import os
import ujson
from functools import partial
from colbert.utils.utils import print_message
from colbert.modeling.tokenization import QueryTokenizer, DocTokenizer, tensorize_triples
from colbert.utils.runs import Run
class LazyBatcher():
def __init__(self, args, rank=0, nranks=1):
self.bsize, self.accumsteps = args.bsize, args.accumsteps
self.query_tokenizer = QueryTokenizer(args.query_maxlen)
self.doc_tokenizer = DocTokenizer(args.doc_maxlen)
self.tensorize_triples = partial(tensorize_triples, self.query_tokenizer, self.doc_tokenizer)
self.position = 0
self.triples = self._load_triples(args.triples, rank, nranks)
self.queries = self._load_queries(args.queries)
self.collection = self._load_collection(args.collection)
def _load_triples(self, path, rank, nranks):
NOTE: For distributed sampling, this isn't equivalent to perfectly uniform sampling.
In particular, each subset is perfectly represented in every batch! However, since we never
repeat passes over the data, we never repeat any particular triple, and the split across
nodes is random (since the underlying file is pre-shuffled), there's no concern here.
print_message("#> Loading triples...")
triples = []
with open(path) as f:
for line_idx, line in enumerate(f):
if line_idx % nranks == rank:
qid, pos, neg = ujson.loads(line)
triples.append((qid, pos, neg))
return triples
def _load_queries(self, path):
print_message("#> Loading queries...")
queries = {}
with open(path) as f:
for line in f:
qid, query = line.strip().split('\t')
qid = int(qid)
queries[qid] = query
return queries
def _load_collection(self, path):
print_message("#> Loading collection...")
collection = []
with open(path) as f:
for line_idx, line in enumerate(f):
pid, passage, title, *_ = line.strip().split('\t')
assert pid == 'id' or int(pid) == line_idx
passage = title + ' | ' + passage
return collection
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __len__(self):
return len(self.triples)
def __next__(self):
offset, endpos = self.position, min(self.position + self.bsize, len(self.triples))
self.position = endpos
if offset + self.bsize > len(self.triples):
raise StopIteration
queries, positives, negatives = [], [], []
for position in range(offset, endpos):
query, pos, neg = self.triples[position]
query, pos, neg = self.queries[query], self.collection[pos], self.collection[neg]
return self.collate(queries, positives, negatives)
def collate(self, queries, positives, negatives):
assert len(queries) == len(positives) == len(negatives) == self.bsize
return self.tensorize_triples(queries, positives, negatives, self.bsize // self.accumsteps)
def skip_to_batch(self, batch_idx, intended_batch_size):
Run.warn(f'Skipping to batch #{batch_idx} (with intended_batch_size = {intended_batch_size}) for training.')
self.position = intended_batch_size * batch_idx