Gumroad Link

by MrAI24 - opened

Hi there,

Your work is really interesting! In the section "Right here on HF!", you mention there are some better performance versions on Gumroad. Is there a link for those?
Also, are the free versions available for commercial use under your MIT license?
If there any links to the data that these models were trained on?

Really cool stuff!

I look forward to your response.

All the best,


Thanks, fixed the link.
All the versions both here and on gumroad are MIT and free to use commercially.
The dataset is my own and won't be published.

Hi Stephan

Thanks for the quick response. Have you augmented your data with grey scale equivalents. If not, would you consider doing so, I believe it would help the model generalise to IR.



These models were trained with grayscale augmentation already (all of them). I do have plans to train a dedicated nano model on 100% greyscale too for one specific application, let me know if you want to try it.

StephanST changed discussion status to closed

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