# process dataset |
we use Talking-Head-1K-Hour as the example. |
## download and crop the talking person video clips |
- Please follow the step in [https://github.com/tcwang0509/TalkingHead-1KH](https://github.com/tcwang0509/TalkingHead-1KH) |
- Put all extracted video clips in a directory like `/home/xxx/TH1KH_512/video_raw/*.mp4` |
## resample & resize video clips to 512x512 resolution and 25FPS |
- You can use the example code in `data_gen/utils/process_video/resample_video_to_25fps_resize_to_512.py` |
- It will generate processed video clips in `/home/xxx/TH1KH_512/video/*.mp4` |
## extract segment images |
- You can use the example code in `data_gen/utils/process_video/extract_segment_imgs.py` |
- It will generate segment images in `/home/xxx/TH1KH_512/{gt_imgs, head_imgs, inpaint_torso_imgs, com_imgs}/*` |
## extract 2d facial landmark |
- You can use the example code in `data_gen/utils/process_video/extract_lm2d.py` |
- It will generate 2d landmarks in `/home/xxx/TH1KH_512/lms_2d/*_lms_2d.npy` |
## extract 3dmm coefficients |
- You can use the example code in `data_gen/utils/process_video/fit_3dmm_landmark.py` |
- It will generate 3dmm coefficients in `/home/xxx/TH1KH_512/coeff_fit_mp/*_coeff_fit_mp.npy` |
## extract audio features |
- You can use the example code in `data_gen/utils/process_audio/extract_mel_f0.py` |
- It will generate raw wav in `/home/xxx/TH1KH_512/audio/*.wav` and mel_f0 in `/home/xxx/TH1KH_512/mel_f0/*_mel_f0.npy` |
- You can use the example code in `data_gen/utils/process_audio/extract_hubert.py` |
- It will generate hubert in `/home/xxx/TH1KH_512/hubert/*_hubert.npy` |
## Binarize the dataset |
- You can use the example code in `data_gen/runs/binarizer_th1kh.py` |
- You will see a binarized dataset at `data/binary/th1kh` |