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小悪魔の笑み (Evil smug face)


This LoRA reproduces smirking eyes, V-shaped eyebrows, widely open smug mouth with single fang. Girls with this face is called "Mesugaki" in Japanese 2D illustration meme.
Will make better shapes than prompt-only.
Single fang(double tooth) is called "Yaeba(八重歯)" in Japanese 2D illustrations, represents innocence or childhood.
This is a merged LoRA of followings :

ダウンロード (Download)

使い方 (Usage)

使用の際はsmugおよびopen mouthのプロンプトを使用してください。また、fangを付けると八重歯の表現が安定します。複数形のfangsにすると両側の2本が生えてしまいやすいので、単数形で記述してください。

Suitable for anime-style models. With most photorealistic models, it won't work well.
Use with smug and open mouth prompts. fang may make better result (do not use fangs, which will make double sided fangs).

サンプル ギャラリー (Sample gallery)