Tobias's picture
language: eng
  - bert
license: apache-2.0
  - text: The hotel is very nicely located
    example_title: Example 1
  - text: The reception staff were extremely helpful and very welcoming
    example_title: Example 2
  - text: There is no balcony in the rooms on the mountain side
    example_title: Example 3
  - text: A bit pricey
    example_title: Example 4

German Hotel Review Sentiment Classification

A model trained on English Hotel Reviews from Switzerland. The base model is the bert-base-uncased. The last hidden layer of the base model was extracted and a classification layer was added. The entire model was then trained for 5 epochs on our dataset.

Model Performance

Classes Precision Recall F1 Score
Room 77.78% 77.78% 77.78%
Location 95.45% 95.45% 95.45%
Staff 75.00% 93.75% 83.33%
Unknown 71.43% 50.00% 58.82%
HotelOrganisation 27.27% 30.00% 28.57%
Food 87.50% 87.50% 87.50%
ReasonForStay 63.64% 58.33% 60.87%
GeneralUtility 66.67% 50.00% 66.67%
Accuracy 74.00%
Macro Average 70.59% 67.85% 68.68%
Weighted Average 74.17% 74.00% 73.66%

Confusion Matrix

Confusion Matrix