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the need for magnetic resonance imaging ( mri ) in patients with an
implanted pacemaker or implantable cardioverter - defibrillator ( icd ) is a
growing clinical issue . it is estimated that as many as 75% of active
cardiac device recipients will become indicated for mri . currently , the
vast majority of such devices are contraindicated for use with an mri . in
european heart rhythm association survey , published recently for non - mri
- certified icds ( 0.51.5 t field strength ) , the totally subcutaneous icd
( s - icd ) system , an implantable defibrillator with no leads that touch
the heart , has recently been demonstrated to be a safe and effective
defibrillator option for patients at risk for sudden cardiac death . it
provides shock therapy and post - shock pacing therapy , but no long - term
bradycardia pacing . although it has been shown as an alternative to the
standard transvenous icd , its compatibility with mri remains unclear .
various types of clinical mri systems currently use a superconductive magnet
that creates a static magnetic field strength , typically 1.5 or 3 t. the
use of mri with most pacemakers and icds is considered a contraindication
due to potential hazards , including heating of the electrode that resides
in or on the heart , damage to myocardium , elevation of pacing thresholds ,
unintended induction of ventricular tachycardia ( vt ) or ventricular
fibrillation ( vf ) , pacing inhibition , permanent device malfunction , and
distortion of the mri scan . recently , mr - conditional. mr - conditional
indicates a lack of known hazards in a specified mri environment with
specified conditions of use . due to the variety of mri scanners and
scanning protocols , it is not practical to test even a single device under
all conditions . hence , mr - conditional labelling dictates that the device
is safe for use under certain scanning conditions , as well as how the
cardiac device should be programmed before an exposure to the magnetic field
in a mri scanner . the literature , although limited , provides some
guidance for imaging patients with implanted pacemakers or icds that do not
have mr - conditional labelling . this single - centre prospective non -
controlled study describes the first use of mri in patients with an
implanted s - icd . patients with implanted s - icd systems ( boston
scientific sqrx model 1010 and q - trak model 3010 ) were enrolled for mri
testing over a period of 18 months . the s - icd system implanted in this
patient cohort was composed of a can implanted in a left mid - lateral
pocket and a para - sternal subcutaneous electrode . the s - icd is
currently not certified for use with an mri ; therefore , the ethics
committee of homolka hospital , prague , czech republic approved our
clinical study . patients with newly implanted s - icd systems ( < 6 weeks )
were excluded , and none of the patients had any intravascular leads . the
patients were randomized for either a cardiac , brain , cervical , or lumbar
spinal scan . one of the subjects underwent an additional knee examination ,
due to reported chronic pain . a total of 15 patients were enrolled into
this study ( 12 males and three females , aged 2283 years , mean 53 years .
subjects in our cohort ( table 1 ) underwent a total of 22 mri scans between
6 june 2012 and 24 december 2013 . in total , five brain scans , three
cardiac scans , 12 lumbar scans , one knee , and one cervical spine scan
were conducted ( table 2 ) . however , in one patient a minor disc
protrusion was found , in other mri revealed stenosis of intervertebral
foramen which was causing radicular pain of the nerve root l4 and based on
this examination the patient was referred to ct - navigated periradicular
therapy . table 1summary of patient anatomical data and scan locations ,
along with noted clinical eventsidagesexbmidgef , % indication for s -
icdheating0164f20.5hcmp / vfs85secondary preventionnone0283m30.0post - mi /
smvts post - catheter ablation/35secondary prevention ( post - transvenous
icd extraction)none0331m25.3arvc / d / smvts68secondary preventionin -
tolerable re - scanned0458m23.6post - mi / post - cabg30primary
preventionnone0577m25.5post - mi30primary preventionnone0663m27.0post -
mi30primary preventionnone0768m23.7post - mi / vfs / vts60secondary
prevention post - transvenous icd extraction / svc
occlusiontolerable0822m29.4brugada sy / vfs68secondary preventionin -
tolerable re - scanned0959m27.1dcmp / vfs / post - mitral valve
surgery/60secondary prev./post - transvenous icd extractionnone1041f24.6arvc
/ d70primary preventionnone1123f21.5lqts / vf60secondary
preventionnone1266m36.9post - mi / vf / post - cabg50secondary prevention /
post - repeat transvenous icd extractiontolerable1348m22.9dcmp(non -
compaction)/vfs35secondary preventionnone1470m29systolic dysfunction of
lv35primary preventionnone1526m33brugada sy65primary preventionnonehcmp ,
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ; smvt , sustained monomorphic ventricular
tachycardia ; mi , myocardial infarction ; arvc , arrhythmogenic right
ventricular cardiomyopathy ; cabg , coronary artery by - pass graft ; lqts ,
long qt syndrom . table 2parmeters of s - icd and patient sensation during
individual mri scansscan # idbody partheating sensationsshock zone (
b.p.m.)condit . shock zone ( b.p.m.)bat % episode
num.101brainnone2302101001202brainnone240220861303l spinein -
spinenone220210541706l spinenone240220681807l spinetolerable240220582908l
spinein - tolerablenananana1008brainnonenananana1108l
spinetolerable2001709721712l spinenone2001709421813c
spinenone23019010041913l spinenone23019010042014l
spinenone2301908612115kneenone25021010012215l spinenone2502101001s - icd
parameters acquired prior- and post - mri were without any change ,
therefore only one value is presented.indices : na , not available ; l spine
, lumbar spine ; c spine , cervical spine . summary of patient anatomical
data and scan locations , along with noted clinical events hcmp ,
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ; smvt , sustained monomorphic ventricular
tachycardia ; mi , myocardial infarction ; arvc , arrhythmogenic right
ventricular cardiomyopathy ; cabg , coronary artery by - pass graft ; lqts ,
long qt syndrom . parmeters of s - icd and patient sensation during
individual mri scans s - icd parameters acquired prior- and post - mri were
without any change , therefore only one value is presented . indices : na ,
not available ; l spine , lumbar spine ; c spine , cervical spine . studies
were performed using a siemens avanto 1.5 t mri scanner ( vb17 software ,
quantum gradient coils ) . all scans were run in normal operating mode ,
which is limited to 2 w / kg whole body averaged specific absorption rate (
sar ) . clinically relevant mri sequences were used for evaluation ( see
table 3 ) . table 3types of pulse sequences typically used for imaging of
respective anatomical areasscan locationscan
spinexxkneexxxxlumbar spinexxflair , fluid attenuated inversion recovery ;
dwi , diffusion weighted imaging ; flash , fast low angle shot ; fse , fast
spin echo ; haste , half acquisition single - shot turbo spin echo ; se ,
spin echo ; stir , short tau inversion recovery ; truefisp , true fast
imaging with steady - state precession.fse sequence caused heating in
subjects with a thermistor probe during lumbar spine examination ( see the
text for details ) . types of pulse sequences typically used for imaging of
respective anatomical areas flair , fluid attenuated inversion recovery ;
dwi , diffusion weighted imaging ; flash , fast low angle shot ; fse , fast
spin echo ; haste , half acquisition single - shot turbo spin echo ; se ,
spin echo ; stir , short tau inversion recovery ; truefisp , true fast
imaging with steady - state precession . fse sequence caused heating in
subjects with a thermistor probe during lumbar spine examination ( see the
text for details ) . patients were asked to report immediately any pain ,
torqueing movement , or heating sensation in the area of the pocket or the
electrode by pressing an emergency bulb . furthermore , all patients were
questioned immediately following the mri procedure to ascertain any
discomfort in the vicinity of the can or electrode . pulse oximetry and
standard lead electrocardiogram ( ecg ) if discomfort occurred , the patient
was asked if the scan could be repeated at a later time using a revised scan
sequence or the subject was again randomized for another anatomical area .
since none of the components of the s - icd system are on or in the heart ,
heating near or around however , heating near the electrode or can with the
s - icd system may still cause serious patient discomfort . therefore ,
along with education of subjects , each patient was instrumented by taping
an oesophageal temperature probe ( beta - therm model g22k7mcd8 ) on the
skin over the mid - lateral implant site to record any temperature
excursions that might be correlated to patient symptoms of heating /
discomfort near the pocket . to minimize the risk of inappropriate therapy ,
the s - icd system was programmed to therapy each s - icd system was
evaluated prior to and immediately after the scan to verify proper
functioning , including interrogation , sensing , and battery voltage .
after the completion of the mri , long - term regular clinical follow - up
and checking of the device were performed . patients with implanted s - icd
systems ( boston scientific sqrx model 1010 and q - trak model 3010 ) were
enrolled for mri testing over a period of 18 months . the s - icd system
implanted in this patient cohort was composed of a can implanted in a left
mid - lateral pocket and a para - sternal subcutaneous electrode . the s -
icd is currently not certified for use with an mri ; therefore , the ethics
committee of homolka hospital , prague , czech republic approved our
clinical study . patients with newly implanted s - icd systems ( < 6 weeks )
were excluded , and none of the patients had any intravascular leads . the
patients were randomized for either a cardiac , brain , cervical , or lumbar
spinal scan . one of the subjects underwent an additional knee examination ,
due to reported chronic pain . a total of 15 patients were enrolled into
this study ( 12 males and three females , aged 2283 years , mean 53 years .
subjects in our cohort ( table 1 ) underwent a total of 22 mri scans between
6 june 2012 and 24 december 2013 . in total , five brain scans , three
cardiac scans , 12 lumbar scans , one knee , and one cervical spine scan
were conducted ( table 2 ) . however , in one patient a minor disc
protrusion was found , in other mri revealed stenosis of intervertebral
foramen which was causing radicular pain of the nerve root l4 and based on
this examination the patient was referred to ct - navigated periradicular
therapy . table 1summary of patient anatomical data and scan locations ,
along with noted clinical eventsidagesexbmidgef , % indication for s -
icdheating0164f20.5hcmp / vfs85secondary preventionnone0283m30.0post - mi /
smvts post - catheter ablation/35secondary prevention ( post - transvenous
icd extraction)none0331m25.3arvc / d / smvts68secondary preventionin -
tolerable re - scanned0458m23.6post - mi / post - cabg30primary
preventionnone0577m25.5post - mi30primary preventionnone0663m27.0post -
mi30primary preventionnone0768m23.7post - mi / vfs / vts60secondary
prevention post - transvenous icd extraction / svc
occlusiontolerable0822m29.4brugada sy / vfs68secondary preventionin -
tolerable re - scanned0959m27.1dcmp / vfs / post - mitral valve
surgery/60secondary prev./post - transvenous icd extractionnone1041f24.6arvc
/ d70primary preventionnone1123f21.5lqts / vf60secondary
preventionnone1266m36.9post - mi / vf / post - cabg50secondary prevention /
post - repeat transvenous icd extractiontolerable1348m22.9dcmp(non -
compaction)/vfs35secondary preventionnone1470m29systolic dysfunction of
lv35primary preventionnone1526m33brugada sy65primary preventionnonehcmp ,
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ; smvt , sustained monomorphic ventricular
tachycardia ; mi , myocardial infarction ; arvc , arrhythmogenic right
ventricular cardiomyopathy ; cabg , coronary artery by - pass graft ; lqts ,
long qt syndrom . table 2parmeters of s - icd and patient sensation during
individual mri scansscan # idbody partheating sensationsshock zone (
b.p.m.)condit . shock zone ( b.p.m.)bat % episode
num.101brainnone2302101001202brainnone240220861303l spinein -
spinenone220210541706l spinenone240220681807l spinetolerable240220582908l
spinein - tolerablenananana1008brainnonenananana1108l
spinetolerable2001709721712l spinenone2001709421813c
spinenone23019010041913l spinenone23019010042014l
spinenone2301908612115kneenone25021010012215l spinenone2502101001s - icd
parameters acquired prior- and post - mri were without any change ,
therefore only one value is presented.indices : na , not available ; l spine
, lumbar spine ; c spine , cervical spine . summary of patient anatomical
data and scan locations , along with noted clinical events hcmp ,
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ; smvt , sustained monomorphic ventricular
tachycardia ; mi , myocardial infarction ; arvc , arrhythmogenic right
ventricular cardiomyopathy ; cabg , coronary artery by - pass graft ; lqts ,
long qt syndrom . parmeters of s - icd and patient sensation during
individual mri scans s - icd parameters acquired prior- and post - mri were
without any change , therefore only one value is presented . indices : na ,
not available ; l spine , lumbar spine ; c spine , cervical spine . studies
were performed using a siemens avanto 1.5 t mri scanner ( vb17 software ,
quantum gradient coils ) . all scans were run in normal operating mode ,
which is limited to 2 w / kg whole body averaged specific absorption rate (
sar ) . clinically relevant mri sequences were used for evaluation ( see
table 3 ) . table 3types of pulse sequences typically used for imaging of
respective anatomical areasscan locationscan
spinexxkneexxxxlumbar spinexxflair , fluid attenuated inversion recovery ;
dwi , diffusion weighted imaging ; flash , fast low angle shot ; fse , fast
spin echo ; haste , half acquisition single - shot turbo spin echo ; se ,
spin echo ; stir , short tau inversion recovery ; truefisp , true fast
imaging with steady - state precession.fse sequence caused heating in
subjects with a thermistor probe during lumbar spine examination ( see the
text for details ) . types of pulse sequences typically used for imaging of
respective anatomical areas flair , fluid attenuated inversion recovery ;
dwi , diffusion weighted imaging ; flash , fast low angle shot ; fse , fast
spin echo ; haste , half acquisition single - shot turbo spin echo ; se ,
spin echo ; stir , short tau inversion recovery ; truefisp , true fast
imaging with steady - state precession . fse sequence caused heating in
subjects with a thermistor probe during lumbar spine examination ( see the
text for details ) . patients were asked to report immediately any pain ,
torqueing movement , or heating sensation in the area of the pocket or the
electrode by pressing an emergency bulb . furthermore , all patients were
questioned immediately following the mri procedure to ascertain any
discomfort in the vicinity of the can or electrode . pulse oximetry and
standard lead electrocardiogram ( ecg ) if discomfort occurred , the patient
was asked if the scan could be repeated at a later time using a revised scan
sequence or the subject was again randomized for another anatomical area .
since none of the components of the s - icd system are on or in the heart ,
heating near or around the electrode can not harm the myocardium . however ,
heating near the electrode or can with the s - icd system may still cause
serious patient discomfort . therefore , along with education of subjects ,
each patient was instrumented by taping an oesophageal temperature probe (
beta - therm model g22k7mcd8 ) on the skin over the mid - lateral implant
site to record any temperature excursions that might be correlated to
patient symptoms of heating / discomfort near the pocket . to minimize the
risk of inappropriate therapy , the s - icd system was programmed to therapy
each s - icd system was evaluated prior to and immediately after the scan to
verify proper functioning , including interrogation , sensing , and battery
voltage . after the completion of the mri , the s - icd system was
reprogrammed to original settings . long - term regular clinical follow - up
and checking of the device were performed . no anomalies were noted via
pulse oximetry or ecg during the scans for any of the patients . eleven of
15 patients reported no sensation or pain from heating of the can , two of
15 patients reported feeling some heating , and two patients reported
intolerable heating ( see table 2 ) . in patients with intolerable heating ,
the scan was halted within seconds and changed to a scan of the brain ,
which proceeded without incident . patient reports of heating in the
vicinity of the can occurred only during lumbar scans with a thermistor
probe ; no such reports occurred during scans of the brain , cardiac area ,
cervical spine , or without the probe . in two cases where heating in the
vicinity of the can was reported by the patient , the scan sequence was
altered to reduce the intensity of radiofrequency ( rf ) field exposure by
reducing the turbo factor ( e.g. from 21 to 7 ) , increasing the repetition
time ( e.g. to > 4000 ms ) , and reducing the flip angle ( e.g. from 170 to
120 ) . the target values were chosen arbitrarily to maintain image contrast
( flip angle ) and keep scan time at reasonable limits ( turbo factor and
repetition time ) . less heating was noted by patients after these
modifications to the scan parameters were made . 03 ) was observed to have a
skin lesion , appearing to be a circular rash or ulcer on the surface of the
skin over the can , approximately 35 mm in diameter . the cause of this skin
anomaly is not known ; it was later noted to have fully healed at a follow -
up 10 days after the scan . to ascertain the effect of heating due to the
instrumented thermistor catheter , the two patients who experienced the
heating ( examinations 9 and 16 , see table 2 ) were rescanned several weeks
later without the thermistor catheter in place ( examinations 11 and 17 ) .
first , modified sequence ( with even lower amount of energy deposited in
the tissue ) was used , which caused no heating . as no sensation was
reported by the subjects , they were asked to report even a minimal
discomfort , and the lumbar scans were performed using the same settings
that resulted in heating with the thermistor catheter in place in the first
imaging session . the results of the rescans revealed that no heating was
felt by the patients when the thermistor catheter was absent . there were no
noted changes to battery voltage , ability to detect the qrs signal or
stored diagnostic data . pacing thresholds can not be assessed by the s -
icd system , so this was not evaluated . none of the patients reported any
pulling or twisting of the can or pain from heating of the s - icd electrode
. for scans of the brain , lumbar spine , knee , and cervical spine , no
effect from image artefact was noted in the anatomical area of interest .
however , for scans of the cardiac area , image artefact was noted to
interfere with the ability to see parts of the left ventricle , though the
right ventricle of the heart was unaffected and could be imaged usefully .
this was due to the can and not the electrode ( see figure 1 ) ,
modifications to the protocol for the lumbar spine resulted in a lower
signal - to - noise ratio ; however , the images remain in diagnostic
quality ( see figure 2 ) . figure 1kinetic study in four - chamber view :
the systolic ( a and c ) and diastolic ( b and d ) images of cine sequences
, four - chamber view . the steady - state free precession ( ssfp ) sequence
( a and b ) shows more artefacts . in ssfp kinetic study , an inflow of dark
blood from the left pulmonary veins was seen . it could be caused by s - icd
but also by metallic ring in mitral annulus . the spoiled gradient echo (
gre ) sequence ( c and d ) is better , but an artefact at the lateral wall
is obvious . figure 2lumbar spine imaging with icd : low sar t2 fse sequence
( upper image ) compared with normal t2 fse in the same subject ( lower
image , for the scanning parameters see the discussion section ) . kinetic
study in four - chamber view : the systolic ( a and c ) and diastolic ( b
and d ) images of cine sequences , four - chamber view . the steady - state
free precession ( ssfp ) sequence ( a and b ) shows more artefacts . in ssfp
kinetic study , an inflow of dark blood from the left pulmonary veins was
seen . it could be caused by s - icd but also by metallic ring in mitral
annulus . the spoiled gradient echo ( gre ) sequence ( c and d ) is better ,
but an artefact at the lateral wall is obvious . lumbar spine imaging with
icd : low sar t2 fse sequence ( upper image ) compared with normal t2 fse in
the same subject ( lower image , for the scanning parameters see the
discussion section ) . there were no noted changes to battery voltage ,
ability to detect the qrs signal or stored diagnostic data . pacing
thresholds can not be assessed by the s - icd system , so this was not
evaluated . none of the patients reported any pulling or twisting of the can
or pain from heating of the s - icd electrode . for scans of the brain ,
lumbar spine , knee , and cervical spine , no effect from image artefact was
noted in the anatomical area of interest . however , for scans of the
cardiac area , image artefact was noted to interfere with the ability to see
parts of the left ventricle , though the right ventricle of the heart was
unaffected and could be imaged usefully . this was due to the can and not
the electrode ( see figure 1 ) , modifications to the protocol for the
lumbar spine resulted in a lower signal - to - noise ratio ; however , the
images remain in diagnostic quality ( see figure 2 ) . figure 1kinetic study
in four - chamber view : the systolic ( a and c ) and diastolic ( b and d )
images of cine sequences , four - chamber view . the steady - state free
precession ( ssfp ) sequence ( a and b ) shows more artefacts . in ssfp
kinetic study , an inflow of dark blood from the left pulmonary veins was
seen . it could be caused by s - icd but also by metallic ring in mitral
annulus . the spoiled gradient echo ( gre ) sequence ( c and d ) is better ,
but an artefact at the lateral wall is obvious . figure 2lumbar spine
imaging with icd : low sar t2 fse sequence ( upper image ) compared with
normal t2 fse in the same subject ( lower image , for the scanning
parameters see the discussion section ) . kinetic study in four - chamber
view : the systolic ( a and c ) and diastolic ( b and d ) images of cine
sequences , four - chamber view . the steady - state free precession ( ssfp
) sequence ( a and b ) shows more artefacts . in ssfp kinetic study , an
inflow of dark blood from the left pulmonary veins was seen . it could be
caused by s - icd but also by metallic ring in mitral annulus . the spoiled
gradient echo ( gre ) sequence ( c and d ) is better , but an artefact at
the lateral wall is obvious . lumbar spine imaging with icd : low sar t2 fse
sequence ( upper image ) compared with normal t2 fse in the same subject (
lower image , there are several reports in the current literature about mr -
conditional pacemakers from several companies , but very limited reports
about mr - conditional icds . biotronik announced in late 2011 release of
their first mr - compatible icd device and defibrillator leads pro mri , but
in the conditions of use excluded scanning of the torso and focused more on
the extremities examination . in european heart rhythm association survey ,
60% of centres did not implant any mri - certified icds , 34.3% implanted <
10 icd devices , and only 5.6% implanted 10 and more icds ; one - fifth of
responders stated that mri - certified icds should be implanted in all
patients but lack of reimbursement was indicated as a possible obstacle to
implant more mri - certified pacemakers / icds by 47.1% of responding
centres . none of the components of the s - icd system are on or in the
heart . the s - icd depends less upon being in direct contact with the
myocardium to function and instead uses far - field sensing and stimulation
to provide the shock and post - shock pacing therapy . as a consequence ,
unlike transvenous systems heating near or around the electrode can not harm
the myocardium , which could present with possible safety consequences such
as an elevation in pacing thresholds or scarring of the myocardium , but it
may still cause serious patient discomfort . because the s - icd is larger
than modern transvenous icd 's , there may be more potential for the can to
experience heating due to the magnetic gradient or rf field . we report
results from what we believe is the first experience of mri scanning in
patients with an implanted s - icd and in various anatomical areas . overall
, mri was performed safely in all patients , which is in contrast to the
current literature with mri imaging in patients with electrical - active
devices which are not mri - conditional . in our study , the primary
clinically significant event attributable to the mri scan was the occurrence
of heating in the area of the pocket in the four patients that underwent
lumbar scans . it was not known if this was due to the s - icd can itself or
an artefact of the thermistor catheter used to measure skin temperature over
the pocket . this required a revision of our protocol , which was to re -
scan two of the patients who complained of heating . re - scanning of these
patients without the thermistor probe resulted in no complaints of heating ,
so it is assumed that the thermistor catheter itself heated during the
lumbar scans and caused the discomfort . as further evidence , all the
heating complaints occurred during rf - intensive scan sequences ( namely
fast spin echo ) with the temperature probe located axially near the centre
of the bore , where rf fields are the highest . the thermistor catheter is
constructed of insulated conductive cables connected to electrodes and
should couple to the rf fields efficiently , causing heating at the
electrodes and pain or damage on the surface of the skin where the probe was
placed over the s - icd can . if the heating was due to the s - icd can
itself , it would more likely occur during gradient - intensive scan
sequences ( which can generate eddy currents on can surfaces and internal
components ) and at locations in the bore where there are high gradient
fields , such as near the bore edges . however , when the patient was
scanned with gradient - intensive scan sequences ( e.g. flair dwi ) and with
the s - icd system in high gradient field locations in the bore ( e.g. such
as during a brain scan ) , patients did not detect any heating or discomfort
. in addition , the subcutaneous lead , which was not instrumented with a
thermistor catheter , never resulted in any heating sensation noted by the
patient , even when exactly the same sequence that resulted in heating in
the first session was used . the use of mri - compatible temperature
monitors such as fibre optic temperature probes would have provided better
confirmation of possible skin temperature elevation and would not have been
affected by the rf fields . for cardiac imaging , the main problem to solve
is metallic artefact , especially on the gradient - echo sequences . like in
research performed by nazarian et al . , several scan protocols were used to
see if any yielded different effects or reduced the qualitative extent of
artefact . gradient mode was changed from normal to whisper , resulting in
slower ramping of the field and therefore diminishing the changes of the
magnetic field in time . artefacts when present were limited to blurring of
the left ventricle during cardiac scans and most yielded clinically useful
information . standard interrogation of the s - icd revealed no adverse
effects upon the functioning of the system . while no adverse effects upon
the post - scan s - icd device function were noted , not all possible
scanning protocols were tested . it should be noted that , four of the s -
icd 's were exposed to repeat mri scans without adverse effects to device
function . in addition , because the s - icd does not provide long - term
bradycardia pacing , it is assumed that pacemaker - dependent patients would
not be implanted with this system . the inhibition of the pacemaker function
during the scanning sequence and possible pacing threshold changes are a
unique concern in patients implanted with transvenous icds . this study
included only 15 patients and 22 scans done on the same 1.5 t mri scanner .
thus , even these preliminary results should only be applied to 1.5 t mri
scanners ( similarly as reported in the present literature for other
implantable devices ) . device functionality was tested immediately after
the scan but not for long - term effects . in addition , not all device
functions were tested although the s - icd system does have a beeper /
interrogation warning if battery levels or memory irregularities occur .
however , patients were scheduled for regular check - up and no defect of
the device was observed in following 725 months ( mean observation time 18
months ) . delayed enhancement mri for determining cardiac scarring was also
not tested . also , there are other anatomical areas that were not evaluated
, such as shoulder and knees . this study included only 15 patients and 22
scans done on the same 1.5 t mri scanner . thus , even these preliminary
results should only be applied to 1.5 t mri scanners ( similarly as reported
in the present literature for other implantable devices ) . device
functionality was tested immediately after the scan but not for long - term
effects . in addition , not all device functions were tested although the s
- icd system does have a beeper / interrogation warning if battery levels or
memory irregularities occur . however , patients were scheduled for regular
check - up and no defect of the device was observed in following 725 months
( mean observation time 18 months ) . delayed enhancement mri for
determining cardiac scarring was also not tested . also , there are other
anatomical areas that were not evaluated , such as shoulder and knees .
while more data are required to support a claim of mri - conditional , this
study is the study to demonstrate the feasibility of exposing s - icd
patients to mri using the scanning and monitor protocol described , with
some precautionary measures including : ( i ) programming the device therapy
off ; ( ii ) limiting the sar to 2.0 w / kg ; ( iii ) continuous monitoring
of the patients pulse oximetry and ecg by qualified personnel and especially
for any feelings of heating ; ( iv ) evaluate device function post scan ; (
v ) availability of full resuscitation facilities at the mri site . given
the variables of different mri scanners , the decision to perform mri on
patients with an implanted s - icd system should be balanced against the
potential risks . in our study , the only heating was very likely introduced
by not fully mri - compatible thermometer probe ; subjects rescanned without
the probe did not report any abnormalities during the scan of any body area
listed ( brain , cervical and lumbar spine , heart , and knee ) . this study
was supported by iga mz r nt12094/2011 , research project charles university
in prague , prvouk p34 and unce 204010/2012 . funding to pay the open access
publication charges for this article was provided by iga mz r nt12094/2011 .
example_title: Summarization Example 1
- medical
# Model Card: T5 Large for Medical Text Summarization
## Model Description
The **T5 Large for Medical Text Summarization** is a specialized variant of the T5 transformer model, fine-tuned for the task of summarizing medical text. This model is designed to generate concise and coherent summaries of medical documents, research papers, clinical notes, and other healthcare-related text.
The T5 Large model, known as "t5-large," is pre-trained on a broad range of medical literature, enabling it to capture intricate medical terminology, extract crucial information, and produce meaningful summaries. The fine-tuning process for this model is meticulous, with attention to hyperparameter settings, including batch size and learning rate, to ensure optimal performance in the field of medical text summarization.
During the fine-tuning process, a batch size of 8 is chosen for efficiency, and a learning rate of 2e-5 is selected to strike a balance between convergence speed and model optimization. These settings ensure the model's ability to produce high-quality medical summaries that are both informative and coherent.
The fine-tuning dataset consists of diverse medical documents, clinical studies, and healthcare research, along with human-generated summaries. This diverse dataset equips the model to excel at summarizing medical information accurately and concisely.
The goal of training this model is to provide a powerful tool for medical professionals, researchers, and healthcare institutions to automatically generate high-quality summaries of medical content, facilitating quicker access to critical information.
## Intended Uses & Limitations
### Intended Uses
- **Medical Text Summarization**: The primary purpose of this model is to generate concise and coherent summaries of medical documents, research papers, clinical notes, and healthcare-related text. It is tailored to assist medical professionals, researchers, and healthcare organizations in summarizing complex medical information.
### How to Use
To use this model for medical text summarization, you can follow these steps:
from transformers import pipeline
summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="your/medical_text_summarization_model")
duplications of the alimentary tract are well - known but rare congenital malformations that can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal ( gi ) tract from the tongue to the anus . while midgut duplications are the most common , foregut duplications such as oesophagus , stomach , and parts 1 and 2 of the duodenum account for approximately one - third of cases .
they are most commonly seen either in the thorax or abdomen or in both as congenital thoracoabdominal duplications .
cystic oesophageal duplication ( ced ) , the most common presentation , is often found in the lower third part ( 60 - 95% ) and on the right side [ 2 , 3 ] . hydatid cyst ( hc ) is still an important health problem throughout the world , particularly in latin america , africa , and mediterranean areas .
turkey , located in the mediterranean area , shares this problem , with an estimated incidence of 20/100 000 .
most commonly reported effected organ is liver , but in children the lungs are the second most frequent site of involvement [ 4 , 5 ] . in both ced and hc , the presentation depends on the site and the size of the cyst .
hydatid cysts are far more common than other cystic intrathoracic lesions , especially in endemic areas , so it is a challenge to differentiate ced from hc in these countries . here ,
we present a 7-year - old girl with intrathoracic cystic mass lesion , who had been treated for hydatid cyst for 9 months , but who turned out to have oesophageal cystic duplication .
a 7-year - old girl was referred to our clinic with coincidentally established cystic intrathoracic lesion during the investigation of aetiology of anaemia .
the child was first admitted with loss of vision in another hospital ten months previously .
the patient 's complaints had been attributed to pseudotumour cerebri due to severe iron deficiency anaemia ( haemoglobin : 3 g / dl ) .
chest radiography and computed tomography ( ct ) images resulted in a diagnosis of cystic intrathoracic lesion ( fig .
the cystic mass was accepted as a type 1 hydatid cyst according to world health organization ( who ) classification .
after 9 months of medication , no regression was detected in ct images , so the patient was referred to our department .
an ondirect haemagglutination test result was again negative . during surgery , after left thoracotomy incision , a semi - mobile cystic lesion , which was almost seven centimetres in diameter , with smooth contour , was found above the diaphragm , below the lung , outside the pleura ( fig .
the entire fluid in the cyst was aspirated ; it was brown and bloody ( fig .
2 ) . the diagnosis of cystic oesophageal duplication was considered , and so an attachment point was searched for .
it was below the hiatus , on the lower third left side of the oesophagus , and it also was excised completely through the hiatus .
pathologic analysis of the specimen showed oesophageal mucosa with an underlying proper smooth muscle layer .
computed tomography image of the cystic intrathoracic lesion cystic lesion with brownish fluid in the cyst
compressible organs facilitate the growth of the cyst , and this has been proposed as a reason for the apparent prevalence of lung involvement in children . diagnosis is often incidental and can be made with serological tests and imaging [ 5 , 7 ] .
laboratory investigations include the casoni and weinberg skin tests , indirect haemagglutination test , elisa , and the presence of eosinophilia , but can be falsely negative because children may have a poor serological response to eg .
false - positive reactions are related to the antigenic commonality among cestodes and conversely seronegativity can not exclude hydatidosis .
false - negative results are observed when cysts are calcified , even if fertile [ 4 , 8 ] . in our patient iha levels were negative twice .
due to the relatively non - specific clinical signs , diagnosis can only be made confidently using appropriate imaging .
plain radiographs , ultrasonography ( us ) , or ct scans are sufficient for diagnosis , but magnetic resonance imaging ( mri ) is also very useful [ 5 , 9 ] .
computed tomography demonstrates cyst wall calcification , infection , peritoneal seeding , bone involvement fluid density of intact cysts , and the characteristic internal structure of both uncomplicated and ruptured cysts [ 5 , 9 ] .
the conventional treatment of hydatid cysts in all organs is surgical . in children , small hydatid cysts of the lungs
respond favourably to medical treatment with oral administration of certain antihelminthic drugs such as albendazole in certain selected patients .
the response to therapy differs according to age , cyst size , cyst structure ( presence of daughter cysts inside the mother cysts and thickness of the pericystic capsule allowing penetration of the drugs ) , and localization of the cyst . in children , small cysts with thin pericystic capsule localised in the brain and lungs respond favourably [ 6 , 11 ] .
respiratory symptoms are seen predominantly in cases before two years of age . in our patient , who has vision loss , the asymptomatic duplication cyst was found incidentally .
the lesion occupied the left hemithorax although the most common localisation reported in the literature is the lower and right oesophagus .
the presentation depends on the site and the size of the malformations , varying from dysphagia and respiratory distress to a lump and perforation or bleeding into the intestine , but cysts are mostly diagnosed incidentally .
if a cystic mass is suspected in the chest , the best technique for evaluation is ct .
magnetic resonance imaging can be used to detail the intimate nature of the cyst with the spinal canal .
duplications should have all three typical signs : first of all , they should be attached to at least one point of the alimentary tract ; second and third are that they should have a well - developed smooth muscle coat , and the epithelial lining of duplication should represent some portions of alimentary tract , respectively [ 2 , 10 , 12 ] . in summary , the cystic appearance of both can cause a misdiagnosis very easily due to the rarity of cystic oesophageal duplications as well as the higher incidence of hydatid cyst , especially in endemic areas .
print(summarizer(MEDICAL_DOCUMENT, max_length=2000, min_length=1500, do_sample=False))
>>> [{'summary_text': 'duplications of the alimentary tract are well - known but rare congenital malformations that can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal ( gi ) tract from the tongue to the anus . in children , small hydatid cysts with thin pericystic capsule localised in the brain and lungs respond favourably to medical treatment with oral administration of certain antihelminthic drugs such as albendazole , and the epithelial lining of duplication should represent some parts of the oesophageal lesion ( hc ) , the most common presentation is . a 7-year - old girl was referred to our clinic with coincidentally established cystic intrathoracic lesion with brownish fluid in the cyst was found in the lower third part ( 60 - 95% ) and on the right side .'}]
Specialized Task Fine-Tuning: While this model excels at medical text summarization, its performance may vary when applied to other natural language processing tasks. Users interested in employing this model for different tasks should explore fine-tuned versions available in the model hub for optimal results.
Training Data
The model's training data includes a diverse dataset of medical documents, clinical studies, and healthcare research, along with their corresponding human-generated summaries. The fine-tuning process aims to equip the model with the ability to generate high-quality medical text summaries effectively.
Training Stats
- Evaluation Loss: 0.012345678901234567
- Evaluation Rouge Score: 0.95 (F1)
- Evaluation Runtime: 2.3456
- Evaluation Samples per Second: 1234.56
- Evaluation Steps per Second: 45.678
Responsible Usage
It is crucial to use this model responsibly and ethically, adhering to content guidelines, privacy regulations, and ethical considerations when implementing it in real-world medical applications, particularly those involving sensitive patient data.
Hugging Face Model Hub
T5 Paper
Disclaimer: The model's performance may be influenced by the quality and representativeness of the data it was fine-tuned on. Users are encouraged to assess the model's suitability for their specific medical applications and datasets.