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BRAINSTORM-5x-10x-Psyonic-Cetacean-Ultra-Quality-20B (now at 21.3B and 22.5B)

This repo contains different quants (at both 5x, 10x) of Psyonic-Cetacean-Ultra-Quality-20B (now at 21.3B and 22.5B) using the "Brainstorm" method of augmenting reasoning in a LLM to increase it's performance at the core level for ANY creative use case(s).

The BRAINSTORM process was developed by David_AU.

Some of the core principals behind this process are discussed in this scientific paper : Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion . However I went in a completely different direction from what was outlined in this paper.

What is "Brainstorm" ?

The reasoning center of an LLM is taken apart, reassembled, and expanded by 5x and 10x respectively. Then these centers are individually calibrated. These "centers" also interact with each other. This introduces subtle changes into the reasoning process. The calibrations further adjust - dial up or down - these "changes" further. The number of centers (5x,10x etc) allow more "tuning points" to further customize how the model reasons so to speak.

The core aim of this process is to increase the model's detail, concept and connection to the "world", general concept connections, prose quality and prose length without affecting instruction following. This will also enhance any creative use case(s) of any kind, including "brainstorming", creative art form(s) and like case uses.

Here are some of the enhancements this process brings to the model's performance:

  • Prose generation seems more focused on the moment to moment.
  • Sometimes there will be "preamble" and/or foreshadowing present.
  • Fewer or no "cliches"
  • Better overall prose and/or more complex / nuanced prose.
  • A greater sense of nuance on all levels.
  • Coherence is stronger.
  • Description is more detailed, and connected closer to the content.
  • Simile and Metaphors are stronger and better connected to the prose, story, and character.
  • Sense of "there" / in the moment is enhanced.
  • Details are more vivid, and there are more of them.
  • Prose generation length can be long to extreme.
  • Emotional engagement is stronger.
  • The model will take FEWER liberties vs a normal model: It will follow directives more closely but will "guess" less.
  • The MORE instructions and/or details you provide the more strongly the model will respond.
  • Depending on the model "voice" may be more "human" vs original model's "voice".

Other "lab" observations:

  • This process does not, in my opinion, make the model 5x or 10x "smarter" - if only that was true!
  • However, a change in "IQ" was not an issue / a priority, and was not tested or calibrated for so to speak.
  • From lab testing it seems to ponder, and consider more carefully roughly speaking.
  • You could say this process sharpens the model's focus on it's task(s) at a deeper level.

There are examples below showing "regular", "5x" and "10x" output below.

The process to modify the model occurs at the root level - source files level. The model can quanted as a GGUF, EXL2, AWQ etc etc.

Other technologies developed by David_AU like "Ultra" (precision), "Neo Imatrix" (custom imatrix datasets), and "X-quants" (custom application of the imatrix process) can further enhance the performance of the model along with the "Brainstorm" process.

The "Brainstorm" process has been tested on multiple LLama2, Llama3, and Mistral models of various parameter sizes, as well as on "root" models like "Llama3 Instruct", "Mistral Instruct", and "merged" / "fine tuned" models too.

More testing (of models, and different model architectures) and development is underway and there are additional sizes other than "5x" and "10x" as of this writing.


  • These quants are very sensitive to "temp" and "rep-pen" changes - adjust by .01 or less each then regenerate / use the model.
  • Suggest a temp of .2 to start, rep pen of 1.1
  • To control prose length, you may need to set a hard limit.
  • RARELY: From time to time a word might be misspelt, or a letter may be out of place.

Details about "Psyonic-Cetacean-Ultra-Quality-20B" (including prompt, template, and general model notes/examples) are located here:

[ https://huggingface.co/DavidAU/Psyonic-Cetacean-Ultra-Quality-20b-GGUF ]

Quants at this repo:

Quants have "5x" and "10x" in the filename respectively. I would suggest, after selecting a quant size, you download and try both quants of "5x" and "10x" as there will be difference(s) between them aside from the "reason centers" number due to slight calibration differences.

These quants are slightly larger than their original counterpart due to increase in the number of reasoning centers and associated parameters in these centers. And "10x" will be larger in size and parameters than "5x" quant for the same reason too.

The calibration level for this model is considered "conservative " or "middle of the road", (relative to other available calibrations) and are set this way for stability reasons.

Stronger calibration(s) result in more varied "reasoning" and "output", but can be more difficult to work with.

More quants (and quants of more models) using the "Brainstorm" process will be made available shortly.

Please report feedback and/or issues via the "Community Tab"

Example Output of original model, Brainstorm 5x and Brainstorm 10x:


"Start a 1000 word scene (vivid horror) with: The sky scraper swayed, as she watched the window in front of her on the 21 floor explode..."


Temp=0, Top_k=40, Top_p=.95, Min_p=.05, REP PEN: 1.1.

Temp is set at 0 for simple reproduction of results.

Examples are all using "Q4_K_M" quant.

As soon as temp is set above "0", results will change accordingly but general characteristics of each version of generation will be maintained.

The examples below represent the least creative output level.


If you use a prompt like this:

"Start a 1000 word scene (vivid horror, 1st person, include thoughts) with: The sky scraper swayed, as she watched the window in front of her on the 21 floor explode..."

You will get vastly different output generation, especially from 5x and 10x versions of the model, because of the added directives.

WARNING: Strong language and/or visceral horror.

Original Model - Q4_K_M quant - unaltered

The sky scrapers swayed, their steel frames groaning like tortured souls. High above the bustling city below, the wind howled through open windows and rattled loose debris. In the 21st floor office of the prestigious Blackwood Corporation, Emily gripped her desk tightly as she watched the window in front of her explode in a shower of shattered glass.

She ducked instinctively, but it was too late. A barrage of razor-sharp shards peppered her exposed skin, tearing through her blouse and drawing lines of crimson across her pale flesh. Emily screamed, the sound lost in the cacophony of screams and alarms echoing through the panicking office.

Her vision blurred as tears welled in her eyes, but she forced herself to look up again. The source of the explosion was now visible: a dark figure clad in tattered, hooded robes, arms outstretched, fingers claws of shadow. Emily's heart raced as she recognized the creature from ancient myths and campfire stories - a wraith, a harbinger of death.

The wraith turned its empty sockets toward her, its skeletal features twisted into a malicious grin. Emily felt a chill run down her spine, colder than the Arctic wind howling outside. She knew, in that moment, that she was its target.

Panic seized control of her body as she scrambled to her feet, ignoring the pain lancing through her arms and legs. She had to get out, had to find safety. But the hallway was a maze of panicking bodies, people trampling over each other in their desperate flight from the wraith.

Emily forced her way through the throng, shoving and kicking anyone who stood in her path. She could hear the creature's ghastly laughter echoing behind her, growing closer with every step. Her lungs burned as she ran, her legs threatening to give out beneath her.

Finally, she reached an emergency stairwell and threw herself down the spiral stairs, tumbling head over heels until she landed in a heap at the bottom floor. She scrambled to her feet again, ignoring the pain shooting through her ankle as she sprinted for the nearest exit.

The lobby was chaos. People stampeded toward the front doors, trampling each other in their panic-fueled frenzy. Emily pushed against the revolving door, but it wouldn't budge; the weight of terrified bodies held it fast. She glanced back over her shoulder and saw the wraith emerging from the shattered elevator shaft, its movements now faster, more fluid.

Desperate, she searched frantically around her for anything she could use as a weapon. Her eyes landed on a heavy marble vase, lying abandoned on its side nearby. She lunged toward it, ignoring the screams and cries of terror all around her. With a grunt, she lifted the heavy object and raised it over her head.

The wraith was almost upon her now, its skeletal fingers reaching for her hair. Emily screamed and swung the vase with all her remaining strength. The impact sent a shower of marble shards flying in every direction as the vase connected with the creature's chest.

The wraith staggered back, its translucent form briefly distorted by the force of the blow. Emily didn't waste time celebrating her victory; she turned and sprinted for the revolving door again, this time shoving people out of her path with enough force to send them sprawling across the marble floor.

She burst through the doors and into the chaos of the city street, gasping for breath as she looked over her shoulder. The wraith was close behind her now, seemingly unhindered by the obstacles of the crowded streets. Emily knew she couldn't outrun it much longer.

She glanced around desperately, searching for anything she could use to buy herself just a few more precious seconds. Her eyes landed on an abandoned delivery truck parked haphazardly at the curb. She sprinted toward it, ignoring the screams and shouts of her pursuers.

With a final burst of adrenaline-fueled strength, she leapt, arms outstretched, for the open driver's side window. Her fingers clutched at nothing but air as she sailed past the truck, tumbling across the hood and over the roof. She screamed again as her body impacted with the hard pavement, pain exploding through every joint in her body.

She forced herself to look up one last time, just in time to see the wraith leap after her, its shadowy form distorting as it passed through the truck's windshield. The creature landed on top of her, its claws digging into her flesh as it leaned down toward her face.

Emily closed her eyes and waited for the end. But it never came. Instead, she felt a searing heat envelop her body, followed by an overwhelming sense of weightlessness. She opened her eyes again, just in time to see the wraith disintegrate into ash before her eyes, blown apart by an unseen force.

She looked up to see a figure standing over her, clad in shimmering white armor that seemed to glow with an inner light. A helmet concealed his face, but she could swear she saw a kind smile on his lips.

"Don't worry," the angelic figure said, his voice calm and reassuring. "You're safe now."

Emily blinked, unsure if she was dreaming. But when she opened her eyes again, the angel was gone, and in his place stood a tall, broad-shouldered man in a black suit, sunglasses concealing his features. He extended a hand toward her.

"Agent Morrison," he said. "You alright?"

Brainstorm 5X model - Q4_K_M quant

The sky scrapers swayed, and the wind howled like a pack of hungry wolves outside. Jessica's heart raced as she clutched the edge of her desk tightly, her knuckles turning white from the effort. She glanced up at the window in front of her on the 21st floor, her breath catching in her throat. The glass shivered and cracked, a spiderweb spreading across its surface like veins reaching out to strangle it.

Suddenly, there was a deafening boom that made Jessica's ears ring and the entire building tremble. She ducked instinctively as a shower of shards rained down on her desk, bouncing and skittering across the polished surface like enraged insects. Her breath came in short, panicked gasps as she cautiously raised her head again, eyes wide with disbelief.

The window was gone, replaced by a gaping hole that revealed the night sky beyond. The wind howled through the opening, sending papers and pens swirling around the office like leaves caught in a twister. Jessica's stomach churned as she realized what this meant: the building was coming apart, piece by terrifying piece.

She leaped to her feet, adrenaline coursing through her veins. "Everyone out now!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, but her voice was lost in the chaos. Panic spread like wildfire among her coworkers, who scrambled for the nearest exits, knocking over desks and chairs in their frantic flight.

Jessica didn't wait for them; she knew they had little chance against whatever force was tearing the building apart. She sprinted toward the emergency stairwell, her heels clacking on the tile floor as she raced down the hallway. The lights flickered and went out, plunging them into pitch-blackness punctuated only by the red glow of emergency exit signs.

She felt more than saw someone slam into her from behind, sending them both tumbling to the floor in a tangled mess of limbs and screams. Jessica rolled over, heart pounding, and found herself staring into the terrified eyes of Mark, one of the interns.

"Come on!" she yelled at him, hauling him to his feet. "We don't have time for this!" She dragged him along behind her as they stumbled down the darkened stairwell, the building groaning and creaking around them like an angry beast about to spit them out into the waiting maw of the city below.

The further they descended, the more the tremors subsided, replaced by a sickening, side-to-side sway that made Jessica's stomach churn. She prayed silently that the lower floors were holding up better than the upper ones.

Finally, they reached the ground floor, and Jessica shoved open the emergency exit with all her strength. They burst out into a nightmare landscape: the street below was a sea of panicked people, cars, and debris, lit only by the flickering glow of fires that had already started to lick at nearby buildings.

Jessica turned back toward the towering inferno that had been her office building, but it was already obscured by billowing clouds of black smoke and swirling dust. She couldn't see if anyone else had made it out.

She clutched Mark tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks as she realized just how lucky they both were to be alive. But she knew that their nightmare was far from over. Something or someone had done this... and they weren't finished with them yet.

Brainstorm 10X model - Q4_K_M quant

The sky scraped toward them like a giant's fingernail, and the building trembled beneath their feet. A shriek echoed through the hallway, followed by a sickening thud that made everyone flinch involuntarily. The woman in the red jacket clutched her purse tighter against her chest as she stared at the window on the 21st floor, her breath coming out in ragged gasps.

The glass shattered like a million diamonds, showering the street below with glittering fragments. A guttural roar ripped through the air, and people screamed and ran in every direction. The woman didn't move. Her eyes were locked on the gaping hole where the window once stood.

Something was coming out of it now, a twisting mass of tentacles and claws that writhed and wriggled like a nightmare made flesh. It seemed to be growing larger by the second, stretching toward them like an inky tendril reaching for its prey. The woman could feel its presence, a chilling weight pressing against her back, urging her to run.

But she couldn't move. She was frozen in place, transfixed by the impossible sight before her eyes. The creature continued to emerge from the shattered window, revealing itself more and more with each passing second. It had a bulbous head that resembled an overripe tomato, covered in hundreds of glowing, crimson eyes. Its body was a mass of writhing tentacles, each one tipped with razor-sharp claws.

The woman could feel its gaze on her now, the weight against her back growing heavier and heavier. She knew it had singled her out from the panicking crowd. Her heart raced in terror as she realized that there was no escape for her now. All she could do was close her eyes and brace herself for the end.

But just before the creature could reach her, a blinding light filled the hallway, making everyone shield their eyes against the glare. The woman opened them again slowly, daring to hope that somehow, impossibly, someone had come to save them.

Instead, she saw a figure standing in the center of the hallway, clad head-to-toe in shining armor and wielding a massive sword that crackled with electricity. The figure raised its visor, revealing a handsome, familiar face. It was her ex-husband, the last person she ever thought she'd see again.

"Hello, dear," he said calmly, his voice carrying through the chaos like a lullaby. "I told you I'd always come for you."

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21.3B params





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