lora / inv_v_eyebrows /README.md
JujoHotaru's picture

ハの字型の眉 (Inverted V-shaped eyebrows)


This LoRA reproduces eyebrows with the ends sloping downward in a "ハ" shape, which are often used to convey expressions such as troubled or sensual looks. While similar eyebrows can sometimes be achieved by specifying expressions in prompts, using this LoRA allows you to avoid fixing expression prompts, making it easier to combine with other expressions.

ダウンロード (Download)

使い方 (Usage)


たまにヘアピンがたくさんくっついた状態になってしまうことがあります。その場合、ネガティブプロンプトにhair clipを記述するか、NegPiP拡張機能を入れてポジティブ側に(hair clip:-1)と記述し、打ち消してください。

Suitable for anime-style models. With most photorealistic models, it won't work well.
Just enable LoRA to activate. No extra prompts are needed.

Sometimes many hair clips are reproduced unexpectedly. It can be prevented by using hair clip negative prompt or NegPiP extension with positive prompt (hair clip:-1).

サンプル ギャラリー (Sample gallery)