--- |
license: apache-2.0 |
pipeline_tag: text-generation |
widget: |
- text: "<sep><start>" |
inference: |
parameters: |
top_k: 9 |
repetition_penalty: 1.2 |
--- |
# **ZymCTRL** |
ZymCTRL (Enzyme Control) ([Paper presented @ Machine Learning for Structural Biology workshop - December 2022](https://www.mlsb.io/papers_2022/ZymCTRL_a_conditional_language_model_for_the_controllable_generation_of_artificial_enzymes.pdf)) |
is a conditional language model for the generation of artificial functional enzymes. It was trained on the entire BRENDA database of enzymes, comprising over 37 M sequences. |
Given a user-defined Enzymatic Commission (EC) number, the model generates protein sequences that fulfill that catalytic reaction. |
The generated sequences are ordered, globular, and distant to natural ones, while their intended catalytic properties match those defined by users. |
If you don't know the EC number of your protein of interest, have a look at the BRENDA webpage: https://www.brenda-enzymes.org/ecexplorer.php?browser=1 |
See below for information about the model, how to generate sequences, and how to save and rank them by perplexity. |
## **Model description** |
ZymCTRL is based on the [CTRL Transformer](https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.05858) architecture (which in turn is very similar to ChatGPT) and contains 36 layers |
with a model dimensionality of 1280, totaling 738 million parameters. |
ZymCTRL is a decoder-only transformer model pre-trained on the BRENDA database |
(version July 2022). The pre-training was done on the raw sequences without FASTA headers, |
with the EC classes prepended to each sequence. The databases will be uploaded soon. |
ZymCTRL was trained with an autoregressive objective, i.e., the model learns to predict |
the next token given a sequence context. Because the first tokens on each sequence encode the EC numbers, |
the model learns the dependencies among EC classes and their corresponding sequences and is able to _speak_ the enzyme language. |
There are stark differences in the number of members among EC classes, and for this reason, we also tokenized the EC numbers. |
In this manner, EC numbers '' and '' share the first three tokens (six, including separators), and hence the model can infer that |
there are relationships between the two classes. |
The figure below summarizes the process of training: |
## **How to use ZymCTRL** |
ZymCTRL can be used with the HuggingFace transformer python package. |
Detailed installation instructions can be found here: https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/installation |
Since ZymCTRL has been trained on the classical language model objective on enzyme sequences with their EC annotation, |
it particularly excels at generating enzyme sequences given a user-defined EC class, such as alcohol dehydrogenases (''). |
The model can generate in two ways: in a zero-shot fashion, i.e., directly generating from the checkpoint weights, or after fine-tuning. |
Fine-tuning allows augmenting the BRENDA datasets that were used during training, for example, |
if you have a curated internal dataset or a set of ancestrally-reconstructed sequences. This is entirely optional. One advantage of |
running the model in zero-shot is that it doesn't require any further training. |
### **Example 1: Generating nitrilases (EC** |
The script below will be used for the generation of any BRENDA class in a zero-shot fashion, |
here we showcase the generation of novel nitrilases. |
To run this script, you should download ZymCTRL to a local folder in your workstation. |
Then replace the placeholders in the script with your actual folder path. |
You can run it directly in the command line (once you have hugging face installed), |
with the following command: `python generate.py` |
The script will write each sequence in a fasta file in the folder you specify. In the fasta header, |
it will store the sequence's computed perplexity value. Perplexity is a measure of the model's confidence |
in that generation, with lower values being better. The sequences are ordered by perplexity before writing them out, |
so those that finish in *_0.fasta and *_1.fasta will be the best ones per batch. |
**Given that generation runs so fast, we recommend generating hundreds or thousands and then only picking the best 5% or less. |
With the script below, that would mean picking only those that finish in '_0.fasta'. Good perplexity values for this model so be below 1.75-1.5.** |
``` |
import torch |
from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, AutoTokenizer |
import os |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import math |
def remove_characters(sequence, char_list): |
"This function removes special tokens used during training." |
columns = sequence.split('<sep>') |
seq = columns[1] |
for char in char_list: |
seq = seq.replace(char, '') |
return seq |
def calculatePerplexity(input_ids,model,tokenizer): |
"This function computes perplexities for the generated sequences" |
with torch.no_grad(): |
outputs = model(input_ids, labels=input_ids) |
loss, logits = outputs[:2] |
return math.exp(loss) |
def main(label, model,special_tokens,device,tokenizer): |
# Generating sequences |
input_ids = tokenizer.encode(label,return_tensors='pt').to(device) |
outputs = model.generate( |
input_ids, |
top_k=9, #tbd |
repetition_penalty=1.2, |
max_length=1024, |
eos_token_id=1, |
pad_token_id=0, |
do_sample=True, |
num_return_sequences=20) # Depending non your GPU, you'll be able to generate fewer or more sequences. This runs in an A40. |
# Check sequence sanity, ensure sequences are not-truncated. |
# The model will truncate sequences longer than the specified max_length (1024 above). We want to avoid those sequences. |
new_outputs = [ output for output in outputs if output[-1] == 0] |
if not new_outputs: |
print("not enough sequences with short lengths!!") |
# Compute perplexity for every generated sequence in the batch |
ppls = [(tokenizer.decode(output), calculatePerplexity(output, model, tokenizer)) for output in new_outputs ] |
# Sort the batch by perplexity, the lower the better |
ppls.sort(key=lambda i:i[1]) # duplicated sequences? |
# Final dictionary with the results |
sequences={} |
sequences[label] = [(remove_characters(x[0], special_tokens), x[1]) for x in ppls] |
return sequences |
if __name__=='__main__': |
device = torch.device("cuda") # Replace with 'cpu' if you don't have a GPU - but it will be slow |
print('Reading pretrained model and tokenizer') |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('/path/to/zymCTRL/') # change to ZymCTRL location |
model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('/path/to/zymCTRL').to(device) # change to ZymCTRL location |
special_tokens = ['<start>', '<end>', '<|endoftext|>','<pad>',' ', '<sep>'] |
# change to the appropriate BRENDA EC classes |
labels=[''] # nitrilases. You can put as many labels as you want. |
for label in tqdm(labels): |
# We'll run 100 batches per label. 20 sequences will be generated per batch. |
for i in range(0,100): |
sequences = main(label, model, special_tokens, device, tokenizer) |
for key,value in sequences.items(): |
for index, val in enumerate(value): |
# Sequences will be saved with the name of the label followed by the batch index, |
# and the order of the sequence in that batch. |
fn = open(f"/path/to/folder/{label}_{i}_{index}.fasta", "w") |
fn.write(f'>{label}_{i}_{index}\t{val[1]}\n{val[0]}') |
fn.close() |
``` |
## **Example 2: Fine-tuning on a set of user-defined sequences** |
This alternative to the zero-shot generation allows updating ZymCTRL's weights to new sequences. |
This strategy is not strictly necessary, in fact, we have observed good generations even for EC classes where there are |
only 1-2 representatives in Nature. But you might have an internal set of sequences that you'd like to incorporate into the model. |
For example, internal datasets after protein engineering efforts, |
ancestrally-reconstructed sets, or after searching against metagenomics databases. In these cases, it is advisable to fine-tune ZymCTRL, |
as it will learn new properties from your dataset and potentially improve the generation quality |
(especially for poorly populated EC classes). |
To fine-tune ZymCTRL, you will need to process your sequences quite a bit. The scripts below can exactly do that without any |
modifications. The only requisite is to start with an input file, 'sequences.fasta' which contains all the sequences in a fasta format. |
We recommend using at least 200 sequences to obtain the best results. But we've seen it working with fewer sequences, so if you don't have |
that many, give it still a go. |
``` |
import random |
import transformers |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer |
# 1. Read the source file |
with open('sequences.fasta', 'r') as fn: |
data = fn.readlines() |
fn.close() |
# Put sequences into dictionary |
sequences={} |
for line in data: |
if '>' in line: |
name = line.strip() |
sequences[name] = [''] # modify with the actual EC class. |
continue |
sequences[name].append(line.strip()) |
# Process fasta files to be in single string - run this part only if the fastas were formated to 60 characters |
processed_sequences = {} |
for name, sequence in sequences.items(): |
processed_sequences[f"{sequence[0]};{name}"] = ''.join([x for x in sequence[1:]]) |
# Shuffle sequences |
sequences_list = [(key,value) for key,value in processed_sequences.items()] |
random.shuffle(sequences_list) |
# Load tokenizer |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('/path/to/ZymCTRL') |
# the objective is to get here strings, that when tokenized, will span a window length of 1024. |
# for each sequence group its length and untokenized string |
print("procesing dataset") |
processed_dataset = [] |
for i in sequences_list: |
# length of the control code |
label = i[0].split(';')[0] |
sequence = i[1].strip() |
separator = '<sep>' |
control_code_length = len(tokenizer(label+separator)['input_ids']) |
available_space = 1021 - control_code_length # It is not 1024 because '<|endoftext|>', and start and end |
# Option 1: the sequence is larger than the available space (3-4% of sequences in BRENDA are over 1024) |
if len(sequence) > available_space: |
total_length = control_code_length + len(sequence[:available_space]) + 1 |
seq = f"{label}{separator}{sequence[:available_space]}<|endoftext|>" |
processed_dataset.append((total_length, seq)) |
# Option 2 & 3: The sequence fits in the block_size space with or without padding |
else: |
total_length = control_code_length + len(sequence) + 3 |
# in this case the sequence does not fit with the start/end tokens |
seq = f"{label}{separator}<start>{sequence}<end><|endoftext|>" |
processed_dataset.append((total_length, seq)) |
# Helper function to group sequences |
def grouper(iterable): |
prev = None |
group = '' |
total_sum = 0 |
for item in iterable: |
if prev is None or item[0] + total_sum < 1025: |
group += item[1] |
total_sum += item[0] |
else: |
total_sum = item[0] |
yield group |
group = item[1] |
prev = item |
if group: |
total_sum = 0 |
yield group |
# Group sequences |
print("grouping processed dataset") |
grouped_dataset=dict(enumerate(grouper(processed_dataset),1)) |
# Save the processed file out |
fn = open("./",'w') |
for key,value in grouped_dataset.items(): |
fn.write(value) |
fn.write("\n") |
fn.close() |
fn = open("./",'w') |
for key,value in grouped_dataset.items(): |
padding_len = 1024 - len(tokenizer(value)['input_ids']) |
padding = "<pad>"*padding_len |
print(len(tokenizer(value+padding)['input_ids'])) |
fn.write(value+padding) |
fn.write |
fn.write("\n") |
fn.close() |
``` |
The previous script will prepare a text file with the correct format for tokenization. |
Now we can use the tokenizer to convert its contents to tokens. |
``` |
from datasets import load_dataset |
import transformers |
from transformers.testing_utils import CaptureLogger |
# Load the tokenizer again |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('/agh/projects/noelia/NLP/zymCTRL/dataset_preparation/tokenizer') |
#Load the data files |
data_files = {} |
dataset_args = {} |
validation_split_percentage = 10 # for a split 90/10 |
data_files["train"] = './' |
extension = "text" |
raw_datasets = load_dataset(extension, data_files=data_files, cache_dir='.', **dataset_args) |
tok_logger = transformers.utils.logging.get_logger("transformers.tokenization_utils_base") |
# Load datasets using the HF datasets library: |
raw_datasets["train"] = load_dataset(extension, |
data_files=data_files, |
split=f"train[{validation_split_percentage}%:]", |
cache_dir='.', |
**dataset_args,) |
raw_datasets["validation"] = load_dataset(extension, |
data_files=data_files, |
split=f"train[:{validation_split_percentage}%]", |
cache_dir='.', |
**dataset_args,) |
def tokenize_function(examples): |
" This function tokenizes input" |
with CaptureLogger(tok_logger) as cl: |
output = tokenizer(examples["text"]) |
# clm input could be much much longer than block_size |
if "Token indices sequence length is longer than the" in cl.out: |
tok_logger.warning( |
"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please ignore the warning above - this long input will be chunked into smaller bits before being passed to the model." |
) |
return output |
# tokenize in parallel |
tokenized_datasets = raw_datasets.map( |
tokenize_function, |
batched=True, |
num_proc=32, |
remove_columns=['text'], |
load_from_cache_file = False, |
desc="Running tokenizer on dataset", |
) |
train_dataset = tokenized_datasets["train"] |
eval_dataset = tokenized_datasets["validation"] |
train_dataset.save_to_disk('./dataset/train') |
eval_dataset.save_to_disk('./dataset/eval') |
# This has saved the datasets tokenized. Now we need to group them into the block size of 1024 |
from datasets import load_from_disk |
train_dataset = load_from_disk('./') |
eval_dataset = load_from_disk('./') |
from datasets.dataset_dict import DatasetDict |
tokenized_datasets = DatasetDict() |
tokenized_datasets["train"] = train_dataset |
tokenized_datasets["validation"] = eval_dataset |
block_size = 1024 |
def group_texts(examples): |
# Concatenate all texts. |
concatenated_examples = {k: sum(examples[k], []) for k in examples.keys()} |
total_length = len(concatenated_examples[list(examples.keys())[0]]) |
# We drop the small remainder, we could add padding if the model supported it instead of this drop, |
# you can customize this part to your needs. |
if total_length >= block_size: |
total_length = (total_length // block_size) * block_size |
# Split by chunks of max_len. |
result = { |
k: [t[i : i + block_size] for i in range(0, total_length, block_size)] |
for k, t in concatenated_examples.items() |
} |
result["labels"] = result["input_ids"].copy() |
return result |
lm_datasets = tokenized_datasets.map( |
group_texts, |
batched=True, |
num_proc=124, |
load_from_cache_file=False, |
desc=f"Grouping texts in chunks of {block_size}", |
) |
train_dataset = lm_datasets["train"] |
eval_dataset = lm_datasets["validation"] |
train_dataset.save_to_disk('./dataset/train2') |
eval_dataset.save_to_disk('./dataset/eval2') |
``` |
The processed datasets will be inside the folder dataset/, called train2 and eval2. |
You could also put the two previous scripts into a single one and run it in one go (that is what we do). |
Now you are ready to fine-tune the model. |
To do that, you can take the trainer file that we provide in this repository (5.run_clm-post.py), or use the trainer from Hugging Face. |
The command below shows an example at an specific learning rate, |
but you could try with other hyperparameters to obtain the best training and evaluation losses. |
``` |
python 5.run_clm-post.py --tokenizer_name /path/to/ZymCTRL |
--do_train --do_eval --output_dir output --evaluation_strategy steps --eval_steps 10 |
--logging_steps 5 --save_steps 500 --num_train_epochs 28 --per_device_train_batch_size 1 |
--per_device_eval_batch_size 4 --cache_dir '.' --save_total_limit 2 --learning_rate 0.8e-04 |
--dataloader_drop_last True --model_type gpt2 --config_name /path/to/ZymCTRL |
--gradient_accumulation_steps 4 |
``` |
In any case, the original HuggingFace script run_clm.py can be found here: |
https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/master/examples/pytorch/language-modeling/run_clm.py |
### **Training specs** |
The model was trained on 48 NVIDIA A100 GPUs for eight epochs, |
using a block size of 1024 and a total batch size of 768. |
The optimizer used was Adam (beta1 = 0.9, beta2 = 0.999) |
with a learning rate of 0.8e-04. |
### **Contact** |
We are the AI for Protein Design group at the Institute of Molecular Biology of Barcelona (https://www.aiproteindesign.com/). |
For any questions post an issue in this repository so that other people can benefit from the feedback, and I'll get back to you shortly. |
We are always open for collaborations, send an email to nfccri [at] ibmb [dot] csic [dot] es |