-----AGE OF EMPIRES II------
The Age Of Kings
Mark "Marko Polo" Terrano & "Ghenghiz" Ian Fischer
Sandy "Honcho" Petersen
Greg "DeathShrimp" Street
Bruce C. "Bruck" Shelley
Angelo "Desperado" Laudon - Lead
Paul "winter" Bettner
Tim "Timotron" Deen
John "MrPinchy" Evanson
Mario "PlasticBrain" Grimani
David "DavetGit" Lewis
Herb "Captain Insano" Marselas
Dave "Bigdog" Pottinger
Matt "The Optimizer" Pritchard
Trey "Yert" Taylor
Brad "The Crow" Crow - Lead
Scott "co0ter" Winsett - Lead
Jeff "Jaydub" Dotson
Herb "HellWood" Ellwood
Don "Fork Boy" Gagen
Bryan "Bubbles" Hehmann
Duncan "Reverend" McKissick
Thonny "Captain Nemo" Namuonglo
Chea "TRUCK" O'Neill
Duane "Saint" Santos
Paul "venOm" Slusser
Chris "VD" Van Doren
Chad & Eric "Walker Boys"
Sean "Lord Soth" Wolff
Stephen "Big Al" Rippy - Lead
David "Ripman" Rippy
Madelyn "Lady Arnold" Gibbs
Nellie "The Nellinator" Sherman
Jeff "Buck" Goodsill
Brian "Moonster" Moon
Bob "Fugu" Wallace
Harter "HarterFaster" Ryan - Lead
Chris "Chris O' Rama" Rippy - Assistant & Sound Director
Tony "Bossman" Goodman - Executive
Brian "Ryujin" Sullivan - Executive
Quality Assurance & Playtesting
Doug "Salidoug" Brucks
Chris "Torgo" Campbell
Rob "Xemu" Fermier
Brian "Zeus" Sousa
Joe Ybarra
Network Management
Roy "Royster" Rabey
Web Support
Mike "Archangel" McCart
Legal Representation
General Counsel Associates, LLP
Betsy "Brooklyn Cowgirl" Bayha
Outside Directors
John Boog-Scott
John Calhoun
Thad Chapman
Program Manager
Tim "SlasherZ" Znamenacek
Peter "Jombie" Vale - Intern
Product Planner
Steve Schreck
Jamie "Hannibal" Evans - Lead
Rick "Slayer" Lockyear - Playtest Lead
Prodipto "Diamond Dynamo" Roy
James "Hammur" Mayo
Harris "Crushinator"Thurmond
Chris "Duckman" Liu
Todd "Andy Gibb" Squire
Jason "Fulgore" Brown
Sean "Astrogoth" Kellogg
Jeremy "Germ" Hill
Chris "BATMAN" Robinson
Michelle "Tank Girl" Gamboa Stenson
Douglas "Ugdo" Hall
Jason "Polack" Janicki
Luis "MEAN VEGAN" Barriga
Reuben "ReproMan" Radding
Harold "Sparky" Ryan
Mark "Cue"Medlock
Scott "Vril" Gerlach
Shane Nelson
Hardware Configuration Testing
Paul "Mr. Happypants" Gradwohl
User Education
Amy "Amochka" Robison
Kelly Bell
Dana Fos
JoAnne "SnowWhite" Williams
Douglas "Urich" Herring - Art Director
Todd Lubsen
Sandra Garavito
Setup Development
"Richie Rich" Eizenhoefer
Chris "Cornholio" Haddan
Playtest Team
Gennadiy "Tiger" Litovkin
Robert "SipSip" Howg
Sean "Kazmeyer" Willmore
Juan-Lee "GhengisJuan" Pang
Kevin "The Sheriff" Holme
RECON Playtesters
Daland "Strider" Davis
David "Wiggler" Collins
Jeffrey "Darkfalz" Stephens
Jessep "J242" Bangham
Paul "Musashi" Shinoda
Richard "Richman" Schleifer
Erika "Adara" Carlson
Product Managers
Sebastien "Tintin" Motte
Pontus Frohde
Public Relations
David Hufford
Andrew McCombie
Jeff Koontz
Laurence K Smith
Yuko Yoshida
Paul "Gooner" Delany
Eric Kao
Suzanne Boylan
Cosmo Greco
Aengus "Ninjajoe" Jankowsky
Michael "Mickster" Ivory
Cian Lynch
Daniel "Wall-man" More O'Ferral
Kazuyuki "JT" Shibuya
Shigeto "Smiley" Mayumi
Yutaka Hasegawa
Matt >MEGA-MAN< Alderman
Todd "Andy Gibb" Squire
Andy Holt
Stuart "Yoda" Moulder
Edward "Ace" Ventura
Matt "UncleDaddy" Gradwohl
Craig "Doom" Henry
Jo Tyo
Dave "Paladin" Luehmann
Eric Straub
Alan "Von Krunk" Hartman
Product Support
Steve "Surfer Dude" Kastner
Usability Lab
Michael Medlock
Kevin Keeker
Playtest Lab
Bob Futamura
Brian "Crash" McKay
Brodie "Bjord" Blackwell
Carolyn Sue Oakes
Dave Taylor
David Gasca
Dean "Sideshow Bob" Brager
Ian "Exael" Banks
Jerome Hagen
Leighton Koga
Mark Medlock
Nicole Johnson
Ramon "CheezDawg" Romero
Dina Suda
Bill "Abbaddon" Fulton
Howard Phillips
Animation Director
Paul DeNigris
Craig Nisbet
Kevin Riley
Jeremy Totel
Roger Vetruba
Leanne Pacek
Paul DeNigris
CGI Horse Wrangler
Kevin Bench
Texture Artists
Tyler Williams
Andre Kirk
Leanne Pacek
Additional Texturing
Adam Schimpf
Jeremy Totel
Andre Kirk
Mark Mahler
Nick Napp
Production Coordinator
Michael Cook
Production Advisors
Bruce Hall
Tony Stutterheim
Business Affairs
Sandy Jarred
Motion Capture
Tom Shepherd
Mark Mahler
Michael Cook
Motion Capture Performers
Kevin Bench
Roger Vetruba
Jeff Durean
Daniel Spalding
Adam Finberg
Special Thanks to
Brad Doan
Buck Wall
Alex Toader
-Campaign Voice Talent-
Represented by the Mary Collins Agency
Gary Moody
Spencer Prokop
Richard Spiegel
Cliff Stephens
Reprented by E. Thomas Bliss and Associates
Rick May
-In Memoriam-
Baby Ginger
John Ball
Dr. Jared M. Dunn
Dr. James R. Herrington
Captain Reese D. Loftin
Irene Moore
Otto Alexander Philip
Mr. Roy Charles Rabey, Jr.
Steve Rosenow
Laura Woodley
Edwin Kip Wolff
And Special Thanks To...
All the family members and significant others
for giving us support.
All Alpha & Beta Playtesters
All of the Angels at Heaven's Web
All the Fansites and Webmasters
All the Zone Sysops
Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences
Apple ][+
Art Harris
The Avalon Hill Game Company, RIP
Edge of Reality
Bill Gates
Greedy Smurf
Greg Langston
Discreete (formally Kinetix)
Richard "Levelord" Gray
ION Storm
Iron Crown Enterprises
John Romero
Chris Taylor
Rogue Entertainment for testing
Ronald Reagan
Sid Meier
The Art Institute of Dallas
The Gamers, Inc.
Third Law
UVA Historical Simulation Society
Dan "WereRat" Bress
Steve "ElectroGrav" Bress
Arthur "IX_Medierra" Bruno
James "Helegator" Cann
Darren "IX_Agrippa" Craine
Kevin "The_Sheriff" Holme
Chris "Shardvarks" McBride
Peter "IBG" Peterson
Huy "Moxious" Phung
Matt "maimin_matty" Scadding
Tim "Out4Blood" Sietz
Manual "IronHide_" Tijerina
Suzanne Bean
Darlene & Preston Winsett
The Winsett�s (Parents)
The Martin family
Jay Carter
Double Daves
John Force
Caf� B�
Rachel Phillips
Jason O'Rourke
Edward Hehmann
Gloria Seat
Tony "Latino Lover" Valdez
Janie Song
Mark, Geneva and Alyssa Henry
Holli Gould
Jimmy Cauty
Bill Drummond
Jerry Cornelius
Michael K.
Mike and Charlotte McKissick
Trayc McKissick
Laura, Mark, and Zachary Laudon
George Evanson
Carolyn Evanson
Elisabeth Johnston
Lisa Pritchard
Mike & Betty Pritchard
Greg Pritchard
Ann Herrington
Stormy the Wonder Dog
Lucy "Little Mouse" Wallace
Rich Geldreich Jr.
Ralph Krause
Bruce Tomlin
Matthew & Becky Hudson
Romulus the wonder kitty (a.k.a. Catzilla)
Gary Marcum & The 3Wire clan
Professor Julius Sumner Miller
Patricia Ann Rabey
Mark Dennis Rabey & Family
Recipes that begin with "Pull tab to open"
The Mighty Zeppelin (Led)
Raymond Lynch
Altex Computers & Electronic
CDW Computer Centers, Inc.
Dell Computer Corporation
Forum Financial Services
Intergraph Computer Systems
Johnston Technical Services
Videotex Systems, Inc.
Kristen Pottinger
Dave and Sandy Pottinger
Lisa Goodsill
Eve McCart
Quentin McCart
Will Kenyon
April McCart
The Mighty Code Monkey and his apprentice for doing my work for me.
Barbara E. Otte
Lisa and Ellie O'Neill - my life
Linda, Amanda, and Madeline O'Neill
Bill, Jeanne, Lance, and Christine Lewis
Helen Minchew
Alan Minchew
Marc Burton
Tara, Lori, Jeff, and Chad
Robert "GRIMM" Walden
Lewis Walden
Darren Craine
Arthur Bruno
Bryan Pritchard
Jim Rice
Chuck Carson
Dr. Lloyd D. "Doc" Payne
Frank, Sid, and George - my top tier
Susan Donini
Becky Kennedy
Tom Foolery
Sourine and Dockphay Namuonglo
Yoko Kanno
�Chase the Chance� - Namie Amuro
�Broken Heart� - MAX
Alice the wonder-girl
"Mad Dog" Naomi Mongrel Petersen
Tor Johnson, man of a dozen faces
Ritsuko Sullivan
Pitchie and Tiki
Kelly "Autumn" Terrano
Chez "Chezanator" Terrano
The Dunn Family
Trevor & Barb (Met on The Zone and got married because of AoE)
Mike "Dangerou" Bennett
Penelope Baker
Marisol "Queen of Crunch-Time Patience" Rippy
Kevin "Dr. Cosmic" McMullan
The Gifted Musicians of the Phathouse Orchestra
Petunia, Dog-Queen of the Nile
Margit "What's her name" Marselas
All the patient people at NuMega technical support
Mary Ann, Cori, and Andrew Brucks
Jeff and Ginger Ottinger, Rob, Eddie, Aaron, Fletch,
Steve, and all my friends I didn't name, you know who you are.
The Texas Black Diamonds Paintball Team
Andrea Miles, XOXO
Jennifer Street
Gargoyle and Mudslide
James "Lord Rel" Street
Jeff Strain
Lady Madeline Strain
Jade "Jad3" Baillot =*
Robin and Jerome Bettner
David "Hiro" Bettner
Katie Bettner
Kevin "Starwaster" Kell(e)y
Brad "Lord Blackangel" Mason
Dave Mason
Celleste Torrales
Michael "Fiver" Chow
David Kai Chow
Lee "Eihrul" Salzman
Kyle, Stan, Eric, and Kenny
Erich Velandia
Jerry "PoLiSh" Wolski
Caleb "DeepWater" Wells
Guy "Omnivac" Ayotte
Benjamin "Washizu" Garvey
Steve "Vidguy" Cherrier
Tania Rippy
Parents Rippy
Matt Stanberry
Kevin Day
Bill Ketts
Chris Joyce
Brent Rippy
Jill Taylor
Charles A. Taylor IV
Charles A. Taylor Jr.
Cleone Taylor
Sam Taylor
Ben Taylor
Spikey, Rex and Ren
Joe,Shirley, and Cody Carothers
Mark, Karen, and Evan Carothers
Jerry and Michelle Scanlin
Ryan Scanlin
John Patrick Scanlin
Michael Scanlin
Val and Karie Medina
Carol Love
Joe Paul Solis
James Buchanan
Albert Booky
Elaine Beach
Dr. Mark B. Motl
Dr. Roger E. Zarnowski
Esteban Apodaca
Jeanie Irby
Bill White
Frank Evans
Johnny Elliott
Curtis Wyman
Cody Hinnant
T.J. Ribardo
Bryan Stephens
Jason Roberts
Mike Jones
John Evans
Tracy Moon & the girls
Julie Ryan
Gillian Catherine Ryan
Simi the Dalmation
William & Gretchen Ryan
Capt. Robert Ryan and Yare Royster-Ryan
Scott Conrad
Mike Guess
Dr. Joseph William Beets
Dr. Robert Miller
John Buse, Esq.
Joel Cherkis
John Aboud, Gary Shelton, Gonzo Sequiera,
and all the AoE players at Mobil
Shannon Ellwood
Greg and Juanita Walker
Dario and Sheila Gonzalez
Walker Bunch and Elerson Clan and friends
Chris Haigood
Sara Stice
John Arnold, My Eternal Inspiration
Allen & Trey Gibbs
Gram & Pops
Miss CoCo
Dr. Larry Aronold, Ray and Yvette Arnold
and future gamers Katie, Jonathan and Alex
Thanks to the millions of fans world-wide who bought Age of Empires.
...And an extra special thanks to the hundreds of people
we did not mention. |