
How to transfer learn or fine-tune this model?

by kevynswhants - opened

Hi, I am interested in performing transfer learning on this model for Brazilian Portuguese. However, it appears to be incompatible with the training script offered in the NVIDIA/NeMo repository. Could you provide the model in a compatible format or inform me if there is a way to utilize this ".nemo" model as an initial checkpoint to train the SpellChecker?

Thank you for your attention.

Hi, I haven't yet tried this model for languages other than English.
Please, take a look at this nemo documentation page. There are links to the training script and to data preparation scripts.
I think the biggest challenge is to mine and prepare the training data for Brasilian Portuguese.
If you had the data, then you could train the SpellMapper model just using some multilingual BERT model as a backbone.

kevynswhants changed discussion status to closed

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