concrete-ml-encrypted-deeplearning /
binoua's picture
chore: fixing an issue for circuits with keys.
history blame
4.5 kB
import numpy as np
import time
import os, sys
from pathlib import Path
from import FHEModelClient
import requests
def to_json(python_object):
if isinstance(python_object, bytes):
return {"__class__": "bytes", "__value__": list(python_object)}
raise TypeError(repr(python_object) + " is not JSON serializable")
def from_json(python_object):
if "__class__" in python_object:
return bytes(python_object["__value__"])
API_URL = ""
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN"),
"Content-Type": "application/json",
def query(payload, allowed_retries=2):
response =, headers=headers, json=payload)
if response.json() is not None and "error" in response.json():
if allowed_retries > 0:
# Sometimes we have "Bad gateway" error
print(f"Warning, error {response=} {response.json()=} in the query, relaunching")
return query(payload, allowed_retries - 1)
assert False, f"Got an error: {response=} {response.json()=}"
return response.json()
path_to_model = Path("compiled_model")
# DL in FHE
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X, y = load_digits(return_X_y=True)
X = np.expand_dims(X.reshape((-1, 8, 8)), 1)
_, X_test, _, Y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
# Recover parameters for client side
fhemodel_client = FHEModelClient(path_to_model)
# Generate the keys
evaluation_keys = fhemodel_client.get_serialized_evaluation_keys()
# Save the key in the database
evaluation_keys_remaining = evaluation_keys[:]
uid = None
is_first = True
is_finished = False
i = 0
packet_size = 1024 * 1024 * 100
while not is_finished:
# Send by packets of 100M
if sys.getsizeof(evaluation_keys_remaining) > packet_size:
evaluation_keys_piece = evaluation_keys_remaining[:packet_size]
evaluation_keys_remaining = evaluation_keys_remaining[packet_size:]
evaluation_keys_piece = evaluation_keys_remaining
evaluation_keys_remaining = None
is_finished = True
f"Sending {i}-th piece of the key (remaining size is {sys.getsizeof(evaluation_keys_remaining) / 1024:.2f} kbytes)"
i += 1
if is_first:
is_first = False
payload = {
"inputs": "fake",
"evaluation_keys": to_json(evaluation_keys_piece),
"method": "save_key",
uid = query(payload)["uid"]
print(f"Storing the key in the database under {uid=}")
payload = {
"inputs": "fake",
"evaluation_keys": to_json(evaluation_keys_piece),
"method": "append_key",
"uid": uid,
# Test the handler
nb_good = 0
nb_samples = 60 # len(X_test)
verbose = True
time_start = time.time()
duration = 0
is_first = True
for i in range(nb_samples):
# Quantize the input and encrypt it
encrypted_inputs = fhemodel_client.quantize_encrypt_serialize([X_test[i]])
# Prepare the payload
payload = {
"inputs": "fake",
"encrypted_inputs": to_json(encrypted_inputs),
"method": "inference",
"uid": uid,
if is_first:
print(f"Size of the payload: {sys.getsizeof(payload) / 1024:.2f} kilobytes")
is_first = False
# Run the inference on HF servers
duration -= time.time()
duration_inference = -time.time()
encrypted_prediction = query(payload)
duration += time.time()
duration_inference += time.time()
encrypted_prediction = from_json(encrypted_prediction)
# Decrypt the result and dequantize
prediction_proba = fhemodel_client.deserialize_decrypt_dequantize(encrypted_prediction)[0]
prediction = np.argmax(prediction_proba)
if verbose:
f"for {i}-th input, {prediction=} with expected {Y_test[i]} in {duration_inference:.3f} seconds"
# Measure accuracy
nb_good += Y_test[i] == prediction
print(f"Accuracy on {nb_samples} samples is {nb_good * 1. / nb_samples}")
print(f"Total time: {time.time() - time_start:.3f} seconds")
print(f"Duration per inference: {duration / nb_samples:.3f} seconds")
# END: replace this part with your privacy-preserving application