When translating an entire passage, some sentences may be missed.

by lizi123 - opened

When translating an entire passage, some sentences may be missed.If a passage is divided into multiple short sentences for translation, the translation results will be correct.
text = “欢迎了解,一款集时尚,实用与性能于一体的摩托车。作为一款运动型的摩托车,Icon拥有精美的外观设计和卓越的性能表现。Icon采用了先进的160cc水冷发动机,确保了强大的马力和扭矩输出。配备5速手动变速器和CNC加工铝合金脚踏,提供了流畅且富有激情的驾驶体验。独特的悬挂系统使驾驶者能够在城市道路和高速公路上享受无与伦比的舒适性和稳定性。Icon拥有高端LED大灯和时尚的液晶仪表盘,为您的行驶提供了清晰且精确的车辆信息。此外,Icon还配备了双通道ABS系统,确保在各种天气和路况下都能保持最佳的制动性能。作为一款具备国际品质的摩托车,Icon不仅展示了精湛的工艺和卓越的性能,还传递了追求自由、激情和冒险的精神。无论您是寻求刺激的驾驶爱好者,还是注重实用性的日常通勤者,Icon都能满足您的需求”

output = [{'translation_text': 'In addition, Icon is equipped with a two-way ABS system, which ensures the best braiding performance in all weather and road conditions. As an internationally good motorcycle, Icon not only shows great craftsmanship and excellence, but also conveys a spirit of freedom, passion and adventure.'}]

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