tixWidgetClass tixFloatEntry { |
-classname TixFloatEntry |
-superclass tixPrimitive |
-method { |
invoke post unpost |
} |
-flag { |
-command -value |
} |
-configspec { |
{-value value Value ""} |
{-command command Command ""} |
} |
-default { |
{.entry.highlightThickness 0} |
} |
} |
proc tixFloatEntry:InitWidgetRec {w} { |
upvar #0 $w data |
tixChainMethod $w InitWidgetRec |
} |
proc tixFloatEntry:ConstructWidget {w} { |
upvar #0 $w data |
tixChainMethod $w ConstructWidget |
set data(w:entry) [entry $w.entry] |
pack $data(w:entry) -expand yes -fill both |
} |
proc tixFloatEntry:SetBindings {w} { |
upvar #0 $w data |
tixChainMethod $w SetBindings |
tixBind $data(w:entry) <Return> [list tixFloatEntry:invoke $w] |
} |
proc tixFloatEntryBind {} { |
tixBind TixFloatEntry <FocusIn> { |
if {[focus -displayof [set %W(w:entry)]] ne [set %W(w:entry)]} { |
focus [%W subwidget entry] |
[set %W(w:entry)] selection from 0 |
[set %W(w:entry)] selection to end |
[set %W(w:entry)] icursor end |
} |
} |
} |
proc tixFloatEntry:post {w x y {width ""} {height ""}} { |
upvar #0 $w data |
if {$width == ""} { |
set width [winfo reqwidth $data(w:entry)] |
} |
if {$height == ""} { |
set height [winfo reqheight $data(w:entry)] |
} |
place $w -x $x -y $y -width $width -height $height -bordermode ignore |
raise $w |
focus $data(w:entry) |
} |
proc tixFloatEntry:unpost {w} { |
upvar #0 $w data |
place forget $w |
} |
proc tixFloatEntry:config-value {w val} { |
upvar #0 $w data |
$data(w:entry) delete 0 end |
$data(w:entry) insert 0 $val |
$data(w:entry) selection from 0 |
$data(w:entry) selection to end |
$data(w:entry) icursor end |
} |
proc tixFloatEntry:invoke {w} { |
upvar #0 $w data |
if {[llength $data(-command)]} { |
set bind(specs) {%V} |
set bind(%V) [$data(w:entry) get] |
tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-command) bind $bind(%V) |
} |
} |