Sophmore year in High School i was a borderline Randian... and stuff like this was why. and i think as the 5th amendment and 900 years of anglo saxon common law died i have the right to turn on the way back machine here\nIn another heavy blow to property rights, the Supreme Court has ruled against the homeowners in the New London, Connecticut, eminent domain case, and further entrenched the legal principle that government can seize an individual's property for \"public use\" whenever it deems appropriate.\nThe justification the Court offered for violating the property rights of New London homeowners was that the taking of their property and its transfer to others would bring \"benefits to the community,\" including \"new jobs and increased tax revenue.\"\nBut it should not matter that the government's seizure of legally owned property might increase tax revenue or supposedly benefit the local economy. If a person does not want to sell his property, he should not be forced to do so.\nEven though the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution makes it legal for the government to use eminent domain, there is, in fact, no moral justification for the violation of property rights. Individual rights should never be sacrificed, and certainly not to promote some alleged and indefinable \"public\" good.\nAs this case demonstrates, \"public use\" is a term so vague as to have given government virtually unlimited power in using eminent domain to take property away from its legitimate owners.\nAnd as Ayn Rand has pointed out, the \"public\" as such does not exist. Only individuals exist. Whenever governments act to promote the \"public\" good, or to advance a \"public\" purpose, or to satisfy a \"public\" need--beware. For what invariably happens in such cases is that some individuals are forced by the state to sacrifice for other individuals.\nIt is no coincidence that appeals to the \"public\" good have been used by dictatorships throughout history to justify tyranny over the individual. Thanks to the deplorable decision by five justices of the Supreme Court, America is a big step closer to tyranny and away from the freedom America's founders intended to establish.\nDavid Holcberg\nAyn Rand Institute\nCopyright \u00a9 2005 Ayn Rand\u00ae Institute. All rights reserved.\nOp-eds, press releases and letters to the editor produced by the Ayn Rand Institute are submitted to hundreds of newspapers, radio stations and Web sites across the United States and abroad, and are made possible thanks to voluntary contributions.\nIf you would like to help support ARI's efforts, please make an online contribution at http:\/\/www.aynrand.org\/support.\nThis release is copyrighted by the Ayn Rand Institute, and cannot be reprinted without permission except for non-commercial, self-study or educational purposes. We encourage you to forward this release to friends, family, associates or interested parties who would want to receive it for these purposes only. Any reproduction of this release must contain the above copyright notice. Those interested in reprinting or redistributing this release for any other purposes should contact media@aynrand.org. This release may not be forwarded to media for publication.\nARI's media releases are solicitations sent to addresses obtained from individual subscription requests. You are subscribed as eguttman@sbcglobal.net. If you prefer not to receive future releases, visit our Web site to change your email preferences.\nThe Ayn Rand Institute, 2121 Alton Pkwy, Ste 250, Irvine, CA 926\nGathas: Song 7 - stanza 9\nWise One, he forsakes progressive serenity,\nesteemed by your wise one,\nwith his evil deeds solely\nbecause of his lack of good mind.\nHe avoids them much on account of their righteousness,\njust as the disheveled barbarians keep far from us.\n(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 9)\nEven Loud Howard can learn folks\nAdmittedly an Al-Press production, but Howard seems to have learned here\nAlthough a recent survey shows most Hispanics are opposed to the war in\nIraq, Dean did not dwell on the Bush administration's foreign policy.\n\"It is a moral value to have a strong national defense,\" he said. \"All Americans are incredibly proud of the brave men and women in uniform who risk their lives daily.\"\nTwo out of three Hispanics in the United States are of Mexican descent, and one in 10 is Puerto Rican. Nearly 4 percent are of Cuban origin and 15 percent are of South and Central American origin.\ngood howard, lets not insult the folks of latin origin who are in the millitary\nbut here loud howard made a snafu\nTo win Latinos back, \"We need a 50-state strategy,\" Dean told several hundred elected and appointed Hispanic officials belonging to the National Association of Latino Officials.\n\"We want you to come to us and tell us what we need to do to win in your communities,\" Dean said.\nAbout 93 percent of the 5,000-member Latino association belongs to the Democratic Party, said Dean, who was governor of Vermont from 1991 to 2003 and ended his 2004 bid for the Democratic Party nomination after finishing third behind Kerry and\nJohn Edwards in the Wisconsin primary. He was elected chairman of the\nDemocratic National Committee in February. His tenure, until 2009, precludes him from running for president.\nHoward going to a group where 93% of the people voted for you guys, and you lost their votes... maybe that's the wrong group to ask\nIran: Oh Snap\nNot good news coming from persia not at all\nThe outcome capped a stunning upset by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who many reformers fear will take Iran back to the restrictions imposed after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.\nThe Interior Ministry gave Ahmadinejad 62.1 percent of the vote over his relatively more moderate rival, Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, who had nearly 35.5 percent. The ministry posted a notice in its headquarters declaring Ahmadinejad the winner of Friday's runoff. The rest of the ballots were deemed invalid.\ni like declaring ballots invalid, because nothing says legitimacy like invalid ballots\nThe figures were based on about 66 percent of the estimated 23 million votes cast, or nearly 49 percent of Iran's 47 million eligible voters. In last week's first round of the presidential election, the turnout was close to 63 percent.\nthough sources on the ground not affiliated with the Mullah's disagree\n\"The real nuclear bomb that Iran has is its unemployed young people,\" said Ali Pourassad, after casting his vote for Ahmadinejad at a polling station set up in the courtyard of a mosque in the middle-class south of Tehran. \"If nothing is done to create jobs for our young people, we will have an explosion on the streets.\"\nBut Ahmadinejad also vowed to return Iran to the principles of the Islamic Revolution more than a quarter-century ago. Such comments and reports about his inner circle of supporters \u2014 members of the Revolutionary Guard, the vigilantes who enforce public dress codes and some of the most hard-line clerics in Iran's theocracy \u2014 frightened Iran's reformers.\nand since most of the unemployed are young people who hate the mullahorcracy... this will be a great plan.... really\nDuring Friday's voting, the reformist-led Interior Ministry reported \"interference\" at some Tehran polling stations. A ministry worker who was at a polling station reminding officials to watch for violations was arrested after he got in an argument with representatives of one of the two candidates, ministry spokesman Jahanbakhsh Khanjani said.\nAn Interior Ministry observers' group reported 300 complaints of violations in Tehran, said group leader Ibrahim Razini.\nagain a perfectly legitimate election....\nAhmadinejad, the son of a blacksmith, presented himself as the humble alternative to Rafsanjani, whose family runs a large business empire. He has promised Iran's underclass higher wages, more development funds for rural areas, expanded health insurance and more social benefits for women.\n\"Every vote you cast is a bullet in the hearts\" of the United States, said Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, head of the Guardian Council and considered a leading supporter of Ahmadinejad.\n\"What they (Western countries) have is not democracy, but rule of trickery. It's parties and capitalists who get the vote of the people in their own favor to fill their pockets,\" he told worshippers at Friday prayers.\nthe Irony here is awesome\nso how soon till we go on to \"liberate\" Iran? any bets?\nHere are some things Tom cruise's religion says he can do\ncause.. well, it's the internet.\nall the deep uber secrets of scientology got out long ago\nso for all you folks blogging about how crazy tom was on the Today show remember he did all of this bellow (pay attention vixen)\nOT VI\nEach of the following processes are run to a\n1. Floating needle\n2. Major cognition\n3. Regained ability.\n(Preferably all three together as the ideal end. End Phenomena.)\nBe Three feet in back of your head. Whatever you are looking at, copy it a dozen times, put it into you. Find the two back corners of the room and hold onto them without thinking for two minutes.\nFind two corners of the planet Earth, hold onto them for two minutes.\nFind a place where you are not.\nSpot three spots in your body.\nSpot three spots in the room.\nBe in the following places:\nThe room, the sky, the moon, the sun.\nLocate an animal ... postulate him moving from one spot to another. Observe him doing this.\nFind a walking man ... postulate his walking faster. Do this with 20 people.\nFind a walking person .... postulate that he will stop, then continue walking. Do this 20 times.\nFind a person in a distant land. Notice the time of day. Notice the terrain. Notice the general environment. Smell the air. Locate a thought that is his. Locate a thought that is yours. Continue until flat.\nNotice differences between you and your body.\nCreate in your body a feeling of calmness;\ncreate in your body sexual desire and turn it off.\nContinue that step until you feel you have control over the sexual drives.\nCreate in the body a feeling of pain.\nCreate in the body a feeling of serenity.\nDo the above until flat.\nCreate in the body a feeling of hunger and turn it off.\nContinue this step until you are in control of hunger drives.\nThe end result of these particular drills is the regained ability to control the body and its sensations.\nNow: Postulate anger, boredom, grief, cheerfulness and serenity --- in that order.\nThis is continued until you are sure that you can create any emotion.\nFinally, exteriorized visit a friend who lives in another state.\nGreet him and flow affinity to him. Ask him to communicate to you by letter.\nJust imagine Tom going over this check list\nTom Cruise Kills Oprah\nmore fun with quiz time\nYou scored as Existentialism. Your life is guided by the concept of Existentialism: You choose the meaning and purpose of your life.\n\ufffdMan is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.\ufffd\n\ufffdIt is up to you to give [life] a meaning.\ufffd\n--Jean-Paul Sartre\n\ufffdIt is man's natural sickness to believe that he possesses the Truth.\ufffd\n--Blaise Pascal\nMore info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...\nStrong Egoism\nJustice (Fairness)\nKantianism\nDivine Command\nWhat philosophy do you follow? (v1.03)\ncreated with QuizFarm.com\nSatan~!\nYour Deadly Sins\nSloth: 80%\nGluttony: 40%\nWrath: 40%\nEnvy: 20%\nGreed: 20%\nLust: 20%\nPride: 20%\nChance You'll Go to Hell: 34%\nYou will die with your hand down your underwear, watching Star Trek.\nHow Sinful Are You?\nNuff Said Part II\nKrauthammer:\nThis is true across the board. On Social Security, which is facing an impending demographic and fiscal crisis, they have put absolutely nothing on the table. On presidential appointments -- first, judges and now ambassador to the United Nations -- they resort to the classic weapon of southern obstructionism: the filibuster. And on foreign policy, they have nothing to say on the war on terrorism, the war in Iraq or the burgeoning Arab Spring (except the refrain: \"Guantanamo\").\nA quarter-century ago, Daniel Patrick Moynihan noted how it was the Republicans who had become a party of ideas, while the Democrats' philosophical foundation was \"deeply eroded.\" But even Moynihan would be surprised by the bankruptcy in the Democrats' current intellectual account.\nThe republicans aint much better atm either. I say we as a nation take them out into the barn and apply some old yeller styled healing\nthank you IRS\nmakes *ME* feel good i did my first direct deposit tax return...*mumbles*\nWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Internal Revenue Service is investigating whether unauthorized people gained access to sensitive taxpayer and bank account information but has not yet exposed any privacy breaches, an official said on Friday.\nThe U.S. tax agency -- whose databases include suspicious activity reports from banks about possible terrorist or criminal transactions -- launched the probe after the Government Accountability Office said in April that the IRS \"routinely permitted excessive access\" to the computer files.\nThe GAO team was able to tap into the data without authorization, and gleaned information such as bank account holders' names, social security numbers, transaction values, and any suspected terrorist activity. It said the data was at serious risk of disclosure, modification or destruction.\n\"There is no evidence that anyone who was not authorized accessed the data outside the GAO,\" said Sheri James, a spokeswoman for the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), which is working with the IRS to address the concerns of the GAO, the investigative arm of Congress.\nyeah cause we would know if some one else illegally accessed our system\nWhelp.......\nWe have a \"situationy\"\nI am going to have to find a part time job, or maybe slow up my schoolin. and work a full time gig. I still have the possibility of massaging my taxes, or massaging my fafsa some more ( as i did have an error out standing) but the one off campus place i was thinking of working Brighthouse, doesn't seem to have allot of part time jobs.\na tad bit frustraiting but i'll keep you posted\nMichelle Malkin + Kinky\nMichelle Malkin + Kinky two words that *IMHO* go great togther\nI agree with the G R on that\nDan Bartlett Pwns the MSM and senate dems\nan Bartlett, counselor to the president\nDan Bartlett: Well Norah I must say I'm at a loss why some of these top Democrats in the Senate have made these accusations, in fact, if you look at Senators Clinton and Schumer and others, who responded after 9\/11, did so in support of President Bush's pursuit of the war on terror.\nWhat Karl Rove was pointing out -- and he was quite specific I might add -- in his speech, was that MoveOn.org, a liberal organization, that put out a petition and a statement right after 9\/11 saying don't respond militarily, show restraint, that's exactly what he was talking about. For the life of me, I don't understand why these Democrats feel they have to rally behind this liberal organization that was clearly in opposite views of even them and their votes at the time. So I think this a much to do about nothing, a little bit of maybe trying to get the distraction off of Sen. Durbin's apology, but what Karl was saying is a public record, and like I said, I think it's obvious that its odd that they feel they have to defend this liberal organization.\nas Jawa theorized this was a gambit by the evil overlord and master of the VRWC but his evil plan was far more sinister. Have the democrats claim that they are indeed owned by Moron.org\nwhile i still think the lord high illuminatus of the VRWC was over the line.. it seems his plan was to trick the democrats... more Pwning\nO'Donnell: But Dan, Karl said liberal, not liberal extremist, was he referring to Sen. Clinton and others when he said that they demanded indictments and to offer therapy to the terrorists?\nBartlett: Well Norah, in the next sentence, I believe, right after that, his citation as an example of liberals was he cited MoveOn.org. He didn't cite certain Democrats he didn't cite Sen. Clinton or others, he said MoveOn.org specifically because that is where the citation was issued from, this organization, so like I said, I think there might be some attempts by the Democrats to kind of get the glare off of Sen. Durbin, I just don't understand why they'd want to defend this organization, when in fact they voted to support President Bush and the war on terror.\nAgain unlike the Dems who are running on Bush=Hitler it seems the white house has decided on a much more effective campaign strategy Democrats=MoveOn.org and Democrats=Michael Moore. And the Senate leadership seems to have walked right into it.\nKarasoth\nWho to blame about why I am weird\nThe Alphabet of Manilness\nThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.1 Australia License.\nFolks I advise you to check out the following Here...\nTo anyone out there who says their is a conservati...\nHere are some things Tom cruise's religion says he...\nSo i was readin the CNN\nFrom the \"Is anyone surprised\" Department\nFrom the \"I'm shocked department\"\nA thing I hate about blogging:\nI was talking to Der Kommisar the other day, and h...\nQuestion for the day:\nYesterday I was listening to Michael Medved....\nAnd now for some more personal blogging....\nGod told me to write this ticket\nYasna 49:10-12\nquiz fu\nDNC CAMPAIGN STRATEGY 2006\nMy Email from Dick\nDear Yahoo the 1990s is calling\nAll hail our evil lord and Master\nAnother Mysterious Link on TLB\nEvolution Baby~!\nI got the Torches:\nSome one defends andrew Sullivan\nAnd I am not the only one who thinks she sucks\nMy Congress monster may be gone\nJust cause your a bazillionare, you to can play th...\nOpen letter to Gay people:\nFirst, the came for the prisoners\nDemocrats talk about \"issues\", republicans lack spine\nOasis Still sucks\nFBI: Still Clueless\nOne good turn deserves another\nAFI top 100=some personal faves\nAndrew Sullivan: Utter tool\nFlag burning: It's what's for dinner.\nSome folks Trackbacked me Woot~!\nBaltimore V Chicago\nAdam Yoshida... the most conservative man ever\nAnkle biting pundits\nAnother Blog from rtpland\nanother blog\/LJ from an RTP person\nBustard Blog... a new lefty blog\nCD Bustard, a road map for Left of center blog readers to the righty blogs\nDavid's Medien Kritik\nDeMolay International Website\nDiscordia comic\nDry bones a funny Israeli cartoon\nFilibuster cartoons\nFlorida DeMolay\nFolks fighting for Freedom in Iran\nGrand Chapter of Florida\nGrand Lodge of Florida\nIts a Pundit\nKen Kern's Blog. The man behind RTP\nLook up your neighbors campaign contributions\nmy Del.icio site\nMy Mother Lodge-Sarasota #147\nMy York Rite area\nNational Budget Simulator-Show congress how easy it is\nNazory\nNews back\nNews Map, see just how big the news is\nNuclear Threat initiative\nPerverted Justice, catching pedophiles one at a time\nPolygreens\nPrism Warden\nR.A. Heinlein Blog\nRaving Conservative\nSahib Srine \"Center\"\nSticks of Fire the Godfather of Tampa Blogs\nStory time... my other blog\nSwimming against the red tide\nThe California Conservative\nThe Real Cuba, a Photo Essay\nThe republican liberty Caucus\nThe Savage Nation Website-He's like an Angry conservative Beat Poet\nThe Shah-in-Exile's homepage\nthe Talk Radio choice of Larry when he is on his way home from work.. most of the time\nTom & Katie - Crazy News Updates\nValley of Tampa\nSchadenfreuda (24)\nSite issues (14)\nForiegn Policy (12)\nInternational issues (12)\ninternet rant (8)\nIslamic Issues (7)\nEnviromentalism (6)\nReligous Issues (6)\nDean's World (5)\nOKCUPID (5)\nimmigration issues (5)\nEconomic Issues (4)\nHildabeast (3)\nRino Sightings (3)\nShadenfreuda (3)\nankle biting pundits (3)\nGender Issues (2)\nJohnny Mac (2)\nWalken (2)\ngay issues (2)\nBetapundit (1)\nBlogoversary (1)\nBroken Links (1)\nDUH (1)\nDeMolay (1)\nDemagogery (1)\nDon Surber (1)\nDr. Helen (1)\nEpiscopal Church (1)\nFark (1)\nFiler (1)\nGovernment Stupidity (1)\nHuckafraud (1)\nHunter S Thompson (1)\nI Watch Stuff (1)\nInternational Red Cross and Red Cresent (1)\nJohn Francois Kerry (1)\nKotaku (1)\nMother Sheehan (1)\nPalestinian (1)\nParis Hilton Sucks (1)\nPresbyterian Church (1)\nPublius Pundit (1)\nTransexualism (1)\namv (1)\nfark Kossak (1)\nlast post (1)\noil issues (1)\nphilisophical question (1)\npolitical pitbull (1)","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Affirmative Action Program\nEmployees of the Month\n9. Outreach, Recruitment, and Policy Dissemination\nUHV in conjunction with UHS has reviewed its employment practices to determine whether personnel programs provide the required affirmative action for employment and advancement of qualified women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans.\nWhile UHV in conjunction with UHS, believes that there are no deficiencies in its current employment practices with respect to these employees, it has planned the following outreach, positive recruitment, and policy dissemination programs to augment its existing affirmative efforts:\nOutreach and Positive Recruitment\nUHV will actively recruit qualified women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans;\nUHV will request its recruiting sources to actively recruit and refer qualified women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans all positions;\nUHV will enlist the assistance and support of local recruiting sources, social service agencies, and organizations especially knowledgeable about the availability of qualified women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans. These sources will be informed of UHV AAP and will be requested to refer qualified women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans for employment consideration, including those not currently in the workforce who have requisite skills. UHV will also notify local organizations, community agencies, secondary schools, and colleges known to specialize in assisting individuals with disabilities and protected veterans about UHV's policy of affirmative action and request their advice, assistance, and referrals of potential employees, including those who are not currently in the work force but who have requisite skills. To find the agencies that UHV is enlisting assistance and support from, please see Appendix A;\nUHV will include and place appropriate emphasis on pictures with women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans when employees are pictured in advertisements, brochures, handbooks, webpages, and other similar System publications;\nUHV will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and qualified special disabled veterans; and,\nUHV will review the employment records of qualified women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans to determine the availability of promotable, qualified individuals with disabilities, and to determine whether present and potential skills are being fully utilized or developed.\nInternal Dissemination of UHS' Affirmative Action Policy\nUHV will publicize its affirmative action policy in the procedures manual and other media;\nUHV will discuss its affirmative action policy include it in meetings with administrative, management and supervisory personnel and during special meetings with the appropriate operating councils, or committees;\nUHV will post the System antidiscrimination policies online and in areas highly trafficked by employees;\nUHV will inform new students and hires of the equal opportunity and affirmative action policies during the new student and employee orientation or other welcoming event;\nThe Chancellor of UHS and\/or President of UHV, will make periodic proclamations, both verbal and written, to management and supervisory personnel in support of the System's affirmative action program;\nUHS' Assistant Vice-Chancellor for EOS will send periodic memoranda explaining various aspects of the AAP, discussing new laws and requirements and delineating areas where improvement is necessary to all individuals with hiring authority throughout the System; and\nUHV will include the System's equal opportunity and affirmative action policies in mandatory EEO\/AA training sessions for all personnel.\nExternal Dissemination of UHV'S Affirmative Action Policy\nUHV will inform recruiting sources that they should actively recruit and refer qualified women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans for all positions listed;\nAll position advertisements for UHV will include its commitment to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action (below) and carry the UHV logo.\nThe University 0f Houston-Victoria is an affirmative action\/equal opportunity employer. Minorities, women, veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.\nUHV will incorporate the equal employment opportunity clause in purchase orders, leases, and contracts, et cetera, covered by OFCCP regulations;\nUHS will inform University sub-contractors, vendors, and suppliers of the its affirmative action policy and requiring written compliance agreements from them; and,\nUHV will require supervisors, including human resources, contracts and purchasing, and information services to be responsible for monitoring the external dissemination of the policy.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Urgent Action Needed: Education and Training Bill\nCurrently before parliament is the Education and Training Bill which completely rewrites and replaces (almost) all existing legislation around education from ECE through to tertiary. If you do nothing else, please, please read the information below about Clause 37, which replaces the 1989 Act Section 21 (ie long-term exemptions from enrolment), and consider making a submission - this is far too important to ignore! Deadline is 14th February 2020.\nI will outline the general purpose and history of the Bill. In a separate post I will provide information on all the sections of it that are relevant to home educators (some of which you may wish to comment on in your submission). For this post, however, I will focus on the most vital section - Section 37 and why submissions need to be made (and how to do that).\nIf you're short on time, please read the sections titled \"The Issues,\" \"Another Matter..\" and \"How to Make a Submission,\" then read whatever else you need in order to take action.\nBackground to the Bill (a short version)\nSince being elected, Education Minister Chris Hipkins has been on a mission to overhaul the entire education system. He has intiated reviews of everything from ECE to primary to secondary, including NCEA, tertiary including polytechs, ITOs, Tomorrow's Schools (which drove the 1989 legislation) and more. Pretty much nothing is untouched by the overhaul and reviews, and over the last couple of years there has been a series of summits, public meetings, consultation processes etc etc.\nIn the midst of all this, there was never any interest expressed in changing anything around home education - home educators are essentially such small fish in the pond of NZ education, and Minister Hipkins' sights were set on bigger things. That does not mean, though, that the process of rewriting legislation leaves us untouched!\nYou see, in order to carry out all the changes decided upon, a rewrite of the legislation was inevitable. At the same time, the government proposed to tidy up the legislation by putting all the important matters around education in one place, and to \"modernise language, correct errors, address inconsistencies..and remove spent and redundant provisions.\" The Education and Training Bill, which once passed will become an Act, replaces the Education Acts 1964 and 1989, parts of the State Sector Act 1988, parts of the Education (Update) Amendment Act 2017, creates amendments to a huge number of other Acts (there's an entire attached Schedule devoted to those amendments), and replicates provisions from recent reform Bills (Education - Vocational Education and Training Reform - Bill, and Education - Pastoral Care - Amendment Bill), and is expected to also replace the Industry Training and Apprenticeships Act 1992.\nThe progress of the Bill can be seen here: https:\/\/www.parliament.nz\/en\/pb\/bills-and-laws\/bills-proposed-laws\/document\/BILL_93294\/education-and-training-bill. Currently it is before the Select Committee, and is open for submissions until Feb 14th 2020. Folks, that means we have 28 days to act from the time of writing this!\nClause 37 - replaces Sect 21 of the 1989 Act - Exemptions\nHere is the full wording in the Bill of Clause 37, which will replace Section 21 in the existing Act, governing the granting of (home education) exemptions and related matters. I'm going to put Section 21 next to it so you can easily compare wording:\nClause 37 (proposed):\nLong-term exemptions from enrolment\n\u200b(1) The Secretary may, on application by a parent of the student, grant the parent a certificate that exempts the student from the requirements of section 34 if the Secretary is satisfied that the student--\n5) If the Secretary thinks any student to whom an exemption certificate applies to would be better off if receiving special education, the Secretary may revoke the certificate and issue a direction under section 36.\nThe new version is obviously a lot shorter, but that is not a problem in itself. An update of wording, and removing Subsection 9 which is no longer relevant is entirely appropriate.\n\u200bBut there is one KEY issue here - in fact two issues, but they are related:\n1) The wording of Subsection 1 says simply \"the Secretary\" rather than \"designated officer\" as per Section 21. Why does this matter? We all know the Secretary doesn't personally carry out everything assigned to him by the Act - his\/her staff in the Ministry do. But it is important here because of the way in which exemptions are processed by regional offices (more on this below), but also because of the most important matter, which is:\n2) They have completely omited all right of appeal if an exemption is declined!!\nIn regards to my first point above, if the Secretary grants an exemption, then it makes no sense to appeal to the Secretary, does it? But given that the Secretary does NOT grant exemptions personally, then it is logical to appeal to him\/her in the event that staff act inappropriately in processing an application. Without this right, there is NO effective recourse against regional offices who act improperly. Let me explain further....\nSection 21 (existing):\nLong term exemptions from enrolment\n(1) An employee of the Ministry designated by the Secretary for the purpose (in this section and section 26 referred to as a designated officer) may, by certificate given to a person's parent, exempt the person from the requirements of section 20,--\n(a) on the parent's application; and\n(b) if satisfied that the person--\n(i) will be taught at least as regularly and well as in a registered school; or\n(ii) in the case of a person who would otherwise be likely to need special education, will be taught at least as regularly and well as in a special class or clinic or by a special service.\n(2) A certificate under subsection (1) continues in force until it is revoked or expires under this section.\n(3) If a designated officer refuses to grant a certificate under subsection (1), the applicant parent may appeal to the Secretary who, after considering a report on the matter from the Chief Review Officer, shall confirm the refusal or grant a certificate.\n(5) Every certificate under subsection (1) or subsection (3) shall state why it was given.\n(6) Subject to subsection (7), the Secretary may at any time revoke a certificate under subsection (1) or subsection (3).\n(7) The Secretary shall not revoke a certificate under subsection (1) or subsection (3), unless, after having--\n(a) made reasonable efforts to get all the relevant information; and\n(b)considered a report on the matter from the Chief Review Officer,--\nthe Secretary is not satisfied of whichever of the grounds specified in subsection (1)(b) the certificate was originally granted on.\n(8) If the Secretary thinks any person exempted under subsection (1) would be better off getting special education, the Secretary may revoke the certificate and issue a direction under section 9.\n(8A) A certificate for the time being in force under subsection (1) or subsection (3) expires when the person to whom it applies turns 16 or enrols at a registered school, whichever happens first.\n(9) Every certificate of exemption under section 111 of the Education Act 1964 that was in force on 30 September 1989 shall be deemed to have been granted--\n(a)on the ground specified in subsection (1)(b)(i) if it was in fact granted--\n(i)before 20 July 1987, under section 111(4)(a) of the Education Act 1964; or\n(ii)after 19 July 1987, under section 111(3)(a) of that Act; and\n(b)on the ground specified in subsection (1)(b)(ii) if it was in fact granted--\n(i)before 20 July 1987, under section 111(4)(b) of the Education Act 1964; or\n(ii)after 19 July 1987, under section 111(3)(b) of that Act;--\nand may be revoked under this section accordingly.\nWhy this is SO important\nThe way in which exemption applications are processed by the Ministry has evolved over time. When my kids were small, there were 5 regional offices processing exemptions, usually by one key person in each office. Now there are 11 regional offices handling them, and in some offices that work is spread among up to 20 or so staff members. Naturally, this can lead to quite a bit of variance in how it's done. On the plus side, the writing of a Home Education Policies and Procedure's Manual for Ministry staff in 2018 has brought greater consistency, but there remains a big problem:\nAll regional offices act completely autonomously, under their Regional Director. The National office can advise but not direct the regional offices in any sense.\nThis means that if one has a problem with anything happening in a regional office, one is required to complain to that office's Director. There is no higher power to complain to or seek action from in most matters, unless legislated otherwise. If you attempt to complain to the national office about even very significant matters, you are directed back to the Regional Director. Trust me - been there, done that, plenty of times.\nIn general, regional offices do a good job with most applications, with some minor or not-so-minor issues, but they can usually be dealt with regionally. However, from time to time there arises a case where the regional office declines an exemption without appropriate cause, or without giving the parents appropriate opportunity to respond to whatever they see as the issue. The ONLY way to get the actions of that office in such a case reviewed and overturned is by the right of appeal to the Secretary. This process is also a very essential method of providing accountability and preventing regional offices from being a \"law unto themselves\" and just doing as they please.\nLet me provide a couple of examples of the kinds of scenarios that have or might occur where an appeal would be appropriate:\n1) A family, new to the country, submitted 3 applications without fully understanding the requirements. The Ministry met with this family several times and wanted to see evidence of previous work completed (outside the scope of an application, as an application is future-based, not past-based). The family subsquently acted on advice and withdrew the applications, then worked on new ones that did meet the requirements, which they submitted. Despite the fact that natural law requires new applications to be treated on their own merits, the office concerned immediately responded by asking for a meeting and samples of work. When the family declined to do this for very good reasons, but invited the Ministry to ask for any further information they needed by email, the response of the Ministry was to just decline the applications, even though regional staff admitted that the applications themselves met the requirements. This decision was appealed, and subsequently overturned, with the exemptions being granted.\n2) Another family whose case is currently being appealed applied for an exemption and was declined despite the application meeting the requirements, due to the opinions of certain professionals who wrote to the Ministry with the agenda of preventing the exemption, but whose \"concerns\" and letters were never disclosed to the parents nor were they given the opportunity to respond.\nThe appeal process in such cases not only gives the parents the opportunity to gain the exemption which may have been unfairly denied, but it also creates a situation where particularly troublesome actions or processes of regional offices that might have occurred and be relevant can be brought to the attention of senior staff at the national office, and one can hope that further discussion and training takes place so there is no repetition. Without the right of appeal, neither of these families would likely gain their exemptions, as simply reapplying would not overcome the issues, which weren't with their applications as such.\nOn the other side of the coin, the appeal process also protects regional Ministry staff. If they feel, for whatever reason, that they are unable to \"be satisfied a child will be taught as regularly and well\" (especially for reasons that are less straightforward than usual), then they know that in declining an exemption, the potential appeal process would essentially \"kick the decision up the ladder\" and more senior national office staff would be responsible for making the ultimate decision.\nIt's important also to note that when an appeal is filed, the wording of the current law requires that a report on the matter from ERO be considered - this means that ERO reviews all the paperwork, including the application, but does not visit the family, and writes a report with their own conclusion about whether the exemption should be granted or not. ERO is independent of the MoE, so this process allows for independent review, which is also very important!\nThis Right of Appeal MUST be protected!\nAt the end of the day, it's up to all of us as home educators and those passionate about home education not to let this matter slide! My own kids are grown, but this will affect my grandkids, as well as the families I regularly advocate for. Maybe it won't directly affect you - but what about all those who come behind?\nSo, how do we change this? By making submissions! Please write one yourself, and get as many people as you can think of to do the same. Encourage those in your local home education circles to read this and make their own submissions too.\nNote: I've been asked what the \"agenda\" is in them removing the right of appeal. I don't know that there is one - it could be simply an oversight - I've noted a number of errors in the Bill as I've read it's entire 660 pages - or someone thinking it wasn't \"logical\" to have an appeal of the Secretary's decision to the Secretary after they updated the first part of the wording. The people drafting this Bill are extremely unlikely to have any intimate knowledge of home education matters. However, we can't know for sure, so lots of submissions are important.\n\u200bThe wording that should be in the Bill is much as is currently in the Education Act 1989 (see above):\n\u200bSubsection 1 should state \"An employee of the Ministry designated by the Secretary for the purpose may...\"\n\u200b(?) If a designated officer refuses to grant a certificate under subsection (1), the applicant parent may appeal to the Secretary who, after considering a report on the matter from the Chief Review Officer, shall confirm the refusal or grant a certificate.\nAnother matter to consider:\nClause 38 deals with Early Leaving Exemptions (aka ELX) for 15 year olds. It has long been an issue for home educated students who wish to move onto alternative training or a job at 15 that they generally cannot access ELXs, preventing them taking part in any funded training or full time employment.\nI propose a way around this that makes a lot of sense (I think - I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below or Contact Me):\nAdd a subsection to Clause 37 that reads along these lines:\n(?) An exempt student who has attained the age of 15, may engage in full or part time employment or be enrolled in any alternative or tertiary education programme for which they are eligible on the same basis as a student who has been exempt under Clause 38, if--\n(a) the parent is satisfied that the student has completed their home education to an appropriate level; and\n(b) the student has a satisfactory offer of employment or access to training or alternative education\nThis would put the control back in the hands of the family, formalising their right to make appropriate decisions for their older students (which the MoE often informally tells parents they can do), and removing barriers. The wording above also prevents students of that age simply \"doing nothing\" as it is conditional upon the parents satisfaction and a suitable job or further training option being in place. And it would allow us to stop having to battle the ELX issue for so many students. I'll post about this in more detail separately HERE, but wanted to raise this point in this post for those who will move right on to making submissions without reading any other posts.\nI need to know the thoughts of the wider community on this before I can make a submission along these lines myself, as a representative of the wider community, so please get in touch! And of course, if you are in agreement, consider including this in your own submission.\nMaking a Submission\nA submission can be made online or by mail. Online is likely the better option. You can make a submission here: https:\/\/www.parliament.nz\/en\/pb\/sc\/make-a-submission\/document\/52SCEW_SCF_BILL_93294\/education-and-training-bill\nInformation on how to make a submission can be found here: https:\/\/www.parliament.nz\/en\/pb\/sc\/how-to-make-a-submission\/\nThis document gives specific guidance and includes a \"template\": https:\/\/www.parliament.nz\/media\/2019\/makingasubmission2012-2.pdf\nIn preparing a submission, you can type up or write your actual submission in a separate document (recommended), which you will then upload (or post with a cover letter). In your submission, you should include your name and the details of the Bill you are submitting on, but do NOT include personal info such as your address, phone number or email, as the submission will be published publically once it has been read by the Select Committee. Your personal details DO need to be included either in a cover letter, or filled in on the website when you make a submission.\nIf you wish to review other sections of the Bill that may be of concern before making a submission, read my summary of sections of interest here: http:\/\/www.cynthiahancox.com\/information\/sections-of-law-of-interest-to-home-educators-1\nYour submission should:\nBe focussed on the Bill - a copy of which can be found HERE\nFirst, state your general position on the Bill, whether you support or oppose the measure being proposed, and give your reasons.\nGive detailed comments on clauses that are of concern to you. If you feel certain clauses need to be changed, say so, and give your reasons. You can suggest wording for clauses you think ought to be changed. Using clauses as numbered in the Bill is a good way to organise your submission\nIn your covering letter or on the webform, you will include your personal information, and also state whether you wish to make an oral submission before the committee.\nI have written a new post which gives simple instructions on submissions and includes examples HERE\nDeadline for Submissions is 14th February 2020. Act now!\nEducation Bill Submissions - How To and Examples\nSince I wrote about the need for submissions on the Education and Training Bill, I've been asked by a number of people to supply example submissions to help them with writing their own, and more info on how to easily make a submission. So here we go.....\nThe Steps to Making a Submission\n1) Think about what you want to include in your submission. What points of the Bill are of concern to you, and what do you want changed? Do you have any suggested wording? I have written HERE and HERE and HERE about the various aspects of the Bill that may be of interest to you in regards to submissions. The first article covers the two most important points (I believe), but do have a read of the others and see if there is anything else that concerns you. (The first article and the parliament link below also have more info on the submissions process etc.)\n2) Write up your thoughts and comments. I recommend you do this in Word or similar, and convert it to a pdf. You do have the option of typing your submission directly into the online form, but then you will not have your own copy of it, which could be useful, and it's harder to think it through and refine it first. So I believe it's better to write it up on your computer, and then upload the file when you put the submission in as below.\nThere is a standard format to submissions:\nThey should clearly identify the Bill you are submitting on - in this case \"Education and Training Bill 193-1\"\nYou should open with a statement about whether you support or oppose the Bill as a whole, and why\nYou can then add specific contents. It is sensible to use headings to identify the sections of the Bill you are commenting on - I use the Subsection numbers and headings from the Bill.\nIf you wish, you can include specific suggestions on wording, but you should definitely make clear your recommendations and reasons for them.\nRemember NOT to include your personal contact info in the actual submission, as they will be published publically once they have been read by the Select Committee. The place to put your contact info is in the webform when uploading it.\n3) Once you have you submission ready to go, to go the parliament website here: https:\/\/www.parliament.nz\/en\/pb\/bills-and-laws\/bills-proposed-laws\/document\/BILL_93294\/education-and-training-bill and click on Make a Submission. You will then be guided through entering your personal info, and uploading your submission, through to actually submitting it all. Your submission should simply have your name on it, and the organisation you represent if applicable. I have not included a name in the examples below - you can add this in if you wish below the Bill title - eg \"Submission by Jane Smith\"\nOne of the first questions you will be asked is whether you wish to make an oral submission before the Select Committee. If you do so, it does add strength to your overall submission, but even if you don't think you wish to make an oral submission, I would encourage you to tick YES, and here's why:\nYou will be contacted later about making an oral submission. You can always change your mind then.\nThere is another option which may be possible - to nominate someone to represent you in the oral submissions. This would give people the option of nominating a representative of homeschooling such as myself, Todd Roughton, regional group leaders or other persons who may be able to do a good job of presenting on behalf of the wider home educating community. If they are nominated by many people, then they will ususally be given additional time to speak and present their case. There is no guarantee this will happen, but it's valuable if it does.\nYou can, if you prefer, send a submission via mail - info at the link above. In that case, you will need to use a covering letter to provide your personal info, separate to the submission itself.\nExample Submissions\nIdeally, your submission should be in your own words and reflect your personal views. However, it is ok to borrow someone else's words if they say what you want to. To make it easier on those who need it, I have put together two example submissions (with somewhat different wording to my own actual submission). The first covers only the issue of the right of appeal, and the second covers that and the ELX issue. If you have any other issues you wish to discuss, then just follow the same format and add the other parts. And of course, feel free to change the wording of either of these to suit you, or just use them as a guide\/base on which to write your own. Click on the titles\/links below to download these examples. They are in Word for ease of amending\/typing into. If you have difficulty with these, please contact me for an alternative version.\nSample Submission 1 - appeals only\nSample Submission 2 - appeals and ELX\nEarly Leaving Exemptions (ELX) - Issues and Solution (?)\nUnder Section 22 of the current Education Act 1989, and under Section 38 of the proposed Education and Training Bill currently before parliment, which will replace the 1989 Act, parents may apply for a student aged 15 to be exempt from the requirements to attend school. The wording of the Bill is:\n38 Exemption from enrolment of student who has turned 15\n(1) The Secretary may, on application by a parent of a student who has turned 15, grant the parent a certificate that exempts the student from the requirements of section 34 if the Secretary is satisfied that it is sensible to do so, having regard to--\n(a) any educational problem the student may have; and\n(c)the benefit (if any) the student is likely to get from attending another available school.\n(2) However, the Secretary may not exempt any student who--\n(b) has not enrolled for a year level above year 8.\n(3)The Secretary must tell the chief executive of the department for the time being responsible for the administration of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989 the name and address and any other available contact details of every student exempted under subsection (1).\nA Section 38 (or currently Section 22) exemption allows 15 year old students to do any of the following:\nQuit school\nEnter employment during school hours\nEnter an apprenticeship or other training or tertiary study for which they are eligible\nTake part in Youth Guarantees courses, which are funded for 16-19 yos, or 15yos with an ELX\nHowever, a 15yo student with a home education exemption cannot do any of these things in the fullest sense. If a student wishes to do so, they are usually told they need an Early Leaving Exemption, but if a family approach the Ministry to apply for one, they are most often told they cannot get an ELX for a home educated student. This is because the criteria as laid out by the law will usually not be met by a home educated student - ie having educational problems, conduct issues, and being unlikely to gain benefit from available schools. Not that these are \"AND\" scenarios, not \"OR\" - ie all three must be in place.\nNow, this has been an issue of discussion on and off over the years with the Ministry. There is quite some history to the issue, which I won't expound on here for the sake of brevity. The main thing to know is that currently the Ministry are sticking to this position:\n\"It is highly unlikely that an ELX can be granted to home educated students because they would not meet the statutory criteria set out in the relevant legislation. Although it is unlikely for a home educated student to be granted an ELX, there have been cases in the past where they have been granted, however these decisions are made at the Ministry's Regional offices and at their own discretion.\"\nWhy should home educated students be able to get ELX or equivalent?\nI frequently am contacted by families with 15 yo students, some who are home educated, and some who are not yet exempt, but who have one thing in common: they are simply ready to move on from \"school work\" and pursue the next steps in their chosen pathway - usually training courses or an apprenticeship or full time work. Some of these students are highly motivated and frustrated at being held back doing \"busy work\" and others have faced significant struggles, and in those cases often NEED to be given the opportunity to move on to the thing that interests them, before they lose all motivation and simply fall by the wayside.\nBear in mind that until 1993, the school leaving age was 15. Some young people of that age who were not university-bound often did leave school and enter into various jobs and professions, generally with ultimate success. The change to a school leaving age of 16 was driven by a governmental and Ministry belief that kids who remain in school longer achieve better outcomes (a belief that persists today, despite a lack of evidence to support it). This thinking came about somewhere between 1989's Tomorrow's Schools under Labour which recommended the school leaving age remain at 15, and the 1991 Education Amendment Bill under National which changed it to 16 from 1993.\nNow, imagine you are the parent of a 15 yo male student who, for example, wants to become a builder. He has completed all the academic work he could possibly need to prepare him for that trade. He has a high standard of literacy and numeracy. Any further schoolwork he does will simply be filling in time. An opportunity arises for him to do some work experience with a local builder. He does so successfully. The builder would now like to employ him full time, and enrol him in an apprenticeship scheme as soon as possible. But the inability to get an ELX is a barrier to this, as he doesn't fit the criteria. If the parents choose to allow him to engage in this work anyway, then both they and the boss will be in breach of the law, and potentially subject to prosecution and penalties. How ridiculous!\nOr, a 15 yo girl who has been through a lot recently, and has been struggling with depression. She's now heard from a friend about a training program that strongly interests her and is restoring her enthusiasm and motivation for the first time in a while. She is permitted to visit that program as a \"guest student\" for a time, and both she and the tutors are enthusastic about how well it fits her, and about her continuing on. But she can't get an ELX, so she isn't allowed to do the program, both for lack of funding, and because it would constitute no longer being home educated, which is not allowed to cease until 16 unless enrolled in a \"registered school\"- and only primary and secondary schools are \"registered schools.\"\nOr, a 15 yo student who wants to do a distance learning program through a tertiary provider in order to gain the high school qualifications he or she needs to open the future doors they need. But the rules of the tertiary provider are that students must be over 16, or 15 with an ELX.\nI could go on. But hopefully you see the point. If we want our capable, motivated young people to capitilize on their drive and opportunities that are potentially available to them, we should be removing barriers, not erecting them!\nHow do we fix this?\nThere is an Education and Training Bill before parliment currently, which will re-write the entire education law of our country. The section about ELXs is essentially unchanged, with one noteable exception which also deserves submission comment (see below*). However, for the purposes of students who already have a Section 21\/Section 37 home education exemption, it remains as inaccessible as ever. At the end of the day, though, the wording of this section which applies to all 15 yos is never going to be a good fit for home educators, for a number of reasons.\nThat is why, rather than change this section, I propose an addition the Section 37, which applies only to home educators, as follows:\n(?) An exempt student who has attained the age of 15, may engage in full or part time employment or be enrolled in any alternative or tertiary education programme for which they are eligible on the same basis as a student who has been exempt under Section 38, if--\nThe effect of this, if incorporated into the Act, would be to appropriately permit parents and young people to make decisions about the best options for them as 15 yos, and engage in suitable training or work, without needing to jump through the ELX hoops. This would also reduce workload on Ministry staff.\nMaking this change would remove barriers and allow such students to move forward.\nI urge you to consider including this recommendation in your own submission - (click on the link to find out why your submission as a home educator is so important, and how to make a submission)\nSubmissions close on 14th February 2020.\n* The other issue I mentioned about the wording of the new Section 38 - the wording that says \"(c)the benefit (if any) the student is likely to get from attending another available school.\"\nUnder the current Act, this simply reads \"available schools\". The change implies that the student is already enrolled in a school, and other available schools must be considered. This is a different focus from the simple idea that school in general is unlikely to benefit the student further. This would make it even more difficult for home educated students to fit the criteria, even those who would under the current wording.\nOne might consider including this in any submission.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Sex-ed needs revision\nverdemagazine July 21, 2017\nIn a petition that has gathered more than a thousand signatures, an anonymous parent describes in forceful language the boundaries that many believe are being crossed by the Palo Alto Unified School District's new curriculum on sexual education for 7th graders.\nParents rail against situations offered in the Health Connected curriculum that discuss underage drinking, explicit sexual acts, masturbation, non-heterosexual sex and adult situations concerning initiation of sex. The condemnations that have rung out from parents have coalesced into a movement to create a curriculum that is more age-appropriate.\nAccording to Trinity Klein, Paly English teacher and parent of a PAUSD middle schooler and elementary schooler, \"One of the scenarios that was excerpted for the petition was two girls having sex, and some families who might be less comfortable or accepting might find it uncomfortable, but I just see it as keeping it real.\"\nOur publication supports the idea of revising Health Connected's curriculum to include fewer, less graphic scenes concerning underage sexual intercourse. Instead, more scenarios involving discussions of consent should be implemented. That being said, we support the same diversity in scenarios that is currently included in the curriculum, and would like to see more hypotheticals that show what a respectful relationship looks like, with more open discussions around how to deal with difficult issues. Furthermore, we ardently oppose any efforts to stifle proper sex education.\nVerde respects the importance of having a thorough sex education curriculum that adequately prepares middle schoolers for the intricacies of the high school experience. We want more open, frank and direct discussions around what it means to be a healthy and flourishing teenager.\nThe place for debate: It is time to argue in the classroom\nZareen: Cuisines for community\nPhela the phenom: The future of scootering\n2,000 degrees Fahrenheit: Forging art with friends and fire\nReturning the gaze: Encouraging connection to community","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Strike Would Cut Norway's Output 11%\/Day\nNorway's oil and gas output could be cut by about 440,000 barrels of oil equivalents per day, or about 11% of total production, if workers go on strike from June 4, industry association Norwegian Oil and Gas (NOG) said on Monday.\n(Photo: Harald Pettersen \/ Equinor)\nA government-appointed mediator is leading negotiations between oil companies and employees represented by the Lederne union in a bid to avert a strike.\nAltogether nine fields would have to shut in the event of industrial action, NOG said in statement.\nLederne members are planning to strike at Neptune Energy's Gjoea field, Okea's Draugen, Aker BP's Ivar Aasen and Equinor's Kristin, Oseberg East and Gudrun fields.\nIn addition production would have to shut at Equinor's Tyrihans, as well as at the Maria and Vega fields, both operated by Wintershall DEA, NOG said.\nWorkers are also planning to strike at some of the offshore installations at ConocoPhillips-operated Ekofisk, although that field has already shut on Monday for maintenance, the industry group said.\nLederne is the smallest of the three Norwegian oil workers unions with about 1,000 members. It has not published its pay demands.\nTwo larger labour unions, Industri Energi and Safe, representing a combined 6,000 offshore workers, do not have the right to go on strike this year under collective bargaining rules.\nNorway is Western Europe's largest producer of crude oil, condensate and natural gas with an overall daily output last month of 3.9 million barrels of oil equivalents.\nOther companies producing oil and gas offshore Norway include Eni, Lundin Petroleum, DNO, Shell and Exxon Mobil.\n(Reporting by Terje Solsvik and Nerijus Adomaitis, editing by Louise Heavens)","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Leave a Comment on Enjoy the holiday season by reading a good art book\nThe holiday season is the best time for family reunions, for giving gifts, and for showing attachment and love for our loved ones. Offering an art book that recalls the history of Christianity and reading it on a cold snowy night is the ideal gift and the height of pleasure. Here are some ideas:\nChrist in Art\nThe cover of the book Christ in Art\nSince the dawn of Christianity, artists have been fascinated and stirred by the figure of Christ. His likeness appears in frescoes on the walls of catacombs that date from Roman times; he is featured in the stained glass windows of Gothic churches, and he can be found in various forms in today's pop culture. The Biblical Saviour is not a static, immaterial deity: Christ's mortal birth, unusual life and dramatic death make him an accessible subject for religious and secular artists alike. Whether they show the spirituality of God Incarnate or the earthly characteristics of a flesh-and-blood man, artistic depictions of Christ are the most controversial, moving or inspirational examples of religious art.\nThis richly illustrated book explores the various ways that Christ is rendered in art, from Cimabue's Nativity scenes and Fra Angelico's paintings of the Crucifixion to the provocative portraits of Salvador Dal\u00ed and Andres Serrano. Author Joseph Lewis French guides the reader through the most iconic representations of Christ in art \u2013 tender or graphic, classical or bizarre, these images of the Messiah reveal the diverse roles of the Son of God in the social milieus and personal lives of the artists.\nThe Virgin in Art\nThe cover of the book The Virgin in Art\nThe artworld is filled with the presence of the Virgin Mary \u2013 a fundamental symbol of motherhood, who has been radiating youthfulness, tenderness, and compassion for two thousand years. Finding in her an inexhaustible source of inspiration, artists have consistently used the image of the Virgin Mary to reflect our own sufferings and joys. The author Kyra Bel\u00e1n leads us on a comprehensive tour analysing the profound meaning to be found in the images of the Virgin \u2013 from personal interpretations to spiritual reflections on a universal level. These works of art present a fascinating visual commentary on the evolution of Western art as well as a striking record of the rise in status of women in society. With more than 200 illustrations, two thousand years of human history are expressed in a single image; that of the Blessed Virgin, Mother of Christ.\nThe cover of the book Icons\nIcon painting has reached its zenith in Ukraine between the 11th and 18th centuries. This art is appealing because of its great openness to other influences \u2013 the obedience to the rules of Orthodox Christianity in its early stages, the borrowing from Roman heritage or later to the Western breakthroughs \u2013 combined with a never compromised assertion of a distinctly Slavic soul and identity.\nThis book presents a handpicked and representative selection of works from the 11th century to the late Baroque period.\nThe cover of the books Illuminated Manu Scripts\nThose who have had the chance to hold a medieval manuscript in their hands cannot fail to have been impressed by the feeling of being in touch with a long-passed epoch. Back when a book was a true handicraft and every copy the result of a laborious process, the object was more a work of art than a volatile commercial product. The Mega Square Illuminated Manuscripts puts the reader in touch with amazing medieval illustrations and unique adornments, which document the imaginative power of their creators.\nArt of the Eternal\nThe cover of the book Art of Eternal\nSince the first funerary statues were placed in the first sepulchres, the ideas of death and the afterlife have always held a prominent place at the heart of the art world.\nAn unlimited source of inspiration where artists can search for the expression of the infinite, death remains the object of numerous rich illustrations, as various as they are mysterious. The ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, the forever sleeping statues on medieval tombs, and the Romantic and Symbolist movements of the 19th century are all evidence of the incessant interest that fuels the creation of artworks featuring themes of death and what lies beyond it.\nIn this work, Victoria Charles analyses how, through the centuries, art has become the reflection of these interrogations linked to mankind's fate and the hereafter.\nMore interesting titles can be found on our Amazon Store.\nTags: art book artofinternal christianartgift christianbooks christinart christmasbook christmasgift kindlebook parkstoneinternational postaday postaweek printedbook virgininart winterholiday\nPublished by Parkstone International\nParkstone International is an international publishing house specializing in art books. Our books are published in 23 languages and distributed worldwide. In addition to printed material, Parkstone has started distributing its titles in digital format through e-book platforms all over the world as well as through applications for iOS and Android. Our titles include a large range of subjects such as: Religion in Art, Architecture, Asian Art, Fine Arts, Erotic Art, Famous Artists, Fashion, Photography, Art Movements, Art for Children.\tView all posts by Parkstone International\nPrevious Entry Ivan Aivazovsky (1817-1900) \u2013 the Russian Painter of Water\nNext Entry The Virgin in Art","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She Was 'Sucked Into' QAnon Conspiracy Theories (Video)\nRosemary Rossi\nMarjorie Taylor Greene's promotion of QAnon conspiracy theories was called into question Sunday on Fox News' \"MediaBuzz,\" when host Howard Kurtz asked if she still supported it.\nThe controversial representative from Georgia joined Kurtz to talk about Kevin McCarthy's win for the House speakership that finally came to pass on Friday after 15 rounds of voting, for which she took partial credit. But he also confronted her about her past affiliation with QAnon and the spreading of crazy conspiracy theories they are best known for, like that there is a global cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles led by Democrats.\n\"That was raw politics,\" Kurtz said, referring to Greene being stripped of her committee assignments because of those views and the violent rhetoric that ensued. \"But in fairness, didn't you also say around that period that you had been a follower of QAnon conspiracy theories, and you had rethought this and you were no longer influenced by the group?\"\nJake Tapper Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'Play Acting' Takedown of Fuentes: 'Might Make More Sense' if They Didn't Share a Stage (Video)\nGreene placed the blame on the internet. \"Well, like a lot of people today, I had easily gotten sucked into some things I had seen on the internet. But that was dealt with quickly early on. I never campaigned on those things. That was not something I believed in. That's not what I ran for Congress on. So, those are so far in the past.\"\nYou can check out her response above.\nSince assuming office in January 2021, video surfaced of Greene expressing racist, antisemitic and Islamophobic views, for which she was condemned. But the controversy around her has continued to bubble, with her promotion of many baseless conspiracy theories, including that the Clintons were responsible for murders, that the Democratic Party was responsible for a satanic child sex trafficking ring and that the California wildfires were caused by space lasers owned by a Jewish family.\n'The View': Whoopi Says Marjorie Taylor Greene Should Be 'Behind Bars' After Bragging She 'Would've Won' Jan. 6 (Video)\nNewly empowered House Republicans are preparing to oust Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Somali-born Muslim lawmaker, from the House Foreign Affairs Committee over her past comments critical of Israel \u2014 and as payback after Democrats booted far-right GOP lawmakers from committees for their incendiary, violent remarks. A procedural vote Wednesday showed unified Republican support for moving against Omar, who has apologized for comments that she has said she came to understand were viewed as antisemitic. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has been eager to flex Republican power to remove the Minnesota Democrat after he blocked Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. Eric Swalwell, both California Democrats, from rejoining the House Intelligence Committee once the GOP took control of the chamber in January.\nU.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has angry unions to the left of him, anxious Conservative Party lawmakers to the right and, in the middle, millions of voters he must win over to avert electoral defeat. Installed as Conservative leader after Truss' plan for huge tax cuts sparked panic, the 42-year-old Sunak calmed financial markets and averted economic meltdown after he assumed the post of prime minister on Oct. 25. Next, Britain's youngest leader for two centuries \u2014 and its first prime minister of South Asian heritage \u2014 has promised to tame soaring inflation, get the sluggish economy growing, ease pressure on the overburdened health care system and \"restore the integrity back into politics\" after years of scandals under former Prime Minister Boris Johnson.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Excerpt - Electioneering\n\"The best place to begin,\" an old geezer who knew a thing or two about horses once told me, \"is at the beginning. Then, one should go on to the middle, and if the end is in sight, make a dash for it.\"\nHe was referring, I believe, to the Grand National in the year that Kais-Kous won it by a nose from Muslintang, but I've generally found the approach to work just as well in telling stories. But\u2026I don't know, one gets restless \u2013 it seems to make sense to try something different, even if for no particular reason, and of this urge, I suppose, the following story is born.\nIt all begins (though this is really the middle, if anything) at the Socialist Club of Upper Mumbai, that hoary bastion of the anti-Capitalist movement, ensconced comfortably between the woods of the National Park and the club's own golf course. A picturesque post-colonial structure houses the club, which is the meeting ground of the leading members of the Socialist Party and functions, for all intents and purposes, as the Party HQ. It was the last day of the monsoon session of the State Legislature and we had won a significant victory over the ruling capitalist coalition, blocking a new Bill that proposed preventing employees of private flour mills from forming a Union.\nThe sounds of revelry ringing through the halls of the S.C.U.M were unmistakable. Glasses clinked, uproarious laughter broke out in places, and every five minutes or so came the sound of someone slapping someone else's back. Wine flowed like water, and I had the distinct feeling that getting the stains of red wine off the carpet might turn out to be rather an ordeal the next day. But that was for the next day; for now we were celebrating a significant political victory, and it was a time to clink glasses, laugh uproariously and slap each other's backs.\nat July 31, 2015 No comments:\nLabels: Elections, Politics\nPercy - Ana Chronicles - VIII: Rocky Mountain Hop\n\"Look at the sky, Ana. Isn't it beautiful!\"\n\"Yes, absolutely gorgeous! I think it's never been so blue.\"\n\"And there's still snow on the far mountain tops.\"\n\"Not to mention grass in the valleys.\"\n\"I love summer!\"\n\"And...listen - is that the sound of a caribou rubbing against a tree?\"\n\"Umm...Percy, that is the sound of the couple in that tent over there going at it.\"\n\"You mean having sex?\"\n\"I think that was clear.\"\n\"NOW? At ten in the morning?\"\n\"There's no such thing as a wrong time to make love, Percy, when it's with the right person.\"\n~silence~\n\"Uhh...moving on, wasn't it nice of the lady at the visitor center to give you a Spanish-language audio guided tour?\"\n\"Hmph. I thought it was condescending of her to presume I wouldn't know English well enough. I speak excellent English. I'm listening to that Spanish audio right now and it's not that good.\"\n\"Yes, but you curse in Espa\u00f1ol and you were cursing when you entered the center. She probably thought your first language is Spanish - which it is.\"\n\"I hurt my knee against the door. Of course I was cursing. You curse in Hindi yourself.\"\n\"Only occassionally, actually. But how is it now? Better?\"\n\"Still hurts bad! See!\"\n\"Umm which knee did you hurt?\"\n\"The right one.\"\n\"Ana, there isn't even a bruise.\"\n\"You're so insensitive! You should be kissing it to make it better.\"\n\"Aww. Come here, you.\"\n\"It also hurts here. The door handle struck me too. Here. See. Kiss me here too.\"\n\"Ana, I can't kiss you there!\"\n\"Well, ahem, children hanging around the campsite and all that. It would be so inappropriate.\"\n\"Lets go inside the tent then.\"\n\"That...yes, that's a good idea.\"\n~later~\n\"Ana.\"\n\"Yes, Percy?\"\n\"Was this a ploy by you to prove yourself right?\"\n\"About what?\"\n\"There never being a wrong time to make love?\"\n\"Look at the sky, Percy. Isn't it beautiful?\"\nLabels: Conversations, Inappropriate touching, Percy-Ana Chronicles, Rocky Mountains\nPercy - Ana Chronicles - VII: Watching Movies\n\"Hey there, come in, I was just starting a movie.\"\n\"Which one?\"\n\"I found this Bollywood movie - Preeti from Apartment 1022 gave it to me.\"\n\"Oh. I hope it's a good one...ugh, no!\"\n\"Ana, Please tell me it's not 'Happy New Year'!\"\n\"It is Happy New Year, actually. Why what's wrong with it?\"\n\"You'll see.\"\n~Soon after~\n\"Good Lord! What is that?\"\n\"Uh..that's Shah Rukh Khan, he's kinda a big deal back in India.\"\n\"He looks familiar.\"\n\"Yeah? Maybe you've seen his poster around, like I said, he's popular. Especially with the non-resident crowd.\"\n\"No, I meant he looks like that mummy I once saw in the museum of Natural History in Washington DC.\"\n\"Well, don't go saying that too loud, he's got rabid fans.\"\n\"I'll be careful.\"\n\"He was rather charming and snazzy in his younger days.\"\n\"Which would've been when I was in pre-school.\"\n~A little later~\n\"Ha ha ha, what a joker! This part is pure fiction, right? There isn't actually a place called Parsee Colony in Bombay, right?\"\n\"Err...actually...there is.\"\n\"And is it full of desperate housewives?\"\n\"Err...hot in here, let me put on the AC.\"\n\"And do the actually talk like that and have overbearing mothers?\"\n\"Dinner? Let's order dinner?\"\n\"Percy...is this character representative of the community?\"\n\"He's an...ahem...exaggeration, of course.\"\n\"Gross exaggeration?\"\n\"Cough...marginal...cough.\"\n\"Muy comico!\"**\n\"Farah Khan, you have much to answer for!\"\n~slightly later~\n\"Uf! Que es este feo?\"***\n\"That's Abhishek Bachhan, my dear. He's the second lead in this movie.\"\n\"Seriously? He looks like the homeless fellows who hang around Boulder creek at night.\"\n\"His father is kind of a Very Big Cheese. Think Marlon Brando - meets - Dwayne - Johnson.\"\n~Much later~\n\"DIos mio! Belleza!\"\n\"Uh yes, that's Deepika Padukone.\"\n\"Wow!\"\n\"Yes, I know.\"\n\"Indian women are so beautiful!\"\n\"Ana, looking at Deepika and saying 'Indian women are so beautiful' is a rather incorrect generalisation. It would be like concluding Colombian women are beautiful basis you and Sofia Vergara.\"\n\"But we are.\"\n\"Uh anyway, let's just get through this, shall we?\"\n~Much, much later~\n\"It was hilarious. Terrible, but hilarious.\"\n\"Mostly just terrible.\"\n\"And that woman - wow! Do women in India walk around dressed like that?\"\n\"Nope, not really.\"\n\"And she can move! But those dresses! You should get me one. Or two. What's it called, a saree?\"\n\"Not every Indian dress is a saree, Ana. Most of the time what you saw her wearing in this was a lehenga - choli.\"\n\"I'd look good in one.\"\n\"The dress hasn't been invented you wouldn't look good in.\"\n\"Aww, Percy. You say the nicest things. Is this a good Bollywood pose for my Instagram followers? Do I manage the Deepika whatshername look?\"\n\"It's provocative, shows cleavage and if you were any less beautiful, would look crass.\"\n\"So you mean yes?\"\n\"Sigh...yes, I mean yes.\"\n\"Now get here, I want to make you say YESSSSS!\"\nX-X-X-X\n*Oh my God!\n** Very funny\n*** Ugh, what is this ugliness?\nat July 30, 2015 1 comment:\nLabels: Conversations, Deepika Padukone, Happy New Year, Percy-Ana Chronicles, Watching movies\nPercy - Ana Chronicles - VI: What makes Indian food hot.\nThis be mackerel\n\"What is this!\"\n\"Bluefish curry. I was hoping to find mackerel, but there weren't any. This looked somewhat similar. Hasn't turned out too bad, has it?\"\n\"It's astounding! Fabulous! Amazing!\"\n\"Thanks, I wasn't sure how it would turn out!\"\n\"Is all Indian food this spicy?\"\n\"I'd say not all of it. This is a coastal dish, Malwani, it's called. But there are other sorts that are less brutal on the palate.\"\n\"Yes, variety is key. My mother she told me the same thing about Colombian cooking.\"\n\"Was she a good cook?\"\n\"Terrible.\"\n\"Really?\"\n\"My father did the cooking at home. When mom cooked we suddenly remembered we were on a diet. My father always told me, 'Ana, your mother is a wonderful woman but you're lucky your father knows how to cook'.\"\n\"My mother is a brilliant cook. She makes Parsee stuff, Maharashtrian food, Goan, Italian...why are you taking off your t-shirt?\"\n\"Because I'm sweating! This is HOT FOOD.\"\n\"Actually, if this curry makes you take off your t-shirt, I think I just discovered an entirely new level of meaning for the word HOT FOOD.\"\n\"I should instagram a photo of me right now with the caption 'Bluefish curry and me' \"\n\"Right, of course...you know, a friend just suggested I compile my Facebook posts with our conversations into a book.\"\n\"I love the idea! Wait a minute. Check this out - there you go; use this photo!\"\n\"I can't use THIS photo. Mine is a family-friendly feed!\"\n\"Is that why you don't give me your Facebook password? Worried I'll post inappropriate photos?\"\n\"Not so much worried as pretty certain.\"\n\"Maybe you would prefer it if I shut down my Instagram too then?\"\n\"Miss S, I would never dream of censoring YOU. But it's MY Facebook feed. You see, where you come from, and the people you know, are very different from the where I come from, and the people I know. I don't even use your full name on here, because, after all, as Shakespeare said....\"\n\"Agua!\"\n\"Agua! Water!\"\n\"Yes, I know, but where does water come into it? Shakespeare wrote in English, not Spanish. Maybe you're thinking of Marquez.\"\n\"I swallowed a hot pepper, you priceless ass! Give me water!\"\n\"Oh. There you go.\"\n\"Am I a hot pepper too?\"\n\"A Red Savina Habanero.\"\n\"New caption for new photo!!\"\n\"Sigh! I'm getting back to lunch.\"\n\"You never pay me any attention.\"\n\"That's so unfair!\"\n\"Here I am, in a state of partial undress, and you're still eating! Fish, I mean.\"\n\"Here you are, in a state of partial undress, and you're still eating, too.\"\n\"This is so good, though.\"\n\"So good.\"\n\"We will need ice-cream after.\"\n\"We don't have ice-cream, Ana.\"\n\"Crap. Yogurt?\"\n\"Nope.\"\n\"So what DO we have?\"\n\"Water.\"\n\"Blegh. So we will have to go out then?\"\n\"Seems inevitable.\"\n\"I hate wearing clothes when I've removed them for a purpose.\"\n\"You generally hate wearing clothes.\"\n\"That's....like...so...agua. Dame agua!\"\n\"Let's concentrate on the food and talk less, yes? That way maybe you'll eat more fish and less chilli\"\n\"Yes, Percy.\"\nThis be Frozen Yogurt\nLabels: Conversations, Indian food, Percy-Ana Chronicles\nPercy - Ana Chronicles - VI: What makes Indian foo...\nPercy - Ana Chronicles - V: Food, Shirts and Shorts\nPercy - Ana Chronicles - IV: Wimbledon's not a TV ...\nPercy - Ana Chronicles - III: What happens in Vega...\nPercy - Ana Chronicles - II: Of Maps and Men\nPercy - Ana Chronicles - I: A Toast to Donald Trump","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Zhenia Dementyeva\nPrinceton Girls Tennis\n2014-2015 1st Doubles\n9\/5\/2014, Hopewell Valley (0) at Princeton (3)\nWin with Nikhita Salgame 6-4, 6-0\n9\/8\/2014, Princeton (4) at Robbinsville (1)\n9\/9\/2014, Hamilton West (0) at Princeton (5)\n9\/11\/2014, West Windsor-Plainsboro South (3) at Princeton (2)\nLoss with Nikhita Salgame 5-7, 6-2, 6-3\n9\/12\/2014, Trenton (0) at Princeton (5)\n9\/15\/2014, Princeton (5) at Ewing (0)\n9\/17\/2014, Lawrence (0) at Princeton (5)\n9\/19\/2014, Princeton (5) at Notre Dame (0)\n9\/22\/2014, Princeton (5) at Steinert (0)\n9\/24\/2014, Princeton (5) at Allentown (0)\n10\/7\/2014, Hightstown (1) at Princeton (4)\n10\/8\/2014, Middletown South (0) at Princeton (5), NJSIAA Tournament, Quarterfinal Round, Central Jersey, Group 3\n10\/10\/2014, Hopewell Valley (0) at Princeton (5), NJSIAA Tournament, Semifinal Round, Central Jersey, Group 3\n10\/14\/2014, Ocean Township (0) at Princeton (5), NJSIAA Tournament, Final Round, Central Jersey, Group 3\n10\/17\/2014, Northern Highlands (2) at Princeton (3), NJSIAA Group Tournament, Semifinal Round, Group 3\nLoss with Nikhita Salgame 6-4, 6-4\n10\/17\/2014, Princeton (1) at Millburn (4), NJSIAA Group Tournament, Final Round, Group 3\nLoss with Nikhita Salgame 7-6 (10-5), 6-3\n10\/20\/2014, Princeton (2) at West Windsor-Plainsboro South (3)\n10\/21\/2014, Princeton (5) at West Windsor-Plainsboro North (0)\nWin with Nikhita Salgame 6-1, 3-6, 11-9\n10\/27\/2014, Princeton (5) at Nottingham (0)","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Friday 21st April 2017\nWe missed out on tickets when Frankie played The Royal Albert Hall last year, so we jumped at this opportunity to see him in the Bournemouth International Centre, and made a full weekend of it on the sunshine coast of England!\nThis was billed as a Greatest Hits tour, and you do forget just how many hits Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons actually had. The show opened with a short video which charted Frankie's musical career, and as it came to an end, Frankie came onto the stage to rapturous applause and immediately launched into \"Who Loves You\".\nHis backing was from a full band, including trumpet, trombone and saxophone, 2 keyboards, drums, guitar, bass and four guys who sang wonderfully and did some co-ordinated dance moves throughout the whole show. You had the feeling these guys had been part of Jersey Boys at some stage, they looked and sounded the part!!! The Musical Director, Robbie Robinson, has been a Four Season in the past and was introduced as a \"dear friend for the last 37 years\". Robbie was loving it all, and his enthusiasm was quite infectious.\nWe had heard rumours Valli's voice is augmented through a special microphone so he could still hit those falsettos \u2013 it didn't matter if that was the case. He did sound great and you could tell he wanted to deliver the best show he could - if this means a bit of technical support, that's fine with us. There was not much time for chit chat, and indeed, the set was so slick there was hardly any chance for general banter between songs as he moved effortlessly through his back catalogue, working with his band like a well-oiled machine.\nA few pairs of knickers were thrown onto the stage during the second half, something we reckon happens at all of his shows. During the band introductions, one of the four backing singers, pocketed a rather flimsy g-string that had been thrown!\nThe show lasted the best part of 2 hours without a break. That's not bad going for a guy who is about to reach his 83rd birthday in a matter of weeks!!! His energy was similar to the Duracell Bunny, and even at the end of the show he had the energy to walk along the front of the stage and shake hands with everyone (and there were a lot) who had outstretched hands.\nHighlights for us were \"Save It For Me\", \"Silence Is Golden\", \"Rag Doll\", \"Bye Bye Baby (Goodbye)\" amongst loads of other hits. \"My Eyes Adored You\" sounded brilliant, and \"December 1963 (Oh What A Night) \" went down a storm and by the end up, the whole auditorium were on their feet, dancing and singing along.\nA classic conversation took place with the family seated behind us.\nYoung guy \"Is Aunt Jean coming tonight?\"\nMum \"No, she was asked but didn't want to come.\"\nYoung Guy \"Why?\"\nMum \"She said she'd been to see The Jersey Boys\" and that will do her!\"\nOh what a night she missed!","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Fleeing Rohingya at the mercy of a smuggling network greased by graft\nFor desperate Rohingya arrested in Thai territory, hope for the future can rest simply with ...\nMembers of the ethnic minority arrive in Thailand from Myanmar and Bangladesh in hope of better lives, but enter a tangled human trafficking web where local officials, complicitous members of their own group and fixers make them pay dearly for their dreams.\nFor desperate Rohingya arrested in Thai territory, hope for the future can rest simply with how much money they have to pay off local officials and human traffickers. The prospects are dire for those without the required cash\u2014being sold into slavery is commonplace.\nMuh, a 43-year-old Rohingya living in Bangkok for over a decade, has intimate knowledge of trafficking operations originating in either Bangladesh or Myanmar's Rakhine state, where stateless Rohingya have been subjected to violent persecution in recent months.\nBefore the raid on 400 Rohingya near the Thai-Malaysian border in Songkhla's Sadao district on Thursday, Muh, real name withheld, told Bangkok Post Spectrum his connections had informed him that security officials were preparing to pounce on a ''safe house'' there.\nHe painted a complicated picture of the smuggling racket, involving complicitous Rohingya in both countries, corrupt Thai officials, fixers throughout the whole process and safe houses where the Rohingya are kept until they can be smuggled across the border.\nWhile smugglers can demand up to 50,000 baht [US $1,1667] for passage to another country, costs can go up considerably for Rohingya detained on Thai soil.\nMuh says in some cases Rohingya who are reportedly deported back to Myanmar are in fact taken to safe houses in southern Thailand.\nThe smuggling boats can carry 50-80 people per trip and the captain is usually fluent in Thai, Myanmar and Bengali.\n''These people want to be arrested by Thai officials because it is part of the plan,'' Muh said. ''Once they are arrested, they go through the immigration process.\nThe trafficker gets involved during the deportation process. This is the point when they have to pay another sum so that they can go to their preferred destinations. Those who can afford to continue their journey will get to go to Malaysia or Indonesia. But those who remain here will be sold to the fishing industry where they will be forced to work for 20 hours a day with no days off. I can't reveal where, but sometimes Rohingya are sold to fishing boats in the middle of the sea.''\nSurapong Kongchantuk from the Lawyers Council of Thailand chairs the human rights subcommittee on ethnic minorities, stateless people, migrant workers and displaced persons and has been documenting and working on cases involving smuggled Rohingya for over a decade.\nIn the past, the Rohingya had come to Thailand by themselves to escape poverty and persecution, but trafficking has become big business in the last four to five years.\n''A Rohingya agent will go around and tell them about coming to Thailand and then going on to Malaysia for work for good pay,'' he said.\n''The agents are Rohingya who either live in Thailand or Malaysia. Once people in the village see them having a good life in other countries, they want the same.''\nMr Surapong said the Rohingya coming from Myanmar pay 300,000-700,000 kyat (10,600-24,800 baht) to the smugglers and those from Bangladesh 20,000-28,000 taka (7,600-10,600 baht) [30 baht = US $1]. The journey to Thailand usually takes two weeks by boat.\n''They used to destroy the boat and run away, but now they surrender to police,'' Mr Surapong said. ''The trafficker takes care of them from that point on.''\n''If they want to go to Malaysia, they will have to pay 1-1.5 million kyat or 50,000-80,000 taka. If they don't have the money up front, they can choose to have it deducted from their monthly salaries.''\nMr Surapong said according to interviews with Rohingya, some had their passage paid by relatives living in Thailand, but those who didn't have enough money were sold into slavery, sometimes, as Muh pointed out, in the middle of the sea.\nThose who can afford the pay-offs are taken to the safe houses where additional payments determine how quickly they can be moved across the border. Sometimes relatives again come to the rescue; at other times the Rohingya are expected to work to pay off their debts.\n''Safe houses are located in many locations, especially in Hat Yai district and Padang Besar district of Songkhla province and Sungai Kolok district of Narathiwat province,'' Mr Surapong said.\n''All of the safe houses are located in the jungle where no one can easily see them. The safe houses are protected and taken care of by people in 'coloured uniforms'.''\nDepartment of Special Investigation anti-human trafficking centre chief Pol Maj Jatuporn Arunreukthawil said the involvement of Thailand-based Rohingya in the trafficking of their own people had become a concern.\n''For the entire time I have been monitoring the issue, I have noticed the majority of Rohingya who came into Thailand are male. But lately, there are some females and children coming in,'' he said.\nPol Maj Jatuporn said by law it was an issue for immigration police to handle, not the military.\n''I have heard of many suspicious things going on down South. I have all the information, but I can't reveal it because it will interrupt cases that we are working on at the moment.''\nMr Surapong said despite the best efforts of the Thai government to deal with the issue in a humane way, more and more Rohingya were coming. ''Part of it is because they are treated well once they arrive here,'' he said. ''They get food, water, gas and other things that they cannot get from Myanmar.''\nRecords detailing the number of Rohingya arrested or detained upon arrival in Thailand date back to 1998. That year, 104 were detained upon arrival after crossing overland into Tak province. That number climbed to 1,123 in 2006, 2,763 in 2007 and 4,880 the following year.\nIn 2009, the number of arrests dropped to 93 following international publicity about Thai officials pushing the Rohingya's boats out to sea. However, the following year that number rose dramatically to 2,350.\n''These numbers reflect the number of people arrested; there are still many of them who were not on the record,'' Mr Surapong said.\nThe military's Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc) is responsible for national security issues, including Rohingya who try to enter the country illegally. In 2008, Isoc set out guidelines in its Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to handle the illegal immigrant problem along Thailand's borders.\nSpectrum contacted Isoc Region 4 officials in Pattani and Ranong provinces, but both declined to comment on the Rohingya issue, and referred us to Isoc's main office in Bangkok. No one in Isoc's Bangkok office was available for comment.\nROHINGYA OR MYANMAR?\nAnother problem for Thai officials is whether to designate Rohingya as Myanmar nationals when they are deported.\nOn Jan 1, 73 Rohingya travelling by boat were detained at Koh Bon and taken to Phuket immigration office. They were designated as Myanmar nationals and deported across the border at Ranong the following day.\n''The reason that we have to document them as Myanmar is because we are afraid that we won't be able to deport them at the border if we document them as Rohingya since they are not recognised as citizens by the Myanmar government,'' said one immigration police officer.\nPhuket Governor Maitri Inthusut, who claimed he has full authorisation to deal with illegal immigrants, said Rohingya were treated in a gentle, humanitarian way because of the difficult situation they were in.\n''Basically, I just gave them what they needed,'' he said in reference to the Bon island group. ''They had travelled for almost two weeks. They had no food left by the time they arrived, so we offered them some. They said they wanted to travel further. We thought about giving them the petrol to continue their journey to Malaysia, but the sea was really rough on that day. Moreover, their boat was not in good enough condition for them to travel that far.\n''Letting them continue would be the same as trying to kill them, so I ordered the officials to take them to land and follow the standard procedure. For this case, we had no choice but to deport them. I understand that they are seeking asylum, but we are not in the position to handle that.''\nThe governor said while it may appear to be a big national security issue involving human rights, Phuket had to consider its image as a tourist town.\n''There is no way that we would keep a warship along the coast to guard our border, instead we are acting as a good housekeeper who keeps the whole town clean and organised,'' he said.\nNightmare without borders\nAfter a week-long trek, Muh arrived in Thailand from Myanmar 13 years ago hoping his ordeal under the repressive state regime was finally over.\nOriginally from Rakhine state, Muh, who unlike many Rohingya come by boat, arrived on foot via the Mae Sot border in Tak province with two friends. A new chapter in his difficult life was about to begin. ''I ran away from my village and headed towards Yangon. The only safe place I could think of was Thailand,'' said 43-year-old Muh.\n''Once we crossed the Thai border, we felt safe and didn't have any further plans of where we wanted to go. The only thing that scared us was being deported back to Myanmar, because I knew in my heart that we would end up back in prison.\n''Our worst fears came true when we were arrested by Thai police in Tak province. We were sent to a prison that held many others from Myanmar. We were mixed in with them for a couple of day before three big trucks\u2014not police trucks\u2014took us somewhere we didn't recognise.\n''There were 30 people on each truck. I was separated from my friends, and scared of where we'd end up. Then we arrived at a safe house where a man explained that if we didn't want to be deported back to Myanmar, we would have to pay them money. Then they would take us to work in Thailand.\n''I ended up paying around 700 baht. It was a lot of money for me at the time\u2014I had almost nothing. Then they brought me to a buffalo farm in Tak province. I watched and fed the animals, and slept in a small shack. I got paid 200 to 300 baht a month with food and a place to sleep.\n''After a while I ran away. I just took any bus and got off at Nakhon Sawan, where I found a family who helped me. I got a job as a construction worker before I went to Nakhon Ratchasima province. I saved some money and decided to come to Bangkok with a little help from my Rohingya friends.''\nIn Bangkok, Muh made a living selling roti on the street. Soon he was able to communicate in Thai fluently. His language abilities and connections make him an ideal interpreter when Rohingya arrive in Thailand through human traffickers.\nMuh says he declines to get involved with traffickers who smuggle Rohingya to sell in the labour market, but he admits that such smugglers exist all over Thailand. He knows about much of the movements of Rohingya into Thailand.\n''None of the Rohingya want to come to Thailand. Their main target is to make it to Malaysia or Indonesia. Thailand is just the passageway for them to get to their desired destination.\n''When we see news of Rohingya coming to Thailand by boat, most are younger males. That's because the traffickers want to sell people for labour.\n''Each of them contacts a local agent from Myanmar or Bangladesh. Then the Rohingya have to pay the agent to get them on a boat sailing to the Thai border. It usually takes 10 to 14 days, and they normally end up in Ranong, Phangnga or Phuket. It depends on where the agent wants them to be.''\nStill the memories of the oppression his people face at home still hang heavily on Muh.\n''The threat of being raped, robbed or killed were some of the worst nightmares we faced. Maybe that's why I don't know what a bad dream is because we faced it on a daily basis, every waking moment of our lives.\n''The Rohingya are treated so unfairly. We have a long history of having roots in Myanmar, but we've never been included as part of the country. The military treats us as less than human. They can just come to our village and demand to take some women for their own pleasure. If we fight back, they'll hurt us. They're fully armed. So we have to trade our food, oil or money to save the women.\n''So you can see why Rohingya want to escape from that nightmare and find a better place. They'll do anything to get away so they don't have to suffer.\n''Some Rohingya travel by foot and sneak into Thailand across the border but most of them don't make it. Other popular options are to pay for someone to get them out of there or to sell themselves to a human trafficker.''\nThis article was first published in The Bangkok Post on January 13, 2013.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Living with diabetes: a group-based self-management support programme for T2DM patients in the early phases of illness and their partners, study protocol of a randomised controlled trial\nAnne L van Puffelen1,\nMieke Rijken1,\nMonique JWM Heijmans1,\nGiel Nijpels2,\nGuy EHM Rutten3 &\nFran\u00e7ois G Schellevis1,2\nThe present article presents the protocol for a randomised controlled trial to test the effectiveness of a group-based self-management support programme for recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients (one to three years post-diagnosis) and their partners. The course aims to support T2DM patients and their partners in successfully integrating diabetes care into their daily lives and hereby enhance self-management and diabetes-specific health-related quality of life. The content of the course is based on the Common-Sense Model of Self-Regulation (CSM). Furthermore, principles from the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) and social support theories are integrated.\nMethods\/Design\nWe aim to recruit 160 recently diagnosed T2DM patients and their partners from general practices in six different regions in the Netherlands. Patients need to be diagnosed with T2DM for one to three years and have to experience some degree of diabetes-related difficulties, as measured with a three-item screener. Participating patients and their partners are randomly allocated to the intervention or control condition. Participants in the intervention condition receive three monthly group sessions and a booster session three months later. Participants in the control condition receive a single information meeting. Data will be collected at baseline (T0), directly after the programme (T1) and six months post-programme (T2), including: self-management, diabetes-specific health-related quality of life, illness perceptions, attitudes, social support and empowerment. A three-level multilevel model will be used to compare change-scores between the conditions (intervention\/control) on each outcome.\nOur study will be the first to determine whether a group-based support programme based on the CSM is effective in enhancing self-management and diabetes-specific health-related quality of life in recently diagnosed T2DM patients. The important role of patients' partners in effective diabetes care is also acknowledged in the study.\nNetherlands National Trial Register (NTR) NTR3302.\nThe prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing to epidemic proportions. Worldwide, more than 300 million people are diagnosed with T2DM and this number is expected to increase with 50% over the next 20 years [1]. Although T2DM usually starts as a mild condition, its chronic and progressive nature, the necessity for considerable lifelong lifestyle changes and serious long-term complications can place a major burden on individuals and their families [2, 3], as well as health care systems [4].\nEffective diabetes-management by patients has been proven to reduce the chances of serious adverse events [5] and, consequently, maintain quality of life [6, 7] and keep health care costs manageable [8]. However, this does require patients to adopt a complex, multifaceted behavioural regimen, comprising the management of symptoms, treatment and lifestyle changes, as well as dealing with the psychological and psychosocial consequences related to the illness. Moreover, these behaviours need to be embedded within existing lifestyles, goals and priorities. Not surprisingly, a fair proportion of T2DM patients perceives the daily management of diabetes to be challenging or even burdensome and experiences difficulties in adequately engaging in self-care activities [9, 10], which might consequently impact on quality of life [7].\nRecognition of the comprehensiveness of diabetes management has led to the development of many self-management support programmes [11, 12]. However, few have taken the specific challenges that may arise during the early phases of living with T2DM into account. Directly from the onset, T2DM patients are required to make lifestyle changes and adhere to treatment recommendations, mostly in the absence of diabetes-related symptoms or complaints. Hence, patients' motivation to engage in self-management should therefore primarily result from their beliefs on the likelihood of adverse events occurring, as well as beliefs on personal control and effectiveness of treatment in order to prevent these serious undesirable events [13]. However, according to a review by Thoolen et al., [14], recently diagnosed patients tend to downplay the seriousness of their own condition. In addition, patients seem to be primarily concerned with the day-to-day hassles in diabetes management, rather than the possibility of serious complications in the long term. These attitudes and perceptions are likely to contribute to the finding that relatively few patients appear to be adequately engaged in the recommended (changes in) lifestyle behaviours within the first year after diagnosis [14].\nIn the past decades, patients' perceptions on illness and treatment were identified to be important precursors for health behaviour change [15]. According to the Common-Sense Model of Self-Regulation (CSM) [16, 17], illness perceptions act as a framework for the coping strategies chosen by patients to deal with the illness and are closely related to behavioural adaption, physical recovery and psychological well-being in various chronic illnesses [18]. Moreover, previous studies have shown that illness perceptions and, consequently, health related behaviours and outcomes can be successfully changed by short interventions based on CSM principles [19\u201321].\nAccumulating evidence shows that not just the patients' illness perceptions, but also the perceptions of partners are of great importance for understanding how patients respond to a chronic illness [22]. Illness perceptions held by partners guide their coping responses to the patients' illness, including the way to give support to patients. Previous studies in T2DM have shown that social support can enhance as well as hinder self-management behaviours in patients, particularly dietary and exercise behaviours [22, 23]. A small number of studies even suggested that partners' illness perceptions can influence disease outcomes, with negative or incongruent perceptions being associated with worse physical, psychological and social functioning [24, 25]. Hence, even though patients themselves are primarily responsible for managing their illness, it seems important that partners are structurally involved in diabetes care.\nGiven the importance to intervene at an early stage in T2DM and the promising results of previous studies based on the CSM, we developed the 'Living with diabetes' course: a group-based self-management support programme specifically tailored to T2DM patients and their partners in the first years of living with diabetes. With this new course, we aim to support both patients and partners in successfully integrating diabetes (care) into their daily lives and, hereby, enhancing self-management and diabetes-specific health-related quality of life in T2DM patients. Psychological and social aspects, including perceptions and attitudes, empowerment and social support, are integrated in the course because of their known important role in behaviour change [26] (Figure 1). A more detailed description of the content and underlying theories of the course can be found elsewhere (van Puffelen et al., 2013 submitted).\nTheoretical model of the programme.\nAims and hypotheses\nThe primary aim of this study is to test the effectiveness of the 'Living with diabetes' course on enhancing self-management behaviours and diabetes-specific health-related quality of life in T2DM patients (one to three years post- diagnosis), compared to an attention control condition.\nIt is hypothesised that participation of T2DM patients in the group-based self-management support programme will result in:\nEnhanced self-management and diabetes-specific health-related quality of life directly after the programme and at six months post-programme, as compared to an attention control condition.\nFurthermore, we hypothesise that participation in the group-based self-management support programme will result in patients:\nHolding more adaptive illness perceptions and attitudes towards T2DM;\nExperiencing more activating partner support;\nFeeling more empowered to manage their condition\nDirectly after the programme and at six months post-programme, as compared to an attention control condition.\nThe effectiveness of the programme will be evaluated by a randomised controlled trial with two follow-up measurements: immediately after the programme (T1) and six months after T1 (T2) (Figure 2).\nFlow of participants.\nStudy population\nPatients will be recruited via general practitioners (GPs) who are willing to invite eligible patients to participate in the study. In the Netherlands, all inhabitants are registered in a general practice. Therefore, a representative sample can be drawn.\nBeing diagnosed with T2DM for one to three years, as recorded by their GP.\nNot being able to speak, read and\/or understand the Dutch language sufficiently according to their GP;\nHaving insufficient mental or intellectual capabilities to participate in the study, according to their GP;\nCurrently receiving treatment for severe psychological or psychiatric conditions, according to their GP;\nRecently diagnosed with a severe or life-threatening comorbid condition (e.g. cancer, CVA);\nNot experiencing any degree of diabetes-related difficulty or uncertainty, as assessed with a three-item screening questionnaire.\nThe study population will be recruited from participating general practices in different regions in the Netherlands (North, West, Southwest and center). Eligible patients are selected from the medical records of the participating general practices and receive a written invitation for participation via their GP. Patients fill in an informed consent form as well as a short screening questionnaire, developed to identify patients who experience at least some degree of difficulty or challenge regarding their T2DM self-management. The questionnaire includes two questions of the Appraisal of Diabetes Scale (ADS) [27] and one statement of the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R) [28], assessing diabetes-related uncertainty, coping with diabetes and perceived consequences of diabetes on life. Patients with a total sum score of zero, indicating that they do not experience any difficulties or challenges regarding their diabetes management, are excluded from the study (see Table 1).\nTable 1 Screening questionnaire\nAllocation to conditions\nAfter obtaining the signed informed consent form, patients will be randomly allocated to the intervention or control condition. Randomisation will be conducted electronically by a researcher who is not involved in the study.\nParticipants allocated to the intervention group are invited to take part in the group-based self-management support programme, together with their partner. Patients who do not have a partner, are instructed to bring a close friend or relative instead. Each course group consists of six to ten patients, accompanied by their partner (or close friend\/relative). The course consists of three two-hour monthly meetings and one follow-up meeting ('booster session') after three months. The group sessions are led by two trained diabetes nurses or practice nurses and are delivered in medical and community centers in the different regions.\nThe 'Living with diabetes' course is based on the Common-sense Model of Self-Regulation [16, 17], the Social Cognitive Theory [29, 30] and principles of social support theories [31\u201333]. Content of the course is derived from previous psychosocial interventions focusing on illness perceptions [19, 20, 34]. The emphasis of the course is on stimulating beneficial illness perceptions and challenging misconceptions of T2DM in patients and partners. Another important aspect of the course is the enhancement of activating partner support for patients, by exploring patients' needs for support and discussing supportive interactions with patients and partners. Goal setting and action plan development are used as techniques to improve patients' empowerment and elicit self-management behaviour change. All sessions are group-based, providing the opportunity for peer modeling, social reinforcement, motivation and emotional support.\nParticipants receive a handbook with (homework) assignments, and practical and theoretical information about the topics discussed during the sessions. In addition, basic information about diabetes and its treatment is provided in the handbook. For the diabetes or practice nurses who guide the course sessions, a detailed manual has been developed.\nThe course was pilot-tested on feasibility and acceptability in November and December 2011. Sixteen T2DM patients and eight partners from a general practice in the region of Utrecht participated in the pilot-study (attrition rate 21.6%). During the pilot, all course sessions were led by a health psychologist in order to evaluate whether the correct psychological models and techniques were used. During the first session, a practice nurse was also present to provide medical information on T2DM. Feasibility and acceptability of the course were explored by means of an evaluation form at the end of the course and by feedback of the participants during the course sessions. Based on the evaluation of the pilot, the manual was adapted and a screening questionnaire was developed for the RCT to ensure that only T2DM patients who experience some degree of difficulties or uncertainties will participate.\nPrior to the course, the participating nurses receive a four-hour training, led by a health psychologist who was also involved in the development of the course (MH). During this training, the nurses receive information on the underlying theories on which the course is based. Furthermore, the nurses are instructed on how to use the workbook and manual of the course. Assignments of the course are explained in detail and tips and tricks on how to execute these assignments provided. Lastly, first experiences of the pilot and resulting important topics of interest are discussed.\nAttention control condition\nParticipants in the attention control condition are invited to a single 1.5 \u2013 hour information meeting, together with their partner (or close friend\/relative). During this meeting, patients and their partners receive medical information about diabetes (e.g. causes, complications, treatment) from a professor in general practice and diabetes care. The information meeting serves as an attention control condition to control for the attention paid to being diagnosed with T2DM when participating in this study. Hence, the information that patients and partners receive during the information meeting is provided according to the classical didactic method; i.e. providing information that is important from a medical point of view, but not tailored to the specific and more comprehensive needs of the patients.\nPatients fill in a questionnaire at baseline (T0), immediately after the programme (T1) and six months post-programme (T2) to assess the effectiveness of the programme on the longer term. The primary outcome measures are self-management and diabetes-specific health-related quality of life. Secondary outcomes are illness perceptions, attitudes towards diabetes, partner support and empowerment.\nPrimary outcome measures\nSelf-management is measured by using the revised Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities measure (SDSCA) [35]. The revised SDSCA contains 11 items, measuring six separate domains: general diet (2 items), specific diet (2 items), exercise behaviours (2 items), glucose monitoring (2 items), foot care (2 items) and smoking (1 item). Ten items are rated on an eight -point Likert scale, measuring the number of days a certain self-care behaviour is performed during the last week (0\u20137 days). The 11th item measures smoking (yes\/no) and the number of cigarettes smoked. Each of the domains is measured separately. The revised SDSCA shows an adequate internal consistency and test-retest reliability and is sensitive to change. The measure has been validated against other measures of diet and exercise [35].\nDiabetes-specific health-related quality of life is assessed by the Problem Areas in Diabetes scale (PAID) [36], measuring diabetes-related emotional distress. The PAID consists of 20 items on a five -point Likert scale, ranging from 0 (not a problem) to 4 (a serious problem). Scores are transformed into a 0\u2013100 scale for interpretation, with higher scores indicating greater diabetes-related emotional distress. The PAID has a strong concurrent and discriminant validity [37], has been proven to be responsive to change [38] and has been validated for Dutch T2DM patients [36, 37].\nSecondary outcome measures\nCognitive and emotional illness perceptions are assessed with the IPQ-R [28]. The first section of the IPQ-R measures different symptoms experienced by patients and whether they believe these symptoms are caused by their diabetes (identity scale; 14 items). The second section of the IPQ-R consists of seven subscales, measuring 'time-line acute\/chronic' (6 items); 'time-line cyclical' (4 items); 'consequences' (6 items); 'personal control' (6 items); 'treatment control' (5 items); 'coherence' (understanding of T2DM, 5 items) and 'emotional representation' (6 items). In the third section, patients' causal believes (18 items) are measured. The 'identity scale' is measured dichotomously (yes\/no). All other items are measured on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The subscales of the IPQ-R have a good internal consistency and an acceptable test-retest stability [28].\nAttitudes towards diabetes are measured with the Diabetes Attitude Scale (DAS-3) [39]. The DAS-3 consists of five subscales, measuring perceived seriousness (7 items); psychosocial impact (6 items); patient autonomy (8 items); value of tight control (7 items) and need for special training (5 items). The items are measured on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The DAS-3 is considered a reliable and valid general measure of diabetes-related attitudes across different groups of patients and health care professionals [39].\nPatients' perceptions of partner support are assessed by using a questionnaire developed by Buunk, Sanderman, and Nieuwland [40], which measures three different dimensions of partner support; active engagement (5 items); protective buffering (8 items) and overprotection (6 items). The items are measured on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (always). The three subscales have a moderate to good internal consistency [40].\nPatient empowerment is assessed by the Dutch Diabetes Empowerment Scale (Dutch DES-20) [41]. The questionnaire consists of five subscales, assessing dissatisfaction and goal achievement (6 items), coping and motivation (4 items), obtaining support (3 items), overcoming barriers (4 items) and determining suitable methods (3 items) in a five-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree). The Dutch DES-20 was found to be a reliable and valid instrument [41].\nSample size\nThe sample size calculation is based on detecting a clinically relevant change on the PAID, as a result of the programme. Since there is no consensus on the minimal important difference (MID) on the PAID, we decided to set the MID at half a standard deviation (SD); a commonly used solution when scores have no direct interpretation and no clinical results exist to determine a relevant percentage [42]. In Dutch T2DM patients, the SD found on the PAID was 20, with a mean score of 22.5 points (scale 0\u2013100) [36]. To establish a 10-point difference with the power set at 80% and the \u03b1 at .05 (two-sided), 63 patients are needed in each condition (intervention\/control). However, taking the clustering of patients within groups into account, an oversampling of 15% is needed to conduct multi-level analyses. When accounting for an additional drop-out of 10%, 2 \u00d7 80 patients will have to be recruited.\nThe study is a two-arm randomised controlled trial with repeated measures over time and continuous outcome variables. Descriptive statistics (mean values and frequencies) will be calculated to evaluate the scores on primary and secondary outcome measures on T0, T1 and T2 separately. The effectiveness of the programme will be analysed by a three-level multilevel model: groups, patients and measurements (T0, T1, and T2). This type of analysis allows us to both test the main effectiveness of the condition, its effectiveness over time, as well as the interaction effects of condition (intervention\/control) \u00d7 time. By including groups as a separate level in the analysis, possible effects of the different regions, course leaders and group climate are corrected for. Data will be analysed according to the intention-to-treat principle. All analyses will be performed using MLwiN.\nEthical approval\nThe protocol, information letters and informed consent form of the study were approved by the Medical Ethical Committee of the VU University Medical Center Amsterdam.\nThis article describes the design of the 'Living with diabetes' study: a study testing the effectiveness of a group-based self-management support programme for people known to be diagnosed with T2DM for one to three years and their partners. The content of the course is based on principles of the CSM, SCT and social supportive theories and is specifically designed to build more adaptive (activating) illness perceptions and attitudes, increase empowerment, stimulate activating social support and, consequently, enhance self-management and diabetes specific health-related quality of life in recently diagnosed T2DM patients.\nPrevious research already emphasised the importance of the integration of patients' and partners' illness perceptions in self-management interventions, because of their ability to change and their close link to health behaviours and outcomes [15, 19\u201321]. With this study, we will contribute to the literature by providing insight into the effectiveness of a group-based method to build and alter illness perceptions in patients with chronic illness, rather than an individual programme. Furthermore, to our knowledge, we are the first to conduct such programme in T2DM patients and partners in the first years of living with T2DM.\nA particular strength of the study is that the programme 'Living with diabetes' is well grounded in theory. Major psychological models on behaviour change, such as Leventhal's Common Sense Model [16, 17] and Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory [29, 30] provide the framework for the course. By incorporating social support theories and actively involving the patients' partners, we account for the influence of social support on self-management behaviours in patients. Group discussions provide patients with the opportunity to share experiences and learn from others through peer modelling and peer support [43]. Consequently, the course goes beyond the mere provision of information and skills training and starts explicitly from both patients' and partners' experiences, needs and concerns. In addition, this study specifically focusses on patient important outcomes rather than solely medical outcomes (e.g. HbA1c), comprising emotional, cognitive and behavioural outcomes.\nThe current study also poses a number of challenges and drawbacks. We foresee a few potential threats to reliability and generalisability of the study. First, a selection of participating patients in the study is expected, as a result of a selective non-response of patients of older age and patients from the non-western origin. Consequently, specific target groups might be missed and generalisability of the results of this study limited. Furthermore, a possible selection bias might also be found among the GPs in the study. Participating GPs will probably represent a group more open to research and innovation and may also be more motivated to improve diabetes care. Consequently, their patients might already receive various educational or support programmes which may negatively impact on participation willingness. In order to keep non-response and drop-out rates as low as possible, personalised invitation letters from GPs and reminders to initial non-responders will be sent. Furthermore, the course sessions and information meetings will be organised in easily accessible locations in the area of the participating patients and GPs. Finally, a practical challenge is also foreseen in the group-based format of the course. In spite of the fact that group-based sessions pose many advantages, they are more difficult to organise and cannot be completely adapted to individuals needs and preferences (e.g. time, location, topics discussed), which may result in increased (selective) drop-out. Furthermore, we emphasise the importance of creating and keeping a positive and stimulating group climate during the course sessions. Dominant and\/or negative group members can negatively influence the group climate and interactions, and consequently, the effectiveness of the programme. Therefore, we will recruit diabetes nurses and practice nurses who already have experience in leading group-based courses and extra attention will be paid on how to deal with dominant group members during the training.\nThe results of this RCT will provide valuable information on the effectiveness and feasibility of group-based self-management support programmes, focusing on illness perceptions and social support. The course is well suited for implementation in a primary health care setting. The course is fully manualised and supported by a training to ensure the possibility of replication. Furthermore, the group-based setting of the course is less time and money consuming than individual support programmes. Hence, if proven effective, the course can be utilised by general practices and diabetes care groups as an addition to the individual patient education provided by health care professionals and already available patient education programmes in T2DM. First results of the study are expected in the spring of 2014.\nInternational Diabetes F: The IDF Diabetes Atlas. Fifth Edition. 2012, Brussels: International Diabetes Federation\nSolli O, Stavem K, Kristiansen IS: Health-related quality of life in diabetes: the associations of complications with EQ-5D scores. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2010, 8: 18-10.1186\/1477-7525-8-18.\nKovacs BK, Nicolucci A, Holt RIG, Willaing I, Hermanns N, Kalra S, Wens J, Pouwer F, Skovlund SE, Peyrot M, the DAWN2 Study Group: Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs second study (DAWN2): cross-national benchmarking indicators for family members living with people with diabetes. Diabet Med. 2013, 30: 778-788. 10.1111\/dme.12239.\nAmerican Diabetes A: Economic costs of diabetes in the U.S. In 2012. Diabetes Care. 2013, 36: 1033-1046.\nKing P, Peacock I, Donnelly R: The UK prospective diabetes study (UKPDS): clinical and therapeutic implications for type 2 diabetes. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1999, 48: 643-648.\nUK Prospective Diabetes Study Group: Quality of life in type 2 diabetic patients is affected by complications but not by intensive policies to improve blood glucose or blood pressure control (UKPDS 37). U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study Group. Diabetes Care. 1999, 22: 1125-1136.\nRubin RR, Peyrot M: Quality of life and diabetes. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 1999, 15: 205-218. 10.1002\/(SICI)1520-7560(199905\/06)15:3<205::AID-DMRR29>3.0.CO;2-O.\nGray A, Raikou M, McGuire A, Fenn P, Stevens R, Cull C, Stratton I, Adler A, Holman R, Turner R, he United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study Group: Cost effectiveness of an intensive blood glucose control policy in patients with type 2 diabetes: economic analysis alongside randomised controlled trial (UKPDS 41). United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study Group. BMJ. 2000, 320: 1373-1378. 10.1136\/bmj.320.7246.1373.\nGlasgow RE, Eakin EG: Issues in Diabetes Self-Management. The Handbook of Behaviour Change. Edited by: Shumaker SA, Schron EB, Ockene JK, McBee WL. 1998, New York: Springer Publishing Company, 435-461.\nAhola AJ, Groop PH: Barriers to self-management of diabetes. Diabet Med. 2013, 30: 413-420. 10.1111\/dme.12105.\nSteed L, Cooke D, Newman S: A systematic review of psychosocial outcomes following education, self-management and psychological interventions in diabetes mellitus. Patient Educ Couns. 2003, 51: 5-15. 10.1016\/S0738-3991(02)00213-6.\nWhittemore R: Behavioral interventions for diabetes self-management. Nurs Clin North Am. 2006, 41: 641-654. 10.1016\/j.cnur.2006.07.014.\nHarvey JN, Lawson VL: The importance of health belief models in determining self-care behaviour in diabetes. Diabet Med. 2009, 26: 5-13. 10.1111\/j.1464-5491.2008.02628.x.\nThoolen B, de Ridder D, Bensing J, Gorter K, Rutten G: No worries, no impact? A systematic review of emotional, cognitive and behavioral responses to the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Health Psychol Rev. 2008, 2: 65-93. 10.1080\/17437190802311361.\nCameron LD, Leventhal H: The Self-Regulation of Health and Illness Behavior. 2003, London: Routlegde\nLeventhal H, Meyer D, Nerenz DR: The Common-Sense Representation of Illness Danger. Contributions to Medical Psychology. Edited by: Rachman S. 1980, New York: Pergamon Press, 17-30.\nLeventhal H, Nerenz DR, Steele DJ: Illness Representations and Coping with Health Threats. Handbook of Psychology and Health. Edited by: Baum A, Taylor SE, Singer JE. 1984, Hillsdale NJ: Erlbaum, 219-252.\nHagger MS, Orbell S: A meta-analytic review of the common-sense model of illness representations. Psychol Health. 2003, 18: 141-184. 10.1080\/088704403100081321.\nPetrie KJ, Cameron LD, Ellis CJ, Buick D, Weinman J: Changing illness perceptions after myocardial infarction: an early intervention randomized controlled trial. Psychosom Med. 2002, 64: 580-586.\nMoss-Morris R, Humphrey K, Johnson MH, Petrie KJ: Patients' perceptions of their pain condition across a multidisciplinary pain management program: do they change and if so does it matter?. Clin J Pain. 2007, 23: 558-564. 10.1097\/AJP.0b013e318093fcab.\nKeogh KM, Smith SM, White P, McGilloway S, Kelly A, Gibney J, O'Dowd T: Psychological family intervention for poorly controlled type 2 diabetes. Am J Manag Care. 2011, 17: 105-113.\nSearle A, Norman P, Thompson R, Vedhara K: Illness representations among patients with type 2 diabetes and their partners: relationships with self-management behaviors. J Psychosom Res. 2007, 63: 175-184. 10.1016\/j.jpsychores.2007.02.006.\nvan Dam HA, van der Horst FG, Knoops L, Ryckman RM, Crebolder HF, van den Borne BH: Social support in diabetes: a systematic review of controlled intervention studies. Patient Educ Couns. 2005, 59: 1-12. 10.1016\/j.pec.2004.11.001.\nFigueiras MJ, Weinman J: Do similar patients and spouse perceptions of myocardial infarction predict recovery?. Psychol Health. 2003, 18: 201-216. 10.1080\/0887044021000057266.\nHeijmans M, De Ridder DTD, Bensing J: Dissimilarity in patients' and spouses' representations of chronic illness: exploration of relations to patient adaptation. Psychol Health. 1999, 14: 451-466. 10.1080\/08870449908407340.\nSnoek FJ, Hogenelst MH: Psychological implications of diabetes mellitus. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2008, 152: 2395-2399.\nCarey MP, Jorgensen RS, Weinstock RS, Sprafkin RP, Lantinga LJ, Carnrike CL, Baker MT, Meisler AW: Reliability and validity of the appraisal of diabetes scale. J Behav Med. 1991, 14: 43-51. 10.1007\/BF00844767.\nMoss-Morris R, Weinman J, Petrie KJ, Horne R, Cameron LD, Buick D: The Revised Illness Perceptions Questionnaire (IPQ-R). Psychol Health. 2002, 17: 1-16. 10.1080\/08870440290001494.\nBandura A: Self-efficacy: towards a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychol Rev. 1977, 84: 191-215.\nBandura A: Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory. 1986, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall\nThoits PA: Social Support and Psychological Well-Being: theoretical Possibilities. Social Support: Theory, Research and Applications. 1985, Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, 51-72.\nLazarus RS, Folkman S: Stress, Appraisal and Coping. 1984, New York: Springer\nSchwarzer R, Leppin A, Social support and health: A theoretical and empirical overview. J Soc Pers Relat. 1991, 8: 99-127. 10.1177\/0265407591081005.\nKeogh KM, White P, Smith SM, McGilloway S, O'Dowd T, Gibney J: Changing illness perceptions in patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes, a randomised controlled trial of a family-based intervention: protocol and pilot study. BMC Fam Pract. 2007, 8: 36-10.1186\/1471-2296-8-36.\nToobert DJ, Hampson SE, Glasgow RE: The summary of diabetes self-care activities measure: results from 7 studies and a revised scale. Diabetes Care. 2000, 23: 943-950. 10.2337\/diacare.23.7.943.\nSnoek FJ, Pouwer F, Welch GW, Polonsky WH: Diabetes-related emotional distress in Dutch and U.S. diabetic patients: cross-cultural validity of the problem areas in diabetes scale. Diabetes Care. 2000, 23: 1305-1309. 10.2337\/diacare.23.9.1305.\nWelch GW, Jacobson AM, Polonsky WH: The problem areas in diabetes scale. An evaluation of its clinical utility. Diabetes Care. 1997, 20: 760-766. 10.2337\/diacare.20.5.760.\nWelch GW, Weiniger K, Anderson B, Polonsky WH: Responsiveness of the Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID) questionnaire. Diabet Med. 2003, 20: 69-72. 10.1046\/j.1464-5491.2003.00832.x.\nAnderson RM, Fitzgerald JT, Funnell MM, Gruppen LD: The third version of the diabetes attitude scale. Diabetes Care. 1998, 21: 1403-1407. 10.2337\/diacare.21.9.1403.\nBuunk BP, Berkhuysen MA, Sanderman RA, Nieuwland W, Ranchor AV: Actieve betrokkenheid, beschermend bufferen en overbescherming (Active engagement, protective buffering and overprotection). Gedrag en Gezondheid. 1996, 24: 304-313.\nBuysse H, De Moor G, Coorevits P, Van Maele G, Kaufman J, Ruige J: Main characteristics of type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients interested in the use of the telemonitoring platform. J Nurs Healthc Chronic Illn. 2011, 3: 456-468. 10.1111\/j.1752-9824.2011.01120.x.\nNorman GR, Sloan JA, Wyrwich KW: Interpretation of changes in health-related quality of life: the remarkable universality of half a standard deviation. Med Care. 2003, 41: 582-592.\nSteinsbekk A, Rygg LO, Lisulo M, Rise MB, Fretheim A: Group based diabetes self-management education compared to routine treatment for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A systematic review with meta-analysis. BMC Health Serv Res. 2012, 12: 213-10.1186\/1472-6963-12-213.\nThis study is funded by the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation (no: 2009.70).\nNIVEL, Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, PO Box 1568, 3500, BN, Utrecht, The Netherlands\nAnne L van Puffelen, Mieke Rijken, Monique JWM Heijmans & Fran\u00e7ois G Schellevis\nDepartment of General Practice & Elderly Care Medicine, EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands\nGiel Nijpels & Fran\u00e7ois G Schellevis\nJulius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands\nGuy EHM Rutten\nAnne L van Puffelen\nMieke Rijken\nMonique JWM Heijmans\nGiel Nijpels\nFran\u00e7ois G Schellevis\nCorrespondence to Anne L van Puffelen.\nAP wrote the manuscript. The study design and research proposal were developed by FS, MR, GR and GN. The course was developed by MH and AP. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.\nvan Puffelen, A.L., Rijken, M., Heijmans, M.J. et al. Living with diabetes: a group-based self-management support programme for T2DM patients in the early phases of illness and their partners, study protocol of a randomised controlled trial. BMC Health Serv Res 14, 144 (2014). https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1186\/1472-6963-14-144\nRandomised controlled trial\nIllness perceptions\nHealth-related quality of life","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Let Us Attend\nDecember 22, 2013: Matthew 1:1-24, Read for Older Children\nDecember 15, 2013 Length: 5:13\nLet Us Attend: December 20, 2015, Matthew 1:1-25, Told for Younger Children\nLet Us Attend: December 23, 2012: Matthew 1:1-25, Told for Younger Children\nLet Us Attend: December 18, 2011: Matthew 1:1-25, Read for Older Children\nTheotokos\ngenealogies (86)\ngospel of matthew (1028)\njoseph the betrothed (92)\nsunday of the forefathers (34)\nThe book of the genealogy of Jesus. Abraham was the father of Isaac, and Isaac the father of Jacob, and Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers, and Judah the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, and Perez the father of Hezron, and Hezron the father of Aram and Aram the father of Amminadab, and Amminadab the father of Nahshon, and Nahshon the father of Salmon, and Salmon the father of Boaz by Rahab, and Boaz the father of Obed by Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of David the king.\nAnd David was the father of Solomon by the wife of Uriah, and Solomon the father of Rehoboam, and Rehoboam the father of Abijah, and Abijah the father of Asa, and Asa the father of Jehoshaphat, and Jehoshaphat the father of Joram, and Joram the father of Uzziah, and Uzziah the father of Jotham, and Jotham the father of Ahaz, and Ahaz the father of Hezekiah, and Hezekiah the father of Manasseh, and Manasseh the father of Amon, and Amon the father of Josiah, and Josiah the father of Jechoniah and his brothers, at the time of the deportation to Babylon.\nAnd after the deportation to Babylon: Jechoniah was the father of Shealtiel, and Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel, and Zerubbabel the father of Abiud, and Abiud the father of Eliakim, and Eliakim the father of Azor, and Azor the father of Zadok, and Zadok the father of Achim, and Achim the father of Eliud, and Eliud the father of Eleazar, and Eleazar the father of Matthan, and Matthan the father of Jacob, and Jacob the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born who is called Christ.\nSo all generations from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, and from David to the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon to the Christ fourteen generations.\nNow the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child of the Holy Spirit; and her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. But as he considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying \"Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit; she will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.\" All this took place to fulfill what the\nLord had spoken by the prophet: \"Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and Hs name shall be called Emmanuel (which means, God with us).\" When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife, but knew her not until she had borne a son; and he called His name Jesus.\nWhat is a genealogy? How does the dictionary define it?\nThis Gospel reading lists Christ's genealogy. Did you recognize any of His ancestors? Which ones?\nWhy do you think St. Matthew recorded Christ's genealogy?\nWho are some of your ancestors? How did they live? Are you following in their footsteps?\nYour patron saint is one of your spiritual ancestors. How did he or she live? Are you following in his or her footsteps?","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Pimlico Road, Belgravia \u2013 London Craft Week 2021 Preview\nBased in the neighbourhood of Belgravia, Pimlico Road is a central London community for exceptional design and craftsmanship. For London Craft Week (4-10 October) the area will be hosting The Pimlico Road Series \u2013 a programme of talks, workshops and demonstrations that bring to life the skill and talent that goes into making exceptional interiors. See the highlights below, and drop in to the area to discover much more\nCox London\n4-10 October, Monday-Friday 9.30am-6pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm. 194 Ebury Street, London SW1W 8UP\nCox London's north London workshop is a hub of rare skill, from metalwork and gilding to stonecarving and glassmaking. A taste of the process behind the products will be in the Ebury Street showroom with the showing of a short film made by Alun Callender that traces the making of The Voyager's Chair (pictured), whose dramatically twisting bronze frame and hand-stitched upholstery are typical of Cox London's art-led approach to design. This is accompanied by a series of soulful portraits of hands belonging to the company's makers and other staff, also by Callender.\nBonadea\n4-10 October, Monday-Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-4pm. 20 Pimlico Road, London SW1W 8LJ\nLuxury tableware and glassware brand Bonadea recently opened a sumptuous new showroom on Pimlico Road, where flamboyant, maximalist-leaning pieces from the likes of Christian Lacroix and Ginori 1725 can be found next to contemporary crystal by London-based jeweller and silversmith Shona Marsh. As well as daily workshops led by founder and creative director Gemma Martinez de Ana, the showroom is hosting a series of artisan demonstrations; Olivia Faire, whose work is pictured, will be showing off her marquetry skills on the afternoon of Wednesday 6 October.\nS Chairs by Tom Dixon\n7 October, 12pm-6pm. 48a Pimlico Road, London SW1W 8LP\nIt takes more than 100 steps to bring a Carl Hansen & S\u00f8n CH24 chair (more commonly known as the Wishbone) into existence. On 7 October, one of the company's skilled craftspeople from Denmark will be in the Pimlico Road showroom to demonstrate part of that process \u2013 the hand-weaving of the chair's seat in paper cord. Hans Wegner's chair was designed in 1950 and has been in production ever since, but Carl Hansen & S\u00f8n has shown a remarkable capacity to reinvent this stone-cold classic with various colours and finishes, and a chair in a nature-inspired muted blue hue will be on show.\n4-8 October, 10am-6pm. 22\u201324 Pimlico Road, London SW1W 8LJ\nOchre Wild is furniture, lighting and accessories brand Ochre's foray into flooring, and at London Craft Week its showroom will be dedicated to these new pieces and the skill that goes into making them. Channelling the same aesthetic of \"discreet glamour\" as the rest of its portfolio, the rugs are made entirely by hand, from the yarn-making and dying to the intricate weaving through to the finishing, and the vegetal dyes used result in some incredibly rich hues, including aqua, dark pink and turmeric yellow. Look out too for Ochre's new Drifter light, hand-carved in oak and inspired by a piece of driftwood.\nOutside In\n1-27 October, 6-7 Motcomb Street, London SW1X 8JU\nIn the wider neighbourhood, make a stop-off at 6-7 Motcomb Street, where Sarah Myerscough Gallery has a pop-up space away from its permanent riverside home in Barnes. The show here, entitled Outside In, is populated by designer-makers who all use organic, sustainable materials in their work, from timber to woven willow. Admire Marc Ricourt's vessels made from white painted beech (above left) or Jonathan Keep's otherworldly Mandelbulb urns, 3D-printed in clay (above right). An accompanying talks series sees three of the makers \u2013 Eleanor Lakelin, Nic Webb, and Max Bainbridge \u2013 discuss their relationship with the natural world.\nLDF 2021\nSuper Boutique\nCollect 2020\nLondon Design Festival 2020 Preview\n\u00c5ben Q&A","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Giants 3, Diamondbacks 2\nGiants 3, Diamondbacks 2: Buster Posey belted a two-run homer and Barry Zito pitched into the seventh inning as visiting San Francisco won its fourth straight game.\nZito (12-8) gave up one run over 6 2\/3 innings for the Giants, who remained 7 1\/2 games ahead of Los Angeles in the National League West after the Dodgers posted a 4-3 win over St. Louis late Saturday. Sergio Romo worked around a leadoff single in the ninth for his 11th save\nArizona fell 4 1\/2 games behind St. Louis and Los Angeles in the race for the league's second wild-card spot despite a strong outing from Wade Miley (15-10), who allowed three runs over seven frames.\nJustin Upton forged a 1-1 tie in the bottom of the fourth with a two-out homer before Posey answered in the fifth with a two-run shot to right field.\nPosey went 3-for-3 for the Giants, who have won 12 of their last 14 road games and are 23-7 away from home since July 17. With Posey starting at first base, catcher Hector Sanchez threw out two runners attempting to steal.\nArizona, which dropped to 2-8 in its last 10 games at Chase Field, cut into the Giants' lead in the eighth on Paul Goldschmidt's two-out RBI single off Romo.\nGAME NOTEBOOK: CF Angel Pagan led off the game with his 13th triple to set a new single-season San Francisco Giants record. \u2026 The Diamondbacks tied a franchise record by scoring four runs or less in their 12th straight home game. \u2026 San Francisco has won each of Zito's last eight starts.\nChanges are coming to the Cubs' core. Nico Hoerner could lead the next wave \u2014 potentially from the leadoff spot.\nYu Darvish now wonders: Was he tipping pitches for the Dodgers against the Astros in the 2017 World Series \u2014 or were they cheating?\nChase Field\nAngel Pagan","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Sons of Anarchy Heads Six Feet Under, Taps Mathew St. Patrick for Arc\nBy Michael Ausiello \/ August 5 2014, 11:21 AM PDT\nAnother sign Sons of Anarchy's final season will be a deadly one: The show is adding a Six Feet Under alum to the cast!\nMathew St. Patrick, best known for his five-season run as Michael C. Hall's TV spouse on HBO's late, great mortuary drama, is joining SOA's seventh and final season in a recurring role, TVLine has learned exclusively.\nRELATED Sons of Anarchy Prequel Series Update\nHe'll play Moses, the head of a security team who takes care of business on the street. He'll first appear in Episode 7.\nSt. Patrick (who was among the 25 actors we want back on TV now) joins a growing Season 7 guest cast that also includes Marilyn Manson, Courtney Love, Annabeth Gish and Lea Michele.\nSOA returns Tuesday, Sept. 9 with a super-sized premiere. The action picks up 10 days after Tara's brutal murder and finds Jax in jail on a parole violation, reeling from the loss of his wife.\nRELATED Sons of Anarchy Cast Previews Jax's 'Vengeance,' Gemma's Betrayal and an 'Exciting Romance' in Final Season\n\"He's obviously very sad and vulnerable and kind of broken, but there's a huge amount of vengeance and anger in his heart,\" Charlie Hunnam recently said of his alter ego. \"The way all of that is processing, at least in the very beginning, is [starting] to have a numbing effect. He knows what he wants to do, and that's where all of his energy is going to go.\"\nTAGS: FX, Sons of Anarchy\nGET MORE: Casting News, Exclusive, Fall TV Preview\nLindsey Vonn Headed To Beijing Olympics As NBC Correspondent\nLady Gaga Pushed for 'House of Gucci' Sex Scene with Salma\u2026\nHow 'The Power of The Dog' Team Wove in Tension Through Sound Mix","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Catholic Church Reels From Latest Child Sex Abuse Investigation\nPublished August 20, 2018 at 5:02 AM EDT\nPope Francis released a letter today addressing sexual abuse. It said the Catholic Church must, quote, \"acknowledge our past sins and mistakes.\" The Vatican has been struggling to respond to the latest investigation into child abuse at the hands of priests. A grand jury in Pennsylvania last week released what is being called the most comprehensive investigation into sex abuse within the church. It detailed horrendous acts involving more than a thousand children abused over seven decades across six dioceses in Pennsylvania. Earlier this morning, I spoke with Father Thomas Reese. He's a Jesuit priest and a senior analyst with the Religion News Service, and I asked him if he thought Pope Francis and the church have been doing enough to support survivors.\nTHOMAS REESE: I think we can always do more to support survivors. I think it's very important for the bishops to listen to the survivors. That's one of the most important things they can do. Every survivor you talk to is angry, not just because of the abuse they experienced, but because of the denial they experienced when they tried to tell their story. And it's so important for bishops to set aside time to listen to the victims because this is one way we can help in their healing.\nGREENE: Is the church doing that? Is the church finding forums or places where survivors can have those discussions?\nREESE: Some bishops are. I think every bishop needs to do it. You know, the pope has actually begun doing that himself. You know, a year ago, I would've said that the pope, you know, only got a B in terms of how he was dealing with the sex abuse crisis. He was on board totally with the zero tolerance of abuse by priests. This is the law of the church now. Any priest involved in abuse can no longer act as a priest. He's going to be removed from the priesthood. But, you know, we were still kind of not dealing with the bishops who weren't implementing these rules and were involved in cover-ups. And the pope was sometimes defending these bishops because he didn't understand the situation. Well, he went through a big conversion earlier this year. He had been defending the bishops in Chile, and he got real angry when he found out that he was wrong, and he apologized. He admitted he was wrong and demanded they submit their resignations - all of the bishops of Chile submit their resignations to him. This sends a signal to every bishop in the world that if he doesn't do his job, he's going to hear from the pope.\nGREENE: Well, a lot of people, Father Reese, think that it should go well beyond priests losing their jobs, well beyond priests hearing from the pope. I mean, many are looking for changes in the law to get rid of the statute of limitations to clear the way for civil lawsuits to be filed by survivors. You actually wrote recently that that might not be the right answer. Why is that?\nREESE: Well, I think that the survivors of abuse, obviously, deserve justice, and they also deserve to be helped. But I'm not sure suing is the best route. You know, suing works fine for a profit-making corporation because you have owners that either cut corners, endanger the lives of their customers, the environment or their employees, and were making money on it. And they deserve to be punished and you can punish them financially.\nThe problem with nonprofits is nobody owns them. You're not punishing the bishop when you make a diocese pay millions of dollars. You're punishing the people in the pews who put their money in the collection basket. It's their money. You're also punishing the people who benefit from that money - you know, the parishes, the schools, poor people who are supported by charities. I think a better way would be something like we had with the 9\/11 Commission where the bishops put forward, you know, a bundle of money and set up an independent board. And then victims can simply come in and tell their story, and that independent board can decide, you know, how to help these people and how much money each person should get.\nGREENE: I guess a lot of people would hear that and say, sure, filing lawsuits is not perfect; a lot of money goes to lawyers, and maybe it prevents an institution like the Catholic Church from doing good things, but that it's the only way - that the threat of lawsuit is the only possible way to truly change and reform the behavior of a nonprofit, and without that, things just really won't change.\nREESE: Well, yeah, I don't know the answer to that question. I think if we look, though, at the changes that have already occurred in the Catholic Church, we see that - you know, ever since 2002, the church law says any accusation against a priest has to be reported to the police. And in addition, the church has procedures now - if it's credible accusation, the priest has to be suspended while a complete investigation takes place. And if he's found - that the allegation is true, then he's removed from ministry. And I think if we also have procedures that punish bishops who don't implement these rules - remove them from office and, in fact, put them in jail, which we can do now - that's doing a lot in terms of changing the culture of this church, of this institution.\nGREENE: I just think about, though, you know, your proposal for setting up some sort of 9\/11-like commission, and I just wonder, has the church earned the trust of survivors at all...\nREESE: Oh, I don't think...\nGREENE: ...In any way that they - that they should be involved in the solution as opposed to going through the courts?\nREESE: Absolutely not. For example, in Pennsylvania, I think the dioceses of Pennsylvania should come up with a bunch of money, give it to the state of Pennsylvania and ask the attorney general, the guy who did this grand jury report - ask him to set up a process to give out the money to the victims. No. Nobody in the church should be involved in distributing this money. The only thing we have to ask of the church is, how much money can it pony up?\nGREENE: What do you tell people, as a priest, who come to you and ask you - what is happening here? - I mean, people who you feel like you serve.\nREESE: Well, the first thing I say is, I am very angry. I mean, reading the grand jury report is disgusting. It's awful what happened to these children - should not have happened to one child, and the fact that it happened to a thousand children is just abominable. I think anger is a legitimate and proper response to what happened. And then I think we have to hold the church's feet to the fire and make sure it follows the law, it follows its own rules and procedures for dealing with abuse.\nGREENE: Father Thomas Reese is a Jesuit priest. He writes about church affairs for the Religion News Service. We really appreciate your time, father. Thank you.\nREESE: I wish I was talking about something better.\nGREENE: We do, too.\n(SOUNDBITE OF DANIEL LANOIS' \"FLAMETOP GREEN\") Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"COVID-19 Updates | COVID Guidelines\nCOVID Bahamas\nEmergency Orders COVID-19\nCovid Protocol & Guidelines\nSearch opm.gov.bs\nThe Most Hon. Hubert A. Minnis, M.P. Prime Minister and Minister of Finance The Commonwealth of The Bahamas Remarks on The Official Opening of Monument Road Long Island\nPress Room, Speeches \/\nOPM Communications \/\nIt is a great pleasure to be with you on the occasion of the official opening of the Monument Road.\nMonument Road serves as an access to the popular Columbus Monument landmark, which was erected to commemorate Christopher Columbus' landing on Long Island.\nThe new road is a part of the Government's efforts to promote heritage tourism for Bahamians and tourists.\nThe road also provides access to the government's navigational beacon\/light house adjacent to the monument.\nThe old road was a narrow track road in very poor condition making travel difficult and uncomfortable.\nAfter numerous requests from local residents and government officials for the improvement of this road, it made it to the list of priority projects for the Government as stated in the Minister's Budget Debate 2018\/2019.\nThe project went out to tender in August 2018.\nA contact was awarded to Bernard Knowles of Rowdy Boys Construction.\nThe contract was in the amount of one million one hundred and seventy four thousand, three hundred and fifty seven dollars and eighteen cents, vat inclusive, for the completion of the works.\nThe project included the construction of approximately two miles of a pea rock and sand seal asphalt road 24 feet wide to the monument site.\nA 6 ft. wide concrete walkway and steps were constructed including, landings leading up to the monument.\nAmenities include: a carpark, benches and soft landscaping.\nThe scope of works completed include:\n\uf0b7 Site Clearance;\n\uf0b7 Excavation of hill side and swales;\n\uf0b7 Preparation of a 6 ft. lime rock road\nbase;\n\uf0b7 Construction of concrete stairs, walkways and decks;\n\uf0b7 Installation of wooden handrails with stainless steel cables;\n\uf0b7 Installation of heavy duty galvanized steel benches and\n\uf0b7 Fencing and landscaping.The completed Monument Road now provides a pleasant, modern, high class road to the monument site, which will be used by residents and tourists on a regular basis for many years to come.\nLet me close by thanking all of those involved in this project here on Long Island.\nI also thank the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works, the Hon. Desmond Bannister, who will be a key member of my economic team to help with the country's economic recovery during and after COVID-19.\nI also want to thank your Member of Parliament Adrian Gibson, Chairman of the Water and Sewerage Corporation, who has done an outstanding job in getting critical waterworks developed throughout the Family Islands.\nHe also been very hard at work for Long Island.\nAdrian has delivered on a number of important projects for Long Island. He is very dedicated to you.\nAnd I assure you, there is much more to come in the months and years ahead.\nWe are dedicated to the ongoing development of Long Island, including vital economic and investment projects to help in the development of your economy, especially after the setbacks caused by the pandemic.\nIt is now my great pleasure to declare the Monument Road open.\nMay God bless all who travel on this road.\nAnd may God bless the wonderful people of Long Island and the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.\nThank you and good afternoon\/morning.\n\u00a9 Office of the Prime Minister 2021. All Rights Reserved.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"You are here: Home1 \/ Blog2 \/ Stories3 \/ Jolene's First Cousin: Innovative SROs, one year later\nJolene's First Cousin: Innovative SROs, one year later\nDecember 16, 2020 \/in Stories\/by Njeri Parker\nORIGINS of JOLENE'S FIRST COUSIN\nTwo years ago, JOIN was approached by Guerrilla Development with a bold idea: reimagine affordable housing in a way that supports residents through community. The single greatest obstacle JOIN faces in supporting sustainable transitions off the street is access to housing that is actually affordable for the income our folks are likely to have\u2013 not based on a percentage of median statistics, but what we know the reality of the financial situation for many individuals. With this opportunity, we would be able to control the rents to offer truly affordable housing, and put our values into the property management practices. Guerrilla Development built a crowdfunded mixed development named Jolene's First Cousin, which includes businesses, market-rate apartments, and eleven low-cost single room occupancy units (SROs) to help address Portland's homeless crisis.\nJOIN's Landlord Recruitment and Retention (LRRP) Team was involved from the design stage of the process, providing input on furnishings, resident selection, and more. The building design intended to allow as many residents as possible to have space inside the building and enjoy the large common areas together. The downstairs is an open concept to build a sense of community. The LRRP team felt an immense amount of pride around JFC's opening, since the team shopped for and chose all of the furnishings (including kitchenware, decorations, etc.) and installed and moved everything in with limited volunteer support. In December 2019, the first residents moved into the building!\nResidents have a 150 square foot private room and shared bathrooms, kitchen, and common areas. The rent also includes wi-fi, access to a shared computer station, an outdoor courtyard with bbq, and access to a community library with books, games, and DVDs for everyone's use. The rooms are rented fully furnished, including linens and the kitchen, and common areas are fully stocked. There are also several sets of washers and dryers free for resident's use. Each resident adheres to community guidelines and weekly chores to help keep the common spaces clean and a sense of community intact. LRRP drops off supplies each week, including cleaning products, paper products, and basic hygiene items (including COVID PPE).\nJOIN values creativity in responding to challenges, and our work at Jolene's First Cousin is a prime example. We are grateful to Guerrilla Development for partnering with us on this innovative initiative and for the exceptional work of the LRRP team to realize this vision and stay committed to its success.\nPROPERTY MANAGEMENT WITH JOIN VALUES\nTaking on the role of a landlord was a new challenge for JOIN. The responsibilities of property management would fall to JOIN's Landlord Recruitment and Retention (LRRP) Team, bringing skills and experience in private market rental management as well as case management and social services. Kayleigh Thornton, LRRP Program Coordinator, shared some thoughts about how she and her team approach property management at Jolene's First Cousin (JFC):\n\"Determining who would move-in is an essential part of the success. We created a process to fairly assess each applicant; this included a review with our equity lens and a review with a panel of people who work at JOIN. JOIN performs no background checks to live in these units and requires no security deposits. Our team met with each applicant's case manager to understand the applicant and their housing needs. Our team also explained to each applicant that there are Community Guidelines that all residents must agree to. Besides JOIN-referred residents, we also partnered with Street Roots for access to 2 of the SRO's at JFC. These residents from Street Roots now have a JOIN retention worker.\n\"Property management for JFC was an extremely intentional process designed to provide resident-centered services that foster community and with the intention of helping residents to be successful in their housing. We created community guidelines and weekly chores with the intention of building an environment where folks felt a part of their community and could build relationships with each other and our team. We offer weekly community meetings where residents can voice their concerns. They all have access to our team's 24\/7 hotline where they can contact us. If a resident violates a community guideline, we can mediate the concern directly with the resident(s) involved without necessarily having to resort to a formal notice, or even if a notice is served, have the ability to explain it fully with the resident and their caseworker. Besides these things, we drop off supplies weekly like paper products, cleaning supplies, and laundry soap. The units and common areas were fully furnished. The thought process behind this is if people have a living environment that is comfortable and functional, they will be excited to continue taking care of, including maintaining the space. If people don't have to worry about money for laundry soap or toilet paper, they can focus on other things they need to enrich their lives and happy people create happy communities!\n\"The community has come together rather organically around food sharing, meal cooking, daily cleaning, and supportive friendship. However, this is not always the case all the time. Residents call our 24-hour hotline to report concerns and issues that arise, both interpersonal and building-related. Our team responds within 24 hours and sooner depending on the issue; this protocol has helped maintain balance in the community. In addition to conflict mediation and community meetings, we offer other fun things like pizza parties and other events to build community and help the residents get to know us better. Since our team is a pretty frequent presence at the building, residents feel comfortable sharing their concerns with us, which helps to maintain open communication. It has been immensely rewarding to watch this group of strangers come together to share holiday meals, laugh and joke around the tv and enjoy the bbq in the courtyard.\"\nLIVING AT JOLENE'S FIRST COUSIN\nWhen Kim became homeless, she didn't know what to do. She slept in bus stops and did anything she could to get by. While visiting JOIN's Dayspace one day, she met Perlia, a JOIN Outreach Worker, who started helping her find a place to live. Perlia put her on the waitlist for JFC, and they took a tour and talked about the unique community-living aspects of the building.\nLiving on a fixed income, it was a challenge to find a place that she could afford. Based on the 2019 State of Housing report from PHB, there are no neighborhoods considered \"affordable\" to the thousands of Portland residents living on social security income. Jolene's First Cousin is uniquely positioned to provide an affordable option that doesn't rely on subsidies or vouchers. Kim moved into JFC in early 2020.\nJFC offers a lot of benefits to people, but it's not without drawbacks and challenges. Kim likes looking out her window and loves her comfortable bed. The washing machine is free to use, and having access to a nice kitchen is a perk. Like most community living situations, the residents at JFC have conflicts over chores getting done. It's also been a challenge living in a community setting during the pandemic. While she's grateful for her own space and a roof over her head, the added anxiety about her community mates having diligent practices around pandemic safety is a frustration. \"At the end of the day, we have to respect each other.\" JOIN has added twice-a-week disinfecting services to the building, as well as providing PPE for residents.\nKim said she's learned a lot about empathy and asking for help since moving into JFC. When she first moved in, she butted heads with her neighbor frequently\u2013 but he's since become one of her closest friends. Recently, this friend disappeared for a few days. \"It just reminded me that I can't know what another person is going through, and I have to be empathetic to their situation.\" Throughout her time living at JFC, she was surprised to find herself more caring for others.\nhttps:\/\/joinpdx.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/12\/JFC_web-1.jpg 1365 2048 Njeri Parker http:\/\/joinpdx.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/01\/web_logoArtboard-9.png Njeri Parker2020-12-16 08:42:142020-12-16 08:42:14Jolene's First Cousin: Innovative SROs, one year later\n\"When I needed help, JOIN was there\" A message from Katrina Holland","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Did you know? Located at the intersection of art and commerce, Academy of Art University's Graphic Design program integrates practice, theory, and inquiry, while refining and encouraging innovation, critical thinking, visual literacy and conceptual problem solving. Learn more.\nBest Animation Programs in Louisiana\nWhat makes an animation school program \"the best\" may be something different for students than the nation's top ranking agencies. For example, many students think a low cost, conveniently located school is the best school, while college ranking agencies say student selectivity and faculty resources are more important than cost or convenience. College ranking agencies use other common considerations when evaluating the best schools, such as the number (and variety) of program offerings, graduation and retention rates, financial resources, and peer assessment.\nThere are more than 70 accredited colleges and universities in the state of Louisiana. Many of these institutions scored high in the areas listed, so they made it onto many \"best of\" lists. Some of the best Louisiana schools even offer programs for aspiring animators and other digital artists. While many of the best Louisiana animation schools can be found in major cities such as New Orleans and Baton Rouge, others can also be found in small cities such as Hammond and Thibodaux. Just a few of the best animation schools in Louisiana include the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond.\nTake a look at the list below to review some of the best animation school programs in Louisiana and what they have to offer.\nBest Animation School Programs \u2013 Major Louisiana Cities\nLouisiana State University - Degrees Offered: B. F. A. Graphic Design, Studio Art with Concentration in Digital Art; M. F. A. Graphic Design\nUniversity of Louisiana at Lafayette - Degrees Offered: B. F. A. Visual Arts with Concentration in Animation and Computer Arts, Graphic Design or Media Art\nUniversity of Louisiana at Monroe - Degrees Offered: B. F. A. Art with Concentration in Graphic Design\nUniversity of New Orleans - Degrees Offered: B. A. Studio Art with Concentration in Digital Media; M. F. A. Studio Art\nBest Animation School Programs \u2013 Other Louisiana Cities and Towns\nSoutheastern Louisiana University - Degrees Offered: B. A. Art with Concentration in New Media and Animation, Graphic Design\nNorthwestern State University of Louisiana - Degrees Offered: B. F. A. Fine Arts with Concentration in Graphic Communications\nLouisiana Tech - Degrees Offered: B. F. A. Art with Concentration in Communication Design; M. F. A. Art with Concentration in Communication Design\nNicholls University - Degrees Offered: B. A. Art with Concentration in Graphic Design\nList of Louisiana Schools with Graphic Design Degree Programs\nBest Graphic Design Programs in Louisiana\nTop Graphic Design Programs in Louisiana\nTop Animation Programs in Louisiana\nList of Articles Profiling Louisiana Schools with Animation, Design, and Gaming Programs\nLouisiana Animation Careers: Employment & Salary Trends, Job Opportunities, & Colleges Offering Animation Programs in Louisiana\nPrograms Schools & Colleges","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"The father of the Hydrogen Bomb\nBy Shabbir | September 11, 2003\nOh yeah, everyone made a big deal out of it, but I frankly don't see the\npoint. Something far more important should be commemorated this week (and\nnever again): the death of Dr. Edward Teller.\nTeller is credited as the father of the Hydrogen Bomb, but frankly, he\nshould be thought of as one of the fathers of the Nuclear Arms Race.\nAfter Robert J. Oppenheimer and his brain trust successfully created the\natomic bomb, they were wracked with guilt. Although they had ended the\nwar, they experienced a first for scientists: the true guilt that they had\ncreated something that could terminate the human race. While such moral\ndilemnas existed for scientists before Oppenheimer, it was the Manhatten\nproject that made the debate real, instead of theoretical.\nOnce the Soviet Union had acquired their own atomic bomb, Oppenheimer\nargued vociferously that the only moral course of action was to\nimmediately negotiate a treaty with the Soviets to end atomic bomb\nDr. Teller was not bothered by these reservations. He used his\nconnections with the Pentagon and the President to help stoke the fears\nthat fed the nuclear arms race. The bomb was built, and the nuclear arms\nrace began.\nA final nail in the coffin, Teller eventually testified against\nOppenheimer in a witch-hunt that revoked his security clearance for\nfailure to support America's nuclear program and because of his refusal to\nrenounce his Communist friends. The witch-hunt was not reserved to\nOppenheimer, and US Senators were known to frequently ask scientists,\n\"Have you as a citizen the right to interpose your political judgments on the matter and thereby frustrate the contribution that you as a citizen, particularly equipped by Almighty God and the great genius that you have, have you the moral right, I wonder, to withhold?\"\nOne of Oppenheimer's colleagues, Hans Bethe, answered,\n\"This, after all, is a free country\u2026 a country which prides itself on giving the right to the individual to decide his own actions. .. [The hydrogen bomb] will not do us any good and it will not win the war for us, nor the lack of it will not lose the war for us. If America is truly a free country, then it shouldn't be treason.\"\nBethe, a fallible human to the end, relented and worked on the hydrogen\nbomb and subsequently condemned himself for this weakness, both in public and in private. As recently as 1995, he urged scientists to take a Hippocratic oath with the plea,\n\"I call on all scientists in all countries to cease and desist from work creating, developing, improving and manufacturing further nuclear weapons \u2013 and, for that matter, other weapons of potential mass destruction such as chemical and biological weapons.\"","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Galaxies are running out of gas\nBy Andrew WrightAugust 22nd, 2011\nA CSIRO study has shown why the lights are going out in the Universe.\nThe Universe forms fewer stars than it used to, and a CSIRO study has now shown why \u2013 the galaxies are running out of gas.\nDr Robert Braun (CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science) and his colleagues used CSIRO's Mopra radio telescope near Coonabarabran, NSW, to study far-off galaxies and compare them with nearby ones.\nLight (and radio waves) from the distant galaxies has taken time to travel to us, so we see the galaxies as they were between three and five billion years ago.\nGalaxies at this stage of the Universe's life appear to contain considerably more molecular hydrogen gas than comparable galaxies in today's Universe, the research team found.\nStars form from clouds of molecular hydrogen. The less molecular hydrogen there is, the fewer stars will form.\nThe research team's paper is in press in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.\nAstronomers have known for at least 15 years that the rate of star formation peaked when the Universe was only a few billion years old and has declined steeply ever since.\n\"Our result helps us understand why the lights are going out,\" Dr Braun said.\n\"Star formation has used up most of the available molecular hydrogen gas.\"\n\"The drop-off in both gas availability and star formation seems to have started around the time that Dark Energy took control of the Universe\"\nDr Robert Braun, CSIRO\nAfter stars form, they shed gas during various stages of their lives, or in dramatic events such as explosions (supernovae).\nThis returns some gas to space to contribute to further star formation.\n\"But most of the original gas\u2014about 70%\u2014remains locked up, having been turned into things such as white dwarfs, neutron stars and planets,\" Dr Braun said.\n\"So the molecular gas is used up over time. We find that the decline in the molecular gas is similar to the pattern of decline in star formation, although during the time interval that we have studied, it is declining even more rapidly.\"\nUltimately, the real problem is the rate at which galaxies are 'refueled' from outside.\nGas falls into galaxies from the space between galaxies, the intergalactic medium. Two-thirds of the gas in the universe is still found in the intergalactic medium and only one third has already been consumed by previous star formation in galaxies, astronomers think.\n\"The drop-off in both gas availability and star formation seems to have started around the time that Dark Energy took control of the Universe,\" Dr Braun said.\nUp until that time, gravity dominated the Universe, so the gas was naturally pulled in to galaxies, but then the effect of Dark Energy took over and the Universe started expanding faster and faster.\nThis accelerating expansion will have made it increasingly difficult for galaxies to capture the additional gas they need to fuel future generations of star formation, Dr Braun speculates.\nThe galaxies used for the Mopra study were of a kind called ultra-luminous infra-red galaxies or ULIRGs, chosen because they are known to have large reservoirs of gas and because they are so bright that there was a complete census of them within the volume of the Universe that the team studied. They ranged in redshift from 0.2 to 0.5 (that is, they had a look-back time of three to five billion years).\nMolecular hydrogen is difficult to detect directly, and this study (like many previous studies) used emission from carbon monoxide (CO) as a proxy for the molecular hydrogen. The astronomers observed the emission arising from the CO(1-0) transition: this study is significant because most other studies have had to rely on observing different transition lines for galaxies at different redshifts. This study, however, compared \"apples with apples\", using CO(1-0) for both the nearby and distant galaxies under study.\nImages available at: Galaxies are running out of gas\nSir Malcolm Kenneth McIntosh [1945-2000]\nEmission sources identified in Huon Study\nLast updated: August 22nd, 2011","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"This article was published on May 23, 2013\nHTC Desire 600 debuts with a quad-core processor, Sense 5 and dual BoomSound front-facing speakers\nNick Summers is a technology journalist for The Next Web. He writes on all sorts of topics, although he has a passion for gadgets, apps and (show all) Nick Summers is a technology journalist for The Next Web. He writes on all sorts of topics, although he has a passion for gadgets, apps and video games in particular. You can reach him on Twitter, circle him on Google+ and connect with him on LinkedIn.\nHTC unveiled the Desire 600 today, the first mid-range smartphone to be equipped with dual BoomSound speakers and run its new Sense 5 Android skin, including its Flipboard-inspired BlinkFeed home screen.\nThe device offers a 4.5-inch super LCD2 display \u2013 no pixel resolution just yet \u2013 and runs on an unspecified 1.2 GHz quad-core processor.\nInterestingly, there's an 8-megapixel rear-facing camera that appears to forgo the new 'UltraPixel' philosophy bestowed upon HTC's latest flagship Android smartphone, the HTC One. There's also a 1.6-megapixel front-facing camera for video calls and the like, as well as HTC's dedicated camera app for burst mode shooting and ZOE animations.\nThe original HTC Desire was a popular device and it therefore comes as no surprise to see the moniker carried on HTC's next range of low and mid-end Android smartphones. We've already seen the HTC Desire X and HTC Desire C fill this space, which made sense last year given the refreshed HTC One X, S and V naming system \u2013 however the Desire 600 seems to stand all on its own.\nThat's perhaps not surprising, given the relatively small room for maneuverability created by the refreshed HTC One branding. The Desire 600 is also notable because it supports two SIM cards, which suggests that the device is being targeted at emerging markets, or at least those with inconsistent network connectivity. It also uses HTCs \"dual active\" system, which means that the user can receive a call on one line, even if they're already using the other.\nThey're not as pronounced as the HTC One, but the Desire 600 is also equipped with dual front-facing speakers. These 'BoomSound' amplifiers were one of the stand-out features of the HTC One \u2013 we've never experienced sound quality like it on a smartphone \u2013 and should help to provide a clearer and more balanced listening experience.\nHTC says its new mid-range smartphone runs on Android Jelly Bean, although the exact firmware version hasn't been disclosed. It will be available in either silver\/red or black \"in a number of markets\" from early June. When we have more specific details, we'll be sure to let you know.\nRelated: HTC One review: An absolutely superb Android smartphone with software flaws\nGet the Plugged newsletter\nSubscribe to our snarky newsletter all about consumer tech.\nFollow @plugged\nPublished May 23, 2013 - 12:07 pm UTC","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Previous: Len Drayton (1905-1982) - Winegrower. Recorded 14 May 1979. Part 1\/2.No more itemsLen Drayton\nSummaryTAPE 83B Len Drayton\nRecorded May 1979.\nCharlie Drayton was the eldest of Joseph's family and the grandfather of the Weatherheads. People married within the limits of the area.\nAttended Pokolbin school when he was 10 and that was when he got his first pushbike. There were two schools at Pokolbin - one on Fleming's property - it was shifted up to where it is now in 1908.\nSam Thompson's father married Len's Dad's sister. His father was a school teacher there. The National School, Nulkaba. Lawrence Kenny - ancestor of the saddler.\nThe Cessnock Inn - there was an early school near the Allandale Hospital near the graveyard. There was a church there too.\nLen's wife was born on the boat coming out to Australia in 1909. Father-in-law worked at Aberdare Extended. His name was John Roach.\nSandy Thompson had a garage and John worked for him. Bill Harrogan.\nMaurie Marshall - was a Deputy. John Marshall was a miner. Alec Marshall.\nFather kept adding to the winery built by Joseph Drayton. \"Bellevue\". \"Happy Valley\" - owned by Wes Drayton, the brother.\nFamily settlement, 1933 - he said \"you can divide it up amongst yourselves - it's what you've all been working for\". Tom Miller.\nWilliam John Drayton (son) Lou was a good carpenter and not interested in wine.\nElizabeth Susan Drayton (daughter). Alan Cotham(son-in-law) the builder. Nancy West (daughter-in-law) married William. Frank West was managing Lindeman's for a while. Reg's father was George and Barry's father was Ernie. Steve Connelly.\nWes Drayton bought Happy Valley - it had a winery and a vineyard. Wes lived with his mother and never married. He bought a T Model Ford in 1921 and converted it into a utility.\nLen's father and the Depression. Harry Drayton who drove a buggy delivering a demijohn of wine.\nMick Relf -one armed relation of Joan Schultz (Jack's wife). Bill Schultz - owned the sawmill at Bulahdelah\nWine growing during the Depression.\nWestfall & Clarke, wine merchants bought their wine for 5\/- a gallon - a high record in the area.\nAlbert Joass. Billy DeBeier.\nIn the 1940s wine got up to 2\/6 a gallon. It got a better price in the 1960s. Australians were beer drinkers till the immigrants came over and changed the palate. The government kept putting the duty up on beer and probably increased the purchase of wine.\nAlf Cobby married Ivy.\nInterest in greyhound racing - supplemented their income.\nBilly Dowling. Paddy Ryan\nGeorge White Brown. McCabe's. Location of George Brown cellars.\nBuffier's winery, wine cellars\nMartin Buffier, George Buffier went out to Abernethy. Won a prize in 1890 for his wines. Shedden. George Brown.\nFirst worked pruning George Brown's grape vines. Len was born in 1905. Pokolbin wine festival in 1964. Bob Vernon.\nMaurie O'Shea was a good wine maker. Locally he thinks Maurie was the best wine maker.\nDraytons didn't start to bottle their wines until the 1950s. Ray Kidd is a great.\nModern wine-making techniques is good by Len's reckoning, just no more labour. The old log press pressure is 30 tonne weight.\nEnd (Tape 83\/Side B) Part 2 of 2. SubjectDrayton, Leonard Alfred, 1905-1982 Cessnock (N.S.W.) Pokolbin (N.S.W.) Schools -- New South Wales -- Pokolbin Aberdare Extended Colliery (N.S.W.) Wine and wine making PersonJack Delaney CreatorDrayton, Leonard Alfred, 1905-1982 Delaney, Jack, 1919-2010 CollectionVoices of the HunterPlaceCessnock, NSW Date Created14th May 1979 Location[1] Cessnock, NSW[2] Aberdare Extended Colliery, NSW [3] Pokolbin, NSW [4] Drayton Wines, NSW Identifier083B\n083B_LenDrayton_ed.mp3\nDelaney, Jack, 1919-2010, Len Drayton (1905-1982) - Winegrower. Recorded 14 May 1979. Part 2\/2., [083B]. Living Histories, accessed 30\/01\/2023, https:\/\/livinghistories.newcastle.edu.au\/nodes\/view\/65409","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Interview \/ Reviews\nMovies and Fashion\nFestivals \/ Gigs\nMorrissey unveils new music video\nThe Smiths\tMorrissey\nMorrissey unveils new video.\nMorrissey has unveiled his new music video for \"Kiss Me A Lot\" track taken from his last studio album \"World Peace Is None Of Your Business\".\nThe video, which you can watch below, was directed by Sam Esty Rayner.\nListen to our The Importance of Being Morrissey Playlist.\nFor more information on Morrissey, you can visit his official fanzine, True To You.\nMorrissey y planes de nuevo \u00e1lbum de estudio?\nMorrissey and new studio album?\nJohnny Marr: \"The Smiths were planning a disco album\"\nMorrissey presenta nuevo video oficial\nKul Festivals\nFeatured Bands\nThe Libertines have unveiled two new tracks taken from their long-awaited third album ' Anthems for Doomed Youth' ...\nLiam Gallagher performs 'Rockin' Chair' | BBC 2 Watch\nLiam Gallagher on his second album, The Rolling Stones and Richard Ashcroft\nSkullcandy, the original performance and lifestyle audio brand, launched its new headphone, the Grind with an exclusive performance from UK band...\nA few weeks ago, we told you that Richard Ashcroft...\nPaul Weller has confirmed the date for the release of his new studio album \"Saturn Pattern\"...\nOn Monday 23rd March at 6pm (UTC) The Prodigy will be live streaming an interview via twitch.tv video link up from Berlin...\nWe have a look at the 15 \"Casual\" brands all our readers should know. Their contribution to the world of fashion is pretty unique and they offer quality and styish products...\nCheck out our top ten adidas trainers...\nWe have a look at the 10 Casual films all our readers should know. Guess some of you must have seen them all but well here's our favourite...\nMaking a comeback after its prime during the early '80s, adidas Originals revives their Island Series with reissues of the Hawaii...\nAlthough Noel Gallagher continues to deny it, according to his brother Paul Gallagher, an Oasis reunion is inevitable...\nFormer Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher told Huffington Post Live on Friday that he \"cannot wait\" for One Direction's upcoming album...\nIn an interview with Bass Magazine, Andy Lewis talked of new music, how the bass parts are on the new record...\nIn an interview with BBC, Paul Weller discussed his new album and playing Glastonbury this summer...\nMorrissey Live\nMorrissey has unveiled his new music video for \"Kiss Me A Lot\" track taken from his last studio...\nAdministration and Legal","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"The beginnings of the cinema in England 1894\u20131901, volumes I\u2013V (book review) - Publikationer\nThe beginnings of the cinema in England 1894\u20131901, volumes I\u2013V (book review)\nGert Jan Harkema\nBook review of John Barnes' book series The beginnings of the cinema in England 1894\u20131901, volumes I\u2013V.\nHistorical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, Vol 35, Nr 3.\n\/10.1080\/01439685.2015.1059613\nEarly Cinema Media History\nI am a doctoral student at the Department of Media Studies (Cinema Studies). In my research I try to describe what the earliest cinema audiences (from 1895 to 1900) were experiencing. Cinema as a new medium in the late-nineteenth century. My proje... L\u00e4s vidare\nJan Harkema, G. (2015). The beginnings of the cinema in England 1894\u20131901, volumes I\u2013V (book review). Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 35(3), pp. 525-526. Available at: http:\/\/www.tandfonline.com\/doi\/full\/10.1080\/01439685.2015.1059613 [Accessed 21 Jan. 2022]. doi: \/10.1080\/01439685.2015.1059613.\nSenast uppdaterad: 17 oktober 2016.\nFilm Bild Kunst\n'Performed live and talking. No kinematograph.' Amateur performances of tableaux vivants and local film exhibition in Germany around 1900.\n'We See America'\nAmerikafantasier\nChinatown Film Culture","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"500 million LinkedIn data is for sale, but it did not come from a leak\nThe recent massive Facebook data leak, which for a few days was installed as a theme that turned on the alerts of many Internet users, is not the only problem of this type that can be found on the web today.\nAlso, a database of users of users is available for sale on the Internet. LinkedIn, according to a recent report.\nThe information was released initially by the portal CyberNews, noting that based on a sample of two million, which presumably would constitute a part of the profiles for sale, they were able to verify that among the compromised information can be found the full names of LinkedIn members and their respective email addresses, phone numbers phone, genres, links to profiles on social networks, plus other personal data.\nIn the case of published email addresses, the report reported that only 780 thousand accounts are affected by this leak.\nSample of the data that CyberNews had access to\nLinkedIn reacted, pointing out that the leak did not exist as such.\nThrough a release Officially released through its press center, Microsoft's social network for professionals noted that this data comes from many different sources and was not directly extracted from any of its databases.\nIn the official LinkedIn statement it is speculated that, given the nature of the information published, it could have been articulated from public sources of information, such as the same data displayed in the profiles.\nIn addition to explaining the case, the company also sought to provide reassurance, noting that any misuse of its users' data, such as its extraction and leakage, violates LinkedIn's terms of service. When someone tries to take member data and use it for purposes that LinkedIn and our members have not accepted, we work to stop them and hold them accountable.they commented in their statements.\nThe consequences began in Italy\nDespite the clarification shared by LinkedIn, the first consequences of this episode have already been activated. In Italy, the privacy watchdog of that country began an investigation into this network of professional contacts, according to a report by Bloomberg.\nDepending on the port to which this survey arrives, the agency could initiate legal action and request compensation, in accordance with what is allowed by the GDPR, a regulation that allows national authorities in Europe to impose fines on companies that commit these infractions, up to 4 % of your annual sales.\nOutside of the particularities of each similar case, given the uncertainty that a situation of these characteristics may generate, it is advisable to take immediate action, as this opens the possibility of exposing yourself to scams, spam or brute force attacks to reset passwords.\nAn instant resource to clarify doubts is the portal Have i been pwned, which allows you to perform a review by simply pointing to your email. If you are affected, you will be notified of which data breaches you have been a part of. If you want to change your password, we have a guide that provides practical tips.\nTags:data, leak, LinkedIn, million, sale\nVoxel Builder, to create our 3D figures\nMicrosoft acquires Solair, a company specialized in Internet of Things solutions\nbrandmark, an artificial intelligence that analyzes the quality of our logo","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Trombini\u00b4s brief history\nThe economist Renato Trombini has been in charge of Trombini since 1194, but he has been working in the family companies since he was 12, when he started as an attendant in Casa Raimundo, a beverage and food store in Pilarzinho. Geraldo, his father, and the uncles Sinibaldo and Mirtillo were partners in this and other enterprises and, at that time (the end of the 40\u00b4s), six teenage cousins had already started learning the business. Therefore, the construction of the companies that made up Trombini, nowadays one of the largest corrugated cardboard boxes and multi-wall paper bags producers in Brazil, was an enormous, uninterrupted and common effort of the family. This is probably why Renato does not see his professional life in a way other than fully integrated with the family trajectory, first because of commerce, and then the company, which started in 1941 with his uncle Mirtilo Trombini.\nHowever, the Trombini\u00b4s entrepreneurship started long before, when Cec\u00edlia and Carlo Trombini, Geraldo, Sinibaldo and Martello's grandparents, arrived in Morretes, coming from Veneto, Italy, in 1877, and settled down in the Italian immigrants' colony founded there. They were fascinated by the idea of \"fare l'America\", which illuminated the fugitive crowds fleeing from the big Italian hunger at the end of the XIX century. But \"making America\" was not an easy task, it required entrepreneurship.\nHaving poor health and suffering from the humidity, the heat, the insects abundance and the material difficulties, the couple moved to Curitiba, where they succeeded in getting a small farm. But Cec\u00edlia died precociously and Carlo went back to Morretes with his four children \u2013 Rosa, Olympio, Achiles and Paula. Later, after several attempts to provide for the family, he returned to Curitiba, where he sold firewood and lived with deprivations (including dramatic times of hunger), which were very similar to the one suffered in old Italy. He died a few years later, a victim of the sequels left by an accident.\nCrushing stones\nThe son Olympio, father of Martello, Geraldo and Sinibaldo and grandfather of Renato, used to crush stones in Serra do Mar, leading Spanish immigrants coming from Argentina, who were specialists in the production of curbs and cobble stones. This is where the pavement on Rua XV, in Curitiba, came from. After that, he worked crushing stones in Arauc\u00e1ria until 1914, when he went back to Morretes to work in stonework sites. Five years later he started dedicating himself to commerce. He was a fruit exporter to the capital, an owner of bar and manager of the Marumby movie-theater, in Morretes, and of the Para\u00edso movies, in Paranagu\u00e1. Thus the Trombini were arising, making America, standing up to walls.\nRenato Trombini reports back to the beginning of the companies, an enterprise of the generation that followed the pioneers. In 1941, uncle Mirtillo quit the paper factory S\u00e3o Marcos, in Morretes, and founded a small commercial company in Curitiba along with his friend Albano Reis. Soon the brothers Sinibaldo and Geraldo, Renato's father, joined the company. Mirtillo Trombini & Cia was born, which in the beginning used to buy and classify used paper to resell to factories. Then, it started to purchase new paper to place in the Curitiba market.\nAround 1945, Mirtillo and the brothers added another enterprise to the company: Casa Raimundo, in Pilarzinho. Soon they opened two other stores in the same neighborhood. At that time, the new generation entered the scene, their cousins \u2013 Lenomir and Luiz S\u00e9rgio, Vladimir and \u00cdtalo, and Renato and Raul \u2013, Martello's, Sinibaldo\u00b4s and Geraldo\u00b4s sons. They were teenagers, around 12-13 years of age, and were already working as attendants, delivery men, message boys. Some years later, this generation would be heading the companies' option for industry, articulating their teenager\u00b4s boldness to the vision and the wisdom of the elder. In fact, after selling the stores and creating a large wholesale and representation area for the three States of the South Region in 1962, the Trombinis made the first steps into the construction of an industrial group.\nIn the memory book \"Marks from My Life\" published in 2008, Mirtillo Trombini wrote:\n\"Our second generation (Geraldo\u00b4s, Sini\u00b4s and my sons) was unrestful, rolling the sleeves up in order to face any type of industrial business, preferably in the paper area in which we were specialized\".\n\"We started with a small factory for paper bags to pack goods in the stores at that time\", remembers Renato, who was already 23 years old. He and the cousins, young and entrepreneurs, were anxious to overcome the low rentable\u2013 however labor-consuming \u2013 activity of representations. In addition, at the beginning of the 60s, Paran\u00e1 opened to industrialization.\n\"In 1967, we installed the first corrugated cardboard box industry in Curitiba\", says Renato. Until 1974, the Trombinis assembled and bought several factories in Paran\u00e1, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, S\u00e3o Paulo and Minas, all for production of virgin and recycled paper used by the company itself for manufacturing multi-wall paper bags and corrugated cardboard boxes.\nIn 1990, the family decided to promote some adjustments in the companies\u00b4 management, making them more professional. Five years later, with renewed administration, The Trombinis decided to fuse the set of companies they had in only one corporate name, making them tight and selling some assets (factories and reforesting) to adapt to the new economic conditions in the country. At that time, Renato, who, in the past 33 years, had already been through all industries\u00b4 sectors, took over Trombini\u00b4s Executive Presidency. The cousins concentrated on the Administration Board, while two nephews became directors along with two more directors, who did not belong to the family.\nToday, Trombini is the fourth company in the corrugated cardboard boxes sector in Brazil and the second in the area of multi-wall paper bags (adequate for packaging cement, fertilizers, seeds, and chemical products, among others). A performance guaranteed by industrial plants for Cellulose and Paper production in Curitiba (PR) and Fraiburgo (SC), two corrugated cardboard factories, one in Curitiba and another one in Farroupilha (RS), and a multi-wall paper bags plant in Curitiba. Above all, its production serves the national market (95%), concentrating on the South and South-East regions (85%).\nProfit is not everything\n\"We have always had our company focusing on result. A company with no profit doesn\u00b4t make any sense\", says Renato Trombini. And adds: \"We seek the performance of administrative work aimed to the shareholder\u00b4s remuneration, and the well being and good remuneration of the employees. This is fundamental in a good management process. In addition to the salary program, we have another one for sharing the profit with the employees\".\nHowever, the profit might be essential, but it is not everything. \"The businessman shall also aim the social vision\", clarifies Renato. Thus, Trombini often participates in actions, such as donations (food and Christmas baskets, food and clothing) and support to kindergartens, schools, libraries, hospitals and health service departments and several community sport activities. The company also participates in works, such as the SENAI program for underaged learners and qualification of machine operators (213 of its collaborators have already participated in these training since 2002). Monthly, Trombini forms groups of employees for courses and trainings, in addition to offering them health plans, leisure and sport activities and canteen at subsided costs in the company. In the municipalities where Trombini has factories, the company joins the city halls \u2013 as well as SESI \u2013 in different social programs.\nRenato insists in pointing out \"the real commitment of the company with the environment\". \"Trombini\", he explains, \"has as an environmental strategy: the ongoing monitoring of the impacts generated by its industrial activities through permanent diagnoses\". The Trombini Quality Program objective, Renato points out, \"is to anticipate the possible impact, reducing its scope as much as possible\". He says that, in the last years, the company invested more than US$ 8 million in anti-polluting equipment and systems and more than US$ 12 million in the productive process optimization, which resulted in the reduction of the environmental impacts of its activities.\nAnd the Trombini\u00b4s \"hanno fatto l'America\", an interview with Renato Trombini, for the Fiep Magazine, carried out by the journalist Luis Manfredini.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Ja Rule's journey from #1 selling recording artist to tech entrepreneur\nThis episode is with Ja Rule \u2013 recording artist, writer and entrepreneur. He's the Head of Artists and Repertoire at Flipkick, and co-founder and investor at ICONN App. In this episode we talk about Ja Rule's journey from #1 selling recording artist to tech entrepreneur, and how he's helping to give control back to music artists.\nJa Rule's Website\nIconn Live App\nFlipkick Website\nJa Rule on Instagram\nYou're listening to The Growth Manifesto Podcast, a Zoom video series brought to you by Webprofits \u2013 a digital growth consultancy that helps global and national businesses attract, acquire, and retain customers through digital marketing.\nHosted by Alex Cleanthous.\nYouTube: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/c\/GrowthManifestoPodcast\nInstagram: https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/webprofits\/\nLinkedIn: https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/company\/web-profits\/\nFacebook: https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/Webprofits\/\nTwitter: https:\/\/twitter.com\/webprofits\nAgency: https:\/\/www.webprofits.io\n00:00:48 Ja Rule's introduction to the Growth Manifesto Podcast\n00:01:19 How did the battle with Fat Joe go yesterday?\n00:02:12 What are the biggest challenges that you had to overcome in your transition from music to business?\n00:02:58 How long did it take you to learn about this industry?\n00:05:45 Alex speaks on how you're only limited in business by how creative you think.\n00:07:12 What does your team look like? Or what kind of people help you to drive your success?\n00:08:08 How would you describe an NFT?\n00:09:53 Can you talk about the challenges in the last 10-20 years with limited use of the internet and how has the game changed for aspiring artists out there?\n00:12:07 What are the ways an artist can make money?\n00:13:18 What are the kinds of things you can put onto the blockchain as an NFT that can generate another revenue stream?\n00:19:28 What advice would you give to music artists?\n00:20:30 How do you get exposure these days?\n00:25:20 What are some of the biggest lessons that you've learned through your journey?\n00:28:38 How do you choose who you have around you? And what do you look for in them?\n00:33:51 How important is it to you to never quit?\n00:37:29 What's next for you? What's the vision for the future for you?\n00:38:17 How can people be a part of this?\n00:38:44 What's the one thing that you want the listeners or the viewers of this podcast to do?\nJa Rule:\nThat's what keeps me inspired to do this in this space. The fact that I can create something that's never been done before, like my music. I can create something from here, and it becomes this and people are seeing the same vision that I saw when I created this. They understood it in the same way that I understood it when I created it. They knew that they needed this, the same way that I knew I needed this. And that to me, that's innovation. That drives me, that inspires me whether it's through making a new record that people fucking sing to the top of their lungs, or creating a new app that people want to use to help monetize their content.\nAlex Cleanthous:\nToday, we're talking with Ja Rule, recording artist, entrepreneur and writer. He's the Head of Artists and Repertoire at Flipkick and the Co-Founder and Investor at the ICONN app. Today, we'll be talking about Ja Rule's journey from number one selling recording artist to tech entrepreneur and how he's helping to give back control to music artists. Just quickly before we get started, make sure to go ahead and hit that subscribe button to get the latest episodes as soon as they're released. Now, let's get into it. Welcome, Ja.\nSure. All right, thanks for having me, man. Sure.\nPleasure, man. Now, before we get into it, I have to ask, how did the battle with Fat Joe go yesterday? Because from what I could see, it was a real success.\nYeah. I had a good time. It was a good battle. Verzuz is a very unique platform where artists get to showcase their passion for music in a different way, which was really cool. I got to do it with a friend and a good brother of mine, it was definitely a different experience, but I loved it.\nYeah. I checked it out. It was just fantastic stuff, man. Fantastic content. I loved the production, got a lot of exposure across the socials, so it was cool.\nBut let's get straight into the podcast. You were the number one selling artist for years and years. And then, you transitioned into tech entrepreneurship and so on, right? What were the biggest challenges that you had to overcome in that transition?\nI think everything comes with a learning curve, right? I think that was the hardest thing for me, was learning about tech and Bitcoin. Still learning about NFT, still learning about these decentralised markets. It's the learning curve for me that I think is the most important thing and what takes the most time and what needs to be the thing you focus on the most. For me, it's the learning curve.\nHow long did it take you to learn these things? You come from one space, and you've got the fame and you've got the success and you've got all the learnings and you've done the grind. You've done the work, and now, it's rewarding you. And now, you're going into another space again, and you're almost having to start again. How long did it take?\nYou never quite learn it all. There's always something new to learn or something new to add to it. It's every evolving thing, which I enjoy. I think that's part of creativity. Creativity is an ongoing thing. I may start a record and create one verse and decide it needs two more verses or decide now it needs a female voice on it, on the hook, or I may decide to take this verse off and then need somebody else's voice in there. It needs to be a feature. This is the same thing as how I see crypto and NFTs and all of these great new ways to invest. It's the same way for me. I see it the same way. It's ever-evolving. It's ever-growing. And, I get to be very creative in this space where I get to add things. Take something like ICONN for example. ICONN started as one thing, as me wanting to be able to solve a problem to book talent in a very easy way and it branched out into a lot of different things. And now, we have live streaming and you can monetize your content and all kinds of great stuff like that.\nSo that's what I love about this space, it's ever-evolving. It doesn't get stale. It keeps your mind in tune and fresh and you have got to keep your knife sharp. I enjoy that. I'm a guy that likes to keep moving. This is a perfect space for me because this is rapidly moving.\nYeah. The one thing I found, because I've been in the business space for 20 years now. What I found, the one thing that's so good about business is you're only limited by how creative you think. There are no rules. There are laws, but there are no rules and that there's no one way. And oftentimes, the way to succeed is a way that hasn't been done before. I love your point around how the creative side of things connects with you because that's the part which I love as well. It's like, cool, so how well can you think about this problem? What are all the possible ways which you can approach the same thing? Who could you leverage or how could you leverage them? It sounds like that side of your music skills have now been transitioned into the business side of things.\nYeah. Like I said earlier, it goes hand in hand. I can relate a lot of things from my music, even going further back to my hustling days. But I can equate certain things to that and relate it to what's going on in the business world and so forth and so on because everything just comes full circle. You take little bits and pieces here and put them here and make you a good little pie here, a good little picture puzzle\u2026 That's what I do, I try to take my street knowledge and walk it and use it in my business world too and it creates a different type of savviness for me.\nYeah. For sure. But oftentimes, I speak with people that are excellent at one thing and they talk about how they stay in their lane and they have a team around them that can support that. What does your team look like? What are the people or the kinds of roles around you that help you to drive that success?\nOne of my rules of thumb is to try to keep people that are way smarter than me around me, that way they make me look smart.\nThat's a good rule. Steve Jobs had that rule too.\nLike my wife, she's a brilliant, brilliant woman. She makes me look smart every day and she just brought me a glass of wine. I'm just really happy and interested and excited to be a part of everything that's going on with this new NFT space and cryptocurrencies and blockchains. It's all very exciting stuff.\nOkay. Let's jump into that then. Let's talk about NFTs. For the people who don't fully understand NFTs, are you able to quickly explain how you would describe NFTs?\nNFTs, stands for non-fungible token but for me, it's a sense of ownership of something that is digital. And the way that they do that is by cryptographically authenticating these digital works of art through the blockchain. And I know that all sounds like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, but the best way I can describe it is, to put it in layman's terms, maybe simplify it a little bit is, think of it as\u2026 It's hard because it's its own thing, to explain, but there are things similar but not quite like. Maybe you could take trading cards, kind of, and put that into some type of understanding of what it could be. But not actually because the artist, or the owner doesn't get paid in perpetuity for the resell. That to me is really what makes NFTs such a dominating force right now and so intriguing to everybody, and to so many artists because they can be paid in perpetuity for their art. I think that's important.\nOkay. As one application of NFTs is the ability for artists to get paid the equivalent of a royalty.\nLike a royalty, yes.\nAnd from some of the interviews I've seen you do, you talk about the challenge the music artist has trying to get paid these days. Especially with Spotify and Apple Music all on subscription, it's so low. Could you talk about that challenge and how it's changed in the last 10, 20 years? Because I remember 20 years ago, there was no social media, the internet was just starting. It was a completely different game. How has the game changed for your aspiring artists out there and the successful artists in the last 10, 20 years?\nThe one thing I wilL say is, it's changing for the better. It's the one thing I will say. I think 10 years ago, the music industry felt like it was a dying industry because of MP3s. Now, I think it's come back around and now streaming is becoming a big part of how artists make their money. Not as big as touring, but it's also created a new revenue stream which is amazing for the artists. And it's also, with the new technology and just being able to go on a SoundCloud or Apple for instance on your own, it gives the artist their own freedom and their own power back. They can own their works and that's important, the money's in ownership and if you don't own your art, if you don't own your music, if you don't own your films, if you don't own, then you're not making the money you should be making. It's disappointing. Your family won't be able to enjoy the fruits of these great works. Ownership is key and that's why blockchain and NFTs are really cool.\nFrom the music point of view, let's say I'm an artist. I've got the album, the songs, the singles. I've uploaded them or however it works to Spotify or to Apple Music or to SoundCloud, I'm getting some exposure for that, but that's not really going to change the game for you, is it really?\nBecause it's such a small percentage and the volume\u2026 What are the ways that artists can make money\u2026? You talked about the touring side of things.\nTouring is the biggest way for an artist to make money, that's their biggest revenue stream. But if you're a big artist, and you're getting millions and millions of streams because they accumulate in that way for you to really make money. But if you're a big artist and you're doing that, you're making good money over streams. You shouldn't be making more money off of streams, but you'll be making good money. That just wasn't a revenue stream that was available 10 years ago. You still have your old ways of distributing your music, which can be through MP3 was. I wouldn't say the old way because the only old way is vinyl these days. There's no CDS. When you put your stuff on Apple Music and stuff, it has the feel of when you purchase it, you own it as an item. But that's kind of what NFTs are. It's owning something on a digital ledger that's yours.\nOkay. Let's say that I'm an artist. What kinds of things can I put onto the blockchain as an NFT, that I can start to make some money from or some royalties from?\nIt can be anything, music, it can be art. It can be film clips. People are really expanding what an NFT can be. Even at Flipkick, what we do, we do physical NFTs and that's just an amazing process that we're able to authenticate physical works for artists and now they can get paid a royalty forever and ever and their families can eat. It's all new, we're all wrapping our head around what the fuck is going on.\nMe too, by the way.\nYeah. All of us.\nBecause I get blockchain, I get Bitcoin, I got some Bitcoin, some Ethereum and all that jazz. But NFTs is this new thing. It's where you own the digital rights to something, and that actually means something in terms of ownership\u2026\nWell, when you go further NFT rabbit hole, you'll find things like community and utility and a different sense of ownership. Almost like a country club membership type of thing.\nWhat do you mean by that? I'm interested because I haven't heard that before.\nIf you've even been a part of any of these PFP projects like Board Ape Yacht Club or CryptoPunks, or Rumble Kongs, which I love very much. There are so many of them\u2026 But you become part of these clubs and it's like a country club for investment. It's like a really cool country club for a nice investment group of whoever owns this particular project. It's almost like you become a part of these clubs and the object is for everyone inside the club to get rich and make each other be successful through being a part of this thing that we're all part of. As I said, once you go down the rabbit hole, you'll discover community, you'll discover utility and it's a really cool thing when you go down the rabbit hole.\nI'm really trying to unpack this also for all of the music artists out there, but also just for the audience. I'm just trying to understand, how do NFTs work and why they're so popular right now? It's such a trending topic right now, everyone's talking about it. It's like a gold rush right now, and I don't think people actually fully understand it. I think there are a few who do, but I don't think that the majority actually fully understand it. Everyone's trying to find their way through. You talked about Flipkick that basically sells NFTs but for the physical side of things, right? How does that actually work? What should I do? I go to Flipkick, I purchase something, and what? It's backed by something that is stored somewhere? How does it work?\nYeah. Absolutely. You can buy the NFT, which would be backed by the physical item. You can redeem the physical item at any time with your ownership of the digital. And then obviously, we burn the digital and now, your ownership is now the physical thing. It's just a really dope way of letting artists have their physical works on the blockchain as well.\nHave you got stuff on the NFT space yourself? Have you sold stuff through NFTs?\nYeah, I've got a few projects that I've been working on like my club cards, it's on OpenSea, you can check those out. One guy, Josh and me and my partner, we have a metaverse line called Stone&Robert. We even get metaverse werewolves, real cool hip-hop culture. The metaverse werewolves were the first of our kind, we make a lot of cool shit. We're doing that. We're doing a lot of stuff like that and just enjoying the space. I've actually had a chance to get some land in the sandbox, we're building the Iconic Garden Arena in the sandbox with all my investment crew, my guys. It's a lot of fun stuff going on, a lot of exciting stuff going on in the tech space, in the NFT world.\nYeah. Just for the listeners, if you don't know or if you haven't heard about the metaverse, search it on Google. It's a whole world that is in the virtual space and there are companies like Louis Vuitton, I think, that have got stuff going on in there. There's so much stuff that's going in the digital space right now, and I think the-\nBlockchain is underpinning the currency, the way people can actually transact in this space. And most people haven't heard of the metaverse, I mean I only heard about it six months ago and I was like, what's this metaverse thing? I just started to get into it. I was like, damn, there's a whole world out there in the computer.\nA whole world in the computer.\nAnd there's money in there too.\nThere's a lot of money in there. We'll be doing some concerts at the Iconic Garden Arena, maybe we'll do a Verzuz there. The first Verzuz in that arena.\nYeah. Because I heard, I forget who it was, but there was an artist that did a show in the metaverse and there was 15 to 20 million people that turned up. That stuff's not going to happen in the real world.\nDo you know what I mean? And that's something interesting. I think between the blockchain and music, metaverse, NFTs, streaming, it's can get complex these days for music artists who really know how to focus their efforts. What advice would you give them in terms of how should they be thinking about this? Because I'm sure they're listening, they're going, that all sounds cool. Should I just go into the metaverse? Is that the first thing or what should I do? Should I just get some NFTs?\nI don't have any good advice to tell anybody. Like I said, I'm still poking holes around, trying to figure things out myself. My advice that I would give is to take a look at it, get involved. Start learning what's learning, don't be left out, don't be late to the party, is the advice I would give.\nYeah. Because I mean, to be first, it's like\u2026 I mean, everyone can probably relate to the people that were there first with Instagram, they've got all the followers, because of all the algorithms and the all the hacks in the beginning. And they got an unfair advantage. Same with TikTok, that's the same thing. Everyone that was there first, they got the exposure. And now, everyone's trying to get onto the bandwagon but that bandwagon's full and it's just way harder to breakthrough right now. I think that's a really good piece of advice.\nWhat about the distribution these days? How do you get exposure? I spoke about it before, about the Fat Joe thing that you did yesterday, that's obviously fantastic for exposure. Is it those kinds of things that artists should be doing these days to really push exposure just for their music?\nYeah. All of those things are great exposure. Verzuz has become this huge, humongous platform for artists where you can go and do these shows and it has a real effect on how people see you and your artistry because you have a chance to showcase it in such a big fashion. I'm really impressed by what they've been able to do with such a short period of time with Verzuz and reach that they get and the impact that it makes. I'm also looking to do something not the same, but similar, on my ICONN platform. It's called Vibes and it's a concert series where big artists, iconic artists, do their classic albums from front to back and tell the stories behind the music with a live band and then release it as a live album.\nThese things are just new ways, I think, of experiencing music and art. I think these will be the new ways. These will be the main ways of experiencing music and art in the future.\nYeah. That's a fantastic point. You're really talking about platforms for artists to leverage existing platforms that already have audiences and try to maximise their audiences essentially. Because it's hard to create the audience from scratch, that stuff's expensive, that stuff can be challenging, that stuff's complex. There's all those types of things. You talk about the ICONN app, that sounds like that's a platform as well. Could you just quickly talk about the ICONN app and what's the problem it's trying to solve and how does it work?\nICONN app is amazing, man. We're trying to allow content creators be free and create whatever content they like to create, but also be able to monetize it. Charge for their live streams, or pay per view events or DJs can get tips while they're DJ'ing on the platform in real time. A lot of different things like that. Meet and greets. If I do a concert and I virtually have it as a pay per view concert, you can also buy the meet and greet package and get a few minutes with me backstage virtually as well. All of those types of things are really cool things that are already built into the platform. But of course, it's expanding. We have the book nav button where you can book me for my tine, so to speak, time is money. Each artist can offer their packages of what they offer their time for. Just really cool stuff like that.\nYou're creating the platform and so on one side of it-\nIt's already created. It's in the App Store right now. Go get it. ICONN, two Ns, .live.\nOf course, that's available on both iPhone and Android?\nNot on Android yet, we're working with Android now.\nJust iPhone for now.\nBut yeah, iPhone, iOS.\nYeah. Look, I'm a bit more bias because I love Apple and I've got all the Apple stuff, so I've got it already. I highly recommend that people check it out. But you seem to really be doing a lot for the music industry. You're trying to create places for artists to just take control of their art\u2026\nEverything I create is for us by us. It's things that I felt I wish I would have had when I was a young artist to help me in my career. ICONN is going to expand in a lot of different ways, from music, to original content, all of those great things, so stay tuned. Even an NFT marketplace, I've been working on for ICONN to display NFTs, what I call motion pictures. You'll see it soon, you'll get to check it all out. We're working.\nYou've done a lot over the last 20, 30 years. I'm sure-\nBut not enough.\nWho's ever done enough?\nI know right.\nMaybe Elon Musk going to Mars, maybe he thinks it's enough.\nI still don't think he's done enough either, right?\nSame, right? What are some of the biggest lessons that you've learnt through that journey? Because that's a journey and a half, right? What are some of the biggest lessons?\nOne of the biggest things, lessons, I would say I learned along the way, be yourself. Always present yourself and be who you are. That way, you sleep well at night.\nIt's hard sometimes though, right? Because everyone thinks that they should be something else oftentimes in the beginning.\nActually, it isn't. It's really simple. Be who you are and be accepting of others but also, be thoughtful of the fact that people don't always have to accept you. And that's very key, because it's hard for people to accept or let somebody into their world and open up to them in the same way. It's a relationship that has to grow. These are the things that I try to work on as I become a better businessman or a better entrepreneur. Like I said, the learning curve on all of this shit is the biggest thing, it's the elephant in the room. How much do you know about what you do?\nHow do you approach that? Because obviously, that's huge, right? It's like, hey look, I'm going to go make an app. I've never done an app before. How do you approach that? All right, cool. I'm going to have to go into this now. But what's your process? How do you go about it?\nI have a real loose approach on this. I have a vision of what I see and what I want and sometimes they're very big and vast. A lot of times my team has to say, Ja, we don't either have the money to do that or that's probably literally fucking impossible to do. But I like those answers, because it lets me know that I'm thinking of things that people haven't thought of. In my eyes, everything can be done. It just takes time, effort, and some money of course. But that's what keeps me inspired to do this in this space. The fact that I can create something that's never been done before, like my music. I can create something from here and it becomes this and people see the same vision that I see when I created this. They understood it in the same way that I understood it when I created it. They knew that they needed this the same way that I knew I needed this. And that to me, that's innovation, that drives me, that inspires me. Whether it's through making a new record that people fucking sing to the top of their lungs or creating a new app that people want to use to help monetize their content.\nYou're a visionary leader, right? You've got the vision, the direction and then you leverage your team of people who can-\nAbsolutely. Bring my vision to life.\nExecute, follow through and that's the path that you go. Because this is the hard one, and this takes years, this took me years anyway, but how do you choose who you have around you? Because obviously, there has to be a good trust there now for you to be able to say, cool, here's my vision. If you tell me no, I need to listen to you because I trust you. What do you look for in people that you have around you?\nYou read all these fucking sayings, trust no one. Be careful who you trust and all these type of sayings. But I happen to think differently, I happen to believe that you allow people to be who they are and they will appear. I don't think you can look at everybody with the lens of non-trust and think that you're going to get trust from that. I think you have to go into a situation with trust and if a person is distrustful, they'll show up eventually. I allow people to be who they are, because like I said, they will arrive eventually. Who they really are will arrive.\nYeah. I found something similar, but I've been burnt so many times. But I still have a heart that trusts and I still think the bet of people and I give them a chance. But I've gotten better at seeing the little things, the little alarms.\nYeah. You got to have a spidey sense with it and try to sort through the bad apples, but it's tough. It's tough living like that. It's tough living with the thought of everybody's trying to fucking do me wrong. I've lived both sides of that. I've lived with that mentality that everyone is after me, you got to be careful, you got to be guarded because everyone wants something from you. I've lived with that, and it's not fun. It's draining to me, mentally because I'm always thinking this person\u2026 I don't want to do that. And so, I had to start looking at it on the other side of it and say, listen, allow these people to become who they are. If they're not trustworthy people, it will come to light, it will come\u2026 I think I have a good enough, now at my 45 years of age, I think I have a better gauge of people and from the beginning, I can gauge people a little bit better I believe. I believe that the people that I bring around me are trustworthy people, are good people, because I've made this assumption, this analysis by dealing with them or whatever.\nI feel like a little bit of a good sixth sense and a little bit of a feel of who are good people and who are bad people. I try to stay away from the bad people and keep good people around me. When I say good people and bad people, obviously I don't know what the fuck you do in your spare time. I'm talking about energy, people that have half glass full energy verse half glass empty energy. Because those are the things you look for, just people with that type of upbeat spirit because you know they're always going to, no matter the situation, no matter what's going on, they're going to find a solution. They're not going to dangle on the problem, but they're going to find a solution or help find a solution. That's what you want, you want positive people, positive minds, positive thinking.\nYeah. That's a fantastic point and I love that thinking.\nBut you got to keep a couple of negatives around too. You know what I'm saying?\nYou got to keep a bunch of people that see the glass half empty, because-\nYeah, just to balance it.\nBecause they help make sure that the glass is always full.\nBecause they help to make\u2026 how do they help to make sure?\nThat the glass is always full.\nAh, because they're always thinking of the downsides and-\nBecause they're always thinking of the downside. So if I'm thinking of the upside, and I have a few people thinking on the downside, we can't fail, or we shouldn't fail. The glass should, it should run over, runneth over.\nYeah, exactly.\nThe glass should runneth over if we come together the correct way. You got to keep a couple of those thinkers around too.\nYeah. I've been in environments where everyone's just optimistic and now one's thought of the possible risks or the downsides.\nIt's like, ah damn, wish we had someone there at some point to go, hey, did you think about that? Someone didn't think about that.\nWhat you got to understand and appreciate about those type of thinkers is, it's not that they're thinking negative about the problem. But they're thinking through the whole problem. While you're thinking of how great it could be, they're thinking of what happens if? And then now, we now how to pivot. And that's important. You know what I mean? That's very important.\nBut you've been at this now for a while. I talk to lots of people that are starting out, all stages of their business and even just for myself, I found that the one thing that\u2026 I wouldn't say I'm the smartest, I wouldn't say I'm the most intelligent, I wouldn't say I'm the quickest but I'm relentless, I'm persistent and I will never quit. How important has that been for you?\nIt's very important. I'll put my whole life on that. There's no Ja Rule if I'm not persistent, if I'm not overly confident in who I am. You get a million doors slammed in your face.\nStill, right?\nIt's that million and one door, that's the door.\nMillion and one.\nAnd so, you got to push through, you got to be persistent. You got to keep moving, keep your legs running like a running back. Keep your legs moving like a running back. You got to do those things and you have to think that way and it comes with a real confidence that you have to have in your abilities to overcome. Everybody doesn't have that. Everybody thinks they're ready for the fight until they get in the fight.\nIs that Mike Tyson's statement, right?\nEverybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. That's absolutely correct.\nYeah. And so, when things are hard, how do you get through that? Because that's when most people quit. It's like, yeah, I'm persistent, when things are good. And then, it gets hard and it gets hard for long and then they quit. How do you stay with it?\nIt's a little mechanism that I have and everybody needs this mechanism but it's not easy to have. It's called, I don't give a fuck. Everybody needs a, I don't give a fuck switch that they can turn on and say, I don't care what this person thinks. I don't care what that person thinks. I don't care what anybody thinks about me. I know what I'm capable of and I'm going to fucking do it, prove it, show it, whatever the case may be. This is my fucking super power. My super power is that I believe in me more than anything in the fucking world. I have supreme confidence. That is my superpower. For me, it's very important. I try to instil that in my kids, believe in yourself. You can do it, put your mind to it. I don't like the word I can't. From the time they were little kids I told them, don't say that word in this house. It doesn't exist here, I can't, doesn't exist here. You either do or you don't.\nThat's it, right? I love how you said that. I love the, I don't give a fuck switch because I think I've got that switch.\nYou have to have it.\nTo create something that is above and beyond the norm, that is extraordinary, you cannot listen to what people tell you is possible unless those people are people that have achieved something extraordinary. But those people won't tell you, you can't do something. That's a whole other conversation.\nThey'll never tell you that. Listen, I love this Jay-Z line. He says on his records, \"Everybody want to tell you how to do it, but they never did it.\" It's the most craziest shit. Everybody has advice on how you should live your life, how you should do this, or how you should do that. But why is it not working for you if it's so simple? Don't tell me things that you have not experienced or that you haven't lived through to tell me that I should live that way or go through.\nThat's huge.\nIt's just not believable. It's just not something I would do.\nThat's an awesome point. One more question. What's next for you? I can see the music's happening, you've got the NFTs, you've got the app. I can see it's all connected in some way. What's the vision for the future for you?\nMan, I'm about to get into a couple little projects especially in my music stuff and I'm going to do something really with music Monday's. I feel as though my music is art and it should be released as such. I'm going to release these art projects as NFTs and own my music and give people a chance to have a piece of my legacy and ownership as well, which is cool. We're going to do this a little bit differently than the regular distribution process, we're going to release my music as NFTs from here on out and see how that goes.\nWhere can people be part of this? I quite like the music Monday, I will support it just to support it\u2026\nYeah. I want to start it on OpenSea. But then eventually, it will move to ICONN, once the platform is built out to hold that type of a situation.\nYeah. Perfect. And this is something I ask every person on the podcast, but if there was one thing that you want the listeners or the viewers of this podcast to do, a site to visit, a place to go, something to do, what would you like them to do?\nGo to iconn.live baby. Two Ns, ICONN, two Ns, .live. Create you a page, follow me Ja Rule on ICONN and it's a magnificent platform. We just started, we are growing right now. We got about 5000 users, early adoption is key. Get in there now and like you said, get them early algorithms and get your followers up early quick. And then, we're going to blast off really\u2026 It's about to blast off heavy. We got some really cool shit coming down the pipe. So get in now before it's too late.\nAnd for the listeners and the viewers out there, you can see that Ja is taking some big steps right now from music to NFTs to the app. So start now. You heard the thing before, if you start early on, you get an unfair advantage, so start now.\nYeah. And check out Flipkick, man and get some of those original live, physical NFTs.\nYeah, for sure. Ja, thank you so much for coming on the podcast. It's so good to speak about your journey, your thinking.\nThanks for having me, man. For sure.\nThe mindset and all the things that you're doing to help the music industry, because it's a complex space these days, right? It's not just creating music and letting it go. Thank you so much for coming on the podcast and sharing your journey today.\nNo doubt, man.\nTalk soon, baby.\nThanks, man.\nYeah. Peace. Thanks for listening to the growth manifesto podcast. If you enjoyed the episode, please give us a five star rating on iTunes. For more episodes, please visit growthmanifesto.com\/podcast. 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All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Showing posts with label Chick-fil-A. Show all posts\nAlienating Publics: Every Message Is Public\nAuthor: Rich | Posted at: 6:00 AM | Filed Under: case study, Chick-fil-A, communication, public relations\nYou would think communicators would get it by now. While it always pays to tailor your message to an intended audience, there are no intended audiences anymore. Everything is subject to global opinion.\nIn 2008, Yahoo! became a public relations class example when it failed to consider that announcing cutbacks might have unintended consequences. The layoffs were announced to shareholders first, with smiles to suggest that the company was turning a corner. The lack of empathy impacted employees.\nFlash forward four years and communicators have come full circle. President Obama is still trying to correct the misstep with his infamous \"you didn't build that\" speech. Presidential candidate Mitt Romney had a similar experience during the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. And CEO Dan Cathy did it when he was explaining his stance on same-sex marriage while speaking to Baptist Press.\nCommunication is never isolated to a single audience.\nIt is the easiest lesson to take away from the Chick-fil-A controversy. In considering his audience, sharing what he believed to be similar values with those who would read the Baptist Press made sense. Chick-fil-A wants to convey itself as a family-friendly restaurant chain.\nWhere it doesn't make sense is within the purview of a global audience. Words, even if there is no evidence of action, have consequences. But this isn't a just lesson for Cathy. It is a lesson for Chicago Alderman Joe Moreno too.\nMoreno has been attempting to brush off his announcement that he will block Chick-fil-A's effort to build a second Chicago store. He has since backed down, simply saying he wanted to review their anti-discrimanation policy. At least his message is better than Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who has resorted to saying that he doesn't want to say any more and inflame the situation he already inflamed.\nThe aforementioned stories also have the best possible quote from Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania. She said to Emanuel: \"You're alienating conservatives in your city. It's difficult to alienate that many people in one lump. To do it concisely and memorably is a major accomplishment.\"\nTo alienate people concisely and memorably is a major accomplishment.\nNo matter who you feel it fits best, it's the most concise and memorable lesson anywhere. The art of communication is hard not because people are afraid to be straight, but because they have to communicate their mission, vision, and values in such a way that it is honest without being hurtful.\nPretense: \"Honey, do I look good in this dress?\"\nPick one: 1) \"The other one has always been my favorite.\" 2) \"It makes you look fatter.\"\nWhile some people are remiss that I haven't come out swinging with a stance on this issue, we can learn more by appreciating the finer art of communication. Think before you speak. And if you don't, take a moment to think about who you might have hurt with that last comment. You don't need fists to be a bully.\nIt's a lesson that Chick-fil-A has taken to heart. Consider the statement about the \"Kiss\" Day protest.\n\"At Chick-fil-A, we appreciate all of our customers and are glad to serve them at any time. Our goal is simple: to provide great food, genuine hospitality and to have a positive influence on all who come into contact with Chick-fil-A. \u2014 Steve Robinson, executive vice president, marketing, Chick-fil-A, Inc. in response to \"Kiss\" Day.\nBeing Empathetic: Objectivity In Communication\nAuthor: Rich | Posted at: 6:00 AM | Filed Under: case study, Chick-fil-A, Politics, public relations, publicity\nOne of the most difficult lessons in public relations and communication is one that journalists used to take pride in having mastered. The lesson revolves around objectivity. It's not even what you think.\nTo me, the formalization of objective journalism was the cornerstone of establishing journalism as a legitimate profession. Prior to the hard work of Walter Lippmann to emphasize a journalist's role as an objective mediator or translator, journalism often had more similarity to propaganda than news.\nSince then, objective journalism has taken its fair share of hits. Some people doubt the ability of human beings to be objective when faced with issues that run contrary to their personal views. Others view being objective as somehow less than human, merely applying intellect over emotion.\nIn some cases, journalists have at times proven this to be true, positioning themselves as the ultimate observers, unwilling to interfere with the world around them, even in the face of atrocity. In other cases, journalists have proven themselves to have hidden agendas despite an air of being objective. But \\elevating such examples of human frailty does not constitute evidence that people cannot continue to strive for something better. And I believe we can do better. As communicators, we have to.\nIn fact, even as journalists have become more lax in being objective, public relations professionals and communicators are regularly called upon to apply it, given that their role requires they represent both organizational and public interest. And because this is the role, it makes the Chick-fil-A controversy one of the most important of our times as it underscores that there is not always one public to serve.\nThe issue we face is bigger than Chick-fil-A and it's not one issue.\nAs a living case study, which means I intend to explore several topics directly related to and indirectly related to Chick-fil-A, I was largely undecided on which topic I wanted to tackle next. In fact, it wasn't until Saturday, after reading the comment left by a former student, that I made the decision. In order to consider the nuances of this case study, I have to write about the elephant in the room first.\nThe elephant isn't same-sex marriage. The elephant is our eroding ability to tackle tough issues as a nation with objectivity, empathy, and compassion. The fact that there is controversy over same-sex marriage is merely a symptom. There are dozens of issues that mirror this one, with the public being tricked into picking sides under the pretense that \"unless you are with us, you are against us.\"\nApplying objectivity and empathy to an emotionally charged topic.\nAn objective view might be that the definition of marriage is not a political or state issue. It is a religious issue, with different religions observing different definitions. In other words, it may not be up to the state to define marriage or force its definition into practice as much as it is to recognize the varied definitions of a secular union (or civil union when no other secular observances apply).\nHowever, considering history as a guide in the United States, the objective view might be wrong. Reynolds v. United States is the closest we came to defining marriage with a unanimous 1878 Supreme Court decision based on the long-standing principle that \"laws are made for the government of action, and while they cannot interfere with mere religious believe and opinions, they may with practices.\"\nOr, maybe this Supreme Court decision was wrong too. I don't know. But therein lies the conundrum of any state being given jurisdiction over personal liberties. That said, same-sex marriage does not have an easy answer. It is a question that is bigger than itself.\nSome of the smaller issues are pretty obvious.\n\u2022 While it is apparently clear that it would have been prudent for CEO Dan Cathy to avoid the debate, he is free to hold the belief that marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman, provided he does not discriminate against those who do not share this view, given the 6-3 Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas in 2003, which reversed the 1986 Supreme Court decision in Bowers v. Hardwick.\n\u2022 LGBT supporters are within their right to lobby for same-sex marriage, but it would probably serve some organizers to demonstrate empathy and realize that the motivation to define same-sex marriage is not always born out of fear or intolerance.\n\u2022 Any elected officials who threatened or acted to bar Chick-fil-A based on Cathy's beliefs are wrong and only demonstrate an ineptitude for leadership and equally ignorant understanding of the U.S. Constitution. Their actions demonstrate a willfulness to exploit, incite, and limit free expression.\n\u2022 Anyone who used Cathy's views to attack Christianity only showed their proclivity for ignorance and intolerance. Incidentally, Saint Augustine also saw a conflict with the definition of marriage in the Old Testament, but suggested the better example of a divine plan was plainly shown with the first union.\nPeople sometimes make the mistake of believing that an unwillingness to promote an idea is the same thing as intolerance. Empathy doesn't require agreement or enthusiasm as much as understanding and acceptance. For public relations professionals and communicators, it starts with adhering to a code of ethics, which allows for the principles of free speech and calls for a sensitivity to cultural values.\nErgo, in this case, different people have different ideas, but the role of the communicator is best served by engaging in fair and balanced communication activities that foster and encourage mutual understanding. I'm not sure about you, but I have seen very little effort in this regard. And that's what I want to tackle.\nLikewise, I called it a public relations nightmare (and not a publicity coup) because a short-term revenue spike is not the only measure of a successful communication plan. I think that will become more apparent as we work through Chick-fil-A as a living case study. As for me personally? Like the artwork (above) of my friend Ike Pigott communicates, I'd rather we all just get along.\nBecoming Political Punch: Chick-Fil-A\nAuthor: Rich | Posted at: 6:00 AM | Filed Under: case study, Chick-fil-A, crisis communication, public relations\nSeveral years ago, I was working as a strategic communication consultant for a pool builder and part of my job was to mediate mock media sessions. We had just finished a core message system and part of the consultation included helping them employ it.\nMock media sessions are sometimes purposefully designed to make people feel uncomfortable and elicit accidental or intentional reactions. The regional vice president being interviewed was doing surprisingly well, until I asked him a series of loaded questions, consisting of the softball set-up and rapid-fire take downs.\n\"What percentage of your employees are minorities?\"\n\"The majority,\" he said.\n\"Yes, and what percentage are in upper management positions?\"\nThe color quickly washed out of his face. He knew as well as I did that there was no easy answer. He could tell the truth, opening up a discussion about discrimination. He could lie and say he didn't know, painting himself as incompetent.\n\"Now, let's talk about how many of those minorities are African-Americans, specifically,\" I added, already knowing the answer. If I were a real reporter at the time, I could have done anything.\nDan Cathy was trapped into a public relations maelstrom of his own making.\nWhen Dan Cathy, president and chief operating officer of Chick-fil-A, gave a speech at the University of Mobile, he set himself up to be duped after the event. Cathy, who was likely talking about dress codes and personal appearance at Chick-fil-A when he said \"If a man's got an earring in his ear and applies to work at one of my restaurants, we won't even talk to him.\"\nHe might have used mohawks or face tattoos or devil horn implants or any number of lifestyle choices that don't always mesh with other lifestyle choices as an example, but he didn't. He asked the softball set-up question I might have asked in a mock media session, giving someone else the opportunity to hammer with a hardball follow up.\nWould you hire gay people at your restaurant?\n\"It depends on the circumstances,\" he said. But he didn't convincingly explain that he meant circumstances based on appearance, history, and reputation (as the chain uses to hire heterosexual applicants).\nOnly July 16, he went further by continuing this conversation direction with the Baptist Press, saying his goal was to operate the chain \"on Biblical principles.\" On its own, it would have been fine, but the foundation of a different context was already established.\nIn fact, just to make sure it was understood what he meant, Cathy said that the company had taken a position against same-sex marriage. And that's how it goes. Executives without enough media training will dig their own holes if you let them.\nI understand how and why it happens, but let's point out the obvious. Companies don't need to take a position on gay marriage. Even companies that have a Christian heritage don't need to pick a side. Companies are expected to be true to their mission statements.\n\"Be America's Best Quick-Service Restaurant.\" \u2014 Chick-fil-A mission statement\nColor me crazy, but I don't see how taking a position against same-sex marriage makes chicken better. Naturally, the only answer is one the company is attempting to elevate now: \"The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect \u2014 regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation, or gender.\nUnfortunately, it's too little too late. The debate has shifted. And while there are many ways to dissect the Chick-fil-A public relations nightmare, the most important observations have little to do with public relations and everything to do with a nation struggling to find its direction on a wildly politicized issue.\nIt's loaded with fear. It's loaded with emotion. It's best to stay far, far away from picking sides. Not many people can do it as successfully as Bill Marriott, especially because it's much harder today.\nThe tenets of separating personal\/professional views are crumbling.\nFrom a strategic communication viewpoint, the communication mistake became a crisis as soon as some people decided there was something to win. You can say the same about any crisis today. When education surrenders to exploitation, the argument descends into diatribe. Everybody will lose.\nThe challenge for public relations professionals temporarily, if not permanently, is to manage the mixed messages they receive as it relates to the personal\/professional rub up. While modern tenets are preaching there is plenty to gain by infusing your personal views into your professional life, few pros have the training or tools to do it right. Even if they do, someone might exploit their position.\nChick-fil-A is a complex issue that warrants exploration as a living case study, with a little less politics and a lot more patience. At the moment, the public relations maelstrom is best described as out of control and the company is probably making a mistake to think it will go away. It might, but maybe not.\nThe real tragedy here is that it might have gone away, but some people on both sides of the argument want to to exploit this as a communication mistake and make it a symbol. Their actions (both sides) have consequences, even if neither side will have to suffer for it. Instead, those who suffer will be franchise owners and employees who want make a living and the customers who go there to eat chicken.\nMuch like I later advised the pool builder, companies have to avoid loaded questions and stick to the facts. The pool builder always promoted people based on experience and performance, without consideration of anything else. They hired the people the same way.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Matthew Liedke on Film\nJanuary 2014 Mini Reviews\nDevil's Due \u2013 0.5 out of 5\nProbably the laziest and an early candidate for worst movie of 2014. Every bit of so called horror this movie tries to shove in your face has been seen before in the \"Paranormal Activity\" series. On top of that, the plot just stumbles along without ever really having a structure making for a confusing story that in the end never really goes anywhere. On top of that, the performances were terrible.\nLabor Day \u2013 2 out of 5\nA movie that felt like a rather hollow shell, \"Labor Day\" just never had much emotion going on in it. Everyone just has stern looks the entire run time and it results in never feeling the true feelings that are suppose to be delivered. The movie shows Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin's characters falling in love but doesn't show really why or how besides Brolin just being there.\nOn top of that, the story includes the young character Henry developing a father son relationship with Brolin's character. The problem is it's only material ways that the two bond. Brolin's character Frank shows Henry how to fix a car, he shows him how to throw a baseball, but he never really teaches him life lessons.\nThe film never pushes the emotions it should and it fails as both a romance and a coming of age film.\nThat Awkward Moment \u2013 3 out of 5\nThe film came off as a basic rom-com, except this time it was told through the vantage point of a guy rather than a girl. The movie falls into a lot of familiar tropes that keep it from being anything really special, however, the movie does have a couple of really funny moments.\nPlus, the three lead actors, Michael B. Jordon, Zac Efron and Miles Teller all have a very believable friendship and the rest of the relationships feel real, which helps the viewing experience.\nGimme Shelter \u2013 1 out of 5\nThe biggest problem with Gimme Shelter is how the story moves along. In each of the film's three acts, it seems like it is trying to be a different movie. Instead of having a beginning middle and end, the film instead just keeps opening up new subplots and introducing characters way too late to have any real impact\nVanessa Hudgens really does put effort into the movie and the acting is alright, but for the most part it's nothing memorable.\nTo make matters worse, the film seemed to be more focused on an agenda and getting a point across, which is probably why the story structure suffered.\nThe Monuments Men \u2013 2 out of 5\nFor such an interesting concept, this movie for the most part felt really boring.\nThe reason for this is the pacing, as the movie takes forever to really allow the plot to thicken. And by forever, I mean over an hour.\nIt must have been nearly 70 minutes, or more, before the Monuments Men make their first big discovery. Before that the movie just plods along.\nWhat's worse is that the movie splits up the crew, so there isn't as much time for everyone to interact and get to know each other, which doesn't allow a sense of camaraderie to be built.\nThe humor didn't work for most of the film either, it just fell flat for the most part and made it more difficult to take seriously.\nThe acting was OK in the movie, but for a good portion of the movie it just felt like watching actors on stage instead of characters.\nThe Lego Movie \u2013 3 out of 5\nThere is a lot to enjoy about \"The LEGO Movie,\" it has really great, vibrant and most of all creative animation and design work, an expansive voice cast that does a good job and a really nice message to tie everything together at the end.\nThe problem is that the first 80 percent of the movie has a rather familiar plot and the jokes didn't work for me at all times. The main character was also a bit too clueless at times.\nThe part that's probably going to divide audiences a bit is the twist near the end of the film. It's not a bad twist, in that it does help with the message of the film, but it's not done very seamlessly.\nAuthor: Matthew Liedke\nJournalist and film critic in Minnesota. Graduate of Rainy River College and Minnesota State University in Moorhead. Outside of movies I also enjoy sports, craft beers and the occasional video game.\tView all posts by Matthew Liedke\nAuthor Matthew LiedkePosted on January 31, 2014 August 17, 2018 Categories 2014, ReviewsTags cinema, film, Mini Reviews, movies\nPrevious Previous post: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit review\nNext Next post: February 2014 Mini Reviews\nFollow Matthew Liedke on Film on WordPress.com\nMonday Movie Report\nTwitter and Instagram\nLarge Association of Movie Blogs Member\nMinnesota Film critics alliance member\nMatthew Liedke on Film Blog at WordPress.com.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Found 2 blog entries for July 2018.\nAcclaimed Northrop Realty and National Leader, Zip Your Flyer Partner to Expand Agent Offerings\nThursday, July 26th, 2018 at 3:26pm.\nNational real estate E-Flyer industry leader Zip Your Flyer announces partnership with acclaimed Northrop Realty, A Long & Foster Company.\nFounded by CEO Creig Northrop, a 2018 Inman Innovator Award Finalist, Northrop Realty is a full-service brokerage with 6 locations in Maryland and the DC metro area with continued plans to expand their footprint along with their network of full-time real estate agents and support staff. Northrop Realty offers their community and agents a scope of services that goes above and beyond a typical brokerage.\nZip Your Flyer was created in 2005 as the founder of the real estate agent-to-agent E-Flyer Industry and still operates as a family business located outside of Seattle, WA. Zip Your Flyer continues to innovate and\nKapowza Wins Emmy for Northrop Realty Commercial\nBaltimore's Kapowza announced that it won an Emmy in the category of Commercial, Single Spot for the \"Blue Box\" television commercial at the 60th Annual National Capital Chesapeake Bay Emmy Awards, part of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. The commercial, developed for Northrop Realty, a Long & Foster Company, debuted in the late summer of 2017 along with a second spot, \"Club Bed,\" and was seen on air in the Capital Region during Washington Capitals' Stanley Cup playoffs.\n\"Both commercials are remarkably simple but carry the power to connect with audiences and express how we at Northrop Realty can help our customers find a solution to their real estate needs,\" President and CEO Creig Northrop said. \"We represent homebuyers and","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"More from us How Citizens Advice works Our media centre Press releases Sick pay advice searches soar as Citizens Advice warns Budget must address growing concerns about coronavirus\nSick pay advice searches soar as Citizens Advice warns Budget must address growing concerns about coronavirus\nIn response to the coronavirus outbreak, Citizens Advice is urging the Chancellor to shore up protections for millions of workers in Wednesday's budget, including making immediate changes to Universal Credit.\nThe charity saw three times as many visits to its sick pay advice pages last week compared to the same time last year. It is warning that the current system for sick pay is inadequate to deal with the potential scale of the coronavirus outbreak, and could push many into financial hardship.\nThose affected include five million self-employed workers and at least 1.5 million in low-income jobs that fall below the earnings limit to qualify for statutory sick pay (SSP).\nCitizens Advice also has growing concerns that the benefits system is ill-equipped to respond quickly to those seeking financial support if they fall unwell or need to self-isolate.\nCitizens Advice has written to the Chancellor today and urged him to take the following steps in the Budget:\nEnsure SSP gives people enough to live on and follow through on the government's proposal to set the level at 80% of statutory sick pay if they are below the current limit to qualify\nShorten the five-week wait for the first payment of Universal Credit and consider waiving national insurance requirements for self-employed people to receive contributory Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)\nDame Gillian Guy, Chief Executive of Citizens Advice, said:\n\"The growing outbreak is an unprecedented backdrop for this Budget. Coronavirus won't discriminate between those eligible for sick pay and people who simply cannot afford to fall unwell.\n\"We know this is something front of mind for millions of people who could face the impossible choice of working while ill or ignoring guidance to self-isolate.\n\"The Chancellor must set out plans to broaden the pool of people eligible for statutory sick pay and ensure that the benefits system can respond flexibly to those who need it. Otherwise millions could fall through the gaps.\"\nCitizens Advice includes the national charity; the network of independent local Citizens Advice charities across England and Wales; the Citizens Advice consumer service; and the Witness Service.\nCitizens Advice is the statutory consumer advocate for energy and post. We provide supplier performance information to consumers and policy analysis to decision makers.\nThe Citizens Advice Witness Service provides free, independent support for prosecution and defence witnesses in every criminal court in England and Wales.\nCitizens Advice offers Pension Wise services at 500 locations in England and Wales.\nCitizens Advice's services are free, independent, confidential and impartial, and available to all regardless of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, age or nationality.\nTo get advice online or find your local Citizens Advice, visit citizensadvice.org.uk\nFor consumer advice, call the Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06 or 03454 04 05 05 to talk in Welsh.\nWe helped 2.6 million people face to face, by phone, email and webchat in 2017-18. For service statistics see our monthly publication Advice trends.\nCitizens Advice staff are supported by over 23,000 trained volunteers, working at over 2,500 locations in England and Wales.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Home \/ Feature \/ WEB EXCLUSIVE: Polyphonic Spree bassist\u2026\nAndrew Low talks to Placid Audio's Mark Pirro about how the Copperphone mic is making waves with top engineers and producers and closing down airports \u2026\nWEB EXCLUSIVE: Polyphonic Spree bassist\u2026\ndt-admin 13th July 2011\tFeature 112 Views\nWhen The Polyphonic Spree's percussionist, Brian Teasley, got off a flight from Dallas Fort Worth Airport in August of 2004 he was tired from a long tour and flight. Making a diversion to the nearest Taco Bell, he quite possibly contemplated the difficult balance between pursuing his dreams of being a touring musician and maintaining a normal home life. Turning the corner onto his road, several police and FBI cars were sitting in front of his house and Teasley was arrested on site. The crime: carrying a Placid Audio Copperphone mic.\nThe tubular, copper coloured microphone (pictured above) that Teasely carried in his luggage was mistaken as a pipe bomb by airport security, who shut down the airport while they inspected the object. Teasley was released without charge, but decided to let Spree bassist and Copperphone inventor Mark Pirro carry the microphone on tour from that day on.\nIn fact, several renowned musician and producers \u2013 from Dave Fridmann to Jack White and Green Day \u2013 can be counted as Copperphone carriers. The cardioid, dynamic microphone was designed to replicate an AM radio sound in the studio and on stage. And with a frequency response of 200Hz \u2013 3kHz, Pirro explains that the crappy-on-purpose sound is exactly what he was aiming for: \"Most mics are designed to reproduce a high fidelity response, but I have gone the other way and tried to reproduce sounds that are crappy and low-fi and make them tasteful and useful.\n\"The components of the Copperphone purposely limit the frequency response. This is partially due to the fact that it is housed in a copper tube, but the length and size of the tube helps as well because of what happens inside the diaphragm. It is like a speaker enclosure; if you pull your speakers out of a cabinet they are going to sound a certain way, but when you put them in a cabinet the air space behind helps accentuate a certain frequency response. I experimented with different lengths of tube and it seemed that six inches was what seemed to work the best to balance the cost and the desired effect.\"\nThe original concept for the Copperphone was conceived in the early days of The Polyphonic Spree as a replacement for outboard processing gear. \"Our singer [Tim DeLaughter] really liked the AM radio vocal effect but it was always a pain to use the processor live because the sound guy never new when to turn it on,\" he says. \"I thought it would be easier if we had a mic that created the same effect. I started experimenting with different components and the first version was made out of PVC and held together by tape. I wanted to make something that was durable and attractive, so I went to the hardware store and found some copper pipe, bought a drill press, machined the first one and gave it to DeLaughter. He loved it and a lot of musicians and engineers started asking about it. I realised there was a demand for this, so I started to make a limited number of them because the band at the time was really busy. But because we were touring all over the world I had several opportunities to show people the mic; this is how people like Jack White found out about it. The demand just snowballed from there.\"\nStarted as a garage operation at his parent's house, Pirro has since stepped up production, set up a studio and hired staff to help fill orders. \"I have been making microphones for almost 10 years now but have remained a bit under the radar because I cannot devote 100 per cent of my time to making the mics. This has been a good thing in a way because it gives people the sense that they are getting something unique and special. However, I have been working with some independent dealers and I am open to getting involved with more,\" he says.\nPlacid also offers the Harmonica Mini and a prototype of the Carbonphone. Pirro explains: \"I had a harmonica player that loved the sound of the Copperphone but it was too big and bulky to hold in his hand so he asked that I make him a smaller one. It doesn't have the tune-ported chamber and it uses a different diaphragm, so it is a little brighter and rejects feedback a bit better than the Copperphone. I figured that if I put a ring mount on it you could use it in the studio or live as a handheld harmonica mic. I get a lot of guys that want to use it because of its aesthetic.\"\nPirro has begun production on the high output Carbonphone, but as of yet it is only available as a special order. \"The Carbonphone uses a carbon element that I sourced from a company that provides components for tank intercoms and air traffic controller headsets,\" he says. \"It has a limited bandwidth, but it is a lot more distorted than an intercom. It is really geared towards human speech, but I have used them on snares, kick drums and bass cabs. I am hoping to release it officially soon.\"\nThe Copperphone has been found to be equally at use in the studio as it has on stage for live gigs. As such, Green Day's engineer bought a Copperphone to reproduce a ham radio guitar sound on tour. \"They needed something that wasn't sensitive to percussion blasts because they have a lot of pyrotechnics in their show and everything else they were using was too sensitive. I think it sounds a little harsh for guitars, but I am working on another microphone that is more of a dynamic mic that will still have a unique frequency response. I am working on some other ideas but the production of the Copperphone is keeping me pretty busy.\"\nAlthough the band has been inactive for the past few years, Pirro assures that The Polyphonic Spree is still playing and creating music. He has also joined the Texas psychedelic rock band Menkena. In the meantime, Pirro is hard at work making affordable mics. \"I wanted my mics to be accessible to the average person with a laptop and an MBox, but over the years the cost of materials has gone up and shipping and transport costs have risen,\" he says. \"Even something like a five-cent bolt is now 10 cents, but I have refrained from raising the price to keep it as affordable as possible.\n\"I have had some criticism from people who say they wouldn't pay that much for that sound, and there are other methods to get the sound, but people who have used other methods and compared the sound to the Copperphone have told me that they prefer it. It is something very different that you can't replicate any other way.\"\nTags andrew-lowintentmedia-co-uk Live Sound Studio\nPrevious LisnMusic expands to cover all music genres\nNext SD10 package offers compact touring kit\nMeyer Sound elevates the festival experience at Roskilde 2019\nRG Jones deploys Martin Audio PA's across seven stages at Glastonbury\n'Immense' Funktion-One Vero VX delivers at Gottwood Festival","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"To preserve Wolf Creek, speak up now\nHealth Travel Dear Abby Community\nThinking Green\nWednesday, April 1, 2015 8:36 AM\nUpdated: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 10:31 AM\nI want you to envision a day with me; it's the day that bulldozers begin ripping apart Wolf Creek Pass to build Texas billionaire Red McCombs' version of Vail South.\nLast week, that possible dark day moved closer to reality, leaving only one question on the table: What are you willing to do to stop it?\nThis column has been hammering on an unfortunately repetitive theme: government agencies' penchant for pleasing the moneyed and powerful, public interest be damned. Nowhere is this theme more clearly written than the top of our beloved Wolf Creek Pass.\nJust days ago, the Forest Service's regional office effectively signed off on the Rio Grande National Forest's approval of a land swap that is the lynchpin in Red McCombs' development dream. This land swap is eerily similar to a proposed swap in the 1980s that was denied by the Forest Service, then inexplicably approved, then scrapped after a successful lawsuit by citizens' groups demonstrated the approval violated the law.\nFor some reason, this bad idea is again back in the good graces of the public interest, or so says a pliant and capricious Forest Service.\nLet's review that public interest here for a moment.\nOn one side of the issue, we have people who live, work and recreate in the region. The overwhelming majority of these folks like Wolf Creek Pass as is. We go there to ski or snowboard at a resort that is emphatically not Aspen or Vail. We go there in search of backcountry turns and to hike, fish, snowmobile and hunt. We go there because it's big and wild and offers something that is special, even sacred.\nOn the other side of this plan is an out-of-state and out-of-touch developer \u2013 one dude \u2013 who wants to make some money building another resort.\nIf the Forest Service can read, it understands this dynamic. They've recorded it time and again during public comment periods. Does this knowledge inform their feckless leadership? No. Huh. Maybe \"leadership\" is a misnomer.\nWhen public servants self-select paths of least resistance, when they choose to evade the full scope of their authority to avoid making hard decisions, they become something less than leaders. They become cogs in a machine of someone else's design. Anyone know of a good tool for fixing the cogs of a giant and unaccountable machine? When federal agencies fail to protect the public interest, the public will protect it itself.\nHow? The Alliance and friends are headed to court for sure, where we've won on this issue repeatedly in the past. But that's not enough. The definitive fight over the future of Wolf Creek \u2013 and this is that fight \u2013 will be won only through the creativity and strength of our entire community.\nIf you'd like to help with the effort to send Red packing, be in touch. We're going to need the help.\ndanolson@sanjuancitizens.org. Dan Olson is executive director of the San Juan Citizens Alliance.\nRecent Thinking Green\nOur energy supply system is transforming\nWilderness deserves restraint, humility\nNew Mexico moves to protect Chaco Canyon from drilling\nTeachers: PERA owns prison shares","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Sean's Top 10 Video Games of 2013\nSean Lemme\tin Top Ten\t| January 18, 2014\nSean Lemme\nSean is mildly pleased with most things in life, so I guess it's good he made this website.\nSean Lemme in Top Ten\t| January 18, 2014\nLooks like I have the honor of putting the final nail in last year's coffin. Video game historians will probably remember 2013 as a year of the new technology, with a news cycle was dominated by PS4s, Xbox Ones, 2DSs, Ouyas, Steam Machines, Occulous Rifts, and more. For a lot of people, myself included, the PC had become the dominant platform over the last few years, as a tired console generation led to fewer exclusives and PC ports that were straight-up better than the console versions. But the knowledge that this would be the last year people really cared about their PS3s and 360s did let some developers cash in on some awesome ideas while everyone was started focusing their attention on the future. Let me show you some of my favorite games from last year.\nAs far as honorable mentions go, there's a lot that I still haven't played that I'd like to \u2013 these lists would be way easier to do in like early March. So Tearaway, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Forza Motorsport 5, Shadow Warrior, Ni No Kuni, Metro: Last Light, The Wonderful 101, and Fire Emblem Awakening, I'm sorry I either didn't play you or didn't play you nearly enough to really know how I feel. There were also two really terrific series relaunches early last year that I thought were great; DmC and Tomb Raider. Oh, and two sequels caught me off guard with their quality, Dead Rising 3 and Dead Space 3. Those sure sound like video games, don't they?\n10. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds\n2013 was so good to the 3DS that I ended up upgrading to a 3DS XL. Entering 2013, I hadn't bought a 3DS game since 2011 and I hadn't even bothered to update the console so I could get StreetPasses. By the end of the year I had purchased four games that were very close to making this list. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds was maybe the most surprising of the four, since I haven't cared about Zelda for a few games now, especially portable Zelda games. I'm not even one of those people that considers A Link to the Past the greatest game of all time. But A Link Between Worlds is so smartly made I found it hard to put down. By designing all the game's dungeons around one mechanic \u2013 the ability to go 2D \u2013 and giving the player freedom to do them in any order with whatever gear they want, this adventure seem more personal and each puzzle solved all the more rewarding. If you don't have a 3DS yet, what are you doing?\n9. Papers, Please\nPapers, Please puts you in the role of an immigration officer in a fictional communist country tasked with deciding who is allowed into the country. All you have to do is look at forms and decide which stamp to use. But things get more complicated as you're handed down new orders every day about who to let in, are approached by guards who'd like to bribe you and a terrorist group who want your help, and forced to balance the greater good between your personal well-being and your family's safety. It's surprisingly powerful and became nerve-wracking as I went on. I think it's a little too long, but Papers, Please is easily one of the most memorable games from last year for me.\n8. Super Mario 3D World\nI had so much fun playing Super Mario 3D World with my friends that I haven't been able to get in what might be the better platformer of 2013, Rayman: Legends, because I want to save it for them. Games like this are so much more fun in a group, and Nintendo, who has been aware of this since New Super Mario Bros. hit the Wii, finally found a way to make it more about teamwork than competition in Super Mario 3D World. It's a masterfully designed game, and probably fun on your own. But with four people in cat suits? Yes please.\n7. Pok\u00e9mon Y\nI got so sucked into the world of Pok\u00e9mon X & Y that every time I saw its name while working on this list, I thought I should probably boot that game up again. And it's not even all the visual improvements, or gameplay changes that did it for me. It's the improved online integration. On top of building the ultimate team, I wanted to see how far I could get on my Pok\u00e9dex, and that means a lot of trading. This game makes it so easy to arrange trades, which is great. But more importantly, it lets you randomly exchange Pok\u00e9mon with strangers anywhere in the world. It's like gambling! As if this needed to be more addictive! I might need help.\n6. Saints Row IV\nI've heard people say that Saints Row has become the Fast and Furious of game franchises, and that's not far off. Both started as bad gangster stories that improved over time thanks to a willingness to embrace fun and the power of family. Saints Row IV just wants you to have a good time, and it gives you so much power in the pursuit of that goal. You're the boss of the saints, you're the president, you're a super hero. It amps everything up just about as far as it could possibly go. And I love it for it. The game's pretty funny too.\n5. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons\nStarbreeze has a strong record in the world of first person shooters, I remember particularly liking 2012's Syndicate. I didn't expect them to make a game like Brothers. This is a dialogue-free, emotional journey brought to us in part by Swedish director Josef Fares. The idea of a single player coop game is a weird one, but it really pays off. To say any more would be a spoiler, but the game fully takes advantage of its mechanics to drive home the impact of the story. It puts you into the shoes of its characters better than any game I can think of\u2026 And it really makes me wonder what it was like when John and Autumn played through it. Like, who played which brother? I'd love to hear the spoilers of their unique take on the game.\nGTA Online really soured the taste of Grand Theft Auto V for me. The botched rollout, followed by constant issues and the generally disappointing nature of the mode bummed me out, I thought for sure this was something we'd all be playing for the last few months of 2013. But then I went back and watched some of Lamar Davis' best quotes and it all came rushing back. Not only did GTA V tell the best, most scathing story in the series so far, it was also really fun. It's hard to imagine another open world game filling itself with so many fun missions to complete \u2013 I had a blast the entire way through this story. And those heists, my god! More of those please.\n3. Bioshock Infinite\nI've felt guilty all year for really liking Bioshock Infinite. Right after I reviewed the game, I started reading other people's impressions, and a lot of them really hated the combat. And I thought back and remembered that two sections of the game did give me trouble and I really started to doubt myself. But fuck it, the game was a roller coaster ride through an amazing, outlandish world and I had a lot of fun. I enjoyed experimenting with weapon and power combinations and whizzing through the areas on my sky-hook. And I surely don't have any problems with the crazy ending, I'd rather be intrigued by something out of left field than disappointed by another crappy boss fight. That's right, I'm calling out Bioshock the first.\n2. Gone Home\nHere's a game built around one mechanic that anyone who played Bioshock Infinite will recognize: storytelling through found objects. You play as Kaity, who returns from a year abroad to her family's new Oregon home. It appears that no one's in the house, so it's up to you to look around and find out what exactly is going on. It's an exciting game that tells a story unlike any I have seen in this medium before. I came into this game so skeptical, so sure that everyone was being hyperbolic about how affecting it would be. But damn it, it made me feel things. Damn the liberal gaming media.\nOh, and if you want something kind of like this, but way funnier and more interested in critiquing game design, check out The Stanley Parable. It's really good.\n1. The Last of Us\nNaughty Dog has been making more and more adult games as they have gone on, and The Last of Us is maybe the most grown-up game I've ever played. Like Brothers, it uses its gameplay to express the story and the nature of its characters. Like Grand Theft Auto V it is impeccably produced and structured. Like Bioshock Infinite, it has so much more to say than just its central story; it has thoughts on the character of humanity, the use of violence, the spirit of survival, the importance of truth and the greater good. Like Gone Home it all hinges on making you feel a deep, personal connection with its characters. And that relationship between Joel and Ellie, and the places it took them, and that ending, will stick with me for a while. There were a ton of great games last year, I think this one might be the best. At least, it's my favorite.\nAnd that's it! Unless John wants to do a video game, which I doubt. So, goodbye 2013, I am tired of writing that number. Now I'm gonna go catch up on Peggle 2, that game is crazy!\nGood list, I hadn't heard of Gone Home but now I really want to try it out. I gotta give props for Brothers, I loved that game. To answer your question, Autumn and I's Brothers experience was very satisfying. I got the feeling that certain challenges were easier with two people and others were much harder with two people, so I still feel like I got a unique experience. I played as the younger brother (I felt he looked more like me) so it was a very sad and lonely by the game's end.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"OFF! \"Over Our Heads\" (Jimmy Hayward, dir.)\nJack Black stars as a deranged skydiving coach who takes the guys on an excursion in honor of Keith Morris's 59th birthday. The trip takes a horrifying, gory turn when the LSD kicks in.\nPart two (\"Meet Your God\") is coming next week...\nBy [email protected][email protected] on December 5, 2014 @ 10:00am PST\nOFF! \"Red White And Black\" (The Admiral, dir.)\nComedians Dave Foley and Brian Posehn do some Nazi Rock that goes over well until a biker gang kicks down the door and knocks some sense into these fascists.\nPS: Eagle-eyed rock fans should be able to spot out all the members of OFF, plus Jesus Lizard frontman David Yow, Melvins drummer Dale Crover, Tool drummer Danny Carey and TSOL singer Jack Grisham amongst the fascists.\nBy Steven Gottlieb on April 15, 2014 @ 11:29am PDT","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Prepared for Spring H. | Delivered January 19, 2021\nState VC Funds\nTo identify venture capital funds sponsored by U.S. states and provide their funding details and contact information.\nIn 2010, the U.S. Government instituted legislation that created 36 venture capital programs run by 30 states. Notable programs include those sponsored by or managed in Florida, Oklahoma, Missouri, New York, Colorado, and Ohio. Funding for state programs comes from the federal government, state tax receipts or public\/private partnerships.\nThe allocation of VC funds to specific states is found on page 10 of the U.S. Treasury's Information and Observations on State Venture Capital Programs report.\nInitial research shows most U.S. states actively manager or administer VC funds, many initiated as a direct result of the US Department of Treasury SSBCI program that began in 2010.\nThe Florida Venture Capital Program \"provides direct investments to increase capital available to small businesses with an emphasis placed on investment opportunities within the State of Florida's targeted industries.\" The program was originally funded with $42 million.\nOklahoma's i2E program began through the state's Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST) initiative and has invested over $61 million in 740 Oklahoma companies.\nThe Missouri Technology Corporation provides VC funding for new and emerging high-tech startups through private public partnerships. The contact for its seed program is Amy Steinman, amy.steinman@ded.mo.gov.\nEmpire State Development, originally created by New York state in 1941, provides early-stage support for new ventures through its $100 million New York Ventures Direct Fund. Pravina Raghavan is listed as the executive vice president, NYSInnovationVCFund@esd.ny.gov.\nThe Greater Colorado Venture Fund \"invests in early-stage startups headquartered in Colorado outside of the front range. The fund's mission is to inspire innovation in places formerly overlooked by venture funds. The fund started with $15 million. Investments range from $100,000 to $300,000 per company.\" Sonya Guram is the program manager and can be reached at (303) 892-3804.\nThe Ohio Capital Fund \"has obtained $150 million of commitments from private resources for investment in qualified venture capital funds.\"\nIndiana provides state tax credits to VC funds that invest in eligible Indiana based companies through its Venture Capital Investment Tax Credit program. The program has a $12.5 million cap.\nBusiness & Finance Specialist\n5525 assignments | 5.0","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Church and Religious History (1)\nColonialism and Imperialism (1)\nHistory of Central America (1)\nIndigenous History (1)\nCultural History x\nHistory of Central America x\n1492\u20131824 x\nChurch and Religious History x\nContextualizing the Popol Wuj from Friar Xim\u00e9nez to the Digital Age\nN\u00e9stor Quiroa\nRegarded as an ethnohistorical treasure, the Popol Wuj narrative has been read exclusively as a freestanding, self-contained text used to inquire into a history far removed from when it was actually created. Consequently, the colonial context of the text itself has been minimized, including the central role of Dominican friar Francisco Xim\u00e9nez as transcriber and translator of the only copy in existence. The present study delineates a historical trajectory of the Popol Wuj, reframing the narrative within its colonial ecclesiastic context. It explores the physical structure of Friar Xim\u00e9nez's 18th-century manuscript, preserved as MS 1515 by the Newberry Library in Chicago, to demonstrate that his work was first and foremost a series of religious treatises intended to carry out the conversion of the K'iche' to Christianity. As a cautionary word, rather than revisiting the old, biased approach of questioning the authenticity and authorship of this Popol Wuj narrative, the current study suggests a broader reading, addressing the complexities intrinsic in this text, particularly the fact that the narrative was the result of the cultural contact between mendicant friars, whose main objective was to evangelize, and indigenous groups, who strived to maintain their cultural continuity by recording their oral history in the face of such a threat. Finally, this study invites scholars to ponder on the implications that the present structure of Xim\u00e9nez's manuscript (MS 1515) presents for future Popol Wuj studies as the narrative enters the age of electronic information and digital imaging.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Will Pulau Besar Become The Next Pulau Langkawi?\nThe state government plans to turn the island into a tourist spot and free trade zone.\nBy: Jessica Chua\nImage: The Star\nMost of us have heard of Pulau Besar but not many have actually been there.\nIn case you're not familiar, Pulau Besar is a 'big' island in Melaka, located approximately 15km off the city. You can get to the island by ferry or speed boat.\nThere is a saying that the shape of the island resembles a pregnant woman lying on her back. That is just one of the many legends associated with Pulau Besar.\nAlthough legends and myths give more identity to the island, the state government have plans to get rid of the superstitious and sacred activities that take place there by turning Pulau Besar into a tourist destination and free trade zone.\nIn fact, Chief Minister Adly Zahari said that the island has potential to be developed into a tourist spot like Pulau Langkawi, as reported by The Star.\nPulau Besar could also become a production centre for local produce like cocoa, which could generate economic activities and create more jobs for the locals.\nPreviously, the state government had attempted to stop superstitious and sacred activities on the island. But the efforts failed most likely because the place was neglected, isolated and not developed, causing different groups of people to take advantage of the area.\n\"With the implementation of planned and comprehensive development, some superstitious activities on the island can be eliminated, thus cleaning up the area,\" Adly said.\nDevelopment plans on Pulau Besar would require several steps, including the application for a tax-free zone for several other products besides liquor and the land ownership on the island involving several individuals.\nAccording to Adly, the development must be carried out immediately because the state government and Tenaga Nasional Berhad has already invested RM30mil to supply electricity on the island. These investments have not gained anything in return because there was no economic activity.\nSome old graves that have been turned into sacred and superstitious sites on Pulau Besar will be retained as a historical site, including several other sites.\nSo, are you ready for Pulau Langkawi 2.0? Melaka peeps, what do you think about developing Pulau Besar?\nTerengganu Is Giving Away Free Land For You To Build Your Own Home\nMurky Waters Turned Green Along Gurney Drive\nJohor Is Planning To Build Their Own Version Of Melbourne's Famous Victoria Market\nMalaysian-Born Australian Bestowed With Award From Queen Elizabeth\nKing Of Wheels: Azizulhasni Awang Is Now The #1 Keirin Cyclist In The World!\nPerhilitan Asks Malaysians To Name A New Baby Tapir And Of Course, We Go Crazy!\nOops! FB Accidentally Translates Chinese President Xi Jinping's Name Into 'Mr Sh*thole'","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"The Blind Assassin\nAuthor: Margaret Atwood\nASIN: B0012D1CYW\nWinner of the Booker Prize. From the publisher: \"Margaret Atwood weaves together strands of gothic suspense, romance, and science fiction into one utterly spellbinding narrative. The novel begins with the mysterious death\u2014a possible suicide\u2014of a young woman named Laura Chase in 1945. Decades later, Laura's sister Iris recounts her memories of their childhood, and of the dramatic deaths that have punctuated their wealthy, eccentric family's history. Intertwined with Iris's account are chapters from the scandalous novel that made Laura famous, in which two illicit lovers amuse each other by spinning a tale of a blind killer on a distant planet. These richly layered stories-within-stories gradually illuminate the secrets that have long haunted the Chase family, coming together in a brilliant and astonishing final twist.\"\nFor the past 25 years, Margaret Atwood has written works of striking originality and imagination. In The Blind Assassin, she stretches the limits of her accomplishment as never before, creating a novel that is both entertaining and profoundly serious.\nThe novel opens with these simple resonant words: \"Ten days after the war ended, my sister Laura drove a car off a bridge.\" They are spoken by Iris, whose terse account of her sister's death in 1945 is followed by an inquest report proclaiming the death accidental. But just as you expect to settle into Laura's story, Atwood introduces a novel-within-a-novel. Entitled The Blind Assassin, it is a science fiction story told by two unnamed lovers who meet in dingy backstreet rooms. When you return to Iris, it is through a 1947 newspaper article announcing the discovery of a sailboat carrying the dead body of her husband, a distinguished industrialist.\nTold in a style that magnificently captures the colloquialisms of the 1930s and 1940s, The Blind Assassin is a richly layered and uniquely rewarding experience. The novel has many threads and a series of events that follow one another at a breathtaking pace. As everything comes together, you will discover that the story Atwood is telling is not only what it seems to be \u2013 but is, in fact, much more.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Home \u00bb Current Illegal Substance Use Among Adults 50-64, 2013\nCurrent Illegal Substance Use Among Adults 50-64, 2013\n\"\u2022 Among adults aged 50 to 64, the rate of current illicit drug use increased from 2.7 percent in 2002 to 6.0 percent in 2013. For adults aged 50 to 54, the rate increased from 3.4 percent in 2002 to 7.9 percent in 2013 (Figure 2.10). Among those aged 55 to 59, the rate of current illicit drug use increased from 1.9 percent in 2002 to 5.7 percent in 2013. Among those aged 60 to 64, the rate of current illicit drug use increased from 1.1 percent in 2003 and 2004 to 3.9 percent in 2013.\"\nSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Results from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of National Findings, NSDUH Series H-48, HHS Publication No. (SMA) 14-4863. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014, p. 24.\nhttp:\/\/www.samhsa.gov\/data\/NSD...\nDrug Usage\nAddiction and Dependence\nCapital Punishment for Drug Offenses\nCocaine, Crack, and Coca\nCrime, Arrests & Law Enforcement\nDark Net Drug Markets & Cryptomarkets\nDemand Reduction\nDiversion of Drugs\nDriving and Drugs\nDrug Courts\nDrug Testing (Employment)\nDrug Testing (Schools)\nDrug Testing Overview\nDrug Use Estimates: Prevalence and Trends\nDrugs & the Correctional System\nEcstasy (MDMA)\nEntheogens & Psychedelics\nGateway Hypothesis\nHeroin Assisted Treatment\nInjection Drug Use and HIV\nInjection Drug Use, Race, and HIV\nJails\nMandatory Minimums\nMarijuana Policies & Policy Reform\nMental Health Medications (Psychotropics)\nMental Health, Co-Occurring Disorders and Dual Diagnosis\nMushrooms (Psilocybin)\nNetherlands vs US\nNew Psychoactive Substances\nOpioid Overdose Crisis\nOpioid Substitution Treatment\nPregnancy and Substance Use\nPrescription Drug Monitoring Programs\nPrevalence of Substance Use\nPrisons & Race\nPrisons and Drugs\nPrisons and Jails Overview\nPsilocybin (Magic Mushrooms)\nRace & Prisons\nRace and Injection Drug Use\nRecovery and Social Reintegration\nSupervised Consumption Facilities and Overdose Prevention Sites\nSupply Reduction\nSyringe Service and Needle Exchange Programs\nTesting for Alcohol and Other Drugs\nTobacco & Nicotine\nTreatment for Substance Use Disorders\nWomen & The Drug War\nYoung People and Drugs\nRegions Outside the US\nCentral Asia and Eastern Europe\nCopyright \u00a9 2021, Common Sense for Drug Policy","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Local Father Repeats Ketchup Joke, Assured Waitress Will Laugh This Time\n4\/5\/2022 by Caleb Townsend\nFarmville, Va (ManFacts) -- A local father is preparing to repeat a ketchup-related joke to the waitress when she comes back, assured she will laugh this time.\nThe waitress, who initially forgot the ketchup, politely smiled when the father said \"well I guess Heinz-sight is 20\/20,\" but did not respond.\n\"Maybe she didn't hear me,\" the father said. \"I'm going to say it again, I bet she just didn't get it.\"\nWe interviewed the daughter on the scene, who was so embarrassed that she reportedly wanted \"to die.\"\n\"No one wants to hear your lame joke again dad,\" the daughter said. \"Plus it only made sense when she forgot the ketchup. It won't make sense if you say it again with no context.\"\nThe son, who was silently on his phone throughout the ordeal, informed ManFacts that the father is indeed divorced, and theorizes that this is his way of flirting.\n\"He's a little rusty,\" the son said. \"He hasn't been single since The Shining was in theaters. She's not going to laugh at that joke though.\"","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Movers & shakers wanted\nAmerican Politics Faculty\nJobs & Graduate School\nWashington Semester\nThe American Politics minor allows you to examine issues and institutions that shape the U.S. political landscape.\nYou can zero in on courses that interest you most, from environmental policy to mass media and politics. Our Public Affairs course work encourages you to consider responsible citizenship and how you practice it in your own life.\nThrough a number of real-world learning programs, we offer you the chance to experience politics firsthand and meet those who are influencing American politics today.\nOur Public Affairs students have been accepted into top-rank graduate and law schools, often securing fellowships to support their studies. Many currently work in influential positions as lobbyists, lawyers, judges, professors and political advisors.\nWe offer a minor in American Politics.\nBoth sides engage during presidential candidate's visit\nRepublican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio holds a rally on campus, giving students a firsthand view of the political process.\nFrom Internship to Job\nZahava Urecki '16 set her sights on a career in Washington, D.C. as an 11-year-old watching \"The Daily Show with Jon Stewart\" and \"The Colbert Report.\" The shows ignited her excitement about what was going on in the world.\nFast forward to Roanoke College where she interned for U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin and lived and worked in D.C. through the College's Lutheran College Washington Semester Program. Now she wants to write legislative policy.\n\"I saw a lot of the behind-the-scenes people,\" she said of her Washington experience. \"They were at the heart of everything, getting everything done. I really wanted to be a part of that.\"\nAfter graduation, it was an easy transition to a job. Urecki is now a staff assistant working in Manchin's office.\nSample Course Offerings:\nPOLI 202: American Political Behavior\nPOLI 250: Public Policy\nPOLI 311: American Constitutional Law\n\"This past semester, I've participated in a Presidential Inauguration, witnessed the Senate vote for Secretary of State, and rallied at the steps of the Supreme Court in support of a landmark case for gay rights.\"\nEvelyn Clark '15 recounting the highlights of her power-packed Washington Semester.\nWashington Semester intern visits U.S. Supreme Court to honor RBG\nTatiana Cherry-Santos '21 is interning at Fellowship Square as part of the Washington Semester this fall. The news of the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg led her to visit the court with many others to pay tribute to RBG's legacy.\nPublic Affairs Society Encourages Discourse, Critical Thinking\nThe Public Affairs Society at Roanoke College offers students the unique opportunity to encourage public discourse between the various disciplines of the public affairs department.\nLive, Study and Intern in the Nation's Capital | Washington Semester Program\nDuring the Washington Semester Program, students take two academic courses plus an internship. In recent years, Roanoke College students have interned at the White House, the U.S. Supreme Court, the State Department, the Pentagon, the ACLU, the offices of U.S. senators, and more.\nThe Public Affairs Society at Roanoke College offers students the unique opportunity to encourage public discourse between the various disciplines of the public affairs department, such as political science, criminal justice, and international relations. The organization aims to promote awareness, as well as participation, in public issues that affect students in any and every major on campus. It offers students the unique opportunity to encourage and partake in public discourse; something that not every club can offer.\nPolitically driven\nA Capitol Hill internship during the Lutheran College Washington Semester program gave Maggie Anderson '13 a jump in her political career.\nAnderson now is a legislative correspondent for Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., working in the same office as her semester internship. As a Roanoke student, she immersed herself in politics. She volunteered for President Barack Obama's 2012 campaign, and she was president of the Roanoke College Democrats and the Public Affairs Society.\nAt Warner's Washington D.C., office, Anderson, originally from Charlottesville, Va., covers agriculture, the environment, animal welfare and other issues. \"I have a deep passion for public service, especially in Virginia,\" she said.\nPolling Political and Economic Issues | Roanoke's Institute for Policy and Opinion Research\nThe Institute for Policy and Opinion Research (IPOR) conducts regular surveys within the Commonwealth of Virginia. These polls focus on political, economic, and social issues of importance throughout the state. Many of these polls focus on electoral politics, but we also poll on important social issues. IPOR is the only organization measuring consumer sentiment and real estate outlook in Virginia. Those polls are conducted quarterly in November, February, May and August.\nAmerica the beautiful!\n#PoliSciRC","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Mobility Justice\nStreetsblog USA Logo\nExtension(s) Imminent \u2014 a Reflection on Neverending Transpo Gridlock\nBy Ben Goldman\nFor the past six months, I have had the enviable task (seriously) of tracing the path of federal transportation legislation through Congress. And look how far we've come! When I first took the editor's chair in January, transportation funds were drying up, the deadline for a new bill was fast approaching, and none of the news made Congress look good. Today, essentially, nothing has changed, except everything is somehow even worse.\nWith the 47-member conference committee at a standstill, Senator Barbara Boxer will meet with her House counterpart and their respective bosses today to work out a deal. Don't hold your breath.\nThe latest update is that with only 11 calendar days and six legislative days in which to get a bill to the President, the 47 House and Senate negotiators seem as far as ever from reaching a deal. If they can't, then transportation policy will expire, the gas tax will stop being collected, the Highway Trust Fund will run out of money\u2026 Stop me if you've heard this one before.\nIn the past, deadlocked conferees could simply get their bosses to work out a deal, as they will try to do today, but even that seems unlikely according to The Hill:\n\"I think the bill's dead,\" a transportation industry source said to The Hill on Friday. \"I don't think they can fix what they have in front of them. Kicking it up to the leadership probably gives it a chance\u2026but every time they get to the five-yard line, they move the goal posts back.\"\nIn fact, some reports have already emerged that this afternoon's negotiations aren't about producing a bill but about determining the length of the next extension. As Todd Zwillich at Transportation Nation reports:\n\"Zero,\" said Rep. Steve LaTourette (R-OH), when asked about the chances of last-ditch conference negotiations yielding an agreement before next week. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is set to meet with House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) at 4 PM today. Chief negotiators Sen Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.) are also scheduled to be in on the meeting. \"The purpose is to come up with a clean extension\" of six months, LaTourette said in an interview.\nOther members of Congress seem to be putting on slightly braver faces. Ranking House T&I Committee Democrat Nick Rahall still believes there's a 51 percent chance of a bill passing, according to Zwillich, and Minnesota Democrat Tim Walz has introduced a non-binding motion to instruct the conferees to agree on a bill by the end of the week [PDF]. Though the way things are going, he might as well be moving to tell the House to stop hitting itself.\nIf negotiations have indeed failed, the House has already passed an extension through September 30 which could be taken up by the Senate. However, it contains a number of things the Senate would be loath to pass, like aggressive environmental \"streamlining,\" and at least one thing \u2014 the Keystone XL Pipeline \u2014 that has drawn a presidential veto threat. And remember that Congress is gone for the whole month of August, so a three-month extension is basically just a one-month extension likely to end in another extension.\nIt's easy to forget how we got here in the first place, and that the last six months represent only the latest chapter (and likely not the last) of a reauthorization saga that began in 2009. Back then, the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the presidency, but Obama pursued an ambitious legislative agenda \u2014 the Affordable Care Act and the Recovery Act \u2014 that pushed long-term transportation bills by the wayside. Only nobody expected it to be brushed aside nine times, with a tenth around the corner.\nAlong the way, the federal gas tax also expired, and got re-extended along with the transportation spending bills. Suddenly, spending and revenue had to be dealt with together, or not at all. So far, we've mostly gotten steaming piles of \"not at all.\"\nThere wasn't any movement on a new bill until about a year ago, when Barbara Boxer and the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee first drew up the Making American Progress for the 21st Century Act, affectionately called \"MAP-21\" and functionally called \"the Senate transportation bill.\" A far cry from then-recently-unseated Rep. James Oberstar's six-year, $500 billion proposal, EPW's bill was a two-year, $108 billion measure that tried to make some adjustments \u2014 consolidating programs and trimming bureaucracy, for example \u2014 so that later bills could focus on raising revenue.\nBut the House countered with a five-year, $260 billion gift card to big oil, H.R. 7. It proposed casting aside the 30-year precedent of giving a slice of gas tax revenue to transit, while also cutting healthy, popular programs that make streets work better for walking and biking, like Safe Routes to School, Recreational Trails, and Transportation Enhancements.\nThe Senate passed their bill 75-22. The House passed zilch.\nFinally, in April, the House scraped together the aforementioned \"dirty\" extension in order to start the conference committee process. But even with Boxer putting on her most optimistic face, there has been alarmingly little progress. Even when Senate Democrats show a willingness to compromise, and the House Republicans show a willingness to tolerate the Senate's end-run around revenue shortfalls, something \u2014 namely, John Boehner's political need to appease the Tea Party faction of his caucus \u2014 has kept the bill from getting passed.\nThat something is now sitting down in a room with Boxer, Reid, and Mica, trying to work out an 11th hour deal for the umpteenth time.\nFiled Under: House of Representatives, Reauthorization, U.S. Senate\nMonday's Headlines to Honor Martin Luther King Jr.\nHow to Stop Giving Parking Developers A Free Ride\nFour Big Questions about Biden's Transportation Relief\nFriday's Headlines to Round it Out\nAndrew Yang Throws Pedestrians Under the Bus\nWill Obama and the GOP Align on Plan to Fund Transpo With Tax Reform?\nBy Tanya Snyder\t| Feb 26, 2014\nToday, both President Obama and Republican House Ways and Means Chair Dave Camp unveiled plans to pay for transportation with corporate tax reform. Few details have emerged about exactly how Camp plans to do this, but Politico has heard from Capitol Hill staffers that it would push $100 billion to $125 billion to transportation over [\u2026]\nExperts Agree: Six-Year Transportation Bill Won't Pass This Year\nBy Tanya Snyder\t| May 20, 2011\nAt times in this whole reauthorization process, it's been hard to see the way forward. House Republicans refuse to deficit-spend their way out of the funding conundrum, and Democrats haven't gotten behind a coherent plan to come up with more revenues, though they're still arguing for a bigger bill. Still, I've been reporting on the [\u2026]\nRepublicans Line Up to Oppose Obama's Transportation Proposal\nBy Adam Voiland\t| Sep 8, 2010\nThe critical multi-year transportation bill, which lawmakers have sidelined since last summer as they've quarreled about how to pay for it, looks to be back on the agenda after President Obama's pugnacious Labor Day speech, in which he called on Congress to ramp up investment in transportation. The broad outline of Obama's plan calls for [\u2026]\nRumor Mill: House Leadership Hostile to Transpo Reauthorization\nBy Tanya Snyder\t| Jun 28, 2011\nA few weeks ago, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor published his list of bills the House will attempt to get through before the August recess. The transportation reauthorization was not among them. Rumor has it that House leadership has put the kibosh on Transportation Committee Chair John Mica's plans to get a bill out of [\u2026]\nA Quick Guide to the State of Transpo Policy on Capitol Hill\nComing back to Streetsblog after a few months away, I needed to get up to speed on the latest with transportation-related legislation, and I thought some of you might too. Here's what you need to know: Appropriations House Republicans passed a pretty terrible Transportation and Housing and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bill last week, decimating [\u2026]\n4 Things to Know as Transportation Bill Negotiations Heat Up\nBy Angie Schmitt\t| Feb 18, 2015\nLawmakers in Washington are just beginning their latest attempt to craft the first long-term transportation bill in roughly a decade. The current bill expires in just a few months, on May 31, but in Congress that's an eternity. While it's a long way from go time, the contours of the debate are starting to become [\u2026]\nContact Streetsblog USA","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Home \u00bb Finance \u00bb Blog \u00bb Accounting Fundamentals \u00bb Equity vs Shares\nDifference Between Equity vs Shares\nThe equity of the company refers to Capital invested by the Owners of the Company and Profit accumulated by the company during the tenure of business which is also called Reserves and Surplus. Equity is also called the net worth of the company. In accounting language, Equity is the value of assets that are left after paying off the Liabilities. When owners of the company do not have sufficient funds, they go to the public for raising the money. The amount of money that is to be invested is divided into portions. This portion is called Share. When we go to the dictionary meaning of share, it is \"have a portion of (something)\" Likewise Shares of the company are a division of the capital of the company into various portions.\nEquity can be written in Equation:\nEquity = Assets \u2013 Liabilities\nIt is shown at the Liability side of the Balance sheet. And, it always carries a credit balance. At the same time, preparation of Financials Statements of Business, capital contribution by owners, and profits are written differently according to the formation of Business. If Business is in the form of Private Limited Company or Public Limited Company \"Equity\" is written. In the case of Partnership Firms and Proprietorships, it is written as \"Capital\". The Equity of the Company consists of:\nShareholder's Equity and\nReserves and Surplus (For Example, Profit and Loss Reserves, Security Premium Reserve, Capital Reserves, Retained Earnings, etc.)\nEvery Owner of the business invests in his company for the expansion of the business. When a company requires more for expansion, it can bring equity on its own, or it can go to the Public for raising the money. People who invest in the company become Shareholders of the company. Shareholders of the company are also called as the Owners of the company as they have invested in companies like owners. And, as owner's they share the Profit and Loss of the company also. In the balance sheet, it is written as \"Shareholder's Equity\".\n\"Reserves and Surplus\" is the second component of Equity. Reserves and Surplus is profit accumulated by the business for various purposes. All profit is allocated according to specific reserves. This is used for business in the future. This is also one of the components of Equity.\nIf we are talking about the Equity of a Company, we are talking about the shareholders' equity and Reserves and Surplus it has. The Equity can be Positive Equity, or it can be Negative Equity. Positive Equity means a company has sufficient Assets to repay its all Liabilities. Negative Equity means a company has Liabilities more than its Assets. Whenever there is negative equity, it does not give a good sign of the company's growth.\nLet's take an example for understanding; there is a Company named as ABC Limited, it needs the capital of Rs. 100 Crores for expansion. It will go to the public for raising the capital. The capital of ABC is divided into 1,000,000 shares of Rs. 1000 each amounting to Rs. 100 Crores. So, if a person wants to invest, he has bought from 1,000,000 shares at a rate of Rs. 1000 each. Let us say Mr X wants to invest Rs. 500,000\/- in the company, for this he has to buy 500 shares of Rs. 1000 each. Let' say Mr. Y buy 700 shares of Rs. 1000 each which means that Mr. Y is having shares of Rs.700,000. Here, Mr. X & Mr. Y become the shareholders of the company, and they will share the Profit and Loss of the company proportionate to their holdings.\nFrom this example, it is clear that Shares is a division of Capital. There are various types of Shares Company can issue for raising capital like Ordinary Shares, Preference Shares, Redeemable shares, non-redeemable shares, Cumulative Preference shares, etc.\nHead to Head Comparison Between Equity vs Shares (Infographics)\nBelow is the top 6 difference between Equity vs Shares\nKey Differences between Equity vs Shares\nLet us discuss some of the major differences between Equity vs Shares.\nEquity is Capital Invested by Owners in the Company, whereas Shares are the division of Capital or Equity.\nIt refers to the Value of Business as a whole, whereas Share refers to the amount of contribution in Business.\nEquity of Company consists if Shareholder's Equity and Reserves and Surplus, whereas Shares consist of only Shareholder's Equity.\nEquity is riskier as compared to Shares.\nThere are various types of Shares like Preference Shares, Redeemable Shares, Ordinary Shares, etc., whereas there is no type of Equity as such.\nEquity covers Shares, whereas there is no vice-versa.\nEquity can be called as Net assets of Business, whereas Shares are the only capital contribution of business.\nEquity vs Shares Comparison Table\nLet's look at the top 6 Comparisons between Equity vs Shares.\nThe Basis Of Comparison Equity Shares\nMeaning Capital invested in the Business Division of Equity into portions\nTypes of Equity No types Various types like Ordinary Shares, Preference shares, redeemable shares etc.\nEquation Equity = Assets- Liabilities Shares =(Assets-Liabilities-Reserves and Surplus) Price per share\nAddition of Shareholder's Equity + Reserves and Surplus Shareholder's Equity\nScope Broader Term Narrow Term\nRisk Riskier Less Risky\nFrom the above, it can be said that Equity vs shares both has some differences. Equity is a Larger Term and shares are part of the Equity of the Company. Both Equity vs shares terms are very commonly used in Finance. It is an essential term in the Stock Market. It helps to decide the size of the business. So both the terms should not be interchanged.\nThis has been a guide to the top difference between Equity vs Shares. Here we also discuss the Equity vs Shares key differences with infographics and comparison table. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more \u2013\nTop Differences of Stocks vs Shares\nComparison of E-Commerce vs E-Business\nData Analytics vs Business Analytics","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Project Start Date\nProject End Date\nICHEC Contact\nJason Flanagan, Ph.D.\nMet \u00c9ireann Re-analysis\nTowards a Definitive Historical High-Resolution Climate Dataset for Ireland \u2013 Promoting Climate Research in Ireland\nThis EPA-funded project involves promoting high-resolution gridded datasets for climate research in Ireland.\nThere is a constant demand from industry, research and governmental sectors for high-quality, long-term, gridded climate datasets with high spatial and temporal resolution for conducting climate research in Ireland. Such datasets have the potential to be utilised in a wide range of applications, including agricultural, hydrology, public health, energy (wind, wave and solar), socio-economic planning and fundamental studies in observed climate change trends and variability. However, with the exception of temperature and precipitation, spatially and temporally homogeneous, multi-decadal, gridded observational climate datasets are not readily available for climate research applications in Ireland. Climatologically important variables, such as wind direction, humidity, soil moisture, evapotranspiration and radiation are measured at a limited number of weather stations.\nResearchers at ICHEC and Met \u00c9ireann addressed this lack of homogeneous, long-term, gridded datasets by completing the following downscaled ERAInterim high-resolution simulations:\nICHEC WRF with 2-km grid spacing\nICHEC COSMO-CLM5 with 1.5-km grid spacings\nMet \u00c9ireann re-analysis (M\u00c9RA) with 2.5-km grid spacings.\nEach simulation covers the period 1981-Present and fields are archived at one-hour intervals. Table 1 provides an outline of the archived COSMO-CLM5 fields. The WRF and M\u00c9RA archived fields are similar. Figures 1 presents preliminary validation results for rainfall.\nTable 1. Archived data of the COSMO-ERAInterim simulation. With the exception of the daily data, all variables are archived at one-hour intervals.\nThe M\u00c9RA simulation employed a data assimilation component which results in a more complete estimate of the atmospheric state that is both dynamically consistent and optimally close to observations. The benefit of such datasets is that they provide the best estimate of the four-dimensional atmospheric state, not only of the observed variables, but also the Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) and parameters which are not routinely monitored by observations.\nFigure 1. Validations of WRF mean total winter precipitation data for the period 1982-2014; (a) Met \u00c9ireann gridded observation data, (b) WRF 2km simulation data and (c) percentage error. Overall Country Bias = -0.37%, Overall Country MAE = 5.5 %.\nA key component of the current project is to promote the use of these datasets and enhance climate research in Ireland. The datasets are currently being analysed and validated with the overall aim to produce a definitive historical climate dataset for Ireland. The climate data, together with assigned uncertainty estimates, will be made publicly available so that researchers, policy makers, Irish industry and the general public can utilise the datasets according to their specific needs. In addition, it is envisaged the datasets will be used as a basis for more-focused climate impact studies with a wide range of applications such as wind farm modelling, public health and socio-economic modelling.\nIf you are interested in learning more about the project or obtaining datasets, please contact jason.flanagan@ichec.ie","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Campaign - 9m 9s ago\nInternational - 39m 9s ago\nLatino - 56m 38s ago\nColorado governor cuts 100 years off sentence for truck driver in fatal crash\nby Joseph Choi - 12\/30\/21 8:22 PM ET\nColorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) on Thursday commuted the 110-year sentence of the truck driver involved in a crash that killed four people, calling the sentence that was handed down \"highly atypical and unjust\" and reducing it by 100 years.\nIn October, a jury found Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, 26, guilty on 27 counts relating to the incident in which his truck crashed into stopped traffic on I-70, killing four people and injuring at least 10 others. Aguilera-Mederos told the court that his brake had failed before the crash.\nAguilera-Mederos was sentenced to 110 years in prison due to mandatory minimum sentencing laws in Colorado. The sentence drew international outcry for its severity, with fellow truck drivers boycotting Colorado in protest.\nAs KDVR reported, Aguilera-Mederos applied for clemency from Polis, which the Colorado governor granted on Thursday, cutting his sentence down to 10 years.\n\"I believe you deserve clemency for several reasons,\" Polis wrote. \"You were sentenced to 110 years in prison, effectively more than a life sentence, for a tragic but unintentional act. While you are not blameless, your sentence is disproportionate compared with many other inmates in our criminal justice system who committed intentional, premeditated, or violent crimes.\"\nPolis stressed that the crimes Aguilera-Mederos was convicted of are \"serious,\" but said he was \"encouraged\" by the \"personal reflection\" the defendant had done as well as \"the commercial vehicle safety changes\" that were made in light of the crash.\n\"While you have begun the process of taking accountability and recognizing the mistakes that led to this tragic event, I strongly encourage you to take additional responsibility for your actions by seeking restorative justice opportunities to address your obligations to those who suffered loss and to repair the needs of the community due to your carelessness,\" said Polis.\nTags Clemency Jared Polis Jared Polis Lakewood semi-truck crash Life imprisonment Rogel Aguilera-Mederos\nby Rachel Scully 1 hour ago\nBlog Briefing Room \/ 1 hour ago\nby Jared Gans 1 day ago\nState Watch \/ 1 day ago\nMemphis police deactivate Scorpion unit following video release of Tyre Nichols's fatal arrest","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Facebook and \"Radical Transparency\" (A Rant)\nAt SXSW, I decided to talk about privacy because I thought that it would be the most important issue of the year. I was more accurate than my wildest dreams. For the last month, I've watched as conversations about privacy went from being the topic of the tech elite to a conversation that's pervasive. The press coverage is overwhelming \u2013 filled with infographics and a concerted effort by journalists to make sense of and communicate what seems to be a moving target. I commend them for doing so.\ndanah boyd, privacy, Facebook, social networks, digital living\nWhy, despite Myself, I Am Not Leaving Facebook. Yet.\nAs my Facebook friends and Twitter followers know, like many others I'm angry at Facebook. I haven't written a blog post about it because so many others have been making most of my points so eloquently (forgive me for not linking to them). But I relent, and here it is anyway, in the form of responses to the criticisms of criticism that I keep hearing:\nNancy Baym, social networks, Facebook, Twitter, privacy\nWhy Social Sharing Is Bigger than Facebook & Twitter\nOriginally posted at Harvard Business Review\nThe digital landscape is being reshaped by the news that Facebook is opening up its social graph. Twitter, too, has made waves by acquiring companies that made third-party services for Twitter.\nDavid Armano, social media, sharing, Twitter, Facebook\nFacebook Visited Twice as Often as Google in the Workplace (and Why You Shouldn't Ban Social Media at Work)\nEmployees are visiting Facebook more than any other site when they are at work, and twice as often as the second most visited site, Google. Research out this week from Network Box, a Managed Security Services company, shows that visits to the social network accounted for 6.8% of all workplace traffic in Q1 2010, exactly twice the 3.4% of all traffic that went to Google.\nMatt Rhodes, Facebook, social networks, social media, workplace, social media policy, employees\nFacebook & Siebel: A Tale of Two Decades\nAdvanced technology. Ideas that promise to revolutionize the way businesses are run. Out with the old, in with the new. Not sure how it'll make any money? Mere details. Get going or risk getting left behind. Great riches will come to those with the guts to throw caution and experience to the wind.\nJonathan Salem Baskin, Facebook, Siebel, social media, CRM, technology\nThought Experiment: What if Facebook, Skype and PayPal Merged?\nMany people don't know that Bostonian William Crapo (Billy) Durant founded General Motors, and if you ever go to the old General Motors Building in Detroit, you will see his initials emblazoned on the coat of arms in the eaves of the building. Durant was the visionary who crashed together the Buick, Oldsmobile, Chevrolet, and Cadillac companies, just to name a few. Due to his financial aggressiveness he controlled but then lost GM twice and it was finally taken over by Alfred Sloan, who built it into the world's most successful enterprise of its day.\nJohn Sviokla, Facebook, Skype, PayPal, revenue, strategy\nTwitter and Facebook Follow Foursquare \u2013 2010 Is the Year of Location-based Social Media Tools\nIt is a truth universally acknowledged that everybody makes predictions at the end of a year about 'the big thing for next year'. Sometimes they're right and sometimes they're wrong. And sometimes you only really start to notice trends and change when you are in them. In social media it is becoming clearer and clearer that the big thing for 2010 is location-based tools.\nsocial media tools, location based, Matt Rhodes, Foursquare, Twitter, Facebook\nHow the Global Fortune 100 Are Using Social Media: Some Statistics\nA useful survey from global PR firm Burson-Marsteller this week looks at the ways in which the Global Fortune 100 companies are using social media. The tools they are using and how they are developing a social media strategy. The survey looked at 100 firms in the US, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Latin America and examined how these firms are using social media.\nMatt Rhodes, social media, statistics, Fortune 100, corporate blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, survey\nFacebook and the Myth of QWERTY's Inferiority\nWriting about the impending 'technological lock-in' of the social operating system space by Facebook, Reuters in a recent article compared the site to the QWERTY keyboard layout. (Via Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics.)\nIqbal Mohammed, Facebook\nPublic by Default, Private when Necessary\nThis post was originally written for the DML Central Blog. If you're interested in Digital Media and Learning, you definitely want to check this blog out.\nWith Facebook systematically dismantling its revered privacy infrastructure, I think it's important to drill down on the issue of privacy as it relates to teens. There's an assumption that teens don't care about privacy but this is completely inaccurate. Teens care deeply about privacy, but their conceptualization of what this means may not make sense in a setting where privacy settings are a binary.\ndanah boyd, privacy, teens, Facebook, privacy policies, exposure","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"I'm looking to\u2026\nSee CDC's achievements\nInvest in developing countries\nHow we partner with businesses\nESG Toolkit\nCDC Plus\nThe Africa List\nSupporting your event\nOur corporate governance\nCDC's Board\nOperations teams\nWhere we invest, what sectors we invest in and how we support businesses.\nAFIG Fund II LP\nWest Africa,Africa Financial services, Food and agriculture\nAdvanced Finance and Investment Group (AFIG) is an investment manager that specialises in buyouts, growth investments, and expansion capital in mid-market companies in Central and West Africa.\nThe Senegal-based firm was established in 2005.\nThe AFIG Fund II aims to invest in small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) in sub-Saharan Africa which operate in the agribusiness, manufacturing, energy, food and beverages, healthcare, and financial services sectors.\nIn 2016, CDC invested $20 million into AFIG II, alongside the EIB, the African Development Bank, and other European DFIs including Germany's DEG and Sweden's SwedFund. The fund targets investments of between $5 million to $20 million and the fund manager is aiming for a total fund size of $170 million. Our investment provides growth capital to support the sustainable expansion of small firms in Central, East and West African countries.\nSMEs in sub-Saharan Africa often struggle to access affordable finance, and sometimes lack the strategic expertise that will help them scale up and expand beyond their local markets.\nOur investment enables the fund manager to continue the strategy of its predecessor, the Atlantic Coast Regional Fund, to invest in African entrepreneurs and fast-growth firms that have the potential to become regional 'blue chips'.\nIn addition to much-needed growth capital, the fund manager provides managerial, technical and operational know-how to portfolio companies, driving business growth, job creation and regional integration.\nThe fund has invested in First Atlantic Bank, Ghana.\nEnvironmental and social aspects\nWe worked closely with the fund manager to develop and implement an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS).\nSince 2012, we've only invested in Africa and South Asia. Investments outside these regions are from our pre-2012 portfolio.\nAfrica, West Africa\nFor funds, the countries listed here are those the fund has invested in so far.\nCape Verde, Ghana\nWe have seven priority sectors. However, we continue to invest outside these sectors, largely in the most challenging regions, as new investment supporting any sector helps to underpin the private sector, and create jobs and livelihoods for people. For funds, the sectors listed here are those the fund has invested in so far.\nFinancial services, Food and agriculture\nhttp:\/\/www.afigfunds.com\/\nWe provide capital in three broad ways: direct equity, debt, and intermediated equity (principally through investment funds).\nIntermediated investment\nAdvanced Finance and Investment Group\nFor direct investments, this is the date CDC committed capital to the business or project.\nFor funds, this is the date that CDC committed capital to the fund.\nFor underlying fund investments, this is the date that the fund invested capital into the business.e\nFor direct investments, this is the total amount that CDC has committed to the business or project (it may be a combination of equity and debt).\nFor funds, this is the total amount that CDC has committed to the fund.\nThis is the investee company's place of incorporation; or a fund's jurisdiction.\nInvestments made by this fund\nInvestment name\nTecnicil Industria\nView investment details\nCape Verde Africa, West Africa Food and agriculture April 2017 Active\nFirst Atlantic Bank\nGhana Africa, West Africa Financial services January 2018 Active\nNEM Insurance plc\nNigeria Africa, West Africa Financial services December 2018 Active\nPortfolio data\n\u00a9 CDC Group Plc. 2020 \"CDC\", The CDC logo and \"Investment Works\" are registered trademarks of CDC Group Plc.\nFreedom of Information and Data Privacy\nComplaints and Whistleblowing","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Holiday pay on dismissal\nAutomatic unfair dismissal\nAssessing the fairness of a dismissal\nIn some cases a dismissal will be treated as unfair by establishing a link between the dismissal and specific behaviour by the employee. It usually applies where the law is protecting an employee from applying their employment rights.\nThe normal period of qualifying service is not required for a claim of automatic unfair dismissal.\nThere is now a long list of protections for automatic unfair dismissal:\nrelated to pregnancy, childbirth, maternity leave, parental leave or taking time off (as defined in s57A ERA 1996) to care for dependants.\nrelated to health and safety matters falling within s100 ERA 1996.\nRelated to the assertion of statutory rights as set out in s104 ERA 1996 (including the right not to have deductions made from wages)\nrelated to the enforcement of the Working Time Regulations as set out in s101A ERA 1996.\nrelated to \"whistle blowing\" by the employee (s103A ERA 1996)\nrelated to national minimum wage claims falling within s104A ERA.\nDismissals of occupational pension scheme trustees falling within s102 ERA 1996.\nDismissals of certain employee representatives (e.g. those elected for consultation about mass redundancies) falling within s103 ERA 1996.\ndismissal of certain shop and betting workers who refuse to work on Sundays, as set out in s101 ERA 1996.\nrelated to trade union activities and membership (as defined in s152 of the TULRCA 1992).\nDismissals relating to the claiming of tax credits as set out in s104B ERA 1996.\nDismissals arising out of suspension on medical grounds as defined in s64(2) ERA 1996\u2013 the qualifying period here is one month.\nDismissal (in defined circumstances) while taking part in official industrial action: s238A TULRCA 1992\nDismissals where the worker exercised, or sought to exercise, the right to be accompanied (or accompanied another worker) under Sec.10 ERA 1999.\nDismissals of part-time workers under s108(i) ERA 1996\nNote- a selection for redundancy based on the above exceptions is automatically unfair and also requires no qualifying period.\nNote \u2013 although a dismissal related to a business transfer is automatically unfair, one years' qualifying service is still required.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"September 15, 2021 by Sof\u00eda Godoy Alonso Curated Lists 0 comments\n6 Cristina Garcia Books You Should Read To Fast-Track Your Spanish\nCristina Garcia is a novelist and journalist from Cuba. She's known for creating highly memorable and captivating novels focused on the stories of Cuban society and its immigrants in the United States.\nJoin me in this insightful blog post where I examine the 6 Books By Cristina Garcia you need to read to fast-track your Spanish.\nSpanish Literature Improves Language Skills\nImproving as a Spanish student requires you to get your hands on some of the best-selling Spanish literature. Whether you're into novels, science fiction, or short stories, reading in another language transforms your capacity to fully grasp it.\nWhen you read Spanish literature, you find an alternative for motivating yourself. It gives you superior comprehension of Spanish grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. It also enables you to improve your reading, listening, writing, and Spanish-speaking skills.\nBooks allow readers to get familiarized with complex plots and their contextualization in Spanish. Their narratives are compelling and insightful.\nAs a reader, you come close to tales that embody social factors such as culture, lifestyle, and idiomatic expressions. You expand your vocabulary to a whole new level and discover new expressions.\nSpanish literature strengthens your critical thinking skills and your capacity of analyzings situations in another language.\nBy choosing the right Spanish book, you find yourself immersed in the language and grow the confidence to use it naturally in your day to day.\nIf you're an intermediate or advanced Spanish learner, novels by Cristina Garcia are an excellent option for you to cultivate productive reading habits for fast-tracking your Spanish.\nShort Biography of Cristina Garcia\nCristina Garc\u00eda \u00a9 Slowking4\/Wikimedia Commons\nCristina Garcia was born in Havana, Cuba on July 4th, 1958. Her mother was Cuban and her father was Guatemalan.\nThe author's family was forced to leave Cuba in the early 1960s after President Fidel Castro took over office. They established themselves in the United States and started a life in New York when Cristina was only three years old.\nCristina spent her childhood growing up between Queens, Brooklyn Heights, and Manhattan. She grew up listening to stories about life in Cuba. Her upbringing brought her close to her roots and gave her a strong sense of pride in her heritage.\nCristina Garcia has a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science at Barnard College and a Master's Degree in International Relations from John Hopkins University. From a very young age, the author displayed a great interest in literature and journalism.\nWhile she attended John Hopkins she got a part-time job at the New York Times that gave her a taste of what a career in journalism would be. She also interned for The Boston Globe and worked in Time Magazine in the 1980s.\nShe retired in 1990 to become a full-time fiction author. She hopes that her novels are a way of showing Cuba to the world through memories, fantasy, and rituals from her Cuban heritage. Her novels often express a sense of difficulty relating to other Cuban Americans due to the lack of engagement she's had in anti-Castro activism.\nCristina Garcia's powerful writing skills make her one of the best representatives of Cuban literature. She currently lives in Napa with her family.\nTop 6 Cristina Garcia Books For Spanish Learners\n1. Bordering Fires (Voces sin fronteras)\nVoces sin fronteras | \u00a9 Amazon\nVoces sin fronteras was published in 2006.\nThe anthology book is a collection of essays, poetry, and science fiction focused on Chicano and Mexican voices. It offers impressive perspectives of bicultural experiences and features the voices of Cristina Garcia and several authors, including Alfonso Reyes, Juan Rulfo, and Sandra Cisneros.\nThe book sparks a cross-cultural conversation that shows what life is across and beyond the United States Southern border. You can read it in no specific order as all the stories are different from each other. It's a fantastic book to read to understand what life is for the Mexican diaspora in the United States and for those that remain in Mexico.\nLinks to the Book\n2. Dreaming In Cuban (So\u00f1ar en Cubano)\nSo\u00f1ar en Cubano | \u00a9 Amazon\nSo\u00f1ar en Cubano is an emotional novel published in 1992 by novelist Cristina Garcia.\nThe main character, Celia del Pino, falls in love with a Spanish guitar player who's visiting Cuba. Her love interest invites her to follow him to Spain, however she stays in Cuba and her travel plans are ruined by political turmoil.\nInstead, Celia marries Jorge del Pino and they have three children together. The novel focuses on the family members' lives from the 1930s to the 1980s.\nCelia continues to think about her lost love for the next 25 years. This becomes more evident as she shows a certain reluctance to loving her family and continues to write love letters to her Spanish crush.\nCristina Garcia tells the story from different perspectives in the Del Pino family. The novel highlights how the family endures the 1959 Cuban revolution without going into exile. This decision is made based on a prediction from a Santera (Santer\u00eda priestess) that Celia is meant to spend her whole life in Cuba.\nThe plot is bittersweet but stays true to the author's style. Cristina Garcia includes touches of magical realism. The book has strong female leads and has parts written that simulate letters.\nThe book is considered one of Cristina Garcia's masterpieces. It led her to become a finalist for the National Book Award.\nSpanish audiobook\nDiscover magical realism literary gems in this article about The Magical World of Isabel Allende.\n3. The Ag\u00fcero Sisters (Las hermanas Ag\u00fcero)\nLas hermanas Ag\u00fcero | \u00a9 Amazon\nLas hermanas Ag\u00fcero was published by Cristina Garcia in 1998.\nThe novel focuses on Reina and Constancia Ag\u00fcero, two sisters from Cuba who've been distanced and estranged for 30 years.\nThe book is told from the sisters' perspectives and often transfers the narrative to their parents and respective daughters. It's a story about womanhood that goes through the Cuban revolution and relocation process to Miami that many Cubans experienced at the time. Each character is unique and relatable.\nThe change of voices in the narrative allows the reader to form a full picture of the sisters' life. This novel also has hints of magical realism and strong female leads, both traits signature to Cristina Garcia's style.\n4. Monkey Hunting (El cazador de monos)\nEl cazador de monos | \u00a9 Amazon\nEl cazador de monos is a novel published in 2008 by author Cristina Garcia.\nThe novel follows the story of an intrepid family man named Chen Pan. He's from China and migrates to Cuba in the 1800s seeking a better life. Tricked by the supposed employer, Chen Pan finds himself enslaved in a sugar cane plantation upon arrival.\nThe main themes of the book are imigration and identity. Throughout his story, Chen Pan starts a family and faces a fair share of hardships as they embrace their Chinese-Cuban heritage.\nThe book has chapters specialized to the stories of specific characters. It's insightful and shares a perspective of Cuba's history and cultural melting pot.\nEnglish audiobook\n5. A Handbook to Luck (Las caras de la suerte)\nLas caras de la suerte | \u00a9 Amazon\nLas caras de la suerte is a coming of age story focused on three teenagers in different corners of the world in the 1960s. The different cultures and nationalities play a key role in each of the relatable characters and how they define their paths.\nIt's a hard novel to put down as you are captivated with the journey of the characters as they reach adulthood and encounter each other. The book uses simple, emotional, wise, and joyful language.\nExplore other coming of age pieces of Spanish literature in this list of Books and Poems by Julia Alvarez.\n6. Cuban\u00edsimo! The Vintage Book of Contemporary Literature (\u00a1Cuban\u00edsimo! Una antolog\u00eda de la literatura cubana contempor\u00e1nea)\nCubanisimo! The Vintage Book of Contemporary Literature | \u00a9 Amazon\n\u00a1Cuban\u00edsimo! Una antolog\u00eda de la literatura cubana contempor\u00e1nea is a collection of 100% Cuban original stories, novel fragments, poems, and essays.\nThe book is packed with Cuban rhythm and art. Cristina Garcia created a one volume space where Cuban identity and tradition converge in different time periods and places. Each chapter pays homage to a Cuban dance style and has undeniable flavor.\nThe novel is a rich representation of Cuban voices and different styled narratives. Cristina Garcia praises it on her website as a \"celebration of Cuban culture.\"\nRead and Speak Spanish With Confidence\nThis list of Cristina Garcia books is a fantastic starting point for your new habit of reading Spanish literature. Spanish literature reinforces your critical thinking and extends your vocabulary. It also empowers you to have meaningful conversations in Spanish.\nAnother excellent way of enhancing your fluency is conversing with a native speaker. You pick up on pronunciation and your listening skills expand. Join a free class with our certified teachers from Guatemala and prepare to explore more Spanish literary gems.\nSof\u00eda Godoy Alonso\nNative speaker of English and Spanish, I'm a sustainable travel and social impact entrepreneur who loves going to new places and meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds. I love spending time with my family and being outdoors with my dogs. Writing, communicating, and creating are my passions. I strongly believe there are more creative ways to solve the issues our world is facing and I like doing my part in any way I can.\nLatest posts by Sof\u00eda Godoy Alonso (see all)\nThe Origin and History of Jews in Latin America - January 15, 2022\nA Traveler's Guide to Cali, Colombia - January 10, 2022\nEvelyn Cisneros: The First Hispanic Prima Ballerina - December 31, 2021\nSpanish Lessons for Adults: 10 High-Quality ResourcesPrevious Post\n9 Traditional Folk Dances of GuatemalaNext Post","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Table Tennis: Delight for sisters\nTwo of Ormesby Table Tennis Club's leading cadet girls, won their first national medals at the English Under 13 Championships in King's Lynn.\nGet the latest breaking Teesside news and updates direct to your email inbox\nTwo of Ormesby Table Tennis Club's leading cadet girls, Karina and Katherine Lefevre, won their first national medals at the English Under 13 Championships in King's Lynn.\nThey finished runners-up in the girls' doubles final.\nFrom an unseeded position, Karina and Katherine beat the fourth seeds, Charlotte Airey and Dominique Jones of Lincolnshire, in the quarter-finals.\nThen they overcame the second seeds, Sarah Russo of Sussex and Melissa Wright of South Yorkshire, in the semi-finals, before losing to the top seeds, Mary Fuller of Yorkshire and Martha Travis of Cornwall, in the final.\nIn the Under 12 girls' singles, Karina reached the semi-finals before losing to top seed Martha Travis.\nIn the Under 13 girls' singles, Karina defeated top seed Mary Fuller in the second round before losing to Hayley Potts of Herefordshire in the quarter-finals.\nMiddlesbrough FCBoost for Middlesbrough as Blackburn star man Ben Brereton Diaz is confirmed to miss Monday's clashBen Brereton Diaz has been the key player for Tony Mowbray's side in their incredible rise up the table\nMarcus Tavernier's Middlesbrough importance should not be underestimated\nMarcus TavernierPerhaps more than any current player, Marcus Tavernier divides opinion","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Earthquake in Ecuador: death toll remains at 659\nImage: Ecuavisa\nThe death toll from the earthquake last Saturday 16 April 2016, death toll remains at 659, according to the report of the Secretariat of Risk Management.\nThe number of people assisted amounts to 30,073, the institution reported Thursday night April 28, 2016.\nThere are 33 missing people and 113 people rescued alive.\nSource: http:\/\/www.ecuavisa.com\/articulo\/terremoto\/noticias\/150156-terremoto-ecuador-se-mantiene-659-cifra-fallecidos\nCredit and debt moratorium to reactivate areas affected by the earthquake\nShrimp affected by earthquake reach 70%","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Looking & Finding\nBuying a Spanish home\nBuilding a Home in Spain\nFinancing a Spanish house\nTaxes in Spain\nShow me Spain\nRenting in Spain\nEverything about buying and living in Spain\nCategory: Show me Spain\nDe culturen, talen, landschappen en klimaten van het Koninkrijk Spanje\nThe best winter sports areas of Spain\nWhen it comes to winter sports, many people think of places like France and Austria, but also in sunny Spain you can ski and snowboard well. The Spanish Pyrenees offers you no less than...\nShow me Spain \/ Living in Spain\nSpanish Christmas traditions\nEven in the winter months, a visit to the Costa del Sol is anything but boring. Thanks to its favorable climate you will experience sunny holidays here. The Christmas days on the Costa del...\nNueva Andaluc\u00eda in a nutshell\nWithin walking distance to the famous Puerto Ban\u00fas and a 10-minute drive from Marbella, you will find Nueva Andaluc\u00eda. Ideal for those who want to live close to the beaches, nightlife and amenities of...\nShow me Spain \/ Moving to Spain \/ Living in Spain\nM\u00e1laga: the best city in Spain to live in\nResearch by the European Commission confirms that M\u00e1laga is good living. This sunny city is one of the best places to live in terms of quality of life. According to the EC, M\u00e1laga is...\nSpanish real estate market developments\nThe Coronavirus has made people more aware of the value of their home. Millions of people around the world are being forced (again) to stay indoors. This brings the value of 'home sweet home'...\nWell-known seaside resorts on the Costa del Sol\nOne of the most popular regions in Spain is the Costa del Sol. You have no less than 320 days of sunshine a year, making this a wonderful destination almost all year round. In...\nBuying a Spanish home \/ Show me Spain \/ Living in Spain\nFuengirola, originally a fishing village\nFuengirola is one of the many and popular coastal towns on the Costa del Sol. This city is best known for its long sandy beaches. But also for the apartments with beautiful views of...\nDo you have found your dream home in Spain and are you considering moving to Spain permanently? In this blog you will read relevant information about obtaining the Spanish nationality, the requirements you must...\nShow me Spain \/ Living in Spain \/ Looking & Finding\nNew tourist villages in Andalusia\nThe Spanish autonomous community of Andalusia (the Junta de Andaluc\u00eda) has added six new villages to the list of 'Tourist Interesting Villages' (or: 'Municipios de Inter\u00e9s Tur\u00edstico'). Before the summer, in addition to the...\nThe less famous east side of M\u00e1laga\nWhen you hear the word \"Costa del Sol\", you immediately think of large cities such as Marbella and M\u00e1laga. But also to seaside resorts such as Estepona, Mijas and Torremolinos. The region has been...\nBuying a Spanish home \/ Looking & Finding\nPurchasing a Property in Spain \u2013 The Asking price\nPurchasing a Property in Spain \u2013 The Buying Process\nBuying a Spanish home \/ Living in Spain \/ Looking & Finding\nPurchasing a Property in Spain \u2013 The Location\nPurchasing a Property in Spain \u2013 The Spanish Broker\nOwners association \u2013 Comunidad de Propietarios\nbuyingguidetospain.com \u00a9 2021. All Rights Reserved.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Coney Island Boardwalk Table\nGet yourself a table made of wood from the Coney Boardwalk.\nThe pieces interpret the architecture of the desolate dreamscape: low-rise buildings patched with signs and seasonal layers of paint, beneath the towering old-fashioned rollercoaster.\n$14,000 is reasonable, right?\nNo way that's from Coney's Boardwalk. It's far too clean. :)\nIf the original wood is reused, are the tables considered relocated smaller versions of the Coney Island Boardwalk?\nWhat a rip off. It's not even made with new materials.\n^^ I think that means it counts as a new credit. You know, for boardwalk enthusiasts.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Keep trust in air travel: Emirates to operate special flight marking UAE vaccination milestone\nEmirates is showcasing the UAE's remarkable progress in its vaccination programme with a special flight that will carry only fully vaccinated crew and passengers onboard.\nOn 10 April 2021, special flight EK2021 will depart Dubai International Airport at 12:00hrs local time, to cruise over various areas across the UAE. The flight will return to Dubai at 14:30hrs local time.\nThe one-off flight EK2021 is a unique event that not only celebrates the success of the UAE's vaccination programme to date, but also highlights Emirates' progress in vaccinating its staff and in particular its pilots and cabin crew.\nAviation has been and continues to be an irreplaceable force for good, connecting people and cities, facilitating important trade flows and passenger journeys that bring economic prosperity and joy to millions of people.\nPassengers will have the opportunity to experience Emirates' newest A380 aircraft which features the airline's brand-new Premium Economy seats, and refreshed cabin interiors across all cabin classes.\nThe Emirates A380 remains a customer favourite for its unmatched comfort and spaciousness. From the award-winning ice inflight entertainment experience, to the iconic A380 Onboard Lounge service for Business and First Class passengers, from a full-course gourmet meal in all classes to the friendly Emirates cabin crew, flyers can expect the full Emirates experience onboard this special flight.\nPassengers travelling on EK2021 will be able to experience all of Dubai International Airport's services and amenities on the ground before boarding.\nIn addition, customers can also try out first-hand, all the latest measures to help travellers enjoy a safe and smooth journey, including the new biometric and contactless technology which Emirates has recently implemented at the check-in areas and boarding gates at Dubai airport.\nThis month, Airbus has launched a travel companion app called \"Tripset\". The application aggregates and provides flight and travel information to ease and restore passenger's trust in their end-to-end journey when traveling by air during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tripset allows for passengers to be informed with the latest and most relevant travel conditions, restrictions and health requirements in place, without having to consult a variety of sources.\nThe UAE is one of world's leading countries in administered vaccinations for citizens and residents, and has made four COVID-19 vaccines available for free to everyone. To date, over 8 million vaccine shots have been administered in the UAE, protecting over half of the UAE's population.\nThe Emirates Group has supported the national vaccination programme by making COVID-19 vaccines readily available to its UAE-based workforce at multiple locations within the company's premises. To date, over 35,000 Emirates employees have received their COVID-19 vaccine shot from one of the company's vaccination centres, with over 85% of the airline's pilots and cabin crew already receiving two doses of the vaccine.\nSpecial flight details\nTickets for flight EK2021 will be available to UAE citizens and residents who have completed the two week period after their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Tickets can be purchased from the Emirates contact centre, Emirates sales offices in the UAE, as well as local travel agents.\nTickets are priced at AED 1,000 per person in Economy, and AED 2,000 in Business Class. Customers can visit https:\/\/www.emirates.com\/ae\/english\/about-us\/get-on-board-ek2021\/ for more information about the flight and to check the special terms and conditions.\nAll fares collected for this special flight EK2021 will be donated to the Emirates Airline Foundation, the airline's non-profit charity organisation which supports projects around the world aimed at improving quality of life for disadvantaged children.\nAs with any regular flight, customers for special flight EK2021 will be expected to arrive at check-in with their flight ticket, from 3 hours before flight departure. They will be required to bring their UAE ID or passports, as well as vaccination certificate.\nAll customers travelling on EK2021 will be provided pre-departure rapid Covid-19 testing, free of charge. In accordance with precautionary measures, customers must observe physical distancing protocols and wear their masks throughout the journey.\nStorylines Answers How Do We Cruise Now?\nUnited Airlines Announces Eight New Routes and Increases Flights to 19 Destinations in the Caribbean...\nCopenhagen named Monocle magazine's best city in its 2021 Quality of Life Survey\nInfographic: Immigration to Canada in 2019\nDubai couple reunite with 2-year-old Baby after being Stuck in South Africa over a month\nUK announces details of the Hong Kong BN(O) Visa\nGreece Lifts 7-day Quarantine Rule for EU States, US, UK, UAE, Serbia and Israel\nU.S. Bans Travel from Europe for 30-Days","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Wilson, Richard G.\nRank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Army, Co. 1, Medical Company, 187th Airborne Infantry Regiment. Place and date: Opari, Korea, 21 October 1950. Entered service at: Cape Girardeau Mo. Born: 19 August 1931, Marion, Ill. G.O. No.: 64, 2 August 1951.\nCitation... Pfc. Wilson distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action. As medical aid man attached to Company I, he accompanied the unit during a reconnaissance in force through the hilly country near Opari. The main body of the company was passing through a narrow valley flanked on 3 sides by high hills when the enemy laid down a barrage of mortar, automatic-weapons and small-arms fire. The company suffered a large number of casualties from the intense hostile fire while fighting its way out of the ambush.\nPfc. Wilson proceeded at once to move among the wounded and administered aid to them oblivious of the danger to himself, constantly exposing himself to hostile fire. The company commander ordered a withdrawal as the enemy threatened to encircle and isolate the company. As his unit withdrew Private Wilson assisted wounded men to safety and assured himself that none were left behind. After the company had pulled back he learned that a comrade previously thought dead had been seen to be moving and attempting to crawl to safety. Despite the protests of his comrades, unarmed and facing a merciless enemy, Pfc. Wilson returned to the dangerous position in search of his comrade. Two days later a patrol found him lying beside the man he returned to aid. He had been shot several times while trying to shield and administer aid to the wounded man. Pfc. Wilson's superb personal bravery, consummate courage and willing self-sacrifice for his comrades reflect untold glory upon himself and uphold the esteemed traditions of the military service.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Viewing Room\n0 items \u20ac\nSimon Fujiwara\nAugust 31, 2019 \u2013 February 2, 2020\nJoanne, 2016\/2018\nThree free-standing aluminium-clad structures: one with in-built LED monitors screening video (duration 12:06 min) and digital print, two lightboxes with digital prints on foil.\nExhibition view: Joanne, ARKEN Museum of Modern Art, Ish\u00f8j, 2019\nPhoto \u00a9 David Stjernholm\nJoanne, 2016\/2018 (detail)\nARKEN Museum of Modern Art, Ish\u00f8j\nOver the past decade, Simon Fujiwara has become known for his staging of large, complex exhibitions that explore the deeply rooted mechanisms of identity construction for both individuals and societies. From August 31 2019 his thought-provoking work Joanne is on view for the first time in Denmark at ARKEN Museum of Modern Art.\nPresented as film and image environment, Joanne depicts the many faces of Joanne Salley, Simon Fujiwara's former secondary school teacher. Winner of the 1998 Miss Northern Ireland beauty pageant, artist, teacher and champion boxer, Joanne Salley had a formative influence on Fujiwara as a scholarship student at the prestigious Harrow School for boys in Britain. Several years later, she became the victim of a tabloid newspaper scandal after students discovered and circulated topless photographs of her that had been taken privately. The ongoing media campaign that followed destroyed her career and public image.\nIn 2016, Fujiwara and Salley embarked on the production of a short film that aimed, through the use of advertising and marketing techniques, to restore her image.\nPotsdamer Strasse 81E\noffice@estherschipper.com\nTuesday\u2013Saturday, 11am\u20136pm","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"\u539f\u8457\u8ad6\u6587\nSpace exposure of amino acids and their precursors in the Tanpopo mission using the International Space Station \u5229\u7528\u7d71\u8a08\u3092\u898b\u308b\nKobayashi Kensei\nMita Hajime\nYabuta Hikaru\nNakagawa Kazumichi\nKawamoto Yukinori\nKaneko Takeo\nObayashi Yumiko\nKanda Kazuhiro\nYoshida Satoshi\nIssay Narumi\nImai Eiichi\nHashimoto Hirofumi\nYokobori Shin-ichi\nYamagishi Akihiko\nWG Tanpopo\nA wide variety of organic compounds have been found in space, and their relevance to the origin of life is discussed. Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) are most promising carriers of extraterrestrial organic compounds, but presence of bioorganic compounds are controversial since they are so small and were collected in the terrestrial biosphere. In addition, IDPs are directly exposed to cosmic and solar radiation. Thus, it is important to evaluate the stability of organics in IDPs in space environment. We are planning a novel astrobiology mission named Tanpopo by utilizing the Exposed Facility of Japan Experimental Module (JEM\/EF) of the International Space Station (ISS). Two types of experiments will be done: Capture experiments and exposure experiments. In the exposure experiments, organics and microbes will be exposed to the space environments to examine possible alteration of organic compounds and survivability of microbes. Selected targets for the exposure experiments of organic compounds are as follows: Amino acids (glycine and isovaline), their possible precursors (hydantoin and 5-ethyl-5-methyl hydantoin) and complex precursors \"CAW\" synthesized from a mixture of carbon monoxide, ammonia and water by proton irradiation. In addition to them, powder of the Murchison meteorite will be exposed to examine possible alteration of meteoritic organics in space. We will show the results of preparatory experiments on ground by using a UV lamp, a 60Co source, synchrotron facilities, and a heavy ion irradiation facility.\nTransactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan\nJapan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences\nhttp:\/\/dx.doi.org\/10.2322\/tastj.12.Pp_1","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Kedrowski recounts deadly Mount Everest earthquake\nRandy Wyrick\nrwyrick@vaildaily.com\nAn earthquake-triggered avalanche leveled parts of Mount Everest Base Camp, killing at least 17 and injuring more than 60. Vail Valley native Jon Kedrowski was one eight Colorado climbers on Everest when the devastation his. They're all safe.\nJon Kedrowski|Special to the Daily |\nVAIL \u2014 Dr. Jon Kedrowski was relaxing at Mount Everest Base Camp, but he found himself 200 yards above death's door when Saturday's earthquake hit.\nKedrowski's reaction? He released his inner scientist.\nKedrowski earned his Ph.D. in geography and when the earthquake started shaking the world's tallest mountain, he flew out of his tent. He's a curious guy, and he figured if he lived through this he'd never see anything like it again.\n\"Because of the geographer\/scientist in me, I was fascinated by the earthquake,\" Kedrowski said. \"To stand on that glacier and see it all was crazy.\"\n\"The idea of danger didn't kick in until the wind and snow started to roll,\" he said.\nWhen the 7.9-magnitude earthquake quit, a huge chunk of ice blew off and fell.\n\"The pressure from all that air had to go somewhere, and it blew over base camp like a hurricane,\" Kedrowski said\n\"The major event wasn't snow \u2014 it was wind,\" Kedrowski said.\nHe summited Everest in 2012 and was headed up Lhotse, a neighboring peak, to ski down.\nAll eight are safe\nKedrowski, an Eagle Valley High School grad, was one of eight Colorado climbers on Everest when the devastation occurred. The others are author Jim Davidson, Alan Arnette, Charley Mace, Ryan Waters, Matt Moniz, Kim Hess and Dave Elmore.\nThey're all safe.\nDavidson, Arnette and Mace are at camps above the Khumbu Icefall, where the route over the glacier was destroyed.\n\"It was better that they were up there instead of base camp. Their camps were completely destroyed. When they came down they could see that if they'd been there, they might be among the casualties,\" Kedrowski said.\nStill trying to help\nHe's fine, Kedrowski said, and remains on Everest to help anyone he can. Base Camp is about 70 percent abandoned, he said. The 30 percent remaining are trying to do everything they can.\n\"It's been great to see the climbing community band together. It speaks highly about the character of the community,\" Kedrowski said.\nKedrowski spent Sunday and part of Monday in base camp phoning family and friends, reassuring them he's safe.\nHe's headed down and will try to catch a flight out of Kathmandu as soon as he can.\nThe latest reports put the Everest death toll at 17 dead and climbing, with 60 injured, making it the deadliest day in Everest history.\nAcross the Nepal, more than 4,000 are dead and villages are pleading for any kind of help.\nTwo of Everest's deadliest days\nKedrowski has now been on Everest for two of the mountain's four deadliest days.\nHe was near the summit in 2012 when a killer storm surprised everyone and left seven people dead.\nLast April, 16 Sherpa guides died in an ice fall on Everest.\nThis was nothing like that.\n\"A mountaineering tragedy, especially under those conditions, is something that you always understand could happen,\" Kedrowski said.\nBase camp, though, is supposed to be a safe refuge.\n\"You think you're safe. The base camp has never been impacted. To be hit like this in a place considered safe is unsettling,\" he said.\nStill \u2026\n\"I go on these expeditions because they're exciting,\" Kedrowski said.\nHe has camped atop all of Colorado 14ers and skied down the tallest volcanoes in the U.S.\nThis year's Everest climbing season is closed. Kedrowski says he's happy to be alive and uninjured but a little disappointed that he won't be skiing Lhotse.\nHe may try Everest again. Or maybe not.\n\"I'd never say never, but maybe I'll focus on some other mountains for a while,\" he said.\nStaff Writer Randy Wyrick can be reached at 970-748-2935 and rwyrick@vaildaily.com.\nParagon Lodging\nHousekeeping Inspector at Paragon Lodging in BRECKENRIDGE\nParagon Lodging in Breckenridge, CO is hiring a Housekeeping Inspector. Luxury vacation home company is hiring a part-time Housekeeping Inspector.\u2026\nEagle River Water & Sanitation District\nSeveral Openings at Eagle River Water & Sanitation District in VAIL\nNow Hiring! District Administrator $26.28 - $39.41 Office Administrator $21.23 - $29.74 Network Administrator $31.19 - $46.79. Wastewater Operator $19.00\u2026\nCTL|Thompson\nProject Geotechnical Engineer or Geologist at CTL|Thompson in BRECKENRIDGE\nCTL|Thompson Inc. seeks a Project Geotechnical Engineer or Geologist for its Breckenridge, CO office. The successful applicant will work on\u2026","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"THE APPLE WATCH: THE PATH TO A 1$ TRILLION VALUATION IS PAVED WITH GOLD\nApple Inc.; Market Cap. (as of 13\/03\/2015): $719.88bn\nA Record Company\nApple is a company of excesses. With fiscal reports exceeding even bullish estimates more often than not, the Cupertino-based company has become synonymous with exuberance. In its most recent quarterly earnings, Apple reported $18bn of net profit, setting a historical record. Sales of the iPhone, which barely consisted of 1.4m units in the year of its launch, also hit a record, totaling 74.5m in the last three months of 2014. Apple broke yet another ceiling last November with its market valuation reaching $700bn. Not surprisingly, that staggering figure has since been eclipsed as the company's valuation headed for new horizons.\nThere has certainly been no shortage of controversy surrounding the world's largest market valuation, whose bewildering heights have brought many to conclude that it has been driven by what Keynes famously described as \"animal spirits\". Others, including famed investor Carl Icahn, have come to a different conclusion, claiming Apple is actually undervalued with cautious markets fearing those very same spirits. In a letter to his Twitter followers in February, Icahn argued that Apple was selling at a \"totally irrational\" discount to the market with its share price trading below the S&P 500's 17x expected earnings. Because of strong growth and what he called \"a peerless innovation track record\", Icahn claimed Apple should be earning a premium to the market. He has since been joined by a cohort of analysts forecasting not only a rising share price but an impending valuation of $1 trillion. Whether arriving to the $1 trillion benchmark is a possibility, and if so with what speed and timing is difficult to say. With the launch of the Apple Watch, however, the company seems to be taking strides in the right direction.\nThe Apple Watch\nMuch like the Mac, the iPod and the now prevalent iPhone, have marked Apple's past ascent, the company's new flagship product, the Apple Watch, will certainly mark the company's future. Seen as a break with Apple's tradition of introducing technology, which simplifies and unites functionalities, the Apple Watch is an addition without much simplification. As such it has been highly contested, attracting a great deal of predictions of its impending doom. But precisely because of the backlash, the watch has obtained the quintessential Apple feel, that of bold innovation which we are prone to develop a strong fondness for, regardless of whether we really need it or not.\nThe launch of the Apple Watch represents the company's push into wearable technology, hailed by many as a revolutionary direction the industry is headed towards. The watch is thus a pioneer move for Apple but unlike its previous star products, it is unique because of its apparent lack of utility. Aside from introducing a handful of touch-technology gimmicks and solving the issue of taking out our phones from our pockets to receive notifications, the Apple Watch does not do much. It is rather an extension of the iPhone and it is intended to be used as its complement and in no way as its replacement.\nWhat is striking is the unorthodox strategy the company is implementing for its launch. The watch will be sold in three collections: the Apple Watch Sport, the Apple Watch and the Apple Watch Edition, all of which will offer 38mm and 42mm sizes as well as a range of options for customization. The watch is after all, according to Apple the \"most personal product\" they have ever made. With a price range from $349 to a staggering $17,000, it also targets the most wide-ranging customer base. The Apple Watch Sport and the Apple Watch boast premium prices from $349 to $1099 and cater to Apple's traditional consumer base. On the other hand, the Apple Watch Edition targets a very different buyer and shows the Cupertino giant is venturing into luxury. Starting at $10,000, the Edition is made of compressed 18-karat gold and may go for as much as $17,000.\nPotential Revenues\nWith regards to the success of the watch, we present our estimation of the Apple Watch sales for 2015 after its planned launch in April, taking owners of iPhones which are compatible with the watch as the target consumers. We estimate the demand for the two main lines of the watch among different age groups and calculate the revenue stream. Finally, we project the revenue for the third, most expensive \"Edition\" line of the watch separately. As a sanity check we use global sales of Swiss watches and sales of smartwatches by Apple's competitors.\nTo begin with, we estimate the current number of active iPhone users as 480m. That is about 70% of the cumulative number of iPhones to be sold after Q3 2015 (about 680mn) and is in line with the ratio of active iPhone users to the cumulative number of devices sold in December 2013. Next, we multiply the 480m by 80%, which is the estimated percentage of iPhones compatible with the new Apple Watch, obtaining the potential overall market size for the Apple Watch of roughly 390m users. Taking into account the age distribution of iPhone users, we estimate the market share the Apple Watch can potentially gain in the first year in each age segment of customers.\n(Our assumptions are in italics)\nAge groups 0-21 22-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61+\niPhone market share 20% 45% 26% 13% 6% 5% 100%\nPredicted AW penetration (optimistic estimate) 3% 4% 4% 2% 1% 0%\nPercentage of total potential users' base 0.60% 1.80% 1.04% 0.26% 0.06% 0.00% 3.76%\nNumber of AW sold (m) 2.34 7.02 4.06 1.01 0.23 0 14.7\nAssuming the average prices for the \"Watch\" and \"Sport\" editions to be in the middle of their respective price ranges, and assuming a constant product mix across age brackets of 70% for the Apple Watch and 30% for the Sport, , we reach an average price of 70% * $370 + 30% * $800 = $500. Given the projected number of users, the two main lines are projected to generate $500 * 14.7m users = $7.35bn of revenue in the first year of the launch.\nTo estimate revenue from the exclusive Edition line, we assume that the potential customers will include only the heads of households with annual income of over $250,000 that constitute 2% of households. Dividing by the average family size of 2.5 we get 0.8% of potential customers for the \"Edition\" line. Assuming that an average purchase of an expensive watch takes place once in 5 years and that only 1 in 5 of those customers would decide to buy the Apple Watch, we estimate that only 0.03% of the overall customer base will buy the most expensive watch line. With an average price of $14,000, this would result in a revenue stream of 0.03% * 390m * $14,000 = 1.3m users * $14,000 = $1.64bn revenue. We assume that only 1 in 5 potential buyers of expensive watches will go with the Apple product for the reason that although the 18k gold Apple Watch is priced at around 50% of its Swiss counterparts, it cannot be treated as a long-term investment because of the speed with which technology becomes obsolete.\nOverall, we end up with an optimistic estimate of 16m users for all Apple Watches in the first year and an overall revenue potential of $9bn.\nConsidering other existing predictions ranging from as low as 7m to over 30m of units sold for this year, our estimation seems reasonable and fits in the lower part of the range. With 16m Apple watches sold, Apple would dominate the current smartwatch market, which registered only 4m users in 2014. Compared to the market for Swiss watches, which totals $25bn annually, our $9bn prediction seems very high. However, acknowledging past instances where Apple had entirely changed the markets it entered, our estimation might not be a far-reaching one.\nGiven Apple's immense efforts in development and marketing as well as the fanfare surrounding the launch, the Apple Watch is well on its way to becoming the new big thing in technology. Aside from its lack of immensely useful services and some design perks, what makes the Apple Watch truly different is its golden appeal. And while a $17,000 price tag may be an excess by even Apple's standards, the company's push into luxury with the Edition collection can be seen as a hedge for the launch of a product which serves little purpose and offers little else than convenience. The watch's price tag and its luxury appeal may attract the high-end consumer thus strengthening the Apple brand while helping to market the rest of the line in making the watches at the lower end look like a bargain. The golden watch may also be a part of a wider strategy, aimed at increasing prices and testing the customer's willingness to pay more than premium prices for Apple products. After all, bridging the almost $300bn gap standing before the $1 trillion valuation is more easily done with gold.\nCategories:\tCorporate Finance\nTags: 1 trillionactive usersappleApple Inc.Apple productsApple WatchApple watch editionApple watch sportAWgoldgolden watchiphoneLuxurymarket analysissmartwatchSwiss watchvaluationwatchwatch market","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Emmaus House\nSpiritual Centre\nCourse booking form\nCreation Centred Mornings\nThe Great Willow\nThe Apple Tree\nMid-Life Journey\nJourney Into The Older Years\nLabyrinth Walk\nQuiet days 2022\nScripture and Prayer Days at Emmaus House in 2022\nOur Enneagram Journey 2022\nEnneagram 1 Introductory Workshop \u2013 2022\nEnneagram 2: Workshops \u2013 2022\nEnneagram 3 \u2013 2022\nMBTI\u00ae\nMBTI\u00ae Renewing\nUnfamiliar with the MBTI\u00ae?\nCONTINUING TO RE-VISIT THE ORIGINAL VALUES of the MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR\u00ae as we live in these times of change\/transformation\nDuring 2021 I have had the privilege of introducing people to the MBTI\u00ae again and realise that what I wrote (see below) is as relevant today, building on lived experience during the pandemic,\n\"As I reflect on the world around us and realise how important self-awareness is for us individually and together, it seems that the values of the MBTI\u00ae as first envisioned are coming full circle. \"\nStrange that at the beginning of such a year \u2026 2020 \u2026 Kathy Myers passed away. I still want to express my gratitude and appreciation for the person she was and the friend she became. Besides her visits to Emmaus House when we were in Clifton, I had the privilege of staying with her in Philadelphia just before we moved here to Whitchurch. Ten days I will never forget as we talked, shared and I came to know at first hand the founding times of the instrument.\nI feel now is the moment to recapture the real depth, with a Jungian understanding, of what the MBTI\u00ae is really about. What could be more relevant than to realise what has been and is happening to us, both at the level of the individual and the collective unconscious?\nThese TWO DAYS in May and then repeated in October can be taken as separate days and are probably more suited to those who have an understanding of the Indicator.\nGoing Deeper into the MBTI\u00ae with Dynamics\nTuesday May 3rd or Tuesday 18th October 2022\nTaking a look at the Other Side of Ourselves: our Shadow\nWednesday May 4th or Wednesday 19th October 2022\nEach day runs from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm and can be taken separately or together\nSuggested donation: \u00a3125.00 per day or \u00a3225.00 if taken together (May or October)\nThis covers the course, handouts, light lunch and refreshments.\nBooking Form here\nSleep Lane\nBS14 0QN\nEmail: emmaus@emmaushouse.org.uk\nCongregation of La Retraite CIO Registered charity number 1189341.\nClifton Diocese Website\nLa Retraite Website\nCopyright \u00a9 2022 Emmaus House. All rights reserved.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Afterburn: Society Beyond Fossil Fuels\nClimate change, along with the depletion of oil, coal, and gas, dictate that we will inevitably move away from our profound societal reliance on fossil fuels; but just how big a transformation will this be? While many policy-makers assume that renewable energy sources will provide an easy \"plug-and-play\" solution, author Richard Heinberg suggests instead that we are in for a wild ride; a \"civilization reboot\" on a scale similar to the agricultural and industrial revolutions\u2026\nClimate change, along with the depletion of oil, coal, and gas, dictate that we will inevitably move away from our profound societal reliance on fossil fuels; but just how big a transformation will this be? While many policy-makers assume that renewable energy sources will provide an easy \"plug-and-play\" solution, author Richard Heinberg suggests instead that we are in for a wild ride; a \"civilization reboot\" on a scale similar to the agricultural and industrial revolutions.\nAfterburn consists of fifteen essays exploring various aspects of the twenty-first century migration away from fossil fuels including:\nShort-term political and economic factors that impede broad-scale, organized efforts to adapt\nThe origin of longer-term trends (such as consumerism), that have created a way of life that seems \"normal\" to most Americans, but is actually unprecedented, highly fragile, and unsustainable\nPotential opportunities and sources of conflict that are likely to emerge\nFrom the inevitability and desirability of more locally organized economies to the urgent need to preserve our recent cultural achievements and the futility of pursuing economic growth above all, Afterburn offers cutting-edge perspectives and insights that challenge conventional thinking about our present, our future, and the choices in our hands.\nRichard Heinberg is a senior fellow of the Post Carbon Institute, the author of eleven previous books including The Party's Over and The End of Growth. He is widely regarded as one of the world's most effective communicators of the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels.\nNew Society Publishers\nBe the first to review \"Afterburn: Society Beyond Fossil Fuels\" Cancel reply\nThe Renewable Energy Home Handbook: Insulation & energy saving, Living off-grid, Bio-mass heating, Wind turbines, Solar electric PV generation, Solar water heating, Heat pumps, & more\nEnergy Finance and Economics: Analysis and Valuation, Risk Management, and the Future of Energy\nThe Great Transition: Shifting from Fossil Fuels to Solar and Wind Energy\nThe Law of Clean Energy: Efficiency and Renewables","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"GW's War - American Thinker\nGW's War\nBy Otis A. Glazebrook IV\n<?xml encoding=\"UTF-8\">Democratic republics never engage in war willingly. Wars are never popular for long. More often than not their wars are the result of a direct provocation or threat.\nTyrannies, by contrast, wage war to obfuscate the misery of their exploited citizenry.\nSo it was with GW's War.\nWar, by definition, is a large scale, expensive and violent conflict. Whereby two sides of the conflict spend their available resources killing people and breaking the civilian's will to fight. It is never pretty. Although, the end result of a war can be glorious.\nThere are times when Wars are justified and need to be waged. Someone needs to lead the nation and the military.\nAbout one third of the citizenry thought GW's War needed to be waged, one third did not think the war was necessary and were in fact vehemently against it, the other third were indifferent to the whole concept.\nGW was a lousy speaker and had trouble rallying the citizenry.\nFew nations supported GW's War as allies.\nSome in Congress who had voted for the war, later changed their minds. As GW's War dragged on, they began to withhold funding. Because of this, American soldiers suffered through incredible hardships, very cold winters, and a constant lack of food and proper military equipment.\nGW lost many more battles than he won. In fact on a win \/ loss basis, he is the worst commander in American History.\nYet, he is fondly remembered because he stood resolute and defeated the finest military machine on the planet.\nGW won by attrition, the longest declared war in American history.\nGW's War started with a Declaration of War, so noble and so well written that few see it for what it is:\n\"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.\"\nThe Declaration of Independence (War) ends with the following sentence:\n\"And for the support of this Declaration, with firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.\" Signed....\nThere were 56 signers, who by that act, declared war on the most powerful country in their world, the British Empire. They committed treason against King George III. The penalty, if caught, was death by hanging or worse.\nThe most famous of these men were John Hancock, Ben Franklin, Samuel and John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.\nRoger Sherman of Connecticut was the only signer of all four of our founding Documents.\nThose of you not familiar with this document might not realize that Patrick Henry, George Washington, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton were not among the signers.\nThe demographics of the signers were as follows: Benjamin Franklin was the oldest at seventy, 18 were under forty and 3 were in their twenties. John Hancock was the richest. Of the 56, twenty-four were lawyers and judges. Almost all were men of substantial property. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers. The remaining 12 were ministers, doctors and politicians. These were sober men. They were not wild-eyed fanatics nor dreamy elitist \"intellectuals\". They sought taxation with representation. Honor and principal drove these men. Two went on to become Presidents and both died on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the signing.\nWhat happened to the less famous signers? All became the objects of a vicious manhunt by the British. Rush Limbaugh, Sr. wrote a famous speech detailing the incredible sacrifices made by these patriots. The speech makes wonderful Fourth of July reading, but one story stands out for me.\nThe final obscure signer, the man who epitomizes American courage, was Abraham Clark of New Jersey. The British captured two of his sons holding them captive on the infamous prison hulks in New York Harbor. The British offered to release his sons if he recanted his signing of the Declaration of Independence. His answer: \"No.\"\nCommander in Chief, General GW ended his public career with his farewell address:\n\"Though, in reviewing the incidents of my administration, I am unconscious of intentional error, I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I may have committed many errors. Whatever they may be, I fervently beseech the Almighty to avert or mitigate the evils to which they may tend. I shall also carry with me the hope that my country will never cease to view them with indulgence; and that, after forty five years of my life dedicated to its service with an upright zeal, the faults of incompetent abilities will be consigned to oblivion, as myself must soon be to the mansions of rest.\n\"Relying on its kindness in this as in other things, and actuated by that fervent love towards it, which is so natural to a man who views in it the native soil of himself and his progenitors for several generations, I anticipate with pleasing expectation that retreat in which I promise myself to realize, without alloy, the sweet enjoyment of partaking, in the midst of my fellow-citizens, the benign influence of good laws under a free government, the ever-favorite object of my heart, and the happy reward, as I trust, of our mutual cares, labors, and dangers.\"\n- Geo. Washington.\nOn the 232nd Anniversary of our founding we would do well to remember that we do not honor GW and the Founding Fathers because they achieved personal perfection.\nWe honor them because of their steadfast belief that Free Men with the guidance of a Supreme Being could achieve Humanity's best form of governance.\nWe should also recognize that we are still trying to achieve the profound standard of humanity that Thomas Jefferson set forth in his second paragraph:\n\"We hold these truths to be self-evident:\n\"That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.\"\nGW and The Founding Fathers recognized that personal perfection is for another venue.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"A service of EWTN News\nCNA ACI Prensa ACI Stampa ACI Digital ACI Africa CNA Deutsche NCRegister\nMiddle East - Africa\nA Vatican Observer\nFrom the Bishops\nTrue Believers\nYour Heart, His Home\nCNA Newsletter\nEditors Service About Us Advertise Privacy\nACI Prensa ACI Stampa ACI Digital ACI Africa CNA Deutsche NCRegister\nChilean court: Private health facilities can't be forced to do abortions\nAfrica Studio\/Shutterstock.\nSantiago, Chile, Dec 17, 2018 \/ 10:53 am\nA Chilean court has ruled that private healthcare facilities may conscientiously object to abortions, declaring unconstitutional a law that had gone into effect in October.\nBy a vote of 8-2, the nation's Constitutional Court struck down a portion of the Regulation on Conscientious Objection of the Law on Abortion. The court accepted a Dec. 6 appeal filed by senators of the Chile Vamos coalition which sought to annul part of the Department of Health regulation.\nThe paragraph in question said that private institutions that maintained contracts with the state could invoke conscientious objection as long as \"they do not involve obstetric and gynecological services which, by their nature, include hospital services.\"\nFacilities that did not have state contracts were permitted under the regulation to conscientiously object to abortion, but were required to refer patients to another health facility that would perform the abortion. Individual doctors were allowed to opt-out of participating in abortions unless a woman required immediate medical attention that could not be postponed.\nWith the recent ruling by the Constitutional Court, private clinics may now refuse to do abortions while maintaining state contracts.\nThe Department of Health announced that it \"will comply with the ruling\" and will adopt all necessary measures to implement it.\nThe law that legalized abortion in certain cases \u2013 rape, fetal \"non-viability\" and when doctors deem the pregnancy to pose a risk to the life of the mother \u2013 was signed into law Sept. 14, 2017 by President Michelle Bachelet, as one of the signature initiatives of her second term.\nAbortion,\nCatholic News,\nPope Francis accepts Ouellet's resignation, appoints American to lead Dicastery for Bishops\nAt Catholic News Agency, our team is committed to reporting the truth with courage, integrity, and fidelity to our faith. We provide news about the Church and the world, as seen through the teachings of the Catholic Church. When you subscribe to the CNA UPDATE, we'll send you a daily email with links to the news you need and, occasionally, breaking news.\nAs part of this free service you may receive occasional offers from us at EWTN News and EWTN. We won't rent or sell your information, and you can unsubscribe at any time.\nOur mission is the truth. Join us!\nYour monthly donation will help our team continue reporting the truth, with fairness, integrity, and fidelity to Jesus Christ and his Church.\nCNA is a service of EWTN News, Inc.\n\u00a9 2023 CNA | All rights reserved.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Quid si nunc c\u0153lum ruat?\nNovember 2, 2012 November 2, 2012 leocookmanLeave a comment\nBond, as I said, is a symbol of decadence. A post war indulgence. A standard on which Great Britain and its once Empire flew its flag high and long. It is little wonder then it was hit so hard by the Economic Crisis. Such bastions of almost licentious displays of money would naturally be hardest hit. As such, Bond lost his studio and all his funding. Something that, no doubt, put the franchise into crisis and certainly made its identity a questionable thing. In retrospect and with the beauty of hindsight, I think this was a good thing. It allowed the film time to fester and ferment in the minds of the filmmakers, and most importantly, in the minds of the public.\nIf my post a few weeks ago didn't have my cards slammed harder on the table than La Chiffre at a Poker game then I will restate the obvious. I am a big fan of Bond and this one topped my favourites before it was 2\/3rds of the way through. It also staked a very bold claim in my top ten, full stop. If you want the pithy, Bond-esque, brief review without spoilers: Go and fucking see it. If you want a more meditative, rambling look at theory and technique that will contain spoilers, please read on.\nThe reason Skyfall was so successful for me (and I stress the 'For Me' part as I know many people who took quite a violent dislike to this one) is because it is quite a departure from established Bond canon. Sure it ticks every box you want a Bond film to tick: Aston Martin, Walther PPK, Nice suits, Exotic locations, Humorous one liners, Action, Espionage, blah blah blah. If you want a Bond film, it is there. It takes one hell of a sterling leap from its predecessors in its final third however. But we'll get to that\u2026\nThe two stars of this film were Dench and Deakin. Dame Judi turns in a performance I've seldom seen and certainly not in a mainstream blockbuster. M is a stone hard, unreadable, gun-toting iron woman with an almost pathological protective streak for her country. This edifice, beautifully mirroring the facade of Bond's much fought for 'Queen and Country' slowly crumbles away until they are both literally sitting in their own ruins of centuries ago. Dench's performance is underplayed and un-showy but she steals the whole thing through being given such full screen time. It is really something to watch one of the acting world's truly best being given something meaty and showy and completely owning the whole thing. They would never award oscars for this sort of thing (Thankfully) but Dench, in my mind, just turned in a career high and a performance well above an action movie of this nature.\nRoger Deakin is the cinematographer. Skip this paragraph if you ain't a photography\/cinema nerd. Skyfall was shot digitally on an Arri ALEXA in ARRIRAW at 4K DCP and it is beeeeeeeeeautiful. Now I personally love both digital and film and think they both serve a purpose, traditionally however, filmmakers have come to use\/rely on digital due to the fact it is immediately able to be rendered in the computer for editing and after effects and it is much more responsive to this type of post production. Digital can be better blended than film. Film is an organic, chemical compound and digitising it is a struggle and not always convincing. Skyfall is the first film I have seen use a digital format in a way a film cinematographer uses celluloid. There are two glaring moments of CGI (we're still not there yet): a man takes a looooong fall and a couple of Komodo Dragons. But that is it and for a film of this grandeur, length and spectacle that is impressive. What Deakin gets right is to not over sell the format. He does not use a grain filter most importantly to try to fool us, he keeps everything, crisp, clear and most importantly, DRY. The contrast is never boosted, colours are not over saturated, the dreaded HDR never rears its head, chromakey is not overly relied upon. The establishing shots (particularly of Shanghai and Macau by night) were so eye wideningly joyous that I was in love with the film from then on. I saw this in IMAX and can only recommend the experience. One negative against film at IMAX, unless shot in the enormous and unwieldy IMAX format, is that it can be slightly too dark and fringing can occur. The digital transfer of this film however is the first time I've really felt digital cinematography to be of a similar (still different) standard to film. The artistic merit for both is different but this is the first argument I've seen for a more grand and luxuriant digital cinema. Yet counter intuitively it is because Deakin holds it all back. In short it is kept simple to the point of emaciation. And, THAT ladies and gentlemen, is the key is to the whole riddle of why I love this movie.\nThe script is lean. I have heard it criticised for its verbose nature where as I would disagree. Deakin builds up to money shots by restraining every other shot. The script does the same. Dialogue is constant, even in action scenes, rattling along and keeping pace but it is when it slows, again like the cinematography, \u2013 Bardem's entrance, those establishing shots, descending into the icy lake, the lingering and loving shot of Turner's Fighting Temeraire \u2013 that we are fed sumptuous and delicious morsels that feed us a carbohydrate binge for the upcoming adrenalin charge. My favourite scene comes at the end of the second act when the international web of espionage has tightened and Bond is running through London, the Sound FX dim, the score pulses, the shots widen and Dench delivers with, orchestral grandeur, Tennyson's poem Ulysees, drawing the audience so close to the screen you could hear a pin drop. It is this economy yet depth of tone that coats the whole film.\nEverything is simplified. Bond has two gadgets, his suits are Alexander McQueen-esque Tom Ford designed slips, only fastening at a single button most times, the coats are simple plain cut, Crockett&Jones shoes with no detail and triple eyelets, rifles not lasers or automatics, the overblown modern architecture of modern MI6 is even deliberately undermined reducing it to a tunnel then to a bureaucrat's pokey office, the cars are un-fussy Range Rovers, Jaguars and only one concession to the old school gaudiness with the DB5 but even that comes with a humorous asterisk. Even the sense of art hoovering up its context that I often speak of is used economically. A Leveson-style inquiry is presented in a very small courtroom. No every sense of the high ceilings, private jets, casinos and five-star hotels is carefully closeted away in favour of a more rich, dense yet economic fare.\nIt has its negatives. The real clincher for most will be one or both of two things: The 3rd act or its sexism. The latter cannot be ignored and should be addressed.\nFirst and foremost it does not pass the Bechedel test but there is sadly more to it than that. Severine is Skyfall's Bond Girl and is announced as a prostitute with a horrific and abusive past. Whom Bond duly shags in the shower. I've really tried to keep the spoilers to a minimum thus far but don't read on if you haven't seen it. Severine is shot by the evil villain Silva to which Bond makes a dismissive quip. It is admittedly hard to let this one slide. Bond is a throwback, which is not an excuse, but a lot of effort is put in to Bond's background and his true character and motives, something I think is expertly done. However, this does not in any way paint him the hero, quite the opposite in fact. He is pictured as a self-indulgent, cynical, self-loathing, women hating, brute by the end. This does not forgive him and it does not try to endear him to us but it does develop Bond more than any other film and at least makes him more relatable. His nearest applicable character is Indiana Jones who, lest we forget, is a paedophile and a thief. Those aren't jokes about Short Round either, watch Raiders again and pay close attention to Marion and Indiana's conversation in her bar\u2026 There are sexist moments in this film that are uncomfortable but the film does at least make a firm effort to point the blame at an old and out of touch Imperialistic agent. Some will not be able to get past this however and I do understand\/sympathise.\nThe finale however, is merely a matter of taste. I personally cannot put in to words how much I utterly fucking loved the final third of this film. Comparisons to Peckinpah's Straw Dogs are justified. The under siege nature of Bond's retreat is poetic to the point elegiac, despite the quips. The pacing of it all is so wonderfully tuned it feels like a gently ramped treadmill. Unfortunately, I am biased in favour of this ending. It is shot in Glencoe, a place I love, and Deakin's photography as soon as they get to Scotland is so utterly beautiful I want to hang it on my fucking wall. Colour is stripped back to an almost non-existent palate which then literally explodes into a single flame of colour that is so beautifully lit it looks like those Turners we were treated to earlier in the film. I honestly wanted to cry it made me so happy and excited. They are in my favourite place, amongst the hills, in a spooky old abandoned house, there's booby traps, gunfights, chases, duels and all majestically shot. Sadly people do not consider this Bond, and they are right. I was fully behind this tonal shift in the same way as I loved Danny Boyle's Sunshine all the more for its similarly off-kilter finale. Others will probably find the down and dirty, horror-movie climax of Skyfall a bit jarring. I utterly fucking LOVED it.\nAnother Con: I have no idea why they put a model for Topman in the role of Q. Terrible bit of casting for a well written role.\nThomas Newman's score is underwhelming and seems barely present but for 3 moments when the Bond theme kicks in and when he sumptuously reprises the films main title theme.\nComparisons to Dark Knight Rises, Straw Dogs, the Mission Impossible franchise, have all been made but the film it most resembles for me is Jaws. Jaws is a classic and perfect example of the 3 act structure every great story adheres to. Act 1: Set up \u2013 Introduce your protagonist and their motives and a mystery to solve. Act 2: The Turn \u2013 The villain is revealed along with their motives putting the protagonist either in jeopardy or at odds with them. Act 3: The Stand \u2013 Our protagonist confronts the problem and villain and resolves the conflict. Interestingly this is a method for poetry. I know I write poetry so will read it wherever I find something I like but Jaws and Skyfall follow this convention sooooooo doggedly it is hard to ignore and hard not to root for. Hooper, Quint and Brody strike out to sea to face their villain in a mano-a-mano showdown while in Skyfall, Queen Victoria, Daddy Warbucks and the dude from Tomb Raider head into the hills in a Mano-a-mano showdown. I want to cheer the whole way through a last act THIS good.\nI think I have made my case as well I can. For some it will not be what they want from a Bond Film but for me there are too many things about this film that seem tailor-made to appeal to me specifically for me to not like it: A subtle but powerhouse performance in the centre stage, images of Turner, that tonal shift, Artistic Cinematography, block colour and simply tailored clothes, Scotland, a 'haunted' house, an epic climax wreathed in flame, poetic allegory, actual poetry, Shanghai, an evocative string-led theme, real darkness in frame, confidence in pacing, soliloquising, the list goes on. All these things on their own would make me love a film but all in one? You had me at Shanghai, James. I could ramble on for paragraphs more and would love to discuss it with anyone who is interested at great length and I am DEFINITELY seeing at IMAX again but for now I'll leave it at that.\nJames Bond will return but never like this. Eleven out of Ten.\nPosted in Canonisation, Nerds Only, ReviewTagged adele, analysis, bond, cinematography, epworth, james bond, judi dench, poetry, review, roger deakin, skyfall, tennyson","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Northwood Cricket Club News story\n< View all news stories\nNorthwood Cricket Club's 80 years of scoresheets with over 4000 fixtures are online now!\nHappy New Year! Hope you all are doing well.\nSince the club started recording scoresheets on the website in 2012, one of the challenges was how to migrate all past scorebooks into the website.\nCurrently, our website doesn't show a true reflection of performances of past and current Legends of NCC. This deprives the current generation of players to gain inspiration from NCC Legend's past exceptional performances, to show potential new members how much noteworthy history and traditions our club has and to show their daughter\/sons\/partner how much they have enjoyed a game of cricket in the past.\nThis challenge of migrating scoresheets still remains due to the amount of time & effort it requires. However, we have managed to do the next best solution to tackle this. We have now scanned all the pre-website score sheets which are in the clubhouse's loft and uploaded it on the website. What this means is that the history of the club is no longer consigned to the murky corners of a cold, dark and hard-to-access attic. Around 80 years of score sheets with over 4000 fixtures are now easily accessible online.\nWe can assure you that when you go through 1938 to 2000s, it is like binge watching a box-set of never-ending seasons of NCC with multiple storylines spanning across many generations e.g. it ranges from the various styles of scoring from the teenager Jerry Laxton\/R Laxton in 70's to the cursive handwriting from Peter Green, to Judith Knowles and Alan Kay's clean and colourful lettering, to the sparkly gel pens of H Lewis to various player's journeys:\nLatchman brothers dominated in 70's\nRanjit Latchman has continued to score for over 50 years\nThe journey of young Daniel Rodgers becoming a prolific batsman from late 80's to early 90's\nDennis Cave's exceptional bowling for almost 2 decades,\nHow the numerous Knowles brothers played in 90s ,\nWe still wonder how the grubby but effective batting technique of Keith Watson accumulated so many runs and arguably becoming the highest runs scorer in the club history\nHow Stephen Hussey dominated the 80's\/90's ,\nHow Steve Dickson always seems to be an underrated player.\nHow current 1st XI player Stuart Reeve started his journey in 2000s from 3rd XI ( 5th XI in today's standard))\nThere are many other NCC legend's storylines which you can follow with the likes of Barry Miller, H Green, R Pamplin, C Harrison, Peter Frost, Steve Lewis, Keith Knowles, Richard Mackey, Nigel Hussey, P.K. Merali to name a few.\nYou will also see the pattern of fixtures played, Clubs that don't exist any more or the fixtures we are still playing, the fact that we have always played Chorleywood in April and also keep an eye on the number of times NCC batted first..\nTechnical details: Pages are scanned in searchable PDF format, you should be able to search a word in a file, but we haven't made any technological advances yet to decrypt various types of handwriting. If you are lucky, it can sometimes recognise the partial word from handwriting. Printed words are easily searchable . Files are splitted in parts due to file size restriction of the website.\nThe website link is HERE","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"More Problems Aboard Carnival Cruise Ships\nPublished March 15, 2013 at 6:30 AM MDT\nAndy Newman\nThe Carnival Dream docked in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, in December 2010.\nFor the past month, management at Carnival Cruise Lines has been in a nearly constant state of damage control.\nIn the past week alone, three of the cruise line's giant floating playgrounds have experienced embarrassing malfunctions that have at least inconvenienced, if not angered, many passengers.\nHere's the latest status report: On Saturday, Carnival Elation had to be escorted by tug because of a problem in its steering system. Since Wednesday, Carnival Dream has experienced power interruptions at the island of St. Maarten, stranding more than 4,000 passengers. And now, Carnival Legend is limping home to Tampa at reduced speed because of an issue with one of its propulsion units.\nAll this, of course, follows by barely a month the so-called \" cruise from hell\" aboard the Carnival Triumph after an engine room fire left the vessel adrift in the Gulf of Mexico with 4,200 passengers aboard.\nChristopher Muller of Boston University's School of Hospitality tells CNN that the latest wave of issues at Carnival appear to be a management problem.\n\"They are doing something wrong with preventative maintenance,\" he says. \"Carnival has so many working ships that to say the fleet is in distress is maybe a little bit broad, but clearly something is not right.\"\nCarnival has blamed the problems aboard the Carnival Dream, docked in St. Maarten, on a malfunction that occurred in the ship's emergency diesel generator during a routine safety test.\n\"At no time did the ship lose power, and the ship's propulsion systems and primary power sources were not impacted,\" Carnival said on its website. \"However, for a period of time last night, there were interruptions to the elevators and restroom services. Toilets and elevators are currently working, and have been since about 12:30 a.m.\"\nOn Friday, the cruise company announced that 12 commercial planes would take the Carnival Dream's 4,363 passengers back to Orlando \u2014 the closest major airport.\nThe Carnival Legend's problems, though at sea not in port, appear to be more in the way of an inconvenience. One of the ship's two Azipods, a directional propulsion unit, was experiencing an unspecified \"technical issue\" that has forced the ship to reduce its speed.\nEven before the latest problems, questions have been raised about the cruise industry in general and specifically Carnival, the largest line in the industry.\nUpdate at 11 a.m. ET: Carnival Lowers Earnings Forecast:\nCarnival's share price is down 2.3 percent and the company says it expects net revenue yields to be flat this year, versus an earlier forecast that they would rise 1 percent to 2 percent, Reuters reports.\nThe cruise line cites weakness in Europe and pricing promotions. But as the news agency notes: \"Carnival, which operates lines including Holland America, Costa and its namesake line, is grappling with a series of recent headline-grabbing mishaps involving its ships that have dented demand for its vacations.\"\nNPR News TravelCruise Ship Triumph\nCarnival Apologizes For Triumph Conditions, Cancels 14 Upcoming Cruises\nWith the Carnival cruise ship Triumph and its 3,143 passengers now being towed to Mobile, Ala., more reports are emerging from passengers on the ship that lost engine power early Sunday. They describe a tent city on the upper deck and continuing problems with the sewage system.\nCruise Ship Disaster Puts Focus On Safety Concerns\nYuki Noguchi\nSome of the survivors of last week's shipwreck off the Italian coast described the rescue effort as chaotic and disorganized. A maritime workers union called the disaster a \"wake-up call\" highlighting long-standing safety concerns \u2014 like ships getting too large to evacuate quickly \u2014 and lax regulation.\n'Cruise From Hell' Was A Mix Of 'Survivor' And 'Lord Of The Flies'\n\"It was horrible, just horrible\" said one passenger, tears welling in her eyes. Tales of hoarding and gross conditions make the five-day experience in the Gulf of Mexico sound like one very unpleasant trip.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"ROBBERY WITH VIOLENCE, ASSAULT WITH A WEAPON, ASSAULT, THREATS, RESIST POLICE OFFICER\nCornwall, ON \u2013 James Arow, 29, of Cornwall was arrested on March 31st, 2021 and charged with the following:\n\u00b7 Robbery with violence\n\u00b7 Assault with a weapon\n\u00b7 Assault x 2\n\u00b7 Uttering threats x 4\n\u00b7 Resist police officer\nIt is alleged on March 31st, 2021, the man entered a Pitt Street business and demanded money from an employee, while threatening to kill the employee and others in the business. The man further assaulted three other people in the business, using a salt shaker to assault one of the individuals. Police were contacted and took the man into custody after a brief struggle. He was charged accordingly and held for a bail hearing.\nCRUELTY TO ANIMALS\nCornwall, ON \u2013 Michael Taillon, 27, of Cornwall was arrested on March 31st, 2021 and charged with cruelty to animals. It is alleged on December 28th, 2020, the man assaulted his dog, resulting in an injury that required medical attention. Police were contacted and an investigation ensued. On March 31st, 2021, the man attended police headquarters to deal with the matter. He was taken into custody, charged accordingly and released to appear in court on June 1st, 2021.\nCornwall, ON \u2013 Peter Garlough, 41, of Cornwall was arrested on March 31st, 2021 and charged with two counts of breach of release order. It is alleged on March 23rd, 2021, the man failed to sign in to police and further failed to notify a change of address, despite his conditions. An investigation ensued and on March 31st, 2021, he attended police headquarters to deal with the matter. He was taken into custody, charged accordingly and held for a bail hearing.\nFAIL TO ATTEND FOR FINGERPRINTS, FAIL TO ATTEND COURT, BREACH\nCornwall, ON \u2013 Joshua Flaro, 21, of Cornwall was arrested on March 31st, 2021 and charged with failing to attend court, failing to attend for fingerprints and breach of probation for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged the man failed to attend court and further failed to attend police headquarters for fingerprints. An investigation ensued and on March 31st, 2021, he was taken into custody, charged accordingly and released to appear in court on June 10th, 2021.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"The Idea That Jews Don't Write Fantasy Is A Fantasy\nFiled to:Genres\nA new essay claiming that Jewish authors don't write fantasy literature has caused a firestorm of criticism online, including an impressive list of Jewish fantasy authors. Is Christianity really embedded in the DNA of the fantasy epic?\nNoting that neither C.S. Lewis nor J.R.R. Tolkien was Jewish, Michael Weingrad writes in the Jewish Review Of Books that the masters of the genre weren't alone. Jews, as a rule, don't write fantasy, he claims, and there are no fantasies that are ineluctibly Jewish in the way that Narnia is Christian. He goes on to blame the Holocaust, among other things, and then assert that:\nTo put it crudely, if Christianity is a fantasy religion, then Judaism is a science fiction religion. If the former is individualistic, magical, and salvationist, the latter is collective, technical, and this-worldly. Judaism's divine drama is connected with a specific people in a specific place within a specific history. Its halakhic core is not, I think, convincingly represented in fantasy allegory. In its rabbinic elaboration, even the messianic idea is shorn of its mythic and apocalyptic potential. Whereas fantasy grows naturally out of Christian soil, Judaism's more adamant separation from myth and magic render classic elements of the fantasy genre undeveloped or suspect in the Jewish imaginative tradition.\nWithin hours after this essay went up the other day, people were pointing out tons of Jewish fantasy authors that Weingrad had somehow missed. For example, there's Isaac Bashevis Singer, who won the Nobel prize for writing, essentially fantasy. Other fantasy greats include Marge Piercy, Michael Chabon, Peter Beagle, Charles Stross, Esther Friesner and Neil Gaiman.\nAnd Spencer Ackerman asserts that \"Jewish Narnia is called Marvel Comics,\" and points to Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Superman creators Siegel and Schuster as the creators of epic stories whose Jewish roots permeate their work. Commenting on Ackerman's blog post, Chabon writes:\nI have not read Mr. Weingrad's piece but I agree with others that the defintion of so-called High Fantasy is necessarily very narrow and excludes huge areas of fantasy fiction written by Jews and Gentiles alike. But I think it's kind of an interesting question, as long as we aren't lamenting the absence or somehow holding it against Jewish literature.\nAnd I'd stack Darkseid against Sauron any day.\nI would also put in a good word for the work of the great Avram Davidson and a wonderful contemporary writer, Lisa Goldstein.\nIn fact, though, as Ross Douthat points out in the New York Times, the larger question still stands \u2014 is there a fantasy epic whose Judaism is as undeniable as Narnia's Christianity?","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"MINIONS AND MISS WORLD MALTA!\nMinions director Kyle Balda, of Maltese descent, has accepted Miss World Malta's request to collaborate in the Miss World Charity Auction Gala in Sanya, China.\nOn finding out that Kyle Balda's mother was from Marsa, Katrina Pavia decided to contact him and recruit his help. He has very generously agreed to donate a personally signed Minion! Ms Pavia has said that she is extremely happy and is sure that this collector's item will fetch a very handsome sum of money in auction.\nMiss World isn't just a beauty pageant. It's about the empowerment of women, of personality and of philanthropy. This year, the contestants will be staying at the 7* Beauty Crown Sanya Hotel in China.\nThe 65th final event will be held at the Beauty Crown Grand Theatre which was purposely built in 2003 for Miss World competitions. Five Miss Worlds have been crowned there so far, and the reigning Miss World, Ms Rolene Strauss, will have the honour of crowning Sanya's 6th Miss World.\nDuring their stay, the contestants will have challenges to work on, including the publication of their Beauty with a Purpose Project and the Multi Media Challenge. The latter is divided into 3 segments and has already started on the 1st November. The contestants have been given a Facebook page and Twitter account to show their skills and their preparations for Miss World.\nSince social media in China has a different layout, the contestants will get to know their final segment during their stay in China. One can browse Miss World or install the Miss World app, or contact Katrina on kmpavia@hotmail.com.\nFor the Charity Auction Gala, each Beauty Queen has to bring a gift from her country to be auctioned, and all the money raised will go towards less privileged children. The more prestigious and valuable the gift, the more money can be raised. Guests from all over the world will be welcome.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"A Theory of Evolution for Evolution\nHow to Disinfect Everything\nSymptoms and Testing\nBrandon Keim\nA new model of evolution's origins traces the possible outlines of a critical and mysterious stage in Earth's infancy, when a few odd chemicals developed into the molecular ancestors of life as we know it. \"This was the basis of all life on Earth,\" said Harvard University evolutionary dynamicist Martin Nowak, \"and it's a good [\u2026]\nA new model of evolution's origins traces the possible outlines of a critical and mysterious stage in Earth's infancy, when a few odd chemicals developed into the molecular ancestors of life as we know it.\n\"This was the basis of all life on Earth,\" said Harvard University evolutionary dynamicist Martin Nowak, \"and it's a good starting point to ask, how does life begin? How does evolution begin?\"\nThat some molecules crossed a critical threshold from inanimate to animate is widely assumed by evolutionary biologists, but four billion intervening years have erased the details of this passage.\nNowak and fellow Harvard biologist Hisashi Ohtsuki posit a transitional stage: molecules subject to the forces of selection and mutation, incapable of replication -- the final condition necessary for life -- but drawn inexorably towards it.\n\"Evolutionary dynamics are a universal principle. They can operate with whatever is at hand,\" said Nowak.\nKey to Nowak's model, published yesterday in the Proceedings of the\nNational Academy of Sciences, is the basic concept of selection and mutation in the absence of replication. He called this period prelife, and characterized it as a \"generative system that can produce information.\"\n\"All I need is some chemical system that produces all sorts of chemicals, and some have the property of forming strings,\" said Nowak. \"\nIn model units of one and zero, Nowak replicated the bonding of simple molecules in the primordial soup.\nIn this context, mutation occurred at the level of chemical reactions available to the newly-formed strings -- or, in their real-world prelife analogue, in the precursors of RNA, the single-stranded relative of DNA.\nSome strings grew faster than others, and were prone to different types of reactions. \"Now I can ask which strings are more abundant than others, and this is a form of selection,\" said Nowak. \"This is prelife.\nAll that's missing is replication.\"\nThe replication may have taken a form known as template-directed polymerization, in which molecules attract chemicals that assemble in mirror copies beside them.\n\"Many DNA-like molecules have this property,\" said Nowak. \"Now I can ask, under what condition can replication emerge?\"\nThat condition remains unknown, but synthetic biologists hope to replicate it in a laboratory.\n\"The transition between chemistry and biology is extremely murky,\" said Irene Chen, a Harvard University systems biologist and specialist in early biomolecules. She was not involved in the research.\n\"This helps an experimentalist like myself narrow in on the interesting questions. It's a clear framework for starting to tackle these problems experimentally,\" she said.\nPrevolutionary dynamics and the origin of evolution [PNAS]\nImages: Above, the abundance of various model polymers; below, their development under conditions of replication. Courtesy of Martin Nowak.\nCould Life Evolve on the Internet?\nBiologists on the Verge of Creating New Form of Life\nThe Complexity of Evolution\nSuperorganism as Window Into Complexity and Evolution\nComplexity Theory Takes Evolution to Another Level\nMicrobe May Answer Mystery of Multicellular Life\nNew Explanation For DNA Ingredient's Emergence From Primordial Soup\nGerman Researchers Create Nano-Scale Basis of ... Life?\nWiSci 2.0: Brandon Keim's Twitter stream and Del.icio.us feed; Wired Science on Facebook.\nBrandon is a Wired Science reporter and freelance journalist. Based in Brooklyn, New York and Bangor, Maine, he's fascinated with science, culture, history and nature.\nTopicscomplexityEvolutionMystery","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Full Circle Fiber Adds MTC Engineering\nMTC Engineering Continues Along Growth Path with Investment from Full Circle Fiber\nLone Tree, CO \u2013 December 9, 2020 \u2013 MTC Engineering (\"MTC\" or the \"Company\"), a telecommunications engineering and construction management firm, announced that it has been acquired by Full Circle Fiber Partners (\"Full Circle\"), an affiliate of Mill Point Capital. MTC will continue to operate independently under its new name, MTC Consulting LLC.\nMTC's fast-growing platform is focused on outside plant engineering, civil engineering, construction management, construction inspection, land acquisition, optical systems provisioning and business development expertise. Since the Company's founding in 2002, MTC has provided network planning and engineering services in connection with the deployment of fiber optic infrastructure to major telecommunications carriers as well as all levels of government (municipal, state and federal). The Company is headquartered in Lone Tree, Colorado, with additional offices in Florida and Texas.\nMill Point is a middle-market private equity firm focused on control investments in North America. Mill Point employs an Executive Partner model and has extensive experience investing in transactions in the communications and business services sectors. The board of Full Circle includes communications industry veterans such as Wayne H. Davis. Full Circle made its first investment in the communications services space in April 2020, with the acquisition of Knight Broadband, and its second investment in August 2020, with the acquisition of Noble Resources.\nUnder the ownership of Full Circle, MTC will continue to build upon its strong track record of performance and reliable customer service, while executing on the variety of opportunities in front of the Company today. The combination of MTC with Full Circle's existing construction services capabilities immediately supplements the platform's value proposition and service offerings, while expanding geographical reach and enhancing its ability to serve new and existing customers.\nKevin Manweiler, President of MTC, commented, \"I am extremely proud of the foundation our team has built and look forward to the next stage of development for MTC. We are thrilled to be joining the Full Circle platform and are excited about their commitment to our growth going forward.\"\n\"Under the leadership of Kevin Manweiler, MTC has established a track record of strong execution in design and engineering services for its telecommunications customers. We look forward to partnering with the entire MTC team to support the extensive growth opportunities in front of the Company as well as the broader Full Circle platform,\" said Michael Duran, Founder and Managing Partner of Mill Point.\nHeadquartered in Lone Tree, CO, MTC is a telecommunications engineering and construction management firm focused on outside plant engineering, civil engineering, construction management, construction inspection, land acquisition, optical systems provisioning, switching provisioning and business development expertise. MTC has provided network planning and engineering services in connection with the deployment of fiber optic infrastructure to major telecommunications carriers as well as all levels of government (municipal, state and federal). For more information, please visit www.mtc-llc.com.\nMill Point Capital is a private equity firm targeting control investments in lower-middle market businesses, with a focus on industrial and business services companies in North America. Mill Point's experienced team of investors and Executive Partners seek to enhance the value of portfolio companies by executing transformative strategic initiatives and operational improvements. Mill Point is based in New York, NY. For more information, please visit www.millpoint.com.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"HYPER TRENDS\nGerman philosopher Martin Heidegger was completely obsessed with the effects of technology on the human condition at large. He wrote in 1935 \"When the farthest corner of the globe has been conquered technologically and can be exploited economically; when any incident you like, in any place you like, at any time you like, becomes accessible as fast as you like; when you can simultaneously \"experience\" an assassination attempt against a king in France and a symphony concert in Tokyo; when time is nothing but speed, instantaneity, and simultaneity . . . there still looms like a specter over all this uproar the question: what for?\u2014where to?\u2014and what then?\" Heidegger, nearly 100 years ago, had a premonition of many of the malcontents of globalization and technology and the senseless emptiness that accompanies an interconnected world.\nThe pervasive influence of technology, from Heidegger's perspective, led to people forgetting to notice that they are alive, forgetting that all being is connected, and a failure in living an authentic existence. He voiced his concerns about technology and modernity pulling us towards monotonous tasks, overwhelming us with too much information, and killing silence \u2013 predicting in 1935 the discontents of 2016 almost perfectly.\nHis solution to this conundrum lied in exposure to great art, as it is art that helps us remove ourselves from our ego and appreciate the independent existence of other people, ways of living, and objects. Heidegger might have been a visionary, but he did not predict that the technological apparatus would be so all consuming and totalizing that it would fundamentally alter the speed and depth with which we experience and consume art.\nIn 2016, the acceleration of culture and art is moving at such a pace that is nearly impossible to describe. Everything - companies, artists, human relationships - is being subsumed by the torrid pace modernity operates at. Tinder swipes and vapid Instagram celebrities are becoming our representation of reality, the symbols that guide us through both our Internet and real selves - if such a distinction even still exists. Creativity is now embedded directly into these communication systems, and the pace at which the world operates continues to grow at a dizzying rate.\nFashion\u2013 really just a manifestation of the values and currents of culture at large \u2013 is no exception to this new pace. Fashion is simultaneously art and culture, which is what makes it such a unique medium. Technology is delivering this medium to the consumer quicker than ever before. The runway to retail timeline is being moved up to instantaneity in some cases, directly engaging with consumers wishes to purchase items representing new trends and the \"it\" items so often associated with luxury.\nConsequently, both broader fashion trends and the specific designers responsible for them are just becoming hyper-trends. They burn intensely for a brief period of time, and then are discarded to make room for the next luminous yet disposable derivative.\nDespite many designers' efforts, it is impossible not to be part of the cultural zeitgeist, even if one is firmly against it. Matthew Miller has stated, \"Things are consumed far too quickly \u2013 this is one of the big killers of subcultures; things don't have a chance to spread progressively and naturally through word of mouth or through magazines. Everyone just gets what's going on straight to their phones, there's no value in it anymore. Things just get consumed and six months later they're in a museum.\" The speed of fashion has severely limited a genuine, deep engagement with fashion and its references, creating a superficial and transient landscape. This lack of engagement leads to less dialogue and discourse on fashion in general, allowing the pace of fashion itself to act as a constricting force on creativity.\nThis lack of a real conversation has led the fashion world to draw on nostalgia and an emphasis on the repurposing and repacking of stale trends in place of genuine original design. One has to look no further than ubiquitous logo mania or the constant 90's street wear references that characterize contemporary fashion to see the lack of creativity in the contemporary landscape. Fashion, to many designers and fashion houses, has become nearly an advertising exercise in its totality \u2013 not about the clothes, but about selling concepts, status, an imagined self and an invented tradition.\nSo where do the hyper-trends in fashion leave us? Maks Fus Mickiewicz, senior journalist at trend analyst the Future Laboratory, in a recent article in The Guardian, predicts that for better or worse, fashion companies must democratize their visions and stay away from vertically imposing their aesthetics on the consumer, and he models technology companies and open source software that can be constantly updated and altered as an example of a system of fashion's future. With this, comes a simultaneous wonder and horror of the possibilities entwined with fashion and technology.\nAre we ready to accept that there are no creative geniuses who should offer us visions on how to dress? Does the average person, the consumer, really offer the best possible vision? There are no answers to these questions, but what is clear is that Fashion, under the grips of technology, is certainly still in its beta stage. What will last? What will we look back upon with wonder, and what with disgust? One thing is certain, and that is that genuine creativity and vision are finite resources, and they must strive to find a space to exist amongst the mayhem and hyper-trends of the 21st century.\ntext: Aaron Gray\nimagery: Jenny Choi\nAll images courtesy of the Internet\nYang Li & SAMIZDAT","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Newsletter Contact Search\nHistory of CIFE\nAlexandre Marc\nAddress and Map\nOur Masters\nStudent Life & Admissions\nDegree & Recognition\nMAEIS Applied European Policy and Governance Studies\nWeekly Programme\nMAEIS Mediterranean Studies\nMAEIS European Integration and Global Studies\nMaster in Global Energy Transition and Governance\nJoint Master in Global Economic Governance and Public Affairs\nJoint Master in EU Trade & Climate Diplomacy\nExecutive Master in EU Studies\nValidation of Non-Formal Learning\nSummer University Programme\nBlack Sea Summer University\nSummer University in Albania\nSummer University in Romania\nBalkans Summer University\nSummer University in Prague\nOverseas University Programmes\nSummer European Academy\nDanube Summer Institute\nEU-China Summer School\nEU-China Winter School\nEvening Course in Vienna\nLaurent Baechler\nFran\u00e7ois Bafoil\nHelgard Fr\u00f6hlich\nEmre G\u00fcr\nRachel Guyet\nSusann Heinecke\nMathias Jopp\nArnaud Leconte\nFr\u00e9d\u00e9ric L\u00e9pine\nJunjie Ma\nIsabelle Maras\nFlorent Marciacq\nHartmut Marhold\nRyszard Piasecki\nChristian Roy\nGeorge N. 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Therefore, CIFE is not responsible for the content of any material linked to our website or any changes made after the date the link was created.\nThese statements apply to both external publications and CIFE guest publications, discussion forums and mailing lists. Any liability for currently inaccurate or incomplete content lies solely with the original creator of the web pages to which the CIFE is linked.\nWe are committed to respecting your integrity and your personal data.\nCIFE undertakes, in accordance with the GDPR, to collect only the data necessary and useful for the purposes prescribed.\nThe CIFE headquarters are located in France and, as such, we adhere to French legislation on the protection of personal information (1998: 204) and European Regulation 2016\/679, (GDPR).\nPersonal data processing purposes\nPersonal data refers to data that identifies you as a physical or legal person.\nWe process your personal data for the following purposes:\n\u2022 Provide our services in accordance with applicable terms and conditions.\n\u2022 Administer relations between You and CIFE - via CIFE publications, newsletters and application file management.\nWe may process certain types of personal data concerning you such as :\n\u2022 Your contact information including your name, email address and phone number.\n\u2022 User information, for example, if you log into our service or visit our websites. 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Neither the translator, nor the CIFE take any responsibility for errors occurring from this translation. The legal effect of this disclaimer must be based on the German original\nContents of Online materials\nAuthor's rights and copyright\nEnrolled Students responsibilities\nLegal effect of this disclaimer\n1. Contents of Online materials\nThe Centre international de formation europ\u00e9enne, hereafter referred to as the CIFE, accepts no responsibility for the topicality, accuracy, completeness or quality of the collected information contained on its website. Liability claims against the CIFE for any of the following reasons will be excluded as long as the CIFE can reasonably demonstrate that they are not responsible for any faults:\ninclusion of offensive materials\nthe use of misuse of the collected information\nAll documents and materials are contributed voluntarily and with the consent of the individuals concerned. They are independent of the CIFE. 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Enrolled Students responsibilities\n5.1 Members name\nEach student enrolled in the CIFE's programme will be allotted a user name (ILIAS-user name). This user name is valid for the duration of the CIFE's academic course. The student's are forbidden from changing their user name without prior consent from theCIFE (by email).\nAny misuse or fraudulous use of user identity is forbidden and will immediately lead to the blocking of the user's CIFE account. The misuse of user identity is defined as the unauthorized use of a user name by any person other than the enrolled student. This definition of misuse is also valid for the sharing or imitation of another student on the CIFE's programme or any person associated with the CIFE through the use of another user name.\n5.2 Password\nUpon enrollment, each student will be issued with their own personal password. It is forbidden to divulge this password to anyone. Students will be personally responsible for the secrecy of their password. 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If any individual or collective part or formulation of this text does not at all, or partially or completely correspond to what is legally required, the content and validity of the remaining parts of the document remain legally unaffected.\nTranslated from original German text. Neither the translator, nor the CIFE take any responsibility for errors occurring from this translation. The legal effect of this disclaimer must be based on the German original.\nWith the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union\nThis website has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of CIFE, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"No to the Srebrenica Resolution\nAppeal of Foreign Intellectuals\n\u0443\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430\u043a, 23. \u0444\u0435\u0431\u0440\u0443\u0430\u0440 2010.\nAPPEAL TO PRESIDENT BORIS TADI\u0106 AND THE SERBIAN PARLIAMENT: DO NOT GAMBLE WITH YOUR COUNTRY'S FUTURE! NO TO THE SREBRENICA RESOLUTION.\nDear Mr. President and honorable deputies,\nAs concerned American and European intellectuals and citizens, we call on you to seriously reconsider the plan to adopt a parliamentary resolution that would treat the Srebrenica massacre of July 1995 as a paradigmatic event of the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina and in doing so to use language that could be interpreted as Serbia's acceptance of responsibility for \"genocide.\"\nThe execution of Moslem prisoners in July of 1995, after Bosnian Serb forces took over Srebrenica, was a war crime, but it is by no means a paradigmatic event. The informed public in Western countries knows that, at that time, forces attributed to the Republic of Srpska executed in three days approximately as many Moslems as Moslem forces, raiding surrounding Serbian villages out of Srebrenica, had murdered during the preceding three years. There is nothing to set one crime apart from the other, except that its commission was more condensed in time. In a vicious civil war, in which all sides commit crimes, all innocent victims are entitled to compassion but the victims of one ethnic group should have no special moral claim to unique recognition. Putting the suffering of one group on a pedestal necessarily derogates from the right of the other group \u2013 in this case Serbian non-combatants in the devastated villages surrounding the enclave of Srebrenica \u2013 to an equal measure of sympathy.\nMore importantly, what really happened in Srebrenica in July of 1995 is an issue that is still not settled, or why it occurred, and who was behind it. The accepted version of events, shaped mainly by war propaganda and hyperbolic media reports, is becoming increasingly obsolete because it is being vigorously questioned and reassessed by critical thinkers in the Western world. Much reliable information on these events is still unavailable and needs to be researched, but without it responsible conclusions on the nature and scope of the Srebrenica massacre cannot be drawn. Both the event's alleged scope and its legal description as \"genocide\" are intensely in dispute. It would therefore be very unwise for Serbia and its parliament to formally commit themselves to a version of events that is thin on evidence but long on moral and political implications that are extremely detrimental to Serbia and its people.\nWe are also troubled by the prospect of Serbia and its parliament might accept the thesis that the massacre in Srebrenica, regrettable as it may be, amounts to \"genocide.\" That would unpardonably diminish genuine genocide as a phenomenon of the 20th century, of which the Holocaust of the Jewish people and the mass extermination campaigns against Armenians, Pontus Greeks, Assyrians, Kurds, and the Roma are some outstanding examples.\nWe are concerned that the politicisation of human suffering and the frivolous usage of the grave legal category of genocide greatly cheapens these important concepts and constitutes an undeserved insult to innocent victims of political violence everywhere in the world.\nNot only would Serbia, by an act of its own parliament, put itself in the same league with Nazi Germany if such a resolution were passed. It would also sanctify at Serbia's extreme disadvantage a propaganda narrative whose key components are factually unsupported. It would implicitly endorse the view that the Republic of Srpska was built on genocide and thus endanger its further existence and play into the hands of those pressuring for the centralisation of Bosnia. Finally, it would expose Serbian taxpayers to the possibility of a multi billion euro suit for damages which they are ill equipped at the present moment to pay [and have no obligation to do so, for that matter].\nFor all these reasons, we appeal to you to refrain from passing the projected Srebrenica resolution. If you feel it your duty to perform an act of public compassion toward the victims of the Bosnian war, we recommend as the only proper method that you pass a single resolution, written in ethnically neutral language, encompassing all of the victims and honoring them equally.\nProf. Edward Herman, academic, United States\nJurgen Elsaesser, author and journalist, Germany\nGerminal \u010civikov, author and journalist, the Netherlands\nAlexander Dorin, author, Switzerland\nProf. Alexander Mezyaev, Russian Federation\nEckart Spoo, journalist and publicist, Germany\nDiana Johnstone, political analyst and writer, United States and France\nKlaus von Raussendorff, ex-diplomat and publicist, Bonn\/Germany\nKlaus Hartmann, Chairman of the German Freethinkers Association,\nVice president of World Union of Freethinkers, Germany\nCathrin Sch\u00fctz, journalist, political scientist, Author of \"Der NATO-Krieg gegen Jugoslawien. Hintergr\u00fcnde, Nebenwirkungen und Folgen\" (Braum\u00fcller Verlag, Wien), Germany\nProf. Dr. Velko Valkanov, president, National Peace Council of Bulgaria, Bulgaria\nNikola Zivkovic, author and political analyst, Germany\nDr. Patrick Barriot, physician, France\nMichele Altamura, journalist and political commentator, Italy\nChristopher Black, barrister, Canada\nJonathan Rooper, ex-political analyst for BBC, independent journalist, Great Britain\nDanilo Zolo, professor of Philosophy of International Law, Law Department, University of Florence, Italy\nTheodosios Kyriakidis, Director of the St. George Peristereota Research Centre, Greece\nIng. Bernhard Frerichs, Germany\nDirk Frerichs, student, Darmstadt, Germany\nIng. Jan-Hendrik, Frerichs, Germany\nIng. Ina Frerichs, architect, Germany\nIng. Seidel Klaus, R\u00fcsselsheim, Germany\nReiner Bingel, Taunusstein, Germany\nH\u00f6dt Otti, medical worker, Gro\u00df Gerau, Germany\nIng. Dirksmeier Klaus, Berlin, Germany\nIng. Davide Braga, Italy\nIng. Marco Bellini, vice-president , European Development Centre, independent think-tank, Italy\nIng. Antonio Tassone, Belgium\nMick Collins, Artistic and Pedagogical Director, CirqueMinime, Paris, France\nIsrael Adam Shamir, writer and political philosopher, Jaffa, Israel\nProf. Wolfgang Richter, acting President of the European Peace Forum, Germany\nZorica Surla, teacher, Germany\nAleksandar Pavicevic, teacher, Germany\nChristina Grbi\u0107-Buddingh, Arnhem, the Netherlands\nGodfred Louis-Jensen, architect, Oktoberbevaegelsen, Denmark\nDr. Monika Nehr, Berlin, Germany\nJoachim Guilliard, journalist and author, Heidelberg, Germany\nBrigitte Queck, \"Mothers against War, Berlin -Brandenburg\", Berlin, Germany\nEwald Ressel, Germany\nProf. Wolf Lettmayer, Austria\nThomas Werner, Nuernberd, Germany\nPeter Betscher, Dipl. Ing., Association for International Solidarity, Germany\nHermann Kopp, journalist, Dusseldorf, Germany\nMaria Tsouras, Frankfurt, Germany\nAlbrecht Frenzel, Germany\nPeter Franz, Member of VDS, Weimar, Germany\nDavid Peterson, attorney, Chicago, United States\nProf. Dr. Hans Fischer, Berlin, Germany\nIrene Eckert, lecturer, Berlin, Germany\nHartmut Drewes, Pastor (ret.), Germany\nElke Zwinge-Makamizile, documentarist, Berlin, Germany\nRolf Becker, actor, Hamburg, Germany\nThomas Immanuel Steinberg, Hamburg, Germany\nDr. Erika Kosse, Berlin, Germany\nPeter Franz, Member of the Association of Writers VDS, Weimar, Germany\nMaria Melkova, free-lance translator, Russia\nAndrey Migalin, artist, Russia\nSvetlana Bogatyryova, lawyer, Russia\nDr. Andrej Bazilevski, writer, Russia\nRainer Rupp, Journalist, Germany\nDr. Hans-Georg Ruf, member of the \"Forum solidarisches und friedliches\nAugsburg\" (http:\/\/www.forumaugsburg.de), Germany\nVictoria Knopp, MA Sociology, Frankfurt\/Main, Germany\nMartin Dressel, Germany\nBrigitte Dressel, Germany\nEduard Mader, Ingenieur i.R., Member of Freethinker Organisation DFV, Germany\nDr. sc. med. Uta Mader, Medical doctor, Germany\nKaspar Tr\u00fcmpy, Ingenier, Switzerland\nKarl Marek, Germany\nWitold Fischer, Historian, Jena, Germany\nMarina Borisova, analyst, Moscow, Russia\nElena Borisova, professor at the Moscow City Pedagogical University, Russia\nStefan Zeuge, student, Berlin, Germany\nJean Toschi Marazzani Visconti, journalist and writer, Italy\nYasik Antonov [\u042f\u0441\u0438\u043a \u0410\u043d\u0442\u043e\u043d\u043e\u0432], Moscow, Russia\nIvan Priima, writer, Russia\nDragana Drakuli\u0107-Priima, university professor, Russia\nAleksandr Orlov, St. Petersburg, Russia\nDr. med Donka Lange, Farstar medical GmbH, Germany\nBaramzina Nadezhda Anatolevna, Saint-Petersburg, Russia\nVladislav Kuprin, internal auditor, Moscow, Russia\nAndey Torshin, Russia\nIgor Leonov, Russia\nChazov Vadim, Perm, Russia\nHermann Cebulla, Gelsenkirchen\/Buer, Germany\nNina Nechaeva, journalist, Lobno, Russia\nRule von Bismarck, Hamburg, Germany\nAndrei Tikhomirov, historian, Russia\n\u0413\u0435\u043d\u043d\u0430\u0434\u0438\u0439 \u041f\u0430\u0432\u043b\u043e\u0432, artist, Russia\n\u041b\u044e\u0431\u043e\u0432\u044c \u0421\u0435\u043b\u044e\u0442\u0438\u043d\u0430, actress, Russia\n\u0427\u0435\u0440\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0430 \u0422\u0430\u0442\u044c\u044f\u043d\u0430, professor, Russia\n\u0418\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0430 \u0427\u0435\u0441\u043d\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430, retired, Moscow, Russia\n\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0438\u044f \u0427\u0435\u0441\u043d\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430, manager, Moscow, Russia\n\u0413\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0439 \u0413\u0430\u0432\u0440\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432, Moscow, Russia\n\u0417\u0435\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0446\u043e\u0432\u0430 \u041c\u0430\u0440\u0438\u044f \u0412\u043b\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043c\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0430, Moscow, Russia\nZinaidaPeikova, translator, Russia\n\u041d\u0430\u0442\u044b\u043a\u0438\u043d\u0430 \u0415\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0430, journalist, Moscow, Russia\nPaskhina Irina, Russia\nYuhanova Marina, Russia\nProkushenkova Irina, Russia\nKai Homilius, publisher, Germany\nJames Bissett, former Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia [1990-1992], Canada\nDr. Hans-G\u00fcnter Szalkiewicz, Berlin, Germany\nOlga Serebrovskaya, museum curator, Russia\nJohn Peter Maher, university professor, Chicago, United States\nJune Kelly, \u0440esearcher, Ireland\nJohn Kelly, \u0458ournalist, Ireland\nKirill Fomchenko, Moscow, Russia\nElias Davidsson, composer and human rights activist, Alfter, Germany\nJelena Guskova, scholar, Russia.\nIrina Rudneva, scholar, Russia.\nAna Filimonova, scholar, Russia.\nFranz Fischer, Secretary of the Basel Section of Partei der Arbeit der\nSchweiz (PdAS)\/Party of Work of Switzerland\nJulia Gorin, political analyst, Great Britain\nAndy Wilcoxson, journalist, United States\nAdditional remarks suggested by Professor Edward Herman: \"(1) When is the EU going to insist on an apology to Serbs from Croatia and the United States and UN for Operations Flash and Storm, which involved the greatest ethnic cleansing operations in the Balkan wars, and ones where, in contrast with others, the victims have never been able to return?; (2) when will the EU and NATO apologize to the Kosovo Serbs for the greatest \"proportionate\" ethnic cleansing of the Yugoslav wars carried out under NATO auspices after June 10, 1999? (and to the Roma for their ethnic victimization in the same period?); (3) when will the EU and United States apologize for introducing Al Qaeda into Bosnia and Europe to fight (and behead) Serbs, as described in detail in \"Unholy Terror: Bosnia, Al Qaida, and the Rise of Global Jihad,\" by John R. Schindler, Professor at the U.S. National War College and former National Security Council specialist in Bosnia?\"\nAdditional remarks suggested by Prof. Alex Mezyaev:\n\"\u0422\u0430 \u0444\u043e\u0440\u043c\u0430 \u0438 \u043c\u0435\u0442\u043e\u0434\u044b, \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u0435 \u0438\u0441\u043f\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0437\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u044b \u041c\u0422\u0411\u042e \u0438 \u041c\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0443\u043d\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u043c \u0441\u0443\u0434\u043e\u043c \u041e\u041e\u041d \u0434\u043b\u044f \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f \u0433\u0435\u043d\u043e\u0446\u0438\u0434\u0430 \u0432 \u0421\u0440\u0435\u0431\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u044e\u043b\u0435 1995 \u0433\u043e\u0434\u0430 \u043b\u0438\u0448\u044c \u043f\u043e\u0434\u0447\u0451\u0440\u043a\u0438\u0432\u0430\u044e\u0442 \u043e\u0442\u0441\u0443\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u0435 \u0440\u0435\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0434\u043e\u043a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u0441\u0442\u0432 \u0432\u0438\u043d\u044b \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0431\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0445 \u0432\u043e\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0438 \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0431\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0445 \u0432\u043b\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0439. \u0412 \u044d\u0442\u0438\u0445 \u0443\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0438\u044f\u0445 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u044f\u0442\u0438\u0435 \u0440\u0435\u0437\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043e\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0447\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0432\u044b\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043f\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0435 \u0430\u043d\u0442\u0438\u0441\u0435\u0440\u0431\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0445 \u0441\u0438\u043b. \"\nAdditional remarks suggested by barrister Christopher Black:\n\"It is necessary to include a demand for an admission by all Nato countries that they committed war crimes against the people of Serbia in the massive aerial\nbombardment of the spring of 1999 in which all rules of war were broken\nand that the final agreement to cease that bombardment by allowing Nato\nforces to occupy Kosovo was forced on the Serbian government under threat\nof the mass murder of the the people of Belgrade by American B52's which\nthreat was made to president Milosevic and others by Mssrs. Ahtisaari and\nChernomyrdin as agents of the USA; a threat in which they promised to kill\n500,000 people in Belgrade and flatten the city unless the terms they\npresented were accepted. Srebrenica, even if the Nato propaganda were true\n(which I do not accept) pales in comparison against such terror.\"\nAdditional remarks suggested by Professor Velko Valkanov, Bulgaria:\n\"\u0420\u0435\u0448\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u043d\u043e \u043d\u0435 \u043c\u043e\u0433\u0430 \u0434\u0430 \u0441\u0435 \u0441\u044a\u0433\u043b\u0430\u0441\u044f, \u0447\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430, \u043a\u043e\u0435\u0442\u043e \u0441\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0430 \u0432 \u0421\u0440\u0435\u0431\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0430, \u043c\u043e\u0436\u0435 \u0434\u0430 \u0431\u044a\u0434\u0435 \u043a\u0432\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0444\u0438\u0446\u0438\u0440\u0430\u043d\u043e \u043a\u0430\u0442\u043e \u0433\u0435\u043d\u043e\u0446\u0438\u0434. \u0422\u043e\u0432\u0430 \u0431\u0435 \u0442\u0440\u0430\u0433\u0438\u0447\u0435\u043d \u0435\u043f\u0438\u0437\u043e\u0434 \u043e\u0442 \u0435\u0434\u043d\u0430 \u0433\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0430 \u0432\u043e\u0439\u043d\u0430, \u043a\u043e\u044f\u0442\u043e \u0432\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0434\u0435\u0431\u043d\u0438 \u043d\u0430 \u0441\u0440\u044a\u0431\u0441\u043a\u0438\u044f \u043d\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0434 \u0441\u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0440\u0430\u0437\u043f\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0445\u0430. \u0417\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0430\u043c \u0442\u0432\u044a\u0440\u0434\u043e \u0437\u0430\u0434 \u0435\u0434\u0438\u043d \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0435\u0441\u0442 \u0441\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0443 \u0435\u0432\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0443\u0430\u043b\u043d\u043e\u0442\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u043d\u044f\u043a\u0430\u043a\u044a\u0432 \u0433\u0435\u043d\u043e\u0446\u0438\u0434 \u0432 \u0421\u0440\u0435\u0431\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0430.\"\n\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0444.\u0434-\u0440 \u0412\u0435\u043b\u043a\u043e \u0412\u044a\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432,\n\u043f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0441\u0435\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b \u043d\u0430 \u0411\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u044f \u043d\u0430\u0446\u0438\u043e\u043d\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043d \u0441\u044a\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u0437\u0430 \u043c\u0438\u0440\nAdditional remarks suggested by attorney David Peterson, Chicago USA:\nWhatever the fate of the Srebrenica \"safe area\" population in July 1995, this most assuredly was not a case of genocide, notwithstanding a series of political judgments handed down by the ICTY, and later reiterated by the ICJ. The European Parliament's passage by a near-unanimous vote of a resolution proclaiming July 11 a Day of Commemoration of the Srebrenica Genocide only adds to the debasement of this important concept, and to the trivialization of real genocides past, present, and future.\nAdditional remarks suggested by attorney Cathrin Sch\u00fctz, Berlin, Germany:\n\"I am not happy with the part of the appeal that condemns the act of the forces of Republika Srpska as \"war crime\" and speaks about an equal death toll on the sides of the Muslims and Serbs around Srebrenica. I fully support the appeal's statement that 'what really happened in Srebrenica in July of 1995 is an issue that is still not settled... why it occurred, or who was behind it.' This is, in my view, the most correct way to address the issue. And if I have to admit that I do not know what happened, what is the purpose of admitting to some \"war crime\"? Is there any reliable information about 'Srebrenica' to this date? Information other than from Western media, Western politicians and their so-called NGO's?\"\nAdditional remarks suggested by Vladislav Kuprin, Russia:\nI ask you not to adopt a parliamentary resolution that would treat the Srebrenica massacre of July 1995 in such language that could be interpreted as Serbia's acceptance of responsibility for \"genocide\".\nAll people of good will know that the description of those hard events as \"genocide executed in Srebrenica by Serbs in relation to Moslems \" is a lie that is propagated by Moslems' extreme nationalists and fanatics all over the world.\nI ask you to support the truth, not lie for Serbia's sake.\nAdditional remarks suggested by Andrey Tihomirov, Russia:\n\u041d\u0435\u043e\u0431\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u043c\u043e \u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u0443\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0445 \u0432\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432 \u044d\u0442\u043e\u0439 \u0442\u0440\u0430\u0433\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0438 \u0438 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u043b\u0435\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0445 \u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u043d, \u0430 \u043d\u0435 \u043e\u0434\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u043d\u043d\u0435\u0435 \u0440\u0430\u0441\u0441\u043c\u043e\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435.\nAdditional remarks suggested byAndy Wilcoxson, United States:\nI fully support this Appeal, except for the statement that \"forces attributed to the Republic of Srpska executed in three days approximately as many Moslems as Moslem forces, raiding surrounding Serbian villages out of Srebrenica, had murdered during the preceding three years.\"\nWe have no idea how many people were executed, therefore it is impossible to say if the number was more or less than the number of Serbs killed by Muslims in the region. And while I don't object to a resolution from the Serbian parliament memorializing all of the war victims without regard to their ethnicity; I do think it is imperative to avoid drawing moral equivalency between Serbian, Muslim, and Croatian victims of the Bosnian war.\nWhen moral equivalency is drawn between the victims it obfuscates who is responsible for the war. Without a doubt, the Muslims (and to a lesser degree the Croats) are responsible for the Bosnian war. Everything that happened during that war, including the Srebrenica massacre, is their fault. This is a very simple matter, if there hadn't been a war there never would have been a massacre.\nThe Bosnian-Muslims had been grooming paramilitary groups for two years before the war started. They chose to use armed violence as a means to seize Yugoslavia's territory and advance their political ambitions. The Bosnian-Muslims have nobody but themselves to blame for the horrible consequences of their actions. Death, refugees, and the destruction of property are the easily foreseeable consequences of starting any war, they knew that going in and they have no right to complain about it now. Whatever war crimes the Bosnian-Serbs committed, they committed in the context of a civil war that the Bosnian-Muslims started. The Bosnian-Muslims are not victims of the Bosnian-Serbs; they are victims of their political leaders' belligerence. If the Muslims want to blame somebody for the suffering they endured in the war, they'd be well advised to point the finger at their leaders in Sarajevo, because it is getting extremely tiresome to listen to them blame the Serbs for the consequences of a war that they started themselves. Belgrade should not pass any resolution that could be construed as indulging the idea of Muslim victimization at the hands of the Serbs.\nNo resolution memorializing the victims of the Bosnian war would be just without a strong condemnation of Alija Izetbegovic's regime for starting the war. It makes absolutely no sense to memorialize the victims without pointing out whose victims they are. Belgrade should pass a resolution memorializing the victims, and they should be certain that it includes a strongly worded condemnation of Alija Izetbegovic's regime for starting the war that caused these unfortunate people to be victims in the first place.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Licensing Contributor Ante Badzim on Minimalism in Commercial Photography\n26\/09\/2020 admin 500px Blog, 500px Licensing, 500px Licensing Community, Ante Badzim, Australian photographer, commercial photography, Headline, Home Feed, license your photos, Licensing Contributor, minimalism, ocean photography, Photo News, photography tips 0\nAnte Badzim is a minimalist photographer from Sydney, Australia. Ante's portfolio presents a minimalist perspective of nature and human life, often incorporating natural elements like water and sand. For his work, Ante has received accolades such as Top 10 Australian Photography Photographer of the Year 2018, Blow Up Photo Award, Olympus Global Photo Cup Award, and many more.\nQ: Ante, are you someone who always aspired to be a photographer?\nA: My parents migrated to Australia from Croatia in the 1960s, and they brought minimal possessions with them. One of the first indulgent items they purchased after establishing themselves was a camera. This camera was handed to me at an early age, and was the start of my photographic journey, which became my creative escape and lifeline.\nQ: You've studied photography academically at schools like Australian National University and RMIT University. How do you feel that your time in these photography programs helped improve your craft?\nA: Academically, I was equipped with tools and knowledge to help me on a technical level. I had exposure to many genres and methods, which helped me evolve in a professional sense. What I discovered over the years, is that your style, approach, and how you connect and resonate with subjects is something that can't be taught. It is life's experiences and your view on the world that shapes you and improves your craft. It is the diverse people you meet that inspire you and help you evolve further creatively and as a human.\nQ: You're known for your minimalist approach to photography; what draws you to this particular style?\nA: My approach is to show the true beauty of the subject, where it demands attention by introducing space and minimizing distractions. The simplest of things, when isolated, can represent something beautiful. The fine details and primitive experiences are becoming rare in contemporary life. I want to celebrate the beauty that is overlooked by creating visuals that offer moments of reflection and appreciation.\nQ: Minimalism as a visual movement extends well beyond photography, are there any minimalist artists or pieces you've been inspired by?\nA: I'm drawn to simplicity, clean lines, stark contrasts, and, at times, repetition in composition. I am inspired by artists that may not necessarily draw upon these elements frequently, but they are consistent with their style and approach. One inspiration is Photographer and Designer Tom Hegen. His aerial work, which highlights the impact of the human and nature relationship, is an example of work that is not minimal in its purest sense. However, as a body of work, it showcases the beauty of the subjects with repetition, color, textures, and lines.\nQ: Many of your photos incorporate water and sand, often focusing on the dividing line between them\u2014what attracts you to these recurring elements?\nA: Residing in Sydney and the South Coast of Australia, and with regular trips to the Dalmatian Coast In Croatia, breathtaking beaches and scenes often feature in my work. I am currently working on a series and exhibition titled 'Elixir'. It celebrates the beauty of water and its connection to life. A reminder of how important it is as a resource and the role it plays on the environment and all living things. More than half of the human body is water, and the reason I naturally gravitate towards it. It embodies calmness, strength, and a sensual force that acts on us physically and emotionally.\nQ: Your portfolio includes photos from many different parts of the world; what would you consider the most photogenic location you've been to?\nA: There is no place like home and the connection to your everyday surroundings. For this reason, Australia, and more generally, the East Coast of Australia, I find to be the most photogenic. Exploring your backyard can also sometimes uncover immense beauty that we can easily overlook. My motherland, Croatia, is also home away from home. Since my first visit at the age of two, I have been back more times than I can remember. Its stunning coastline and villages are equally special to me as they hold fond childhood memories. I have captured some of my most personal work there, which continually reminds me of my heritage and the journey my parents embarked on for a better life.\nQ: What are three things you would consider essential to a successful shoot?\nA: Light, patience, and timing.\nQ: As someone who has won a number of awards from around the globe, what advice do you have in terms of sourcing, participating, and winning international photography competitions?\nA: Be true to yourself and your creative approach. Get involved with local photographic events to meet and be inspired by other creatives. Growing your network will provide unmeasurable opportunities to not only improve your craft, but also share your work, obtain feedback, and recognition. Explore the 500px Quests regularly, and research photographic industry partners and organizations that provide platforms for accreditation, education, and competitions for emerging and professional artists. Photographic publications also host regular and affiliated awards aligned to major sponsors and leading camera brands such as Olympus.\nQ: Creative block is something many artists experience from time to time. Do you have any tips on how to stay inspired?\nA: Have your camera with you at all times and engage with other photographers and visual artists. Delving into 'behind the scenes' of other artist's methods, production, and processes helps me out of any lull. Also, getting involved with workshops and talks will always provide a spark of inspiration.\nQ: If you were to pick one photo you're most proud of from your 500px Profile, which would it be and why?\nA: My 'Surfer' photo is one that currently feels poignant. Capturing this image in Manyana, on the South Coast of New South Wales, I wanted to portray a sense of calmness and simplicity, allowing the viewer an opportunity to reflect. Isolating subjects presents an opportunity to showcase their beauty. When we bring attention to these simple elements, it can function as a reminder to truly appreciate our surroundings, especially in a time where there is so much uncertainty.\nNot on 500px yet? Click here to learn about Licensing with 500px.\nThe post Licensing Contributor Ante Badzim on Minimalism in Commercial Photography appeared first on 500px.\nRGKit Play is a modular motion control kit that's already funded on Kickstarter\nTamron Unveils the 'World's Smallest' Telephoto Zoom Lens for Sony E-Mount","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"6th Graders from Bet Shemesh Climb Massada on Bar\/Bat Mitzvah Tiyul\nLike all good tiyulim to Massada, this one began in the middle of the night. More than 50 sixth graders from the Begin Elementary School in Bet Shemesh arrived at their school at 2:00 a.m. on a weekday in mid-May. Each child was accompanied by a parent.\nThe tiyul was arranged by the local OU Israel Youth Center. This was a special Bar and Bat mitzvah trip that is part of the Gesharim program which is supported by the Jewish Agency for Israel and is run in the school by OU Israel.\n\"The sixth graders are learning about Massada all year. That includes heroism, Jewish values and history,\" says Rikki Toviana, who accompanied her daughter, Maya, on the tiyul to Massada.\nThe reason groups climb Massada so early is because of the heat and also to see the sunrise over the Dead Sea.\n\"We started the climb before 5:00 a.m. when it was still dark,\" says Chaim Pelzner, OU Israel Director of Programming. \"The kids had to make an effort, so there was a sense of accomplishment when they reached the top. We explained that one of the messages of Massada is that you have to make an effort in order to succeed,\" he says.\n\"Seeing the sunrise on the top of Massada is very special,\" Toviana says. \"It's the beginning of something new. It symbolizes how our children are starting to grow up.\"\n\"We planned this program to help the kids connect to the history of the Jewish people,\" says Racheli Ninio, Education Director, OU Israel Youth Centers.\n\"This is the generation for whom everything is instant and disposable,\" Pelzner says. \"But Am Yisrael isn't disposable. We explained that Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel), Am Yisrael (the People of Israel) and Torat Yisrael (the Torah of Israel) are all part of a greater process.\"\n\"We wanted this tiyul to be significant,\" Ninio says. The plan included four information stops on top of Massada. Each had a different activity.\n\"The first stop told the prophecy of the dry bones coming to life,\" she says. It was staffed by sherut leumi (national service) volunteers who also work in the school weekly during the year. Each child received an album and they learned how to write their names in ancient Hebrew.\nNext, Hillel HaZaken (the elder) explained the meaning of the text \u05d0\u05dd \u05d0\u05d9\u05df \u05d0\u05e0\u05d9 \u05dc\u05d9, \u05de\u05d9 \u05dc\u05d9. Hillel was played by Menachem Persoff, Associate Director of Development, OU Israel.\n\"He explained that the verses talk about what individuals have to do to improve their lives,\" Toviana says. \"He also talked about becoming better people. And then the kids gave their own interpretations,\" she says.\nAnother information stop was at a cistern where a tour guide discussed how important water was on Massada. The children were able to enter the cistern.\nThe final station overlooked the path they climbed up in the dark. Two of the sherut leumi volunteers were in costume here as well. One was dressed up as Elazar ben Yair, the leader of the community on top of Massada. Another volunteer was dressed as a member of the community.\n\"They had a very interesting discussion and eventually asked the kids what they think they would do in a situation like this. The message was that they're now at an age where they can start making decisions for themselves,\" Toviana says.\n\"When we designed the stations, it was important they weren't just informative,\" Ninio says. \"After all, these kids know how to search for \"Massada\" on Google and get the whole story in no time. What we wanted to do is present the story through experiences on the site which would make it more impressive. We wanted to give them the feeling of what really happened on Massada,\" she says.\nThe last stop was the Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebration that took place in Herod's Palace at the northern end of the mountain. \"The kids put on a performance and there was singing and dancing,\" Toviana says. \"There was a canopy made out of several talitot for the children and the parents. We read from the Tanach (Bible). It was very moving,\" she says.\nSeveral hours after they climbed up to Massada, once the singing and dancing were finished and everyone received a Bar or Bat Mitzvah Certificate, the students from the Menachem Begin Elementary School rode the cable car down to the Visitors' Center where they ate and then boarded the buses to return to Bet Shemesh.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Eric Baudelaire\nERIC BAUDELAIRE (1973) is a visual artist and filmmaker. His films Letters to Max (2014), The Ugly One (2013), The Anabasis of May and Fusako Shigenobu, Masao Adachi, and 27 Years Without Images (2011) were shown at the FIDMarseille, Locarno, Toronto, New York and Rotterdam\u2002film festivals. His research-based practice also unfolds as installations incorporating photography, printmaking, performance, publications and screenings. Recent solo exhibitions were held at the Fridericianum in Kassel, Berkeley Art Museum, Kadist Art Foundation in San Francisco, B\u00e9tonsalon in Paris, the Bergen Kunsthall, the Beirut Art Center, Gasworks in London, La Synagogue de Delme in France and The Hammer Museum in Los Angeles. He has participated in Sharjah Biennial 12, Seoul Mediacity Biennial, the Yokohama Triennial, the Taipei Biennial, Berlin Documentary Forum 2, La Triennale in Paris and the Baltic Triennial. His films and installations are in the collections of the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid, the MACBA in Barcelona, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, M+ in Hong Kong, the Museum of Modern Art and The Whitney Museum of American Art in New York.\nThe Music of Ram\u00f3n Raquello and his Orchestra: Conference\nThe Music of Ram\u00f3n Raquello and his Orchestra: Fukeiron, or the Politics and Poetics of Landscape\nEric Baudelaire \u2014 The Music of Ram\u00f3n Raquello and his Orchestra\n27 January \u2014 21 May 2017\nOpening of exhibitions at Witte de With\nVIP Preview + Opening of exhibitions at Witte de With\nContour Biennale 8 \/ Polyphonic Worlds: Justice as Medium","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Italy Travel GuidesItaly Travel Guides\nTipping in Restaurants and Hotels in Italy: How to Do itTipping in Restaurants\u2026\nTipping in Italy\nTipping in Italy includes guidlines on tipping in Italy at restaurants, in hotels, and tourist guides as well as an overview to how Italians treat their service providers\nTipping in Italy is not compulsory, in fact the majority of Italians don't generally tip huge amounts, that's if they tip at all. But, as tourists, you will be expected to leave a tip in Italian restaurants, when touring with a guide or taking a taxi ride.\nTalking about tipping at restaurants in Italy, many establishments in Italy don't even give you the option to tip, as they already include tips in your bill in the form of service and cover charges, that can increase the cost of your meal by 20% or more. Some people think that the service charge goes to the people who wait on you, but unfortunately, in the most cases, it goes straight into the owner's pockets. We recommend you to only tip when you receive good service. Below we have listed some rough guidelines.\nIn sit-down restaurants it's customary to leave a 10 - 15% tip. For Taxi Drivers a tip of around 5-10% would be ideal, although this depends on the city. A water-taxi in Venice is already so expensive that a 10% tip would be more than a taxi ride would cost in other parts of Italy.\nTipping in hotels in Italy is slightly different. In hotels, if the concierge has been of assistance to you and made your stay pleasant a tip of \u20ac10 - 20 is customary, while chambermaids are happy with a 1 or 2 Euro. For tour guides, it depends on the kind of service they provided, but again a typical 5 - 10% would be sufficient.\nWhen tipping in Italy, try to avoid taking out your loose change and leaving a Euro or less to your service provider as many would take this as an insult, as the cost of living is quite high in Italy and nominal tips like this have no real value to anyone. So better not to leave any tip at all in these cases.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"State pensions\nOne in five women retiring in 2014 will rely on state pension alone\nWomen are three times more likely than men to have no other pension income, a survey by Prudential reveals\nTue 8 Apr 2014 19.01 EDT First published on Tue 8 Apr 2014 19.01 EDT\nAbout 20% of women said they had no provision for their retirement apart from the state pension. Photograph: Kathy deWitt \/ Alamy\/Alamy\nWomen retiring this year are nearly three times as likely as men to have only the state pension to live on, according to a report by the insurer Prudential. Some 20% of women, who often take career breaks or work part time to support families, said they have no other pension provision, compared with 7% of men, the research found.\nThe Prudential interviewed more than 1,000 people intending to retire in 2014 and found that nearly one in five (18%) people will have an income below the \"minimum income standard\" as defined by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.\nThe foundation estimates that a single pensioner needs an income of at least \u00a38,600 a year to reach a minimum socially acceptable standard of living; a retired couple needs an annual income of more than \u00a312,500.\nThe findings follow shake-ups announced by the government for the pensions industry in the three weeks since the budget, which aim to prevent people being placed into workplace pension schemes with high charges as reforms to place people automatically into pensions are introduced. The government has also announced measures to make it easier for people to cash in their pension pot when they retire, rather than having to buy an annuity, which usually guarantees someone a fixed income for the rest of their life.\nVince Smith-Hughes, a retirement income expert at Prudential, said: \"The changes to pensions and how people can take their retirement income announced in the budget last month will provide savers and retirees with more choices. However, they don't alter the fundamental fact that many people are not saving enough for a comfortable retirement.\"","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Jul 10, 2018, 07:43am EDT\nHow To Demolish Philanthropic Bureaucracy For Good\nJun 26, 2018, 10:26am EDT\n8 Mistakes To Avoid When Starting Out In Philanthropy\n6 Ways To Get Time Back In Your Day, Every Day\nMay 24, 2018, 07:21am EDT\nBringing The Joy Back To Your Philanthropy\nMay 11, 2018, 01:21pm EDT\nIs Your Strategy A Never-Ending Story?\nApr 17, 2018, 05:41pm EDT\nWant To Give Back? Give Up!\nApr 10, 2018, 10:08am EDT\n10 Ways To Overcome Delusional Altruism In Your Philanthropy\nApr 4, 2018, 11:58am EDT\nHow To Make Your Funder Collaboration A Success\nFeb 28, 2018, 04:57pm EST\n5 Manifestations Of Delusional Altruism\nFeb 19, 2018, 06:58am EST\nAre YOU The Bottleneck To Effective Giving?\nJul 26, 2017, 08:37am EDT |\nIs Your Giving Hampered By A Poverty Mentality?\nKris Putnam-WalkerlyContributor\nI'm a global philanthropy advisor and author of Delusional Altruism.\nSqueezing every penny into the philanthropic pipeline isn't the same thing as ensuring effectiveness.\nYou're completely committed to supporting others with your giving, and you're doing everything possible to ensure that every penny of your charitable assets is going directly to the nonprofits that need it. That's how you ensure the most effective use of your philanthropy, right?\nSqueezing every penny into the philanthropic pipeline isn't the same thing as ensuring effectiveness. In fact, penny-pinching during the philanthropic process may do more harm than good to those you wish to serve. Many individuals and foundations think they're being good and prudent stewards of charitable assets when in fact they are withholding investments that could open the doors to greater productivity and more access to additional philanthropic capital. I call this operating with a \"poverty mentality.\"\nConsider the case of a foundation that strictly adheres to the minimum 5% annual payout to preserve its corpus so that it can continue to invest in the various nonprofits it is honored to support. In addition, this foundation requires all employees to maintain nine-to-five office hours to ensure that they are accessible to grantees and are indeed earning the salaries they are paid. And finally, the foundation only upgrades its technology every 5 years and maintains a bare-bones, static website to avoid costly bells and whistles. These all sound like prudent policies, except for the fact that they are costing the foundation untold sums in lost effectiveness.\nBecause of its poverty mentality, this foundation is unable to expand beyond its typical payout of 5% when an investment of 5.5% might provide an important tipping point for a key grantee or a set of grantees. Because it is more concerned with justifying salaries than enhancing productivity, it refuses to broaden its infrastructure enough to accommodate remote working for its employees, thereby creating unnecessary burdens and barriers to their individual ability to be more flexible and effective in getting their jobs done. Because it is more concerned about the expenses than the benefits of technology, its slow and clunky systems and poor website add hours of time each month to the tasks of its staff and the interactions with its grantees.\nAnd speaking of grantees, a poverty mentality on the part of a funder can have a negative impact on nonprofits as well. In the example above, a slightly expanded payout could make the difference between building a new state-of-the-art health center or one that is outdated before it ever opens. The office-only policy could mean that a grantee must take two hours out of a busy day to attend a meeting with the funder's staff, even though the coffee shop that's right around the corner from the nonprofit offices is also a 10-minute walk from that staffer's home. And the clunky technology and website mean that the grantee's application takes longer to complete, upload and approve.\nWhat's more, funders with a poverty mentality often don't want to fund things like training, technology, communications or fund development activities for nonprofits, because they want their investments to go to direct service to those in need. While the sentiment is well and good, the fact is that a nonprofit with strong staff development, technology, communications and fund-raising functions in place is much more likely to provide service to many, many more people \u2014 and to do so in more cost-effective ways.\nSuccessful businesses constantly weigh the benefits of investing in themselves against the expense of doing so. It's how they grow and become more effective at what they do. So the next time you're considering whether to make an investment in your own philanthropic operations or infrastructure \u2014 or in that of a grantee \u2014 ask yourself: Are we withholding an investment now that could greatly increase our effectiveness, or our grantees' effectiveness, down the road?\nKris Putnam-Walkerly\nI am a global philanthropy expert, author of Delusional Altruism and was named one of America's Top 25 Philanthropy Speakers.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Fantasy Basketball Trade Analyzer: Potential deals to pursue ahead of NBA deadline\nBy Alex Barutha, RotoWire\nSpecial to Yahoo Sports\nConstant injuries and the impending trade deadline are creating many opportunities for waiver wire pickups and deals in fantasy. If you play your cards right, you should be able to manage risk and shoot for upside with trades.\nA handful of players without a write-up in this article could be mentioned every week until the deadline, those being veterans on tanking teams. So, if you're rostering someone like Jakob Poeltl, Mason Plumlee or Bojan Bogdanovic, start making exit plans as soon as possible. The veterans on expiring contracts are the ones you especially have to worry about. Teams don't want to lose those guys for nothing. They'll take a lowball offer if they have to.\nStill, there are opportunities to buy low and sell high outside of those trade deadline names. Here are four to consider:\nBuy Low: John Collins, Atlanta Hawks\nAs it has been for years, Collins' name is among those in trade talk. Jake Fischer of Yahoo Sports explored interest in Collins, which includes the Indiana Pacers, Utah Jazz and Washington Wizards.\nIt's hard to imagine any team acquiring Collins and giving him fewer responsibilities than he has now. Plus, as Atlanta is well aware, paying someone a four-year, $98.42 million contract and only passively featuring him in the offense is poor optics.\nThis is the fourth straight season that Collins' usage rate has declined. Notably, during his 2019-20 campaign, the big man ranked an astonishing SEVENTH in per-game nine-category production behind 21.6 points on 58.3 percent shooting, 10.1 rebounds, 1.6 blocks, 1.5 assists and 1.4 threes in 33.2 minutes. That was also the year he played the most center (before Clint Capela arrived).\nIdeally, the team that deals for Collins has a floor-spacing five \u2014 I really like the fit in Washington, and there are lineup combinations that make sense in Utah \u2014 because he's been underutilized as a lob threat since Capela arrived in Atlanta. Still, no matter who trades for Collins, his productivity should increase.\nA trade could change John Collins' fantasy value. (AP Photo\/Jed Jacobsohn)\nBuy Low: Andrew Wiggins, Golden State Warriors\nWiggins has struggled in his first five games back from a groin injury, averaging just 12.6 points on 35.6 percent shooting, 4.2 rebounds, 2.6 assists and 1.4 steals in 27.2 minutes. Whoever is rostering Wiggins probably assumes he'll return to form sooner than later, but it's still a good time for you to swoop in with an offer.\nUltimately, I like trading for Wiggins because he's one of the most underrated fantasy assets in the NBA. There are plenty of ways to win a trade, especially if you're constructing a balanced roto squad. In per-game nine-cat value this season, Wiggins ranks a surprising 39th \u2014 above bigger-name players like Trae Young, Zach LaVine and Rudy Gobert. I'm not recommending dealing Young to get Wiggins; you won't have to. You can probably move someone like Tre Jones, Marcus Smart or Wendell Carter \u2014 all of whom rank outside of the Top 80 and provide stats that look better than Wiggins'; they aren't. Wiggins is solid across the board and notably provides 2.2 combined steals-plus-blocks and just 1.3 turnovers. Plus, we know his role is safe.\nSell High: Russell Westbrook, Los Angeles Lakers\nIf you've been looking for your sell-high moment to move Westbrook, it's here. Over the past seven games, the point guard is averaging 22.7 points on 48\/36\/67 shooting, 8.6 assists, 8.1 rebounds and 1.4 steals in 34.0 minutes.\nThe efficiency isn't sustainable for him. Over the past three seasons, his splits are 44\/30\/67 on less volume. Maybe he's figuring stuff out; maybe he's just on a seven-game hot streak. I lean toward the latter.\nSpeaking of the volume, it's inflated. The Lakers have been down Anthony Davis (foot) since mid-December, while Lonnie Walker (knee) and Austin Reaves (hamstring) have both missed the past six games. That means more minutes and more touches for Westbrook.\nNot only that, but the Lakers, no matter how reluctant they've been, are still a candidate to make a win-now trade using the most-talked-about picks in the NBA. This hypothetical win-now player(s) would also take volume away from Westbrook. It's best to back away from the situation and move him while he's hot.\nSell High: Jonas Valanciunas, New Orleans Pelicans\nValanciunas has seen increased usage since Zion Williamson (hamstring) started missing time early this month, plus Brandon Ingram (toe) has been out since late November. Over the past seven games, Valanciunas is averaging 21.1 points, 11.7 rebounds and 1.9 assists in 29.1 minutes. In his 37 prior appearances, the center averaged just 13.5 points, 9.4 rebounds and 1.8 assists in 24.4 minutes.\nThe hope is for Williamson to return late this month or early February. Ingram has been day-to-day for what feels like months. Eventually, though, they'll both be back in the lineup. When that happens, Valanciunas' workload should normalize. Plenty of fantasy managers will deal for him just for the rebound stability, but you should be able to take advantage of the current situation and get a nice return.\nHow to spend 4 days and 3 nights at Four Seasons Resort The Nam Hai, Hoi An\nWondering what to do when you visit Hoi An and stay at the Four Seasons Resort The Nam Hai? Here's your ultimate itinerary. Only less than three hours away from Kuala Lumpur by flight, Hoi An is a sublime and transcendent city. Full of charm and history, the Vietnamese city is among the Southeast Asian country's most popular places to visit \u2014 especially with Da Nang International Airport. From the 15th to 19th century, Hoi An was an integral trading port in the region; even to the present day, i\nGovt to return RM21.7m 1MDB-related funds forfeited from political parties, individuals and companies\nPUTRAJAYA, Jan 30 \u2014 The Malaysian government will return some RM21.7 million forfeited from several political entities,...","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Home \u00bb Movie & TV News \u00bb News \u00bb You are reading \u00bb\nNew Doctor Who DVD & Blu-ray Releases\nby Francis Sky on February 13, 2018 New Doctor Who DVD & Blu-ray Releases2018-02-18T06:55:27-08:00 - Movie & TV News, News\nToday, two new releases by the BBC give Doctor Who fans a chance to relive their time with the Twelfth Doctor. The Christmas special \"Twice Upon A Time\" is being released on DVD and Blu-ray along with a special 14 disc set of the Capaldi years. In addition to the initial programs, both releases will include bonus content.\nDOCTOR WHO: TWICE UPON A TIME\nSuggested Retail Price: DVD $19.98 (U.S.), $24.98 (Canada)\nBD $24.98 (U.S.), $30.98 (Canada)\nLength: Approx. 60 mins + bonus content \/ single disc\nTwice Upon A Time \u2013 the final episode of Peter Capaldi's tenure as the Time Lord, which found record-setting success with its Christmas Day airing on BBC AMERICA \u2013 sees the Doctor come face to face with\u2026the Doctor! The epic conclusion to the Twelfth Doctor era features the return of Pearl Mackie as well as special guests Mark Gatiss (Sherlock) and David Bradley (Game of Thrones, the Harry Potter movies), and culminates in a historic regeneration that introduces the Thirteenth Doctor, played by Jodie Whittaker (Broadchurch). Newcomers have the perfect opportunity to catch the new Doctor's adventures from the very start, while fans of the Classic series will be delighted by the return of the First Doctor (Bradley, who previously played the very first actor to take on the role of the iconic Time Lord in 2013's An Adventure in Space and Time). Bonus content on this Blu-ray and DVD release includes Doctor Who Extra.\nDOCTOR WHO: THE COMPLETE PETER CAPALDI YEARS\nSuggested Retail Price: BD $129.99 (U.S.), $166.00 (Canada)\nLength: Approx. 1969 mins + bonus content \/ 14-disc set\nThe Complete Peter Capaldi Years includes all three Twelfth Doctor seasons plus Peter Capaldi's very first appearance in Doctor Who \u2013 years before he took over the iconic role \u2013 as Caecilius in the Tenth Doctor episode The Fires of Pompeii. Chock full of extras \u2013 with all of the bonus materials from seasons eight, nine, and ten, plus a new disc full of additional content, including never-before-seen deleted scenes from season eight.\nhttps:\/\/www.firstcomicsnews.com\/new-doctor-who-dvd-blu-ray-releases\/https:\/\/www.firstcomicsnews.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/09\/Doctor-Who-Logo-600x253.pnghttps:\/\/www.firstcomicsnews.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/09\/Doctor-Who-Logo-150x63.png 2018-02-13T09:00:51-08:00 Francis SkyMovie & TV NewsNewsBBC,bbc america,Doctor Who,peter capaldi,the doctor,Twelfth Doctor\nToday, two new releases by the BBC give Doctor Who fans a chance to relive their time with the Twelfth Doctor. The Christmas special 'Twice Upon A Time' is being released on DVD and Blu-ray along with a special 14 disc set of the Capaldi years. In addition to...\nFrancis SkyFrancis.Sky@firstcomicsnews.comAuthorFrancis is a former coordinator of live concerts and radio DJ. He brings his experience in both reviews and interviews to First Comics News. Francis is also the creator of the webcomic \"The Massacre Twins.\"First Comics News\nBBCbbc americaDoctor Whopeter capaldithe doctorTwelfth Doctor\nAbout Francis Sky\nFrancis is a former coordinator of live concerts and radio DJ. He brings his experience in both reviews and interviews to First Comics News. Francis is also the creator of the webcomic \"The Massacre Twins.\"\nView all posts by Francis Sky \u00bb\nThe Hey Kids Comics Radio Show \u2013 Episode 137\nWayne's Worlds: Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #4","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Calliope Brass\n3:00pm, February 24, 2018\nThe uptown brass ensemble Calliope presents an afternoon of contemporary American music written by New York-based female composers. The concert is sponsored by New York Women Composers.\nFree. Young listeners welcome!\nRebecca Steinberg, Trumpet\nKate Umble Smucker, Trumpet\nErin A. Paul, Horn\nSara Mayo, Trombone\nJen Hinkle, Bass Trombone\nJennifer Castellano*: View from the Rocky Mountains\nFaye-Ellen Silverman*: Kalends\nJan Koetsier: Brass Quintet, Op. 65\nDana Wilson: Daylight at Midnight\nAlyssa Reit*: American Songs\nThis concert is supported by a Seed Money Grant from New York Women Composers.\n*Member of New York Women Composers\nNew York-based quintet Calliope Brass performs repertoire ranging from jazz to classical, pops to swing, and everything in between. Since its inception in 2015, the ensemble has been inspired by the power of storytelling through music, performing in a variety of settings from national parks to children's theaters. Concert audiences enjoy exciting programming, often showcasing newly commissioned works and original arrangements.\nCalliope's signature educational program \"What's Your Story?\" is an interactive performance experience for students grades K-6, focusing on music as a vehicle for storytelling. The group is collaborating with Sesame Street puppeteer Leslie Cararra-Rudolph to create a puppet narrator for the show debuting February 2018.\nCalliope is committed to excellence in performance and educational initiatives, in order to further the role of women brass musicians as both artists and teachers. Members are versatile musicians found playing in Broadway pits, major symphony orchestras, the Amazon series Mozart in the Jungle, mainstage acts including Adele, Pink Martini, and Andrea Bocelli, and sharing their artistry in schools nationwide.\nThis performance is underwritten with support the New York Women Composer's Performance Grant.\nConcert Location:\nFort Washington Collegiate Church\n729 West 181st Street\nThe concert will last approximately 1 hour.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"CEO Focus Names Atlantech Online as 2021 Business of the Year\nCEO Focus, a national peer group for CEOs, has named Atlantech Online \"Business of the Year\".\n\"The winner of the CEO Focus Business of the Year goes to Atlantech Online led by CEO, Ed Fineran, for showing large company thinking while servicing customers with great respect and individuality\" said Ron Wills, Regional President, CEO Focus. \"In addition, they were rated by our Mastermind Group members as the hands down winner for Business of the Year. Congratulations to Ed Fineran and his team for a job well done.\"\nAtlantech Online, a public utility that provides Internet and data center services to businesses and government organizations, has continued to grow its Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) practice and portfolio of fiber lit buildings during the time of the global pandemic.\n\"I'd like to thank CEO Focus for selecting Atlantech Online as Business of the Year in 2021. These have been challenging times, but we've managed to grow our revenue, our customer base, and our service offerings over the past two years. Though I lead Atlantech Online, the credit for our success belongs to our dedicated management team and the hard-working staff who have adapted and excelled because of their passion, even in the face of a trying pandemic,\" said Ed Fineran, CEO of Atlantech Online.\nTo learn more about CEO Focus go to https:\/\/ceofocusmd.com","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Record Metro Columnist Michael Fitzgerald's Blog\nMichael Fitzgerald @ Recordnet.com\n\u00ab Stockton: the comeback continues\nCredit where credit is due \u00bb\nMan touts bold hyacinth solution\nBy Michael Fitzgerald | Published: February 3, 2015 | Leave a comment\nA man named Dave Parker called to say he's got a better mousetrap when it comes to ridding the Delta of water hyacinth: he's taking the existing approach and going big.\nA Port of Stockton hyacinth harvester working the Deep Water Channel near Louis Park last November. CLIFFORD OTO\/THE RECORD\nCurrently, a small harvester is used \u2014 way too small, says Parker.\nThe \"pricey, non-functional little tiny choppers\" in use have 200 cubic foot hoppers that fill all to quickly when tackling what Parker estimates is 10.5 million cubic feet of hyacinth at peak season. Then they must waddle over to a dump site, a round trip which can take hours.\n\"I have put together a team of professionals that have designed a turn key\u2026.front to back solution\u2026. harvest to end use\u2026.Stockton-built large industrial solution to the hyacinth and algae problem that completely removes the hyacinth,\" Parker says.\nHis solution: a big-bellied 20,000 cubic foot barge, outfitted with eight 3-foot-wide chain conveyors, and pushed around by tug boats.\nRock Systems is designing a the conveyor belts, Parker says.\nParker says he's even got an end-user who will take the hyacinth off his hands, obviating the need to truck it off to some disposal site: AAAA Hyacinth Harvesting. Though, what, exactly, these folks will do with it Parker did not say (AAAA's website shows pictures of hyacinth furniture; nice furniture, actually).\nParker's solution sounds logical. But so far no customers have expressed interest, he says. On the contrary, Parker feels the bureaucrats are giving him the runaround.\n\"I am making proposals and being passed around like a $2 bill,\" Parker said.\nThis entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Post a comment\nArchives Select Month October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 February 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009 March 2009 February 2009 January 2009 December 2008 November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 August 2008 July 2008 June 2008 May 2008 April 2008 March 2008 February 2008 January 2008 December 2007 November 2007 October 2007 September 2007 August 2007 July 2007 June 2007 May 2007 April 2007 March 2007 February 2007 January 2007 December 2006 November 2006 October 2006 September 2006 August 2006 July 2006 June 2006 May 2006","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Foreign Minister Aurescu attends meeting in Riga on EU-Russia, Ukraine\nMarch 7, 2015 177\nThe European Union foreign ministers discussed in an informal meeting (Gymnich) in Riga on Friday and Saturday the situation in Ukraine and the EU-Russia relations in this context. Other topics on the agenda were the preparation of the Eastern Partnership summit, to be also held in Riga on May 21-22, and the review of the European Neighbourhood policy.\nThe Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu participated in this meeting, where the top European diplomats 'extensively debated the latest evolutions in Ukraine, focusing on the implementation of the Minsk II agreement. The European Union relations with Russia were also analysed in this context. OSCE [Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe] Secretary General Lamberto Zannier contributed to the dialogue opening,' a release of the Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) informed Agerpres on Saturday.\nAurescu mentioned the importance of a quick and unconditioned application of the February 12 Minsk agreements, as they represent a roadmap, a path to a political solution of the conflict in Ukraine, MAE detailed.\nThe Romanian minister pointed out the halting \u2013 incomplete, indeed \u2013 of violence in eastern Ukraine.\nAccording to the MAE, Aurescu reasserted Romania's position in support of maintain the regime of sanctions in the present context, as it is an efficient means to be preserved until the Minsk agreements are fully implemented, to result in an authentic political commitment to the efforts of improving the field situation and the agreements implementation process.\nAurescu pointed out that the EU must also be prepared to adopt new sanctions, if fighting resumes, around Mariupol, for instance, or if other points of the Minsk agreement are blocked. He stressed the vital importance of the EU support for the implementation of the steps subsequent to the ceasefire and the withdrawal of heavy weapons stipulated in the Minsk agreements; otherwise, he said, there is a risk of Transnistria-type evolution in eastern Ukraine, with no perspective to a complete political solution of the crisis. He also pleaded for a strategy of the EU relations with Russia that considers the situation in the Eastern Neighbourhood as a whole, MAE added in the aforementioned document.\nAs regards the Eastern Partnership Summit in May, the top Romanian diplomat asserted it should be a milestone for an ambitious perspective of the EU concerning the Eastern Partnership states. Aurescu highlighted the importance of a flexible approach on medium and long term, taking into account the European aspirations of the partner states and the principles of differentiation and evaluation based on individual merits, accompanied by a wise use of conditions, so that the partners are encouraged.\n'The EU should not hesitate to get involved in the settlement of the protracted conflicts in the Eastern neighbourhood,' Aurescu declared. He underscored that the Eastern Partnership should focus more in the future on the solutions to the frozen conflicts, including by using the assistance means at EU's disposal.\nAurescu also insisted that the Republic of Moldova was the most advanced country in the Eastern Partnership; therefore, he maintained, the efforts of the Chisinau authorities should be encouraged and constantly supported. The MAE also informed that the minister voiced his hope, following the visits of the Romanian President to Chisinau and respectively of the Moldovan foreign minister to Bucharest, that the Moldovan Government will maintain its European commitment. He encouraged his colleagues to participate in the meeting of the Support Group of the European Action for Moldova, convened by the Romanian and French foreign ministers on March 16, in Brussels.\nAurescu also called the EU member states that did not yet ratify the Association and Free Trade Agreements to do it as soon as possible; Romania was the first state to complete this step in July 2014. He also asked for palpable progress at the Riga Summit on the liberalization of visas for Georgia and Ukraine.\nThe Summit should also acknowledge the European perspective of the states in the Eastern Partnership, including the Republic of Moldova, as this perspective has a strategic relevance for the EU, the Romanian minister also pointed out.\nThe reviewing of the European Neighbourhood Policy was approached from the perspective of the launching of consultations with the partner states, on March 4.\n'This complex process belongs in a wider framework of re-evaluation by the European Union of the challenges facing both regions \u2013 South and East \u2013 and aims at creating the favourable context for the reasonable and efficient use of all the European instruments for the neighbourhood. During the talks held with the participation of EU-aspiring and candidate states, a strong accent was placed on the active and constructive role they have to play in order to contribute to the consolidation of the regional action and profile of the European Union.,' MAE's release further reads.\nThe Romanian foreign minister noted the need for a balanced regional approach between the eastern and southern sides of the European Neighbourhood Policy. He also proposed to add, within the process of considering the review of this policy, the development of a security dialogue platform, given the evolutions of the EU neighbourhood both on south and on east and the preoccupations of the partner states about these matters.\nAs regards the crisis in Libya, the EU foreign ministers asserted the importance of keeping an active role of the European Union in the facilitation of the dialogue moderated by the United Nations, to contribute to the forming of a national unity government.\nRomania's Foreign Minister AurescuRomania's position in support of maintain the regime of sanctionsthe Romanian and French foreign ministersThe Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu\nTennis: Romania defeats Israel in Davis Cup, Slovakia to be the next opponent in the second round in July\nRovana Plumb to run for chair of Social Democrats' National Council\nPakistan imposes travel restrictions on U.S. diplomats\nNine O' Clock August 3, 2011 August 3, 2011\n11 Facts on 11.11\nNINE O'CLOCK November 11, 2019 November 11, 2019\nSyria jets bomb Damascus on last day of 'ceasefire'","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Axios: Is 'Bannon The Barbarian' On His Way Out?; UPDATE: Drudge Says He's Out\nUPDATE: Drudge says Bannon is out, and that he may return to Breitbart.\nUPDATE II: Jake Tapper jumping in on Bannon's exit:\nSource close to Bannon: he's prepared to continue fighting for POTUS's agenda inside or outside; doesn't know what decision has been made.\n\u2014 Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) August 18, 2017\nUPDATE III: NY Times also reporting Bannon is out.\nBreaking News: President Trump told aides he's decided to push out Stephen Bannon as chief strategist https:\/\/t.co\/5SXAAa3qWI\nVia NYT, Bannon submitted his resignation on August 7, but the events of Charlottesville delayed the announcement. Today is his last day in the Trump administration:\nPresident Trump has told senior aides that he has decided to remove Stephen K. Bannon, the embattled White House chief strategist who helped Mr. Trump win the 2016 election, according to two administration officials briefed on the discussion.\nThe president and senior White House officials were debating when and how to dismiss Mr. Bannon. The two administration officials cautioned that Mr. Trump is known to be averse to confrontation within his inner circle, and could decide to keep on Mr. Bannon for some time.\nAs of Friday morning, the two men were still discussing Mr. Bannon's future, the officials said. A person close to Mr. Bannon insisted the parting of ways was his idea, and that he had submitted his resignation to the president on Aug. 7, to be announced at the start of this week, but it was delayed in the wake of the racial unrest in Charlottesville, Va.\nMr. Bannon had clashed for months with other senior West Wing advisers and members of the president's family.\nUPDATE IV: Here is the White House's statement:\nWhite House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Steve Bannon have mutually agreed today would be Steve's last day. We are grateful for his service and wish him the best.\nUPDATE: Was Bannon fired?\nHe was fired. They came to a face-saving agreement. https:\/\/t.co\/HhII1486n6\n\u2014 Jonathan Swan (@jonathanvswan) August 18, 2017\nI'm told Bannon was fired, not that he resigned.\n\u2014 Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) August 18, 2017\n***Original Post***\nFor months, there have been discussions about White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. How long will he stay? Will he be an issue in executing the president's agenda? Is his personality an issue? There were many debates and sub-discussions about the controversial top aide to President Trump. Now, Axios is reporting that Mr. Bannon could be given his pink slip, and that the elevation of Gen. John F. Kelly to White House Chief of Staff was a signal that a massive overhaul of the inner circle was coming. He's said to have zero friends in the White House, not that he had many to begin with, and that the recent interview he did with The American Prospect only reinforced the notion that he was getting the boot. The interview, to some, gave off an aura that the man literally was at the point of not giving a crap.\nAt the same time, there are plenty of factors that may indicate that Mr. Bannon could stay, including his ties to the Mercer family and the fact that the former Breitbart executive could do lasting damage to Trump if he were to be cut loose. At the same time, Mr. Bannon is said to be preparing to deliver exacting and brutal punishment to the enemies of the president in what Axios described as \"Bannon the barbarian,\" even with Trump being irked with this chief strategist for taking too much credit in his White House. Another source of consternation between Mr. Bannon and the rest of the White House staff were the stories about National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster on Breitbart. Then-White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus confronted Mr. Bannon about it, noting that this \"s**t\" needs to stop because everyone knew it was coming from him.\nJonathan Swan of Axios had more:\nTrump has told associates he's fed up with what he sees as self-promotion by Bannon, who did not join the core team this week at the president's golf club in Bedminster, N.J.\nBannon's time with Trump has diminished since the new chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, took over and imposed discipline on the circus around the Oval Office.\nKey West Wing colleagues believe Bannon is an instigator of leaks targeting National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster. The stories have been driven by Breitbart News, where Bannon was executive chairman before joining Trump's presidential campaign as chief executive in August. On Thursday, Trump backed McMaster as \"our friend.\"\nSources close to Trump say he was irritated about Bannon's extensive cooperation with a book by Bloomberg Businessweek's Josh Green, \"Devil's Bargain,\" with a cover that gave Bannon equal billing with Trump.\nBuzzfeed reported in Devil's Bargain this angered Trump:\n\"That f**king Steve Bannon taking credit for my election,\" Trump recently told a confidant, referring to a new book focused on Bannon's influence, Devil's Bargain by Joshua Green, according to a source with knowledge of the conversation.\nPeople close to Bannon within and outside of the administration have long worried that Trump's frustrations will result in Bannon being tossed from the White House. Rumors hit a fever pitch in recent weeks, with the elevation of new Chief of Staff John Kelly, and Bannon's renewed open war with National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster.\nIt briefly looked like Bannon's efforts to survive were paying off, as he reemerged after spending weeks laying low and staying out of Trump's field of vision.\nBut the latest development in the White House drama \u2014 a rare on-the-record Bannon interview with the left-wing American Prospect in which he detailed his preference for a hardline stance against China on trade, said North Korea \"got us\" because a military option makes no sense, and openly talked of his feud with Trump's chief economic adviser Gary Cohn \u2014 energized but concerned allies who worry Kelly won't look positively at undercutting Trump on North Korea and knifing senior officials publicly.\nAxios also reported that a White House review notes that the chief strategist's exit is not a matter of \"if,\" but \"when.\"\nBannon, who has run afoul of Trump in the past, is now suspected by the president of leaking about his West Wing colleagues. And Trump resents the publicity Bannon has been getting as mastermind of the campaign.\nMany West Wing officials are now asking \"when,\" not \"if,\" Bannon goes.\nChief of Staff General John Kelly has been reviewing Bannon's position.\nA recent deluge of media coverage of Bannon \u2014 including Bannon's explosive conversation with the American Prospect \u2014 have not escaped either the president's or Kelly's attention.\nWhy Bannon might still survive:\nTrump often sends mixed signals about his personnel plans, and makes decisions \u2014 both to keep and dismiss people \u2014 on whim.\nBannon, with his close connection to the president's base, is the one West Wing\nofficial who could do authentic damage to Trump on the outside.\nWe're told that Bannon's friendship with the billionaire Mercer family, who has been an important Trump ally, is a factor in the president's decision and could be part of the strategist's survival package.\nThe publication also noted that Mr. Bannon is \"unfazed,\" but one White house source is quoted as saying, \"His departure may seem turbulent in the media, but inside it will be very smooth. He has no projects or responsibilities to hand off.\"\nStocks tick up following reports that a White House decision on Bannon is imminent https:\/\/t.co\/MhmkXouFCD pic.twitter.com\/U7Vecx2IGC\n\u2014 Bloomberg Politics (@bpolitics) August 18, 2017\n(First reported by Townhall News)https:\/\/townhall.com\/tipsheet\/mattvespa\/2017\/08\/18\/axios-is-bannon-the-barbarian-on-his-way-out-n2370420 (August 17, 2017)\nBREAKING: Criminal Referral Shows Clintons and Obama Were Feeding Steele, Not Other Way Around\nTom Fitton UNLEASHES on Obama Amid FBI Text Message Firestorm \"FISA Wasn't the Only Way Obama Gang Spied on Trump\"\nHistory Has a Way of Vindicating Great Presidents. So Don't Prejudge Trump.\nPOTUS Trump SHREDS Coward Broward Deputies For Inaction \"The Way They Performed Was Frankly Disgusting\" (VIDEO)\nA Racist Con-Man: Obama's Portrait Artist, Who Hires Cheap Chinese Labor To Paint \"His\" Work, Says \"Kill Whitey\"\u2026\nWisconsin GOP candidate's parents max out donations to his opponent","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"'They took away my little girl': New York woman dies in Dominican Republic after cosmetic surgery\nPosted 5:49 am, July 11, 2019, by Tribune Media\nYONKERS, N.Y. \u2014 A heartbroken mother wants justice for her daughter, who died after undergoing cosmetic surgery in the Dominican Republic.\nAlexandra Medina died after a cosmetic surgery procedure in the Dominican Republic.\nAlexandra Medina, a 33-year-old New Rochelle mom, saved money for years to have liposuction in the country, where it costs much less than it would in the US. Over the objections of her mother, she went to a clinic where two patients has already died. The clinic where those patients and Medina had procedures has been shut down since Medina's death last week.\n\"She was beautiful and they killed her,\" mom Connie Toro said. \"They took away my little girl.\"\nMedina had concerns after she arrived and called her mom. Toro said there were a number of red flags: the clinic was dirty; Medina had to pay the surgeon right there and they wheeled her in at 8:30 p.m.\nDr. Felix Almanzar, a plastic surgeon, was supposed to perform the procedure. Medina's sister, Maxine David, says he didn't do the tummy tuck himself.\n\"He handed it off to an obstetrician, someone who is not a board certified plastic surgeon,\" David said.\nThe death certificate lists Medina's cause of death as an embolism.\n\"How am I to believe that that was actually the cause of death and that she stopped breathing. It could be he punctured her lung,\" Toro said.\nHer anguished mother said she hasn't come to terms with her grief.\n\"First it was shock, disbelief, The it was crying continuous, then it was becoming sporadic and now it's anger,\" she said. \"I'm going to hold onto this until they get these people.\"\nToro has been in touch with Dominican authorities. She said the FBI is also investigating.\n\"I want my daughter's monsters to pay because they lured her in.\"\nDownload FOX 2's Weather App\nFollow the latest weather conditions anywhere you go with our FREE weather app for your smartphone.\nTurkey bowlers raise thousands for Penny, 3-year-old girl battling cancer\nDecades after St. Louis quilter's death, her project is finished\nNewlyweds killed, 13-year-old injured after fleeing carjacking suspect slams into their car\nHealth Watch: Removing excess skin following weight loss\nThree American tourists died of natural causes in the Dominican Republic, FBI tests show\nWidow's home burglarized after husband dies in Thanksgiving car crash\nWoman celebrates 100th birthday with youthful grace\nMom says school didn't realize her daughter had switched schools years ago\nActress charged in mom's stabbing death claims self-defense\nWoman pleads guilty to killing another woman in 'botched butt injection procedure,' district attorney says\nA Wisconsin woman left the ER to find another hospital after a long wait. Two hours later, she was dead\nJournalist diagnosed with breast cancer after screening mammogram on Facebook Live","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Jab rules in England venues as Omicron spiral\nArticle posted by Coliseum, December 13th, 2021\nImage: MJR Group Ltd.\/Coliseum\nProof of coronavirus vaccination or a negative lateral flow test will be required for spectators to attend sporting events in England (UK) with crowds of over 10,000 after the Government announced it will implement 'Plan B' as omicron cases double every two to three days in the United Kingdom.\nThe 'Daily Mail' stated that the Prime Minister (PM) of United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, hit the panic button on December 8th by introducing new restrictions amid growing fears about the Omicron strain which has half of the world in its grip presently: Including a blanket order to work from home where possible, more mask-wearing and COVID passports.\nVaccine passports mean the Premier League will be told it is mandatory to ensure all their 20 clubs ask every supporter attending matches to show their vaccine certification.\nThe 'Daily Mail' further stated that the National Health Service (NHS) COVID pass will be mandatory in night clubs and other venues where large crowds gather from \"a week's time\", the Prime Minister told a Downing Street presser, as he described the measures as \"proportionate and responsible\".\nHe added that the pass can be obtained with a negative lateral flow test or by having had two doses of a vaccine but hinted this could change by saying \"we will keep this under review as the boosters roll out\".\nIndeed, the new regulations will also affect a number of major sporting events over the busy festive period until the threat of Omicron is deemed to have diminished.\nThe Prime Minister said, \"We will also make the NHS COVID pass mandatory for entry into nightclubs and venues where large crowds gather, including unseated indoor venues with more than 500 people, unseated outdoor venues with more than 4,000 people and any venue with more than 10,000 people. The NHS COVID pass can still be obtained with two doses (of a COVID vaccine) but we will keep this under review as the boosters roll out. And having taken clinical advice since the emergence of Omicron, a negative lateral flow test will also be sufficient.\"\nThe PM added, \"As we set out in Plan B, we will give businesses a week's notice, so this will come into force in a week's time, helping to keep these events and venues open at full capacity while giving everyone who attends them confidence that those around them have done the responsible thing to minimize risk to others.\"\nThere is a full schedule of Premier League (the top level of the English football league system) matches next week, starting on December 14th and running until December 16th, with the national football schedule now heading into its busiest period over Christmas.\nTop-flight clubs discussed the new potential regulations at the Premier League shareholders' meeting held recently.\nIt will likely cause chaos for supporters entering grounds, where they have largely only been spot-checked for vaccine certification in the first four months of the season since stadiums reopened.\nClubs are also braced for a backlash from fans, who have been able to attend matches in large numbers without wearing masks or having their vaccine status checked during the season to date.\nThe Prime Minister bowed to mounting alarm about the risk of the NHS being overwhelmed by cases of the Omicron COVID variant by introducing tougher restrictions in the lead-up to Christmas.\nThe announcement of new regulations has sparked accusations that Johnson is deploying a 'dead cat' tactic \u2013 making a big newsworthy announcement in order to distract attention from another crisis.\nThere had been expectations that curbs would be ramped up before Christmas, but sources had been playing down the prospects it would be so soon.\nBombshell video\nThe above comes after a bombshell video emerged of No 10 aides joking about their \"illegal\" Christmas party last December \u2013 with Health Secretary Sajid Javid canceling interviews on the morning of December 8th.\nJohnson apologized \"unreservedly\" for the video during Prime Minister's Questions at lunchtime but denied a Christmas party took place \u2013 \"I apologize unreservedly for the offence that it gave up and down the country. But I have been repeatedly assured there was no party and that no COVID rules were broken.\"\nJavid was brutally empty-chaired by broadcasters after pulling out of appearances following the emergence of the footage showing the PM's former Press Secretary Allegra Stratton \u2013 who resigned on December 8th \u2013 giggling about the lockdown-busting gathering last year.\nThe footage of Stratton was filmed on December 22nd last year \u2013 four days after the alleged \"boozy\" party and when London was under strict Tier 3 coronavirus curbs.\nThe revelation follows a week of tortured denials from No 10 that there was a \"party\" \u2013 even though dozens of staff allegedly exchanged \"secret Santa\" gifts and drank past midnight at an event said to have included party games.\nSome backbenchers have even suggested that Johnson could be forced to resign unless he \"holds his hands up\" because of the video, which calls into question his insistence that all the rules had been followed at the time.\nOmicron surge\nMeanwhile, Britain's COVID cases continue to surge in the face of the spiraling Omicron crisis, with cases increasing again in the first week of December and Boris Johnson warning the supermutant variant is more transmissible.\nCOVID cases jumped 6 percent on December 8th and breached 50,000 for the fourth time in a week.\nHealth Secretary Javid said Omicron cases could exceed one million by the end of this month on the current trajectory \u2013 \"Although there are only 568 confirmed Omicron cases in the United Kingdom, we know that the actual number of infections will be significantly higher. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) estimates that the number of infections is approximately 20 times higher than the number of confirmed cases, and so the current number of infections is probably closer to 10,000.\"\nAdded Javid, \"UKHSA also estimate that at the current observed doubling rate of between two and a half and three days, by the end of this month, infections could exceed 1 million.\"\nThe National Health Service (NHS) is the umbrella term for the publicly-funded healthcare systems of the United Kingdom. Since 1948, they have been funded out of general taxation. There are three systems which are referred to using the 'NHS' name.\nThe UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is a Government agency in the United Kingdom, responsible since April 2021 for UK-wide public health protection and infectious disease capability, and replacing Public Health England. It is an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care.\nContinue to follow Coliseum for latest updates on venues business news. Coliseum is dedicated towards building the best global community of sports and entertainment venue executives and professionals creating better and more profitable venues.\nBecome a member of the only Global Sports Venue Alliance and connect with stadiums, arenas and experts from around the world. Apply for membership at coliseum-online.com\/alliance and make use of the 365Coliseum Business.\nWatch 150 member-exclusive videos with valuable tips for your venue\n\u00ab Previous News: China Govt body helm Guangzhou venue project\n\u00bb Next News: IS+E onboards Chris McGowan as CEO\nOxford United Football Club hunt for new home\n\u00bb Go back to main NEWS page \u00bb All News\nPublished: January 17th, 2022","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Rhythm and Bluegrass\nBy: Molly Harper\nNarrated by: Amanda Ronconi\nSeries: Bluegrass (Harper), Book 2\nCategories: Romance, Contemporary\nSnow Falling on Bluegrass\nKelsey is known around the office for having everything under control. So it's not surprising that she and her boss, Sadie, have everything planned to the second for the office winter retreat. But there are things even Kelsey can't micromanage. An unprecedented snowstorm smothers half of Kentucky and knocks out the power, closes the roads, and generally shuts down the state.\nMolly Harper: Still Good\nBy Jenny on 09-07-15\nMy Bluegrass Baby\nSadie Hutchins loves her job at the Kentucky Tourism Commission. Not only could her co-workers double as the cast of Parks and Recreation, but she loves finding the unusual sites, hidden gems, and just-plain-odd tourist attractions of her home state. She's a shoo-in for the director's job when her boss retires at the end of the year\u2026until hotshot Josh Vaughn shows up to challenge her for the position. Josh is all sophisticated polish while Sadie's country comfort, and the two have very different ideas of what makes a good campaign.\nMolly Harper and Amanda Ronconi Do It Again!\nBy Maren on 04-12-13\nPeace, Blood, and Understanding\nEver since Jane Jameson took over running the Vampire Council for Half-Moon Hollow, things have been a little unorthodox, and that doesn't sit well with the head office. Who would have thought vampires were so into bureaucracy and tradition? Enter a vamp from corporate who's determined to unseat Jane and get the council back on track - which means no more of this Kentucky neighborliness and mixing with humans, werewolves, witches, or anything else. But Jane's not interested in going back to the bad old days when the council was mired in corruption.\nNice addition to the Half Moon Hollow universe\nBy Kimberly on 11-12-19\nThe Undead in My Bed\nBy: Jessica Sims, Molly Harper, Katie MacAlister\nNarrated by: Leah Mallach, Abby Craden, Sophie Eastlake\nIn \"Shades of Gray\" by Katie MacAlister, Noelle is a Guardian: a demon-wrangler, imp-banisher, and all-round secret protector of humans from the Otherworld. In \"Undead Sublet\" by Molly Harper, executive chef Tess Maitland is banned from her five-star kitchen in Chicago to recover from \"exhaustion\". Jessica Sims's \"Out With a Fang\" features Ruby Sommers, a lonely were-jaguar who signs up for a blind date through the paranormal dating agency Midnight Liaisons.\nworth it but...\nBy Christina on 03-06-13\nBy: Jessica Sims, and others\nPeachy Flippin' Keen\nThe McCready Family Funeral Home and Bait Shop has crickets running rampant in the store and hot sauce in the Snack Shack's ketchup bottles. But as the county coroner, Frankie has enough on her plate without worrying about the increasingly mean pranks being played at her family's business. And the arrival of Sheriff Eric Linden, both devastatingly attractive and painfully taciturn, is enough to push her over the edge.\nBy ashley on 04-23-18\nA Few Pecans Short of a Pie\nTo Margot's surprise, she's taken a liking to life in small-town Georgia...helped along by a romance with the hot elementary school principal. The two of them have been taking it slow - or they were until Margot gets pregnant. Kyle wants to make an honest woman of her, but Margot's still trying to proceed with caution. After all, she was the best event planner in Chicago before she ever came to Lake Sackett. Her wedding has to be perfect, and perfect includes not having the baby halfway down the aisle.\nLove this series but too short for the price!\nBy MsGonzo on 03-05-19\nSave a Truck, Ride a Redneck\nMolly Harper brings her signature \"clever humor, snark, silliness, and endearing protagonists\" ( Booklist) to the charming small town of Lake Sackett, Georgia with the new Southern Eclectic series. Carl and Marianne were high school sweethearts, loving the way only teenagers can - with no thought to logic or pride, just a bone-headed, optimistic frenzy of unicorns and hormones. That was all they needed. Or so Carl thought. Scared of being stuck in Lake Sackett, Georgia, like so many of her friends, Marianne panicked and bolted....\n2.5 Stars - It's ok\nBy CrazyBookNerd on 12-28-18\nAin't She a Peach\nAn Atlanta ex-cop comes to Lake Sackett, Georgia, seeking peace and quiet - but he hasn't bargained on falling for Frankie, the cutest coroner he's ever met. Frankie McCready talks to dead people. Not like a ghost whisperer or anything - but it seems rude to embalm them and not say hello. Fortunately, at the McCready Family Funeral Home & Bait Shop, Frankie's eccentricities fit right in. Lake Sackett's embalmer and county coroner, Frankie's goth styling and passion for nerd culture mean she's not your typical Southern girl, but the McCreadys are hardly your typical Southern family.\nfinishes \"Peachy Flippin' Keen\"\nBy LOYL-00 on 06-21-18\nLucy Bowman would never have guessed that her best friend, Duffy McCready (of McCready's Bait Shop & Funeral Home) has been in love with her since they were kids. Fear of rejection and his own romantic complications prevented Duffy from confessing his true feelings in high school, so he stood by and watched her wed Wayne Garten right after high school. Wayne had always been a cheapskate, so it comes as no surprise when he suffers a fatal accident while fixing his own truck.\nMOLLY IS BACK!!!\nBy Lagavulin on 04-29-19\nI Loved You First\nBy: Molly Harper, Suzanne Enoch, Karen Hawkins\nEscape with three warm-hearted romantic comedy novellas about women's second chances at first love from beloved romance authors Suzanne Enoch, Molly Harper, and Karen Hawkins.\nFor People Who Love Second Chances\nBy Tanisha on 08-27-20\nBy: Molly Harper, and others\nA Little Night Magic\nBy: Lucy March\nOlivia Kiskey needs a change. She's been working at the same Nodaway Falls, New York, waffle house since she was a teenager; not a lot of upward mobility there. She's been in love with Tobias, the cook, for the last four years; he's never made a move. Intent on shaking things up, Olivia puts her house on the market, buys a one-way ticket to Europe, and announces her plans to her friends - but then she meets Davina Granville, a strange and mystical Southern woman....\nI really hope this turns into a series...\nBy Shelly on 01-07-13\nHow to Run with a Naked Werewolf\nAnna Moder has just witnessed a shooting, seen her car pulverized, and rescued a wounded stranger - only to discover he's really a werewolf. And by her recent standards, things are actually looking up. Lycanthropes don't faze Anna. Doctoring a wolf pack outside Grundy, Alaska, is the closest thing to home life she's known in years. But hitching a ride to Anchorage with long-absent pack member Caleb Graham - that's a risk. Part of her itches to whack his nose with a newspaper. The rest is trying unsuccessfully to keep her own paws off every delicious inch of him.\nA Refreshing Book & Funny too!!!\nBy Hassan on 01-01-14\nBetter Homes and Hauntings\nWhen Nina Linden is hired to landscape a private island off the New England coast, she sees it as her chance to rebuild her failing business after being cheated by her unscrupulous ex. She never expects that her new client, software mogul Deacon Whitney, would see more in her than just a talented gardener. Deacon has paid top dollar to the crews he's hired to renovate the desolate Whitney estate - he had to, because the bumps, thumps, and unexplained sightings of ghostly figures in 19th-century dress are driving workers away faster than he can say \"Boo.\"\nHarper offered up a simple, entertaining tale that\nBy kimbacaffeinate on 07-16-14\nAnd One Last Thing...\nLacey Terwilliger's shock and humiliation over her husband's philandering prompt her to add some bonus material to Mike's company newsletter: stunning Technicolor descriptions of the special brand of \"administrative support\" his receptionist gives him. The detailed mass e-mail to Mike's family, friends, and clients blows up in her face, and before one can say \"instant urban legend\", Lacey has become the pariah of her small Kentucky town and a media punch line....\nFor me this was such a HOOT!!!\nBy d.e.matthews on 02-12-11\nThe Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire\nGigi is no longer an innocent teen. All grown up and looking for love, her family and friends worry she'll go for the sexy, alluring vampire instead of a nice, safe human. But sexy and alluring, with a penchant for biting, could be just what Gigi wants...\nSadly disappointing.\nBy CL on 03-28-15\nSweet Tea and Sympathy\nMargot Cary has spent her life immersed in everything Lake Sackett is not. As an elite event planner, Margot's rubbed elbows with the cream of Chicago society and made elegance and glamour her business. She's riding high until one event goes tragically, spectacularly wrong. Now she's blackballed by the gala set and in dire need of a fresh start - and apparently the McCreadys are in need of an event planner with a tarnished reputation.\nGod bless southern hospitality\nBy BikeVON on 12-03-17\nFangs for the Memories\nHalf-Moon Hollow's supernatural social event of the season - Zeb's Titanic-themed werewolf wedding - is coming up, and Dick Cheney (not that Dick Cheney!) needs a date. But Andrea's had enough of clever, handsome, and rakish to last a lifetime, and Dick Cheney is certainly not the sort of man you bring home to mom (not that Andrea's deadist parents are speaking to her ever since she dropped out of college and became a blood surrogate).\nOnly Molly Harper can make me love Dick Cheney!\nBy Diana Turmenne on 11-02-15\nBig Vamp on Campus\nOphelia Lambert, 400-year-old vampire princess and college freshman, suddenly finds herself domesticated by humans and forced to suffer the indignities of dorm rooms, communal bathrooms, and a roommate with sticky fingers. As one of the hundreds of undead venturing into postsecondary education, Ophelia has a lot more to learn that just \"undead studies\" - she has to learn to get along with her fellow vampire classmates and, worst of all, her human ones.\nMolly Harper's endearing wording saves the day.\nBy Joycinta on 06-07-16\nIn the second e-novella in Molly Harper's Bluegrass series of contemporary romances, two people determined to fulfill their own agendas come head to head\u2014and find love in the process.\nKentucky Tourism Commission employee Bonnie Turkle is up Mud Creek without a paddle. When she gets permission from the state historical society to restore McBride's Music Hall in Mud Creek, Kentucky, to its former glory, she thinks the community will welcome her with open arms. Instead, her plans interfere with a proposal to sell the property to a factory that would bring much-needed jobs to the town.\nEven though Bonnie is trying to preserve mayor Will McBride's family heritage, he is more concerned with the welfare of his people than memories of the past. Will finds her optimistic sentimentality extremely annoying\u2014but that doesn't stop him from kissing Bonnie senseless.\nWith an inspection deadline looming and local saboteurs ruining her restoration, Bonnie must find a way to compromise with Will to save McBride's and the town\u2026while hopefully winning a few more kisses in the process!\n\u00a92013 Molly Harper White (P)2013 Audible, Inc.\nA Farewell to Charms\nWhat listeners say about Rhythm and Bluegrass\nAmazonCustomer\nSO SO SO SO SO GOOD!\nSome of the first books I listened to when I joined Audible was Molly Harper's Jane series. They were all read by Amanda Ronconi and I listened to them all in a row, as fast as I could. I then went back and purchased every Molly Harper book available to me on Audible. I pre-ordered this book because I knew that the story would be great and I wouldn't be disappointed.\nI've listened to tons of audiobooks since I started and I've heard some really good stories. But Molly Harper's books are special. I've listened to them all several times and they never get old.\nThe books are witty and smart and funny. Her dialogue is true and her characterizations are spot on. Amanda Ronconi's voice is a perfect fit to Ms. Harper's stories.\nI dare anyone to listen to one of her books and not be cheered by the experience.\nHer books make me happy!\nTypical Molly Harper Formula\nOk so I love Harper\/Ronconi but every one of her stories are starting to seem predictable and familiar just with different character name. I am still an avid fan and she never ceases to make me laugh.\nShe is still an auto download for me I just wish she would switch it up a bit and keep us guessing.\nRonconi is one of my top 3 narrators\nHAPPY LISTENING!!!\nMolly Harper is one of my favorite authors. Though the titles in the Bluegrass series don't have people staring at me because I'm snort-laughing and wiping tears from the corner of my eyes like the Naked Werewolf books do, they are still authentic Molly Harper and are wonderfully light, funny, and entertaining.\nRhythm and Bluegrass follows Kentucky Tourism Commission's Bonnie Turkle as she tries to salvage historical treasures from a once famous music hall that's scheduled to be demolished (and replaced with a factory site that might just save the town). Mud Creek mayor\/volunteer fireman\/occasional damsel-in-distress rescuer Will McBride doesn't have much love for the music hall and what it's meant for his family, but he still doesn't mind Bonnie ... until she registers it as a historical site and halts not only the negotiations of the new factory, but also the hope of recovery for his entire town.\nThe story is peppered with the main character's love of history, wonderfully crafted \"locals,\" and Harper's trademark wit, not to mention a satisfying dose of romance. You don't need to read My Bluegrass Baby first in order to enjoy Rhythm and Bluegrass, but I do recommend reading both. And everything else Molly Harper writes. I'm just saying.\nP.S. Amanda Ronconi is INCREDIBLE.\nBonny needs to grow a pair\nI now have ALL of Molly Harper's books and have been very happy with them. I think her vampire and werewolf ones are the BEST. This one how ever.. Molly made Bonnie very weal willed and the way she bounces back to a guy who treated her like crap I don't believe many women would stand for. I was actually getting very angry with the story for letting a man treat a women like this and the woman being weak, yet going back because she wanted SEX.\nDiana Turmenne\nHarper and Ronconi join forces again!\nI loved this book. It was way too short thought and that is my only complaint. Amanda Ronconi did a great job as usaul with Molly Harper's writing style and this book made me laugh out loud at my desk at work while listening. You don't have to read My Blue Grass Baby before reading this one but you should any way because that book was great too. I highly recommend this book if you have read any Molly Harper in the past and enjoyed it or if you have a good sense of humor and like a little romance in your books.\nN. Cooper\nHarper is Hilarious\nHave you listened to any of Amanda Ronconi's other performances before? How does this one compare?\nAmanda Ronconi is my FAVORITE NARRATOR, hands down. Authors have to love her for delivering the full intent behind their words, whether they be sarcastic, witty, lusty, emphatic, demanding, you name it. I would never have thought I'd pick books based on the author, but if it's Amanda, I'll always give it a try. She hasn't let me down yet!\nDid you have an extreme reaction to this book? Did it make you laugh or cry?\nMolly Harper's main characters never fail to be witty, snarky, quirky and lovable. Her books constantly make me laugh, snort and spit out my coffee. Oh and her romance also rocks. Keep them coming Molly!!! PLEASE\nFun and joyful, , like bluegrass!\nI love Molly Harper's funny narrative voice in her romances that don't feature the paranormal, and Amanda Ronconi is the perfect pairing to perform them!\nThe storyline isn't perfectly compelling but that's not what I read Harper's books for. The characters are intriguing and fun, and the small town Kentucky location was different and interesting.\nLove Molly Harper and Ronconi\nWould you listen to Rhythm and Bluegrass again? Why?\nI've listened to every Molly Harper audio book I have several times. I know I'll listen to this again. I don't know how she comes up with these bizarre story lines, but they are funny and always have an unusual twist. This BlueGrass series is fun. Jane Jamison, and Naked Werewolf, I've listened to them all several times.\nWhat did you like best about this story?\nYou get to know Bonnie and her background, but you still have the other characters from the first book in this story. I really did enjoy it and looking forward to listening to the next in the series.\nI've listened to Amanda Ronconi narrate all of Molly Harper's books and she is a natural. But I've listened to her narrate other books as well. She is a natural talent\nWho was the most memorable character of Rhythm and Bluegrass and why?\nWell this book is about Bonnie but there are so many people that are memorable in this story.\nI love the quirky story lines that Molly Harper comes up with. Looking forward to the third book in this series. I just wished this one was a bit longer but it was still worth it to listen to.\nQueen Squared\nFunny, Light-Hearted Listen\nIf you're like me and are already a Molly Harper fan, rest assured that this book will not disappoint. If you're not familiar with her work, my guess is that this book will serve as an excellent introduction to her writing. This novel is full of laugh-out-loud humor and witty conversations between the various characters. It doesn't take long to see the rising chemistry between Bonnie and Will. And the interactions Bonnie has with Mud Creek's uniquely funny cast of characters certainly adds something special into the mix.\nAmanda Ronconi serves as an excellent narrator. In my opinion, this type of book is what she does best. Her delivery of the characters' lines are always spot-on, and she does a great job in giving each character its own voice.\nHarper and Ronconi do it again.\nWhat does Amanda Ronconi bring to the story that you wouldn't experience if you just read the book?\nRonconi is not only one of the best female narrators but one of the best narrators period. She does an amazing job infusing life into even the smallest roles and her male voices are fantastic. Rhythm and Blues is no different, each character is nuissanced and with Harper's sharp wit will keep you chuckling throughout the whole listen.\nI would have given 5 stars for story but felt a little let down that it was so short, the character development could have been a bit more elaborated on. This short but sweet listen was full of fun, chuckles and just the right amount of sweetness without being overly saccarhin. Harper and Ronconi are a team made in audio heaven.\nS. Lacey\nBrilliant!!!!\nReally enjoyed this story, I loved Will & Bonnie as a couple! Looking forward to the next book!\nGlenese\na tail a damsel in distress and love. match made in disaster. loved every second\nBluegrass with a twist\nWhat made the experience of listening to Rhythm and Bluegrass the most enjoyable?\nEasy listening to a very funny story. You might be able to see the story coming but you get too wrapped up in the characters to care.\nWho was your favorite character and why?\nBonney, she is the easiest to relate to.\nHave you listened to any of Amanda Ronconi's other performances? How does this one compare?\nAlways a brilliant and well timed performance to get the most out of the book.\nWas this a book you wanted to listen to all in one sitting?","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Tour A TV Star's Arkansas Home\nBy Forbes Travel Guide Correspondent Kat Robinson\nKnown as the male Martha Stewart, television star and gardening expert P. Allen Smith makes his home in Little Rock, dividing his time between his city cottage in Quapaw Quarter and his country retreat at Moss Mountain Farm. Though you can't take a peek at Stewart's home, you can visit Smith's farm \u2014 and even meet the host of P. Allen Smith Gardens and P. Allen Smith's Garden Home in person. Even better, if you stay at The Peabody Little Rock during your farm trip, you'll receive special rates.\nThe comprehensive P. Allen Smith Garden Home Tour will bring you throughout his Greek Revival house and the gardens that grace the property, and provide you with lunch or dinner. The home itself looks like it's been standing for a century, but it's just four years old. It's been carefully constructed to blend in with its surroundings and to utilize the most environmentally friendly building methods possible. Throughout the home, you'll spy Smith's collection of pre-1830 handcrafted and unique furniture, along with his own paintings and sketches (you might even recognize some of the ideas and designs from his popular PBS shows).\nJust outside, the grand pin oak tree known as Big Sister \u2014 one of the Seven Sister oaks on the property \u2014 dates back more than 300 years. And accompanying flower and vegetable gardens are always harvesting different foliage and produce as the seasons change. You'll want to walk through Smith's newly opened rose garden, which is full of American noisette buds. The neatly tailored oval garden is based on two properties in Charleston, S.C. After guiding you through the sprawling grounds, the tour ends with a fine meal \u2014 prepared from recipes in Smith's own Seasonal Recipes from the Garden cookbook.\nTo snag a spot on the tour, guests at The Peabody Little Rock can book it through the concierge; special hotel rates are available for those who wish to visit Moss Mountain Farm. Or call the farm directly at 501-376-1894.\nPhoto courtesy of Grav Weldon\nArkansas Little Rock Moss Mountain Farm P. Allen Smith The Peabody Little Rock\nby KatRobinson\nAbout KatRobinson\nView all posts by KatRobinson\n23 Fall Escapes For An Unforgettable Break\nThe Best Kid-Friendly Restaurants In Little Rock\nCatching Up With Little Rock's Top Culinary Tastemaker\nFive Secret Foodie Cities","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Daily Current Affairs Quiz : 25 November 2012\n1. On Saturday, 24th November 2012, DRDO director general and scientific advisor to defence minister V K Saraswat during an interaction with media persons on the sidelines of the 26th national convention of aerospace engineers, organised by the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh state centre, announced that a long-range missile testing range will come up on a 260-acre land in the state. Saraswat said it would take three years to build infrastructure on the range from the time of allotment of land to DRDO. The entire project may cost around Rs 1,000 crore. At which place this testing range is planned?\n[Category: Science Current Affairs]\n[A]Machilpatnam\n[B]Vikarabad\n[C]Nagarjunasagar\n[D]Hyderabad\n2. Finance Minister P Chidambaram during Bancon conference on 24th Nov 2012 said that the Government will launch the payout of direct cash subsidy to people through the Aadhaar based system in the country from January 1, 2013. He also said that the government intends to complete roll out of the direct cash transfer through the Aadhaar system in the entire country by the end of 2013. The initial launch of the ambitious programme of payout of direct cash subsidy to people through the Aadhaar system will cover how many districts across 15 states of the country?\n[Category: Economy Current Affairs]\n[A]25\n[B]35\n[C]41\n[D]51\n3. OLYMPIC champions Usain Bolt has been named male athlete of the year by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) at a ceremony in Barcelona on 24th November 2012. Bolt, who retained his 100 and 200 metre titles in London in August, is the first man to win the award four times. While Female athlete of the year award goes to an American athlete who was honored for her gold medal in the 200 meters. She was also part of the gold-winning US 4x100 metre relay team, which was awarded female performance of the year after smashing the world record set in 1985 by East Germany. Can you name her?\n[Category: Sports Current Affairs]\n[A]Novlene Williams-Mills\n[B]Amantle Montsho\n[C]Allyson Felix\n[D]Kerron Stewart\n4. Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad inaugurated the OOPD (Outreach OPD) at the second campus of AIIMS at Badhsa village in Jhajjar, Haryana on Saturday 24th November 2012. The new campus will also house the country's national cancer institute, built at a cost of Rs 2,100 crore. It would also be the first OPD in the country to provide free medicines to patients. AIIMS director Dr R C Deka said the new campus initially will have OPDs in paediatrics, gynaecology, medicine, surgery, orthopaedics and ophthalmology and in the long term, it will be expanded to a full-fledged super-specialty teaching and research institute. What does OPD means here?\n[Category: India Current Affairs]\n[A]Outside patient department\n[B]Orthopaedics patient department\n[C]Outdoor patient department\n[D]Obstetrics patient department\n5. Miss Earth is an annual international beauty pageant promoting environmental awareness. Along with Miss Universe and Miss World contests, Miss Earth is one of the four largest beauty pageants in the world in terms of the number of national-level competitions to participate in the world finals and one of the most publicized beauty contests in the world. Who won the Miss Earth 2012, the 12th edition of the Miss Earth pageant, in Alabang, Muntinlupa City, Philippines on 24th November 2012?\n[Category: Arts and culture Current Affairs]\n[A]Olga \u00c1lava\n[B]Tereza Fajksova\n[C]Stephany Stefanowitz\n[D]Osmariel Villalobos\nTags November 2012 GK","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Classical music: Was Bernard Herrmann's love theme in Alfred Hitchcock's \"North by Northwest\" influenced by Antonin Dvorak's \"American Suite\"?\nIF YOU LIKE A CERTAIN BLOG POST, PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD. FORWARD A LINK TO IT OR, SHARE IT or TAG IT (not just \"Like\" it) ON FACEBOOK. Performers can use the extra exposure to draw potential audience members to an event. And you might even attract new readers and subscribers to the blog.\nThe Ear spent an interesting and enjoyable Fourth of July holiday weekend.\nTwo of the most enjoyable things seemed to overlap unexpectedly.\nOn Wednesday night, I tuned into Turner Classic Movies. That's when I watched, once again and with great pleasure, Alfred Hitchcock's masterful \"North by Northwest (1959.\"\nThe next morning, on Independence Day, I tuned in to Wisconsin Public Radio and heard a lot of music by American composers and by composers who were inspired by America.\nThat's when I heard the \"American Suite\" (1895) by Czech composer Antonin Dvorak (below), who directed a conservatory in New York City and liked to spend summers in a Czech community in Spillville, Iowa, where he was captivated by American music of Native Americans and African-Americans.\nWhat overlapped was the music, the love theme between Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint \u2014 called \"Train Conversations\" \u2014 by Bernard Herrmann (below) in the film and the opening of the suite by Dvorak.\nBut The Ear needs a reality check: Is the Ear the only one to hear striking similarities between the two?\nTake a listen to the two works in the YouTube video below, decide for yourself and let us know if you hear the same influence.\nTo be sure, The Ear is not saying that Herrmann \u2013 a sophisticated American composer who knew classical music and who is perhaps best known for his edgy score to \"Psycho,\" which is often played in concert halls \u2013 completely lifted the music or stole it or plagiarized it.\nBut it certainly is possible that Herrmann was influenced or inspired by Dvorak \u2013 much the same way that Leonard Bernstein's song \"Somewhere\" from \"West Side Story\" seems remarkably close to an opening theme in the slow middle movement of the Piano Concerto No. 5 \u2013 the famous \"Emperor\" Concerto \u2014 by Ludwig van Beethoven. The same goes for Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, who, some say, borrowed tunes more than once from Franz Schubert.\nWell, if you're going to borrow, why not do it from the best? And Dvorak was among the great melodists of all time, in company with Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Schubert, Frederic Chopin, Robert Schumann, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Maurice Ravel and Francis Poulenc, to name a few of the best known.\nAnyway, listen to the two scores and let us know what you think.\nCan you think of other music that was perhaps influenced by a work of classical music? If so, leave a comment, with YouTube links if possible, in the Comment section.\nThe Ear wants to hear.\nTags: #AlfredHitchcock, #AllTime, #AmericanComposer, #AndrewLloydWebber, #AntoninDvorak, #BernardHerrmann, #BlogPost, #BlogPosting, #BroadwayMusical, #CaryGrant, #ConcertHall, #Czechcomposer, #EvaMarieSaint, #FacebookPost, #FacebookPosting, #FilmMusic, #FilmScore, #FilmSoundtrack, #FourthofJuly, #FrancisPoulenc, #FranzSchubert, #FredericChopin, #IndependenceDay, #JamesMason, #JohannSebastianBach, #LeonardBernstein, #LoveTheme, #LudwigVanBeethoven, #MartinLandau, #MauriceRavel, #MiddleMovement, #NewYorkCity, #NorthbyNorthwest, #PeterIlyichTchaikovsky, #PianoConcerto, #RealityCheck, #RobertSchumann, #SergeiRachmaninoff, #SergeiRachmaninov, #SlowMovement, #TheEmperor, #TurnerClassicMovies, #WestSideStory, #WisconsinPublicRadio, #WolfgangAmadeusMozart, #YouTubevideo, Alfred Hitchcock, all time, American, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Anton\u00edn Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Arts, Bach, Beethoven, Bernard Herrmann, Bernstein, blog, borrowed, Cary Grant, check, Chopin, Classical music, comment, community, composer, Concert, concert hall, conservatory, conversation, Czech, decide, drama, Dvorak, edgy, Emperor Concerto, Eva Marie Saint, Facebook, film, Film score, film soundtrack, forward, Fourth of July, Francis Poulenc, Franz Schubert, Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric Chopin, Holiday, Independence Day, influence, inspiration, inspire, interesting, Iowa, Jacob Stockinger, James Mason, Johann Sebastian Bach, Leonard Bernstein, lift, like, link, listen, Love, love theme, Ludwig van Beethoven, Martin Landau, masterful, Maurice Ravel, melody, middle movement, movie, Mozart, Music, musical, new, New York City, North by Northwest, opening, Orchestra, overlap, performer, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Piano, Piano concerto, plagiarize, play, pleasure, Psycho, reader, reality, reality check, Robert Schumann, Schubert, Schumann, score, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sergei Rachmaninov, share, Slow movement, Somewhere, song, sophisticated, spend, Spillville, spread, steal, stole, subscriber, Suite, summer, suspense, symphony, tag, Tchaikovsky, TCM, terror, theme, time, train, tune, Turner Classic Movies, United States, watch, weekend, West Side Story, whole, wisconsin public radio, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, YouTube\nClassical music: Saturday afternoon, Live From the Met in HD closes this season with an acclaimed production of \"Dialogues of the Carmelites.\" Here is a background story, two rave reviews, and next season's 10 operas\nALERT:The Brass Choirs of the Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestras will present an afternoon of brass music this Saturday afternoon, May 11, at 2:30 p.m. in Mills Concert Hall, 455 North Park Street, in Madison. Directed by Tom Curry, the program features brass musicians from WYSO's Concert, Philharmonia and Youth Orchestras. The concert is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLC. Music to be played is by Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel, Giovanni Gabrieli, Charles Gounod, Edward Elgar, Paul Hindemith, Alan Hovahaness and Karel Husa.\nCORRECTION: The Madison Youth Choirs will perform its \"Legacy\" concerts this weekend in the Capitol Theater of the Overture Center on Saturday and Sunday \u2014 NOT Friday, as mistakenly listed and then corrected in the original post, which is below: https:\/\/welltempered.wordpress.com\/2019\/05\/08\/classical-music-the-madison-youth-choirs-will-explore-the-theme-of-legacy-in-three-concerts-this-saturday-and-sunday-in-the-capitol-theater-of-the-overture-center\/\nThis Saturday afternoon, May 11, the last production of this season's \"Live From the Met in HD\" series, broadcast worldwide via satellite to cinemas, is Francis Poulenc's \"Dialogues of the Carmelites.\"\nBy all accounts, it would be hard to end on a higher, stronger or more darkly dramatic note, given the outstanding music and performance of the score as well as the superb acting. (There is a brief preview of short scenes in the YouTube video at the bottom.)\nThe world premiere of the opera took place in 1957 at La Scala in Milan, Italy. One of the most successful operas of the later decades of the 20th century, \"Dialogues of the Carmelites\" is a rare case of a modern work that is equally esteemed by audiences and experts, according to program notes from the Metropolitan Opera.\nThe opera focuses on a young member of the order of Carmelite nuns, the aristocratic Blanche de la Force, who must overcome a pathological timidity in order to answer her life's calling. The score reflects key aspects of its composer's personality: Francis Poulenc (below) was an urbane Parisian with a profound mystical dimension, and the opera addresses both the characters' internal lives and their external realities.\nThe opera takes place between 1789 and 1794 in Paris and in the town of Compi\u00e8gne in northeastern France, the site of the Carmelite nuns' convent.\nIts historical basis is the martyrdom of a group of 16 Carmelite nuns and lay sisters from Compi\u00e8gne, who chose to offer themselves as victims for the restoration of peace to France during the French Revolution.\nThe Met uses the classic John Dexter production of Poulenc's devastating story of faith and martyrdom.\nMezzo-soprano Isabel Leonard (below right) sings the touching role of Blanche and soprano Karita Mattila (below left), a legend in her own time, returns to the Met as the Prioress.\nThe conductor for the performance is the Met's highly acclaimed new music director Yannick N\u00e9zet-S\u00e9guin, who also leads the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Metropolitan Orchestra of Montreal.\nThe high-definition broadcast of the live performance from the Metropolitan Opera (below) in New York City starts at noon and runs until 3:10 p.m. with two intermissions. (It will also air at noon on Wisconsin Public Radio.)\nThe encore HD showings are next Wednesday, May 15, at 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.\nThe opera will be sung in French with supertitles in English, German and Spanish.\nTickets for Saturday broadcasts are $24 for adults and $22 for seniors and children under 13. For encore showings, all tickets are $18.\nThe cinemas where the opera can be seen are two Marcus Cinemas: the Point Cinema on the far west side of Madison (608 833-3980) and the Palace Cinema (608 242-2100) in Sun Prairie.\nHere is a link to the Marcus website for addresses and more information. You can also use them to purchase tickets:\nhttps:\/\/www.movietickets.com\/movies\nHere is a link to the Metropolitan Opera's website where you can find the titles, dates, casts, production information and video clips of all 10 productions this past season \u2014 PLUS an announcement, with dates and titles, for next season's 10 productions (which feature five new productions but no Verdi):\nhttps:\/\/www.metopera.org\/season\/in-cinemas\/\nHere is a background story that focuses on the French-Canadian conductor Yannick N\u00e9zet-S\u00e9guin, who leads the orchestra in this production and is the new music director of the Metropolitan Opera:\nhttps:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2019\/05\/02\/arts\/music\/met-opera-dialogues-des-carmelites.html\nHere is a rave review of \"Dialogues of the Carmelites\" by senior classical music critic Anthony Tommasini for The New York Times:\nhttps:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2019\/05\/05\/arts\/music\/dialogues-des-carmelites-met-opera-review.html\nAnd here is another rave review from New York Classical Review:\nhttp:\/\/newyorkclassicalreview.com\/2019\/05\/met-closes-season-with-a-riveting-devastating-carmelites\/\nHere are links to a synopsis and program notes:\nhttps:\/\/www.metopera.org\/discover\/synopses\/dialogues-des-carmelites\/\nhttps:\/\/www.metopera.org\/season\/2018-19-season\/dialogues-des-carmelites\/\nAnd here is a Wikipedia history of the hi-def broadcast series that gives you more information about how many cinemas it uses, the enormous size of the worldwide audience \u2013 now including Russia, China and Israel \u2014 and how much money it makes for The Met.\nhttps:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Metropolitan_Opera_Live_in_HD\nTags: #20thCentury, #AlanHovhaness, #AlbanBerg, #AnthonyTommasini, #BaroqueMusic, #BaroqueOpera, #BlogPost, #BlogPosting, #BlogReview, #BrassChoir, #BrassMusic, #CapitolTheater, #CatholicReligion, #CharlesGounod, #ChinaBroadcast, #ChristianReligion, #DialoguesoftheCarmelites, #EdwardElgar, #EnglishLanguage, #FacebookPost, #FacebookPosting, #FrancisPoulenc, #FrenchCanadian, #FrenchLanguage, #FrenchMusic, #FrenchRevolution, #GaetanoDonizetti, #GeorgeFridericHandel, #GermanLanguage, #GiacomoPuccini, #GiovanniGabrieli, #GiuseppeVerdi, #Hi-Definition, #HomeWebsite, #IsabelLeonard, #JohannSebastianBach, #JohnDexter, #JulesMassenet, #KarelHusa, #KaritaMattila, #LaScala, #LiveFrom the MetinHD, #LivePerformance, #MadamaButterfly, #MadisonYouthChoirs, #Marcus, #MarcusTheaters, #MarcusTheatres, #MetLiveinHD, #MetropolitanOpera, #MetropolitanOperaLiveinHD, #MetropolitanOrchestraofMontreal, #Mezzo-sopranoSinger, #MilanItaly, #MontrealCanada, #MovieTheater, #MusicCritic, #MusicDirector, #MusicEducation, #NewMusic, #NewYorkCity, #NewYorkClassicalReview, #OperaMusic, #OvertureCenter, #PalaceCinema, #ParisFrance, #PaulHindemith, #PhiladelphiaOrchestra, #PhiladelphiaPennsylvania, #PhilharmoniaOrchestra, #PhilipGlass, #PointCinema, #PorgyandBess, #ProgramNotes, #RichardWagner, #RomanCatholicism, #SopranoSinger, #SpanishLanguage, #SunPrairie, #TheFlyingDutchman, #TheMet, #TheNewYorkTImes, #VocalMusic, #Wikipediaentry, #WisconsinPublicRadio, #WisconsinYouthSymphonyOrchestras, #WorldPremiere, #YannickNezet-Seguin, #YouthOrchestra, #YouTubevideo, 20th-century, address, afternoon, Agrippina, air, Alan Hovhaness, Alban Berg, alert, Anthony Tommasini, aristocratic, Arts, aspect, audience, background, Baroque, basis, blog, brass, brass choir, Broadcast, calling, Capitol Theater, Carmelite, cast, Charles Gounod, China, choral music, Christian, Christianity, cinema, classic, Classical music, composer, conductor, convent, correction, dark, darkly, date, decade, devastating, dialogue, Dialogues of the Carmelites, dimension, Donizetti, drama, dramatic, Edward Elgar, encore, end, English, enormous, equal, esteem, expert, experts, external, Facebook, faith, forward, France, Francis Poulenc, free, French, French language, French Revolution, French-Canadian, georgegershwin, German language, Gershwin, Giovanni Gabrieli, global, Handel, HD, hi def, high, historical, History, information, inner, intermission, Isabel Leonard, Israel, Jacob Stockinger, Johann Sebastian Bach, John Dexter, Karel Husa, Karita Mattila, key, La Scala, language, last, lay, legend, like, link, Live From The Met in HD, live performance, Madama Butterfly, Madison, Madison Youth Choirs, Manon, martyr, martyrdom, Massenet, member, Met Live in HD, Metropolitan Orchestra of Montreal, Mezzo-soprano, Milan, modern, money, Montreal, more, Movie theater, Music, music critic, Music director, Music education, mystical, new, New York City, New York Classical Review, New York Times, Nobel Peace Prize, noon, note, nun, opera, Orchestra, order, outer, outstanding, overcome, Overture Center, Palace Cinema, Paris, Parisian, pathological, Paul Hindemith, peace, Pennsylvania, performer, personality, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Orchestra, Philharmonia, Philip Glass, Point Cinema, Porgy and Bess, preview, prioress, production, profound, program notes, public, Puccini, purchase, rave, realities, reality, Religion, restoration, review, role, Roman Catholicism, Russia, satellite, satellite broadcast, Saturday, scene, score, Season, share, short, showing, sisters, size, soprano, Spanish, story, strong, successful, Sun Prairie, sung, superb, supertitle, synopsis, tag, The Flying Dutchman, the Met, The New York Times, theatre, time, timid, timidity, title, Tosca, touching, Turandot, United States, urbane, Verdi, victim, victims, vocal music, Wagner, Website, Wikipedia, Wisconsin, wisconsin public radio, Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestras, work, world premiere, worldwide, Wozzeck, Yannick N\u00e9zet-S\u00e9guin, you, young, Youth Orchestra, YouTube\nClassical music: Sunday brings the winners' concert of the UW Concerto and Composition Competition plus a harpsichord recital\nTwo more noteworthy concerts will take place this coming Sunday, March 10.\nUW-MADISON CONCERTO AND COMPOSITION COMPETITION\nOn Sunday night at 7:30 p.m. in Mills Hall, the annual winners' concert of the UW-Madison Concerto and Composition Competition will take place.\nThe concert features the UW Symphony Orchestra (below top) under conductor Chad Hutchinson (below bottom) with four instrumentalists, one singer and one composer. All are current students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Mead Witter School of Music.\nAdmission is $12, but free to students, children, music majors, faculty and staff.\nWell-know works on the program include: Adalia Hernandez Abrego and Jiawan Zhang playing the Concerto for Two Pianos in D minor by Francis Poulenc; Richard Silvers playing the first two movements of the Violin Concerto in A minor by Antonin Dvorak; soprano Cayla Rosch\u00e9 singing the first and third songs of the \"Four Last Songs\" by Richard Strauss; and Chia-Yu Hsu playing the Concertino for Bassoon and Orchestra by Marcel Bitsch. In addition, there will be the world premiere of \"Fanfare for Orchestra\" by student composer Anne McAninch.\nTo learn more about the concert, and to see photos and videos of the performers who discuss themselves and the works they will play, see the YouTube video below and go to:\nhttps:\/\/www.music.wisc.edu\/event\/symphony-showcase-concerto-winners-solo-with-the-uw-madison-symphony-orchestra\/\nHARPSICHORD RECITAL\nEarlier on Sunday afternoon is a concert that should appeal to early music fans: At 3 p.m. the First Unitarian Society of Madison, 900 University Bay Drive, will present the fifth Annual Mark Rosa Harpsichord Recital.\nThe performance features harpsichordist Jason J. Moy (below), with special guests bass violist Katherine Shuldiner and baroque violinist Kangwon Lee Kim.\nThe all-French baroque program is called \"The Angel, The Devil and The Sun King: Music and Rivalry in the Court of Louis XIV\" and features works by Marin Marais, Antoine Forqueray, Jacques Duphly and Jean-Philippe Rameau.\nTickets will be available at the door: $20 for general admission, $12 for seniors, students and veterans.\nMoy is director of the Baroque Ensemble and a harpsichord instructor at the DePaul University School of Music. He has performed across the United States, Canada and Europe, including every Boston Early Music Festival since 2013.\nOne of Chicago's most sought-after early keyboard specialists, Moy was recently named artistic director of Ars Musica Chicago. He also plays as part of the Dame Myra Hess International Concert Series at the Chicago Cultural Center. Madisonians may be familiar with his playing from his appearances with the Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra.\nYou can hear him discuss playing the harpsichord and talk about its modern history in the YouTube video below. For more information, go to: www.jjmoy.com\nKangwon Lee Kim (below) is a versatile violinist on both baroque and modern violins. She is familiar to Madisonians as the concertmaster and assistant artistic director of Madison Bach Musicians. She has also given recitals throughout the U.S. and in Korea, Canada, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, Norway and the Czech Republic.\nKatherine Shuldiner (below) graduated from the Oberlin Conservatory in viola da gamba. She performs regularly with other early music specialists, and ensembles such as the Bach and Beethoven Experience, VOX3 Collective and the Newberry Consort. She has taught at the Whitewater and Madison Early Music Festivals. www.kateshuldiner.com\nTags: #AdaliaHernandezAbrego, #AnneMcAninch, #AntoineForqueray, #AntoninDvorak, #ArsMusicaChicago, #ArtisticDirector, #BaroqueEnsemble, #BaroqueMusic, #BassoonConcerto, #BassoonMusic, #BassViol, #BlogPost, #BlogPosting, #BostonEarlyMusicFestival, #BostonMassachusetts, #CaylaRosch\u00e9, #ChadHutchinson, #ChicagoCulturalCenter, #ChicagoIllinois, #ConcertoCompetition, #CzechRepublic, #DePaulUniversity, #FacebookPost, #FacebookPosting, #FirstUnitarianSocietyofMadison, #FourLastSongs, #FrancisPoulenc, #FrenchMusic, #HarpsichordMusic, #JacquesDuphly, #Jason Moy, #JasonMoy, #Jean-PhilippeRameau, #JiawanZhang, #JohannSebastianBach, #KangwonKim, #KatherineShuldiner, #LouisXIV, #LudwigVanBeethoven, #MadisonBachMusicians, #MadisonEarlyMusicFestival, #MarcelBitsch, #MarinMarais, #MarkRosa, #MeadWitterSchoolofMusic, #ModernHistory, #MusicMajor, #MyraHess, #NewberryConsort, #OberlinConservatory, #PianoConcerto, #PuertoRico, #RichardSilvers, #RichardStrauss, #SchoolofMusic, #Sundayafternoon, #SunKing, #TheAngel, #TheDevil, #UnitedStates, #UniversityofWisconsin-Madison, #UniversityofWisconsin-Whitewater, #UWSymphonyOrchestra, #VioladaGamba, #ViolinConcerto, #WhitewaterEarlyMusicFestival, #WisconsinChamberOrchestra, #WorldPremiere, #YouTubevideo, Adalia Hernandez Abrego, admission, adult, afternoon, angel, Anne McAninch, annual, Antoine Forqueray, Anton\u00edn Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Ars Musica Chicago, Artistic director, Arts, audience, Bach, Baroque, Baroque Ensemble, bass viol, Bassoon, Beethoven, blog, Boston, Boston Early Music Festival, Canada, Cayla Rosch\u00e9, Chad Hutchinson, Chamber music, Chia-Yu Hsu, Chicago, Chicago Cultural Center, children, Classical music, composer, Composition, Concert, concertino, concertmaster, concerto, conductor, court, current, Czech Republic, DePaul University, Devil, discuss, Early music, Europe, Facebook, faculty, fanfafe, First Unitarian Society of Madison, forward, Four Last Songs, Francis Poulenc, French, harpsichord, History, instrumentalist, Jacob Stockinger, Jacques Duphly, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Jiawan Zhang, Johann Sebastian Bach, Kangwon Kim, Katherine Shuldiner, Keyboard, Korea, like, lnk, Louis XIV, Ludwig van Beethoven, Madison, Madison Bach Musicians, Madison Early Music Festival, Madisonian, major, Marcel BItsch, Marin Marais, Mark Rosa, Mead Witter School of Music, modern, Music, music major, Myra Hess, Newberry Consort, Norway, noteworthy, Oberlin Conservatory, Orchestra, performer, photo, Piano, playing, post, posting, Puerto Rico, Richard Silvers, Richard Strauss, rivalry, School of Music, share, sing, singer, song, soprano, specialist, staff\\, Student, students, Sun King, Sunday, Switzerland, symphony, tag, talk, teach, two-piano, U.S., United States, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Music, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, University of Wisconsin\u2013Madison, UW Symphony Orchestra, UW-Madison, Veteran, veterans, video, viola da gamba, Violin, WaterwaterWisconsin, well-known, Whitewater Early Music Festival, Wisconsin, Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra, word, work, world premiere, YouTube, Zhang\nClassical music: This Saturday the acclaimed German tenor Jonas Kaufmann returns to the Metropolitan Opera in Puccini's \"Girl of the Golden West. It's the second \"Live from The Met in HD\" production this season\nFORWARD A LINK TO IT OR SHARE IT (not just \"Like\" it IF YOU LIKE A CERTAIN BLOG POST, PLEASE\") ON FACEBOOK. Performers can use the extra exposure to draw potential audience members to an event.\nThis Saturday, Oct. 27, the second production of this season's \"Live From the Met\" in HD series will be broadcast worldwide: It is Puccini's \"La Fanciulla del West\" (Girl of the Golden West), his last work that, for some reason, has never achieved the popularity of \"La Boheme,\" \"Tosca,\" \"Madama Butterfly\" and \"Turandot.\"\nThe production features acclaimed superstar German tenor Jonas Kaufmann (below top), who is returning to the Met stage after four years. Soprano Eva-Maria Westbroek (below bottom) plays the gun-slinging title role.\nThe hi-definition broadcast of a live performance from the Metropolitan Opera (below) in New York City starts at 11:55 a.m. and runs until 4 p.m. with two intermissions.\nThe encore showings are next Wednesday, Oct. 31, at 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.\nThe opera will be sung in Italian with supertitles in English, German, Spanish and Italian. (You can see the trailer preview in the YouTube video at the bottom.)\nTickets are for Saturday broadcasts are $24 for adults and $22 for seniors and children under 13. For encore showings, all tickets are $18.\nThe cinemas where the opera can be screened are two Marcus Cinemas: the Point Cinema on the west side of Madison (608 833-3980) and the Palace Cinema (608 242-2100) in Sun Prairie.\nhttp:\/\/www.marcustheatres.com\/movies\/met-aida-live\nHere is a link to the Metropolitan Opera's web site where you can find the titles, dates, casts, production information and video clips of all 10 productions this season, which includes operas by Bizet, Wagner, Donizetti, Saint-Saens, Puccini, Cilea and Poulenc plus a new work, \"Marnie,\" by Nico Muhly:\nHere is a review from The New York Times, which right now has a technical glitch that makes loading it difficult (the Times said the problem should be fixed soon):\nhttps:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/10\/18\/arts\/music\/review-jonas-kaufmann-met-opera-puccini-fanciulla.html\nAnd here is a more positive review from Opera Wire:\nhttp:\/\/operawire.com\/metropolitan-opera-2018-19-review-la-fanciulla-del-west-jonas-kaufmann-edition\/\nHere is a link to a synopsis and cast list:\nhttps:\/\/www.metopera.org\/globalassets\/season\/in-cinemas\/hd-cast-sheets\/fanciulla_1819_hdsynopsis.pdf?performanceNumber=15221\nHere is a link to other information about the production of \"Girl of the Golden West,\" including photos and audiovisual clips:\nhttps:\/\/www.metopera.org\/season\/2018-19-season\/la-fanciulla-del-west\/\nAnd here is a Wikipedia history of the broadcast series that gives you more information about how many cinemas it uses, the size of the worldwide audience \u2013 now including Russia, China and Israel \u2014 and how much money it makes for The Met.\nTags: #BlogPost, #BlogPosting, #CamilleSaint-Saens, #ConcertSeason, #EnglishLanguage, #Eva-MariaWestbroek, #FacebookPost, #FrancisPoulenc, #GaetanoDonizetti, #GeorgesBizet, #GermanLanguage, #GiacomoPuccini, #GirloftheGoldenWest, #Hi-Definition, #ItalianLanguage, #JonasKaufmann, #LaBoheme, #LaFanciulladelWest, #LiveFromtheMetinHD, #MadamaButterfly, #MarcusTheatres, #MetropolitanOpera, #MetropolitanOperaLiveinHD, #MusicReview, #NewYorkCity, #NicoMuhly, #OperaCast, #OperaMusic, #OperaWire, #PalaceCinema, #PointCinema, #RichardWagner, #SpanishLanguage, #SunPrairieWisconsin, #SuperstarTenor, #TechnicalGlitch, #TheMet, #TheNewYorkTImes, #TheWest, #TitleRole, #Wikipediaentry, #YouTubevideo, admission, adult, Arts, Baroque, Bizet, Broadcast, cast, Cello, children, China, choral music, Cilea, cinemas, Classical music, composer, date, Donizetti, encore, English, Eva-Maria Westbroek, Facebook, fix, Francis Poulenc, German, Girl of the Golden West, gun, hi def, History, intermission, Israel, Italian, Jacob Stockinger, Jonas Kaufmann, La boh\u00e8me, La Fanciulla del West, Live From The Met in HD, Madama Butterfly, Madison, Marcus Theatres, Metropolitan Opera, Music, music review, new, New York City, New York Times, Nico Muhly, notes, opera, Opera Wire, Orchestra, Palace Cinema, performer, Point Cinema, Poulenc, problem, production, Puccini, Russia, Saint-Saens, Saturday, Season, senior, showing, singer, Singing, soprano, Spanish, stage, star, stars, Sun Prairie, superstar, synopsis, tenor, the Met, The New York Times, title, title role, Tosca, Turandot, United States, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Music, University of Wisconsin\u2013Madison, Viola, Violin, vocal music, Wagner, web site, Website, Wednesday, west, Wikipedia, Wisconsin, worldwide, YouTube\nClassical music: The 13th season of \"Live from The Met in HD\" opens this Saturday with Verdi's opera \"Aida\" starring Anna Netrekbko\nPLEASE FORWARD A LINK TO IT OR SHARE IT (not just \"Like It\") IF YOU LIKE A CERTAIN BLOG POST ON FACEBOOK. Performers can use the extra exposure to draw potential audience members to an event.\nThis Saturday, Oct. 6, the new 10-opera season of the series \"Live From the Met in HD\" starts with Giuseppe Verdi's popular late masterpiece and epic opera \"Aida.\"\nThe hi-definition broadcast of a live performance from the Metropolitan Opera (below) in New York City \u2013 which is a revival production with the superstar Russian soprano Anna Netrebko \u2014 starts at 11:55 a.m. and runs until 4:13 p.m. The encore showings are on next Wednesday, Oct. 10, at 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.\nThe opera will be sung in Italian with supertitles in English, German, Spanish and Italian.\nTickets are for Saturday broadcasts are $24 for adults and $22 for seniors. For encore showings, all tickets are $18.\nThe cinemas where the opera can be seen are two Marcus Cinemas: the Point Cinema on the west side of Madison and the Palace Cinema in Sun Prairie.\nHere is a link to the Marcus website for address and more information:\nGet out your datebooks!\nHere is a link to the Metropolitan Opera's web site where you can find the titles, dates, casts, production information and video clips of all 10 productions in the 2018-19 season, which include operas by Bizet, Wagner, Donizetti, Saint-Saens, Puccini, Cilea and Poulenc plus a new work, \"Marnie,\" by Nico Muhly. (You can also see and hear the season trailer in the YouTube video at the bottom.)\nHere is a link to a very positive review of \"Aida\" \u2014 Anna Netrebko as Aida is on the left in the photo by Sara Krulwich for The New York Times \u2014 by senior music critic Anthony Tommasini that appeared in The New York Times:\nhttps:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/09\/27\/arts\/music\/anna-netrebko-aida-met-opera-review.html\nHere is a link to a synopsis and cast list, which can be printed out:\nhttps:\/\/www.metopera.org\/globalassets\/season\/in-cinemas\/hd-cast-sheets\/aida_1819_hdsynopsis_global_nodates.pdf?performanceNumber=15145\nHere is a link to other information about the production of \"Aida,\" including photos and audiovisual clips:\nhttps:\/\/www.metopera.org\/season\/2018-19-season\/aida\/\nAnd here is a Wikipedia history of the successful broadcast series that gives you more information about how many cinemas it uses, the size of the worldwide audience \u2013 now including Russia, China and Israel \u2014 and how much money it makes for The Met.\nTags: #AncientEgypt, #AnnaNetrebko, #AnthonyTommasini, #BlogPost, #BlogPosting, #ChineseCinema, #DialoguesoftheCarmelites, #DieWalk\u00fcre, #FacebookPost, #FrancisPoulenc, #FrenchLanguage, #GaetanoDonizetti, #GeorgesBizet, #GermanLanguage, #GiacomoPuccini, #GirloftheGoldenWest, #GiuseppeVerdi, #HiDef, #ItalianLanguage, #LaTraviata, #LiveFrom the MetinHD, #LivePerformance, #MarcusTheatres, #MetropolitanOpera, #MetropolitanOperaLiveinHD, #MusicCritic, #MusicReview, #NewMusic, #NewYorkCity, #NicoMuhly, #PalaceCinemas, #PointCinemas, #PucciniOpera, #RevivalProduction, #RichardWagner, #SamsonandDelilah, #SatelliteBroadcast, #SpanishLanguage, #SunPrairie, #TheMet, #TheNewYorkTImes, #TheRingCycle, #TheValkyries, #Wikipediaentry, #YouTubevideo, afternoon, Aida, ancient, Anna Netrebko, Anthony Tommasini, Arts, audience, audiovisual, Bizet, blog, Blog post, blog posting, Broadcast, Carmen, cast, China, choral music, Cilea, cinema, Classical music, composer, conductor, date, datebook, Dialogues of the Carmelites, Die Walk\u00fcre, Donizetti, Egypt, encore, epic, Facebook, famous, Francis Poulenc, Girl of the Golden West, information, Israel, Jacob Stockinger, La Traviata, late, link, live performance, Madison, march, Marnie, masterpiece, Metropolitan Opera, Metropolitan Opera Live in HD, money, Music, music critic, music review, New Music, New York City, New York Times, Nico Muhly, night, open, opera, Orchestra, Palace Cinemas, photo, Point Cinemas, print, production, Puccini, Richard Wagner, Ring cycle, Russia, Russian, Saint-Saens, Samson and Delilah, satellite, Saturday, Season, showing, sing, size, soprano, sung, superstar, supertitles, symphony, synopsis, the Met, The New York Times, The Valkyries, titles, trailer, triumph, United States, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Music, University of Wisconsin\u2013Madison, Verdi, Viola, Violin, vocal music, Wednesday, Wikipedia, Wisconsin, world, worldwide, YouTube\nClassical music: University Opera's updated Hollywood production of Verdi's \"Falstaff\" proves a triumph on all counts. Plus, FREE Opera Scenes concert is Tuesday night\nHere is a guest review by The Opera Guy of Giuseppe's Verdi's \"Falstaff\" as staged by the University Opera. Performance photos are by Michael Anderson.\nBy Larry Wells\nIn the past few years I've seen Verdi's \"La Forza del Destino\" set in the Spanish Civil War, Wagner's Ring cycle re-imagined as the history of cinema, and Puccini's \"Turandot\" presented as a performance by a traveling circus.\nThus, Verdi's 'Falstaff' set in 1930's Hollywood seemed a reasonable reinterpretation, and so it proved at its final performance Tuesday evening by University Opera.\n\"Falstaff,\" drawn from three plays by Shakespeare, is Verdi's final opera and a rare comedy. More importantly, gone are his familiar forms of a recitative followed by an aria with lots of oom-pa-pa orchestral accompaniment, now replaced with a conversational style that to me shows Wagner's influence. It just doesn't sound like Verdi, but it certainly sounds good.\nI felt that the whole evening was a triumph.\nThe sets were beautifully dressed, the costumes were excellent and the lighting was effective.\nThe UW Symphony Orchestra, conducted by James Smith, played wonderfully, although from where I sat the sound was occasionally muffled.\nThank goodness a new music building is being built, and I trust that there will be a theater within it that will accommodate operatic performances. The current Music Hall has its limitations, one being that much of the orchestra was playing underneath the stage and another being that for some reason the theater's temperature cannot be controlled. It was stiflingly hot during the performance.\nAs for the singing and acting, the cast I saw was uniformly strong. Falstaff, performed by UW-Madison faculty member Paul Rowe (below), was very robust and was particularly affecting during his act III soliloquy. The Ear mentioned to me his Oliver Hardy mannerisms, and once I noticed that I was constantly amused.\nYanzelmalee Rivera as Alice was hilarious in her seduction scene and really came alive in Act III. Courtney Kayser as Meg was a compelling comic actress. Rebecca Buechel's Mistress Quickly was an equally adept comic actress and had an excellent voice. Emily Weaver as Nannetta was a beautiful singer who shone in her third act moments as Queen of the Fairies. These four women had some outstanding ensemble moments, and I was constantly diverted by their antics as they outwitted the men.\nAmong the hapless male characters, Brian Schneider was a standout as Ford and the deep voice of Benjamin Schultz (below left, with Paul Rowe and Jiabao Zhang) made the minor character Pistola noticeable whenever he was on stage.\nBut the voice of the evening belonged to tenor Jos\u00e9 Daniel Mu\u00f1iz (below right) as Fenton. He excelled not only in his solo moments but blended extremely well with his paramour Nannetta (Claire Powling, below left).\nThe outstanding ensemble work exhibited throughout the opera culminated in the grand fugue at the end of the opera, and the nearly full-house audience was blown away by those final moments. (You can hear the fugal finale, conducted by Sir George Solti, in a YouTube video at the bottom.)\nThe 1930's Hollywood concept worked well. It seemed completely fitting and was undoubtedly more amusing than it would have been had the opera been set in the time of Henry IV.\n\"Well done\" to the University Opera's new full-time director David Ronis (below center) for his imagination and direction. I look forward to his production of Benjamin Britten's \"Turn of the Screw\" in early March.\nAnd since this University Opera production and other events are being presented to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death and the exhibition of a First Folio at the Chazen Museum of Art, I want to put in a plug for Ralph Vaughan Williams' \"Sir John in Love\" which has almost exactly the same plot as \"Falstaff\" and is woefully underperformed.\nI also want to draw your attention the FREE Opera Scenes concert by University Opera that will be presented this Tuesday night, Nov. 22, at 7:30 p.m. in Music Hall. Featured are singers, with piano accompaniment, in scenes from: Charles Gounod's \"Faust\"; Claudio Monteverdi's \"The Coronation of Poppea\"; Giacomo Puccini's \"La Rondine\"; Leonard Bernstein's \"Trouble in Tahiti\"; Gioacchino Rossini's \"The Barber of Seville\"; Dominick Argento's \"Postcard From Morocco\"; and Marc Blitzstein's\"Regina.\"\nTags: accompaniment, Arts, Barber of Seville, Beethoven, Benjamin Britten, Charles Gounod, Chazen Museum of Art, choral music, Christina and Michelle Naughton, cinema, circus, Civil War, Classical music, concerto, Dominick Argento, Edo de Waart, Falstaff, Faust, Francis Poulenc, fugue, Giacomo Puccini, Gounod, Hollywood, Igor Stravinsky, Jacob Stockinger, La Forza del Destino, La Rondine, Laurel and Hardy, Leonard Bernstein, Ludwig van Beethoven, Madison, Marc Blitzstein, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, Monteverdi, Music, Oliver Hardy, opera, Orchestra, Piano, Postcard From Morocco, Puccini, Ring cycle, Rossini, scenes, Shakespeare, Sir John in Love, Solti, Spain, Spanish Civil War, symphony, The Coronation of Poppea, Trouble in Tahiti, Turandot, Turn of the Screw, United States, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Music, University of Wisconsin\u2013Madison, University Opera, vaughan williams, Verdi, Wagner, wisconsin public radio, YouTube\nClassical music: Two FREE concerts of wind and choral music take place Sunday at the UW-Madison. Plus Wisconsin Public Radio will air a live broadcast by the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra\nALERT: Tomorrow, on Sunday afternoon from 2:30 to 4 p.m., Wisconsin Public Radio will broadcast a live performance by the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra under its outgoing music director Edo de Waart.\nThe program features works by Igor Stravinsky, the Symphony No. 4 by Ludwig van Beethoven and the Concerto for Two Pianos by Francis Poulenc, with the Madison-born twin sisters Christina and Michelle Naughton as soloists.\nWith less than a month left in the first semester's concert schedule, the performances are really starting to pile up.\nTomorrow, on Sunday, Nov. 20, five groups will perform two FREE concerts at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Music:\nTomorrow at 2 p.m. in Mills Hall is a joint concert by the Women's Chorus (below), the Master Singers and the University Chorus.\nThe program includes music by Giuseppe Verdi, Arvo Part, Gustav Holst, Leonard Bernstein, George Frideric Handel and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.\nFor more information and the complete program, go to:\nhttp:\/\/www.music.wisc.edu\/event\/joint-concert-womens-chorus-masters-singers-university-chorus\/\nTomorrow at 5 p.m. in Mills Hall there is a joint concert by the UW Wind Ensemble (below) and the Winds of Wisconsin.\nThe program includes \"Grand Pianola Music\" (982) by the contemporary American composer John Adams. (You can hear the first part of the work in the YouTube video at the bottom.)\nFor more information and the full program, go to:\nhttp:\/\/www.music.wisc.edu\/event\/uw-wind-ensemble-wow-joint-concert\/\nTags: Arts, Arvo Part, Baroque, Beethoven, Chamber music, choral music, chorus, Christina and Michelle Naughton, Classical music, concerto, Early music, Edo de Waart, Francis Poulenc, George Frideric Handel, Grand Pianola Music, Gustav Holst, Igor Stravinsky, Jacob Stockinger, John Adams, Leonard Bernstein, Ludwig van Beethoven, Madison, Master Singers, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, Mozart, Orchestra, Piano, symphony, United States, University Chorus, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Music, University of Wisconsin\u2013Madison, UW Wind Ensemble, Verdi, Viola, Violin, vocal music, winds, Winds of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, wisconsin public radio, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, women, women's chorus, YouTube\nClassical music: Violinist Katie Lansdale performs a solo recital sponsored by Suzuki Strings this Saturday afternoon. Plus, a FREE recital of art songs is at noon on Friday. And pianist Martin Kasik plays Beethoven, Ravel and Prokofiev on Saturday night at Farley's House of Pianos.\nThis week's FREE Friday Noon Musicale, to be held from 12:15 to 1 p.m. in the Landmark Auditorium of the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Meeting House of the First Unitarian Society of Madison, 900 University Bay Drive, will feature contralto Allissane Apple and pianist Jane Peckham in music of Leonard Bernstein, Hugo Wolf, Francis Poulenc, William Bolcom, Aaron Copland and Peter Warlock.\nCzech pianist Martin Kasik (below) will perform a recital on Saturday night at 7:30 p.m. at Farley's House of Pianos, located at 6522 Seybold Road on Madison far west side near West Towne. The program includes works by Ludwig van Beethoven (the \"Les Adieux\" and \"Moonlight\" Sonatas), Maurice Ravel and Sergei Prokofiev. For more information, go to: http:\/\/salonpianoseries.org\/concerts.html\nThe Ear has received the following announcement:\nViolinist Katie Lansdale (below), assistant professor of violin at the Hartt School at the University of Hartford, will present a recital of works for solo violin on this Saturday afternoon, April 18 at 1:30 pm in the sanctuary of Covenant Presbyterian Church, 326 South Segoe Road in Madison.\nThe recital is sponsored by Suzuki Strings of Madison and a $5 donation is suggested for attendees.\nThe program will include a selection of Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin by Johann Sebastian Bach, Etudes Caracteristiques by Edward Elgar and Cleopatra by Fazil Say.\nLansdale is an active recitalist and chamber musician in Europe and the United States. Lauded for her wide interests and repertoire, she has a particular passion for solo Bach, often performing the complete works in concert.\nA champion of new music, she has collaborated with a number of leading composers internationally, as a member of both the Lions Gate Trio, and as a member of the Locrian Ensemble. She has recorded for the Triton and Centaur labels \u2014 most recently a double CD of duos and trios by Robert Schumann (below).\nLansdale's awards have included the Schlosspreis for the performance of solo Bach at the Salzburg Mozarteum, the grand prize winner at both the Yellow Springs and Fischoff National Chamber Music competitions, and awards for both Outstanding Violinist and Outstanding Participant at Tanglewood's Fellowship Program.\nLansdale received her B.A. cum laude in humanities from Yale University, a Master of Music degree and an Artist Diploma from the Cleveland Institute of Music, and a D.M.A. from Manhattan School of Music. She has studied with Josef Gingold, Felix Galimir, Ronda Cole, Donald Weilerstein and Mitchell Stern.\nIn 2001, Lansdale (seen below with two students) initiated a school outreach program called Music for 1,000 Children. She challenged her studio to play for 1,000 children, promising to play for another 1,000 herself. Her studio then joined with the Hartt student chapter of the American String Teachers' Association to challenge other groups in North America to play for 1,000 school children. Responses were highly enthusiastic, and in the end, musical performances were brought to 13,000 children from Quebec to Texas.\nTags: Aaron Copland, art song, Arts, Bach, Baroque, Beethoven, Chamber music, Classical music, Compact Disc, Edward Elgar, Europe, Faz\u0131l Say, First Unitarian Society of Madison, Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition, Francis Poulenc, Frank Lloyd Wright, Hartt School, Hugo Wolf, Jacob Stockinger, Johann Sebastian Bach, Katie Lansdale, Leonard Bernstein, lieder, Ludwig van Beethoven, Madison, partita, Peter Warlock, piano trios, Presbyterian, Ravel, Robert Schumann, Salzburg Mozarteum, Sergei Prokofiev, solo, Sonata, song, strings, Suzuki Method, Tanglewood, Unitarian, United States, University of Hartford, University of Wisconsin\u2013Madison, Violin, vocal music, WILLIAM BOLCOM, Yale University\nClassical music education: The Ear takes the \"Cello Cure\" at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and now can't wait for another \"treatment\" next summer.\nLast Saturday night, for the first time ever, I went to the free public concert put on every June by the National Summer Cello Institute, which takes place each summer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Music.\nThe NSCI is under the direction of University of Wisocnsin-Madison cello professor Uri Vardi (below top) and his wife Hagit Vardi (below body), who works with the UW-Madison Institute of Integrative Medicine and emphasizes the use of the Feldenkrais Method to help performers in workshops called, fittingly, \"You Body is Your Strad.\"\nHere is a link to a previous post about the cello institute, with still other links to even earlier stories:\nhttps:\/\/welltempered.wordpress.com\/2014\/06\/11\/classical-music-a-free-cello-choir-concert-will-take-place-this-saturday-night-at-the-university-of-wisconsin-madison-it-features-new-music-and-works-by-villa-lobos-poulenc-j-s-bach-cesar-frank\/\nThe event proved so thoroughly enjoyable and so deeply pleasurable, and put me in such a great mood and frame of mind, that a close friend referred to the experience as the \"Cello Cure.\"\nI won't argue because it sure did feel curative.\nBut then I find that experiencing great beauty often feels that way.\nOne came away from the concert -\u2013 which included a cello choir of 16 undergraduate, graduate and professional cellists, selected by audition, from around the nation and perhaps even the world \u2013- completely understanding why the cello, with its human voice-like singing tone, is the favorite instrument of so many listeners. (For The Ear, the cello ranks right up there, just below the piano and alongside the violin and the oboe.)\nOne thing The Ear liked was the lack of purism. Enjoyment was the goal of the evening, and so the program featured some simply gorgeous isolated single movements from sonatas and concertos, and NOT the entire pieces. The Great Hits format worked exceptionally well. And so was featuring soloists, and not just ensembles, for the first time.\nAnd on top of all the cellos, The Ear also had two special and bonus experiences: He heard Anna Whiteway, a fabulously talented undergraduate soprano at the UW-Madison, and he heard what sounds like an eminently listenable contemporary composer, Kyle Price, who will be attending the UW-Madison for a graduate degree.\nSo here are the highlights with photos and not a lot of commentary except to say I found excellence from everyone and disappointment from no one.\nThe concert opened up with UW-Madison conductor James Smith (below right) leading the famous \"Bachianas Brasileiras\" No. 5, with its soaring and lyrical soprano aria or wordless vocalise, by Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos. In it and the other similar suites, the composer attempted to adapt and update the musical style of Johann Sebastian Bach to his native country's indigenous folk melodies and dance rhythms.\nHere are members of the cello choir, which wouldn't fit well in a single photo.\nAnd here is Anna Whiteway, who got enthusiastic applause from the cellists and the woefully small audience of several dozen listeners. No wonder. She is The Real Deal. She possesses beautiful tone, big volume, pleasant and modest vibrato, excellent diction and a thoroughly confident stage presence:\nHere is Brian Klickman and pianist Claire Mallory in the poignantly moving Cavatina movement from the Cello Sonata by Francis Poulenc.\nHere is that wonderfully tuneful last movement from Cesar Franck's Violin Sonata transcribed for cello and played by Cordula Aeschbacher with pianist Claire Mallory:\nThen Aleks Tengesdal played the impressively turbulent first movement of the Cello Concerto No. 1 by Finnish composer Einojuhani Rautavaara, with piano accompaniment.\nJulian Mueller closed out the first half with the gorgeous Andante Cantabile by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who, it seems, was never at a loss for a beautiful, bittersweet melody. (You can hear it played by superstar cellist Yo-Yo Ma in a YouTube video at the bottom):\nThe second half opened with seven cellists playing the Recitative and Meditation movements from the young contemporary American composer Kyle Price's \"Requiem in Memory of Connie Barrett.\" The Ear found it a very promising and appetizing foretaste of what sounds like a listener-friendly composing style, something too often missing from new music:\nThen came back-to-back performances by father and son cellists.\nSon Andrew Laven played three movements \u2013- the Bourees 1 and 2 and the Gigue -\u2013 from the Suite No. 4 for Solo Cello by Johann Sebastian Bach:\nFather Steven Laven, with pianist Christina Lalog, played \"The Tears of Jacqueline\" by Jacques Offfenbach, a work he said he first heard when it was dedicated to the late great British cellist Jacqueline du Pre. You understand the dedication because the piece is appropriately lyrical in its lament:\nAnd then the concert closed as it opened, with the music of Villa-Lobos. But this was a work The Ear didn't know, the \"Bachianas Brasileiras\" No. 1, which has a lovely and soulful slow movement and catchy fugal finale:\nAs an encore, the cello choir demonstrated an improvisational exercise that it used during the two-week workshop. It involves a conductor using unusual and unpredictable hands movements that are unrelated to a particular score or piece of music, and to which the cellists must each respond as they desire or hear is necessary. To The Ear, it sounded a bit like the famous simultaneous, full-orchestra crescendo in the Beatles' \"A Day in the Life\" song from \"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band\" album.\nUri Vardi graciously thanked the small but very appreciative audience that rose to its feet and added: \"See you next year.\"\nIndeed, he will.\nHe will almost certainly see The Ear, although I hope the NSCI can find a way to avoid a conflict with a concert on the same night by the popular Bach Dancing and Dynamite Society. Audiences shouldn't have to choose between two such deserving groups.\nAnd Vardi should also see a full house in Mills Hall.\nThe Cello Choir concert is that good and that lovely, that beautiful and, yes, that curative.\nTags: Andante Cantabile, Arts, Bach, Bachianas Brasileiras, Baroque, Beatles, Brazil, Brazilian, cavatina, Cello, Cello Concerto, Cello Sonata, Cesar Franck, Chamber music, Classical music, concerto, Einojuhani Rautavaara, Feldenkrais Method, Francis Pou, Francis Poulenc, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Jacob Stockinger, Jacques Offenbach, Johann Sebastian Bach, Madison, Music, New Music, Oboe, Offenbach, Piano, Poulenc, Requiem, Sargeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Singing, Solo Cello Suites, Sonata, song, Suite, Tchaikovsky, The Beatles, transcription, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Music, University of Wisconsin\u2013Madison, Violin, Violin Sonata, Wisconsin, Yo-Yo Ma, YouTube\nClassical music: A FREE Cello Choir concert will take place this Saturday night at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It features new music and works by Villa-Lobos, Francis Poulenc, J.S. Bach, Cesar Franck, Tchaikovsky and others. Plus, hear a clip of the Fusions Continuum art music concert with cello and oud to promote understanding and peace between Israelis and Arabs.\nConcerts of chamber music by the Madison-based Bach Dancing and Dynamite Society aren't the only classical music events happening this weekend.\nThis week has also seen the annual National Summer Cello Institute (NSCI), which features master classes and performances plus sessions about using Feldenkrais Method and relaxation techniques to best employ one's physical body to make music through the cello.\nFor more information about the Institute, here is a link to its home website:\nhttp:\/\/www.yourbodyisyourstrad.com\/main\/2014_National_Summer_Cello_Institute.html\nHere is a link to a previous post about the Institute on this blog:\nhttps:\/\/welltempered.wordpress.com\/2012\/05\/29\/classical-music-news-for-the-next-two-weeks-madison-will-again-become-the-summer-capital-of-cello-world-and-this-time-the-public-is-invited-to-participate\/\nA fine musician and good friend of the blog, Professor Uri Vardi (below) teaches cello at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Music. Along with his wife Hagit Vardi and some others, Uri Vardi runs the NSCI and sent this message:\nDear Jake,\nThe 2014 National Summer Cello Institute is ending on this Saturday, June 14, with a public FREE concert in Mills Hall at 8 p.m.\nThe concert will include \"Bachianas Brasileiras\" No. 5 (with soprano Anna Whiteway, below top) and No. 1 by Heitor Villa-Lobos. Both pieces will be played by the NSCI Cello Choir, conducted by Professor James Smith (below bottom) of the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Music.\nThe program will also include new music: two movements of a \"Requiem for 6 Cellos and Double Bass\" by former NSCI participant (and future UW-Madison Master's of Music student) Kyle B. Price in memory of his aunt Connie Barrett (a 2010 NSCI participant).\nOther solo pieces are by the following composers: Francis Poulenc, Cesar Franck, Einojuhani Rautavaara, Peter Tchaikovsky, Johann Sebastian Bach and Jacques Offenbach.\nI hope you will be willing to let your blog audience know about this.\"\nVardi also took part this past season in a Fusions Continuum Concert that mixed the Western cello and the lute-derived Arabic oud (below) with the purpose of using different kinds of art music to promote peace and understanding between Israelis and Palestinians.\nAdds Vardi: \"Also, I thought you might be interested in a 17-minute YouTube clip of Fusions Continuum:\"\nTags: Arab, Arabic, aria, Arts, Bach, Cello, cello choir, Cesar Franck, Chamber music, Classical music, conflict, Einojuhani Rautavaara, Feldenkrais Method, Francis Poulenc, Franck, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Israel, Israeli, Israeli\u2013Palestinian conflict, Jacob Stockinger, Jacques Offenbach, Johann Sebastian Bach, Madison, Music, Offenbach, oud, Palestine, Palestinian, peace, Peter Tchaikovsky, Poulenc, relaxation, Requiem, Singing, song, soprano, Tchaikovsky, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Music, University of Wisconsin\u2013Madison, Villa-Lobos, YouTube","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Carson, Michaels, Goyette among Griffin nominees\nThe Griffin Poetry Prize finalists were announced today, revealing a strong all-female Canadian shortlist that includes two McClelland & Stewart authors and a third from Nova Scotia's Gaspereau Press. Poet Jeramy Dodds, a finalist for the prize in 2009, presented the Canadian and international shortlists alongside prize founder Scott Griffin at a press conference in Toronto.\nThe Canadian shortlist is made up of Susan Goyette's fourth collection, Ocean (Gaspereau); novelist and poet Anne Michaels' Correspondences (M&S); and Anne Carson's Red Doc> (M&S), the sequel to her 1998 poetic novel, Autobiography of Red. Goyette and Michaels are nominated for the first time, while Carson was the winner of the inaugural Griffin in 2001 for Men in the Off Hours.\nGriffin himself says he is pleased with the shortlist. Particularly on the Canadian side, the finalists are very strong this year,\u009d he says. The presentation of these books is beautifully done, too.\u009d\nM&S senior vice-president and publisher Ellen Seligman says she is absolutely thrilled\u009d with the two nominations and to be in the company of such an extraordinary list across the board.\u009d She adds that the nominations come on the heels of the press's relaunch\u009d of its poetry program, which includes the appointment of a new poetry board comprised of Ken Babstock, Dionne Brand, and Kevin Connolly.\nThe timing of this shortlist is really wonderful,\u009d she says. The poetry relaunch is bringing a lot of attention to an already celebrated program, and I think this helps highlight that.\u009d\nFor his part, Gaspereau publisher Andrew Steeves is glad to see Goyette getting recognition for Ocean, the Halifax author's first collection with the press.\nI think you [work] with the people that understand what you're trying to do, wherever they are, and it's really special when they're in your own neighbourhood,\u009d he says. For me, Sue is part of the day-to-day life of the region I live in and is a recognized and valuable contributing player in the literary life of the [East Coast].\u009d\nGoyette's nomination is the second for Gaspereau, following Jan Zwicky's Griffin nod for Forge in 2011. The Griffin is the only one of the \u02dcG' prizes we haven't won yet,\u009d Steeves says, referring to the press's 2001 Governor General's Literary Award win for George Elliott Clarke's Execution Poems and its 2010 Scotiabank Giller Prize win for Johanna Skibsrud's The Sentimentalists.\nSteeves says he isn't worried about anything like a Griffin effect\u009d with the new nomination. Being on the shortlist, there's not much of an impact to sales,\u009d he says. Winning is maybe a little better for sales \" maybe you'd sell 400 [additional] copies, but for a lot of poetry books that could double your sales.\u009d\nHe adds that Ocean is already in its second printing. Sue is out there all the time, just being a poet \" like George Elliott Clarke \" and that always helps to sell books,\u009d he says.\nThe shortlist for the international Griffin comprises Rachael Boast's Pilgrim's Flower (Picador), Brenda Hillman's Seasonal Works with Letters on Fire (Wesleyan University Press), Carl Phillips's Silverchest (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), and Colonies (Zephyr Press), written in Polish by Tomasz R\u00f3\u017cycki and translated by Mira Rosenthal.\nOf the eight writers who made the Canadian and international shortlists, women outnumber men six to two.\nIt's interesting because I think 15 or 20 years ago it would have been the other way around,\u009d says Griffin. I don't know whether you can read too much into it, because it just happens now that one year is stronger [with women] than another, but it goes to show that definitely poetry is not gender related.\u009d\nA three-member jury comprising Robert Bringhurst, Jo Shapcott, and C.D. Wright selected the shortlists from 539 books from 40 countries. The winners will each be awarded $65,000, while the seven finalists will receive $10,000. The winners will be announced at a private event on June 5, following a reading by the shortlisted authors at Toronto's Koerner Hall on June 4.\nDean Jobb, Sue Goyette, Elisabeth de Mariaffi among East Coast Literary Award nominees\nBy Julie Baldassi\nTagged with: Awards, poetry","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Press Release #16-004 - Camp Pendleton Annual Mud Run June 2, 2016 \u2014 The World Famous Mud Run will take place this weekend June 4 and 5 marking the 23rd time the event MORE\nPress Release #16-003 - Camp Pendleton to Hold Annual Wildland Firefighting Exercise April 29, 2016 \u2014 A wildland firefighting exercise involving aviation and ground units from Camp Pendleton, 3rd Marine MORE\nPress Release #16-002 - Camp Pendleton to Conduct Force Protection Exercise, Semper Durus 2016 April 25, 2016 \u2014 Marine Corps Installations West-Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton is scheduled to conduct a MORE\nPress Release #16-001 - Camp Pendleton Hosting Marine West 2016 Expo January 29, 2016 \u2014 The 2016 Marine West Expo will be held here on February 3 at the Pacific Views Event Center with a MORE\nPress Release #15-016 Noise levels may increase in the vicinity of Camp Pendleton September 18, 2015 \u2014 Artillery units are scheduled to conduct 24-hour live-fire training exercises that will involve MORE\nPress Release #15-015 - San Onofre area beach utilized during Exercise Dawn Blitz '15 September 4, 2015 \u2014 Green Beach, located in the northern training area of Camp Pendleton, will be utilized for the first MORE\nPress Release #15-014 Noise levels may increase in the vicinity of Camp Pendleton August 14, 2015 \u2014 Artillery units are conducting 24-hour live-fire training exercises that will involve firing on the MORE\nPress Release #15-013 Noise levels may increase in the vicinity of Camp Pendleton August 7, 2015 \u2014 Artillery units are conducting live-fire training exercises that will involve firing on the Whisky MORE\nPress Release #15-011 Noise levels may increase in the vicinity of Camp Pendleton June 18, 2015 \u2014 Artillery units are conducting live-fire training exercises that will involve firing on the Whisky MORE","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Michelle B. Deutch, D.D.S.\n8575 W. 110th St., Suite 326\nItero Element\nAre Snap on Smiles Right for Me?\nCracks, Chips, and Crookedness? Try Veneers!\nCrowns and Bridges: Restorative Dentistry to Enhance Your Smile\nDental Implants Can Restore Your Missing Teeth\nDental Implants Restore Your Smile\nEPIC By Biolase\nFAQs about Teeth Whitening\nGetting A Straighter Smile Has Become Much Easier\nHow Cosmetic Dentistry Can Improve Your Smile\nHow Does Invisalign Treatment Work?\nHow Does Invisalign Work?\nHow long does an Invisalign process take\nHow Long Does it Take Coffee and Tea to Stain Teeth?\nInvisalign Improves Your Confidence In Your Smile At Any Age\nInvisalign: Straighten Your Smile without the Bulk\nSnowy White Veeners to Get Ready for the Holidays\nThe Benefits of Invisalign\nThe Benefits of Teeth Whitening\nVeneers: A Simple Way to Get a Beautiful Smile\nWhat is Epic of Biolase?\nWhat is Sinsational Smile?\nWhen is a Dental Crown Necessary?\nWhy You Should Consider Tooth-Colored Fillings\nWould Teeth Whitening Work for Me?\nYour Restorative Dentistry Options\nWhat a difference straight teeth can make! A great-looking smile can boost your self-confidence and have a positive impact on social and professional opportunities. Orthodontic treatment is the original smile makeover tool \u2014 and you will be happy to know that you're never too old to take advantage of it. But it isn't all about looks: Properly aligned teeth help you to bite, chew and even speak more effectively. They are also easier to clean, which helps keep your mouth free of tooth decay and gum disease.\nThe amazing thing about orthodontics is that it harnesses the body's natural ability to remodel its own tissue. With the application of light, constant force, orthodontic appliances gently reshape bone and move teeth into better positions. Some examples of these appliances are traditional metal braces, inconspicuous clear or tooth-colored braces, and clear aligners, a relatively new option for adults and teens.\nBite Problems and How to Fix Them\nOrthodontic treatment can resolve a number of bite problems, which often become evident by around age 7. These include underbite, crossbite or excessive overbite, where upper and lower teeth don't close in the proper position; open bite, where a space remains between top and bottom teeth when the jaws are closed; and crowding or excessive spacing, where teeth are spaced too close together or too far apart.\nTo correct bite problems, teeth need to be moved \u2014 but doing that isn't as hard as you might think! Teeth aren't fixed rigidly in their supporting bone; instead, they're held in place by a hammock-like structure called the periodontal ligament, which is very responsive to forces placed on the teeth. Orthodontic appliances move teeth by careful application of light, constant pressure. This force can be applied via metal wires that run through small brackets attached to the teeth (braces), or via the semi-rigid plastic of clear aligners.\nOrthodontics is for Children \u2014 and Adults\nHaving orthodontic treatment in childhood is ideal in order to take advantage of a youngster's natural growth processes to help move the teeth into proper alignment. Like the rest of the body, the teeth and jaws are now changing rapidly. So at this time it's possible (for example) to create more room for teeth in a crowded mouth by using a \"palatal expander\" to rapidly widen the upper jaw. This phase of growth modification can shorten overall treatment time and ensure the best result if additional orthodontic appliances are needed.\nBut remember, healthy teeth can be moved at any age, so you've never \"missed the boat\" for orthodontic treatment. In fact, about one in five of today's orthodontic patients is an adult. Several new technological developments \u2014 including tooth-colored ceramic braces, clear aligners and invisible lingual braces \u2014 have made orthodontic appliances less evident, and enhanced the treatment experience for grown-ups. Before treatment, adults are carefully examined for signs of periodontal (gum) disease, which will be brought under control before treatment begins.\nWhen you imagine someone wearing braces, you probably picture small metal brackets bonded to the front of the teeth, with a thin wire running through them. This time-tested style remains very popular \u2014 but it's no longer the only option. Clear braces use brackets made of ceramic or plastic which, except for the slim archwire, are hardly visible. Lingual braces are just like traditional metal braces \u2014 except they're bonded to the back of your teeth (the tongue side) so that no one can see them.\nRemovable clear aligners are an alternative to fixed orthodontic appliances. They consist of a series of clear plastic \"trays\" that fit over your teeth exactly; each one moves your teeth a little bit, until they are in the proper position. Whether fixed or removable, each type of appliance may have advantages or disadvantages in particular situations. After a complete examination, the best treatment options for you will be discussed.\nRetention & Post Orthodontic Care\nOnce your orthodontic treatment is completed, it's extremely important to wear a retainer as directed. That's because teeth naturally tend to drift back to their original locations \u2014 which is the last thing you want after you've gone to the trouble of straightening them! Wearing a retainer holds your teeth in their new position long enough for new bone and ligament to re-form around them, and helps keep your gorgeous new smile looking good for a lifetime.\nOrthodontics for the Older Adult Healthy teeth can be moved at any age, so there's no such thing as \"too old\" for braces. In fact, nowadays about one out of every five orthodontic patients is an adult. Yet this figure represents only a small portion of adults who could actually benefit from orthodontic treatment... Read Article\nClear Aligners for Teenagers Teens who regard traditional braces as restrictive, confining, and obstructive to their lifestyles now have another choice for orthodontic treatment: clear aligners. This advanced dental technology, originally geared toward adults, has recently evolved to treat a greater variety of bite problems in younger people. These improved orthodontic appliances can help teens function normally during a difficult phase of life... Read Article\nRequest An Absolutely FREE Invisalign Consultation Today\nOverland Park, KS Dentist\nMichelle B. Deutch, D.D.S\nCall For Financing Options","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Office Evolution Finalist: 100 Colorado Companies to Watch\nOffice Evolution ranked in the Top 100 Colorado Companies to Watch, making us a finalist for the Top 50 Colorado Companies to Watch award!\nEvery year, about 1,000 local companies are nominated for the Colorado Companies to Watch award. Nominees are narrowed down to the Top 100 and the finalists are invited to the Governor's Mansion to celebrate. The judges will then choose the Top 50 winners and announce them later this month.\nLast week, the Top 100 Finalist Reception was held at the Governor's Mansion and Emily Romero, Office Evolution Franchise Development Manager attended!\n\"I had the honor in representing Office Evolution at the finalist reception, recognizing Colorado's entrepreneurial community and companies fueling our state's economic growth,\" said Romero.\nAbout Colorado Companies to Watch\nColorado Companies to Watch works to empower second stage companies that fuel the economic fire in Colorado. They are a statewide awards program that want to recognize the entrepreneurial community in Colorado that's been built from scratch. The reason they exist is to offer recognition, support and build a community for the entrepreneurs of Colorado.\nWhy Office Evolution Ranked\n\"What sets us apart from other Colorado companies is our commitment to represent those who try, those who believe in their own talents, those who dream of a better life, those who say, 'I can do this!',\" said Mark Hemmeter, Office Evolution Founder and CEO. \"We are committed to serving Colorado business owners and to providing them with a place to do their thing.\"\nOffice Evolution was the only company in the coworking industry nominated as a finalist for the award. We made it into the running because we've sustained economic growth in Colorado over time. Our roots are deeply connected within the Colorado community since we opened our first location in Boulder back in 2003. We just celebrated our 16th birthday this month and now have 13 Office Evolution locations open throughout the Front Range and 62 nationwide.\nAbout Office Evolution\nThe Office Evolution mission is to help entrepreneurs realize their dreams through shared workspace and coworking. We're making a difference in our community and in the industry by continuously focusing on people first. We're all about the Ohana culture at our company, which is why we invest so much into our franchisees and members.\nIf you're interested in becoming an Office Evolution franchise owner, then don't hesitate to reach out to us at info@officeevolutionfranchise.com.\nCBRE Shared Workspaces\nJLL \u2013 Flexible Space Revolution\nPlease provide your full name and email in order to download this PDF.\nDo you meet the financial requirements?*","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"HIFILM Home\nHIFF.ORG\nHIFF News\nPinterest Twitter Youtube Instagram\nHere are the HIFF40 Honorees!\nHIFF Programming\n\/\/ Free Films\/Events, HIFF Talk Story, HIFF40, I \u2665 HIFF, Programming Updates\nHIFF40 presented by Halekulani (November 5-29) is honored to announce this year's honorees:\nHalekulani Career Achievement Award:\nAnn Hui: The winner of three Golden Horse awards and six Hong Kong Film Awards (HKFA) for best director, Ann Hui is one of the most talented filmmakers of her generation. She is known for her films about social issues in Hong Kong including three films that we are screening from her filmography\u2013BOAT PEOPLE (1982), SONG OF THE EXILE (1990) and A SIMPLE LIFE (2011). For HIFF40, it is with great pleasure to bestow Hui with this year's recipient of the Halekulani Golden Maile for Career Achievement. Director Hui is also this year's Hong Kong Filmmaker in Profile in the SPOTLIGHT ON HONG KONG presented by the Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office in San Francisco.\nHalekulani Maverick Award:\nRachel Brosnahan: Best known in her Emmy and Golden Globe winning performance as Midge Maisel in the Amazon Prime hit series THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL, Rachel Brosnahan has graced the stage and major event shows in the height of \"Peak TV.\" From her Emmy nominated recurring role in Netflix's HOUSE OF CARDS to her series lead role in the critically-acclaimed MANHATTAN on WGN, Brosnahan she started at the famed Steppenwolf Theatre in 2009. By 2016, she played Desdemona in OTHELLO alongside David Oyelowo and Daniel Craig. Brosnahan's career leap in feature films as a lead is Julia Hart's I'M YOUR WOMAN (screening at HIFF40), a gritty '70s crime drama that she also serves as producer. HIFF40 is honored to present the Halekulani Maverick Award to Rachel Brosnahan.\nDave Filoni: Dave Filoni is an American animation television director, writer and producer, who started his career started his career on such shows as KING OF THE HILL and AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER. He realized a lifelong dream in 2005 when he was selected by George Lucas to help build Lucasfilm's animation studio from the ground up and create the company's first series \u2013 STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS. Over a span of seven seasons, the Emmy Award winning and fan-favorite series pushed the boundaries of television animation, receiving acclaim not only for its technical achievements, but its complex and compelling storylines. Filoni's follow-up series, the Emmy\u00ae nominated STAR WARS REBELS, similarly received universal praise for building upon the Star Wars saga. Filoni recently finished production on the 2nd season of the Emmy award winning Disney + series THE MANDALORIAN, serving as executive producer, episodic director and writer. Millions of fans consider Filoni the rightful heir to the Star Wars Universe, as storyteller, historian, and direct line to George Lucas's original vision. Hence, HIFF40 is honored to bestow the Halekulani Maverick Award to Dave Filoni.\nSteven Yeun: Best known for his roles as Glenn Rhee in the hit television series THE WALKING DEAD, where he co-starred for six seasons, Steven Yeun has crafted a versatile career that vacillates between pop mainstream entertainment the Cannes red carpet. From co-starring in the Sundance hit SORRY TO BOTHER YOU and Netflix's OKJA from Bong Joon-ho (in a role written for him), to his National Society of Film Critics nominated role as Ben in Lee Chang-dong's BURNING, as a morally ambiguous playboy, Yeun can be categorized as a global citizen of cinema. In his latest, MINARI, which is the HIFF40 Opening Night Film, Yeun stretches his acting chops in a lovely performance as a Korean immigrant father in pursuit of his American dream. The film world premiered at Sundance where it won both the Jury Grand Prize and the Audience Award. The sky is the limit for this true maverick!\nHalekulani New Vanguard Award:\nLana Condor: Over the last few years Lana Condor has burst onto the scene as one of the most in-demand leading ladies in the entertainment industry, making her star turn in the rom-com film TO ALL THE BOYS I'VE LOVED BEFORE, which became a global sensation for Netflix in the summer of 2018. Condor broke the mold as the first Asian American leading lady in a YA romantic comedy. In addition to her co-starring turns in X-MEN APOCALYPSE, THE DEADLY CLASS and ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL, as well as her charity work and social media presence to promote girls education and civic engagement, HIFF is honored to bestow our first New Vanguard Award to actress and activist Lana Condor.\nPacific Islanders in Communications Trailblazer Award:\nKeala Settle: Born in Laie, Keala Settle catapulted onto the Broadway stage with her powerful voice and presence in major hits WAITRESS, LES MISERABLES, and her Tony nominated portrayal of Norma Valverde in HANDS ON A HARDBODY. In 2017, she would make a global impact in THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, alongside Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, and Zendaya. The song \"This Is Me\" from the film, won the 2018 Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song, and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Song, where she performed to hundreds of millions of viewers. For 2020, HIFF and PIC have the great pleasure to honor our first \"Trailblazer\" from Hawai'i, Broadway singer and film actress Keala Settle.\nDaniel K Inouye Institute Ambassador:\nPhillipa Soo: Phillipa Soo is best known for originating the role of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton in Broadway's critically acclaimed HAMILTON, garnering her numerous industry awards and a Tony Award nomination. She can currently be seen in the film version of HAMILTON, on Disney+. This fall, Soo will voice a lead role in Netflix's animated film OVER THE MOON She can also be seen in Sony's THE BROKE HEART'S GALLERY and in Disney+'s THE ONE AND ONLY IVAN. She made her feature film debut in HERE AND NOW.\nHIFF40 Legacy Award:\nJason Scott Lee: Hawai'i's own Jason Scott Lee bursted into the Hollywood scene as Bruce Lee in the 1993 martial arts film DRAGON: THE BRUCE LEE STORY and Mowgli in Disney's 1994 live action adaptation of THE JUNGLE BOOK. His HIFF debut was in the award winning MAP OF THE HUMAN HEART directed by Kiwi Vincent Ward. Lee is the Hawai'i actor success story, and he would garner an illustrious acting career for over two decades. Becoming mid-pacific, he would set his sights to Asia and co-star in Netflix's CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON: SWORD OF DESTINY and the Kevin Costner produced RAPA NUI. He would make a return to his roots, in animated form, in the Disney hit LILO & STITCH and return to the Mouse House as the big bad in the recent live-action remake MULAN.\nWith the film festival being a hybrid event (virtual and select live in-person screenings), this year's honorees will be honored online and participate in live-streamed moderated conversations. Most of these conversations will be open to the general public, including Q&A sessions with these film luminaries. Plus, an added bonus, they are all free!\nTo read more about this year's HIFF40 Honorees, as well as their scheduled HIFF Talk Story sessions during the Festival, head over to the HIFF Awards page.\nPrevPreviousFFT: LUNANA: A YAK IN THE CLASSROOM\nNextThe Way Forward: Conversations about Race and Reckoning in Hawai'iNext\nHIFF \u00a9 2021 All Rights Reserved","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Venom Inc. live at Somerville, MA's ONCE Ballroom\nBen Stas\nBen Stas Published: June 13, 2016\nAll photos by Ben Stas\nOne could call Venom heavy metal's answer to the Misfits. The contemporaneous early output of both the Jersey horror-punks and the British black metal progenitors was characterized by gleeful shock value, catchy songs with comically dark themes and a general disregard for musicianship. Until Danzig and Jerry Only's recent armistice, the bands also shared the unfortunate distinction of existing in iterations most fans consider incomplete. Only and a rotating cast of associates has toured and recorded as the Misfits for years, and today the band officially known as Venom consists of original vocalist\/bassist Conrad \"Cronos\" Lant and a pair of hired hands brought on in the mid-2000s. But while the original Misfits have finally agreed to put up with each other again for at least the duration of two Riot Fest sets, the classic Venom lineup has taken the less conventional route (The Queensryche stratagem) of diverging into separate bands playing the same songs.\nEnter Venom Inc., the trio composed of original guitarist Jeffrey \"Mantas\" Dunn, original drummer Anthony \"Abaddon\" Bray and 1989-1992 Venom vocalist Tony \"Demolition Man\" Dolan. Mathematically, Venom Inc. is more Venom than Cronos' version by a long shot--50% more Venom for your dollar. Based on recent interviews, the band would argue the same in a more spiritual sense. On June 2, the third night of a 2016 North American tour, they stopped off in Somerville, Massachusetts, to prove it.\nvenom-30\nCelebrating their 10th anniversary, PanzerBastard Opened the night on a very greater-Boston note. Fronted by Keith Bennett, a mainstay of Boston's hardcore scene, the quartet ripped through a thoroughly earsplitting and ass-kicking set. Bennett punctuated the hammer-down thrash-punk tunes with expletive-laden shots at unenthusiastic audience members and declarations of allegiance to the Venom Inc. camp before closing with a faithful Mot\u00f6rhead cover and leaving the figurative smoke to clear.\nNew York City's Sunlord already had a tough act to follow, and a lineup that clearly didn't have a ton of rehearsal time under its belt didn't help. Vocalist\/guitarist Alfonso Ferrazza shredded his hardest, and the band occasionally locked into a satisfying groove, but it wasn't quite enough to get their set off the ground.\nOhio death metal vets Necrophagia fared better in the direct support slot, with vocalist and sole founding member Frank Pucci rallying through a painful back injury to lead a strong set with his current cohorts. Pucci's animated stage presence, which included acrobatic flailing of his mic stand, cavorting with a Halloween prop severed head, and getting in the audience's collective face as much as possible, elevated the band's old-school death metal approach to true spectacle. They drew in a number of diehards who started a small but spirited pit and proudly joined in on growled singalongs.\nvenom-2\nMantas, Abaddon and The Demolition Man finally took the stage just after 11, and quickly erased any doubts about the validity of their claim to the throne. From \"Welcome to Hell\" onward, the set was an onslaught of classic Venom delivered with attitude and spark. Dolan is an immensely capable frontman, but Dunn did just as much of the band-leading, directing crowd participation and periodically reminding us how many of these songs he did in fact write. All leather-clad and sinister swagger, the pair had a clear camaraderie with the crowd and performed about as close to them as they could physically get. Bray, meanwhile, hammered away at his kit with a smile on his face from a more conventional distance.\nVenom were certainly never renowned as a particularly technical band, and this set offered the songs you'd want to hear in exactly the style you'd want to hear them: fast, loose and loud. The setlist briefly dipped into material from Dolan's original tenure in the band, but mostly stuck to their exalted early years. After closing the main set with \"Witching Hour\" \u2013 just after midnight of course \u2013 the trio saved top-tier favorites \"In League With Satan,\" \"Black Metal\" and \"Countess Bathory\" for last. The floor was a raging mass of bodies and flying beer cans right up to the last note.\nBy the night's end, a very good rock show had undoubtedly taken place, but one was still left to ponder the matter of Inc. v. Venom. The official, Cronos-fronted version has its loyalists, and the Dunn\/Dolan\/Bray lineup is certainly accumulating some. It's not exactly easy for many of us to even draw a direct comparison \u2013 Cronos is proudly averse to \"little club tours,\" which amounts to a scarcity of U.S. appearances outside of major festivals. But ultimately, maybe it doesn't matter which is the One True Venom. \"The songs are yours,\" Dolan told the crowd, commenting on the issue toward the end of the set. Whether they're the true and superior version of the band or not, Venom Inc. are doing a damn fine job of actually bringing them to us.\nPanzerBastard\nSunlord\nThis article has been edited to more accurately reflect quotes made by Tony Dolan.\nFiled Under: NECROPHAGIA, panzerbastard, sunlord, venom, VENOM INC\nHeavy Metal Movie Madness #1: Folk Horror, Featuring \"The Wicker Man\" and \"Midsommar\"\nJohn \"Rage\" Dixon Discuses \"Storm the Gates\" and Venom's Legacy\nVenom Charges Forward to \"Storm the Gates\" of Their Past\nUpcoming Metal Releases: 12\/9\/18 \u2014 12\/15\/18\nDanzig (playing 'How the Gods Kill') added to Psycho Las Vegas 2018\nPsycho Las Vegas 2018 lineup (Godflesh, High on Fire, American Nightmare, Boris, MUCH more)","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Media Release by The Hon Jane Prentice MP\nGrants top-up to support NDIS transition for West Australians\nHon Stephen Dawson MLC, Western Australia Minister for Environment; Disability Services\nAssistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services, Jane Prentice and Disability Services Minister Stephen Dawson has today announced a funding commitment to ensure transition to the NDIS in Western Australia is as seamless as possible.\nWA will move to the federally administered NDIS on July 1 and this investment will safeguard individuals' transition.\nAn investment of more than $5.2million has been contributed by the Commonwealth and WA governments to top-up the existing round of the Information, Linkages and Capacity (ILC) Building grants.\nThis funding is in addition to the $3 million awarded to 27 organisations across the State in March this year and the $20.3 million set aside in the 2018-19 State Budget for a Sector Transition Fund.\nThe additional grants have been awarded for initiatives across four priority areas that focus on:\nImproving links for people with disability to relevant mainstream and community services;\nIncreasing knowledge and capability within mainstream services;\nConnecting people with disability and their communities; and\nSupporting people with disability to engage with and navigate the NDIS\nInformation about the successful grant recipients is available on the Tenders WA website.\nComments attributed to Assistant Minister Prentice:\n\"The Turnbull Government is committed to ensuring the transfer and transition to the NDIS in WA is managed carefully and that participants, families, carers and providers are supported.\n\"These further ILC grants assist organisations to carry out activities that improve community inclusion; ensuring people with disability can use and benefit from the same services and community activities as everyone else.\"\n\"ILC is an important part of the Turnbull Government's commitment to improving outcomes for all people with disability, not just NDIS participants.\nComments attributed to Disability Services Minister Stephen Dawson:\n\"The McGowan Labor Government is committed to supporting people with disability and the disability sector throughout this critical period of change and transformation in WA.\n\"We've made this decision and now we need to make it work.\n\"I am confident that this further funding for ILC-related initiatives will help support organisations during this transition phase.\n\"I am especially pleased that a number of grants have been awarded to peer-to-peer support organisations.\"","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Pittsburgh Steelers 2022 NFL Mock Draft Roundup 7.0\nThroughout the year and leading up to the 2022 NFL Draft, we will update our Pittsburgh Steelers Mock Draft Roundup showing picks for the Pittsburgh Steelers from several prominent sites and draft analysts.\nThe following are picks in recent mock drafts for the Steelers:\n20. Kenny Pickett, QB, Pittsburgh\nI'd feel much more comfortable taking Pickett here than I would in the top 10. Best-case scenario is that he's Derek Carr, and his floor is as an Andy Dalton-type, which isn't a bad quarterback by any means. Pittsburgh can win with that. Still, those two were taken in Round 2 and didn't have Round 1 expectations surrounding them. If Pickett falls into the Steelers' laps here, he'd be tough to pass up. And he has a little more upside than Mitch Trubisky.\n20. Zion Johnson, IOL, Boston College\nI believe the Steelers were hoping that a quarterback would fall to them. But instead of trading up or over-drafting a passer, they address the offensive line.\nThe Steelers did a good job drafting Najee Harris, but in order for them to truly establish a running game, they need to improve the offensive line. That leads them to draft versatile offensive lineman Zion Johnson.\nOutgoing general manager Kevin Colbert might be salivating over the prospects of adding Georgia defensive tackle Jordan Davis here, but Pickett is an ascending talent who could compete for a starting spot this season.\n20. Matt Corral, QB, Mississippi\nEven with a lack of teams who need QBs there are still tons of teams willing to reach for them. Maybe the Steelers prefer Willis, but Corral has a hose and Matt Canada loves some RPOs.\n20. Malik Willis, QB, Liberty\nWillis tops this quarterback class in terms of tools, as his rushing ability gives him a high floor while his big arm gives him one of the highest ceilings in the class. The Liberty product led the FBS in both PFF rushing grade (94.5) and big-time throw rate (11%) a season ago.\nThere are concerns about how raw he is as a passer, which makes it very possible he ends up closer to his floor in the long run. He will need to work on his decision-making, pocket presence, accuracy, timing and inconsistency within his platform. He made strides in some of those areas last season, but there is still a long road ahead.\nEven after adding James Daniels in free agency, the Steelers could continue to add along the offensive line.\nThere hasn't been a player who I've been more impressed with throughout the pre-draft process than Johnson. With versatility at guard and tackle throughout his career, he gained experience at center during the all-star game circuit and didn't suffer any type of drop-off. He could compete with free-agent signing Mason Cole for the top center spot.\n20. Treylon Burks, WR, Arkansas\nBurks is a contested and high-point catch machine. Don't be fooled by his 4.55 40 at the combine -- he regularly outran defensive backs to the end zone in the SEC and that won't change in the NFL. The scariest part of his game is that he's not even close to his ceiling yet, and what better way to get there than in Green Bay. He reminds us of some combination of Anquan Boldin, JuJu Smith-Schuster and AJ Brown. The Steelers just lost Smith-Schuster and James Washington in free agency and they'll need to add some WRs in the draft. Burks isn't a bad place to start.\nMore Pittsburgh Steelers content:\nPittsburgh Steelers snap counts\nPittsburgh Steelers franchise stat leaders\nPittsburgh Steelers 53-man roster projections\nPittsburgh Steelers fantasy football projections\nPittsburgh Steelers fantasy football strength of schedule\nPittsburgh Steelers tickets\nLabels: 2022 NFL Draft, Pittsburgh Steelers","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Original King's Canyon Map Returning to Apex Legends\nGo back to where it all began with a special Genesis Collection Event.\nRespawn Entertainment is going to take Apex Legends back, all the way back to the year 2019. It was in 2019 that Apex Legends was given a surprise release in early February and from there it just continued to grow into one of the most popular battle royale games around.\nOver time, the game has undergone some significant changes. New characters have been introduced, maps have been heavily reworked, and all sorts of other changes have been made. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't play the original iteration of the game's main map, King's Canyon, in the present day, unless...\nStarting on Tuesday, July 29th, Respawn will kick off their Genesis Collection Event, a two-week throwback to how it all began. Genesis will feature the first iteration of King's Canyon. This is before disasters, both natural and man-made, transformed the map into its 2021 iteration. Not only is King's Canyon going back to the past, but so will World's Edge. While it wasn't around for the first release of Apex, World's Edge was first introduced in Season 3 of the game, still pretty on in the game's life. It will be transformed back to the lush, green map it used to be before the whole active volcano thing happened.\nFans of the game from the start of it all will be happy to hear that Skull Town is returning, both in the original King's Canyon map and now as an Arena map.\nThis Genesis event will also include plenty of cosmetic throwback skins to unlock or outright purchase if you so desire. According to Respawn, there will be a new set of 24 themed, limited-time cosmetics to unlock. Unlock all 24 and you'll get the Revenant Heirloom set as a bonus. Revenant's Heirloom weapon is also making its debut. In keeping with his whole theme, his Heirloom is a big ol' scythe.\nOf course, this wouldn't be an Apex Legends update if it didn't also include a ton of balancing adjustments and bug fixes. You can read the full changelog here.\nTags: apex legends, battle royale, ea, f2p, free to play, free-to-play, multi, respawn entertainment\nPosting comments is disabled for guests. Login or sign up to leave a comment.\nactivision (368)\nbethesda (395)\ndice (401)\ndlc (421)\ne3 (710)\nea (913)\nmicrosoft (4265)\nmulti (6032)\npc (7428)\nplaystation 4 (2794)\nps4 (2741)\nsony (4738)\nsquare enix (590)\nsteam (1668)\nubisoft (440)\nvalve (643)\nxb1 (2072)\nxbox one (2382)","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Singapore, 7 January 2019 \u2013 ST Engineering and Vuzix Corporation, a leading supplier of Smart Glasses and Augmented Reality (AR) technology and products, today announced the launch of the world's first Augmented Intelligence, biometric-enabled Smart Glasses platform to boost productivity of enterprise customers and, in the face of burgeoning urbanisation, enhance global public safety.\nThis platform as a service (PaaS), developed by ST Engineering's Electronics sector, is a new pay-per-use application integrated with Vuzix Blade\u00ae Smart Glasses, enabling hands-free and non-intrusive identification. With this subscription-based, smart glass model, enterprise customers in the healthcare, aviation, logistics and manufacturing industries can save costs without the need of additional infrastructure or hand-held devices.\nThe PaaS Smart Glass solution allows customisation of a number of applications including hands-free scanning of barcodes for efficient cargo loading and delivery; real-time cross-referencing against a central database of criminal offenders and displaying route maps to criminal suspects in the vicinity. At the frontline of emergencies, it enables first responders to more efficiently identify causalities or patients and obtain vital information such as medical histories of allergies and blood type. This reduces the wait time upon arrival at hospitals, allowing critical medical help to be delivered more quickly to patients.\n\"For decades, we have stayed committed to delivering innovative, frontier technologies that enable our global customers to stay ahead in the market and push the industry forward,\" said Mr Low Jin Phang, General Manager of Info-Software Systems, Electronics, ST Engineering. \"Technology has created a new world of work possibilities with the application of artificial intelligence and data analytics to healthcare, aviation, manufacturing, logistics and public safety, taking on-the-job efficiency to a whole new dimension. With the Vuzix Biometric Smart Glasses, enterprises and security agencies will be able to mobilise frontline and field workers with up to 50% enhanced productivity as a result of streamlined work processes.\"\n\"Vuzix is committed to delivering innovative AR smart glass solutions that are lightweight, wearable all day and deliver information to users across the enterprise when and where they need it,\" said Paul Travers, President and CEO of Vuzix. \"ST Engineering's biometric-enabled platform, coupled with Vuzix Smart Glasses, create a powerful tool that can boost productivity of enterprise customers and enhance public safety worldwide.\"\nThe PaaS Smart Glass solution is targeted for frontline and field-based workers in the industries of aviation, healthcare, security, manufacturing and logistics industries. It will be available for preview at CES 2019 from January 8 \u2013 11, at the Vuzix booth #15036 at Tech East LVCC, Central Hall in Las Vegas, Nevada.\nST Engineering is a global technology, defence and engineering group specialising in the aerospace, electronics, land systems and marine sectors. The Group employs about 22,000 people across offices in Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Middle East, serving customers in more than 100 countries. Its employees bring innovation and technology together to create smart engineering solutions for customers in the defence, government and commercial segments. With more than 500 smart city projects across 70 cities in its track record, the Group continues to help transform cities through its suite of Smart Mobility, Smart Security and Smart Environment solutions. Headquartered in Singapore, ST Engineering reported revenue of S$6.62b in FY2017 and it ranks among the largest companies listed on the Singapore Exchange. It is a component stock of the FTSE Straits Times Index, MSCI Singapore, SGX ESG Transparency Index and SGX ESG Leaders Index. For more information, please visit www.stengg.com.\nThe Electronics sector specialises in the design, development and delivery of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) products, solutions and services addressing the needs of Smart Cities for Connectivity, Mobility and Security. Its deep technological and engineering expertise straddles business domains in Rail & Road engineering, Satellite Communications, Public Safety & Security, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Training & Simulation, Managed Services and Defence C4ISR. It has presence in more than 30 global cities across North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, China, India and Southeast Asia. For more information, please visit www.stengg.com.\nVuzix is a leading supplier of Smart-Glasses and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies and products for the consumer and enterprise markets. The Company's products include personal display and wearable computing devices that offer users a portable high-quality viewing experience, provide solutions for mobility, wearable displays and augmented reality. Vuzix holds 62 patents and 71 additional patents pending and numerous IP licenses in the Video Eyewear field. The Company has won Consumer Electronics Show (or CES) awards for innovation for the years 2005 to 2018 and several wireless technology innovation awards among others. Founded in 1997, Vuzix is a public company (NASDAQ: VUZI) with offices in Rochester, NY, Oxford, UK, Barcelona, Spain and Tokyo, Japan.\nAgnes Chang\nAssistant Vice President, Corporate Communications\nST Engineering\nEmail: chang.chehhong.agnes@stengg.com\nKrystel Ee\nEmail: ee.zhenhui.krystel@stengg.com","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"How To Record Live Broadcasts on YouTube TV\nPosted by Jamie on February 15, 2019\nOne of the highlights of YouTube TV is a generous DVR allowance. It offers more space than any other service at the moment so there is every reason to use it. But how do you record live broadcasts on YouTube TV? How can you access all that DVR goodness? This tutorial will show you how.\nYouTube TV is yet another option for cord cutters to move away from overpriced cable subscriptions and shift to streaming. Owned by internet giant Google who also own YouTube, YouTube TV is a very viable alternative to cable and other streaming services. Not the most imaginative name for a streaming service I will admit, but what's on offer competes very well with others.\nWhat's on offer with YouTube TV?\nYouTube TV is an alternative to Sling TV, DirecTV and others like it. The service offers over 60 channels depending on where you live and other features too. In return for $40 a month you can access up to six concurrent streams, use a 'limitless' DVR function and watch on almost any device you can think of that is capable of showing a video stream.\nSome channels are limited by region but will likely include ABC, Fox, CBS, NBC, AMC, BBC America, Bravo, FS1, E!, ESPN, Fox, FX, MSNBC, National Geographic, StartTV, Sundance TV, SyFy, TNT, USA and YouTube Originals. The full list is available on the web page once you enter your zip code.\nYouTube TV is available in most US cities but you should check first. That zip code box on the main page will not only tell you what channels are available but whether the service is available at all. Those living outside the US cannot have YouTube TV just yet but that will be changing.\nRecording live broadcasts on YouTube TV\nOne big selling point of YouTube TV is the unlimited DVR offer. Other services offer up to 50 hours or cloud DVR space but YouTube TV says it's unlimited. It isn't quite unlimited though. If you record a program and it then arrives on-demand, you don't automatically get to watch your recorded version but you may accidentally select the on-demand version instead.\nThis can be an issue as the on-demand content includes commercial breaks you cannot fast forward through. The DVR recorded version allows you to skip ads.\nIn the beginning, this was rare and mainly if you recorded something and didn't get around to watching it for a week or so. That time period has steadily shortened to a day or sometimes even a few hours. This is partly down to YouTube TV getting content from live to on-demand much faster and is not necessarily a bad thing.\nHowever, don't buy this service thinking you're getting truly ad free DVR content because you aren't necessarily getting that at all. You can choose which version of your content to watch but it is all too easy to choose the wrong one.\nAside from that limitation, the DVR is very simple to use.\nIt's all in the library\nThe DVR is handled from your Library. Whenever you watch a TV show, event or movie, you should see a '+' icon next to it. Select this and you add it to your library. Any future episodes, games or events will automatically be recorded for you and accessed through the Library.\nYou can use the Live tab to see what's on right now and either watch it there and then or select the '+' icon to record it. You can access the recording from the Library tab.\nIf you add a TV show to your library, it will automatically be recorded for you and all future episodes too. If you add a specific sport or team to your preferences in the Library, all their games will also be recorded for you. Movies and one-off events will obviously be recorded individually.\nYou will find all of your recorded shows in the Library and will be able to watch and cancel from there too.\nAfter the initial controversy over DVR and on-demand, you are now presented with a popup where you choose what version of a recording to watch. You can select VOD or DVR and the player will select the version. I have found that if I'm in a hurry and hit to select a show multiple times in the Library, that the VOD version is automatically selected and I have more commercials than usual. That is user error through and if you're more careful than I am, you should have no problems!\nDo you like YouTube TV? Prefer it over other streaming services? Have problems with the service? Tell us your thoughts below!\n4 thoughts on \"How To Record Live Broadcasts on YouTube TV\"\nI do not see the + icon for the DVR. I've gone thru many shows and do not see it. Where is it?\nI can't believe no one gave instructions on this\u2026there is no + icon once you are in a playing show. Hope this helps Yolanda\u2026\nIf you don't know ahead of a show or movie you want to record is on, When in \"Live\" the guide and scrolling through it, if you see an upcoming (next \u00bd hour or more) show\/movie you want to record, scroll to it and click on it. If you had not set it to your Library already, a pop up comes up with \"Back\" or \"More Info\". Arrow up on the Roku remote to \"More Info\" and in the next screen arrow up to \"+ Add to library\" and it will be added to your library. Then if you want to you can arrow back down to \"Watch Now\"\u2026click on it and the show icon after and you are watching and recording. You have added it to your library, so all upcoming and any previous will be there to watch later also.\nGreat info. Are you able to start recording a TV show that has already started?\nKaybee says:\nThe plus is below the red progress line when you press \"stop\" as you are watching a live show.\nsorry, when you are watching a live tv show, press \"stop\" then a red progress line appears on the bottom of the picture. The \"plus\" sign is there in the bottom left beside \"cc\".\nIs there a way to set record time to run longer in case a game runs long?\nI found your article very helpful. I do have one question. Once I add my TV shows to my library will it record only new\/current versions of the show or will it record reruns also?\nreruns also\nLeave a Reply to Donna Cancel reply\nJanuary 14, 2020 Chrome Keeps Freezing when Watching YouTube Videos \u2013 What To Do\nJanuary 13, 2020 How To Download a YouTube Playlist Without Installing an App\nJanuary 3, 2020 How to Change Your Profile Picture on YouTube\nDecember 15, 2019 Is YouTube TV Down for Everyone?\nSo close! Just fill out the information below and we'll turn you into a streaming expert\nEnter your e-mail below and we'll send you our best streaming tips weekly for the Firestick, Roku, your Smart TV. We'll also make sure you're on top of the latest Netflix and Prime releases. Sign up NOW!\nJust a simple weekly newsletter with the latest Firestick, Netflix, Roku, and general cut the cord tips and tricks.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"what is android wear\nMeet the O2 Gurus\nYour friendly experts in all things tech\nWhat is Android Wear?\nOnce again reality has trumped fiction: soon we'll all be sporting Inspector Gadget style smartwatches and chattering into our wrists like FBI agents. But as this new family of tech trickles into the shops, you might be left confused about what smartwatches actually are. Here, the O2 Gurus take a look at Android Wear, the range that uses the same platform as Android phones.\nAndroid Wear is exactly what it sounds like: a version of Android operating system that you wear. We recently filled you in on what Android L is, and Android Wear is the wearable version of that. At the moment it's only found on smartwatches but over the coming years we'll start to see it turn up on other wearable technology, like pendants, clips and maybe even Google Glass.\nWhat can it do?\nYou need to pair your Android Wear device with a phone or tablet running Android 4.3 or higher to get the most out of it. Once you've done that, the watch can show you calendar reminders, messages, emails and weather info on your wrist. You'll also be able to send basic messages and emails by dictating them, or ask for directions from Google Maps just by saying, \"Ok Google\" and then telling it what to do.\nBut that's just the beginning: as with Android on your phone, the idea is that there'll soon be a huge library of apps that you can download to use on the wearable gadgets. There aren't all that many at the moment, but there is a selection ranging from GPS apps for runners, ramblers and golfers to some recipe apps and Duolingo, the popular language-teaching app.\nWill Android Wear help me get fit?\nThat's part of the idea, yes \u2013 aside from having apps and Google Maps to help fitness fiends plan running and cycling routes, some Android Wear watches will come with sensors that let you measure speed, distance and your heart-rate.\nGoogle has also introduced a new set of developer tools to help app makers get the most out of the life logging data you can amass using your phone or smartwatch. They'll be able to build more complex apps that use information like the number of steps you've taken, the amount of sleep you get, what you're eating and how much of it, and even things like blood sugar and pressure. This means we'll be seeing a lot more fitness and health apps capable of doing much more advanced things on Android in the near future.\nWhen can I get an Android Wear watch?\nYou can get an Android Wear device right now: the first two watches to land were the LG G Watch and the Samsung Gear Live. Both of these have gone for a square watch-face, so if you prefer a less boxy look then you might want to pre-order Motorola's upcoming Moto 360.\nConsidered by many to be the best-looking of the Android Wear watches that have been shown off so far, the 360 has a round face more like a traditional watch and a slimmer strap. There'll be no messing about with wires, either, as the 360 will use wireless charging instead of a USB port.\nAs for future Android Wear devices, other tech stalwarts HTC and Asus have both said they are making watches \u2013 and anyone after something a bit more stylish will be pleased to hear that popular watch brand Fossil is also working on something Wear-flavoured.\nIt's early days for Android Wear and it certainly hasn't reached its full potential yet. But as developers create more apps and we all get used to talking to our watches, we might end up finding it strange to see Android on our phones instead of our wrists.\nWill you be lining up to buy an Android watch? Let us know on Twitter @O2 using the hashtag #O2Guru or chat to other O2 customers in the O2 Community.\nFind us on O2 Guru TV or visit an O2 Guru in store.\nIf you're not sure about any techy terms, check out our jargon buster\nGet help with specific handset problems\nAnd get help, share tips and chat with others\nManage your accounts - phone, mobile broadband and more","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Salt, Freeman and Timmins dance into NCAA second round\nJack Salt (Virginia), Matt Freeman (Oklahoma) and Sam Timmins (Washington) were all in action on Saturday at the NCAA Tournament and all three progressed to the second round.\nEarly on in their clash with Gardner-Webb there was a sense of deja vu for Virginia University Cavaliers. Having exited in the first round last year when carrying the No 1 seed tag, they found themselves 14 points down to the Runnin' Bulldogs (30-16).\nHowever, the Cavs trimmed the deficit to six points by half-time and put the defensive clamps on Gardner-Webb in the second half to eventually claim a 71-56 victory. Against smaller opponents Salt was only required to play the opening five minutes.\nThe win means two Kiwis, in fact two former Westlake and Harbour representatives, will face each other in the second round on Monday as Virginia will face Matt Freeman and Oklahoma University Sooners.\nThe Sooners, with Freeman recording an assist, a steal and a block waltzed past Mississippi 95-72. The Sooners scored on eight of their first nine positions, led by 17 points at half-time and went on to post their highest score of the season.\nWashington University Huskies made a successful return to the NCAA Tournament after eight years, beating Utah State 78-61. Sam Timmins played just a couple of minutes for the Huskies \u2013 the Pac-12 regular season champions will face highly fancied North Carolina on Monday.\nThe seven Kiwis in the Women's NCAA Tournament play on Sunday\nSunday March 24, 6.00am; North Carolina State (Esra McGoldrick) v Maine\nSunday March 24, 6.00am; Fordham (Mary Goulding, Kendell Heremaia & Zara Jillings) v Syracuse\nSunday March 24, 8.30am; BYU (Shalae Salmon, Khaedin Taito & Kaylee Smiler) v Auburn\nMen's NCAA second round games to be played on Monday (NZT).\nMonday March 25, 12.45pm; Oklahoma v Virginia\nMonday March 25, 7.40am: Washington v North Carolina","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Forum list Eye in The Sky Recruiting Board Basketball Board The Wizards Den Game Day Discussion Sports COVID-19 Website Suggestions\n2021 All Prospects 2021 In State Prospects 2021 Commits Latest Predictions\nSchedule Roster Depth Chart Award Winners\nWhat's new New articles New posts New profile posts Latest activity\nMembers Banned users list Current visitors New profile posts Search profile posts\nCanesWear\nEverywhere Articles\nAttention: Guest, we are now offering Ad-Free browsing of CanesInSight for $25 a year. Click here to upgrade your account.\nCoach's Take: Homestead Interim Head Coach Ahmad Ward\nPeter Ariz\nI was able to have a conversation with Homestead Interim Head Coach Ahmad Ward tonight and he spoke about the rise to his current position, broke down the state of their program, gave some info on some of their prospects, and talked about what lies ahead.\nQ: Talk about your coaching background and how you've gotten to the point you're at now.\nCoach Ward: I first got into high school coaching in 2006 at Miami Norland Senior High under coach Nigel Dunn. He taught me basically everything I know about coaching. I spent three seasons with them and when he left to Miami Jackson, I left to Homestead and coached under Bobby McCray for two seasons, and then one season I coached under Pat Burrows at Southridge and then we reunited again at Homestead Senior High last season. He (Burrows) got his promotion to be the assistant principal, so the school awarded me the interim head coach position. I have coached receivers, tight ends, and running backs. Five of the seven years have been with running backs.\nQ: When will you know if you will retain the head coaching position?\nWard: Hopefully by June 7th by the time the school year is over. We have a new principal and of course he has to open it up to do the interviewing, but the plan is to keep the coaching staff together. I've already been showing as the interim head coach that the team can function and do well so hopefully we will know by June 7th.\nQ: How long have you held the position of Interim Head Coach?\nWard: Unofficially, I've had the position since January since we kinda knew that Patrick Burrows was going to be taking that next step, so he was training me and preparing me for this. I wasn't awarded the position officially until last Thursday.\nQ: What is your main philosophy as a coach?\nWard: My main philosophy is to get the kids to always go hard As long as you always go 100%, nine times out of ten you will be successful. Whether it's stretching or running gassers, I want them going 100%.\nQ: What kind of progression did you see from the team this Spring?\nWard: Last season we had a taste of almost making the playoffs, so that has pushed the returning kids to go even harder. Last spring and summer they worked hard, but there were some obstacles along the way. This year, they worked hard all the way. Our quarterback Maurice Alexander goes to the park with Ermon Lane and some of the other receivers to work on timing routes without even being asked.\nQ: Was there something in particular that you focused on with them this Spring that you saw as a weakness last season?\nWard: Our conditioning. The season kind of wore on us last year since we had a small team as far as number of players and it looks like we will have about 35 again this season. Some players will have to play both ways, so we focused more on conditioning and getting stronger. In the two games this spring, I've seen a big difference.\nQ: Talk about the offensive scheme change that you guys are making for this season and how do you think it will benefit this group of players?\nWard: It benefits a lot because Maurice Alexander (2016 QB) and Antonio Calloway (2015 ATH), we call him 'AD', they played for the Florida City Razorbacks and their offensive coordinator when they played there is our coordinator now. Last year we were a Wing-T, so it was something different for them. We had some success out of it and Ermon Lane had success, but it was just something different from what they were used to. Lane was apart of a spread offense his first two years. It's a pro-style type of spread and they're just more comfortable with it.\nQ: Your team will be coming into the season with high expectations, so what is your coaching staff doing to make sure they stay level-headed?\nWard: That's one thing we talk about. We try to be humble. Every year, the coaches try to come up with a motto for the team and this year we're going with 'first class and family'. In a family, one person can't think they're better than another. We're not putting any pressure on them because they know the goal is to get to the state championship.\nQ: Antonio Calloway (2015) is a player who has stepped up for you guys this Spring and impressed. Where was he last season and how has he emerged?\nWard: He's kind of had a chip on his shoulder since 9th grade because he was working out here, but he was supposed to move and stopped coming to workouts, but the move did not happen and he came back in the summer. He missed some workouts, had to put him on J.V. but he didn't cry about it and worked hard, didn't miss any workouts. He came in this spring saying 'I shouldn't have been on J.V.' and has worked real hard. He hasn't missed a workout. UF came to our practice two and a half weeks ago and they wanted to see somebody competitive go up against Ermon Lane so he stepped up at corner and UF was really surprised by him. They asked us what he played and we told them receiver and a little running, but that we were thinking about playing him some at DB and UF said 'That kid's a DB.' He's our backup quarterback, kick returner; he does a little bit of everything for us. He's that kind of athlete.\nQ: Everybody knows about Ermon Lane's ability, size, speed, and all of that, but as someone who is around him everyday how would you describe him?\nWard: I have been around some kids that have performed well at the high school level, even someone like Xavier Rhodes that was just drafted in the first round. I compare Ermon to Xavier. Both had high school success and had a little bit of swag to them. Ermon is very quiet if he doesn't know you. For someone with all that hoopla around him, he's very quiet and humble. When were together and out, he's not the type of kid that says 'I'm Ermon Lane. I'm number one, hook me up.' He always talks about his mom and grandma, that's the type of kid he is.\nQ: What kind of improvements have you seen from him?\nWard: He sees room for improvement in himself. He's been working on the little things like coming out of his stance, breaking out of his pattern. He listens. At first it was tough for him, but he's worked on it and he realizes he needs to continue to improve if he wants to be able to play at the next level.\nQ: With recruiting, does he have some schools sticking out right now?\nWard: The schools that he talks about around me, and I can't lie to you because I really have no clue where his head is at, but he talks about four schools around me. Of course he talks about UM because that's his hometown school and he grew up loving them. He talks about Alabama because they were the first SEC school to offer him and everybody likes a winner and he's also very close to Amari Cooper. He loves UF. He took a visit there and came back very impressed. I don't know what they did to him, but he's very impressed by them. USC is also in the picture. Coach Tee Martin came by and spoke to him and he's going out there on an unofficial visit and camp on June 24th. So those are the ones he really talks about around me.\nQ: I know you guys have a nationally televised game against University School this season, but are there any other games you are looking forward to in particular?\nWard: Our district is very tough with games against Norland, Central, Northwestern, and Carol City. Our main goal is to go undefeated there. Our rival since 1979 is South Dade even though they're not in our district. A lot of those kids from South Dade grew up and went to elementary school with our kids and some of them stay by each other. That's a game that people always circle, but at the end of the day, the playoff game is the most important one.\nQ: Having worked up at Norland and also down south, do you see any differences between the types of kids that come out of each school?\nWard: From my experience at Norland and also Southridge and Homestead, I don't see much of a difference from the type of kids we have. I see the same hunger, the same goals. The only difference is that the kids at Homestead are a little bigger naturally, but another difference to is coaching. It's tougher to get good coaching down south. When I was at Norland, we had 15 coaches on staff, but when I got to Homestead, we barely had six so that is a little hindrance.\nView as thread\nzoso493\nI assume this was a good article, but I can do no more than assume since all I did was CTRL+F Ermon Lane.\nzoso493 said:\nI know most will do this, and that's fine, but I also know that there are big fans of South Florida football who are interested in what he has to say about the team and program. I try to cater to what everyone wants.\nTallyCane\nThat's gonna be a tough district to make it out of\nGood article. Gonna be tough goin to work against guys in that district with 35 guys. Interested to see the new offense.\nIHATETHISPLACE\nGreat job Pete I would love to read interviews from every head coach in that district\nUMcanesfan420\nGreat job Pete. I love interviews like this. No other site goes in depth with the coaches down there. At least as far as I know.\nIt's a long recruiting year. It can't always be all about the star players like Ermon Lane. There just isn't always news on these kids. Especially this time of year. Besides, there was some info on Lane in there.\nAs nice as this dude sounds, I'd love to see Donnell Bennett get that gig. IDK what the chances of that are but I'd like to see a Cane back coaching in Dade. He's already Golden for sending us Coley. If he can get that gig and help get Lane here too, he deserves a statue.\npcitycane\nReally good stuff, Pete.\nDwinstitles\nUMcanesfan420 said:\nhell yes\nI know its a long ways to go but I got this strange feeling about Bama and Lane, hopefully Cooper has a terrible season and the tide.\nI read the whole thing Peter !\nLane is leaving S FL as of right now IMO. If your anus isnt prepared, it should be.\nAaronRodgersJewBeard\nPete...that was actually pretty good.\nAnd you should classify this as high praise, because I really, really don't like you.\nThread Killa said:\nWell \"as of right now\" it's still May. Alot of questions recruits have about The U should be cleared up by signing day.\nLane obviously likes Bama. That's because they're winning and Cooper is there balling out. I think it's more about the success though. If Cooper wasn't there, he would still be interested.\nWinning cures alot of things and IMO, this would be one of them.\nI wish I could sat the NCAA crap will be cleared up by then, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's not cleared up by 2017. The recruiting this staff is doing with this monkey on their backs is nothing short of spectacular. Winning big can also put this in the back of recruits minds. Losing just compounds the issue.\nTheMatador\nWhy do you think the kids at Homestead are bigger than at the other schools he's mentioned?\nMaybe big farmboys?\nlol was going to post this\nBroncoNation21\nYes sirrrrr.... #BroncoNation\nAHURT12\ngood read, I like Homestead seems there staff likes us too\nA BCS bowl would be the closest thing to locking up Lane and other prospects would take a serious look such as Cook and believe or not Michel.\nUMiami24\nWould be a nice matchup, but the Suns & Broncos don't play one another next season, anyway, Homestead has alot of nice talent, and it will be tough in that gauntlet district.\nhttp:\/\/floridahsfootball.com\/2013\/04\/08\/university-school-suns-2013-football-schedule\/\nLeonard Taylor\nLaurence Seymore\nBrashard Smith\nJabari Ishmael\nRomello Brinson\nThad Franklin\nElijah Arroyo\nChase Smith\nKamren Kinchens\nView All 21 Commits\nLatest Predictions\nPhillip OBrien\nby 247 Canes\nTerrence Lewis\nby Dwinstitles\nby Stylie\nJaDen McBurrows\nby IbzRlz\nJake Garcia\nView All Predictions\n09\/10 vs\nWin 31 - 14\n09\/19 @\nLoss 42 - 17\nNCST\nWin 48 - 0\nAutodetect\n\u00a9 2011-2021 CanesInSight","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Offenbach La Belle Helene with Odyssey Opera\nDavid debuts with Odyssey Opera as Agamemnon in Offenbach's absurd comic opera La belle H\u00e9l\u00e8ne.\nMozart Requiem with Handel and Haydn Society\nEaster Oratorio with Emmaneul Music\nDavid is the bass soloist in Emmanuel Music's first-ever performance of Bach's Easter Oratorio.\nHaydn Lord Nelson Mass with Smith and University of Virginia\nNorthampton, MA (map)\nPurcell Dido and Aeneas with Handel and Haydn Society\nDavid sings the role of Aeneas in Handel and Haydn's semi-staged production of Purcell's Dido and Aeneas. This performance is in Jordan Hall, Boston.\nNew York, NY (map)\nDavid sings the role of Aeneas in Handel and Haydn's semi-staged production of Purcell's Dido and Aeneas. This performance is in the Temple of Dendur in the Met Museum, New York City.\nPurcell Tempest with HPSOB\nLincoln, MA (map)\nDavid rejoins the Henry Purcell Society of Boston in an adaptation of Shakespeare's The Tempest, with music by Purcell and his contemporaries and a newly written dramatic narration.\nBrahms Requiem with Mount Holyoke and Cornell Glee Clubs\nSouth Hadley, MA (map)\nThe Rape of Lucretia with Boston Lyric Opera\nDavid sings the role of Junius in Benjamin Britten's haunting chamber opera.\nThe Lost Music of Canterbury with Blue Heron\nContinuing on from Blue Heron's recently completed 5-CD recording project, this program explores more polyphonic music from the the 16th-century Peterhouse Partbooks, which were missing for centuries before being restored by English musicologist Nick Sandon. In Corpus Christi Church, New York City.\nCambridge, MA (map)\nContinuing on from Blue Heron's recently completed 5-CD recording project, this program explores more polyphonic music from the the 16th-century Peterhouse Partbooks, which were missing for centuries before being restored by English musicologist Nick Sandon. This concert is part of Blue Heron's subscription series in First Church, Cambridge.\nDorchester, MA (map)\nContinuing on from Blue Heron's recently completed 5-CD recording project, this program explores more polyphonic music from the the 16th-century Peterhouse Partbooks, which were missing for centuries before being restored by English musicologist Nick Sandon. This concert is in All Saint's Church, Ashmont.\nHaydn Harmoniemesse with Handel and Haydn Society\nHoliday Pops with the Boston Pops\nThu, Dec 6, 2018 8:00 PM 20:00 Sat, Dec 22, 2018 8:00 PM 20:00\nDavid is the baritone soloist in The Christmas Story, part of the Boston Pops' Holiday Pops program in Symphony Hall-a Boston tradition!\nDavid's performances:\nDecember 6: 8pm\nDecember 7: 4 & 8pm\nDecember 8: 3 & 7:30pm\nDecember 13: 8pm\nDecember 15: 3 & 7:30pm\nDecember 19: 4 & 8pm\nHandel Messiah with Apollo's Fire\nAkron, OH (map)\nDavid rejoins the wonderful Cleveland-based baroque orchestra Apollo's Fire as baritone soloist in Handel's Messiah.\nBay Village, OH (map)\nShaker Heights, OH (map)\nCaccini Alcina with Boston Early Music Festival\nDavid makes his debut with Boston Early Music Festival as Neptune in Francesca Caccini's 1625 opera La liberazione di Ruggiero dall'isola d'Alcina\u2013the oldest known opera written by a woman. This performance is at the Morgan Library in New York City.\nDavid makes his debut with Boston Early Music Festival as Neptune in Francesca Caccini's 1625 opera La liberazione di Ruggiero dall'isola d'Alcina\u2013the oldest known opera written by a woman.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Apple Pay goes live in Belgium and Kazakhstan\nBy Luke Dormehl \u2022 2:45 am, November 28, 2018\nBelgium will be the 30th market to get Apple Pay.\nPhoto: Jim Merithew\/Cult of Mac\nApple Pay has gone live in Belgium. It is supported by BNP Paribas, Belgium's most popular major bank, and its brands Fintro and Hello Bank. Online services and apps such as Deliveroo, Taxi.eu and Booking.com also accept Apple Pay.\nApple's contactless payment system has also apparently gone live in Kazakhstan. The two countries are the 30th and 31st to offer Apple Pay.\nBelgium already has widespread usage of contactless payments. Residents have been using Android Pay since early 2017.\nThe country has a population of around 11.35 million people, the equivalent to the state of Ohio. Despite its relatively diminutive size, however, it has significance on the world stage thanks to its capital city Brussels, where the European Union is headquartered.\nApple's first retail store in Brussels opened back in 2015..\nApple Pay's global expansion\nApple Pay first went live in the U.S. on October 20, 2014. Since then, it has expanded to multiple other countries, with Belgium likely to be the 30th market to receive the service.\nWhile Tim Cook has admitted that mobile payments have taken off slower than he expected, Europe has a big advantage over the United States. That's because contactless technology is far more established, particularly in places like Belgium.\nAccording to a report published at the start of this year, Apple Pay currently has an estimated active user base in excess of 127 million people. This number has likely grown significantly since then. Apple Pay is also set to arrive in Germany and Saudi Arabia in the near future.\nAre you a loyal Apple Pay customer? Let us know in the comments below.\nNote: This post was originally published on Nov. 27. It has been updated to include details about the Apple Pay launch in Belgium and Kazakhstan.\nSource: De Tijd\nPosted in: News Tagged: Apple business strategies, Apple Pay, Belgium","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"California inmate thanks jailers for 'not tasing him'\nMinimum-security inmate wrestled with another inmate trying to escape\nUpdated: 9:14 AM EST Nov 28, 2016\nKCRA Staff\nPlacer County Sheriff's Office SOURCE: Placer County Sheriff's Office\nIt's not what the Placer County jail normally receives -- a thank you note from a former inmate. The note was written by a minimum-security inmate, who was working in the booking area at the jail in Auburn. According to the Placer County Sheriff's Office's Facebook page, a female officer acted quickly to try to subdue another inmate who was trying to escape. When the minimum-security inmate saw her struggling with that inmate, he jumped in to help. He wrestled with the inmate until other officers arrived and resolved the incident. When the minimum-security inmate finished serving his time, he did not have a way to get home to Missouri, so jail staff members bought him a ticket. He left a note behind for those who helped him: \"I wanted to thank all of you for the kindness you have showed me. You made me feel like a good person when I needed it most! Working in booking has been entertaining to say the least! I know it's not all fun and games in there at all and in fact can get quiet hairy. Thanks for not tasing me...\"\nAUBURN, Calif. \u2014\nIt's not what the Placer County jail normally receives -- a thank you note from a former inmate.\nThe note was written by a minimum-security inmate, who was working in the booking area at the jail in Auburn.\nAccording to the Placer County Sheriff's Office's Facebook page, a female officer acted quickly to try to subdue another inmate who was trying to escape.\nWhen the minimum-security inmate saw her struggling with that inmate, he jumped in to help.\nHe wrestled with the inmate until other officers arrived and resolved the incident.\nWhen the minimum-security inmate finished serving his time, he did not have a way to get home to Missouri, so jail staff members bought him a ticket.\nHe left a note behind for those who helped him:\n\"I wanted to thank all of you for the kindness you have showed me. You made me feel like a good person when I needed it most! Working in booking has been entertaining to say the least! I know it's not all fun and games in there at all and in fact can get quiet hairy. Thanks for not tasing me...\"","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Search FocusTechnica\nFocusTechnica\nCurated technology news\nDeep Inside the Brain: Unraveling Dense Networks in the Cerebral Cortex [Video]\nBy Crystal Jones on November 2, 2019\nDense connectome from the mouse cerebral cortex, the largest connectome to date. Neurons in the cortex, densely reconstructed from 3-D electron microscopy data. Credit: Reprinted with permission from A Motta et al., Science DOI:http:\/\/science.sciencemag.org\/lookup\/doi\/10.1126\/science.aay3134 (2019)\nResearchers use 3-dimensional electron microscopy to map the local connectome in the cerebral cortex.\nMammalian brains, with their unmatched number of nerve cells and density of communication between them, are the most complex networks known. While methods to analyze neuronal networks sparsely, accessing about one in every ten-thousandth nerve cell has been available for decades, the dense mapping of neuronal circuits by imaging each and every synapse and all neuronal wires in a given piece of brain tissue has been a major challenge. In an article published today in Science, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt, Germany, report that they succeeded in the dense connectomic mapping of about half a million cubic micrometers of brain tissue from the mouse cerebral cortex using 3-dimensional electron microscopy and AI-based image analysis.\nUnlike any other organ, our brains contain extremely densely packed networks of membranous cables that are used by our about 86 billion nerve cells for communication amongst each other. Since each nerve cell in the main part of mammalian brains, the so-called cerebral cortex, communicates with about 1,000 other nerve cells via synapses placed along these cables over long distances, one expects a total of about 5 million kilometers of wires packed into our skulls \u2013 more than 10 times longer than all highways on our planet, in each of our brains. The cables we find in our (and other mammalian) brains are as thin as 50 to 100 nanometers in diameter, about 1000th the diameter of our hairs. The resulting cable convolute is of such density and magnitude, that for more than 100 years, researchers have been able to only map connectivity between a minuscule fraction of neurons in a given piece of brain.\nOnly the development of faster electron microscopic techniques (\"3D EM\") and of more efficient image analysis routines has made the dense mapping of neuronal networks possible. The novel field of \"connectomics\" has been pursuing the dense mapping of ever larger circuits in several species and brain regions.\nIn the work published today in Science, a team around Max Planck Director Moritz Helmstaedter imaged and analyzed a piece of tissue from the cerebral cortex of a 4-week old mouse, obtained via biopsy from the somatosensory cortex, a part of the cortex occupied with the representation and processing of touch. Here, the researchers applied optimized AI-based image processing and efficient human-machine interaction to analyze all of the about 400,000 synapses and about 2.7 meters of neuronal cable in the volume. With this, they produced a connectome between about 7,000 axons and about 3,700 postsynaptic neurites, yielding a connectome about 26 times larger than the one obtained from the mouse retina more than half a decade ago. Importantly, this reconstruction was at the same time larger and about 33-times more efficient than the one applied to the retina, setting a new benchmark for dense connectomic reconstruction in the mammalian brain.\nFueled by this this methodological breakthrough in connectomics, the researchers analyzed the connectome for the patterns of circuitry present. In particular, they asked what fraction of the circuit showed properties that were consistent with the growth of synapses, mechanisms known to contribute to circuit formation and \"learning.\" Alessandro Motta, first author of the study and an electrical engineer by training, used particular configurations of synapse pairs to study the degree to which they were in agreement with activity-related learning processes (\"LTP\"). \"Because some models of synaptic plasticity make concrete predictions about the increase in synaptic weight when learning, say, to identify a tree or a cat, we were able to extract the imprint of such potential processes even from a static snapshot of the circuit,\" explains Motta. Since the mouse had had a normal laboratory life until the brain biopsy at 4 weeks of age, the scientists argue that the degree to which circuits are shaped by learning in \"normal\" sensory states can be mapped using their approach.\n\"We were surprised how much information and precision is found even in a still relatively small piece of cortex,\" says Helmstaedter, and adds \"Especially the extraction of the likely learned circuit fraction was a major eye-opener for us.\"\nThe reported methods may have substantial implications for the transfer of insights about biological intelligence to what today is called \"artificial intelligence.\" \"The goal of mapping neuronal networks in the cerebral cortex is a major scientific adventure, also because we hope to be able to extract information about how the brain is such an efficient computer, unlike today's AI,\" states Helmstaedter. And describes a research field with major players including Google and the research program of the intelligence agencies in the US (IARPA): \"The ambition to learn from biological neuronal networks about the future of artificial neuronal networks is shared by major initiatives world-wide. We are very proud of having achieved the first milestone, a dense local cortical connectome, using exclusively public funding from the Max Planck Society.\"\nAfter almost a decade of work, the researchers are enthusiastic about their achievements. \"Being able to take a piece of cortex, process it diligently, and then obtain the entire communication map from that beautiful network is what we have been working for over the last decade,\" describes Helmstaedter.\nThe researchers conclude: \"We think that our methods, applied over a large range of cortical tissues from different brain areas, cortical layers, developmental time points, and species will tell us how evolution has designed these networks, and what impact experience has on shaping their fine-grained structure.\"\n\"Moreover, the connectomic screening will allow the description of circuit phenotypes of psychiatric and related disorders \u2013 and tell us to what degree some important brain disorders are in fact connectopathies, circuit diseases.\"\nMotta, Berning, Boergens, Staffler, Beining, Loomba, Hennig, Wissler, Helmstaedter. Dense connectomic reconstruction in layer 4 of the somatosensory cortex.\nThis paper is published online by the journal Science on 24 October, 2019. DOI:http:\/\/science.sciencemag.org\/lookup\/doi\/10.1126\/science.aay3134. Cite as: Motta et al., Science 2019. DOI: 10.1126\/science.aay3134\nSource: SciTechDaily\nPublished in Biology, Brain, Cell Biology, Max Planck Institute and Neurobiology\nCrystal Jones\nMore from BiologyMore posts in Biology \u00bb\nHuman-Caused Biodiversity Decline Isn't New \u2013 It Started Millions of Years Ago\nFirst Evidence That Social Interactions of Ants Affect Pathogen Competition\nBody Clock Biologists Find That Beauty Sleep Is Real \u2013 Discovery May Unlock the Mysteries of Aging\nMore from BrainMore posts in Brain \u00bb\nWarning: Most Widely Used Cooking Oil Causes Genetic Changes in the Brain\nBiggest Contributor to IQ Loss No Longer Heavy Metals Like Lead \u2013 Here's What to Watch Out for Now\nA Surprising New Source of Attention in the Brain Raises New Questions\nThe Brain Balances Pleasure and Pain \u2013 Here's How\nMore from Cell BiologyMore posts in Cell Biology \u00bb\nNeuron Discovered That Suppresses Eating May Lead to Effective Diet Drugs\n11 Year-Old Bertrand Might Can't Cry \u2013 Scientists Have Now Discovered Why\nMore from Max Planck InstituteMore posts in Max Planck Institute \u00bb\nStudy Shows Dogs and Wolves Are Both Good at Cooperating [Video]\nWhat Powers the Most Energetic Explosions in the Universe?\nHumans Can Read Dogs' Facial Expressions, but They Must First Learn How\n10,000 Years of Cultural Interaction Across Africa Exposed by Ostrich Eggshell Beads\nMore from NeurobiologyMore posts in Neurobiology \u00bb\nHuman Brain-Like Functions Emerge in Neuromorphic Metallic Nanowire Network\nQuestions About What It Means to Be Conscious After Discovery That EEG Doesn't Always Track Being Awake","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Elsewhere in the UK\nLegal Developments in the The Legal 500 UK 2019\nLegal Developments worldwide\nAny major tax regs and reforms that currently affect real estate investment in your jurisdiction?\nMarch 2019 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by IR Global.\nThe following article discusses session one in the IR Global Virtual Series on 'Preferential Portfolios: Tax efficiency in international real estate investments'\nAre tax-efficient vehicles available to investors? Which are most common in your jurisdiction & why?\nThe following article discusses session two in the IR Global Virtual Series on 'Preferential Portfolios: Tax efficiency in international real estate investments'\nWhat funding structures are generally used by international investors to maximise tax efficiency? Ca\nThe following article discusses session three in the IR Global Virtual Series on 'Preferential Portfolios: Tax efficiency in international real estate investments'\nParking rights: here to stay? Consent might be the surprising answer\nDecember 2013 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by Falcon Chambers.\nIn the field of the acquisition of easements by prescription, little has caused more consternation over the last decade or so than the question of whether a right to park cars can be acquired by twenty years user as of right. The types of property capable of being adversely affected range from individual residential units all the way up to major development sites. The establishment of such a right can have a devastating impact on the value of the burdened land.\nService charges: recovering overpayments from the landlord\nOctober 2013 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by Falcon Chambers.\nWhat happens if a tenant pays more by way of service charge to its landlord than it was contractually obliged to pay? Common sense would seem to dictate that the tenant is entitled to be reimbursed the overpayment. However, as this article explains, the answer is not always that straightforward.\nRenewing a business lease: a step-by-step practical guide\nJuly 2013 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by Falcon Chambers.\nFalcon Chambers currently authors Real Estate section of The In-House Lawyer magazine. For more information and articles from this author click here.\nIn light of the reforms to the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) which came into force on 1 April 2013, and, in many cases, commercial pressures, in-house lawyers may have to reconsider how to resolve small to medium-sized disputes. The key points are highlighted in the context of a typical lease renewal pursuant to the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 (the Act) in the following guide.\nPaying for environmental incidents\nJuly 2013 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by Burges Salmon LLP.\nBurges Salmon LLP currently authors the Environment and Energy section of The In-House Lawyer magazine. For more information and articles from this author click here\nThe Sentencing Council (the Council), an independent body that develops sentencing guidelines for the English courts, has just closed a consultation on proposals for new guidelines (the Guidelines) for the sentencing of environmental offences. There is no doubt that the Guidelines set out in the consultation, even if only partially implemented, will materially increase the level of fines for companies, businesses and individuals who breach environmental laws. This article examines the Guidelines and focuses on corporate penalties rather than individual offenders, although directors and officers of companies should be mindful that they can be liable for the same penalties as a company if it can be shown that the offence was committed with their consent, connivance or neglect.\nIndustrial heat use and the Heat Strategy\nThe issues of efficient heat and reducing emissions from the generation of heat are rapidly moving up the political agenda. Industry needs to watch these developments closely and be prepared. Six industry sectors, including chemicals, oil refining, food and drink, basic metals, pulp and paper and non-metallic minerals (including ceramics, cement and glass) are singled out as target sectors by the government's heat strategy, The Future of Heating: Meeting the Challenge (the Heat Strategy) published in March 2013, but other industry sectors should also be concerned.\nGetting the breaks\nMay 2013 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by Falcon Chambers.\nIn the context of any company restructuring or reorganisation, the presence of a break clause in one of the company's leases is a valuable thing indeed. This will enable the tenant to move out of unwanted or over rented space. At the very least, if the premises are over rented, the presence of a break clause will give the tenant a negotiating platform to seek a variation of the existing lease.\nInternational shipment of waste: transporters beware\nMay 2013 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by Burges Salmon LLP.\nAs European society has grown wealthier, it has created more and more resource management challenges and opportunities. Each year in the EU alone we produce three billion tonnes of waste \u2013 some 90 million tonnes of it hazardous. This amounts to about six tonnes of solid waste for every man, woman and child1. The processing of waste is a Europe-wide issue with the Waste Framework Directive (WFD)2 providing the overarching legislative framework for the collection, transport, recovery and disposal of waste across the EU in a way that does not have a negative impact on the environment or on human health.\nClimate change: the top five trends to watch\nApril 2013 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by Burges Salmon LLP.\nWhile countries are struggling to reach an agreement on appropriate emissions reduction targets, from a corporate risk and compliance perspective the issues businesses face related to climate change are substantial. The impacts of increased sea levels, extreme weather events like heatwaves, heavy precipitation, droughts and wildfires reach companies in all corners of the world, impacting supply chains, disrupting commodity prices and creating exposure to both costly regulatory changes and political risk. Governments all over the globe are grappling with climate change issues differently and there are layers of regional and international actions being taken.\nEndeavouring to avoid dispute\nMarch 2013 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by Falcon Chambers.\nCommercial parties regularly contract to use 'reasonable', 'all reasonable', or 'best' endeavours to achieve an outcome. Are they wise to do so? What better language could they use?\nKnowledge is power: the tension between commercially sensitive material and access to environmental\nMarch 2013 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by Burges Salmon LLP.\nBurges Salmon LLP currently authors the Environment and Energy section of The In-House Lawyer magazine. For more information and articles from this author click here.\nIt is accepted wisdom that, in the field of the environment, improved access to information and public participation in decision making enhances the quality and the implementation of decisions, contributes to public awareness of environmental issues and gives the public the opportunity to express its concerns and take part in the debate. That wisdom is enshrined in the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters1 to which both the EU and the UK are signatories.\nAn analysis of electricity market reform: the future for low-carbon energy\nFebruary 2013 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by Burges Salmon LLP.\nThe revised Energy Bill was published on 29 November 2012 after extensive consultation following publication of the government's electricity market reform (EMR) proposals in December 2010. The Bill will push through fundamental reforms to the UK electricity market that will affect the entire sector in one shape or form.\nShale gas: the energy saviour?\nDecember 2012 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by Burges Salmon LLP.\nShale gas is a naturally occurring gas, consisting mainly of methane, that is found in thin layers of sedimentary rock known as shale. It is termed 'unconventional' natural gas because it is found in shale, which is less permeable than rock in which natural gas has historically been found and, as such, additional procedures are required to extract the gas. The procedure by which shale gas is extracted is called hydraulic fracturing or 'fracking' and involves the injection of a fluid mixture of water, sand or ceramic beads and chemicals into shale rock at high pressure to create fractures through which shale gas is forced into the well bore for collection. Some of the largest deposits are estimated to hold as much as 500 million cubic metres of gas reserves.\nOffshore transmission: the enduring OFTO regime\nNovember 2012 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by Burges Salmon LLP.\nA new offshore transmission licensing regime (the regime) was introduced in 2009 that set out to radically change the way in which offshore transmission assets (ie those assets connecting offshore generating assets to the onshore electricity networks) were designed, built, funded and operated. Three years on, while many of the underlying mechanics of the regime remain broadly unchanged, there have been fundamental shifts in government policy that have led to huge practical changes in the regime's impact on developers and investors.\nThe green deal: legal and commercial issues\nOctober 2012 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by Burges Salmon LLP.\nThis month is expected to see the launch of the coalition's flagship energy efficiency policy: the Green Deal.\nSite closure and decommissioning of industrial plants\nSeptember 2012 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by Burges Salmon LLP.\nAs the prolonged downturn in the Eurozone drags on, there continues to be a steady stream of site closures and rationalisation of manufacturing plants around the EU including in the UK. Many businesses are looking closely at their plants across the world for cost savings and some of those facilities will inevitably close.\nThe law of nuisance: the Court of Appeal revisits longstanding principles\nEarlier this year, the Court of Appeal handed down two important judgments on the environmental impacts of commercial enterprises on their neighbours. The first case, Coventry (t\/a RDC Promotions) & anor v Lawrence & ors [2012], concerned noise from a racing circuit and the second case, Barr & ors v Biffa Waste Services Ltd [2012], concerned odours from a landfill.\nAccess to justice: protective costs orders in planning challenges\nJuly 2009 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by CMS Group.\nThird parties and competing developers have no rights of appeal to the Secretary of State against planning decisions. Disappointed applicants can appeal to the Secretary of State and can have the merits of the application reconsidered. The only remedy available to a disappointed third party is a challenge by way of judicial review in the High Court on a point of law. The sense of frustration and disempowerment this creates has not been helped by the increasing complexity of the planning process and the use of consultation to legitimise decisions that many perceive may already have been taken.\nLease re-gearings and extensions: some issues to consider\nJune 2009 - Real Estate & Property. Legal Developments by CMS Group.\nAs a result of the recession, lease re-gearings and extensions are becoming increasingly popular for landlords and tenants.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"India Writes\nGlobal Indian News\nIndia and the World\nBusiness with India\nBooks \/ Poetry\nEmerging Powers\/BRICS\nMedia \/ Buzz\nChina Connect\nTGII Magazine\nTag: Freedom fighters\nSaluting Indian heroes of World War I: But, why forget freedom fighters\nApril 25, 2015 April 25, 2015 - by India Writes Network\nThe centenary of World War-1 (1914-18) is being celebrated through a series of series of events in erstwhile colonies of the allied powers. India, too, has planned to celebrate the centenary of World War I through full four years with a sense of pride that its soldiers participated in expeditions to defend the British Empire. The call to participate in the war effort was given by no less than Mahatma Gandhi and Bal GangadharTilak, iconic freedom fighters, with the hope that the colonial rulers would grant home rule under Dominion Status after success in the war. Gandhi said: \"If we would improve our status through the help and cooperation of the British, it is our duty to win their help by standing by them in their hour of need.\"\nWhile scholars in India and across the world are being encouraged to collect evidence of the participation of Indian forces, little is being done to bring to light the Indian nationalist anti-colonial movement that began in the heart of Europe during the same period. Indian nationalist revolutionary, VirendranathChattopadhyaya (affectionately called Chatto), led the network of Indian activists scattered across Europe, with Germany as the focal centre for their propaganda against the British Empire. The Indian activists received financial and diplomatic assistance from the then Kaiser-ruled Germany. The reciprocity between these Indian activists and Germany was an arrangement based on a mutual understanding to disturb the British war efforts. The Indian emigrants, therefore, had the chance for mobilising the anti-colonial struggle.Prime Minister Modi should have taken up this issue with Chancellor Angela Merkel when he recently visited Germany.\nnetaiSimilarly he should take up this with Russian President Putin. Russia has several documents relating to the activities of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose during World War II.\nPrime Minister Modi, during his recent visit to Australia, signed an agreement to jointly celebrate the centenary of the World War I in which Australian and New Zealand forces alongwith Indian forces, fought the Turkish army in Gallipoli peninsula and also the German forces in the Pacific Ocean. True, we should be proud of our soldiers who valiantly fought the war and the 11 received the highest honour \u2013 Victoria Cross \u2013 and other awards. Around 75,000 Indian soldiers laid down their lives.\nArun Jaitley BJP BRICS China COP21 Donald Trump India India-Afghanistan relations India-Africa relations India-Australia relations India-China relations India-France relations India-Germany relations India-Israel relations India-Japan relations India-Nepal relations India-Russia relations India-Sri Lanka relations India-US relations India-Vietnam relations India Bangladesh relations India Pakistan relations Indo-Pacific ISIS Islamic State Kashmir make in India Modi Modi US visit Modi visit to US Narendra Modi Pakistan Pakistan terrorism Pathankot terror attacks South China Sea South China Sea dispute Sushma Swaraj Syria terrorism UNSC reforms US US-Pakistan relations Why Write writers on writing Xi Jinping\nCopyright 2017 IndiaWrites.org.\nAll rights reserved except for book\/publication extracts.\nWrite to us for details | Privacy policy","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Religious beliefs of the Beatles | Page 4 | Fab Forum\nHomeFab ForumYesterday... and todayReligious beliefs of the Beatles\nReligious beliefs of the Beatles\nbtls65\nFrom the Bible:\nFour great animals came up from the sea, diverse one from another.\nThese great animals, which are four, are four kings, who shall arise out of the earth. They will come from the east, west, north, and south, and will sit down in God 's Kingdom.\n\"I will strengthen them in Yahweh; and they will walk up and down in his name,\" says Yahweh. \"Out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of those who make merry; and I will multiply them and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them and they shall not be small.\n\"They shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the common, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean. Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be unstopped.\n\"They will be for a sign and for a wonder to you and your offspring \u2013 forever.\"\nLet them praise Yahweh's name, for he commanded, and they were created. As for their appearance, the four of them had one likeness, like a wheel within a wheel. They had hair like women's hair, and their teeth were like those of lions.\nThey had breast-plates which seemed to be made of steel; and the noise caused by their wings was like that of a vast number of horses and chariots hurrying into battle.\nThe first creature was like a lion, and the second creature like a calf, and the third creature had a face like a man, and the fourth was like a flying eagle.\nThey are joined to one another. They stick together, so that they can't be pulled apart. Each one went straight forward: where the spirit was to go, they went; they didn't turn when they went.\nAnd all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of a spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ.\nYahweh is their strength. He is a stronghold of salvation to his anointed. They change the night into day, saying \"The light is near\" in the presence of darkness.\nThis is the plan that is determined for the whole earth. This is the hand that is stretched out over all the nations. For three things the earth tremble, and under four, it can't bear up\nMademoiselle Kitty >^..^<\nSo, Brian Epstein was Yahweh and the Fab Four are the four kings? Maybe we should make this into a new religion. I could get behind that....LOL\nFormerly Known As JPM-Fangirl -- 2016\n'Out There' - 07-06-2015 - Ziggo Dome Amsterdam -- 'One On One' - 12-06-2016 - Pinkpop Festival Landgraaf\nPineapple Records\nWay back in the summer of 2013, I created (under my previous handle, \"Funny Paper\") a topic here based on this strange book that's out there (also a website) that has some interesting, albeit weird, exegesis of Beatles songs -- and of the Beatles as a cultural phenomenon -- as a kind of spiritual force, or divine revelation (and the Beatles themselves as \"Messengers\" of it):\nhttps:\/\/www.beatlesbible.com\/f.....dd\/#p78069\nI still find that strange book's thesis interesting and through-provoking. There is a sense where the Beatles almost \"exploded\" and morphed so radically into a cultural force (with messages of love and soon thereafter, through John's and George's evolution particularly, more esoteric spirituality of sorts); and it often almost seems like individual Beatles didn't fully realize what was happening to them, and through them...\nA ginger sling with a pineapple heart,\na coffee dessert, yes you know it's good news...\nAhhh Girl\nsailing on a winedark open sea\nForum Posts: 19726\nJPM-Fangirl said\nWe have a bible. I guess we need to have a schedule we adhere to for reading it cover-to-cover each year.\nThe following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:\nMademoiselle Kitty >^..^<, Beatlebug\nCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes\nCheck here for \"how do I do this\" guide to the forum. (2017) (2018)\nExpert Textpert\nIn bed.\nWasn't it the Manson Family who made the comparison to the four kings?\n\"This Beatles talk bores me to death.\" \u2014John Lennon\nmeanmistermustard\nHere when I am. Not when I am not.\nThe Book of Revelation has been studied and interpreted a quadzillion different ways since it was first voted to be a part of the Biblical canon. The Beatles are just one but considering most consider the author to be John maybe it was really was John and is about the Beatles.\nThe following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:\n\"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could\" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)\nbtls65 said\nAnyone who takes this stuff seriously gives me the collywobbles \u2026\u2026.\nAll I can say is John Chapter 11 verse 35.\nStarr Shine?\nWaiting in the sky\nThat makes me think. What directions did the Beatles come from in Liverpool?\nIf you can't log in and can't use the forum go here and someone will help you out.\nPineapple Records said\nI found http:\/\/www.thetruthcontest.com to be interesting as well. Especially the chapter on the Beatles as prophets, of course. http:\/\/www.whollyscripture.com kind of takes this idea and expands upon it. That is where the Bible verses that I quoted come from.\n\"The Beatles were a kind of a religion.\" \u2013 John Lennon\n\"We [The Beatles] just happened to become leaders of whatever cosmic thing was going on. We came to symbolize the start of a whole new way of thinking.\"\n\u2013 Paul McCartney\n\"The more I go into this spiritual thing, the more I realize that we- the Beatles- aren't doing it, but that something else is doing it.\" \u2013 George Harrison\n\"We were honest with each other and we were honest about the music. The music was positive. It was positive in love. They did write - we all wrote - about other things, but the basic Beatles message was Love.\" \u2013 Ringo Starr\n@btls65, your link to thetruthcontest goes to a site that is dead.\nAnnadog40 said\nNorth!\nThe following people thank Bongo for this post:\nBeatlebug\nBEATLES Music gives me Eargasms!\nmeanmistermustard said\nOops. http:\/\/www.truthcontest.com\nI know I have contributed to the derailment of this thread so I am telling all of us to\nThis thread is only for discussing the religions, if any, the members of The Beatles followed, not if people believe the group was \"part\" of a religion or if we should make a religion out of them (even in jest).\nI will discuss with the other mods a better, more reflective of the topic, title for this thread so we can keep it on track.\nThe religious beliefs of the Beatles?\nThe following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:\nDid any of the Beatles pass on their religion to their kids?\nAppleScruffJunior\nSitting here doing nothing but procrastinating...\n^ Dhani is very Eastern-belief centered. His office and studio have 'OM' symbols and statues of deities. He's also been to India a good few times and tries to meditate everyday.\nDon't know about the rest of them but some part of George's beliefs definitely rubbed off on Dhani.\nThe following people thank AppleScruffJunior for this post:\nStarr Shine?, Beatlebug, KaleidoscopeMusic, natureaker\nINTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!\nMake Love, Not Wardrobes!\n\"Stop throwing jelly beans at me\"- George Harrison\nI have a book called the Gospel According to The Beatles, which is all about their religious views. I might read it next when I finish my current book.\nNew\/Recently Updated Topics Goodbye Where's the love for \"Help!\"? The Beatles as a triple album Beatley Moments Beatles Comics Lyric Last Letter GameName The Beatles (as a group - not solo)\u2026Different Beatles Song Every LineBeatles Trivia - Even Easier!The Baker's Dozen Beatles books you own It feels like Paul's music is more disli\u2026 Advertisements New avatar topicWe Can Work It Out - Politics & Phil\u2026Things We Learned Today...Do you have music on the internet? Share\u2026Song you are on a kick of right now?\"What are you listening to right now?\" t\u2026Coronavirus \u2013 Come Together, Right Now\u2026","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"Challenge Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting To An Open Debate On MCA's Support For The New National Agenda (NNA) To Include The New Economic Policy's(NEP) Especially The Objective Of Ensuring 30% Corporate Equity Ownership\n(Petaling Jaya, Tuesday): I wish to challenge MCA President Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting to an open debate on MCA's support for the New National Agenda to include the NEP, especially the objective of ensuring 30% corporate equity ownership. Two days ago, Ong had stressed that he refused to accept the invitation by his challenger for the MCA Presidency, Datuk Chua Jui Meng, to debate on the impending party elections next month not because he was afraid to debate. But because \"it is inappropriate for a a party leader to be involved in a debate concerning party election\".\nSince Ong had said that he was not afraid to debate provided it dos not involve MCA elections, then there should be no problem why he should not participate in a debate on MCA's support for the NEP to be revived and included in the NNA and 9 Malaysian Plan. Even though Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had given assurance that the NNA and Ninth Malaysia Plan would give fair treatment to all races in the country, BN component parties had also agreed to revive the spirit of the New Economic Policy (NEP) to ensure Malays achieved 30 per cent equity participation in the nation's economy.\nDeputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak even said: \"They expressed their views...I observed the goal of 30 per cent equity participation of Bumiputeras was accepted and not disputed.\" Najib's statement follows an earlier pledge by BN Youth, including MCA Youth, MIC Youth and Gerakan Youth, supporting the revival of the NEP. By breaking their promises and assurances in the Chinese papers opposing the NEP, MCA is practicing double-faced politics of saying one thing to the Chinese community but doing completely the opposite in BN.\nAn open debate on MCA's support for the NEP is important to let the people express their views why the NEP has become a source of disunity amongst the people, corruption, economic inefficiency and social injustice. DAP opposes the NEP because it wrongly identifies race as the criterion when a needs basis is the correct and equitable choice. By lumping all bumis as poor and non-bumis as rich has created a distortion in economic policy and confusion in planning until rich bumis get scholarships and discounts for multi-million ringgit homes whilst poor non-bumis, especially the Indians, get nothing.\nDAP regrets that both MCA and Gerakan despite talking big in the newspapers failed to say that the NEP 30% equity target was actually achieved by 1990. The 30% target was unrealized because bumis given such preferential shares sold off their shares for short-term capital gains. Why should rich bumis continue to be given shares and preferential treatment at the expense of the poor? So long as the shares can be sold, the NEP can be extended 10 times for 100 years, the 30% equity target will still not be achieved. Further where is social justice when only a few bumis get shares or APs but not the majority of poor bumis including those from Sabah and Sarawak.\nBefore the NEP was introduced in 1970, Malaysia with its abundant natural resources of tin, rubber, oil palm and petroleum had one of the highest standards of living and GNP per capita, better than Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. Principally because of the NEP, Malaysia is now worse off than Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.\nIf the NEP was re-introduced and revived in 2005, Malaysia would not only be unable to catch up with Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea but may even lose out to Thailand. The government should learn that as far as allocative efficiency is concerned, competition and merit rather than ownership is the crucial issue in ensuring wealth creation and a fair distribution of wealth.","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}} {"text":"After the Revenue Committee meeting in Thermopolis, it is clear that our legislative leadership is still going to push for tax increases. In the face of growing resistance from taxpayers, there are rumors that the legislative leadership is working on a plan to facilitate the passage of higher taxes. I have a good idea of what those measures would be, but for now I will keep that piece of information tight to the chest.\nWhat is more important right now is the fact that the more time our lawmakers spend trying to raise our taxes, the less time they spend solving important problems.\nThat is bad, because it means that they leave our public school system unreformed, bu they also leave us vulnerable on other accounts.\nOne example is the mess that Republicans in Congress have created with their pathological inability to repeal\/reform\/replace Obamacare. That inability can come back and hurt us here in Wyoming. There is a way to prevent it, but so long as our legislative leadership's attention is on tax hikes, they will not see this one coming.\nHere is the problem. Back in June, I warned that we may be on a path to socialized health care here in Wyoming. This would not happen through deliberate legislation, but by means of a process akin to \"death by a thousand blows\". The longer our legislature ignores the burden that government places on the private sector in our state, the weaker that private sector will become.\nOne of the more difficult parts of the health care industry is the dichotomy between one market for production and sale of the service, and one market for means of payment, i.e., health insurance. We can have a \"free\" system for health care production and sale, but a government monopoly on insurance, and many people would still not classify it as a single-payer, universal health care system (which it is).\nThe problem for Wyoming is that we are stumbling into a situation where both markets are effectively socialized - and again not through legislation deliberately pursuing socialized medicine, but as a consequence of legislative clumsiness. Inadequate attention to the private health care sector's conditions has led to a drift toward government dominance; the monumental Obamacare mistake by Congress has de facto given one health insurance provider a monopoly in our state.\nBy means of its repeal\/reform\/replace debacle, Congress has paved the way for further expansion of government-provided health insurance, a.k.a., Medicaid. With more and more people falling to the wayside under the crumbling of Obamacare, more and more people will try to get on the expanded form of Medicaid.\nIn a manner of speaking, Congressional Republicans have turned Medicaid into a mechanism for creeping health care socialization. It is fueled by bone-crushing increases in insurance premiums and outright punitive deductibles.\nAs the implosion of Obamacare dumps more and more people into Medicaid, especially its expansion, welfare-statist Republicans can sit around and wait for the health care \"issue\" to solve itself. Once Medicaid has grown to a certain size, it will surpass the private sector as the prime provider of health insurance. At that point, passing a single-payer law will be a minor inconvenience to Congress.\nDemocrats - who will take the House in 2018 thanks to the GOP's political suicide - have no reason to wish for another \"final solution\". They will not even have to throw around the stigmatized term \"single-payer health care\"; all they have to do is follow the Republican roadmap to a government health insurance monopoly.\nBut what does all this have to do with Wyoming? The connection runs through the many states that chose to expand Medicaid. This expansion, it turns out, was not a very good idea from a fiscal viewpoint. (And we are all very surprised.) In fact, as the Daily Signal reports, Medicaid expansion is giving Americans the very first taste of what a single-payer health care system will look like:\nin expansion states, where far more low-income Americans enrolled in Medicaid than policymakers expected, services that traditionally went to the disabled and needy are being diverted to pay for the additional costs of the expansion population.\nAnd then, the Signal continues, there is the rationing of health care:\n[Galen Institute senior fellow Doug] Badger ... noted that as the Medicaid population has grown, the number of providers accepting Medicaid patients hasn't changed. \"We had a surge in the people on Medicaid, but we didn't have a surge in the doctors accepting Medicaid patients or other institutions to care for them,\" he told The Daily Signal. \"You add 12 million people to Medicaid, but where's everyone going to go?\"\nWhy has the number of providers not increased? Because reimbursement rates in Medicaid remain the same. As a general rule, there is about 40-50 percent more revenue in providing health care to a patient on private insurance than to a patient on Medicaid. The Daily Signal again (emphasis added):\nStudies have suggested that Medicaid patients have had trouble finding providers, and have worse outcomes than those without insurance. A study from the University of Virginia examining major surgical operations that occurred between 2003 and 2007 found that for eight different procedures, Medicaid patients were more likely to die in the hospital or suffer complications than the uninsured and privately insured.\nEven though Wyoming did not adopt Medicaid expansion, we are still under severe threat of a cost explosion. It is driven partly by the economic crisis in our state, partly by the \"evolution\" of the private insurance market under Obamacare. Furthermore, if Congress chooses to let Medicaid expansion become the mission-creep avant garde of socialized medicine, there will be renewed pressure on our state to accept the expansion part.\nWe can take proactive measures to avoid this. To see why and how, let us listen for a moment to Natalia Castro, contributing editor at Americans for Limited Government, as she elaborates on the Medicaid expansion experience:\nStates that have expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act are quickly realizing they cannot afford the cost they chose to bare, and are eagerly attempting the reverse their decision. States are not completely to blame for accepting the economically crippling Medicaid expansion. Like many other false promises of Obamacare, states like Illinois did not expect their costs to skyrocket as much as they have.\nWeren't we told that health insurance was going to get cheaper? Since the opposite has happened, and insurance costs have skyrocketed under Obamacare, the effect has been a shift of people from private insurance into Medicaid. Using Illinois as an example, Castro explains the consequences:\nDemocratic Governor Pat Quinn and the Illinois General Assembly promised taxpayers the expansion would cost no more than $4.6 billion, under the guise the federal government would pick up most of the tab. Now, the Illinois Policy Center finds, between 2014 and 2016, Illinois taxpayers shelled out $9.2 billion for Illinois Obamacare expansion.\nShe then quotes the Illinois Policy Center's report on the effects of Medicaid expansion:\n\"Nearly 20,000 children and adults with autism, epilepsy, developmental disabilities and other critical conditions are currently languishing on a Medicaid waiting list for needed home and community-based services. Nearly 70 percent of those individuals have reported an emergency or critical need for services. Many will die before ever getting the services they so desperately need.\"\nThis experience can be used as a basis for positive reforms, even here in Wyoming.\nWhat reforms? And how? Hang in there. First, a few more words from Natalia Castro, who explains that the situation in Medicaid expansion states is now so desperate - and Congress so gridlocked over health reform - that\nthe Governor of Maine is taking matters into his own hands. The state submitted a waiver request to President Trump that would allow the state legislature to reform the Medicaid program without Congress. Maine's proposal included instituting work requirements for Medicaid recipients, as well as a lockout for failure to pay monthly premiums.\nAnd herein lies the key to a proactive health care policy here in Wyoming. Other states trying desperately to reform away Medicaid expansion, or just reform standard Medicaid, include Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky and Wisconsin.\nIf we had a forward-looking legislative leadership, Wyoming would join these states and work hard to build a coalition of free-market health care states. We could restore private providers as a reliable go-to for health insurance, and we could secure a market big enough, across state lines, that competition would provide a superior balance between access to quality health care and reasonable premiums.\nAll this is possible if our legislative leadership decides that this is what they want for our state. That, of course, would require them to cease the pursuit of tax increases.\nWith the right choice, our legislators can begin the turnaround of our state. With the wrong choice, on the other hand, our state legislature will slowly but inevitably bring us all to the edge of fiscal sanity. Or, in the words of Natalia Castro:\nStates inability to fund Medicaid is not only a fiscal crisis, it also endangers the lives of Americans in need of health care rather than the false sense of security that arises from inadequate health insurance.\nWell said. Now the question is: what is the highest priority of our state legislators?\nLabels: Government Size, Health Care Reform, Health Care Sector, Illinois, Interstate Comparison, Maine, Medicaid Choice","meta":{"redpajama_set_name":"RedPajamaCommonCrawl"}}