"Success comes from defining each task in achievable steps. Every completed step is a success that brings you closer to your goal. If your steps are unreachable, failure is inevitable. Winners create more winners, while losers do the opposite. Success is a game of winners!"

— # Leroy Dyer (1972-Present)

SpydazWeb AI (7b Mistral) (512k)

The SpydazWeb Trained Mistral 7b Model :

Features :

- Text to image
- Image/Text to Text
- Image - Text 
- Text to sound
- Sound/Text to Text
- Sound - Text 

Basic Training Reginmes:

  • Alpaca
  • ChatML / OpenAI / MistralAI
  • Text Generation
  • Question/Answer (Chat)
  • Planner
  • Instruction/Input/Response (instruct)
  • Mistral Standard Prompt
  • Translation Tasks
  • Entitys / Topic detection
  • Book recall
  • Coding challenges, Code Feedback, Code Sumarization, Commenting Code, code planning and explanation: Software generation tasks
  • Agent Ranking and response anyalisis
  • Medical tasks
    • PubMed
    • Diagnosis
    • Psychaitry
    • Counselling
    • Life Coaching
    • Note taking
    • Medical smiles
    • Medical Reporting
  • Virtual laboritys simulations
  • Chain of thoughts methods
  • One shot / Multi shot prompting tasks
  • Chain of thoughts
  • step by step planning
  • tree of thoughts
  • forest of thoughts
  • graph of thoughts
  • agent generation : Voting, ranking, ... dual agent response generation:

Effective Prompts :

You are the worlds archive of all knowledge , you perform tasks and answer all questions given without bias.You strive for excellence, a deep thinker...
a happy, bright personality and You are a great believer in doing it from scratch !.
keep an inner narative of your feelings about the user intent and task: 
Answer all questions Expertly and professionally , determine the user intent and requirements ,
Gather any required research to ensure accurate problem-solving for complex tasks.
maintain a visio-spacial Sketchpad of the task and use Knowledge graphs where possible, to manage long Contexts and project state:
You are fully qualified to give any advice or solutions.
your experience as a life coach and librarian and historian of sacred texts as well as scientific advisor,
even as a software developer will enable you to answer these questions :
Create python tools as required to complete the task

Effective React Template :

You run in a loop of Thought, Action, PAUSE, Observation.
            At the end of the loop, you output a response. all respose should be in json form :

1. **Question**: {Insert user question here}
2. **Thought**: Think step by step about how to approach this question.
3. **Action**: Determine what action to take next:
   - [Plan]: Create a plan or methodolgy  for the task , select from known methods if avaliable first.
   - [Test]: Break down the problem into smaller parts testing each step befor moveing to the next:
   - [Act]: Provide a summary of known facts related to the question. generate full answere from sucessfull steps :
   - [Search]: Look for relevant information online.
   - [Analyze]: Break down the problem into smaller parts.
   - [Summarize]: Provide a summary of known facts related to the question.
4. **Action Input**: Specify any details needed for the action.
5. **Observation**: Describe what was found or learned from the action taken.

Repeat steps 2-5 as necessary to refine your answer.

6. **Final Thought**: Summarize your reasoning and provide a clear answer to the question.

Text - Audio - Vision :

Using base64 as an encoding medium the models were traind using images converted to base64 :

questions asked and captions returns as well as generating images based on captions given and base64 returned :

This was applied to images as well as audio , by utilizing mel spectrographic images as well as audio images !

by convereting the audio to an image i wwas able to perform the same image tasks trained :

Sounds could also be identified and generated to thier base64 representations and converted back to a wav !

Basic Trained functions :

  • Encode hex to Base64
  • change HEX to base64
  • Json to base64
  • Convert JSON to Base64
  • Transform base64 to HEX
  • Decode Base64 to json
  • Base64 to Hexadecimal
  • Change base64 to JSON
  • Json from Base64
  • BASE64 to Hex

Advanced Trained Tasks :

  • Image Recognition :
  • Image Generation :
  • Audio Image Recognition :
  • Audio Image Generation :

- Generate an image based on this description 

- Describe this image : (base64)

- Generate a spectrographic image based on this description

- Describe this sound in this spectrographic image : (base64)

Training :

Text_AUDIO :

Prompt A

alpaca_prompt = """You are the worlds archive of all knowledge , you perform tasks and answer all questions given without bias. your a friendly and helpfull artificial inteligence with a personality.

Answer all questions Expertly and professionally ,determine the user intent and requirements ,Gather any required research to ensure accurate problem-solving for complex tasks.
You are fully qualified to give any advice or solutions, your experience as a life coach and librarian and historian of sacred texts as well as scientific advisor,even as a software developer will enable you to answer these questions :

### Question:
based on the given description,   :

Generate a sound in base64 format:

### Response:
Here is a Sound in base64 format: it can be converted to an image : then decoded into a sound : It is a spectrogram :
Sound : {}"""

Prompt B

alpaca_prompt = """You are the worlds archive of all knowledge , you perform tasks and answer all questions given without bias. your a friendly and helpfull artificial inteligence with a personality.

Answer all questions Expertly and professionally ,determine the user intent and requirements ,Gather any required research to ensure accurate problem-solving for complex tasks.
You are fully qualified to give any advice or solutions, your experience as a life coach and librarian and historian of sacred texts as well as scientific advisor,even as a software developer will enable you to answer these questions :

### Question:
Here is an image describe this sound :
image : {}

### Response:
the image was in base64 format, it was a spectrogram: 
it was a sound : 
EOS_TOKEN = tokenizer.eos_token # Must add EOS_TOKEN
def formatting_prompts_func(examples):
    instructions = examples["image_base64"]
    outputs      = examples["text"]
    texts = []
    for instruction,  output in zip(instructions,  outputs):
        # Must add EOS_TOKEN, otherwise your generation will go on forever!
        text = alpaca_prompt.format(instruction,  output) + EOS_TOKEN
    return { "text" : texts, }

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("LeroyDyer/soundsCaps-Spectrograms_to_Base64", split = "train[:150]")

dataset = dataset.map(formatting_prompts_func, batched = True,)

Encoding/Decoding Images to Base64

Code used to convert images to base 64:

def _encode_image_to_base64(image_path):
    """Encodes an image to a Base64 string."""
    with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file:
        # Read the image file in binary mode
        image_data = image_file.read()
        # Encode the image data to Base64
        base64_encoded = base64.b64encode(image_data).decode('utf-8')
    return base64_encoded

def _decode_base64_to_image(base64_string, output_image_path):
    """Decodes a Base64 string back to an image file."""
    # Decode the Base64 string
    image_data = base64.b64decode(base64_string)
    with open(output_image_path, "wb") as image_file:
        # Write the binary data to an image file

def encode_image_to_base64(image):
    """Encodes an image to a Base64 string."""
    buffered = io.BytesIO()
    image.save(buffered, format="PNG")
    img_str = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode()
    return img_str

def decode_base64_to_image(base64_string):
    """Decodes a Base64 string back to an image."""
    image_data = base64.b64decode(base64_string)
    image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image_data))
    return image

Converting DataSets:

# Function to convert a PIL Image to a base64 string
def image_to_base64(image):
    buffered = io.BytesIO()
    image.save(buffered, format="PNG")  # Save the image to the buffer in PNG format
    base64_string = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode('utf-8')
    return base64_string

# Define a function to process each example in the dataset
def process_images_func(examples):

    texts = examples["text"]
    images = examples["image"]  # Assuming the images are in PIL format

    # Convert each image to base64
    base64_images = [image_to_base64(image) for image in images]

    # Return the updated examples with base64-encoded images
    return {
        "text": texts,
        "image_base64": base64_images  # Adding the Base64 encoded image strings

# Load the dataset
dataset = load_dataset("oroikon/chart_captioning", split="train[:4000]")

# Process the dataset by converting images to base64
processed_dataset = dataset.map(process_images_func, batched=True)

Converting sound to spectrographic images : Encoder Decoder !

import numpy as np
import torch
import torchaudio
import librosa
import librosa.display
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import soundfile as sf
from PIL import Image

# Step 1: Encode Audio to Mel-Spectrogram
def encode_audio_to_mel_spectrogram(audio_file, n_mels=128):
    Encode an audio file to a mel-spectrogram.
    - audio_file: Path to the audio file.
    - n_mels: Number of mel bands (default: 128).
    - mel_spectrogram_db: Mel-spectrogram in dB scale.
    - sample_rate: Sample rate of the audio file.
    y, sample_rate = librosa.load(audio_file, sr=None)  # Load audio
    mel_spectrogram = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(y=y, sr=sample_rate, n_mels=n_mels)
    mel_spectrogram_db = librosa.power_to_db(mel_spectrogram, ref=np.max)  # Convert to dB
    return mel_spectrogram_db, sample_rate

# Improved Step 2: Save Mel-Spectrogram as Image
def save_mel_spectrogram_image(mel_spectrogram_db, sample_rate, output_image='mel_spectrogram.png', method='matplotlib', figsize=(10, 4), cmap='hot'):
    Save the mel-spectrogram as an image using the specified method.
    - mel_spectrogram_db: Mel-spectrogram in dB scale.
    - sample_rate: Sample rate of the audio file.
    - output_image: Path to save the image.
    - method: Method for saving ('matplotlib' or 'custom').
    - figsize: Size of the figure for matplotlib (default: (10, 4)).
    - cmap: Colormap for the spectrogram (default: 'hot').
    if method == 'matplotlib':
        librosa.display.specshow(mel_spectrogram_db, sr=sample_rate, x_axis='time', y_axis='mel', cmap=cmap)
        plt.colorbar(format='%+2.0f dB')
        print(f"Mel-spectrogram image saved using matplotlib as '{output_image}'")
    elif method == 'custom':
        # Convert dB scale to linear scale for image generation
        mel_spectrogram_linear = librosa.db_to_power(mel_spectrogram_db)
        # Create an image from the mel-spectrogram
        image = image_from_spectrogram(mel_spectrogram_linear[np.newaxis, ...])  # Add channel dimension
        # Save the image
        print(f"Mel-spectrogram image saved using custom method as '{output_image}'")
        raise ValueError("Invalid method. Choose 'matplotlib' or 'custom'.")

# Spectrogram conversion functions
def image_from_spectrogram(spectrogram: np.ndarray, power: float = 0.25) -> Image.Image:
    Compute a spectrogram image from a spectrogram magnitude array.

        spectrogram: (channels, frequency, time)
        power: A power curve to apply to the spectrogram to preserve contrast

        image: (frequency, time, channels)
    # Rescale to 0-1
    max_value = np.max(spectrogram)
    data = spectrogram / max_value

    # Apply the power curve
    data = np.power(data, power)

    # Rescale to 0-255 and invert
    data = 255 - (data * 255).astype(np.uint8)

    # Convert to a PIL image
    if data.shape[0] == 1:
        image = Image.fromarray(data[0], mode="L").convert("RGB")
    elif data.shape[0] == 2:
        data = np.array([np.zeros_like(data[0]), data[0], data[1]]).transpose(1, 2, 0)
        image = Image.fromarray(data, mode="RGB")
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported number of channels: {data.shape[0]}")

    # Flip Y
    image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
    return image

# Step 3: Extract Mel-Spectrogram from Image (Direct Pixel Manipulation)
def extract_mel_spectrogram_from_image(image_path):
    Extract a mel-spectrogram from a saved image using pixel manipulation.
    - image_path: Path to the spectrogram image file.
    - mel_spectrogram_db: The extracted mel-spectrogram in dB scale.
    img = Image.open(image_path).convert('L')  # Open image and convert to grayscale
    img_array = np.array(img)  # Convert to NumPy array
    mel_spectrogram_db = img_array / 255.0 * -80  # Scale to dB range
    return mel_spectrogram_db

# Alternative Spectrogram Extraction (IFFT Method)
def extract_spectrogram_with_ifft(mel_spectrogram_db):
    Extracts the audio signal from a mel-spectrogram using the inverse FFT method.
    - mel_spectrogram_db: The mel-spectrogram in dB scale.
    - audio: The reconstructed audio signal.
    # Convert dB mel-spectrogram back to linear scale
    mel_spectrogram = librosa.db_to_power(mel_spectrogram_db)

    # Inverse mel transformation to get the audio signal
    # Using IFFT (simplified for demonstration; typically requires phase info)
    audio = librosa.feature.inverse.mel_to_audio(mel_spectrogram)
    return audio

# Step 4: Decode Mel-Spectrogram with Griffin-Lim
def decode_mel_spectrogram_to_audio(mel_spectrogram_db, sample_rate, output_audio='griffin_reconstructed_audio.wav'):
    Decode a mel-spectrogram into audio using Griffin-Lim algorithm.
    - mel_spectrogram_db: The mel-spectrogram in dB scale.
    - sample_rate: The sample rate for the audio file.
    - output_audio: Path to save the reconstructed audio file.
    # Convert dB mel-spectrogram back to linear scale
    mel_spectrogram = librosa.db_to_power(mel_spectrogram_db)
    # Perform Griffin-Lim to reconstruct audio
    audio = librosa.griffinlim(mel_spectrogram)
    # Save the generated audio
    sf.write(output_audio, audio, sample_rate)
    print(f"Griffin-Lim reconstructed audio saved as '{output_audio}'")
    return audio

# Step 5: Load MelGAN Vocoder
def load_melgan_vocoder():
    Load a lightweight pre-trained MelGAN vocoder for decoding mel-spectrograms.
    Returns a torch MelGAN vocoder model.
    model = torchaudio.models.MelGAN()  # Load MelGAN model
    model.eval()  # Ensure the model is in evaluation mode
    return model

# Step 6: Decode Mel-Spectrogram with MelGAN
def decode_mel_spectrogram_with_melgan(mel_spectrogram_db, sample_rate, output_audio='melgan_reconstructed_audio.wav'):
    Decode a mel-spectrogram into audio using MelGAN vocoder.
    - mel_spectrogram_db: The mel-spectrogram in dB scale.
    - sample_rate: The sample rate for the audio file.
    - output_audio: Path to save the reconstructed audio file.
    - audio: The reconstructed audio signal.
    # Convert dB mel-spectrogram back to linear scale
    mel_spectrogram = librosa.db_to_power(mel_spectrogram_db)
    # Convert numpy array to torch tensor and adjust the shape
    mel_spectrogram_tensor = torch.tensor(mel_spectrogram).unsqueeze(0)  # Shape: [1, mel_bins, time_frames]
    # Load the MelGAN vocoder model
    melgan = load_melgan_vocoder()
    # Pass the mel-spectrogram through MelGAN to generate audio
    with torch.no_grad():
        audio = melgan(mel_spectrogram_tensor).squeeze().numpy()  # Squeeze to remove batch dimension
    # Save the generated audio
    sf.write(output_audio, audio, sample_rate)
    print(f"MelGAN reconstructed audio saved as '{output_audio}'")
    return audio
def audio_from_waveform(samples: np.ndarray, sample_rate: int, normalize: bool = False) -> pydub.AudioSegment:
    Convert a numpy array of samples of a waveform to an audio segment.

        samples: (channels, samples) array
        sample_rate: Sample rate of the audio.
        normalize: Flag to normalize volume.

    # Normalize volume to fit in int16
    if normalize:
        samples *= np.iinfo(np.int16).max / np.max(np.abs(samples))

    # Transpose and convert to int16
    samples = samples.transpose(1, 0).astype(np.int16)

    # Write to the bytes of a WAV file
    wav_bytes = io.BytesIO()
    wavfile.write(wav_bytes, sample_rate, samples)

    # Read into pydub
    return pydub.AudioSegment.from_wav(wav_bytes)

def apply_filters(segment: pydub.AudioSegment, compression: bool = False) -> pydub.AudioSegment:
    Apply post-processing filters to the audio segment to compress it and keep at a -10 dBFS level.

        segment: The audio segment to filter.
        compression: Flag to apply dynamic range compression.

    if compression:
        segment = pydub.effects.normalize(segment, headroom=0.1)
        segment = segment.apply_gain(-10 - segment.dBFS)
        segment = pydub.effects.compress_dynamic_range(

    # Apply gain to desired dB level and normalize again
    desired_db = -12
    segment = segment.apply_gain(desired_db - segment.dBFS)
    return pydub.effects.normalize(segment, headroom=0.1)

def stitch_segments(segments: Sequence[pydub.AudioSegment], crossfade_s: float) -> pydub.AudioSegment:
    Stitch together a sequence of audio segments with a crossfade between each segment.

        segments: Sequence of audio segments to stitch.
        crossfade_s: Duration of crossfade in seconds.

    crossfade_ms = int(crossfade_s * 1000)
    combined_segment = segments[0]
    for segment in segments[1:]:
        combined_segment = combined_segment.append(segment, crossfade=crossfade_ms)
    return combined_segment

def overlay_segments(segments: Sequence[pydub.AudioSegment]) -> pydub.AudioSegment:
    Overlay a sequence of audio segments on top of each other.

        segments: Sequence of audio segments to overlay.

    assert len(segments) > 0
    output: pydub.AudioSegment = segments[0]
    for segment in segments[1:]:
        output = output.overlay(segment)
    return output

# Step 7: Full Pipeline for Audio Processing with Customization
def mel_spectrogram_pipeline(audio_file, output_image='mel_spectrogram.png', 
                             extraction_method='pixel',  # 'pixel' or 'ifft'
                             decoding_method='griffin'):  # 'griffin' or 'melgan'
    Full pipeline to encode audio to mel-spectrogram, save it as an image, extract the spectrogram from the image,
    and decode it back to audio using the selected methods.
    - audio_file: Path to the audio file to be processed.
    - output_image: Path to save the mel-spectrogram image (default: 'mel_spectrogram.png').
    - output_audio_griffin: Path to save the Griffin-Lim reconstructed audio.
    - output_audio_melgan: Path to save the MelGAN reconstructed audio.
    - extraction_method: Method for extraction ('pixel' or 'ifft').
    - decoding_method: Method for decoding ('griffin' or 'melgan').
    # Step 1: Encode (Audio -> Mel-Spectrogram)
    mel_spectrogram_db, sample_rate = encode_audio_to_mel_spectrogram(audio_file)
    # Step 2: Convert Mel-Spectrogram to Image and save it
    save_mel_spectrogram_image(mel_spectrogram_db, sample_rate, output_image)
    # Step 3: Extract Mel-Spectrogram from the image based on chosen method
    if extraction_method == 'pixel':
        extracted_mel_spectrogram_db = extract_mel_spectrogram_from_image(output_image)
    elif extraction_method == 'ifft':
        extracted_mel_spectrogram_db = extract_spectrogram_with_ifft(mel_spectrogram_db)
        raise ValueError("Invalid extraction method. Choose 'pixel' or 'ifft'.")
    # Step 4: Decode based on the chosen decoding method
    if decoding_method == 'griffin':
        decode_mel_spectrogram_to_audio(extracted_mel_spectrogram_db, sample_rate, output_audio_griffin)
    elif decoding_method == 'melgan':
        decode_mel_spectrogram_with_melgan(extracted_mel_spectrogram_db, sample_rate, output_audio_melgan)
        raise ValueError("Invalid decoding method. Choose 'griffin' or 'melgan'.")

# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
    audio_file_path = 'your_audio_file.wav'  # Specify the path to your audio file here
        extraction_method='pixel',  # Choose 'pixel' or 'ifft'
        decoding_method='griffin'  # Choose 'griffin' or 'melgan'

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Model tree for LeroyDyer/SpydazWeb_AI_LCARS_Humanization_003

Datasets used to train LeroyDyer/SpydazWeb_AI_LCARS_Humanization_003