stringlengths 1
| path
stringlengths 24
| code
stringlengths 39
openupgradelib-2.0.0 | openupgradelib-2.0.0//openupgradelib/openupgrade.pyfile:/openupgradelib/ | def reactivate_workflow_transitions(cr, transition_conditions):
Reactivate workflow transition previously deactivated by
:param transition_conditions: a dictionary returned by deactivate_workflow_transitions
.. versionadded:: 7.0
.. deprecated:: 11.0
Workflows were removed from Odoo as of version 11.0
for transition_id, condition in transition_conditions.iteritems():
cr.execute('update wkf_transition set condition = %s where id = %s',
(condition, transition_id))
aws-xray-sdk-2.5.0 | aws-xray-sdk-2.5.0//aws_xray_sdk/ext/util.pyfile:/aws_xray_sdk/ext/ | def calculate_segment_name(host_name, recorder):
Returns the segment name based on recorder configuration and
input host name. This is a helper generally used in web framework
middleware where a host name is available from incoming request's headers.
if recorder.dynamic_naming:
return recorder.dynamic_naming.get_name(host_name)
return recorder.service
fake-bpy-module-2.79-20200428 | fake-bpy-module-2.79-20200428//bpy/props.pyfile:/bpy/ | def StringProperty(name: str='', description: str='', default: str='',
maxlen: int=0, options: set={'ANIMATABLE'}, subtype: str='NONE', update
=None, get=None, set=None):
"""Returns a new string property definition.
:param name: Name used in the user interface.
:type name: str
:param description: Text used for the tooltip and api documentation.
:type description: str
:param default: initializer string.
:type default: str
:param maxlen: maximum length of the string.
:type maxlen: int
:type options: set
:param subtype: Enumerator in [‘FILE_PATH’, ‘DIR_PATH’, ‘FILE_NAME’, ‘BYTE_STRING’, ‘PASSWORD’, ‘NONE’].
:type subtype: str
:param update: Function to be called when this value is modified, This function must take 2 values (self, context) and return None. Warning there are no safety checks to avoid infinite recursion.
:param get: Function to be called when this value is ‘read’, This function must take 1 value (self) and return the value of the property.
:param set: Function to be called when this value is ‘written’, This function must take 2 values (self, value) and return None.
circ2 | circ2//genomic_interval.pyclass:Interval/__map | @staticmethod
def __map(index, interval):
update for CIRCexplorer particularly.
tmp_fragment = []
if not interval:
return index
for dex in index:
while True:
fragment = interval.pop(0)
except IndexError:
if tmp_fragment:
tmp_fragment = []
return index
if fragment[0] < dex[0]:
elif fragment[0] >= dex[1]:
interval.insert(0, fragment)
interval[0:0] = tmp_fragment
tmp_fragment = []
elif fragment[1] > dex[1]:
dex += fragment[2:]
return index
fake-bpy-module-2.79-20200428 | fake-bpy-module-2.79-20200428//bpy/ops/wm.pyfile:/bpy/ops/ | def keyconfig_export(filepath: str='', filter_folder: bool=True,
filter_text: bool=True, filter_python: bool=True):
"""Export key configuration to a python script
:param filepath: filepath
:type filepath: str
:param filter_folder: Filter folders
:type filter_folder: bool
:param filter_text: Filter text
:type filter_text: bool
:param filter_python: Filter python
:type filter_python: bool
dulwichTest-0.18.7 | dulwichTest-0.18.7//dulwich/repo.pyfile:/dulwich/ | def serialize_graftpoints(graftpoints):
"""Convert a dictionary of grafts into string
The graft dictionary is:
<commit sha1>: [<parent sha1>*]
Each line is formatted as:
<commit sha1> <parent sha1> [<parent sha1>]*
graft_lines = []
for commit, parents in graftpoints.items():
if parents:
graft_lines.append(commit + b' ' + b' '.join(parents))
return b'\n'.join(graft_lines)
elexio_api | elexio_api//tools.pyfile:/ | def _parse_names(last_name_dict):
"""Helper function to unpack the data when grouped by last name letter
big_list = []
for last_letter, people_with_last in last_name_dict.items():
for person in people_with_last:
return big_list
PREDICT | PREDICT//imagefeatures/contour_functions.pyfile:/imagefeatures/ | def cmp(a, b):
"""Built in in python 2, but defined for python 3"""
return (a > b) - (a < b)
chemmltoolkit | chemmltoolkit//utils/list_utils.pyfile:/utils/ | def merge_dict(d: dict, defaults: dict) ->dict:
"""Merges a dictionary with a set of default values.
This will combine the entries in two dictionaries, with the first
argument taking preference.
d: The dictionary of specified values.
default: The dictionary of default values.
The merged dictionary.
return {**defaults, **d}
morepath | morepath//traject.pyfile:/ | def create_path(segments):
"""Builds a path from a list of segments.
:param stack: a list of segments
:return: a path
return '/' + '/'.join(segments)
pykerberos-1.2.1 | pykerberos-1.2.1//pysrc/kerberos.pyfile:/pysrc/ | def authGSSClientUnwrap(context, challenge):
Perform the client side GSSAPI unwrap step
@param challenge: a string containing the base64-encoded server data.
@return: a result code (see above)
graph-alchemy-0.1.0 | graph-alchemy-0.1.0//graphalchemy/basemodels.pyclass:BaseNode/create | @classmethod
def create(cls, obj=None, attrs=None, id=None, **kwargs):
""" creates an instance of class, given an object and the
attributes to take from it. (if attrs is None, tries to get
cls.attrs next. If an attribute is not on object,
stores None instead.
kwargs are passed through, but are overwritten by attributes
on object if in `attrs`.
If obj is None, just creates with kwargs.
Note that id is a primary key, so be careful with passing it!"""
attrs = attrs or cls.attrs
if object:
for k in attrs:
v = getattr(obj, k, None)
if v is not None:
kwargs[k] = v
return cls(id=id, **kwargs)
astropy-4.0.1.post1 | astropy-4.0.1.post1//astropy/io/fits/header.pyclass:Header/fromkeys | @classmethod
def fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None):
Similar to :meth:`dict.fromkeys`--creates a new `Header` from an
iterable of keywords and an optional default value.
This method is not likely to be particularly useful for creating real
world FITS headers, but it is useful for testing.
Any iterable that returns strings representing FITS keywords.
value : optional
A default value to assign to each keyword; must be a valid type for
FITS keywords.
A new `Header` instance.
d = cls()
if not isinstance(value, tuple):
value = value,
for key in iterable:
d.append((key,) + value)
return d
devo-sdk-3.3.0 | devo-sdk-3.3.0//devo/common/dates/dateoperations.pyfile:/devo/common/dates/ | def week():
Return millis for a week
:return: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
return 604800000
lalapps | lalapps//power.pyfile:/ | def psds_from_job_length(timing_params, t):
Return the number of PSDs that can fit into a job of length t
seconds. In general, the return value is a non-integer.
if t < 0:
raise ValueError(t)
t = t * timing_params.resample_rate - 2 * timing_params.filter_corruption
if t < timing_params.psd_length:
return 0
return (t - timing_params.psd_length) / timing_params.psd_shift + 1
fake-bpy-module-2.78-20200428 | fake-bpy-module-2.78-20200428//bpy/ops/mball.pyfile:/bpy/ops/ | def duplicate_metaelems():
"""Duplicate selected metaelement(s)
alien_invasion_spbe | alien_invasion_spbe//game_functions.pyfile:/ | def get_num_rows(ai_settings, ship_height, alien_height):
"""determine the number of rows of aliens to fit the screen"""
available_space_y = (ai_settings.screen_height - 3 * alien_height -
num_rows = int(available_space_y / (2 * alien_height))
return num_rows
compare50-1.2.0 | compare50-1.2.0//compare50/_data.pyclass:Submission/get | @classmethod
def get(cls, id):
"""Retrieve submission corresponding to specified id"""
return cls._store.objects[id]
nngt-1.3.2 | nngt-1.3.2//nngt/core/graph_datastruct.pyclass:NeuralPop/_nest_reset | @classmethod
def _nest_reset(cls):
Reset the _to_nest bool and potential parent networks.
for pop in cls.__pops.valuerefs():
if pop() is not None:
pop()._to_nest = False
for g in pop().values():
g._to_nest = False
if pop().parent is not None:
pop().parent._nest_gids = None
wmcore- | wmcore- | def _getRequestNumEvents(propertyValue):
WMStats server can return this argument in three different data types.
If there are multiple values, return only the first one.
if not propertyValue:
return 0
elif isinstance(propertyValue, list):
return propertyValue[0]
return propertyValue
parlai | parlai//core/loader.pyfile:/core/ | def _name_to_agent_class(name: str):
Convert agent name to class.
This adds "Agent" to the end of the name and uppercases the first letter
and the first letter appearing after each underscore (underscores are
:param name:
name of agent, e.g. local_human
class of agent, e.g. LocalHumanAgent.
words = name.split('_')
class_name = ''
for w in words:
class_name += w[0].upper() + w[1:]
class_name += 'Agent'
return class_name
execnet-1.7.1 | execnet-1.7.1//execnet/gateway_bootstrap.pyfile:/execnet/ | def fix_pid_for_jython_popen(gw):
fix for jython 2.5.1
spec, io = gw.spec, gw._io
if spec.popen and not spec.via:
if is None: = gw.remote_exec(
'import os; channel.send(os.getpid())').receive()
header2whatever | header2whatever//_pcpp/preprocessor.pyfile:/_pcpp/ | def t_CPP_COMMENT1(t):
ncr = t.value.count('\n')
t.lexer.lineno += ncr
return t
astropy | astropy//extern/configobj/validate.pyfile:/extern/configobj/ | def dottedQuadToNum(ip):
Convert decimal dotted quad string to long integer
>>> int(dottedQuadToNum('1 '))
>>> int(dottedQuadToNum(' 1.2'))
>>> int(dottedQuadToNum(' 1.2.3 '))
>>> int(dottedQuadToNum(''))
>>> dottedQuadToNum('')
>>> dottedQuadToNum('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Not a good dotted-quad IP:
import socket, struct
return struct.unpack('!L', socket.inet_aton(ip.strip()))[0]
except socket.error:
raise ValueError('Not a good dotted-quad IP: %s' % ip)
pydent | pydent//base.pyclass:ModelRegistry/__getattr__ | def __getattr__(cls, item):
Special warning for attribute errors.
Its likely that user may have wanted to use a model interface
instead of the Base class.
raise AttributeError(
"'{0}' has no attribute '{1}'. Method may be a ModelInterface method. Did you mean '<yoursession>.{0}.{1}'?"
.format(cls.__name__, item))
| | | def getChildObjects():
"""Return a sequence of child objects
mlfinlab | mlfinlab//portfolio_optimization/tic.pyclass:TIC/_get_atoms | @staticmethod
def _get_atoms(linkage, element):
Getting the atoms included in an element from a linkage object
Atoms are the basic assets in a portfolio and not clusters.
:param linkage: (np.array) Global linkage object
:param element: (int) Element id to get atoms from
:return: (list) Set of atoms
element_list = [element]
while True:
item_ = max(element_list)
if item_ > linkage.shape[0]:
element_list.append(linkage['i0'][item_ - linkage.shape[0] - 1])
element_list.append(linkage['i1'][item_ - linkage.shape[0] - 1])
return element_list
zope.i18n-4.7.0 | zope.i18n-4.7.0//src/zope/i18n/interfaces/locales.pyclass:ILocaleProvider/loadLocale | def loadLocale(language=None, country=None, variant=None):
"""Load the locale with the specs that are given by the arguments of
the method. Note that the LocaleProvider must know where to get the
locales from."""
webscaff | webscaff//commands/run/certbot.pyfile:/commands/run/ | def get_certificate(ctx):
"""Get certificates from Certbot for HTTPS using webroot plugin.
:param ctx:
project = ctx.project
domain = project.domain
email = or ''
webroot = ctx.paths.remote.project.state.certbot
if email:
email = '--email %s' % email
command = (
'certbot --agree-tos --no-eff-email %s certonly --webroot -d %s -w %s'
% (email, domain, webroot))
ccstudiodss-0.2.23 | ccstudiodss-0.2.23//versioneer.pyfile:/ | def plus_or_dot(pieces):
"""Return a + if we don't already have one, else return a ."""
if '+' in pieces.get('closest-tag', ''):
return '.'
return '+'
ddlgenerator-0.1.9 | ddlgenerator-0.1.9//ddlgenerator/ddlgenerator.pyfile:/ddlgenerator/ | def emit_db_sequence_updates(engine):
"""Set database sequence objects to match the source db
Relevant only when generated from SQLAlchemy connection.
Needed to avoid subsequent unique key violations after DB build."""
if engine and == 'postgresql':
conn = engine.connect()
qry = """SELECT 'SELECT last_value FROM ' || n.nspname ||
'.' || c.relname || ';' AS qry,
n.nspname || '.' || c.relname AS qual_name
FROM pg_namespace n
JOIN pg_class c ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
WHERE c.relkind = 'S'"""
for qry, qual_name in list(conn.execute(qry)):
lastval, = conn.execute(qry).first()
nextval = int(lastval) + 1
yield 'ALTER SEQUENCE %s RESTART WITH %s;' % (qual_name, nextval)
gordo-0.55.1 | gordo-0.55.1//gordo/workflow/workflow_generator/workflow_generator.pyfile:/gordo/workflow/workflow_generator/ | def _docker_friendly_version(version):
Some untagged versions may have a '+' in which case is not a valid
docker tag
return version.replace('+', '_')
kpa | kpa//iter_utils.pyfile:/ | def iterlen(iterator):
"""returns length of iterator"""
return sum(1 for _ in iterator)
qiskit-aqua-0.7.0 | qiskit-aqua-0.7.0//qiskit/aqua/algorithms/minimum_eigen_solvers/cplex/simple_cplex.pyclass:SimpleCPLEX/_convert_coefficients | @staticmethod
def _convert_coefficients(coef):
Convert 'x', and '-x' into ('x', 1) and ('x', -1), respectively.
coef (list[(int, float) or int]): coef
tuple: ind, val
RuntimeError: unsupported type
ind = []
val = []
for e in coef:
if isinstance(e, tuple):
assert len(e) == 2
elif isinstance(e, int):
if e >= 0:
raise RuntimeError('unsupported type:' + str(e))
return ind, val
onnx_coreml | onnx_coreml//_operators_nd.pyfile:/ | def _convert_matmul(builder, node, graph, err):
convert to CoreML BatchedMatMul Layer:
weight_name = node.inputs[1]
W = None
weight_as_layer_parameter = False
if weight_name in node.input_tensors:
W = node.input_tensors[weight_name]
if W is not None:
if len(W.shape) != 2:
builder.add_load_constant_nd( + '_const_weight_input',
weight_name, constant_value=W, shape=W.shape)
weight_as_layer_parameter = True
if weight_as_layer_parameter:
builder.add_batched_mat_mul(, input_names=[node.
inputs[0]], output_name=node.outputs[0], weight_matrix_rows=W.
shape[0], weight_matrix_columns=W.shape[1], W=W)
builder.add_batched_mat_mul(, input_names=[node.
inputs[0], weight_name], output_name=node.outputs[0])
yaargh-0.28.0 | yaargh-0.28.0//yaargh/assembling.pyfile:/yaargh/ | def _guess(kwargs):
Adds types, actions, etc. to given argument specification.
For example, ``default=3`` implies ``type=int``.
:param arg: a :class:`argh.utils.Arg` instance
guessed = {}
TYPE_AWARE_ACTIONS = 'store', 'append'
value = kwargs.get('default')
if value is not None:
if isinstance(value, bool):
if kwargs.get('action') is None:
guessed['action'] = 'store_false' if value else 'store_true'
elif kwargs.get('type') is None:
if kwargs.get('action', 'store') in TYPE_AWARE_ACTIONS:
guessed['type'] = type(value)
if kwargs.get('choices') and 'type' not in list(guessed) + list(kwargs):
guessed['type'] = type(kwargs['choices'][0])
return dict(kwargs, **guessed)
pyoai-2.5.0 | pyoai-2.5.0//src/oaipmh/interfaces.pyclass:IOAI/identify | def identify():
"""Retrieve information about the repository.
Returns an Identify object describing the repository.
RelStorage-3.0.1 | RelStorage-3.0.1//src/relstorage/adapters/interfaces.pyclass:IPackUndo/deleteObject | def deleteObject(cursor, oid_int, tid_int):
Delete the revision of *oid_int* in transaction *tid_int*.
This method marks an object as deleted via a new object
revision. Subsequent attempts to load current data for the
object will fail with a POSKeyError, but loads for
non-current data will suceed if there are previous
non-delete records. The object will be removed from the
storage when all not-delete records are removed.
The serial argument must match the most recently committed
serial for the object. This is a seat belt.
--- Documentation for ``IExternalGC``
In history-free databases there is no such thing as a delete record, so
this should remove the single
revision of *oid_int* (which *should* be checked to verify it
is at *tid_int*), leading all access to *oid_int* in the
future to throw ``POSKeyError``.
In history preserving databases, this means to set the state for the object
at the transaction to NULL, signifying that it's been deleted. A subsequent
pack operation is required to actually remove these deleted items.
cogent-1.9 | cogent-1.9//cogent/parse/meme.pyfile:/cogent/parse/ | def dictFromList(data_list):
"""Returns a dict given a list.
- Dict created from a list where list contains alternating key, value
- ex: [key1, value1, key2, value2] returns: {key1:value1, key2:value2}
data_dict = {}
for i in range(0, len(data_list) - 1, 2):
if data_list[i] in data_dict:
data_dict[data_list[i]] = data_dict[data_list[i]
] + ' ' + data_list[i + 1]
data_dict[data_list[i]] = data_list[i + 1]
return data_dict
open3SPN2-0.1.2 | open3SPN2-0.1.2//open3SPN2/ff3SPN2.pyfile:/open3SPN2/ | def test_DNA_from_seq():
""" Test correct DNA initialization from sequence files"""
pyGeno-2.0.0 | pyGeno-2.0.0//pyGeno/tools/UsefulFunctions.pyfile:/pyGeno/tools/ | def showDifferences(seq1, seq2):
"""Returns a string highligthing differences between seq1 and seq2:
* Matches by '-'
* Differences : 'A|T'
* Exceeded length : '#'
ret = []
for i in range(max(len(seq1), len(seq2))):
if i >= len(seq1):
c1 = '#'
c1 = seq1[i]
if i >= len(seq2):
c2 = '#'
c2 = seq2[i]
if c1 != c2:
ret.append('%s|%s' % (c1, c2))
return ''.join(ret)
bardeen | bardeen//code_style.pyfile:/ | def _prefix_empty_lines(lines, goal_empty_count):
Internal function to prepend empty lines (no prefix considerations).
""" find current empty line count """
current_empty_count = 0
for line in lines:
if line.strip():
current_empty_count += 1
""" insert newlines if too few """
lines = [''] * (goal_empty_count - current_empty_count) + lines
""" remove newlines if too many """
if current_empty_count > goal_empty_count:
lines = lines[current_empty_count - goal_empty_count:]
""" done! """
return lines
edgy_lines | edgy_lines//Edge2.pyclass:Edge/is_point | @staticmethod
def is_point(line):
""" Returns true if the specified line is in fact a point.
'line' is a line segment of form [x0,y0,x1,y1].
Edge.is_point(np.arr[float(x4)]) -> bool
x0, y0, x1, y1 = line
return x0 == x1 and y0 == y1
mxnet | mxnet//contrib/onnx/mx2onnx/_op_translations.pyfile:/contrib/onnx/mx2onnx/ | def transform_padding(pad_width):
"""Helper function to convert padding format for pad operator.
num_pad_values = len(pad_width)
onnx_pad_width = [0] * num_pad_values
start_index = 0
end_index = int(num_pad_values / 2)
for idx in range(0, num_pad_values):
if idx % 2 == 0:
onnx_pad_width[start_index] = pad_width[idx]
start_index += 1
onnx_pad_width[end_index] = pad_width[idx]
end_index += 1
return onnx_pad_width
dnsdb-0.2.5 | dnsdb-0.2.5//dnsdb/utils.pyfile:/dnsdb/ | def debug(result):
Function to debug output using the console / ipython.
from dnsdb.utils import debug
r ="")
:param result: object
:return: text: stdout
if result.status_code:
print('Status Code: {}'.format(result.status_code))
print('Status Code: None')
if result.error:
print('Error: {}'.format(result.error))
print('Error: None')
if result.quota:
print('Quota: {}'.format(result.quota))
print('Quota: None')
if result.cached:
print('Cached: {}'.format(result.cached))
print('Cached: None')
if result.records:
print('Records exist: True')
print('Number of records: {}'.format(len(result.records)))
print('Records exist: False')
zope.schema-6.0.0 | zope.schema-6.0.0//src/zope/schema/interfaces.pyclass:IField/set | def set(object, value):
"""Set the value of the field for the object
Raises a type error if the field is a read-only field.
beebird-0.0.1 | beebird-0.0.1//beebird/task.pyclass:Task/importAllTasks | @staticmethod
def importAllTasks():
""" import all available tasks in qbackup/tasks folder
the ./tasks/ will dynamically import all sub-packages
from . import tasks
fake-bpy-module-2.78-20200428 | fake-bpy-module-2.78-20200428//freestyle/utils/ContextFunctions.pyfile:/freestyle/utils/ | def get_border():
"""Returns the border.
:return: A tuple of 4 numbers (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
modoboa | modoboa//core/password_hashers/base.pyclass:MetaHasher/label | @property
def label(cls):
"""Returns the label of the hasher"""
return if not cls._weak else '{} (weak)'.format(
featuretools-0.14.0 | featuretools-0.14.0//featuretools/computational_backends/calculate_feature_matrix.pyfile:/featuretools/computational_backends/ | def _add_approx_entity_index_var(es, target_entity_id, cutoffs, path):
Add a variable to the cutoff df linking it to the entity at the end of the
Return the updated cutoff df and the name of this variable. The name will
consist of the variables which were joined through.
last_child_var = 'instance_id'
last_parent_var = es[target_entity_id].index
for _, relationship in path:
child_vars = [last_parent_var,]
child_df = es[].df[child_vars]
new_var_name = '%s.%s' % (last_child_var, relationship.
to_rename = { new_var_name}
child_df = child_df.rename(columns=to_rename)
cutoffs = cutoffs.merge(child_df, left_on=last_child_var, right_on=
last_child_var = new_var_name
last_parent_var =
return cutoffs, new_var_name
Qimport-0.1 | Qimport-0.1//Downloader.pyfile:/ | def download_tanzil_translations():
""" """
webmake-3.0.0 | webmake-3.0.0//webmake/api.pyfile:/webmake/ | def custom_function(func, input_files, output_file):
Calls a custom function which must create the output file.
The custom function takes 3 parameters: ``input_files``,
``output_file`` and a boolean ``release``.
from .modules import utils
return {'dependencies_fn': utils.no_dependencies, 'compiler_fn': func,
'input': input_files, 'output': output_file, 'kwargs': {}}
opzet-19 | opzet-19//opzet/object.pyclass:Object/selector | def selector(zelf, want=[]):
""" see if this objects has the desired attributes. """
go = False
for arg in want:
if arg in zelf and zelf[arg]:
go = True
return go
fake-bpy-module-2.78-20200428 | fake-bpy-module-2.78-20200428//bpy/ops/time.pyfile:/bpy/ops/ | def end_frame_set():
"""Set the end frame
pynwb-1.3.0 | pynwb-1.3.0//versioneer.pyfile:/ | def render_git_describe_long(pieces):
Like 'git describe --tags --dirty --always -long'.
The distance/hash is unconditional.
1: no tags. HEX[-dirty] (note: no 'g' prefix)
if pieces['closest-tag']:
rendered = pieces['closest-tag']
rendered += '-%d-g%s' % (pieces['distance'], pieces['short'])
rendered = pieces['short']
if pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '-dirty'
return rendered
orgminer | orgminer//ResourceProfiler/raw_profiler.pyfile:/ResourceProfiler/ | def count_execution_frequency(rl, scale=None):
"""Build resource profiles based on how frequently resources
originated events of execution modes.
Each column in the result profiles corresponds with an execution
mode captured in the given resource log.
rl : DataFrame
A resource log.
scale : {None, 'normalize', log'}, optional, default None
Options for deciding how to scale the values of frequency
counting. Could be one of the following:
- ``None``, no scaling will be performed.
- ``'normalize'``, scale the frequency values by the total
count of executions by each resource.
- ``'log'``, scale the frequency values by logarithm.
The constructed resource profiles.
If the specified option for scaling is invalid.
from collections import defaultdict
mat = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(lambda : 0))
for res, trace in rl.groupby('resource'):
for event in trace.itertuples():
exec_mode = event.case_type, event.activity_type, event.time_type
mat[res][exec_mode] += 1
from pandas import DataFrame
df = DataFrame.from_dict(mat, orient='index').fillna(0)
if scale is None:
return df
elif scale == 'normalize':
return df.div(df.sum(axis=1), axis=0)
elif scale == 'log':
from numpy import log
return df.apply(lambda x: log(x + 1))
raise ValueError('Invalid value for parameter `{}`: {}'.format(
'scale', scale))
bangtext-0.2.12 | bangtext-0.2.12//bang/plugins/feed.pyfile:/bang/plugins/ | def get_cdata(text):
"""wrap the text in cdata escaping"""
return '<![CDATA[{}]]>'.format(text)
iranlowo- | iranlowo- | @staticmethod
def identity(x):
"""Return a copy of the input.
This is here for serialization compatibility with pickle.
return x
swampy-3.0.1 | swampy-3.0.1//python3/Gui.pyfile:/python3/ | def remove_options(options, names):
"""Removes options from the dictionary.
Modifies options.
options: dict
names: list of keys
for name in names:
if name in options:
del options[name]
bowtie | bowtie//_cache.pyfile:/ | def validate(key):
"""Check that the key is a string or bytestring.
That's the only valid type of key.
if not isinstance(key, (str, bytes)):
raise KeyError('Key must be of type str or bytes, found type {}'.
pyboto3-1.4.4 | pyboto3-1.4.4//pyboto3/sfn.pyfile:/pyboto3/ | def send_task_heartbeat(taskToken=None):
Used by workers to report to the service that the task represented by the specified taskToken is still making progress. This action resets the Heartbeat clock. The Heartbeat threshold is specified in the state machine's Amazon States Language definition. This action does not in itself create an event in the execution history. However, if the task times out, the execution history will contain an ActivityTimedOut event.
See also: AWS API Documentation
:example: response = client.send_task_heartbeat(
:type taskToken: string
:param taskToken: [REQUIRED]
The token that represents this task. Task tokens are generated by the service when the tasks are assigned to a worker (see GetActivityTask::taskToken).
:rtype: dict
:return: {}
statsmodels-0.11.1 | statsmodels-0.11.1//statsmodels/graphics/mosaicplot.pyfile:/statsmodels/graphics/ | def _normalize_dataframe(dataframe, index):
"""Take a pandas DataFrame and count the element present in the
given columns, return a hierarchical index on those columns
data = dataframe[index].dropna()
grouped = data.groupby(index, sort=False)
counted = grouped[index].count()
averaged = counted.mean(axis=1)
averaged = averaged.fillna(0.0)
return averaged
gracedb-sdk-0.1.6 | gracedb-sdk-0.1.6//versioneer.pyfile:/ | def scan_setup_py():
"""Validate the contents of against Versioneer's expectations."""
found = set()
setters = False
errors = 0
with open('', 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
if 'import versioneer' in line:
if 'versioneer.get_cmdclass()' in line:
if 'versioneer.get_version()' in line:
if 'versioneer.VCS' in line:
setters = True
if 'versioneer.versionfile_source' in line:
setters = True
if len(found) != 3:
print('Your appears to be missing some important items')
print('(but I might be wrong). Please make sure it has something')
print('roughly like the following:')
print(' import versioneer')
print(' setup( version=versioneer.get_version(),')
print(' cmdclass=versioneer.get_cmdclass(), ...)')
errors += 1
if setters:
print("You should remove lines like 'versioneer.VCS = ' and")
print("'versioneer.versionfile_source = ' . This configuration")
print('now lives in setup.cfg, and should be removed from')
errors += 1
return errors
ScanLHA | ScanLHA//config.pyfile:/ | def intersect(list1, list2):
""" Returns intersection of two lists """
return list(set(list1) & set(list2))
seqcluster-1.2.7 | seqcluster-1.2.7//seqcluster/libs/peaks.pyfile:/seqcluster/libs/ | def _get_locus(cluster):
"""get the bigger locus"""
return True
farmfs | farmfs//transduce.pyfile:/ | def transduce(transformer, reducer, seed, iterable):
transformer is (a -> b)
reducer is (b -> a -> b)
seed is b
iterable is [a]
transformedReducer = transformer(reducer)
accumulation = seed
for value in iterable:
accumulation = transformedReducer(accumulation, value)
return accumulation
bbarchivist | bbarchivist//compat.pyfile:/ | def where_which(path):
Backwards compatibility wrapper for approximating which/where.
:param path: Path to a file.
:type path: str
from shutil import which
except ImportError:
from shutilwhich import which
thepath = which(path)
return thepath
jwst_gtvt | jwst_gtvt//math_extensionsx.pyfile:/ | def output_as_percentage(num, fractional_digits=1):
"""Output a percentage neatly.
fractional_digits = number of digits to output as fractions of a percent.
If None is supplied, there is no reduction in precision."""
if fractional_digits is not None:
format_str = '%%.%.df' % fractional_digits
format_str = '%f'
return '%s%%' % (format_str % num)
fake-bpy-module-2.79-20200428 | fake-bpy-module-2.79-20200428//bpy/ops/clip.pyfile:/bpy/ops/ | def stabilize_2d_add():
"""Add selected tracks to 2D translation stabilization
wokkel | wokkel//iwokkel.pyclass:IPubSubService/getDefaultConfiguration | def getDefaultConfiguration(requestor, service, nodeType):
Called when a default node configuration request has been received.
@param requestor: The entity the request originated from.
@type requestor: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
@param service: The entity the request was addressed to.
@type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
@param nodeType: The type of node for which the configuration is
retrieved, C{'leaf'} or C{'collection'}.
@type nodeType: C{str}
@return: A deferred that fires with a C{dict} representing the default
node configuration. Keys are C{str}s that represent the
field name. Values can be of types C{unicode}, C{int} or
@rtype: L{Deferred<twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>}
gpgmime-0.1 | gpgmime-0.1//gpgmime/main.pyfile:/gpgmime/ | def _(s):
"""Placeholder for gettext; we may internationalize this library later."""
return s
miniKanren-1.0.1 | miniKanren-1.0.1//versioneer.pyfile:/ | def scan_setup_py():
"""Validate the contents of against Versioneer's expectations."""
found = set()
setters = False
errors = 0
with open('', 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
if 'import versioneer' in line:
if 'versioneer.get_cmdclass()' in line:
if 'versioneer.get_version()' in line:
if 'versioneer.VCS' in line:
setters = True
if 'versioneer.versionfile_source' in line:
setters = True
if len(found) != 3:
print('Your appears to be missing some important items')
print('(but I might be wrong). Please make sure it has something')
print('roughly like the following:')
print(' import versioneer')
print(' setup( version=versioneer.get_version(),')
print(' cmdclass=versioneer.get_cmdclass(), ...)')
errors += 1
if setters:
print("You should remove lines like 'versioneer.VCS = ' and")
print("'versioneer.versionfile_source = ' . This configuration")
print('now lives in setup.cfg, and should be removed from')
errors += 1
return errors
perceval-0.12.24 | perceval-0.12.24//perceval/backends/core/dockerhub.pyclass:DockerHub/metadata_updated_on | @staticmethod
def metadata_updated_on(item):
"""Extracts and coverts the update time from a Docker Hub item.
The timestamp is extracted from 'fetched_on' field. This field
is not part of the data provided by Docker Hub. It is added
by this backend.
:param item: item generated by the backend
:returns: a UNIX timestamp
return item['fetched_on']
idiosync | idiosync//sqlalchemy.pyclass:SqlEntry/find | @classmethod
def find(cls, key):
"""Look up user database entry"""
query = cls.db.query(cls.model.orm)
attr = getattr(cls.model.orm, cls.model.key)
row = query.filter(attr == key).one_or_none()
return cls(row) if row is not None else None
symver-smap-0.2.5 | symver-smap-0.2.5//src/smap/symver.pyfile:/src/smap/ | def bump_version(version, abi_break):
Bump a version depending if the ABI was broken or not
If the ABI was broken, CUR is bumped; AGE and REV are set to zero.
Otherwise, CUR is kept, AGE is bumped, and REV is set to zero.
This also works with versions without the REV component (e.g. [1, 4, None])
:param version: A list in format [CUR, AGE, REV]
:param abi_break: A boolean indication if the ABI was broken
:returns: A list in format [CUR, AGE, REV]
new_version = []
if abi_break:
if version[0] is not None:
new_version.append(version[0] + 1)
new_version.extend([0] * len(version[1:]))
if version[0] is not None:
if version[1] is not None:
new_version.append(version[1] + 1)
new_version.extend([0] * len(version[2:]))
return new_version
borgmatic | borgmatic//config/normalize.pyfile:/config/ | def normalize(config):
Given a configuration dict, apply particular hard-coded rules to normalize its contents to
adhere to the configuration schema.
exclude_if_present = config.get('location', {}).get('exclude_if_present')
if isinstance(exclude_if_present, str):
config['location']['exclude_if_present'] = [exclude_if_present]
growler-0.8.0 | growler-0.8.0//growler/protocol.pyclass:GrowlerProtocol/get_factory | @classmethod
def get_factory(cls, *args, **kw):
A class function which returns a runnable which calls the factory function (i.e. the
constructor) of the class with the arguments provided.
This should makes it easy to bind GrowlerProtocol construction explicitly. All
arguments are forwarded to the constructor.
return lambda : cls.factory(*args, **kw)
metadocs | metadocs//include/example_project/classif/inference.pyfile:/include/example_project/classif/ | def send_batman(person, model):
"""Returns whether or not the person Batman should be called on this
person based on a statistical model
person (str): the target's name
model (code.Model): model to perform inference with
bool: blabla
print(person, model)
return person in model
moodleinspire | moodleinspire//processor/estimator.pyclass:Classifier/check_classes_balance | @staticmethod
def check_classes_balance(counts):
"""Checks that the dataset contains enough samples of each class"""
for item1 in counts:
for item2 in counts:
if item1 > item2 * 3:
return (
'Provided classes are very unbalanced, predictions may not be accurate.'
return False
matchzoo-py-1.1.1 | matchzoo-py-1.1.1//matchzoo/models/bimpm.pyfile:/matchzoo/models/ | def div_with_small_value(n, d, eps=1e-08):
Small values are replaced by 1e-8 to prevent it from exploding.
:param n: tensor
:param d: tensor
:return: n/d: tensor
d = d * (d > eps).float() + eps * (d <= eps).float()
return n / d
seq-qc-2.0.4 | seq-qc-2.0.4//seq_qc/pairs.pyfile:/seq_qc/ | def verify_paired(record1, record2):
"""Check if the two sequence records belong to the same fragment.
In an matching pair the records are left and right pairs
of each other, respectively. Returns True or False as appropriate.
Handles both Casava formats: seq/1 and seq/2, and 'seq::... 1::...'
and 'seq::... 2::...'.
l_name, l_desc =, record1.description
r_name, r_desc =, record2.description
if l_name.endswith('/1') and r_name.endswith('/2'):
subpart1 = l_name.split('/', 1)[0]
subpart2 = r_name.split('/', 1)[0]
if subpart1 and subpart1 == subpart2:
return True
elif l_name == r_name and l_desc.startswith('1:') and r_desc.startswith(
return True
elif l_name == r_name:
return True
return False
clc-ansible-module-1.1.25 | clc-ansible-module-1.1.25//clc_inv.pyfile:/ | def _build_datacenter_groups(hostvars):
Return a dictionary of groups, one for each datacenter, containing all
of the servers in that datacenter
:param hostvars: The hostvars dictionary to parse
:return: Dictionary of dynamically built Datacenter groups
result = {}
hostvars = hostvars.get('hostvars')
for server in hostvars:
datacenter = hostvars[server]['clc_data']['locationId']
if datacenter not in result:
result[datacenter] = []
result[datacenter] += [server]
return result
pipenv_devcheck | pipenv_devcheck//pipenv_setup_comp.pyfile:/ | def name_equality_check(setup_deps, pipfile_deps):
Checks that all names present in either dependency file are present
in both dependency files
setup_deps (dict<str, list<tuple<str, str>>>):
Dictionary from dependency name keys to a list of
tuples as a value, with the tuples containing
a comparision operator and a version specification.
pipfile_deps (dict<str, list<tuple<str, str>>>):
Dictionary from Pipfile dependency name keys to a list of
tuples as a value, with the tuples containing
a comparision operator and a version specification.
Whether the check passes - will always be true, otherwise the
function will not reach this line.
If there are discrepancies between version names
in_setup_not_pipfile = set(setup_deps.keys()).difference(set(
in_pipfile_not_setup = set(pipfile_deps.keys()).difference(set(
if len(in_setup_not_pipfile) or len(in_pipfile_not_setup):
err_msg = 'Dependency name mismatch!\n'
if len(in_setup_not_pipfile):
err_msg += 'Dependencies in but not in Pipfile: ' + str(
in_setup_not_pipfile) + '\n'
if len(in_pipfile_not_setup):
err_msg += 'Dependencies in Pipfile but not in ' + str(
in_pipfile_not_setup) + '\n'
raise ValueError(err_msg)
return True
| | | def separate_loop_head_tail_slab(kernel, iname, head_it_count, tail_it_count):
"""Mark *iname* so that the separate code is generated for
the lower *head_it_count* and the upper *tail_it_count*
iterations of the loop on *iname*.
iname_slab_increments = kernel.iname_slab_increments.copy()
iname_slab_increments[iname] = head_it_count, tail_it_count
return kernel.copy(iname_slab_increments=iname_slab_increments)
weasyprint | weasyprint//layout/blocks.pyfile:/layout/ | def block_level_page_name(sibling_before, sibling_after):
"""Return the next page name when siblings don't have the same names."""
before_page = sibling_before.page_values()[1]
after_page = sibling_after.page_values()[0]
if before_page != after_page:
return after_page
breidablik | breidablik//analysis/read.pyfile:/analysis/ | def _name_add(name):
"""Add '+' to the front of positive values. Also keeps the '-' in front of negative values.
name = str(float(name))
if name[0] != '-':
name = '+' + name
return name
| | | def _parse_index_file(filename):
"""Parse index file."""
index = []
for line in open(filename):
return index
pyboto3-1.4.4 | pyboto3-1.4.4//pyboto3/s3.pyfile:/pyboto3/ | def get_bucket_logging(Bucket=None):
Returns the logging status of a bucket and the permissions users have to view and modify that status. To use GET, you must be the bucket owner.
See also: AWS API Documentation
:example: response = client.get_bucket_logging(
:type Bucket: string
:param Bucket: [REQUIRED]
:rtype: dict
:return: {
'LoggingEnabled': {
'TargetBucket': 'string',
'TargetGrants': [
'Grantee': {
'DisplayName': 'string',
'EmailAddress': 'string',
'ID': 'string',
'Type': 'CanonicalUser'|'AmazonCustomerByEmail'|'Group',
'URI': 'string'
'Permission': 'FULL_CONTROL'|'READ'|'WRITE'
'TargetPrefix': 'string'
nemosis | nemosis//downloader.pyfile:/ | def format_aemo_url(url, year, month, filename):
"""This fills in the missing information in the AEMO url so data for the right month, year and file name are
year = str(year)
return url.format(year, year, month, filename[:-4])
chromewhip-0.3.4 | chromewhip-0.3.4//chromewhip/protocol/profiler.pyclass:Profiler/stopPreciseCoverage | @classmethod
def stopPreciseCoverage(cls):
"""Disable precise code coverage. Disabling releases unnecessary execution count records and allows
executing optimized code.
return cls.build_send_payload('stopPreciseCoverage', {}), None
claripy- | claripy- | @staticmethod
def rotate_shift_mask_simplifier(a, b):
Handles the following case:
((A << a) | (A >> (_N - a))) & mask, where
A being a BVS,
a being a integer that is less than _N,
_N is either 32 or 64, and
mask can be evaluated to 0xffffffff (64-bit) or 0xffff (32-bit) after reversing the rotate-shift
It will be simplified to:
(A & (mask >>> a)) <<< a
if b.op != 'BVV':
return None
if a.op != '__or__' or len(a.args) != 2:
return None
a_0, a_1 = a.args
if a_0.op != '__lshift__':
return None
if a_1.op != 'LShR':
return None
a_00, a_01 = a_0.args
a_10, a_11 = a_1.args
if not a_00 is a_10:
return None
if a_01.op != 'BVV' or a_11.op != 'BVV':
return None
lshift_ = a_01.args[0]
rshift_ = a_11.args[0]
bitwidth = lshift_ + rshift_
if bitwidth not in (32, 64):
return None
if bitwidth == 32:
m = b.args[0] << rshift_ & 4294967295 | b.args[0] >> lshift_
if m != 65535:
return None
m = b.args[0] << rshift_ & 18446744073709551615 | b.args[0] >> lshift_
if m != 4294967295:
return None
masked_a = a_00 & m
expr = masked_a << lshift_ | masked_a >> rshift_
return expr
djangolearn-0.1 | djangolearn-0.1//versioneer.pyfile:/ | def render_pep440_old(pieces):
"""TAG[.postDISTANCE[.dev0]] .
The ".dev0" means dirty.
1: no tags. 0.postDISTANCE[.dev0]
if pieces['closest-tag']:
rendered = pieces['closest-tag']
if pieces['distance'] or pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '.post%d' % pieces['distance']
if pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '.dev0'
rendered = '' % pieces['distance']
if pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '.dev0'
return rendered
vumi_message_store | vumi_message_store//interfaces.pyclass:IMessageStoreBatchManager/batch_start | def batch_start(tags=(), **metadata):
Create a new message batch.
:param tags:
Sequence of tags to add to the new batch.
:param **metadata:
Keyword parameters containing batch metadata.
The batch identifier for the new batch.
If async, a Deferred is returned instead.
dtale | dtale//utils.pyfile:/ | def get_str_arg(r, name, default=None):
Retrieve argument from :attr:`flask:flask.request` and convert to string
:param r: :attr:`flask:flask.request`
:param name: argument name
:type: str
:param default: default value if parameter is non-existent, defaults to None
:return: string argument value
val = r.args.get(name)
if val is None or val == '':
return default
return str(val)
except BaseException:
return default
net | net//api.pyfile:/ | def set_config(THREAD_LIMIT=None, PORT=None, PORT_RANGE=None, GROUP=None,
Set a configuration value. These are configuration values that can be set at
runtime to modify your net configuration.
TwitchChatInterface | TwitchChatInterface//lib/twitchMessageHandler/parse.pyclass:parse/emotes | @staticmethod
def emotes(tags) ->list:
""" parse emotes to list"""
if 'emotes' in tags and type(tags['emotes']) == str:
emoticons = tags['emotes'].split('/')
emotes = {}
for emoticon in emoticons:
part = emoticon.split(':')
if part[1] == None:
emotes[part[0]] = part[1].split(',')
tags['emotes-raw'] = tags['emotes']
tags['emotes'] = emotes
if 'emotes' in tags and type(tags['emotes']) == bool:
tags['emotes-raw'] = None
return tags
PyEIS | PyEIS//PyEIS_Lin_KK.pyfile:/ | def KK_RC67(w, Rs, R_values, t_values):
Kramers-Kronig Function: -RC-
Kristian B. Knudsen ([email protected] / [email protected])
return Rs + R_values[0] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[0]) + R_values[1] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[1]) + R_values[2] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[2]
) + R_values[3] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[3]) + R_values[4] / (1 +
w * 1.0j * t_values[4]) + R_values[5] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[5]
) + R_values[6] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[6]) + R_values[7] / (1 +
w * 1.0j * t_values[7]) + R_values[8] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[8]
) + R_values[9] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[9]) + R_values[10] / (1 +
w * 1.0j * t_values[10]) + R_values[11] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[11]
) + R_values[12] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[12]) + R_values[13] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[13]) + R_values[14] / (1 + w * 1.0j *
t_values[14]) + R_values[15] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[15]
) + R_values[16] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[16]) + R_values[17] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[17]) + R_values[18] / (1 + w * 1.0j *
t_values[18]) + R_values[19] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[19]
) + R_values[20] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[20]) + R_values[21] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[21]) + R_values[22] / (1 + w * 1.0j *
t_values[22]) + R_values[23] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[23]
) + R_values[24] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[24]) + R_values[25] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[25]) + R_values[26] / (1 + w * 1.0j *
t_values[26]) + R_values[27] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[27]
) + R_values[28] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[28]) + R_values[29] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[29]) + R_values[30] / (1 + w * 1.0j *
t_values[30]) + R_values[31] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[31]
) + R_values[32] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[32]) + R_values[33] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[33]) + R_values[34] / (1 + w * 1.0j *
t_values[34]) + R_values[35] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[35]
) + R_values[36] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[36]) + R_values[37] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[37]) + R_values[38] / (1 + w * 1.0j *
t_values[38]) + R_values[39] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[39]
) + R_values[40] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[40]) + R_values[41] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[41]) + R_values[42] / (1 + w * 1.0j *
t_values[42]) + R_values[43] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[43]
) + R_values[44] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[44]) + R_values[45] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[45]) + R_values[46] / (1 + w * 1.0j *
t_values[46]) + R_values[47] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[47]
) + R_values[48] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[48]) + R_values[49] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[49]) + R_values[50] / (1 + w * 1.0j *
t_values[50]) + R_values[51] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[51]
) + R_values[52] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[52]) + R_values[53] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[53]) + R_values[54] / (1 + w * 1.0j *
t_values[54]) + R_values[55] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[55]
) + R_values[56] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[56]) + R_values[57] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[57]) + R_values[58] / (1 + w * 1.0j *
t_values[58]) + R_values[59] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[59]
) + R_values[60] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[60]) + R_values[61] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[61]) + R_values[62] / (1 + w * 1.0j *
t_values[62]) + R_values[63] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[63]
) + R_values[64] / (1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[64]) + R_values[65] / (
1 + w * 1.0j * t_values[65]) + R_values[66] / (1 + w * 1.0j *
mayloop-1.0.0 | mayloop-1.0.0//mayloop/imported/twisted/internet_interfaces.pyclass:IConsumer/unregisterProducer | def unregisterProducer():
Stop consuming data from a producer, without disconnecting.
fake-bpy-module-2.78-20200428 | fake-bpy-module-2.78-20200428//bpy/ops/font.pyfile:/bpy/ops/ | def textbox_add():
"""Add a new text box
Mocha-0.12.1 | Mocha-0.12.1//mocha/contrib/auth/models.pyclass:AuthUser/get_by_username | @classmethod
def get_by_username(cls, username):
Return a User by email address
return cls.query().filter(cls.username == username).first()
Subsets and Splits