import os |
import sys |
sys.path.append('./') |
import torch |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
import torchshow as ts |
import librosa |
import random |
import time |
import numpy as np |
import importlib |
import tqdm |
import copy |
import cv2 |
import math |
from utils.commons.hparams import hparams, set_hparams |
from utils.commons.tensor_utils import move_to_cuda, convert_to_tensor |
from utils.commons.ckpt_utils import load_ckpt, get_last_checkpoint |
from deep_3drecon.deep_3drecon_models.bfm import ParametricFaceModel |
from data_util.face3d_helper import Face3DHelper |
from data_gen.utils.process_image.fit_3dmm_landmark import fit_3dmm_for_a_image |
from data_gen.utils.process_video.fit_3dmm_landmark import fit_3dmm_for_a_video |
from deep_3drecon.secc_renderer import SECC_Renderer |
from data_gen.eg3d.convert_to_eg3d_convention import get_eg3d_convention_camera_pose_intrinsic |
from data_gen.utils.process_image.extract_lm2d import extract_lms_mediapipe_job |
from data_gen.utils.mp_feature_extractors.mp_segmenter import MediapipeSegmenter |
from data_gen.utils.process_video.extract_segment_imgs import inpaint_torso_job, extract_background |
from inference.infer_utils import mirror_index, load_img_to_512_hwc_array, load_img_to_normalized_512_bchw_tensor |
from inference.infer_utils import smooth_camera_sequence, smooth_features_xd |
from inference.edit_secc import blink_eye_for_secc |
def read_first_frame_from_a_video(vid_name): |
frames = [] |
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(vid_name) |
ret, frame_bgr = cap.read() |
frame_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(frame_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) |
return frame_rgb |
def analyze_weights_img(gen_output): |
img_raw = gen_output['image_raw'] |
mask_005_to_03 = torch.bitwise_and(gen_output['weights_img']>0.05, gen_output['weights_img']<0.3).repeat([1,3,1,1]) |
mask_005_to_05 = torch.bitwise_and(gen_output['weights_img']>0.05, gen_output['weights_img']<0.5).repeat([1,3,1,1]) |
mask_005_to_07 = torch.bitwise_and(gen_output['weights_img']>0.05, gen_output['weights_img']<0.7).repeat([1,3,1,1]) |
mask_005_to_09 = torch.bitwise_and(gen_output['weights_img']>0.05, gen_output['weights_img']<0.9).repeat([1,3,1,1]) |
mask_005_to_10 = torch.bitwise_and(gen_output['weights_img']>0.05, gen_output['weights_img']<1.0).repeat([1,3,1,1]) |
img_raw_005_to_03 = img_raw.clone() |
img_raw_005_to_03[~mask_005_to_03] = -1 |
img_raw_005_to_05 = img_raw.clone() |
img_raw_005_to_05[~mask_005_to_05] = -1 |
img_raw_005_to_07 = img_raw.clone() |
img_raw_005_to_07[~mask_005_to_07] = -1 |
img_raw_005_to_09 = img_raw.clone() |
img_raw_005_to_09[~mask_005_to_09] = -1 |
img_raw_005_to_10 = img_raw.clone() |
img_raw_005_to_10[~mask_005_to_10] = -1 |
ts.save([img_raw_005_to_03[0], img_raw_005_to_05[0], img_raw_005_to_07[0], img_raw_005_to_09[0], img_raw_005_to_10[0]]) |
def cal_face_area_percent(img_name): |
img = cv2.resize(cv2.imread(img_name)[:,:,::-1], (512,512)) |
lm478 = extract_lms_mediapipe_job(img) / 512 |
min_x = lm478[:,0].min() |
max_x = lm478[:,0].max() |
min_y = lm478[:,1].min() |
max_y = lm478[:,1].max() |
area = (max_x - min_x) * (max_y - min_y) |
return area |
def crop_img_on_face_area_percent(img_name, out_name='temp/cropped_src_img.png', min_face_area_percent=0.2): |
try: |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_name), exist_ok=True) |
except: pass |
face_area_percent = cal_face_area_percent(img_name) |
if face_area_percent >= min_face_area_percent: |
print(f"face area percent {face_area_percent} larger than threshold {min_face_area_percent}, directly use the input image...") |
cmd = f"cp {img_name} {out_name}" |
os.system(cmd) |
return out_name |
else: |
print(f"face area percent {face_area_percent} smaller than threshold {min_face_area_percent}, crop the input image...") |
img = cv2.resize(cv2.imread(img_name)[:,:,::-1], (512,512)) |
lm478 = extract_lms_mediapipe_job(img).astype(int) |
min_x = lm478[:,0].min() |
max_x = lm478[:,0].max() |
min_y = lm478[:,1].min() |
max_y = lm478[:,1].max() |
face_area = (max_x - min_x) * (max_y - min_y) |
target_total_area = face_area / min_face_area_percent |
target_hw = int(target_total_area**0.5) |
center_x, center_y = (min_x+max_x)/2, (min_y+max_y)/2 |
shrink_pixels = 2 * max(-(center_x - target_hw/2), center_x + target_hw/2 - 512, -(center_y - target_hw/2), center_y + target_hw/2-512) |
shrink_pixels = max(0, shrink_pixels) |
hw = math.floor(target_hw - shrink_pixels) |
new_min_x = int(center_x - hw/2) |
new_max_x = int(center_x + hw/2) |
new_min_y = int(center_y - hw/2) |
new_max_y = int(center_y + hw/2) |
img = img[new_min_y:new_max_y, new_min_x:new_max_x] |
img = cv2.resize(img, (512, 512)) |
cv2.imwrite(out_name, img[:,:,::-1]) |
return out_name |
class GeneFace2Infer: |
def __init__(self, audio2secc_dir, head_model_dir, torso_model_dir, device=None, inp=None): |
if device is None: |
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' |
self.device = device |
self.audio2secc_model = self.load_audio2secc(audio2secc_dir) |
self.secc2video_model = self.load_secc2video(head_model_dir, torso_model_dir, inp) |
self.audio2secc_model.to(device).eval() |
self.secc2video_model.to(device).eval() |
self.seg_model = MediapipeSegmenter() |
self.secc_renderer = SECC_Renderer(512) |
self.face3d_helper = Face3DHelper(use_gpu=True, keypoint_mode='lm68') |
self.mp_face3d_helper = Face3DHelper(use_gpu=True, keypoint_mode='mediapipe') |
def load_audio2secc(self, audio2secc_dir): |
config_name = f"{audio2secc_dir}/config.yaml" if not audio2secc_dir.endswith(".ckpt") else f"{os.path.dirname(audio2secc_dir)}/config.yaml" |
set_hparams(f"{config_name}", print_hparams=False) |
self.audio2secc_dir = audio2secc_dir |
self.audio2secc_hparams = copy.deepcopy(hparams) |
from modules.audio2motion.vae import VAEModel, PitchContourVAEModel |
if self.audio2secc_hparams['audio_type'] == 'hubert': |
audio_in_dim = 1024 |
elif self.audio2secc_hparams['audio_type'] == 'mfcc': |
audio_in_dim = 13 |
if 'icl' in hparams['task_cls']: |
self.use_icl_audio2motion = True |
model = InContextAudio2MotionModel(hparams['icl_model_type'], hparams=self.audio2secc_hparams) |
else: |
self.use_icl_audio2motion = False |
if hparams.get("use_pitch", False) is True: |
model = PitchContourVAEModel(hparams, in_out_dim=64, audio_in_dim=audio_in_dim) |
else: |
model = VAEModel(in_out_dim=64, audio_in_dim=audio_in_dim) |
load_ckpt(model, f"{audio2secc_dir}", model_name='model', strict=True) |
return model |
def load_secc2video(self, head_model_dir, torso_model_dir, inp): |
if inp is None: |
inp = {} |
self.head_model_dir = head_model_dir |
self.torso_model_dir = torso_model_dir |
if torso_model_dir != '': |
if torso_model_dir.endswith(".ckpt"): |
set_hparams(f"{os.path.dirname(torso_model_dir)}/config.yaml", print_hparams=False) |
else: |
set_hparams(f"{torso_model_dir}/config.yaml", print_hparams=False) |
if inp.get('head_torso_threshold', None) is not None: |
hparams['htbsr_head_threshold'] = inp['head_torso_threshold'] |
self.secc2video_hparams = copy.deepcopy(hparams) |
from modules.real3d.secc_img2plane_torso import OSAvatarSECC_Img2plane_Torso |
model = OSAvatarSECC_Img2plane_Torso() |
load_ckpt(model, f"{torso_model_dir}", model_name='model', strict=True) |
if head_model_dir != '': |
print("| Warning: Assigned --torso_ckpt which also contains head, but --head_ckpt is also assigned, skipping the --head_ckpt.") |
else: |
from modules.real3d.secc_img2plane_torso import OSAvatarSECC_Img2plane |
if head_model_dir.endswith(".ckpt"): |
set_hparams(f"{os.path.dirname(head_model_dir)}/config.yaml", print_hparams=False) |
else: |
set_hparams(f"{head_model_dir}/config.yaml", print_hparams=False) |
if inp.get('head_torso_threshold', None) is not None: |
hparams['htbsr_head_threshold'] = inp['head_torso_threshold'] |
self.secc2video_hparams = copy.deepcopy(hparams) |
model = OSAvatarSECC_Img2plane() |
load_ckpt(model, f"{head_model_dir}", model_name='model', strict=True) |
return model |
def infer_once(self, inp): |
self.inp = inp |
samples = self.prepare_batch_from_inp(inp) |
seed = inp['seed'] if inp['seed'] is not None else int(time.time()) |
random.seed(seed) |
torch.manual_seed(seed) |
np.random.seed(seed) |
out_name = self.forward_system(samples, inp) |
return out_name |
def prepare_batch_from_inp(self, inp): |
""" |
:param inp: {'audio_source_name': (str)} |
:return: a dict that contains the condition feature of NeRF |
""" |
tmp_img_name = 'infer_out/tmp/cropped_src_img.png' |
crop_img_on_face_area_percent(inp['src_image_name'], tmp_img_name, min_face_area_percent=inp['min_face_area_percent']) |
inp['src_image_name'] = tmp_img_name |
sample = {} |
if inp['drv_audio_name'][-4:] in ['.wav', '.mp3']: |
self.save_wav16k(inp['drv_audio_name']) |
if self.audio2secc_hparams['audio_type'] == 'hubert': |
hubert = self.get_hubert(self.wav16k_name) |
elif self.audio2secc_hparams['audio_type'] == 'mfcc': |
hubert = self.get_mfcc(self.wav16k_name) / 100 |
f0 = self.get_f0(self.wav16k_name) |
if f0.shape[0] > len(hubert): |
f0 = f0[:len(hubert)] |
else: |
num_to_pad = len(hubert) - len(f0) |
f0 = np.pad(f0, pad_width=((0,num_to_pad), (0,0))) |
t_x = hubert.shape[0] |
x_mask = torch.ones([1, t_x]).float() |
y_mask = torch.ones([1, t_x//2]).float() |
sample.update({ |
'hubert': torch.from_numpy(hubert).float().unsqueeze(0).cuda(), |
'f0': torch.from_numpy(f0).float().reshape([1,-1]).cuda(), |
'x_mask': x_mask.cuda(), |
'y_mask': y_mask.cuda(), |
}) |
sample['blink'] = torch.zeros([1, t_x, 1]).long().cuda() |
sample['audio'] = sample['hubert'] |
sample['eye_amp'] = torch.ones([1, 1]).cuda() * 1.0 |
sample['mouth_amp'] = torch.ones([1, 1]).cuda() * inp['mouth_amp'] |
elif inp['drv_audio_name'][-4:] in ['.mp4']: |
drv_motion_coeff_dict = fit_3dmm_for_a_video(inp['drv_audio_name'], save=False) |
drv_motion_coeff_dict = convert_to_tensor(drv_motion_coeff_dict) |
t_x = drv_motion_coeff_dict['exp'].shape[0] * 2 |
self.drv_motion_coeff_dict = drv_motion_coeff_dict |
elif inp['drv_audio_name'][-4:] in ['.npy']: |
drv_motion_coeff_dict = np.load(inp['drv_audio_name'], allow_pickle=True).tolist() |
drv_motion_coeff_dict = convert_to_tensor(drv_motion_coeff_dict) |
t_x = drv_motion_coeff_dict['exp'].shape[0] * 2 |
self.drv_motion_coeff_dict = drv_motion_coeff_dict |
image_name = inp['src_image_name'] |
if image_name.endswith(".mp4"): |
img = read_first_frame_from_a_video(image_name) |
image_name = inp['src_image_name'] = image_name[:-4] + '.png' |
cv2.imwrite(image_name, cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) |
sample['ref_gt_img'] = load_img_to_normalized_512_bchw_tensor(image_name).cuda() |
img = load_img_to_512_hwc_array(image_name) |
segmap = self.seg_model._cal_seg_map(img) |
sample['segmap'] = torch.tensor(segmap).float().unsqueeze(0).cuda() |
head_img = self.seg_model._seg_out_img_with_segmap(img, segmap, mode='head')[0] |
sample['ref_head_img'] = ((torch.tensor(head_img) - 127.5)/127.5).float().unsqueeze(0).permute(0, 3, 1,2).cuda() |
ts.save(sample['ref_head_img']) |
inpaint_torso_img, _, _, _ = inpaint_torso_job(img, segmap) |
sample['ref_torso_img'] = ((torch.tensor(inpaint_torso_img) - 127.5)/127.5).float().unsqueeze(0).permute(0, 3, 1,2).cuda() |
if inp['bg_image_name'] == '': |
bg_img = extract_background([img], [segmap], 'knn') |
else: |
bg_img = cv2.imread(inp['bg_image_name']) |
bg_img = cv2.cvtColor(bg_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) |
bg_img = cv2.resize(bg_img, (512,512)) |
sample['bg_img'] = ((torch.tensor(bg_img) - 127.5)/127.5).float().unsqueeze(0).permute(0, 3, 1,2).cuda() |
coeff_dict = fit_3dmm_for_a_image(image_name, save=False) |
assert coeff_dict is not None |
src_id = torch.tensor(coeff_dict['id']).reshape([1,80]).cuda() |
src_exp = torch.tensor(coeff_dict['exp']).reshape([1,64]).cuda() |
src_euler = torch.tensor(coeff_dict['euler']).reshape([1,3]).cuda() |
src_trans = torch.tensor(coeff_dict['trans']).reshape([1,3]).cuda() |
sample['id'] = src_id.repeat([t_x//2,1]) |
src_kp = self.face3d_helper.reconstruct_lm2d(src_id, src_exp, src_euler, src_trans) |
src_kp = (src_kp-0.5) / 0.5 |
sample['src_kp'] = torch.clamp(src_kp, -1, 1).repeat([t_x//2,1,1]) |
inp['drv_pose_name'] = inp['drv_pose_name'] |
print(f"| To extract pose from {inp['drv_pose_name']}") |
if inp['drv_pose_name'] == 'static': |
sample['euler'] = torch.tensor(coeff_dict['euler']).reshape([1,3]).cuda().repeat([t_x//2,1]) |
sample['trans'] = torch.tensor(coeff_dict['trans']).reshape([1,3]).cuda().repeat([t_x//2,1]) |
else: |
if inp['drv_pose_name'].endswith('.mp4'): |
drv_pose_coeff_dict = fit_3dmm_for_a_video(inp['drv_pose_name'], save=False) |
else: |
drv_pose_coeff_dict = np.load(inp['drv_pose_name'], allow_pickle=True).tolist() |
print(f"| Extracted pose from {inp['drv_pose_name']}") |
eulers = convert_to_tensor(drv_pose_coeff_dict['euler']).reshape([-1,3]).cuda() |
trans = convert_to_tensor(drv_pose_coeff_dict['trans']).reshape([-1,3]).cuda() |
len_pose = len(eulers) |
index_lst = [mirror_index(i, len_pose) for i in range(t_x//2)] |
sample['euler'] = eulers[index_lst] |
sample['trans'] = trans[index_lst] |
sample['trans'][:, -1] = sample['trans'][0:1, -1].repeat([sample['trans'].shape[0]]) |
print(inp) |
if inp.get("map_to_init_pose", 'True') in ['True', True]: |
diff_euler = torch.tensor(coeff_dict['euler']).reshape([1,3]).cuda() - sample['euler'][0:1] |
sample['euler'] = sample['euler'] + diff_euler |
diff_trans = torch.tensor(coeff_dict['trans']).reshape([1,3]).cuda() - sample['trans'][0:1] |
sample['trans'] = sample['trans'] + diff_trans |
camera_ret = get_eg3d_convention_camera_pose_intrinsic({'euler':sample['euler'].cpu(), 'trans':sample['trans'].cpu()}) |
c2w, intrinsics = camera_ret['c2w'], camera_ret['intrinsics'] |
camera_smo_ksize = 7 |
camera = np.concatenate([c2w.reshape([-1,16]), intrinsics.reshape([-1,9])], axis=-1) |
camera = smooth_camera_sequence(camera, kernel_size=camera_smo_ksize) |
camera = torch.tensor(camera).cuda().float() |
sample['camera'] = camera |
return sample |
@torch.no_grad() |
def get_hubert(self, wav16k_name): |
from data_gen.utils.process_audio.extract_hubert import get_hubert_from_16k_wav |
hubert = get_hubert_from_16k_wav(wav16k_name).detach().numpy() |
len_mel = hubert.shape[0] |
x_multiply = 8 |
if len_mel % x_multiply == 0: |
num_to_pad = 0 |
else: |
num_to_pad = x_multiply - len_mel % x_multiply |
hubert = np.pad(hubert, pad_width=((0,num_to_pad), (0,0))) |
return hubert |
def get_mfcc(self, wav16k_name): |
from utils.audio import librosa_wav2mfcc |
hparams['fft_size'] = 1200 |
hparams['win_size'] = 1200 |
hparams['hop_size'] = 480 |
hparams['audio_num_mel_bins'] = 80 |
hparams['fmin'] = 80 |
hparams['fmax'] = 12000 |
hparams['audio_sample_rate'] = 24000 |
mfcc = librosa_wav2mfcc(wav16k_name, |
fft_size=hparams['fft_size'], |
hop_size=hparams['hop_size'], |
win_length=hparams['win_size'], |
num_mels=hparams['audio_num_mel_bins'], |
fmin=hparams['fmin'], |
fmax=hparams['fmax'], |
sample_rate=hparams['audio_sample_rate'], |
center=True) |
mfcc = np.array(mfcc).reshape([-1, 13]) |
len_mel = mfcc.shape[0] |
x_multiply = 8 |
if len_mel % x_multiply == 0: |
num_to_pad = 0 |
else: |
num_to_pad = x_multiply - len_mel % x_multiply |
mfcc = np.pad(mfcc, pad_width=((0,num_to_pad), (0,0))) |
return mfcc |
@torch.no_grad() |
def forward_audio2secc(self, batch, inp=None): |
if inp['drv_audio_name'][-4:] in ['.wav', '.mp3']: |
ret = {} |
pred = self.audio2secc_model.forward(batch, ret=ret,train=False, temperature=inp['temperature'],) |
print("| audio-to-motion finished") |
if pred.shape[-1] == 144: |
id = ret['pred'][0][:,:80] |
exp = ret['pred'][0][:,80:] |
else: |
id = batch['id'] |
exp = ret['pred'][0] |
if len(id) < len(exp): |
id = torch.cat([id, id[0].unsqueeze(0).repeat([len(exp)-len(id),1])]) |
batch['id'] = id |
batch['exp'] = exp |
else: |
drv_motion_coeff_dict = self.drv_motion_coeff_dict |
batch['exp'] = torch.FloatTensor(drv_motion_coeff_dict['exp']).cuda() |
batch = self.get_driving_motion(batch['id'], batch['exp'], batch['euler'], batch['trans'], batch, inp) |
if self.use_icl_audio2motion: |
self.audio2secc_model.empty_context() |
return batch |
@torch.no_grad() |
def get_driving_motion(self, id, exp, euler, trans, batch, inp): |
zero_eulers = torch.zeros([id.shape[0], 3]).to(id.device) |
zero_trans = torch.zeros([id.shape[0], 3]).to(exp.device) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
chunk_size = 50 |
drv_secc_color_lst = [] |
num_iters = len(id)//chunk_size if len(id)%chunk_size == 0 else len(id)//chunk_size+1 |
for i in tqdm.trange(num_iters, desc="rendering drv secc"): |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
face_mask, drv_secc_color = self.secc_renderer(id[i*chunk_size:(i+1)*chunk_size], exp[i*chunk_size:(i+1)*chunk_size], zero_eulers[i*chunk_size:(i+1)*chunk_size], zero_trans[i*chunk_size:(i+1)*chunk_size]) |
drv_secc_color_lst.append(drv_secc_color.cpu()) |
drv_secc_colors = torch.cat(drv_secc_color_lst, dim=0) |
_, src_secc_color = self.secc_renderer(id[0:1], exp[0:1], zero_eulers[0:1], zero_trans[0:1]) |
_, cano_secc_color = self.secc_renderer(id[0:1], exp[0:1]*0, zero_eulers[0:1], zero_trans[0:1]) |
batch['drv_secc'] = drv_secc_colors.cuda() |
batch['src_secc'] = src_secc_color.cuda() |
batch['cano_secc'] = cano_secc_color.cuda() |
if inp['blink_mode'] == 'period': |
period = 5 |
for i in tqdm.trange(len(drv_secc_colors),desc="blinking secc"): |
if i % (25*period) == 0: |
blink_dur_frames = random.randint(8, 12) |
for offset in range(blink_dur_frames): |
j = offset + i |
if j >= len(drv_secc_colors)-1: break |
def blink_percent_fn(t, T): |
return -4/T**2 * t**2 + 4/T * t |
blink_percent = blink_percent_fn(offset, blink_dur_frames) |
secc = batch['drv_secc'][j] |
out_secc = blink_eye_for_secc(secc, blink_percent) |
out_secc = out_secc.cuda() |
batch['drv_secc'][j] = out_secc |
drv_kp = self.face3d_helper.reconstruct_lm2d(id, exp, euler, trans) |
drv_kp = (drv_kp-0.5) / 0.5 |
batch['drv_kp'] = torch.clamp(drv_kp, -1, 1) |
return batch |
@torch.no_grad() |
def forward_secc2video(self, batch, inp=None): |
num_frames = len(batch['drv_secc']) |
camera = batch['camera'] |
src_kps = batch['src_kp'] |
drv_kps = batch['drv_kp'] |
cano_secc_color = batch['cano_secc'] |
src_secc_color = batch['src_secc'] |
drv_secc_colors = batch['drv_secc'] |
ref_img_gt = batch['ref_gt_img'] |
ref_img_head = batch['ref_head_img'] |
ref_torso_img = batch['ref_torso_img'] |
bg_img = batch['bg_img'] |
segmap = batch['segmap'] |
torso_smo_ksize = 7 |
drv_kps = smooth_features_xd(drv_kps.reshape([-1, 68*2]), kernel_size=torso_smo_ksize).reshape([-1, 68, 2]) |
if inp['low_memory_usage']: |
import imageio |
debug_name = 'demo.mp4' |
writer = imageio.get_writer(debug_name, fps=25, format='FFMPEG', codec='h264') |
with torch.no_grad(): |
for i in tqdm.trange(num_frames, desc="Real3D-Portrait is rendering frames"): |
kp_src = torch.cat([src_kps[i:i+1].reshape([1, 68, 2]), torch.zeros([1, 68,1]).to(src_kps.device)],dim=-1) |
kp_drv = torch.cat([drv_kps[i:i+1].reshape([1, 68, 2]), torch.zeros([1, 68,1]).to(drv_kps.device)],dim=-1) |
cond={'cond_cano': cano_secc_color,'cond_src': src_secc_color, 'cond_tgt': drv_secc_colors[i:i+1].cuda(), |
'ref_torso_img': ref_torso_img, 'bg_img': bg_img, 'segmap': segmap, |
'kp_s': kp_src, 'kp_d': kp_drv} |
if i == 0: |
gen_output = self.secc2video_model.forward(img=ref_img_head, camera=camera[i:i+1], cond=cond, ret={}, cache_backbone=True, use_cached_backbone=False) |
else: |
gen_output = self.secc2video_model.forward(img=ref_img_head, camera=camera[i:i+1], cond=cond, ret={}, cache_backbone=False, use_cached_backbone=True) |
img = ((gen_output['image']+1)/2 * 255.).permute(0, 2, 3, 1)[0].int().cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) |
writer.append_data(img) |
writer.close() |
else: |
img_raw_lst = [] |
img_lst = [] |
depth_img_lst = [] |
with torch.no_grad(): |
for i in tqdm.trange(num_frames, desc="Real3D-Portrait is rendering frames"): |
kp_src = torch.cat([src_kps[i:i+1].reshape([1, 68, 2]), torch.zeros([1, 68,1]).to(src_kps.device)],dim=-1) |
kp_drv = torch.cat([drv_kps[i:i+1].reshape([1, 68, 2]), torch.zeros([1, 68,1]).to(drv_kps.device)],dim=-1) |
cond={'cond_cano': cano_secc_color,'cond_src': src_secc_color, 'cond_tgt': drv_secc_colors[i:i+1].cuda(), |
'ref_torso_img': ref_torso_img, 'bg_img': bg_img, 'segmap': segmap, |
'kp_s': kp_src, 'kp_d': kp_drv} |
if i == 0: |
gen_output = self.secc2video_model.forward(img=ref_img_head, camera=camera[i:i+1], cond=cond, ret={}, cache_backbone=True, use_cached_backbone=False) |
else: |
gen_output = self.secc2video_model.forward(img=ref_img_head, camera=camera[i:i+1], cond=cond, ret={}, cache_backbone=False, use_cached_backbone=True) |
img_lst.append(gen_output['image']) |
img_raw_lst.append(gen_output['image_raw']) |
depth_img_lst.append(gen_output['image_depth']) |
depth_imgs = torch.cat(depth_img_lst) |
imgs = torch.cat(img_lst) |
imgs_raw = torch.cat(img_raw_lst) |
secc_img = torch.cat([torch.nn.functional.interpolate(drv_secc_colors[i:i+1], (512,512)) for i in range(num_frames)]) |
if inp['out_mode'] == 'concat_debug': |
secc_img = secc_img.cpu() |
secc_img = ((secc_img + 1) * 127.5).permute(0, 2, 3, 1).int().numpy() |
depth_img = F.interpolate(depth_imgs, (512,512)).cpu() |
depth_img = depth_img.repeat([1,3,1,1]) |
depth_img = (depth_img - depth_img.min()) / (depth_img.max() - depth_img.min()) |
depth_img = depth_img * 2 - 1 |
depth_img = depth_img.clamp(-1,1) |
secc_img = secc_img / 127.5 - 1 |
secc_img = torch.from_numpy(secc_img).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) |
imgs = torch.cat([ref_img_gt.repeat([imgs.shape[0],1,1,1]).cpu(), secc_img, F.interpolate(imgs_raw, (512,512)).cpu(), depth_img, imgs.cpu()], dim=-1) |
elif inp['out_mode'] == 'final': |
imgs = imgs.cpu() |
elif inp['out_mode'] == 'debug': |
raise NotImplementedError("to do: save separate videos") |
imgs = imgs.clamp(-1,1) |
import imageio |
debug_name = 'demo.mp4' |
out_imgs = ((imgs.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) + 1)/2 * 255).int().cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) |
writer = imageio.get_writer(debug_name, fps=25, format='FFMPEG', codec='h264') |
for i in tqdm.trange(len(out_imgs), desc="Imageio is saving video"): |
writer.append_data(out_imgs[i]) |
writer.close() |
out_fname = 'infer_out/tmp/' + os.path.basename(inp['src_image_name'])[:-4] + '_' + os.path.basename(inp['drv_pose_name'])[:-4] + '.mp4' if inp['out_name'] == '' else inp['out_name'] |
try: |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_fname), exist_ok=True) |
except: pass |
if inp['drv_audio_name'][-4:] in ['.wav', '.mp3']: |
os.system(f"ffmpeg -i {debug_name} -i {self.wav16k_name} -y -v quiet -shortest {out_fname}") |
os.system(f"rm {debug_name}") |
os.system(f"rm {self.wav16k_name}") |
else: |
ret = os.system(f"ffmpeg -i {debug_name} -i {inp['drv_audio_name']} -map 0:v -map 1:a -y -v quiet -shortest {out_fname}") |
if ret != 0: |
os.system(f"mv {debug_name} {out_fname}") |
print(f"Saved at {out_fname}") |
return out_fname |
@torch.no_grad() |
def forward_system(self, batch, inp): |
self.forward_audio2secc(batch, inp) |
out_fname = self.forward_secc2video(batch, inp) |
return out_fname |
@classmethod |
def example_run(cls, inp=None): |
inp_tmp = { |
'drv_audio_name': 'data/raw/val_wavs/zozo.wav', |
'src_image_name': 'data/raw/val_imgs/Macron.png' |
} |
if inp is not None: |
inp_tmp.update(inp) |
inp = inp_tmp |
infer_instance = cls(inp['a2m_ckpt'], inp['head_ckpt'], inp['torso_ckpt'], inp=inp) |
infer_instance.infer_once(inp) |
def save_wav16k(self, audio_name): |
supported_types = ('.wav', '.mp3', '.mp4', '.avi') |
assert audio_name.endswith(supported_types), f"Now we only support {','.join(supported_types)} as audio source!" |
wav16k_name = audio_name[:-4] + '_16k.wav' |
self.wav16k_name = wav16k_name |
extract_wav_cmd = f"ffmpeg -i {audio_name} -f wav -ar 16000 -v quiet -y {wav16k_name} -y" |
os.system(extract_wav_cmd) |
print(f"Extracted wav file (16khz) from {audio_name} to {wav16k_name}.") |
def get_f0(self, wav16k_name): |
from data_gen.utils.process_audio.extract_mel_f0 import extract_mel_from_fname, extract_f0_from_wav_and_mel |
wav, mel = extract_mel_from_fname(self.wav16k_name) |
f0, f0_coarse = extract_f0_from_wav_and_mel(wav, mel) |
f0 = f0.reshape([-1,1]) |
return f0 |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
import argparse, glob, tqdm |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
parser.add_argument("--a2m_ckpt", default='checkpoints/240210_real3dportrait_orig/audio2secc_vae', type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--head_ckpt", default='', type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--torso_ckpt", default='checkpoints/240210_real3dportrait_orig/secc2plane_torso_orig', type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--src_img", default='data/raw/examples/Macron.png', type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--bg_img", default='', type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--drv_aud", default='data/raw/examples/Obama_5s.wav', type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--drv_pose", default='data/raw/examples/May_5s.mp4', type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--blink_mode", default='period', type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--temperature", default=0.2, type=float) |
parser.add_argument("--mouth_amp", default=0.45, type=float) |
parser.add_argument("--head_torso_threshold", default=None, type=float, help="0.1~1.0, turn up this value if the hair is translucent") |
parser.add_argument("--out_name", default='') |
parser.add_argument("--out_mode", default='concat_debug') |
parser.add_argument("--map_to_init_pose", default='True') |
parser.add_argument("--seed", default=None, type=int) |
parser.add_argument("--min_face_area_percent", default=0.2, type=float) |
parser.add_argument("--low_memory_usage", action='store_true', help='write img to video upon generated, leads to slower fps, but use less memory') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
inp = { |
'a2m_ckpt': args.a2m_ckpt, |
'head_ckpt': args.head_ckpt, |
'torso_ckpt': args.torso_ckpt, |
'src_image_name': args.src_img, |
'bg_image_name': args.bg_img, |
'drv_audio_name': args.drv_aud, |
'drv_pose_name': args.drv_pose, |
'blink_mode': args.blink_mode, |
'temperature': args.temperature, |
'mouth_amp': args.mouth_amp, |
'out_name': args.out_name, |
'out_mode': args.out_mode, |
'map_to_init_pose': args.map_to_init_pose, |
'head_torso_threshold': args.head_torso_threshold, |
'seed': args.seed, |
'min_face_area_percent': args.min_face_area_percent, |
'low_memory_usage': args.low_memory_usage, |
} |
GeneFace2Infer.example_run(inp) |