
tokenize-anything /
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Add ViT-H v1.1 model
license: apache-2.0
pipeline_tag: image-to-text

Tokenize Anything via Prompting

Ting Pan1,2*,   Lulu Tang2*,   Xinlong Wang2¶,   Shiguang Shan1

* Equal Contribution, ¶Project Lead

[Paper] [🤗 Demo]

We present Tokenize Anything via Prompting, a unified and promptable model capable of simultaneously segmenting, recognizing, and captioning arbitrary regions, with flexible visual prompts (point, box and sketch). The model is trained with exhaustive segmentation masks sourced from SA-1B, coupled with semantic priors from a pre-trained EVA-CLIP with 5 billion parameters.


See Github Page.


Model weights

V1.1 Release Notes

  • Three versions of the model are available with different image encoders.
  • Use a longer pre-training and fine-tuning schedule (improved segmentation and caption performance).
  • Apply weight decay for all bias parameters (avoid FP16 overflow in QK matmul).
  • Sample point prompts from predicted mask instead of GT box during VG training.
Model Description Schedule MD5 Weights
tap_vit_h ViT-H TAP v1.1 model (100% SA-1B, 180k), (VG, 50ep) 4bdfb9 🤗 HF link
tap_vit_l ViT-L TAP v1.1 model (100% SA-1B, 180k), (VG, 50ep) c1d41f 🤗 HF link
tap_vit_b ViT-B TAP v1.1 model (100% SA-1B, 180k), (VG, 50ep) 707f80 🤗 HF link

V1.0 Release Notes

  • Two versions of the model are available with different image encoders.
  • Original paper results.
Model Description Schedule MD5 Weights
tap_vit_l ViT-L TAP v1.0 model (50% SA-1B, 90k), (VG, 25ep) 03f8ec 🤗 HF link
tap_vit_b ViT-B TAP v1.0 model (50% SA-1B, 90k), (VG, 25ep) b45cbf 🤗 HF link

Concept weights

Note: You can generate these weights following the Concept Guide.

Concept Description Weights
Merged-2560 Merged concepts 🤗 HF link
LVIS-1203 LVIS concepts 🤗 HF link
COCO-80 COCO concepts 🤗 HF link


Apache License 2.0


  title={Tokenize Anything via Prompting},
  author={Pan, Ting and Tang, Lulu and Wang, Xinlong and Shan, Shiguang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.09128},


We thank the repositories: SAM, EVA, LLaMA, FlashAttention, Gradio, Detectron2 and CodeWithGPU.